The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 19, 1895, Image 2

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    i GIDE.
, '
K. a !ti.aku, Manager,
U. U BlirLAKU,OMlUtr,
L'est Side Publishing Compan)
On Yajr . . . 12.00
git MouUl . 1.00
ltir Vtnuln. . ,W
Ml mlj" anil Wattl liotliva talniwil
log Bva 'ia win h UiM'ftiM tree. All (vm
8vllu will b pimniwl fW tHtt per I In
ttoetaty oblturary rtohtUmawtll t barHt
tor at th. rale ut Ave iwuu per hue.
HugminHt al lli iHiumtHe In lndcwi
dance, Oregon, aa aumt-la mailer.
Flit day. Arm lw. i sua.
llXNTINl'ANOrS llwneiwowr that. tw
nuhlaliera 01 tlila iwtwr must lie nut Mod b
letter alien a iubarthr wiln hla paper
4tillt. A.U arrearage be paid.
offloe li whldi your paper l aetil. Yiu
oarae mn not be Aiund do our bonk, unless
IhU U dona.
ALL UKTTEltH ahmilrt b addressed U llir
WtXTSlOK, IndrudmK,e.
Several days hro It 'M atimituvd ly
prws dlHmttfliM that British uNli'luln
had informed Minister Bayard that tie
deaired no more Nicaragua!! U-rrltory
and futher, that U ivy low u would tiol
be bombarded. These are two point
which prvti cliwely Uum the future
relation of this county and Orenl
Britaiu, and should either b junilied
by the latter country It Is unovrtaln to
the lata degree what the result would
be. Cleveland's pnnut liidluVreiite
to, and Id nonieeanea opeu dlaregnrd of
the Mounie doctrine, la wo heartily ron
deinned by the press of this nation that
Is difficult to conceive of hla carrying
matters much further on them? line.
War with nation so cUwely silled In
many respects as Is Ureal Britain tolhls
oountty, to say uothittg of ber uaval
power aud great resources, la not a mat
ter to be treated lightly ;yct the systems
which were applied to India aud Egypt
must uever be allowed a foothold on
this continent, eottt what It may, In
lives or money.
In.l..iutu1.'iiiv Ii-l'UIhIimI herself Into
a hole when nn ametidmeut to the
city chart r was secured ml winter
thut net tr the city Into a separate
road diatrict. All nwl work In to t
put on the street! of the town It In he
paid In cash and ex'iitltil under (In
direction of a salaried eoiiunis
sioner. The eoun'.y evens up on I lit
town by refusing to pay for any mater
ial to be used In repair of either of Hi
three larue bridges spanning gulcli
within the erHraie limits. Some ot
the city chapa are learning leswihs,
Hillslmro Jiiihiundint.
The West Wii8 I pleased o state,
for the benefit of the Iiulijifniknt and
others Interested, that the jiple of
this city, after careful consideration of
the subject, decided that It would hi-
an unwise step, harmful to the city and
working a hardship upon the r st of
the road district, and therefore tin
council have not passed the ordinance
which would make the amendment
It la requires a desperate struggle on
the part of Americana to realize the
Incredible bravery of the Cuban rev
lutionists taking Spain's reports of the
situation in that Island as correct.
What wonderful fighters those half
breeds and negroes must I', when It
requires 40,000 of Spain's picked troops
to' subdue 9,000 111 fed, p-orly armed
aud undiseipllneJ i at Ives. Yet
reports from Spain continue to speak
of the trouble as "a riot of negroes."
The New York grand jury evidently
doesn't believe In the philautbrnphy
of Mr. Nathan Straus, the Introducer
of sterilized milk for the poor, and the
man who was to smart to run again!
Strong for Mayor, last year. At anv
rate, be has been Indicted for Improper
acts while holding the office of Park
commissioner. Mr. Straus Is a merit nt
of the big business firm known as R
H. Macy & Co.; also a personal friend
of Mr. Cleveland.
Shall this country maintain Its pres
ent toundarks, or shall it reach oiil
and include everytldng that will be
necessary to the greatest commercial
nation the world lias evr seen? Upon
the decision will dcjiend whether we
remaii- merely a great nation or
become the greatest.
If the claim of England that the
United States bus nothing to do with
her encroachments upon the territory
of Venezuela be admitted, all the
South and Central American govern
ments may as well prepare to go out of
Senator Palmer lost no time in con
demning the calling of that demoemt'e
silver convention In Illinois. He
dosen't want the party to commit
Itself In an "off yeur."
Secretary GreKlimn hah not yet atxilo
gized for having, in the absence of Mr.
Cleveland, demanded that apology
from Spain, hut nobody Is offering
odds that he will not. .
Hon. D. B. Hill's endorsement of the
suggestion that a southern ' man be
nominated next year by the democrals
was merely a grand play for Senator
Gorman's especial benefit.
We refuse to believe that votes were
bought In the Arkansas' legislature as
low KB $100 each.
v--v .-"-- -
According to tht Vlttelal figure,
which are slightly omn reliable than
Secretary Carlisle's alleged eipeota-
Hotm, (he dally receipts of the govern
ment are fN&txM, aud the daily exsu.
dim re $1,013,00(1. The same ratio up
to June 30, will make the c Xatidlture
of the current fiscal year exceed the
receipts by f.ii,tHHl,tHm.
ii 1
Something must be nut of Joint Id
ai Kansas wneu tne Uovcrimr ami a
uicmU-r of the legislature attempt to
annihilate each other with lolwcco
uice, when gunaor bottle knives might
just as well have Uh u used.
Now that Ureal Britain Is ammhl
tug a inival force to make a hostile
demonstration agalusl poor little Nlca
rtgua the administration is ominously
silent alsmt the enforci liient of the
Molina' doctrine.
The Supreme Court tins no executive
clerk to make a scapegoat of, as the U.
8. Senate did when unable to discover
ihe niethial by which the proceedings
of Its secret sessions got Into ths liewa-
Soinelssly wants Henry Ueorge. to
build a new political platform, but
those who know Heury best U'licve
that he will prefer to devote his time to
ouikllng up his personal bank account.
Fliu hotel business in New Ycrk
seem to have hud an overdose of
"Cleveland tlittes,"lf It bo fair to judge
ty the number of them which have
lately been cled by creditors.
i1 111 11
The Cleveiaudiles are meeting tin
demand for a southern mau at the
head of the democratic, ticket next year
with the offer of second place on
Grover's ticket to the south.
Mr. Clevelaud has quite euough t
answer for without charging him with
being a drunkard, as a Massachusetts
Methodist minister lately did.
Another "letter that never came"
that containing Spain's apology for
firing on t'te Alllaiica.
Many women sle up a man's liber
ality hy the Master outfit of his wite
and daughters.
J. 11. niltibruud litis taken the coo
tract to cut and deliver eleven cords f
IViHMloulllC Fairvii-w si Insil ground.
for $I."M) per cord.
ti'ille a i timlier fiom tills viclnit)
uitiiiled the ttr.iina l Wells last Fil
lav. All report having hud a pUaMiui
M. SenitTord Intends tailing his
iloi-eo Cult (Alci) to Iihlrpi liilelli e lo
iuive him tr. ilued.
IVter Kiirre waaapiMidiiig a few
Mill) old Irieiids in this vicinity tin
first of die week.
J B Stump, of Salem, lllilde a flvillu
trip t lining i these pans the first of tin
Again the Imp men of this vicinity
are busy working their Imps.
J. V. YaimVrpool and H.J. Hw-ker
are laboring In the gold region of
California. They say California is all
The Mountain View boys gave a
thrilling entertainment at the Wells
hall. You are all right, boys, come
W. W. Vanderpfhil has organized a
literary society at Suver, entitled the
Atlieueau Literary Society.
Mlsa Mury Hidden, who has been
quite III for some time, is slowly
('. 1$. (,'nulhorn, of Portland, Is visit
ing his parents and friends here. He is
iiiiiiklng of going into business at this
A.Vandcrpool has engaged 300 Indian
Imp pickers to pick his one-acre yard.
Johnnie Carter, the (Mipulur merchant
here, Is d'jiug a rushing business.
Charles (Jilisou and (,'hes. Hall have
taken a trip to Oregon City,
Jake flecker was doing business In
Independence lust week.
The Willamette Presbytery which
wus held at Pallas lust week brought
tiiMiera large number of the brightest
minds on the coast, both men and
women, and the people were treated to
h inn; excellent discourses ami luierest-
ng (liseUHH'oiis in the line of church
work. Among other work done, ltev.
10 J. Thompson, I). 1)., was elected
commissioner to the general assembly,
Uev.J A.Towiisciul, Pli I)., aliernnie;
Prof. W. It. lice was chosi-n lay coin-
minsioiier, with Elder S. G. Jrwin,
illel lialc; and J. M. Thompson Wiis
delegated lo preach for one year, The
lioict for the place for the full meeting
fell to Newport. Tlie exercises under
ihe auspices of the Womaii'j Missionary
Society, Wednesday were Interesting
and hugely attended.
Postmaster Grant last week received
a Columbus clock, made of wood except
the weight, a wheel, und a few wire
cogs, it is suid tlrtit these clocks were
used in Ihe year 141)2, and It Is a good
time keeper. Mr. Grant put it up tu
the post oflicj, and it has attracted
considerable attention.
As usual Easter was observed In
Dallas by the several churches, appro
priate sermons were preached In the
morning, aud :he Presbyterian and
Methodist churches in the evening had
exercises conducted by the Sunday
schools, both of which proved very
At the republican club meeting last
Wednesday evening, t.'ie following
delegates were elected to the stale con
vention, which meets in Portland,
May 22: V. L. Wells, D P. Htouitbr,
A. V. It. Snyder, U. F. Mulkey, 0. U.
Coad, Win. Fault aud H. B. Plumiuer.
The ladle of the Christian church
gave an Easter entertainment and Ice
cream ma lal at the city hall lust Satur
day evening, and everytasly who
attended had a good time. It la just a
little early for Icecream, but the ladles
look lit alsmt 27.
Sheriff Pluuiuier last Monday got
some saws, saw -bucks and a big lot of
wood, and set the "allhlrd" to work
sawing wisst, In the lower part of the
The Odd Fellows will hold Ihelr
anniversary exercise on the 28ili of
April at the Christian church, and P.
0. Mulkey will deliver an address,
' lalla schools did Hot oUerve Arbor
flay this yar, on aHouut of the pro
gam not reaching them atsni enough;
hence the day ascd ipiltely.
Hcv. lb, the evangelist who last
spilng stirred things up generally In
DiiUhs Is expected toagnlii hold meet
ing here May 1Mb.
TheSalein Joto iml states that Dallas
Is about to lose the family of Mix
Noal, as they intend to move to Salem
ltave AahboiiKh and family, of
Salem, visited relative 111 Ihdlaa, Sat
urday aud Sunday.
Several Iih-hI bicyclist tsik in Mom
mouth aud lmle)smtene sights, Sat
urday, F. J. Coad Is putting some Improve
ments on his town proHity In this
The South McthodltexN-et to build
A new church this year 111 Dallas.
F, A. Pallcrsoii, of Independent1',
did business in Dallas Monday.
Hon. Ira S. Vimlth, of Monmouth
was hi Dallas last Saturday.
Still more wheel'' arriving in Dab'
E. F.. Hlltlbrand met with a mishap
last Saturday night His horse slled
at.d fell, aud then became tangled hi
the harness and shafts of the buggy
causing great deal of damage.
Joe James, of Suver, has returned
from a trip" through Southern Oregon
and 'California. Jca thinks Suver Is
the place,
Mr. and Mr. W. H. Grant will start
In a few days on a pleasure trip to
Toronto, Canada
Mis AvU Christian, of Imleiei, deuce
was vlslilug Mr. and Mm. F, Chamta-i-
lain last week.
Walter Gruff-ill Is very sick. Dr
Lee, of Independence, Is now Malting
no bllu.
I. Smith and U. W. SleeW won
shearing gouts at James Wheeler's i
.Mr. Frank Elgin, of Suver, I very
lck, but Is u iw slowly Improving.
It. W. Harris hm U-cn Improving Ins
.inn by building sum-' nW fences.
Jus. Stump, of Salem, Ms doing
iiitnis in these p.irts lust w-ek.
Abner Johnson Is busy sharHolti,
imp Hlca
N. Steele w-i In Dallas lust Saturday
PA It K hit.
Flynu, the s-. Idler, did biisliu-ss in
loA'n this wei'k and since hlsdrpHrture
soiiieoftite inhiibiiaiits have had to
uiovetooiher Im-alltles where oxygen
wus more plentiful. When lib vocn!
organs were lu full play he created
several vacuums around (own, that the
heavy sea brccM' have not made fit
for haliltation yet; and small pieces of
r -fuse par can still be seen flying to
the center of attraction.
Dan. Atkinson and Cleve Parker
took In last Sundsy'g excursion to
Oregon City. The Ixiy thought that
the captain may have worn webs, but
did not think he was the genuine Ga
tulii Webb.
Nettle Crosby Isiardsat her home in
Monmouth and every morning drive
to her work as school mistress at this
Ellis Davidson, Win. Fuqua and W.
. Bradley were appointed arbitrators
IntheElklus and Tethcrow road dis
pute. The literary society at Suver Is still
In the land of the living and bids fair
to be a permanent iustlltjtlniii
Cyrus Bradley and Claud Iloone are
putting on the twine lu their hop
Agnes Cnlbreath now rides to and
from school at Monmouth every day,
May Harper, of Suver, is staying at
the home of Frank llrown.
Thejoint session of the societies of
the Normal school was held in the
chapel last Saturday evening. A long
but pleasing program was rendered.
The recitation by Miss Olscu ami n
violin solo by Mr. Wheat were worthy
of special mention. A short social was
held after the program was rendered.
The Sunday sclnsil of the Christian
church will give an entertainment
next Sunday evening at the usual time
for KTVices. Nn admission will be
clm ged, bir a collection will be taken
up. Everyone Is invited.
Dr. Frazler, superintendent of the
Junior Christian Endeavor Society,
gave 'the Juniors a social at his
residence Tuesday evening, The young
people report having a very enjoyable
Elder Sumplcr and family moved
home lust Monday. They will now he
at home to all their friends, tit the
fin u 1 house. Cull aud give them
a cordial welcome.
Willie Murphy was taken quite 111
this week but is at present some better.
'I he public school graduates are wailing
till he gels well before taking their
final examinations.
The end of the third term expired
last Friday leaving only teu more
weeks of school. Already the seniors
liegln to ask, "Who will be our repre
sentatives?" The regents of the Normal are hav
ing the grounds of the school put in
hotter condition und alanine improv
ing the lawn in front of the building.
At this, the beginning of a new term,
woik at the Normal fluds the uuinlier
greatly decreased. Most of the stud mt
have gone nut to lsglit teaching.
Elder J. N. Smith, former mlor of
Ihe Christian church, was In town this
week preparing to move hi family to
Seattle, where h will preach.
All Faster service Mas held at the
Christian church Sunday morning, by
the Y. V. ami Y. M. C. A, A large
numls'r ai tended.
Miss Bertha Shedd went to her
home at Shedd, Wednesday, lo make a
short visit Is'fore starting ou a new
term's work.
Miss Sadie Bflggs left Monday for
Coqiillle City, w here she has a country
w'lnsil mar that place. May success
attend her.
The "onw law" will wsiii -rinll the
mm to run at free will through the
Street. It takes effect Ihe llrt of May,
C. C. Is'Mla, the popular photo.
grnpher, I having a In at little gallery
built Just lioithof the I hi Ullaii chur ll.
The examination a e over for thl
term slid the subject Is, "What shall
our suits le for commencement?"
It. M. Smith la In Vancouver this
week, Visiting hi daughter, Mrs, S
Mrs, John Grant, of Dallas, lsss-ud
lug the week with her mother, Mm
licvlva! services are Mug held st Ihe
Evangelical church, conducted by Y
P. A.
The Model actual! had m-cIhI
exerclsi-s In chapel Thursday morning
Miss Carol Young Is spending a few
days at her home lu Astoria
urn, i visrA.
Ml Belle Powell and brother Join
returned home last Monday from Cor
valll w hen they have lsa-n visiting
ft lend They n-jsirl gissl road fm
Mis I Initio Dmkateader,after a pb as
ant visit among fileiids lu this city
relumed to her home at lmlesudeiie ,
Win. Ikirrell and Wm. Wells, two
business men from this city, paid tin
capital a visit one day last Meek
yulte a crowd embled at the F.vau
ge Ileal church Monday evening to hear
Bishop Standard.
Then. Jake, of this place, returmi!
from a week's visit with hi folks' in
Staj ton aud Salem.
Bob llerroii, a former student of tin
bti 1 1 ici college of Portland, Is visiting
III town (his Meek.
Mis Laura lomllsou, living lie r
Suver. lias Ist-ii visiting Mlsc Emu a
uid May Gilvioii.
The student from Salem In ve
returned home from a Mit-k' vuealli
Mr ami Mr Itichardson were vl'-
I g Midi tin ir parent Inst Sunday.
imnirama met m it it success ' s
'as! Frl iay evening.
V. C, T V. Officers.
The following list of officer a- d
c- mmlilcf rk'clcl for the iHimlng year
at the W. C. T. U. eon veil l ion held
lure last week Mir Ullavoidaolj
cioM'ded mil lust l-stie; resident, ,Mi.
A, J. Whitinori; record 1 1 g secretary,
Mis, l.nioe Adkllis; 1111 ressiudiiig
HHretary, Mr. II. V. Adklim; ticusurcr,
Mrs. Kate Linus
SUM-rililemleiits f ih-imrlioeiits:
I Vuogelistic work h li with general
ollhvr; pn-ss work, iiierature ami
t'uiou Signal combined, Mis. H A.
Adklns; liiiioiit undid contest, Mrs
L, Stouer; . sclent I tie Tempeiaiuv
Instruetloii, Minnie Cramer; l T. L
and Mercy, Mrs. Jennie Iav, mothers'
meetings, Mr. Kykeudall; Franchise,
Mrs. L. L. Whileaker; teiiis ranee
temple, Mrs. Crow; narcotics, Mrs
Millie Stockton; Sabbath olwervance
ami purity, Mrs, O.r,
Mrs. Kate Lucas M'as elected delegate
at large from Polk county, lo Hie state
I'l.ANH OK WlillK.
We recommend that the coming
year 1 especially devoted to organiza
1st lty Increasing tlie membership
of our local unions.
2d Hy organizing unions lu all
unorganized places In the county
3d That In farming districts where
It Is not ilhle to hold regular meet
ing, ladles is Induced to join the Lady
Somerset union by signing the pledge
and the payment of thirty-live iciils
am ually as stale mid county dues.
4th We also recommend local unions
to appoint a committee to secure
honorary members,
Realizing (lie fact that women aie
being brought into public work more
and more each' year, we urge the
necessity of a better kiowlellge o
parliamentary law und werccnmmrml
all unions lo have, at least once a
month, a drill lu parliamentary usage,
using Roberts' rules am) helps publish
ed hy the Women's Temperance Pub-
lulling Association.
We recommend that every union lie
requested to scud to the county treas
urer ten cents p'-r year, or the most,
convenient for the union.
Mkh. Wintmouu. , , ,
Mm. Tuknkb, 'iComiulUee.
Ukhoi.vkm: That we reaffirm our
devotion to (he temH'rniicc cause, the
principle?, of total alistluenco and pro-
liihliion, and onr loyally to both slate
and national unions.
IIkhoi.vmd: That we greatly deprecate
the desecration of the Sahhaih so com
mon in our alutc, and the violation of
law by saloons; and we hall with Joy
the Indication of a better sentiment for
Sabbath observance und belter enforce
ment of law lu our municipalities.
UknoI.VKD: That a vote of thanks
be tendered (o the ladles of Indepen
dence for their kindness to the
delegates and niemU'i's of the conven
tion. Also lo the ollleeis of the Christ
ian! church for Ihe use of their church
during the convention.
MHH.OHH, ' K ommlltee.
Unclaimed Leltcrs.
There are unclaimed letters in the
Indcpcndeiite post olllce for the follow
ing: Braingar, D. W, Kelly, Itcv. W. N.
McDhIiicI, Mrs. John J.
E, G. Hoiikrthon, P. M.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powdct
AwnM tiold MU1 Uidwlnitr Hair. 8tn Fraud
Hard Times la All lli dy.
Written rih Wwi siun.)
0iiiH'liiisrtvry great rvriu,
Tlisl iTU-lii-il Ihelr Inllow.lni II,
l'lillsnlroiliy, my soul lnilrm,
Tu till ai) lvlil HI
Nui lo itr-rll a rnii1y,
Hueli wnlilil N vaiu Ut lry;
My naiy sua will tx U rimv
IImi l Him f ail Hie eiy,
Tlt'iiiuli U't few of ImsllISM iiipii,
t'siu Mi l limy inuwi,
Tlirlriiwn aiiililllon fed His fllns,
AiWi rally Ktisiipa;
prospe rity in-esnis m iinM.ii,
Tli Ii lirlglilii.l how " insrrwl,
Tl lisiiiineriifilie!!!-!!' r,
Tell. IIii-iii III llinw sre' lirit,
Whi n trsilv wm lirlsh sml wsun IHtflt.
Tli siirkln. t lus isnilil vuiuil,
Tli"y lut llifirensli wlih iavlsli hand,
Hut ncvsi lliniiulo el wmiii
Tl hunt ili liislon hilled i lielr lm'u,
Thut wni'' woiilil hi-'i' tt lf tt,
llui wlmii iliiiiaiinl"iiiwa"U'Ui' lhslrr,
ttnrtl nine was M tlie ery,
WIm-ii tlniia sere nisi. I nml lnnilnla liitfli.
Tlie lnrai"'r eat a iIm.Ii.
Home txiaiitit on I'mlll, roiln uu irllitf.,
Ital now lliey levt tlie IimIii
Their lnilrrc line, lli-lr la ileus,
rlirii-1. hi- lini'iiht hiilsi I'H,
Tlielr i'n are 'l. I'ut n,rSi't iluwit,
Ilsnl i Inn'" l all In ery.
Ileliuld llicilmnkeral Hi till,
Muri'-ylna' tl' tfoiaoiia pllea,
Tln Um I'fSi'lil, t tit rolls of fatlla,
llisaitil m II H ilrniinl aliillni
II wun'l illu'iimil, Ills i tr la ulnit,
Tiivry aii.ilinr ery,
Tint! reiiiltra.llll iu n- liur-l tin tlmsa,
'I Imi now sr" tluii by,
Mluuleliiaiiy lltllvirowd,
A.M'Mililril i-ll (lis .Ir'rl,
lir HsO'll llieirasil ilesntitlii( liaika,
la lla-y stuitiuiiii r tn i
In evury liu.ltn or ird,
Von hear I Im mi i reply,
In iillln', sloriinr wiirsiiiK hIh'p,
Ilsnl Hun-. . nil id ery.
ii-ir. mi rmelisa every rtnih,
Tils niiii,ver nd einloyi'il,
rim insnli-r I i-l lila liuiila ilii llns,
Tli work nu n fi l l. Hiiiiuyrili
Sunn, sis ill'liutKnl or wngs iriluwt,
Tliey iiiMI util't miily,
Tilt y i-: ) eniuiiiliitr Willi Hi" aliiuil, -
Haul Itiuea la all Ihti cry,
I ss fur ill""- II.! ilsily loll ft,
Tin ir foinlll.. (o .u.liilli,
Vml still r willing, t'lil llii'y inh'l,
Kini'liiyinrtii now olitiiin
riu'ir liuiigri' elillilren ery lor linwd,
With munnk-, ii-u.fiil ,
lalillif liri-Bil. Ill tnollier lllllin
A liuiisry UiHniiy.
b. isailll, Willi llt'll Willi,
And lintur llinea rap s-lj
I'd atar it) llMallll .hlioili brllil,
Tlioua'ti elmiiU may I l-rei pi i
.,UiU i-I a.hi-r-llr olwiirv
A clear and lirtlhant aky.
Mil n tluw uhiimi, your ii ilinll lw.
lliasl linn si 11 r nlgli
(jetting Heady for Summer.
Ill order to ncii'ln module the lary.
number of ssip In mlfiiitim'cnitl
vicinity Mho are In the tidbit of -iol-I
ill more o' ti-ss tlioe In Ihe iiimIiiiIiiIii
.very siimuier, t'. , (Jr.ivtn, Mie p- pit
bir ilvervm-in. Is inaklm; iri-mrntloi a
io establish a sialic line U-taeea tbl"
p Ini and Katl City,
T' " sKe ulll of eail atlviin-tau-e
In hiiuiers aud fishermen, a It
m III IcflU' here Sailtrdav caning, and
ivturn litp Slllldiy lifteriiia'tl. Tbb
nn iiiia that a Ihe nuuls nlid ui-nlbir
improved the Wh rnilikaeall have a
iiv's sport Mlthotit any mu.ihI time
Hid at little enis-io',
1 ' 1
KIMIS.W.L -At llucmi Vl-in, dr.'.,
.nl' I:', IMfC, in her iwih y.-sr, Ml
Msrv S Kimball, of parnlvl
Mis Kimball had Is-cn atilferlnif for
a oum's-r of monlha from ihmlilea that
lliially eailsed her dentil, which bail
la-ell l-)lse'ed for ollie tlllli". The
b-ceasiil was an aunt of 1 r. Itnyilloil,
tint was well know n in various pari
of the slate. The funeral liik plait
pbi'V last Sunday, Ihe lusty ls-lllg
Intel red III the Jhielin V'lstn eeiiielery.
Sick and Nervous
You may b easily and quickly oar4
by takluif
Ayer'S Pills
"I havti la-en a victim of terri
ble headaches, und have never
found anything to relievo tliem
so quickly as Aver'a rills. Since
I began taking this medicine, tlm
lit lacks have la me less nml
Ichh frequent, until, at present,
months- have passed hIiico I
have hail one." C. t NtWMAN,
Dug spur, Va.
"Having used Ayer'fl III! with
great success fordvspcpsls. from
which I Hiiffcnd for years, 1 ri"
solved never to ho wit'hnut licm
lu my household. They urn In
deed effective." Mrs. Sauik
Mounts, 125 Willow St., Hula
dolphin, Tu,
"I always uso Ayrr's PIUh, mul
think tlieiu excellent." Mrs. (1.
1'. Watkouh, Jackson, Flu,
Ayer's Pills
Received Highest Award
Murkttt la on 0 slruet, nuur tbe ponUttlo.
i Gal Can romatocs
i Gal Can Api'lfs
i Can l'luibs
i Gal Can Gr.ics
i Gnl Can Suuah
35 cents'
2 cents j
3; cents (
35 cents
35 cents
i Gal Can Tears 25 cents
1 Gal Can lYache 35 cents
1 GalCan Blackberries 25 cents
'rirl i"f ill
ri.lii.H-i.'isM Mri.l w.ik,i-ili"'-
,,,, 111 wl, n --'tu. Hr.uiw ...ili.imn-
tilt, luteal il'-sltflia. ami l irK.
Make a Note of This I
I have one new Keonumy Hay
Press, Dmllc Halcr; Finot ress
in the Mate. Kcnular l'rice
$t)ooo(ii will sell it fur-$6uo.oo
cah, Cajianty, 30 to aa tuns
kt day,
IliiilJers of Mining and Saw
Mill Machinery.
114 and 116 Mission Street.
San I rancisco.Cal.
C(irresKindcnee sulicitel.
M-ii(mii lhiispr.
C'JtMit'rt Clothing .
XmiIk Umnli-r in ny al)lv at Hit lnts
H.ii,lniiv Vaiilor Hlin. T. taijuir Jrnka.
)tuirl., A rlii- lino ut aauiira l.
iiji nil liaiiil from wlilch tu avlar-i,
Huiu mailo l-i urtl'-r frin I4 up, tf
. Indcrientfcnce Tailor Shop,
AT 6:30 A. M.
AT 6:00 A. M.
for Frtlghtani Pattag apply
O. A. Kramer.
Lowest Prices
On These Goods.
Silver Collarette Pi is.
Silver Belts, with Bilk Web.
Side Combs, Sllver-trlmmed,
Hair Ornaments.
Corsage Pins,
ii t!ie Jeweler.
TUlni aaasl
, . vOPVRIQHTS, to,
mi M , 10,, M HiiiiauwAT. Nkw Vuiiic
Ol.l.-sl bursal! fur aaouniiu mi.m. .u.'.t.?:.
Kv.;-y 1W.U111 t.ik0n out l.y tia la t.rituvlii VwV.Vraa
Ui by t uouot vivon fio ui S til
Iiftrwat elroiilatlnn or hit anlnntlflo nnss i ..
wona.. MUmuhillr llUistratuii. k., i ..ii,..r..T
nmii ahoulil Iw w u hem It. Wi,klT ri iiiT
nrl I .nil mi month, a.i.i J;.. ;.Kv,?,,,!"A'
it. Wevklr. :i.uii ;
K.. . .. . ....
T. ( u I. ,1. ft....) 1 .nil. v. , . .....
worl.l and Uio uni) worn ! lis kind lu ihe Kuullsh,
jK-ltiiriuiimtanii me loiulinK Uitlitaiy cunmuuidera
of Amurli-a and l;imw. It lalseutd In thnwlnnrs
n...,rt V11I111111.H .,r .1 11V. .. . . V
,. .v .km uio I' w U1W w fix
n 1 ".if"1"''! '"m ,u,w eloetrotypa ilalt. pro
ihuwi ritual aim immisonieiy uonnu. It Itta
comiUt library of military liifnnuntlnn both fur
mlllliiry and non-mllltary imiple, Kwry lllirary
Hlioulil have It, L'lrculani auut on WiuUcjiUuu.
tiood at'iiiiia wuiitod. .
Alt the lraillnn, nrsttMlnto military and naval
book I'rli:eUirumlliaooitpiictlou.
I U-C21 Broadway, New York; CJty,
J Solentiflo American
Agency for
nii 1 tmzszr-
business Is the eternal
fountain of Hard Times. We
Compare these Prices,
a tone
h 1000.
Kvumk Xha r,'"tA I?
lunula M tQ M.iHM A
K Fnitfll 8 4 Wl A ll II M j
Q iiimUIm lfl Q $ m fA
Mpriimark 12J Q O Meirlmw;k A
T HliniMoiia ) Whiii A
Q HarmonUt 10 fc J IUnMiili V
5 Uncatni OiD t,,ftl,"r A
Q HtapU) Iwww Ht l 16 VT VT wtafilt Drnaa HlyU-u yr
Q AiniknK lft O O AliKokMKH Jtolid
J CLOTtllNfl. .0 Q CLOTttlsa. V
All Wool HulW 134 V! A,t W""' 8u,t V
DrrtaaHulta 85 00 l)rwHuJu
All Wool Paoli 1100 V All Wool Paola U T
Q All Wool Fant 7 00 A All Wm.I i'nti xd
Klack Vnm t'auta 10 00 A ItUu li Dnm 1'aou 4
A All Woi Hhlru 13 00 0 A All Woul Kliirta y d
Cotiou 00) gVoiiou A
V' Overall 1 35 Y' Ovvralla
Juni(rni 100 G Juuijrr .
rHsrllna 10 ',r Fine
l'r Nitk 10 IP l'r Nrrtllt 0
From the above you will notice there has been i
slight decline in the prices of goods since 1885,
you can buy as much now lor $1, as you could then
for $2, when the credit system was in vogue.
lOliver's Chilled. Pious,
T.OII.rCI,ltll.i,tfl Mow. hav n. with gtml a.
waa and reached a aala nauanllrd. Ho (ral I (ha ropalari.
Ijr al lhaa fataaua plowa thai athrr paniaa ar ihlu lo Irada
anthalraood aiaa,
Wa handla I ha (IK Ml' INK, ,d ka-p a full atomk aa hand rd;
fur drlisry at ant lima,
Nn maMor what kind of work jna haa lo ha dona wa aaa aril
jrau a plow to aalt, and oar prlcaa ar Juat rliht
It you pay mora for a plow lhaa wa a., you ar. waatlnf yr
moay,f.irlharaaiaaolM..r plowa mad. lhaa thoaa wa ara
kandliaft but lhata ara nanjr, aold for laa aama prlraa, ahlrh
ara inurh Infaiior.
R. P.
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co,
Here's Soap!
ht-o a. kla , tT "k,U f your ' ,. Wa
Patterson Bros., The Druggists.
I 1895.
SL V.. J... V..... V
Wade & Go.
Drug Store,