The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 13, 1895, Image 2

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    v V- wja
U u, Pampas, caaaiar.
On Tear
la Mouth .
Ybra Moulna
All manlaf and death aottoet aotaoad
ln InllM wUlfe bunted ft. A.U ovr
valine will b hMd nv wm pw Its
oelety oblturary raaoluUoo will b ahart
tor at the rat of At oaala per Hue. ,
Kutered at th PoaUXBo la ladapaa
DWOONTINCANCra .Remember that th
pableharaorUtl papwutut benoUfladby
latter wbaa eubecrtber wlahee hie paper
alopped. Alt wiwnN moat ba paid.
office to which your papar to eeah. Your
Sam can not ba ftxiadoa ur book BDlaaa
- thlt la dona. ,
A IX LITTERS ahoajit ba artdreeaed to Iba
WK8T HIUK, Iadepeodeaee.
Capital hat been lying la waiting for
the paat year or two, lying Idle, not
earning any Interest, Just because th
American people showed a decided
tendency to remove the policy of this
gc ver omen t not only on tariff re venues,
but alao finaooe. Capital waa timid,
and Investment of foreign money
ceased entirely. No confidence kre
toning. Wear not going to bare
free trade nor are we going to have
fifty-cent dollar and aa a oontequenoe
there It a turn In the tide. Last week
representative of a London fine,
which has twenty million of dollars,
In gold, to Invest, was In Oiegon. He
pent only a short time here, but he
goee back with a report favorable to
the Investment of 13,600,000. That la
only the beginning. There are millions
of dollars ready to be Invested. Eng
land has had two year of prosperity.
Half of the half a billion dollars worth
of goods that came to America last
year from Europe, came from England.
We paid $3,500,000 to Invest In our In
dustries out her. How much better
to have kept that money at home and
Invested it ourselves. America must
borrow money, but she should not let
foreigners own our most profitable
franchises. We are short sighted if
we do.
How badly does Dallas want a rail
road from Independence? How much
would Dallas give' to have a railroad
from Independence? On the other
hand does Independence want a motor
line direct to Dallas, making maiy
trips each day? United action on the
part of citizens of the two towns would
accomplish It
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Pctaktmkst No. 2. H. H- Hkwitt,
Dallas Land and Imp. Co. vs Jobann
Hehn et al, confirmation. Sale, eon-
Dundee Mortgage & Trust Co Ld vs D
B Khuuen, foreclosure of bond. De
fault and decree.
C D Embree vs R H Cbapln et uz,
foreclosure. Default and decree.
E&HB Tingle vs J E Bartel, fore
closure. Default and decree.
Jacob Brown vs R F Wells et al,
equity, Geo. Wells appointed guardian
ad litem for Mabel E Wells, B F Wells
Jr. and Fred A Wells. Decree rendered
In accordance with prayer of complain
Jennie Hewitt vs Early E Hewitt,
divorce. Tranafered to Dept. No. 1.
M L Robbina vs J Q Kirn pat rick et
mi, foreclosure. Default and decree.
N M Dlckee vs Mary E Millsap et al,
equity. Wm Noble appointed guard
ian ad litem for minor heirs. P L
Frazier, James Savage and J L Guttry
appointed to make partition.
Henry Hill vs John W Severe et uz,
suit In equity. Default and decree.
Bamuel Muhlman vs E P Sninn et al,
foreclosure. Default and decree.
Joebua McDanlel vs Tbos Tatom and
M L Bobbins, confirmation. Bale con
J M Hears vs Henry and Rachel Hap
pen, confirmation. Bale confirmed.
E J Wlnsklll vs L D Daniel and
Rivers & Co, confirmation. Bale con
Lee & Butler vs E P Bblnn et al, con.
flrmation. Bale confirmed.
The Union Hardware Co vs Alvin
Brown, on garnishee of J B Teal,
Transferred to Department No. 1.
M H Ellis vs Felix Labranch and J
J Ferguson, confirmation. Cod fir rued
Jesse Ray va Wm. k May F F Rlggs,
confirmation. Bale confirmed.
HU Sterling vs Frank Fiala, fore
closure. Continued.
Assignments of L Bentley, H D Whit
man, T W Estes and N M McDanlel,
Assignment of Nles&Cosper. Final
account confirmed, assignee discharged.
Assignment of J R Crowley. Order
of 8 per cent distribution, snd cause
Assignment of F K Hubbard. Final
account approved; assignee discharged.
J W Cnder vs W B Dsvis et al, fore-
. closure. Default and decree.
Lucy Darling vs John R Darling, di
vorce. , Divorce granted.
Walvv Ronco vs Catherine Ronco,
divorce. Divorce granted.
Lucy Buchanan vn John Buchanan,
divorce. Divorce granted.
Clara H Smock vs H L 8mock, di
vorce. Divorce gran ted.
W C Brown vs C F Hobart, fore
closure. Default and decree.
Alliance Trust Co vs P Hiebert et al,
foreclosure. Default and decree.
Henry Hagood vs Wm Vogt, forcloe
nre. Dismissed as to defts Hester and
Peters, decree as to other defta.
John L Murphy va H L Lsmoureuz,
ft al, foreclosure. Decree, i
J JKw-reva AD Emma Atkins,
Vty proceeding. Continued.
Allen A Lewis va -A R Johnson,
suit In equity. - Continued.
Prewott A Veneea vs E J Baldra and
I Knight, foreclosure mechanic's
lien. Continued.
Assignment of E Hayter. Order of I
per cent distribution, causa continued.
Assignment of J W Edgar. Order of
IS per cent distribution, cause contin
Assignment of B 8 Harris. Order of
11 per cent distribution, aud eonttuued.
Asslgumetit of J FO'DonusU. Con
M L Bobbins va ET Miller et ai,
foreclosure. Default and dweree.
OUDeardorffvaDT Stanley, et al,
foreclosure. Default and decree.
L Kelso vs Llllle Orubb, equity, con
Henry Hill va James M Hill, tor
correction of deed on foreclosure,
ent sheriff ordered to make deed.
Edgar L Collins vs Polk County, it-
view. Dismissed. .
Ym Ksull vs Falls City Development
Go., confirmation. Bale confirmed,
Alio Walker vs Frederick Walker,
divorce. Continued.
Joa Meyers J C Lewis and Elisabeth
Lewis, suit In equity. Continued.
TC Smith vBM Martinet si, suit
In equity. Decree of foreclosure of
pltTs mortgage.
A Hhulta, D W Btddone, John Leltoh
et al vs The Dallas Wooleo M fg Co, et al.
a corporation, equity proceeding. Def
endants given to Oct. 1. 1885, to
Assignments of N M Qrant and Cuas
Post, continued.
Judge Hewitt's term of court coat
Polk county $13.
A Small Fire.
On last Saturday a small lire broke
out In the bouse belonging to Mr.
Winn, at the north end ot the trestle
on the Southern Pacific railroad. Be
fore the hose cart reached the scene,
however, the fire bad been put out by
the ladles of the bouse, by throwing
water on the fire thereby preventing
the loss of the building. A small hole
In the roof was all the damage don.
County Omit.
Tbe administrator of the Esther J,
Hastings estate has been charged with
the appraised value of the property,
Henry Byerley, James Helmlck.
The Alderman and Hale county road
case was dismissed.
In tbe matter of tbe David Peter
county road, Wm. Howe waa allowed
$80 damages and tbe road ordered
Tbe Warren Frost county road, No,
1, was ordered opened at once.
Bids are to be received at tbe nezt
sesaion for a bridge across tbe Yamhill
Monmouth Mercantile Co, . . . .$ 23 00
State vs Fran i I vie 32 45
A K Wilson, mdse 7 85
W C Brown, room rent 6 00
West Side, printing , 8 75
Mitchell 4 Flynn, lumber S 58
E L Collins, surveying 4 50
R Suitor, lumber. 59 87
Irwin Hodwn Co, supplies.,.. 11 80
Hotel Holman, feeding jurors, S 25
H. B. Cosper, salary 62 50
J F Proctor, work 2 50
Brown A Bon, mdse 8 00
Margaret Mason, paupers ...... 28 00
Electric Light 8 00
J 8 Ashbsugb, salary 50 00
H B Plummer, salary, etc. . .. 230 03
C W Beckett, assessor 150 00
H Byerley, services 14 85
W J Klrkland, blackamltbtng. 7 00
Bute vs Wm Clark 84 95
Wm Fudge, room rent... 2 60
C L Hubbard, posts, etc i 25
Uan Byron, work t.i... 9 00
T A Farley, freight.. 100
J B Teal, repairing bridge..... 88 0
R M Gilbert, building bridge. , 107 00
Jacob Baker,lumber . . , , 8 00
BFMulkey, salary 183 83
HU Campbell, salary.. 80 00
Jas Helmlck, services. 14 80
B F Mulkey, supplies 8 25
Wagner Bros., blacksmlthlng. 13 00
C W Washburn, house rent. . . 8 00
RM Gilbert, lumber 1107
All the circuit court bills were allow
ed. 1
A Bemtrkable Cure of Bbeamatlnm.
WEOTMiNRTER.Cal. .March 21, 1894.
Some time ago, on awakening one
morning, I found that I bad rheu
matism In my knee so badly that, as I
remarked to my wife, It would be
Impossible for me to attend to business
that day. Remembering that I had
4me of Chamberlain's Pain Balm In
my store I sent for a bottle, and rubbed
the afflicted parts thoroughly with It,
according to directions, and within an
hour I was completely relieved. One
application bad done the business. It
Is tbe best liniment on tbe market, and
I sell it under a positive guarantee
R. T. Harris. For sale by Alexan
der-Cooper Drug Co.
A Remedy Against Files.
I never use window acreens" said a
wise housekeeper the other day, "be
cause I have a fancy that they shut out
all the air in hot weather, and besides
they serve to keep the files In tbe
house equally as well as out."
"But I never see a fly In your house,"
said her friend. "How do you manage
it? For my part I confess that, screens
or no screens, my summer means to
me one long battle with the little
"My remedy Is a very simple one, '
said tbe good housekeeper, "and I
learned it years ago from my grand
mother, when I used to watch her
putting bunches of lavender flowers
around to keep the files away. My
method is simpler. I buy 5 cents
worth of oil of lavender at the drug
store and mis it with tbe same quan
tity of water. Then I put it In a com
mon glass atomizer and spray it around
wherever tne files are apt to congver
gate, especially in amiog room, wnere
I sprinkle it plentifully over tne tame
linen. The odor is especially disagree
able to files and they will never ven
ture in It neighborhood, though to
most neonle it has a peculiarly fresh
and grateful smell."
Sim Sparks and wife, and Clyde Mo-
Clureand his mother, leave for the
Belkuann spring this week, on ft
pleasur trip.
Mr. Harper I going to build ft fanos,
five boards high around his fruit yard.
Arthur and Clyde are agents fur the
Harper' Young People's magaslu.
Bob doeseu't like cold shoulder more
than one a week.
Bora utos ross buds were exchanged
th other night.
Suver Is iu full bloom.
Mrs. Jasper Tetherow, who has been
quite sick for the past three weeks, we
are glad to not Is again able, to be
Bom of our farmers hav had to re
plant their potatoes on account of th
rainy weather causing them to rot
Grain In this neighborhood looks
very well, but th green apis ba al
ready made It appearauos.
Whenever Bam wants ft ohampoo he
take It without asking any assistant
hot blood on Soap Creek.
Our worthy road supervisor, J. Bag.
ley, has been doing some ezcellent work
In this vicinity. '
Quit a number from this vaciulty
attended the plculc at Falls City,
Muscott Bros, hav twenty-cn acre
of the beet hop on the Lucklamut.
E. E. and J. fi. Hlltlbrand were tak
ing In th eights at Salem Sunday,
The past It was ft Tetherow, but In
the futur It will be a Hteelerow. v
Kirk says It Is quit expensive send
ing (lowers to Pullman.
The ladles of the Evangelical church
will give an Ice-cream and strawberry
festival here Saturday evening. There
will be a good pmgrara.
M. N. Prather and family have gone
to the mountain for all summer. Mr.
Prather Is scaling logs fur Presoott A
Vanes. V
Dee Hall and Jesal Hoover went
to Portland Monday to be goo
through th summer.
Mr. Scott Is quit sick at his home.
Sain Wilson and wife wr visiting
her this week.
Mr. Bonnie and wife, of Woodburu,
were visiting tbelr daughter, Mrs.Ball,
this last week.
Prof. Bwann, of Monmouth, Is her
working In the Internet of the Wood.
man lodge,
Rev. Lee, of Jefferson, will preach In
tbe Methodist church Sunday at
Mr. and Mr. Mell Baldwin and Jos
Miller are In tbe mountains fishing.
Mr. Yost will preach here th fourth
Sundsy In this month at 740 o'clock.
Mrs. J. A. Veneea and daughter
were In our town one day last week.
Born to the wife of Mr. Beck, ao
eight pound boy, June 5, 1895.
Several from here will go to camp,
meeting at Louisville.
Everett Vanderpool is shearing sheep
for A. Anderson.
The commencement exercise at the
Normal for the week will be excep
tionally good tbl year. Saturday,
June 15th, entertainment by literary
societies. Sunday, June 16th Bacca
laureate Rev. William S. Gilbert, of
Eugene. Monday, June 17th. Class
Day- at2KX)p. m. and student's reunion
at 8.-00 p. ru. Tuesday, June 18tb,
Field day, In tbe evening exercises of
sdvsneed class. Wednesday, June 19,
Commencement day, Alumni Re
union at 80 p. m. ,
Monmouth, like some of our sister
towns, should take on a moral wave.
When It come to shooting pistols on
Main street for amusement gnndy
evenings and disturbing church ser
vices, It Is time matters were looked
Into. Our marshal should Investigate
J. W. Brlston and wife, of Nashville,
stopped In town while on their way
to attend the graduating exercises of
the Blind echoo! at Salem, The
daughter, Miss Sadie, graduates from
tbe advanced course there.
Tbe Vespertine Society will have
their farewell program Friday evening
In their ball. After tbe program re
freshment will be served to the mem
bers and any old Vespertlnes, wtfo re
here visiting.
Aunt Lizzie Whitman received the
sad news of tbe death of her sister, who
resides In California. Aunt Lizzie Is
the only oue remaining out of a large
At the close of the service at the
Christian churpb Sunday evening two
came forward to make tbe good con
fession. In tbe Intercollegiate athletic sport
at Salem last Saturday Lester Hlgglns
won the 60-yard foot race,, Good for
I Am Glad
To tell what Hood's Baraaparllla has leas
for ma. 1 bad tb grip snd Its 111 affects
settle U ovsi
aia.I had cramps
la my legs and
frequently I bad
to get up at
night and walk
stomach ,t roe b-
Vis. I than took
XHood'. Samps.
$V rills. Oosbottl
enred tbacramp,
sad soother has
helped my atom
seh trouble
greatly. I hav takan 8 bottle, sad
us Hood's Pills whloh sr th beat I evsf
took." U. A. Mklvin, Bisters, Oregon.
Hood'o Garsaparllla
fo tho Only
True Blood Purifier
prominently in the pn bile eye today.
I ST i W ft
2 ... V
Vi yMta.iJi
Af. T. Perrlval returned fromTftconta.
Tueaday, where he has dean tending
bis sister Mr. Ford, who Is still quit
Tb Young Peoples aocletle of tit
different churohea held joint OLeethig
laat Huimay In th Evangelical church.
The toplo under discussion was,
"How to Study the Bible;" aud rnasy
beneficial point were brought out. ;
Th Sunday school at tb Evangel
ical churcl will give a missionary
uiertalunient Buuday evening.
People are beginning to talk of th
camp meeting at Turner and many
expect to attend.
Quite an snjoyabl Urn was held at
th to cream social at Cochran lust
Monday vning. ,
fi. M. Sloss and Geo Hostier are
erecting neat residence fur Joe Cooyer
In Ibis city.
8. O. Prrcival returned from Salem,
Tueaday, where ke has been visiting.
C J. Mcintosh, a gradual of the
Normal, Is visiting friend In tows.
Miss Alios Smith was In ths capital
dty Tuesday,
Miss Oliv Andrews U back vlslllnf
her mother.
Bualnes Is picking up.
Vlrgel and Msud si so many cite, rtea
they are both sick. Vlrgel said It was
only the blues.
Three twins ar hauling wood to
Well from her. Wood I cheap and
Bob ha friend near her that would
Ilk to se him pretty well
Jack Creel said he would sooner -t
cherries than chop wood.
Some time ago I was taken sick with
ft cramp In tb stomach, followed by
diarrhoea. I took aouuple of dose of
Chamberlain' Colic, Cnolore and
DlarrboM Remedy and was Immed
iately relieved. I consider It th beet
medloln In the market for all such
complaints, 1 hav sold the remedy to
other and every ou who usee II speaks
highly of It Js W. Bthk klbh, Vat
ley Center, Cat. For ale by Aleisu-der-Cboper
Drug Co.
Dr. Pries' Crem Baking Powdc
""a4a GaU SM4 Miwtpf W. (as FrMMfcM
Ou H. Uy non, a Job prlnterof many
year eiDerlenoe, has leaawd the Wkmt
Sidi Job office and will be glad to give
you estimate on your work.
Ilcvf it Littfz Pilice l!jtel, Independence,
For Four Days, June 13, 14, 15, and 16.
Piit .ocsretf al
II J Fnil Slreit, Cuntir tf Mlrjton, Portland, hp.
, When he txm be ootuutted on oil
u mass, ii;d dib
Examination and Advice, FREE.
Com one, Come all, and embrace ibis grand opportunity to learn tb true
condition of your health, without money and without prlo.
These old reliable doctor will cooult with you Free of Charge, and tell
you your disease without asking you a question. They alan furniah all medi
cine at their offices, and save you extra owt of buying; mediulne at tlw drug
store. We can give you reference of many remarkable ourea tltev have made
on this (Toast, by leading bankers and hunlne men. Call al th ofilc and
read them for proof.
t t rtri j m
Tb successful physician
th skillful surgeon the emi
nent specialist your oest
friend-the world's benefactor
permanently located con
sult blm this day.
I k k k k k kik k k k k k k
Most Successful CATARRH Doctors
These old reliable specialists of many years' exuerienee, treat with wonder
ful success all lung and throat affections, Cancer, lilee, Fistula and Hupture.
rwr All case of acute of chronic (nflsniatlon, far or near slghtednew, dim
Lib ness of vision, scrofulous eyes, closing of the eye duct, squinting, cross,
eyes, wild hairs, syphilitic so,- eyer, granulated lids, tumor.cancerof the lids, elo.
Pin Deafneas from catarrh, singing or roaring noises, thickened drum, In
bill flaraatlon of external ear, purulent discharges from the ear, etc
HP A n Neuralgia, sick, nervous, or congestive headache, dull, full feeling,
IilAU lots of memory, dizziness, softening af the brain, tumor and eczema
of the scalp.
TIIRDIT t'aUrrhttl M4 yphllltlosr throat, acute and chronic pharyngitis,
I llfllH I enlarged toiisllltis and palate, hoarseness, lima of voice, thick phlegm
In throat, which causes hawking.
I llUnC Consumption In the first and second stages, hemorrhage and chronic
LURuU bronchitis, dry and loose cough, pain In chest, difficulty In. breathing
hepatizations, asthma, etc.
UriOT Valvular diseases, weak and
IILNlll tbe Heart, languid circulation,
Catarrh and ulceratlpp. and acid dyspepola, indigestion, pain and
fulness after eating.' heartburn, waterbrash. and difficulty In
I llTR Pl FPU Al1 dlM,lUM
Lit Llla Ol LLLn chronic dlarrliQ'a,
dlsordeia, rheuniattsm and all skin diseases, eenia. salt rheum, rinirworm. bin
joiiii. uinruw, um mirea, ivvrrwiira, anil
I - t .. . 1 I I.I
ous prostration, rupture, piles, nsiuia,
small of back.
CCVIIIt nDdlUC All private dsfasci, spennaiorrliea, nightly or dally
iirlllflr llnnlriii ...... i.,...,.., 1... . 1 ... .1 ..
wmnmmm .ii.n'i. "ff. H, r Mil I', wrKn uii.i, iniiumi m i viuih irrimtilOII, IONS
of memory and ambition, softening of the brain, Idiocy, Innaulty, etc, syphilis,
stricture, inability to hold the urine, Impotency or Iohs of power, sterility, pros
tst'irrhea, ropy, sandy sediment In urine, or gravel, vnrlcooele treated by a new
surgical operation, hydrocele, all losses or drains, atropby or shrinking of the
Piles, Fistula, Varicocele,
Ing treated without pain
I IDICQ no may RU"Per'nK roln a,lv ' tne dlsirctwing nil men ts peculiar
LAUlLO to tbelr sex, sush as persistent headaches, pnlnfo,l menstruations, dis
olanement. etc . do not srlve uo In desnsir. even If vou have met with nnoaiwt
failure In seeking rellefT Wf tre happy to stale that we have cured buudreda
of rases after oilier physicians, have pronounced tnem hopeless. Charge very
nrtf rnir 0 The remedies used In this dlspnsHry are known only to bur.
IilMlIIIlv selves, snd have descended to us as a priceless heritage from our
Illustrious ancestors, through many generations of the brightest lights In th
medical profession that the world has ever known; and to these precious treas
ures of kuowledge we have added the results of many years of labor and re
search In our chosen calllnir. until now we feel continent of ourlnor all ou ruble
cases, and of greatly benefiting nil who
Who has made so many remarkable cures in
Portland, is now at the Little Palace Hotel, Inde
pendence, where he can be
on all Chronic and Private
i4 1 a
evening', won't lorget tne aates june 13, 14, 15
and PAYS ONl,Ya
5krtnu of Brttth, Swell,
log of Left and Foot
"For about four year I was trou
bled with palpitation of th heart,
shortness of breath and swelling of
th leg and feet At time 1 would
faint. I was treated by th best phy
sicians in Savannah, Ua., with no r
lief. I then tried various Springs,
without benefit. Finally I tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. Af
kr oepiMriM loloiMtAm Jk68W I
continued taking them snd I am now
in better health than for many years,
bine my recovery 1 have gained fifty
pounds In weight I bops this state
ment may be ot value to some poor
g. B. 807X011, Ways BtaUea, Oe
fV. Btllaa' natrt Ceae ta aold ea a eosltl v
rilMahM that IM Sr. SoaUa will taMt
Airlraslalaalllllt, txHllaa furl,
it will baaant. Brapa.14. ea recl ftrie
by U Ur. HUaa Madical Ife, ftUAart, U.
A Card of Thank.
Or.C. K. Boynton attending phy
sician, and the good people of Buena
Vwta generally, will please accept my
heartfelt thank for tbelr many acta
of kindness during ray wife's lat 111
ness, I shall always carry with mes
grateful reoolleetlmi of tlte people who
rendered such timely assleUnc In th
hour of affliction.
Wm, Wklu.
Exercise at Preabyterlan Ckarek.
Th exerolae st tbe Preatiyterlan
church last Sunday by the little folks
were very good. The children went
through with the drill and delivered
their recitations with great credit to
themselve and tbelr teacher. The
collection from th Sunday school
amounted la over 87.00 which will be
applied to the Foreign 'Mission work.
Treat rupture, piles, flwure,
fistula and rectal uloers, with
out kulfe, ligature or caustic,
and without pain or detention
from bust uee. Be also treats
all private dIeMs, haw of
power, spermatorrhea, syph
Ilia, pimples, eta
fatty hearts, dmpsy, rheumatism of
tne ,,ver' "pWoi bowels, constipation,
kidney and bladder.all nervous and reflux
jouim, nuir lip, spinal irrIHVIOl, nerv
I..I. J. , . . .. .. 1 -
rectal ulcers, wtilcu produces palu In
Hydrocele, and nil tenderness or swell.
or detention from business. i
hitve not yet reHved any relief whatever.
consulted Free of Charge
Diseases, until, Sunday
ft ' 1 . ' .
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
A saoaml bMiktni so4 aiobaas buainaas
tnutaaeiMl: Umot mada, bills
maralal ofadlU iranKdi dapnalU Weelvad oa
earranl sooDunl auUJaot to ahaofc, laureat (sua
e Una dapualia.
B. r.' amllb, A. Malawi, 1. A. Allan, H. If
ia.wmin, a. i, uuoaman, l. w. mn, n
Commenced Business March 4, 1889.
Kalefcliabad by National AolUorliy.
fust uiiniL in.
of laopaadaea,Ortoa.
Capital Sth.
I. a. cxwfKit. u w. wmiamov,
rraldui. . , Vie rreaia"
W. M HAWUCr, Cssblar.
J.S, Ctxipar, U gtnaio, Lawla liaLmlc
O. W. Wbiiaakar, W. W. Comas.
A aanaral baoklna bualnaaa tmnaerta
Nuya aa aaltaaiabaag uo ell Important
ItapnalU raealva aublaot to abaft or ea
Hnmiaoraapaalk rulltwlluna aui
Ofltoa boom a, m, ta i p. as.
Polk County Bank,
. H. HAWt.ltr
Paid Capital, 930,000.
J. R. HawW. P.UCawphall, I.HI.Wmpan
I. n. v. ouuar. j. a. mump, r. n. rou
A annU bank ma ami it'h0( bualnaaa
UranMuitiMt; Inana in ad: dvlMMlla rwwlvad
auhjani In rhark or on naniflU of dauualt'
laural paid on lima dapo.ll.
-rira pnif vault aud burglar proof aala,
toiw or 1 aia lima wri,
iii.ra Houra- a a. in. Ui 4 p, m.
; to ;
0 0 O O-O .ip..o 0 000
AT 6:30 AHM.
Tuesday, .
AT 6:00 A. M.
Fee Freight an Passage ly n
Prescott &. Veness,
-ProprlMors of-
n 'Mm
Maaunuturara of and liaalars In
Rouh and Drossod
J. A. WHEELER, . Manager
Fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
Photograph Gallery
Independence, Or.
IT. ifJf OAVtATft.
Idart bureau for aacurtnf paianu In Anarioa,
Ska publla b; a aouoa (it.ii traa ol etaaVsa la th
Uvnat ajnalatloa af any aManUBe papar la tb
world. t Splauilldlr lIluMratad. Notnlalllrani
pan ahould ba wllhom It. Waakljr. a ,00 J
aari fl.Mltlz Dinniha. Addrant MfjVlN ll 00.
frvauaHSns, Sl Hroadwar, H9 Tors StK
Thla la the Standard Military Encyclopadla of th
mid aud the oidy work of Ita kind tDlua Ksalla
lauiaaa. It liaa tba andonemant of th wat
IWin&rtniiuift and tha lMdlna military
,f Amarlca aud Europa. It la uauad In thraa lama
oolavo yolamoi ot about 1000 pacta aaoh, prism
an fine papar, from new alaetrotrpa plataa, ar
faaalr lllwtratad and haadnmaly boaod. It la
ooinpM library ot military Intormattaa loth tot
military and non-military paopla. It wry library
ahould hara It. Clrculara aent ea anUoatk.
Oood afaata wantad.
in the laadln . apto-data military an aayal
hooka. PrlsaUatraiaJabadoaaBlkaUoa.
tt-2t Broadway. New Yr CH
T Sclentlflo Anerkaa
l Agency fsrs.
Busy Corner
Tracbrt the Icsmiii every
good value. We think this $pim far more conducive to t
attraction and retentiun of first
bod policy of "Give a Sprat to
building and aim to win the trust and . confidence of the
public furnishing them every day, Not Spasmdicalljf,tbe
eoods at lowest prices, to regular buyers. This means a fcr
saving hundreds of wide awake choppers have learned
economic secret, and every day their rank; receive lance access
This is worthy of your consideration and thought
Warm .Weather Goods.
Ladies' shirt waist?, Formerly $1.35 now
Ladies' Shirt Waist, Formerly $i.;o now
Jap Fans. Your choice
Parasols, of all kinds .
Clothing, New Styles for Summer .
Dress Goods
iVi. vvuiiii u1v.11 is iiu suv.ii a uilli'
as fashion; that if each woman would wk
what most suited
height, etc., she would
style. '
is not like other stores; its ways, its doings, it
uMrc rtr mnr tr vnnr liLrlnrr Tlrar'c l-U
this business grows daily,
Lewis Illmick. Proprietor.
Mill Feed on Hand and to Order..
independence, (Near
Deertns; anflcCormlc
Binders, aud Mowers, are (he only two
machine made that are anld In every
nation on tb globe; when you buy It 1
Economy to get the best.
Dou't be Induced to buy an lufwlor
machine simple to save a few dollars, as
you will mmui pay out twice that amount
for repairs.
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co,
's Soap!
You probably want tbe very nnent and beat whan you
" 11 on th Illeat akin or your wlft or baby. W
hvH klnda of Tollot Soapa. They ar dellahtfutly
.., peinimedandaremadeofpuramatariaia, Wawprolally
, call your attention to tb Mexican 80.. nt
- which It purely trtbl. Com and mt FREE
earn pie,
Patterson Bros., The Druffgfst$,
day in iheyear ol low ptica ,
cbss iatnna;e. than the too cv
Catch a Herring." We arebu-c
- fnmjtojjcc
70 cents to f; j
from to $15,
This Week!
her figure, complexion
be well dressed and ij
the 8. P. Depot.) 0ret
Coming I
Sold by R. M. Wade & Co.
Drug Store,