The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 08, 1895, Image 3

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    All Kinds of Gordon and Flowor Soodo, booidos lots of Good Things to Eot ct Pcuty & LcoUo
official Paper of Polk Gaunty
West Sids Publishing Compan
FIUDAY, MA HC II 8, lStt.1
SrX'KfelT StK'lKTlli
A C " - lNl)ErENHENCl
iluv nlnlil lit I. U. O. r hall. All aojn'Htt
iiij nrmnor are hiviihi in m-n t, r.
1 Ki'lfltUllt, M. W.S W U IOH
li -tvritcr.
r ALLEY LOIX1K. NO. 42, L O. 0
V K. Me' iu V -iitluvn liwll ev-r
"I iitirnvliiy pveniniJ. All OiM follow tr
Ii.iUv mvtosl t inoe' ii-, J inn
A. Rola'rt N. U.; A. J. (iunnnmn, Ntv
r iomkh loiku:. no. K. r r.
Ik M'fl every Weilins!)' fv'mu
kuiclit oiv VHirlmllv inviUM, U.
A. Kramer,
of I.. !.
C. C' J. . Mm In. K
r? 1 K ETC 11 CM, M. I). OFFICE
C. hihI resKliMi, comer Kmlrtwii
iutt Aloiimouiti Nit., Iuilet'iiliinv, Or,
rMi. J.
li. J0UN80N, UKSlPKN'.
L lVutisl.
All work WHminU'il to
Kivelhe btwl f satisfwnioii, lihleieit'
ileuce, Or.
J Law, Will practice iu nil tt
and ftclnrl poortH. Abtntrl of title
furnished. OHlee nrer ludepeudt'uoe
.tlOUIll tfUHk.
uey Ht Law, Otltoe in bush's
lilnclt. l-tivu Stale uiiii Court, on Cum
tiiereial strtH"l, Salem. Or.
U hihI tlnwrs
Main strtvt, Iuil,
A is-l, Tllll SlWItlk!,
pmulei v. Or.
fa to Bedrock
5Q Loaves of Bread far 51,03
4 iiouuil.s superior Swlii, 2r mils
2.1 oz. Baking Powder,
1 poll ml Tea,
1 jiack igw ('i)ITVf,
5 (mil nils Haisins,
go ths Fricss
r li bum Savon Soap No. 1
1 gal. Syrup
100 pound Liverpool Salt
I 20 pound granulated sugar
1 00
f I 00
Fresh Oriinui Pickles.
Sgak Coal Oil 75
Fresh grown Northern seeds 2
packages fur 5 cents
Heed Potatoes Iijurly Itcse.
Coin try
Produce Untight and
At Proportionate Prices
R. H. KNOX, Prop.
On C Str., oppositePostoffice.
Iu the bent place In Indcpendftiice to got a
good meal day or night.
Oysters In any Style, Oyt Cock
tails, Porterhouse steaks, Coffee,
Tea, Eto.
Private Rooms for Ladies
Main Street, near 1st National Bank,
A fit (NAM AM DlKS -llmi Ye,
t Miiinniiu work in lulhe kltelu'ii, al
I lie I.lltW lititel died
wi!ii'tlim' during HuiuUy night or
Momlrty morning, 8iunliy eight
lxml 10 nYloek h wt'iit In IkhI h
imromly well, lie eoiiiiliiiiicl mtne
llMlif welling of I'lVllNl hiiHlng
lilm, ; ml II prt.tmlile lie illed of heart
tnmlile. Onexflilit r-ilv wine up
f Tin MeMiiinvlllw Momhiy and on
Ttleatlny tonk tho reniulim to Porlliind.
H n Yie vie Hit induMrhiim CttliiH
nmii dtirlnir hht nnj,,urn In this city,
Theiv Meivsoiiiu VHgne runioni tlmt li
tiiluht ( nv ! kihumI( hfemi; he
luid out nil IiIh niH'iio and silopltHl thv
AnxMlomi dreM, h Iheiv wwim report
Hmt he hmt (mliio In his stonmeh. hut
llicre In nothing in niillHiitmt this.
Hie fuel (hut ht whs t all siMHrHnpp
well mi rellrlnif, nn then U'lnjt found
tern! next morning winm n llltlu pw
Wkohiso Anni vkhmamv. I'r. mid
Mm.(). H. Ilutler, of thlHelly.eelehrutod
their wooden" weeding Mid tilth au
ulvenuiry of their ntii rrliivrv, In ihU oily
InxI Tuewlsy evening ii their elegant
rvlilemv. The niHin wer lieniillfully
ileeomted whh evergrtH'iis and cut
tloweix. Their ninny relatives at this
lilnee and from M mi mouth were In
ittenilmitv hml Hie evening w is do
llghlfully Hix'tit In UMiues siid other
iiiiiuw'iiit'iii, A inoNt Himiptuoun
upiH'r whs HireHil wlileu coaxed
lu-arty Hi'tlte from the itnitiy gtiesta.
lr. mid Mrs. Ilutler were the reelileitU
finally novel ntid UM-ful preseuls ol
proverbial wixuleii waiv. The evening
was iik'iuuntly sK'iit hy everyone who
wUlied the IHieior And wife iimny
inoremieh happy event.
Nkw Fikm. - Articles of luoorpnm-
i ln of the J K. 'I'lNtutiell Company
wan tiled hi the oflW of the secretary
late limt Thurwluy. Thvliienrporatnta
ire J. F. O'lkuinelt, D. H, Taylor, J.
IX Irvine, LC (iiliimre, I.ewla Hel
niek and Jerome Dornslfl. The
ipltal stiN-k Is $I,ooo and the dual
ness will U to ileal In hardware, sioves
mil aili'iillural Implements.
SociU. Pahtv.- "'he Misses Torn
Fisher nud MvrHe Miller !ave a very
njoyalilB mrty to a few of iiieir trieim
rtiurwlav. Fehrutry asth. The time
vas pli'nmintly snt In con vernal Ion,
nines, ete. A very uVllflniis luneh
served whli'h llnxte prewnt deelurtnl
imply tiuiueiist. Kveryone had an
xei'lli'iit time.
The entertainment at Rlekreall lat
Friday evenings under the auspleea of
he ('oiigregnllmial ehurvh. The ytv
ramme eonslsieil of quartettes, duetts.
moIim siid rei-liutlons, etc. The exer-
laes wereexiHdlent. Thmiith dinervlug
f selal merit Inn were the young
ientleinen' ipiartette, a du.'tt hy the
llsses Llwsle and Fanny Orr, a solo hy
Slinonton. nlso a solo by Miss
reaell, of Salem, whleh were nmdired
in a pleasing style. A recitation hy
Miss Finny Orr was eeclally heartily
received. Thn little folks gomlnlght
Irlll wii very prvtty. lU-freshmenis
ere m rved, all rc(irtlni an enjoyahle
vt'iiltig The net rwrclpt were ti").
tl. Anders ii returueil last Friday
from his trip t tt e Kast. Most of his
time wns spent In Minu-olls visiting
relatives and numerous' friends. Hr
.iys tlo'y had s nne very cild weather
hiti k there for als. lit two weeks, hut It
mm ui'Hli'hiled so that the snow went
i iff. Mr. Anderson hud a very pltD'ant
visit. The first of the week he left for
McMlniiville v here he will take a posi
tion will) K M. Wade & Co, of that
place. Our peopl" regM very much
losing Mr. Anderson as he Is a pleas
ant mid iill'.ililc gtntleman and a man
if sterling itliilitles.
The Christian Sunday sehwl will
give the H, H. sclmhirs who have at ten
led regularly for one month whliout
iiiIshIiik a Sunday h free evening's en-
terlaiiu t on this Friday evening,
March Hth, at 7iH p. tn. at the Oiureli,
All others wliuliirs wishing to attend
will tie charged 10 cents. Professor T.
(). Hutchinson will furnish the enter
tainment with a very fine set of sleieo
pllcan views. Thn usual price for the
evening's entertainment Is 25 cents.
You are invited to he present. Pro
ceeds for Hiinday Hchisil lilirary.
The steamer Klwisid came up Satur
day evening and did not start down
the river u tn if 10 n. tn. Monday morn
Ing In order that, she might take 475
sheep (l(in to Portland for W. if
Kiiykemlall, of Kick mh!I. Mr.
Kuvkendiill Is shipping ipille a nuiri-ts-r
of million to Portland this spring.
Tlie Kiwi Kid Is running in place of the
Altomi. It Is expected the Alton will
again lie on the route Saturday.
The county convention of the W. C
T lT. will meet In this cliy March 22d
mid Kin I, Friday and Saturday. Mrs
Narcissa White Kinney, of Astoria,
state president of the W. (!, T. U., a
well known lecturer, will lie present
and address the a-o)lH In attendance
on Friday evening.
There Is no cholera In Independence.
Supt. o( ihn Puget Sound
Clmiitiinqiiji AHHcinbly for the pawl
three yearn, will give an IHiih
I rated Steropticon Kntertain
nient, on the fanioiiH hook, "Jim
7r.'' Leading points of thin
celebrated book will lie brilliantly
portrayed by tneauH of one of
the finest double dinHolving
steropt icons. A large number
of beautiful viewH, illiiHtrating
the career of "lien Hur" and the
. "Tale of the Christ," will be
thrown on the large cauvaa.
And the Htory will ho vividly
CHILDREN Under 14 years 15ct
Aosirttluif In Him Millmales of the V,
S. lhoartitieut of Agriculture the
numlier of cattle In the Unhid Stale
fell from Stl.tUiN, 1 08 on January I, IU4
to34..HI4.SI0oii January l,m, There
was no ehaiige In tliw eUlumlid liuiu
lsi In Oivgon, M04,6 III U'sshlug
ton the numlier I iciessinl imm 4UH,lii8
to tM.W and In Idaho the numuer
deereawsl finiii 4lti,IM7 In 3W,MI.
Foster will (svur this year on April
Hilt. This Is the latest day on which
this festival has owurivd formally years,
Tin dale Hxed on Hie flint Sunday after
the full moon, ocourlng upm and after
March 21st, and may hupeu as early
. . .... a . . . I
ms ftiarcn u, or as isic as Apru
iMh, though vtry rarely approaches
these extremes. Iu 1H4 F-aatemconrred
on March 2Ath.
Tim hop growers, ipilie generally Iu
this vicinity are doing a large amount
of work on their hop yards these days
Hops hit growing tpiltc rapidly dur
ing this warm weather, lie hup
growers dlstrlhuts more lllnliey III lilts
county than nut any other class of
farmers, and everyone I Imphm for a
large prop of hops and uissl prlecs
Miss Jennie Merrill and I ten Merrill,
daughter and sou of V. E Merrill,
came tn town last Friday irnui I'uy
allupaud will live with Lew (IiskIwIii
and sister, Miss Cora, at the Merrill
hop yard scrims I he river. Mr, Merrill
will run (he sn e Imp yards that lie
had last year.
A serious accident happened Hi Miss
Mary Hldgeway, of Mill Creek, Moil
day, February i'llh, While tHiinlng
home from Sheridan the huggy In
which were her brother and hermlf
was overturned nn grade and her leg
Was broken. Uallaa (mecew
At the school meeting last Monday
evening there was a small aitcudtince
f voters. Jerome Dornslfe was re-
elected dlrwtor for three years and J,
I), Irvine was re-elected clerk. The
"lent report or ine past year was
read ami adopted.
The recent high water Iu the Hick'
real I washed the earth away hum the
hreakwater at the railroad bridge,
but the 8, P, Co., baa tilled it In Willi
three carloads of boulders, which make
It solid Halls TrwwvipU
The I'nluii Pad lb- Company tins
recently built Immeiise sitsk yards
at linker City, which are said to l
the most extensive west of IVnver.
I'lisl place Is (ss.ouilug Important a a
shipping pilut.
A large nuuiU-r of tl e country people
were In town irudlng Sstorday after
iiiniii. Our merchants are giving gissl
lurgiilns these day. The WT Sihk
tells jrii which of the business men to
Last Monday John Kurre, who lives
near this plice, started for Csllforula
for his health. l has lseu slllng for
nine time, and It Is hoted the change
of dim ile will prove a srmaneut cure
for him.
The Intercollegiate Young Men's
Chrlstlau Asaociutlnu, founded In 1H77,
now Includes more than Ou) American
institutions of learning, and Is repre
sented hy a mcmherahip of Tl,W0 slu-
To retain au ahutubiut head of hair
ofaualural c-dor to u gissl old age,
the hygiene of Ilia scalp must be
olwrvinl, Apuly Hall's Hair Kcuewer.
The uuiuU-r of "studeuu" at the
reform school Is growing slowly, The
latest acquisition is from Aslorla. The
number Iu ulU-iiiliiuc Is ITU.
The nicest kind of plain or
rnameulnl Job work done at the Wkmt
Siiik, Our price are way down and
satisfaction is guaranteed.
Miss Idila Fluke, who has been mak
ing au extended visit to Mrs. O. I),
itrtinb, iu Huli-ni, returned to her
home here last Saturday,
Jessie II. Stump, of Siitein, nun of the
Id pioneers, was in the city on bus
iness last Tuesday. Mr. Stump bsiks
hale and hearty.
Several of the teachers of public
schools nttcuded the Polk County
Teachers' Asstslalloii held al Dallaa
last Saturday,
The armature at the elect Ho light
plant burned out last Saturday night
and our city was without aic lights for
a few nights.
Hon. I). P. Thompson, of Portland,
came up from that city last Tuesday
uiiil Icclured at Monmouth In the
When you want a g'sxl nil-it"), fur "S
cents go to Strongs' restaurant, Weseoil
& Irvine, proprietors, Siilem, Oregon. It
Viley Vaughn, who last week visit
ed friends iu Ibis city, relumed to his
home iu Heppuer lust Monday.
Hon. I, L. Patterson and wife, of
Salem, were visiting F. A. Patterson in
this city last Sunday.
Ib-v, O. H. Wbitmore and family
made a short visit ut Hlckreull last
Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Lillian Eaton, of Portland, Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H
Cooper, this week,
Mrs. Oertrude Morris and Miss Lottie
Hedges returned from a short visit Iu
Salem Saturday.
Isaac Madison Is moving from this
city to his furm across I he river in
Marion county.
The smallpox scjire at Tlio Dalles Is
blowing over without uny new cases
breaking out.
Mrs. A. M. Hurley went to Portland
last Monday morning and will tie gone
about a week.
Money to loan on Imprcvud farm
property, WihhAHD G. WtuoiiT,
Dallas, Oregon.
A Htocklmlder's meeting of the Polk
County Fair Association In this city on
March Kit li.
A. Nelson and Jerome Dornslfe
returned from their trip to Idaho last
Mrs. J. H. Alexander was visiting
Mrs. John Vaughn at Kickroull last
W, P. Bradley and wife, of Parker,
were trading In town Saturday.
Abstracts and loans. See Willaro
O. Wkioht, Dalian, Oregon.
The Weekly OreyonUin and the West
Hi ok one year for only $2 60.
M, 0. Potter spent several daya In
Portland this week.
Frank Bowers, of Suver, was tn
town Tuesday.
Frank Hall went to Oorvallln last
O, H Whllinore, jmslorof lbs Con
gregailnual cliuich, w ill preach next
Sunday at Hick real I at 11 a til. and at
Independence at 7:30. Subject for the
evening: "How to Make Friends of
the Mammon of Unrighteousness."
J. S. Patterson, of Portland, was In
the city last week, mid went Hp to
M.'liinoiltli and "lis.k. In" I lie Normal
lwfore n-iuiuliiH home, He Is con-um-ted
with the firm of Mulfnur (luthrle
A i'o , the wliciU blps-rs.
Mr. Sisitt Jaeolw, of Hah in, firt.
class tinner sml plumU'r, is now w un
It. l. JVade et t o, mr. jacoo is an
A 1 workvmati ami anyona needing
anything In his line will make no mis
take hy calling no I; I m.
le presents! I ve Ilisithhy and (laugh
t-r, Ml' Lulu, laik the down train
Wednesday mi their way home ill
Morrow county. They have Issmi
vlslilug relallves In Monmouth and
Mrs. P. J, lldUghman arrived home
fiom Wlnlem, California, Wednesday
leaving Mr. Huugliniau at Auburn, Iu
that state. She says Mr llaiighmau I
Improving rather slowly,
bin. A, N tlllls-rt, of Salem, was
apiailuted siiis-rlnteudi-nt of the s-n
Iteullary last Monday to succeed (loo,
Dhwulug, whose reslguallon
accepted on Monday.
A Nolluer, Ileuj. Sidiollleld and F. O,
Paxton i-siiie up on the train Wedm
day to attend a meeting of the Iswtrd of
regents of the Stale Normal school at
On account of holding meeting et
llullstou llev. I H. Fisher will tM
pr aeh at the Calvary church Sunday
but will preach as usual In Mmiuuiuih,
Jamet Elgin, who lives opposite
I udept ndeiice on I'rosjsH't hill was In
towu Wednesday. In company m it it
bis brother Frank F.lglu, ufHuver.
The local W. C. T. U., of Iudcs-u
lence, will meet al S, M. K. church
Saturdav aftermsiu at -MHi n m. All
tire cordially lnvitl to alteml,
Frank Hull and t'larciie lletikle
arrived home last Friday from St.
Iiuls where they have been attending
a medical college.
D. M Smlih and wife, of Salem,
pent severs! day visiting K. T. Sml'h,
of this city, last wis-k. TheV returned
boms Monthly.
H. M. Lint s has r-turinslfioui Salmi
where he hits lssn receiving medical
reatiuetit, and Isoonslderahly Iriipoved
In health.
The millinery firm of Fisher k Van
iergrift has packed up and removed
I heir stis-k of gissls to Ashland.
Win, Msckey, of Corvallls, father of
Mrs Ed Owens, passed dowu ou the
I mill to Puitland last Tuesday.
Mr. F. E (iriniih and Mrs. Claire
Irvine went to MeMlnnvllle last Tues-
lay on a visit to relative.
Dr. Price"! Cream Baklnf Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
John Fisher, of Haleiu. father In
'w of J. I). Irvine, Is this week send
ing a few day lu the city.
Scot J nod's, of Salem, has Us-n
iigagcd a tinner by It, M. Wade A Co.
Dr. O 1). Ilutler returned last Friday
from a business trip In Linn county.
Mrs, Thomas Fennel, who low lecn
pilte III, is able to I si aland aj(a!o .
lave Oelwlck, of lUss-burg, came
town fur a short stay this wis-k.
Ben Hur'' at Conhregntloual
hurch next Tuewlay, March 12th.
J. A. Mills was doing IiiinIiii-sm at the
county scat Thuimlay.
Dr. Price's Cream Making Powdc-
mU Gold MnUI Mslwli-W I .!(. hail I runctw
Ctirnsinilenie to Wol sliin.)
Aecurdlng to the Seattle, W-
lilliyrmtr, the law for protecting
singing birds has ta-eu amended allow
ing the instruction of the F.uropeau
robin, the bin- k-htrd, the swallow and
i he common rohlu.
Tlie writer cannot help commenting
mi such a measure as he was always of
the opb.lon that those birds were
among tliu most useful birds for the
illstructluu of 4ests. The Kurnjicaii
rod u has always tnu a favorite in lis
iiwncmiiitr.vthnt Is theF.ugllsh rnMn
(suppose, It is a singing bird and a
l-st destroyer. Tlie American robin
no donlit lielsi Ittsdf fri'dy to (be bis
clous cherry and perhaps oilier ripe
trull, but It seems to nic, that every
cherry it takes It. balances thedi-bl by
t-nllug a very great per cent of bugs,
caterpillar etc. and works early mid
late to do so. One would think it fur
isitier In protect the trees from the
ravages of Insects than to protect the
small average of fruit the birds ib-slMy
which i an In a ineiifine lie saved by
proper means, scare crow etc. Ami
what has the Innoccntswiillow ilone to
come under the ban. It has always
been understood that it rids the nlr of
myriads of (lies Unit would otherwise
prove a plague to the human family.
The trouble Is we have not enough
swallows for the amount of Hies on
this const, And what about the black
birds, are they pert too? They may
eat some grain, but 1 have no doubt
that they balance thoaccuiiut the other
way. If these birds are (.cstroycrs of
singing birds, that also Is anew feature
as the singing birds of other countries
agree very well with the nnn-slngers,
Home years ago France pass"d a law
tn dlstroy all small birds. In two or
three years the result was a famine.
They tlien reversed the law to protect
the birds, and enforce them, All birds
have their uses, the owl especially so as
a destroyer of Held pests. They may take
a few chickens for a change of diet,
hut the great good they do to the
country balances the" evil. If we keep
chickens, we must protect them and
let the owls protect us.
Protect the birds and they will pro
tect us, through the Infinite wisdom
nf the Creator. Respect the singing
birds. The sooner we get this slato
stocked with them the lietter, so that
the woods may be resonant with the
musio of natures beautiful warbler
and Its refining Influence. Then will
our Oregon be a paradise, Indeed.
Strange this coast seems to have been
forgotten In the way of singing birds
and wild fruit I suppose It was left
for man to complete the great work.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Wer ''sir Hlgnsst MwUlaad Diploma
I'll li) lerlail HiM-lalile,
On last Friday evening the ladles of
the Prisby lerlan church gkve a very
pleasing eiiiei liibiini-nl to a large and
apptvei stive audience. Professor
Settling's orchestra gave the os ulng
number followed by Mis, Karl Sharp,
of Salem, who uhv an oH-riiealr Inch
was tisi much for her voice. Her little
sevell-yenr old soli, I'.url, i lliii d lunch
talent by phi) Ing on the violin ami was
heartily i-ncore-i by IbeHUillenee. Mls
Slckler, of Monmouth, ssiig In a ph as-
1 1, imi,m,r
I.lttW Lillian (innawMy
recited very nicely, 'ihen came the
gem of the evening a vlollnscllo solo
hy Miss llowdeti aiHiompalil
hy Mrs Dr. Huhhltt un the
piano, After eoultuucd applause he
returned and rendered "Home aweet
Home" lu au exceedingly delightful
manner After another selection by
Profcsaor Schrlug's oi chest r came the
review of nations consisting of fifty
scveii young ladle. Miss Lulls repre
seutlug Ireland, sang a solo, and Miss
tlraoe Hartvlg representing Denmark
rccld-d In Dullish, Miss Mary Collin
reciied Zlnwlna. Mrs. J K.KIrklaud
nmde very striking (hsldesof l.lls-rty
In the fluid tableau wblc'i was shown
with red lights. The evening's en
tertiilmiU'lit closed with Mgisslulgbt
recital Ion by seven III tic tols dressed
in white, esch one carrying caudle.
Itt-rreslimeut were then served and
tlie isitmnsgti wasao llls-ral that every
hlug was eaten up, provision not lad
ing made for so large an altciidnmw.
Ibu Mar receipt w ere fl7.
Au F.ager and a Mpphig Wind.
A ixiiiIIiummw iluwa sinr o( mill, lfll.ilrlil
wesitir,niirrnll' In wliimr snd prlii. mi
iinlsvdisiils nt sll cIssmw of lavsllils. tlul
wsrmlli suit sollv lljr Infu.i-a Into III i-l rt-u.
ijllon rouiilrrui-U lliixi liiituiniw suit Inlar-
aa a dn.'RIiMI MSSlllSt I Ill-Ill. ll--llcr
-li.iuiu li llitli'rs, iii-miI lli iruiili sml rltsetlv
f iiiinsi'liln suit loinm, not mily riirli ln-
I lis blisxt, bill sisvli'mle IU eliviilslhiil. r or
. eliill, or preueiiillitiy ymiitoiiu ul rhuuin.
Usui sad kolm-y isiiiilsiat, (mrluuUrly
rvvslt-nt l llise siins, II In III Uel ssil.
tile rxiueily, It ! lso lnvslullftir dyt't.
Is, llvof txiniilslai. cmiisilNtll n snd.nerv
,iu it, Never wl out tin winter or spring
lurntiy KrllliiHil ll, Kutnrly srwa smt Hi
lri;.i(siiil niMVslnMwnl mm xrmlly slll
'iy II,
Hay Fur Hale.
Iiulrd CIipkI, snit lisy. Unrli-y el iikI
litrat mbsI, 'r nle y '. M- Mousist
UU kiroll, Mr.-s-in.
Onire fur Kent.
Tit final room of lli W mt sin m-.
IUIS, np'tiln on Mstn strwl, milishle fit a
rl winienr lntujfitrn tilltiw, will be rnlu
niluillii fut-l (Or stove smt elm-Irk' light.
ry ulipop, Kiniiilr si WMt Mm iimi.
Fur Bent.
T-t or Iwnuly s.r planted tu hiip, Iis-I1
na miln itlli ut lud'tsuili'iii'v. Hull In Cin-, ViiMutiii rsil l lrti
iiiiiiifillsli-ly, l-'or further psrlinulitrs ell si
V Kit Hie nulls'.
Sherlir rmclsurr Sh.
In IlieClr. ull 'urt of the Htsie of Un-.iO
,r lnlk (Viiiniy.
T. J l siul 0. Iliitler psriiiKn itolo
ti.lni-" s leA lluliir pUliuilt., v. K 1".
Mhlim, I'snilui Hiilitti mid I, II. Mifslw
N'ntlrwU hrri'hy lvn ttisi bv iriiip of an
iwtiiiiD Si dorili rof sale ImiiihI nut nf Ihr
nhovs iiuiiiiiI mrl In lh lstv enlliliMi
lu-tliia bMii dins-lnil Biol ilnllvnri-d 1 will
HATl'tlltU' THK huh lV mMAIIt'll tsJ
it the 1'iairl lhiti tl-sir In Ihrt'liy or inlliv
Polk (hiiiij-, in--m. si the hmir of I o'l-hs-k
M, ofMlddny, snll 41 (iiililln iiitlil f-'r
oh in linii-l tolhi' hmto-il lilddi-r, the res!
property di-M-rliH-d In mid nxm-ullon sod
rdi r i-r.ulr iu follows to-wll:
Uts iiiiiniw-Mciiiit ill sml twi' (9) In liiiK-k
So. twriily-tnis ('.'It In K. A. Thrp
oiwn of luiti-iHtiidi-iii-s, Coiinly uf IHilk, snd
"Ui(ifOn il"U.. Ths pMisw-dn til the wile ol
sld n-ttl pr-ipnrty l spplM tn llfy the
)ui!fiMifiit of 'me luindmil sud urns dollnr
hihI Uilrly.i-vi-ii snd a hulf reals loj. .T7 ' I
Willi Inlrrsst tliomm si th rsieuf lu pr eenl
IH-r nn nit in, aliii-v las-vmlHir 4, hui, Hid sum of
-Jlsltorney' fts-s, sml 111, 1A rl nf suit sml
ii-t rtlllin kimI lirn-ln,
linlpil Ki-hrusry IS, lutt. a-iU-tl
ll, II, I'l.l'SMSK.
Hlmrtfl of I'nlk Ctiiitily.Ori-goii,
A Family uarrel Itesiills Fatally.
On Wednesday, February 27th, John
McDowell, nf Lincoln county, shot and
killed his son-in-law, John Met uleh,
There seems to have Is-eil trouble Is
ween McCaleb and his wife which
tided in McDowell having It in arrest--d
for assault ami battery un his w ife.
lie was tried and ncipilttcd.
McDowell and lib family went home
tibeiul of McCaleb, and the latter fol
lowed with the avowed Intention of
.iking hi children, who were with bis
wife al his father-liidttw's. Ile rode up
In the McDowell pi ice on horsclim k,
u ml culled from tl gate, nuking If bis
hildren were there, 'o which be whs
nswercd by McDowell i hut they were,
I le lheri'iisui, said thai he hud come
for them, and would lake them, when
Mi Ihiwi-II told blm he could not have
them. And It is understood (hat Me
Dowell immediately tired a load of
buckshot, which struck Met uleh and
bis horse, The horse became uiiiiiiin-
giible and threw McCitleh off. Ashe
fell be tried to get up, saying: "mt
have not downed me yet," when Mc
Dowell rushed out with a revolver and
11 red three more shots, all taking effect
In McCaleb' side.
McDowell Is 73 yearn old, while Mo-
Caleb Is a young man. 'McDowell
lalms he shot MoCnlch through fear
(bathe would be overpowered If be
allowed him to get too close, McCaleb
was not armed, and from the Informa
tion so far obtained It is thought that
the killing was not justlllable. The
oroticr was sent for, and the intiiiesl
held today,
Bolh McDowell and McCaleb have
iiibe a number of relatives in this
county, they having lived about six
or eight miles west of Monmouth.
Attraction at "Sweet" Nesliicca Buy.
I, ill ok t Hi-liotttHclio Hons and Dunce
Herlo Comle.l
We met upon the beach,
At "Sweet" Ncstucca buy
She smiled a winning smile at me.
And then pussed on her way
'Twas then I stopped and turned,
She did the same, a smile
I made a bow and then
The breeze took off my "tile"
I RKFItAIN "Sweet" Ncstucca bay
"Sweet" Ncstucca bay
Oh, how nice It Is to be,
At, "sweet" Ncstucca bay.
Tt sped along her track
1 To her feet upon the snuu,
t hurried back lo take my hat,
And then I took her baud. V
Then we were friends, who knt,
Tli ending of my song,
M'eslond awhile, and tulked
And then we l rolled along,
UFFItAIN 'Kwel" Nesiuec Uy
'meet" Neiue bay,
Tlinl's the Way to puss the (lui
At "sweet" Nesiucca laty.
At lust the end did count
t'sn a lovely day.
i ihr trip was o'er and she must go,
, N- icugcr could she slay
It was then we spike of love
Mm tilled my heart wit t pain,
Mlm said she aa'ul single,
Well we never met again.
n:FHAIN-Hweel" Netucca bay
'Hwewt" Nel ucca bay
Tluils the the way I lost my heart
At "sweet" Nestuoca bay.
Ami then J blumed I he hat
Myselftil tim-xelhe inll
I klckutl myself a thuusaud time
And Ihen I kicked my "tile"
Tlmt smlln -lt did the des,
A hi who's to blame I say
"Attraction," we cannot control
At "sweat Net ticca bay,
ItlCFIlAlN-Sweet'' Nestuee Uy
"Sweet" Ni-stucca bay
Oh I hut 'tis a lovely place,
I'lisl "sweet" Neatueca bay
K. M. It.
i 1 1 . - . a....,,.
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr 0. W. McKlnscy.tKsttmftrtcrof
KukoiiKi. I nd., and a brave ex-sold ler,
(ays: "1 had been aevcrely troubled
with heart dlseuse ever ilnce leaving
the army at tho close of the late war.
I km troubled with DulniUtloa and
shortness of treat h. I could not
kvp on my left eide and had pala
around my heart I became o 111
that I was much alarmed, and for-
tutiutcly my attention waa called to
Dr. Miles9 Heart Cure
I decided to try It The flrat bottle
made a ibfbb d Imnrovciupat In mi
corulltlon. and five buttle' have com
plctcly cured me."
0. W, Mi KINSEY, P M Kokomo, lad.
Pr. Hllns' Heart Cur In ld on a potltl
immniiHi that Itm br( bout lll U imflV.
ill ururttau Mill It it tl. 1 b-ittln for IS. of
It will tsisent, prt-,:iid, on rwi-ipt et prU-
by Ui Or. iiilcs Mvdicnl lo., lUkoart, lad.
i-'imum-ii rmi n
pi-rfis tly hid niul miwhj ruiiile.
ill im-iftilnrHlM, painful Mni.irusllun, sup-
iuvmi... ele.,Uiey never fsll msnora speedy
.nd ivrtslri n-lU-l, .NO KXI'KIUMKNT, but a
flt-iiuni- snd MMliiv relief, adopted only
fur )nr of e erltint. All ordur tippllml
llrwl Iroin our ortlce. lrli pr paeksgs $1
ir li uu-ksgm Kir $B t'f nisll. ptsitpsld.
I'srili-nlsm (Misled) I eenU, All enrrspnd-
inw. mrli-ily Confidential.
PARK REM EDY CO., Boston Maa.
F. I McClBE I CO.,
Proprietor! of
dependence lile factory
Manufaoturtr of
Drain Tile.
of all lit.
Prices to Suit the
n Icpcn lence, Oreirin
UlVS SCO IT Mr, r-lil-.d inis
ion! Mbs l-'.inny i-i-M acre iinirilcti
i t Onkluioi, Doiut'-'s coutiiy, Salur-d.-iy,
Febrmii-y ii, 1IV
Mli-s Scott Is well known hi iliis city
us acciiilipllslii'tl yotli g lady, she hav
ing resided In this vlclnily for several
yearii. .M r. nntl Mrs, Adams will make
their home In Ynuculla
IIARIHSON.-In this city on Tues
day at 12:10 p. in., March fi, 181V),
Mrs. Laura Harrison died of heart
failure, being sick about one day and
night; at tho age of 40 years and six
Laura Uofl" was born at Rlekreall,
Oclolit-r lio, 181H, and has been living
lu this county during must of In-r life.
She with her parents moved to what Is
now called t nu Brledwell farm north
of Monmouth and from there to Inde
pendence, where she has lived many
years. During January 1803, Miss
Liiuni (loir nnd Mr Jerry Oelwlck
were unite 1 In marriage and there wis
Imrii tn them three hoys, Divld, Alfred
and Frank. .Mrs. Oelwlck was wed
(Ml lo Mr. Harrison lu 1HD0 nnd tlu-y
removed to Collbix, Washington,
where they resided fur t woyeara, when
lie died and bis wife returned -to this
city and til nee has made her home
here, .
The funeral services were held nt the
I. 0. O. F. cemetery south of this place
and were conducted In au Impressive
manlier by ltev. D. V. Poling, of
Albany. The Itebckah lodge, of which
Mrs, Harrison was a most hounrablt
and active member, assisted at tin
funeral service.
Mrs. Harrison has a large numlier ol
relatives and friends lu this county
who were very nuii h shocked at her
sudden and unexpected demise. The
, hereft relatives have the sympathies ol
thli community In their low.
oa 7
Gfvon Up to Die
"Iwutroublsd with llturoombldliii
awgrawnt of tlie plecn. it lut co'ij aut
ik aero.) t room, and took to mr b-i, a
away thought. die. brgta to bk llood'
srupsnn and j uid. Itbaa ail
brought about by iMd'i lifts nHtlaL
HAJiiurow, rrM, Ullfor.i,
Hood's PIUS Cur liok HmmJm. see
Msrknl hi m: C street, ntwr th. piwti-mee,
Doubtful Reed. alon. Ths bt
r uy lo (U nd rut bo
uxor. Ak yuur dwinr for
Always lh. hi. Known
vary barn. Kfrrr'i Srrtl
tl lor isv I.' in you
what, how, and wuon to iilnnt. .
IHttirm, tlrl IL AU-lroM
ii. m. i i Kxr vu., f
itnMt, Mkb.
Sperling; Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meats
11 1 If bent market price paid
for fat stock, tsi'f, multon.veal,
pork, etc. All bills must lie settled
OI'KN HUXDAY8 FKOM 8 to 9a. m,
Scientiflo American
copraiOHTS, etoJ
Tot Infnrmatloa snd frs Itiuilbonk writ to
MI NN k I'll.. ,1 1IH((1T. Nrr VilllR.
OldMl bureau for aacurint pati-nta tn America.
Kvtfrr iiatmti latoin oiti i. ut i. umiiaiii tM-rura
U puluio by nuuoa (ret ol eiiargo in U
$ timtxiit mtmvL
atrmlatloa of anr arHentlsc paper In th
aurid. StilalitlidlT illu.lnilatl. No mtolllf cm
oio ihtuild b without It. WwIIt. S.'l.llll
reari ll..tnit mimtna s-iflniM iu .-v a iu,
Vusuasiuu, Sttt Broadwaj, w YorkUtj.
Salarr ad aipanaaa paid wokl; Iron ilart.
rarmaaaalpoaltlon. SiolntlT. territory.
Kiptrtano. nsaceaaary. PamllarSaL f
adnatarMtobaetnnara. UMtufT a
aommlHloa ta local part-
...IT Af TJr ora
!"" rtw war niata
hardy, rallabl.Vl WC..rtBi.nt
pari.ry C 11 fortb.orohnrd,
lava and aarai-a
W. want roo now, whil
wmS' tk. fruit inauKry n
.r,.M,H.nt Omul ehanra for
Tnncamont. Oinfll and full par
urulara fraa- HSOWN Bltos, no., nur
MnnM. roniUH, 11 , , u
rrJlhla. Namauuiparar. wi
Will consult their best m
teresta by purchasing their
of the reliable mamifnclnrer,
Independence, Or., suoees
sor to Fet'itiisou iui .Meer.
Sititar pine and rtt-bir do.irs,
all tosses, on oiuid.
.0 1
I-',' :
.Hire .
J A-
nai' 1 'ii :, ii'Ji iivdiun ii , -it vttyit, won.
m .'.'!. fsWai'. tn;iio. rir
nth Wh-'U t 't'Oli. I 'flit I'P I !'.V v''i 11
nvv 4 of fi"t'tir. lit' ivfnirmi?, mt n lii
1 ;nn. Wttrrr'.t'r!. A iimnoy ittr V rl e
W. P. bfin.ttou t. Co.. Ciik 10, Colui.ibu.. I
et lour Washing
dune by tli.
nnd leave your orilot-s with .1. R. TH0MP8O
-Itlis Hiileni' Htnite, who trill oiill at you
hoimefor the wssbliig mid deliver It wlu-r
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to alt others.
mmm market
rV-:i'.HH V". Ml
icass w-
nil '
ICavMn..nd Tneta-Mff-w r.u.A ..4 .11 p..
j n, aunacmiotirtij tut atoe.s.Tc rtra.
Ou Orne I Oaeoarrt 0. . emierorrief I
j -w " -j' - imw.m m mm umm UMk tAaaa
Jr.mnOs (ruts W.h)iion.
Bxiia moor 1 oiawinf or ahoto, with dHp
IW. W. MTia. H ts,lrnnal or m,4 I,.- il
.l.arrtt.' Oup tmm ivrf Attm l,:l u f
Sihsulct. " H "W ta OMii faKBia." hk
M oi Muaa in tna u, a, aoa luraiga rj-nlrm
twit, irva. jmurvm.
Opy. PATrftT Orrtcc. Wmmrtm to t
Fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
Ge te
Photograph Gallery
independence, Or
Horses Fed by the Day,
Week or Month. -
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
X D R l 15 .V I ) B N'C E. ' OREGON
lOAl Market Saa rrmoclaeo
(Urtwato ii ami 7lh gu.)
Oo nd lrrn hoe wonderfully ye
kra rnada and bow lo .truid ak kMaa
jiid iliaowa. Mtiwim enluvrd wtLh
UioiMUHla of ocw objcoia. Adni.
aion tb caa.
I'rlvai oifere.aM BalMlag
O.M market ftlret-t-lsaraaoa ol nJr.
t-l'tt-ture. Ion ul manhood, dlaM of Uw akl
'-ml ksliHfja qui, kly rurad wllhout tha tua ol ar.
i.'i'lok.ntUW!0i iMli:f M sua. Kaad
For $2
20 Complete Novelettes
W Iww TTnd wt!h if fahUshr f th Mntjttf
ltluilrKiHl V'mniy nl dimilf m'XitMv, The Ufs
trttt rl II iMD Utl, ta fUrtttitl Uii tCa0lat'1 ui suh ib nur (MiTwr rfii Ut) i-.-Uliy
iltnrt ur ni qtMt tboc tid r tlo nnhled t
oflVr to tfU uii-r'ttr. ir. i Itm wltu tjrfn
piwiilam tKNML. witti ei " Iwfiilf ntflt
n-lH-t) bif I" -fenlni Aaidort. Thiw
mtr tulttr-ritMn, tf t 1rM tf Of brT
iib'fi otur. iytir, In -HUn to uer f)irtiru
tio-nej rif)we j4r, ''' mi'ieaBrt'tilrtii tn cm of ih
tH tnj irt fhtpnUr HUrrr ftml ft m tly rrni pub
ll4ml, svwl o an etnty-tiv fcnl tntHlBlo book
mnulolft-' ttwity pompUt D"vlMi b twtwty of
th m ii'ii'HU iitttt)r of AmMict, Fnf'n4 tnd
rrtr.--ln fitrt, ft Urn immint of tt snoci. triTHtlpg
flMkltng ututr u Ut mini trtdtof ooA,
triil liiprir ni lnMv v)'t rtilijht4 OKHitWr.
an 1 ri!iitnr Hrlt ui H'tort etiifl b? tlt moat
pfHtr Mttftnt, SkrsM, frvnt. VmUii fa tt-Hnf,
Mtfiohrti,!, (Kt'ufn't kqi HtimtrOttR Prarttnnt,
n WTltn( to iti't!, ntruin nd inrtruet ewfh
tttftmrmr of lh fl-'iillr ehxl: Amm$ tb tnttn
tvrVMMi Mrt'iM enngtrntly pitjr In TM IixrrmTt
HiM rr f.r Mn. F-nmi p. H H. Hotiflm orth,
Mr. Wtrr J. flo!mt, (itHono M. Rrwmi. Mr. Ana
Ms.Mn, Mm. Ur tm FleMnlnf EtU W Flomo,
r Ja'io tl. Attain, Knm Oarrltna Joimo. Muf
Kyi iHiiai RvNau t Cohh Jr., frwma nonnott, A.
i-oiiwi Uvivltv ami mtnt ofhtrt. It l a hiirtv-claw pwb
ttratl'i. for th t nf Hrrlex handxtmolT prlntott
twautiniHr tlliifratl. and whit It ! aHrart iDtoroov
mi itI noror 1uit It ta pnra In rrvral tnoo tMH aa
Miofiitrt'. wo1 or lin h'o ali-tm.wj to ootor tu
Acthi'tin. Y-m will bo drUrhtwl with Una oturalMC
papor, and aaforl wolooiuo lu nonthly vlatta.
By Pnpntar tmS.n It t bnr and haadatan
book of 1 laraa -li ib'a-frit-i-no onaro pftinw, nlary
rirlnisl In rir. h-H rna lahta trt-a oa food papaf,
and hwfciin-iHi'r tii-m-l in co!tI i-rr eoTara. R
ountain. a. tl. m- tniiicaiai. nnmry ctmpiiwi
bjr iwtMttT w-.'1-iin-wo an-l Miular amlmra. aarb oaa
or vhlrli 1 lii.nlT inuraaona. It oomortMa a wbol
apao dnilaittriil raa-llnii, nnd ll by far tha laiawat
and rinwtt twUton of imidsi aofiilar nova'attaa
var nublidltad in a .Ins-la rolama Tba tltlaa of tna
ta-imir complala aoralauaa oaUaiaad I tbla book aaa
ai follow. :
t ador tko Holly Bcrrtra. If 0Mta SL
Tlta rhanlom WoddlBe. r Kta, Wmmt Ita
Tha liiMiii trarnlac. w Ihftry W4.
MiMiaahlas mil Marewrrllaa. By Da
TIM Vlaadamaa of Aatwar. IrU Inl
tl. ..n.
Th- Slorr of a 1.11.. Ir Mt.. Nay liwa Bib
Old Hnititarnr4 Unit. B. Sim a maoav
Hl-tnrho or It-nnliou. Br Al.ut-r DniMa,
A Tnla r Thr l.liiua. r s. Ktm ll
A llmma In tlii Air. BTj.lMTmw.
Tha storv or llli-n. Sf intii a. I
Tha Ualala ol tha Pola-Star. Br A. (
Tha Sallnr" Imtt S'Wra J aawta.
Tlio Unci la Hrn Wood. v wmi. (Mttaa
Tho lli-ln-aa of Whllaaa Alraaao. By M. !
M imm Vnr. S W.-t Krt
Tha lllnrliainltk nawrhtur. B una w. Baa.
Tho St-,iintor nt tfmtonn. Hr Nwa tvwv Ja
Tho rl... a. Ihn a. Oaaiwa. '
Aabrraft Hall. Kiaaaavrkaa Jm.
i hut lu-Mi.u ili Whj,T fiinK for year, the
idufntf, (i W"in (! lor one ytar, and the
sH-k.fimijf t'omphle Xuvtlctte bf Popular
lutltoi," posl-puid bj- mail upon receipt of
-illy $JU0. Th s ollt-r applies both to neir
ub.crihcis and t -nuwaU. Kvery lover of
iirluht sml fusoiniitliiK literature choutd take
dviiiilHiie of It. MsmpleS pf the iftofrolrit
ffuiNf (. ucf snd of tb. premium book may be
tie 8t-u n( tills ottlce. Addreti. all letters to
l he Wkst 8t ok, 1 udowiultuoe, Oregon.
Of Independence, haviug a steam
mgino, a brick machine and several
teres of finest clay, Is now prepared
to keep on hand a fine quality oi
Brick, wbict will be sold at reason
able prices.
If you use the Petalum
Incubator Broaden.
Make nioucy while
others are wasting
time byold processes.
Catalontells all about
it, and describes every
rticieneeieaior ia
poultry busines.
The "ERIE"!
mechanically the beat
(wheel. Prettiest model.
We r Pacific Coast
Ai-renta. Bicvcle cota-
locucmalled free.srivt
flillrlfwHrtloTi , tirlee., etc., aokwt wanted.
Branch IIousk, tu S Malu St., to Angles.'
Is the pi nee to get all flrst-cla.8 work.
Shaving IMai 29 Cii.
BATH 25 Cens.4m
1 & r
RltjJJ -aiaioT aaj