SUNDAY RECORD. Htinst'KirnONA-IVr month, tnt; ln glewH'tw ' ' ' liewwtei.oU , or dt-ttwred at your rtsUdfiu' t-y carrier. ilVVERTtsl NO. lr mum, rs-r month, i n.,HiML nn to to lhi,. i twita a line. fttc Hot luwrthm, atel Swats air twch. ue- otwdlnt w. Alt n..l.sst over I lint. S ntiattu' it line ea-h. tree. Churvb and o. let.T notice Inserted (tee, eievpttnc where admittance U chared to fnu-rtnUun-nt aJvcrllwt. T.HXMMISIOATIOS! should lw a.tdrew d to-PiUToa pmv Ukcvkh, Initeoen denre, Oron," and must reach this ttffle ot lafcr than Friday nlitril to insur publl. Cation. , nlll Invitation t extended to all to use the column for a ten. penile dl. Cussl.m t all subjects pertatntiiK tola pul-tk- welfare, exoepttui! relWk.n and politic. So nift'iuwitpt returned unless accompan. led by neceesary tlamp. Application minle tor entrance an wond- natter at ibe p.wl office at Independent. SUNDAY. APIUI. ill. WW. G00l MUliXIXC In irreetinsr the people of Po'k county this inoruii, t! ere is lit lit1 to Us said in the way ot introduc tion, beyond the statement thai tlicre appeared to !h a demand foi paper which unihl Punish the latest Hewn of the world for then perusal Sunday morula";. Thk Uki Okd las undertaken to Mipph that demand. If its eoluiitus ilo ot speak It r it, and it tails to Itir ih the required nni.ttiut of uew, llien the venture will jirove unsuc cessful I. B it. if the iirnnjiuiciits little p v.ili; telegraphic new for its re;i:!ftv line; wiiu toe ap proval of the puiiiie, the Ui:i)Kl Cill int only survive but will siead By improve. To the business men of Iiidepete dttice agd Monmouth who have so fPiieroiiMy patrouiz-l the advert is hg columns of the Ukiokd it istnl eiotary to say that 1 lie kindness is Appreciated. For them to have done otherwise would In to di pari from their habit of assisting every worthy enterprise. The. first number of the Wttxhing tm County llatclut, "published ui Forest Grove, by Au t tu Craig!' has leached this office. The Ititrhet is neat sparkling paper and h it the bet wishes ol the Hix:out) for its fu lure welibeing. The outlook for hops Is la tter and fcnuers telling somewhat eiKMiirag 1J. Thfe Gorvai S'.ar in spiMliing S this subject iy: Hop out roc t ilig has taken a turu for the better tfithi.i ptnt.fuw diys, ai we kear of olTurs to contract at 9, 10 end 12c per poind on the three year plan. This is one cent a pound better fo i.he (irst war. If the ieatling hoi-semen ami dog twciers of this- country would fol low the.lead of the English Kennel Club, in one particular at least, it onld lie a tep in the right 'direc tion. The Enuish club has ordered .t i. .1 -. 1 . . . vat 1,0 uo- witn its ears cur, or Otherwise mutilated, can wiria prize at any regular bench sohw. Docking a ImrM-'s tail is a biutal as well as a useless piece of foby. , Our Iumb Animal, one of the )any branches of benevolent work tndertakeu succesluily by George T. Angell, is doing a great work of education in thU country. Num berless B inds of Mercy have been Wganized throughout the nation, f'nd any qnanity of h 11 inane lilera lure been distributed. Mr. Angell fe a crank, but a most nseful and kumaiin one, and has the best wish es, of the better classes everywhere rid the hopes ot all right minded people for bis unbounded success i"b fuppressiiig cruelty to animals. Did You Ever Try Tills? Nearly everybody has a et toheme, for slatting a balky home. Some of these methods are harm lew as well as uselesswhile latiy of them are prwtivcly brutal, for the beuefib oftho- who have have never tried it the AVrwd proffers the following: When the horse r-fnsf to go lake the front fwt at the fetlock, and bend the lc t the knee joint. Hold it thus for three minutes, aiul let It down rtlld the hors' t'll cjo. rite only w.iy to nctMititt for litis effective mastery of the lioiw in that he chu think of only one thing at mime, mid having made tip Ins mintl not to go the theory istlmt the leading of tht leg takes his mintl from the original thought. MIX IS. In of their tlfih Mr C G. Oit.l 1,-tsl Fil.lity gtivt1 In t'lttinliH IVm.l, Fttttiklo Hnyter, IVI Fentoii an. I their irent mid a few friend, quite 11 nletitwtit little birthday dinner H-v. S. A. Starr, who lata been quite III of nuetiui.mitt f.trlbe .ul two week is slowly Improving. FJoer W. F. Cow den, of TuiHtii, w ill piVNch at the t brUiiui t hureli, te.t Fli.ltV evetiiltx ali.l at lli.eH'll detiee the S ndny following. Mr I'ow .1. II is one of the tllilesl dlvlnw oil the I'ndlle ct, ami almll rvolvtj n kkhI hen ri tig, The new p.! oltl.'e at llrand Hoiitle I liuaied 'Hutler" ill honor ot lloii. N. 1.. iltiiUr, of .Moiinionlli. Mrs. Miii", of Mount. itilh, wan In town Friday lookinj; alter Ken kali work. I 'on mux inner 1 Iyer ley W;. in town Fir.l.iy ui. riling making uli'uliK.'iuelils to 1 end t'iti'i l bilHi County, 1.11 boll ge: t pei'Miu, who was l.r.aiuhl from ihat eaauty a few iui'm sln.e. Henry Itrown, i.'lnelor of lintel Ib'bltuti eainenwr ft out ulelli Tliline lay, to r.iiu.iii. liy tlie whv, Mrs. liiovvn linn nliuw u hers. If In te u Kne es at hotel bu.titi.s3 tlurillg the ulwettee ol Mr. Ilmw u, I)r tl II. Stanley, w ho hiut Urn Kiiiti:i; Hie winter in vulliuniin U expected bolue in a few 1 lit) a. I Ira ud Master I'arker U al hmne aiiin. Wlieii he nhtttl "Imve vUtii.d three lodges Kinys Valley, MeCny and I'oniulid lie will li..( tluUlad tiisyear visilMliou of lodges. X0NX6TTU. Mrs. J. E. Miller Is spending the week tu l'oilluud with her mother. Henry KtauU ami John Mtlltti, of Hwisville, were in low n Satur.luy. Elder J. N. Smith, with bit family, left Friday for Seattle, w here he will begiu lii work iu the miuixlry. ltev. Sherman urn veil Suturduy frmu tlo Murphy pUctt to Mr. Craven'a property on Main aire t. P. J. liaughuiaii'g inuiiy friends will be glud to leurn that he is hnpoviiig In beaUh. . .. . ' Wedliemlay evening, while ntnndiiig before the ehureh, Mr. Teale' team tiecaiim. rrtgliienetl and took a iipiu aeroaa (be wpmrtf." They run agniiist a post In front of Hawley'a bottk store, completely demolUliIng I he buggy! President P. "L. Campbell went bi Eugene Friday to atlend 'tlm'ediiea- lional convention held there under the uu9inti of the University of Oregon, The Junior began tueir Work in the rhetorical) Friday morning, ;MiMe ioieunu vviiu uuil Mr. Seward tK iitgjmrt. The Seiiiursjintseiiteil the Juiiiom Willi a lovely floral piece, made !.... .'ir..' ' , " . i . . wnonjr ni pansns, tlie juylor cImh-, flower..' Tlie orehetttrij played a. very I pleuHiug relecliou alan. The Beveuiji 'and. eighth gradtt) In the publlo aciiool bad aspcllltig match l-rlilav afternoon and MisnC'aitsle Cook a menilierof the eighth grade, won the the honors, having spiled every body down and missed no word iu the- list given her alone. , Eiuinitte is just' reeovring from uti attack of the mutiqw. 1j. Li. Mwhiiii, of the public school hid rhetorical in hi room Friday afternoon on Alice and Plioehe C.iry The young people did quit well. Mr. Svvuiiii is KiviiiK bis pupil u drill that will be very useful to them, Mian .Sampler, who hut been quite ill, it) now ulile to be out. Al Ilentlcy and Dr. Pan-inn, of Mon mouth, are now on their way to Myrtle Point, Houthern Oregon, where they have valuuhle placer nilnea which they intend to work this season. Frank Fenloii, a prominent attorney of MIimiville, accompanied by his wife, came up yesterday 011 a visit to his brother-in-law, J. Uutler, of Monmouth. ADDITIONAL .LOCALS. Craven' 1 th pla. tu hv your pliotiw taken. The tiest atnek of drlel frull U t Dniiiy i loeke' Alexander wilt aell yntl Hlllt mid ell as cheap a any one. Mi Jull I.'ake returmsl from Port In 11.I Saturrluy evening. P. H. Its) uiond ami wife, of Salem, are gueet today of Mr. mid Mr. J.t. Owner. . Kov Irvine ba the delivering of Ihl iwpt rlii Independence; C. U '.awley li li e agent at Mmi t.otith, and of Supt. lltitebliisoii at Dallas J, K. Adcolt, the new Jeweler, can tuske your "Id aciap "f g'ld Into new jewelry, lie alo d.. all klinla of repairing and engraving III a Ileal tuaunrr mid at low price. Ya11e W'llllnim, the amlllng hotel man, l once more able to I out nit the alreet Ilia recent exeriene with a lame hick ha only bad th effect of lucrening Ills g"t humor and exl.'lid li U hl ktnlle, Tne "Spy of tleitvsburg" wna glwn to H large audience lat bight ninllhej Htlelia Vila Comedy snnany h;t li" cause to coiiiplntn o' any lin k of the tiKxt friendly feelint; towar.U tin-in atnl a vety llla-ral jtatMintge w given tlieiu. Ait ex. Iiantfe bus the following on evrnhig h former resident of Ihb eliy : IteV J It N IU I! Ill .lb' (lie cl.llil! speiH h id a revival inceliiii! the other d ty at Hiker t'ily, the reverend gen tleuieli ehmhlnt! for bis atlbjeet, "Hip, Hip, !" The titiii.lri-.ts of acres of prune oreliaul bi lli-Mellon, .itiie ItaMits Vii'lry 1'niHtrrhil, mo ill fill, bloom, which ui.i'.e. us pretty nsbthta one ever la-held. If nothing bul-IM -n there w til Is- tm iitiun.btinv of (Ins .l.-lieioiis fruit lb s seiiMUl. J. E Aden, (be wulehiiiitker Hlld Jeweler who has just bsnl.-d In thl city, bus rented a portion of (lie ollice of II. M. bines, on Main sireet, win rt lie will nlwava Is- found ready to 1I.1 the linwl ski Ifnl repniriiig tf wiiche, je ely, etc , at the lowest prios. Mr. Aib-o i-oim-s bete very Idithly reeoiu meii.lid ana llrst-ehisR wi.rl.noin. A .aniihlet coulitlidng an abstract of lliestn'e law ill regard to cruelty to at 1 1 1 II lis, us Well lis oilier interesting rending, hits Usui received 11 1 Ihls.'ltlce. It is 1 u'.ll.lii-.l ni. I ihstiibuied by the Oregon Hnuiiii.e wtciety, and among it lor things show what the society has accomplished In the way of Improv ing the cotidillnU nf the brute crtsitmn. 'l b big wugon U-longliig to the Me- Mliinvllle bnsiui factnry was around on ila regular vllt yesterday, A. K. Smith, -the rustling proprietor of the factory, mintage to make connection with the' idH'crent town In "Polk. Marion and Yamhill alsml once In aix we?kv mid Is tnpidly btnlfllng tip a g.l business, lie stales that bis Ann sikio expts t to put Itf a barrel mid bucket diiMt, which U aomethbig new br tliifOH-ctioii, t . .ficttbig Ib-mljr for Hummer. In order -to tteoHiiiiiiidiii thu large utiiiibef wf KopU in t-tiU-.eHdeneeMiid viciniiy. w ho are In the -hiihit of spend ing more or less time in the motinlaiiia every miitiint-r, (,'. t). tiroves, the p. .pil lar livers inuii. la making 'prepiiratiolm to esiiirlisli a Hinge line betweeu this point and Fulls t:ily,,. The ajuge of esis-clul advan tage to hunter ,and llsberuieii, ,aa it will leave berjsatnrday veiilng, and return luW Sunday ufterniM.n. T'hjs ipeaua that, ii the ron(Ui and wenijier' improved t he. tidh citiuka can have a day's Hsrt without, any wusled .time' and at little exieiiHe, " Tjik Omkht PiosKuit. ()ue of the oldest pioneers In the st t, If not the very oldest, is Mr, Taylor, (f Hauvlea' isliiud, wlm ciune lip the (,'oluuibla In lHIIfi, jiays lUn-Drriimiiia. Ue IshIiouI mi years nf Hue, and bus never ni.ared In the procession hereon Pioneer (lay. MesHj-Hthe reitsiin Is that thy have tin (lag dated far enough back for blni. The society tnh'ht eel an lM'u fl-ij, nnd Induce Mr. Taylor lo carry it m the iroccKiou 011 Pioneer day. lie la sllll hiileMiid beany, and his faculties well preserved. His Hons will not allow him to do any work, ami he spends most of his time In rending, uml take u num ber of uewspiiM-rs, OitAbuA r.i.Y Fthi.i.No Up. The very uiihigbily bit of road at the Junction of B Hiid Main slreelM iu r,,,l,i..ii la-coming aiudent history. Very slowly to be sure, but each load of lining U Impfovlng the lonka of that part of town, iih well iih raising the gradu and helping the street. STRONG REASONS GIVEN Why People Coming from the Eastern States SHOI I U C0K TO IMIHI'KSUKJK K Kmntsjii) Aavanlaa oirrNl.Ta. r.hyl rath M)r"tU lla t n.quslUJ khtpttlug racll. ll- Ml mt I "4. In uccorduucv with long con stdewl plan, the projector of ibe Vtt Side Lui.l rtuupttiiy hae taken piYluninury Mcjw to make known to the great iiumU-r of immigrntita constantly tlnwing Into Girgontheltitiuuientblettdvatitagit ami tttmoel laiuntllena rewttrcm of IhiaiMH'tkm of I ho great Willamette vallev Folk mitt I v. thecrtiwiiol which H th City of Indept'ttilcttcf. There ate many reason why ticwcotiierH to the Mate should U iu'Vuiuctl as . the resources ami proHH'lN of ihlssectioii. It wouUl be iiiiMs.sible to m. tie than touch itMiti tue ptliui;Ml ones, bill that will ta more tltaii-ntllctctil for the tmt e at band. I tautluN. lutlcMMidciite, 1'itik county, Ore., is on tin- west bank of 'be W Ilia it,.. ft,, -ii't't- 111.1l 1 t.e'j.,-1 ieallv tbi.f . . , .1 , " 1 1 ht-atl of 1111V lent Ion 01. that noble , , ,, , wll-.., Ill II I. . I III M StKllll I.I , ,. I'l.itlainl by radaiul but little mote by way of thn 1 ivci, on w bich a num. IhT of f ist and ColiUUialioits sle.illiels ..11 . . I . ... . 1 I . ,111' 1 tills, tin 1 1 in I i is-i ...tii 1 il.e j two points, touching at w.iv hind inc.. mm. M I'Uuht if. l'olk county is one of the I atgeat, most fcrt ll" and wealthy divisions j ami thus ailviiost I lit ir oti t4 of the Mate. Owin,' to .la bt if m ij h IhuV prospci ity. lA extent and varictl t cv.iilMi. lheihhe worbl know the ImmuUes n are cndlcsjt posiliilu tti tu the ! miitices here oD'ci'isI, way of dilVereui cl.issea of tunning ( If tod w ml to I.mmIc here, m'l Inte'nssiM, r.inu'inn from fruit fu'iua; or write; if you want lurlher lufor tosliak range of uny M.e, tiiul j mation ! not hiwitate toapply fat from Kinall ganleiiitu; t iiuiiicuscil otl if joii have proHrty to sell ! Inu la devoted to un or craiti ruining. In the fiolhilli of the wwderu jMirtton of the county (a to INDEPENDENCE IjUwik lli'lniK'k, I'txipi-iutor. Mill Feed on Hand and to Order. Independence, (Near the S. P. Depot.) Oregon On or About May ist The I lidepcMidimeo 8oap Factory Will U-gln the timtiiifrtclure if iHiiuplete Hue of laundry, tloineatht and toilet SOAP-SOAP Which can not beeiccllcd by ny' bouse on die coast, In price nrq'tallty. ' Patronize Home Industry. I. MJi clioll te Co., Leading Insurance. Agents.' .TICKETS ON HAIL AN D RIVER To All folnti tast or West. CalanJ See Them.' '-Ccmmarcial St.. SALEM, QUE. : TIuh ih lor Yotit-Wifu or 1).mit,tt.,.. " Have you houht . your Spring H,,? If intt. you hI.uuUI a. the best dlspUy of Spring Htvlcs lu I i.epud.-liit., lit . " CATI.IN & KINNHY'S Mlllln;ry Parlors. "The Tale of a Trout," - A new Hlor.y of life, fl f Interest, t,, anurtairmn ;."' '""y iiviuners; ,,y ,; ft 0' 7; . J'oSTN...t,theHlllenluns,iih. The old in til ls as full of good yarns as his store on ('onioi -rclal street Is full ' of evcr.vihbig In tha ll.. r Hp .ris..o,'8 Hu ml hi When you need lllilng tuckle, don't r.trget Postnsr, ths Salem Qunsmith. Snbscriba far the Riscord. lid tot J - W't W liable timber grown in th kJ fertile j, along ihe 'difTcrent at rearm V which the con ntrv abound, r,.., ' agricultural ' laud that Wi ' - isn mUMTior iu CJrt'gwn. TIIKt t lMATK, IIW liMUM III miK OUtlBb, etpirtHiMi tmiy iy thai ot t ft (I l i t . t ' illalu mater eouutiea, and ha attjierlor outaldw of lhiM t'l... r.H i-..rti.. I..... ... t in.1 ifftuiHii iff Huiiii-irii to l&tfift every kiudofrrop, while miioiii a season mat miow uk J HiillU icul tpbiutlty to ilNHiniia the flintier. The an miner hhua' ttre aa tiearly ierfocl tw nui found 011 th U rount. lt'Klir ti'IHKTl'SITUX In the many progressive toi of the county the protcctiv autl chant or manufacturer may f' the dcircdopairtutilty tu invent, bu money, but to butUI A a nourishing and profitable J w tie KsiH-ciully 'la this true of It dependence, The protHuty utmi beio tne awake to their own lulf sis um 1 so i.eatty ts tiieir suppifil of Inline ilultlsll lo-s, Hi d ko Hat 1 gettc aiul bhwol minded h ishnl their liicnl ttf ull pubbe qa jll.Mis, that l.sla) IlteM-liielir I tne of the mol prMiouH ainl lot ! lillNliies-. Cent els iu Oiegoti. Iii enni'tttaiiMi, the West Sii ! lud coiupauv w tsbc to extuulu ' 7 i-ii tiivllll.u to evcrv 'M Ii 1 . 1 OtCL'onor clsi'wbttc, who is M ! , . . , , wit tsiicti wi n nis pie.ut i.h iu.4 I to Cllie to luilepcndelice ami .as) j it this IH not the pi If'? h long tta sought. Ami lo lite re b lent i tbu ctiitolv au iipail is m iileta tin till in I heir power to ,ih aiiot the IttleloU of their 011 srclMl by niakii j; know 11 It adv iniajji txt mire to call on thn Wl'.STHIDHLWDCO., Main St., Iiuloicndehi-, Ore, Im full nil IIim nbolivml ait. I ta... . la I in t" 1 u at 1 .nt I). HOI llle lltt