' I u, a. rutrutitmcMbitf. BWCKU BY Cat S:i3 KMn 0::;nj SUBSCRIPTION RATES. HTABI.S IK AUVASl . On Year ... . Ux Month . Three Mouum Q)njbwdt!&MdgMBotaflreo(. He ! now wursmg new purer. Tom Calbreath U building to addi tion to tb house owned by Alex Kerr and occukd by Wm, MoCurdy. L. L. lUkir, of Chicago, Is out wore one of u. Mrs, Ella Davidson itlll studies the guitar under Prof. Won, ef Monmouth. 8am Rowers, Cary Klglu, IkrUanies and Joe Harper, of Buver, we re seen ou our streets thle week. Dan Atklnaou, who had given up all hop of ever Betting warrled, last sprlug put a small advertisement lu the i.or so A Brirk Block to It Itullt. Then wm a rumour floating round last week that a oertalu larga Arm Intended consolidating with a certain other Arm, and that a certain wealthy tenUeniao, and hit associates Intruded erecting a uisguiJlclent two, ttory building, on a oerUlu very prominent corner in Independence and that a certain other property owner would Join wall and erect a btti'k, and that the block when completed would be the finest In Polk county, but we guess it Ute rumor ia flouting yet a we found no head or tall to It, Perhaps the West Kins in th rfw ih.t hu .... ! above la the tale, and next week, or !mttUeKltthBicnteisel- KdM.tlv ili.i....i k m i later, we mav find the head. I.. Ms. II.m. a.111 H AllOVWl r vM ml nn .111 h AhuvM v nu not ring." The first week he received no UTKH, Booiew obttttnr resolutions will be eharged aunwera. hut comlnir aloiiir slowlv ninoe At last the details are arranged, It ibretue rwt oinveceuuiier iro. . I tneu be hae received lust 030 answer- w " omuiing running 000 were front old tuaids with tender fh)m Mlklu uUvvi U ,0 u..ir. t th. ivMLnffloa la ludeew feelluee and thirtv were old "Unii." the alley. It will have a large bate Bane, Oregon, aa aeeoad-elaaa matter. TUUKSDAY, JUNE 20, ISO. tUtttONTIKUAXCKS .Remember the the ' pubUhenoflhU paper muat be notified by ie iter when a subscriber wlhe hl paper slopped. AU riwumge mul b paid. ALWAYS GIVE THE NAME ot th pott. offlce to which your paper U nt. Your twin b oui be found on our buokt uulea. thl Is don. who thought "Dan Atkinson" waa a nwilti ortcked and ovruenld, and will "uon de plume" of eotiie anxious irlrl. Btorlee high. It will be heated Mr. Atkinson wishes to annouuee that WUD uoofter wui oe own he will be married this fall, near Alrlie. w 8ome time ago I was taken sick with a cramp In the stomach, followed by diarrluva. I took a couple of doses of (.'haiulwrlalu's Code, Cbolora and Diarrhoea Remedy and we Immed iately relieved. I consider it the beat medio! ue In the market for all such er and J. 11 Cooper will furnish 400,000 brick, for the building. ADDITIONAL LOCALS WEST SIDE, Iadepeatouoa, all letters should b sddraued to th oomplainta. I have sold the remedy to otuera aul every one who uses It speaks highly or it. J. w. otrk'KLkh, Val Uy Center, Cal. For sale by Alexau- der-Cxpr Drug Co. Tinware at the Kaket Htor, Mist Tilla Dorris returned to her Albany home Thursday, Btraw hats at the Itaket Stor. Mrs. Kmma Yorty 1bvis on Friday for Iowa, her former home. Japanese tooth picks at the Itsket Stor. Quite a number will atleud oamp- meeting at Turner, this week. Geo, Payne aud sister, of Balein. ago, that you would be pleawd to have were visiting here during the week. Ilatnlk mim Mil uaafa ar ih I e-a ft" V HW WMUUT I n ., .... Mrs. Dr. Locke, of Portlaud, came up ThuiWtay to visit A. a Locke and family. Oris Itobcrtson was considerably bruised on Thursday by a horse falling on him. , new members of the Normal btwid were In town this Week. Mra.. John 11. ounir had emtio thirty little tot at her home lust Wed nesday, In houorof her daughter Jsiile, four years of sue. Ice cresiu and cake were served for the refreshtiieuts lu addition to all the cherries the little ones could eat. ' The CKtmmeucement exercise at Mon month this year were the center of attraction Monday, Tumlsy sml Wednesday, The crowd In attendance waa not as large as usual however. The motor company claim not half the travel of last year even. The faculty of the Htate Normal school was elected cn Thursdsy. Prof. J. M. Powell wm chosen In place of K. K. Itsloomb, and Prof. J. A. Churchill, ofllaHcr Co., In place of Miss Priest. Miss Hick ler Is dropped, and uo one elected lu the place. , Incireiideiiiw Is to have a uVrt mant store, Vsiiduyu, Veness A Wllcnx and the Monmouth Merchautlle Co. uniting and will, beginning Hepteiu Iter 1st, osn the first dtartiiieiit slori' In Polk county. Tlmt means a store, where everything can be purchased ui dcr one management. Mlsa Tilly Ilest reudiod very sweetly a difficult vocal solo on lest Monday at the Normal chsiiel. BANKS. There's an object lesson for our farmer in the orchard of a German living near Dallas. Twenty acres of ordinary land la planted In prunes; between each row of tree are ordinary gooecberrlee and currants, and between those straw berries. This week there are at least BISD ISLAND WARBUXflS. Reading iu your paper of ometiwe to Dallas for shipment Later will ootne the gooseberries, and they will be nicked and made lute Jelly, and still later will oome the ripe prunes. That man had a business head when he abundant crop. This so many smiling facea wots, were y.vu.g ""' home "Bird Islsud Wmrhllno . . . - i . j i - and six wagon loaos a any are nme i nope wiu ,ppMr , hk wwk kper The hops are growing rapidly and promise an accounts for lately. h. P. Dove and wife, accompanied ho flikBi fas VjtM auk In U I - wanted M land, and no wonder he is msKiug muucj, uercisea ortbe Sacred Heart Aoademv. West Hudson, our best reoresenta- W.A. GUmore, of YBnaiuver. wsm Numerous complaints come In to Uve, has moved Into Mr. Leabo's attending the Normal this week, belli . . . I ...I I . . ' I - this paptr lu regara 10 people picReiiug mnmr nmuicuoe. I nwula cows on the streets, as we unaer- u-uvexeeu,UgWr.fcrni jouee, Hon. K. T. Hatch, of McCoy, a In stand the law, If any person pickets a cow In front of any person's property besides his own, without permission, It is the duty of the marshal to Impound the cow; also if the oow Bball obstruct traffic on the streets, she should be Impounded. Strictly speak- Ernest Jones, Sunday. ing it is not permissable for cows to be Joe Sam can boast of the largest picketed even on the streets, but unless lUu raised on the Island someone shall object, no notice has been taken of it. Rev. Kyle and wife, of Salem, Every line of businws has adopted preached last Sunday and will hold caah" ss wralnst "credit." unless the aieunK8 " week. It has JonD Albany, visited his parents Sunday. Jas. Alexander brought the first wagon load of ripe raspberries to town this week. the 'haaiplon Itaoer'' aud his famous town this week, and attending the accident, which resulted In the death of the latter. The Misses Dove have returned home for their summer vacation. Charles U'Hrieh waa the guest of oommencemeDb s Misses Ida Maxwell and Ma Porter, PALESTINE. newspaper be an exception finally come to a point where, if you want your paper you must pay for it If some of the readers of this paper are not more prompt In payment their paper will come up missing, "Get out In the street and swing vour hat." "Enoueh glory for one day." Independence nas been selected for the place of-holdlng the next O. A. R encampmeut, as decided Wednes day at Oregou City. That means 2,000 soldiers with us, three days, from all over Oregon. It means 6,000 visitors. Br all means let us have "Native Sons and Daughters of Oregon" org anized In Polk County. Independence has quite a number of sons and daugh ters of pioneers who came to Oregon prior to 1859 and a strong associotlon could be formed. Rev. Knapp, of Albany, will preach here at 4 p. m. next Sunday. Bam Is all broken to pieces since last Friday night's ball, but he says he don't mind getting left once In a while. looking very well and the farmer are looking for a big acreage this year. Jack Creel's favorite song Is "Daisy Bell," It ought to be "Laura Belle." Roseburg Pioneers. Well, what if the government Is building a stone pier near Gray Gables? Isn't Gray Gables Mr. Cleveland's summer residence, and doesn't Mr. Cleveland own the government? Let unreasonable people answer these questions; then we'll ask some more. After a disasterous war Cblua has had to negotiate loan of $80,000,000. In a time of profound peace the Cleve. land administration has negotiated loans to a greater amount It seems that about the time the Chinese minister at Washington was thanking the President for his good offices as a peace-maker his country men at home were massacring Cbrin- tiuu missionaries and their wives and children. Jerry Simpson will now try to get an office by peddling butter and eggs. If he finds peddling profitable he had better stick to it. A portion of Mr. Cleveland's foreign policy has been endorsed- by the Em peror of China. Roue Fair Premiums. of Linn Co., were atteudiug commence ment this week. Owing to the sickness of Miss Ann Mann, a typo lu this office we are short of hands this week Misses Florence Alexander and Lottie Masterson have returned from school at McMinnvllle. The Republican League clubs are In session at Cleve.atid, Ohio. The silver question Is going to come up. The salary of the Independence post- office was reduced from SHOO to 11000 by the postal department this week Misses Bertha aud Jean McDaulel, of Linn Co., were present at the alumni reunion on Wednesday even Ing. J. W. Bentley, the shoe dealer, leaves tt9 Ilia ftm,n lt.ttn.ft In AH.mi, ?.. XliA fipntiA ftFmn4 llttM M 1n..LIl - 1 h i .t. . : day evening, to spend Sunday with bis sry well and the farmer are looking ,',,.. ., ... ' IftUJIljr HI tutj Mrs. Hamilton, (nee Aggie Wlnnell,) was visiting at Monmouth aud Inde pendence this week. Mra. Hamilton J.D.Woods, the school teacher of Is looking exceedlns: well. mil UIVI5 uw UUV KUUIU, nUITBU I ,!. ... 1 1 .... J uv fOTtwM wmvc uuuw It mm I f 4111' , ru from adjoining the Gem saloon, to the nam ssy s u ne goes across the moun- location above the First National bank Ulns, shewlU forget that there ever 15-oent meals, as good as ever. . n. icuna in uuw iu nioiwi, Wash. He met with much success in Mlnnapolls selling Oregon fir. Ship- u.lll l JU ll'l-l L RoaEBf no. Jt'NE 15. 1895. w'" """" mnu " Editor West Side: Todav we hd Geo. Wblteaker's cream horse ran the greatest reunion of pioneers ever way 00 TuoB,Iy' trtlng at Mon exwrienced in Roeeburir. We hsd mouth with a buggy, ending up at Gov. Lord and the Hon. Blnger Her- Independence without even harness. man with us, who both responded to a I Hon. O. F, Pax ton, of Portland, call for some remarks relating to Judge L. Flinn, of Albany, and Hon. pioneer life. A fine free dinner was! J. P. Calbreath, of McMinnvllle, the furnished and partaken of with a hearty good will, which showed their appreciation of the generosity of the citizens of Roseburg. Judge Loughary formerly of Yamhill, a nephew of our friend Lafe, delivered the anuual address, which waa complete In historical facts and received the undivided attention of the vast multitude assembled. Your humble correspondent was presented with beautiful silken badge a token of regard by some pioneer friends, which he values very highly, and which he hopes will be kept by his descendants as a memorial of tbeoccaslon of its pre sentation. I send you two copies of the poem sung on the occasion. The audience nined in the ringing with a gusto that welkin ring with melody. The 15th of June 1805 will ever be memorable In the minds of the Douglas county pioneers as one of great social enjoyment, ana tne renewing or a I friendship characterestlc of the old pioneers. STEPHEN ST A ATS. PIONEER' BONO. That Dog. The subject for dicuwloq at the Con grogatlonsl ohureh next Munduy at o p. i. The Putin Orrytmlan say of thle lecture; "That Dog," was the subject of a lecture delivered by Rev. O, It, Whltmore at the Centenary M. E. church last night. Those who atteuded listened to an address or unusual power. The quaint and pointed mauner lu which Mr. Willi more applied the subject "That Dog'' to Uie various phases of the temper ance question was ertaiuly original." NorvouoncGO Cannot be parmsosatly oared by the se of oplstse and sedative compounds. It Is too dasply seated. It ie eaussd by aa Impoverished ooadltioa of the blood, apna which th Birrs depend for auite nsnos. Thii t th tru sod only oaturtU esplanatloa tor asrvouansaa. Purify, ea rlua and vitalise the blood with ood'o Oaroaparilla and ntrvotunoM will dissppear. Hood Bsrsapartlla will (Its vitality to th blood and will send it courting through th vein and arterls ehargsd with tb life glvloc, strength botidlri quallll which make irons nsrv. It you are nervous, try Hood's (UnsnarlUs and And the ssm relief of which hundreds of psoplearetsl Hug In thslr publlshsd testlinouisls, Uet Hood's oat Hood's Beoansc Flood'" BsrMnarllts Is th only True tlloud Purlfler prominently In the public y today. Hold by sll araggist. Mood's Pills Hit kMtwl Uon, rrt( SM. 9 kaa. Look out for the Announcement Kramer will make next week. Mm IpM Civic Parade! (00 Calathcpians, cr Plug Ugh. A Magnificent Series ot Bicycle Races. Hon Thonas II. Tangue, Orator of the Daj l!on V. John D'ircy, Reader Declaration of iodependence. The Grand Day u Conclude with a Suimrb Display of FIREWORKS, In the Evening. Come Everybody and be Happy. WKITTIK KOH TIIK PIONRBRS' BS-UKIOK BV MRS. J. Hocvur, Best collection of not less than five varieties, Mrs. A. J. Goodman; best collection of five varieties, Mrs. O. D. Butler; two varieties, Mrs. J. O.Btaats, Alrlie; three varieties of pink roses, Mrs. A. A. C'attron, Monmouth. Best specimen pink rose, Mrs. J. V. Richard eon, Sr.; red rose, Mrs. A. Nelson; yellow rose, Mrs. A. S. Goodman; white rose, Mrs. E. T. Henkle. Total receipts of fulr $07.20. ' Owing to an aggravated dlssatisfa tlon the crowning of the rose queen was postponed one year. PAKKER. One car of wheat and oats wa shipped to Helmlck's mill from here this week. Clint Bradley, of Suver, was in town recently, A. Bridges' house is finished and ready for the occupants. Arthur Kays was in town Sunday. Arthur la a genial farm hand, whom Tune; "Aulil Lang Syne." Should old times ever be forgot, And never called to mind f We'll yearly meet In frlendiihlp sweet, . For the early day. "lang yne." Two here we met a Pioneers, O'er forty years ago; We pitched our ten In, itaked oil our claims, Prepared to mine and sow. Together dangers here we mot, Beitet by aavage foe.; Together In tills far land We .bared our Joy. and woe. Today we meet with glowing hearts, To clap the bard-worn band That tolled and fought In bygone yean, And conquered savage bands. Our valley, teem with beauty now, t Great plenty crown, our cheer; dive honor to whom honor', duo, The brave old Pioneer. Where'er we go In after life, We never can forget The tried old friend, of early day. A Pioneer, we met. We're getting old and feeble now, Our live, are nearly panned; To aome of u. old Pioneer. This gathering 1. our lost. We hope to meet old Pioneer All .alely on that.hor Ye., every one of our loved band, To live forevermore. TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS, uouiq not sleep. Prof. L. D. Edwards, nf Proattn. Idaho, says: "I waa all run down, weak, nervous and Irritable through overwork. 1 suffered from brain fa. tlguo, mental depression, etc 1 bo. came so weak and nervous that I could not sleep, I would arise tlrei J I j i i i ..." Dr. Miles Nervine and now everything Is changed. I sleep soundly, I feel bright, active and ambitious. I can do mora in nna day now than I used to do In a week. For tins great good I give Dr. Miles' Beatoratlve Kcrvlno the sole credit. It Cures." vt .... . . . it. miar nervine n an a on a nnaii ruarantoe that the flrt bottlo will hvn Mr out. Ali'irusgUuiaullltatll.tbottln for 15, or It will b vent, prepaid, on recnlpt of prlre t7 the Pr, Mllo AMlcal Co., Wkhart. lud. NEW DRESS- HAKING PARLORS. DR. POWELL REEVES, Permanently Located at 113 Fourth Street, Corner of Washington, Portland, Oregon Where he nm be.cviumUed on all CfiROi, NERYUIDPRfiE DISEASES. Examination and Advice, FREE. Coma one, Come all, and embrace this grand opportunity to learn the true condition or your neaitn, without money ami without price. These old reliable doctors will consult with you Free of Charge, and tell you your aisesj without askluir you a question. They also furnish all medl cine at their ortlces, aud save you extra cost of tuiyhm medicine at the drug store. W can irlve you referemvs of many remarkable cures they have made on tins toast, oy leading bankers and business men. Call at the ofttce and read ttiem for proof. f ? i1 r1 r1 f ? ? f ? I f t J&fasw The successful physician the skillful surKinm the end nent speolallst your oest friend the world's benefactor permanently Jis-ated con sult him this day. Treats rupture, plUm, fissure flstula and rectal uhwrs, with out kuife, ligature or caustic, f auo wimout pain or detention from business. He also treats all private diseases, loss of power, spermatorrhea, syph Ills, pimples, eta i kill t i i k i Most Successful CATARRH Doctors IN THE WEST. These old reliable specialists of many years' ex nor ence. treat with wonder. mi success all lung and throut aneciion, Uanccr, 1'lles, f istula aud ltupture. EYE eyes,' EAR Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awanbd ScM MW Mldwistar Pair. Su Frmssa, Mm. M. 8. Ooff and Mia Hophl Oofthaveentered tntospartneniblp and will conduct dremimaklng at MImi Hophla OofT. dresMinaklng parlor, on the corner of Railroad and D street.. The latest .y.tvm of cutting uiied and .atl.factlnn guaranteed. Work done promptly and at reoaonable rate. GOFF&QOFF. All cases of acute or chronic Inllainatloii, far or near slghtedness, dim iiess of vision, scrofulous eyes, closing of the eye duct, soultitluir. cnsis. eyes, wuu nairs, sypniiuicso.-e eyer, granuiua mis, tumor.canceror the lids, etc. Deamets from cstsrrh, singing or roaring noises, thickened drum, In fiamstlon of external ear, purulent discharges from the ear, etc. Urif) Neuralgia, sick, nervous, or congestive headache, dull, full feeling IlLHU loss of memory, dizziness, soften lot; of the bralu. tumors und eczema oi tne seal p. TI1R0IT t-HtBrr,lft' flll(1 "yphllitlcssre throat, acute and ohrouic pharyngitis, I IinUfl I enlarged toiiHilllis and nulale, hoarseness, loss of voice, thick nfclcirm in throat, which causes hawking. I IltJ QQ Consumption in the first and second stages, hemorrhage and chronic LUilOO bronchitis, dry and loose cough, pains In chest, dltlluulty In breathing hepatizations, asthma, etc. UriQT Valvular diseases, weak aud fatly hearts, dropsy, and rheumatism of IILHIII the heart, languid circulation, etc. Ill Catarrh and ulceration and acid dyspepsia, Indigestion, pain and III fuluess after eating, heaitburn. wuterbrush. aud difficulty in swallowing. IIVTP Q P C CIJ A" d,Hl,1,He ' l'ie liver, spleen, bowels, constipation, LiIlIIi UI LlLIi chronlcdiurrlucH, kidney und blnddcr.nll nervous and reflex disordcis, rheumatism and all skin dls uses, H ,cina. salt rheum, rlmrworm. bin -Jl. ......... ..1.1 nH .... . L. ll l . 1 jtn ui u wunr , uiii miira, invrr mirrn, nun joiimh, unir lip, riiriHl iri liaiion, uerv ous prostraiion, rupture, piles, nstum, rectal ulcers, which produces pain In sniuil of back. v 0 r V 1 1 j I nDQIUO All private dlseiiM'S, spermatorrhea, nightly or dally OCAUAL UliuAn V losses, which, iieicleclt'd, nnMlucc nervous Irritation, loss of memory and ambition, softening of tlie limln, idiocy, disunity, etc, syphilis, stricture, Inability to hold the urine, impotency or loss of power, sterility, pros, tstorrhea, ropy, sandy sediment In urine, or gravel, varicocele treated bv a new surgical operation, hydrocele, all losses or drains, atrophy or shrinking of the organs. Piles, Fistula, Varicocele, Hydrocele, and all tenderness or swelU Ing treated without pain or detention from business. I iniEQ Wll tmy ' "ll,'t'r'"tf fn)"1 uliy of tlie distressing Hllments peculiar LhUIlU tothulrsex,sush as iiersistent headaches, painful menstruations, dls- piaisement, eic , no not give up in despair, even ir you have met with repented failures in seeking relief. We are happy to state that we have cured hundreds of cases after other physicians have pronounced t'lem hopelcwi Charges very moderate. The remedies umh! in this dispensary are known only to our. selves, aud have descended to us as u priceless heritage from our Illustrious ancestors, through many generations of the hriKhtt'Ht liuhts In (lie medical profession that the world bus ever known; and to these precious treas ures of knowledge we have added the results of many years of labor and re search In our chosen calling, until now we feel confident of eii'lng all curable cases, and of greatly benefiting all who have nut yet received any relief whattver. THE INUtPtMltXtB ational Bank! Capital Stock, $50,000.00, M. H111MCHIIICIK1, 4IIIUM XKI.MON. W. I', IXlNNAWAt PtMldml. Vln J'rwUknt. . CMltlM. agsnwsl bsiihlng and slinit tmalBss. trsussied loan. niad. bill. dicouotd,oni mr. lal rredlU .ritnUidl dpMlM Itwflvtd OS urrent amount .uuJMt la ebMk, Interest paid OB Hill. dspOSlM. p 0 rr-Vn nnn nr- mmm ! DlllWTOlWfc H. F. Mmllh, A. Nolxifl, 1. A, Alln, M. lR.Mrwin, A. J.Uoudmsu, II. W, K'r, lllrwlilwrg. Commenced Butlneii March 4, 16139 Kliilild by NsUoctsJ Aut'Hirlly. -TltftV- FIRST MIIOM 811,1 of IndeusndMiitt, OrsU. CbbIUI ttoab Surw'us, $60,000.00 $14,000.00 J.K.OtHir'r.lt. l'rMdeut. W. it HAWLBY,(jMblf. L. W. KOMKItTMON, Vll'rldsnl DIKKCTOIW. i,ll.Cwipr, U KubtrUioo, Uwt Iteimlok O. W. Whiukr, W. W. Collin. A sansrsl baaklni tmtiM triMkrtd Huy aud sell, .scltaug on all important pnlula, iPmIU rmelvtxl ublaiit to eltwk or on unraii or anpuum .aummns waa. . Ufllaehourw I a. lu. W p. m. IICORPOMTIOUNDEITKE IIWI Of ORUOt Polk County Bank , MON MOUTH Or. I H, HWI KV. ,.,,..OT...,.,.llMit '. UM MrilKlX .Xt.tm. Ill A C ruWELL , CxhkiT Paid Capital, 330,000 DIRECTOna, l, II. Uawlrr, l.L.rampbll, f.M.HImMmn l, B. v, nuuer. j. s, mump, r, a. idw.ii JiMMiih l raa. A rl ban king and ichans bualnau lraiisaiMli liwn niadni axixniu rrli uiijwl to ehnk or on wflinrau of depoalt nuiwi muii on lime uwikmim. -Klr i.nif uH and burglar proof aafs, wunmii; raioiiin.iorn. ii, tvlloura- ta.in.lo4p. rn. INDEPENDENCE to PORTLAND STEAMER ALTONA LEAVE INDEPENDENCE. Monday, Wednesday , '. mid -' l""rlday. AT 6:30 A. M. LEAVKUruBTLANDb-"' Tuesday, Tliurmlay and rMnrday. AT 6:00 A. M. r.r Freight end Paasage apa'r Beard k. pRKstxrrr. J. A. VKKKttt) Prescott & Veness, -rmprl.Uir. uf 11 Manufacturer, of and Usal.r. In FIR and HARDWOOD, -AS Rouh and Dressed LUMBER. J. A. WHEELER, . Manager. FOR- fine Photograpbs Crayon Work Pastelles India Inks Water Colors - Goto - D.H.CRAVEN'S Photograph Gallery independence, Or. I Soltntlflo Anerloaa OAVIATB. TRAD! S4ARKB. DISION PATINTS, ODPimnHTi. K,1 ."J""', "V,0,! Hndboo writs to Ml NM A I1!).. A UKtkAlttt'.W Maw v.... glilo.i bunmu for Mwurlm pmeuu In Amenoa. jrr patMii linen out by u. It broutht bfra U. publio b; a nouo. girw trtt of obrg. in th. $ mntiiit mxiau Larrat ejiwilstlon of any nlanUflo papar In tb world. Splsuillilly tlluurated. No inti;iVout Bian ihaiild be without It. Wwklr, B3.UO eri II.SII Hi month.. Addreu MPk.N OO. Vusususiuk 301 Broadway. JM.w York a. REMEDIES DR. POWELL REEVES, FARROW'S MILITARY ENCYCLOPEDIA. Thl. 1. the Standard Military EnryclopMla of th world wd tb only work of It kind In lb. KiurlliUt lmmnwn. It ba. tli iidorwniu( ot tbe War lMwrtrannt and th. leadlns uUIIUry oommand.n of Amor lift and Kuroiw. H I. Usued In tkrw lanr octavo toIuium ot about 1000 jmittm each, printed on flu paper, from new elmtrotype platM, pro. fiurly IUutrld and bftndnomoly boond. It US oonipli-U library ot military Information both for military and nan-m!IIUry pmpl., livery library hoNld have It Circular, out on application. Good annum wanted. MILITARY AND NAVAL BOOKS. All ih loading, op-to-dMo military and naval books, Price llu raruutued on applUsatlon. MILITARY-NAVAL PUBUSHINQ CO., ett-21 Broadway, New York City, AUD TO SUIT ElfEDYDODY. Dress Silks, Former Price SI now 75 cents. Dress Silks,; Former Price $1.1 5 now 00 cents. Gray and Brown mixed Sheeting, Former Price 8 1 cents now 224 cents, All Wool Small Check, Former Price 45 cents 'now 35 cents. Small Check All Wool, Former Price 37 cents now 27 cents. Novelty Dress Patterns, now 75 cents. Former. Price $1 Dress Ducks, Former Price 15 cents now 2li cents. Ladies Muslin Underwear. Embroideried Chemise 50 cents each. Drawcrs,trimmed with embroidery 35c per pr. 50c per pr. 75c per pr. $1.00 per pr. Ladies' Night Gowns tmbroidcricd 70 cents. S1.00. $1.25. VANDUYN, VENESS & WILCOX. - INDEPENDENCE ROLLER MILLS, , Lewis Ilelmick. Proprietor. Mill Feed on Hand and to Order. B a inaepenaence, Near the S. P. Depot.) Oreton Harvest Coming:! Deering anricCormlc Harvesters, HI ti'lt'rs, and Mowers, sre the only two mschlues made that sre aold in every tiatloo on the globe; when you buy it la Economy to get the best. Dou't be Induced to buy an luferlor machiDe simple to save a few dollar, aa you will soon pay out twice that amount for repairs. Sold by R. M. Wade & Co.' Pioneer Drug Store, SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY Alexander-Cooper Drug Co, Here's Soap! You probably want tUo very tltitwt ana beat when you , use H on th dullest akin of your wlfo or baby. W ' have all kinds of Toilet Soaps. They are dellKhtfaily . peiftimodnndaremndeofpuremaUirlals. W eHpeolally call jour atumtlou t th MsxIom Soap Hoot soap, which la purely vegetable. Corns and get a FREE sample. Patterson Bros., The Druggists,