The Best Newspaper U the one that give the moat And fresheat new. Compare the WEST glDB with ny paper In Polk county. "v. As an Advertising todium THE WEST OlDc TAKCt THl LlAO IN POLK COUNTY. INDEl'ENDKNCR, POLK COUNTY, ORKdON, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1895. VOL XIII. $2.00 lVr Your. Five Cents Per Copy. No. 4 5. HANKS. THE INDEPENDENCE National Bank Capital Stock, $50,000.00. H. HltbVHBKlU), Allll AM NKLHON. W. P. WS.N'AWAt ProalctlHtt. Vie llrwdtteiil. Cathlvr .1 k.i,kimnit iKhAinn bulurt lrnk'lHt; loans made, bills dlneouuted, w aitivlal credits irante deportm received on eurreut account subject to elm. Uilrl paid od Uiu depoalia. IMRrX'TOUs. a .1 m a II.. 1 It jA4Mim, A. J.iMHlmitu, l. W, mr, U. Hintctitwnr Commenced Buaine sMa 9 CiUilubd by atlooal Authority, TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Of Idrpndeoee,OrCfOU. Capital Stock. Surplus, $50,000.00 $14,000.00 J, 8. COOPKR, U W. ROltEUTSON. ITwldeut, Vie ITeaideni u 11 k u-i lev i..lit.r DIRECTOUS. J.S. Cooper. U . HoberUwn, UU Helutlck 0. W. Whlteaker, W. W. t"ol. A letieral bank?' , ulnM trauaaeted Buy and sella v ! uu all liuporiaul Ppeilla received subject in cheek or on cr UBinte or ilf txw'L CulteHiHi made. um nuura; a. . h . in ICORPOSATEO U)IOE THE HS OF ORES? J Polk County Bank, MONMOUTH. Or. J. H. IMWIFV P. IRA CruWKLU. ..Prwddeat Vloe-Pre .Caahter Paid Capital, S30.000. 1)1 HECTORS, J.H.RI.W, IM-Campbell, I.M.HIiupaon J II. V. Butler. J. . Mump, t . H, 1'owell J.m.IIi nttt'ti. A general bankiug and eKlmuge bunlnew trniH-lvd; kuni made: deptnOla rwrolvi-d ubjtwl lo rhn'k or on oeritrlcBt of deponll Inirrwl paid in time depoidtn. -rtr uriwf vault and burijtar proof lloumr a. m. U 4 p. m. A.VUE8C0TT. J. A V EN ESS Prescott & Veness, Proprietor of MaDufacturenor unJ D. ulcrtln FIR and HARDWOOD, Rou-h and Dressed t tt tf n LUMDliK. J. A. WHEEuER, - Manager. American and Eumuouiill'Hn. THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor, - v 'Beventh and Wadblnuton 8W J'OIlTbANn, OIIKOON Go to the CHt reel SHOP And kco bnvr CHEAP You can net your Work Done. Wagon Repairing of All Kinds, L L FULLER, Proprietor. If you want a Ooo(i;quare Meal tor 25 Cents to the- CITY RESTAURANT MRS. L. CAMPBELL. Prop. Tee Cream every duy during he newioti Chicken uinnor evcrywunouy m " .ii hour Main Ht.. Indeoendence. ah si' J LinfMli .iii MlW.1l GEORGE W, HIDE II SENATOR Native n 11 -born Oregonian the Choice Fifty-ninth Joint Ballot Derated to that Hijti Position l) kntj-ta Oregon Legislative Assembly. Scenes and Incidents of One of the Greatest Senatorial Contests in the History of Oregon The Great As sembly Hall a Seething Mass of Excited and Bois terous Human;ty Last NightClosing Scenes. fol.U Hat'M Kak-r ViHiilurfml. . Wllliaum .... Lowell I.ortl M. C. liiHiw, Fulton ...... WaUl.i Tonirtio Ml!rUJ ... piixs :;T::t7;:i7,:ir;tt;i: U,HI 10 10 111 ID'ltUU ii i; tt ti; tij tij U o i; 1 i l, i i l; i :mi ii ij ii it l! ij i ..! i v i..;...... 1! J; 1; 11 11 1 1 1 ... ..I l! 1... ..I.- .. .1 i:r.iiv.H 11. .i lit ! C.iwir W., TrUied 8iUn nniator from CrvBn! The republican Prty On-gtm hoii tMVtn lt"l( wjual to th lnk of braking th dmilkwk by flwtlnit a fnlUnl Stab's, itnr. It dIJn't hv b ifo oul)l.l Uin faintly cdrcl to flml n honorwl son um whm It wi pxewlM to unit. It tivk a Ion while fur lh "thirty" am! rrty-two" t net tlt.-lr h ! mstt, but wlur they finally lid I 'a.n t"K"!luT th rtwull wu iui jlw!l.n that will b an hormr to 0 tt. tho nation mj tin r-.ttblli'un pary. Tha e).w-UM of Sir. Mcllrtde U curry i.iit thU truitt w a i-Hfiim inai win hrliR about tho iffibnt K'xkI for the tarty of Ui mat. Jt win iwrvo t nut f-;v nolncUona coulu have done irw-r thrf ainrrtvauoj cjrvuiiuiiwiii-n. ','o Buy t wit It l ft i.hokw that !tiete 'Hii thff aiirovnJ of the (tn riil public 1 1 n. mil J wutomcnt of th truth which tie arrant! di'tmmrtrtitlun uiion tho .tdijtlil by the "thirty" of .! nomliui- t on mrn.itlly. flrniJy impnwwb That tho .-n ilor elwt u In elo inj :h with the jx'oplB anl th.nt he hi tiie r frliiid and thavt th-y are hht wna more clearly dimoiutratrl by thflr ac t.ona lout nlfrht when he aiipeuml bo- f wo th?in on tlw platform, than worda cut tell. The chHT that were m-nt up for George W. Sli'Hrlde wero from the hirt. The peopls who know him not ( lily resjxsct and honor himthey love Mm. Tho hall of rerewntatlvra. the corri dors, the Kllerii anl ev-ry other rn- venlent iipai'B In the utate houne wan r.,ver o orowdel with humanity aa It u-as lajit nlKltt from 7 o'rbxrk to mld- nio-h I'nl.lln rftimont had been r.rouawl to auch ft pitch that perM.a j ' romivlncd at the hall aJl the afternoon and frvemlnjr, ftocomimnlfKl by their lun ch' o a to geoure favorable ponl- tlona arul swiIji. Umg before tho Joint convention aaaenibled every seat, chair, desk, railing, window seat and platform sti'p, waa occupied, while nUuidlnif rofm wm packed like a r.aruine dox. Cut This OutI You want the best and I 7A ' prices. PICTURE FROM LIFE. Finest Fowls in the Pacific Northwest. L Brahma B. P. Rods, S, C. Leghornsv And other varieties furnished. Eggs ready now for de livery. 1.50 per 13. My birds are prize winners. Call and see them. Write. your wants. F. A. WELCH. 381 Cottacre St.. Salem. Or. I Firt-cl8 200-egg "Excelilor" Incubator for tale cheep, of Republicans of k "S7 37,:W a: a7ia7i:n,:i7 a: :ui::m;:i7i:ui 10 010,JO: 10,10; 10,10, 10 HI, III HI; III HI i l tlj tl! III III III Hi II! I) ! l 1 :i; a... 1 1 1 1 ii a, ai a li..!.. Ij 11 ;;! 32;3a,3l;3a.32iJI2! 1! II 1 1! i 11 i:).ni:ia:ia:ta 1 1 1 1! l l Si ikxiii aa tho balloMnf began the irrat-t touttlile anxl4y waa arouiti-d. A muiifomofWa had ln made for Irwna inlttlnir bulMlna to the mtTflary of ktatv'a oltloe antl thmn-e to the mawira In the outer rrtdor ad U'n racelpl of tvu-h mioiwliiiu rmult tht hobw of the pubtla dlmri.Hi of lt inrit etatld be horl within the boune. (in the ftrt Wn the IMph fontu wrn imt ly oliwrml by the return to their rank of Smith of ('Urkiuntia and Cowtut who had b'ft them tetiiMirrrtly at tin' aftT nin .ntlnii, and thwi th itenernl bo- II. -f ww that the die wna rant and tltiTn would be no clivtlim. Throtiuh all iht wivry round of twenty-two tuillirt the crowd remmlned, th imirKtmy lnltit relieved at Interval by Oi 'Yhuniro of Sunio at Wfh "relay" of the anil iKdph nnmblk'wia 'l'hev led out f-r tho eveulinj'a nue with William, but dropped hltn early forjudge J '1, WuJ- J'V of .Marlon, who they I ft after two ballot for the younpT and mora vlitoroua ateed Fultuit, to whom they attiwhiM thniMielvc for ten Iui, but wen comtMdUd Pi drop hlin. The only twiwlon of iwite to the Fulton Htnndard wtin .i-ntor Ilmwiiell of t'lii 'kiuoar:, who broke from Holh on tljo fifth Ixillot of the evening -the for-ty-fntt of th tot il. The next man e. eetil wna Tomrui. but Mr. Jlrownell (hlfted to (Jeirife W. Mfltrlde, an did Hi mat or Ilotwon on the nxt. and after five ballot vI Miout R.iln the antl took up liovornor L..rd nd two Ixtllota were had an the rim k olutPl half an hour of mlihilk'M. Thw iTuwd waa In K'm bumr aiodally, na a few boxe of or nni." had bom brought in and acat ter,d and thrown nil over the hou In tMiylah, iKrtiv irlo, a ahort time lie fore. Kvwybndy waa hrppy and the llmii wua rlHi for a erleki. The op poriuntty waa fraHl by Clei'toii of Columbia, who In a few well choum words reolted the well known eon'U ttonaand hla prevloua loyalty to llolph, imdlnif with the aniummoment of hla Intention to vole for tieorifo W. Sid Ilrlde. The roll call proi-eeded and the flint repreaehtaUve from tho Dolph ranka lo atep u tho .Meltrlde column waa J. I Calvert of thla county. The ftrat aenntor to take a like atep waa Dr. Calnnth of Yamhill. Henatow H.Mm and rattermm and Mpeaker More alwi took tholr porillin fr Mr. M"H rid a and when the roll call wiu completed hi! hud forty-two votea or throe ahort of enoutrh to i-h-t. Follow Inn la the vote a bolwen Mr. Dolph and Mr. Mollrllo: Dolph. Bancroft, IJeach. Hlundcll, Hridifen, Card veil, Carter, Conn, DiUy, Dnvld. Hawwoti, Denny, (.inner, (low- an, Izmir, Maxwell, MeCIraken, Mdilnn, l...i .f l A M.rc-r, nioorneao, My em, ruxlon, rrlt. 8mlth of Clarkanum, Smith of J.mephlne, Smith of I'olk, WbHwer, 'IVniplebin, Thomiji, Wixnliud and Slmon-.HI. Mcllride. Alley, In,ker. Hnraley, Hoothby, Hrownell, Hurke, C'albreath, CallxTt, Cleoton, Cole, Coon, Cooper, Cralif, Curtla, Davla, Iunn, Cute, Paste It Upl have them. Hard-time (lowdy, (iulld. (lurdann, llllbitaii, Ilob. run, llofr, llpft Johimon, Keyt, I.ea ter, l.yle, M'Ou itf, .Mliitle, I'atteraim, I 'a titer HI, HlnetiwMl, Hoott, Hehlbrede, ShutMiii, Moilih of I .Inn, rttanley, Tl (rami, WHarM. Yalee and Mor 4'i, The Drat to elm nun hla votw wna Teiiileioii, who iiioiintid a mit niul wild Iui wanted ft aoitator, lie wna fol lowed by Kmltli of Folk, nml bo In turn by Ilrblitea, who imido Ibo Inat nun IKhmUhI, but anveral olhera, led by (led. T. My em, nUo cliuniteil nud Hie end waa that l'nxtou'a inoiioit to record tho ronibllciiii 7a ni uimuliiioiia for hlin wna adoijted ,011 til 'i'oud of Sntintor McOlitn. TlirottKh all thine Inlter ai-ene Joyful imtidoiiionluiii reluni'd. Fliiiilly a com mittee wim ai'iit after tin new aeimlor, who a 1 n ted nud lumle a neat ftpwli of npirH'lnllon, iroiulfliiK the moat filithful wrvlce for tho atnte of bin blnli. Tliito rlut'tn were Klven for Mr. Meltrlde with euoh a rein aa Hindu thu bttllitliitf nliiHMt alinke. Thou the erowd yidliul for Fultou and that iteii tleiiiiin beltitf found hla npp.nmiu'e waa tlui almml for tlm wlldoat nud tnoat hourly il.MMoiiHtmtloii of the nlk'ht, ell'ept perh nw wheu tktuitr Urowtieli inadu lit eloquent iewh autioundnii hla chiin to Fulton aa x(04i of above. Mr. Fulton anoko for a few moment lit bU able, niiinly way and aatired hla houaeftil of admlreni thnt he waa never happier In hla Itfu thun he win then In wltuiowliiff tho u 11 1 ted piibllcanUiu of tireiton. llo waa clioorod to tho iH'ho and at 8;Kaker MMnW reqtleat, thrit' t'lieem wer glveu fur"tlM united rcpubllejin party." Thriii cheura worn tlkewlae aout up for Stxviker More llllliaolf. Tlioimw II. Toukiw waa eallil for wkili aiu'h deU'rmliinUoti (lint lint ictiittltutinti rauie forward with rw wonbt of eonKrnlulttlloii oil tho b i"'y etiilluif nnd vtonta of chovr for th n' publlciin liimtH nunln iimrcliluit 11 1 f a coiiiiiioti nif. He, bai, waa heartily received and Ullllcd. HepfeeenlittUw Hnikley. tin brlltlunt orutor of tho Sliirlou county dol.-nmlou, wiu culled out and aHiko In hla uual plraalnir way. Ho wna lu blgli favor with I ho lioilee, for lie bud aecomled Mr, Cleeton'a nomination of Mr. Me Hrtdo lu a manner which left no doubt of hla alucerlty II lid that of the whole of tho thirty nulla for any aoivptnhlc republican, and that, aa much na any thing had uuide denr aallluit fr Sir. Clcobm'a favorite. Tim feeling w.u .i giKKt tho crowd waa loth to ai'pn mt but a motion to dtolve Urn Joint convention lltiatly prevnlltil, and amui tlm pint form waa crowded with frletuU offerlnif hearty conirriiiulutioiia to the new aenator, Not only thnt but In a few minute iho bditmph wlrea brotiKht from the aouihirn con II ma of tho atitte n telc(trnni of like teimr nud many other from all over tlm elate Hiiirol In Inb r. The coiitetita of the II rut onu will Ih an Imllcatkm of all. It wa aa followa: Metiford, Or. 'Ail hearty eon uratulaikin. Itepubllcan and the people nerally are heartily aiitlafleil with tho cholc of the Joint aiwnlon of tho tireipm leirlitlaiure. Cbarb-a K. Wnlfimb, A. 8. Hanunorjl, Utoire F. Merrlman." J'.jIIowIiij the dlK-olullim of the J'tlnt eniiveiltlxu, Ixith bu" III their aepa n,t chamUt adjourned a'ce die, and ihua (he newt, remarkable aeiwlon of the (refim ktflaUture ever held came to an end. The aolutlon of the deadlock waa cf fectud at no bit mi hour that the I-k- Ulaturo had no ilmo to elect the rail road rommUxloii and 01 her olllcera. (In tlm lint are tho following; Tbnt railroad t'ouitnliwlo)ier, tame warden, food cOIUIIllwiloner, Pilot liilllllll'ihlcjll- era, etc., and atnte librarian. Aa the preaetit Incumbent of thcao otllcm were limned to ai-rve "until their micceiwor were idei'ted and iMialllleir Un aatne old railroad coiiiniUnlon and other of ficer will Im lu the employ of the atnte for nnothcr blennliil term, much to their nurprnHc. In the Kiat'tminn of Jaounry 1.1th laMt, prtx-cillng the eonvculntf of he lelflalature, tho foltowllla; appeared: "(leorKe W. .Mcllrlde aleta out of the neoretary of atate' oftlce after clurht year of hnnl work, In which he tm nwimiir'tl llw niulllfii.i'loiia dutlo of that immIUoti with a aklll and bUHlneaa (wit rarely equalled and not excelU'd In any atate In the I'nloii. The na ture of (ho oltli'o In thla atate thrrnva a irnvtit amount of regional I) 1 1 it y upon hla aliouldiva and It takca a Kod (leil of Kluufne louraire ouul maiily gump tion to iarry II ueeefully. "With the exoeiHlon of a aitmll part of tl laat term Mr. .Mc.llrldo ha pir aonally dlriHited every movement of the oftlce. During hla term of aervlec, largij auma of money have been en truHled to his wimloin and Judgment for cxrK'ndlture anil In every Inatanre tho roault. baa been aatUfactory, every dollar ha been laid out with a view to aecurliiH tho beat pomttble return. Notable Inatancei of hi aecurtiiK ex cepUonally good work for tho statu may bn wltncHaod In tho plumbing 01' thu atate houao and In the flxlnir ami furnlHlulriK of the atate library. In the lattur ciiao the mont modern btwk fur niture waa obtained, arningt'd in a yatem infinite In Ha aecoinmodatlnii ponHllulltloa, of the beat Weatcrn Krown material and at flRurc which could only bo aeoured by the boat directed ppraonal effort. In the decoration and arrangomont tho noma happy remilta were obtained and a large Hum of money navel. Imttuncca might be mul- Uplled Inmim r.i,bly but It la not noec- nary. It I Bulliclsmt to nay that he him lone hi full duty faithfully and well and that no mat ha ever held olllce In Oregon who retired with more nuin-i-rou or more faithful friend than tloorgo W. Mcllrlde. "Ueorge W. Mclli-ldo la at 111 a young man and will be mmny yctir an hon iralilo figure In Oregon' bualneaa nnd oubllo affulin. lie aaya ho will per manonitly ratlre from politic, but ahould his health permit It, tho people vill be likely to oail him forth again, llo waa born In Yan hill county, this Unite, In March, 18.V1, and hn always . I veil In O region, except two years In lan FranclHoo. ll waa elected to the 'egtoliituro in 1SS0 from Columbia coun iy and waa chosen apeaker of the hmwe .he following at-aalon. He waa nmnl i:vtid for aecrctary of atate by the re pttbllnana In lHSlt and wan duly elected ind attain nonilnatod and eleotod in JHIK), both time by largo majur llla." Burl commentary on our bonatcd re publican majority, It required ft cull of tho aonnjiG yestertlny to wive the ruillrouxl coniiwlslon rldcir and the getioral appropriation bill from lgno- mlnnus defeat, and then It Just did carry. Tlioso voting nny were': Cnr tor, Huston, Johnson, King, McAllla- ter, McClung, Smith of Clatsop, BmlUi of Sherman, Van(lerl)rg. But sixteen votoa were cnal for the bill. Those who were absent from ths sonato yesterday and thun caenped go ing on rocora either ior or ogninBi abolishing the railroad commlsfllon tho geiMirnl appioprliUlon bill were Dnwaoti, (leaner, Ilobwm, ami Itrown ell. Hn'kley wn alweiit on aivoimt of Illnewi, Tin wo voting In favor of tlm f'Jo.iKid npprop1ntlon were: Alley. Ilnticroff. Jlutler, Calbrenth. Cigawell, Denny, (lowan. Maxwell, Mctllnn, l'al termm, I'fUis Haley, Hteiwcr, and HI molt. At ft later moment In tin pro ceeding Dnwaoii came In In time to votii lu favor of reiealliig the law creating tlm rouimlaaloii. All other annntor voted on Hilt they had doim tm tho Hem of tho appro priation. llovernor lord approved the following bill yesterday and they are now num bereit anion the new law of the legi latur of JS!r: II. H. asa, Forest Orove chart.. H, It. am, regulating the practice of medloln. H, 11. 1U7, preventing the eale of poor food, e4c. H. It. IM, amending ortlm 3H.'7. IIIH'a pcnle, relating to limited partner sihlp. H. II. .11, amending ctlon IM) relat lllrf to III) diaehnrg of attaehmeuta. H, tl. Ilia, Dalltta charter amend, nwiita. 8, II. 2.1, tranafer and aatlafactlon of mortgage. 8. it. Mil, protection native bird. 8, 11. I I, exempt county road and ptibllu highway rium aamwument and taxation 8, II, Hid, (o dttormlnn the time of holding circuit court In Unooln emin ty. K. It, .13. amending eoUm 153. Hill'e oodi, nduMng l tiaeluiHi t. K. II. 13. ; -. ling aw tlon 17 and 33 of chapi.- 11 of title 11, relative to the age of coiumni. 8. It, lia, requiring to auurtntotidmit of limane aylum to report to the toun ty court. 8. II. 71. (unending eootagtou dlaeaae aot, to prevent Ihe ud. 8. II, M, allowing mayor to buy at tax aale. 8. II, 2, employment of oorUcta In imiiHiitlr), 8, It. at, amending awtlou M, Iltll't ikle, K. It, 111. amending cmi.ty natd act 8. It, 113, making atrwta and Jle) pubttii highway. 8. II. an, amending aeiMlon 3 of the of criminal procedure, relating to innlUoa of orlmm. (JIUHT 1188 TO AMICIUCA. Th French 15.Uct 8triiualy Affec the Nt.x'kynrdA (?hlcag, Feb. ad.-8nklng of Uie dH ris Jimt iHao.vl iy the Fm.t'he gi'V eniineot pioriilblilng the Importation of AmoeWn cat tie, Ni Umi .Moi rla, a well kmiwn itttoker, an Id: "We altpied 1H, imi.ikiiI wxtrih of cattle a4 iroduce lo 1 rtivo akutn kiat year, and thla great t red 11 1 atwilutely dewtrojed by the urdr f tho I'reiwili government. knew thla waa tinning, and with the exiiipUm of two vr three Uait load, not any caitle or any pnaluet ha been em to FrantMj in (he hurt Mi day, 'llie effiict of the (iiTtimn and Ili4glum niulwcrsfi Iwi lH""n to reiluee (h price of entile f the uJttNoe Klvi'M i,t ihvm cmivtrt. by flu a head, and thla Frotnh enllm will even miwe unJuMly ttffwt Hie toi'kyarla. "TUl boa been the effect on pricva n-ii wHittslandlng lh fad that the up ply of entile ha been cut down two. third ttn astui(i of the lark of fa, Tlm effect on the prndui'l I wen great, er I1uu the effect on the live cattle trade, cwtlally na far a France la ciunvotd. We are whipping 7. MM) cad tie a week and aa many mure In addi tion In (he f rm nf product. France biva lHn taking a great deal of lean cAttlo t leuii, and thla el low will be very lujurioualy affin-led by the new eillot, wblli) iui to dniweil beef and pirk pnaluul tlm reault will be even more far-reaeliing." COUNCIL OF WOMEN. Ulti'tlon of (Mllccr mi I Changi g In Mnnngeuiciii. WnMlilngtoii, Feb. ail.-The annual btialuc acaalon of the National conn- II of women wn held today. The eliH'tton of olllccr for the etimilng ywir took plnco ami a number of Important hiiiiKc in (ho romnltuilou of the council wero adopted, the principal chungo being the creation of tin upper and lower council. The new olllccr am: rrcaident, Mary Iiw Dlckliwon of New York, who la nlao preHldent f tho organiatlon of Klng'a Diinghtera; vice president, at large, Antui It. Shaw, i'hlliulclphln; oorrcM ponding mecretnry, ImiInc Itanuini Hobblu of Michigan; Hint recording Kccretury, Kinlllno Uurllngnnie Cheney of Maine; econd recoiling acrctnry, Mr. Helen Flnlcy Ilrlntot of Qulncy, IIIHioIh; trcnaurer, lliiuuali J. llailcy of Malm. TWO DJCSTRl'CTIVliJ FlUES. Dalton, 0., Fib. ail. Fire broko out thla morning In tho Shuliz wagon plant!, which Kiircnd to the l'reHbyto- I'litn churcli and adjoining buildimpi, N'o water wn to bo had nearer than throo-quartcr of a mile nud tlm went lid or tun town will apparently be lestroyed. Fire conipnnli'u front Mas- Hon and Woiwter nro coming by spe- Inl train. Tti-ooklyn, N. Y Feb. 2(1. Fire In tlm cHy ball Ulay wholly coiiaumed tlm cupola and tho statute of Jualicc which win-mounted It, and thu big bell that' liun tlmro ft II tlirougli to tile cond Hour. A number of valuable painting and statuary tiro ruined. The ofH la fj,lilM). SAN FUANCISCO RACF.8. Ban FrtumlHco, Feb. 2(1. Flvp fur long Thorn won in lioa'j. Alimt kIx furlongBCnplaln Hcel won In lilU'j. Ono mllti ltmisso won In 1:11 .1-4. Oua nnd u lui'f inHhvt, litu'dlca Tlit'oo Forks won lu 2:5(Vi. six furlongs Thidina won Im 1:1 Hi. TUB MINIMIS' FATR. Ixundoci, Fell. 2d. Tlm miner Im .irlsoncl ttit the b:i torn of tlm aha.'t of ilm Noirma.nton c i'iltry by a colllvliin ff wiflca ycHitwd iy have all 'b..wi bcoiiailiit to the ai c.e. One 'man wns i'lllod by the oollilfiion. IS NOT SERIOUS. Madrid, Feib. 2d The govcrnmenit loci noit vliw with alarm (he reported state of affai'rs In Culm. The goverji mont 1 of the belief that reforms late ly applied In Cuba will prevent any revolt. BIDDING DECLINED. London, Feb. 20. Allotment of the new American loan mode today an the average of a 5 per cent premium loan closed on tho xoliamg at 4 per oent premium. Strong Effort for Free Coinage. Congress and the Labor Question. Movement (or ft Hoard of Arbitration to Settle Dlflliiiltlcg-Oliirr National AtTairi, WAKHINO'ItiN, I b. 2d.-ltoutln mailer on the floor of the ruauw were oveiahadinvml in InleceM today by the liilimallnti of a brink tiutvement to a cute a niajiirity of the dton ratlc mem- br In favor of a flranctal polk-y hav lug five allver for It ki)nie. A dec Urn addivwind "To the detnucnu of the I'tdlul Ktatm," and outlining a financial i4iy for the demoiralk larty bn been diufied. Thl iaier bn tnjen olreuliilml cm the di-oiocmtlo wide of the houae and I being vigorously dlaiHiaeed With the objii-t of ubtiUning a tiMMtaaaia of otanim of the allver d'iiwitais Um da xprvMl,iui. The ilil of liwUgator of ah nxKViient are MiMfM, lUii.ul, llcyan, HlWey and Oorfoon. llietr pawr In at etit but a leniaiive eic"n, they any, and mil yet In fnn tr nil4kmtloi, aJnc mum of ii detail have ben deflnUvly hKreeil ujwm. lit ttubwlano it vtatra that lb finan cial iey uf the lawny ahwuld be for five tuaoago of gold and allver on 1mw of eipiality at a ratio of 1(1 to 1; for the bue of all paper money by tho govirrment wH.h nit the intervention of bittik. ami opiltltm to any bwun uf mit-rent btktring bund without the au thority of a ape dil act of congree. Aitenilon I tabid to the movement add to tie under way through th ef gorn of the oppiien of free allver In the party tu aw-urn the election of gold men a d -bilt to Die party cai ventliMw, anil iiArdi'Uiariy tn nf.xt iiaU-aial conventlin fig- tha mmiln-ulon of ft alngle g'lid uulnrd nuin for tho prldny. Dmiaraui are churged to opibi the to cunt and to m-e to it that ni bu. f; allver men are cleete'l. If ibe Hipp rt of a majority In con gnu can be pledged t the financial platform It l tmendwl to iwuea man Ifeatu lu the dMiiiK-nita of the United Staite wtlhln ft few day. IN THE 8IiNATE. Wahlngtn, Feb. 2tJ. The oenate tio given another day to the aundry civil appcoiTiallon bill witlajut com pleting It and wlihout taking up the vital point ciaiferoing financial bn la in ll hi. Tli lmiH1aiU feature uf the day waa a ahort, aliarp, decialve oon bi'l on the augar bounty qiuvtion, re uniting Uie auocea uf a Ull advoimt- Ing the pnyiti.'til of iho Ixainty irrnu- turi'iy cut tiff by the iincment of the tariff law. The iHtnKiaed bounty airare- g.uj 9r..nMi,(Mi. but .Mitchell gavo it aa hla belief Uiat II would n-ach SH.OOO.. 000, A point of older wna made n gain! the anmndment but the enat voted It not In onler, 40 to 13. After that the ueoeM of the tHMinty tni)otUon waa aecured, aUJiough effort were made to load it down with free allver amendment and other proadtiona. r rye succeeded In carrying an Import ant amendment provkling for a re tired Hat for the revenue marine aer vice, In J r lo retire many aged offi cer who have dorws gvxKt am ice and who now aland in the way of protno inn. IN LABORS CAUSE. Washington, Feb. 20. Tho houw to- ilny pnsacd Oltiey' national arbitra tion bill. Tlm purtmae of the bill Is to provide a board of conciliation, con sisting of the commissioner of labor ami the chairman of tho lutemtnte ccinmorco coiumbtslon. whoso duty It slinll lie, when a controversy concern ing wage, hours of lalmr, or condi tion of employment arise lMtween tlm carrier under thl net and the employe of such carrier, aerloiudy in terrupting or threatening to interrupt the business of said carrier, to put themselve lu communication with the pnnlle to such controversy nnd ahull use their best efforts, by mediation and conciliation, to amicably settle tho same, anil If such effort should he unsuccessful, should at once endeavor id bring ubout an arbitration of anld controversy by submitting tlm mi mo to a Ismrd consisting of three iXTxona, ono to Im chosen by the employe, one by tlm Qjnployer and these two to de lect n third. A TENSION VETO. Washington, Feb. 2(1. Tho president 1ms sent to itho house ft measngts veto ing tho bill to grant a pension to Eunice I'tUnnm, daughter off John rutnani,.who served In tho Into wnr, on tho ground that her mother waa al ready drawing a pension. Washington, Feb. 20. The conferee on the diplomatic, and consular appro priation bill held ft second conference today on the amendment for the 11a walbtn cable and will! tomorrow re port another disagreement to the pre vious one. It they are sent to conr, oiice It I understood the senators wi. recede from the rule, a It la not cys tomary for conferva to follow tholr ln struotluna lHernilly In more than, two oonferciwca, whore there la a majority on the committee for or agalnnt the dlsi utod amendmenit. ENGLISHMEN REGRET IT. London, Feb. 2(l.-Tho Tall Mall Ga iwtte says the decision of the New York Yacht club In regard the meas urement of yaohta competing for the Amnrlon,' cup and the Blue of their row la likely to civuko Eiigllsihmer lo regret It. It dcclarct ft crew of six ty men whully naodlosB. TURKO-AUMENIAN TROUBLE. Vlannat Feb. 20. A dispatch from Coiutautinopa says In conequence of iho oharire proftjrred by Turks, twenty-five young Armenlana were arrested and twenty-one Imprisoned, The ar rest have produced ft pailnful lmrre jUhi whlnh may lead In further dla turbjunces, THE ritEMIEU ILL. liondon, Ft. 20. Lord Rosdberry pofiuc'd a elcepien night, and there Is an lmoretRsa of won knees. INJUUIOP IN A FIHE. Paris, Feb, 2(1.- Two person were In- J Jured by the burning of the Caaino de Pari lost night. W1 5T 9 3 S S 5 THE official reports show that no baking powder received an award over jthe Royal at the Chi cago World's Fair. The judge of awards on baking powder writes that the claim by another company to have received the highest award is false; that no such award was given to it. The Royal Baking Powder is the purest and strongest baking powder made, and has received the highest award at the Great International Expositions and World's Fairs wher ever exhibited in competition with others. It makes the finest, lightest, sweet est, most wholesome bread, cake and pastry. More economical than any II 1 s s 71 other leavening agent. ROVAl ftAKINd BOWOf R CO., Georgia Catholics Get Excited And Make a Very Foolish Break. - . Tbey Ought to Have Staid at Horn and l'ald no Atti ntlou to Uie Lecturer, SAVANNAH. (Sa., Feb. 2l.-Tlila ha becu tlm most exciting night lu the history of Savannah. For live hour tlm city has trembled on the verge of religious riot. The entire white military force of tho city except tho artillery has been 011 duty; there are ten Infantry companies and the Geor- Kju .iiuMtir A mob cull nip ted at from 8.0(a) to 5,ouo, tho greater por tion being Catholic, has challenged their furuvarauee to tho extreme. Hut for the coolucrt of Mayor Meyer and tho olllccr coimuaudtng tho troops, blood might have been Hhed. lUiyoner. charge were mndu several tluic to clear tho Htreots, but tho mob, which had gathered about Masonic temple stubbornly refused to retire. The city had been liberally placarded with no tice that ex-l'rlest Slattery and hla wife, ilemTlbed as an ex-nun, would lecture hereon Catholicism. Member of the Ancient Order of Hibernian at otieo took step to prevent their ap Iearnnx) liere. I'etltiou were clrcu lutcd asking Mayor Meyers to refuse IHTtulsalou to Uie ex-priest to hold his lecture. When It was presented to tho mayor by tlm committee bo banded them ft written opinion from tho eoriKirntlon attorney to the effect that he, a mayor, hnd no power to abrldgo the right of speech guaranteed by the, coiHiltnition of tho United States nnd Georgia. In hi opinion, the city attorney aaid. thore could be no disorder or trouble If those who were offended 'by Slnttery'a remark would May away from hi lec ture. "I cannot stop this man from lecturing," aaid ihe mayor, who la a llobrow, "but I can prevent disorder and 1 will do so." Fifteen Uoenion were stationed In side the hall and thirty other were manned in front. By 7 o'clock several hundred had collected. By 8 o'clock a howlln nvob of over 1,500 surorund- ed Maaondc holl, In tho hall were an audleniee of about 41)0, including a number of ladles. Tha lecturer had hardly begun before brickbat and cob blmtxncH began to rain on ithe window. The jsilk'e had closed all the heavy shutter thu saving the audliwe from injury, only two or three being Injured by falling glass. The rest of tha po lice force was called out and fifty men wore aoon in front of the hall. The "vO, mirti rnsihes to secure an en- .,.1 c l.i .1 wire i rh a.i nck by the y.. ui.c. i...iur U o'clock the mob hud grown to between 3.0(10 and 4,000. Wlmlow after window in tho Masonic temple was hroken At the clone of the lecture, when the ex-pritwt was about to leave the hall with hi friends, the chief of police stopped thsin and refused to allow any one to go down the stairs. The mili tary alarm, eleven taps on all the Are bells in the city, vim sent In, but when It sounded, the mob derided it. "Bring m your mllltiairy." Brume of the leaders monted. "To hell with them, they n't mve Sl.nttery." Eleven compan 'es of the militia were Boon on the rrosind and with flxod bayonets pushed ho crowd bade. Finally, Slatlery waa corted to his hotel by the military ind a guar! waa left there. rDAIIO rOLITIOS AND OPINIONS. Boiao. Idaho, Feb. 20. There were two pairs today and one absent in, the lotnt legislative session. The result of the ballot for United State, senator wna: Shoup 18; Sweet 17; Clng-geit 14. Judgo J. B. McBrldo, brother of Sen-itor-elcct Mcltrlde of Oregon, express ed the oonvlcitilon that hla brother will stand with tha silver men. MUTUAL ADMIRATION "SOCIETY. Vienna, Ftb. 20. The emperor of Garmainy arrived here this morning, lie was received with effusive cordial ity by Emperor Francis Joseph, who embraow' aim twice. WILD RELIGIOUS RIOTS n Ll I r IM r F c n 4 - 'r" 10i WAtl IT., NCw-VOftK. OREGON COURT SUSTAINED. Two Decision Affirmed by the L. S. Court of Appeftlu. San Francisco, Feb. 20.-Tho United State circuit court qf appeal de cided two mall cae today. Peter W. Larsen was drowned lu the Colum bia river in May. ISM. through his boat running agalust a ftsh trap owned by V. J. McGowan. Tho United State circuit court of Oregon allowed the widow 13,000 damage and McGowan apjiealod. The court of appeal upheld tlm lower (tribunal. Frank Tracey waa seriously Injured on tho Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern railroad. He wa employed a brakeman aud while his train was (Ring shunted on ft siding be signalled once to go alow and again to stop. Owing to the brush that grew along the line, he engineer did not see the Mlgnals and kept on, nearly killing Tracey. Tho United State circuit court of Oregon gave the latter f4,000 damages and the railroad appealed . 'Hm decision of the lower court wns atflrmod. MOVING TOWARD EQUALITY. British Statesman Talking hi Favor of Silver. 'Loudon, Feb. 20. In tho common today Everett, liberal member of par liament, offered a motion reciting thAt ilia hoiwo rleivH with nniirobension tha pro whig divergence between gold and 1; liver. Ho urged the government to in,u,m u'ttli other rwwra In niac ins gold and allver on a common ratio. Everett further said bngiand wa not Instilled in lvankruniine her debt or by her courso regarding allver. Ohnplu (conservative) seconded Ever ett" motion nnd severely arraigned the government for It courso toward silver. He predicted that blraetalism would be victorious at no distant date, Ixx-auso It luul justice and truth on It side London, Feb. 20. In the commons today a resolution urging the gojeru ment to co-operate with the powers In placing gold and silver on a common ratio was adopted. it is"all RETALIATION. Cattle not Rejected Abroad on Ac count of Disease. Chicago, Feb. 20. Nelson Morris, who controls the largest part of tho export trade in cattle and beef product from this olty, eaid today: Three months ago I had a proposition from the French minister of agriculture, of fering to continue to receive our cattle) If the United State would take off the differential duty on srugwr. I was asked to bring thla before the government I went to Washington, but the govern ment paid no BittenUnn whatever. There is no truth whatever in nny of thla talk about tha improper condition of cattle shipped. Thore has mot been one animal rejected In three years by any foreign country on the grounda of ill health." MARKET QUOTATIONS. :i.w Fraavlnio, Feb. 2l.-"Xo. 1. ship ping, Sl'Mic; milling gnulea, ST&o (i, K2Vie; Walla Walla wheat not In heavy supply; 78Vjc Q$ 81o for fair average quality, 81V4c 85a for blue stem and 72Vso Si 75o for daimp. Liverpool. Wheat, spot, firm; de mand moderate; No. 2 red winter 4s; No. 2 red spring 5s 3d; No. 1 hard Man toha and Na 1 CaUforaia 5a 2d. Hops umihangjd. New York. Hops steady. Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair; DIL MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THB STANDARD. 1