The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 05, 1895, Image 1

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    1 eta
-f i'e 010, aPo
The Best Newspaper
Is th on that give th most and
freshest new. Convpar tht WEST
SIPS with any pPr In Polk county.
As en Advertising Medium
Takes tmb Lcad in Polk County.
. ..'.
iL1 -r -JT' er
VOL. Xtll.
$2.00 Tor Year.
Fivo Cents Per Copy.
No. 20.
, ami reaideuee, corner liadroad
aud Moumoutb at., Independence, Or.
Deutiat. All work warranted to
give lbs beat of aattafactiou. ludopou-
dose, Or.
Law. Will practice iu oil state
ami federal court. Abstraeta of title
furnished. Onlce over Independence
National b.
O uoyn at law. Otliea in Biwh'
bliwk, between Ntate and Court, on Com
tucroml street, Salem, Or.
SASH AND 1)00118.
1Y1 nfwturer t wti mid iUni.
Also, aeroll awiug. Muiu street, I udo-
slcrkt- wociktifa
. Iodgo, Nik 23, meets every Mon
day night lu I. O.O. r IihII. All sojourn
ing brother are Invited to attend. K.
1,. Ketehum, M. W.; NV. O. Cook,
VALLEY LODGE, NO. 42, 1. 0. 0.
V. Meet iu Vuudtiyn't bail every
Thursday eveuing. All Odd fallows cor
dially invited to meet with us. Jmnes
A. Roberts N. O.; A.J. llooduiau, Secretary.
I Xi Meet every Wediiesdsy evening.
All knilit srv cordially invited. ().
A. Kramer, C. J. Ji. Mot In, K.
of li. S.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
H. HlllKHuKKO,
Vice President,
. Cashier
A xenorel tmuklna; and exchange business
lniDutrtt; loan made, bills (Uncounted. em
merclsl crwllln gnuUeJ: deixwiu rcwelvwt on
current rcjaul iuljuct to cbetk, murnil pld
00 tim deiiiwlM.
B. V. Hmlth, A. Nclmin. t. A.'f AUvn, II. W.
JlH-r.ii), A. J. UuoUiimo, l. W. Heun, H.
Commenced Busines Ma9
KtUiiilialied by atlount Authority,
of Indepcnileac, Oreijoo.
Capital Stock
J. 8. CUOl'KU. I W. ItOliKltTHO.V,
rnnliledt. Vic ITwddent
W. II HAWLfcY, Cwulftf.
jr.S. Cooper, U . HotwrUon, Lewis llelmlck
O. W. Whltettker, W. W. Collins.
A general banking hunlne traniuipted
Ylnyn and sells excliunge on all ImiK.rUinl
Id-tKwIt received subject to cheek or on cer
tlflte of deposit, tollwtlons made.
OfH( liours: a. in. to t p. !
Polk County Bank,
P. L.t-AMI'ltKLU.
I it A C.i'OWKLL-j
H President
Paid Capital, $30,000.
J. H. ruwler. P. U fnmpbell, I.M.HIrnpon
J. il. V. Butler. J.H. Htuiup, F,H.I'owull
Jowpli Craven.
A general bankluK d exehanifS buslnass
tranwuteil; loans iiiikIh; dep.lls rwelved
ubjet to eliei k or on cert itlcats of deposit'
Interest paid on time dunosll.
-Flre prK,f vault and burglar proof safe,
secured by Vale time loek.
)ijio Hours: a. in. Ut i p. m.
American and Europoan.Phn,
THOS. GUINEAN, Proprlator,
Hevenlli and WaKlilnt'ton Hts,,
havins a Bteam
engine, a brick macbino and several
anr-na ixt finouf. nltiv. Is now Drcparea
to keep on hand a fine quality of
IJrLck, wnicH wiu De Bom k
able prices.
mn. t,. IJSfe if
What Will Bo Britain's
Action ?
South American Crisis
A Grunt by Vouoniola to American
CltiwtiH iu I.ttiid CUiiuod by
Ureal Hrltalu.
FARHUI LT. Mltiti.. Anrll 2.Ioii.
nld Orant, a wnltliy lotnnu-tor o(
thisHty, with W. 11. Fliir. Into limn-
agvr of tlw JKilutti & VltmlM'ii U. It,,
urn J. A. iuwtntui, a (irtm.1 Haw.
Ml h Imnkor, Imvo Just tvturmi rrxnn
Vi'iu-iiuoltt, wlmtv tiny olitaliiiHl a m-
wmlun ,.r imiil nt Uio immth of tho
tuliuM'o ruuiilmr 133 miles aouttiwtu-d,
rnun urt.n to ilfty ml h WiaL and
It U rlrh In inlm-nild, iimliH!iiny, nsu
wti nml dyiwHlM. 'I'lit'y ulii liar
.1 rlulit to initio nsphtilt mi n hiiihII
wuinti n,ar Trlnldml. Tlu k.viuIIciiio
will IuvomI a kmh ili;d of -idtnl In
wni kiiijt tlm romvMMlnu mid KiMlutr 1h
tO lH IIUIIttlKOl.
Washington. Arrll 2.-Tlurt In a
sront dtitl moit lu tlu news rrm Farl-
itftuit of tlu irnuit of wnttwtoii hv
V'iumlu nt tlto niotiiU of tho oiliiix.i
llmu la Indh-atiHl In tlui 1tlMwtt.l1.
I'liU amy Im-iviiio luore or
Uf fiiinoim In tlm history of tln dl-
liomny or tlio l uitt'tl UtaU'n and
Uront llrlialn. Tln i-oihvsnIoii Ik woll
o.ilciilnted to tiriiiK to mi ncntt Hinco
uu iwwt tioiitdoimiHo illiliuiititli qiion
tlon iM-fotp" tho ktate diMutfinu-nt nud
oiui widt h hni cnusiHl lite ii.liiiltilsira-
tlon moro nI fuiuvrn llsitti th Al
Itain'ii affair, tho Into
tllKiiuto and other litu-ma-
tll'lltll t-lllstHlcK
I ho iimcosf lii In In tho hrart of a
torrltoty hmtf In (IinhiIk Ih-Iwoou Von-
sin-In mid I ; rti t Hiltaln. nud AiiiImim-
? hhir Uaysinl fur mih tltiio tm iin-
y Ktrtvou lu inxttrdaiut' with a n-wo-uiU'ii
rtHi'iilly ndopiiHl hy xut;rt'iH,
o iMWtindo limit llrltnlii to diihntlt
tho vIi.IimHiki1i tu aildtmtktn, t;nat
Itrtutln iM-itisc wiuliur only to aHsltnit
K-jdiiii what Ik known ns tin St lu-iu-
x-ru lino. Tliorv hare Itooti lutltiiatluiia
that tho ndmlnUtratloii hi tho (rout
f a tihyslcal ttintlU t ovvr tho dlxnuitM
liiiuls, mlttlit diviii It necessary In tho
enfont'tiient of tho Moiiroo dK-trlno
to follow tin tho HKirnl nltl It tins ton-
iiorwl tn oiiKiiil(i Willi mom miiu-
staittlnl atwlktanoo. Tito fact that rlt-
lxenn of rhu l idtml Suit. hy Ihl iim-
(mnkiiii nro thrust, mi to sx-Mk. Im-
wcoii (irettt Iti'ltnlt) nml tho I
State, considerably ImrrawM the
measures of tul iforenimenfa ro-
1 ho land included In the coitccKNlot)
Ix tho rlfal sdnt of conlllot lH-t,wwu
rent llrltaln and eiiexuela. rho Int
er U the roiumorelal center of South
Vinerlen. Wlui-ver wiitM ih mouth
of the river will control thin sreat
oiumerco. tSniit Itrllalu hna taken
possession of i'utita Harlim, tho tnmiili
of which Is t tho orltbH'i what tho
Inland of dilhraltnr Ih to tho Miillier-
nuiean. Hho tins iiIho eiiiliM-d a iiiivul
Sperling Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meats
IlighoHt market prloe paid
for fatHtock, Uf, mutton, veal,
pork, etc. All Ml must 1 nettled
OPEN" BUNDAY8 FROM 8 to 9 a. m.
rse n
Fine Photographs
Crayon Work
Pastelles Jf t
India Inks
Water Colors
Photograph Gallery
Independence, Or
1061 Market it,, Kan Francisco
(Ilctwcen 6th and 7th Hts.)
Do srid lesrn how womlerf ully j ou
lire miule snd how to svnlil sl knew
'mill illiwMe. MuwiutiieiilsrgtHl with
thounsiids of new objects. Adult-
inn Vh r,M
Private Offlce-wnnie Ilnlldlna
10.11 Market Mtreet-lilwucs of niem
utrli-ture, Inns of msnhood, iliw:ui of the skin
snd kldnoys quickly cured without tlis use ol On r
cury. 'irwtmcut parsoually or by lotUir. ttend
for book.
If yoiiwantaOoodiiuare Mcnl tor
25 Cents
. Oo to the
Chicken Dinner evervHund iy Mealn nerved
at Hll hoiirn yuan nt , inuiwiiii"w
Get Tour Washing
done by the
and leave your orders witn.i. v. i
... .-smiim rL i f IkT
Oltlie Hlm HUKfl, Who Will ll " .vour
house for the wushlng and deliver It. when
ilim.. I
atatlon on Trinidad Wand. Just off th
mouth, llor clalina ouihraoo Indh
hauka of th atroam at tho mouth. It
I a oart of this Important strnlcBlle
milnt that Vetiesuela now urntits to
I'nltmt Htntea elllrt'tm. Tho iimeoa
slon near Trinidad Mauds In hound to
m tho Island of 1'ntoa. u la very near
the Hrltlsh nnral station nud lutitlcti
larly rich In asphalt.
Tho iirtHiciit iHincosslon la tho most
otuphntlo (hndarnttoii of o tieislilp
Voueauola has mado slnco l.HNl. In
that year a concession wua mado. to
Kltmrorahl and Turnhult, clilxctm of
tho t'nltwl Statea, of a jwrt of this
Orinoco territory. It wna about to lie
oMratod by a l ulled Xtatoa commis
sion aa it Mnnoft coiiiMiny when (Itvat
llrltaln enteml audi an emplmtlo pro
test that Voueauela camvlled tho con
iwsloii, Hlue tho conflict Is'twecn
Omit llrltaln and Vcneatiela has
waited through illplomntlo chaumls,
now Voiioauoht rcasacrta her rlhts
ami turn them over to United Htates
Tim liitenHtliiii question thus arises
"What atopa will now bo taken by
ureal uritain to assort her clalmsf"
and "will It omlenvor to iirevent tho
1 ultoil States syndicate oiierntluir Ita
WtBihWurttw,, Arll 2.-0. O. IC-kfoil,
I to til Stn.-s cooiiul at KloiMtiHi, Ja
likiloii, litw wtitlil Jio scite diimrt
tuent ikf tl.o h.f it by tho hsrlMlotlrit
coumll of bin Mn ml of a Irtll dcMluimd
b lis'rif uk.'Vt'V'fcUly tU ini,lniiis du
lled on many aritclesi luikjiitl from
UMI I'lUtOU Mjtn'S.
Itii.uioH Aynw, Artl 21Mi f.thnil
irmiHl Jury htm onl'vl Ui Halut tfov
enmioot to dilivsr Julsn Spnuir Hal-
osir, wissto extruiuia.m ni UrttlHli
liavo Uuitf lNon tra ins; to oldaln. to the
lirlriMh Uiawht to this city. II will
n rakitn to uanlim to atwwnr the
ifliartfiNi iiuido aimiiust him Jo counmN
Him witii Un ootlaiiK of Hto lll.utor
innkllmc is!rtty and allieii comvrus,
Him fniluro if wldoli nilmsl tlimwituis
of ivrtsmia wIm luol lnretisl tMr
nsmy Jtt tlw iliffunivt concern. At
tho ltiiH irf liU tjlirtit from Knulnml
KUfisir wiim a imintsT of jwrllnm.nd:
rroscoit, AH.. April 2,-Thero was
.1 terrltle explosion of 1H Mitimls of
k'lnnt Miwder In tho Ohio mine of the
Mescal Minim; nud Mlllliis company
thla afleriiimn. llro ineu were mn
oimly Injumt.
(ialeslitirir. Ills,, April 2 In tho
tenth conifroaslonal district O. W.
I'rlco of iialoaburir, republican, la
ehstcil by alsmt 3,iiis.i plurality orer
llastlan, democrat.
A Terrific Storm Swerps Umatilla
ami Walla Walla Counties,
UaLlh SU.I lluviu.
rKNrt.irnN. tr., Apm a-siwrirr
Hiitbtcr la out afVr tho INuy Is))-,
wiuiii'd for In ho Htmilliur. Ibmry
1'arr, llUk'lit unl e(olnc iuhI plmttl
imdwr kill, fitllwl to apts-ar today.
aiwl tlio oltlcicrii boNiWM ho lum tll.
Tlw orlwrti wnntl ar not yot tnuiHl.
Tito I'arr Uya nro mcmls-ni of th
itntHirtotM band of hoc ami c.uili-
thlrin, who Imvo ben opera Hiik In
thl.1 country for llftwn yiir. are con
sidered a hard g:iun ami hare often
lniKirlhl tho lire of deputy ah-rlffs
hy (vvriMtlm; trwt. 'Jliia 1lmo friend
noUlled all but Henry and allowed
Bltoill ft ciuinco hi (Mil no.
I'cnillototi, April 2. U1Hirt Come 111
from die Miirruumllnu; country that
Monday's Mtorm waa tho worst for
thirty youm In JVndU4im It was
mostly a iltwt atonu, but In other
phuvs It did danmifo. Adrlon r
eclv'fid at tlm O. U. & N. tfMiiimoy's
otllein iy tlu're U not a wlmlmlll
sttirwlliiK on tho Hru iNd-wei-n Pom lie-
ton and I toll i JuiMitiim. In Alhetut
nisi vlclnlry nfliH'n WlmludllH blow
lown, ami tlio InudsM ynnl ure m-nl-
tered nil over otwn at Helix, and at
Wll;i Walla jMint! of the roof of the
MiNnirr ih'isit and wnirilioiiw' were
Horn out ami a I ink bulhlliu; wim pnr
Wally wns kml. Tho tiiil'tm cntno In at
ruhdit ami nro all dolaj-ed from four of
c.ro4n if tho lif irl tnwtlt All
Uliiv,m;!i ,i!hls) His'tlon tlf ft ir wua black
with domm cloitdn of diimt ami a fierce
utorm raifed for throe hotira.
mk.h. OTiiArroN dkao.
8ttttl.( April 2. Mr. Julliw ftrnt-
ton, wife of the proinlnoirt attorney
nml ex- iH-rlor Judo, ilhsl thitt eren
hue aff jr a bmji Illncan, iirisI 4k yt-ara.
Ibn maiden naimi waa Martha L.
Powell, and she Ured many yetiin In
Hitih'tn, iMirloK boon1 iiiitirrled there.
Sli waa a co win of Oapl. W. H. Powell
of Portland, nr.d a nho of Mr. Ja
cob Oirlo of Wisslbiim. Iturlal .will
take pined In Pontland. Uv-nHc!
taught 5liil In Hailom scvonil yeara.
IVJho, Ainrll 2. Kiks'IiU Agi-nl lbsin
hum rts-olvod ctrlilllcaticM lUitnu-heil to
an allldavlt: ninm whlfh seven nllcKod
Olilnem biintttiTM men tt4il to land at
Port Townm-wl. Ilio corllllcali-a are
Mlifiufsl by Ilolxo bimlni-oa inoa. Smiio
of tlio Hljnwiituro are IhsDU'VimI to be
CupgHitliM, but: hoiiw nro linxhtiiiuti.illy
(?intln.o. Omly on 6f tiho Olilno waa
liver Iwre ami he wus rwii a nwrdiant.
Phllaiddliiiiliihi. April 2, Sprcckh' au-
nar refinery closed down today for an
Indellrilto KilIod. Tbo rellnery MM a
Inii'lfo 1'k f Hiirfar on lwirwl and M
wan) WioiiiKliit iudvlifllo to HJwiit down
iitiitilior Mian work on hliulf time. Two
lilionsintil mon are iihrown out of eni
pliiyiiiojut. IIiaCIINS STILL LKADS.
Dover, Del., April 2. The century
murk wun reached In balloting for the
!lll(o(UH, to ex-United Slates Senator
IllCk'lim. Tlio Kxith ballot i-cHiilted a
follow: I1Ik1ii 1), MaHKcy a, Uhlo
loy 0, PtMimmwtlU 1, Turvnol 1.
new lnITustTiTstaIitino.
Lornliii', Ohio, April 2. Fire woro
started lat night lu tho big atonl mill
of JohtiHton & Oo. of (hi plnoo, tho
coimtructlon of which was begun nine
mouth ago.
i.i o
OIUMIUIIllJflOIl, fll'I'S .,-raoiraiur.n
Oron, hiiM l)eon uinkle in lnitemul
1 ,.n...
i juoae uiwk wuavw.
Will not Listen to Gov.
Republican Victories All
City Election In lllsHtuirl and Kansi
Almost Wl Out tlio
NKW YORK. April 2.-Mayor HtroiiK
has Invited i:dvurd Mitchell, , jr., to
liccomo police (Hiiiimlssloiior, and Mr.
Mitchell now has tho ipiostlnit under
consideration, A statement la publish
ei I lixlay that (lor. Morton went to
Mayor StrouK a verbal reply to the
latter a letter announcing his detoriul
nation to remove I'olice CmnmlsstoiierM
Mnriay ami Kvrwln, lu auhsinuco as
"If ymi H'liiovo tho republican polleo
comuiisxtiitierM you will iMiiliiuiier not
only all roforiu leKlslntloii, but tho fu
tore of tho republican of tho atato.
To I Ida Ktniemeiit from tho governor
It Is said Mayor Htrotitf replUHl that
Ida iidml wtis iuikIo up to remove Mur
ray and Korwlu, and that ho would
not chniiiro It.
Ijiwremv, Kna., April 2. Tlio repub
licans carried ovorythliiir todir, but
una couiK'lluiiiu.
Siirlnfifleh!. Mo.. Anrll 2.-Tho demo.
CtiltS eli'i lixl A iiintiiille t Hi. .In il. Ii.
ft. makliitf ;aliis over tlio hist inuiil-
cipai election, urn new council will
Miami deimHtnta Id, reptiblli-nna II.
Kethlllil. Mo.. Anrll 2 . Tho nnnl,tl.
cans elected ihmo t.f the four a Mor
mon liy kihmI majorities. , Tho m-vv
Uwihl Mauds m'veu repiililhnim, one
Joplin, Mn April 2,-IM, 1'orter. re-
puhllcttn. was elected innrnr. All
other repnbllcnna for Hie entire list of
city ottlcc wero elecletl,
Kl Iteno, O. T Anrll 2,-Tho closlmr
of tlm Mtn tonlKht ended tho bitterest
eampnUu lu tho history of tho city.
AitimiiKii i no return will not lw In
until tiiinorrow. It Is eonorally conced
ed tho republican ticket I elected.
St. Josetdi, Mo.. April 2.-Fluid al
dermen wero idooted ttslay, two demo
crat and alt republican, tnnkluii
(lei council now stand fourteen repub
licans and two democrat.
IN ST. Lom
St. ImiU. Airll 2. Il"tnm up b II
o'oLs'k bmlifht, bulhll I)m ibsfiHi
of six ivpiildliiin mimils'ni of lh city
eoitistll by a majority of front H.tssi
to lo,iM". Tw-lhlnla of Hie imiil-
Isr4 of tlm Iuhimm of th li-unlm will
pmlsdily bo n-putilliMns. Miovm Cra-
von wits ilci4t In th l.'th wttrd. lie
will ho tho fir ciJ.inil utiin to ail In
immb'tiKii ifornrrunent,
Hnqsirfat, Kan., April 2. The entire
tvpnl.lUtin ticket Wk'UsI with two ox-
ceptton, Ul ItlileiSMldetita BtUn two
Fort Soirtt. Kan., April 2.-lmlUn-
tkMia isdnt to tlio elm-Hon of the entire
tvimlilkvm Wckot, Wmnen tisk an un
iHiial lntirwt, llifhtlng fur prohlldtlon
deMistrntiiy, wtilch wna tho main la
tile. Ohli-ftiro, Ajr1l 2.-At inklnlght re
turn from tho oltsHon Indlcata re
piihllcnn oMiiIumI a onuplHto victory,
Memphis, April 2.-Flection In oltlc
of the first clnsa were held throughout
Arkansas today. At l.lttlo Hmk tho
deinociatlo ticket was elected, In inost
of the elt lea thero were prncilcnlly no
Toiieka. Anrll 2.i:ntlro republican
ticket, headed by C. A, Fellow for
mayor, la tdoctod by over two-third
Wichita, April 2.-Knllre republican
ticket, with tho exception of ono
coiiiielliiiuii. idocted by esilnutled ma
jority of 8,xx.
Atchison, Kn April 2.-T. 1. Wag
ner, democrat, for mayor, elected by
majority of fttiO. IJepublloaim elected
all oilier oftleera.
Salt Lnko, April a. Tlm woimin auf
frago (itioMtlon wna up before tho con- tit tonal convention today. The
crowd lu tho hall were o great the
nnllm hail to bo called In to keen the
eiitraiico clear. Tho first voto wn on
tho aiilmlltuto providing for the aepiv
rata huIhiiIkhIoii of tlm HtHTiago catii o,
Only twenty-eight delegates cast their
vole in fnvor of tlm hiiIihIUuIo. Kvcry
siiliKlltuto nml aniemlinciit was voted
down nml tbo mnjorlly report waa
Iliiully ordered to third reading.
Htm I',tvui'lit, Aprtl 2. Tlio
ut limy DMLfteit tiramk itotkiy wcire un
Mve rtiul a luiilf furlotigs-Whool of
FiMiliiino won tn 1:0NV4,
Hlx fitrlongH NojiIkiw won In 1:11.
Five Piu'liMig(MoUlo H, won In Hll.
Six fiurtorigi-" lloreiii won In 1:15.
llitr.llo, om fliral one-SHirtf niilh The
Lnrli v.ioni II n 2:-4IMt.
S.-ven fimUminigH Iloynl Fltudi won In
Liverpool, April 2.WliNit, isd,
steady; donwtnd inodcniile; No. 2 rod
winter -I U'jd; No. 2 red aprintf n 2d;
No, 1 hard Manitoba 5 2d; No, 1 Cal
ifornia 4 JVid.
Hoi. PrmillU! coast 2 10.
Now York. Hop alow.
Washington, April 2,-Tlil nftornoon
(!oiiinllHlonr Htitmrp, of tho Imnilgra
flon Imiviui, ordiM'ed dltt'liargil Fran,
Vim Hoot, Ihe Anitwi.'fp diamond Clut
ter ilil'iilimd tit New York by tilie lo
onl ImmilgmitHon autihori'ttai a an alln
conlraiot Inborn".
San FiHun(i!.NW, Apri 1. P. F. Don
ton, iwpMK'intilnig ifilia depcsltors- and
orodUbm of ho 'df limit Pncllle bank,
'fewlmy beignn a tl't ngailnt the for
imvr lilretjtwis of tho bank for $2,000,
000 allogKl to Imvo iK'on iunndjreid
flnid nillMiiiilMnriinlnilel by tliem. Ha nrt
ko auo ttlie MnDonnTilHUiuloltilK'trtrUx.'k-
luoldeira for f 1,000,000.
Sovoral Killed and Ot Iters Injunsl at
it Tannery.
Wohiirn, Conn,, April l.-Jut Uoforv
T thl muriilnir ono of the butlers lu
tho Connecticut tannery exploded with
ten mi; force, killing live men and in
juring lx uiher.
Tlio dead aro: John Parker, foro
uian; Patrick Ijtlly, llreman; Frank
McMuhoii, night foreman; I'nirUk Me
Oonnglo, oiler, ami Hnuiuel Tracy.
Tlm Injiiivd ate: John Kenny, John
Tracy, Patrick Itlloy, William Ithlno
lavs, Jutitoa Dlxou, Octnvlua Snuii-
Patrick lllley died at (ho hospital at
2:10 n. in., iimklhif tho slttii victim.
Tlm seven men missing Imvo lievii lo-
ntiHl. .They woro tint Injured.
Theiti had Ihhii troiililo wlih tlm
boiler for aoinn time, and early this
morning John Parker, tho foreman,
wa called to tho boiler-room to aio
If It could ho flxoil. It wna found tho
water supply could tint lie satlsfactor-
lly adjusted, but this waa remedied.
I' Ira minutes Itcforo 7 Parker entered
ho hullor rooiti nud orderod tho whla
tin to li blown to start tho work.
I ho rope attached to tlm whlstlo wa
union ami Iiistantlv there waa a fear
ful explosion. Tho blir Iron smoko-
siack on I ho lodlor Imuso waa blown
high into tho air and fell across tlm
roof or tho shop and tlm tall brick
iiiimioy re 1 1 into iiuiusnm is of i lei-.-.
rushing Into tho ctitlno room bo-
tieiu ti ir.
Men hurried from alt iwrl of toun
and the work of removing those burled
under the milts un emu mod Imine-
llately, Plte iik crlea of tho infunsl
PIiiiiihI timiei' tho dohrl tirgisl tlm res-
net on lu runlil work, and In a abort
(Into tho IsMlltst of four men had been
removed ami alx Injured had l.tocn ta
ken out.
A Hoy of Seventeen Kill III A-
M,.1,t,i,,tl Wa.l, 1n.II I .t..l
..'.,'.,...(,.,,,,, ,.it, ,' , ,n r, i
rrlilnv Kiimtiitn ItnrT slu.t iu-l,' mi.l
kltliul Wllllieloi I 'l.l.thi.r tlm 1 1. iff
rnneh fill Wlilln K'slnuiii rlvnp In llila
county, Ono bullet passed through tho
ucarr, it una ino riini or an niter
cntlon over land rlghl. Huh claim
h fll'l.,1 III M,lf ,t..fl,Mf ll.h unci till.
dooensed assnultml It t in with an axo.
1 1 u it i BgiHi it years,
PiHiIuml, April l.-ICudl Carlson, a
Vornvglrtn llvbttf n-nr Wiodumgnl,
Wat.'i , cniKnl Uin (Vriuiidiht with four
oUier to IIkIi for amctt In tile Sandy
nvor. A imrrvnt drove Uein on a
snag and npt the Usit i ho four
nion girt out Init CnrtMon waa drowned
Ho waa in yean of ago ami lit only
support of a wldowijd inuthor.
Iilrntltlnl a F. K. Rood, an F.xpcrt
Sli'iiographer and ArroiinUiil,
Wliu l)HpM'red in Noveiiher,
ASTOltIA, April l.-On Siiitdny
harle Tlmiiia nml Charle emit-
linnet In going up Heaver creek, about
eluht tulle back of Cathlnmet, Wash.,
discovered tho body of a man aiamllng
In tlio creek leaning against a treo on
tho bnuk. Near by on tho llmtis of tho
tree were limiting tho man under-
lollies. Ho had on trousers and a
otig black ulster. Tho Ixidy wa Iden
tified a that of F. K. HimhI. who left
'atlihunet In tho early part of De
cember for Waterford. Ho had pvl-
lontly boon divtd over three monUm.
Hood came to Oregon a year and a
half ngo from Omaha, where ha ha
relative and a wlfo ami child. He
wn nn expert Monographer mid at
oimtniit and for aeveral year wa
employed by the Armour, Cudnhy
:o, of that place. W lion ho eumo to
Iregon ho worked for tlio llapgood
nnnoryiiian and Inst August enmo to
AHtorln In tho employ of ono of tho
camierle. Tho latter part of Novem
ber ho disappeared suddenly oeing
short severnl hundred dollnr In hi
account. Where tho body wn found
I ono of tho wildest pnrt of tho
country and tho only wny ho could
travel wn by waning tno nmuiio n
tho stream. Ho I supposed to have
died from exhaiiKtlon.
Kh'.W YOrilv. Anrll 1. Tho World
any: Tlioinaa A. Kdlaon nml hi pho
nograph nro going to Join hands once
mora and tho wizard of Menlo Park
promise Improvement ami novelties
vhlcli Will iiHtoniMli ino piimic. J m
ilionogntph lina boon controlled by tho
orlli Aiiieiicnn riiotiograpn company,
hlcli went into I no minus in a receiv-
last August. The company wa cap
ilUctl nt $ii,(mh),oim) In 1S.HM nml Jan.
. t.lmitncott. tho iiroiimlor. went In-
inn when ho found it wn a H.xlo,
ho receiver ha nlverllxed for bid
the entire iinhcI and Killmm a or
of tlSi.ixio baa been accented.
Mr. FiIImoii Kitld: "Tho company ha
!) asset which I am willing to pay
mgii price ror: inai is n ciaiui on
mv fuliiro InveutloiiH and Imnrovo-
til of tin; phoiiogrnph. I do not
o to have nny ono ciso liavo tt nen
tnv brain, ho 1 mado a bid which
nvi1 Melief 1 1 in ii nil other. 1 slinll
mnniifaetiira tho idionograph myself
now nml extinct to keen nil tho itr mi
llion I mado when I tlrst Introduced
mm. I nni going In for the house-
Id Instead of tho nickel In-llio slot
iclilnes nml In n abort time expect
produce nn entire opera or a com-
iln novel no n cvlimlor. I HIUHiiiHl!
it will cost, mo $2,000 to Imvo the
opom ;f "Norma" sung to n inacldiip,
but I can reproduce mni on aimost
a ninny eyllnder na I please. I think
l can nlTortl to pay ini aiarior more
tlm u Harper nml newspaper have,
no that nny getillcninn enn have 'Tril
by' road to hlni In his parlor In Iho
umirHo of nn ovonliig."
Ohlongo, April 1. Hio April report
of .lilii Ortuige Jud.l Fariiivr make tlio
oondltlon of whoiit 8.'.:i, or t,vo iwlnts
lwor Main waa roporloil Inst yon.r lin
iiiiMllaWy nftcr tho severe March
fitX'XA Tho oondltlim on the Paollle
coiiHt I vory high and If nunliilalmtl
will iiimku a rcHiord for the year In the
nuititcr of yield.
London, Aprti 1. A Pfill Mali On
isntita (llxiwitMh aaiyia Wwiit In order to re
pliwie Dim troow :lmiit hnvo been sent
ns nilniforooiiion.t. to Culm, the gov
orniniwli wlill twill out 20,000 men. 0w
oral Onimpi, who ta tw nwmine full
couuivnirwl Jn Ouiba,, held a fniwell M
dllMico wlitli ibli queen rcgont last
Hold Elections for Mu
nicipal Ofliecrs.
A Mixed Result in the
Alia the Tltlieiis" win la (lie Utter
-Light Voted In both
DALLAS. April l.-Tha city h-Hlon
brought out a vorv lltrlit vote, un tlie
jweatb-r w oold, tianny and dls-
ngrnoania an tiay. 'now went only
TM ballota itiM whU-li were dlrlib-d
aiming tint w -vera I unrwttdatoa aa fol
low; MAYOR.
W. L, Well, rep 1.12 U3
. II, Mtilr, Umn , 87
D. P. Sioufffr, rrp so
J. P. Magnnlor, dmn. lj
J. M. firtint, tlem 1...VA) 71)
A I Dmy, rv so
First ward:
lltnite Itlnck, ............. 41
K. Cadwoll, ry.. 41
Sifand ward:
I, N. WoiHlaN'a opK4tU!oa.
i'hlnl wards-
It. IL Tunwr, dein 2H
8. J. (lout, rep 65
Tho tie liotwoon Mr. 11 luck ami Mr.
C.mI well will be (beaded by tho council
in uiu usmu inannor or urn wing lot.
M, Mirrlaon, n old and rtq-fad U very 111 at hut home In thl
oily. C C Sntflli, unodivr woll known
ottlron, la very low, In fact not riisrl.
il hi live. Ho la .m man 40 year
ii, nut lum bma ailing tlire or four
fin I.iiwiu-tli KgiH lr thl dla-
trlct, which embrncoM both side of
tlm valley from McMlunvlllo to Fu-
gone, will Uvin a four day' Mwtin
liiTu Thurwhv.
Tlw Prext t rlnn mlnlsttprit trf th
uti will h u.l an anneal int.lng here
Uginidng Tuemlfy of next wek. It
la extel Iswwn elgtity and one
liumlrod will bo In attemlaoco.
Woodburn, April 1. The first city
election in lie held under tho now
chnrtor bsik plac tialay. There waa
ipilto an amount of enthusiasm dis
played liurlug the tiny and the cltl-
xoua' ticket waa successful. The re
sult la a follow: .
MityorJ. II. Scttleinler. 129, Mr.
Young 81.
Recorder-!. A. Knight 211.
Marshal -W. 11. Itroyle 121, I Hoi-
leiilwck RH.
Tn-asurer-W. K. Wnxer 213.
Council men -Two year, J. Doud
it.'; II, C. SiM'ticcr 2: one yeiir, John
(iate 212, F. Toiiillnsoi) 2ut.
Tho total voto cast wn 2KI.
Hohwi. Anrll 1. At the city election
toiliiy Dr. Wm. I Steele, democrat,
wa l,sitmt tiuivor. The vote stood.
St.(., dotms-wit. 1.107; IR'kley, ro-imbtU-an,
1,000; Rl, pnpnllat. 740.
'h, n-pubtn-o-' si polk magla
trat. dty bxaaurrr and flro out of
novon fttdonnon. Tile demoemta and
IMipullaui ono aldorman each.
Kugone. Or.. April l.-J. D. Mitlurk
nia ebsMed mayor today. He waa at
tho ImvrI of the cttJxona' ticket
A Delegation from Clitongo Call upon
uia tixwieticy.
WASHINOTON. Ara-U 1,-The pwa-
Moot tlda niirnln rocolvwl a reiiro
sontiatlve dolegatlon of Chlcagikitw In
Ixdialf ot tbo lwllivg cltlxena trf Chi
cago, lrr(nvtlv of rwirty alllllntlon,
to Invtta him to public reception to
him Of and Mm. Ckwt4nnd, a nn cx
piHowkm of tho aijironlaitlon of Ida
NiofMtfiiMt preaorvaiilon of a "aoutvl na
tloiutl ciirriM"i'." MoiiilH'ni of tho del
egation wei: WlllUim T. linker,
president of tlio Chlcngo lwnnl of
tivtU; (Itsirgo W. Smith, ex-pnldont
of the Union Lwigun club; John A.
Roelm, ox-iivayor; T. W. Harvey, ex
pixsldent of tlio Civiniuerclal club;
David Kelly md Henry 0. RobHna.
Tlm pnwldent expremul his grntltlcu
tkn, but gitve no nHiininc of hla nc
neptiuw1, saying hla diiith might iv
ipiliyi hk pixviMice In Wasliilnglon for
,iiuo time.
A Hisikivtman for tho delegnthm Mr.
Rubbln drnctillwul their rueepthm na
"Wo wero recoil v(h1 vry plown.ntly
nml explninciil to tho prenldont the
r.on-paittlMau tlltanutter of tho Invita
tion. Wo also told 11 1 iu tlio bllKlne!
men of CliliNigo hcnillly endorswl the
movement, WhUo U wn lnlondod n
a p!nnfll oomplilniunt to him, It hnd
it ntlll furlhor mmtlve In view, Uio de
velopnmtt of an aggressive stvund
money atnvtlinetiit throughout (he wettt."
Ilo Couldn't Fumlith the Nmwmry
Hond -Fallon Women's Home.
PorUinniil April 1.J. T. Ilnyno, ed
itor of tliu A. P. A. organ, flits city,
who waia recently olootod school clerk,
stuitit In hU ro-ilg ititlon last night, hav
ing b.Min uniiblo to furnish a bond of
$150,000 reoulml. Mr. Allen, the
prcMiwitj Ineniiiiibemit, will conitlnua to
not n clerk.
Almut twen.ty-flvo of tho lending
toillrti of MilH dty mot htay and took
loi tViiWkiird milwlng a fund to cabin
llwlt a lioniij for fallen women who de
alro to live t'holr life of shame. The
mooting was liho result of Wie recent
whohmla nrrests of women hi disrep
utable liouse.
ltiiUlmoro, April 1. Cnpt, Morolngcr
of liliu MteaniHlilp Ln. OiMUiNigno mw In
port, vliMlted Fort Mtdleniy tmlny and
exhibited to tho HoMlors tho now Ger
man rllla wltJi . wihlcih he did remnrk
ablo shooting. The rlilo Is one of tho
first made by tho Oetrnmn government
from brund now Involutions of Morcor,
lilie groiiit Oormn-a llrennn Inventor. It
I of !52-ciiiilliliri' anl tiho lw,wxil la made
of tlireo tubes, ono buddo the oth on
tlio annuo plan m' Wia Knipp gun. The
iwwder uawl la HiuokeUm Flvod
alomg nt Wis holghit of the shoulder
tlio biilhit will go nirly two miles
before lla force Is snout and nt 2,000
yiards It wiuilrt jIerce bisllea of seven
men, on 3 behind tlio other,
Highcit of Ml in Leavening Power. Litest U. S. Gev't Report
1 1 i i-T
Phnrlsalo Trayprs May Ita Lltaiou
and Are not Privileged.
Urn Angeles, April l.-Judga Clark
toilay ovornilml ft demurrer Interposed
ny iiov. j. v. camptiois in a suit charg
ing him with slandering Ml Tcsa L
kbimo, librarian of the Los Angeles
public library. The basla of the action
was a prayer offered by the defendant
Imfore Id congregation In the Flint
Methodist Episcopal church lo which
he said:
"Oh, I,ord, vourhttfe thy saving
grai-e U the llhrarlan of the IO An
gide city library and cleanse her of
all sin and make tier a woman worthy
or nor omee,
Tho reverend gentleman In Id de
murrer took the poNltlon that his state
ment was privileged, The court held
that a slander can be (MTpei rated In
tho form of a prayer a readily a In
any oilier form of siieerh and no coin
umulcatlon made by a parson or priest
to hi congregation I prlrUcged be
cause or such relation, mile, per
Imp, when made In the discharge of
hi pastoral duties with one subject
to the discipline or the church, and
then only when made without malice.
St. l4uUt' Itoonl (4 Trod Addrtacd
by Mt. IVmsth.
St I!la, Ajirll l.At cbwlng bur
tuslay, Pr(dnt IWstiJi callesl Uie Mer
clumtrf exluingo to on1 nl Intro
disixl Mrs. Ilalllngton Itooth of the
Sitlratton Army. Mm. lWvith, sold this
wait tlio Ilrwc .time Htm lui.l ever had
tlio how of nilitriwitog em h nn audi
eiMn SIm r-firrl to tlio f.srtncr cim
Mtit lit Salvation A nny wna l4d In
and tho cluing which bud come over
tho jssijnV Now, lnMta of fJlngs
of riugruuue, tlio (4itHt-baM ami the
ssple were lending tln4r aid hi every
W"rii R-Uva tlim A nny," alio mid, "U
rsrt orgtuilxtd for the piirjKMO of Hiking
away from any ulmrch Ha imubcrs,
but to bring tlwnn more member by
rodeomlng from sin and darkr-mta tjuwe
wtw are found In tlio highway and
byways, tlw poor, nmnly and fallen.'
Mrs. lbiotli's Munrki were llatoned
tu attentivtly.
A Module Man K'Ulml and Indemnity
I NOW IK-luamkd.
Tartniav April 1. fleorge Iaclil,
cbwIu of Jim ltoiicJntt, Die NUjiiaJly
I ts tin n mnlUMiie iiuin wla wtia murder
ed flire wivkn nN Itaai been harang-
dng the Menuuly tribe and asiys Unit
forty of Muni 1U imm-U tlita wek ta
Mia-kli'-Slusri; rcMcrMttlon and d:nond
a big Itwl. Mindly of Hm rHnttvea of
Jerry Doiubikv who killed Iloudiott
lxuitiso lie fnlusl to cure IKsmlnlcs
ohtldrea If tlio Imleimtlty I not paid
iMiMitlc ami bis hiUvca will be lia
ble, aoootxllng to Indian custom, to be
killed at any time.
ProgresHo, Y mil tan, April 1. A
(Milng bark Jiwt In from the Uulf of
Mexico rxnwrta having encountered
two unknown bwis, heavily armed
with, and app;iren.tly woll
eipilil with niunlllons of war. When
liallod the bout made no nply ami
tlio MexUtin tlidnrmen, being afraid
to make any furtluT advance, escaped
from the hstUlty aa fast aa jssislblo.
It la tbougfat tlasilw nmy 1-nve ooine
Utiring on tlio Cuban rttolut'lon, al
though It te rejsirietl tlwt they are pi
nitea, manned by renegade Culmns,
a tul courting nlhmt tlio gulf and along
the eunwt of South Americn. Tm-re
liavo Ikmti a ntnulxn of at range i-e atn
wliltln a few days In Prognwo, Cam-
peche, MerUla ami other jKdnts In Yu
cnllin, wIkwi buslnve la unknown, and
who arts evkbnttly Cubana, It ie al
lege,! tlioy are Inaurgwibt, ami are In
Mexico for tho piinswie of gaming re-
emit for the rebel iviuse. ,. Cnla has
miiiny aymiKitliliU'rn la Mexico In her
attempt throw off the Spanbfli yoke,
Springfield. 0., April l.-Whlle the
Into Confederate general, Alliort Sid
ney Johnston, lay wounded on the
battlelleld of Shlloh, April 0, 1SC2, a
Union soldier took the general s gold
watch. The soldier soon afterwards
obtained a furlough, and tit Canton,
III., pawned the watch to John Fisher
for (104. Fisher, while In Richmond,
Va, recently saw a picture of the late
General Johnston, and Informed De-
tecttvo John T. Morris, of this city,
thnt ho had tho general's watch.
Detective Norrls yesterday recelvod
the watch, with Instructions to for
ward it to Johnston's heirs. On the
Inside of the watch the name "A. 8.
Johnston, C. S. A," Is engraved.
San Francisco, AprU 1. Today'a
riicos were aa follows:
If mil", OTiiihlena, 2-yenr-old-Jyp
''Wo, -gelding, won In 0:50.
Five nnl a half furlongs Soohulln
won In 1HJ9.
Half milliiv ninildcin8, . 2-yomir-oltls
Wilillliiiin Plnkertiwv won in 0:10.
Alxuvt six fiitlonjjs ArneWie won In
Flvo ami a half hirlongs Rloartlo
won In 1:08,
Five fwrtonga Mainstay won In
WnMUlnigitirin April 1. It is stmUJod
tthiut tlws atinte dtiWiUfcinent has been
notflfledi tiltalt an lauifem slilpbulKUng
firm lwia praniiml to fumlidi Cuban
lnwrgerm wWi a toriwlo boat at nn
early dny fully equipped. The Span
ish governmewt la stilt! to have asked
the United States to prevent such, a
bottit fVoin kHvvlns; the United States.
Ileglnn, N. W. T April l.-Tho
oourt house containing a! the records
of the Northwest Territory, was
buimod last night wtlitih valuable gov
ernimenit linpors. Tine Jmige's library
cannot be replAced. Tlw loss on the
building Is $30,000.
Washing-turn, April 1. The president
toilay appointed nineteen postmasters
In cities where the otilees today be
came presidential. Among thorn la'J.i
II. Bradley, at Hamilton, Mont 1
COLlJMnUS.TmhT" Airtt l.La4
Hattinbiy Mrs. W. II. B. WIIMam.
wlf of a real estate man reMkdlnf at
Grove City, a village about eight
rulte uitbat of Coltrmbua, arrived
In tlio city wltii her dire children,
Anno, a i; il u, Maud, agid 12, and
Harry, al 7, and reMterad at the
Park hour!. Tliut morning about 8
o'clts-k Mra. William left (be hotel.
About 3 p. m. flie cttfumxT7Bild found
two tttiiblron, Maud and Harry, dead
in bed with tJidr Utroatai cut Tiwr
wam m lbsty raxor on the taut ot th
bed. Mrs. William arrived tlaai after
noon &rul would rust rw.i-ml hi
daughter Anna to enter the room
mhv, win lama, ma wire ami daugh
tcr,, wwra locked up at Uie police ata
tlMi iemlltig an mvetlgatlon. Mrs,
William Mlwrwnd no erldenoe of Inenn
Hy ansl told die story of tlie borrlUe
crime In a oalm voice. She aald alia
lm1 uavle up her ndnd la at week to
kill Imrm-if and her children and came
to Oditmlma for lit purpose.
Remarkable Provision In the Last
Will of a California Lawyer.
Tho will which a man leave may
be safely taken as aa exposition of
his character and as an Index to the
biwlneaa way of hla life. In aharp
contraat to the late James O. Fair"
will, with all lu evidence of cvnl-
dsm, suspicion, possibly revenge, and
Certainly small respect for the law
and for tho Integrity of the courts, I
tlio will of Alfred Barstow, an Oak
land lawyer who recently died. It 1
true that be left an estate of onlv Whlch look Insignificant In
comparison with Mr. Fair, but that
make no difference when we analyze
the essentials. Mr. Itarstow was a
kindly, modest, generou man of
more titan ordinary ability. Ills home
life wa Ideal for It sweetness, har
mony and comfort, and the high
worth of the parents and of the home
which they made Is generously reflect
ed In that of tbelr children. But It
I better that Mr. Bar tow' character
should be read In bis will, which con
tains the following unusual provision:
I desire my estate to be distributed
In accordance with tbe law of tba
state of California.
I desire my widow to be executrix
of this will, and that no bond 1 re
quired of her In any proceeding grow
ing out of her trust I authorise and
empower her to sell any and all real
or personal property belonging to my
estate at private or public sale, with
out tho order of any court or tribunal,
and thnt alio have as full and free
right of dlKMie!tlon thereof a though
the title or all said property vested In
her, and my only object In making
this will I to facllltato Uie settle
ment of my estate.
I think that no man should have the
Iower to go farther than this. I do
not believe the dead should meddle
with the quick. When a person la
once comfortably laid away, let him
cease from trouble, and let the living '
carry on the business of life. Very
probably the dead one will have all
he can attend to If the "religious doc
tors' are half right as to the "truths"
they hand ont
The novelty of this remarkable will
lies In the first and third paragraphs,
as the provisions of the second are
not uncommon, if this will doe not
discover a particularly lofty character
wo havo read the riddle of human na
ture In vain. Its first element Is a
dignified respect for tbe law and faith
tu the honesty of the courts. It sec
ond Is the peculiar third paragraph,
which, iH-sides sustaining In spirit the
first paragraph, calmly lay down the
rule of couduct for others, making all
who may read and heed It the bene
ficiaries of Its provisions. Even' the
grim and somewhat Irreverent humor
of tbe last sentence carries a lesson.
The last paragraph give the neces
sary Inference that tbe maker of
will has no rtgbt to leave his property
for any purposes other than those
specified in the laws of the state,
riieso laws were framed principally
to serve in the case of those who die
Intestate. Mr. Baretow's only tarla
tlon from their provisions Is the relief
of his widow from bonds and tbe
handling and disposition of the prop
erty by her without the supervision
of the courts. Tbat he should be less
lenient than the law and show a
greater confidence In the widow with
reforence to the rights and interests
ot the children Is a private matter
with him and her and is one with '
which tbe public Is not concerned.
S. F. Call.
The Salt Lake Daily Tribune think
the ewuiruienit of a new thrift hoe
nothing to do with tlie lower prloe for
hogs; yet In the sameorildo says, "the
pooiile have beeonie so poor that tho
umUMWriauirtiiitlon of the country is
tKimotfliiIn enormous." T his applies
equally to hogs as tt docs to wheat,
) nd atigwr, of which' gwerntuent
slatUtlca ttlunw tiiat dtvretused quanti
ties have been consumed by the people
slwe the present nkuidntortraltlor camo
Into power. People who are out of s
Joli, orwluotse wages harts been cut
down, have not becm buying- pork very
frooly during the last two years. Their
suinnl' oif currency was not eiastlo .
enough ta nffard them even the irsual
qwiitttiltiy of bwmd to which they for
merly luttl been aiectistometl under pro
tection Awarded
Highest Honors-World' FJr.
A pure Grape Cream of Tirtar Powder. PrH
Bom Ammonia, Aiumorany oineraauiurtni,
1 v ---. r