The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 27, 1895, Image 1

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    The Best Newspaper
tt th on thai glva the moat and
frMhMt news. Compart the WKST
glDH with any payor In Polk county.
As an AdviT is!,. L
$100 Per . Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
No. 32.
Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Resident dentist.
The piwfcaahm luacthvd In tta varkwt
eraayht. Sattafacthut guaranteed.
Oftiee treat room. Maauute Hull, earner
Mat end MnnmuuUt streete, oppoaite la.
Accused of Incest and California Athletse in
The Change of British
Badly Gored by a Mad
Her Position Somewhat
I I r v rt w-"
Murder. Colorado.
4tuUi' National bank.
T ...a. .a. t..
rU J.
U Deutuit. All work arrall to
ranted fc
give lit fowl at titUon,
deuce, Or.
U aud Surgeon. Disease of tba nose
throat wl akin, apeetalh. At Thonaa
Pburinsoy, Monmouth, Or.
Law. Will praotwa in all atata
nd' federal court. Abstract of title
furniebed. Office om Independence
National Bask.
1Y1 nfaolarara of Mb and dowrs.
Also, scroll tawing. Main atreot, lud
peudenoe, Ur.
, Idge, No. 23, meets ery Mon
day uighl lu 1. u. 1 1. r. ball All oiotiro-
ing brother are mviied to attend. K.
L. Ketchum, M, W.J W. O. Cook
T ALLEY LODGE, NO. 42. 1. 0. 0
Y F. Mee in Viitkltiyo'a ball amy
Thursday evening. All Oild fellow oor
dially invited to meet with us. James
A. Roberts N. U.; A. J. Goodman, 80
il Meet every Wednesday evening.
All kniubla re cordially invited. O.
A. Kramer, V. V'i J. Jl. Mot In, K.
of at h.
Will consult Ibeir brat in
terest by. purcboaiug tbelr
of Ibe reliable manufactorer,
Independence, Or., nuww
Mr to Ferguson A VauMevr
rJugar pine and ceUrdoor
all !, on band.
d.p. mitmtm and Munwouth MtiM Lin
Lmvm Lnni
i Independooc. llooiboot
-M linn
11:14 - 11
IV, iy6
U 6:1
East and South
The SHASTA Route
of the
Southern Pacific
CalirnrnUexpre.ii train, ran dMIy.ntoppIni
a t .11 . Ion. betwta l furtUnd and Albany.
Boutn Nortb
Ti&r.u. Lv.' Fori land Ar. HMA.m.
Iftar.a. Lv. Albany Ar. iraA.m.
Jt).tt a. m. Ar. Han Francliico Lv. 7.-0UP. M.
RB.hupMall (Dally.)
Ceave. Arrlv..
Portland .... 8:30 A.M. I lUweliurg ,...ti I.
K-wl)urj..7u A.M, I Fortlaud ....4:110 A. .
Bini&g to n Oes Route.
B!cond-C1am Bleeplntr Cam attached
to all through trains.
West Side Division.
Batween Portland and Corvallla.
Mull train dally (nxcept Sunday.)
7 a in
l:IHa in
2:16 p in
Lv Portland Ar
Ar lndepndenceAr
Ar Uirvalll. Lv
p m
1:M p 10
IKJO pin
At Albany Ind CorvallU, wmnect wltb train.
Uregxm Paclllo railroad,
Kxprewi train aolljr (except Hunday)
4:40 pm
H& p ra
Portland Ar
McMlDnvllle Lv
8:'if a m
Oregonlan Railway Dlvlalon and
(Portland and Yamhill Ry.
Airlle mall Trl-weekly.
8:40 am
6:3) p in
Lv Portland Ar
Lv ..Monmouth .fcv
A r Alrlla ..Lv
SKK pm
7:4ft a in
7 .-00 a in
ThroiiKh tUtket. to all point In the V'
Htatm. Canada, and Kurope.n be obtained
froinT.M.B'nvjSIl, Agent, Independeuoe.
Aut. (4. P. Al'aHi.Agi.
iCre.ti,.nd Trade-Mark, obtained and all Pu
entbuiinei conducted for MoDCN.Tf frra.
Ou.a Orricr. it Or-r-oiTt U, a. fartHT orricr
and wecaiiKi ure patent Ml icM tun. uwa uum
U....1... .......
L I . i.i j . 1 teltl. rrliw
tlon. We adviM, if patentable or nut, fre. of;
cnarge. our le not due till patent m Kture
1 A Patt.HUT. Mo t0 Uftain raienn,
coet of laawla the U. 8. and foreign countrie.
ent free, AddreM,
Am lit... Uiiumona D. C.
His Niece and Her Father
the Victims.
A Una Couuty School Tracher I'uder
Horrlble Awnaatiunt-the
Daya Crluia Beeord.
Et'CKNK, Or., June 22.-11.
iiajra tr rail Ciwk iirwlwt.
wiinty, waa arreted at the reaklenee
ur lila alater, Mr. Buttriika. two
milt rnnit JuiHllou City, today and
iww lanitubOMM lu-Uu .4uty4Ul
here, with a vharjie of liiwwt nintlual
him. il ma aiu. ...iii ,,.u... ...
aimwor a rlutrvn ..f mur,l. lu,r,. .hl. Koclt, tnruruia: 37 Itet 1 Imll,
ra la aettled. Hayea la a .x'lMad
teavhtT, aud be Una a niece. Mlaa
an Walker, who la ahto a aihtwl
tiher. MlKa Walker laat tilKbt ttave
birth to a elilld and eharirta llnyea
.... - r-
witn mnng mr Deirayer. Kite went
to her tiiotlier two weeka ago ami
nmle a nmIVh!ou aa to her ronillilmi
Alkillt tin) Unit ir Sin lli.i ratluar .J
Ml Ha Walk. ha.i n ttt.,,.ti..,.
the eniKllllatn .if lila tti tlte l.taaaa at ml
one day told Iluyea tlwt ir hi eua-
Idelona initrliillxl he would kill the
ttiillt man. tin the 1.1th .rf Mavl
Walker waa tnken auddenly aud tlo-
huttiv in. a.t t.,fe.. t.. 1.1. 1...,.-.
k. . . "
"VT ""-'.
wnere no mkiu tiii-d m ureal aony,
iiariiiK Kitftmua ami violent naivul
aUma. For mme rea mm the eaae wan
never rvHrtel to the eorwuer aud
Walker a reiiwlna were Interred with
out any iniimwt or tioNt iuonttn ex
Hiiiliuulon. Thla imiriiluir. when tiro-
nor llarrl heard f the faela, he
went to the plat" for the puriMMe of
navuiff the ixxiy eihumed and an
ftuiiijala made of the eoiaenta of the
Htomtu'lt. l'etmio Uvlittf in the nelirh
lMwh.a-1 are very mm-ti wroutfht Up
over the affair, and Hayea la beliut
neiii here ami will nK tte taken lie-
foee JiHthw Cnlllauu ,fta esamfua-
tlou tint II the excitement aulteldfa.
Uayea aivnm to realtxe bla itrecnrhiuii
eoutiiiiou ami exrewtt! a wlau to put
uiiiiMeir out or exiitenoe.
St. Lmiia. June 22.-At Wolwt.-r
tlrove. a auhurli of thla eity. thla af
ternoon nr. Frank Mettle wliot and In
atnntly kllUnl Mra. Jaue Pelerwai, a
aUtter-lu-law. Mra. Peterwtn'a alaler.
Mi Htiriah, attempUHl to atay hhl
iiHirtkrwiia aim aud Holile Bred at
her. She felt with a bullet In her
bnnxt. Settle then aeut a lull Into
hla own brain. He drotmed dtd,
Tla.y batl quarreled over the dlvlalon
or a annul .property.
Ii'ICUT WITH nt'ttllT.An!)
8,m Pranclaro. Juue 22-AlKHit 10
ton fell t liurKlara were diwovered In
the iuive retail dry kmnU eNtubllxh-
llaliment of Newman It Ivlnwu. on
Kt-nmey Mtrcct. They hail IhhiihI and
ifit'ifiil tlie wutclinmii atul coiiuim'IhihI
to Imit the plnce. A iiolleenmu dla-
(ulitinI the Miliera In the atore and
oeitil Are. Tlie lniruliini retm-tunl
tlie hIiom, uone or which took effoct,
ami then eacuiKMl. .Ni-wnmii & Ivln-
aon'a atore la on the btmlewt twrt of
Keaniey atrett and tliouxumlM were
attriK'ted by the tight with the bur
Ntirtb Yakima, June 22.-In the caae
of the aiate va. J. K. fcdii; aton. the
imnaer wno waa ciinrgeu wit 1 iiavii.g
mriTru 11111W7 a.,rr awninilie t
tne lUHOivem-r anu tailing coihiiihui
or 11.0 waiia waua ravinRa na na.
lUH iuouoii HIT a urrvr uhii wni. iii;iiiiii
ana . me aerentwni waa ecnieueeti m
two jeora' Imprlaonmeiit A m.itlon
for an apiieal to the HUrreme court
wan entertained ami bond named In
the mun of f 2,000.
Jtiiitbrtflknhle Krldence of
letter I
Timea ami Better DlapoHitioua.
t..-. oj ti. ,.f
XrC .J .rr. .u.
u... .... 1 ,. ... .............. ...i(,.ll
lllliil w,wiv iiii-ii 111 inn uii"i 1
nuiira note i hhim iua
within the UiKt ninety daya. '"1
I ..r. ..I mi. l,.,,lw.,if ll, nmnlrv Imlf. I
catea an advance averaging 1 1 3-4 iMr
llUII ..I.VMft.."MV ...... ........ ......
cent. The Chicago Tribune nun com-
n led a im which eiiinraeea more
than 2o tirnm wnicti nave wiunn me
hint row wecga aovanceti iie wag
of their 4'iiinloyea. A notnble reature
of thla great Imluatrlal linnveiiMirt
la tlwt the wagea of theae ZixtO
men have, with linnlly an exirti(i,
lieen advanced voiun mriiy ty tne em.
ployera. The aeneon una neeii TemurK.
ably free from alrikea, Kinphiycm
have Rhown a Hplrlt of wllllngiii'ea
aiiare 1110 reaiuta 01 m p j
proHperlty which aectna to hnve act
11. without any iicinying mie uivixun
of protlta until laitor grew niipaiicm.
American and KaropeanFlW
THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor,
Seventh and Wanhlngton Bta.,
Ifyou uae the PtUlnai
lacahatMa a amdera.
Maka money while
othert ara wading
time byoldproceee.
Catalogtclla all about
It.anddeKribea every
article neeucuiur iu
mechaoieattf the bem
wheel, rrettleat model,
IWe are Pacific Coaat
Aerala, Bicycle cala-
fiiMdfprtrtlq?Lt)rlcf, Me., Aonwra waimto.
RTAL01U nfitJlATOl CO., retalama,Cal.
S ancH liocaa, .31 a Mala St., Loe Angelee.
I L 7iJl
Events at the Irvington
Watt Shlpp't Great Bide at Portlaud-
fla Wlni Um Time Prlie
llewltt Badly Injured.
DKNVRIt, June 22,-TUe AU1I..1I0
(Hmliiat today between the team fruui
tn t'liltereity rf CallftirnU aud the
tt.mjniii in puwer 01 utno-
"MBr7 loiwwa;
J1(ivya'j-d,' .ty - W. Htt
lpJWTi. 1Q 1-3.
ruttlni lu-pound allot, won by f,
L1.a!pd- nur,lte. wun hf K. I. Dyer,
uailornla; time, 1 3 .
. . Ji, wn iy M. w. I)ler,
nrni; 8 locbea.
. r a. a .luai. i.u m mar u
w j. unmi, won nj j, , rinnc
flna, ttaliforula; time, i 15 aeitNida.
Itnmd Juinit, wtm by II. O. W(m4.
my. t'ttllf.HTtla; St fwt Im-hee,
iiair wile run, won uy r. . K-h,
I California t I line, 2:U1.
I Two-iulle Wryrl raee. won by F.
Uwum, MamMera; Tyler H11.I1I1,
u- A c? "m' !. :-'.
Throwing Kt-ianind hammer, won
u aa l.i Wi.... a . a. 1 .
H W. Kdiwn,
If'Ht. ttreiikliiK bla
I .l. .... . .. ... f......
mrvn inrfw a iuiiuw 1.1 iw 10 iurn
ea, ttreakluif the world'a record.
Quarter tulle rtiu, won by Torrey.
Oullfornla; lime, 0;.V, 1 ti.
Portland, June 22. Tba reeulla at
Irvlnaion ry toflay were:
raclur, 3-yeae-o ila. iiurae Ilfv-
Harry Ma; won; Hophm It aetHMtd,
Hal tirtMtt third; beat time 2:11).
IHMtttet trtritliig 2UHI laan, iiurae
f-Atttrii won; Wallula mmd;
DeuHHMtrator third. Itewt time 2:21
I'at'tnK. 2:21 Haw. iiurte. svn'he.
Imlla won: lK4tibl aotMiitl; Dnvla Un
thim. Heat time 2:1H 3-4.
I 18 mile, hurdle, liurae .kk4IM
tie Iteed won; Kletwouil winml; lni
nle il thlnl. lUwt time S.iat.
IVtrtlaud, June 22. -Tim ton-tiillt'
Mad we Riven by tlie .lu jik Cycle
villi m the lilte limine ntd ttNiny
reauitiHi aa ftrilowa:
Tlanitaa IthaHuer, P. A. A. C with
.w,n"t" bao,,,,1,n; I'1"
Watt Khlt, at-iuu-h, or Salem, look
tlie time urlxe lu 28 mlnuiea 37 aee-
tanla. Fraaler of the M. A. A. (.'.. and
Hewitt of the P. A. A. C, the only
lur ",rateh men. collided and were
thrown out of the race. Hewitt waa
latdly Injured ami will protatbly Ik-
laid up for a fortulKht. Fraxler wna
!?,u, nJ1J,PWl,t ,U'm,,H'a 10tD
nun nin-u l lie (-uiuniou WTiiirw,
Shliiu waa about twelve yarda bo-
hlnd. but won eoally when tlie oilier
two fell,
One Man Imt and Vowel mid Cargo
Ttrtaiiy itnm)fi.
Seattle, June 22.-Tla aleiimcr Anna
M. Pence waa entirely destroyed by
lira thla morning 11 111 r Point I-owcll
aliortly after 1 o'clock aud the. life of
Thowaa Sullivan, cook, waa loat, he
protianiy having Juiiiihhi Into the
water. The lire waa discovered by a
watl.hmn, who nmhed to the pm
(fwe ,, ,ht, ulHm t
joahtia tlreen, owner, who wna at the
wuw.. By thla tlllie tllU flailiea lintl
.i.iwhI nvr ih u-lu.l.. .ii.nmni- nn.l
r cargo if hay, but the watchman
Viumkm Ilia ll.wira nt uni.ll nf tint
-l.wnliw crow, who came out In their
night cMlx and hjivimI thcniKi'lvm.
He thinka that Siilllvnn enme out olao
but went liack for hla valine and be-
I'oinliig nmfuHcd, JiuiinHHt jhito it lie
water. Tho crew all cUmmM aiMaird
a acow which waa in tow and cut
liuiaa fisiiii tin, linnilnir lumt Tliov
drifted for alaiut an hour and wheu
they were picked up by the atenmcr
r. uuiime ami minium. i una
rtty. The ateamer wna valued at fit
1'""' to" mo BUHmiii wi inmii inn 1- nun
.. , .... ,..
it, ,,, ... ,,.., ., ,t.a ,,-..
' TS' "
iivrwis 3 una ti. trim ainro
(lf tlie ,itcrroluatlon of the duke of
cttmbrldge to resign hla plnce na com
I1Hlfv,ir.hi whior nf
ymtMrday by the actretnry of alnte
for -t,, Mr Cnniiila'll-Bannernmn.
Tiiiiv..iv cahieii tr the Aaao.
,.aU., Vrtn yeaterdny, throwa a new
,k, t ,... aubliK-t. TiMre him
h(I!)f )H.U H(rU(f ngitatlon ngalnat
the duke, and the government. It ap-
nenra, acting on the principle of ex
IHHllency, iiiiiHcd It to be known that
It would nmt4rlally oiwlHt the govern
ment If the duke would offer to rinlgn.
f.'omieipiently the duke, not HimpK'tliig
that hla offer would lie accepted, aent
In Itl m pniera to tlie (iiceu, the bitter
handed tliein to tlie govflnwnent under
the ImpreHHlan that they wmhl be
returned. Iho goveriimeut, liowevm,
accepted the papers aa hla definite
I'oHlgmttlon and Mr. cnmpiK'il-Kan-iHi-iiiaii
made tlio nmicunceinent to
the hoiiHe, whl(li wna the luat tiling
expected, or deslrwl, either by the
queen or by tlie duke of Onuihrldgc,
Berlin, June 22. During the feted
la corpa of picked detective ornvlitlM
aurroinMltNl the emperor night nnd
I day. Theae precaution were taken
1111 aocmint of the fact that threaten
ing lettera from anonymmia nnnrch
lwta aud tlur reached hi mnjeaty
during the previous fta-tulght. Hotne
of thcHe lettciN came from France nnd
the writers threatened the emperor
with death. A score or nioro huh-
plclous looking persons were arrested
by the detectives. Naval correspon
dents of tJernmn nnd Austrian news-
nuDers have highly commended the
appearance of U. S. war vessels nnd
crews. They praised the ense of mo
tion and exactness of their mnnouveis,
according them first place lu this re
spect. They style the New York the
finest vessel of her kind at Kiel. The
American' war. shlpw -aroused more
curiosity than all others and were
visited by thousands of people.
Llvemool. June 24.-wheat, , spot,
I quiet but steady: demand pwn", No.
2 Red Winter, 5s jd; No. 2 Red
Spring, stocks exhausted; No. 1 hard
Manitoba. Cs 6d; No. 1 California,
5s (Id. .
Hons at Ixnidon Pacific const, 2.
Portland-Wheat, valley, 62; Walla
I Walla 00.
So Thinks a Kentucky
The Gold Balance. Paawt IIOO,UUO,UOO
Tha Beunbiican Silver Confer
cue In Kanaaa, Today.
LOUISVILLE. Junt 24.-IIou. Jan,
B. MvCreary, ebalrmau of tba houae
uotnmlttea on foreign alfalra, la bare
to atioua tn aetiMieratle atate conven
tion tomorrow and la niiuilnir aaaluat
Meuatur .JilacJtburu for. tiuikTiuui 4t J
tlie cuuimiuee ou reoiuuona.
MclJreary waa a uieuiber of the lu-
leriiathaial moueiary eonfereue that
met at llrwwela In 18U2. When aeen
by a treauiatlva of tha Aaooclated
I'reaa he aiuied that bla xieilentH
wiMi Enifllah uieiuhcra of that ttmft'r-
ence ulv him aaauruuee that lu the
mlvtait of a Htillaliirry military ' It
will le to the lutcreat of bluietatUmn.
aa Lord StUtebury, italfonr and oth
r are more fnvtiralile than Itoaeberr?
aud hla anataiatiMi were for audi n
formne, MiCreiiry oald he waa nu.i
tiiHMful now for an littematlonal a.
tlou that would nettle the ratio be
twtvu the nieiala.
Washington, Juue 24.-AltluHigh the
hook of tlie treasury department do
not show it, the gold reserve la itrac-
tli-nlly atsive the XIoo.ouii.inhi mark to
day for the Oral time since lust
cemlr, when It waa forced to that
Plnt aa a nwutt of the Issue of gold
Istnda. Atvonllng to the treasurer'
statement today the gold latlnuce I
ftm.Nl7.:tla but thla atatement rtoen
not liH'Imle a conslgtiuieut t!$l.225,tKKl
in oar gold uriHight to New York by
me rampania on Saturday for Au
gust Belmtnit It. Co., ou necotint of the
government syndicate. The gold was
tnken to the .New ork away tittle
for examlnatltw and iu a day or two
win mi iii-iiie.i in the u. s. treasury
111 payment or nonua.
TofH'ka, June 24. There la little
irpint that tlie republican rtlver
(iinrerciH-e to lie held here tomorrow
will prove any greater success than
the one held by the blinetallle league
n week ago atul which turned out to
Ih a iMipullat affair. Nearly 00 dele
gities aue one hundred ihts-sis all to-
gertMir were In attvudaiice. There Is
no prospect tliat ao many will be hera
Clyde. NV Y.. June 24.-Wllllnm
CmplMlt, an old soldier from Buffalo,
N, V -4a -mi ia41 4tere. . lie JUM Uiitrf
of Police Hamilton that he waa on
his way to Washington to kill 41 rover
Cleveliind. "I know the clmii well
he said, "nnd I menu to put him where
he won't lie nttle to do the old aoldlca
any more barm. ItenllKlng that In
had a craxy man to ibal with, Chief
Hamilton milled that be, too, longed
to perronu the same act, and suggtwt-
11I that they go togeilr. "I'renldi"4it
I'U'veiiind could he more easily nMn
sinuttNl by two nicii than one, you
know," he said to the lunatic. To
this the man assented and away the
two atarted. Chler liannlltott kept
tha man talking about himself and
telling him he would carve President
Cleveland until the Jail was reached.
At this point the mnii grew suspicions
and wanted to know what they should
do In tlist building. Ilainlltoit replied
that they would step In and talk the
matter over. The next second the
luiuttlc was bustled Into a cell.
A Freemason Resumed Catholicity
Before His Death.
CiM'iir d'Alcue, Idaho, June 24.
Judge Allicrt Hagiin, a well-known
attorney and public man, wna burled
hera tislay under associations seldom
witnessed. He stood high lu Free
Mnsorry and he wus burled In tlie
Cttttfiollo . cemetery, two Catholic
priests, Father Held of Spokane nnd
Father Becker of this place otllclut-
Ing. Many Masons attemlctl the fun
eral and a uinulier of them served as
pnll-benrers. Mrs. I lagan, who Is a
daughter of BrlglwMn Young, .Is n
Catholic, ami It Is said that during her
husband a dying hours alio won him
to tjho church. He left scaled Instruc
tions us to his funeral and It was
thought for a while that these had dis
appeared, but they were found yesier-
i'. They merely directed that all
matters be left to the wishes of his
Wardner, Idaho, June 21, There
are new arrivals of Jiien every day
necking work at Hunker Hill and Sul
livan mines. The company Is rendy
to receive all applicants now who want
work us miners.
The Postotllce Department Watch
ing Its Emirtoyea.
Columbus, 0., June 21. Twenty-two
mull carriers here hnve been suspend
ed from live to thirty days mi orders
from Washington, the result or pri
vate watch affording evidence of the
slow work of tlie most of these car
riers. Tlie postolllce department hns en
tered tlie policy of detailing Inspec
tors to watch letter carriers on their
rounds and report Inattention to du
ties and any Irregular conduct on
their routes. Otllces In a number of
cltl are Involved. Special reports
ara made to the department by the
Insiwctor. Delays In delivering iniillu
at a house, unnecessary conversa
tions, stops, meeting acquaintances
and waste of time generally are among
the complaints entered upon the post
otllce files.
flenoral Gresham's will
nil his property, $40,000 -In real nnd
$11,000 in personal, to his wife, who
is named solo executrix.
It Is found by reliable statements
to the government that the Collma
wreck was caused by wind nnd henvy
sens, 105 persons being lost.
The U. 8. consul at Shanghai says
under the new treaty there Is an op
portunity . for great profitable enter
prises In China.
Oriental business on the Sound has
vastly Increased.
There Is Ihenvy tourist travel ,to
Alaska tills year, calling for addition
al vessels. ,
Hayes Is not Guilty of
HI Exatuiuatloa for lnetit to Take
flaee Today-Oicfoa Kveuta of
. latere at In Oeuerai
EUGENE. Dr.. June 24.-Rov. I. D,
Driver had a narrow escape from
death last night on bla farm near this
city by being gored by a bull. The
aiifuml got Driver against a barb wire
ttuco, jforlug him frightfully and lac
rating hla Mean en 11m barb, but be
la uot cottaldered duogeroualy Injured,
II, P. Hayes, charged with Incest
with hla niece, baa leu takes to Fall
Creek, w lie re he will hare a prollml
iiury examination tomorrow. The In
vestlg'itloa of the coroner In reiranl to
the muse or tlie sudden death of the
father of Miss Vniker revealed uotb
lug Indicating foul play. The matt diet
from neuralgia of the heart.
Portland, June 24.-AU the favorites
..m loduy at Irvlngtiai Park except
the 7 M mile, which St, Croix, a rank
outsider, raptured. Following I tin'
2:4U eia, mra $.VKVljtly tlrace
wini: lirler 1 1 111 sectsiil; Chris I'eter-
aon Ihlnl; bst time 2:'i.
Pacing, 3 minute class, $4ikl -4(o,
Ayrea wt: Kenntor aocond; Pathuiont
ihlnl: heat time 2:17.
Five and half furlonga-Emma D
won; Horn socuiid; Kalndnip third
time tSKl.
Keren eighths mile, purse. .UNI.-St
Cwlx won: Qulr aecottd; Marietta
third time 1;20.
INirthHid, June 21, Totu hivs for the
ensuing year In the pnlslc aehwda of
roriiaiHi wr weiil ir tie lstartl
4f sehiMil dlrra ttinlglit. t me of the
illrtH'tura I aald to have made a strong
effort to 1ive all Rihimiii (Vitbollc
teaelier droptMtl, (Mirhtecn In number.
Tla Issinl was unwilling to make such
heavy Iim-ishI on Catlsillc oh desired
ny tlie one iiHnilMr of the lird. but
of twmity-foiir UvicIhts who falletl of
re-eRvtloo iiIim wre Clliollcs, or Juat
one half of tlie Catholic tcher In
tba public acbool of the city.
Mr. Koran Ignore Church Authority
on necrei riocietlea.
Cleveland, Juue 2I.-i.The I'tilverae.
onicui organ of Bishop Hortstuann
or tits Catholic diocese of Clevelnjid,
Is out with a statement thnt there has
lsen rerelvrtl frotu Rome a reiteration
of the imfim's retiueat (hat all metn
win or Khe cliurclt would withdraw
fhsu secret anelellea, notably the Odd
retiowa ami Knights of Pythlns, Ex
Cmgnssmnn Koran, one of the lead
htg attorney of this city ami one of
tne lending hicuhmts of the J-:iks end
Knights of Pythlns. declared tialny
thnt while he was a good Catholic.
society coiUHH'tions were a matter of
conscience and that he would not give
way to any authority on that poiut
Washington, June 21. The niiort of
thegcHfltMHurvey m urcliHi stotiea
for the United Stan for tlie calendar
year 1NM ctaniiliisl by Special
AgiH George Mug, of New York,
waa made public today. The nrlnclistl
development of the year are sutuumr-
ixHi m roiiowa: Tiie nnulng or a 10
7 8 knret AI:inioiul at Dowaglac,
Mich., tha develptiM'tit of a new ruiy
nrliie neiwr Ftraukllii, N. Y.: the tlm
(ng of emoralda at Mitchell Peak, and
near KniT Station, North Cortdlna.
Sapphire ditoalta are reported twenty-
five mlli went 0 PlilIUpslHirg. Mont..
1 too iicitMi In extent, A new tornuty
of tnie eniern4ls was also found near
Bttkersvllle, N. (X. and a big output la
Syracuse, N. Y., June 21. Bob FIt-
sliumnus npix'nred in tlie court of ses
sions today to answer to nn bullet incut
hiirglng him with the killing or Con
It Ionian, hla sparring partner, In the
nurse of nu exnuuiion given in turn
cliy lust winter. The Judge overruled
the challenge for actual bins made by
the attorney for the defense on the
ground thnt the Juryman, wna a
lintvli inemlH'r. It was also ruled
Mliat jttrorls with .lu-ejudlce against
prize lighting unless such prejudice
existed lu this particular case was not
sutlii'lent to disqualify.
Pcndloton, Or., June 22. The board
of adjusters on the Cunningham fire
have filed a formal notice on Cunning
ham thnt the companies will refuse to
tmy anything on the Insurance indi
tes, excepting a few trifling items.
The policies nfferted amount to $.'l,-
000, with a loes claimed at nearly
50,000. The reasons for the denial of
liability as named In the notice are
misrepresentation, ovef-va hint Ion, Ink
ing out additional Insurance without
notifying the companies, and placing
mortgage ou the property without
the consent of -the eoinpnnles. The
case will be given Into the hands of
attorneys by Cunningham to light In
U10 courts.
Portlund, June 24.--Stenmahlp Chlt-
tagong, first of the new line between
Portland nnd China recently estab
lished by. the O. R. & N. 0 arrived
at Victoria, B. C today. She is ex
pected to reach Portlnnd Wednesday.
She will sail for the Orient from Port
lnnd about July 1st with a full cargo
of flour.
Los Angeles, Juue 25. In the one-
mile novice bicycle race todny W. K.
Delay rode the distance in 2:114.
which breaks the world's record. He
was tusaun lifted by his hnvlng looked
behind Just a he was crossing the
Delaware, Ohio, June 25. Phillip
Phillips, the noted evangelist, died
here this morning. .
The Question Has Some
Sliver Men Tblnk Hall.bary' Govern
ntent Will Be Farortble-Tlie
Kentucky Democrat.
WASHINGTON, June 25,-Baronl
Von J lilclmaun, the new German am-
uaasador, who presented hla credeu-
lailM t.aa. Mlaln A..m. A .. ..
tlm AMOtlated Pre aa Interview to-
dav oil curruuL fJsnnaa.AjuarUn
"What are tha proanecUi." be was
asked, "that Germany will partlclate
in au international uionetary confer
The agitation for allver." he aaid.
"coiues maliily from tlie agrarlau sip
lUfntlou In the uortb in Crertuauy,
aim wua largely aue to tne low price
or mnu proiiucM.
lie did not iH'lleva the Inrperlul gov-
ernmeiit would take any steps to-
ward calling of ait International
moiii-iarr comereoce until arier tne
rek-hstag asxeuihlc lu November and
a great ileal would depend upou thatlwa the adiest case of the kind re-
MOltK FULLY EXPLAINED., June ;M,-Thcre la an -
pnrently ctmstilerable itsifuslou a
tii prospect r au Iniernatlisml tun-
n-reitce to consider the rehabilitation
of silver, to be called on the lultla -
live of Germany. Thl I due to am-
nmting retairt that nave oe-n re-
celveL also aiqiarvutly to compllca
ilium or the auetlou ax It nroseuta It
elf lu Germany. Those who have
given attention to the progrewa of sit
ver in ficruifliiy say that Chancellor
Vtm Hohi-idolie auuooiiccd In tha be
ginning that Ucniuiny's action on the
matter wotiki ties-nil usai two clr- Tlie 11 rat of these was
that the Geruiau legislative goveru -
men is should Issue n call for it. It Is
uiMiersiiMsi now mat, accepting tuisiwitn iiirvw revtHver wound In him.
net ton ou 1 ne part or the tllffcreiit
states lu the light of an Instruction,
tne ciiaticciior wiiiproceeti toneKiautteiuitxviiie wltb him on horseback.
wuu oilier power a to the tenna of
the call. The United State ha made
known it wishes lu this respect so
fur a the legislative branch of the
government can act, lu the aiMwliit-
ment of delegates. In thla rcMohitlon
(revision waa mad that the United
states should be represented only lu
as the conference should be called to I
provide for restoration of blmetalllMu.
Advocate of an International under -
standing reel that the change or au-
ministration In England will be In
the Interest of the movement, aud
they are upon the wliole considerably
encouraged over the outlook for anoth
er conference.
Louisville, June 23,-The admlnl. loti ami Secretary Carlisle were
certainly favorite In the democratic
state convention. The silverlte went
liitn district meetings in the morning
ud into the convention with cotitl.
leiu-e. In the district meeting they
were Is'iiten 2 to 1. They claimed 4
out of 11 district tuemliers of the com
mil tee ou resolution but the adminis
tration claimed that the committee
stood 8 to 3 originally against free
silver and as completed 9 to 4. The
complexion of thla committee could
not have been changed by the ap-
ixilntnient nf Iwith members St birn
from the silverlte. But when JiLr
W. M. Beckner. temnorarv chalnnan.
divided the member at large, giy.
. ... . . . V .
Ing one of the two to each aide, the
silver men felt that they bad been out
tossed, although they would not con-
fess to betnir outnumbered. They
claimed a vlettry In Mic election of
.. . 1
utH-aner over Kuuie. out arter tne ror 1
mer divided the appointments equally
on all eonuHltteea and announced his I'nueu bim- 10 oppose rue appu
conservative view, no claims were cation of the loan company. In ad-
made On hint.
Vancouver. June 25. The Emnress
of Japan anlliM! for the Orient thla I
ftcriiiam. Among tier 40 anJoou pas-1
seugcra were Mir Fielding and Lady!
'lark, the former .being chief Justice I
of llongk4Mir. .Sir FMdiuaj ,has Ikmh I
home 011 a furlough, fltid waa lss-ntthe government. The receivers for-
durlng the rHnt hostlMrtis.
II. tM. AtorrtH, manager of the Cnl-
gary branch of the Imperial bank, Is
uow licre arrangmg for the opming or
branch In ttu city. Tlie bnuk 1ms I
sotMired hamleome pretnlsee, ami wilt
lie oiHUied aliout the bogluulug of Sop-1
tcmlier. Mr. Juke, mianager of flic I
Brandon branch, la exixwti'd to lie
transferred iliere.
Springfield, 111., June 25. The 11-1
Hnois ure assembled In etie-1
clnl seeslon today lu response to the I
call of Governor A It geld to consider I
the aeblt.mtloi of Pullmnii rotes, Chi-1
cago Justice shop abuse, child labor,
state tlnnnces ami other topics. The
message from Governor Altgold was
siibinltited, but comrary to eoniewlint
geneinl, It waa not caus
tic or of a siir.Kotlonal churacter.
1 1 1 1
AVaslilngton. June 25. Secretary andltnout will talk, and the sub-trea surer
Mrs. Carlisle and Secretary and Miss
Morton left Washington at 11 o'clock I
on the rennayivauia rniirona ror the gold sunlus reserve of the trens
Marlon, Mass., where they will be ury will In 24 hours, when the gold
the guests of the broUhers and sisters now deposited goes to the banks of
ot Assistant Secretary liamtin or the
treasury department. At Jersey nty
they will take Uie lighthouse tender I
John lingers for. Marion across the
bny from Presideut Cleveland' autu
mer homo.
Liverpool, June 25. Wheat, spot,
q'ulot; demand poor; No. 2 Red Winter,
is od; No. 2 Red Spring, Btocks ex
hausted; No. 1 ,haul Manitoba, ,f
CVdtl; No. 1 California 5s Od.
Hops at Loudon raeinc coast tz.
Washington, June 25. The president
has recognized James W. Burton as
consul general of Great Britain for
California, Oregon, . Washington, Ne
vada, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona to
reside lu Son Francisco. 1
Portland, Jun 25. Lieut. Gen. Scho-
fleld tonight reviewed the First regi
ment, 0. N. G. After Ills return from
Alaska he' will go to Astoria aud visit
the Jetty and Fort Cunby.
All OfflCftr fl DpA(I KM IV
I ..
Be Had i Cattle Iblef Under Amit
and the Desperado Vnr
dered Blm.
SEATTLE. June 2S.-Three brhrht
boy were drowned In the bay Just
south of the Oregon improvement
ICOIlllMinv s coal bunker this afternoon
I while iilnvlmr on a Imkmii of Uw it
leorded In many year ami the sight
attending the rescue of the iwHllea. tlm
lattemiit to recusltate them ami Um
1 grief of the parent when tlie news be.
lolcania known will la rememtMred for
Imanv day. Those drowned wm
I Ixsti r. Blanchard. aired l(L atetvaon
lof J. Harry Iledrick," freight clerk for
the 0. I. Co.; Albert Birket, agl 12
yeara, and Willie Birket, aged 11.
both son of Albert M. Birket. nro-
prietor of the Atlantic house, corner
or Washington and Commercial
Seattle, June 2fl. A dispatch from
Rltzville says that U A. Coulee, con
stable aud detective for the Cattle-
1 men's association, was found dead lu
I the road live mile fnan Rltxvllle.
H'onlee arrested Alfred Shoes at
I Sprngue on Monday and started for
I Mime, who la known aa "Jesse
I James," Is iitoeed to have over-
.powered Coulee and taken bla pistol,
la signs .of a struggle were scon In
the road. Tlie hois were heard by
railroad section men. Kline is a
member of a gang of cattle thieves
whose rendeivoua was recently found
near Rock Lake, Whitman couuty.
where larga qtatntltle of 'stolen
1 goods and many bead of cattle were
Spokane, June 5. Hie people of this
vicinity are In a fever of excitement.
Crowd of farmer have been com
ing Into town all dav fferitig assist-
lance and vowing vengeance. Should
I SI me be taken alive. It will be use-
lie to place him In Jail here for aafe
J keejring. Reports from Lincoln 001111-
I ty show that the same feeling prevails
I at Nprague. The body of the dead
mvn was brought to town, will lie
cared for until an Inquest can be held,
when it will lie turned over to hla
widow. v
A Motion Denied In the Oregon Short
Line Receiver Caae.
Bait Lake, June 25.-Jmlgo Merrltt
ha refused to modify hi previous
order lu regard to a receiver for the
I r,..... III..... !. X'
Oregon Short Liue & Utah Northern,
The case came up again today on ap
plication of the American Loan &
I Trust Co. for modification asking that
KKn be made the M.le receiver.
1 . .... ...... . ...... ....1 .....i...
.-. wmu 0 i kiui-u uhui-i hki-
'1 direction of the attorney-general of
uiuou to nn mucpeiiucui rtHviver, ine
loan company asked permission to la-
nne receivers' certificates as had been
done In other courts, for the reason
that the raising of the larire sums of
money required by order of the Utah
court was impracticable,
Gen. Cowan ald he was lnstructnl
by the attorney general to strenuously
opjwse the application on the part of
merly appointed were satisfactory to
the government as Its Interest ran
along with the property. The loan
aouuinny would have a right to au in
dependent receiver when the accrued
interest on the mortguges Is puld. On
behalf of the government he thought
the separation should not be made,
He explnlnetl, however, thnt he op
posed the application on account of
the pecuulary luterest of the govern
mont. At Hie coiKiusloti of the nrgu
ment, Judge Merrltt said: "This case
has given me great trouble and some
annoyance. I made no order rosiieet-
lug receivers' certificates ami shall
nt do so now. That mutter Is being
considered lu. apm-als In other cir-
cuits. In the nieatutlme I will lit the
order stnnd asr before."
New York, Juue 25. Wall street Is
ittiii ti rumors as to in tiottti nyimi-
a..,., . a .. .. . . . 1 . . . , , i .
ente operations and the treasury do
I partiuent. Neither Morgan or Bel-
will make no statement In connection
with the matter beyond the fact thnt
fine treasury, be $107,407,000.
it is believed further that the bond
syndicate either hns recelvetl or will
at once receive the full amount f
the bonds due It, There is some vague
talk about an arrangement for a fur
ther Issue of bonds, but there Is no
suggestion of such course from any
authoritative quarters, ns the man
agers of the last bond syndicate will
say nothing ou tlie subject.
Grand Rapids, Mich., June 25. A
gathering of free-silver men assem
bled here at 2 o'clock this afternoon
to organise an Independent silver
party In Michigan. Congressman
Bryan and General A. J. Warner have
promised to be here. Those engaged
in the movement are mostly populists.
Colorado Springs, Colo., June 25.
Captain Blanche Cox, of the Salvation
Army, an intelligent aud refined lady,
has gone to Jail for thirty days for
preaching In the streets. She would
not pay the line Imposed upou her or
allow her friends to pay tt for ber.
An Organized Band at
The Fishery Question In
Proeeeationi Dropped Aftlmt toe
Railroad Htrlkera-Divoree Grant-ed-Otner
Court Matters
SPOKANE, June 25.-The authori
ties here hare arrested two of the
most during car thieve operating In
the West Their plan was to apot the
car they desired to pillage, aprlng the
floors at a station, board tne train,
and when It was In motion by mean
of a book ami a rope awing themselves
tiMde. There they selected what they
wanted ami threw It from tne car:
when the train (lowed up at a crowing
or grade, drop off, go back and pick
up their plunder. They invariably
operated at night It 1 thought the
men are part of an organized band,
because a telegram found on them
bore Information that a car loaded
wltb silks was coming.
Astoria, June 25. Fish and Game
Protector McGuIre ha made arrange
ment by which the matter of Juris
diction over the fisheries of the Co
lumbia river shall be determined by
the United State court Five men
arrested for running trap on the
Wttshlugton shore will apply for writs
of habeas corpus lu the, U. 8. court
and lu this way the question will be
opened up.
San Francisco, Juno 25. Labor Com
nihwloner Fitzgerald baa received -a
letter from tba department of justice
at Washington that cases against the
members of the A. R. U. who are
charged with conspiracy would be
San Franclaco, June 25. Judge
Troutt today granted a divorce to
Mrs. Jerome Stanford from her hus
band, Jerome Stanford, on the ground
ot desertion. Stanford la a nephew of
the late Senator Stanford. Mrs. Stan
ford received $125 per month alimony.
Pittsburg, Pa., June 25. The fast
mail train on the West Pennsylvania
road collided with an electric car on
the Sharpsburg & Citizens' line at
Sharpsburg at 12:30 thla morning.
Dan Nolan, the motorman, was fa
tally injured: Dr. G. M. Kelly was
badly hurt, but not fatally, and Dan
Cyphers, Mrs. Noble and Frank
Dougherty were eat and bruised. J oat
a the electric car reached the rail
way tracks the trolley came off. leav
ing the car in the darkness. The en
gineer , of the approaching train did
not see the car until near it lie ap
plied the air brakes but could not pre
vent a collision. Most of the thirty
passengers on the street car were
able to get off before the accident oc
ourrd, but the motorman stuck to bis
Portland, June 25.-2:24 class trot
ting, purse $500 Bishop Hero won:
Vlnmont second; Montana third. Best
tlmo 2:21.
District trot for 2-year-olds, purse
$400 Portland Junior woo; Lady
Grace second; Altabaron third. Best
time 2:24.
Half mile, selling, purse $250 Tam
many won; Verdi Paul second; Car
rie Crocks third. Time 49 3-4.
Four and a hnlf furlongs, 2-year-
olds, purse $250 La France won;
Tiny second; Theresa K. third.
Time 57 3-4.
Washington, June 25. For the first
time since December 1, 1803, the gold
reserve today exceeded $100,000,000.
The exact figures are $100,830,355,
with an available net cash balance
of $184,078,458, The gain since Feb
ruary 8th, the date of the bond con
tract, Is S58.047.395 In the gold reserve
and $42,284,887 In the net balance.
Tlie syndicate still owes the govern
ment about $6,000,000 of foreign gold,
tjhelr payments up to this time having
slightly exceeded the contract re
Baltimore, June 25. The American
barkenttne Prlscllla arrived this morn
ing from Rio and Santos, an average
of 44 days, with a cargo of Coffee.
The PrlsclUa's officers report that
when she left Santos May 22d, yellow
fever was raging on every side and
tlie scenes were harrowing. Men
were dropping dead In the streets by
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Pair.
Most Perfect llade.
40 Yean the Standard.