Ptp ct fell e:::t. THE WEST SIDE. WKll HY THUllHIUY, JUNK 87, I8U&. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Ifritry Hill In building hi new hui So Chines at th City rvataurant. KuKvti CM Iron went down to IVrt- latul last Saturday, Krwb vtyvubk wy any t tli War Urowry. MIm Cora fluall will finish br school at McCoy about July 6th, You Rt rtxvlpte and notes In t U Wkst Si Da office. . Ml Alio Prelst h'ft last Friday, by tnli), for her bom lu Iowa, Cash ald for swornl-hathl gtsa! of kinds at the Kxchaitg. Mr. Laudstroni Murtiwl tn her htm lu La Fayette last Saturday, The LlMl Palace httl In the populnr plaivto gHa flrst-da nieal. The wkll Infant child of K.V. Patton dlwl Wednesday t last week. Th Little PU' hotel It (h popular plsiy to gn?t a flrwt-elas iiiwd. Win. Hoy Mod MIm Laura Irvine wore timn-Kd at UallMk, Wetltifaday f lst wevk. What time is It f li time to Rvt you tome sIhws at the lUkt't slor. H. M. Limn 1 the manager of W. O Cork's business, whenever Mr, Cook l alweut from town. Two loaves of brwid for a nickel at th Bon Bon Cheapest Urwtt'i In town. John E. Young and hi brother Kph Young left last Tuesday for a bunting irlpmi the MrKenxle. Koad tax rwelpt, put up in book of SO fact), at thU offloe, 25 cent a book. F, A. Douty and wife ami hahf were all at Albany Sunday vlnliiug Mia, l)ouiy'a father, C. O. law, The Wkst Sidk Jolt office right In the swim when it cornea to doing giMtd work. Ou. Hurhy, Mr. Smith and Mis Penile Getrbelt, left ou the Altona U-t at on day for Port laud. You can get six good square meals for $1 at the City restaurant, cooked by while women. Mm. Carey J low", of Portland, was visiting here over Sunday, aud went to Poitlaud on Monday's Altoua. Yim can get Trlbly beltlug and belt but-klea tn latent style, at Vanduyn, Yvutss A WUcoi. J. li. X. Dell says Independence Is the bent town in Oregon by all odds excepting hia town Baker City. When yoti w ant to take a ride don't forgrt tbat Kelley has flue driving norm and good rigs. Nick Tartar, the Peetlee teacher, was buying some material here Saturday for a new hop house ou hla laud. The special attraction at the Hon Don parlors these w arm dry t In the delicious aula water in all flavor. Alrx. John T. Ford and her children uprnt a few days thin week at Klckreall Mtlng Judge Hurch aud family. AH job work done at reasonable tirleeifit the West Sidk job office. Jfent and artistic work a specialty. Vanduyn. Neneas 4 Wilcox sell a carload of sugar at wholeaale each month, and save cuatonjera 17 cents a SCClt. ' lra. l)Uv, now living in Kalem, was Id ton MMiday, and was Interviewing J untitle Irvltw on some law problem. Mrs. R. II. Wilcox will returu from Ijiniar. Colonulo. six ml July UU Bhe baa beeu there for her health, v. hli h Is Improved. Why don't you try a meal at the City reataurant, in place of p41ing your Bundsy by cooking a hot dinner. Wm. Williams, of Alrlle, waa In town Haturday. He says be is getting their but appearances are against liU statement. , 100,000 pound of wool wanted by Geo. E. Brey, Independence, for which the highest market price will be paid. W. O. Cook, If. R. Patterson, Sol Stump and E. Hammer left lat Mon day for a hunting and tlHhlng trip out on .the Luckiamute. Wiien you want a good meal for 25 cento, go to Strong's restaurant, Westa cott & Irwin, proprietors, 8alem, Oregon. J. 11. Baldwin of this city and David Baldwin, bis brother at Buetta Viata, left laat Tuesday for a flabing trip out on the LuckiatuQte. J. W. Bentley, has just received a line of ladies' beautiful oxfords, aud auks an inapection. Also a very fine line of tenuis shoes. To see the number of letters mailed t the train every day accounts for the idecrenae In the revenues of the Inde pendence post oitlce. For flrt-daa lumber and reasonable prteescall on Buitor's lumber yard, Monmouth, Call and examine and get prices on lumber and be satisfied, before buying elsewhere. Mrs. Dr. Davidson, who had a difficult, surgical operation perfwrmed last week by Dr'a. Ketchum and Butler, is getting along nicely. Kelley's livery stable on north Malu street has added several new buggies aud carriages, also has repainted the old aud is now better than ever pre pared to cater to the public. fl. B. Tbeilson aud A. Rosier, of iRlck!Il were In town Saturday. 'That long flaaned black horse of Mr. '.TbellHon's is a fast stepper. lHail's Hair Ilenewer renders thebalr 'lustrous ana sti aen. gives v u color, and enables women to put It up 4in a great variety of styles, J. R, N. Bell, jmator of the Presby ibyteriajo church of Baker City, arrived here Saturday and Is a guest of his son' Jn-law, John Blcbardson Jr. . The German picnte, on Prospect hill .east of town last Sunday, was attended by quite a number of people., who wanted to help punish the beer. m LOOK OUT, Hunday evening a vnt came up InthellaptleiYwing P.p,V Union, to adhairn ttieetlng until (Kiobvr uext, but It was voted down, by f.wr v.,t ioiiev tin aecouut of the diflrlol campiueel lug at Jrt1Vr..n, lWv. L. 8. Usher In intrv win m no aervltva at tte f.vangelleal chuMi, of Monmouth, uw selection of Prof, p, M.Powell tttln teach In the Normal school gives the greatest sattsntctlon to the old student a tel most tf the clllxoiii tar Monmouth, .ine imuti denes Hla fkelory, MeCalw k MuhlmaD proprietors, was turning nut some title tlllmr last w k. The market 6r tiling Is on the menu: with this Arm. Jos Craven brought to town last Monday wmie tamplea of Coltawoo) fleece, wblcU were U aud 17 Inches king, ami the clip averaged 10 pounds to a shwp. Oregon la ail right. The Normal Institute la In session at Monmouth this wtek with Prof. Ack- ernisu, of Portland and Prnf..m BokMtii, Buck ham aud Mlant'aaaavaut, irom uie formal, as Instructors, ! 1 I ow uirvus is on ins way aud soon the small tsiy wlU la happy lu aeelna the elephant aud the rbluocerous aud the funny clown. Times are never too bard to seini money 6r a circus, Miss Lena Pagvukopf, who has beeu teaching at Wells, and will agalu tliU rull, came ovr from Albany last Mon uy ou her ideyele arriving hr by Id a. in. aud vNlte.1 Mia Patle Cooper. I). H. Taylor and wile and daughter It-ssle, I.. C. (Illniorv and wife aud dattKhter Flna, aud I). A. Hodge and family leave next week for a few weeks outing tiear Alsea, Wow Yaquina buy. Our hint to our tubacrlbeni last week that a small supply of the "nwdful' immeacnor mem would not come atuM had a salutary effect, and we hoje the gaM seed sown will coulluue tn bear fruit. Matt and Margaret Fentou, of Port- tlattd, were visiting friends last week Miss Margaret, whom her friends remember as a little girl, has budded out Into a very beautiful aud graceful young woman. W. J. Pemorvat, who waa so well known aa clerk for Vanduyn, a few years ago, has beeu farming out on the Luckiamute, Jack was In town Hun d-iy looking stongatid hearty, and says he enjoys farmliiK, If tlusie persons who owa this paper will only drop In and pay, even a Umairpnrt on their subscription It will be very acceptable and w wIM surly try and And something pleasant to say altout them. Misses Kdith and Berdle White, danglers f M. L White, now living at University Park, Portland, were viitlng Misa RiMa Richardson lat week, and are now at Falls CUy, visit Inn their aunt Mrs. Carey. W. O. Cook has traded hla partly completed residence off to Fred A rvuty, tor the brick where Craven had his harness shop. He intends adding quite an addition, and moving his furniture stoie there this fall. Commencing last Sunday the Oregon California train on the East side leaves Portland at fiiH) p.m. arriving atHalem at 11 p.m. , Salem is to have a fast express train leaving Portland at 4 p. ni. and reaching Salem at 6:15. Luitilier Is sell! ng atHAO )ar t housatid at Falls City. It costs ti0o to get It out to market now, and Is Impossible in i he winter. Wlmt a splendid thing a flume for floating lumber, or a rail rigid would be for those people. Mrs. Angeliue Watson, a Normal graduate of 'M and her sister Miss Viola Scully, left on Monday for their boiiies in Mismiiw, Idaho, Mrs. Wat son has engaged to teach the Oak Giove schd in this county, this com ing fall. The steamboat Modoc passed Inde pendence Thursday evening on her way up the river. When passing the mouth of the Santiain, alsive Buenn Vista, she ran on the sand and lay there all night and until noon the next day. If a mail once gets into any one line of business he generally remains there until he gets rich enough to retire or else stays because he can't get nut. There are many cases where a change would be beneficial but It takes nerve to make radical changes. If all the societies of Independence devoted to insurance on lives were called upon to demand the amount of insurance It would crawl close up to the q'isrter of a million dollar mark. The lodges of Workmen, Woodmen and Miiccatwes are all flourishing In Independence. . I The Wkst Sidk wants correspon dents, those who w II send us legular contributions. If however you, who are readers of this paper, cannot write more thun once a month, the article will be welcome. Send copy lu by Tucsduy. When it arrives later it is sometimes crowded out. Wm. Riddle, a prossrous Scotch farmer, living back of Monmouth, where he bus a beautiful home, and well improved farm, was In town Saturday. He says the English farmer just now is making more money than the American. He gives as a reuHon the fact that there Is a home market for ttie English farmers' pro due. The manufacture of brick In J, R. Cooper's brick yard commenced lust Monday. There are 160,000 bricks ou hand aud 300,000 more will be burned. Mr Cooper says the yard needed a great deal of new material la the machinery line as children bad packed away so mauy small things about the machinery, It has been a year since any brick has been made. There is no doubt but that the river Willamette is getting to a low stage of water. Last Friday the steamboat Altona left the wharf here with a few tons of freight and seventy passengers, being mostly students going borne from Monmouth. When about one aud a half miles down the river the boat ran on a aand bar and Id spite of all efforts was unable to get of, It was about 7 a. m. when the boat went ou the bar. At four o'clock in the afternoon the Modoc came along and assisted the boat, so that at 5 o'clock the Altona proceeded on her way, . Fop Boutv'fe Lookn'K Kovv Stock When you want ctiolw rrtuta be sure nd go to the Star llrocery. M. H. Wmslcock, lh Corvallls banker, waa In !on Monday. Oct a duck sullenly ISJiwnl per yard now at Vanduyn, Veiieae A Wilcox, Creasntett ties art Mug unloaded si the depot for repairing the railnwd. How about that wigwam? Areth people going to do any thlnic about It? Wnj. Hinitt was called Tuesday to the bedside of his sick brother below Salem, About July 1st, all the hop yard win need no more work until hon picking time. Comma Wells Intends iiiovlinr back to hla farm adloliilnop issuer Itbodea t hla week, Arthur Wilson, of HaleiK. ranic over Tuelay on his wlieel and renewed old awUalnlances here. Geo. Wells Jr. n'JoiHslu tha arrival at Hla house, near Ilium Vista, of a flue boy, boru last week. 1 lie salary of the Dallas, not The Dallea, poatottlce was decreased from llloo to fluoo rewully. Ladlea percala slilrt-walata It and f I aa each -will fit any lady. Van luyn, Veness St Wilcox, Kalem la going to rival any other town lu the northwest In the extent of Its 4th of July leleuratltm. M. L. Thompson, the druirglst of rails City, cams down Tuewday and made a short at ay In town. Miss Fanny Matin, of Zena, and Miss Mattle Iiouiracre, are attending the Summer Normal at Monmouth. f ii if .k , i i j. it. vaiiwranci lias a niw yoiiiis orchard and some of the yuumr trees have phenomenal toads of fruit. Teams were at work this wk mak ing a better grade down to tha eravel lied, so that larger hauls can Im hauled out. , Charley Irvlue wms treating his friends last Tuesday, on account of the arrival of a girt at Ills house, on Tues day, D. B. Taylor's bop house, Iti the American bottom, Is nearli.g wmiple- tlon. Claggett ! Finch are doing the work. .' . Mi Kasle Koiiwtsoti, Jessie Damon, and Luttle Mlddlebntu went over to the Turner csnipiiieetlng last Wedueatlay. Miss IbTtha I.aiiders, of Monmouth went down to McMluiiiluvllle last Tuesday, thence will go to Portland to visit friends. Otis H. By non took his family back to his former home in Xehalem valley this week. Mr. Jlynnn will return to Independence. K. (i. Heath and wife, of Portland, came up on the Altona Tuesday even- tig, and are vMtltig Mrs. Heath's father, J. K. Klklua L C. Ollmre. our waUr work proprietor, has Isea taking out aome lefectlve main and n'plncliiK them with much heavier Iron. The Indeiiendeitca saw mill, of Preseott A Venes, I rushel with business aud Is turning out lota of lumber of gssj quality. W. A. Wash, of the Itnnte?rt was here over Monday uIkIiI. Mr. Wash Iocs not often visit ImlenendeiH., this Iwtng the first la two years. M. A. taker's sow had eight pigs last Monday, his hen hatched out seventeen chicks and hi dog had seven pups, all In one day. It is good news for the Jaded news- Hst men that new oyster beds have been discovered ou Yaquina Hay a they go there this July for a visit. F Hofer, of the Sslein Journal, was In town Tuesdsy evening. He dellvei) a lecture tMfore the teachers at the Summer Normal, Monmouth. Oregon baa 94,107 boys and 2,8itS girls bet ween the ages of 4 and 20. It seems there are more boys than girls but the girls make the most show. The Southern Pacific rullroad 1 putting all Its station bouses In tho rough repair, and repainting them It pays to keep property In repair. The pencil pushers of Oregon will meet at Newport this year aa a press association. It Is an appropriate place if meeting, as whale are abundant. Valley Lodtre No.42 1.O.O.F.elected ofllcers last week 'an follows: W, Wheeler, N. G.;J.A. Mills, V.O.; Allen Cooper, Sec: Geo Claggett, Per, 8ec; A. J. Goodman, Treas. The energetic inemlwrs of the Christian Endeavor, of the Christian church here orgaiftod a branch Endeavor at Parker last Sunday, with Mies Bradley aa presbleti t and Miss "allireath as secretary, T. B. Huntley, our supervisor, has done some splendid work on the washout near J. Hlrsnhiierg'a hop house, on the rosd to Salem. Mr, Huntley may Justly look with pride on that work for It Is well done. Wright Smith, of LewlHvllle.'wiiH In town Tuesday, He reports wheat, oats and hops looking well. Apples will be a light crop, owing to extended cold weather. Haying will commence next week and the ylt'ln will be large, and quality good. Cheat hay will he the principal crop, Among the teacher selected In the Portland schools this week, we notice the following Normiillte: Misa Inez. Hamilton, Miss Maud A. PitU-nger, Miss Virginia Uoodwin, Ivy Robinson, B. C. Altman, MN May Wtiodbury, Other teachers who are known In Polk county are Prof. R. F. Robinson and Frank Rlgler. ' Program of patriotic services next Sunday m trnlng at the Congregational church: Doxology; Loida prayer; responsive reading; hymn; prayer; anthem, "(Jod bless our Union;" scripture reading) solo by Mrs. Patter sqn, "The Star Spangled Banner;" an address by the pastor, "Patriotism and our Country's Flog, and a hymn "America." In Portland three young ladles, Miss Cora Baker, Miss Florence Thomas and Miss Annie Downing have been nomi nated for the goddemt of liberty at the coming 4th of July celebration and the one receiving the most votes, at 5 cents each, will be the goddess. They are all selected for their particular fitness for the position, We mica our guess however if Miss Buker does not get the most votes, and a very pretty girl the If too, i j County court meets hxt week. Is this weather warm enough for you? You will Imj taken with those fan at the Itaket Htor, . Cash paid fur poultry anil eggs at the Htur Grocery. Did you see the moon and Venus lust Tuesday ulght? Miss Matlock, of Henpner, la visiting friends In Monmouth. F. K. Chamber, tn bard war man, spent Sunday In Kugeue. C. W. Beckett, our county assessor was In town Weduesday. Harvey Scott Pentland will return fVoin The Dalles Saturday. Miss Edith rVlttcrs, of MeMlunvllle, In visiting Miss Kdna Ullmore. Misses Maud, Pearl, and Dora Cooper are hack from school at Kugeue, Those twjaotlful silks, now 7ft cents per yard. Vanduyn, Veuess A Wilcox. llosel.ury has retired as premier of of Kugland, ' and Salisbury succeed Itltii, Mrs. Kelley. from Portland, sister of Isaac Claggett, Is visiting Jhera thli week. ' Mr. A. i. Goodman I now the dl trlet deputy for the Rcbckah lu Polk county, - ( D. B. Taylor I again assisting Messer Douty A Iocke lu their gro cery store. An elegant Hue of parasols, cheap -70 cent to 11.50. Vanduyn, Veuess A Wilcox. Mrs. C. K. Blasts, of Alrlle, was gursl of W. V. Wltlisma aud family on Tuesday. A.J G'MMlniaii aud It I). Cooper Usik the Altona Weduesday morning for Portland. Fred Venn In one of tha obliging clerks now in tha stow of Vanduyn, Veness AW lloox, Mrs, K. A. Douty Is visiting tn Alhsny and will go to Junction before her return, to visit her sister. The new steamer, Gray Kagl, may make her trial trip Saturday, after lelntt overhauled and repaluksl. MIns K. A, Hell, has been engaged to teach the fifth and sixth grade in the Sllwoisl school, near Portland. Mr. M. E. Kelley, of Portland, who has been visiting her son Wm. Kelley, if tin city, will return home thla week. W. O. C-jok will build an addition to the brick he has recently purchased 'ti feet by ltx), and use It for a furn ure store-room. J. A. Dyers will take the plana of Mr. French ou the Salem stag line the first of the month, the contract having been relet, " Pat riot lo service In the morning at the Congregational church, but oo service In tb evening as tha pastor will be at Hick real 1. Geo, W. Meed ex-reconler of Indepeu- mlimce, now In Salem, was In town Wednesday, It is not at present eugagwl In any business, The J. R. Cooper brickyard la turn ing out 15,oou brick a dsy this will be Increased to about 30,000 later. Titer are twenty men at work, The subject next Sunday evening at the ltopllat church will be "The Bap tist Right to Denominational Exist- cm." F.vcrybody Invited. Lay ton Smith has gone to lloaeburg. Henry Wafer and Owen Roberts have gone to the Southern Oregon mines, where Dr. Parrtsh has a claim. W. R. Craven, of Dallas, waa In town Wednesday. Mr. Craven la out if business now, so be may be looking around to "see what he cau see." On Tuesday Squire Irvine had a case before him tn which A. Jordan was charged with assault ou W, P. Palmer, mid wa found guilty and fined $3 and cost. The Independence Ameteur Athletic tub I having extensive tennis grounds laid out and smoothed on the Vacant land near the Hetmlck Hour mills. , The 4th of July celebration, under the auspicious of the people's party Is chsuged from Dixie to Dallas. This change Is made In order to find twtter accomodations. Last Tuesday (lover Leaf lodge of Rebckalis elected the following ofll cers; Mrs. E. T. Henkle, N. O.; Mrs F. l Myers, V.G.; Miss S.Goff, Sec: Mr.j J, D. Irvine, Treas: State Printer Leeds lis beeu gratify-1 lug publishers by sending them copies of the general laws, Jul tit resolutions sod memorials of the last legislature, The volume la published by the state printer at hi own expense. " Having used Chamberlain's Cough ! Itetuedy In my family and found It to l a first-class article, I lake pleasure In recommending It to my friends, J. V. FoHTgu, West port, Cal, For sale by Alexander-Cooper Drug Co. An attorney, wliose opinion is trust worthy, thinks that at least a it onlli, and perhaps more, must elapse before the supreme court will hand down an opinion In the Oregon Pacific appeal cuse, savs'tho Corvallls Tlmm. The Revere hotel I being much Improved try having a new foundation plnced beneath It, and a new sidewalk In front. It Is an "old timer" in Inde pendence, having been moved from Monmouth In 1857. It was the "only first-clans hotel" In those day. Assessor Beckett says nearly all the asHesBmetit of the county I completed, only four preclnts belngout now; Stiver, llui-na Vista, Dixie and Kola. It will be two months taifore the additions will be completed. The delinquent taxes from last year amount to 114,000 In Polk county.' FiX-govcrnor Z. H.Fletcher, of South Dakota, and John P, Robertson, of Salem are the speakers epgaged to orate and speak at the celebration at Dallas, on the 4th of July, There Is to be a pionlo celebration after the dinner Mr. Alexander, of MoCoy, and others will make short speeches, Services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday, morning and evening. Preaching by Rev. J, R. N. Bell, of .Baker City. Morning subject, "The People's Application of Knowledge and Energy." The evening subject, "God has never had but one True Church In the World." "What is its name? Also " Are Creeds Horlpturul ?" All are cordially Invited. of DiahoH lo Arrive 8 oou.iVll ti ARE XATKIMQXULLY IX LINK I). it,.,.,' Voting Ladles Want to Uo On the Stage so A To Get Kick llashami. Since Itorelta Addis left the stags to oast her fortune with Lord Hhotto Dotiglss, and Genevieve Naiinery for took the foot lights tn is-nome the wife or Irving Bllnii, a millionaire' sun, local theat rical managers of Sail Frauclsco have lcit overwhelmed with application from young women who desire logo on the stage. The applicant represent all grades of oelcty, but the greater number are said to be girl of excellent famllli and daughters of sis'lety iphj, "I never saw so many staga struck girls lu my life as there are right here In San Fianclsco." said S. 11. Fried ladder, one of the malinger of the Columbia theater "I attribute It all to the auccss of the California actresses professionally and matrimonially There Is no doubt the marriage of taretla Addis and Genevieve Nanuery have made a great Impression on tb vming ladle of this community During tha last few weeks we hav had tn many applications I hat I don't know what to do with them. Not all girls who want to adopt the stage have matrimonial aspirations There are many who are really desirous of be coming clever antresse. Of course you know what It is to lie a good actress It Is a pleasant life, a girl is well paid and has attention, and taking It at together It Is in attractive kind of existence. G.rls reallxe this, aud I do not blame them for wanting to enter the profession, California jcirl are singularly adapted to the stage. The) are, as a rule, graceful, vivacious and well developed, and more taking on the stage than Eastern girls. If a California girl has talent she has the preference In the East, A company that visited here recently tisik off ft) Man Francis girls for their ballet rite girls were craxy for the ttage, and a they were attractive, the coin pa uj waa glad to get them." Right Arm Paralyzed! Sayed from St. Vitus Dance. "Our daucbtcr. Blanche, now fif teen yean of ago, bad been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the ent Ire use of her right arm. We feared SU Vitus dunce, and tried the best physicians, wit h no benefit She has taken three bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine and has gained 31 pounds. Her nervousness and ymp tomsof St. Vitus dunce are entirely gone, she attends school regularly, and naa recovered complete uso of her arm, her appetite is splendid. H1UI. B. H. BCLLOCK. tlrlghtoo. H. T. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Pf. VIW Nervln I iI4 on a ansltlv urnuw thai the (lri lam Is will Vnotlu AlldrttiRlMswII llstfl.s Ixiiili- (or (A, or II sill lie wnk prriMlcl, on rvrclrit or lint's bj Ui lt. UkUm MwJlcst Co., Klkbsrl iuO. Jr. Price' Cream Baking Powoer VuHlrtMtMtdln4DlploaM Notice of Kbcrlfl' Hale. yOTU'KM HKKKUY (1IVKN THAT HY VIR. tun of an txscutton lnnunit nut or the cliviilt nmrtortlieststsorOregnnir the county ol IVilk. on th SUt ttny of Mjr,lHM.uifin s Judgment matte suit enturiMl l reoird on the Mh Our or llwMiiiilier, IW'i, In said court In th certain setlou wherein 0, M. 11 mitt nr. on a Oa a orMrsiUm li plslntltr and J, H. Aloiunder and E. II, Jelnr srtnr under th A nil asm of Joter 4 Alexsnder wore itpfi'iulunu Airtliemun of thrm liun drdsnd twenty and thirty hundredth dollnn (S.mikiwltti Inlnrwl tliormmt ths rstcorper eeul psr snnuin from tlis .Mil tiny nft)iHtmler 101, nd the farther mim ol twenty tad sixty hundredth dollsr (t'A.50) eonUi nd dtahurNincnnl ol Hilt aetlou, Ilmveby virtue of Mild exreatlon levied , upon and wilt mill at public nuetltin at the frontdoor of the court hiums hi liillK,l'olk County, Oregon on the flmt dsy of July, isuft, at ths hour of one oVhwk hi the afternoon ol Mid dny fur noth in timid all of tha rliilil title and Interest whltili themtld derondoni J. 11, Alexander ha Id ad to the following described prrniliMK Ui wlh Being (10) ten fiwlnR of the south side of lot No, (2) twti, In rrat'tlonal block No. ( Hires and ilAi fifteen fort oil oT the north mtlti of the north half of lot No. t.'hl hree, In huetlonal block no. (II) thnie, In II miry HIII'h town of Indi'. : tntlfiiee, the usiiie llng the umtlvuled one hull' IntiTt-Nt In the sbove deaurllwd pro perly. Dated, I)ulla()reon1 June 7, IHUft. H. It. I't.I'MUXH, Hberinof Polk Comity, Nolle to Contractor ami ltuildcrs. "lEAI.Kl) lilFw WlIX illi RKOVvKTritY the Board of lilruvtom of whool tlllrlot No. 11, Polk county, Ore., until July U, im, at noun, for build ng mi aihlltltui to the eliool houw lo mi Ul il lair let, t'lnn and niwi'lllciil liiuH of which may beneen atofllce of the dlnlrlct clerk, lllrectorn rcmrvethe right U) rieet any or nil bids. All muterliil tobefurnlHhed by the lionid. " Khank (liusoa, Clerk Hi'hool Dltlrkil Mo. 21'.. Cow and Hiiimi Fur Bale. ONE PULlrHLO)DKI JKIWEV COW, OIV. Iiigmllk, fur t'i , aim) on lluit'-yeitr-tild Ally, itmidard brnd.wllhout npot or bltm lull, broke to drive, fur 810, Eiiiiilre of H. l.tiln, Klflkronll, lire. Fur Sain. TWO YOUNG MA11KH, HOUND, AND bmkon to drive, 11 ' hand, high, weighing from to 1400 pound, will be loldeheap. Apply to J, II. Mulkey, Mon. mouth. Farm Wanted. ANYONE HA.VINO A BMALL FARM OF Irom 80 to 100 aoro for sale, please oorrenpond with 0. D. Ptirvlne, Zena, I'olk Co., Oregon. tf Hay Fur Sale. BALED CHEAT, AND OAT HAY. BARLEY need and Client red. For mile by W. M. Molhow, Klckreall, Or. tf The U. S. Gov't Reports ihow Royal Baking Powder auparhw f all other Easy to Take And PirlMt la TM AcUoa, AYER'C PILLS Never fall to relieve Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Headache. 'I have proved th vslnc of pi Aycr's Tills lu rclievlijir ilysia-p. ol s in ami iieiMin in. vim which v coinphilntsl wus mi I. t )t troubled that neither tlm ; r imr my- o self sttiiosel 1 sto i. !il ever Is o Well lurinn. Throi't h the too of l the above nieilli lisc 1 atn letter than I hitvo Is'cn for yours." ol At UASKlLI V el'SnlllCS, 111, "I have used Aycr's rills for S 18 years us a cathartic In liver ol rotnn iilut. and aluavs with ex. V Ueuiely Is'iii llcliil effect, never Having una ncou or otucr meoi- ol cine. I also trive AVer's Tills to ol my children, when they reiiuire r an ftiairleiit, mid the result is al- o wavs most witlhriwtory.' A. AjKatok. Centre Couwiiy.X. JI. "Having ltcr acvcrelyafiilcted o with cosiivciiess, 1 was induced to try Aycr's 1111. Their use hits 5 effected a complete cure, nml 1 can confidently recommend them o to nil similarly aillleted." C. A. Whitman, Mpoum, CaL AYER'G PILLS o Receive! Highest Awarde AT THS WORLD'S a a v f ,e ff o o o Q, ? ; ft y o o eooo o f e eg el r m i n n Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlthest A ward. NEW STORE, NEW 000DS AND LOW PRICES. The J. F. O'Donnell Co., Is Duttine in ware, Stoves, and Spring Also on hand a complete of Paints and Oils, made by the Celebrated HEATH & MILLI GAN Manufacturing Co. The J. F. .'JE PREFER TO DO YOUR WORK In our New -Shop, opposite Kelley's Livery Stable, rather than in the Newspapers. HORSE SHOEING, $1. Hand made Shoes in Proportion. Draft, Koad and Track Shoeing the very best. KKENGEL & Al.. "W. Docksteaclei1, (Huottgaaur tn I'UOPHl Mm Independence, Oregon. Hsulliui doua at KM4aUa Ratea ft) SALEM DAILY The Steamer Alice A. , Geo. Skinner, Prop. Will Ivavs lailttpntutuuM, evry day, (Muntlay xtpted) at 9 a. m. fur Halem, and ltv HbIi'ih a Hi return trip at 1:80 p. ni, ARE 5o centseach way. For Freight and Passage, apply on board. talCHT... PLHNO RUNNING P!TORFn pourn arnuata by SUmmSimXmLimmmmii Improvement TflE PLRN0 LEADS Because T S THE BEST! I . iimrPI Give II lrtly motion In taneled (train, and on rough, uneven 1 Hr rl Y WHKpI ground; muse lno run llshtlv over oftplcee. makes It run ' I "I fllS.S.fc olie horse lighter draft and bind a bundle after the team stop. More Jones Steel Headers Sold In '94 than all others combined. Von nhotild nee the JONES f li II I M U All PR be,ore yu buv. Simplest, longest lived and IlKlitest draft mower in the 0111111 1 uUllLll world. Ncverout of repair. No Hears to wrarnut, no friction, no noise, nothing to make the fanner "cuss," Chain Power runs the great Ferris wheel. Thli proves its strrnxth. Bieycles are Chain Drive, Why? Light draft1 . aiNO roa our ratr.roa-AU iLiusTas-rtD catalooui The Piano lAtg. Co., Msnutsctarer. West PullmanChlcago, III. A complete line of Piano Binder and Tlower repairs in stock. F. E. Chambers, Sole Agent, Independence, Ore. :r.rjr-c.twK,urr;l rWal'AJfcsA?l-iVrM'iili'il' '11 A a s& I , IVo wilt pay pQUlr uamo SWEET PEAS, U5E&Sr Only 40c. A P0UND1 For full particular of $300 .ffer and ths handsomett nd moat com plet catalogue of Flowers, Vegetab.; and Fruits, containing all old fa vorites and cream of hew Novelties, printed in 17 different colore, elegant colored plate. Send o ct. (which may be deducted from first order) for WIOlQ FLORAL GUIDE V iWI V O SSBDS contain the get JAMES VICK'S . mojikt immx First Mortgage Oa Improred Farm Properly negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first mortgsges upou Improved farms lu Oregon, with Kastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed per cent per annum, Mortgages renewed tbat have been taken by other companies. Address, with stamp, Mkhwin Hwobth, Itaker CHy, Oregon. BRICK YARD J R. COOPER Of ludoiKtudonoe. littvinaraateam engine, a brick machine and several acre of flnmt clay, la now prepared to keep on hand a fine quality ol uric:, wuicb win tie sold at reason able prior. Evening Post ! SALEM'S GREAT ONE CENT DAILY. INDEPENDENT AND FEARLE88 IN , ALL IT8 UTTERANCES. NOW 18 THE TIME TO 8UB8CRIBE. 25 cents per Month 25 cents. R. E. Cannon, Prop. DR. JOaDAN & CO. GREAT KDSEUI OF AIAT03T 1051 Market M4 rrueUco (tWtMaSlhiwi;thSU.) Oo Slid Uun ksv wonlrtult. tan Bwde Md hew lo KiM ult iliwiii NinwnMlumd with UtutWHl of Sow oblrclfc AUutW. Inn M Ma. Private Off Ire-aasae nllllif 1041 market Htrset-iSMMM ol tu.n: rtrtctur., lu of tnuibood, SImwmm of Ow tkia nil lutliwy quit kljf eurwl wIUmhii Um aw tort, ryTMklawat pwaeaalljr st by kuo. fectd lut a Complete line of Hard and Tinware. Buggies wagons. stock O'Donnell Co., Independence, Or. HILLIARD, . Independence, Or. Caarlra Htasu) EfOlt OF- Bias) Wood far Is MOWERS HISAJOBtta the "flsno" Hly Wheel, b the greatest ever nude la Self-Blndlag Harvester... TMI OMJH n TMH HMHIV IHOWS TMf nr-wMiii'. on tmi rum aiohi. a. ' term of ut ryi SONS Eochester, N. Y. IXl r m 1 o l,M i kl in & and Transfer Co. iptl " uSHt-SWUM) HAS. t Mt As Bill Nye said vvhrr. he appeared an hour late before an indig nant audience ; and I want the people of this city to know that I am here TO SELL SHOES At prices never, equal ed in this city when quality of goods is considered. Call and examine goods and you will buy all your footwear of J. 17. DEflTLEY, Main 8t., Independence. irV.irrf pair of boou or hm boahl of m hiu rip, ran mrr, or nmis Khjmi at tb uIm, will be repaired ftcs. G. L. HAWKINS, Proprietor or rii ludependsnn Msrbl Work. Mtliii) m an coniHrjr wora. FlmllaM workouts. 4I1 Ip, latmi tlmlym, and lowmt prloas. ill's m d I the plsn to gt all nntlsas work. ATH 25 Cena.44 CITY STABLES. . ELY JOSQS. Pre?. Horses Fed by the Day Week or Month. Best of Attention Given 8tock Left in Charge. INDEPENDENCE, ORE. Qent's Clothing. Hsde to order In any atyl at the lade pen dnoe Tailor K bop, T. Uyton Jeok, proprietor. A Due has of camples al. way on band from which to select, Hulu mads to order from $U op, by Independence Tailor SBoe ICE CREAH, CONFECTIONARY, BREAD AND CAKES, . Furnished for private parties, socials, picnics and all kinds of entertainmenU, on the shortest notice and at prices consistent with first-class work and best materials. For anything lu this line go to Q. A. Back, J7 Commercial St., Sales. Sfsrlq Mm Meat Market tsKAtaa is Choice Meat s Highest market price paid for fat stock, beef, mutton, veal, pork, etc. All bills must be settled monthly. OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 9 a. m. P. H.MeCABE. S. MUHLMAN. P. H. I'ctlBE I CO., Proprietors of Independence Tile FaGtcry Manufaotursra of FIRST-CLASS Drain Tile. of all sixes. Prleea to Suit tha HARD TIMES. OFFICE AND FACTORY Independence, Oregon In that old flower pot and mass It a thing of heauty. PIt U.U Ros iind it will be a Joy forever. D.&C.Roses grow and bloom Indoor or out, la pot or garden they are ou U.eir own roots. Our new Holds to RoseCuliur ill help I von mnke a wise selection WM .von now I rosos and other flowar nr; :vin nt rose llbadqusi'ter and l.a" ; OU mm I grow them equally we!U ' J If you so rt(iutt, t H f;ml (. thlsvnlu ,'. able' book- anil a cunple wijy our Utral 1 umsaMne, .Wfftw fun THU IiIXt:KK COVARO CO., S ' West C at r, f. ' 'jvWrVWVlf.'v "v ATVtrtfWl - J ill Mm-