The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 30, 1895, Supplement, Image 3

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    The IjUtttHt'in SALINE 1ALAK ES; They ore'Policioua. Try Thorn, tit Douty
Official Paper of Polk County.
West, Side Publishing Gompany
THUUSDAY, MAt 80, isitt.
IV Mkkt Satpkuav. - 'IV h
nrer of Tlk county nint lu the dtj
hall lu Indopt'niU'iie Saturday at 10 a
hi. t eoninlete the trniiitnt organ'
tottion of tUi'lr attam-latlmi. A liii'Kf
ihiuiIhT of lnt!ivUd urowm I vx
pvted and matter of much Importance
wUI IHtliwiiuaM.
Quite an enVtlng little noeito who
wltnewrd one day 1am t wwk upon the
arrival of tho niorulnir train, laaae
Howard, of 8mlthfl'lr HI., accom
panied by lii wire, arrived here from
hi Kaiern home ami wan met at tin?
ilfHt by a number of old friend.
It hd been atNiut fourteen year since
lliey had mot and their luutunl delight
pleaut to wlttie. The now.
coiner were taken home by 8. H.
Wltherow, of Ltwlavlllo, for a vlnlt.
Nw rtMflvwl Monday that
Mm, UeorgleFord, a ltcr of W. V.
ami Millard Perclval ami Mr, T.J
Fryer, wa dangerously 111 at her home
luTacouta, Waah.'Mr,' I'erclval left
fur tli cound at ouce, and a no
further bad nti, haa been reeleved It
U thought that her comtldou la Im
proved. ,
U. 1. llannlater, who haa a flue
strawberry patch wetof Uidepeudeuoe,
brought a aauipte, to thl oftlce Wed
uwly. cotutUtlug of a collection of
largo aud luaeloua berrle. Then I
nothing small about Mr. Banulter or
hi atrawberrlea cither. Thanks.
The Independence Hunday AVwrf
waaeeueoc financially aa long tail
wa published, but it Held wa too
limited to make It permanent, ao on
May It) appeared It lat lue. The
experiment waa worth the trial how
aver. An exchange atatca that Henry E.
Heed, formerly clerk of Multnomah
county, la now managing editor of the
rortlaud Sun. lie la an old new paper
uuu of much ability and will puh the
pler to greater eucwaa, ,
From Wm. Nemnlth, It wan learned
that the body of Frank Lang, who
was burled at Jtlckrealt twenty
years ago, was exhumed, and ahlpped
to The Dalleafor buflal lu the family
pint lu that place.
Jim Campbell, a former resident of
Muumouth, but more recently of Han
Frauclaco, aud quite prominent lu
police court matter there, wa lu thin
city and Mouwoutu the first of thl
M U Clara I rvl ne, a daughter of J . I.
Irvine, of McMinuvilie, came up Mou
day morning ou a ahori. vinit to her
brother Clarence, manager of the J. 1'.
Irvine establishment of thia city.
There aeerua to be some Influence ol
an underhanded nature . working
against the Vtar Sidk In the Normal
achool. Fair computeilon la one thlug,
misrepresentation auother.
Do not wear Impermeable aud tight
fitting hat that constrict the blood
vesweUof the scalp. Use Hall'a Hair
ltenewer occasionally, and you will
not be (juld.
B, L. Hasting, of l'eedee, brought a
fine iron gray horse to towu Tuesday,
expeutiug to sell him for f 100 The
purchaser la a firm of horse dealer In
Mr. Ana Kobiuiton, who haa been In
the employ of Alexander-Cooper Drug
Cu.,lt-ft foi Spokane Wednesday where
he commences work In a drug store.
Mi Lettle Masteraon and Florence
Alexauder, atudenia of the Baptist
College, of McMinuvilie, were Visiting
reiutivea In thl city Buturday.
E. T. Heukle waa elected aa delegate,
and VV. O. Cook aa alternate, to attend
the (Jraiid Lodge of A. (). U. W.
which meeU In July.
" The good people of Itickreall were
treated to a visit from the Peak ulster,
who weut " from Independence laat
Mrs. Shaw, of Portland, came up
Saturday on a vlalt to the family of E.
W. Cooper, the well known druggist of
thia city.
Hop have been growing ao faat that
they pulled the polea up and made It
dangerous to work when there waa a
Consistency la a Jewel that la conapl
cuoua for Ita absence from the personal
adornment of many prominent domo
crata. 100,000 pound of ' wool wanted by
Geo. E. Brey, Independence, for which
'the hlgheat market price will be
Mra. F. O. Kertaon, of Gaston,
returned to her home Saturday after a
short viait with relatives In this city.
Mh-aCora Hnell, who la ttachlmrat
McCoy, spent Hunday in this city with
here aunt Mra. Connaway.
The supreme court haa fettled the
Income tax question for a long time to
come, if not for all time,
A aclentiat saya those who have heart
disease should not marry. Go to; isn't
love a heart disease? " '
Hlmon Mason, of Tygh Valley, father
of Mrs. Sarn'l Goff, was here visiting
laat week. ,
The of the J. F- Q'Ponnell Co.'s
atock of new K'x'" ls expected thia
The Little Palace hotel still retains
ita popularity with the traveling public
Do not fail to see the tandem bicycle
race Saturday. It Is something new.
i Yon can get a good meal now for 10
or 15 cents at the (Jlty I'teataurartt,
Geo.' Itiheltn, of Corvallla, waa down
on a visit to tills city last week.
Miss Elsie Allen and her brother
Chaa. were in town Saturday.
Geo. Clnggett l "w tt,,le to be up
again after his sickness.
Clare Brown, of McMlnnvllle, waa
in town Saturday.
Bill of fare now at the City Restau
rant. r r
The people of Iudeatidinc have
iHxm very loyal hatroutof 8ulem .t.xtm
lauudrktliuklngM.iha that thero
are no un,.r iMUiutrie to compete,' but
the Star laundry, of lWtlaud, ha
glveuthe agt-m-y to I), H.. Doyduu,
aud licrv-aitvr you can get tatur wirk
d ine f.r thi m prlwa, Mr. Iloyd
ton will cull for your waahlng, aud
deliver the una wlu-u h-turuwl fnm
the laundry. It will tie a great con-
I..... i. ....... . t . l .. .... .
.. ,iw ami (lie worn ni la tatter
done thau our la-ople are getting now
On Monday evening the Irienda of
1U V. and Mra. Crawford gave the new
panlorand Ida wife a aurprle and rv-
wpti.m at the Presbyterian manae. A
very ei'Ji.yntdoeveuing waa apeut aud
iiunichiua letlmoulala of regard lu the
liapt of 'vanned fruit, augar, butter,
tea, etc., were left In the manse with
thauka from Mr. Crawford and wife.
TheWftnrtfinR Job 'office ha been
lemd to Mr. Ou H. Bynon, an exja'r
lentH'd printer of many year, who
will lie pleaM-d to receive all bualuea
ntlVrcd and promptly fill all onler at
lowest rate and to the aallalactlou of
palMii. The NVkst Sita oftlce I pre
imn-u k no an Kiuu or worn trom a
calling vanl to a full sheet aaler.
F A. Link, a pnwpcrou farmer
living north of town brought In aome
aample of wad which cam from hi
little band of aheep, Hla'ewea aliearwl
from U to i Huuda aach, aud aome
twin lamUi 0 mouth old sheared 13 to
15 (aiund each. The wool 1 from 10
to H Inche long and of excellent
quality. ,
The reilcr of the Wkst Siuk should
iwtmnliee tluwe who are patnut of thl
paper. Hie example of a lady who
went to trade, la worth mentioning.
She carried the advert Ixeinent of the
firm with her ami demanded good at
the price euumerattal, and she gut
l hum. A merchant la plcaed to know
that hi adwrilaemeuts are read.'
M'-a. Grave, living lu North Inde
pendence, felt greatly aggrieved the
rlrat of the week over the black eye
which her aon got, while fighting with
Clarence Fuller. We do not know the
why or wherefore of the idtercatlnn,
but there 1 no doubt but that the other
boy was bigger or else a Mier tighter .
The very entertaining prigram of
the Salem Social Club will be rendered
at the opera house Saturday evening,
by the leading ladle, ol Salem, fur
the benefit of the Athletic Club of
ludcjw'udeu'ce, It proved a greut
aucvem In Salem, and will uudoubtly
uieet with a hearty welcome here.
J. A, VVtien leave Friday for the
Fust to be gtmcalanit two month. He
will Viait Mluucapolia, Milwaukee
Chicago, aud New York, and may go aa
far a I' i old home In New Burnawlck.
Mr. Vcnes haatawn a hard worker for
until V year aud haa earned this rest
from bualucaa. .
Cast your vote at Clodfclter Bros , at
I ceut each, for the most beautiful or
popular young lady In Polk county, to
become quecu of the mhc at the ltoae
Fair, Ui las given the llith and 14th of
June, by the ladle of the Presbyterian
church. The voting will continue all
next week. -...
Laat Monday J aim Lotau aud Seid
Heck, of Purtlaud, were convicted of
aiuuggliiig Chinese Into the Uulted
State, aud will serve a term lu the
la-uiteutiary. Mr.,Lotau 1 greatly
depressed, Icing 52 year of age and a
mail of Promlucuue in Orcgou for 30
year. ..,.' . .
E. li PaddiK-k waa - pucklug his
household gaala thl week and In
quiry made elicited the fact that he
leave aoou for Milwaukee, Wis., to re
main Indefinitely. ' Heaays he want
to 19 with hia relativea, but ex
pects to return to Orcgou of cmrae he
Lake Dorrla, who haa been sick for
the past three weeka waa able to be
about uguiu Monday aud come down
to the store of It. M. Wade A. CoM
where he la employed, but is still too
weak to atay very long. Hia nick net
made a great change In hisappeurance.
Host Stark, of the Little Palace
Hotel, will give au elegant Icecream
anil atrawberry aupa-r this Thursday
evenln," nt H p. m , to the Independ
ence Bras Bind. If you hear some
music around there today you will
know tiie boyshiutsll the straw bo. rile.
It wa a great disappointment to the
Athletic club hint Saturday, and the
teacher of Polk county to be com
lulled on accouutof the rain to postpone
the picnic, but It had to be done until
Saturday June 1st. We hope a suueaa
ful meeting will be held.
J. A. Mills la at McMinuvilie attend
ing to business connected wkh his
branch store. J. P. Irvine, who lias a
atore at McMlnnvllle waa here lately to
see after hia branch store in Indepen
dence. Word was received here Wednesday
by telephone from Salem that Miss
Patie Cooper had been hurt at Zena,
and for some one to come down ut oncc.
E.W. Ciaipcr and wife drove down.
The Kelley livery stable ou north
street ha added several new buggies
and carriages, also has repainted the
old ones, and is now better than ever
prepared.. to cater to the public.
LemMartln living north of Independ
ence, brought ripe cherries to town
May 25th. He says he has Just one
tree ripe, but they are fur ahead of any
other variety in the orchard.
' Elder J. J. Moss, who lived at Mon
mouth several years ago, died at
Seattle, May Ifith, aged 88 yeara. He
waa the oldest G. A. It. member on the
Pacific coast. ' r ' ' (
When you want a first-olasa team,
for pleasure, riding or for business, call
at Kelley' livery stable on north Main
street, Independence.
Dr. H. B. Stanley with his little son
Leo and daughter Mugglc, of Dallas,
made this office a pleasant call Wed
nesday, 1 ,
Try one of those 15-cent dinners act
out by Billy Castor, at the lunch coun
ter, adjofoiing the Gem saloon.
, Mataurl has arrived.nndwlll appear at
Vaiiduyn, Vencss & Wdcox' store next
Saturday; 1 Be sure anil see It.
G, 1L Tiiarp, of North Suver, came
down Tuesday, with his trotting mare
for treatment by. Doc Young.
Misa PHtle Cooper has been spending
Ihls week visiting relatives' in SpHng
Valley, near Zena.
SlioiilfH. B. Plummcr waa In towu
on bnHinea laat Tuesday.
Why It Pay to lie Ah IimII.ih In
ii Til I' ""
' There was considerable ooiiinieiit
niaile rece ntly when quite a crowd of
I'Letnawa ludlan buy came over from
the Indian achool, dear Salem, aud
Wer accompalued by alaiuj the aatu
u u n Ut of girls; nut OU account, of
their isliig trusted out together but
hecau quite a numtat i f (lie girl
were o while, that, If met In dltlereut
urMundlug would never I taken for
ludiau. Some of the girl were really
handsome; fair skinned, tall and well
formed. At first thought it teemed
trange that they should ! compelled
to stay with Imllan. tut It, seems
they do u from chtile and uot com
pulsion, ' The' reasou given la that
ludiau children are U'tter tr'ted t au
our own son and dauglileia. They
are clothed, fed, and educaUd, all at
the ekHnu of the United Slates,
Che very bet luatrutoraam ma ured, a
pleasaut home la fiiiulslied aud the
Indian girl w illingly leave her home
to go to school. If she were of our own
blisul ahe would not lsso fortunate in
receiving an education an she la a au
Indian girl.
The Home life of the Early Pioneer.
The .".Settler" are understiaal by
historian to lai that via who came to
Oregon In emigrant trains, to find
home. '
The live of the early missionaries
andotlkvrs of the Hudson Bay Com
pany have tieeu well recorded, but very
little haa been w rliteu of the home life
and occup itlon of the "Settler."
Ill nut a difficult matter to obtain
record of how they traveled to Oregon,
what kind of house they dwelt lu,
what they had toeut, what they wore,
and how they occupied themselves.
, But of the home l.f of the "Settler,"
he who came to save Oregon for the
Uulted State, little ha ta-n written.
Now and then the typical Oregoulan,
the one who tk a donation laud
claim, built him a house, married aud
raised a family, the one who ha iiumi
ou his back, and children who have
web feet he had a home life.
; These laud-claim of three hundred
and twenty acre to a single man, and
six hundred aud forty acre for a mail
and hi wife, wt re. given to people If
they would cultivate them for four
year after which they could receive a
Thus the population w a made up of
people with these kinds of home.
The home of the pioneer wa a log
hut, which contained uuu, ami some
time, two room. These log hut hud
puncheon floors, and the roof were
made of three-foot board, ami ome of
ti foot boants, wiiluh liMiked the
better. The bnauu usetl then were
not like we uae now, but were made
either of choke cherry or bael.
Wry few people hail stove, but used
a fire place, lu which they cooked; but
they had all brought bake oveu wit h
them, in W hlch they baked bread, cake,
aud pie.
The pioneer had no nmm then a
we have now, but Used caudle, and
many lime were out uf tallow, with
which they made candle; they then
used twiated cloth, laid lu a saucer of
grease, which were known as "sop
Perhaps the giaal man had brought
an ax, and a saw or chisel, all of which
he made gisal use of. He fashioned a
tub for washing, a howl for nutter, aud
a churn. How did he grind hi colter?
He had none to grind, as general
thing, for the pioneer had little money
to buy provision from the Hudson
Bay Company' store, at V jver.
An emigrant tralu might arr with
a little codec, tea or sugar, a I be
glad to divide the laat cupful :U au
emigrant of a previous ye They
were uot allowed to buy over five
pound of cofice from the Hudson Bay
Company' store at one lime, aud
always parched pea to mix with it, so
It would laat longer. If t. ,ty had no
aa, they parched corn meal or wheat
Instuad. They could get no green tea,
aa it was very scarce, but they used the
black tea, which wa then one dollar
a pouud. When they did not have
itlier the greeu or black tea they used
a peculiar kind of vine, which grew lu
the woods, for the same purpose.
The good houae wife hud her baking
days the same as ahe had when living
in the Eastern state. Now It may
acem a luxury that any of these early
settler had pie. There wa no fat lu
the laud, aud you may wonder how
they got their crust. How did they
get the cruat? Well, a few French
Canadians had gotten seed wheat from
the Hudson liay Company store, and
planted field.' They had reaped
harvest, and the missionaries had
built mills. The one at Salem w as the
moat convenient for the people of Polk
couuty, until one was built upon the
Luckiamute river above the present
city of Dallas, by Jimmy O'Neal.
The people had no threshing ma
chine at that time, but they would
clean the ground and let aome. horrfu
tramp the wheat out of the sheaves;
run it through a fanning machine, aud
then it wua ready to tj ground. The
house-wife hail Hour with which alie
made her bread. Tills bread waa very
browu all the way through, aa they
acraped up the clay with the wheat,
after being trained upon by the horses.
The cattle that pulled the wagon
across "the plains" soon fattened on
the tall green grass that reached above
their knees, while the old pioneers
look back upon these cattle aa the
animal who brought them here, and
It seems now like they ought to have
been kept sacred, us the Egv ptlans kept
their animal long ages ugo, yet neces
sity seemed to say "The cattle must
make my food." The fat rendered In
to tallow made good tie cruat, when
mixed Willi spring water and flour,
The old pioneer will relate to this
day what good Hour was made in their
(list Hour mills. " ;
One of the guild grandmothers used to
send the fattier of one of the boys. -In
this class to gather sorrel for the Inside
of the pie. "'
The cakea made In those days were
mostly the aponge cake, pound cake,
plain cake and log cabin cake; the
latter wua cut Into long strips, ami
built, up lu the shape ofa log cabin.
Perhupa the unmarried man found a
young womau who looked kindly at
him aud a wedding was the result.
An"Infair Day" waa me of the social
event after marriage. This day wa
Usually celebrated at the home of Hi
groom, or at one of Ida friends, after
they had returned from the Inane of
the bride., ... "
The girls helped to card, split wool
ami knit k. . They were busy girl,
a time were iiarder than any , of us
have seen, They did not , sit down
and fold their hand, liut made socks,
and laid them up for the future, ao
when the men started for the Call
fomla gold mine these girl sent the
pitstiict uf their latair, the iak, to
California aud when the men folk bad
returned, they received their money.
The price paid for the sis'ki was
l.i!' cent pair. Now learn a lesson
girls; tm mote Eldorado may break
forth, but prepare to produce for the
future use.
The children, going home . from
school, cut stick horse to rid so that
they would not lire while taking audi
long walk.
The girls made rag doll and played
uaiiic. They learned to talk "Chi-
nouk" or "(argon" with the Indian.
Our parent worked, enjoyed and
tadiavetl the U'st they knew how.
They founded a civilisation that
people from the older state, with
greater advantage, are glad to emigrate
to where their live and fortune may
la protected.
The follow log essay upon the above
subject wa written by Mis Vena (loft
aud read at the graduating exercises
held In this city May loth.
It treats of a phase of pioneer hlslory
seldom touched and I elally In
(cresting from the fact that the writer
I a daughter of one of the class she
Willi1 of.
first Murlgage On Improved Farm
Properly Negotiated.
We are prcmiYd to negotiate first
mortirage upou improved farm lu
Oregon, with Eastern parties at a rate
of Interest not to exceed U 'r cent per
annum. , A . .
Mortgage renewed that have been
taken by other couiianle.
Address, with stamp,
Mkkwix Sworth,
Baker City, Oregon. .
In An Early Day.
fill a new country; eou. pared with
Europe or evvu the Eastcru state.
Kveryoueelu a while you get a re
minder of that fact lu much the same
way that the writer did laat week. In
talking to Tims. Jeffrie, au attorney of
Eugene City, it came out that he
wa au old resident ot tin place that
la, not old a regaid hi owu aire, but
eoinpuied to the towu; for Mr. Jeffrie
wa Isirti w here the business (sirtlon of
Iudewndeiice now tauds, only long
iiefore there wa any thought of bulld
og a city thl side of the slough. A
Mr. Jeffrie 1 by no mean au old man
it would rather ap-ar that Indepen
dence Is a giddy, thoughtless young
thing herself but she 1 dally over
coming that falling.
Of I uteres t to Apiarist.
" 1
The beekeeper of I hi vic.nity will
Ih gAid to leant that they can now get
all their supplies from home mer
chant. Mr. Sherman, the well known
apiarist, lias platted agencies for hi
teuppl!c with Knox, the grocer,
who has on baud a full supply of
sections, stauds, foundation, smoker,
etc., at rock Im tom price.
(amp Meeting at Turner.
The Turner convention of the Chris
tian church will commence June 21,
and hold over June 30. It promise to
atlord a rich spiritual feast for all wllo
attend. There are to be minister from
oilier states and new meu uut of Ore
gon. The seating aud rostrum are to
lso arranged aa to supply a 11 tin
Mween the speaker and his audience.
On Sunday, the !ld and 30th of June
there will baa gate fee of 10 cent
charged all but the campers. Camper
will have the privilege of the ground,
wihhI and straw during a ten day
camping for tl. wr camp. There will
be a restaurant and dining hall with
every thing to suit In price, quality and
quantity. The mualo will be the beat
that city choirsand a choral union can
afford. The beautiful and shady
grounds and the great tabernacle are
attractive lu themselves. All would
do well to go to Turner aud stay
through the lonvetitlon. You will
gather true worth In new Idea of
Christian service and brotherhood.
I'he difi'crcnt departments ot church
work will have separate days for plan
ning and determining upon work and
methods of work. Go aud gui the
foroe of a wave of spiritual uplifting
that will bear you over the snags, burs
aud rocks of ennui, dlapair aud Indif
ference. You will then return to the
duties of life with a whole heart dress
and brightness In your pathway shin
ing Into a better day.
J. B. LlHTKIl,
Cor. Sec O. C.Ttt. E.
Any one who has ever had an attack
of inflammatory rheumatism will re
Joli-ewllli Mr. J. A. Stumni, 220 Boyle
Heights, Loa'Angelca, ever his for
tunate escape from aselgeof that dis
tressing ailment. Some months ago,
on leaving the heated work room to
run across the street on an errand, he
waa caught out in the rain, The
result was that when ready to go
homo that night he wa unable to
wulk, owing to iuflammatory rheuma
tism. He was taken home, and on
arrival waa plueed In front of a good
fire and thoroughly rubbed with
Chamborlafn'sPain Balm. During the
evening and night he waa repeatedly
bathed with thia liniment, and by
morning wua relieved of all rheumatic
pains. He now takes special pleasure
In praising Chamberlain' Pain Balm,
and always keeps a bottle of it In the
house. For sale by Alexander-Cooper
Drug Co
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powdd
twartlad Gold MJI Midwlntur Fair. San FranciacO
Floral Decorations at the White House.
Of all the flowers used on state occa
sions at the Executive Mansion, orchids
are considered the most beautiful and
efltwtive, and generally grace the
highest of the President's social func
tions. For Instance, la determining
upon the floral display for a diplomatic,
dinner, Mi. Cleveland I Informed a to
the beat the conservatories can afford
for thl oocaslou. After deciding Um
the flower to be used (a the decoration
are generally all of one kind). Mr.
Cleveland expresses Iter prefereiioe to
the bead gardner, w ho thereupon hold
aooiisulutloii with the steward, who
ai range that the flower, the lui
hade, and the ribbon fur th table
shall all be perfectly harmonious. In
can the .)irtir(llnm tMlym Is chosen
for dinner, the table la banked aud
maei with them, a corsage knot 1
placed beside the plate of each lady,
while a single flower I provided as a
bouttmnittti for each gentleman. Frum
"Some H'iffl 7m QrvhlU," in
IkinreMt'$ NttfHitlM for Jum.
Died at Washington Last Tuesday.
Secretary Gresham died at 1:1.1
o'clock Tuesday morning at til nanus
t the Arlington house. Although hi
recovery wa practically abandoned
when hi spell aorurrcd a little before
0 Monday evening, the most powerful
heart stimulant known to medical
science were Injected ja-rlodtcally, aud
au Infusion of normal saline solution
was made through an open Vein In the
arm, He recovered slightly, but owing
to severe rigors Just la-fore 11 o'eltH-k,
he began to fall rapidly aud his vitality
Is'gan to ebb. The three physicians
saw that the end wa near and at 12
o'clis'k withdrew to the anteroom,
leaving In the sick-room only the mem
her of hi family ami the uurse.
Whooping Cough.
There Is no danger from this disease
when Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y Is
freely given. It liquifies the lough
mucus and aid lt exiHctoratlon. It
also lessen the severity and frequency
of paroxysms of coughing, and Insure
iaedy recovery. There I not the
least danger lu giving the remedy to
children or babies, a It contain no In
jurious substance, for sale by Aiexan-
der-Cooper Drug Co.
Memorial Her tieeu.
The memorial service on last Sun
day under the auspice of the G. A. It
were not held In the city park as It
rained nearly all morning, but were
held I u the opera houae, where a large
audience congregated. The exercise
were under the management of J. L.
Stisiktou, the Pont commander,
ltev, O. li. Whltmore, of th Congre
gation church, delivered an Interesting
qsmlug address followed by BeV Lister,
if the Christian church, iti prayer.
Itev. Crawford, of the Presbyterian
uhurvh, theu spoke for a few minute.
Hi remark were listened to with
marked attention. The winging was
by the choir aud congregatum;
Mayer Hurley' Pldn't Pray.
Those who are acquainted with
Mayor Hurley enjoy immensely the
Joke ou him at the memorial service.
Being mayor of the city he wa Invited
to a seat on the stage with the other
guest. A the time came for a prayer to
tie ottered, one of the ministers haiked
around to see some person likely to
lead lu prayer. The pious look uf our
mayor encouraged him to aay "Bro.
Hurley, will you lead In prayer?"
Mayor Hurley haiked wild aa he aald
Oh, No!" Mayor Hurley aald lu shak
ing of theocA'iirreiic-, that he did think
he could at least take Up a collection,
but when he tried later on he failed too,
a his owu quarter waa the uuly one lu
bi hat.
A New Jersey electrician claims to
have discovered how to make light
without heat. He says the new light
will le put ou the market In sticks, like
circus candy, aud ean tie put around lu
the vest picket. Big claims, those, but
nothing seems Impossible In thl age.
Why don't you try a meal at the
City reatauraut, lu place of spoiling
your Sunday by walking a hot dinner.
It looks like aomelaaty In the Florida
legislature wa trying to "strike" Hm.
(Huston, who bought from the state
and drained 4,000,000 acre of swap
land. A legislative committee ha
tieeu appointed to investigate the
When you want a graaJ meal for 25
cent, go to Strong' restaurant, Weatu-
eott & Irwlu, proprietors, Salem,
Oregon. tt
There's no discount ou the nerve of
the American yaohtaman who sent
$10,000 to London to be placed ou the
Defender at even money. If taker cau
liefouud, The Defender ha uot yet
even been launched.
You can get alx gwat square meal
for 1 1 at the City reatauraut, cooked by
white women.
A Chicago church la to have the
heaviest chime of bulls ever caat in
America. They were caat In Baltimore
the other day.
Money loaned on Independence pro
perty this mouth, by W. G. Wright, of
Dallaa. ' tf
Whiskey and quinine may be good
medicine, but the experience of stiile
Senator ltogera, of Kanaaa, shows that
care must be exerolscd in mixing It.
Adding quinine dmwn't remove the
Intoxicating quality of the whiskey.
You can get receipt and notes In pads
at the Wkht Si oh office.
The Cuban revolution puzzle prom-
iaes to laat all summer, If not longer.
Money to loan at 8 per cent, by W.
G. Wright, Dullua. tt
No Chinese at the City restaurant.
Office for Rent.
offl, Uxl, opening on Main ntreet, suit
nlilB for a rflal estate or lawyer's nlllee, will
be rented, Including flint fur al-nvo and
electric Unlit very otiuup, Kmptlre at tile
WtcaTHina otttce. tf
Hay For Sale.
need and Vlu-at sted. For tuilo by
W. W. Moiiok,
' Kick real I, W.
' ' . tf
Wool! Wool I Wool!
llosemlorf & Hirschberir as usual
buying wcail aud pay higher
pi Ices
tnan any uouy. oee us oeioio
5nort Breath, Palpitation.
Mr 0. W. McKlnacy, potmatcrof
Kokomo. lnd.,and a bravo ex-oldlcr,
ays: "1 hud been severely troubled
with heart discuss ever alnce leaving
the array at the close of the late war.
1 wu troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. 1 could not
sleep on my left tide and bod pain
around my heart. I became so ill
that 1 wua much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention waa colled to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try It The first bottle
made a decided Improvement In my
condition, and flvo bottle! have cum
plctcly cured tne. '
0. W. Mt KINHEY. V. M., Kokomo, Ind.
Pr. Mllr' tti-irt Curs la sold on noaltlv
Xurtu't Hint I lie ttrot bmilo will Winut.
Udrutntlstssnil Hal II, 6 UillU lorlft, or
It mill lm neiit, urepnli, (in formal tif urlee
bUilr. tlitos sliKikid Ui., WUUrt, lud.
Painting or Draw lug.
Any one del ring to take lesson In
ill pnliitlng or pastel drawing would
do well to call on Mrs. F. K. (Jrinhh,
C street, and examine her work.
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
World' Pair Highest Award.
The J. F. O'DonnellCo.,
Is putting in a Complete line of Hard
ware, Stoves, and Tinware. Buggies
and Spring wagons.
Also on hand a complete stock
of Paints and Oils, made by the
Celebrated HEATH & MILLI-
GAN Manufacturing Co.
The J. F.
In mir New S1hiji, opjiosite Kelley's
Livery Stable, rather than in the News
papers. ; '
Hand-made Shoes in Projiortion. Draft,
Road and Track Shoeing the very best
Independence, Or.
heat is Going
Rut the I'rlcww of nnUil Work Inure gone OOWNt DOWN'S I0 WNTil at ths
Gold Filling, from Si Upwards. ;
Amalgam " 50c and Upwards.
Omout " ajc and Upwards.
Full UpiHT and Lower Plate, $8.
Ext ranting, JSC - ,
Clfanlng, Inclilillng Ux twill jMiwder, 50c.
FHKK Extnuaion, wheu other work b being done.
These are CASH Pkices,
At ha lnilepJenc Dental Parlura, Over Independence Natloni;Bnk.
M "Superior
The Best stoves in the market, fully guaranteed.
A new line of them just received at
' The New Hardware,
We will py
SWEET PEAS, ZlVamuJ,a,,t Only 40c. A P0UND1
v.... f..M nar.lrnlara of fftino offer and the handsomest and most com
f2 plete catalogue of Flowers, Vegetable! and Fruits, containing all old fa
I Vj vorltea and cream of new Novelties, printed in 17 different colors, elegant
colored plates. Send 10 eta. (wmcn may oe aoauciea irom nm u.utij w
V IwiV W SEEDS contain the term of life.
ST A Ik?
aw -m. ak 4
One gallon can
of Standard To
matoes for 25
Evening Post I
25 cents per Month 25 cents,
R. E. Cannon, Prop.
The U. S. (Jov't Reports
Bhow Royal Baking Powder
superior to all other.
O'Donnell Co.,
Independence, Or.
Ihde'pehdence, Ore.
Stoves and
F. E. Chambers.
for a name.
SONS, Rochester, N. Y.
1 ::.vj
As Bill Nye said when
- he appeared an hour
late,l)9f)re an indir
nant audience;' and
' 1 vt'nnr t1ir rwnl nf:
....... ... W.
. this city to know that
I am here
At prices never equal
ed in this city when
quality of goods is
considered. Call and
examine goods and
you will buy all your
footwear of
Main St., Independence. Ilr of bonis or alifH xn,nM of ni
tliul rip, run ovw, or nun ihw at
Dm wiUo, will be repaired Irtm,
I'roprlftor of .
Th Inlrwti(ti'ric Marlil Vfork. UurU-
on all wiiicKTy work, FirHtu-liuu, workman.
til), laUl dmigns, and iowml prlf.
I the place to frt all firU la work.
BATH 25 Cntf
Horses Fed, by the Day
Week or Month.
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
Oont'H Clothin-
Made to order in any ttylo at the lnd
pendvnoe Tailor Shop, T.tatftoo Jenks,
pnpritor. A flue line of samplMi al.
ways on band from which 10 eluct.
Bulta niade to order from $14 up, by
"'" Independence Tailor Shop
FuruUhed for private parties,
aodala, picuic aud all kind of
entertainment, on the shortest
notk and at price oonHbtcnt
with flnt-cla work , aud best
materials. For anything lu tliia
line go to '? -
G. A. Back,
S7 Commercial St., Salem.
Sperling: Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meats
. a.
Highest market price paid
for ful Htock, beef, mutton, veal,
pork, etc. All bill must be aetlled
OPEN 8UKDAYS FKOM 8 to 9 a. m.
Free Beli7ei7 to all pari: of the Citj.
Proprietors of '
Independence Tile Factory
Manufacturers of
Drain Tile.
of all sizes. '
Prioes to Suit the
In that old flower pot and make It a
thing of beauty. Plant a V. A C Rose
and U will be a Joy forever.
D.& C.Roses
grow and bloom Indoors or out, in pot
or garden they are on their own roots.
Our new Oulde to Hose Culture will help
you make a wise selection tell you how
roses and other flowers are grown at
rose headquarters and how you can
grow them equally welt
If you so request, we will send free, this valu
able book and a sample copy of our floral
$ West Grove, Paw