The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 13, 1895, Image 3

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    Fewest side.
rj Siis hftftr fcpq
"DAV.Jl'SK 11, WW.
J'OQjPJT. ForDoaty & L,ocke'w New Stock of Dishen to Afi-lveSoou. AllthoJu
Mrs, J, A. VaiMM tiit. l . ... .
Uiet jil be aitei that he oever !L
HiK end drinking t
oy uiiMi
I.. .I - . ... HW
UCvH.u..lnrU.,l(lkW ralllug to
bwu did D,.t r.ave their meeting - Id
iut wr i,ouw, but wt m Mw (Wd
hall ,,d m.i . ttlwuu,
o. the Members wad short
i nn.nton. the well koown
JirtetoroT IVrryilale. toow Kh1hJ
??uth. lo the Mel (here and
ulrousof havlug the traveling iwiU
2,1, hM bwn Improved In to
llrtoibe traoeleiit wm.
Re. J. f. Jeuktri. r Mfnin.
'.. . j ... i.i nnuuli tha tiilni
Leer sermon for the Ceuirel Asewl
alkUI. ln"
".In thst city Thursday and
6We,aiill Hunday evening.
WM large erowa toe
.fevbk'bwMislwa by the M. K
SUwKrWy evening Ttie pro.
,ltotr entertainment will be used
It bttjl bym iw M w
I H. Dvb twvliw, wm in iwn
BttB,ly vWHu Mr. Hnki, or uie
Jnu of Stockton Hankie. Mr.
pivlinoldpkrtu, Mr. Heonle,
tlwy UvioK bn t budornn togttir
Klie.( uwry tubM on north Main
),M wliknt "vfr ow togl
tal iwrU, b riuld th 4J
jocund to now better tbo tvr pr
prdtoenwr to tb public.
Fur Bret-cU luiutwr tna rwuKnnoiif
grMll on Boltor'i lumber ynrd,
Mouuioutb. CU w4 tiniuln mid
ptpriwtoD lunibr and b itlttd,
Won buylog rlwwbw.
A Mtr ncvlwd by Dr. O. D. Butkr,
(Too kv. J. K. N. 1U.II, of Kker ttty,
udouucm tb fiw-t that th (Ktitluio
will biu tbe city from tb 8lrt to th
W. P.Cnnwy d H. B. Thkl
on veutdown to Portland MoutUy
M tfclqpkte to th Ownd Lolg of
Mmhm, thlr wlvw companylo)
Mr. Aodcwon, wbo It twpluyvd by
th R. M. Wdo IUrdwr Co , of Me"
Mli.ovllle, nd Jack Wlwuier, of tb
mifplw. wre la town Buudty.
Mm, Ruben Boon ton, of Gnu Vallyr,
Wwiti Co.. w vlhlot with Mw.
J. M. Vtnduyn nd Mrt. Gvorge Whit,
taker t tow day last week.
C 0. Cooper, of Moutaua, who la
uiinMendi here, went down to
Portland Monday to attend th Urand
Lodge of Maooa.
JIU Birdie Carey, of 8clo, will come
toladepeudcncv before long, to keep
hmiw fr her brother, who It agent at
ZidooRigirs of Salem, a brother-ln
law of Dr. S. A Mulkey, came over on
fab wheel Monday, returning the tain
Mr. M. A. Burkbart, of Albany, la
TWtlitft her aiatera, Mm. David John
ouandMm. B. F. Burcb, tine week.
will lu n. nnaanliltlir L the
BtptUt church thk coming Hunday
but Huoday achool will meet aa uaual.
Georm Highland, of Portland, who
Biarrltd MiwClaraKlrkpalrlck, of Vi-
.lai, report a girl at bia bouae.
Jlaooah Weogeorotb, after vWUng
no Uila city for aocbetlme, returned to
mer borne laxt Saturday.
When you want to take a rldo don't
f.Ket that Kelley haa fine driving
borw aud good rlga.
R. A. rtultor, aon of tba mill roan.
,m opened up a full line of high grade
in uuerat Monotouin.
P. Irvine, of McMlnnvllle, waa in
'ty Monday looklngafter bla bual-
Tbe Uregon.Telvitliout Company V
af iuwii vowe. thwugh thta oily
on their way rtowu the vlly Thura-
day utornliig,
' The Kelly Uvery aUWw kt filing up
w geueraJ, haing a new t1.wr l.hl, aUw
mo approaoi, to th barn re
pUukwl. ft Itf . will leave Friday worwng
Rwrr.rla, Kanaaa. He wilt iVn.lMU.
ral iUy In the enuiul country on the
ea.M. Taraer aadKlnter Write Cm
w nilug the Tamer Taberaacle.
A letter to the Stnltmnan baa tbt
oud.aud K. It. Crawford, of William
ette, third.
The running high Jump waa I He next
ounteat and again waa the Nortbweat
record auiaehed, tb auceaaful atnieW
belm Merrltt Ifcvle of the u.ori.,
the ci
dcm lu
tereata here.
log Mrs. L
Unit of this a
nnaiiLer. or tow cuy. iu
eek. ,
thin.inthaMH. fcctloneryllne call on
If. E. Whiter.
u- r...- ili. Ul. of McMlanvlllo,
who 1h ouite ill. 1
FI,,U.H .hin f' t
i..,. ....a un,,u lU, 11.70 per
UIUWI JIU ii ..... w.
m, are v-
UW.0tW pounda of wool wtntwl b
(jeo. E, Brey, Independence, fur which
me nigtieat market nria m
Pld. a
Uon't apoll or Um a 130 or tao wath
when burning or flehloa. but
of thoae tiOO wateheaof 0. A, Km.r
For8al,--A gentle Jeraev euw fnr 1M
that give three mIIoiib nf n.iib
F.nqulre of the poetmaater at Parker.
All lob work done al.reaaonabla
prlweat the Wit Rm Job office.
Keat and arttatle work a ipeclalty. : '
R. H. Wilms la having a concrete
walk laid from the front door, of bla
residence to the atreet.
The laat raca on cVtuMny wl.l t
froraTalmajteto CKnlfelter Broa.. for
cold drlnka, and Icecream.
Dr. Mulkey card will appear la the
proretiional card column next week.
Don't forget to read It.
Bob Parrtah waa rtwn down on the
Rlckrcall Tueaday foblog.and brouchl
backagtwd fry.
There will ha no church at the atria
Van church neit Sunday, but Sunday
achool aa uaual. ,
K. A Hut tor, the Monmouth lufulwr
yard man, waa In tht city on bueJneaa
Wednewiay. t
Prince Belt returned Saturday from
rorvmila where ahe haa been vbtlUng
Hi Wwt 8ik Job office la right In
the awlm when It cornea to doing good
aw t a ft .
ineoann uoya rrom nerr will go
down to Sateru and play the 4th of
Mr. Mllla of the Backet Btnre went to
McMlnnvllle, on bla bicycle, Wednes
The Motor company are moving their
round h-Hiee, and have put In a new
Road tax reoelpta, put up In booka of
50 eacb, at thla office, cents a book.
If you want a good cigar of home
make call on Griffith k Patteraon.
Frank Wllaon. waa tranaactlog buai
neM In Balem, Wednesday.
Griffith 4 Patteraon are eelllng the
beat of candlea.
OuvDemmlng. of Kugene. waa In
town Saturday.
E. W. Cooper and wife were In Port
laud thia week.
Cloning out a Una of gold pens at coat
, Kramer's. '
C. E. Vurc haa a eood Dlace to take
a bath. ,
Get your glaawa of Kramer.
Fine rain we are having. ,
Ableflra la raging lu Portland aa
we go to preea.
J, D. Irvine had several case to attend
to thla week.-
There la a new dye works in town
Accidents That Pay.
It la danireroua to travel without
...rin an ftwiiient noiicv in me
:t.. l!lfe IimureuceCo. You can gvi
. nnUe nollcv for W.000, for 23 wni
which will pay you in cw
lnured $15 weekly ludemulrv.
forlonaof one arm or foot, M,(Mio wr
in- of both arms or feet. 3.(ioo in cam-
of accidental death. Bee the agent ai
the Wkht bidk orfice. ' ;
fallowing to say concerning the charg- din tp recording 8 feet ti l" l' " to the Cauiiiuieetlug half Inch greater lliao that of auy
at Turner. tlier like atbk-te uorih of California.
Editor SUteauiaui-IMcaee do me the I), c. A Hard of Moiimonth scored ft feet
kliidnewitipubilh the following UU 9 Inohcs and Smith of Portlaud
terfromUeo. II. Turner and Mrs. C A a fwt i Inches.
Davk, hl alMcr, now or Byron Hot it. L. Uulaa, WUIamete's favorite
Hpriiig, Col., but Ainuerly of Turner, sprinter, wou the hundred yard daab
Marlou county, Orcguu, who were the Q 10 2-A retxmdM; SVaahburu of Port,
original donors of the grounds aud brnd asuoiid, llalght of Portlaud third,
building k now u aa the Turner Memo. aud F. M. Teuplcton of Eugene
rial TaU'ruacle, to the Cbrlattan church fourth. Tbe wmuer was carrlwl from
oftheataieof Orcgtin. for the puriKMea the track ou the shoulders of "Dan"
as set forth lu the deed, aa uow of Brouson amid the cheers and yells of
record In the recorder' oftlos of the hl bMther studeuU.
county of Marlou. Thla waa a deed or. The winner of the pole vault waa
gitt by said Ueo, H. Turner aud his sls pml Scot I, a incuiber of tbe PsclOu
er, Mw.C.A. ilavla, to aul.l Christian college teem, '.e cleared the liarat
church of aonie A,000or more and the the height of 0 feet H luchea. BalleU'
ouly conditions are that said church dyne of Portlaud and Hhaltuck ofKu-
liold their anuunl or yearly luevtlnga uvm taking sccoud and third plaoes
at the above named talwrniolo. There- rcawctlvcly. .
for I conclude thai Mr.-Turner aud The one wile run was won by C. II.
Ills slitter, Mrs C. A. Davis, should bs Jenklus of Portland, & R. Bryson,
heard In the matter or charging an i,.uil mwni aud Boy Hurley of Eu-
admittance fee to aald camp ground third. Tlaie, i.3i.
m Sunday. Yours respectfully, Prealdetit llawley nest called Air
' T C. Hit aw. ths contestants in the shot-put and
The Nter iuentlouel by Mr. Shaw mle bicycle race. Mere the exoltetuent
twars date of Byron Hot Springs, May imams Intense, as itwas ths first eveul
31st, and Waa f. Uowsi " ,rf the day wherein the wheelmen were
Hon. T. C. Shaw, Halem-Dear BlrLjvvu an onoorluulty to allow their
mM Friends- mettle. Zadoo Kigga cairled oil theJ
Home little time slues we were much minors over a Held of sevsu other cy
autprleed to learn that It had been aM ujUiu. Bruot Burnett of Eugene went
rauged to clmrge au admittance fee at umlur tbe wire lu second place aud W,
he gale during the campmeeting
We regarded It as a very Injudicious
move ourselves aud later we .have re
ceived so mauy pmteat In the way or
minunlcatlona rrom thoae that know
how earneatly we are Interested that jj, 0f g.a; E. P. Shattuck, U. oT 0.,
we leel Impelled to apiwal to you uiouiqoq j
earnestly Wi ue yiair liiltueiice In bav- fhs running broad lump waa won by
Inglhla matter chaugetl. Aa the re- i. p. itelirht or Portlaud. his dUlanot
ceut meetluga have beeu most """"H mMUUrlug 18 feet b Inches; D.C Al
fill ones we are at a Ions to anow wny nt . Multnomah !: It H. Dear-
at this time such a d. ulitful proposition , pUeud lHJil.
as the above should have beeu enter-1 rtlulaa was first In the hurdle
talced by auy one having any lutereat L,, jjumwg 0r Eugtne second,
tbe matter whatever. We snail J.....I. ot Portland third. Ttiue
anxlouMly await the mult of your r-
O.Ogls of Willamette third. Time,
2:38 W: tbe time lluilt waa placed al
11. F. Peareon, of Portland, put ths
hot 83 feet H Inches; U.S. leinpleloii
girl wsa In tbia part or the oouuiry
Hunday. v
Aiawamir Farley SMSjd through the
the iielghborhtMMl Frlilsy.
Farmers are buy plowliig and t'ulll-
vatlug their hoM.
(Irnln aud gardens look ukw aluce
tbe late ral lie.
Yf were visiting Cy. Bradley, who
was inuxlcally Inclined the other even
ing and he knowing our taste for harmo
nhmi aounda. treated u W ine oia mei-
ody 'Swanee Blvir" with auflli a
mutter touch on ths banjo that we
wandered In thought to that shaded
atreain, Jumrtwt In, and was swimming
on our Imc up stream woea our,
ehalr turned to wakens to the knowl.
edtfc we were still In Parker, the most
live and wide awake little (own Id tbe
West.. ,. , ,,
The a P. painters leavs for Indepen.
denes this week where they will paint
the R R building. These traveling
gangs of workmen live In ooelly arrao-!
ted bog car. ' The painters hava an
organ and the Inside or the car la paint-
- .... . . i
ed ana very notne use.
Indlnttlona are, there will he an aarly
harvest thla season: Hup Ilea are be
glnlng lo show" themselves In small
quantities here. v ' '
Frank Brown aheared Wm. Fuqua'a
hrp thla week and will manipulate
the shears on Oen.Bolter' band eonn.
i W..S, Tonillsoo and Wssb Olbeori,
TSuver, waa . hers sngiging wheat to
thresh the coming harvest.
Eldon lU'cy rf Moiiinoutb, waa vis
iting here Monday. s
Tlistannerlea bar beeu running kid
hides this week.
Two carloads of "wheat were shipped
this week. '--" ' .' ;(
' IJke g Slere.
mom ALL WHO VM ,
Hail Vigor
"Aycr preparations are too M
well iinown w noen any commeii.
. ..lit I lu..l Ulilll. O
. II i ... ........ t..m . I.- L ....... M V
. "EHUIIHI VM UWI. H'l HID mm" IH "I 0
nihnriL that six veara aao. 1 lost o
nearly half of my hair, and what o
wn left turned gray. After 5
Muslug Ayers Hair Vigor several 0
mmilha. tnv hnlr hfffiin to ffTOW 0
tgaln. and with the natural color o
' restored. I wommrntl it to all X
my friends." Mra. K. r hank, o
VAI'hkr, box m, Station C, Los o
Angeles, cai.
Ayer's IImrVigor i
' : 1 ' BKABBtl ' 'SO
rasrsaao sr
VL 1 1 KM A C8, LKEU, KAS1
Pint Mortgages C I:;r;.,:
IVoperty HegfUate4.
We are prepared io negotiate first
mortgages upon Improved farms in
Oregon, with Eastern parties at a rate
of Intereat not lo exceed 9 per ceut per
Mortgages renewed that have been
tskeu by other corn panic.
Addi-em, with stamp,
M Kit win Hwohth,
Bsker City, Oregon.
Of IudoiM-ndcncfi, having a steam
engine, a brick machine and several
aflrtti of flmwt dav. la now tircnared
to kwpon hand a fine quality 01
Brick, wblct will i sold at rcaaon.
nbln price.
Evening Post!
35 cents per Month 25 cents
v R Cannon, Prop.
ThehlrruietlononiiklAnirl 0 aep.
rmm the blood. In lu Ihniuxh
ihma.ofoertMla lioparlllM s4 waterf par-
UtIm blh make I0tr Itnitl salt thentwh th
t,ld(lr, The rtntloB of tttM. In ona
'atteibeelniaeilvtw of lh kldnejr. la so
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Worltf'a Pah- Highest Award.
I0SI Mwket St., aaa FratKlM
(biM SO. tad ?U Su.)
a f
. I
As Bill NycciiJ v;hu.:
he appeared an L-ur
late befurc an intli
nant audience; .and
I want the people of
this city to know that
I am here
At prices never equal
ed in this city
quality of
oods is
considered. Call and
examine goods and
you will buy all your
tootwear of
Mnln St., Independence.
tfV'fery (mlr nf l.u or h( bmiutit ( t
tlmt rip. run (ivrr. r mk l'.- Hi
tlio m)I. will l rilrl for.
The lndK!iiiliJ Url)l Work. fHiiilti
00 all .iii.M.rjr itiirk. Klri-f lHt imrMJimii.
llp, lal lwicrift. ! Kl i'tUnm.
0 4 Ura how onWiitl to
art Mrf Mid Sow to fcvuMl kkkMM
'nSdUMiM. Muwim wilwynl i0
wiMttftMM 01 M eciHinc
Private Offlcs-sasaa Ralldlag
ins I Maikit atreet Mum I el himi
trwtan, la ot wuhaod, dlMM ot Uw iki
tml ktdiwr tiukkl ound wHbaut Uw um et
niftUMW (Mnuttftu er sr unmt.
1 lb plw in '?t il flrtluH murk
m shop
du'0Brlirllt OIW, smpv,' own" . 4 sm
Wlll-oiettewoutlisnve-mllebleycle siNoOnorla .4 otr..r wldl-j with a ratal rj Wa I L, f V lttfll Lrt.-
fori In hkvlnir the alN.VS nnilMieltlon ...u i.M Blui w . iim. mioT. H.aaeuefs Swmaa HUlar. ! 11V SJ I . V lvuuw
LluLt ... till .it .uwkh u. m.v r " , aiWrs-sta.a-4da-Mlesaa wa aeaar.
'r"""i ' limn lis in mm ii'iitt .".to l,ni. linwU lh Sldonyi wlii-n inactive tore
M free lo attend the winlnit meeting ti.u ,.1,-umI il. n.ntijt fur the dav I ... ii,.i..inin funeiion. tad tnnn from
without monev sul without l'rloe.L,,,. T1.ivrMi,l, of Oreuon ib vital current Impuiitiw blab Infwt It
Pleeehsvtbl.letU.rpubllslHHl lu the L,, utlfu -hmdilp Cp
r 1 1 vv..........u .ml nlilliM vium verv . . . . 1 . .11 ..1.. .j i .t- ""Of. taiarraHiwaooer, frT boh
........ b- 1 wuiun naa ueeo ui-jc t uw " nrt-niion f the urine art alto iiiiUmiim r
Gbo. H.Tvknkh,
a A. Davis,
dnw of . W. TboutoMiu Co.
pest week.
Msrxhsr Notice.
JUlltor Ptatesiuan:-ln your Hundsy
Isnue of June 9lh spwared a coin
ntunlfatlon from Ueo. H. Turner and
C. A. Havla, relaUve to the admittance
to bs ehsrjred at the Turner camp
ground on the Hundsy of the conven
tion at iwti. to be held June 21-30.
I bl fture that the parties named loiae boarda nailed down aua.tue
hv not Keen informed a to the fluan rubblab removed. All out-houaee mu-t
i.i .ManrtitaauMitlou. The method Uo he nronerlv cleaned and disin in the twat have failed to I furled.
meet tbe needa of the eonventlona. If Mld work la not done within ten
Ti,. h..nln of einenea baa fallen davs of this notice, the marshal will
...... . Tt.u I L at.. hW.dmml ft! I ... .W
nn a few in oiurr i"i". i inn lib mu .
nMunt hmtrri otlna for the oon- ornae of owner or occupants oribe
rit h ' I r
. . a 1 . 1 i .1.. I . -1
TUMIIVM " r- II f W -
aud plat an sdiulttsuoe fee of 10 cents ths oouni'tl
u outtinc in a. Comolete line of Hard
ware, Stoves, and Tinware. Buggies
and Spring wagons
naiainiitin ui uiv urinej mrw i a
fur tht Mdor Bvrt4 by thU Wntgn vrotitotr I AUa oil hand a COmPletC StOCK
. . . . .
y tin
w im ....r..t...:.rA
jtrt wiiiiuiaiLuuii vu.
The J. F. O'Donnell Co.,
Independence, Or.
llavluir umi vnamueriain s ,t.uBo .u,
fivniedy in my family and round it tou.rvmu.
. . . . . . 1
he a flint-claw article, I use pieaaure prkc.( Baking PowOet
InivonnimeiuiinK u to my menu. .
V. KimTftR. Weetnort. Cel. For sale
by Alexsnder-Cooper Drug Co.
,ftdreuruv. :ri of Paints and Oils, made by the mo 1 1 am MnnaiiiMium. uiiiitBniavwH w i - - - j
dr.miMia aio rind to uw But-r. wbirh i Celebrated H EAT H & Ml
bcm-nnim u u wm
"ir HtehMt Mftttl Dlei-ae
Why don't you try a meal at Ihej
City restaurant, lu idscs or spiiung
our Hunday by onoklug a not dinner.
I U' ..,. vnii want siind meal for 25
To all whom it msy conoern: 4
Nolltw Is hereby given tbst all streets,
alleys and tauk yarda mut be cleaned, ,,,1 g gtrong's reaUurant, Weata
also sidewalks must be repaired, and t., 4 Irwin, proprietors, Balem,
Oregon.' "
You can set als good square meal
for II at the City reataurant, cooked by
In Our New Shop, opposite Kelley's
Livery Stable, rather than in the News
- papers. .. ."
BATH 25 Cnst
Horses Fed by the Day
.' ' a "'
Week or Month.
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
Gent's Clothiny;
Md to order In ny i!c nt titer Iint.t
pendmioe Tailor Hluni.T.lytuB Jvnk,
pmprlotur. A Hue lute of mm!. ttU
y on hand fwiu which to wlwt,
Bulu initde to order from $14 up, ly
.Independence Tailor Shop
on Hundaya this year. This purpoae
bas beeu advertised In local anrt swte
A. J. Ttji-pkb,
City Marshal.
Inde(iendenoe,June IS, 1H05.
Memorial Exerrlars.
ns iters,
It U nut a money scheme or a emu-
. . I . MAM .IU...I..M
tinnv. it is me voice o. . wu.. ....-"
r ' . . . . ..... ,.r
through Its uoara. u is a iuar . Fellows of this city 00 Isst
.trsJgbt buaineearor a g.wa pur --... T . d - iof th,t
m 1 mia vr ihM'mpiiMf rtttinti i
- itt k Sk.ol tlf IHV'Htn iri va v w mw
I. deeerving or sonietniog uruar u- nmimt by f
U..ev loaned on Iudepeudenoe bro- lllvl VHI1I- llJI-i l
L,rtthVmolh.bvW. a. Wright, of IIWIIWI- WllWI-lllUf sirie
Ym y ' -v
Dallas. " "
You can get reoelpts aud notes in pads
attheWiorr Siuaofflos.
Money to loan at 6 per oent, by W.
0, Wright, Dallas. u
No Chlneae at the City restaurant.
Hand-made Shoes in Proportion. Draft.
Koad and Track Shoeing the very best.
I Independence, Or.
Furnished for private parties,
socials, picnics and all kinds of
entertainments, on the shortest
uotice and at priitu coiibiuteiu
with flrttt-claHS work and tW
materials. For lu tli'm
line go to
G. A. Back.
317 Commertlal St.. Slm.
Ofire for Bent
, very best Inatructlon In methods of After w,
rlstlan work, goepel p eaohl g
oraver. Then itev. j. rrea jenain
read a chapter from the Utile. The prln-
cipul feature of the eveul ug waa lotso?
dunlng Itev. Hhutee, a Methodist
mdiUter of Kalero,who msde auadlrew
which waa both Instructive aud euter-.
hlch the meeting
theoholr. ;
.Mr.andMrs. Fox, of Salt
ltlrig Mend lo this city and
thin wuuh
aura nuns wuw uwa w.. - - .B.n
;ft ivs UJQ ont vww wv "i
Riley Cooper returned home last .
Brinir all vour second-hand g'ods to
'the Exchange and trade lor goods or
M. K. Wheeler opened up his candy
and confectionery store last Monday.
Mrs. I. II . Perkins, of Portland, was
Visiting Mrs. Peter Cook, lust week.
u t." ut..i.. haa fine Ice cream
parlors where you can get the best
tit Ti .. I ftnurnn (!ltV. WM
Y. i. r arv.i'u, "t
vlnitinir J. A. Wheeler this week.
.... TJ.....U a n.ii White, of
Portland, are visiting In the city.
C. E. Force, the Independence bar
ber, will elve you a neat hair cut
If you want a tailor made suit W. H
Patterson will take your order.
a run down to
Portland returning Wednesday,
The Little Palace hotel Is tbe populai
olaoe to set a flrst-class meal
Bert Fisher, of Perry dale, was doing
buHlnens In town Saturday.
T. Layton Jenks and wife were in
Salem Mnndav afternoon.
Cash paid for second-hand goods of
. all kinds at the Exchange.
J. M. Vanduyn went down to Port
; land on business Monday.
. A. Douty is having a new wood.
hed ad led to bis house.
If you want a month "have go to
C. E. Force, the barber.
The Little Polace hotel Is the popular
pW to get a flret-claw meal.
Get good olgar of Grlfnth Patter
son.. '
Spring Rare.
The spring races commenced today
t the Talmage traca,. aou I"
lo be the twst series of races ever naa
In Independence. On Saturday there
will be a hurdle race; this is somen.."
new and a most exciting race. Two
horses have already teen entered for
the contest. If you want to see some
thing good go out Satuday.
Maershfes. '
hfti.o 0 the Christian church and Its
friend. We desire to beautify the
tf round sod make them a praise In
Oreann. We kalre to meet all obliga
tion aecrulniithroUKh the conventlou
111 an honorable mauur, and provide
..a u.itertjtlniiitiit for all who
hall attend. We feel sure that wlien
the whole matter Is laid before tnee
good pe.Hie tney wn. W() nav- the agenoy
to eounteract any Influence tbat their w-Mhlnetiin and Idaho
iwnmuulcatlon my nave nau aK.. lh. . h)dur(
the preseni purpose 01 n. , unytblng 00 the
ho time will oe given " Hue writing.
coiiveutloo to liavs 11 tnus appeur .
your reuilera,
thk riwuT iiuoM or thb wkht sidk
nMtnft.llllS. OBftOlU M MHIO llrwt, SUIl-1
bU ir ril ftfttaw or lwjrr oaee, win
b ranied. Ineludlni fuel tot uv aud I
lertrtc llUt very eUwip. Knqulre at th
Wkht Hina orrloe.
A. W. Dooksteader,
(HuopiMftor to CsarlM HUutU)
PBuritiETUR or-
Uay For Hale.
Mrd and Cbrat wd. For aale sr
S W. W. M0I4K.S.
' ' Rlrkreatl.Or.
m and !
Meat Market
Iaat evening a eoolety of tbe Knlgbts
,hn MPiRtea was onranlsed with a
thin nt twenty-two members
having among Its numbers some of the
most prominent aud moat
rntAfw.nniice. to
'Wll n !.... '.
ob r.. Z An.,.mnder:
n', H. uraven, i"v - - -
. . . fv.ift rmmander: O. A. Kramer,
Lane - P
H.iir com iiimi.K'' . -
" .........
.A Uwtneri VT.' waiiei
keener: IT. n. A
. .i nritaiit'M
HBi.nur, n Ilutle,
. i:iiirenw nn."i -n
pnysiniai.,.. mter-at-arms
.... utimmni. i" niw"-
a Ml..
which 1
market for
J. It. Listkr.
Cor. Bee. O. C. M. 0.
College Day at Salem.
Mailed to any address post paid,
unon receipt of 25 cents.
Hull Bros., wholesale and retail
book-sellera aud stationers, Moscow,
Idaho. - '
Children's Day at Baptist Church.
Davidson, sentinel;
TvmanO.Bbickman, picket.
Lyman v " M.t)ees wa
Tr.inrj. 01 1110 "
I lie J"s-
. . ao and Is IibvIok a
organwen nnw num.
most marvelous grow..,, -T
features a benerlUj a mem-
rridpte intone oral, of
these funds. tinnn ,lte
.1... nr nsrrviiiK v'
.otfnn s now having an
- u"NBh-
n: ...... r tiu. cltv on
TRANHUE.-?--V", To' the
r rvansue. a daughter.
.... t...
j nuraua.jr
wife of A.
Tu-7r s. Gov't Reports
.tow Royl BH r"r
The following Isa record of the games
as they tts.k place ou the fair grouud
north of Salem, Haturday June win,
a taken by the Halem Stalenman.
It was 2:20 o'clock befoie all arrange
ments for tlie contests were completed
tiid at that hour President W. C. Haw-
ley took lila position In the judge
stand as announcer and called for the
participant iu the SO-yard foot-race.
N ine sprinters toed the me rk namely :
0. P. Halght and E. E. Washburne, of
Portland University, H. W. Kelly, of
the Agricultural college Merrlt Davis
and F. M. Templelon of the U. ot (),
J Ti. Brown and Van Leavlttof Paul fie
..nil... NewlM-rir, Lester Higglns.of
Monmouth, stale normal school, and
R. L. Gulss of Wllllamette. There was
no delay at the post and at the crack
f ths Dlstol they were off. Hlgglne
m.,l ftiinrlMlliBlv ou ck Jump to ine
i.ia..v " 1 . - -
front and maintained, It to the finish
with Gulss a close second, and t vyasii
home a close third. Time 56 8 seoonds.
ui..ins Is a res dent of Momnouin
well as being a student of the Nor
msl school. This was a surprise 10
Willamette's aggregtitlon as they were
very confident that little Gulss would
.bft thn mr. The latter was not the
least discouraged and latr"on showed
the crowd what sort of racing mood
flowed In bis veins.
The hammer throwing contest was
next announced and seven athletes re-
ponded. Thehurels wetit to ti. a.
Tewipleton, or Kiigei.e, me oisuwue
measuring on reel 1 men 111 ine nairui uv
tempt, E. H. Hall, of Portland, whs sec-
unit 7H ihbi u M,r w"'-",v
p illlston. of Willamette, third, th
fm.i ft inches.
t. a .on o'clock before the third
.1.. nn ..... iufiDmnrii4 ntT.
C, W Kf.'" the I), or o., wou,
niHMnirtlitlmeof53 8-5 seconds end .ha Northwest record 1 sec-
qo4. Biggins, of Monmouth, w
At the rtabtlst church Children's
t)y was observed by the rendition of
a very appropriate program
Mr. Wilkin began the program, which
consisted of songs, recitations, . clu
exercises, etc. The church waa tastily
decorated. Hack of tbe rostrum a
fountain had been erected aud tbe scene
presented by the refluctinu ol the light
ou the fulling drops of water wa
beautiful. , After the program had been
rendered a collection was taken
The exercises showed careful training
011 the part or umse wno auieo aa
Instructor, aud great ability lu the
members of the Hunday school who
participated. ' "
Mice of Shrrlfl'i Rale.
tneof so cutlon lud out or ine eireuo
.court oftlielant of OregB,fr tbe county ol
I'ulk.ou tbe 8Ut d ofMr,lS, upon s
Juilnment made and tnwrd ol record on
the Mb day or Dumber, WW. In ald court
in Um nrtsln wlloii wlnrelo C. M. Henaer.
on A Co., a eorpontilon It plnlntliT and J.
H. Aliider and K. II. Jeler partner
uudar tlit d rut Bsineofjetor A Aletandr
were defendant forUienura of three nun.
drvdiud twenty nd thirty hundredth
dollnr (SBO.miiwIlh Interoat ttiereon at th
rut of t) per rent per anoain from tbe Mb
dy ofl)nhr li)1,and tht farther sum of
twenty and ilxty hundredlM doilsr (sai.w;
cot and dlburnifliinUi ol thlc action,
lhnvly Vlrtoe of Ktd Mwulloo litvled
uMinnd will mII stpublloauoltoo Stlh
front dmirof tbe court houmt In l)ftlla,llk
I'ounty, On'gon on Mi flmt dy of July, isnft.
at th hour of one o'olock In tbe afternoon
ol Mid dsy for oh In Imnd ll of th right
tills noil lotirtt wultih U10 aald defeodHni
J, 11. Alexander hs In nd to the following
deorlbd premlt to wlb Being (10) ten
fixitofl of the south ld of lot No. (U) two
In fractional bhwk No. (8) three and (IS)
limwn feet oft of the north mde of the north
half of lot No. (!) three, In motional block
Pd. (9) thro,!!, In Henry Hill' town of Indrp.
eiiilcncc, the winie being th uudlvided on
hulf Interert to. the nbovo dcsorlbed pro.
perty, Pitted. DitllMt, Onwon, June 7, m,
II, It. I't.tmsitK,
8hrlltof Polk County.
Independence, Oregon.
4 . UftftftOftftWU Batea Stab Wee4 fee sals
. . . -. P 1 " . ' - "
The Steamer Alice A.
Geo. Skinner. Prop.
leave Independent), very dsy, (Hundy excepted) at a. m. ftr Balem, and
leave Salem on Mis return trip at I) p. m.
FARE Socentseach way.
apply on board.
For Freight and Passage,
TOREP POWEIH improvement v.r d. In ScH-Bladlag HarvwUrs...
" , DSD'LL
Choice Meat
fi $rft t. - J ,.t ftv
1 ;Jtv
Highest uiarkel price paid
for fitt stock, beef, mutton.veal,
pork, etc. All bills must 1 settled
monthly. x
Pres Delivery to aU parts cf tis Giiy.
Proprietors of
Independence liie Factory
Manufacturer of
Drain Tile.
of all sixes.
txi nvMiut oh tmi euw iom.
Call lor Bid.
Mr.Huber's ho yard looks nice slni e
his friends gathered In and helped him
tttke esre of it. We think he will have
a fair crop If some of the neighbors
don't cut the vines this year.
E. L. Baker and George Sheldon will
leave Thursday for Eastern Oregon on
a pleasure tour and to visit the former's
sister. Mrs. C, B. Allen, who lives at
Bend, Crook county. -
The school picnlo at Falls City was
ur..ll nttanded and ft eood time Is
reported. The base ball game was won
by the Lewlsvllle boys.
The great mining place near J.
Buker so well known to the lumber
haulers has been put ip good condition,
The slnKing school at Antioeh Is
progressing nicely under the able man
agement of Prof. Olnn.
Anvhodv havlnir horses to trade
will do well by calling on 8. A DuvIs
He gives two for one. . , ,
There Is services at Antlooh. the first
and third Hu inlays in each mouth, by
Rev lltttiby.
Amy Steele acwmpauled by bit beat
n.wtlon and strain diagram therewith ar
oalled for to be opened Vednday, July 8,
'"lWI,t the ixmrthouno In Dalla. for the
building of h Hmllh Triimi bridge aero the
Yaiut.lll ( Wer wher the Powell road ero
the turn. The main cord of tbe bridge to
be 00 fet In length south vpron 60 feet, north
apron ID , fnet, . loulh bent 24 feet high,
north bent IW feet high, the poet caps, oord,
tu.. to eorresoond with bridge, Cord to be
plloed, the bridge I to be Hi feet In width.
Done by order of court tlili (tb, day of J un,
- -. -.' H. F. MIII.KXY,
, County Clerk
,., 1 .1... I.. .... raln ..rl nil inill-h. lintVCT
l"l If ISfllcErl 1. u 1., n.n nuhi.. nvrr noil nlncrit. makes it run
I n L rLI lfnLl-l. 10r'w llhtrr draft nd bind bundle after the team Mop.
Mn innft. stMt Headers Sold In 'oi than all others combined.
Ferri. wheel. Thi prove, iw strength. Bicycle, are Chain Drive. Why? Light Until'
' und son our luusTnaTso esTaioaoi
The Piano Mis. Co., Manuncturtr. West Pullman, Chicago, III.
A complete line of Piano Binder and
Tlower repairs in stock.
F. E. Chambers, Sole Agent,
Independence, Ore.;
Prices to Suit the
Independence, Oregon
Mr. M. 8. Goirand Ml Hophl
Ooft haveentored Intoa pnrtnerablp
nnd will conduct dreaainuklng at
Ml". Bophli. Oon" dressmaking
parlor on the aimer of Railroad
and D, atreots. The latet ayeiein
of cutting lined and eatlefactlon
guaranteed, Work done promptly
and at reaaonnble rate.
m wJfJ pay
tor a name. .,
SWEET PEAS,o?:,"; omy 40c. a poundi
For full pellicular of $300 offer and th hndomat and moat com
nlt eVtalogu of Fiowera, Vegetable and Frulta, containing all old fa
vorlte and cream of new Nov.ltlea, printed In 17 different color, elegant
colored platea. Send 10 et. (which my b deducted from nrt ordr) for
V Vf IV' W SEEDS oonUin the germ ot lite,
' v JAMS3 VICK'S SONS, Rochester, N. T.
In that old flower pot nnd matte It a
thing of beauty. 1'lnut D. H Hot
and It will be a Joy forever.
D.&C. Roses
grow nnd bloom IndoPrn or out. hi lt
or Kardtm-they are ou their ow n routs, t
n uul.i.lliirA u lil I11.I11
uur new wuww w .wv - - r
you make a wise selection toll yon Ijo.v
roues s-nd other flowers tire mown it
roe nonoquariera
imtl how you cm.
grow them etiully well. ,
If you so rwjnest, we will nemt free, thla vlu
ahle' book and a unmple eopr of our ori
uagaalne, Hucmt wo JNeuw.
Grave, la. t
9 WettOw