The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 20, 1895, Image 3

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    Fp cf ft! G:::l,
Vast iSiis Pici!ishiny fe:;ar
OmiiJum Hart, of Halt Crevk, vh lu
towooti Monday last.
Ths siwlal attraction at the Hon lion
parlor th warm d '.vslsthe delicious
xt wtor iu an n.vor.
Mis Lucy iluiuprvyt, of HitkUmt,
waagutof Mia Ikssle Butler thlt
Nearly all women have imh! hulr,
thugi many are gray, aim lew an
haUl. Hll' Hair Rsnewer restore
tlx- natural color, aud thicken the
growth of the hair.
Mr. Chan. rhlUit aud daughter
Uauuatt were visiting Mrs. Ueo,
Clagx'" Sunday.
The Little Palace hotel U the popular
pUu- to get a first-class meal.
Tbeedltorofthla paper waa on the
sick Hot Iat week.
Mr. Mosler, and her slater Mrs.
Hloka, returned to their rtaletu home
last Monday, -
("ash paid for second-haud goods of
all kluda at th tx change.
The Llttl Palace hotel It tbt popular
place to get a fl rat-class meal.
TheAltoua bad tweiitylM head
of race horse oo board last M outlay
and at least a tuauy paaseuger.
First class oular ahlnglet at Suitor's
lumber yard, Monmouth, 11.70 per
Mart Prather aud Jut, Miller, of
Buena Vista report crop pmapecU up
there excellent that year.
Wheu you want to take a ride don't
forget that Kelley bat tin driving
horse and good rig.
Ed Smith, of Arlington, a graduate
from tbe Normal in '1)2 waa down this
week seeing hla youpger brother
For Orat-daM lumber aud reasonable
price call on Bultor'a lumber yard,
Monmouth. Call and examine aud
get prices on lumber and be ant In tied,
before buying elsewhere.
Misses Maud, Dora aud Pearl Cooper,
daughter of Banker Cooper, will return
borne from school at Eugene, Haturday
Kelley' 11 very stable on north Main
street has added several new buggies
aud carriages, also has repainted tbe old
ones, aud is uow belter than ever pre
pared to cater to the public,
Tbe Normal school at Monmouth
turned out fifty-live graduates this
year. It takes 300 new teacher to
supuly the Oregon schoolseach year.
100,000 ounds of wool wanted by
Geo. E. Brey, Independence, for which
the highest market price will be
The Infant child of Prof. Wano died
Wednesday, June 12th. Mrs. Wann la
now slowly recovering ber health.
All job work done at reasonable
prices at the West Bidk job office.
Neat aud artistic work a specialty.
Mrs. 8. UiMduight, of Vancouver,
Wash., formerly Ida Smith, daughter
of Rufutt Smith, Is visiting at Mon
mouth duriug commencement.
The West Bide job office is right In
the swim when it comes to doing good
T. B. Huntley, the supervisor is
duii.g lots of good work In aud around
Independence on tbe county roads.
T. H. Bcudder, of Independence,
wants it known that be will hire oat to
work tbe roads for tax payers.
Road tax receipts, put up In books of
50 each, at this office, 25 cents a book.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, aud two
daughters Nora and Addle Pratber, of
Buena Vista, passed through town
Monday, oo their way to McMinnville
to visit friends.
Oris Robertson, who has been attend
ing the Btate University at Eugene tbe
past year, has returned home for tbe
summer vacation. He will assist Miss
Robertson In the post office.
Mrs. Angeline Watson, of Moscow,
Idaho, gave last Monday tbe best claes
prophesy ever beard at tbe Normal
school, la the judgement of the writer.
There was attention and care shown In '
every part of her work, and she pre
sented her subject with consummate
Dr. O. D. Butler, a native" son of
Oregon, has travelled extensively
over the United Htates and in Europe,
and he Is as conteuted a specimen of
humanity as lsto be found anywhere.
The Doctor's opinion Is worth some
thing. He believes In Oregon.
Mlhs Millie Doughty, of Templeton,
Cal., is spending her summer vacation
at Monmouth with her mother. 'Miss
Doughty has been leachlug for the
past four years In California and says
the town where she now Is cannot Ite
surpassed for desirability of residence
Bhe gets good wages but enjoys her
summers in Oregon.
P. W. Loughary, a brother of Scott
Loughary, who lives out on the Luckl
amute brought the editor down from
Monmouth In his buirgy Mondaythe
motor having gone left a bushel of
cherries and a quart of cream for Bcott
and then subscribed for the Wkt Bide,
We call that a clever man.
Rev. W. B. Gilbert, of Eugene,
delivered tbe baccalaureate sermon at
the Normal chapel last Bunday to a
large audience. It was a magulfloient
effort aud much enjoyed by all. The
gentleman evidenced talent and deep
research in tbe scriptures.
dipt. Graham says he will have the
Gray Eagle remodled and repainted
within ten days, and then Indepen
dence will have the drat dully boat to I
Portland, The people of Buena Vista
can have a daily boat two times a week,
If they will make it any inducement
for the boat to leave there, say 6 a. m.
and return at 9 p. ni. two days In tbe
week. The business men of Iudepeu-.i
deuce should encourage that trip to
Buena Vista. It will help trade here.
v. vt.i.4 and Jap Kills left this
their famines ft ths coaet.
i t i
-... "uirerum, ornuver, waa In
.wu iMt jsaiiminy attendlitit the rat.
IUeburg organised the first assorts-
u or -mute lul Uaughuw of Oregou
. wmn, hi uivgon last Haturday.
.. sNunn.or Newport, wife of
ie ni.i house keeper there, was visit
ingRW.tWpt'rand wife last week.
Hon. i). l, Keyt, of Perrydale, also
Heury, his brother, were shaking
hands with their many friends last
m.h.eM,h.noe will be fairly In It
wheu we gvt daily sUain boats to Port
land, Our town whowa httr nnmwii
Nellie. Harris, who baa hn
youming m Portland ft several
wwaa, returned home ou Thursdays
. A. Morehead aud wife, who left
Mouiuouth about the middle of Anrll
to visit lu the Eat returned on Tues
day's train.
Is--ao Blmpsoii, evxwuoty commission
or, tauei the Wtarr Bmi: office on Bat-
uway aud made sure of reclevliig his
me popuiallou of the Fruit farm
souipoi tow ti waa Increased by the
arrival last week of a daughter at the
nouwofE. v, i)uon.
The itoveroiwmt snair lamt. Coi vaills
undercharge of (.t. Bert Hatch w as
lining some vory large suag out of
the river heia laal aeek.
Toni WUIlama, of Alrlle. came down
to the race Friday but concluded therv
was mora fun to be had lu town. He
round ruu if Uior was any.
Miss Lottie Grounds, of Monmoutli.
wassmcaen watt lung fever last Mon
day aud was unable to be ou program
at the oommeuorweui exercises.
ruaior Tot Carter aud wife, of
Bi'uton county wsid through on
.Mituuay a train, returning from tb
Baptist Assoclatlou at McMluuvllkt
last week,
"Wtieu you trust anyone with a
great secret and that person
discloses the secret, shan leouhhu; but
if you ever trust that man again,
sitaiue ou you."
1'ror. F. Loug and wife left f a
ilt to Taooma aud Beat lie. via the
AlUma, Friday uioruiug aud will go
theuce to Iudlaua and speud the sum
mer with frleiHl,
Leroy Uwls, a graduate of lSSt at
Moumouth, of Dayton, Or., was at the
commencement this week. He lias
ust finished four aud a half ytau-'a
course in dentistry.
Tom Strickland, and wife, the former
a brother of Mrs. Win. Kclley, wem
down from Waeoo couutv last wtk.
ud Mrs. Strickland was vlsltlua- Mrs.
Kelley, this week.
Thefollowlug delegate from Inde-
peudence atteuded the Baptist associa
tion at McMlnu vllle last week: J. Fred
Jeulns, J. W. Maateraon and wife,
J . W. bcott, and Jaepwr Craven.
Senator O. V. Cooper, of OranUdale.
MotiUua, who has been visiting J. B.,
E. W. and Riley, his brothers, went to
McMinnville last Monday acoompanlea
by bis family, where he will visit J. C,
airs, uewiu, or wtockton, a
student at Monu.outh in im wheu she
was then Jeunle Herrin, la visiting the
fauilllsr soenes during communceuient
at Alonmoutb. Bhe now has two
C. M. Tbarp was In tow u last Mon
day. The lumber Is on the ground at
Buver for the new school houne. Crops
of all kinds are lMking well and fann
ers are pleased at the raise In prices of
farm products.
(Jultea number of G. A. R. members
attended the meeting at Oregon City
this week, being Peter Cook and wife,
G. W. Pierce, Eli Johnson, J. L.
Stockton and wife, A. VV. Btanstierry
and wife and J. D. W Inn.
J. H. Thatchar, Supt. of the long
distance telephone was In town Satur
day, ludependeuoe Is quite an Im
portant town in hia business. He ex
pressed his approval of the excellent
business Alexander A Cooper are doing
for the company.
C. G. Griffa, the tile man, has
accepted a position with J. F. O'Don
nell In his hardware store. Mr. Griffa
is experienced In ttiat line of business.
For several years he was a partner with
J. A, Mills in Kansas, and also con
ducted a hardware business for him
Sydney Perclval, of Momoutb, who
has been a typo in the printing offices
of 'his county, for the past six years,
left last week for Newport where be has
a permanent position on the Ytuuina
Bay New. Sydney is a steady, reli
able young man, and will give good
service to his employer. The "West
Hi ok wishes him success.
J.C. Darland, postmaster at Golden
dale, Wash., passed through town last
Monday. He says he thought the
most prosperous town in Oregon
or Washington at the present time
was North Yakima, where were nearly
100 new buildings In er ,urse of con
ctructlon. Mr. Darland t ailed on his
old friend Capt. Wash, o' ( the Itemlzer
at Dallas, who was an editor in his
Capt. Newt. Grnfiai n Informs us
that Independence w ill soon have a
dully steamer. The light draught
steamer Eagle has bee n taken to Port
land, will be overha uled and nicely
painted and made comfortable for
passengers, and as sne n as ready, will
be put ou the WiRIi mutte and there
meet the Altona it low Salem, then
transfer passeugen , and leturn to
Independence. It is thought dally
t rips may be inad the Whole year.
"The lecture oJi .pan, by Bonn I.
Hlrotu, at the Ceng regatlonal church
last Friday evening was attended by a
large audlenc, aa-d was attentively
listened to. The spi 'uker proved him
self to be a very-hid d aud entertaining
talker, his artioutsiii in being quite pure
and easily undoratoc d, except when he
Indulged In song! d selections In his
native tongue;. HIn lecture tour this
summer should Mm e a success as his
eflbrts are higlttyr vat rltorious."
fcoro Argun."1 We mre pleased to note
the lncreasiwg ponUrlty throughout
tbe country of B JJBili'ota as a lecturer.
J'adflo. UiAueititity Index.
Fot'Doutv & L.ocko'n New Stock of -Dlahea to Arrive Soon, All tho Latout B
Judge BuK'h was tn town last Wed
Cash Mld ft poultry and eggs at
the Stat (IrtKvry.
J.S. Coutu, of Buena Visla, was In
town last Wedumlay.
Tb very fluist cheese In town at tl
Star Grocery.
The Mosier Coffee House ho ceased
to cater to the public aluoe last week.
Two loaves of bread for a nickel t the
Bon Bon. Cheapest bread In town.
Robert Carey, of Solo, Is visiting his
brother .Agent Carey, at the H. R,
I holt sardines, put up In tomato
sauce at the Star Grocery.
Mrs, H, R. Mnnvllle, of Portland, Is
visiting th family of Geo. Bklnucr,
this week.
Mrs, J. A. Mills returned Salem
1iesday where she has beeu visiting
her father,
The Interest of tbe city of Portland,
on ber bond, Is over sveii thousand
dollar each day.
Orlu Haley, who Is conducting the
farm at Black Dog, waa In towu last
Regular church services next Bundsy
at M. K church morning sil l evening
Sunday schistl at 10 a. in.
, When you want any vegetable or
fruits remember that the Star Grocery
always keep the freshest aud It-el.
Miss Jbsut Moore, or Salem, wss
attend lug comiiieucement this week at
Mou mouth.
Broiled mackerel put up lu tomato
sauce, sploe and mustard, at tbe Star
Grocery. Try a can. '
J. S. Mttuhcll and Fred Jlynon, of
Salem, were visiting Gus Byiioii and
family the first of the week.
Mrs. IJudstrom, of La Fayette, with
her two babies, la here visiting her
uncle, J. 1. Graves aud family.
Mis Ida Basey, of Salem, who has
been visiting Mk lUm Richardson,
Hurtled to her home last Weduesday.
The Willamette Is fulling rapidly
aasl very soon bonis will be unable to
make trips except those of light draught
Dr. O. D. Butler's horse was crippled
ou last Tuesday, by ruuulug a piece ot
Iron In hla foot about two Inches loug.
The sawmill la having a logway
built out to the deep water of the
Willamette to bring lu the logs fur
J. W. Bentley, has Just received
line of ladles' beautiful oxfords, aud
asksau Inspection. Also a very flue
line of tenuis shot.
Tbe very neat silver medal earned by
Claienoe Wagouer at th Teachers'
ploulo, arrived last Wednesday aud
tlie owuer is uow lu pMisvlou.
Rev. J. Fred Jeuklns returned fVom
the Central Baptist Assoclatlou at Mo
Mlnuvllle ou last Monday aud will
occupy his pulpit Suuday morning and
rulug. '
Geo, McLaughlin, of Buena Vista,
at ought one of his horses to Dr. Young
this week aRlected with splenic
apoplexy, and another with spavlu,
aud both are reooverl ug.
'We notice W. G. Cook figuring
around the corner of the First National
haul t the other day, and understand
he is going to have a furniture store
there one of these days.
Job n H. Alexander begins to fee)
quite at home aa the chief clerk for F,
K. Chambers In tbe hardware store.
John I a pleasant young mau and will
make friends for the (Inn.
J. K. Klein, sawyer for Bunco's mill
u the 'ecdee was In towu Wednes
day, und returned with material for
s uue new machinery tliere. The mill
U turning out about 7,000 feet a day.
The Altona had a number of horses
. J a -
ou ooara goiug uowu rveuuesuay
m orulug and had more wool aud oats
en gaged to take ou at different points
tb an the at could carry at one trip.
Dr. E. J. Young has invented a
v ry clever device for use of horsemen
ca lied a safety checkreln-hnok, and he
lei t Wednesday for Portland, where he
will eel I a large number at the races,
II nays he lias received a number of
orders already.
,1. K. Klein, of Peedee, says be was
out prospecting this spring lu Southern
G."egon, and the country is full of pros
pectors for gold. Men are working
claims for 20 and 80 cents a day returns.
He uev er saw anything like It before,
Helutends to go prospecting again
howevci '.
Owing to a stress of outside business
the first f June E. C. Pent land placed
tbe Wkh'I" Bidk In the hands of Harry
Wagoner, to manage, and he gave the
readers a spicy paper. His services
being no lo tiger required, he makes his
tow and resigns the position of editor
and manager.
No Fourth of July this year Is the
verdict. Those who want cheapenjoy
i oent can stay at home, others can eat
It inch on the hanks of the beautiful
st reams near tiere, wrme mose woo
o7e bustle and patriotism and a big
crowd will goto Salem.
Indeiiendcnce lodge, No, 22, Ancient
Order of United Workman, elected
officers Monday night, as follows: W.
O.Owk, M. W.; J. B. Ford, foremau;
A. J. Wolcott, overseer; W. L. Wilkin,
recorder; George A. Bmlth, financier;
V. P. Connaway, receiver; 8, B.
Walker, guide; H, Christian, I. W.;
It. J. Wilson, O. W.
On last Monday evening a small
numper of sons and daughters of
Oregon pioneers assembled at the ofllce
of Dr. O. D. Butler to affect a
temporary organlzntlnn of the Sons and
Daughters of Oregon Pioneers, in
Polk county. J. T, Ford was elected
temporary chairman, M. L Dorrls,
secretary protein, and a committee on
organization was appointed as follows:
O. D. Butler, H. R. Patterson, B. F.
Burch, Nellie M. Hill, and J. J. Ford.
The meeting then adjourned to meet
next Wednesdsy evening, at the same
place, when a permanent organization
will take place.
Gus H. Bynon, a Job prlnterof many
years experience, has leased the VVkst
Bidk job office and will be glad to give
you estimates on your work.
Go to the Congregational cnurcn
Huturduy .night and hear Sann I.
Hirota, lecture on Jupaneese life,
government, education, religion, and
the late Japan and China war.
AcrldraU That PJ.
It I dangerous to
securliiK an accident
travel without
tsdloy hi th
.tttna Life Insurance Co. You cell gel
a one-day pulley for 13,000, for 25 cent
which will pay you In cos you ar
liipired fIS weekly Indemnity, 11,000
for loss of on arm or foot, 93,000 for
Im of both arms or feet, 13.000 In case
of accidental death. Se th agent at
the Wkmt Bl UN ofllce.
Jl Beautiful Hume la the West
Many of our readers personally
rememlsr Oscar Dickson, a son-in-law
of J, R. Cooper, who lived In Indepen
dent, aud will be pleased to learn of
his prosperity In Wsshlngton. Her Is
what the Chelan, (Wash.) Jimtld has
to say: Among th place of beautiful
attractiveness aloug the Columbia river
Is the point known as Dixon settlement,
oppiwlt Chelan Falls. Joel Dixon,
the father and senior wittier, located
here some seven years ago and has
undergone all the hardships of pioneer
life, his good wire assisting by her
willing hand aud ever happy disposi
tion to build a horn which would l
haven of security In their declining
years. As a reward for their fal bful
new and devotion of purpose they ar
spared life and health to enjoy a beauti
ful home amid a labyrinth of fruit and
flower bhsuMims of every dlscrlptloii,
nd their farm overlooking the Colum
bia I a veritable land flowing with
milk and honey. Adjoining them are
their two sons James and Oscar, who
followed their parent at a later date,
but their places are beginning to
approach lu appearance that of their
respected parent. In addition to
growing flu fruit, Oscar has added
another element of pnwerltv, the
growing of several kind of thorough
bred poultry, hla varieties at present
consisting of the best strain of Poland,
Wysndotts, S, a Hamburg, Red Caps
and Brown Leghorns.
Th Jfmiiii I glad to note these
Improvement mad by Industrious
hands, as they demonstrate ,wbat
energy can do In this country' and
contribute to th wealth and prosperity
of our state.
, Having used Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy In my family and found It to
l a firsUilas article, I take pleasure
lu recommending It to my friends. J
V. Foster, Westport, Cal. For sale
by Aleiaudor-Cooper Drug Co.
Kansas Farmers Ridding Tbelr Wheat
of the lVsts By Inoculation.
The ravage of the chinch bug in
the wheat fields of Eastern Kansss
have become so destructive that tb
farmers of mauy counties are applying
to Prof, Snow, chancellor of the Slate
University, for Infected bug with
which to stop the work of destruction,
Chancellor Buow has thousands of
cugsathls laboratory which ar dis
eased. To the farmers he sends a few
of these Inoculated bugs, which art
scattered In the fields. The contagion
spreads and th chinch bug die by
Like a Hlevt,
TtisohUsf ruootloo oTthf ktdnoysts to tsp.
arat from tlx blued, In lis pasna through
Uiem.of wtrtitlo ImpiirlilM sad watery par.
tlrliw which rnaks tbelr final silt thrmi(t) th
bladder, Tit retention uf ttisas, la cuna
ijuem oMnactlvlty of Uit kidneys, In pro
duetiv ol Hrlxbt't dMsue, droixy, dlabetsa,
albuminuria and other niaUdltw with a fll
tendency, Hustetter" (bunseh Killers, s
highly Miiotloned dlurrtlr and- blood dupur.
nt,lmpU the kidneys when Insniv to re
new tlivlr minx funoilun, snd strain tram
the vital rum-iit Imparities which Infest II
ml threaten their own siUUtncs as organs ol
the body. Catarrh of the bladder, gravel and
retention of the urln ars also maladies ar
rested or averted by this benlin promoter
snd restorative of or (an la sotlun. Malaria,
rheumatlum, onnallpatlon, bllluunneM snd
djrapeiwla situ) yield to ths Hitters, whleh Is
sleo sidlly beneficial to ths weak and
Their Pants Were All Right.
A traveling photographer set up
his booth upon a vacant lot near a
Rhode Island village recently. Five
merry maiden were out for a walk
when tbelr attention was caught by
the display of photographs on the
outer wall of his tent. "Oh, girls, do
let's have our pictures takeu," cried a
chubby blonde with fluffy hair, The
suggestion waa adopted and a noisy
consultation with the artist terminated
lu a decision to le taken sifter the
manner of those familiar cherubs who
gaze out at oue through a hole In a
cloud. The artistic accessories of the
establishment were limited aud the
camera manipulator was short of
clouds. But he was a man of infinite
resources and ho promplly improvised
thecthcrcal background by cutting a
slit in a lurge newspaper. Tbroiiirh
the bole In the paper each of the five
pr.'lty heads was thrust to be snapped
at by lbs camera. Wheu the develop-
ug process was completed a boirlble
discovery was made. Ti.e newspaper
page had contained a mammoth adver
tisement of reudy-madu clothing, and
there beneath each cherublo counte
nance was the line In largo display
type: "All our pants are double
lined." New England Qromr,
The Dentist.
Who opens your mouth Ilk a mammoth cave
And plowi your gums with barrel stave,
And prod your tongue when It wont behave
The dentist.
Who slufls yons mouth with a bitter rag
And stops your wind with a rubber gag,
And straps your beud like a vlolomnsg
Ths dentist.
Who flnda decay where your teeth ars sound
And probes you deep In hie glee to wound
And leaps for Joy when the nerve Is found
Ths dentist,
Who bores your tooth with a lavage drill
And finds the nerve with a vicious skill,
And roars with wruih If you wont be ntlll-
The deiitlxt.
Who runs hla drill with a wicked glee
And shovea aa none cm ahove but he
And smllna as bland aa a bud Chinee
The dentist, ' .
Who twists your teeth with an iron pry
And curves your guma like a "teak to fry,
And grlnda you up till you nenrly die
The dentlet.
Who loves to look on hU fhrcepa cold
And grlna aa the cursed thing take hold
And Jerks tn a way that can't be told
The dentlat.
Who lava before you a hundred steels,
With hooks and points thut the patient foeln
At one brief glanee from bead to heels
Tb dentlbt,
Mexican Mirer,
J. M. Shelley, whom nearly every
one her in 1 ndopeiidenc know,
being a brother of th Shelleys',
formerly resident here, has been visit
ing lu Mexico and lu a letter to a friend
thl I what h has to say:
"For 16 United States currency I
bougut8.2A lu Mexican silver such Is
th fat of stiver where It I free. The
people ol th republic ar bard up-
worse off thau any place I have ever
been. But llttl of th land we saw In
coming her Is tillable. Asked what
land I worth a merchant at Latnpaxta,
till state, told tn they did not value
it by th acre, but that one mil sqtire
Is valued at about I50.
"Coming Into Monterey, on I
forcibly reminded that h I In the
Holy Lai d Jopps, for Instance, wheie
lb people ar three ceuturle behind
th time, Men wear sandals, aud
carry great pack ou their backs; even
lo bring fuel email slicks oo their
backs, from tb foothills, three miles,
and get for this load 1H, Oxen are
still used, and even tb wooden mold
IsNird plow.
"Th motive power of the street-cars
Is two mule driven tandem fashion,
The slreoU-sr and electric lights ar
about th only evidence of civilization
and enllghtment. They also have a
few factories aud smellers, Wage lu
lb smelters I 02jo per day; other
common laborers receive about 87)c In
Mexican money.
"I hav bad an object lesson lu free
silver, and am more than ever opposed
to It lu our country."
"W heap shoot dog-cook htm, eat
blm hUh you muok-a-iuuck, Heap
sick Will; heap sick Henry. Soak
dog bide three days; heap smell htm
bad, Oetoooniigar. Dog In steel-trap.
Shoot. Heap ma I farmer. No sleep
all night. Cook dog-pliy Ingens. No
0 in sleep In barn; fits plsy f wi-ball on
slwosh. Shoot 'em guns off all night.
Scar pouy-eoar hoga, kill 'em dog.
Heap 'fluid of farmer, Go quick, no
daylight. Run all away home fast.
Tell big story, shoot cougar. No shoot
cougar, shoot dog In trap. Cook aud
Patterson big squaws."
2 Bui Bhavkh.
jr. Hrtca't Cream Baking Powoet
War' "sir Hbjksst Msalst Widens
A Remarkable Car of KheamatUm.
Wkhtm INST KM, Cal., March 21, 1W.-
Soiti tlm ago, on awakening on
mornlug, I found that I bad rheu
matism In my knee so badly that, aa I
remarked to my wife, It would be
impossible for m to attend to business
that day. Remembering that I had
soni of Chamberlain's Pain Balm In
my store I sent for bottle, and rubbed
Uie afflicted part thoroughly with It,
aocordlug to directions, aud within an
hour I was completely relieved. Oue
application bad done the business. It
I the best liniment on tb market, and
I sell it under a positive guarantee,
It. T. Harrir. For sale by Alexander-Cooper
Drug Co.
Wby don't you try a meal at the
City restaurant. In place of spoiling
your Sunday by cooking a hot dinner,
When you want good meal for 23
cent, go to Strong' restaurant, West
oolt A Irwin, proprietors, Salem,
Oregon. tf
You can get six good square meats
for 1 1 at the City restaurant, cooked by
white women.
You can get receipt and note In pads
at the Wimt Sid office.
No Chinese at the City restaurant.
Ofllce for Rent.
oflic 1116, opening on Main street, sult
sbls lur a real wut or lawyer' oflio, will
b rsuted, Including fuel fur stove and
electric light very obeap, Euiulr at th
Wsmthids ofttos. tf
Hay For Hale.
seed snd Cheat wed. For sals by
W. W. Moi)S,
Notice of Hherlft's Sale.
tueof sn execution burned out of th circuit
court of thaiateofOrogon,fr the county o I
INilk.on th 31t day or May, WW, upon
Judgment made snd entered ol record ot ,
the ftth dny of December, ItiM, In aald oour l
lu ths certain action wherein 0. M. Hendul .
son A Co., a corporation la plaintiff and a.
II, Alexander and E. H, Joler pnruiei.-a
under the firm nam of Jeter A Alexander
were dvfi'inlania for the sum ot three hut .
drcd snd twenty snd thirty humlredlkia
dollar (tn20.30)wlth Interest thereon at t!i
rateoflpcr cent per annum from Uie 6Ui
duy of December 1HU1, snd the further aum of
twenty and sixty hundredth dollar (t'
coats snd dlaburameunt ot thla action,
1 hav by virtue of suld execution levied
upon and will sell at public aunthm at the
front door of the court houue In DallaM,llk
County, Oregon on th flrat duy of July, ISM.
at th hour of one o'clock tn the afternoon
ol ntd duy for cinh In bund all of the right
title and tntercat which the euid dcfcndsul
J, II, Alexander hue In and to the following
described prcmUcs to wit: Being (10) ten
feet oft of the south side of lot No, (2) two,
In fractional block No. (8) three and (16)
fifteen feet oft of the north aide of the north
half of lot No. (8) three', In tniotlunHl block
no, (8) three, in tlenry Hill's town of Imtcp.
ndencc, the name being the undivided one
half Intercut In the above dcaurtbed pro
perty. Dated, Bulla, Oregon, June 7, 1H05.
II. B. Pluhmkk,
Bhcrtftof Polk County.
Call For Bids,
flcutloni and atruln dlugram thorewllh are
called for to be opened Wednesday, July 8
im, at the court bouac In Dalian, for the
building of a Bmlth Truss bridge acroaa the
Yamhill river where the Powell road crosses
tbe aum. The main cord of the bridge to
be 90 feet tn length aouth apron M feet, north
apron 18 fnut, aouth bent 24 feet high,
north bent 'X feet high, the pom caps, cordis
etc., k correspond with bridge, Oorda to Im
apllced, the bridge Is to be lii feet tn wlilllli
Done by order of court thla 61 h, dny of Juim,,
B, F. Mu!,ksy, i
County Clerti.
Farm Wanted.
from 80 to 100 aoroa for sale, plaaa !
oorreapond with C. 1), furvlne, Kens, Polk.
' Co., Oregon, U
ThVV. S.' Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
Mapthr to all other.
Blood Poison
Driven Out of tb System by
tbe Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Tor five years. I waa a rreat Oi
auffrr friini a iiwiHt. rifrnihli.iir O
bliKid dliMtasn, none of the various
medicines 1 took Mug of any
help whatever. Hoping that
change of climate would Is-nctit
tun. f went to Cuba, to Florida,
and men to huratoga springs, o
whom 1 remained Home time ol
lrliililfiv flia Uliitiin lluf. all (vim Of
no use. At last being advised Sj
by several friend to try A yet' ol
tSnrsaoarilln. 1 Is-iriin tuklmr IL 1
and very wsin favoruhlo results S
were inunuesu kmiiij i con. ol
lder myself a iK-rntiv lieallhy o
liiun ultll a iraiul flliniitlln ami O:
not the least truce of my former
coinpiHint. to mi my menus, o
and especially young men like o
myself, I recommend Ayer'aSur- 2
aajiarilla, If lu need of a perfectly o
Tollaiile blood-purlller. Joke o
A khU-nnAn tironrictor HoLid O
J'lctoria, Key West, Fla.; resl
euce, m W. 18th St, Hew York.
dsolttsd lor Xatubltloa e
AT THE WORLO't l Alp ,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Hlgbaat Award.
The J. F. O'Donnell Co.,
Is putting in a Complete line of Hard
ware, Stoves, and Tinware. Buggies
and Spring wagons.
Also on hand a complete stock
of Paints and Oils, made by the
Celebrated HEATH & MILLI
G AN Manufacturing Co.
The J. F. O'Donnell Co.,
Independence, Or.
In our New Shop, oj)Osite Kelley's
Livery Stable, rather than in the News
papers. HORSE SHOEING, $1.
Hand-made Shoes in Proportion. Draft,
Road and Track Shoeing the very best.
A.. W. Docksteader,
(HuMor to CBarlM HtaaU)
-piiorniETtm of
Independence, Oregon.
Hsullosr don at Kankl Bataa. llak
The Steamer Alice A.
Geo. Skinner, Prop.
Will leav Iadopemtsnce, svry day, (Hutitlay exwptd) at s a. m, , for Salem, and v :
leave galom on ths return trip at 1:10 p. m,
FARE 5ocentseach way. For Freight and Passage,
apply on board.
Pernorn onui F R Furnished by
rIU"lU ruwcri npravenent
- a ma
m" . a a a Gives It atesdv motion In tangled (Train, and on rouRh. uneven
V Y VHrr I rmmd! causes It lo run lightly over soft places, mane It run
llel tfriIL.b one hone lighter draR and bind a bundle after the team stop.
More Jones Steel Headers Sold In '94 than all others combined.
You should sec the JONES A 11 A IK MfiUIFR belore you buy.. Simplest, loneest lived
and llRliteHt draft mowcrlnthe 01171111 mVllLIV world. Neyerpnt of repair. Noparato
wear out, no frii'tlon, no noise, nothing to make Hit farmer "cu." Chain Power rutia the great
Ferrla wheel. Thla proves its strength. Bicycles are Cbaln Drive. Why? Li-nt draft'
scno ron our rait-Foa-sLi illustrated ostaloouc
iThc Piano Mfg. Co., ManatsetureM. West Pullman, Chicago, 111.
A complete line of Piano Binder and
flower repairs in stock.
F. E. Chambers, Sole Agent,
Independence, Ore.
1 We will pay $300 fot '
For hill nartlculara of B300 offer
plete catalogue of Flowera, Vegetables and Frulta, containing all old fa-
i . j r UkmI,).. ...Int.,! In , rilffarnnt color., .tenant
VUrilC. IPQ SrOHIIl Wl IWW ,,w,.i,.,'i.h..., , M
colored platea. Send 10 ct. (which
M mm .
r sss
V I 1 x W tumva ooniam wo germ or jjio. IJ. J
N JAMES VICK'S SONS, Rochester, N. Y. IM
Mortgages On Improved Ftm
Property Negotiated.
W ar prepared to negotiate first
mortgage upon Improved farm lu
Oregon, with Kastern partleaata rate
of Interest not to exceed 9 per oeut per
annum. '
Mortgage renewed that have been
takeu by other companies.
Address, with stamp,
Baker City, Oregon.
Of IndiHMjndoooe, having a ateam
englue, a brick nuu'liine aud several
man of flnt clitv. la now T) re Dared
to keep on hand a fine quality oi
Krlck, wbif'tr will be Hold at rftaaon
Evening Post!
nnt'? twit
Month 2 c cents
R. E. Csfnnon, Prop.
IO I Msrkst MU sa FraawUes
(brtwo SO) whI 7lb Su.)
Ltv,,f ar aiada at
Imus ho wonderfully to
I I IJriS Slam. MiiMtim mlaiyMl olib
' V I v UwuMiKia ol nm objK'. JuSmtf
an mm 10 arms mi an
Stan is cm,
frleal Ofllte-saaas RsilMlsif
I0SI Harkal atrt IS mm of own;
Mrktara, laaa of manhood, iIIiim m ol tb aSI
aiul asliiay quickly cwd wttbout tb aw ol Bwr.
(wiyTwIiawist imaaoally Of bjr kUot. thsd
Independence, Or.
W4 for sal
th "HUno" Ply Wheel, U tb greatest
lvor mnje iBlodlng Hsrvssters...
a name.
snd ths handaomeat and moat com-
may be deducted trom nrat oroer; ior ryi
. .
. . r " .
iU L'.a...
As Bill Nye saiJ ,:
he appeared an hoUs
late before an irtiii
hant audience ; ; !iind
I want tlie ' people of
this city to know that
I am here ,..
At prices never' equal
ed in this city when
quality of .goodsis
considered.. Call and
examine goods and
you will buy all your
tootwear of j'i. .
.v Main 8t., Independence;
-Kvery mlr of IxSita or shoes bonght of m
tliatnp, run over.or cum Iimmm, at -Ui.
!, will tw repaired frs. , -.
' , Proprietor of ";."' .
Th Independence Martil Works.' satimatss
on all oeineUirf work. FlraVelaM Wfjrkuuui.
tulp, lalmtt deelgua, and Uiweat pHoes,
I tb plan to get all flint-elan work, -;
BATH 2S Cna,4f4
LTJOSliSOi.Prtj. ;
Horses Fed by . the Day
Week or Month. . :
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
Gent's Clothing-
Mad u order In say atrle at ths Iod
pendeo Tailor Bbop, T. lsvytoo Jenka,
proprietor. A One line of samples al.
war on band from whlcU to select.
Bulls mad to order from $14 up, by
Independence Tailor Shop
Furnished for private parties,
socials, picnics and all kinds of
entertainments, on tbe shortest
notice and at prices consistent
with first-class work aud beat
materials. For anything In thla
line go to
G. A. Back,
37 CeauMrdal St., Sales.
Spsrfcj Emtors
Meat Market
Choice Meat
i". Highest market price paid
for fat stock, beef, mutton.veal,
pork, etc All bills must be settled
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 8 a, m.
p. h. mm 1 co.,
Proprietor of
Independence Tile Factory
Manufacturers of
Drain Tile.
of all aliss.
Priooa to Suit th
In that old flower pot and make It L
tiling of beauty. Plant a U. k U Boss I
and It will be a joy lorever.
D.& C.Roses
grow and bloom Indoor or out, In pot
or garden they are on their own root.
Our new Guide to Rose Culture will help
yon make a wise Belectlon-tell you how
rosoa and other flower are grown at
ros headquarter and how you can
grow them equally well.
If you bo request, we will send fre. this Tln-
. maKaatne, Swetu uhia jriovwt.
2 v wess wrnve, ta.
V r
WW :