The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 08, 1895, Image 2

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    CaW BY-
Cat a fcSi fc
rTmui IS V AJtCA.
TA . . . aVa-
etS IMttM . 'UK
- Aaaua. .
teA !Mtai tnm en. All
&ms hi at a- la
fcr M Uk raw at t wu r isa.
unfa, ta acbaaa aunua.
FRIDAY, MARCH ft, lei.
l-.XriM.M .
rMMm m iaa a a aMU!
MM a Mwctawt' MM a tt
AC Aid UlVK IA AMK UN fntt-
& a r pt e at ami. tow
AlXlTXAJta at24 U all atai to Um
. WaVal i,-kfAtaca.
iiutt. IX P. T-paoat, U PvrfW-U,
la ge&cfAJjr o,Md aa A ll aU ef sumu.
Add AO fe K K A aw e guBM to
kara b wa uu U aivf qtteaUu.
lixy aj 0 tunauuaAMc I i.'i at any guajt
'arntirl lut out a-rtw. taiUk Un
it A : 1 mm la Uvt of Um rtv
AwAl al a gttcuuaLAa UA A awAnt, 4
Otber pavr axxttj tat rtniimatawi,
leaa U at lea tk4ra, aj uf a gvau
CuUat ka Itefi tail ifeAra, auMl Uarti 1
0ul4 vpeu uut mini U Urn rnlv W
Vim vatU at 16 U I, iMii iiutii Uk
kfal leuOcf u( mrtt Ut iAf. 1 a4 Cm
ttMAtbt JK, VvtiMl Ut ntJXaatil hum
. (of Um mUMfOUi u( MaJ Uctalcf.twt 1
Lw Umufol Utj uumL Itm atuau
Ki iiia U turn uCbl mim tkMMt tu
Uw KUncuarui ui Mliali uuc
aii aiMbl luicr uir' tulo cu-
OiiaiAx, 1 bcur Uui tv
jtrnt auVcf Uu4luu Ur uU
UVvieuLa an viux& Air. ittwauawu
AukI aui ituuilUtat tcai tarMacf ul aicf
iir. IttoMuymw uJ Uut jf Caii
alec tuoi , au4 rt be ia uvj lu U
wta4i'f aJ aciurguta. ;
ilatf ic ul Uw cawa ia Ito Um t
Uoim aiuctli a a . cf ym
liuiHuiHa ticMja atl Ul UU)
ut'cf ua liauc UdMx ixt .i ii.t tout
njrja tuura luajtiaug. vt e Wit
AUtaa4j wuiactrc 14a 4W1
lit JUU9t,lH Vuc Ctt4U CiaUa
bad fawf tlMMacj iUt 3Ii.lU.uuu
MwwUitMnA' Uf Cue ImUKiu tiwuam, iliii
to aa tut IbcfO ttaa tTtWJyMO u
(vad 1U Ujc- Ucasu ui4 Aumv.VUtfM U 1
hittttoiuciltwl UiMMunLj lAaltacfj
a Lu iut tu iue UOMU), It luVca I
XI I'.tjMS ul uf eiti UOJu
of yx tu uuc ut guid. 1 be p4Milia
vmuJ iaaue aUil uur wfrr, aiiU u
aiWUC WKMtAt (ia U Ue MiTfl
f Uicae fjraicCEuxrf fiuaiioe eticilurm Ut
iuardiMM is tbe tiUeue aj1 have
iiref Otrru&ctuc M a frwrDUMrA to ai
inuriit Aod urMK, ai4 oar rmrui
iitrer dollar i a tuctaiie gmrii
Mr. TboiupMo idc h to pruui
f-U a&4 ailret tod (QAictain tijr pAritj
ad be think Utailtug: the UruA-t
toll'O would A.rxiiplii: AU UiAt B
dodred. We would be trilling to i
Mr. Thocupeoo't idea f.neTiil.
Io A thriving loan of th ttt o!
WaftbiBgtoa tbere am a dr-maod i
adjAcettt ai1 fraeclerpriMOg cilizrLA
att about derycg xueat t-r
aw03plibic Ajccaribicg. A rigbt of
aaj a tusoanA Dd axua iiUrrai
duDAtiCk of land aod a rmaJ! eab
bono ubvifjd by ibe citi&rf't, Atud
fur a ticcte tbe met m'.L but tbt
orii&Ator of lb r Iroad were oot idk
but a ere in curmpoodeiMe iib ai
of wtAhb and Hnni Aod oc oj
them a aa iodooed to ettmt: from lb
Est asd Vyik over tbe field, ard a a
iwjit tbe CA(fitaJ was mred Aod Um
road Uiilt. ll Aa furtn tuiSe iotig,
of fttartdard gvige, ntA raiU, etc.
Before tbe buiiditiz of tbe road tbere
tm ooij utm anviuiil ia the Uo and
tbat a very ttftali one. Cpoo eomple
tkm of tbe ralload, vbicb tu a
logging rravd more tbaa any tiling rlar,
a large taamill am built i!b a
capacitj of 61JW feet per day, ard
later three oiber targe milU, alo at
aod door fatlory, were built. The rail
road proved a profitable ioresttuent to
tbe OA-oert, aod a Asctioo of couotry
prrriour'y unettkd aa taken by in
dixiTVHi former atid a oetr trading
craitnuiiitj cn!L Tbe additkm of
a large Dumber of laborert ia the mlh
made tbe town tuot fjTperti.
Waai was done in tbAt case can o
done ia Iododeoce, Tbere it
pifoty of CApiud ready to engage in
any eDterpriae, ahkh cao be proven '
proStalle. A railroad from Indei
peodenee to tbe turning aad tin,Ur
AtctioGA of iVlk vwiid tea pAying
invetmerit 1
Tbe appropriation of I be Oregon
leglfsiatare foot up over one million
and a quarter dolUrt for tbe expenat
of tbto state for tb twain g two jtn.
. j'. l-X Car
Mattery a-4 kladred atal tortiUOoc
wl3eaUtteif?CM&. -ocKwvtb
! ac-wl okaia4 tM.309 And
Weatoo xal KKirttd f'.A.OCO. TU
mnl -Hoco" la lb iui t-tlW.
TV JvUrial food toI9.l Tb
tAaclaiitAaa4 ir ewirt
er allowed f JECitX BepAlre abovt lb
tas caio4 buildiog will umiI Id
UwU2um of lb Appro
prU&ioa ot t.M9 to for -towiialn-u
Item ioctodiog Ha,W0 for tb kr
I alilTA.
UUty r to bHm go..llh K l tV,
IM (orrraurot eocjld -ot bara auid
tbaboMl for tb Aat prio tb
EuoeiM jsdkate pA far Uami'
Xo bomt. Ia k parfcrtJr ckr
tbts. lbA( Um .aM,C0 Bd tjr tb
)DdMJ a prtat4 to tbia by
Ueaara. CVrUad Aod lArUai. at lb
txftom of tb Aoirka4i fwnf4. ll
ata a btaad tbAt vat eruaiMl la ito
OAlurt, if aot ia lu IcUol.
A ItOlAJrlpldA AdrooO of tb
ategt lax Umott a poUicg tb
tblncrAtbcf tOvog bo b aaki tt
jiwt b ailb aiorW ux civil r.
rb Aifigto UX may eoaa ton day,
Mt Lbi ooa&try ba't likaijr bar
uotber cirtl war.
A Waatu&gVM judft baa to tfedd. ta
a nut ortr a will, brtbf a abr or
br auo, feotb of a bow ! doa
ilb lb mUJB Dt, diad flrt Tb
JiffwalUoa of a ecedrAbi wn of
otoaty oVpada poa lb aVtaauo.
ArxAMHA Jrt do act Afaarvfitly
rFfArd xoU-ttfljl of atAU Bwoty
at a wry aerkMM otud, a oc of tba
onlr gA Ex-Trarw oodru2.
A b.B it CUATKUd of lbl CrtSMs,, CMr
ycarUi pemotk.
Mr. C"Vriaxd i lb ctOy Irairtil
Abo ttmt cam jriAA
credit of lb lailal tiiAUav fto
oatriy tb credit of ibittwjatry itauiav
pcafbAUe, Ahicb b ao tbA Mr.
Od of :tat iodwAboot of proacwrity
aodcr Ut mat tri3 to a tbat
tb big Cooper A Hcaiu Iroo Worta,
t Trcfitoo. N. J., Alii aooa cfca fur
aa Uhlrfiui! prrtod bwoaua UcA cf
Metabrof that tradjcAtA aot
txfweud to kak oat lor lb interna! of
tbe govcraioAttl, bat Mr. Clrrava)
aad icrCAry Cariaucaj oadcr oatb
aa lo da, Ate eadcr aaUrte.
Ail tbe oOorra of tb Tcsaear
Xatiooal (Joard tbreatra torattga, b
maaU lrg-.aiXir tuaJe oo a5ro
riaiiuci lur an eocaaipaaral. Wbat
tb final duty of a aoidirr?
Tbe reptibiiao Aill bar good
AorkJOg Biajjrity lo tb Uub coctati
lulio&Al Couvrulioo, Abicb I A guud
ibiag fur UlAb a a11 a for lb re
iuliko pATty.
Tb oxaa w bo lately fell dAl from
lb exenioa of botatiog Aa Americau
Hag k better o3 tbaa tbe aua who
iiret, diagraocd for baviog lovtrtd
Tbeboootindlr AbogeC a fe
doliara frocu aa igouraot jay I Arttt to
jiil, if eatigbt; but tbe rV-O.(i0 booco
rtwa ooitet tmA, be taea of drirt
fuily. George Fra&cir Train' new boMy
aoaoo. He probably knoA quit a
iiucb Abrat it a eilber Mr. Oreiaad
or bit AFemary of lb trAory.
Tbe bot'A cao be oottnied upon to
myrt a Toco Aad Jerry Preatde&Ual
ti iurt, even if Toca Watwo aod Jerry
Sio.pAi eocnpoa it.
Fe usee leaa by experience of
Xbera. CoGgreMtojen Bltod aod Jerry
srupo atUI take tbesr "ex" oo tbe
verture pbuforxo.
The Mc' have alAayt been a lucky
iaiuiiy Atid ."criaiirH-!t Mclirvle, of
(tPifgoD, to oo exoeptioo. Ing life lo
CongreAwnao HpriDger to a gond
ntored aa if that expected federal
appoinUDent were Already io bit gratp.
Others may be duaatitfled beAaae of
ltd banoea, but tbe meoibert of tbat
bond ayndicAt are out
Few nerper roeo will have to
commit perjury toeacape pAymentof
tbe income tax.
Great it Minnetota! rbe baa a
dttigbter who to tbe mo tbt r of flvt aettj
of triplet.
Febroary 2fnb, wattbeanniverAAryof
Mm velirja Furju' firet Urtbdty.
Tbe day fit given over to tbe enjoy
ment of a festival which waa pArtkipA
ted in by many relative and friends.
Tbe little girl received many present,
one notable one. a ring, Abkh will be
a forcibU reminder of ber babyhood in
after years.
L. Helmkk dow operate the mill io
IndependeDce formerly ran by PfkioDer
A Co. He will furnish to th public as'
gird flour aa can be bad and plenty of
it H baa tbe experience of a life
time la the wheal UiDea aad cab
.Aci mZf mbmt lib IM naw a
lak VW lrr drtrlftf l' fit U hf
tt Majiatirfl tl tnat llbadookrt
MftM BKHietnt tt fc Hiliinf tb
Me by mm of a JM, out of lf
drffU. Tt cf um ith lb out
fli. Ella AlkloBoa 4nfpr4
hk fox aod a ki4b it iH
(tAt to and it tut rut!lu lb '
H oowlof bbi tct k in a Kail
ird And It Mot a fall td4 vetl4
Our arrUaa Um. Wn. MoCuMt ha
fea 4ck aod finrd i feia fmni a
a bUywbiiTh FraMll, A K I.
bhdf crpotf, WWJ tb
Mai Is bat t4.
TW CbitM wtWi htU tad to
racatA tbrir abaatjf o4 bx into a
taa un inng a k h'jw
Wb. F)UA It baring bW Uf
orrbad pmtanl,
Una I mAibg ll arArrw.
Tb largt BitH(J lb
gather at lb Normal (tba4 l brr
lino. I). P. 1b--J(', of l!r.,
drilrrr bW laat TxrU wn
TarkAy aod tb TBrAa." vry ri
at oor4l aod a lar Baotr
CMBpriWd to AtAJhl lo ardar 4 tmr
lb lartofrr Mr. TJkkjij o aa )
Mr to Tvrmry during IVafclrot Har
rtaKi' adaiioiatratioa. II w adaiww
a tnr uttrrinkiiig and u-ml atlm
livrir l'rod to aim! rtfwdy f
fiu-M at lb rlMM. Mr. Tfrwufwo ;
iblUUnl A drrclk ffVrAtrd lot
bitu by tb !iitAO Tnrtry abkb I
a a Allrir and lb mt b.-1
oraiie ttblO tb pom tt of tbat rvVt
to lto. Tb a4u ran frQ lad-
deprAdrucA Atd AnouroawalaUd U?r
aaatbrr who aitrtxWl ib fc-ctur.
Tb baa Ia.U gam piajfd br
bra Daiia and lb boraial traia
at wU attcodrd tud Bt b 0lbttA-
AMQS IbASijMtvd 0 bb idA.
fa Ol uff la aa agMatar a ty
a4boat lblalof lb gm tb
arorr atowl IT t S3 la favor uf lb O. i
a V St Imh hull UmI In Ikiw t
rbrt fur Iba inorr. Tb8aiUfAa?
Van UaAiy, or MoaavHrth.
EW fwnaplr, tb br caMr of.
b ChrWtUa rburrb. arrlroJ Lart tn-t!
and NjOdaT driitvml t AtW d"a-
JeoiaraM to bit w. rbarg. IU hm
ptraaant Bxaotwr aod bat Alwady tu.V
1 bmrtU ImpmaAia lo tbtt ri?y.
Udrr !wa;prr tprtM la a Mvtti ad
ouiritxl!!igy5if.Aoddwwbtb tii!
auoa baa aiaoy ttnu fnead to war
Mtat fxktr, Af br of mi- io tl
frOTOlAi. Will TfAJV A BiMAl -r-
graaaag tarb Tata tat owninc f
cbff ma T am lay atiicg
Quartette, Miaawt irikt aid OnMtad,
Mnarra. I'm aad Nirr jwttratortiUl
aJo Lura fiotirr; aoog by YoAttg lla
tiir ci lb.
WbiJ AaZklcg tbn'ftt tb Barwl
baiidtag a botkvol. la oo uf tb
rouc&t arveral atfeall toia lo Abkb
Ar groAitig AbAt, t& and pw,
UAt oaigbt t tb fry of a;a of our
gardeo gtvAera. Tb buUay riant
daim tbem.
At lb arbool Rretiag Mooday vt,
leg a krg awntvr at prwwt. H.
fi PortAouJ vat tAAiiatu4U4r r1l
director aod J. J. Hxa re rirrtnl
irkrk Tb ai.. aH.inv Attb-ul
fortber buinraa.
Ltat hatarday a.ft.ruaf MltHi-l
Btttler, aoo of Hon. X. L. Hticr. u4
oldroty ill aod it a at ib-xigtii ( a
lias be ATould n4 ww. Mil at it.
prMect be ia gvttiug tU( at.v!y.
Mm Li Ha Lam. Abo baa t-u
quit ill Ailb lb f-rrr, Irfl Mudsi
ft ber bicu. at Aatuna. Htf ialhtt
aod rwAber, b bave Ureu Aaitiog
oa ber acnrfspaiiwd ber.
Dr. Ware, r-o-u'.ly of Portland, t
tb oe ekrk In the Thua
pbAnaary bere. In. T1niiiu t
expected to arnve io tb rity dunog
tbe firat of April.
Alt tbe people from bre. iU badj
pJlw ia the Wltlure bat re-j
tarned And are teUlag of tbe oaderfl
It leg tbat Uppeoed 'Abeo I a a. at
j. t. tvota atw raruiiy hri iur itoa
ley itt Tom. lay alwre tiiey will rr3e
in tbe future. Mr. R.J to g og to
Itiiid aad run a ubn at tbat
B. F. Kflte. wbo baa been dn at
teodltig on bia mm a Uo baa been k k
Cherry Pectorr U
to aaya Mr. T. M. Reed, a highiy
respected Merchant of Mid
dfetown, IB., of a Young
Man who was supposed
to be in CofnurrytJon.
"One of iriT cn Corners. fnv- 0
years 11 a m r!M, ail g
ilie svhibtouis of cnurr".'!fon. &
Tbe aan rijJjf)ij- ajfo;ii him o
to relief, aiwl le Kteadiiv faskti
"iitil lie was unable to leave Win
Ud. His inothf-r apjissfd ton- o
tt tome remedy jh! I rmnn- o
mendd Ayers (Vrnr I'm -tor-'ii
Tie ycirig man o it awrdjisr
todirwtioi and fnn Uii tn o
improve urstil lie Uaine weS! c-
tiktown, IH i
"Some time ar, I notfd a J
aeieie r-hi, mr hral aiMl lnne of
were lw,fly inflamed, aid I ll a oj
terrible cough. It Aaisuppol
that I am a victim of omiun r of
tint., and my Iriend.s had htlle cA
notwoi rvf rr, lint I Iwem a 1
notiieoi Avers Cbernr Ilpelon . 7
iv, aiHi ua entirely curwi. o
o aot. it savwi rny life.' cj
i. us ts r.ruf-rts tove, j etin.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Received Hleheet 'wards
Irw $f r,w thnr. atavt ttfHwJj i Aaa It C. K WW a)i.
h.U i! ri m A tos" Mta
jm4 f i4v aoifuWi Mm IU Wlw .
and Mr. W.f(,l .A l1 la lb jja. Ilul U Mr. I. lal
rbturteW Mhara CwV iaI WUda a4 la M-tt4Mlb
an a dH. jj..fca MrUM "
Mim AH K .. f MrVti.'a.i
ka a-a..
M TtaM. Oram, .f KuA. lb
yrr lo It (V t-i. ww tarf
rr i Wst brr N4hr, WaJ?r, la
fttia etiy. I
( ftaiwlay rrvatrg lb Xtta
Qartrtt rra.lrf I AO mrfy fJrAMi1
H at Ih Trtiaa .tvl
M- W.ib, of v!bt. aod M f
Mi ImSh U4hhy aod KSdeo HJy
n. .1 . - 1
. , . , ...
lby Ua U. a..iAg.
Mr T,J tAi4?l aa. IWi
IU f-y a a! lM Mo.Uy ha.
,T"mm,r ; mm,,! i. cra-LLg i.d daii.lC
MtMln ItrO!!?, K-fwi;. M ol HaiaSfVT. awMU Kfwtu (f. Ttmtf
IhW rtHliA( ' Sr dar, Ai-b .4-lAAlbaldlAaAAfail "-
frWod.lKar.f. Ur r-.i. lirf.-rt al.i-d
Ir. T. W, lUrrax. of Xrr(r. ia! Mrbal t aod rr.lrr t U U ii.Wf
..n-AI oalM W1r tAmA ! ft""'
it:) MA !Jms lUird, lAvIlaa.fl!:
. w-. ...t.. ... 4.- -.1.? J. P. IrtlAw.onat tr.
frtrAd la n.
I Un. 1 ll V It ,l. w. ..J t I
N" lia"n- ' nth VaN!l,
U !ir' b '. If" r.
! t"hBt. if raWn. apHJl
. tn l fc g fnkvlmt
Mm A VVrotaa, f5cu, la rW!Sf ;
. k W ttrr Mm, W. II
tbi H'.y
Mf. Mil HVy I eM rrricf
. fmo, arrr a'lark U grtr? I
Tw . .. v4ran)
by th M.drnu at th i--nl.
N11" iarnra rtrty .
i Asi g!tirt.
Ih. .jk noinlr tr4,n l lit
)tkd. ji.wbt. aVd l a i.l
f rft1Hmg tMftafbtj, o.s.?iteg U
; aueg, rri5i.-il!i-sfc , w W
. aadrraod tbat tartt tut ia
M.aih tb fi.-t Slrty in
j Aril
I H ul-r.'at.d lhal tW N.rtriio-
, 4(Jar!ru- fiu Mnib till .
,tf!it8s!t l l!U lb I'Ah ui
Mtn-iK tbat 12 atbrra fnwai tb
wrni t4 ai.i Khr au rabsUU o
!fr tb 22.1
TW Ial Iwj AeaC l M'AHilb
Saturday lo t Si huy al tttat plate
a gtOur 4 taawbalS, lt rattie bur
b'l!y Ad llw Una ut that piarr
io(rtd ettieg t iral flrdjnj
and t iw-t to aur a gi raiu
It (wuoi to Mir rar lll Abdrva
II iuMU, of fairm, tt kutly ttt
Diia and Milk r Tvi-f, w'
."lu, "rre tuarrird KiAiUy, al
1 18 ! Jij-wi Mrailaiwa i"rla
io. ru:i g. a.'r a (r ant, ikt to
li lamsH' i ttiw rity
Tl turttitif al the Mrtiwiit
HiUtth Ila-nr a a t.4
tii ini?v! tbta vrr tir aa lt.
1 raii lr;ftiih. '.). lu t-vtvlrOv
riitf aunxt mm it) itaiia m tminrm,
Tbvr-Uf l.t.
i4h-fit ut lit aTkltay it.'ed
gtvicg aa ru' .
t.Ji Ha-t t a t4 of wri at Ak
u Uf bfj yard.
';. i! g afe the ri?jite tru,!rr
u-lr Nii-t JauwiTy ,
Ji I) r4r ! H W. . j r,
taO !! ! ll. i-ti.h-tKV t 1
. M Hrait to V. A- S-h!apj.
! tT at I FU I'isr
tiiuiv t A. Ku.h.
1 nl ti Vm
H Kuffr w Wuj
lv,.k . .
Miiit f. tei5jcrr
7. S. II 6 W.
Jl.ri Mrr to A. F. tao
l lUvkftAd
IXliO Wiliunn ai(d air l .-rfi
J li.cbm. I
V. H al Jaita :. !! to
Vrmb k'.i Ijmjo wM 1U k real I
.srb iMvif lo H5ue Tir,
l44i in .tiitu4i:ii
J. K r a i. t iV t.. R H.
Wi -x ad J A. Vr, uiw
M III IrjK-U'ti-li'-e
Aa i rt-ve aid aile to I.. I
Mireve, laf.-l toiiit 4
It .
A in hiiii.'l atid itifi- r lt-l
I'artir, old -Ui!i h T .7 J. 3
J. Firna- -r aid aiJi t Win.
Fauli. land in IjUm
Laura lin-en and bu.timd t
Fiiua J. Atkiu, lao l4 In-
W. ( lam'r :n to Kva J.
t hauilarriain. Land of m th-n 4
V.d S. of R V.
A. M. Hiraiil t Frank ISer.ler.
tao it. FaU iv t-enwirry
K ijuib lUn-y U)Ja. Watt.
Ijtvh liiin.r ! ("Iirinda ItttiM-r,
UnlKof 1L 6 W.
It. F. Mu'ke and wife lit trivet
'.iiip, lo l ! lutin
(i. A. I'iM-th ainl alfe lo N
l'ril., Und in ta nitjiip 6 S.
J. V. and H W. Mi-FarUo lo
C N Spictnrll, Uud iu tKttu.
abip 7 H It. S W
fj. T. and II ( 1,0)1,1. ibiu to
Henry tliff , M
J.t. hb-rd and ife to J. Craw
ford and a ife, land in M-clkm
T R 4 V
S. I. Kimbail and wife to IU h
Br k. 3 kit in N"..r!h Salem
V, K lo Augustus Piettxtt. S2U
rn-rv tow f.M 9 f. II 7 W.
F. a PoAell to L J. Powell,
eixbt lot iu Montnoutb
A. D. Price and a ife lo a Riker,
Z& townikbip lOiHIW.
1 2'
jjjrt i. J.v Krw.
M M. !
J " ...
,-.,. ,.t- il
, . . j
j H .To td acn-t W,
?t'. tl. I'd and Jrntr Vm4 lo
I V V. R tMit.W. Ihiw k la
rartl fra4lr.
RrfAtaT nlt'f bJ 0 Ma'vh Atb. t
. . w.,,rf MiHlA
of pnrvt4a
0rrtiug f'i
td :
riti. n-nttilt(r nad faiii
f awJ CM(hn lr,.u,rr
;fcdM aHl lrd
" 1rt'f , ,
VM .A, rrvim fc ry I W
J twn'fjr. iwl br 01 j !:
A.J Twjt. ary lw
J M . Ytttrt. gbAanb f -'
i. F fr lit,
Ifrdrp. Watr f r Krfc art . ,'
I. '-. tiiln.. (. rtty f
LW-(rV Urlit t IrA arrt. ITISj
Three Clocks at Cost!
I luvc three high-priced Scth Tlvmas
cKkks that I will h-II at just hnt they cost j
For jiarticulars set
mill hf
0 V4 111 w
I occupied
I by
I R. B. Wade
next meek.
The Steamer Alice A.
C . Skinner. lixp.
Will Itmx la4j0'la, e7 tTfft.aia. at, Aan,a
fcnava oo lb U f tM at.
FARE oocentseach way. For Freight and Passage,
apply on board.
1 Bicjclss GRAT
A do a-' uirAcae feaoaA a a4tia !ti rta!t trvrtt.a S& "a
..(. Val SA a nn(ittJ a aaaa;ta( a Aif rt!a?st o( tb KM.
ia05L The Eagle Bicycle li.
Are M lUTEI.Hif RK.IDITT and BExt'TV. LIl.HTE-T (IT to "1 rtimUsandj
1T RELIABLE. N old rt. Material ulitfard, A-h dign i
new, even, to tbe mnIWt drtad. Our Ure orlrf, Jirwt frnu tlie "
Fat-lory, a ill amve Frbniary 1 -St It (all and n amine t-f.rv Uiyni2
liRAY BR'.b, Nate aud UUriy Mrw4. iALKM, OHFXiOX.
i rC , fast Sid Railrcad street ,
ituated near the 8. P. de. Snrtmd Ty-ti
in i kii;ndi;ncix oukgon.
ROOMS, light, clean and airy.
TABLE supplied with the best in market.
PATRONAGE of the public solicited.
What Do You Think?
A Corn Popper for 8 cent.
50 Darning Need!A, o cenU
Cake (Jf!od T'.el frmn. 4 cents.
Ladie' Hatidkercbk K 4 centA
A 'p. eta day". Aot KVK-Y IY H a da; at tejie .
Yours Respectful),
J. A. MILLS, Prop.
- .
H0KILft U j
, .
AT 6:30 A. M.
, Tur-uy.
Tl tfUy
AT 6:00 A. M.
fa rrtiAta Pt
V, Uf,. M a "
ttju iitaya iAiiiA '! 1
lw t J.aaw'. I
rt wr
m tsar fc4 mmmfft :.
Ft i
I. KB1MER, k Jewlsr.
& Go.'s
i.Tii.K r.iiii,ri i-rvii Mifc if Vlkf. 15 j
t it .... . , .
Mckel Alarm (1ork,iwarranledl c.
"lUiu-li. k"Jrtin 60 een! up.
IMloru priveanu Law Curtain
pec kays
Cbicandlrenchy with
those pretty colors
Will suit you. when 15
cents a yard, is the
in a myriad ol dots,
dashes and splashes
of every tint, colors,
fast, and vrry wide
at 15 cmtsayrd.
Vanduyke point laces
Cbantilly laces, two
toned laces, jets, silks,
buttons, etc All new
NHW CaliciKrs. 5c a ytrd.
Ouiini: Flannels. B l-4ca yard.
Outing Flannels, 10c a yard.
'IVastk 12 1 -2c a yard.
Red Outings. K)c a yard.
Silence cloth, 02 in. wide, 75c.
Blankets SL25 a pair.
When it comes to SHOES we are the
Pioneer Drug Store,
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co,
While Ion k ToucMng
lenioik tiat PMhSI
'95 BicjiksJ
I lave a fine $txk o
C. 0. Groves. Proprietor.
i'aUVfisI ilriA'Ar ml ia i.
jPutronage of the Public
i Solicited.
I '
42 Loaves of Bread $i.oo.
Strong's Bread will be delivered at your house
every morning.
Strong's Bread Beats Them All.
are no make Lelitve,
but the real Scotch,
with that fineness of
weave and delicacy o(
color, that only the
Scot can give them
12 1-2 cents yard.
with tbrs pretty dots
dainty stripes, on ua
on white, on blue.
Ducks fcr pretty suits
for unly pretty suiu
could come from thes
styliih ducks. Only
15; a yard.
Very cheap.
Uttle Palace Hotel.
I konsoi mblo Ghtutre..
- .... . a.