The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 06, 1895, Image 1

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he Best Newspaper
As an Advertising Cedium
Take th Lead in Polk County,
It th on that gin the most and
jwhffnt new. Comport tht WEST
DH with any paper m folk county.
$2.00 Per Year.
Fivo Cents; Per Copy.
No. 28.
and residence, corner Railroad
Moimioittu iv, luucpeuaouoe, ur.
lVntmt. All work warranted to
the boot of MtMfuuoD. ludenen
m, Or.
mid Surgeon. Disease of tho nose
jt and skin, specialties. At Thorns
urniaey, Monmouth, Or.
fUw. Will praouca m all Ut
Moral oonrU. Abstract of title
i , .. -
R18UM. VlllCW VTCf tmirpvaUPOOfl
liooal Has.
1 nfacturera of hub tod doara,
, scroll sawing. AIuu street, lode
etwe, Or.
, , Lodge, No. 23, meet wry Mou
ubiht lu 1. 1). O. F. hall. All sojonrn-
brother are luvlttsl to attend. K,
vetehum, M. W.; V. O. Cook,
(ALLEY LODGE, NO. 42. 1. 0.O
K.-Miw to Vau.inyn ball wj
Jay evening. All Odd follow eor-
luvited to meet with oa, James
ert N. U.; A. J. Goodman, ttee
MER LODGE, NO. 45K.ot P.
Meet every Wednesday evening.
Itiwut are eordiady wntea. o,
Kramer, C. J. It. Moitn, K.
4 8.
j;Amrit-n and European Pirn.
' ' N
and Wahlns;lon HIr.,
Wdeaeeantt MoaaioalfaMalurLIn
Madeoea. Montnnul
1.00 7:
1:10 l:'JS
r;i lifuo
:1S lit:
f:90 ill
last and South
of the
thern Pacific
rnla exprmn train run dnlly.ntnpplng
km oviwvra J'urlUiiil and Aluany.
t t-v. Portland Ar, HMA.M.
I. Lt. Albany Ar. 4SA. M.
f. Ar. Han Kranclnco bv. 1M r. M.
Rn.j.h...O Mall (l)nllv.)
teav. Arrlv.
1 .... 8:30 A.M. I lUmebun ....) P.
I Koneburif ,...Sv
I Portland
.... 7:UU A. M,
I k a Ogta kit.
l and
hClaw Hiettpliiir Care attached
w an turougii irunm.
rest Side Division.
tan Portland and Corvallia.
ll train dally (except Hunday.)
lLv Portland Ar
b-M p m
1:M p in
Hi pm
Ar liKlnilcii:i)..Ar
Ar tirvalllM l.v
Kiy and CorvulIlM, ramnent wltti tralui
Iwgitn j'acine ruiiriiao.
prw train oiilly (except Hunday)
l.t IvIrtlHiid Ar I K:a6 a in
Ar MKlnnvllle bv 1 6iOp m
Man Railway Divlaion and
'ortland and Yamhill By.
Airlle mall TrUweekly.
by Portland Ar
tv MonmouOi.l,v
Ar. Airlle Xr
SrOS p rn
7:46 a m
lit) a in
Vll tlf.bcla ti all nr.lnla In til RaHlm
Liumrhi. Hurt k.nrniw. nan Ims olilalned'lVKU, Agunt, IndMndoB.
ItHbKR, K.P.I100KIIH, ,
ianiMr-r. Aunt. H. r. a. rawi, as
. ud 1 mde-Marlc, obtained and all Pat-J
"wntweonducud (or MoDIRATC fir. I
tprrict it Opfitc U, 8. PtTiaTOrficcJ
e nre paijna lew liuio Uua tuutej
etc from,,,,.,,. :
ad model, drawing or aVrto., with dewrlp-j
We advUe, if patenuble or not, tree of!
-. vnrieenot due till intent WMOiirea. .
tilfHUT, " H'iw to Obtain Puleott," with j
i iwu, ,0 tfa u. S. and itxeiw wuotfiet!
Hint, AddreM. 3
tJJ-JmiiT Orncc, WaiMiNGTON. D. C.
Including Outrage ant
Victim Is Horribly
Mil Hated,
Her Body Is Tlirowu on the floor,
Covered with BetMluir and All
8H ou Fit.
RAX FRANCISCO, Juno l.-Anotln
utalMillml crime, boorlng some itne-nt
malice to tim uorrlhitt tragedy
i'.tiMiuicl t-luirt i. wiia um-iiiiiimi tliU
rt'rtiom by tlm Ulm-owry Unit MUa
.iih. nurninrum, aittni who hu
lilwl tut upwr lint at loll Kill atrwt,
imu imh'U oulrnuml anil muntftYd
nr iHtinxuu. The dmir wan lihkm
ami iur thtlilit ami ih furiiltur
r tl nimrimvirt tliu ait mi Hr.
tin umw(n and ,lmxia in tin'
room wr oimu and hud . Ih'ii ran.
aarkitl. avinil nrilila of J.wtliy
and hr tnirm Imvlinr U,
Sovm-al otHUiliil nHnna In the
imr, wit Mono aaw traiitfira alHiut
or iit-ant any umiounl winuln. Atin
tlon w.i flint attiiii'i.'d bv aiiHtko
iiilmr from .Mlna lliirrliivin' ronton.
Whon hir dmr waa brokmi tn, tb'
ImldiaK IIh lu tht tvnti'r of the
room waa found to Ik on fin, ami
iM'iitNitli llu amotilili'rlui; t'lotlioa nn
the blotMl-aialiiitl body of MIxa Hat
rtnirioii. tihj lower imrt f llio IxMly
wa Imdly biirnwl, but tht f lut.l
piHtilsl tu itaiiM'a. Th murder waa
lartU ularly brutal. 8tal woiittda were
found all ovt tlu tiufortunato woiu
ana body and on hr faiv. and litr
Jaw waa broken. The theory of the
mlltv In that while the thief wua In
tim room Miaa llarriiiirr.Mi etiieml
Tho limn then murtleretl and aattatdt-
tl her. net Are to the In-diling to nm-
t-eni uia niim. ami after ltotlii the
rmmi MeaHHl, Imklius ho tliMM- and
carrying off the key.
tU Xl'lt'lON AHUOAl).
8ttn Franelaeis June 1. Tho iiollot
are liM.klnn for Kioto Setiator Hu.k
of Kohino enmity, that be may ex
plain Ida eoniiiTthm with the mur
dered woman. A phobiiiraph of llm k
wan found lu Ml Ibirrinctiin'a rmni
and tH'tiipanta of the lioii Identify
It a that of tho only limit who tailed
to nee Mtaa Ilarrluuton. They ruty the
man wikmo pnoioi;nipi) wita foiiuii
called on her and took her out driving
(knkland. Cal., June l.-Murtln C.
(Jrltlln. a raretiter i-cnIiIIhk nt tin out
aklrta of the Wty, went to Imlfee met't-
Inir mat nlKht, but did not return borne.
TtMlny he waa found tlead undtr a
tree in a meant lt near hut bouae.
Ilia widow lielieve ht waa tiiiirtlered.
New York. June 1. A aiavlnl from
I'tiimin.'t aay: "A aehooncr la rt
Mirled oir tlu ciwimI l.'nli'ti with anna
destined for I''iuiilor. where It la
aald the relada lmve trained linMrlniit
A apix-litl from San Salvador
"The rein-In captured Tei liaehleo after
a aevoro Unlit. In which ninny were
killeil. Iji Iemorat lnejtpiipir. I"
an Imuii xeiziil by the govern mont.
amurted tho country la on the yeruo
of the grentettt rcvolutlou It baa ever
(CopvrlKhtiil lMi.'t by AitMoelnted I'reaa
I'lCltldN. Juno 1,-Thr. rllver quei
tlon will coiiie tip for iliMcuitHlon In"
fore tim Hmidiaiath durlnif tho com
Inif week at tho Instance rf Prlne
UolienlolH'. lmpi rlal I'laim-cllor, and
with ciMijM'ration of the Pruaalnn
The ticrinan bimetallic union lina
mloptml Iho following renolutlon:
"Wlierena. Iho Llmeinllle movement
In Enchtnd Is, n c .rilltijf to our In
formation, en tho eve t;f victory; and
whereas, public, opinion In tienimny
la xovona-d ven In ttovomnient ilr
cles by tlie prejudice that It would l
a doubtful policy to ntlempt to carry
out tnternntlouiil blmelnlllsm with the
cooiteratloii of Fiance, tho United
State, etc., m U,ig as Enebind nd
heros to the told atnnilartl, It la r
aoived by the German blninttitlta to
make (ierman'a action on the cur
rency tiueatlon dependent on Enidaiid'a
participation, alweya provltled that the
Kovernment lmmedliitily t-iko nil
mensurea calculati'd to brlnif about
interrnlloiinl blmetalliKm, Iik liidlnu
EiiKlnnd, and to urto the ajicedy nd
heslon of Btiglaud to tills pro
WnshliiKton, Juno 1. Senator Du
bois of Idaho la back from a visit to
his homo. In view of his prominence
nmoiiff the silver republicans t the
senate, he was nskod today vvlint sil
ver letflslatlon would bo enacted by
tho next conrosH.
"There will bo no filver lcuitlo!i
whatever," ho said. "It would be ut
terly tiHcli to pass a silver bill and
then have the president veto It.
Wjlf consult their best in
terest by; purchasing their
of the reliable manufacturer,
Independence, Or., buccoh
aor to Ferguson & VanMeer
Hugar pine and cecder doors
all bIoh,' on band.
Myotl use the Pttalo
lecobsWr, Biwders
Muke money while
other r watting
CataltelU all about
ft and uencribes every
A Vnam
( llluatrated
article needed 'or
poultry uuaiacM.
The "ERIE";
tnechanlcallr th
1-1,.1 Prrllll
I We are racinc w
fAirentl. Bicycle cnia-
ay ur
Thero la no ned of imssliitf a silver
inn nitm we tiave a silver prcNldcn
ami hi my jungmetit we will have sue
a preaiiient lu Itm,"
Attorney ldleman Thinks the Smith
Uiw rticonstltuttonal.
i on in mi. juno l.-W. J. Ilewl. an
employe of he wtather bureau, waa
thrown from Ids bicycle today mi the
iiuriiMiui mrect Driiio ami waa run
over ny a Heavily loaded wfttfon. lit
la l.vlna- at his homo In a critical tun
uiiiou ami may uot recover. Reed a
templtHl to turu out of the way of the
team nut in tloimr ao struck a atreet
car rail which threw him under the
wagon. Tho hack wheel passed over
ins Biotnncii. hrenkluif two r Urn and
otimrwiMo lujurliiic him Intorunlly.
Portlnutl, Juno l.-Altorney-(iiHitrnl
idliMiinn la of tho onlnloii Hint tho
Smith law twsMtl at tho rtoeiit aea
slim of tho liTflHlatnre coiiii-llliiir the
u. ii. tx. to allow the use of lis
road botwwn The Hull. and fellio
for trniiMrerriiia- li nmeiita anmnil th
rails ia uutituatitutlonal In several
CIUCAGO. June l.-The tnuMt extra
ordinary weather ever known at this
season of the year cave further !
deuce of Its eooetttrleltlea between the
clos of yilaj'a aiwalmi and the
tM'iii!iit of this luortiliig. Hotter than
ever, uryer thau face powder and
eon 1 1 mini ion or aucn coiulllloits pre
dletwt for another 48 hour at least.
Total failure of the wheat croii" was
reported attain and airalu fro III SallllK
iMf the lHat wheat rnislna (HiiitHlea of
Illinois. Indiana ami MIkhhiiH. am
mini juiuiioaoia ami Michigan were
, ......
only a few thwrcca ess ahirmlnif.
Unit the market did not more ndtlv
respond to tho disastrous renorta was
owing t the fact that a majirlty f
tradera refused to believe It. Tho pre
diction of the signal service bureau la
ror rair and hot weather tonight and
Sunday In Indiana, Illinois, upper and
niwer .iiieniKiui. Wisconsin, Iowa,
Kansaa, Ntdtraska, and Mlnnaota,
Hinat t'Jtsted at m.
Lonl Sliollo Dtiughisa la to have
Double Knot Tltil.
San Franclscou June l.-lird Sholto
otiglasa. who waa niarrleil to Uirotta
Aililla, tho variety actress. In San
tote, win h man led over nmlu lu
uis city tomorrow. The first rere-
nmtijr waa tH-iformed by a Jit-llo tf
no M-uee' aim tcmorrow a wihIiIIiiu
will be (n uipletttl according to the
rites of the Cathode church.
leneral Scholleld uot a Politician and
not Ambitious'.
Denver, Juue l.-Lletit. General
Scholleld arrived here tmlay from New
Mexico, Ho la making his Inst omdal
Ml to the various military posts lie-
ore ma retirement next Seitemier,
When asked about hi presidential
mm m, ne repiiwi:
I nave never given that matter any
consideration. My career has been
ml Is military and scleiilllte. I know
nothing aiMtiH Miiitica and never
voted lu my life, I have seen notices
Into alHiut my presidentiitl Immuii.
but thought the boom was only a
rNMimlet original lug In the bialtia of
.New lork politicians,"
New York, June l.-Joweph Klllorun,
Charlie Allen and Harry Ktiwtell have
been arrHtiil bore. Atwrdlng to In-sjMH-tor
Holden, tho Scranlon poat
oillco waa roblMMl by them In August
during tho absence of Poatmaater
Vamllng and hla assistant at noon.
ho thieves entered the vault by the
Inner aleel door and took over fM.Htsi
worth of postage stamps, Divcuthcr
.Id tho postoltlce at Hohoken was on-
ntl (liiilng the aimeiice of rostmnHtcr
urran ami aii.rau worth or stamps
taken; then on April ,'loth last the
IMistottlce at Sprlugtleld, III., waa
roblatl of f.1,000 worth of stamps. In
tills rnso also there waa no forcing
of diMiri.
Ouorneyvllb', Oai, June 1. Tills
town In ovrnin with dogs, some own
ing Ave howling muinea which tlls
trwt tla cltlxKtia itlghtly, Ut nlgbt
atoinhtiaue baultsl nient waa dhttirHi
tittHl, ami title iiKirnlng forty dead
dogs were fouml lying In every atreet
ami alley. TImj Ulstnuttktjr of the poison-
M unknown.
San Francisco, June 1. Advices re.
celved ttKlay alllto that the steitnier
VVaahtenaw bad atranded In the
Straita of Magellnn. The Wntflilenuw
was ImjiiikI from New York to tills
city to replace the Koeweniiw, lost off
this const lu a gno live months ngo.
Slit carried the first eoiiHlgiiinont of
rails for the Sua Francisco and San
onipiln Valley road. No further par
ticulars have been received.
Wai hlngton, Juno l.-The statement
' receipts and expenditures of tho
government during the month of May
nhows Iho total receipts were If'J.V
7-li7M nirnliiwf t'i.'t IMHMMIt Inst Venr.
lie rwelpla for eleven months or tlie
resent llscnl year are 7,iHH,tHH,
iigalust $270,474,410 for tlie stimo perl-
last year. Dellclt for the eleven
months, $ ltl,7.r)7,4!).r.
Now York, .Tuna l.-The toiniMm-
tnw Is na high as yeHtonhiy whtli Oio
Added dlsooinfort of great humldlty.
Soveial ctww of proatinttlon were re
porttnl during the afternoon. TJie
woittlwr man nwrU tho poHslblllty
of thunderatorma during tho cvetUng
or totilglit, but Sunday la likely to be
as hat aa ever.
New York. June 1, Tho sweltering
heat In the city today drove a lingo
crowd to Grnvesend track. Groat In-
rest wna centered In the Iromont
tako vnluod nt $10,000, Applegnte
wus tho favorite, but llntidHpuu won
by a head,'
Washington, Juno l.-The public
debt statement shows the Interest
bearing debt $710,202,010; Increase for
tho month, $100. Debt bearing no In
terest, $:80,R.'m.4fll, making a total
debt of $l,01J7,773,:!02. Cash balance
In tho treasury, $18T,370,100.
'Reading, Tfl., June l.-Tho Rending
Iron company teday rofttorcd the
wngos of 500 tube work employes to
what they were In 1803. Tills Is 10
per, cent lncreaso. i
Practical Failure inMany
Piclnc Coast Frmrn Will Derive
Large HrurflU from tht la
fortune -ynolatlona.
CHICAGO, June n.-K. M. Thomas'
drop report waa Issued (today, lis
significant features are the decrease
of l, ncrea lu tho area of win
ter wheat, and of "oo.tioo acre In that
of spring, and the great deterioration
In tho condition of winter wheat com
pared with that of a year ago. lie
Should tho present conditions lu
oil aud climate be maintained for
teu thiyi. lunger a practical failure
would result, where half a crop la now
promised; practical failure of exten
sive area lu liitliana, Illinois, Ohio
and Michigan has already tavurred,
and ilevaHtuiloii lu those suites is
still lu progress, nbumlaiice of ti:i
iiioiiy to null enect Doing trntay auo o
to what waa previously known aboi.
Most of tbo crop report, 'which cov
era the condition to still later date
than Thomas' make a reduction lu
the condition for the unmih 'JH as
against Thomas' 15 point reduction
for the same slates.
San Franclwi), June 3.-The final
transfer of ITU.iKHl tmis of wheat be
longing to the Fair estate waa coo
stimulated this afternoon. Four lend
lug shipping rirms, George V. McNear,
Kmilnger & Co., Ralfour, Guthrie &
Co., and Glrvlu. Ibildwiu A Eyru were
he mrciinsrs at 117 ir tou, t'ertl
lied chiH'ks given In iiaymeut. amount
lug to ja.iKVU'ui.
New York. Juno 3.-lIi.twt, dull;
shite common to choice, old 3.V
im, 4fi(H; ciaist, old, 3f.5,
Denver, June 3. A stHs lat to the Re
publican fnon Simla Fe says lu the
tilled States court of private hind
'lalms today the famous Peralla Rea
Is land grant vase was called for trial
but neither Reavla uor his attorneys
put lu an npiienraiice. The bearing
was iiimtiMined until tomorrow, rer
niia'a claim cover 1'J,300,ini() acre In
Arlmuiii, taking In part of two couu
i III hoii III western ew Mexico.
is value la about $:i5,ono,ooi. I'. S
Attorney Reynold declares that the
laiiii is a frainl ami says ho Is pre-
pared to prove it so, James Addison
Retivls, a former printer of St, lmls.
Is cliiliiiant, through his wife, whom
e alleges Is a great granddaughter
ml only living heir of I la mil Miguel,
Cleveland, June ,1,-An entire fam
ily of seven wen taken lino custody
otlny charged with lusiinlty. It con
sist of Henry lttifhwold, the father,
'harlotte lltH'bwolil, his wire, ami two
r.iwn (laughters Kvn and Kinui'i. and
liree small children. All of the fam
ily are wrong believer In the spirit
uallstla faith and have been locked
up In thi lr homo for over a week,
holding wildly Insane siilrttuallsili;
seances. One of the daughter la la
boring under the hallucination that she
a spirit and another member of
the family that alio must die. The
spirit was perfectly willing to Im sac.
rillced, hut tho arrival of tlie sheriff
prevented t limit ,from carrying out
heir Insane Ideas.
Port Costa, Cal., Juno 1.-TIm Aral
car of now wheat ahlptl Oils season
.irrlved this moridng from J. M. mid
H. Klmls-rlbi, of l"oso, coiwilgncd
'IVitn liluni & Oo. Fur tho past
three yearn the same grower have
shipped the llrat wheat ia the same
Des Molnca, Iowa, June 8, Kx Sena
tor E. It. Onxai'tt, nrvaklent of the
Irst Nalilonal Dunk of Pel la, waa
on nd hi the bank with his throat cut
slay, iiavlntr attempt suleldo. The
afTnlrs of the bank wll he Immodlute-
ly Investigated. Cnssett Is still living,
but In a critical condition.
Denver, June 3. Jerome Park, a sub
urb, la In danger of a flood more dis
astrous to property and life than the
one that took place a year ago. The
river Platte la ateadily rising and at
noon began to overllovv lis bank Just
above Rio Grande avenue,
Chicago. June 3. For three years
Secretary Gresbntn had not drawn bis
to per month ih-hhIoii rrom tno cm-
ago pension olllce. He has never aur-
.microti It, but for somo reason no
had not made nny call for It. There
an nccmumuhttlon of if lion to his
redlr. Tho pension was granted hlni
r wounds received at tho bntllo of
Atlanta. Tho nccummulatlon Is sub
net to tho order of his wlfo and the
pension will go to her.
Tronto, N. J Juno 8. Chancellor
McGlll hns apixdntetl Jolin I. Water
bury receiver of the 1J. S. Cordage Co.
on application of It. Rollins Morse.
New York, June S.-Jnatleo Ingram
today appointed Joliu I. Woiorbury
and William M. Strong receivers of
tho National Oofdugo Co. under a
bond of $100,000.
New York, Juno 8. Dan Stewart of
Texas la hero ns representative of a
syndicate of Dallas men, and Is forti
fied with a certified check for $41,000
to mnke arriuigcnienta to have the
proposed Corbett-FltzMliiiinona light
pulled off In Dallas.
Laramie, Wyo., Juno 3. The rain
fall last week was one and aevetuty
foitr hundredths Inches. The atorm la
unprecedented In the history of state.
Anotihur Inch of rain has fallen
since midnight Saturday and It la
still raining. . i f
All Archbishop Believed and a Suc
cessor Appointed.
St, Louis. June 8. Archbishop 1. It.
Keiirlik of St. l-oiils has been de
posed by tho pope ami liishop John
J, Kalu has taaii aiitsihiietl lu hi
Arehblshop Kenrick la very old'and
In Mior health, ao that his death may
Is expected nt any time. The church
proMrty of the archdiocese Is iu hi
name a In nil such case aud should
lie illo lc fore a successor Is appoint
ed his Mrsounl heirs might cause le
gal dllllciiltlea, lietice the present ac
tion In order that the new archbishop
may have legal control.
Under supplementary Instructions
exMH'tcd from the propaganda, an or
der will come to provide a lilting an
nuity for him out of the resource of
the aivlidl.M'ese, Though a uiatier of
urgent nis'eselty, the compulsory re
tirement of the veucruhle melropoll
lan will come as a shock to t atltoiti
of his archdloct'. Archbishop Ken
rhk waa In no sense provincial. Hi
aliunde at the Vatican council In
which he deduced against the dogmas
of papal bifallblllty aud the Immaeii
Into conception, gained him world wide
reputation and tavolved him lu con
Iroversle with the greatest theolo
gian wlthlii aud without tlie church,
Hi attitude at the conclave la-got him
the undying opiiosltlim of the author!
tie at Rome, The retirement of Arch
(Malum KeiuUk la the result of a is
I It Ion to the propii'iinda setting forth
his mental Incnpu. by and the danger
on condition of the affair of the tllo-
oese. Archbishop heinick's men
Archbishop Kemick's menial lu
ttrmlty tllsphiyed itself In the form of
violent opx wit Ion to bis coadjutor. He
'oganiod him a an Interloper and ri-
usisi at time to alt at the same table
r In the same room with him. He
was pcrslateiit In hi refusal to trim
suet any busbies mutter siiggewtinl
to him by tils assistant. The , tint Hop.
was Intoiorabb from a butlue stnm:
Mlut a. id Arvbttlabop Kalu waa forced
to appial for help to Rome,
PORTLAND. Juno 3. -Senator
Thurston of Nebraska, who Is here a
counsel in the Short Line case, when
asked today who be thought the repuu-
in-on ramiiiiiiie for proldint would be,
sui in:
"I am of the opinion that Major Me
Klutey will Is ncit pled as the slitud-
ani ismrer. 1 am for McKluley.
Mleve he Is Hie logical choice of the
party. With him we can win without
the slightest doubt."
He spoke of the action of the Ore
goii republican club In refusing to
sanction a free silver resolution. He
said tht Msiple of the Mate were to
tie congratulated.
Cleveland, June 3. A letter wa re-
celved at national league headquar
ter iiHtay rrom ii. u We a. awretarv
of the young man's state republican
club of Oregon. Well write that
delegate from Oregon will otipose
any effort to commit the coming
Cleveland meeting to any expreaslon
of opinion lu favor of free coinage of
sliver at a ratio of Id to 1. by the
l ulled State ludcHmlftitly.
Washington, Jane 3.-Reiiorts from
Hawaii received here show much ac
tivity In prewiring for Hie expected
filibustering extedliioii. The govern
ment has sent out the revenue culler
Inline with a Krtipp gun aboard to
look after the tlltbusterers.
The First Woolen
Mill in Oregon
(From the Statesman.)
n'V HE II rut atep taken to si art
a WiuUi.ll mill In tim alnln
t4nyi of Oregon was In the win
11 4er of ISA at Liiekln
vW) m,Ut Fulls, now Falls
(aiVjj faty. MaJ. John Thorp,
.Jyv his sons E. A. and T. C,
and ttonie others were thou
building a hour mill (they nlruidy
Imvlng a sow mill) and In a lliile
house where tho niUlwrlghla and car-
iMMUors laiukl, Kbe wrlttMP Is'lng one
of tlieni, tho first talk was heard con-
corning n wtsden mill. Tle're had
been a carding machine eelalillHlied lu
Marlon county atmiewhere .'ili.ive Sa
leni, but no talk of a wimIu factory
waa heard m far ns known until
Martin L llarber, who waa the head
millwright, Introduced tho suhjwt nl
our fireside when tho day' work whs
dime. Theao flrettl'lo talk finally
took aluipt! whea In tho suuimer of
1H.-.4 a meeting was ciiIIihI to In held
at our tiibln, at which many of the
old pioneers and cHIzohh were In at
tendance, among them such men as
Hon. David Stump, MaJ. lolm Thorp
ami sons, Wm. Horns, Kolonou Teih
erow, .las, Ilolman, Martin L. lhirber,
and others, At this meting it was
decided to open atlbsorlptloil IxMikS
aud consitlorable atock waa and
there subscrtlitHl by those at Uio meet
ing and a person was appointed to
further solicit anbacii)lloiia. Those
who nre fiunlllar with thoso early
tlmea know that It took lota of money
to put up iiinnttfitcturltig establish
ment then and the solicitor found It
dlillcult to obtain ho lnrgo a sum m
was needed for the entorprUa among
tho farmers of I'olk county, and tho
Held lwid to bo en1nrgid, and In con-
neitieiice part lea In Snlein wore In
vited to sulmcrltK) to the cnpllal stock
of the company. They readily took
an Intel-cat In the mutter and not only
took slock hut took a majority of the
atock anil the result of tho matter
wo that they vjted to loouto tho wool
en factory at ftalcin, whom It waa
built, 1 think niiout isr.5 or 1S5U. The
business prospered and became a
good Investment Tho first pair of
blanket a were Bold nt miction to the
highest bidder and brought a fabu
lous pi'leo.
it was not long until, uite many
coi'i strut Ion in a lloiiiiishlng condi
tion, the big llsh is-gnn to my their
plain how to eat up the. little ones,
which .matured and the wnall fry
found tilMuiiNelveis fotsl for tho larger
llshea. Rut tlie mill was a great ben-
fit to 'Sttlcim and Hie surrounding
ouiitry. It after wards iiiismmI Into
the hands of W, 0. Griswold and re
tmiituetl Idle tome lime, llually whn
bui'iM'd to tho grmintl and was never
rebuilt, being grout loss to Salem
wud the slate,
Pnlittsburg haa aucwdcd In gottlng nn
nntJ-snioko ordbuuico passed, Pitts
burg learned what It meant to have a
clean city while the natural gas Mipply
held out, and alio does not propose to
be vlctrailssed again. , ,
Congressman Hermann will leave
Washington soon, and will be In tho
valley within the next three or four
Tlio only nwn who are this yonr de-
nyiiiig a deulro to run for ithe prtnl-1
disucy tho iemocrata.
Recollections' though
Not "Fond.
trioiii in
r o a ft"
mr"of t
(From the Stutesinan.)
Uiiir it uot be of Interest
w of the young read
tne Ktaietuiiu) to Inn
aomethliig of tho wonderful
Chang) in ho growth ami
proM'rlty of tlie C0UIIH7
which liavo iM-ctim."! within
the roiolli'tiiHM of a com
tiaraUvely young num. 1
will first say tlwtt wheii my iitiretit
moved from vcruiout Into Ohio tin
wore compiled to make raft for
crtmalug every unfordnbli stream
through the slates of New York and
l'enusylvwiila. Ohio was a new nn
stiantely oi wtjUe In hoo day
ami rude kig cnblua prevailed, I well
rememlsr when my. mother returned
Immiio from a visit to the town of
Cleveland and tried to describe to he
wondering listeners, a new-fangled
cooking liwiruimiit, cnlliil a "stove,
which alio bad seen for tho first tlun
Itt Iter life lu that UMIe burg, How hi
the work! cooking could lie loiiti In
an "iron box," a she di-tcrlbed It,
waa an liwlvJde iiuxxk to trie. In
1K1.1 we enwsed Iike Erie for Midi
Igan on tlie old "Delaware" steam
boat, which waa mors suitable
"atock Issit" Gum for passenger. Hut
a mo nrst ateamiMiat vor seen or
hoard of had uiiule iu first trip ou
the Hwbtoii river only eighteen yura
iM-roro (wiucii waa much like a flat
hoot with expowd iHid llo wIhm'In)
Hie "Delaware" wti coosllowd tpiite
a imimt affair, we landed at Toledo,
wuicli lata Jiiitt Imh-ii atartetl, aud con
abated of a srmtll warehouse and
rbnrf and one two atory and nntwlnt
ed ImIH among the brush nod tree
of the town, which had scarcely Iss-n
uwiiiriHMi ny tne vnudtU Hand of civil
laaUoti, Tlmmgli deiH mud ami
around sliiniis aud bg we nindo our
way to Joinwvllle, midway between
liki Erie nml Michigan.
Michigan waa then almost a wlldi
ne, Willi a few log cabin ami utut
an itpud uumtsT of Indian "wlckle-
iii." ami great nrlvtulotw were on
tinned, no provWJou had ) tt I ecu
raJsod. My futlier, being enniiired lu
gonortu mercbandltlng, kept two
teauw hauling flour from the south
em jsirt of Indiana, which cost him
ii a lairrel, end wldch be sohl at the
stuno H-tv, though truly tweu'y flve
ImiuiiiI to one person. Meals were
worth $1 ea"h ned few traveler felt
abb to otrtalu more than tiuo meal
day at the public hotels!
An En gllsb family by the name of
u ir mill hud settlctl near towu. and 1
reitMHtiiier well of Ida comiiig Into the
atore one day lu the early spring i.nd
tolling my futlier that the only fwsl
they bad lutd for aotne day wa the
bud of tlie b.utYd treo which he
luul cut down and from which the
fa-niUy bad uiatle their meal. He bad
brought with Um and plantod a few
lHittos, but he did uot want to dig
them up ror fotsl, a that would de
prive them of their ensuing winter's
The "financial craah" of '30 stimu
lated our removal to the fertile and
unoccupied pmlrlcM of Illinois, Mid on
camping at 1,1k "tnnllng post of Clii-
cago" in tno fan or jw we found
aluu,t a doxeti limine of au ludlffo-vut
cliAroctor situated upon the marshy
flat by the kike. The proprietor of the
town urged ua to untie right there.
oftVHiig us K) acrtw where the
heart of Chicago now lies, for the sum
of f'.tm. Rut the malarial marsh
offered no Inducements, and wo start
ed woKtwnrd for higher ground and to
accept what might liefall as. I don't
think that our three tennis mired
down more than alx or eight tim a bt
fort we Mached tho hlghiT, firmer
ground of the prairie alx mil west
of tho then CJilcago. (iubtilmrg,
nillea west, hud Just be-'U mrveyl,
and the slakes were stl kl ig up
alMvo tho disid grass and early snow
a we iwmsod through Hi city, or col
ony, a It waa then t-ulled. Tlie only
house In sight were In Log City In
the edge of the grove two iUI away,
w licit tho llrat colonist located ire-
paratory to starting Uie town and the
contemplated "Knox collego." Hie
n prairie of Knox county were
wild and vacant, Iho only house be
ing an occaaioual log cabin in the edge
of tho gropes.
At this time GOT) the only ralhwid
the catted State or on tho itirlh
the abort line between Allwuy
Hchentytady, which ind been
bunt two years nerore, nut it wa
very little like our present roads, as
the iron track waa wagon tire nailed
UMn hewed kigs. while tho 'oneh.',
mode like the old-fnshloned "Concord
couch," carrlid eight passengera-iwo
on the outside front seat, two on the
out Hide tiack aeat, and four itiHldo,
V hen I arrived In Hticrumenlo In
July. 1K50, ou my way to Oregon,
tbore wtH'e a doieu or two of cloth
ntret and houaea, and a clever pro
prietor of a store offered mo the priv
ilege of sleeping ou his counter or on
"work bench" under the awning
out side, but us the weather 'vns very
hot, we both ot copied tho work, bench.
In San Francisco k was the same
way, ns there were uo lodging houses,
tltoiurh two or threo merchants from
tho mine (who eanio dowu tho river
with mo lu a Hulling amack In a four
days' itrlp from Sacramento) and my
self found mv used a pllo of hay on
tho bench na a bed until It wa taken
away, when we ltsitl the saud In
which tiho town was built. Tho water
of Iho bay cvtcnibil nlmoat to Mont
gtitnory .atreet, whUdi wna Hie fin I
strtH't from, and parallel with Hie
A twcntjNtwo days' trip on the bark
Aim Smith" landed nio In PoMl.uid,
Oregon, ti,t. 13, lsrM). Oiwtlng nn-
hor In the middle of the streiini.the
seven iwiHsongera went tisliore In a
yawl, and after pulling ourselvti up
tho lmtik by the projecting rootH and
brush, we found tlie few renidonts of
tho embryo olty on the bank to wel-
'oino us. A rough log liouxo on the
bank wis the store of tho town; while
a aluxLroofcd shanty bore the sign
of tbo ftmt uOwgoti Hotel" In tho tor-
ltxry. Trei, attunpa and logs cov-
ored the eutlre city lu wild confusion,
nd m I could not bo moot bored, even
In a rude IhxmhI ahanty, I passed my
tlrxt night ou tlie soil of Oregon tinder
a big Ilr tree.
Fabulous tradition reports that one
iMetilHiselah lived 1)30 years (otilior tui
tions rt'ixirt a much greater 'ougevlt.) ),
but In the clvnngos, Improvenieutsi, lii
vctttlotw and progress of tho last sev
enty years, I have lived more than
Methusoloili ever did. All tho country
went of Ohio to the Pacific ocean was
alinoHt a "howling wlldoriiea" with
tin my mxilkwtlon and covered with
Iiultnna and wtilves, which did the
nioHt of tho "howling." lUido little
steunnlMHita were Just being Inlro
ducetl, while west of Now York a
railroad had never been soon ami
Bcmwoly heard of and such a thing
na telegraphic comniunliMiti'm had
never outercd Into the mind of man.
Tallow dips, wliule oil. or hlckorv
lark lu the flri olace. wore our onlv
"tlghits," until "lard hi inns" wore hi-
Jtroduccd, which were thotifiht to bo
Higheitof nl! in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
"a great lnvemlou."
lu 18.") fHwtage on a b tt r "lin k to
Uio atati' w-i HO cents, and the
pre!diit' "iiiangunir on tho 4th of
March would reach, tiregou mino
In July. I have a New York tmtier
ttrintetf Jan. 4, iwm, which give a
full account" t the fuuerul olrte'iul.t
of "Tlie futlier or bis couufy," tint
Immortal Wunliliigtou. and lu which
certain news had readied n cer'uin
place aud wo worthy of uio ithu u
"having performed In five dayi a dis
tance of 110 English mller
Hut the stiltlwt overwhelm me
wttl) Itn volume, so 1 will do what
most of writers ami preaclwr ought
to do, "cut it abort" (for me).
8. 0. A DA MM.
The Failure of Legislatures,
(From tit.' Slniesiiian.)
. llrU-e' "Aiueibaii Com
immwiftltli" tlie uhtht legls
htture am given all the di
vine aMrihiHoN of js'ifit ietl
lioine rule on eartli. Amer
ican who know them Is-tter
ktugli iititliKi and Gie Amcr-ii-nn
siiide bitve ctumt to
regard leglxbHiire iu ui-n-
eral whli great dlatrUMt. llotweim a
woll nuuuigiHl Miiliui!;iry and the
average legislature I liero Is l.ns
hniice of a duiiiaged reitiiration by
sunhig a Hliott setUfiiec In the foniwr.
Tho convict 1 tdwaya glvett the ben
ellt of a doubt In favor of Lis Hiililo
Innocence; (ho leglshn.r iwvcr. 'Hie
cKbdiitum la iMisslbly the wikt
jstlnt in our state goveriiuieatH.
AgoltiH Its Koverelgu IuwIchkiichs and
lmsKUibk dtwisglwu tliere la nt
prcwciit no chii k, execja; the cxivuiJve
ml tlie mitiriMiH' court. Hut these can
atly "get In their work" after It hua
udJiHirutd and are ma always exer-
lsi lu it lie loli-ri-Kt taT the tn-m e.
'lite b-ghthitiire seeliiM to be a iiceca
attry evil, ami o ciauuilt a bllierulan-
Ism) an evil without any virtues its
compoiwatiiig Uiluuce.
From tho failure of lcglslaturea
cannot the jieople llud ibe weak nolut
ami strengthen the much -abusetl in-
stllutbiu? To aualv7.e lis various
function, Its organisation, Its (ic
imlntlve ftower, Its itritiinge, Its tax
ing power, h ptinjulKln.ii, and other
iturlbutm, to ace Just where the
abuse are practiced. Is not tlie jitir-
pose of this paper. ut us brielly
stMUi the perfia-nittiices of some of the
glslatlve bodies In tlie United States
thait have adjournal during the past
six utontii an more or less in dis
grace. The niNVspapers have been full
of It, from mere unbridled extrava
gance with til.) people" money, to
killing mid even, ou no notice what
ever, removing tin entire state capital
a mm a nt imrt of a atato to carry
out a real catnto deal.
In Now York, where the Tammany
combination w:ia completely routed
by tho uprising of vlrtuoun voters re
gardless of party, tho legislature of
1H0.I has falliil to enact the reform
nionmire promised tlio peojile of tlie
Jn Indiana on tho 11th of March the
legislature broke up In a riot. One
man waa ahot, many were beaten and
the governor' private secretary, while
trying to make his way to the speak
er' desk with an executive ihwHsage
bla hand, was knocked" down and
oundiHt lu A dor.en jdaces. lbs was
arrlod out of the leglshitlve bail with
tho bhssl Htroamliig from his body.
Hundred cried "Kill hlni," and re
volver were drawn on till aides. It
was all IsM-atiKi) the Governor had
lit lu a veto which Involved a H-im
sahiry which tho legislature wtintctl to
take out of his power.
lu Mlasotirt the lie was passed fre
quently during tlie closing scenes and
more than one ivfrsoual ciicouuier ttsik
ku-e, .The Scilalla lobby ttrrlveil nt
in. and lcf ore that hour In the nf-
tornoou had passed n bill through
both branches to remove the slate
apltol from Jefferson City to Sodalla,
live jtiuiroiui town In the uorthcnKi-
ern port of the state, where a real
eatoti ayntllcaile ha plicisl (la Inter
est iM'foiv tho Interest ami conven-
ivce of the poolo of Hie slate ami
propose to duvolvu nn expenditure of
about live million dollars for new In
stillations, all by virtue of boodio mid
the gnico of a cornmt and lawless
glMloturc. That bislv was so coin-
pletoly lobby-ridden that every bill of
loteroNl ,to th) peoido was killed and
only 'Vmtrngea" were passed. The
Governor t-.illetl tho legislature togeth
er In apiiial sineion for tho puniose of
pawing laws to chtck the organlssed
lobby and allay corruption.
The mcMAigt ot Governor ttotic
Bhows coneluMlvely that so far ns ,tlint
late Is concerned, lei'lslation Is no
longer ctnitrollivl by I lie people'a rep
nwenitntlvoH but Is tllrcvtetl by pw
feaalonnl libb;,lisli repivsenl.lug the
rallixvula, the book trust, tlie oil mon
opoly and other great combinations
of capital. .Thoso ItHoiwas bino more
rovonuoa, pay iliotter nnHrlc niul Imve
oro retailnera than the -Stnto. Tho
ltbbv ir'f ""l-riMtnl Hs :i ! in micli no
exilont Hi,: t, nn IcgltdtiiMvo body the
people of tluit state can elect, how
ever honest or able, has nuecuiubed
to Ha imaclilmUlons.
In Iowa there has been but one loir.
udutinreln tlHtoen years that has made
clear ajul uncoulvocal' rennonao to
tlie public demands, or met public ex-
pcotiUitjlioiiN, Tlio iinuiner In which the'
hint Iowa legislature was handled by
tiho soIwmiI luMik trust pmvtn that wheii
tine peopta oleot on honest leglsla
turo, It la next to lmiostibl( for Gio
ptoile to. have their will carried Into
off tot.
In California lnformn.tilon of bribery
aud ot the presence of nn organised
body of .bnlbe-it'ukePit among tho mem-
ers or both houses was iimde nubile
by menilH'rs under oath. Hut this so
tliriMitly JuvtdvtHl the mass of bribe
givers tlwit an Ion of tho cor-
rupMmils'tn wtMiln and iho corrupMon
Ists without was foriniHl Htrong
enough to throttle itiw bivcsGirsvtloti.
shield tho iitoinbi'i's and nniko the In
quiry ft farce. This has occurred so
nwny times In tlio lilstory of the
Golden Stnto that it Is not worth re
pealling. Hut tlio fleet ion of a few
men at cadi session ,ln that, icorruptcd
shite, to keep alive tlio traditions of
oaiw,y, 'Integrity aud devoMon to
public1 dttililes, gives teottrage to wait
for such a stirring of tlie public con
science ns will destroy tho present
system. That a minority dill exists
of clean and capable mien, who are
aomatluies elected even In ithe wowt
boodio Btakw proves that tbo thing
can be flono.
In Idaho votes wore otienlv traded
for U. iS. scuuitor to locate u agrlcul-
t . IX
tuittl College where Hie Mormon
wanted It, though It I difficult to aea
what legitimate connection there la
botwcoti tlio Church of Itter-Day-HalitU
and modern agriculture.
In Wohitijfftou a bill to reduce
freight rmtii ou grata so that 30-cent
wbtat could be sent to market and
leave the farmer enough to pay taxea,
waa defeated In the Senate by corrupt
motltodtf, and alnce the legislature ad
journed It ha been found that a
iiudiImt of 4uiortaut bill thought to
have bteii ptwaed were stolen by the
clerks. Washington had perhaps the
lx'tt conduct icglsluture, on the
record uuulo, that tat in the United
Stall thl your.
Itr 1 not necessary to pursue thl
record further at preat. There 1
much of it that can be duplicated at
home, and it has been ably and fear
lessly exscd In your column from
time to time. I believe the mouse of
tlie people are jiot o corrupt a their
ItvlnLuures, but when the citizen will
take a clerkship for hi wife or
daughter or profit by an appropriation
secured at tlie band tut hi repreaen
taHve. be is hardly In a poaiUon to
tlnd fault with tho menus employed
to secure thorn bonoftt. Hut tlie leg
Hiior mnr not assume that the clt
ln who latxtr with bltu for a aine-
tur or nn liiHiltution Job I the pub
lic, ue is only one out of a thousand.
The other got no sinecure and no
Jolis ami only Imve tlie royal privilege
of girltig tlown Into thohr fsx-keta and
digging up the stuff thou leglalator
squander In too many imrtance.
Tho records from other state, If
less atrts iotiH tliau tlsma cited, are
ulli sltamfu! enough to Ilium rate how
tlto pamlotia of avarice and partisan
slilp make men even when charged
with high reBiHamlbllltlc--forget ev
ery restraint of duty and eelf-respect
Oregon Is not Projierly Advertised by
the RallnHwla.
Tlie reoaon why Oregon 1 not
cotvlng her Just proportion of immigra
tion ia given try 8. T. lloyd, first as
alHlan geiitral jmasengcr agent of the
Rock Island road, who 1 visiting
Portland. Mr. Boyd state that there
l a noticeable Improvement in busl
notitf In the Kant, ami local travel on all
tlio railroad bas materially Increased.
Little through hUMlnea to the coast ia
being tlone, and emigration la turned
principally to the aoutnweat, particu
larly to Texas, to which Btate a great
nniiiy harvest excursions are being
run. "We ran a harvest excursion
train on the 21t of this month," said
Mr. Hoyd, "tu which there were 300
iwissengers and If other roads have
done a well on their oxcuralonR, yon
cm si-e the nsult mtntt have been a
considerable iuimlgratlon to tlie south
wiatt That section has been widely
adrcrtilied by the railroads and
worked for all tho business 4t can give.
Were Oregon as hard worked, you
would bave as largo an Immigration,
and tho 1mmiu times of a few years
ago would return. I think if the Den
ver aud Ogdon gateways were opened
to tho trans-Missouri lines, It would
have a great influence In the direction
of Immigration. The Rock Island
would certainly do something In that
line If wo hot! Ingress to the North
west from Denver."
Talking of poultry houses reminds
mo that an rxfert in poultry caid that
he lvolievod the best houses for poul
try Iu w inter ho ever tried were walled
with straw or hay on the north, west
and cast long stacks; on the south a
common Kind wall in sections easily
removed and opened In fine weather.
Tlio chickens delight to work Into tho
straw or bay. Tho most of the ma
terial can be fed out towards soring
and renewed In the fall; the remainder
can bo used as fertilizer. Using these
in a cold country where lumber was
very scarce ha found that his hens
woiw healthier and laid more eggs lu
winter than over before. Anyone liv
ing In tho country must have noticed
how chickens delight to gather about
straw stacks lu winter on the sou;h
side. They will work their way far
Into tho straw and make nests. They
will fly quite a distance over the snow
to reach a stack and Indeed a lmig
stuck cast and west Joined by another
running nortu ami south will ordinar
ily mnke almost protection enough. I
have notli'cd chickens repeatedly
gather and stay around such stacks
all day sootnlng veiy happy and If they
could find any perch near they would
roost out ou It Instead of returning to
tho accustomed spot Andthouirh I
have never seen such a winter poultry
house as described I believe It Is the
best method. While stacking up straw
nud fiMldcr one might Just as well as
not nrrunco somo of It to accommodate
a fow hundred chickens, more or lees.
Old hen houses become perfei-t vermin
Haunts, and originators of disease.
Here.then. Is a iuw Idea for poultry
hoftv. and ro ' at nt ' as b cn applied
for. -
Ool. (Henry Wattorsou says be will
go abroad during the campaign next
yotur. A great many democrats who
cannot afford to go abroad next year
will take to tho woods.
l!ev. Hoyden Rnygurn, of Detroit,
will have a boap to answer for on the
day of Judgment. So far bo bos united
1,247 couples Jn wedlock.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
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Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard..