The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 01, 1895, Image 2

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(est Side Publishing; Company
On Tear .... ,0i
ttt MouUi . I.
TtUNS) "UUM . . JO
All nkTtaul dstl notice ttol xis.snl,
ln( llv Una wtlt lx InwrivJ lis. All ovef
Bve ltu will b oUrgvU flv wuU wr lint
Hocie' oblturary rtvululluu will b tstminwl
tor i Ui rut ui av win )n r I mo.
Uuu, Orvguu, iu mxvint-clwMi matter.
'Fill DAY, MA1UU 1, lift.
IMMC0NT1MUNCK8 .KtfitiemtK IliM kin
publtt(of Hit w)r liiurt l notlttrd b)
kilr wiiutt it aubacritor wUlirn lilxiii'i
jlopinnl. All anwam must t piU.
ALWAYS 01 VK TUB NAMR ot Ui port,
oftle to wliU'h your rT la iiV. Youi
tim on uot b Ibuad uu our buok uulis
Hit. 1 ilouo.
aix Ltrrmw houu t ikaanwa u tin
WEST S1DK, lultiH'Ud(!U('.
The Orvgou lofcUlutur, just a fe
Uluule bolor 12 o'clock lai SSaiurvlu)
night elvulcd. (Jtoo. V. McllriiU',
vcrvtury of statu, tut I'uiled Statu
euator to Ukt In mat uu MniYli 4,
1SW, aud ux)d lluu. J. N. Dolpli
Thus elided iht deadlock lu Itiu Oregon
legislature mid now llio people will
hav ikut) to breathe aud outsider I In
n-sult. As far ho tlie Wk-st mik i
coneerucd the cleetlou of Mr. Alolltlut
I euliivly aaiinfaetorjr. V nhuil h.u
au Oregon Uoru boy, of uudoubled in
tegrity,' of j)U.put aud sou no
fluauvial Idea to riiiicul u iu Uu
Uuiuid tUUs aouau. lu iui iui rvkw
Willi a representative ul the Ortyoiuun
Mr. Mcltrido txpr.efd liiui,-H
follow ou the tluauclul iiutxllou:
"It is evioViil llial Uii'iB Is ueed of IV
form lu Hit1 tluitiiuttl )sleiu ol Hit
cuuuiry, uud a la mj? ociu-i tuui ucli
rviurut uiusl i.kviU upuu ibo lluu ui
Uio lost rt'iiuuiicau tiuiioutU jlmlorm.
I U'llevu luul a rt'turu to the f vubli
cuu poiloy ot itoUH:tluu la trcKW'tiliiti to
Uie rtniotullou ui lUe nuUiiiml Uuhumd
to a Ueaillijr ooudlliou. 1 aui auto vou
lideul lUttl the rt-puOllcau pitriy, whvu
II mxuau couiroi ol uii Uio uruueue ut
UttUouiU Kovt'iuuieul, will aoive Uie
evououiiu and tliiauciul prubituia uom
btloro lUt) cuuuir iu a way w imU win
feature pioHperity to all the grvnl
iudunirioa of tue uutiou."
We fail lo oo w hore auy ictory w
gained by the boilers ailer lh long
'ruiractod atruggle.
At oue time iu the history of Cincin
nati, the buiMiuK of a ruihuud lutuut
either (iroeperily or the greuittit depies
eiou iu the trade of tliut city, uud tlie
way to build the road was by luc
citit'UH furuinhing the capital. They
were equal to the eiui-rgcncy and tLv
railroad was built. Independence In In
a like posiliou uow. We have a river
on which tttoaiuboats cau give uneven
hourly nervice, if ueeettnary, both tu
Kalem and Albuuy, but the ouuutry
tributary to uu can only be develojied
by lueans of railroad trauitportalion,
Hhall we remain longer idle and ullnw
eouditloiw to arine, which may forevt r
cut uu otf from couiiectiug ounelvcN
with the outlying country? 8Uall onr
people remaiu longer imllflerent to the
Rubcitautlal beueliUi U be gained by
extending feeder roailn, or hall we
unite and build them? It i a (itieHtion
in which all tihould feel uu luten-nt.
It is not a problem, which w ill work
iU own Holution, but ou rt-f uiiing
local effLrt. Are we eijual to tlie
oceanlou? The value of the projierty
in Iudejeudeuce and Mouniouth will
paH the half-million d illar uutrk, uml
an increase of that value twenty-five
per cent would build a railriurd to open
new trading territory. Are our people
ready to show enough public eiiterpriee
to Increase value to that extent oi
even more! The solution of a ruilrowl
to unHettlcd portions of I'olk count)
depends upon such public apirit.
The legl-latu re of Oregon, w hich linx
juct adjourned, hiw done the republi
can party an Injury from which il will
have great dillleulty in gaining loM
ground. It was not a convention of
patriotic men, but of narrow-minded
politician!!. TIiohc who bolted the
republican caucus will t held in
memory as in a large part directly
responsible for the failure of thin lcgta
lature to enact useful legislation or
curry out the pledge of the parly
which were honestly made, but which
were not carried out. It did not rep
resent tlie republican party of Oregon
The representative from I'olk county
who was presented with a petition from
95 out of the 114 delegates who nomi
nated him, to stand by the caueiiM
nominee, may think his actions above
reproach, but such men are not to te
trusted by any party.
Senator-elect McBride graduated
from the Christian college at Mon
mouth, and Folk county can Justly
feel a pride in his selection an United
Htates ueuator at Washington and all
will feel that Polk county will have a
friend In the hallsof congress,. for no one
ever remains long Iu I'olk but learns
to love Its whole-souled people, and
acknowledge its sujieriority over any
other portion of Oregon in' giving It
the name of "Garden Spot of Oregon."
Wemay look for energetic work by
... urv. . iatjr In bhalf of
an opou W'IIIhu rlwr, which tit
Uug bmt) begkictpd by our wprweii
ttlv lu Wmlilngton.
' It rvuialni to lw eeu whether thr
lUtthchilda wilUllrect the Uullel State
treaaury any belter, under Uadr very
profitable ooiitract, than the Clewland
Carllwle combination has done. The
ability of the uew flimnclal director
luiiquBtloiuHl, but It l more llkvly
to 1ms lined for their owu benefit tlmo
for the eopleof the Unite! Htatea,
The man who continue to advocat
the fn-t coinage of ailver on the ple
in at atlver ami gold can be uialntalned
in I'trvulallnu together, la either dis
honest or Ignoiatit. Theonlv prMCllcal
ii Uif.t Ion Is whether the gxihi alaudard
Ouill t iiialntained, or whether
silver ataiuliird, with tta aiteiidant
depreciation mid repudiation, shall Is'
tUtdiflnit, If gold iayiuettta are not
iHtntlnuiMl at the treasury, the oouutry
w ill wet tic dow n to a silver basis, with
out the iimsl(y of law putting It
thero. Dallas (Jwrrwr.
Mr. rievelandiHildhoae bond ft),
mm heluw the market price, aud
he gave away flU,(XH),0UO which the
peode will have to pay In eitr
iuteiVKt during the thirty yean the
Imutla will ruu. Still there are people
who prvtend lu lie surprised at the
wave of ludiguatlon that haa twept
over thecountiy.
The farmera lu this vicinity report
all kinds of gruln gwwlug nlcdy. The
lieautiful weather which haa coil
tinutHl most all winter haa lieen con
ducive to the growing grain. Unless tin
unexpiH'tMl Impiiena Oregon will have
one of the largest yields of grain and
fruit on record. Oregon's climate can
not t Is'StOll,
It la fortunate fur the editor of
America that the Chinese custom of
beheading editors who criticise the
goveriuneut, disw not prevail with u.
There are not enough American editors
who have not criticised the piesent
udmiuiMtratloii to form a corporal's
It we ms now that there la actually a
doubt aa 1 1 whether coitgrvmi will even
4Uctf4Hl iu deposing of all the regular
appropriation bills before Ita death.
What a relief It will be when the re
publican congress gets to work.
According to the report of the senate
Father Time's old hen is said to be set
ling on the egg that is to hatch a new
political party, on or alxait March 4,
lMlrt. Why uot hurry tlie hatchlug by
using an Incubator?
The last legislature failed tu abolish
auy of the slate eouiinlwlons, and on
accouut of the senatorial deadlock Uo
new ootuinissloiier were elected coumc
ijueiitly the old boards hold over for
aiiOlher two years.
Senator Hill resented being told by
Senator Kale that he waa unduly
uuxloui to secure action uikui a bill !
chartering a Washington suburb rail
way and then proceeded to prove Bcna
tor Hale's words.
Senators should be elected by the
direct vote of the jteople, aud uot by
a legislature. Pet. Hons should be cir
cuited aud pressure be brought to bear
on congress to enact legislation in Unit
Desha Breckinridge haa been
apjMilnU'd an income tax collector, but
that dtmen't worry his silver-tongued
pop, whose Income will be much Mow
the taxable stage after the 4th of March.
Jerry Simpson Is said to be Jeulous of
Lafe IVuce's success iu hitching outo a
plutocraotio salary. Probably Lal'e
will uot give hi in the correct informa
tion ua to how it was done.
The only defense of Mr. Cleveland
made by Senator Hill waa his state
ment that Mr. Cleveland had done the
best he could, If that may tie called a
Didn't Homebody say "scratch a pro
fessional refonner and you'll find
nrofeHsional ollloe-secker?" What wuh
the ma'tcr with the Oregon legislature?
Kveu Mr Cleveland will admit now
that It has not lieen lack or manngi-
inent ho much as lack of votes which
has bhx'ked his ideas In congress.
Senator Hill also failed In the great
financial straddle act which has here
tofore been so fatal to tht contortionists
of the congiesslonal el reus.
Now that Ht. Louis has Editor Joni B
buck, her papers will use more red
ink. Jones Is fond of everything red,
except blood.
There are Indications of Mr. Clevo
land's intention to ple-td the baby act
on that bond contract.
Sentiment is ail right as fur as it
a ies, but llawil cannot lie bound to us
with a oable too soon.
There are indications of a fresh
epidemic of Corhett advertising iu the
early Hpring.
Senator il, W. McHrldc.
George Washington Mc Bride Is
a native son of Oregon, having been
born in Yamhill county In 1854. He
is a sou of Dr. James McHrldc, who
was wtdl known as one of the earliest
aud sturdiest pioneers of this state.
Mr. McHrldo was educated In the
common schools and at Willamette
college (now U stale normal school)
at Monnumth. In .117 his parent
left Yamhill county aud located at Ht
Helen', t'oluiiihla county, which
place he haa made hit home ever since
In 1HN2 he was elected to the Oregon
bouse of representative, and was ub-
srotienily chosen shaker of that body.
In 1880 Mr. Mcllrldo waa nominated
hv the iviiuhllcana for avctvtaiy of
state, Kid was elected. Ilia spuUrlly
l attwled by the fact that the princi
pal tiomluee on the ticket with hlni-
govertmr and treasurtr were tlcfeateu
Mr Mcltrlde tierformed the duties ol
III oftloe o satisfactorily that he w
re-noiuliiated by aivlaiiiutloii lu 1WK),
and re-clwted by a handaome majority.
He served out the M term aud n'llrel
the first of the present year to give
way to his aueeessur.
Mr. Mcllrldo comes from an old and
very well known Oregon family. 11
haa aeveial brothers, who have
i hleved leading position in the law
and In medicine. One brother Is Judge
T. A. Mcltrlde, of the tlflh Judlclsl
district. Another brother Is Johu It
Mcltrlde, formerly congressman from
this state, and now prominent lawyer
of HiMikHiio. A third, Dr. McHnde, l
a leading physician In Wisconsin.
Il waa Mr. Mcllrlde' early purHc
to beiHMU a lawyer, and with that end
In view, after leaving school, he
entered the law oltlce of Judge J, C
More In ud, of this city, lie reumlneil
three years, but during a great part ol
the time he siilfcred much front had
health and did not make tlie progress
hedeatrvd Mr, Mcltrlde did not how
ever, give up hi design until hi
physical coudlilou rendered It
absolutely necessary. He then engaged
lu mercantile pursuits In Columbia
county, whore h had large properly
interest. During much of the time he
waa secretary of slate Mr. Mcltrlde
battled with physical weakness, but
his will Is strong, and he waa able to
be almost constantly at tils xt of duty
aud perwiiintly to administer the
manifold duties of his oftlce. It I well
known that the oillce of secretary of
state ha" never been conducted more
satisfactorily lo the sople than during
Mr. Mcltrlde' two terms. Itecvtitly
he made a Journey to New lork for
the purpose -so It was stated at the
time of placing himself iu the hands
of eminent physicians, It ap'ar with
very satisfactory results.
Mr. .Mcliriiin is often called an
"Oregon Uy," With the exception uf
two years spent lu San Francisco, he
has always lived iu Oregon. Per
sonally he xwixteHH charming address,
which I. as doubtless had much to do
with hi political success, Mr, Mcllrlde
Is uot married
There was (pilte a ocla! gathering
given at the home of Mr. and Mr
Atidcrwiu Monthly evening. There
were about forty present, among the
guest were Professor Tom Yisler, of
Salem, who rendered me Interesting
organ sol. assisted by Profisr Win
Phifeswor Yisler, of Salem, who has
been visiting here for the past week,
has returned to his home, but will
soon return bringing with him his
musical instrument aud organize
The exercise were rendered very
nicely on the i!Wt at the chool hou
llllder ttie luauagellleut of Professor
Htorma. There were alsmt lxty pres
The steamer Maria, of Portland, en
gaged lu lowing rocks from J. . M.
I'rather'a unary to Corvalll tsik her
first loud last Tuesday.
Little (irucle Kail while play
lug uu tho street was kh-kml by a horse
and ri-cel veil ipille a wound. Site I
much better.
Mr. A. Shlves and daughter Dorelle
sxut a few days In Salem last week
Mis l)orelle is uot liuuroylng lunch lu
J. M. Pmtlicr, family and hired man
llert Joy, aa all ou the sick list. WV
Iioh- they will soon lie up and around
J. L. (ititti, a merchant of this place,
wife ami Mr, llevens were trading ut
IudeM-mleuce last week.
John Whiteman aud family, of near
LcngTom, were the guest of Mr. While
man here, last week.
A. J. itlcliardson, a business man of
this place, returned from his home lu
Portland last week,
iU'V. J. H. Haldwin and wife, of In.
dependence, spent a few days here
visiting lust week.
"Oratidma" Heott, of this place.
went to Corvallls Saturday to visit
MIsh Hettie Snyder is visiting her
grandmother at Independence this
week .
J, W. Storms and Mis Lottie Her
bert made Corvallls a short call last
Several young folks from hero took
In the druiuu at Wells Saturday a week
Henry Kenton and John Haldwin
li i ui I u a business trip to Dallas Monday.
Mr. (.' Culver and family left here
last week for their home near Albany.
Miss Kirntilll, aunt of Dr. C. F..
Boynton, of this place, Is quite sick.
II. 11. J tall and Kd. Harmon paid
Halem it vilt tills week.
Frank Heiinelficld returned from
Portland Sunday.
U. Peterson went to IndcH'iidenoe
The dunce given by Tartar Ilros.
on lust Wednesday evening was well
attended by both young and old. May
the occasion In honor of whom it was
g ven long be remembered
Only a few days more remain until
school meeting. Let all who feel
themselves Interested lu the cause of
education and the advancement of our
district schools attend,
Ex-ltepreseiitutlve J. O. Htaats re
turned from Salem lastSuturduy where
he has been veiling old acquaintance
and making new ones.
MIhh Jessie Wilson went to Portland
last Saturday where she will remain
all summer with her sister.
university, Salem, and the Clul-tlan
Mr. W. II. K.iykeu.bill paswd
thr mud these uirts one day last week
looking for mutton sheep
Fanner are Improving their time
this beautiful weather by plowing aud
J. M Stunt, we are sorry lo ay, I
somewhat under the weather again,
One more weciuue to the trout w ith
our usual batch of Item.
, Had colds neetiiH to be prevailing.
At the drama "Nevada, or the Iol
Mine," played lu Dallas Thursday
February 14th, there whs a large ami
apprvclailv audience present. Those
taking part all did well and altogether
It wa a u Ce. They cleared f.'U.W
It seem a ihoiiith the iieuplo of
Diillus are golcg to rldtt bicycle ihU
summer, Arch McOowaii, Itulph Will
iam and Chauncey ( 'rider alnady
received their aud several oilier be
ing ordered.
Mis Lydla CaiupM! was the only
one, out of twenty-four examined for
teacher certificates last Week, who
could tell the names of President Cleve
land' cabinet
At the the, school elil. rlalniuclit 111
thl city lat Friday cveuiug they
realltt-d IJM with which they Intend
buying school supplies.
I'licre ha ts-t'ii an exc-dlcnt program
pr .'pared by the Fpworth tt-ugue foi
the Coiiveiilioti held here lu March.
Teachers' Aswsdalloii will I si held In
Dallas next Saturday aud all leauher
will tie entertained five of charge.
ltolh chattel and real mortgage are
lielng phutnl uu record In tlm county
clerk oltlce In large amount.
Ml L.lllaii Hacklemaii returned
last Monday from Salem where he
had a clerkship lu the senate.
The Dallas Isiys Intend going to
Monmouth Saturday and play a game
of ball with the normal school
F.x-Mnrshal J, C, Wagner has moved
with hi wife and Thciidor, doa u ou
hi hop ranch at Hah Creek,
Dlllard F.lklus returned from his
trip to Independence, Albany and
Corvalli bwl Wediiesilay,
Another mis k trial is to take plain
at the academy next Saturday evening
John Clark, of O egon City, Is In
Dullaa visiting ivory dear) friends.
The ItelN'kahs rcallm-d fl.'t from theb
oyster siip.r Thursday evening,
Mr. It. Suitor, t e mill man, Is quite
sick at his home In Dallas.
Schisil meeting nest Ntouday at tic
court house,
N'Veral of ihe ri sldenls of our town
went to Salem lo attend the lust day'
session of the legislature and to see the
last balloting for United State Senator.
It Is quite gratifying to know that
Senator-eli-et Mcllrlde was a student ol
what was the Christian college at thl-
place twenty nr more year ago. Il l
said that the n'puldican over the
w hole stale an very well pleased with
the election.
A Very pleasant party was held at
the residence of Klder J. N Smith
Tuesday evening. About one hundred
persons were present and all report a
good time Alter conversation and
music a delicious lunch wn served.
iMiier Miiiin was ptvscntcti witti a
purse containing twenty.lhree dollars
aud Mr. Smith received a fine black
dres aud three pairs of lace curtains.
Mr. Duiniiili, traveling secretary for
the Y. M.C, A met with the Y. W
and Y. M. C. A. lu Joint session at the
Christian church Sunday morulng
and gave them a very pleasant talk
He also spoke lu chapal at the normal,
Monday morning and won the hearts
of the student in his few comullincn
tary remarks.
Professor W. A. Oiun, of thl city,
slid Mis Katherine Hueksinp, of Vail
Iowa, were united In marriage In Port
land, February -1) at the residence of
T.J. Bryants, Itev. H. Gould, of Cor-
vallls, olllclatlng
My roil 'iiinter. a graduate of hot
year, who has Is-en teaching In Idaho,
Is spending a few days with hi mother
in this city, He will iu return to
take charge of the Name school.
Cured, by l .liif
Aycr's Sarsaparilla
Words of Comfort to All who Suffer from
"For yours, I was n mnrtvr to
Indigestion, mid had about given
up all hope of ever finding relief,
as the complaint only seemed to
grow worse iimt"iid of better,
under ordinary treatment. At
lust, I was induced to try Aycr's
Siirsapurillii, mid 1 hereby testily
that utter using only three hot
tics, I wasenrcd. I can, therefore,
confidently recommend this med
icine to nil Himlliirly alllicted,"
Fhanklin Heck, Avocu, la.
"I am pcraoiuilly iicmiainted
with Air. I leek mm htdieve any
statement he inav iimke to be
true." W. J. Ma'xwk.m,, Drug
giat and, Avoca, la.
"I hnve used Aycr's Rarsapa
rllln for general debility and, as
a blood -purifier, find it does ex
actly as ih claimed for it." S. J.
Adams, Jizzcli, Texas,
4Jill M a V(IJ
Admitted for Exhibition
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdei
wsrdsd Gout MW UMpir Fair, Ssa FrsadMO,
The lecture given by IlHf.Jew Hawk,
the Chinese pncber who bn chnre
of the Chinese Mission at Portland,
wn well attenileil and enjoyed hv
ItcprcNeiitaMv lloollihy aud daugh
ter, Mis Lulu, f Morrow is.uniy, an
hi town speudlug a few day with
relative aud friends before returning
At the clone of the Wednesday even
lug prayermeellng Klder Siulili bs
tired three person, one young lady
slid two geutlciueu,
Ml Imi Precott, of Halem, a form
er graduate, I visiting the normal anil
her sister, Mis Ltim, who I lu chd.
Mlsse Miller, liotilnsoii ami Fisher,
ot Iudoiemteiice, a!bnded church at
the Christian church last Hut .Hay.
Mr. John Itigg, of Halem, who has
been visiting her mother, Mr. Wm.
Perclval, returned home Sunday.
Mr. Harris, of Kiigene, daiiuhterof
Mrs. A. A. Cat Iron, spent a few day
with her mother last week.
Mis ltoe MoClaln.uf Iluena Vlta,
sps-nt a fe day the first of the week
visiting friend In town,
Klder Sllmpter I Xiectri to lake
charge of the pulpit at the Christian
church next Sunday.
A. L. Nosier aud F. H Cat Iron, of
thl place, went to Portlaud ami lawk
thl we'k.
Mlsa Itertha McDaulela, a firmer
graduate, w as visiting the iiormsl last
Miss Conny Haw ley returned home
from her visit 'o Salem last Sunday.
Ml Myra Bedford, a former student
i the guest of Miss Sarah Ituiixau.
Silierllltendelit Hutcbllisoii, of Dsl
las, was In town Wednesday,
J. W. MfCulhM'h was visiting at hi
home last Week.
the Serpent's
C0MT1BIDUS ... .ii
i finn snienH I
tvtvtff rliruJ r
BkUWW rlVR tnt UMra ,1.14 d II.
KOTMIha pnlMl dulcli sp IS
A SMW M I. ""
In. it. V. Mism. lis onHl tis'k of lt
style Mllllnxrjun Itisl'stlMii tuillillii
iifsll His Mimtnetilll Mi-nun-Ills
'o'. .Ion. la Moiiiiioulli,
sod Invltts, iu IjuIini of
(Silk I'ounijr to luM't
lirrt4H'k snd isimpsrs
wl Runnins X
so. J
The Steamer Alice A.
Go. Skinnor. Prop.
Will li-svs I ndiiittimlimist, rviry dsy, (Hunds)' feplsti st V , in, Sir Kslem, snd
li'sve Hsii'in on tlie return I rip al I;!) p, in.
FARE 5ocentseach way.
apply on board.
'95 Bicycles GRAY BROS. '95 Bicycles.
Wo do not strive to tinnornc known a lisiidllni Hi tlimHsil litcyrlus nn Ih North West
Const, but rsth.T U) Iwsnne rmsigiilspd hsndltnii big assort intmit of tho HKiT.
The Eagle Bicycle 15.
Art- MAKVKI.H of KHJIDITY and IIKAI'TV. LHillTEST (17 to 21 nminds) and
MOST KKI.I IIII.K. tin old jmrt.s or Material utilized, t'lu-li delKii I
new, even, to the miuiiIIi-mI ili'tHll, tHir lurre order, direet fruui the
Factory, will arrive February loth. Call and exKinlne liefnre buy inir.
0HAY Hlt'.rt, Htateand LlU-rty Htrtet, 8ALF.M, OliKOON.
Fof the Ladies Only!
. Daughters of Rebckah Tins of the Latest Designs
A Nice IJne of Eastern Star Tins will Arrive this Week
sltimtfil near IIih H. P. deMit. on Heemid Htreet,
ROOMS, light, clean and airy.
TABLE supplied with the best in market.
PATRONAGE of the public solicited.
What Do You Think?
A Corn l'opjer for 8 centa.
50 Darnlnir Needles, 6 rent.
(ake (Jond Tohet Houp, 4 cents.
Ladli'' Iluiidkerclilefs, 4 centa.
rVe haw no 'spmlal days", but KVEIt V DAY U a day ornpeclaHl ,
Yours Respectfully,
J. A. MILLS, Prop,
pj. mm
Piaarletar f
IndepenrJence Tile Factory
Manufaoturcra f
Drain Tile.
Prle to Suit trt
orrice and factory
Ini,t'eniiena i)nm
Get Your Washing
don lijr lbs
and Imv yimrorUsrs wlih i. It THOMI-sN
ollh Hsii'in MIBK-, lm Will 'sll l UI
linussl .r lli ws.liUK slid Ullr M wl''
t llif I'lsee to il ll nrsMuss '.
BATH 26 Ca.t
,p1'mQw(i1)t4t v . -t fsO
AT 6:30 A. M.
AT 6:oo A. M. .
For Freight and Patg apply en
Will rtus! your wlhl I'snnsiienlly twin
12 to ! pound a iinmih. MO STAKVIMIi or Injury; SO I'l llt-U IT. Tlify
IiiiIH uu III health and twsnllfv I lie m
ptsiion, Irs viii wo Wrlnklw or IUMiIimns
Hlout Abdomsns nd dirneull l.rrllilr surtv
tyrvllevod. NO KXIHtlwrMT tint rlru
ilflr snd poslliv rvllrf, sdoplvd only stUT
yssniof niwrtene. All onlors uiiUrd dl-hh-i
rroni onr nine. Hrlei0 r fw-tOMf
urlhrMiriir tf W by nisll l ald. Trail,
inoiilsl. suit psrlleulsrs (smlui 4 els.
All pormpundnnee tnielly cinn.lriitlsl.
l'AKK KKMHDY CO.. i'tMon
For Freight and Passage,
The Jewler.
LHilles' Einbroldered Silk H'dUfH., 15c
Nlrkel Altirni ClockH,(wiirritnted) floe,
"Hnin-Htioks",froni 00 eents, up.
Hottoni priwHon Lat Curtnlna
mm, ? bes win;
"pee kays"
Chicane! Frenchywitr
those pretty colors
will suit you, when 15
cents a yard, is the
in a myriad ot dots,
dashes and splashes
of every tint, cobrs,'
fast, and very wide ;
at 15 cents a yard, i
Vanduyke print laces'
Chantilly laces, two
toned laces, jets, silks,1
buttons, etc. All new ;
NKW Calicoes, 5c a
. Outing Flannels, 6 l-4cayard
Outing Flannels, 10c a yard.
Teasels, 12 1 -2c a yard.
" Red Outings, 10c a yard.
Silence cloth, 02 in. wide, 75c.
" Blankets, SI. 25 a pair.
When it comes to SHOES we are the
Pioneer Drug Store,
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co,
While I on Are Touching
Remember that PJIM
Have a fine stock of
C. 0. Groves, Proprietor.
East Side Railrcad street , near Little Palace Hotel.
First-Class Hires,
Reasonable Charucs.
Careful driver and tennis furnished for Travellug men.
HoiMea liimi'iled iy the day, wwk r nimith.
Patronage of the Public
42 Loaves of Bread $i.oo.
Strong's Bread will be
Strong's Bread
are no make-believe,
but the real Scotch,
with that fineness of
weave and delicacy of
color, that only the
Scot can give them.
12 1-2 cents a yard.
with those pretty dots
dainty stripes, on tan
on white, on blue.
Ducks for pretty suits
for only pretty suits
' could corn e from ths
stylish ducks. Only
15; a yard.
Very cheap.
The Drop
delivered at your house
Beats Them All.