The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 01, 1895, Image 3

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Kinds of Gordon end Flowor Soodo, booldoa lota of Good Thlngoto Eot ot Pcuty & Led
Official Paper of Polk tot)
West Side Publishing Company
8KCKKT 8(XiKTll,
AC (' w - 1S1E1'EMKNCL
. Loiter 22, rtteeivry M.m-
itav bitiht lii 1. O. U r hall. All si.jomi.
inJ timihonr invited In at'eml, K,
I Keiehum, M. W.; W. O. l'o. ,
T At.l.KY LOlK.K. NO. 42, I. O. O
V V. Mxi iu Vmuliivn hall wen
t nur,ly vaiii. All OiU follow eor
.Imllv iiivtteitlo ie- w'Hi n. J;me
A. Itnotrts N. (J.; A. J. Uoomiaii, tw
f IOMKU 1.0LH1K. NO. 45 K. of l
Jl MwU every Wednesday eveittnir.
ah kniwMs are corJiaily uiviisi. O.
A. Kramer, CIV; J. H, Mm In. K
of B. 8.
. ami resiileuee, corner llailromt
aud .duiiiuiiiilli t., Itnlepeuiltnio, Or.
1 J IVulwk All work warranted to
KIT Ul0 tt )f SUfaetiOlt.
deaoe, Or.
Law. Will practice m nil slate
ti.i federal eonrla. Abstract of title
furnished. Offlee over Iudependeuoe
National list,.
I LJ neya at lw- Otliiv iu Hush's
I block, holwevQ Htatt aud Court, on Com-
mereial street, Nalein, ur.
ufseturers of h mul iWr
.4 U, soroll aswiUa. Main street, hide
Deuderoe. 0",
Down to Bedrock
4 pounds superior Stx I a, 25 fnts
2. oz. Iltkinj: 1'owdcr,
I pound Tea,
1 package Coff-,
R pouudH UaiHiiiH.
6 bars Savon Soap No. 1
1 gal. Syrup
100 pound Liverpool Salt
20 pound granulated sugar
l oo
i oo
Fresh German Pickle.
5 gals. Coal Oil
Frh grown Northern needs 2
packages for
5 cents
Seed Potatoes Early Kcse.
Com: try
Produce Hought and
At Proportionate Prices
R.H.KNOX. Prop.
On C Str., oppositePostoffice.
I Restaurant
I the bHt place In Indpendnc to got a
good meal day or night.
OyaUrt In any Styla, Oyitaf Cock
taila, Portarhoua ataaka, Coffaa,
Tea. Etc
Private Rooms for Ladies and
Main Straat.naar 1at National Bank.
go the Prices
at Em's
l.y Amkkuan Italy Under the
now vwhh1 ieak of "Old WuMy,"
and in ilo U'HiiUlul 'Ky of Urn Auk
les, t'slll'iiriilu (lie mmiiuhI Fiesta tie
Lo AiiKeU-s lake place th In year from
i he 1 Mil to , I)., 'jotli of April, with
elaborate paip-aut tllsorlnilv of III
fitwlimtliiu hiKtorv of the ureal Wwt
I In- iirrl Idea for the sieeticulsr
(Hirtiou if thit Carnival Hi In year la
ir Kr(y dictated the "rajrealit of
ilie 1 Virtu" Mini itinmilllivlit floats,
Ut.liii Jt,v ;,ili,l artist will nlt'lure
events and national custom mul man
ners In HichU.ry of tlin I'uclllit limn.
trUnof two ioiiiimiiU, frtmi I'lxtirroln
I'vru, to ilif Pueblo liitlluiiH In ArUoim
ihI Now Mtxlvo,Hiil I rui the MMoii
IVnliv. to tlu nli-ii(llil rlvlllwtlou of
vlu' irwiil. Th orolvl ooiitliHH
fiii AWtck, with a vnrliHl ronrHiiniif
of il'iili iittrixt. Tht ra w III not I
ituio of th y-r, for
vInII to Southrn ('Hllforiiht. Nuturv
ia tin II Ht hlT lift, Hllll In tlm llllllnt of
till' MlltYl MIMt Willi II UlI'MlIK fH'1
Of IHOI.I,, CONtUIIKW of luulM.rlo
"plfinlor, ooiurtMttHl with th IhvIkIi
oiiiiourlii)(ofthv iiii'KKllU'viil rvMourov
of Hi1 nm'iit, iiooim could full to In
rtmruitHl mul liiliTvMfil. The mrtilvHl
thin tHr will Umhi rt whW of art little
iMHiiiy, tlmt will rivwl th iHtuoim
vvcuUof thin kind III tht world.
Tm M,svit k lUl.t. Th Amateur
tVihleiiu Ammk'IhUoii of thin t'lly, from
nil porti, Imvf the honor of itlvlnii
iha inoHt i'iiJo whip hull of the m'Bm
The tniiKkem did not nrrlvv until jtiltr
intv Mini II wum iifurty ti'ii o'clock w lien
1 1 10 uritlld IIUlH'll (tllllllHIHvd. Mot
evry elitinu'ter iinuyliiahlii waarcwr
iH-utd, and u iiiottcy army of 'lunoerii
tlif.V wi-r Mmiiv Utiuillul owtuiue
w,-r hud ty hoth IndlenandKciitU'iiieit
At a Into hour mipiHT w h purUkeii of
nt thi' K ity Itixtur iiit and other pluce
In town, then duiiitnu wua ruiiid
and continued until atMHit 4 a. in.
ICvvryotiit U khIiI to Imvf had a hiKhly
IntereMthiK time mul tripiHl the llhl
fniitHHtie to their hearta content. I'rw
ffMM.r St'briiiK'a orehentra tully sun
Uillt'd bin reputttlioli for gou UiUkIi'
and the eotioeri rt'iiibil by bin orchea-
ira wtut vi ry ciitrr'ulnliit!. Tlurv la
uld tolmve Umi hIhii eighty umkfr
nm'iit. The proetiMld w?r over tii
and Hie Imll u tr't ainitwa In every
Altosa Disaiii.kii. Ioil Friday
a the Altoint wan on hr way to Cort
land, at a (Milnl thin iiidi of HutU'Ville,
which in hetwii Sulciu and Ori'oii
City, the wheel nhiitt broke without
iiol appttrt'iit tiii-uii or waituiiK.
l!cfort the ti"um could lie turncil oil
the ey Under heitd on the rllit lil of
the bout waa torn out by the fon ol
l lie rt'lcnw'd trunk, and th diNibled
wheel pluyed Inivoe with tba rear end
of the Ukt. Cuptalii tlruhuiu inotiiiU'd
a linrw and rode over to tho Southern
I'lu-ltK' rtiiln.iid and took the train for
i'ortluud w here he ii the lUuioiia to
take the illmiblct Ixwt to 1'ortlauil,
and M-eured tho Jom pli Kellovg to tuke
tliu run of the Ailoua (or a few day.
In Hpmklii of hia ride to the railroad
Ciiptuiu tiruham nuid, "I wan pilntJ
forty mllea an hour and the linrm
thrre tiiilea. I am pretty or today."
The cut of thi accident w ill be over
Mm) and tlio Aluma will lie oil the run
for two or three week.
A DiMiMfiisimi VjHiroit The
following taken from the KiiKene
U untd ahowa tlio iipprcciullon of our
I )n Hue friend, I,. ('. I'arker, who la on
a tour vIMtiiiK the I. O. O F. lodgm In
Weatern tiiid Hninheru Oregon: The
vUltoii bint evening of L. V, I'arker,
of lul lii, grand muMer of the I. O. O.
F. bulge of Oregon, wita a pleiiNint
t-vi-nt und will ! very pletoutntly re
nieiulHTed by thoae ill atteiiibiuce.
Mr. I'urker'a uddrena Ih epokcii of by
tlcwe jireM-iit aa oin of the iiiokI man
terly iirationa ever delivered beforo tlie
liHlge, After the exen-laea were over
the crowd repaired to the Hotel F.ugene
where a Immiuet wiim aerved in honor
of their dlMtlngiiinhed vlnltur. Quite a
numlier of vinltori. fnim the lodgea at
Uoburg. hnrlnglleld und Irving were
prexent am) the vlxlt of the grund
nitwter iroved a uumt pleaMunt and
proiltulile one to nil preneut.
Tub Kki.ikk ('ah. Luther 1'. Lud-
duii, general umiiuger of the Nehraxka
Stale Itetlef ('(iinmlwiloii at Lincoln
ban acknowledged receipt of the letter
from Ibe committee here tit Indepen
dence and iu reply thunka the cuin-
mlttee (or ita doinitlon, but huys that
be Ih notHure the carcuii be MliliMd to
(iunleu City ii h free traiiHportutiou hua
liH'ti nliut olf. The (li hliiiatliin of the
cur Im (iunleu City, but It will remain
at Lincoln until money Ih ruined to pity
the freight. The relief coinmiltee of
Independence dcaervu the thuiikn of
our people for their very efllceiit work
Jt-v. J. It. 1 1 1 1 1 I win extireHWH hluiHelf
aa greatly Impressed with thegeneroNity
of the people of Indcpendei ee He
liinl uu idea it would he hard to mine a
cur loud of provlHlon, iiiMteud of which
he in now HutiHllcd two cur-loudN could
now been wcured.
WAftlllNOTON'H JtlllTIIDAY, Liwt
Friday evening u iileunant party whh
given at the home of Minn Etude Ibihert
no n ill honor of (ieorge Wuxliliigtun'H
liirthduy. TIiohc piew-nt were highly
ciiteriiiincd with mimic rccltatloiiH,
mul gaiiicH. At midnight a dellcloiin
luucheou wiih nerved, which wan
heartily enjoyed by all. Theae present
were: The Minnen Kutler, Coru Flnher,
Myrtle Miller, Limine Waller and EmhIm
HoberlHon, and Mensra. Ira CUalfelter,
W. E. Mulkey, M. E, Mitsteraon and
W. H. Huwley.
day lant wan the Ki.'t uunlverHttry of the
birth of Oenerul Oeorge Washington,
and appropriate and very pleasant
excrclsca were held in the puiillcnchools
of Independence. Tlie exerciw's were
held In Mins Cluru !. IPs arid Mrs, F.
L. Tuck's rooms. Quite a number of
our people were present to witness and
listen to the exercise.
Lahikh Attkntion. Dr. Douglas'
Hpeelfle Hazellne will positively cure
all feminine diseases, try It, price II
per bottle. F'or sale by Mrs. Haruh
E. Winn, Independence, Polk county,
Dr. Prtce'a Cream Ri klmr Powder
World'g Pair Hlgheat Award. 1
taitt wwk lnt Imvv Invii rlniud M
ftillow! J, A. Win, liiileHMiili'ii
Jaiumry IWKI; Dr. K. L Krli luuii, In
dein'iuhmif, April lmfi; J. U. Cmwr
liitU'Mitli'inv, June 1HIMV; ( i.
Huilth. Iiiih'iidimw, April IHU5; I. (1
lUvldmin, P..i timid. Nowinlmr Htio
J. II. V. Hutlcr. Moninoiiih, Mnrt-h
1WW; J. 8. Cooiwr, IudNiidiMiiw, Ji
tmry 18t; V, t'ockln, liidiiilciii,
Marvh 1NUA; Jm AlfXHiidor, Hull
HMidinw, KfhruHry lW; tVpt. A. W
(IruliHiii. IilHMidnc"i April WK J
VV. Yvmt ludfin'iiiU-iii, April 1WW
V. A. Youiik, Ablh-nf.'IVxiiK, March
INWt: J. M. (Jrowli-y, Moinuoutli
May m.
Mm. Jennie It, UalT ban klnwxl and
made up with her husband, Dr. John
V. Oafl. at Fort land and Ims with
drawn her divorce suit. In was dl
minned In Judge Htearim' court, on
allpulatloti entereil Into by both pa 'tie
The (bs'tor haa made over to bin wile
alt of bin real eatala and his limuranee
policies, and given her all of bin ni"iu
The WttllHiiis Hoime, which Is Mux
o ably conducted by W. W. Williams,
U already meeting with popular fuvor
It being luiMMu.lble to fiud sccomoda
tlonaaome nighia for all who apply
Mr, Wllltama lutendn, If bunlneaa ism
lluue ad good aa at preneiit, to t h et all
addition to the hotel In the Hear fuluie
The delegatea from the (. A. ('.,
AlUny etillegeandO. H. N. H., to thi
oratorical content at Forest lirove,
(atwed tliMUgh tow n on their way to
their homes hint Saturdny and gave
vent to their filling by giving
their college cheeia while at thU place
Mlsa Julia Veaxle captured the lucdal
for the state uulverniiy, of Eugene.
It ha aU) tnsu tlieeuntom of this
paa-r to publtah a liat of the charactera
al the unuoiuerade imrtlen, and a lint
would have Imii puMinlied this week
ofthoee Iu atleiidauee lant Saturday
evening, but for the fact that a rviued
was made that no names le published.
We dwm It our duty to make thin
A aauipie of the flint atarch made in
the standi factory reached thin ciftlce
lant Mouday. We are not pitod on
tareh, but the product Hiado from
IMilutiwa hat ail the eharacterinliea of
ntarrh Iu fading, color and omklng
oimllty We wlh Mr. Ilium nnccenn
In hla venture,
Kit her the city council or Interested
Individuals should have the walka to
the nteanilniat lauding placed hi better
lepulr. A few dollar expelided would
uiakeliie walkway tieeof mud, broader,
and it would hot Is- out of plac to
have ouia lights along the way,
J. W, Vaughn, of Heppuer, a brother
of John Vaughn, of Itlckreall, was In
tow n ahaklug hands with old friends
this week. Mr. Vaughn wan formerly
a clerk for the old mercantile firm of
Vanduyn A Muitl), of thU place.
Mrs. Martha Conner, of Itullntou,
was severely hurt one night reocntly
by the hack upaettlng, A ganh alstut
four luehea long was cut In her head
and she sustained other bruiwn from
which she Is very sick.
W. S. Frlnk, an obi pioneer, of Folk
county, and Indian, died at hla home
In Dullas Saturday, February It), lsitt.
Mr. Frlnk wua an utiright man. He
aervisl two lerma as elerk of Folk
Charley Murphy, of Salem, is now
the tinner for It. M . Wade A Co., Win.
Mercer, their former tinner having
accepted a Mlllon with the J. F.
O'Douuell Co.
Mlna Lulu Iloothhy will leave on the
2(th. foi an extended visit with rela
tives In Portland, Salem and Mou
mouth Lexington corienpniidcut to
Heppner Umtltt.
It. M. Wade A Co. are sidling Ollv-r
plow and extras chcaNar than they
have ever been sold In Independence
They arealway In front Iu both goods
and prices.
Win. Fudge and Miss Mary Clark,
of Itullntou, were united In the holy
bond of wedlock We lnewlay evening,
February lUth, Justice Conner official
Our road supervisor should look after
Hume holi in the bridge leading to the
river. An accident Is liable to occur
and the county have to pay damages.
Mr. Ed. Call ron the number of the
11 r m of Clodfelter A Cattron bus taken
up hla residence In the Itlley Coojier
property near the Christian church.
MIhh Lnura Pollard, of Dullus.was on
the down train from Corvallls Monday
afternoon, where she had la-en visit
ing with friends In the latter city.
Several loads of dried apples from
the drier of Klrkland A Coin puny at
Kickrcull have laen shlpHd to 1'ortr
laud from this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine, of Indepen
dence, are visiting In this city, the
guest of Mr. and Mrs I, C. Dickey.
Albany llrtuld.
Itev. John Osborne arrived home
hint Monday from a preaching tour In
and aliotit Hlioalwuler btty In WhsIi-
IngNm state.
When you want a good meal, for
2" cents go to Strongs' restaurant,
WesnottA Irwin, proprietors, Sulein,
James Kllley mid sinter, Miss Ami-
bell, of I'lciisnnt Hill, are visiting their
brother F. L. Kelley the past week In
thla city.
T. J. Graves, of McCoy, wus In town
hint Monday , Ilia mother, Mrs. E M.
UruvcH, uccompunled htm home,
J, W. Duster, now the Bherldun
drugglat, wus visiting his fiither-in-luw
J. Vernon at Kickrcull, hist week.
F. E. Griffith, the olgiir manufacturer
Is living In the Whlteaker property on
the corner of 0 and 4tb streets,
J. W. Sowdon, In the sewing ma
chine business at Albany, arrived In
town on Monday's down train.
Miss Llllle McDanicl. of Suver, was
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Belt, In
this city the first of the week.
A good 11 oO pound horse was sold at
auction for $24 to Utorney Geo, A.
Smith lust Saturday.
An Inventory on the estate of the
lute Isaac Bull amounting to 820,170.85
was filed recently.
Clarence Irvine went to McMinnvllIe
for a visit with his parents last Satur
Banker J. 8. Cooper went to Salem
Wednesday morning.
The following were successful In se
curing Folk county leathers certifi
cates! Third grade-Mary K. Horner,
Lincoln! Walter Nichols, Falls t'lly,
Jessie Mcdowau, J. E, Liie, Lydla
Cainptsdl, 1 Utile Adams, Eveline II it
bard, Dallas; Sadie While, Falls City ;
diss. McClulaf, V, I', I'almer, Moo
mouth. Setund grade lU'tta Hart,
Leonard Starr, L. M. Murray, W, C
liryant, Falls City; Lulu Mason, In-
deHiidenc; Sula Myer, Smltbfleld.
Mr. and Mrs It. Milk parents of
J. A. Mills, of thla city, were dowu to
HlllnlniM slid Forest drove last wee
visiting old friends and actiiinlntatincs,
among them la lng Dr. McClelland, of
Forest drove, w ho Is a native lowaii
t'hey had a very happy time with
their old friends, Mr. Mills says their
household tlfec's have arrived and
that they w ill go to housekeeping Ih
the Iieununns house on Third street
It Is a busy scene around the l'rei
colt Veiiena saw mill. A new 26 h
engine la la lng phovd In position
to drive the large planers, ludes'iideiit
of the sawmill engine, The tramway"
'or piling lunilier are now being utilized
t'he reii'iit sale of lO.OUl railroad ties
to iheS. V. rullroud Is giving employ
itietit to several extra men.
Last Saturday afteruimn as the Alice
A. was on her return trip from Salem
tlie piston or the engine, tor some
unuceouiilable reason, broke In two
Hie accident occurred alsuit a tulle and
a half ataive Salem and Mr. Skinner
I rifted back to Kalem and hud the
break repaired on Monday, On Tues-
Isy he commenced making his regular
trl with the ,obby little stcaiie r
H 11. rimnuier our sherlll waa In
town Tuesday, Mr. I'lummersaya his
expenses Iu Novemla-r snl, were $12
more than his salary, and a neigh
boring sheriff told htm he lost f 200 one
month, while another ran Isdiltid f:XiU
til six mouths. The bill passed by the
leglnlntiire to pay mileage to sheriffs
was only an "t of Jimilce,
The 0. W. II. M, assisted by Ibe V.
I. S. C. K. will hold a missionary
and temis'raiice meeting at the
Christian church next Sunday evening
at flu'UI, (MHMitiylug the hour of the
Endeavor society. A rolleelloii for
uilssioi ary work will be taken.
Sirs. Henry Hay, of l'.ugnc, came
to the city on Tuembiv's uortlfUmud
train and will vlalt her brother, A. J.
Goodman, for several day. Mrs,
Day' husband haa Ist'ii the efllcieut
heiiffof Lane ootinty for the two
term ending laat June,
Miss Untile Hull, of Albany, arrlveJ
it the city Tuesday, and Is the guest of
Scott Lnughary and wife, Mrs
Laughsry being an old friend of Ml
Mrs, 0. V, Mm ire hua nHiied a stisk
flats style millinery Iu (he Caitnui
building opslte the Monmouth
Mercantile Co', store In Monmouth,
and Invites the ladies of I'olk tviuuty
to InsjH'ct In rntiM'k ami compare prhvs,
Mls Hatlie Stania-rry, of Umatilla
Junction, arrlvinl here last Tuesday to
remain with her mother, Mrs. S, Stan
berry. Edward Htaiiberry left Wed
ncsday fur Pendleton, where he will
ud the summer.
Suisrluteiidetit tiardner, of the
Hoy's and Girl's Aid society, at Fort
land, came up to this city Thursday
with a llllle girl about twelve years of
age for Mrs. D. J. Whlteaker, who has
taketl her to raise.
Itev, C. L. 8iiiimoii, of Dayton,
Oregon, will preach at the Christian
church next Sunday, morning and
evening at the usual hours. Itev
Slckitnx) is holding a revival at
A schisil meeting will be held next
Monday evening at the school building
to elect a school clerk and a director,
the term of Jerome lairnslfe expiring
as director and J, D Irvine as clerk.
Itev. W. A.Smlck, SaMiuth Schad
Missionary for the Presbytery of Will
amette, of Albany, preached In tho
Presbyterian church In this city lust
Itev. I). V. Poling and wife, of
Albany, were visiting with Mrs.
Pollug's parents, Mr. aud Mrs W. W,
Williams, this week.
If you want a reliable dye that will
color an even nrowu or black, una w ill
please and satisfy you every time, use
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers.
The Alice A miide two trips to Saleit,
lust Saturday with pHsseiigers who
wished to attend the luat diiyn senalou
of the legislature.
Mrs. Diishnaiitt, of Dalian, was In the
first of the week and sn nt u few days
with her daughter Mrs. W. W.
Mrs Hanson, of liueiin Vis a, and
duughter, Miss Clara, are the guests of
, Iks'ksteader and wife till week.
Mr, T. W. Ilarrla, of Eugene, spent
few days with relatives in this city
and at Monmouth butt week,
flie ordinance of baptism will Im
administered at tlie llaiilist church
next Sunday.
ItepresenUtlve Jeffrey, of Jucksou
county, was admitted to the practice of
law recently.
"Uncle" Enoch Ittcliardsnti, of Perry-
ale, wus in town Tuesday on busliieas.
H. H. Tlieilm-n, of Iticliivall, wus
perambulating ourstrccis lust Monday.
Murk liurch, Urn Ulckreall mcr-
thant, wiih In the city lust, Saturday.
K. M. Wado & Co. are exclusive
agculs for the Oliver C.illled plows.
J up Coud, of Dullas, was visiting
friends In this city luat Suturduy,
Covenant meeting ut tlie Ituptist
chinch next Suturduy at 2 p, m.
Pin your faith with one of those
Sparine nt Ink- pi mm, ut Kramer's.
I). S. Tttlom, of Mon mouth, took a
trip to Portland last Suturduy.
Mr. James, of Stiver, brought two fat
hogs to market last fucsduy,
The Wwkty Oregonian and the Wkht
Sum one year for only $2 fit).
Abstract and hums. See Willaxd
O. Wkioiit, Da Hum, Oregon,
Just received, a fine line of Sparine
stick-pins, ut Kramer's. ,
Mrs. J. II. Cooper went to Sulcm on
the Elmore luat Friday.
See the point get one of those stick
pins, at Kramer's.
Ti os. Stiver went to Portland last
J jr. Frlce'a Cream Baking powder
Wer lr Highest MaaslaaaOleloaia
li!ilcHiideuoe la well lighted -i y
Iccirlclty but wmie may ililuk the
expense is greater than the lament.
Wlieii, howevrr, we he;r of the scan
dals In towns where I bey sre not so
well lighted and the verdict of the
residents Is that the dark streets are
direct contributor to the evil deeds
u hl h are so common, we can feel that
our street are none list well lighted
and the exsie none too great, Tlnae
whose dii'ds are evil love darkness
rather than light. 1s t there he more
light, if ueoewaiiry to prevent scandals,
Lat Friday night the smokehouse
of V.J. Turin Id go, who lives lu the
north western part of the county
was entered and 1 .10 piece of batxtti
stolen. Theft of thla kind have la-en
so common Iu that vicinity thai about
seventy-five of the farmers organized
themselves Into a s,rc 1 1 party In older
to capture the thieve. Their labor
proved oulte fruitful a (his. Butcher
and J. W, and John Coulee, were
brought to Dullus Wednesday and on
that day were examined and rclc
under bonds.
The lust legislature passed some
amendment to our tosu charter
which will lie very tsoicllcisl to our
city, One amendment provide that
the road lux can la worked out on the
sircctsof the city, which will insure
gisal streets. Another give the city
council authority to pas an ordinance
requiring boy to bo at home after
certain hour at night. This will ht
(MiHi lully gmst for the boy. Also ail
amendment relating to t e (piallflca
lion, of (be city otllcrrs.
It. A. Danville, of Dublin, Minn ,
received a tetegrum from George K.
Danville, a funnel living iieur Yank
ton, Dukla, reisirtlng the birth of
triplets. Mr and Mrs. George Dan
ville now have twenty seven children,
although Mr Danville Is not thirty
years old. All of the children were
isiru In triplets, the oldest now Isdug
under thirteen years of age. All are
Isiy txeept three of them, one set of
triplets Is'lng girls.
'reselling next Sutidsy at the
Cmis regal lonal church by the pastor at
II a. ni. Subm-t, "The EMeuey of
Prayer, Theoretical and Scriptural, "
and al 7 p. in . Subject, "The Fore
knowledge of )s versus Mai Moral
Free Agency,"
The ghl quartet to which uiuer the
management of Mr. Ida Irvine sung
so swivtly lust Sunday eveidug at the
Congregational church w ill slug there
again next Sunday evening.
Walter Cattron, of Moscow, Idaho,
arrived at the home of his mother, Mrs.
A. A. Cattron, In Monmouth, on Wed-
uesduy, Ho I Iu very aor health.
Clin Carey, the new atatlon agent,
I quite III litis week ami hi brother Is
luliig the duties of that of)1 e until he
A lecture on Hen Hur nmgiilfleeiilly
Illustrated ly siertwipth'uii views will be
given In the Congregational church
March 12th.
Frank Hull nod Clarence Hetikle at
lust renirt were taking In (lie sights
at Suit Iike City and are on their way
Money to loan on Imprived farm
jiromrty, Wii.laku G. .Whiuht,
Dallas, Oregon,
It. M. Wade A Co. are still selling
In, th cook and heating stoves at greatly
reduced prices.
Dr. II. II. McCallou aud J. J. Wise
man, of Dullus; were lit the city Wed
Iswls Htitmlck la now owner of the
Skinner A Co. tloiirlug mills of this
County court meets next week.
An linger and a Mpphig Wlinl.
A miilliiuiiui down pour o( rnln, indeiuent
weallisr, guaorslly in Wluler suit uprlng, are
uiiluvnmiile to sit elau of liivllit, Hut
wiinnlli sad wetlvliy Inruned InUi th i'l rea
lm Imi tsiiialiirsi'U ihene liiltiicHw mut Inter
inwii tli'tsiiMi sgulnst llioin, Hmli'lUT
Hloiuni'li Hitlers, iiumI tlioniugti sail rlti tlve
nl utoniwlilii and totiles, nut only nrli'he
Hie IiIikhI, but nvmlerste Us iilrrulstlon. For
s I' iiri'iaiuiltory symptoms uf rlirtiin
tlin mid kidney eotnplHlut, mrtlciiliirljr
pmvuli'iil nt ttliwe seasons, II Is lli bust hmI
liln rraiudy, It Is iilmi liivaluuulefur dyM .
slu, liver coiaplHlnt, nmaiqmtlnn sad norv-
ou.aeiw. Nsver seloul on a winter or spring
nirni'y wlllintit It. Kulerly crnn and I In-
tli'lknui and convaliweut am gmiUy sided
!)' It.
Hay For Sale!"
Haled Clii'al, aud l Hit hay, llmli'y si-ril and
:inut need, Kor sale by SV, M. Mnijion
Klckrt'iill, lln'goii,
Onice for Kent.
Tlis front nnm) of the WsstMiiis oilier,
1 1 x IU. opining on Main street, sulliililii Air a
nl estuluor lawyer's ollle, will lio rented
ltieluilliiK fni'l for stove und di'iMrli light,
very clump, Kmpilre at Wiesr Hick uiflce.
For Kent
Ten or twenty acres planted to tiopn, located
one mils smith nf Independence, Soil In Hue
mil It Imi. 1'omi'hI(iii ran bti given
liiiuieilliiti'ly. Kor further parlli'iilar call nt
WKnTrilliN Oltli'0.
KlierllPs Forei'loNiire Sale.
In tin' Clri'iilt Court of th Hlate of Oreron
fur I'olk t'liuiily.
T, J. bi'r and O. I). Ilutler p irlin'r do ng
liiHliuwit i l.fc ,t r plain) Itt'a, vs. K, I.
xhhin, Caroline Hhlnii and I', II, Mi'l'ahe
in Ii'IkIiiiiIh. '
Notice Im liornby given thai liy I'lrttui of an
execution a. d order of sale Inxuod out of the
iihuvii uiiiiiimI court In the uliove entitled
netlon to ui illrcoled unit delivered I will
at the Court lloun dKr In theClty of Dalian
I'olk County, Oregon, at the hour of 1 o'clock
P. M. of nulil day, soil M puhllo BiKitlon for
cash in hand to the highest bidder, the real
property rtiwei'lhed In said execution und
order of sale m follows to-wlt:
lots number one (1 land two (1) In Block
No. twunly-nne (21) In E. A. Thorps
town of Independence, County of Polk, and
Hlate of Oregon., The proceeds of the sale of
mild real property be applied to satisfy the
Judgement of one hundred und nine dollars
and thirty-seven and a half cents (I00.!I7X)
with Internal thereon at the rale of lu per cent
per annum, since December 4, 1HIH, the sum of
20Mltorney's fees, and f 11.15 wist, of milt and
accruing cost herein. ,
Dated February 18, lHllfi. 4M-4t
Hherlll of I'olk County, Oregon.
Recent School Decisions,
The following are decisions sent out 1
., ... ., , . .
mm the office of the Polk county school
siinerliilcinlciit In answer to Inquiries
made by a immla-r of citizens, '
1 n February 4th tltloii annexing
a portion of district nuiuls-r 4M to
district numlH'r M waa grunted. This
being less than tldrty days before the
annual sclnsd me, tlug, can Hie rei
neiii ur the ,ie, lenliory vole at
aid lueethig?
Answer. The rehln( of the
territory added to any district cannot
b disfranchised by act of the school
oiK.iiteiulent. If they have been
resldeiils t.f the territory annexed
thirty day prior to the school meeting,
am) posses the other necessary quail
Aeailons of a voter at a school meeting
both taw and precedent will allow them
to vote In the district to which they
have been added, even If the said
territory ha not been annexed for the
full perhsl of thirty days. If it were
otherwise tin new district could be
orgunlzed until thirty days after the
petition creutlug waa granted. Yet
the law say the taxable Inhabitant
notified shall Immediately port not It
culling meeting In ten day fo elect
directors, etc., and such resident as
possess the other neoeaaary quallflca
tlon are sjsiken ofaatiie legal voter
of such new district. In your case the
residents of the annexed territory have
not changed their residence within
thirty days, If I am correctly Informed
but your Hues have Wo extended U
include them, aud if they wers voters
In district tiumla-r 4M, they are now
voter In district numla-r 5ft.
2 Can a (eschar legally hired
without first jsmtliig noti(es for ten
lavs calling a meeting fur that purssie?
Muhdivlslntia twenty-oiie of section
thirty-seven and siilsllvlsion fifteen of
same section, whisil law of iHllSws'in
to require thi.
Answer, Siilsllvinloti twenty-one i
ctlon tlilrty-srven refers only to
district schisil tiiis-Mnifs and lint to
hoard meetings, , while siilsllvlsion
llftis'ii and nUtes'ii refer to Ismrd meet
Ing. The tnianl of dlrwtors tn meet
at any time In any place without
previous notice, provided, tha' at least
two director are prcMeut. and provided
further, that they make the business
transacted a matter of record. If ub
Hvlsloii twenty-one referred to lastrd
meetings the director could imt draw
an order on the district treasury for a
cord f wisal without first issillng a
noitivln three public places for ten
day previous to making the order,
which would Is alurd. See tubdlvi-
lion sixteen staive mentloiied The
tswrd must meet to hire a teacher, and
tlo-y iiiu-t make It a mailer of record.
This done the contract I legal.
Sctiisihlar Reminiscence.
Judge Adams, of Portland, relate
the following amusing story of school
days with Senator-elect McBrlde: We
went to M'lusil together at Christian
college, at Monmouth, in I'olk county
He was one of the nnst jsipulsr boys
al college, a favorite w ith the girls as
with the boys, Iu our class, there
were also two who were afterward
Judge of the supreme court of the
state Judge Kcau and Wolvertoti.
There were also W. I. Feiilon, I lie
prominent attorney here, and Dr. Lot,
Claver, si one lime land office register
al Im Grande, aud now a dentist.
' 1 rcniemU'r a rather amusing Inci
dent that iswurred at tiie college lu the
winter of '71-'72. Profeasor Campbell,
v ho was a curious oi l character, ill
that he pnsw'nscd some remarkable
notions about propriety, hud issued
an order forbidding the young uien to
sit with with the girls at churli. Pro
fewtor CampU'll said It waaell't proper,
that lu the best-regulated coiuinuiiitles
the female portion of a church congre
gation aid on one side of th building,
while the male portion occupied the
other; and the profesaor even asserted
that such was the custom iu Portland.
This mutter created quite a sensation
at the time, and there was a dlsxsttlon
among the hoys to rvlad. George did
rebel, with a few others. He had been
down to Portland, aud knew that the
ridiculous old Puritan custom did not
obtain there, as the professor had
anacrled. George claimed that the old
professor didn't know anything about
etiquette, and said that it was wrong
and ulwiird lor a fellow to take his girl
to church and leave tier ut the entrance
to hunt a seat for herat If on one side,
while he sought a aeut on the other,
The upshot of It waa that tlie profesaor's
order received no attention,"
fil t
iiight Arm Paralyzed!
Saved from St. Vitus Dance.
'Our daughter, I'.lanche, now fif
teen years of age, liad been terribly
afllictcd with nervousness, nnd hud
lost tho ent Ire use of tier right arm.
Wo feared St. Vitus danco, and tried
the bast physicians, wit It no benefit.
She has taken three bottles of Dr.
Miles' Nervine and has gained 31
pounds. Her nervousness and symp
toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely
gone, nhe attends school regularly,
and lias recovered completo use of
her arm, her appetite is splendid."
MKS. E. a BULLOCK, Brighton, N.T,
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles' Nervine I sold on a positive
guarantee that tho tlrst. bottle will Ixinellt.
All druggist still It ul 11,11 bottles for $5, or
It will he Bent, prepaid, on receipt of prlc.
by the Dr. Ullon UuUlual Uo., Elkhart, luit.
''.' . o ' r' l-.nomit, norttjHlty, A,ptw
I'ny, Vii .v- or (iimpiry, jy'tttrf in v r;
Vu.n.n, 'f.', t "M imj iiHli-ft. 'JrwnlMttlcunvtiu
(moci nnd (tHt, ai, onvitrt.)..
y ii.t muitl IW.ix. At lu MO per Jtv .
Out in . rrxirietwH) niimnt utlntonl) tii
nBltfiiti 'Ps t in intrumptitfl, nohtym, worki
ym.w J U:to when nil Ipped. Can h put up bj (in i ona
vi , 1 1 nnwrotnot or.ii-r, rrnniriBB, iwi, in
I I j tlmi;. Miiironinl, i muni) niilii VrC
-Uii M. r. Hairisoa Civa 10. CeiiunUu,a
An exchange p, , f it,.,
Palmer and wife of la) Orsud, being
W and 81 years of age respectively and
married m years, the Lebunoii 'res
ay! "is'l-ainin can beat th above
record by considerable lu the persons nt
Mr. and Mrs I). Feebler. The rest,(eo
tlveageof Mr. aud Mrs. D. Feebler
sre 02 and BO year. They have been
married (W years and have o grand
thlldren and 5 great grand children
Both Grandpa and Grandma Feebler
are bright In mind aud active in body
for their age. Oraud Feebler walk
up town ten block from town, quite
Whole Family Helped
Mr ksabsa4 wai eonfluot to & hum, al.
BMtt aasM lo wUt, on aouut ot aa ulir o
kl Isf. lie tistk Ho4 BttiapariU aad
aa SI mm uara warm mM l..
Ity lMt m wa itrKSej Sow IU A,
aaiae few. Atm taking f uo4 Bvuutnyi
a sart Um hi fm rwnnt hi tuislth, (.
toaaluf ihr, I hseam all run aow. Itood's
s.krltia 4ii - fwd." M. a. S.
bABsiN, iuo, uiw teuary, L'allfnrSk
Meed's fllle ar prompt ud .molest, mi
easyiatcaoa. BeidkraUaruxl!. Me,
Market isoe C stnset, near th ixwtotfkw.
Sold Kverywhere.
ffRRYs Seeds
Am rwir ilnir ftir ihi-m. twiid for m
rrrrf. M-r Annaal Ur lsfl.v
invaiti.mvinaJl l.inln,i1 onon
. (H Hn, VtyruM,. Uld HMilltlful
iuti w nip firlt-r re.
u. m rmm to.,
Sperling Brothers
Meat Market
PEAi.aa ix
Choice Meats
Highcat market price paid
for fat stock, beef, niuttoii,veal,
jsirk, etc, All bills must be settled
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 9 a. m.
For Infnroslloo nd fre llsnnhook wriii to
MI NN CO.. 1 Hiumiiwav. Niw Yoiik.
01tlat liiiri'mi tot veiirinir patenis In Aiiioih.
KTr jummi tnki.n out h nn la brwiiilis. ltfor
tli public b; iiuuo gin-ii (ran ul otuuita lu Ui
tarmat (Hmilstlon of snr soientiflo partor In th
world. Si'loiuliillr lllii.trntwl. No lntelllront
man ihoulj be with. nil It. Wwnlr, S.'l.llll
N Sl..'i0 mz niomhs. A,l,lns Ml'NN A CO,
Vuausuuu, 3tf 1 llrosawny, Mw VorkOltT.
0117 BdeipnniM pld wSly tram itrU
Prmnilpalllon. EiiduilTOttrrttvrjr
Biptrlraa annoiirr, reallrK S
aTutiMtobclnn. UMnu
eommlMlon o loesl put.
Urn. unta L&r.t
, SfT masT Com
B,,,r"Jf3 11 fortWoMhnnl,
took. eVkv ljr lswn sad (iirdr.
We wnt you now, while
th fruit Irwlmti-T It mI
important Oiwd tstim Mr
drnemnt. OuWt n full Pr-
trmm. 11ROWN SKOH. CO., nur-
rrrmn. ronuuio, op, u""""-
rollthl. Nm thlt ppr.
Will consult their best in
terests by purchasing their
of the reliable mnnufaotnrer,
Independence, Or., snoce
sor to Ferguson A Van Moer.
Bngar pine and ctvinr doors,
all sizes, on uiuid.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
iuprlor to all others.
Mr. LarUn
IIPH (,11(J
U ports of Ui6 City
l Soientiflo American
A Aonoy fors
CSflfi.snd '1 rd11.t. j ... . ., ... ,
. . . s - -"'wnw UN an rt-
f Y.a Viz L "T0."1 ui eTT Of ne
mmic (dm w,hii,iu w
f . ul.sw"il, SfiB of phr arftli imta.
lks. suvIm, if fml, or (,
- W- UU , DHffll M Mtf4,
A eltMLKT ifriT lO OMJIj P.tM... I. MUV
lmt yl huu In (!x V, & wl lurciga cguBUw,
i. ffT?"".T".l'.wMI"T.. o. e.
fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
Photograph Gallery
independence, Or
Horses Fed by the Day,
Week or Month.
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
na CTJClia Unfsnu An tariiriu
ji 10&I Mark St Han rraoelMMi
l I htotn Oth sad 7th am.)
I fl' i''l Mid how to klTUHl h kirn
I m 4d dan. MuwumrnluvHl auk
kin th ct.
"rival. Off lr Ban Rnlldl
to. I rilarkrt Mtrct-laMM of
IIK, Ion of tnwitmod, IIi.m of lh ki
nu kwiior quir-Kiy curm without to am of r-
nr. ii
r book.
Inatuwut wrsoasll or bj Una. Utot
ProprlfUir of
Hie IndiTK-iidKrir) Marbl. Work. Mtlrnatmi
oui all rmi-lfry work. KlrvUolan vorkuiau.
hip, latl rtwiiiis, and lowwt prlora.
For $2
roa om ra.
roa 01 TKAB, A KB
20 Complete Novelettes
W ti muiirM with th paMlitwr of tH rrsltr
ninMrfti.1 litrrr nJ fkntUr matiilr, TS. I1m
irf4 lli.ntn 0,il, In fumlitli tl in.ilat
S,,i.ii.'u,si in club wio, nur pfvr uim tli .r,.uiy
hrl lrtnt qunod tltott, nj r llamtH to
or to rli uoTilr, t'rr.s lr, u,l lundwn
rramlura tmt, mUCad. " Tirrnl, 4V,a4
No,l.tirt by P.,pnlr Aulbo," Tho
our .ubw-ritMMX oy ukc trviU or tn abov
Ilhrall1.r. marHCUr. In Kil llll .fi to Uttlr ftront
hHn nwfiuwr, rMtr nuw-rlntttn to on of th
bl ud hkwi (Mipulir litrr nd ftmiili pulw
lllMl. ktvl ! u itr or l ntntlnln( Inok
onniinm twmtr mmplol bo.mim b, twaatj of
Chi m.Mt fim.Kls lOior of Anturlc. Rnli,d tftd I-, lr nmoont ortlw mot iSacuutlu
ruaing nuular i Um moat tridtog cot
la ft Iftrv tiifj harvtem 16-pttr. AMntvmft IPn
trfitoi lltirr tami'T fBrt ptihMhtJ awnthly,
fcn.1 otnuininBT Srml and -t'lort morim bt h mmt
(-.pnUr twthnrt, mtKriws. fttomt, Vmtaft MtwllaMif,
trttimjhrtlil, rhihlro trnj Prrtmnt,
ftntl t"rrthintomn, nfnJo mi Inttrut-t ub
minStr f th ftnUr clrrlw. Among th wntm
wbm wtflHtM twiMft'iUy rttsr la Tm Ii.tnmiTM.
Howl th'KT ur Mr. Rmmi p. K N. (tottth worth,
Um Miry J. HtV-tvH, i'hairMt M. Bftwrn. Mr. Ana
, e.wirisnii, Mr. Hf Avwm Flumlne KUt W. Ftivt
Mr Jan ft. Audttn, K nmft tinrTiiMii Jod, Mut
Kyi sila, grhiti Cohh. Jr Fmmng RftnnMt A.
(Vnn I) trl, tut,, mtvw otHr. It l t Mch-elaM puh
ltrttrn tSr t't ft-nily cirri. bn4af.mly frlntd,
tofttinto It IUut"rtta. nd whit It l 'wt ltrt
Irtit ntj nvrar tail, It Is pnr In moral ton, aoC u
AttWiinnthlfi wtml or Hn lxii ftllowwl to tr Ita
column. Vt will b rtHtfrrttw with thi chirm taf
paMwr, avnd -ntflrly wloom It monthly rlilta.
fit Pnimlnr Aiifan It ft larvft ft4 bDdmn
bnlr ot l;w lr i)mb'-'"h,mii octato pAirw, n1ely
prt nttl It) clnr. hiM, mniahid trp on (rond rpr,
an 1 hr'1o,ne'r hon1 1n ooIatM pupstr coTn. Tt
conuiusi, an its title lndMpV fwrt! etwpHIt MvaffOra
bf twftntr wH-kriowQ and popular attthnr, ach on
of which In lt,nlr lntrjat mr. It onmprtiaii a whol
fann' dfiltrh'ir rwivltn, nr U hr tar th tart
and rtiwit pnilnct i of comp!t popular noT'tta
vrr puhltft)v1 tii m alnrla ohim. Th tUIa of th
tvetrttv cntaplftt nTlttM oo&talnd In tbU aook ar
ft to I loin
l iidar tho Holly Hrrl. By 0bttt &
Th rhanton WddlM(T B ktra Ubim ft ft M,
Th vhtj Wurnlnr, Utait WrM.
Mftomliln nd MurmiTlto. By Tb D
Th Ilea dim lis of Ant urerf. Br Km Aa ft
Th fttory f n f JfV. Bv Hn Ht? Acita Flmtajj
Old Km fill pi-turd " Mlaa M K. BmiMo.
lltnitihO of llintittU. ftr Aieian3er Duma
A l nle of Thirt l ion. Bf n RidwIUccarft. 1
A Drum In th Air. Rt JbIm Tan.
Th HtOTf Of lllln. P Amanrh M. Drnvha
Tho laptMla of the Pole-Star. j a. Cawa
Th nllor rlccrt. INafr, Jaaafl, Aairha,
Th itl In Horn IVnod. v wnttttMirna
The Ulpaa ot Whltaoa Craf ST
Mmm Farm, ft Mrr Krta raHa
Th Hlnchamlfh llnuatht. By Wtta W. ria
Tti HMilnlr ef Mdn. it PtIvuiui Otthb. Jt
Th mu Mnonl. H Mr Mary A. Dtaltoa, '
Aahcroft Hall. B7 KmmA trHa 4vml
that vi kuu Um Wkai kihk for j er, th.
'Ituttrnttti Hnm Gumt for one ytar, and th.
iisik, "Tirtnty Complrte Novelette! ty fofiulur
-Infants," (lost-piild by mall upon receipt of
mly JJlX). Tli s oltor appllei both to new
'iihrcrllipiN ami I "ttewals. Every lover of
'irlulif hiiJ fiiselnat-liiK literature should tak.
idvanlairo nl' it. Samples of 1 he HlmtraM
ll.twr Uueat and of the premium bixik may be
bn seen nt Mils ottlee. A' dress all letter to
ilie WKSTSi.m, ItutepeuitfiK-v, Oreson.
Of liuieiMiiHtcucts liaving a stwm
eugino, brick macliiiifi and several
acres of finest clay, is now prepared
to keep on hand a fine quality of
Brick, which will be sold at reason
able prices.
If you use the PeUlom
I Debater a Brooder.
Maka money while
other, are wasting
lime oyoldproctsses.
Catatojrtetlsall about
It, nd (legerities every
article needed for thej
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
.wheel. Prettiest model.
IWrs ar Pacific Coast'
'Apenta. Bicvcle cuta
oeu.msiled"free.Eive fiHdesertptlon, prices, etc.. AOimrs WAirrao.
Bkanch Ilopaa,m S Main sl.Lo Angeles.
U jnf,trated I I I
rf Catalogue Li I