&"w;-'r"v.. rho Best Newsoaoer - s T - : i0 bit . mi..j k ... J TH2Vu3TC:D2 Takm tni Liao w Polk County. r ii u the on that gives th most and trwheat r.w Compare ths WEST jlDH with any pw In Tglk county. VOL. XIII. $2.00 Per Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUUE 13, 1895. Five Cents Per Copy. No. 30. r rursiciAxs-D ntisthy- r L. KETCH UM. M. I. OFFICE P. aud residence, eorucr ltailreiiti J Alouuioutb t,, Ittdepeudene, Or, C 1-Mt J. B. JOHNSON. 11ESIHENI L Deutist. All work warntuttKt to V til Wt M MlWCNdMOD. lUUOpt'O n, Or, MS. E. J. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN ) and Surgeon. Diseases of the no it Mirest and skin, specialties, At Thomai uarinacy, Montnoutb, Or, ATTORNEYS, GEO. A, 8MITU, ATTORN EI AT Law. Will practice in til elate od federal eonrta, Abstracts o( title lrnwhed. Ofnce over Independence Uttomd Baas. r SASH AND D00R3. M ITCH ELL k 13011 ANNO N. MAN lYl nfaeturere of sash and don. .1 il, aoroli eawiug, Main street, lode jeudenoe. Or. 8BCRUT SOCIETIES, U 0. U. W.-INDEPENDENCE M , Istge, No. 22, meet every Mon fay uiiiht iu I. O, O. F. hall. All anjoqru- tog brothers are luvited to attend. E. U Kctehum, Al. W.; W. U. Coui Jieeorder. ...... r I f ALLEY LODGE. Na 2. 1. 0.0 I V F. Moe in Vsndnye a ball every f buraduy evening. All Odd fellows our Imlly invited to meet with na. J sine A. Roberta JN. U.; A. J. iloodiuan, nee- Wary, r HOMER LODOE, NO. 45 K. of P. Meet every Wednesday evening. all knights aw cordially invited, o, A. Kramer, C. C J. It Motln, K fR.8. l .Amnrtean and KuMpMuitPlvu THOS. GUINCAN.PrprUtor, - Jevtnlh and Wal)loj(too Hu., fOHTUSD, OlttUJ -N RAILliOADS. r TIME TABLE. dependence mud MonmontbMutul't.in Leave ttoumoul Independence. M0 :10 : UM 1:W :ti 7: llrXU VI: lib fcle East and South via . SHASTA rrhe Route of the Southern Pacific I California expre train run dally.Mnpplui tll Id ok Iwlween 1'urtlund and Aluany. Bouih 103 r. u. lir.ti a. u. Norlb l.v. Pordund Ar. Lv. Albany Ar. Ar. Han Kmnclnco tv. i-rg, A. M. 7u r. M. Rotaburo Mall ("""yj. n.u . Arrive. Portland .... HMA.M. I Rowburg .... P. . Jlutteljurg....7:0UA.li. Portlaud ...AM A. M. lining Car: on Ojis Route. PULLMAN BUFFETT SLEEPERS and BwcotKl-Claas Bleeplnif Cara atta;hed to all througu tratns. West Side Division. Qatwaan Portland and Corvallia. Mall train dally (except Sunday.) l.v Portland Ar A r.. J ndependehc-. A r Ar Oirvalllw l.v oito p Id 1 ;( p m 7:' p in At Albany and CorvalllH, mmneet with trolm Oregon Initio railroad. Express train aally (except Hunday) 4 441 p III 1M p in Lr.. I'ortiand -Ar I a m Ar MCMlnnvllle Lv I Wpm Oragonlan Railway Divlalon and " CPortland and Yamhill Ry. Airlle mail TrUweckly, :40 a m 6:'i) p in f p rn Lv Ll'ortlandj. Ar f w p i I v MnmnoUth 4I.V I 7:45 a m 7;U0 m. Through t(ktw to all point intlie f jwrn Hlaten, Canada, and Kurope, can be from T, M. UT1VKK, Agent, Indcindence. MaimKr. At. O. F- 1 a. gi Cveat, and Tmde-Mark obtained and al Pat-i ent DuuneMConaucua lor miodiukts andwecaniecure ptentu IM tune Umn UwmI , Send model, drawing or pfcoto., with tlon. We adviM, ii JMtenlable or not, tree ol charge. Our fee not due till patent heeeored. , A aMPHLCT " How to Obtain Patent,' with colt cTVthe U. 8. and toreign eounme. sent free, AddreM, c.A.srjow&co. i. E HE PRESS CLOUS II Important Resolution Adopted. ' Clianffes Made in Prirate Secretaries. Nlwty DMuocnttle Edltort In Ohio le dure for Frra Silver, Which Look Bad lor Biit. I'lllLAnKLPHU, Jun 1!.-Tb flrrt) Attntwl onvntluit of rite lutt imtltiual Irfntirtte of l'rta Chtiia tin tills luorntuir iu Die old viihih) eouu fll fliaiulHT In liuli'iHHuli'uce Hall and will lx Iu aoiailon four tlaya. IVa aud piMx-ll wttkkww front all ho WdltiK pivim fiulM from Malue o i;allfornla are In dtttudant. l'ivKlout Clarke ItuWoll of Atlnatrt. chIIihI tin oooveu'. tla to oMr, Mayor Warwick tli'V' eml h mhh u of welwtiif. hikI rlien turned over to I'tvuldent Ihtwoll an old lilatorkwl kiy wlilclt he wild would oiHHi ilie gale of the Hty. Tlie nnmeutatlvt of the ltnltl more delftftttlou outred a tir.vtmlilt and roMolutiau wblob alnteU tlut the Jiiilkinry throuxbeut toe country lint etlUfHtetl to au utidenuaiMtlni; of I he netvweity of euullileuHat rehulont iK'tween ntwttuHr men nl tluate mum whom they rely for Information and tireiiit; the neetwaliy of leulnlntlon lo liroiwt iMw8iuiM'r mm lu re. ervaciiiti or all tHinndeneea that are roxwed la thetn. TilK LI AND NEW. Waxhiuiftoii, Jtme 11. Mr. K. M mihIIh, who wa nrlvitte awretary ef Ilie htto Keertrtary (in'Hliiiin, him nwiKiietl Mint poult Ion and wilt return tu Clili'HKo to reauuie (be intrlJoe of law. . J. Wntter ltlnmlfniil wna today aiv imlntml private aeeretary to Swn-tnry nf Stale tMttey. lie wviipliM the tutnie Nvnltlim with (ilney while the latter wan at tlie bend of the detxtrtiucut of jtiHtne. Mr. Itliimlford 1m a lawyer. StjrAIXY FOIt BUIfK. Oliiclntiatl. June H.ltmdleM to I'lrt'iilur wut out to 110 democratl? eillton of Ohio almw that HO favor free allver and !io othera are tllvtihM in tlii'lr vlewa. TIiIh rcattrt wan umde pnlillo tixl.iy after (lie aiiiioiiiui'iiieni of Scii.itor Itrlee at Lima of hi randl ilitcy for re-rieviton eu a aoutul utojwy inatform. THE BIQ HILYEK MEETING. MemplilH. June 11. The allvee men will have fine weaiber fur tlM'lr con vetitlon tomorrow at the Auditorium, where' a "onndmont'y', convention vfin held hint luontb. The liultctttiutia point to a very large attendance, In liiitlnx men prominent In iiiitlotuil inilltli'n. I Mesratiotia are nrrlrlnir on every train, and will cutiilnuc to come in up to tiiHin tomorrow, l licro I no tlceahly a la rue proportion of men from the country and muullcr towtm. It m llmticht that there wilt ln fully 111 tleletratea iireaeiit. licletfatloitM are eamftetl from 25 dtalt. hut -ircely any from the Htittcn ettKt of the .MlMdMKijd nod mirth of tho Ohio, 'lliere ore here 'nihil Kt.Kc Setinlura Jonen and llerry, of Arknimna; Hate and Iliirria, of TeuneMH!; tieorge and Walthal, of Mississippi, and Turole, of Iudlana. Kemvtora Stewart, of Nevada, Ktrouft bf Idaho, and Btfller, of North Caro lina, are expected tonight. The convftitlon will be culled to or der at 11 o'clock tomorrow !y W. X. itrown, prcxt.ieiit or the liluuinillc .eii;e of MmnphlH. Judge T. J. Katee of the circuit court will offer a prayer ami an adlreaa of welcome will tie illvered ly et-tlotign-HHtiran Cawy Young of Memphis. It bun not yet been determined it to whether there will be a temporary orgnnluitlgti. lo aw It la decided to tilitrt off with pcrmnnent orgunlznthin, Senator Ifiiri'lx will nominate for permanent liiuriiinn either Henator Tuirw or Heimtor Joiich. of Arkamwn; protmtriy the former. If Turple I niado chnlr- mmi of the convention Joiich will he Imlnnan of the onnnilttee on resolu tion)), and vice verxa; comimittees 011 nwlfiit lul and resolution, will tie n- polniiHl and the convention adjourn until afternoon. Iteaolutitma . will prohahly Ijo presented at the aeeond day' new I on. Among the mwakcra will lie ex-CongresHinan Hlbli'y trf 'etiiiKylvanla, Alex Dclmrtr of Cnll- forula, ex-tioveronr Prince of New Mexico. Henator Jones, Turple, Htew- ai't and Hhottp, and jirolmhly ex-Con-gwnninan Bryan of Nehrnnka. Henn- lor IlurrlM will not Kieak hut will de vote his attention to the IhiwIiichh of the convention. , WrBRMIXWD Fill ilJTT.H. I'EXDIKTONTjimc ll.--Arter the e of Monday morning at CIuih. (Hut- liigham'a ranch IS mllea frmi here, the nronrletor wlbb wven of hln ein- phiyes prepared to watch during the night, tnakintr Ihiiikb on tlie ground with londed piwtola by their Rldtm and aunlted the mornliie. Dlvldwl Into nqnd to keep watch, toward :t o'clock HOME BUILDERS Wilt consult tbeir beat in tereata by, purobamng their SASH AND DOORS , of the reliable manufacturer, " ; M.T. CROW ; Independence, Or., auccea- , gor to Ferguson A VanMeer . Sugar pine and cceder doors all alzes, on hand. Screen doors. mil R!f eh misi-a pays P If you u the Petalon Incolieton Bnwder. Make money while otheri era vnwling lime hvold nroceMe. ( Cataloirtellsall about llu'trated Jt,andaecrioe; every article neeaeaior poultiybiMlnea. Catalogue IraKa. The "ERIE' tnechulcally the bt ' .wheel. Prettleet model. IWe are Pacific Coast. AfFMtt. nirvcle cata- logue.mailedfree.give FEIAL0MA rWCTaUtot CO.,Petalama,Cat. Bvincu llouBB, 3 8 Main Bt., Ioe Angelee. Jf"JLeew the men doaed, two men Mole tip. lniured keroaeue ou the woil ware iioune and m lire, In the houxe were H ancka of wool, two huudriHl and forty thouannd ihhiiuIk. 'i lie entire lot tNHtan burning and will 1 a total huaj. The wool was att 111 furiously tiunilnir at noon today when the ram wtta vlHtteil. U la thought it w tttiru lor two week, The men were tracked a mile down the rood and then loat. The Urea the lust tw nights agvretrate to thiiiiilu-haiu over MUJ toM wttlt l.ttUKsi inmirfliice, ltorh rn nolo are wIinhI out except one nuiutiujc out of uneeu or twenty Ilia eueiutea aevut determined to cause tlie deatrueilott of all funning ham'a proHrty. This nutke tlve flt'e on his ranch., all of Incendiary orig to, It wm the must complete mueb plant lu the Inland Kmidre. The tire leave only bare range ami ahev with all other real property dcstroyei MYHTEUIOl'S ACITDKNT. The ouly partletilara of the killing of Mra, Charle K. Lisle on tdumhla river to lie obtained any alio went to a barn where glaut powder wa atorvd ami au expWmlon followeil. There wa 110 one near, aud what caused tlie Ignition of the powder will never be discovered. Hlie was inarrletl ouly a month ago, and lived at ft'ho, Oregon, nut wa croa the Columbia river Pwhea tilled. AXOTHEil BAD FlltK. Walla Walla. June ll.-Tula after noonhe Ku nners' Implement ware house, near it be V. ft V,. It. ilcpot, was destroyed ly tire. Itoinml lecml, ninimger, wa so severely burned he will die. The building wna a , large, two-atory wue, with corruif.iteil Imu ldes. It wa tilled with farming tun ciiinery ami fiiriiliure, which were a total hew. Mr, Yeeiid'a children wert' lihiyliig in the second etory, wtMcb waa used a a workshop by cnriieu tern, a iMiy agini aisnit 4 ennn k nrutcti and Ignited some uluivlngs IMie (Ire rapidly spread to a titmtitlty of machinery oil. The children gave the am rm. mhuI ruslH'd uiwlalr to save the children; ho hurried rhem out then Mtnrtod 1,1 extinguish the lire, but the na niii aprtad with such rapidity he was forced to retire He ruehed down alalra to save the eouitiauy book and lock the safe, then rushed out the office door, hut the Humes were comluir In so llercely flint his clothing raughl lire, lie rushed out lulu tlie tnhMle of the alreot ami fell prostrate, MislUnl asslstnuiv wmmi nr rived and It wa found the names had burned every panicle of hi cloth tint, aud eaten Into his entire body, the face ami ecaln lielng literally einiked. lie was riMiioved to hH Iioiim1 aud nt lust account wna alive, hut there are no hoiie of hi recovery. The los on building aud contents Is estimated at flo.um; Insurance est! mated at fli), ADl'LTKttY AND Ml'RDim. POUTLAXn. Or., June ll.-Iml Stnllhle, (Htnilnml in the county lull aw airing tlie mtlon of the grniul jury on a charge of stealing a cow, bus confessed to the murder of lleoig W. lottng three years ago at Mttt, mall plin-e ueur Dmismulr, t'al. The utory a told by Kmithle I thai Ave year ago be went to Sllvertou, In Marion county, where he became aciuuluted with tienrge loiitik', who, Willi Ida wife ami four children, was resitting at that place ami wn cutting wood for a llvluj.'. An lutliimey sprnng up iM'tween Mmlthle and .Mrs, Young. The imrrte nfierwnrd went 0 rttsMona. t ni. On the way ciililier, Young norhHl bow familiar Hiulthlo ami bl wife ' had become and hi ealuiisy became nrniim'tl to auch ail exteut that he tbreateued to shoot Mmlthle. Finally It waa determined by the guilty couple to put Young out of the way rorever. Aworiiiujfiy, .Mr. Youmr made an appointineiit with her husband to meet her at Hoda Hprlngs on Hoda Creek. , YtMimr came and when he wna silting on the bank of the creek hi wife came up liehlml him ami sclxed hold of him. Hmirhle then plunged a knife Into Ida brenst, killing lilm. The body was then con. calod. Young wa missed in the neighborhood, but people supposed that he bad alwmloued his wife nntl no aearch wna made for the body. Acting on Huilthlea coufesKlon, HberlffHiitra arsted Mr. YotiiiK, widow vof the murtlered limn, In, a ton cahlu near Keavertou aud she now otvimlca a cell in the county jail aWtttlhi(PdeyehipineiiU. AX IXSANE MI1TIIKR. Delroit, June M.-A juwcuil to flic New from Ht. Louis, Mh'h., nays; Mra. Hcnimu Hecker, aged 84, anil her two children, aged 4 and 5, were found slay by her HMIe dementeil boy In back cellar with bullet bole In their bead. They must have been dead at bust two hour. It I claimed that Mm. IhH-ker waa not of sound mind. Hhe left a letter enylug aliu wna alek mid so were her children, ami they (mint die. iHAXDS OFF FltOM CUIA, ; WAHIIIXOTON. June ll.-The fol lowing letter was lent today 'to all ol ector of cuatunw on the omat from New York to the Hlo (irnnde by the nerlnir aeeretary of the. trcumiryi "To collectora of ctiNtoiim and others; It U a mutter of rumor thnt nl vitrlou nolnta iu the United. Hlaten atteinpiH are umkliig to enllxt men to niiln and arm vessel and ny other Hlejral ineaHure to aid the InHiirree tlon now In progress In the lalnnd of Cuba.' While thl dejMtrttnent hun been f urn Inhed with 110 tniiKllue evl- deuce conlirtimtory of such niinors, It (leonm It of great importance tnat no isimdblllty be given for complaint that the , government of the United mutes hna In any reueet fallen tthort of il full duty to a friendly nation." Aot ng Heeretary McAdoo or tno no- partmout n Id this afternoon thnt the Instruction aont to tha comiuotlore of the cruiser Kalelgli for bla frtUdance when on iwirol duty on: Florida const were of the moat comprehensive kind and provided for a full and ati1?t en forcement r the. neutrality laws. With Hpnnleh uien-of-wiir lylnir off the Florida wast outxldo of the three mile limit and the itulelgh and her lioat sweeping the limide wat(r, over-uirrhuHliiMtlc Cubaim and their American riympathlHein ,who uiuler take to drive the United Htale lute trouble by using Florida na a ImhIs of hoHtlle operation agnlimt the gov- eriiiiient of Culm ore likely to no re pressed with a sarong hand. r Market iibpokt. 8m Franctooo, June 11. Wheat, (05 cent per cental ror new nnu coul for dd. Mlllliiff wheat kwp sternly at OTMrSt per cental. . Llverpotrl Wheat, apot, aieuuy, uo hiond iiKxlernte; No. 'i red winter, fis lid; No.. 2 red ftprlne, 0 3jdr No. 1 hird Manltolm, (ia iPjd; No. 1 Cnllfoe; uln, Ri lixl. Hop at Lonuon. iticiuc consc, 2 S. New York Hope quiet. 11 il Of the Klamath Falls Stage Takes PJace at the Topsy Grade. The Same Lone lllf bwayniau Pcrftrig the Job Neatly but With Hilfht Ualo, ASHLAND. Or,. Juue lt.-llio regu lar imuitbly hold up of tha Aaer. Katmatn - fan nag owurre.1 iasi ulgbt whortly after It o'cl.sk. The robbery occurred half a mile from Toy arrade aud very near where the robherh of one and two moiitha ago look place. The smite lone highway man ta miiNMwed to have executed the Job. The aiase left Alter yesterday nf terniMin aud w lieu the coiimuind to Iratt came f ruin" ambush. Charlie llarnebuig waa driving, w Ith two pmt senger. Clma, xwlsler wua otttalde with Hie driver, .wlsler wn made lo cut oHn the letter pom-he ami throw them out aud the driver wa told to break open the ex pre b t me unver tuiu the roldicr tm're liorhlug tu the box aud the h.. scorned satlsilinl when he heard i t empty ritttle and the ex pre Ikix w left in the hoot. After the coat tii. vest of all were throwu out the rmi- lsr ordered the driver to take t1ie stage lantern ami leave It Inside of the conch nod move away, aud when he nnttditHi hi exaiiduiuloii they could (Mime back and set their coats. They moved on tlfty yard and the nddier coiHti in piaiuly siHMi a he went through the registered mall and coat but be overlooked some letter ami iiki in nn in .wlsler a coat pocket After tlii performance he e,tlled the driver and passenger lmk and they got their clothe ami what waa left of the mull, ell then bid them good night aud they were imtiiiIiumI to drive on. The hlk'hwaytmtn wa of medium sixe and wore a imrk over com and light Ktrnw lint. He wore 110 mask, but kept out of the light o Ills feature could Hot be outlined. He got but a few dollar from the passeii gem, nothing from the express com. paiir, and it I thought little from the ma II poucho. THIS FELLOW t'.MTrUKH.' Kilt Lake, June 11.--A tec1iil from Hutte, Mont., 10 the Hem Id soys; A destierate attempt to rob the Hllver Kow .National bunk today by one rob hcr.wa made,. Many shot were ex changed, but no one wn hurt. The robber wa captured. THE MA8HACIIK DENIED. Million Worth of -Property Destroyed, . out no Killing. London. Juue lt-Aecordluir...tu a siiislal dlHimti li. from Hliiinirluil. the is tif property 11 s the result of the reient noting at t beng Tit, Kntuiig ml Ho tiling, niiiouui to Ncverul million dollars. The Chinese olllclnlsi It I added, headed by the viceroy f the province of Kxorlnieu, oimiiIv etm-ournged the mob to nil eort of omiagi H, ami the petition of foreign ers for protection were refused. .New York, .rune H.The following ublegnim of tmhiy's date, front Itev. . 11. Hike. atHluingbal: ha been re ceived at the oltlce of the Methodist Missionary .s-lely In tlila city: rtiperty at tTlieng Tu. deatroyed. MlMHoiiarlc nil afe.M "These ndvliH," wild Dr. Italdwln. rwonllug 'aeeretary of the eindety, are tdllclnl and should act at rent the rumor of the umsHUcrc of nileelon- rleH.Tliere wa no inmeatcre.'' HANtHNO WILL FIT TIIEM Washington, June 11. The t'htiiee gallon 1 si 111 wllbout tiifonnntbin a to the report of depredation on American tuisNlonm lu China, It I coittddoml willed (hut no live have icon lout and flint any depredations nu n may hove occurred are coiitincii to uilsMloiinry property, It I wild If the repoil are eonllrmiMl that of ficial comrlcnnoccd the dito ruction they will Im severely dealt, with. It I tiaton.nry to degrade ylccroy. even vhen they are not rMsmwlbfe for rlotM In their province, ittul the puu Isliuumt, It Is e:tlL doulitlea will be more severe If . they have aided the onthreak a the, report ntnte. MUHDICHOUH - YOUNH FIEND. I,Borte, Iud., Juue 11, Indiana has youthful murderer In Otlbort Row. slier, 4 year old, who killiHl Rernlce Colflns nt Montleello, hia vlitlin ImIii tiNlclflnir ' Infant of '2 year. How- slier, who .waa iu comiwny with two other laiya. imswd Hernlce 011 the street. The hitter spoke to RowKber's (VmiimiiloiiH, Wit roniNtM to imrllce hi in. Thl angered young 'luv slier, and luytnir lu wait for the Collins child, he attacked her with atom, ami before her piteous erle 6ir help brought relief, alio wu Ocuti. 1 he itiichoi'irie are pulled' a to what step are to lie taken In dealing with the boy, the annuls of the statu full ing to record a' parallel fa wo. Roth families are prominent. DUCK NOT ,THE MURDERER. Ann Francisco, Juno 11. The In- qtiDHt over the death of Ml Nellie Harrington wus "concluded today. Four additional witnesses -completed the alibi of Henator Ruck,. established at the Iniiuewt yeeterday. I. W. Lees, hlcf of detectives, was the last wit ncKM. He wild no stranger commiueu the crime. The murderer was thor- uglily , familiar, with .the , premlsea. The erliuo waa'.not for, the ptittmsc of ' rohlH-ry.' The ' tiiunler1 was most brittal. The wound were hiflloted by tilHtol useil n a clube The jury re turned a: verdict of murder by an tin known' person, '1, . , , TO JAIL TODAY. oiifengo? .Tune1 iol-Eiigene' V.' Debs and vtijer'i otllclals of the A nierlcan railway unloii, w.lll bo. aoirj; to Wood-shK-k Jail tomo'rrow.. A' cert tiled order of ..tho supiiHiiii'.court wus retwlvcd here today, rue men unuer senrence re: 13. V. Debs, U. -W. Howard, H. Kolllhcr, L. W. RogersJnnies llogan, W. 10. Hum, n. M, Ooodwln and Martin Elliott. There is a question. a to tho time tho men .will serve. The oriental sentenco wns six months for .Delis' and three-, months for bi; aasocuntos, In two different contempt nasas senlten(!e belnir niude.eonnirrenr by tho court. TJ19 defendants', attor ney later had-the Sentence iiinde cumu lative, In .order , to tuke, the delrrid le git! intflon.' It is thought probnblo thnt an'effbrt! wilLht nindo to have Judge Wood rdustate the concurrent sontonccs. Fill An Interesting leUc from Japan. The Late War Was Sim ply a Feeler. ' Grave Constitutional Qneilltint (0 Be Broached In the Very Sear Potare. . Kolie, Jntstn. May lTth, (Via Van cgayerj-a'here la trouble In the air, At io moment .of Uilawrliltm It la kuown lliikt China baa mtined ' the treaty of peace agreed Umn at Hhl tuutHiaeki; aud the proimblllty waa that alie would. Rut that la not the uuiwthin. 'It baa been announced aud no routradlotlon lata followed, that KuahI'I, Fmucw and Uermany have atidresMiHi a joint note to due Tokl government, protesting against the eesslon of tmrltory by China, and It la also tntcd that the cabluet linn deeblml to nuilnlnlii that the tonus of pem-e wice:ti oolssly except the two pnrtle ,1 .ciwiiej. Kngliind, seem. Inui diMdwl mot to Join in this protcMt, although her lulenua are mattlfeetly affisited when a strong ami warlike jwer obtain Haoton or f oniHMt.'t ami the recudore la bind. It 1 not Improhnble thnt the Itiitlsli goveniineiit Is of the opinion Ilia JitNin rtsrtlmlil on the conll nont might. In future, act a a barrier against ItiisMht'a future encroach uitHit. Her male!!-' subliMM Iu Japan are tlioroiiglily disgusted with the attitude of their goveniineiit; they onjocxi unanimously, it may ue said ajfttlnst -the nw treaty, and the Jap anese, so far from acknowledging the tnvor, nave shown since Hint time de rided ntluhy, or ratbr hatred against the English. lit waa only the otnr uny wtieu au exblldtton of na nv wrestling was Kiven. that two residents, a tlermuu nisi an English man, attended the entertainment. Upon Ita conclusion one of the hung er on, iiuicimrnbie 40 all such shows, planted himself liefore tlie two for- rlifner. ami when they attempted to evade in disagmvilile proximity, shook his list lu their faces, and lu reuiaraaiuy short Mine exhibited the itutal extent of his knowledge of our vernacular by sajtlug; "Ood d r.iutnsfcmanr- Tlrnt i the trouble. IVi stkh fellows, that Is to the mas of .the people, every white man I r.iigllsh, and If a row break out with any huropetui power, we are Ismnd to get our share, "Ob. bosh!" uld ouh of our tourist to me, "you are limning upon tilings rrotii too dark a side!" Rut this visitor of course did not understand the language: and when some urchins greeted lilm a lie passed by lu his iliirlkbdia with veils or "ro-jtnj To-juir (Foreign Devil I) iwsmue pieamMyotieliMU of ue attention he wus attracting, mid :tiistiii that Uncle Ham'a children at least, are very popular In Joint 11. x unti l mean 10 say that the govern ment is against foreigners, but slm ply thikt we are, haled y the mmnle utut mat ine government Is utterly poweruioj to control tlie musses. Au toenttle as tho rule bus Ishmi here, there always, was ami Is a b.hmI deal of Independent thought' and notion among the gentry. In former da) a. hum w prior to iw, wnen one or them waa dissatisfied with his lord's action or policy, or when he had a grievance of any kind, he used to etud lu his resignation as a retainer and be come a ronln, literally "wavenmu" tlie fne and more correct translation of which is eimmu" Refore lodrcsn- ing nia grievance a suited lilm Ut he would have a good time, devote himself to Venus aud Racchua, nnd then become an exalted hero lu hli own eye and those of hut fellow aul- ect by dlspntchlng his eiiemv. real and siipitosed, to the happy hunting grounds, and, end his own life by the ceremonious.!, Jinra-kui. -There aie balf-a-mlllloo of these men In lamui. and one of thcin need only think that roreignetw- nave long emmgh profaned Dal Nippon's holy ground, nud tukc upon hltiModf their externilnntlmi, when the fuu will commence. He loti't eiire: be has umde up hla inlud tlint his .country detiuind tho sncrl- ee of his. own life: thoughts of a hereafter do .not bother lilm. 80 he Whet hi sword or buys a revolver aud the next thing we hear la that poor so ami so has hcou killed by a rnsy jai. this spirit, which led to the attack 011 the present exur lu 1891. to tlie ''murder df Oknho, to the dyua mltlng of Okuiiift, and the imire recent wounding of LI Hung: (lining, -will irenk out mtnpaiit as soon na a for eign jKiwer dare Interfere with Jair- 11 s schemes of aggrandisement. Thousand -.of Japanese would deem theiiiKolve . wpiM'lully calhsl iiiniii to defend their beloved country, and we, well, we shall liave a pretty warm IIIIMJ or it. Iu the menu while, very few of us would euro to stand In I to' shoes. 'here Is hwi fun than excitement any way, trf be prime minister of such mercurial people a the Japanese. 'he Fremdi have a prett) fair notion as to their . national excellence, hut the Japanese can double discount thorn and . nent them at that. We think thnt Japan has done pretty well lu this war. h gets a neat lit tle Ruin, which will be . wholly de voted to lncreusii herarmy and navy; she has annexed thv Chinese fleet, or wlmt remains of It, and, If foreign powers will let' her, slm will tnko pos sess lou' of 'ft dtwiif slice of "China, bold (.Vu'en in ad affectionate embrace whloh'Huvy turu Into an exceedingly tight souceze, and extend her Island empire Into, the tropica by Jnpunning I'ortnoKii and tho .Pescadores. Now the; JjmMw .are intiy thing bttt-eJiiUnd at thla,rtult:.l.ijit,y think that they nave tstuaveu wi.ru wonuernu mag naulinUy1'. ' lind they proclaim openly mid lu'ifissl fult'h that the whole civ lllsiod wvttrI 1 etnrius oiyen-monthed at Japuft's imbeard iif ireneroalty to- wjwtl n eoiuiueiwl ' we, They would ave said 'the same thing If Japan had demiusled,' the. v holu ,0 Chlnu'8 seti boilrd.,ntwl .they would still have in Rlsted,, us they; do today, tha.t this wus simply In Uie, Interest of Oorea'a in dopcmbdV'f Olid; .tho preservation of is'iice In HiOi l't ... Exaggerating! You enn't exagger ate, t t urn writing bai-o facts. 1 irlve .ew extracts from leading Japanese 'paper on the pence problem, Tho JJyit said: I . "Tho tlmfj Is rlpo for Japan to prove whether her powT nnd energy suuice to ninke her the loading spirit lu tho Ktit, or, what i vastly more luipor tuut, tx ensure, licr rise, as the godding star of clviUIzait'Ioii nnd progress in the whole world." Tlie Kokumln held: "It I not a ocesihm merely at a tMMlful of Imlsmtilty money or a rfot of land. It I a question of the orieut'e stability. Japan will not hesitate If dostluy direct. Hhe will tavatle China frtm end to end, fight lur hot merely with tho maUilal weopon of rifle and cannon, but also with the moral arm of benevolence, Justice, civilisation and enlighten ment, until the blessing of proa purity and good government ar se cured to the 400 million of luhabltauta of China." 1 can continue quoting vernacular pnisir. ou more eraiy tlian the other; but the conclusion la thla: If foreign lower forbid the aequlaltlon tf territory, Jataa muat go to war, The Uvea is? the member of the cab inet would not be worth an hour's liiitvhii, f they should submit to the Inevitable; and If Japan be per- nitrusj to annex uie stiptiiateii ter ritory, hu will be an Inconcelvaldv dlaturtang ideinent In the far Fast, fw no government will acquire any Stability, that, doe not submit to the popular clamor for territorial aggro n ulsetnojrt Hllght tncldent show the crisis wt H'h Is fast approaching, The Ktiasian minbfti to Japan, M. Hit- rovo, la folbiwed wherever he go, not for the purpose of spying, but to defend hi in lu case ou of those self const Huted patriot should avenge ttussia a Interference uptn the person of the envoy. Tlie tigW of the gov ernment to stisuid newspapers, Is exepHsed wltJt the greatest prodigal ity. There I not a day when one or more mctrotMilllau paper do not fall under the ban. They, were permitted to mor at Kngiumi. ami twist the IIimis tall as much a they nloascd Rut the ltiisslun bear might Is more ticklish, ami must he tieated gin gtirly. The T111110 (Mikado) ha re moved to Kioto, hi aniHutrnl canital. ami thl fiu't alone shows that Hie goveniineiit feel ailxUiu. lUm shlum, wlee the general headquar ter wen during the war, Is expiated to an attack: so to a certain extent Is TokUi, wltorcna Kioto la inluud and council ueu tly safer In case of attack. ltcMide U must he remembered that to the Jiiianee, converted or uueon- verted the emperor is the sou of heaven, the living representative of the Deity, and that he I the ouly one who might aucceed In bridling or curb ing Japan headstrong proclivities. In tlie posMoilon of a issislble Hiirc isuly, he might succeed In avitrtlug a emit calamity from Japan; but If Mirr.Mimh'd by those who breelhe war, no barrier except superior force ouiii stem Japanese ambition. A few daya ago I would Istve hesi tated to state Hint the converted Jan- nncse have atlll the same feeling of reverence fi their emperor th.it to them uUhi he wa the m'rsoiilftcd deity. Rut Dr. Raker of Washington, D. U, pastor of one of the churches of that city, on his vacation trip IMSMcd th rough Jiere, and told me that while lu Nagasaki, he hud ac companied the presiding divine of his iiurch to a eyuod or assembly of Uie native isistor. tine of these, on be ing requoatvd to didlver an addri1, at once launciieii into the war. glv lug, vivid t'escrlplbiua of Japanese lirwwesa and valor. When remon stritteu witn mat, However great a virtue patriotism might ls, the nssem- dy had met for more peaceful pur poMsa, nnotlM'r young pastor proiocd to enliven the meeting of the next day by adding a magic lantern, and thus Illustrating scone of-tbe wm-. Fun cy tho old d.K tor Innnclilng Into nil hi time Metlssllst revival of which bis Jaimuese hearers seemed not lo ucdorsiaud a word, until he told thotu in plain terms that American mission sis'letles did not pay their salurba for tbuso purmises. "This." auld the doctor, "brought them to terms." Dr. I'.aKor opinion of Japanese convert! would be exceedingly Interesting to our societies at home. In the nienuwhile there la activity In Toklo, and the wire bet wee u that capliol and Ht, Petersburg ta kept hot There were three Russian and one French wur vessel here In port but they have left-destination uu- nown. If war should bivak out. and It la lniMjslble to forsee the alterna tive when one power will not and tlie other can not submit the end must lie Japan's defent. For while she hns defeated China, there never wna any fi to oppose her. In all the battles that have been fought during thla war, Japan, according to olllclal sta- tlHtlcs, hiut not lost, two thousand In killed both by land and by sou. If then, war breaks out and tlie enemy succeeds In destroying the Japanese nccr, wnat is tuts country going to do nil her active army In China? Jar 1111 would light, to bo sure, but the same warl'ke spirit prevailed In the days of tho Hhoguuate, and the lesson she rx'olved at Hblmonosekt and Kagoshma, wus taken in very good part. Whll.) regretting the boastful- lies and vainglory whbdi ooxos out of every pore today, It ia Impossible not to admire the pluck, perseverance, thrift and other .valuable qualities whfeh must be admitted, find a place tu 'the Japanese character. From Oorea there la a report na to the progress made In civilising those Invertebrate, nnd It reads rather urtouslM, Ito's old time friend, Ootmt lnouyo, who has ployed some very nnjkortant parls- during and stuce the restoration, has undertaken to livid the Inhabitants In the ways tihey should go; and lie finds that he luis a pretty tough job on baud. First there Is the lierMlltiiry hatred ef the Japanese, a fiMnug wiiieii aeemn to grow atrongtr lusieiid of wenker. Of cotiiw, tho civilizing. of the Coronin was to be ou the Japanese plan. When Inoiiye arrived, there wns pnic tlcally no government nt all, and what was worse, them was no money. The in rainiiy, wiuoli had ruled tlie count ry ' ou the. time-honored squeea lug plan, lilghly', nppio id of by the ihluese nldent and the ruling classes, nud tacitly tu' inl.tid to by the puoi'ile-had dlsappi ..r, d out ' of gai'd for a whole akin, aud the pro- jApanme otllclals appointed throuKh the lnlluetice of the Japauwe minister, ktort, did iMt feel quite at home. So lnouyo, had' their commissions coil-flnnud,- nud all went lovely when the old regtuit, or Tal-won-Kun as he Is called, took a hand In tho game. This ivouty-slx-yetir-old patriot or rogue, iccordliu te whether his actions are pro-JiiiKiuese or -'pixhOhiiieae, Is the tullier of ... tlio preseut king for whom he (loos iipt cni'e, find the grandfather of a youhg4 fellow fir whom he 'cares a great deal," Ills motto la Corea for the Uoreaua, and all he desires Is to be ..left alone,.; He. did not -. like tlie now Utenilfl's of the government; he did not take niucli stock In this newly acqulretl lnlleiH'ndehce, ' and as Ills influence Is extensive among tho peo ple, caused ..the Japanese considerable .trouble by ..secretly fostering the Tong link oi Togiiku-to ralrele. Among the object' of ''tlie' Ttiewon-Kim's special dislike was .the.' .minister of tlnance, and he waft assassinated. This mur der pixxltieed a panic among the other UMimbere of tho cublnot, who all pre sented their .resignations which the king, however, by the. advice of Count Inotiye, refiistHl to accept. Since dltls 'time Itbe murderers hove Highest of nil ia Leavening i ; been caught, ami the ex-regent as well tut hi favorite gratidsou have been seriously implicated. The for mer. It seems, hi screened by bis pop ularity and lullueiK'e from the ven geance of the Japanese; but the sum mary way In which they have arrest ed hla grandson, and Uie refusal of hla pardon, preferred by the king himself, doe nH tend to Increase the good will of the nulivei for tlMsse who have brought them lildMswdence. This In dependence mentis indeed nothing else but the Japanese protectorate, and It must be granted that, a far aa the Ooreah people are concerned. It will be to their benefit Core ta naturally rich In resources; It people are fru gal, kindly disposed and, If protected It the enjoyment of the fruit of tbelr Industry, can be made to work. At preseut the country present a dread fully neglected appearance; districts that should eupport a Uirlvlng popula tion, are almost wholly deswted. Ilie Japanese promise good and Just gov ernment, and will probably keep their word; yet such Is the dread which tbelr name Inspire that large num ber of the iieople emigrate Into the Hlberhui territory. This immigration became so iiuuioroiHi, Hint the Russian government nunlly decided to for bhl It. Thl IVI-won Kun, who k the snly Corean with true grit, ha left bl palace si me the arrest of hla grand' son, and muse to budge from a small store near tlie prison where be haa equalled. The sight of tbelr for mer ruler, a supplicant In this misera ble hoveL la necessarily very Irritat ing to the Corean aud does not tend to Increase their good will toward their lllsjrwtor. FoMgner In Soul exHct before long an outbreak In which the Japanese will have a hot time holding their own. Ito Mlyojl, the general eeeretary to the cabinet, has loft for Chefoo per Yayeyaina kan. baring been uiiiHilnt- ed cemiiilrtsloucr for the exchange of the rattncntliHi. In vlw of the complication that have arisen by the Joint protest ol Russia, France aud Oeruutny against the owupoition ofMttnchurIa.it Is uow thought that Japanese diplomacy uuiy sea a way out of the ditllculty by ted In g a northern port In Corea to the Russian, and giving France slice of some southern part of China, Of course. In such a settlement, neither Corea nor China Is consulted, but tlie quest kn la will England tame ly submit to Russia acquiring terri tory which led some few years ago to the occupation of Port Hamilton by the RrrUHhT U really does aeem as If the aetUetneiit of this far Fasten question may yet lead to a European war. The Ruastan fleet left uuder sealed order, ae that there la abso lutely no vessel of that nation In Japanese ports. And there I n rumor of (Vmnt lto'a resignation; such a step at thla Utue would at ence lead to the 1 conclusion that the war party baa gained the day, ami that henceforth peace, except by the withdrawal of all opposition from foreign jiowers, liai Become an impossibility. U A It Is Sixteen Years Since Thfs Business Man List Saw His Reflection. As the Result of a Bet. His Vow Hai Four Year More to Ban, and Then He Will Take a Good View. (Tho following true story Is about a well known downtown business man. The N. Y. Herald has his name, but withholds It at his earnest solicita tion.) Did It ever occur to you when you have made that easily spoken an swer, T can't," to some proposition, that if you ouly ninde up your mind and put down your foot you could as readily say, "I will, and, what more, adhere to the resolution? If you have never thought of this, and you have the time and Inclination to con sider what a niau or a woman, eith er, for that matter rnu do wheu he Is determined It shall be done, rend this atory. It Is about a niau who, when he waa seventeen years old, said to a friend who had been tnntering him, that he would not voluntarily look nt hla re flection In a mirror for twenty years. Think of that length of time! It was it'.t n loiur n Hip van inkle slept. aud you Limw how he cluiiiKid iu that period. HcYcuieen years of that num ber have come nud gone, aud this man of strong will say he has kept his promise, and this, too, lu the face of all manner of devices on the part of bis friends to make him tako a glimpse of himself. This man, who does not see himself at others see lilm, Is well knowu lu business circles. There la nothing about 'him which should ninke him refrain' from having as much use for a mirror aa any other man. About thirty-three year old, of the average height a-td well built, his dark face is tin intelligent, attractive one, his mus tache Is well trimmed aud his hair, which Is somewhat spare at tho tem ples, Is ns nicely parted nnd as care fully brushed ns that f any of his rellows, His necktie, too, Is tied In the most approved fushlon, and, In deed, his whole nppeutnnoe Is that of the well groomed man who spends an hour or two every morning before hla dressing case, making sure that every thing is Just so before he presents himself to the gnze of the public. HOW HE MADB HIS VOW. In the daya of his youth he must have been a very handsome boy, and there Is little doubt Unit he took as much pleasure from his own linage In tho glass as any youngster. It may be that he was given to gating at him self too frequently, for it was from this penchant that bis resolution grew, He was visiting a young lady ac quaintance one day, and she caught him looking Into a mirror every few minutes. She knew him so well that she felt at liberty to remark; , "HI wager that you could not keep Power - Latest U.S. Gov't Report N! ft -r' I I 1 'am, m I 1 your eye from a mirror for an hour." Perhaps bis pride waa touched try the Innocent words. At any rate hie ' replied: "I so, and not only for one hour, but for enough of them to arrke twenty years." .r This wa seemingly so prepoaterocf ' that the young lady offered to make a wager for anything be pleased, then , and there, and so the bargain waa closed. There are few who know what are the term of the bet, and then , may be a nice little romance blddt ' behind It all. But that' not the sub ject of the atory. Enough It Is to know that be try that from that day to this b6 has never glanced Into a mirror, or, In fact, at any surface that would cast hla reflection, and those who know him well do not hes itate to say that this la undoubtedly ot "It waa a little Inconvenient at first I must admit,'' be said to me the other day, "for 1 knew my bair wasn't parted well, and that my necktie must be all askew. Rot after a few days the awkwardness passed away, nnd you may easily Imagine that at una time Hie last thing 1 ever think of Is looking Into a mirror." He ha beeu shaved la a barber shop In an uptown street, off Broadway,for many years, and bis peculiarity is known to nil the barbers. He was In the proprietor' chair one day, aud his eyes were closed. The man of razors took a small hand glass, held It close to his face and suddenly ex claimed: "Ob. look!" COULDN'T FOOL HIM. But that was an old game to bis customer. Keeping bis eyelids shut, he turned his face to one side, cau tiously t.jiened one eye and then slowly moved bl head until he could see that the barber held something In hi hand. "I guess not," he said, as be put out his hand and shoved the glas aside, "I have IsH-n tried that way too often, In Hie last seventeen years, to be caught now." He has gone to the same tailor for year and be never looks at himself as he dona a new suit His tailor knows what he wants, is aware that some Of bis frlenda would Inform him If his garments did cot fit him as the should, and. In addition to all this. reel that he la put on his honor to do the right thing by a customer who put faith In him. And no one can truthfully say that be la not a well dressed man. 80 It la also with hla hatter. He looks at the stvle of the hat he desires to wear, after having made a careful selection, s bat he leave It all to the tradesman and to hla friends as to whether In ahane and otherwise It la suitable to his face. Heated in a car on his war to busi ness he make It a point to hold a newspaper so that by no chance would - -be see his Image should the window pane opposite reveal It For the same reason he never looks Into a shop window, and whenever In a theatre, a restaurant or any place where be might have to break hla vow. he la especially careful not to turn suddenly It la needless to say that the ar. rangetuent of mirrors when by one la enabled to see one hundred reflections of himself la aa an uncut book to him. Meeting him in the office of the hotel where he haa his rooms, I ventured the guess that the dressing case In bis room was minus a mirror. "Not at all," was the surprising answer. "Of course there Is a mirror there. But It Is Just as If it were cov ered with a dark cloth for all that I core. My own room !s the easiest place for me to keep from breaking my promise; It is ouly when I am out aud lu strange places that I am afraid. As I travel a great deal and go to places that I am unacquainted with I must be very careful.' WHAT IT HAS TAUGHT HIM. "What has all this taught you?" "That a man can do many things If he will which may seem almost Im possible to him at first blush. It haa helped me lu many ways. I waa a very heavy smoker, twelve or fifteen cigars a day was my average. My doctor asked me to stop on the first day of the year and not to smoke un til February 1st. I did it without any trouble. , No It was not a New Year's resolution, and probably that was tho reason it was not broken. After the first month he told p I could have a cigar after each meal, and I don't eat more than three meals a day." "When the twenty years is passed will you look Into a mirror?" "I wll indeed, and I thluk I will take more pleasure out of It then than If I had been looking at myself all the time." "Does the lady with whom you made the wager know how you have kept your vow?" "Now, now, my boy. Well, I don't mind telling you that she does, and thnt she has often asked me why I did not give up my foolish resolution. But I said It was for twenty years. and It will lie, If I can niake It so." "And what will you win from the lady?" "Ah, thnt Is eiitre eons." CABINET MEETING. Washington, June li. All members ' of the cabinet except Secretary Her bert and Postmaster-General Wilson were present at a meeting today. The president presented the new ttorney general, Harmon, to the other mem bers. The session was protracted, as the president desired to close up all business it possible, so that he might be able to go to Gray Gables. Awarded Hichest Honors World's Pair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CHEAT,! Most Perfect Made. ' 40 Years the Standard. eimm o.nce. WaeMlNOTON, D. C. vvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvv'Vvvv