The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 19, 1895, Image 3

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    .3QPay Ottbrl Douty &Tocko aro Giving 1 Lb. Fiv-uioh Mixed Candy With ICvm'y -Purchase ot 1 Lb. of ly
m Paper of Polk County
est Side PthMshin Ccnpan
fhidav, Annua. is
rthtMnnilbMdYry morning i
smsutl honie-wad hrr l ths bet bread
L,,.l in Oren; try
When yu w
L,,HhJgl MMnMlft- reel no I -hi,, '.!'
L... a lrwlu. proprietors, Salem
. . . Lu.ldltfHIll Vlf
'IfWflHl. "
Money lo"! Independence pro
,rty this mouth, by W. O. Wright, of
You can g't receipts uolea In pad
L: thNVKsr Siiairtlee.
Money to loan at 6 per ecut, by W
. Wright, lHaa, u
Hay Kor Sale.
rt.Mitmr, S ton. at lariu a nine uuin
wi m Independence, en i'.mkki,
wd to J t'brat d. Kor Ml by
Cow lor Sale.
loo of mil dy, I for 1. Tkw J0,
Kuqulw at w " rlW.
Office fur Rent.
.o,iii. opening " M" trit mil'
ibl for real tt or lawyer oro. will
t reuted. Including fuel r Uv Mid
rui light vor cheap, Kuqulr l lb
War gin ofac. tf
For Sale.
Irrand btork t f U Presbyterian
Karrb. bot I. tSrk Hill addition
Jiortb u! Kt trout, tmoo nun If sold i
one. Addtw. r. mun uoaiey, m
Ord Avenue, Portland, Oregon. it-lUt
if Oregon. Kor lb County tf Pl.
Alw tt.iker.plaiutlfr, v. Krvdrlek WUr,
T fmirii-k W.Ik it, dhn(lnt, Ihv
mmnl la th ntii f lb ilatvof Orrn"n
jott r bcn-by iulrd to appror ul
nerlbciHoillnl DImI Klnat you In
ilt .txiv tullllrd court and nwrr th
ivmplalntof tb p inll(1 un At Ibvrvlo on
or twAira lb ll day uf th nrl nular
irrraof lb biT nilrtl inurt, aftrr th
tiplrtlloa of th lx wwki publication of
ihtt tuiuniiins provided for la lb ordrr of
twjad ot th b. hHUImJ court hrln.
titer nirntloncd, txln( the flrt day of lb
rflr M.y terra l)A. of lb bovmtlld
murt and lb ntd Monday la May IMA,
Iwlnf tb
tai joa .r brrvby notlfli-d that If yon fail
oto.ppNtr or atiiwvr th complaint on
flit th plaintiff will apply la the murt for
tbnllrfln nald complaint dotnnrtd, in.
ii;f"nr lbdlilutlinof thbtmd of matri
mony brtwwn plaint IIT and drfendanl and
ihrrarbothrr rltf a may im m th
nurtjnt aodUlUb . Till uiniuoa. U
published by virtu of an ordrr by th Holt.
H. H. Hewitt, Jud of th abnv untitled
nuri duly m,e m i'hainura on th 37ib
day of Miirfh, H.
W. K. O'tXiRRil.k,
tl-M A'tornry for I'lalatlfi.
Trathrrs' Exatnliiallitn.
tlif purpnt of making an riamlnalton of
II pcrxn who may offer thmflv a
mndidtt for larhr of th arhmil of
"!k cotinly, th iu'hi iiupr rlntrndmil
thfrwif will hold a public Humiliation In
tiir court boiiM- at Imlla. l Klmilng at I p.
m, Wfdnwday. May . imr. Oraduatm of
h.rtri-d lntltutlon dmlrlng to nir
Ut dlploum and all prrwinn entitled to
and wUhlng Ui arur male wrtlflca!,
ttdlpl(inia, or llf diploma, will pla
prwnt ihciintplv. at th uni tlm and
Hchool Kupt.. of Polk county, Oregon,
Xollee to Coulrartom.
V. M. M"f'lan. rlrrk of 1)1.1 rlct No. 4.1 at
Haver, Oregon, for building a nchool bulld
iii( Id null dlatrlrt armirdlng to plan al
clfrk'i nfflc; nald bid to b opened Halur.
ly. May 11, W,atJp. m. Right reaerved
reject any or all bid. K.D. McLakb,
Huve r, Oregon, A prll 8, 1W. 6t 1 J-U
w and Iliiena VUU Tax Payer.
Prty In your prcolnc-t have been depoallml
Ihe lnilcndenre National bank and
if Fin! National brink, of Independence.
nd Ih Polk County bank, :f Monm nith,
nd you can thu ermine Hi lWnnnd pay
youruuen there at any time befor May L
without going to Dalla. tf
Ri-prenenlg a Dosiralile Clan.
When the Alice A left down Ihe
iVff 'lleMfluv rtiorriiriLf ahe parried
n r it Ki'iiili niiin who repreaenla a
lasn not only ilrHlralile hut very necen-
fry to the HiioceHH of thk town.
Krnedt Hit., a retired merchant and
prominent citizen of Milan, Mo., ha
Mi here for eeveral dav. vkitlnir bin
W time friend Andrew Wlhrnn. The
'tct of Mr. Kltz'a vinlt to Oregon wa
o iiivetdiate the rewmroHt and ndvan
m of the HtHte, and to find If powdhle
f'hile here he h8 tieen tfven every
kanoe to make a Ihorough examln
I"n, notnnlv of nuturnl reourcea. but
th" Dr wiMicta and character of the
"llenf tfiia aentl'in
Mr. Wilxon Ima upared neither pains
wr tlniH lu hla eflorta to make hla
genii's viHit pleasant a well a proflta
and the reetilt k that Mr. Rltz
javeo the city with a very comprebeu
jve knowledge of Its advantuges and
pHihllities, and a pra!tlcal Idea of the
PKiitphy of thk country, which have
jttade a tiumt favorable impression. He
)bh announced his Intention to return
II a short time and It k quite probable
Jim he will come to stay. Mr. Rltz
lona to that class most needed in
jHitm like Independence-men of means
M enerify-who are not only able, but
Moug, to join in making the place of
jheir adoption a credit to themselves
sii(l the itute at laree.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
thow Royal Baking Powder
tuptrlor to mil others.
TiikNkw l'AfKM..TIit flntl uuin
in r or Urn Jmir),, mien, AVm, A
lis iMuraiHt mi
IrWUof till HlV HUIhIhV tiu.rnlmr
ui! from riMut Imllcntlom II ta bound
MleH.uUr win, ti rtntllnu iublu
i.iu in mMU 11 Will ill! III want a.
long MX forrrttili u..'KnttU! newa Hu
iy, i'l will rvfia i.pi rn,m ft,n
lg U'lilml In tho worUlVilally lilatory
.MHnewun iiiiiiMvonitnta r tint!
y, wliluh will hv th tttWl i
um nntmoi itt.r in the county
U In Mtt 1wmm TMlr tan.lur.l tu
v.l.... -...I 11.. 1 ...
.uv, .. rai'iHiiy la mi
IIIi Urn A'mtrrf. Tim liewa, Uilh tt lt
Unthhlrt Miitt Imitl, wilt be frth aii
MlnbW, and th iwoitl of oountv ami
olty will be jiroml uf thvlr flnt HutitUy
outii tiir MoNKY.-lf the new
proprietor of the lndentltnit Itiue
ooutiter htei til of fHre up In I
prtwnt IHkU tmidard, he nmy lMk f.
Urjte run of ciwioiu duiltig the ihhu
IiiKRUiunier Mr. Mtwlvr k an rxirl
etifetl ctMik una probably uudemtaut
witcr than an outnidor how he U (
make money by kIvIiiit a meal like la
Sutnlay't ehleken dinner for 13 tvnla
The menu eoulid of freeh oytt
oup, hmattHl eh'tjkeu or rhtekeu pie,
vwM'laiiiea, pie and jiudilliiK, and
KhhI cup of oollee, lea or milk, all
w lileli was fumkhed for IS cent.
IttKY II ai Tt Walk. Monda
morning tlie wa hold iok
veral utluutea by her oI.IIbIiik cnt
aln, awaltltiK the arrival of three
young lady paenem. It aevni thai
Mliuiea ML Helen aud Latumer, of IHirt
land, and Mum Yhuiik, of Aatorla
ntutlenta at the Normal whuol, alarted
ut to catch the boat for a vilt to tlud
eHitlv hoim-a, but the hack li
which they atartnl bMke down before
hey left town and It became tif-vMtm
to nnlah Ihejounify on fooL Won! to
hkellect reached i'aplalu Uraham an
he very kindly waked for them.
A NaKHow UncaI'K.--Thurmlay lat
Dr. Ketchutu and llutler of this city
rewlvtd an ursent mil for their aervliv
at the home of 11. F. Whllcaker, who
Uvea a few mlleaout of town. It iraua-
ilred later that Mra. 11. F. Wtilteakei
nd taki ti an ovi rdiwe of laudntium
nd nothing but the prompt arrival ol
the doctor wved her life. The timely
application of a atotuach pumii
reventedany fatal teruiluatlou of the
accident, and the patient Uuow rapidly
FlKl'KKN C'AhUtAl hllll'PKI. The
total abtpmenU of Ireluht frout thi
poiut last week exceeded flfteeu car
wik, couaktlug of 4 car of wheat, 4 of
atl, 4 of ixttatoca, 2 of flour and 1 of
lumlier, sent out over Ihe Houlhern
Pud lie. In addition to thk should be
figured over Its) sack of potato, and
several ton of mixed freight whipped
by the Alton to ShIi-ui and Portland
This k an ludlcattou of a healthful
and steady Improvement of buainesa.
Easikh t'CLKHKATio.t. The differ
ent ehurehea of the city very generally
oheerved Flutter, either by special morn
lug ermon or excrclHc lu the evening
by the Smoky wliool chililreu, or by
both. At the lkpUat, Methoiliat, Cou
RreKMlionai and i'rtwbylerian churche
the exerutw in the evening were quite
uccvnfut, and the tloral ductiraiiou
were very U autlful.
It is Xkxt fATi KOAV. The date of
the entertainment to he given In thk
city by the Kueita Vkta Amateur
Dramatic club, k Saturday, April
Mh, not the 27th as given lu last
week's IxHiie. The production of "The
Hpy of Ueltaburg" will I a treat to
pleasure seekers and the date should
not be forgotten April 20th, next
Hiiturdny evening.
Mamius held their annual tuyslio latn
quel at fori laud last week, the event
being the celebration by Itoae Croix
chapter, of Maundy Thursday. Her
mau HlrHchberif, the banker, was pre
sent, very acceptably representing thi
part of the valley. Many other Matons
high In order were" present.
Frank Hhepardaou, an engineer on
the (Southern Pacific Ry., who resldm
at IiOS Angeles, Cel., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, alwi
visited the Hot Hprings, but received
no s'rmuiietit relief until he used
CIihiiiUtIuIii's I'uln Iklm. He says it
k the k'st niediclne In the world for
rlieumaiism. For sale by Alexander
Cooper Drug Co.
KeniemUT that the first numherof
the SundiiH Record makes Its appear
ance next Sunday (April 21) and you
should subscribe now, at either Clod-
feller iiros. kxikslore or at this olllce.
Delivered by carrier, 20 cents a month.
A. J. Goodman, manager for Wade A
Co., the hardware dealers, went over
to Dallas on the train Wednesday
L. W. Camahan, representing the
Piano harvester people, was Interview
ing Iudendeiice merchants this
Ladies looking for silk for June
waists can find the proper s yles at
Vunduyn, Veness a Wilcox.
The Willamette has again risen
rapidly and the recent rain lias given
it a deep, rich color.
Mrs. H. Foster, of this city, went to
Vancouver, Wash., Wednesday to
visit her daughter.
The J. F. O'Dounell Co. is selling 8,
10 or 12 ply cotton lmptwdne at 12
cents a pound.
Kd. Clodfelter ran up to Buver on
business Wednesday, returning on the
afternoon train.
Isaac Ckggett, the ferryman, went
to the capital city oil private business
J. 8. Cooper, the oanker, left for
Suleni on the steamer Wednesday.
Rev, J. Fred Jenkins took a run
dirwu the river to Salem Wednesday.
Mrs, J Jordan, of Monmouth, left
Wednesday for her home lu Arlington.
"Malsurl," May 18th, at Vanduyn,
Veness & Wilcox.
Editor Alley, of (he Kloienc Writ,
wasnolat home, i appear front an
exchange, when he was deb ated for
mayor by , woman, llskba k now,
but hk p.iper falls to say whel her the
women will be allowed to administer
the city Hovernnieiit, The rotiwr It
(Hied up with reprinted lleins from
oliierpapcra about the election, ami a
paragraph slates that the only lady
mayor in the stale will visit Salem on A cold will never result In pneumonia
Ibe22d luat. The Inference la that the when this remedy Is taketi and reason
women are to huld the olllces In w hh'h M care exercised. For sale by
they have been elected, joke or no joke. AIxiider-Nper Drug Co,
When "(Villain Wcbb"w cut over the
falls at Oregon City last Holiday III
nearly remitted In being the lat trip of
(he kind he would ever make. The
barrel struck the rock with snlllclcni
ftme to fraciure Ihe daring eaotaluV
wrist, and for a time It seemed a If the
barrel was fated to hang up I here fori
an Indefinite la' fortunately for
Webb, however, Hie current soon
oauht tlie huge barrel and onrrletl It
now n stream where it wa tawetl aslmre1
The Hotel Raymond, one of tlie
largeat and Wt known lourUt romirt
iQHoulhein California, was cuiplctly
deitmyetl by lire last week. The
itaymond was a luijie Irsmti bultllug,
standing uihui a small hill nlttt ten
miles from Lm Antiolei, and iieui'
I'asiiiletia. Allhoitgli tlie Iioumo was
tilled wllh guests st Hie lime of the fire,
tio live were lost. The loss will run
up to h early $I,ihhi,oiki.
Claud r ryer, son of T, J. Fryer, left
last Friday morning on Ihe Alice A!
for Salem, on his way to San Jow,
Calif. HI vklt kth result of an Invl-
tatlon frtim a wimlihy unci - in the
QuetfuCttynf Santa Clara valley, to
.lu..l ..111. 1,1... 'I.. ...II..
T" """ nun linu. vmuu.l
MM d..wn li.- ...
" - ' V ..-' .I nil-ll ,v. P. .IIWI... tt'l.., ...1. ...l. 1. ... .1.
Dr. J. W. Hill, of the I'.khop Sooll
Academy, Portland, ws up from the
... . I. i . . . . . .i
iiieinsuia met weea, itHisii.g tiver me
hop llelda lu thk part of the country.
Die tliH'lof la Intemiled, Udti fin all
dully and otherwise, In hop culture,
and while here took pain to note the
superior method employed lu this sec
tlon lu the the cultivation of hop.
Paul Hhuke, a Mllroad man and
speculator well kliowu all over the
northwest, oommlited suicide In
raeoma lat Friday uiortilng with a
revolver. IeMiiideiiey and financial
reverse are given a the probable cause
leading lo hk mad act, although he
eft no uieiMMiie nor explanation. Saturday while gut lierln
Oregon wild grape leave foi deenrat-
ng purism, Charles Maa'erwm ran
uag M ween two lingers of hk right
isiul, making a very pit In fill wound
1 he dead branch or splinter penetrated
Ihe Hi's h about one slid one-half luchee,
ud It will be several days before hi
hand l fit for work.
W. W Williams h i been laid U
r several days with a lame back, th
result of the grip. He has great faith
that If hk list I oil holds out sod hk
strength does not fall that lie will get
the best of the grip some time thi
F. C. Milk, of Florence, Kan., I
ere with his family, looking for a
nine and a permanent business open-
ug Mr. f.t; Mills Is a brother to
Mr Mills of Ihe Racket store of thk
ity and Is at present visiting him.
J, H. Goodman and wife returned to
their home In Kugeiie last Monday
morning, after sa-ndlug several day
n this city with their sou, A. J. OimmI-
man, the well known hardware iner-
A. It. ('aider, travelling pasaenger
agent for the Canadian Pacific H. R.
., wss In town Saturday visiting In
is official capacity, the company's
agent in this city Kd. Clislfelter.
A. L. Macleisl, a prominent iner
hnnt and mil. man from Forest ( J rove,
ii In this clly last week, buying up
grain. He secured two car loads of
oats from parties here.
If the hair has tsen made to grow a
atural color on bald heads in tlious-
ink of cases by using Hall's halt
Ilenewer, why will It not In your case?
II. P. McKusIek, representing a num
ber of standard works, has been visit-
ug the ditleivnt medical men of tins
Iclnlty during the past week.
W. A. Morehead. Ihe Monmouth
merchant, for two month' trip
Kiist last Monday.
C. C. Doughty, editor of the Dallas
Olincrver, was In Independence Mou-
lay and paltl the Wkst HiUKofllce a
fraternal visit.
Large flights of wild geese, Hying to
iclr feeding grounds In the north,
ave been passing over town during
he past week.
Del Harrison, of Amity, returned to
is home Monday, having abandoned
s studies at the Normal school at
C. W. Ransom, representing the
holcsale drug firm of 111 u mini r-Frank
ouipany of Portland, wits in thk city
his week.
The Spy of Gettysburg," at the
pera house Independence, April 20th
(imlssloii 2T and 86 cents, children
15 cents. t2
C. 0. Groves, the proprietor of the
new livery statues, reiuruea irom
Hherldao Monday on the morning
Mrs. W. P. Connaway returned from
cCoy Saturday morning, ufter aev-
ml days' sojourn In that burg.
Mr. W. II. Patterson and Mr. E.
lodfolter mado avislttoHalem on the
Alice A., Saturday morning.
Judge H. If. Hewitt passed through
wn Monday on hk way to MoMlnn-
vllle to hold circuit court.
Mrs. II. L. Ford was one of the
passengers for Hulum on the Alice A.
Wednesday morning.
Saturday, April 20th, "The Spy of
ettyshurg." "Tlie Spy of Gutsj sburg,"
Aorll 20th, Saturday.
A new lino of ladles' tan jxford ties,
leap and stylish, at Vanduyn, Ven
ess & Wilcox.
H. W. Fletcher, one of the progres-
ve farmers of McCoy, was in town
There will he a big crowd out next
Saturday to see "Tlie Hpy of Get
tysburg." t2
The Record will appear Sunday
jr. price's Cream Baking Powder
Wor "sir Hlght Mtdal and Dlploms
"We take pleasure In recommending
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy because
It I praised by all who try It," says J,
W. Cox A Hon, drugKkt, Marshfleld,
Oregon, No one artllcted with a throat
or lung trouble can Use thk remedy
without praklmc It. It always give
prompt relief. Itla especially valuable
for cold as it relieve Ihe lung, makes
breathing easier and abkexMHtoratlou.
The Altona made thlngr lively along
I lie river Sunday. She took a larg"
number of pleasure seekers down to
Hulcni on their way to the fun at Oregon
City, and brouaht them backataiut
n. in An exciting lime Is retained b,v
those who wlmeaaed the ascension and
running the rapids.
The All. ma earrkd down a laree
onsliinmeut of imlabsst Monday. oon
LningtifaixiaHeka from JsiliiU up the
river and TIKI aacks frnin thk idaw
There Is a ur at deal of freight now
Mnir earrttsl ou this kat which
formerly would have gone by rail.
W. F. and wife, who hav
ksm until Ihla wts'k employtil on the
M Trill ranch, left Monday on the
rVllona. M r, Iyuns has secured work
In a sawmill at Tlie Dalles, ami hi
ihmI otllce al dress for some time to
tonne w 111 be that place.
Work of clearing the ground for the
new J. F. O'Donuell Co, ullding. on
Main and 1) streets, ha lsn pushed
this week. The site I now ready
for the carpenters and In about twi
weeks the corner will pret ?ut a vastly
dlltVrent aaram
I '
, . ..f ll,u IW..II A tV,.-
mill tHmijatny, left Monday morning
for 11 iiui.'h, .vanii,, iu vvpr lie
work of reauinliitf oneratlolis at that
nnn, pri.w f lumber and Imnroved
i.umneas baa warrantetl lue motieiilnu
f ii, n,iii
Dr, K. J. Thome arrived here Hatur-
iky evening from Hood Ulver, and pro
ceeded to Moumoutu to join hi family.
The doctor will remain In MounHwlli
and will i.i action medicine while
managing the Thoma pharmacy,
The large number of stranger lu
lu (own during the week k shown by
(he Increased number of paaseiigera ou
rail slid river who are unknown to the
regular attendant of the depot and
Mrs, Htarbtick, of Salem, waa
transient guest at the William liotiae
last week. She waa over here on
visit to her daughter who lives In
Monmouth, end to see friends In thk
( . A. Williams, gentlemen frni
Seattle, Wash., has leii stopping at
lbs William house for eviiral day.
He is looking fr a gtail buslntset Uk-
(Ion. White here he vklled Alrlle.
Another large log eeaed from the
tsstuiatthe IiHlepeudem mill We.1-
neiHky morning, but was caught and
(led up by some of the mill men before
It had gone far down the river.
The United States snsg Wtt'oi valli
imsisHldowu stream Tuesday evening,
having finished, at least for the pn neut,
the work she has been engaged on
between here and Corvallk.
Give the Hucna Vista young folk
rousing turnout Hatunlay nlgl t,o the
presentation of the thrilling war dr ams
"The Hiy of Getty sburg," at the I ode
Hliilelice opera house.
The show window of Vandi lyn,
Veness A Wilcox huve been enlai gel
and greatly linpmvtril, and the dk day
ifgisidshas since attracted consider-
able atlentlon.
CarH'fitera have las.'n at work lin. pro
ving the wpia-aranee of J. A. MnQue ry's
resiileuce on Rullroad treeL A Heat
porch has been added to tlie front of
the dwelling,
The musical circles of this city have
received all addition lu the n rrson of
Miss Eda Mills, pianist, who recently
name Here with her narei its from
D. H. Taylor, wife and Jaoghter
Hesslc, and Rev. J. Fred Jenl tins and
wife, speut Saturday at the
farm home of II. Rest, south if Moil
Mis Essie Mackay, of 'Dnrvaltls
returned to tier home Saturdr jr -on tbe
morning train, after a pleasai it visit In
this city with her sister, Un. Ed
Mis Nora Prather, of Hue rr "Vkhi
who was In town Wednesd v, states
that the DiamiUc club pi avnl to
crowded house in Wells last swk.
The many friends of Mr. J, Fred
Jenkins will be sorry to Icui'iithoit abe
Isqiilte sick, having lawn Mnfltied to
her room for a day or so thu woe k.
Kuux, theGnawr, k dally lu receipt
or curly vegetables, such as Icltuoe, ple
plant, caiilillower, etc. Speak for what
you want, as they are soon gone.
The Misses Prat hers, members of the
Htiena Vista Dramatic club, will visit
the fuinlly of E. (J, Peutlaud wlj lu the
troupe k in this city.
Dr. E.J. Thomas, ami J. II. Ware
druggist, or Monmouth, were cal lers at
the WkhtHidk ofllco tlie first Kf the
week, on buslncsa.
Mr, and Mrs. J. H, Roblnsim, of
Portland, spent a fr w days thk week
visiting that gent Ionian's parentii here
Prof T. O. llronson, president of the
Baptist college at McMlunvllle, -we ic
this city f rlday and Saturday lait,
Jacob Baker, father of S. C. Baker of
this city, left for home Monday after a
brief visit with bis sen.
Don't forget to save a quarter for tho
drama, "The Hpy of Gettysburg," ou
April 20th. t2
Vanduyn, Veness & Wilcox will pay
cash for five hundred sacks of choice
Have you been around to get those
onion sets? Hold by Knox, the Grocer,
C street.
MIhh Ada M organ left for Dallas on
Saturday's train to visit friends.
Mrs. L. W. Robinson camu up from
Portland Saturday morning,
Sheriff HI. Plummer was over Friday
on official business.
C. 0. Groves went over to Sheridan
Saturday afternoon.
L. Kelso made a trip to Balem Friday
on the Alice A.
M. T. Gwliin la visiting J. Bohannon,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Hlght Award-
I ' "It !
Probate Court.
Iner estate Nelson Steele, deceased:
Order to sell personal prorty;
In re estate Isaac Hall, deoeaeed. K.
V. H. Hear anthoritod to purchase
monumeut mr grave of dersrsrd .
lu re estate Isaac Ball, d I:
Order to eell personal prorty;
Care For Crippled Children.
Th National Surgical Institute
Paolflo branch, 819 Ilush St., Han Fran,
clsoo HUtHiessfully treat all case of
Orthoiedlo surgery, dkease of the
spine, hip and km jolnui, paralysis,
piles, fltula, nasal catarrh, bow legs,
knock knee, all deformltlea and
chronic disease. Their aunoesa In
treating these case I shown by
thousand of reference from trust
worthy people all over the cou ntry.
Persons having afflicted children 01
friends should convince themselves of
the excellent resulU of the system of
treatment by thk Institute. One or
more of then surgeon will tie at tlie
l,UH Palaoe hotel, Indes-ndence,
Monday, Aprll21thonday toexamln
cast. Send for circular. Reference
may b bad to Judge Tho. L. David
son, Sskm; O. D. Ryder, Indepen
dence; Mra. Helen C. McCIane, Balem;
, (lobalet, civil engineer, Salem; N.
Tarter, Lewkvllle. and bundretk of
Elected Delegate.
The Independence Republican club
met at the office of J, D. Irvine last
Tuesday evening and elected the follow
ing delegate to the state convention of
republican olutss which k to meet lb
Portland May !d:
J. A. Venc, VV. P. Connaway, J. H.
Cooper, J. M. Vauduyn, E. O. Pent
land, D. It. Taylor, H. A. Duty and J.
A. Wheeler.
It was decided to bold regular
meetings the first Wednesday of each
mouth, the next meeting being May
1st, at which time uftlcer for th ensu
ing year will be elected.
Poor Indeed!
Th priMpwi of if lief from draatleeatbartlisi
tor prwui troubled with ntitlpsUa I
poor lad, d. Tru thy ant upon lb bow).,
but thin they do with violence, and their
operation tend hi waka th lutmitlnw.and
I prejudicial to lb, moiiiscm. llHtur'.
Miom.'h lll'.ter. I an efleclual laibtir, but
It nvr grip nor afbl, Kurth.rmor
It promote. dlge.Hoii and regular aetlon of
th llvar aud Ui kidney. It t an emetcot
lisrrler agaln.t aud rvniedy for malaria) eoni
pl.ltiu and rlieumatltm, and I of great
benefit lo lb weak, nervou. and aged. A a
aiedlelnal tlinulnt II cannot b aurpaund,
FhyH-iaii cordially rcoiumod It, and It
HS.rulonal indorwinenl ! fully born out
by popular apwleuoa. Appstlui and lp
ar both Improved by thi agrvsattila Invlg.r
ant and siumtlv.
A Bad Case of Gold lefer.
W. JL 0'D..nnell, of PortUnd, who
lis been visillng relative hers for
several days, I a miner as well a a
lawyer. He will leave thk city M on
lay morning on an extended prospect-
lug tour thrmigh Linn county, thence
through Southern Oreaon until he
strikes the Hkkyou mountain at the
Mlatellne, Mr. O'Donuell baa travelled
extensively In the gold Kud silver re-
mi Bargains Always Find Buyers." S
I J Q L 1
ir: i ii j
You are looking for
j Bargains in Hardware
and that is what we
are offering you, and
e will continue to offer.
WARE at pricis never
t before quoted, and
& proba f never will be
S again.
Independence, Oregon. 3
ftWdf. of Nlalnand C streets, Opposite First National-Bank 3
glou of Montana, and wa one of the
first prospector In the Couer d'Alene
mine In Idaho, during the palmy day
of that country. At present he Is
suffering from another sever attack of
gold fever and hope to our It by tak
ing the proMswd trip. He think his
chances are gsd for striking some
thing rich, and say h k going to put
lu the whole summer searching for the
"mkslng link" of th Oregon gold
field the contact lode. The best wishes
of hk friend here will attend him ou
hi haxardou voyage of discovery.
guodar Hrbool to be Org aulxcd.
All th friend of the noble Sunday
chool cause living near the Grace
Evangelical church, three mile north
of Monmouth, will please meet net
Sunday, April 21, iHWi, at SH) p. m. .
Rev, L.H. Fisher will first preach a
short sermon and then organize a Sun
day school. All are Invited.
ARiiou day (i:i.f:ijrati:i).
Independence School 0hrt
the Occasion.
Friday, April 12th, In accordance
with th law of the state, Arbor Day
wa observed lu a becoming manner by
th Bcbfsik of thi city. The exercise
were appropriate and tended to create
In the mind of the children a patriotic
feeling and a strong regard for the day
and the sentiment which inspire it
After the opening song the various
grades filed out Into the large, grassy
schisil ground In front of the building
keeping time to the drum beaten by
Master Roy Irvine, and akiut l-W p.
m. the oistn air exercise began. The
Invocation waa repeated In chorua by
the entire echool, and then followed
the tree planting. After thk the
scholar were marched back to the plat
form lu frout of the achtsil and the
literary exercises were rendered.
After giving the salute to the flag,
the school aang "America," following
which the scholar of Mis Mutkey's
class gave a number of fitting quota
Then followed a number of recita
tions, dialogues, and songs by the
scholars of tlie various grades, which
showed not only ability ou the part of
the little oues, but careful training s
the hands of (heir Instructors.
The Instrumental music by the
"tclnsd baud," as they were Jocularly
termed by Prof. Hayes, was fkriiwrlor
to what might naturally I expected
from so young performers. Masters It-
It. Gllmore, violin, Raymond Heukle,
cornet, N. Adklns, trombone, and Miss
Ella Feuuel, organ, made a very pleas-
big Quartette aud furnished several
appropriate piece.
After the program was finished, J. L.
Stockton, a chairman of the board
ofaehool directors, on behalf of the
teadsers thanked the audience for their
attendance, and stated that due allow
ance should be made for any short
comings on tlie tatrt of scholars as the
tesWwrs had not sufficient time to
make the affair all that they desired.
He theu announced that the classes
were In excellent condition, aud thai
ss'dal preparations had been made to
make tho coming graduating exercise
a credit to the school tt.
psrenbt and friends of thtv sebfdars,
who were cordially Invited to attend.
There were no dksgreesble feature
of any kind to mar the pleasures of the
day. In point of order and training
the scholars will compare favorably
with those of any school In the state,
slid reflect much credit noon Prof.
Ilsyes and bis abk as I tank.
It speak volume for the prosperity
of thk town that so great a per cent of
the school children were handsomely
drenacd, while all were comfortably
aud neatly clothed. A number of
prominent citizens were present and
were greatly pleased with the exercise
of the day.
lllllon Colic.
Persons who are subject to attacks of
bilious colic will be pleased to known
that prompt relief may la had by tak
ing Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and
Diarrbiea Remedy. It acts quickly
and can alway be depended upon. In
many case the attack may be prevented
by taking thk remedy as scam as the
first Indication of tbe disease appears.
24 and 60-cent bottles for sak by
Akxaiider-Ctsiper Drug Co.
Important Matter for Investigation
by Different Committees.
Tlie regular semi-monthly meeting
of Ihe city council ws held lu the
council chamber Tuesday evening,
April 16, with all tbe memls-rs present
and Mayor Hurley In the chair.
The meeting wa called lo order by
the mayor. The minutes of the pre
vious meeting read by Recorder Ford
aud ou motion were approved as read.
The finance committee, In the quar
terly statement of Treasurer Richard-
mi made a favorable report and ou
motion waa adopted.
Under tbe bead of committee on
st reels, the mayor called tbe attention
of the council to the position of the city
lu reguard to the ots-niug of and extend
ing streets across the railroad com
pany's land in thk corporation. It was
brought out In the discussion w hich
followed that there was urgent need
for the several new streets, ami the
street commltte were instructed to give
the matter their attention and ascer
tain what steps should be taken to
secure the said opening and exteo
The ordinance committee made an
adverse report ou tlie ordinance relat
ing to road work In the district, and
u kii motion the report wa unani
mously adopted, thus effectually dispos
ing of a question which threatened
disaster to the entire district.
The I ndc pendetice Tile (Jo. presented
a bill of tu.36 for 1 10 feet of 8-luch drain
tile furnished the city last February,
The bill was ordered paid.
The quarterly reirt of the recorder
was handed In to the finance committee
for their consideration, i
I o the matter of the petition of II.
D. Foster, et al, for the construction
of a sidewalk beginning at a point at
the northwest corner of lot 1, block 25,
Henry Hill's addition, and running
thence westerly along said block 25, to
a isdiit where H. D. Foster has already
of all kinds at prices
beyond comparison
until all the bankrupt
stock is closed out.
Cleveland PAINTS, J
$1.40pergallon; pure 2
white lead and linseed 2
oil at the most rea- e
sonable figures. 2
oullt a sidewalk, tbe f..- 3 V
aTter some discussion referred L (1 1
street committee.
After an Interesting discussing, the
question of repairing sidewalks along
Second street and of forcing tbe rail
r sul company to take some action in
the matter, tlie subject Ws referred to
the same committee w ith Instruction
to Investigate and secure reliable advice
Uion the question. There Mug no
further business la-fore tlie bouse upon
motion tbe council adjournal.
Dealings In Land.
Frank Axekonto Matilda AieL
on, lot 6, blk 1, Independence f 4V)
H. II. Plummer to E. C. Keyt,
land In Dallas 2.M0
U. H. to R. Gilliam and wife, 640
acre in tp9of r4 w Patent.
J. H. Cs.r to ftached Haw kin,
lot 8, blk 7, Independence 400
a McCarter and wife to W. G.
Wright 1 It Dalla 1,000
G. L. Haw kin and wife to J. 8.
Cooper, 1 It in Independence J0()
Rachacl A. lirooks to Franklin
Hum and wife, lot In Salem 600
M. L. Robbing aud wife to Joban
Irwrlng, laud 6,34-3
F. A. Patterson and wife to
Sarah Reese, 17.05 acre 640
Jas. Rood and wife to I. F. M.
Duller lot In Monmouth 650
W. O. Ifawton and wife to W.
I. Leonard 41 1 acre 72-3
W. I. ClodfeltertoH. E. Clodfelter, 100
acres 1,000
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. W. McKlnsey, postmasterof
Kokomo, Ind.,and a bravo ei-oldlcr,
says: "I had been severely troubled
with heart disease ever since leaving
tho army at the close of the late war.
I was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. 1 could not
sleep on my left side and had pain
around my heart I became so 111
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention waa called to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try It The first bottle
made a decide d improvement in my
condition, and Uvo bottles have com
pletely cured me. "
0. W. UcKINSEY. P. M., Kokomo, lad.
Dr. Mil' Heart Cera U sold on a poatttT
guarantee thai tbe Brat bottle will betwut.
All druggist sell it at II, bottle tor 5, or
H will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of Dries
by Us Lr. AUle i Medical Uo tlkbart, lad.
: -
SJ' '