30-Day Oiler. Douty & Locke are G-ivinir 1 lb. Fronah Mixed Candy With Every Purclmne oi 1 Lb. Offiaial Paper of Polk County. THE WEST SIDE. NSl'KO BY West Side Publishing; Company fkiday, apiul la, m NEW TODAY. h home-mad bread "vry monilMg at tiil,v A Locke1. HUungl h,me-ioad bread l the bet brrn-l ms.1 In Onions try It. When you want a good meal, for 25 cent got" Strongs' restaurant, Wct. coil A Irwin, proprietors, Halcm. Oregon. ,f Money loaned, on Independence rti porty ttiU month, by W. O. Wright, f Ball- ' You can get recvtpta and note In pad : the Wir Si ia office. Money to I"" at 8 lH'r Wl,, l,y w (, Wright, lalla. tl Hay For Sale. B.VlKlM'ltKVT.ANOOATllAV, B MILKY wd "i ObrBl seed. For by W, W. Moison, Rickreall.Or. tf Office for Rent. THK r'UO.NT tUKM or THK WKMT 81 MC cJee,tlil, ttultig on Mum street suit able for a real estate or lawr"a ofHc, will b rented, Including fuel for etv. ami electrle IU tit very cheap, Knqulr at the v left (tins offlee. ' If For Sle. THAT IIKAfTJFULtXUlSKRlT IS THK MH-ontl blork WHl of h I'mhjr trrlnu diunt). Ut I. blork !S, Mill' ktlillthui N.-rthmul Kju1 front, tmou man It k.J at unc. Aditrwa, Mr. Sarah tlotliy, 91 S Urnn.l Avnuc, IVrllnd,Or'ii, tLAM Summon!), ISTIIBCIRCflTCDl'KT Of TIIK HTATK of Own. Kor the tVmnty of PwU. AllMWalkr.pUlntlir, va. Krvdrtrk Walker, di-fnicUut. To Frlrtok Walker. d frnttant, kIhiv Bkiiinl. In th nam of lh Male of tnttn. jrnu r IiitvIit njulrwl k apwr and niiMtrr lli omplainl filed nlnt you In (Ho txv rDtllletl court and anrr tli ciuii)lliiUf the p.aliillrt uo flip thrrvln on r bfur lh lat day of '.he ni'Xt rrnuinr i-rm of ih ilmtt milled court, aflvr tlie .lpirvllon of ih U wwki' publication of ibla timiiinu, provided for In tbeordrrnf lhJutlorih above nlltlml court hxrvln. ailvr menlluned, bring Ihf flrt day of the ntulitr May term IWV.oftli above u tilled roiirt mid I h aoooud Monday in May latt, bi lnf tut 13th DAY or MAY. IK and you are berrby notlfled that If r"l fail to appear or anawer ttie complaint on flic lb pialntlft will apply to the court for the rrllofln aUt complaint demanded, to. wtl :Kor Hie dtMlulton uf the boiul of mntrl niouy between plaimllTaiid defendant and for Mich other relief aa may leem to the court Jut and fKUltab:e. Tlita nuininont In publuhed by virtue of an order by tba Hon H. H. Hewitt, Juilne of tba aUve entitled court duly matl In rliinber on the 'Tth day or March, IStt. W. R. U'DoHNkLL, tWM Attorney for rialBllft. IiOxt. A NUTE UKAIHNU TIIK OATK r Iiecember . lH. on two yearn' time, lu kvorofi'. K. llnirta lo Hie amount ofHy it). hld nol U algm-d by W. H. liarrl. Hanker" ri warned not lo loan money on jMiid oote. Upturn to Wkmt milk om.e ANN IK nARIUri. Teat-hen' Kxaniiimtlon. NUTK'K H HKRKBY (JIVES THAT FOIt the purjioae of making an elimination of all pemont who may offer themiietvea a cnndldate for teacheni of the arhnola of Polk county, the m-IiooI iiiiwrinU-ndeul thereof will hold a public examination In the court limine tt Dnlla. beginning at I p. m. Wrdnewlay, May , lHtfi. Uraduatea ol chartered Inntltutiona dralrlng U aecure i!e dlplomna and till permin entitled U) and wl.hlng to aerure alnle rertlflcatea, luU dlplomna, or life diploma, will plraae priwnt theinMlvea at the name time and place for eiamlnatlou. T. O. HUTCHINSON, Hchool Kupt.. of Polk ooonty, Oregon, Sotlee to Conlrkftor. BKAl-KD Hir WILL BE KECKIVRO BY W. M. M1an, Glerk Of District No. 43 al Huvcr, Ongim, for building achool build ing In mid dlatrtvt according to plana at dcrk' offlcei aald bl(t to be opened Hatur. day, May 11, at 2 p. tn. Right reaerved to reject any or all blda. Kl. MrLAHB, t'b.Hth. Hoard. Suver.Oregon, April, UWi. 6t-l2.ll Suicr and HiM'iia VMa Ta Payer. tXlMI'I.ETK LIMT8 OK AIX TAX ABLE PKO- perly In your preclncta have been dopoalted In 1 tie Independence National bank and the Find National bank, of Independence, and the Polk County bank, nf Monmouth, and you eun tbua examine the lltand pay your taxea there al any time before May 1, !M, without going U Dalian.- if One of the Bennon. One nunon why Itnli'p!riderice le more primperMif and hae a growth ateauiertlmu many other places In the vulley, Ih that It la the rule to buy at home, patronize home manufacturer), ami encourage local eulerprinee. For several days E E. Kreiifrel, of the blui'kMiiith Aim of IIHIard & KreriKel, hiw beeti at work hammering away at .Utrutiifely abaped piece of ateel and Iron, which be ' finally succeeded in etUr together no that they looked iikeaotiiething. KaUirday it waa learned that the iflriri hafltakn a contract, to supply f riAt A Vetwiw with a net of extra heavy steel ariutci lilocki to lie uwhI lu ilogKlng. Oenerally audi heavy work in Bent aorofld, but acting ou the prln clple which liaa done no much for the ity Mwr. I'reacott & Venewt have fdven the work to a local Arm and will get fully aa good work aa though It tvere done in Portland. Fair .Sized Stick. In almost any place but the Pacific Count the carload of timliera juat aetit to Crowley by Preacot A Veueea would exclUt mu:h Intetewt. There were 17 etick, 32 feet long by 12 Inches wjuare, clear of knota and atralgbt grained, designed for uee I a Mr. Bond' new warehouse at Crowley, and completing the bill of 70,000 feet ordered from the Independence mill for thia structure. The U. S. Gov't Reports ihovr Royal Baking Powder suparlor to all others. LOCAL ANDJPERSONAL. N'OVKLLO KNl'KKf AINMKSX A all tioutioed In !at week's Wkt Suite, there u a musical eutcrtalumeut Riven at the opera house by the Novel lu quartette Haturday evculiig. There waaafalrslaed etui appreciative audi etiee, but noti lug like the one, It In are tu say, hloli will turn nut to nice Monmouth's s wt singers If they urn nt to favor this city with mother aj pearaeee t here vu apparently soni little nervousness, on the pari of tlx linger at first, l.ut this medlly won off, and the house mhid realised that a treat u In utore, for with each selec tion the quartette appeared to gnln In eonhdenee hiiiI voice and carried thel listener liy storm. It wmild l uuful (ornate any comparison, for hII th mleetlnimwer exceedingly well rcii tiered, frequent recalls attesting the) preelatioii f the audience. The quai telle were skillfully accompanied b. Mis Ground, Um the piano, HVIiiH'Klinslut.HiH'eoiir laat repot the following dntea nave Iyii elmngw on our mulling llt: IV L I'Hiiipl ell Monmouili, April lSmi; Mary Cnmi bell. Moniiiouih, June J. tlrlga by, lu.lvp. ihI. ikv, Auguet lt; W. O t'ook Inili peiiih nfe, June ISitt; J. (i Van OrmU l, Iiuh-iKMuti uce, April lstm M. 8. Ihirrla, liutcjieinli'iu'e, January lMHt; W. W.Colllna, Huver, April; Uu lJenilug, Eugene, June WW; J a. Crav en, Monmouth, Septemla'r W E. I. Harria, ('Mwely, April lWtt.J. M. Van duyo, liidipeudenee, March 18; Mra H. A. IVker, IndHndeiMe, May ISSft J. It. . Hutler, Moumoutli, June lMki U V. Itoyal, Sah'tit, July lfWft; T. Fen- nidi, IiuU'iK'inlotiiv, February l3j II. A. Newlotl, Portland, Ot'tnher 1896; J J. Hecker, Welle, OeUtlier 1SU5. Kastkr HKRVumThera will Iw appropriate and liuprvtndve Fjwter ar- vl-e at the llaptlat etiutvh Huuday evening, to which alt are cordially In vited, The floral decoration will be exteualve and of great beauty, much pain having beett taken by both eburcli memtiera and the Hunday achool ehUtlren to render the Interior of their church, a well atheprogiam, In every way worthy of thlaoeeaalun. MahkOimid Timk. It la aald that I). 8. Taumi, of Moumoutli, came over ou hi wheel from Dalian to Iudcpeti dftice laid, week lu J tint 40 mlnutea. Till U a remarkable good record, txm- aiilcrlng thcuufitvorablenlate the road wcr I n. StatiSTax Paid. rOierlfl I'luiumci and Deputy Aahlmiigli have buat for two week collecting taxe. with audi giaul r.wiilt (but enough ha liecti paid lu to lliUldate the eliite tax. O Ing to I It let fact, the county court hn decided to pxietpoue the time of declar ing a lenalty of 1 per cent until tin lat day of May, after which nil tnxe unpaid will tie aubject to the iieualt.t and the prox rty wild nutlet execution toaatinfy the county' claim against It t'Atx at tiik Hank. The tax pay er or huvcr autl ltuena lata p re el ncta, a well a thoee of Independent and Monmouth precineta, are notified that the tax Hit of their rexpectlve ireclurtn are completed, and coplca have been left at the two bank lu till cl'y and alm at Monmouth bank, where they should promptly call and pny their aaeeaMnient The llta will l oien until May 1st, after which the taxtn will be declared dtilimment. ('ot .NTY K. 8. t'tiNVKNTloa. The Pnlk County Hunday Hchool ctuiven- tlnn w ill I held In Dallaa the Sd and 4th of May Many lull ntiiig feature are aniiouiicetl and a large attendance la exmctcd. The service will be held in the Diillna rrenliyleriau churcfi, bo nnfugat littl p m., Friday, March 3d. All Intereated in this and kindred subject are cordially Invited to attend. Uha.no Lodok Dkj.koatkh J. E. Hubbard ami It H. Ferguson have been lected a delegates from Valley lodge, No. 42, I, 0. (). F of Indcieiideiiee, to repreacMt their .ndge at the grand lodge which meets lu Kulem, May loth. Mra. M 8. (.loff was elected a delegate from the Ilelwkalm, In attend the con vent Ion of that order which will be held at the samepluceon the ISthof next mouth VV. C.T U. Meeting. The regular weekly meeting of the Ifidependctice Union will be held In the CliriHilati church, Friday afternoon at 8 o'chaik. All lime who are Intereated In the work of the Union are riHjtiestcd to lie present, a there will lie an election of oflleers and other imiortatit matters to come before the meeting. Minimum W hi out. The Kouthern Pacific llallroad Iiasjust sssued a cir cular Informing shipiers that the minimum weight on car loads haa been increased from 20,000 to 24,000 pounds, and all In exceaa will be charged at double regulur rate. Hhlppers will know how to profit by projierly load ing cars. An Untimkly Fkoht. The heavy frost of lust Thursday and Friday! caused some uneasiness lo the minds of many, as It was feared that It might Injure the fruit tree at present ust budding out. Ko far, however, no damage Is apparent. The steamer Alice A. was drawn oft the Halem-Indepeudence rout for several day last week, undergoing repairs and receiving a new engine Friday Captain Hk in tier gave the little steumer a trial spin up and down the river In front of town, and found with one or two trilling alterations, which were soon made, that his new machinery gave perfect satisfaction. With the added horse power and other Internal Improvements the speed of the Alice A. has been greatly increased and the time used In the run from Balcm will be reduced nearly one-third. Young Ulankeiiship, who has lieen working for Prescott & Venous, left the first of the week for Wlnlock, Waah., where the firm has lumberh g literests. Ho took over a span ot the company's well woken horses, to be used In the logging work along the Cowlitz river. W. 0. Hliarman, at one time engaged In the merchant tailoring business In Independence, paid friends In this city a visit the first of the week. Mr. Bharman la now over on the coast, In the sheen raising line. There .w an h ciw before Jullit the peace Trvlm Monday, which be the whoWday, Hie lieet elinrt uf tw attorneys and the prvwenw of a Unre number of witoaea o bring to a aettlc ment. It waa a civil action to reoove money, Milt being brought by A. II Palmer avHliist A. Jordan to enforc the payment of a certain prouilaorv t te, dated June, bill, for tin sum t 10 and Interoat. Judge 1 1 vine took the mailer muter advisement for ahort time, Anally giving Judgment lit favor of the plaintiff for annum netl for. "V take pleasure In recommend I n Chamberlain's ('ouch Hemetly becaiiat it I praised by all who try It," ant J V. Cox A Hon, drutfKM, Mrahtleld Oreiron. No one antleted with a throat or long trouble can ue this lemcdt without pralaing It, It alwaya gives HMnipl relief. It laeaH-elally Valuabli for etild It rellcvea the lung, ninkee breathing easier and ulds est pcet oral Ion A (vild w ill never reault In piieumoiili when till remedy Is taken ami reason tbla ram exerclwd, tor ai lj AlexandeK'tH'H'r Dnig Co. With the opening of sprlog come" the annual reiorl of ae ere ca-ta o rallMad fever In Aatorla and vicinity, Tin season the trealmeiit of tin db- eaaehaslaen liilrueietl to A. II. Ham mond, a prominent contractor, aoi be i doing hla Is) to secure a f''l-e right of way for the propoaed (Jlol road, Work Is expected to ta-gln in aahott lime. Frank Hheimrditoii, an engineer on the Soul hern PneiuV Hy., who realdts l Is Augelea. t'al , waa troubled with rheumatism for a meg time. He wn treated ley several phynlclaii, alao vlalt il the Hot Fprloga, but Mvlved no pernmnent relief until he used Chnmherlntn' 1'iiln Halm. He say ll Is the lieat mctllelne lu the world for rheumatism. For a'e by Alexander- CtaiK'r Drug Co. Mr. W, W. Lyons, who haa not entirely recovered from the etl'ecta of a recent surgical 0emtlon, left Wednes lay for Houihern Or hi, hoping by n change of ellm tie and scene, to recover r health The U-at withes of a lnwt if friends lor her st'dy and complete recovery attend heron the trip. The Kllijenti dlegallou thrtmgh this city Momlayon I be mint h- biiuud tntiit homuwar.l Im iiihI from the Kpwitrlh league coe vein ion held In hitlht last week- They were enter- 'allied Monday, night by theb- fellow worker of the league in Corvallls. Among the mimtroti commercial travelers seen ou the streets Haturday wr.s Adolph A. Kraft, the sUshlo autl well knowti knight of the griark, who I now on the road fur Main A Winchester, the huge linriicis and addlery supply houmt of Hun Frau- laco It Is learuwl that M. I,. White, a former cllizen of till city and well known to old resident, waa some four weeks ago married to Mr. Witt, Foster, in estimable widow lady of Knti rn Oregon, and l at present very comfort ably established at University Park, Portland. An unusual numlier of visiting hurch jieoplewcre notlitil In lndeate deuce Friday and Haturday, drawn here by the W.C. T U. ctitinty conven tion, a reHiit of w hich w ill be found lu another column. Vfter a very pleasant visit at the home of 8. C. linker, Mr. and Mr. F, Christian and daughter left on the Alton Monday morning for their home In I'omcroy, Wash. Kev.J. A. Towuseiid, formerly the Presbyterian pastor lu Ibis clly, but now pleasantly located In Newport, ou Yniiulua bay, came up on a visit to Iiideismdeuce Monthly. Miss Mai tie Iiongacre, a teacher In the public school of Hnlem, has been Visiting friends in liueiia Via.a and this city. Ml Loiumere eieut Hun- ay In Iudeiendi;iiec. W. W. (Collin, a prominent farmer f Huver, was In towu Friday, on bus. liens. A Mirtiou of i ne tHisiucss was transacted at this olllee, ami was fur from unpleasant. II, A, Fuller, left for Idaho Monday morning. He will be gone for some months, and exH-cts to engage in min ing should the opportunity present Itself. To restore gray hair to Its natural color a lu youth, causn it grow abund ant and strong, there I no better pre-; paration tliaii Hall's Hair Kciiewer. Hnls'rt Hteel, Jr., and Kverct Hilti- brand, of Huver, were here Haturday njoylng the sunshine and business activity of thi city. The pleasant weather of the past week has Imhii an agreeable change, nd has greatly Improved the roads In ml alsmt the city, Jits. Helmlck, one of the conim Is suers of this county, waa here last week disponing of some sn peril nous farm produce. Tom Zelber, of Monmouth, left Fri day for Tacoma, Wash., where he ex pects to secure a position In uu electric power bouse. A. P. Hradlmry, traveling for the Iregon Cracker Co., of Portland, was In town Huturdny. Itev. K.H.HIekafisise, of the Christian church, arrived from the north Hatur- lay morning. Miss Cora Goodwin, of Morrill's ranch, just across the river from this Ity, was a pleasant caller at this olllee Hiturday. Don't forget to save a quarter for the dr.ima, "The Hpy of Gettysburg," on April 27th. t2 - Prinevllle, Cook county, la agitating the question of a public telephone system. Mr. Wheeler and wife of Huver, were guests of T. W. Halt and family last week. Cusslus Gibson, of Jllokreall, was truiiHiieilng business 1u this city Hatur day. W, E. Connor left Wednesday for Portland on a business trip. The steamer Elmore came up from Portland Huuday evening. The river Is falling and the water growing much clearer. M. P. Baldwin went to Portland Monday morning. jr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wor "air Highest MsdalaadDlpleimv The lluctta Vista Amateur dramatic club ll d such aueess with their pm' duel Ion of "The Hpy of Gettysburg," In their own town that they have been invited to repeat It In the oera htaiss in Itiilciiciideiics. The Hay I billed for ins unit of April, ami a crowded limine I anticipated. The Independence lunoli counter ha changed bauds and wilt hereafter be run on a illllcrent basis, by an exr- Icnced restaurateur, His trade has al ready Is'ituii to nick tit, and a great many Kople have atiiinunceJ their In txiitlotiof trying his Ih cent chlckei dinner Hunday. Tuesday afternoon there was a sud den and rather disagreeable change In I In. went her. w hich continued during the night. Heavy showers, aceom paulcd by strong winds, gave the air a keen etlge and thoroughly laid the dust which had Uguu to annoying This olllee la III receipt of an abstract of Hie eleventh census of the United Mutes, a neatly bound and haudy reference Issik umti the Important subject tt treat uf, for which Hon, J N. Holpb will please accept thank. Tuesday morning an tltuersntselssoi grinder made hi paruc on the streets, having ambled In from Halein. He did a good busiues for some hours, and then cheerfully rcauinmi but llltlt at mI I through the valley. The Illuminated sign of the A. O U. W. lodge, hai glng at the eiitianre tu the ball on C stMet, was broken Monday ulght lu some manner, iinlb lug but Hie tin frame surviving the fall to the sldew alk. The (iiiiiiterly report of Mra. H, C, Finch, secreturv of the Baptist Hunday achool, had Inst Hatuntay, resirled an average atteudance of IXij H scripture verses learned, and $IU otdltH'ted. There will t service at the Calvary chinch three milcasoulh of Moumoutli, Sunday, at .V.'ltl p. m., and In Mou moutli at 7::jo p. m, Itev. l 8. Fisher w 111 tifllclate at both services. Itiley D. Ctsia-r, whobaslaeiisuirvh lug from la gripp for several week, I Improving lu health and excels to gi aslofthe mouiitaiu lu a short time to still further rwurale, Mrs, Narclssit W. Kinney, aftsr ileaaaiil visit among friends In this Ity, went to Monmouth Haturday evening, and delivered an address at that plain Hunday night. Millinery tieulug Friday and Hatur- luytlie 12th and l.'ltl A Mrst el milliner has been employed, ladle are invited to attend. Mrs G. V, Moots, Monmouth, Ore. The subject nf liev.J. Fred Jenkins' liscourae next Hunday (Easter) morn- ug at the Baptist church, will be, "The Power of Christ's licaurrectlon." Mrs. Hulilvau, one of the officials of the MtlhmlUt hospital in Portland, w as a guest at the home uf He v. J. H. Snilili last Monday and Tuestlay, Knox, IheOnaier, Is dally In receipt of early vegetablra, suclias lelluiti, pie- plant, cauliflower, etc. Hpeak for what you want, a they art) soon gone. Mr. Ablsd, the well known horse man, brought four of hi hltssled horses up this week to train ou the Iudcpen leiice truck Hi I at-ason, Why do you pay 25 cent for a meal. when you can get a good one at the Iudc'mlcuce lunch counter at any time for IS cent. A. 8. I-takeand W. L. Wilkin were elected deacon of the Baptist church of thi city, at the tsmveiiant meeting last Haturday. Easter services at the Congregational hurch next Huuday al 7-H0 p. in., by the Huuday schisil; special music for the iHTnainli. Miss Bailey, the Htiie but energetic malinger of the Vlava company In this Ity, went to Portland on Tuesday afternoon. The steamship Hlateof California Is gain ou the Porthiud-Han Francisco route, after Mug laid oil' for a number f week. "The Hpy of Gettysburg," at the 0ra house Iiidctic iidcme, April 27th. Admission 2ri and 3.1 cents, children 15 cent. t2 Dr. T. J. Ixh) was calleti to Junction City, Wednesday morning by the III- liens of his mother who live at that place, W. W, William, the genial land- ird of the William house, returned from a visit to Albany the first of the week. Mra. John Miller, of Monmouth, left on the Allona Wednesday to visit friends In Powells valley near Portland, Miss Florence Catcrlln, of Halem, returned to that city Monday morning after a brief visit to friend In tin city, H, 1). Cooper, travelling salesman for a Portland furniture house, waa visit ing Infill merchants thia week. VV. I). Mitchell, representing one of largest tobacco llrma In North Caro lina, was I u town Wednesday. The finest assortment of garden seed In the city, and at lowest prices, for sale by Knox, the Grocer. ltcv. O B. Whltmore will preach an Easter sermon Hunday at the Congre gational church, at 11 a. m. Miss Cora Hindi, who haa been teach ing In McCoy for some time, la again In IiidetKmdeuco. Have 10 cents by get ting a good meal1 at the Independence lunch counter, for 15 cents, Last month Portland paid the trifl ing sum of i"2 ll) for electrio lights for public use. There will be a crowd out a week from Haturday to see "The Hpy of Get tysburg." t2 W. W. Perelva! shipped JUKI sheep to Portland on the Altona Wednesday morning. Have you been around to get those onion sets? Hold byKuox, the Grocer, C street. Mrs. N, W. Kinney left for Corvallls on the southbound train Monday morn- Rev, 0. B. Whitmore is holding special tine tings atltlckreall this week. Mrs. Andy Tupper was visiting friends In Balera Wednesday. Ii. Itohlnson, the well known capit alist of this city and Portland, came up Thursday morning from the latter city. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder . World'a Pair Hlgheat Award. Itev. J. II. Lister, pasUtr fifth Chris tian church, Albany, OreM will preach In the Christian church of this clly Hundsy morning and evening The choir will render an authetu at the morning service. Everybody wel oolite. F. M. Brown, a nephew of Ja Har ris, bss arrived front Lincoln county Ksu,, and Is linking about for a place tu loouUt, Mr. Brown la accompanied by hut wife and Ave children. Mrs aud Mra, J. II. Goodman, o Eugene, earns down Thursday after noon on a visit tn their son, A. J GiMMlman, one of the prominent merchant of this oily. Uwlug to unavoidable delay lo re otilvlng material from Han Francisco, the Hunday paper will not make Its apamranoe this week. It Is prtaulasd fni the Slat Insl. You can And the latest sty lee of men's ooloml laundered shirts with oollars autl cuffs attached or kerate at Van- duyn, Veness A Wllooi. Vanduyn, Veness A Wllooi Just received a new Hue of men's, women's and children's lua from the factories Vanduyn, Veness A Wlloox are in market to buy wool, hides, pelts, furs, pnUttM and bacon, W a stud A place to do general bouse work lu a private family. Inquire al WtcsT Hi il office, A new line of stylish silk fur ladles waists Just received at Vanduyn, Veness A Wlloox. J. J. Hecker, a successful young farm er of Wells, was In town Tburday. Poor Indeed! The prtMpact of relief from drastic cathartics for person, troubled with oonsllpatlon l r-Mir Inds- d. True they act upon the bowel.. but thia Uiey do with violent, and Utelr operation tends to weaken Ilia lolsaUnea.aud Is prejudicial lo Ilia stomach. Hoslelter't stomach Itinera is aa flaetusl laxsllv, bat It never gripes Oor enfeetilea. rurthennur It pniutuUM digestion and S regular action of lbs liver sad tin kidneys, ll is sa rflohml barrier against sad remedy for malarial eom plalnts and rheuinslUru, sad Is of great benefit Ui the weak, nervoaa and aged. A s medietas) stimulant It cannot be surpassed. Physicians cordially recommend H. and It professional indorwineat la fully bnrns ou by popular sipsrtenn. Appellta sad sleep ars botb Improved by thle agreeable lavlgttr. ant and a'terattvt. BORN. KUNK Born, to the wife of Peter Kune, a daughter, Wednesday, April 10, 18U5. ' III LI.I AUD. Born, to the wife of Ed. Hllllard, a daughter, Thursday, April 11, iKirt. Republicans, AHeatloul You are hereby notified that a meet ing of the Itenuulleao dub is called for Tuesday evening next at the office J. D. Irvine, to elect eight delegates lu the Htate Conventions of Clubs, at Portland, May 22d. J. A. V KM NHS, E C. PKNTI.ANl), Treelilent. Hecretary. Kepublleaa Delegates Elected. The Monmouth lWpubllcauclub met In its hail Tumiay evening and was A Having lately purchased the Bankrupt Stock I am prepared to sell Hardware CHEAPER than the West. Gall? and be Stoves and Tinware Paint I have come to make my home with you and will soon have a fully assorted stock, and at prices to suit the times. A share of your patronage is solicited, and will be appreciated. F. E. CHAMBERS, Independence, Oregon. Corner of Main and C streets, Opposite First National Bank, culled to order by Chairman J. H llawley, Tlie following delegi.te were elected to the Htsts Convention of Re publican Clubs to be beld la Portland May 22d: J. II. Hawley, J. II. Moran b. 8. Hmltb, Frank Ltioas, I. U. Pow ell, H. W. Doughty, H. E. Epley, W A. Glnu end J. F. Powell, Hie Wovellu quartette sang a very pleasing selection md I. M. Hmltb made a few appropriate remarks. It la understood that an effort will be biade to have toe delegates from this part of the ctruuty attend the con vontlon In a body, and perhaps an ex ourslon for that purpose will be arrsng ed. A Speelsl IsHUIIon. The Evangellml church, of Mon mouth, will enjoy a speolal fftsipel meeting every night next week, under the auspice of tu Young People's Alliance. The president of the sill anoe, Mlse Nettle Crosby, will have control of all the meetings, assisted by Itev. L. H. Fisher, the pastor. The Young People' Alliance of this church la oomptwed of aggressive Christian workers and take thle step to advance the cause of Christ amm g them. A special Invitation Is ex tended to all Christians, to come aud make the meetings sucesaful. Com. on Christum Wokk. BIIIoni Colic. Persona who are subject to attack of bilious oollo will be pleased to known that prompt relief may he had hy tak ing Chamberlain's folio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It acta . quickly and oan always be depended upon. In many csaee lite attack may be preveuted by taking this remedy a soon as the first Indication of tb disease appears. 24 aud 60 cent bottles for sale by Alexander-Cooper Drug Co. County Court. PHOUATg tXil'HT-M'KTH Jl'tKlK. In case of estate of Iteubrn Cave, ! is5ased, the admliiiitralor was charged amou ut of appralsuien t -I'JUt. Final sc4tuut lo mailer of J. A. Demi. sey estate was presented and tb administration closed. A doubtful claim of f 70 was set off to widow. The executed of Isaac Hall estate was charged with au additional Inven tory of ftt&S. B. F. Hinllh, executor of Wot. Bums estate, waa charged with $1,708 aud credited with l178. Final settlement of G. T. Waller estate was act for May. Helm of P. dolman estate are to be died to appear May 7, 1 KM and to show cause why there should be a land sale as petitioned for, CX1MMIMJHI0NKKH' OOt'RT Henry Byerley, James Helmlck. The time for the payment of taxes was extended to Msy 1st. The Hoap creek bridge contract was let toC. P. Itoyal at fm, there being four higher bids. The road petitioned for by David Peters waa allowed aad J. D. Kelly, A. M. Holmes and B. W. Fletcher were 8 At wholesale prices. At less than wholesale prices. appohitd to meet Af . 'ir the same. N Bid for furnishing wood for county were presented by Geo. feelby, Uu. Forssell, P. M. Collins, K. II. Cliapfn, D. Van Patton, John Dunlop, Dan Hy ron, Albert Meier, J. W. Elliott, Henry Fern, Henry Vogt and diss. McDon ald, the lowest bid per Her for oak being W cents and the highest 11.25 and for Ar the lowest II and the highest 11.40, BILf-S ALLOWED. T. ft. Huntley, freight.., $ 6 00 Wkst HlDK, printing...... 29 00 P. Tragi lo, 161 loads of ssnd .... 4 68 Hprsgue A Crunk, b'lksmithlng 1 60 Hievens Bros., two rosd scratiers 60 00 T. 8. Hurch, quarters salsry... 200 00 Jacob Nash, keeping pauper, ... 10 00 Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.... . 6 76 Lyman Damon, road grader.... 75 00 Clislfelter Bros., book ,. 1 90 Ilrowu A Hon, Mdse..... . , I8 60 Margaret Mason, pauper 21 00 11. W. Beckett, assessing 76 00 Monmouth Mercantile Co...... 81 00 D. Hinltli, supplies.,,, , , 2 OS s. Carr, lumtair , 8 60 If. G. Campbell, salary. ........ 80 00 Electric light , 8 00 Dan Hyron, work , 8 00 Good Huiiiarltan hospital 28 00 Copy of records.,,.,,,.,, 8 76 H, B. Cosper, March salary..., 62 60 Prescott A Veness, lumber., .... 14 40 J. 8. Ashbaugb, salary,....,... 60 00 11. It. PI u miner, salsry, etc... A 196 68 U. 8, Grant, stationery 21 80 T, O, Hutchinson, salary, etc... 71 40 2 60 12 40 7 60 W. A. Ayree, wood C. W. Washburn, bouse rent. . . B. Williams, mdse Alt bills In connection with Con lee, Uucher aud Ivle were allowed. THE HTATE 8. H. CO.WEJrTIOJr. A Forward Movement Calculated to In crease Interest In This Work. The Huuday school convention season has oned this yesr with marked in terest among tbe organized counties. The Multnomah, Clackamas, Yamhill, Marlon, Polk, Lane, Benton, Washing ton, Douglas and Josephine county sssoclalious have already met, or are making arrangem -nts to meet within the next few weeks. Large attendance aud increased Interest Is the general report. Plans are well under way for the state convention to be beld In Portland May 7th and 9tb. Thia will be the annual meeting of the Htate Associa tion, aud Is expected to break all prev ious records tn point of attendance. The programme will be of practical heneAt, taking up almost exclusively the more reoeut methods and plans for enlarging aud bettering the Hun day school work which have been tested aud proved, aud are being adopted by nisuy schools. Prominent place will be Riven lo Normal Htudy, in its bearing on the preparation of tbe teacher, and Its use In the achool, with definite sugges tions for Introducing it. This will doubtless bring up tbe question of establishing a uniform course of normal lessons for use throughout the state, and the appointment of a State Normal Committee or Superintendent. Primary work will also receive speo 13 Convince D lal nation. v ; ( t ;:';3ent of the U-J..?, w . . . : be tacsht, end parties.:-. . L-i d action of kindergarten priacf;.', mill be presented by successful primary workers. These pspers will aCord material help, in Information and s'.-j-gestlon, to every person Intensted In the teaching of the youngest children. Among other upl on the pro gramme will be tbe Home Class De partment, House-to-brase Visitation, Field Days, Grading, and the Use of the Biacklaatrd. The convention will open Tuesday evening, May 7tb, and close Thursday afternoon, May 9tb, the sessions being beld In the baud- some new edifice of the First Congrega tional church, at Park and Madison street. Arrangements srs being made for tbe entertainment of all delegates, aud several new feature are anticipa ted, w hich will aid to tbe pleasure of those In attendance. Tbree-Llnkers Will Celebrate. Tbe Odd Fellows of Dallas Intend to make quite an event of the 28th of April, and all tbe I. U, 0. F. Iodgee In the vicinity of Dallas will be Invited to cs.ierat. It Is tb Hunday nearest the 20th of April, the 76th anniversary of the establish men t of that order In this county, and tbe event will be observed with all the usual energy and style of the three-linkers. The mere fact that the Dallas lodge people who are noted as royal euterialnera, have taken tbe matter up, will guarantee it success. Right Arm Paralyzed! Saved from St. Vitus Dance. "Our daughter, Blanche, now fif teen yean of age, had been terribly afflicted with nervousness, and had lost the entire use of her right arm. We feared Su Vitus dance, and tried the best physicians, with no benefit. She baa taken three bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine and has gained 31 pounds. Her nervousness and symp toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely gone, she attends school regularly, and has recovered complete use oi her arm, her appetite is splendid. MB3.B. H. BULLOCK, Brighton, M.T. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Dr. Kilos' Nervine I sold on e gsaltlve gnaranu0 that the flrtt Untie will benefit. AlldruioclKUaellltatll.e bolt lea for 15, or It will heaent. prepaid, on receipt of price by tbs Dr. UUua aiuuical Uo, Eikasxt, lotL in this city, any firm in wi ys