The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, May 09, 1895, Image 2

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. I'
f I (
0. JhMTLAMO, Maniuar.
WestSidublishins Company
One War .
Mix Moulin ,
Thre Moulin
tprVuKf J
All mrrtgaiid (loath uotlcw uolm-tixl.
8 nve Unoa will tw Inwru-d lb. All ovr
Avetliit will brotmrirtsl tv cmla p.r tin
Nuctvty obduracy ivMutlima will bo plmcmHt
Mr at Ui mis m tlv nhu iwr 1 1 no.
l'liiUTl itl the IVM-oittos In liuli'pi'li
diio, urt'gnti, cu.l-cliui manor.
Till' USD AY, MAY 0, liStt.
IHSHMIMAM'K.S . Kenn-mlnr that Hie
publi-lu'in m tills irnprr must l tioililrl hy
toiur whrit a kuIiwcIImt wlahr IiIuikt
atoppod. All arrwuiw muat bo paut.
ALWAYS tilVfc: TllK N A M K ol tllo 1I.
uffloa U) wlili'h your 'Hr In aent. Your
uaiu ohu uol be loiiiut oit our buoka utile
lb In In douo.
ALL l.K 1TKH8 alioulil tm KiMrwrd o the
WKH'r SI UK, Itut.'lxu.U'iic.
The Kugliau tut solLlly uorUuK
Mr. Ck'Vt'littul'ii tttiii-Aiin'rlottii (niUoy
tOWttfllS tlltf KlIgllHU tHI'Upiltilltl ol
McMrauu'it torritory. Tito Auicrii'ttnc
are tuloruiiiiK it, simply iki'mum lhty
cannot help Uietuwho, but liiey will
elect tuuu Ut'xl ywir who am U( to
(Hudtd upou at all linn's to slitutl up
for Amoriwiu htioawu. Aud that will
bo a rvpuulu-uu.
Ther is no niguiiiututv mucin il to
the adonilou of a rvsolutiou luvmiiig
placing ihonoviTtmiottt priuliug ollliv
utiilor the l ivil fvrvicu rules, by Co
lumbia Typographical liiion, ol Wash-
Hilton. iScveu-lculUs ut the uu'iiiU'is
of that L'uiou mo employee of that
ullicc, who have not tlio shrillest oljeo-
tiou to a Uli'liuij ciucli on llit'lr IoLm
The attuiini.tUal tou liaa nothing to
Bay about th invasion of ilcuruj;ua by
England, but just wait until BOIII0 lit
tle" sevcn-by-Miie nation gives It att ex
cusa to bully it; theu the Cleveland
Grvshatu calf w ill endeavor to itnltate
the lion's roar.
j ...i 1 j;
England, aud the other Europcau
bulllex, will make a great uiintuku if
they regulate their future tutuutioiiB
uu the belief that the .Monroe doelriue
ie) dead. It U not dead. It is only
Blot-plug until awakeued by the nhoulo
of republican victory.
It will be entirely lilting to call Chi
cago's uew democratic daily the En
quirer, as the uiot of tho time of Its
managers is likely to be ent enquir
ing who is guiug to furuiu money to
pay the bills.
It ia stated that the treasury deiart
nieut up to May 1st, lias paid out this
lleail year on the public debt of this
uatiou f J,0U0,(XW. This Is about 1 1 per
cent of the total revenue of the fulled
fctutes during that time.
When the South given the same wel
come to New England's freedom ol
opinion aud action that it does to New
England capital it w ill begin to move
forward at uu nceelerated pace.
The report that Jitpan is threatened
with an epidemic of typhus and cholera
is indignantly denied by the ofllcliils ul
Tokio, who say the sanitary condition
of the empire never was better.
If the claimants now trving to estab
lish tt legal title to the bottom of the
Potomac river succeed, Meliiuty's
heirs should lose no time in claiming
the bottom of the sea.
Ex-speaker Crisp successfully strad.
died the silver question during the lai
congress, and now he is trying the
same act for the benefit of bis Georgia
The author of "(Join's Financial
School" has found tho secret of coining
money out of not hing, and he is win'
enough to Ije utilizing it for his person
al benefit.
There is one resemblance between
Mr. Cleveland and Itienzi. One wits
the hint Roman tribune and the other
will be the last democratic president,
not pnveu(itY .Wing uml to mlvn
tK ou othr4HMHlons when tho
gathering wr not to great, nd It
would be of valuto th Uwu lu tuort
wy than one.
At most trilling oont t thin time,
when the prhvii of materials of all
klmla ao ntluml and lalHr no plen
tiful, building Mmicthlng aiuitUr to
the Kn FranelHtxi Wigwam or even
the new dome-like atmeture built for
the l'hnutauiUM assembly to lie held
next July at Ashland, could lHewtwt.
It would atviireto IudiHndeme many
large gatherings, make trade for our
merchant and reflect orellt on our
cncrgotlc vitlxciiM,
Circuit Court lWcrdlngH.
Follow lug are the ease docketed for
the May term of circuit court for lolk
county, which beglna Monday next,
llllli lost:
J F OTVtnnel, asslgnnienf
I, lleiitley,
F. llaylcr, "
F K Hubbartl,
J It Crow Icy, "
T W i :au,
C A l'OHt,
N M tirant, "
Mea Ciwpcr, "
It l Whiteiiiau, 11
HSHanis, "
Horace Vmikuiu v K T Miller et al
action on note.
Mitchell A Lew In v I iVmpaey
action ul law.
John C Wright vi A llrlnk, action
al law.
lioU-i't llitlton v A J McDaiilcl el
al, action at law.
Samuel .Muliliumi vs E PHhluu et ul
action ut law.
J W Crlder v W 11 Davis et al, fore-
L Kelso vs 1 Clagget et ux, action at
Henry Hill v John W Severe et ux
action at law.
L Kelso vs l.llllo Urubh, action at
K. W Wllllaiusoii et al vs 11 Christ
ian el al, suit til equity.
11 L l'Viitou v Mary 11 Itogerx, aj-
peal from Justkv Court.
W C llrow n vs C F llobart, fore
Feuton A Toner vs J K Klrkutrlck
et ux, Hclioti at law.
M L Kobbius vs E T Miller et ul
C 1) Embree vs It 11 Chaplu et ux,
Jon Myers vs J C LcwIh, action at
Jloneymau, Dellart Co vs J h
Cooper, uNiiguee, action al law.
Ai.incaey vs 11 t Wells el ux,
suit lu equity.
belli Klggs vs Joshua McDaniel
action at law.
K A 11 H Titigle vs J E llartel, fore
imtiiiee Mortgage & trust t u 11 vs
1) 11 KliuwH-ii, foreclosure of bond.
John L Murphy v 11 L lmoun ux
et al, foreclosure.
Henry llagissi vs Win Vogt, foic-
J 11 Mulkcy vs Lewis llelmlck et al,
Alliance Trust Co vs I' Hiebert et al,
Feu ton A Toner vs J E Klrkpatric
etal, acll u at law.
1 W Sears A Co vs J E Davis, action
at law.
M L ltobUlns vs J 1 Kirkpatrlck et
al, foreclosure.
Lucy Darlings vs John Durliug,
Lucy Buchanan vs John Buchanan,
Alice Walker vs Fredrick Walker,
Clara H Hmock vs H L Huiink,
Jennie Hewitt vs Early E Hewitt
Walter Itoneo vs Calhrinu Uonco,
E F .Manning vs C A A 1 A Hymn,
action at law.
I'eiile Crow vs M TCrow, divorce.
HC Sterling vs Frank Flala, fore
Allen A Lewis vs A K Johnson,
iiiit in t oiiky.
Uussell A Co vs Ed Paul, replevin.
Hamilton, Job A Co vs M Co per et
al, action at law.
ham'l Urr vs W N 1'arker, a:tioii at
m Hvarverud vs C W Osborn, action
ut. law.
Koht (1 Morrow vs W H HtubblngH,
action ut law.
Ed McNiel A E II Lyon vh E C Har
ris, action at law.
W Morgan vs I) II Young, action
at law.
While John Hull was using the
Monroe doctrine as a f')t mat, Mr,
Cleveland was marshalling his cabi
net to have their photos taken.
Ho long as plots against the Hawaii
government are con lined to the
United States the island republic has
nothing to fear.
Mr. Cleveland would doubtless favor
abolishing presldental elections and
putting the presidency under civil ser
vice rules.
Col. Waring, of New York, will, if
he ha the idea of the fitness of things,
hereafter Hell his name with two r's.
,J?irdsofakind"-etc. New Found-
in.i tirm ii hi" treasury deficit and a
desire to en cr the United Ktates.
The Town Needs One.
In common with every other town
endeavoring to progress in business
life aud to gain for itself the aj provul
of resident of the adjacent territory,
Independence needs . Home building
large enough to accommodate the
largest crowd that any occasion could
pmwibly bring together. It size would
Cily Fathers Met in Regular
Session Last Tuesday.
The Independence city council met
mi regular Kcmi-nionlhly session last
I'ucsduy, with Mayor Hurley in (lie
chair und all members present but
Councilruefi Walker and Hlrong.
After the minutes of the previous
meeting were reud and approved the
street committee reported in favor of
building a new sidewalk on the north
side of block No. ', arid also recom
mended that all dilapidated sidewalks
be repaired, and the rubbish lu the cily
park be removed.
The report of the f,rdlnarice (ioni
mittee wits that it recommended the
adoption of ordiiiamtc licensing auc
tioneers; also one relative to boys be
ing on the streets later than 8:.'I0 p. m.
Murshul Tupper reported the sale of an
impounded borne at public auction.
lllliLH I'AII).
The following bills were ordered
paid: J. W. lUcharilsou, Hr., !).r cents;
I't'cscott A Vencss, HO cents; It. m.
Wade A (Jo., 'l!S", Recorder Ford,
$11.70; J. W. Fetzer, fl.'IO: A. J. Tupper,
$38.40; Ii. (' Clilmoro, fiO; Electric
Light (Jo., fi8tJ.2.r).
There was some further informal
discussion of matters pertaining to the
ity's welfare which was to receive the
attention of the council, after which
upon motion the council udjournud.
A valuable mare belonging to Jake
Hrown, of Ituena Vista, has been
brought down for treatment for bone
spavin. Mr. jsrown places a mgn val
ue on the mare not only for her breed
ing although she is a pure Arabian,
hut hecause she is an old favorite, and
bus left her with Doc Young with ln-
structioim to use all his skill to ell'ect a
The Polk County Hunday School
convention which held forth at (Ida
place last Friday and Saturday, wan
coin nmed of a representative class from
different portions of the county who
are tailoring for the uplifting of the
banner of religion and morality. All
eiilcredlnlo the work w ith enthusiasm
that allowed them to he III earnest In
the cause they weie espousing, and cer
tain It Is that all ordei-lovlng s'ople
hid them Hod upeed lu their eH'orls.
They were most welciniu to Diilhis,aud
the town Iwiirely better for tlie
convention having been held here.
The new council for the Cily of
Dallas were sworn inioolllee Monday
evening. Mm. Chits. Illack and E.
Cadwell, who tied for (he olllce ol
councilman lu the Hist ward, drew
lots, Mr. Illack U'lng vlclorlmis. F.J
Kites and I. T. Mason were iiouiliiiileil
for the olllce of couuclhiian lu the
second waul to take the placcof I. N.
Woods who -since his removal to third
ward can not ,erve lu adlirereul ward.
The Dallas t'ity band elm led otlltvrw
to serve the ensuing year, as follows:
1'rei.lileiil, Fiank Itowell; mrrelary,
Johnny I'ghlow; treasurer, Olho Will
lams; bust iiesa manager, ltalph Casey;
leader, Walter Williams; Instrumental
inspector, Homer I.eiimli.
There is au ordiuuucn before the city
council at preaeiil, to the cll'ccl that
bicyclists will have to keep oil' the
sidewalk III the business hiiIioii of the
town while 011 their bicycle, of
(baud Master Parker, accompanied
hy 11. F. Mulkcy, F. J. Chapman, 11.
Morrison aud A. V. K. Snyder paid au
olUelal visit visit to McCoy lodge Satur
day evening, aud report a pleasant
II. K, Koxer aud wife left Tuesday
for their old home I II lidladelphla, Pa.
Dallas Hople rearet the loss of this
worthy couple, aud hos, they will
return to Oregon In the near future.
Dr. W. T. Willlaiiisuu, llrst asnlstaul
physiciau lu 1 1 ii' Oregon Insane asylum,
aud A. () Colidil, deputy prosecuting
attorney for Marion county, were lu
Dallas Thursday last ou business.
Last week . (1. CauipMI and Al
liuxter were lu Dallas sollelllug contri
butions for the luiproveuiviil of the
road lending to the Salt Creek ws tloo,
uf which they are resident.
Dr. 11. 11, Stanley reached home lust
Friday from California, after (slug
away several mouth. 1 lu says lie lias
decided that Oregon is good enough
for iiitu.
The Indies of the Presby terluii church
are making prepuiatious lor an nv
cream social lo lai given at the city
bull next Monday evening.
lUiv. P. C. HeUler, bible agent, will
lie lu Italia next Sunday, aud hold
I'tiioit services at the i'fesby terlau
church in the evening.
Messrs. A. E. Moore aud J. C. I'glow
were the lucky men, last week lu the
rallle of the "K.unbler" wheel, ami
got it for 71 cents.
Dallas people are pleased to see Clark
drove opeu the old Ptoueer stables,
which lie liuM renamed the Oikt Fellows
Dallas city baud Is making prepara
tions forgoing to Salem to lake hi the
purade of the Ood Fellows grand lodge.
Asslslaul Postmaster Mrs. V. S.
(Irant, was out on the streets yesterday ,
after quite a severe illness,
W. C. llrow n and I, J. Wl-s inaii
made a Hying business trip to Portland
last Week.
Mis Ucorght (iaynor Is visiting the
family of Mrs. WolverUui, at Stiver,
this week.
Dr. Mason was taken quite III Moti
lity, but is better at present.
Circuit court begins Monday next.
In re estate of D. It. Clislfelier, clta
lion issued, Hudllig order for sale of
real estate.
In re estate of Esther J. Hastings;
It. O. Hustings appointed adiulnisira
In re estate of P. llolman, deceased;
petition for sale of real estate, granted.
Estate of Cordelis Slants, deceased;
PUCK lit.
LeoHleeprow has been having hem
nrrhage of the lungs and his medical
advice forbids him Joining in the slug
lug at singing school or any violent
The subject of debate al Huvel ' next
literary taiklllcullou is to be "Which
auses the most sorrow, whiskey or
Clint liradley has a pet kid aud a
liner goat never ale a tomato can or
swallowed a monkey-wrench.
The Oregon Pottery Co. will soon
open thci'Miay pit near town and ship
a few carloads to Portland.
There is sold and being shipped Jii.ikiO
bushels of wheat from lle lmlck liro's.
ware house.
David Parker, one of the oldest citi
zens of ibis section, was very sick last
Chas. Iluiilley has been Fcwing
sacks at the warehouse the pas!, week.
4 -
M ON. M 01 "HI.
The correspondent from this place
last week must have been a little "Jeal
ous" of flit! senior class. He said: "The
senior class of the (). S. N. H. can not
Und a motto good enough for them.''
lie was a little too prema' lire, us the
class at that time hail not tried loselcct,
amofto. They have one now ami It
only look one vote to select It "Not as
though already perfect."
The advance class of the O. H. N. H.
are to have Tuesday night of commence
ment week for their graduation exer
cises. They will have a separate motto
from the seniors. This Is the llrst time
that there bus been u distinction hIiowii
between the two classes, (lood luck to
Hlcycllng Is getting to be quite 11
sport among our ruslley; several of
them went lo a picnic in the north end
of the county last week and did nolMill
return together. They say "Ziinniie"
could not keep up.
Diii't forget Die ilrsmii "London As
uritiuv'', w hh h wlllls given In the
Normal rliaid ou the t'veiiloir of
May lllli, It promise to Im very In
tcrestllig play In three sets.
The Junior that appeared lu cbiiMl
Friday morning w,.re Miki Thompson
and iN'witle, ami Mr. Itrlgus.
Ililsluess Is gel ling good III this place
as aunt her llrst tlu-s groivry store
has jusl si ill-led
Mrs. Onllon left 011 Prld iy train for
a few days, outing lu the Halt Hollow
l'rof. Hutchinson was seen lu these
parts Friday.
Several new buildings are being utatt
od In low 11,
KltoM A Si IT 1 1 1 It IIUtltKSl'oNliK.NT.
Mrs, I'rliue, cumin of Mis. J. L.
Murphy, relumed to her home lu Eu
geue the find part of the week, takluu
Miss 1, Initio willi herto remain during
(lie summer.
Mrs. fickle has moved to the llleli
tinUon lmiie uorili of l'rof. Wuuu's
and Ibnellloii iMulki y bus moved In
to the building Just vaeated by her.
It. M. Hmllh ninl wire, Mrs. M.
Iluiuphrey and Mrs. I'eiclval drove to
Hal "in nil Weilnesd iy,
I It, lloly W'tiM out visiting friend
Tuesday for the llrst lime since New
Year's day,
A linye number of I lie Eudeavoieia
w ill attend I bo stale convention ul
Salem this Wis k.
Mr, .lebet giMS to Clitouill tills
week lo visit her daughter for the sum
mer. Mr. Hampton, of IVrrydulo, lias
taken clutl'Kc of the hotel at this place,
I'ren, I', J, Cutiiphell was one of the
examiner ut Dallas this Week,
The W. C. T. I-', will give au oyster
supper III the neur future
Syd I'erclval Is at work on the Oti
arrvrr this week.
Prof, H. L. Murphy spent Sunday
with III family.
C. ('. Doughty is ai home, ou the
lck list,
W i l l s.
There will U 11 ilriuna on the night
of June the 1st, al the Soup (risk
KraiiKc hull, entitled "Trlss. or lleyond
the Itoekles."
Juke I looker say be ha bad the
grip since la-t iHtceiulier and ' let
heller yet.
Che Hall and ( 'barley (ilbsou have
returned from the mini lu Jackson
(jinles uuiuIht id young folk took
In the debate at Stiver Saturday even
lug. Henry Cauthiuu Is plaiitlim ten
acre of iliirbunk poiutis ilils year,
E. M llodle hits all hi hop jxili-s set
in III yard now.
Picnic June too ist
(ienrge Scitl mid w ife, Willie Meg
louglilbi und Mrs. A Anderson attend
ed lln meeting held ut Lafayette and
report Having a gistii time, as lllsliop
Manfnrd preached some Very able
Ou account of Itev. J, Smith being
slek (here was no Hervlee last Sunday
lu llle M. E cbiiri h of Ilils plaiv as ex
'Cted, J. It. Will iii 1 lis aud Ills wife went (o
Dallas a delegate lo (be Sunday
schiNil eon vent Ion Friday.
Miss Curiie llavblson, w ho went o
Uowiitiru to alien I (be bedside of her
cousin returned Tuesday
mis. Nute Prat her and children
went to Portland lusl wei'k to visit
friend and relative.
There will U aer vices lu the Evan
gelical church next Sunday al llo'clis.-k,
by Kev, Vost.
Miss Leonora Pralher "pent Sunday
Hi Cnivallis with her aunt m,x.
Mies lb lie Powell, of Aukey, w as the
gllesl of Nora ninl Addle Ppither.
B, f. 0. llokf and jHlujhfr
He Can't Live
lilit mjr frlsml nd nilhhm. 1 hl lr
sil I" y vara 1 hyl''min sml clmnii ul
lliiikl did Set hrlp lu. Hut HoihI'i Hiomp-
Bar na-
A i1 ft St
; r'ures
rill did 111 uior kmiI
Uian ll (lis iliirtnrlii
t MM), VI..M, H.l lIxHH M,l W, J
nidwmli. Myilmiglitsf
alto Imit illUrrM kiiiI ilmiun illi. IIihhI'i Hr
Mpmilla iiisil lire stout, wrll ml li'slltiy, Ii.
K. O. link, rnlrtnw, hiiiu
Hood Pills r (nirel) vr. tsbl. nd tie
sot furii'. tio or (rqx. kuld 11 kll Uninu
Blood Poison
Driven Out of tho Syatom by
tho Ubo of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"lor five years, 1 wits a grout o,
Hllll'iu'ol' li-olll 1L must liet'MKl 1, lit 0
1.1 1 , 1 ; ,,i' 1 1..
iiiw.mi nine, in,', in'iii. i i lie ,,u niiin Q
inciiiciiies 1 ioiik nciiig 01 itny
help whatever. Hoping m, o.
eloini'o of liimulo would benefit. 0
inn. I went to Cubit, to lioi idn,
linn men m rs.'iruiogu priugH,
where I rcmiiiiicd some time
drinking the will cr. Iiiit nil wus fjj
lio lino. At lust, iieliitr IlllVIMCI
by Hcvcrnl friends to Iry Ayer's oj
Siirsatmrilla. 1 bi'L'iiii hikinir II ol
itud very soon favornble result. 9.
...1 ie.. .1 .... o
were isiuiiioM. io-u,iy i eon-
Hiiler iny.sell' a perfectly healthy
until, with a good nonet ile und
,.,,f 11.,. i..,.,,i 1 ..1' ..... i'
Jioi, Lllli leitni, itdi i; ,,1 1 11 jf 11MIIIIT q.
cniiiplitint. To nil my friends, o
und ('Hiiec.inllv voiinif men like 0;
uiyHell', 1 recommend Avcr'sSnr- 2!
Biijnirillit, if in need of 11 perfectly Gj
reliable blood-purilicr.' Jdnk o;
A. Ekcoiiah, iiropiictur Uol i
Victoria, Key West, Flu.; resi- 2:
ihiuco, 852 V. Kith St., Now York, oi
... O;
Aiimittoa 10 r .axmuuion ,
8,S.S.S,'5l !?, ?? 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0
Ayer'sSarsaparilla i
llnnit' (irown Vt'jffi.llik'S.
Fresh Kltcubarli,
lbs for 5 cunts.
Crisp l.ctiuiv,
3 In'iii fr $ ci-nts
Swift N.lVll Ol .lllHt'S
3 fur s1'; '''nA'".
l'nh 'intiH'li'Miics Cuiiibts
A I si 1 Oni'itis Aj'.innii,
Proprietors of
Independence lile factory
Manufacturers of
Drain Tile.
of all sliss.
Prlot to Suit tho
IniK'iH'ibk'tia', Orcun
Sperling; Brothers
Meat Market
IIMI Kll l"
Choice Meats
. it-1". v'''v tW
IIicIh-mI iimrket price ptild
for fid Htock, U't f, mutton, veid,
pork, etc. All bill mind be Nettled
ni'F.N .SUNDAYS FKOM s (. 11 h. in.
4 V I t I 1 1 MM
mm m m m
J .MUoU l ,
Get Your Washing
ilone liy IIih
1011I leiive your oclern with .1. H. Tilt IM I'Ni IN
nlllie K11 1,-111 Mtimii, who will eiill ul your
limifip lor the wimliliiK 11 lid ,1, 'liver It when
Ooilt'H Olol 1 1 i 1 1 e
M111I11 loonier in itny hIj le ul tho Inili -peoileiK-o'l'.'iili
r S lii,(., 'f.' ,leul(H,
iniicli'lor. A Hue line of HiinpteK ul.
W'iijh 1111 hiinil li.nii wlili'h In Ni leet.
Mill Im iiiiiiIk to oriler f.oni til up, hv
liidepciulcnce Tailor Shop.
iW. .bik 1M Hfr.1AU.-f-' U -
.JO! I M MUr.rilOIf. Prop
Market Imoc t1 Nli'iM't, ncitr the pnstollleu.
Priiiicletoc ul
The liiilepeinlenefl MiiiIiIh Work. phIIiiiiiIi
mi nil eeiiielery work, I'li'nl-ehwN workiiiiui.
hl), hitem iIomIkum, 11111I lowest prleeH.
Ur. Price's Cream Baking PowUcl
Awwikd Gold Medal Mniwln'w Fair. San Francises,
ran 11 sit
In I he phew lo net nil IIi'mI-oIiihh work.
kirn k IMk -1
National Bank!
Capital Stmk. $50,000.00.'
11. niitMi'..
.V. P. I (INN A W,tY
VU l'rlilMl.
. Ciuliler't l'n - li'l. ' tl-tun"l.mi
HMir-Mler lrnt"t! tor-" r.'Mlvrd on
mirrKiil enniiiit aulijw't I" i'liH, IliUTwl llo
on lltu iIkimwIU,
U.K. Mm llli. A, Nla.m, I. A. Ail'. " J'
hi. per . J, lliiinliiiHii, i. v.. einr, n
ll ll w liOl'IK,
ed liuines Mrt li H, 1W.9,il h Nalhiiml Authority.
nf liteitlnl"Ui,. "rr,'oll.
Cspltal Stoek
I. M, ('! H l'' It. I.. W, Ul lltKltl" '.
'r.i..'iit, VI. i'rl.l"t
W. II tUWI.KV, t j.liHr.
t.H (VMiprr. I jtiilrUMiii,ll llnut
ti. w. wiiiukiir. W. W. t,iHi"-
A kiiit1 liiuiklim bimltiM" ttliin-lri1
liny, ninl iM'lla enoliMiiiiB "I) H liii.rliil
ti, ,.ll.. rnwlvnl .llhlKi l loeliwk or oil 'r.
1 1 ft - I X III ilrHMlU I illllM-tllill Ull.
Illtle,- hour.: II , III, to 4 P in.
PCORP'jriTtouNom tmi tm or oricoh.
Polk County Bank,
IV I, (' M 1'HKI.I....
uu f. iitvvt i i, ...
, t-r,i,iil
, Vlil'rw.
I i..lilrr
Paid Capital, $30,000.
i II llli-i I'. I.. I i.iii,li'II, I.M.Hliii"H
I. It, V, llilllrr. J. . HUluii. K. H. I'owrll
J,iK,ih 1 ri..-ti.
A Keliernl Imilkllin Mini rn-hafi tiliallirw
1 1 i.loii.'t. l; limlia llillili-; ,i -ll rx rlvi-d
lllilr,'! l.l ,'ln-ek ur oil i-.TIIIlel.ti' tif ll awlt
ino-rri iiiiiil on tluip ii,-(M,!i,,
I- Ire ,r-M,r vimli ki,I hiirslur rit le,
u red hv Vli ttinr Im'k.
i, i . ll'.Mir-- a. in. to 4 t Ml
, , i -- (-O- -.(. -O O O'--'0 o
o o - o-t) o 1 4 .
AT 6:30 A. M.
AT 6:00 A. M.
For Fralghtand Paitsg apply on
. rilKMililT. J. A. Vt.NF8
Prescott & Veness,
-l',,ilh ot-
MioiiihieliiriTi of ninl l.lirin
Rou-h and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, - Manager
Fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
Go to
Photograph Gallery
Independence, Or.
JSclentiflo American
1 m 11 tm-"
BATH 25 Csnts.4-f
5i "iJ? . i V T " """i"' wrltPto
MI NN A III M l,MWATi Nkw Vouk
Olilest liiirimii tor m,,unim m,-M, In Ami-rir.
1 vi.ry imient. tnkim oi by , , lirniiBli, ,f
tlie pulilio by iiuiioo mvoii turn oi obarvs tu UiS
IjirBost olrrnlntlon of any Kilnntltlo pnpor In tnn
yeiin l.imx nionUm. A,i',ln, Mt'lViN i i"o
VuuunuKlis, aii licoailwu)-, KUW Vori City.
TIiIbIh tlio HtAiiilnnl Mllltnry Fm-yclopiyllo of tin
worLI and Um only worn uf lu kluil In tho KluilliiU
liumimt'ii. it Iiuh tho t'liiluiwintiiit of tlie War
I), iinri.ninnt ninl tho li'iulliiu uillllury comnuuulttni
nf Aninrlrit uuil 1 iuiiw. It lulthuid In UnwlHrra
oi'lnvo voliinu'U nf iibout 1WU HWT011 eiu li, prlntixt
on lino pntMT, from nw rlm trnlvpo pliiUw, pro
fumly lllnMr.ili'il mill ImnilHonirly biniiiil. It la
miili'ta lllirury of milliner liifnraiiitlon both fur
mllltnry nml iion-nilllliiry niHiplu, Kvory llhniry
ttlunilil Iiiivr It. t'lrculura mint on application.
Uouil UKt'iila wunU'd.
All tho loftillnit, np-to-diiio military and naval
book. Trice llbl furnlttliuU ou appllotitiun.
6tl2t Broadway, New York City,
Read These Prices!
AUii'.h Shoes.
M"M' T..o, I'nll "'" k Mlf. ( '",M!-'
.. 5.M.k " I'Ikm.IiII.V
i. it Ijoiiiol '! v i'n I J -
ii . Oiiio.1. m, iii tit- f. , pliiiu
,1' lo
' Kiiiiji"i,M,i '"iij5'"
CiilfShiH-, -ijiiiin- f iin-y t'H
41 Full HliM-k ( 'alf, OiT(f' twtVr, I.,ii-f in;i ('ugr
Si.Hu.U.Kalf. " "
' Hill it. Oil i'lilf, On-Kll ln:ik', Lw Mini iiu','r.-
I'low li'X,) full '" b '
i. ' Kip ....
IjiJIcs' Oftford.
I,;nliV Min k kill (hfonk roiiml Um, )iitut Ifalln-r lip
tan mi ti it re " - -
.' " Uury clnlh Uft
" blnck kil faiifj rouinl Uh, put. l.-Hilu-r tip
. " i loih Ioj.k, wtiare t "
" " wiiStM-, (or liirj;; litlic
Micft' Oxford..
MihM-H' tan Ojfortk N. 11 to !
" Idut k " " " " prinx Iih I, pat.tij
AUvs.' Tan Shoe.
MiNMw' Un Mmm, hpriiiK Ihi-U, Noh. 11 t 2
1 ' Htol'J
This is only to give you an idea of what wehat
in stock. We have many more styles, including'
thing in the shoe line. If you are wanting SHOES!
Come and See Us, and we can satisfy you k
Styles and Prices.
Oliver's Chilled Plows.
Ta OllfKr Chlllml nml :vv IM.i. hav. m l lh grvat .ur-r-M
and rrarlinl a al uiartll.l. v grvat la th p.,.ulrl
tfut lhr. Umaua il.i. that ulli.-r pa rile, ar, M-rklnf tu U.l
on tlirlr kmmI nam.
w immiip ulv i, kvi im:, , u fal, ,tomk h4nd
fur ililivrry at nj Ui,
" mallrr ahal klml at work yu hr lu il ma w can all
uu a plow tu ,u, ml ur ,,,.(,., ,r.
I' )" pay iii.,r(r,,l.,wlliaiii,k, ar waattiiB your
num..). f..rtl,rrr ar. I.uiirr plo.a mJ, than lho. ar
anillliir, hill llirrr ar. m,,,,. ,, fr u,. ,, ,,rtc.a. ahub
arr lion It Intrrlur.
t Wade & Go.
Pioneer Drug Store,
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co
Here's Soap!
ZZ ,,r,"K,,ly WH,U tlH, V"ry ,,mwt ! you
nw, ,1U,,U',,0H,,"klr''rwm. or w.
ftlla,f,erlmri,m.tBrllll NVewlu,lully X
your ...,,tn , , Mwkun
Patterson Bros., The Druggists