nviiii) oil The Best Newspaper It the on that give th most and frehet news. Compare th WK8T SIDE) With any paper In Polk county. As an Advertising Medium THE WE8T 8IDE Takm thi Lt ad m Polk County. VOL. XIII. $2.00 Per Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 8, 1805. Fivo Cents Per Copy. No. 16. BANKS. THE INDEPENDENCE National Bank ! Capital Stock, $50,000.00. H. HHWt'llBKItU, ABRAM NKUHON. W. P. CONNAtfAY PttatdenU Vie President. Cashier A general IxttikUit and exchange bunlne transacted; on made, bill dtscniiuted.cotM tuervlal credit aranteit: deposit received on current account luhject lo check, murvl paid on Urn deposits, DIRECTORS. B. r. Smith. A. Nt'lmtn. 1. A. Allen. II. I! Japern, A. J. OotKtmmi, l, V. Hears, It. 11 irM-nuenr Commenced Busines Ma9 NUnlulieJ by attoual Authority, THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of Indipoudimoc, Uregou, Capital Stook. Surplus, $50,000.0) $14,000.00 J. 8. CWPKIt, U W. KOlIKKTSON, I'roildtnt. V lo Preside". . W. tt HAWLKY, Cashier. DIHKUTOP.S. 4.8. Cooper, U . Robertson, Lwl HeliulK O. W. Wlilteaker, W. W. O'Ulu. A mitnl hunk In business tmu.iirifl Buy suit sella exchange on all Import! t IwpnslU reived suhjeet to cheek or ou ce lincnte 01 ueptsei. 1 oiieruuns maun. Otnee hour: a. m. lo . m. NCORPOMTED UNDER THE LANS OF 0AE601 Polk County Bank, MONMOUTH Or. J. H. HaWI.FY. ....President ..Vice. I 're. .Cashier P. UCAMI'llKI IRA C. VuWfcLU Paid Capital, $30,000. PI RECTO US, J. H- iUwIor, P. L. Campbell, I.M.mmpam) J. 11. V. Butler. J. U. mump, V. H. Powell JMpti ( rnven. A general banking unt est'lianse bnaliiesa traiiMWUtt; msdo; deposit received subject to rhwk r on eertiileateof depiwll Interest paid on lime deU. SsrKIre proof vault mid burglar proof le, secured by Yale time lo -k. d.ice Hours' a. n.. to 4 p. in. A. PUfcHCOTT. J. A. VKMW8 Prescott &c Veness, Proprietor of- Manufacturer of mid Uenleri In FIR and HARDWOOD, Rou-h and Dressed LUMBER. J. A. WHEELER, Manager. Amnrlcan mid fcuropi'im I'l in, THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor, ' x fieventh and Wanlilngton Htn., 1'OHTLAND, OREO' S Oo to the C SMreet blacksmit: SHOP And aee how CHEAP You can i?et your Work Done. Wagon Repairing ol All Kinds, H. I. FULLER, Proprietcr. tf you want a Good;quare Meal lor 25 Cents Go to the CITY RESTAURANT MRS. L. CAMPBELL. Prop. Ice (em every dny during the ''""n 1 SilTaSari Mln BDndVi.endence. 7 BIMETALLIC MM Tlio Money Issue Now Dominant. Ui. restricted Coinage Is Demanded. Tlif Government Only to Rfjulut 1-tKUf f Currchcy, Which Mimt He Lrffttl TpihU'P, A&1UNUTO.N, Mr. ft.T)i f4Uw li t wnm luwl toly by U Amirien 1-lri ftrtlilo Khikuo: S vttii;ciit (if the muvn tn which it -v jiu ty will oricanix0. T e imuuy quintlott U uw Intllxput l; th ) doitiJnniit liwu tn tho t'liltiit S. Mii.l will ri'tiwiii m until Nvlthn r: rt ly. tithor qtH'Hiloiin. lu.wovrr, Im p t wtt. inuot watt fir thin, which to a troator or hx txttt Invntve all o h. m, Tli tiiui Is bftvH-ti th fld VI Jnl. noil buwl mill hank or r n y tn th o:t alJu ami the blntotalllc ii.itnni, uo lotntM aiul iri,vtrmttlit o neru-y on th othur. I' ml u thl wwue W9 dctoUr mir- t' ! - ta ti.) utiHitcralily obtiuwd tu . i la Buhl Htatld.trd, ami ilctttund the It irtnlluti) rot urn to thj voaw t It ul Imml tit.iitmt rf bm and llwr. rf tlm re tiratl'iti by thin kov.m ihii. nt tmhpi'nd p tiy tr any fttroiKii pvwor, of the uiv rntrtt'tt i'oIiihio of butl mid aatd l:v.-r !tu Mallard m nn y at the ratio of Jli u 1 tiiul utrti ti-fnw if i-xact ei u.tiitj', mlvcr in to u full irgul t ndor fqunl with rold In 'rtytmtit of t I ubt an I tluti, llulllk, or prlvato. !s.-oo;nl -W i hold tho ihiwit to pontrol stud ri-Kumte (;ipr t'ltrrfttoy U ltiip ,utli fnn tho powor tt coin' numry, aui (KMioe Ih it nil currvury IntomliM to iln-ulatc nn'tiry Hhould be Imnntl Hut It viil ime cu'ilnill.Hl by Ut Ki'iior- tl novt-rtini. ul wily, mut nhould b i- ttiil tfinlr. t1lrd i nr u nut tw ably opp.wl o tho lnn by th rnlt..t Htatva of lntirt't Ix'trltiK bmit tn tlm of iu- tnd wj U.-tn.UMl th paynu nl of nil ciii iSIIrtli n of tt,. l'nlte.1 Stati- a pniid'.J by cxlutlnir law In tth,T gold or allver at tl? option of the itv. tritni 'iu and nt at the uptluu of tins rrHltor. On thl lue w appoul from tht dl-tatlim of p..w,T t tho Intrlll. ne and patrlotiam of th Amerlvan public. TO TIIK l'KOI'LE. Tlio ailtlrosit to tho pwiile of lit) L'alti'il .statu wtya: 'I I U trrnit (iiii will m'ver Im won will. out iiiiitiiliiioiiit action. Jt will ticvt r tio won unlin i how who IhHi vo it It coma toiictlicr utul t'lort it coiiKroK tml ii prvxlili'iit on thu lwtit. There n Ihiihi wluitcvcr thttt tin ropiilill- :m patty a a imrty will t hsiiiiiis tta p ll . K'vo up tin' K'old atamltird ttiiil n-it rt tho bliui'tiilllc tuniMl.tnl. No im iH-rsiMtftit and fffoctlvu I tho con trol of tho money power ovor tho or ititn Ziition of tlm tloiiimTatlc party. Wh ie timlotibti'dly a larnc imtjortly if t 10 iiioihInt of that party nti op- ic l to tho (old sliiiiiliin!, tln-y linvo iro i iNiwvrli'M to control that puny Di j;. uixiitloti ii mil list it niui much lens to t euro throimli It tho restoration of l ini't.illlo Mtauilaril. hllo tlila Id tlio cano, It niniiiit be ci ciiii thiif the ri'puMii'tiim will i'm ilot! the convlctlolis of a llfetlllll' i;i i Jut iictlmm ami K to tho (ieiiio e ;t e party In n body or to a wlnt; l lnt party. Nor will tho ilenio .11 Ki.'o up convictions t!p y believe i 1 . ( Htlnl to thu Kovcrtliiii'llt and i nor to mo rcpuiiiicnn party or a d'v hIoii of that party. Nor I It poit H' ll to liuliteii reiiiilillcnnH ami lcni- c :t toitidlier lo gn Into the iHipulmt P n y for tho reiiHon, If no other, Unit tlto platform of (hat party conlaliiH (!.'c aratlorm nml tho party tiilvocaicM t w riin to which tliey cannot elve tie r flfwelit. 'J'liereforo, no roll rue k (! n moro ii'ikr1Ii!i than tlint to mill- 0 il tiato for tlio Hum lii'lnjr otlier iiten. t oi anil conic lo the front" in a new c -g, tnlzatloii to Unlit the lialtlo of IStMi i i tin) ono Ikiiiio on which Ihc jinm- 1 'i ty find hnppliii'H of tho peopio no I r :cly 1 in-n in, V'hllo not mi in I titl fill of llm 'nlereat ( ' ho peoile of oilier countl'iitl ill llib i iimtlon. It Is not an (hhiio that en it ) Hiifcly Hiilmillteil to the ileclMlon i f forclKit KovcrniiKtilM or Im nuiile to i (Mid ou what other ciMtnirlci may i o. It In bclliivcil Hit L'tilti-il HtalcH linn lower cnotiKii In the roiiiinercial t'orlil . to U'storo the luik between i iiia mill aiivcr, DroKcn in ixi.t, tint hoiihl Kohl fur any reiiHon tt'inKirar- I y K' t" 1 ri ' 1 1 S 1 1 mi. It will none the I 'Ms operate on prices Koiiernlly, nml ret talnl.v n premium on (fold hero would, like the fall In price of ullver lo Hllver countries, Inure on every lilo to the advantage of the I'lilled State. We esp'cl.illy urce nion you the Importance of liiimedliiti oricaiilnllon In towtiHhlpN and counties throiiKhotit the eiiUti! country for tho purpoae of cm rylmf out tills jrrent tnovement for the ('oiiimon kooiI of all. The nddrcHM Ih l(!tieil by the foliow iHK exectii lvo commit tin1, iipiMiliui'd by ii iiiincjiuiiie. cimrcreiico ciiiiimi in U'ltKhliiKton 'I'Vhruury 22, 1M'.I5: J. A. Warner, pri'shleiit of tlio Ainer Iciui Itimeiallle League, cluili'iiinii; John I. Joiioh, Tj, S. Hotiute; Wllllniii .M. Htevvart, U, H. Hennte; J. U Mo l.iiurin, of H. K.; Anson Wolcolt, of ftiilluiia; (icortfo 0. Merry, of (Jolo lado; Henry ,loiien, of tieorfe'ln; ,T. C. (Jieen, of Callfornln; Jos. Klieldon, of tlonectlciil; C. J. Hillyer, of the Ul nrlct of Columbia; Uryon K. Shear, of Colorado; Mortimer Whltcliead of New Jersey. If tho conference had authority from th i jxwipht to nanio a candidate for pr "rfldclit it would nnme Joaeph 0. HUdoy of I'ennHylvnnlu, lint not litiv iii;; Much authority. It can only mukucih ih iiiinie and Invito exi)i'cnalomi from III - people by petition, rcMolitlloiiN or tit iervv lse. The coinnill tee was lippolnt eti to select a pfovlHlonul luitlonnl ccnitiltteo to consist of one member fr mi each mtato and territory nnd the D' strict of Columbia, to take chnrgo of this niovemetit. AFTER DUCKS. Wachlngton, Mar. 5.--The proeldent, a com pan led by Dr. O'Hollly, Com n tndor Oeorgj P. Wild of the llght h mse board, and Commander Ta.mber t. n, inspector of the fifth lighthouse d itrb-t, left thin mornlnsr on the VlO' j, t iot. a ten days' shooting lit the In- Jh nd waters of North Carolina. I.IXllSt.ATIVK IAU ROLLING. What thu Vahlnltm Holoiui Am lKilntr and Not IotH(f, Olmiplav Mr, .VTh tioue totlay rtHlvl ihu niort of tht rotiunlUv H"lllUxl ti Illitiut0 the I'luugr r-lwt thrt trutiK' of lh Ellftmbuiif noritwl iahil, ami vhllo no dlrwt wiMOif itotnit U ludtcnttnl, the lMird I ivumiushI to Mint extent. Tho Mile bill for a (tin In liuiHtur w coiwddoml In ommlttwu of the t whole and reorted favorably. The bill by Wlnif brtnalna fmtpna tnuni,iice tM'leil under the Insurant' btw of the eliilo failint to pajM. No tice rf rwonalder.ltlotl W alvwt. Amoiitf the hu9 bill pttJUMit win.; A bill otmliuotluif wit llamroft Whltny & Co. for tn year for the puhllortilou of miprriiie tumrt rtHTta, In tlm 'nate the moat Important inenaui e to ihim w.t the bill which rtv ntliN the pnalty and accrued Internet o't (UtliHUiiel ala'e, cocnt and mu nlclpnl taxrt dun and iwyabl In (he pml twu yestr U paid by July lt; all the penally and tulf the liitnnoat tf paid by IMHMiibrr tat; uu-bttlf the piuilty nnd two-flftha of tint tntervat If pild later. The H.tnnt aim tuiwed: bill appro- prl.UUiit r."J.ooo f,M dfitoleiH'lc of the yurl'iu Mtate lmtltutliu; dettnlmi IvuuoMtead and liM'rvanlnir pxtonpllon fnmt $t.iNl to $j.tait; to bond atate unlverMtty bioda for f.'1'r..iniii mut re loilono the atate for prevlou appro- prlHttiuin. Iwonty-two bill were ixwtponed, anumg wrhloli were: To rvdoue ttie aa adea of ail oounty oirtiH. A SICK KM NtTl; ICC1TA I Ilorrlblrt IH-alti lit au Elevator at I tea Hi lu au Keitltle. Seiittlo. March 5.-.V A. M. NoI-mui, lHietiiiiwtcr at Sculmld, KUaap intinty, suortiy niter u ociock tcmiunt dcatiHl tu nit elevator of tho Pioneer buitdlutf talkltii; to l.ewU ThompMo.i, the elevator mini, at tlm dour of tin fourth rhHir, Thouiimon went out to llk'ht thu una lu the hull. Tho elevator stin ted to drop and Nelsoit aclacd the Ioht and attempted to atop It. The elevator ahot upward and Nelson, In--ciiiuliitf incited, tried to Jump out. llu wna cauuht betwiim tho tbsir of tho elevator and the top of tho door and bin (ui k was broken. A yoiuiif itlrl, a friend of Nelson, who wu in tho elevator at the time, wits told by tho elevator mini to Krasp tho lever and slowly lower thu elevator. She, loo, bwi her head and let the eleva tor dmp with great nipldlty, .'!- on IhmIv, which wa liuiit'liiir bnlf out of tho elevator, dropped utitaldo, and tho disir on tho fourth Ihsir belnii olHll, it pitched hittdlolli; down the shuft. Tbo btsly was horribly ttiau. Bled. NOTAULKS IN roRTLAXn. Itoofptkm to Sifnator Mctiiidij and Senator Thuratott. I'orHand, Mar. 5.-Jihn M. I'aiin. innn.'MtiT for the (icttoraj MannKer wuH-l.itlniv durtiiK the grtat atrlke last aumnior, arrived here tislay. Ill, liamo U metitlonvd In coitmvtloit with the ricelverahlp of the ttrifm Short line. Mr. Eaan, however,-C-nlin that he In her In cocniu'llon with tho nhort llni fane. He will ro to Astoria to morrow with ox-Senator Kiiundera of Montana. Portland, Mnr. 5. Senator John T Fhtiraton of Xebrnska, and Senator ieorgrt . Mcltride uf Oregon, were nilerl an Informiil riveptlon by thv Miiltorisir republliMn club thl even ing. Only a few Invitations were Issued and nldo from the two aeuator and ien. John C. Cowin, of Omaha, titer were no guest present. I he reccii lion wita attiiiil.d by about forty mem ber uf thd club Including Attorney !ennr;il Idh-man who ts president of tho dub. I ti rich waa served In lh lub'a rcsmis, after which the lenator made a few brief remark'. WHEAT QUOTATIONS. Market Itetiort Distant from 'Erlsi.'o lbtrbor, and San Eraiu'lsco, Mar. 5. Wheat, good to oholco shipping wheat K'i'tic d( S.V, whlli largo pureelii would likely find PtiHti.m at Wl4. Milling grade N fit 1I.V-; Walla Walla wheat W,c fit HI 'Jo for fuir average quality; H'jo n Hi '! for blueetem, and 75c ( 7"Vjc for damp. LI vorp.Hil. Wheat, spot firm; demand poor; No. 2 nil winter -Is H'id; No. 2 red spring r !ld; No. 1 hard Manitoba i WjfV, No, 1 California atocka ex hausted, ll'ipa, Pnclflo const 2 l."is, New York. Ho( weak. PortlarwhWheat, valley 75c (f "7VaC per cental; Walla Walla, -l.'llic (f(J 4k' per bushel. MADE A MISTAKE. New York, March 5. Tho board of health refused to record tlm nittrrliigi; llllcute of Anna (ioiild and Count do (.'iihtelhine today on the ground that It was defective In n vital point, All Information was refused by the boiird. It is said no dale was given lu tho cerllllcati'. 1,'pon Investigation It wan learned that Archbishop Corrl- gatra clerk, by inadvertence, omitted to enter tlm (Into of tho (!ouliI-Citstcl. hum iiiarrlago ivrtlllcnte, anil the IMts-r was relumed to tho proper porsoiiM for correction. THE RACES. San PrnnclNco, M;tich 5. Tlm wln nera nt the liny Dlslrlct track yester day were ns follows: Fivo fnrloiiga Silver won In 1:02. Almut lx fttrlonifH, lolllujf Royal Flimh won In l:i:i'. Seven nnd a half furlonga Uoozc won In 1:.'!5 .1-4. Ono and a half miles, BteopleclntM- Wymishot won la 3:21. Seven fuilonga-ltraw Scott won In 1:2(13-4, EN ROUTE TO CALIFORNIA. Ruffalo, Mar. 5. Eddie Raid, the bi nyollHt, h?ft Puff alo thlH mornJng In compa.niy with Ray McDonald and his trainer, Asa Wlndlo, of the Columbia terum, for San Franciavo, to begin the racing season. CIGARETTES DOWNED. Lincoln, Nob., Mar. 4. The house to day passed the anl'l-clgaret te bill. Oma ha hii boom especially bitter In this tight, but the churches have succeeded In Influencing their members, IN OFFICE NOW. Los Angeles, Mar. 5. Judge Ersklno ' M. Uosa took the oath of office of United States circuit Judge this morn- ing and adjourned court a few minute i later without doing any business, ICE Millions No Earnest of Happiness. The Vamlerbilt Sconda Completed. The Hlch llusliHiul Aastc 111 AIT.c tlouti ami iluin y mi a ll. autiful Advi'iituiTH. New York. Mar, 8. Jitdaa Ilarrelt ha itrauteit atwolutn divorce to Mr, AIV4 Vandorbllt from William K. an derhllt. The decree by Jude lUrret art.inl the euV.ixly of the children t( Mm. anderbllt, It bolu provided tlm they almll ba wlucatwl In the L'nltett Sutea, Action waa Ijejrun January ;id last, and the def iidant put In an an awi-r denying- the chariie. Though thu fact h.i bmvi known some month that tha Wetrrt dt were aiirerd upon the pmra' pnipo.il t Ion of divorce, It wa not lui'iwn by th publlo untU th dixrvo waa filed tiday that pnaieedltitt had bent bivun. Vndrbllt met Mia Smith, who afterward becatua hi wife, In 1HM, when he wa '.t) year of an, it I iiiidt.miu.Hl the arltu iiient eism Mr. Yan.terl.tlt Include the m nde palace at Newixirt, the reelden r at Hfty-amiimt atreel and Flfty-el.. itvttHiB and iinsiey and aiH-urltlo tit will make her an Income of .'lmi, a year. tirouitd for divorce n aliened in ilie oiiiphilnt I adultery. Auionu other tldiik's tho dii rco of divorce aay It I livroed tiy thu coiirl by virtue of the power Pi It vested, Hint It shall be lawful for tho plaintiff, Alva Vander. Iillr, to marry nuiilu durluit the life if the defendant, William K, Vander- lit, but It shall not 1st lawful for the lefeiiilaut. William K, Vnttderbilt, to marry again until the death of aild Viva i:. nuderbilt. I lie i iisiody of In children I awarded to Mrs. Van- lel-bllt. but their fullier Will 1st III- owiil to visit them nt nil prom-r tlinc. It I ibinsil that Hm two sou, Win, K. Vamlertillt and Harold Vntiderbllt, nsvlvii their education In tlm Vtiited State. Tills last provision n to tho editcntloi if the anna Isdug made with the ap proval of tstth purl lea through counsel. Tlm "woman Hi the car I Nellie Neustretter, one of the moat beautiful iiiii'ii of the l'lirlttlnn detulimmde, Vamlerbilt I alleged to have given In r all hi wlniiltig at tlm last lint ml rlx. At present VBinlerbllt Is crula- ri.' on board his yacht attain In the Mediterranean with a party of friend. Mm, Vanderbllt and her friends hare made all their itrrnngemcnt for ailing for Europe, having planned to iivupy palatial ipuirter nt rnrts. MOVEMENTS OF C(XC.RESSMEN, WashlnRton, Mar. fi.The txodu of membiti and CK-memlK-r of conurwa from Washington which began Imtne- tliitely after the iiilournmeM wa kept up today. Ex-S, inker t'rtup. who wa inwmg th'iee whi cam to the ra.pl tol. mid ho pxpm-ted to remain In the city until Friday, wlim he would leave for home for a saon of rest and recrea tion, A majority of the senator will probably remain In Washington for a wni'k or ten day but several left Im mediately for their home. 1 he aeua tor have buln to clone up which will require some I line, while not a few from the north who are comfortably Hunted in Washington will remain here during the spring. A MONSTER PltlDC.E. New York ,Mur. CThe board of dlreotor of tho New York and New leisey bridge toduy adoptl Hpii'ltlca- tltm for a bridge acrosM tho Hudson between Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth treeta In thl city. The bridge Is to bo a miHpenalon of ono span of d.ltM) find. It I to be lot) feet almve IiIkIi wtitor murk, and to oot within f2U s II 1,1 ssl. PASSED INTO HISTORY. WASHINGTON, March 4.-AI noon idav tlio t'nltcd State somite closed Its final eslon of the lifty-thlrd con- gi'css amid crowded galleries, congr.it- latory sccnia, a paitlng word from l'lcsldcut Clevcliilid and a brief Villi)- lletory from thu vicu-prcaldeiiL Tho wonted illgnlty or me aeiiate wit iaeservcd to tin.- end, except for tlm rush of biiHliifK Inoldcnt to the last hour of a schhIou. Tbo feature f tho last moment of the session was thu tumultous laughter which grcelel the announcement of Vooihcc of the oiumlttee to wait on tho president, that tlm latter had tendered his con- . .. . ..... ,.i graduations to coiigrcsa on uiu ciose of their labora. WASHINGTON. Mar. 4. At noon xlay aftir a continuous session of irty-elght hours, Interrupted byanoc rislonal rect'sa, the flag above the apltul were lowrcu anu me iiuj-unni oiiirros bad paieed Into history, In the house the end wa not marked or narred by any unpleasant Ini'ldent. Ml the appropriation bill were out of lh way when tho house convenod at 8 'clock this morning and tho time was Iwlndled away i.ntll 11 o'clock, the only feature being a rather DrisK ae bate on the results to follow from a projwted monetary conference. The mcdudhiff minute were In the nature f a love feast. As tho fifty-third congrces came to in md the "Doxology" was aung by (WKpnipor forreapondents In the pretf gull cry. FAVORS THE EDITORS. Washington, Mar. 4. In the aenatt thl morning, on motion of Piatt, the ouso Mil wn piumed amending the ipyrlght law by limiting the severity f the pennlty Imposed on newppaper for unintentionally violating the law in reproducing copyrighted photographs, to, A USELESS OFFICE. Washington, Mnivli 4. Tho cenmii olllce hna ceased Its existence, n the bureau today nnd hereafter until the work of tho eleventh census l com- plctcd, will constitute merely a divis ion of tho Interior department, which will consist of ninety clerks. THE SAME AS OREGON. 0LYMPIA, Mar. 4.-The following resolution was presented In the house today Just before the hour It was up- posed congress adjourned. The rtso- lutlon waa received with applause but not acted upon: it acted upon: Whereaa, At 12 o'clock this day the nfly-lhlrd oiiurtiw drew an expiring breath, by oonsrtiyitloMal limitation; ami, Wherea. death name peacefully tu the h"trmeieu cbiiieiil eomt'oeliig tlm anld cnirie, with Ita cuckoo and and lrriiMlhl and Incapable dmo crallo majority, which by endorsing Mr, lUvenwyer, d-eiroyed the appntit of France, (Jncnifiiiy, and Austria for Amorloan mat, ami Cuba and the Sou i horn Amor ban mate for Ameri can Hour, and did jiaratyxe ttie lumber, mwl, and wheat growing Industries of j the at 11.1 e of Waahlngton, i Resolved, That thl house di ca frllc Itata tlw ii'iinlry upon It delivery from demoorntlii dominion In congress, with M attendant evil ami upon the brightening proepect of an Immediate revival In the g meral buxlieMi affair of the country, and the con.vjiifiit returning proenrlty, and doe congrat ulata the country upon a rrlurn to power In Isith bra Hi he of emigre of the grand old repulsleait party; and be It further Resolved, That thl house In recog" nl Hon of that patriotism and Intelli gence upon the part of the Amerli'un people, whlh hurled the minion of inlorule from power, do Indulg In al lent thanksgiving for the space of one minute. Tho house reoolvnl concurrent res olution frott th Nebraska lejtlshitura asking the Oregon and Washington lealslsturei jo eo-oierat with It for the free coinage of sliver. The hu pad the following bil': To author I no the ue ti slate arm and equipment to G, A, It, poet. To leiK dendoii-y curiUlcate for excess of r.ad wortf ' !, The miat, j.:., Meghr's conrur- rent resol ui Inn r jHtt commit t of Ix to Inveatlgate all the nate Instliu- Hon jmee a year d oritur the Interim f the legtlati:r. Relknap1 bill the reduce th govern or' salary to '.V! wa Indefinitely (nietpiMied. , HEAVY CANADIAN FIRE, ntarlo' Capital Thrtateiird wlh D- atruetlon This Morning. Toronto, Mar. 2-A tremendous fir raging In the block boundeil bv lining, Queen, lllohmond and Pay strsits. K iU-rt Slm:on' doiurtmcnt lore I totfilly dxitroyeil. Thl build- ng wa Jum erected at a oust of over x.uti.iaai nnd the st.sk I enonnoua. John Wanle.ui fi Ciiuitn' retail lew- try store destroyed. Tttere t a high wind and the Are I spreading, STII.I, H'KKAPINO. T.ait.s Mar. 3,--i a. m.-The tire at thl hour I still spreading. The I rmx I'resbyterUn church and tho lamia in olothlng stor are burned. The Ins fxee- $75ti.tii. ONLY PARTIAL DENIAL. 8n Francleeo, Mar. 4 Mr. Rrldet Ramage, a well-to-do widow who keep. ItxlKtng house and who recently sued Dr, Victor J. Stearns fur breach of promise, h:i mure trouble on her hand. "Tony" Kragerrl, until re- ently employed a cook al the Pabir hotel, charge that she not only Jilted him, after agreeing to marry him. ml nu'epiliiK mimortiu costly presents from him, but that when he demanded fulfillment of her promise she l upon him, blackened both hi eye and threw him and Ida belonging out of her ouse. Mr. Kiunnee admit ah gave he took a sund drubbing and threw him out of her house, but she denle he enaigement to marry. IIARRARIS.M REVIVED. Sin Francisco, March 4. Students i the t nivcitty of California me xcited over the Impending revival of haxlng. Certnlu undergraduate have recently obtained a charter from the Ihetn nit EiMillon hazing fmtcrnlay. clmptnr of which had a brief exist- inn at the university twelve years ago, but was wljvd out by the fac ty. The "Itorbs," as the h:ijurs cn!l (hemsi'lvcs, have poiii-d a b'llteiin mi- onnclitg their first lulilail.iu of seven- teen new members, whose names nre published, to take place on the cinder track next Friday evening. Interven tion by the faculty la ngnln expected. FIRE IN A COAL MINE. Seattle, March 4. -Fire was dlscov- rcd this morning In the pump room No. 12 mine nt Rlnck Diamond, bout L.'ltMl foct from the surface nnd soon gained such headway is to drive ho men out. The head of the slope ha lni'ti sealed nnd steam Is being forced Into the fire to smother It. Tin will take n week or two and In the meantime 100 men nre Idle, FATAL ACCIDENT. The Dulles, Mur. 4,-Thls afternoon di n Hill, a Rosslan Finn, wu In tently kllliil at Seufert's fishery. Hill ml another laborer were statnllmf un- er the boom of n steam derrick used the construction of a fish wheel when the fastening of the boom broke, ttlng It fall on the two men. Hill's Hkull was crush jil ii U the other man was Injured. THE GOLDEN GATE RACES. San Frnnclwo, March 4. TJodny's races resulted as follows: Six furlongs, iiuildcimGrotto won In 1:1S4 Five liit'loiiLrsIti'ondhend woa In 1:01. Six furlongs George P. Smith won in 1:13 3-4. Six furlongs Harry Lewis won In 1:13 .'1-4, One mlhu-RIco won In 1 :1 1 Vi m THE MARKETS. New York, March 4. Hop steady. Llverptsil Wheat, spot, linn; do- iiiniid piMir; No. 2 red winter, 4s H'jd; No. red spring, 5s 3d; No. 1 hard Man itoba, nml No. 1 California, 5 2d. Hops at London, Pncllle coast, i!2 15s. San Frnwlsco Whtt, Inter lo- mnnd hismus to be springing tip on export nmmnt. Shipping wheat, S3 l-41.H5 for giHid to cholct. TWO RECORDS UROKEN. Rig Winning Made nt San Francisco Races ehterdny. San Francisco, March 2. Two Cali fornia roeot'ils 'weftj Urokciii today, The seven fuiion'ri record of liL'tHi was lowered to 1 ;Z by McLlght The full course Htecplechnso record of 5:35 wns brought to 5:2H4 by Ell Kendlg. llary Schrelber made n big winning on Ell Kctidlg, An nfnount stated to be ?7,000. Tho events of tho tiny were: Six furlongs Nlngnra won In liiHV. Seven furlongs McLlght won In 1 :2tl. Racing stokes, 2-yenr-olds, half mlh Imp. Santa Bella won In 41)'4 Hawthorne, stakes, steeplechase, full course, value $2,500-Ell Kendlg won In 5:21'. Mllo nnd a quarter, handicap Oak land won In 2:00. Six furlongs Flush won In 1:15. fa Tbc Official Records, I Showing the Eg Best Baking Powder. The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports (Hi the Royal Baking Powder a pure cream of tartar powder of W greater leavening strength than any other. fig Bulletin j, U. S. Ag. Dep., p. $99. The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show the Royal V . Baking Powder highest of all in leavening strength. $5 Bulletin 10, p. 6, Inland Rev. Dep. There is no question but the Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesome baking powder in the market State Chemist, Washington. Hence, In practical use, The Royal Baking Powder goes further, makes purer and more perfect food than any other. 11 -GOULD MIP.ULS Break tho ltecord of Georeonsness. A Fortune in Diamonds Presented. American Wealth and European Aria toe racy Ljilte to Dau'.e Kew Yuik's Starving TUousaud. NEW YORK. Mar. 4.-Th marrlar of Mis Anna Gould, daughter of the Lite Jay Gould, to Count Paul Ernest ltonlfac do Caatellone was soletnn Ued today, at noon, Archblnhop OiktI- gun officiating, at the residence of her brother. George J, Gould, At 11:30 rein live and Intimate friend assembled at the house, which wu artistically decorated throughout with tropical plants, roecs and Hill's. They entered the music room and piuwed hit t tho Kaal India rtsnn. wher awaiting the approach of the bride stood the bridegroom, attended by hi brother, Count Jean de Caattd lane, On the dais stotsl Arehblahop Corrl g.tn, wearing e-leM4aMtUal robe. Mr. Gould placed his sinter's hand In Count do Caatelhuie's hand and withdrew to the left, where hta wife and two little children stood mh mhmh tnh frfd wd daughter stood. The ceremony was abridged by thu fart that the bride bus not, a haa been frequently stated, suriH'iulured her own rellglou faith. "Ave Maria" waa auinr by Uowa Sacher, stationed at the foot of tho stairs In a large hall. After the benediction Mendi'lsshon's wedding march filled the room, and tho bride received the ginid wlwhc of tho archbishop and her friends. ' A delicious w eit ding breakfast waa served. At 2:30 the bride, attired In a travel ing dress, paswd through the hall, crowded with friends anxious to bid her farewell. Tlm bride's wedding gown wn of neavy Ivory aatln diuws, tastllj tnlmmed with Point Dagglcterre lace, twelve Inches wide, and of rare- and beautiful pattern. After the ceremony the superb Jew els were laid out In the library table ou a cloth of heavy red velvet. Among vho flrst ntu mwt V(mty ot pr,WPnf(l was a liiart-BhniHHi brooch. In the center wns tho rare nnd world-famous Kstcfhiuy d!fiiniMid, istirrouiuH'il 'by cloven diamonds, ench of which s large enough to bo worn ns a single stone. This was the gift of Miss Helen Gould. Mr. nnd Mrs, George Gould's present was a collar ot superb js-orls consisting of ten strands, each iM'iirl being the size of a big pea. Tho strands wore crossed by bam of plati num holding rows of brilliant white diamonds, these dividing the iienrls Into ten compartments. In ench bnr were twelve diamonds. In the out' collar theife were seventy-two tl.j niotids end 800 pearls. Mrs. Frnnk Gould presented n chain of 200 dla nunids which could be worn In colls about the neck or twined as a bracelet about tho wrist. Mrs. Owen Gould gave a lurce cluster of diamonds, ench end of the glittering ribbon having ns n tassel a superb blue nnd pink illn iiimid. The Marquis nnd Marquise do Cns tellano presented a mi)erb unique mcklaeo consisting of live ropes of pearls, each string of which Is of his toric Interest, one having belonged to Henry Qtiatre nml another to Mnrlo Antoinette. At one end of, the neck lace securing, live strands was a ningnl llcent square emerald of exceeding beauty, surrounded by twenty-four dhiii'imds. This Is an heirloom In the de Cnslollnno family and could pass only to the oldest son. Another pres ent by the Marquise de Castellano wns a ring of two stones, a superb ruby and sapphire. Count Jenu Cnstel lano's present wns n diamond hat pin of exceeding behuty of design. Gen eral and Mrs. Kckert presented a sup erb diamond str. A ningulllcent tlnrn of dlnnumds wns presented by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gould. In addition to these glfls were ninny lesser ones of scarf and lace, bonnet nnd lint pins studded with diamonds nnd resplend ent with colors of ruby, sapphire, ame thyst nnd diamonds. On the book shelves were fans of every description. clocks In leather cases, dresdon nnd orniulu elect's, tiny wntchea nnd watches Btudded with jewels, silver Vfi ftOVAl aAglNtt SOWOCft CO., 10 WAU IT., NtW-VOftK. and gold, glass Jars and gold top decorated with cnHou wbrkmatishiu and ornamented with monogram sur rounded wltli coroiieta, sliver pltchera, salvor, loving cup, sliver lu every ahaiM and of wery form, cut glass bowls, deesntora, tit-a-tetto sets tn all ver. China and glass, la fact, almost everything one would ae In Tiffany's. IN THE FARMERS' HANDS. CblcBo. March 4.-11; Pralrl Fdrti er, In Its niort today, gives the amount of wheat now held In the farmer' hands u IUo.0b0.0U0 bush-tla, of which araouut nearly iO per cent la reserved In the winter wheat state. The amount of corn la the producers" hands Is placed at otkS.otio.OtJO bushels, and of oats 207.OOU.0OU bushels. The. condition of the growing winter wheat plant Is announced as KM per cent, a agalnit 01.3 per cent January 1st GERMANY HAS THE GRIP. (Copyrighted, ll5j"by. Uic Associated Prcwal RERL1N. March 2.-The Influents bus taken hold of the people of Iter 11 n with a strong grin. Tho muddy weath er appears to have favored Its spread. In fact, according to statistics of the local sanitary bureau, threo quarters of all sickness lu the city at present Is duo to intliieiiza. I he epidemic has apparently taken the llruieat hold of the well-to-do classes. It Is also noted that tho complaint which win at first of a mild character, has grown much mora dangerous and tho number of deaths from Influenza and Its complications this week has readied several hundred. In tho relchstag tbo usual attendance dropped to about forty, some 150 mem bers filter uffcd-lug or Uncovering from the Bttack. Tho total number of cases in Berlin Is estimated from Uo.oiM) to 40,000. Among the sufferers are tho two vlcc-presldenbi of tho fcleh stag nnd numerous court oitkvrs. It also develops that Emperor Wil liam has Just recovered from a mild atttitck of Influenza. II. S. Ambassador Runyon has also suffered from a uilld attack of the disuse. As foreshndowed some weeks ago. the emisror hns convened a state council for March 12th, tho main pur pose lielng to devise means to old the agriculturists of Prussia who, espec ially lutho eastern provinces, are heavily depressesd tu financial condi tion ns a result of foreign competition In grtilu and cattle. MARKET PULSATION. San Fraadseo, Mar. 2. Wheat 834e for No, 1 shipping and 85o for choice. Milling wheat STMiC (! l)2Vjc. WaJla Walla wheat 78r4c U Sl14o for fair av erage quality, SlVic ftj! 85o for blue stem and TZYjo rt "5c for damp. Ivwtss. Wheait; spot, 'flrm; de mand poor; No. 2 red winter 4s 8Mid; No. rl spring Ra 5d; No. 1 hard Man itoba and No. 1 OaMfornla 5a Id. Hops at Ioaidon Pacllc coast 2 15a. Now York. Hops steady; state com mon to choice, old 3c 7c; 'M 5c (9 lie; Paelflo coast, old 3Mi5 7c; '04 7o 6J lie. MARKET QUOTATIONS. r.lc.w Ctttrcnt In the Produce Mitrkcl . ut l'liiilaad. , Oats Gissl white, steady at 2Sc jmt buslwl; milling, 31((l2e; gray, 27c. Hay Tlnwrthy. if'.) iht ton; cheat, ?(1.5t); clover, $7.50; wits, $7.30; wheat, $7.50. Uarley FihhI barley, 02'yii()5o ier cental; brewing, StXjtSoe, aciwdlng to quality. Mlllstuffs Rrnn, $12; middlings, $13.50; chop fowl, $12(iJ15. Butter Fancy cmunery, 22Mi((i;25e inr pound; nfucy dairy, 171n;2oe. Potatoea Quotations wholly uotu hull, Onions Good Oregou, D0c$T$t iHr sack. Poultry Chickens, old, quoted at $2.5(K(i3.50 per dozen young, $2.(K)f(8 2.50 per dozen; ducks $4.50fi(,5.50; geese, $(!; turkeys, live, Oe per pound; dressed, H'tk' isr pound. Eggs-Oregon, steady nt lie iHr dozen. Fnsh fruit Apples, good, JR&lJ&O per liox; comniou, 75ci$l. Oregon veKetnblea CublMtge, firm at lc pt-r pouud. Wool Valley, SGjloc, according to quality; Umpqun, TSfOc; full clip, 50c; Eastern Onegon, 5ft7c. Hojia Choice, 7c; medium, 2$14e. Tho local wheat market remains firm at almost tho same prices. Moro wheat Is being offered from the inter- IOC, uub pillow nmni mo mini, exporters will pny. Good Walla Walla . wheat for shipping, 43V44c per bush- el, and Volley at 75477VjC per cental, 0 mm Mitchell Presents His Credentials. Congress Does a Bushing Business. Bills Passed at the Rate of Two t Mlunte Doinjfs ef the Closing Hours. WASHINGTON, Mar. 2.-Sevtxr Mitchell today presented to the senate the credentials of (Jeorge W. MoBridd aa senator from Oregon for the term beginning March 4th, next, to succeed Mr. Doiih. A RUSHING BUSINESS. Washington, Mar. 2. About 250 bills and resolutions were laid before the house today and most of them were fs vtirably acted upon. The pension bills favorably acted on at lost night's eetvdun were passed at the rate of one every half minute. Under suspension of the rules a bill was passed appropriating $17,000 for Washington amd Lee University (to re imburse It for injuries sustained dur ing the war). THE CLOSING HOURS. Washington, Mar. 2. The near ap proach of the close of congress mani fested itself today In the crowded aw aito galleries, eager claimants about the corridors and the bustles and confus ion of important measure hurriedly passed. The senate worked tadustriously throughout the day and although the naval appropriation bill Invited flights of oratory on our new navy, the de mands of time reduced this to a mini mum and made rapid progress possi ble. It was kept steadily before the sen.Ua throughout the day and again at the night session with the determi nation not to lay It aside until It, was passed. There w re constant interrup tions, however, as the conference com mittees reported their progress in re cotiulllng differences on pending bills between the a mate and the house. Early In the day the agricultural and fortifications bills were Anally agreed to and made ready for the president's rignature. Five others besides the na val bill are yet to have differences har monized In the conference. At the outset of debate on the naval bill an effort was made to defeat the plan of reductibwi made by the appro priations committee, by which the house hill was cut aKkit $2,600,000 and the number of battleships reduced from three to two. After a sharp de bate tn which tho need of a strong nav was discussed, 'ithe commit tttee wa sustained. The speech of Hill was not able in urging that the United States had won her grreatest achievement without a navy and urged both diplom acy and reason, instead of cannon balls and force. . Hrrnun took occa.-Hn during the day to st lite that if t'.io wholesale ap propriations stood as already made the total far this session would exceed that of any ee-sslon smco the govern ment was formed. After recess, the senate resumed consideration of the naval bill. Squire resumed his speech on the Tuget sound naval station and after speaking' an hour. Gorman con sented that the Item bo placed at $200,000. Awarded Highest Honors World'. Fair.; DR; wriCT DERPPf.T MAFlP. ' , , . A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Aiumorany oinerauunwini. j 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.