The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 22, 1895, Image 1

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The Best Newspaper
X the one that give th most and
frht ne. Compare th WEST
8IDB with ajiy papr In Polk county.
" 1 ,
As an Advertising EedJiiEi
Takm tmi Liad m Polk County.
$J.OO Tor Year.
Fivo Cents Per Copy.
No. 14.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00, i
Vie rrmldent.
A general banking aud xeliang buloe
trauiweted; loan made, bill discounted, eom
nierctal credit f ranted: deposit received on
current aeeouut subject to chwk, Interest paid
oq tlm deposit.
B. t. Smith, A. Nln. I. .. Allen. M. H.
jwnin, A. J. liotulnmu, U. . ew, u.
liincuovrg. 1
Commenced BusinessMa 9
lUUnlwheJ by loul Authority,
of Indeptudeuce, dregon.
Capital Stock.
rrwldfut, Vic I'mtdeut
W. H HAW LEY, Cashier. '
J. 8. Cooper, U . RoberUon, Lel Heltule
O. W. Whlleaker.W. W. Coltlu.
A nxi-ml hankie bun I It WD tr0llCtd
Buy. sad wlU exchange 00 ll luiporuul
point. . .
HviHwIt reewt vd uhjeet to cheek or on ear-
Uniulf ol aepiw.l. I uumiww nmu.
Onle bourn: ta.iu.lu4p.tu.
Polk County Bank,
J.H. Hwi..r
P. UCAHil'liKl.t.-IRACIMAKLI.-..
Paid Capitol, S30, 000.
J, H. fUwler. I, I Campbell, I. M.SImpoo
J. B. V. Butler. J.S. Minn p. t'.S. Powell
JtMrph cruvrrt.
A (Mitral bniir'd xobai bulua
tnuiMutwl; iil! df-ixwiu mld
ubjwt to rliwk or iu writtlime t dopoulf
lntrt pld on tlin ilffKtt.
-Klr pnKir vnult mid burlr pruor uua,
ccuivd by Yula time I'hU.
. c Uour: , a. ui. to 4 p. m.
Prescott &c Veness,
Proprletoni of
w m,
Manufacture of and iK-aleriln
Roirh and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, Manager.
. . Amerlcun and Europeanil'hn.
THOS. GUINEAN, Proprlator,
Beventh and Washington 8U.,
Uj to the C Street
? ' And w;e bow
You can get your
Work iDone.
.! .Wagon Repairing of All
H. I FULLER, Proprietor.
' If you want a Ogia?quare Meal lor
25 Cents
... -Go to the
T. every day during the geaHon
at all noun juuu0ll,.u.,-v- .
Silver Men in the Xa
tional Senate.
Jubilant Over Keconi
tion ot Their Bill.
It I Now before that lkxly and
' Jout'8 Will Try and Kwp
It Tliere.
WASHINGTON, Fib. IS. Tim allm
mow won a victory tu tlia m tmte lo-lay.
After tlm nsrlcuUunU apirmirltttlon
bill iMiawoi Uw ro v nn vlTort to Kvt
rvctKultlou from etry liK from tht
oha.r. It wan :l.urly a llitlit Ih-iwm
tli Mwv bill aiiivrttulii bllh auil
Clio IHMtlliiit bill. Join, ot Arkuiuuia,
wtw wan la charge of tho silver bill,
hm wkUhI in gelling thu rmv
UUion and movtnl tu Ltka up Uilivr
bill. Tliu vfCnt of tula, If
w.ia to dUiilaca Urn biuikruttcy bill
ai.d all otlmr uteoaurt' ami UWni; tt
al.VL-r bill tu Uh front for a inik'k"lo
and vote Hula movi-d to adjourn. The
umiWu to adjourn waa uvfeatsd by
IT to 3(1.
fhta waa a altiml vk'tory for Uio
Ktlvor iiu-'U. Ournutn tl'.wi iniolo a
tuiiv to gi't Uui luillan ii))nirliitloii
MiU ahvttd of tli allwr bill. The mo
tion waa tlcftsUtHl, ay -il. naya :ui,
and tho altvtr tutn wr nifiilu victor-
toita Ay in aud imya went tlieo tnkeu
on Ulr.'(t qutwtUai ot tnklutf ti the
allvcr bill ntvorxllni; to Jonra' motion,
and the ullvcr m-n Kitlmnl ttn-lr ixilnt.
ycoa iio, naya ST. Tbu vota wua aa fol
Ypa-AUcn, Itatc, Hurry, Hlackburn,
Hutl.'f, Call, C moron, t'lark, Piuilot,
IuBu!h. HiutMbnuitfli, llitrrla. Ilunton,
JonM of Arkauixia, Jouea of Ncvtiiht,
KyU. MciJturln, Miuitio, Morgan, I'of
fer, IVrklna, l'ottlgrvw, I'ugb, Hqulrc,
Stewart, Tflltr, Turjilo, Vuorlnva.
nUh. and Waiteao.
Nay-Alllaon, Hitce, Cannb-n, Carvy,
Clioiullor, IavU, Dixon, r'r'. Unlllu
gor, (loorgt'. (JIIhoii. tlray, Hale, llaw
loy, H1U. Hoar, McMillan, Mcrbt raon,
Miuuloraon, Mitchell of N laconmn, 1'ul
uur, I'aacoe, 1'latt, l'roclor, yoay.
Uanaon, YllaaST.
1'iiim-Tho (lrst named would liav
vnttvl aye: Mitchell of Oregon, and
Aldrli-h; Hlnnchnrd, and Iturrovva,
Cocki-otl and (.', Coko nud lolpli.
Faulkner and iUugln. Gordon and
YllMn of Iowa, Uoach and Gortnan,
Irhy and MlrrUl. rrltcliard aud I.lnd-
ny, Martin ami IxIkc Silltmnk ami
Slmrman. WoltMl and Miinhy. I'ower
and Calforyi ' Khoup aud Smith, Vent
and Waahbuni.
JontH gave oollce that ho would ki
the bill beforo Ihn ai'imto umll a vote
In acurvil tomorrow.
Waahlngtnn, Feb. IS. Th irtdlrted
conlrovpnty betwen the two huae of
ronik-res over the aenate amendment to
the (Uplcmuitle and ponatiliir api-roprla-tl.n
hill tu expend f ."iUUM for aurvey
and preliminary work on the catl to
cunt eot the l'nlt.1 Stutea and the Ha-
w il m IhI.uhIm : at hand. The ills-
acrn-merrt will bo reirted to the ann
ate tom'irrw ami It la expeetMl ttut,t
a motion will emanate ftom thn dem
ocrat liiKtrticling the conference to
aKV4on tha cuJde lt.ra, A propoaltlon
will doubt I ;m come from the republl-
cunH that rhey ls Inntrueted to accept
the amen'lmeibt. Argument la being
advanced by the demoemta and will
be madti In debate that It I entirely
unr, esui'uiy fur the govenittM'nt to
give Ita fund to the cabla cntcrprVe
whea crtpltalHrta Hand rtaily to do
the work.
f wo Incidents Indlcutlng a Change In
tho Kelutioiia of Men and Women.
Denver. Jan. 3i. Believer In isiunl
Huffimgo aro not altogether thiiHed
with the result mo fur of Iho exiM-rl-
n. out of HcuiJlug woiiit n to thu legla-;ro. Tho tbrnu women who ore
thu Hint lu tho blHlory of Uio country
to bo cliotum na lawmiikera hnvo In
(very wa lU'qutttcd theiiuieJve cred
itably. No one atxiika (llMiwnigliigly
of thulr (ituUlllcnilloiu). It 1 the Ui-
IliR-noo of Unit prtmciico that la crlt
Icixed. The first tiling to atriko tho vbditiir
bi the gallery of tho IiiukIkoiiio rmnn
occiiplud by tho lower Iioiiho la he
provalonon of women every wnem
1 hey lm over the rulllnga of tho pil-
loiloM nil day long, They ait on tJie
lloor of tho lioiwo with tlw nietnU-in
w'Ikiiu they liaopen to know. They
occupy tho chair rtwerved for cx-
momI!r8 who may wwh to aeo how
their aucc(iMr oro doing thing.
The men wlw are nuMiibera or otllclul
aoom to regard ithem wllii imi'k und
patlont toloraum But It la evident
Co tha mwt cimuul olmervt.-r ahnt wnw;
woman hit becomo iiiiid'h eiml all
romantic UIukIoiw conciTiiiug lur have
boon dlnKlpabid. Kho la treated with
extrtstiid cjiiruy, but no more liomnge
la paid to Ikt. She la regitfdcu n
Indlfforently a if nwlly only a man.
And auroly no oua could wMi tho re
lation of mijn and women politician
to bo In tlw k-OMt tlucturcd with
While only pralwi and comtncmdation
httvo boefi expnBod In regard to the
altered plnco of tlio women of (Vihv
nulo, IncldcntB that have imppenea at
two recent mh1oii of tho tenth gen-
iiul aHHombly auggcut tho oimwUoti:
Whcni will tho results of unl auf.
fraua lead men In their rehiliuwi to
tho progreaalva women? Tho day of
the roeloctlon or Kdwnru O. vvoicnt
U tho UnlUxl StaUa mfuaWa funilalicHl
tha liret lnntonco of dlarcwpctit fnun
men toward tho women. A mucn-to-
bo-regretted rosolutlon rclhUng on
iho character of tho republican cunrll-
davo wits preaentd by imlxdeH of
tho Denvor branch of the W. C. T. U.,
and It waa nwented by iuenilNm of
Sonator Wolco'tt'a party. One man so
far lout IiIh temper and gooil niannera
iw to rcfor to tho bearer of tho reo-
lutlon "haJteliet-faced," Ho nlao
uttered a alur on the clinraotor of Iho
women whom ho called "haitchcit.
ra'0d." Ho waa greeted with hlrta,
an;l ceneral Indignation wa nx
nroaned: yot gomo who Inalaitcd on
ratrrylng tho equality of tho hcxob to
ita--logical ending, declared that If
women attacked tha chanicters or inrii
tlmy must expect tho battlo to bo
fought an tiioir own puin 01 cum
nnlirn. '
The second clash between the two
occurred In tho dlncuawion of
J tha WU mlslng tlio flgoof coneeot
from 111 to i!l ytvtr. It wu lufnv
(IucihI by Mr. I tolly, tha member
from rtieblo, wlut nmdo a hi mug
nwcIi pleading for ndecUoii for Iho
girkt ot Oohaiido, 'J bo two other
wouteu member warmly )iiriy
tho tinwHimv Among 11w men litem
waa a grvait tknl of (iHiKtiioii, which
no otio tin red nt ftrt to etv, for
tho gnJIrli wero packtl with
wotitou. aud a attotig utliiktiit had
leii worked up reu-anllng Iho bill.
Kvory mini kiww tlutt bo ran tlwi rink
of Mug branded n a ditroyor of
vtrtuo If ho mad auy obJocUiaiR
Soum men mlvocaUHl tho protuwiil al
bnntlou and revlvel applaiMn from
tlM galUrle. At laat a biwy( aud a
laipulWt imho nud naked If tlw wording
of tho bill would not Interdict mar
Hugo until a girl abould lw 'i yntm
of agv Tho wouteu lilmed lilin, aud
then th dlMcUMtlou Imhuiiw a fami
with many rvgritald falfir(.
Another nopullat n.ld bo would favor
tho bill If (lit) ago nnitied wtta 00. lie
wtw not allowed to IliiUh hi remark,
a tho women looking on cluwrcd linn
mi onthitHluMlitilly that hi vohw waa
druwnH. Tlai yomtger men tu the
hHi bid Uteir b-oul behind tlaar
Itltrlt tbwk nud blUiituMl. A retmbll
can imMiilNf jmld that thu women
uuMt a.vmpalhoth! In regard to Uu bill
which luaiuvd tho ptiuiahnirtiit of boy
over It for betraying girl over at
wetti 1) kiO y Iho UKwt Hevero nu mum
of their own aex who bad fallen from
tlw t nil wlit and narrow put It. lit
iqawh waa rH:pJvcl with groiiit and
bin.. Another member argued that
If Uio now law aliould lx uuaailfais
tory kt could bo rt iMMil.xt, nd ho
akt: "Suio that tbo glrli of 0l
tirmbi ahottld by any lltilo tvhuiMil
My hbbb'tt lu Mr. Ilolly'a bill bo pre
venunl front uiarrylug U-foru tho uu"
of 21 would that lw any orlmor Thla
evoked laughiiT and tbo uplualer In
tlio gstllerte triul to look nggrfevctl.
A fnw for all dlaettjwlon followed un
til tbo colored iiu'tnlH-r aald ha ngmd
til tlin change ciMicernliig the ago of
elrl. but ho would oiTir an nuind.
meut llxlitg Iho ni.'e of accountability
fur lya at IS, Th auieudineiit wa
tarrM, and to av tbo bill lu frteiida
bad further conalderntlon -ptrtMHuil.
Tlw detmto waa In nm nuiied
markiHl by a lack of Uu delicacy of
teectl rXHi(.
Tim tiaut who hail rw,-ittHNl putting
thouuwlvc ou record tied front the
capitol, whllo crowd of Indignant
women gathered around tha inlotvd
man ami tho other member who had
auggoHted alteration In tha bill. The
grmtiMt xcltenmnt prevaih-d. All tho
momtMr that had reuialiwHl allnt
wow awumil of fixing up a acheim
with tlw oiloriHl ineinlwr. tirottp of
wona'ti purwiiii tho ttiH'Ing uieinber
ami thhld In a way that umda the
men wbdi they had never bmmno
otti.niholdera uudt cqtial aiiffnigo con
dition. "I go to flnd BIhkoII, with whom I
stfall go to drink tho benltli "f lite
newly married." So wrote c rover
Cleveland to William Kiuuuer Wy'.
Tim wn when Mr. Cleveland wn
ahorlff of Erie county and Illw.JI wa
(uui of hi aaloon cronle. Now Mr.
Olovoliind l prealdent. Mr. Hhumll 1
In hi cabinet and Mr, Vtyafl I In the
llvnrc court. Thu whirligig of time
keep a whirling,
Now la Reunion at tha National
Washington. Feb. IS. Th iieeond tri
ennial of the National Council of Wo
men of the I'nltjd Ktati- began tmlny.
1'reMldent Mr. Sewall of Indlanapo-.
IU, ca,llel the oiivent'.on to order at
10 o'clock.
Tho gathering waa a npretiittlvf
one. . Ilrnut reformer and women lu
rwn of the lateat mode nat lde by
tde, whllo here and there could be
aeen the bonnet of a (Juakeren. ,
t'onaptnuou In the gathering were
tho Count u of Aberx'wn, prinlrent of
tho international Council of Women;
Lady Somornet. Mica Wlllard of Illl-
ipdi, rellent of the National Wo
men' 'JVmpuraru'0 Union; Mm. Htiwll
Siiffo i4 N;w York; Mr. Graanla of
New York, prelderit of the National
Ohrlatlan I-eague fr the promotion of
Social rurlly; Mm. Foter of Wnahlng
tun, prealdeirt of the Womtn'a Iteinib
lloan Aamxjlatlon cf tho United State;
Mr. Solomon of Iltlrol, president of
the NatlomU Co-incll cf Jew1nh wo
men; Mr. Annie JeTinee Miller, drem
Among the fritcrruii organlxatlnne
reproaented were: The Woman' Na
tional Indian AaHvlitlun, the National
Women' Auxiliary of the Keelcy
leaifue, Working Women' ausiety, and
rnterivvtlonal Ordm of King' IMugh
ten and Son.
Tim opening acaalon began with
(irayer. The presentation of greeting
from tho National (Council of Women of
Canada tnd other organhtatloaa fol
lowed, and the wwilon concluded with
an Bddri'H by I'reetldunt May Wright
It Wa a Forgery and Waa Revoked
by Other Will.
Ilehmou Mon.. Feb. IS. The luprcme
oourt docldnl today that Harriet T.
Mhefftold and Erwln Dnvla, the niece
arml brother of Andrew .1. Davln, the
Butte mllltonwlre, may wntcot the will
on tho RTound that It wn a forgery
and revoked by other willa.
II. A, Rout and Maria Cuimtilng
ouiitetite4 the will In 1SK1 and after
a lx week a' trial at Butte tho Jury dis
agreed, The Root otntcnt wo et for
hearing July 24, lSD.'l. However the
cae wa oortllnued by oonacnt and the
Shefflotd-Davl cane tiallod. Jliwte con
teat were wit ready for trial and the
coHO wa dlantlHHcd. A motion to net
rwildo tho default wiu overruled and an
appeal wn taken to tins aupreme oourt.
Thl again open the) validity of the will
undi;f whiteh John A. Davla, a brother,
claimed tho whola eutate of $8,0(K),(K)t),
Olympla, Fob. 18. Both house con
vened at 2 p. m. today. The icnate
pnaaod yeatonlay' bill making BiHHlgn
momtH Invalid unlc for the benefit of
orodXtors pmtiortlonaitely with thuir
reapwitlve olalma, tJampbell geeks to
drlvo out the Chineaa by fining any
male portion $100 to $."X) for wearing
a queue, Other bills wera, by HuJI, ap
propriating $8,000 for tho maintenance
and conatfuotion of 'building for the
atfirtoul'turair" college, nd by Taylor
abolishing day of grace on commer
cial paper. Among tho new bill were:
To iaijxlnit truant master In cities of
over 20,000 Inhaibltanit to patrol the
atreoW and gather to truant gohool
children. To atop work on the state
capital foundation. - Making the pro
fosjfor of veterinary surgery at the ag
ricultural college, sitiaito veterinary,
Boise, Idaho, Feb. lO.Tliore was no
cUnujja In the vote far senator today.
HAM KEYtS IN I'tllll
Narrow Escape from
Instant Death.
Her Parachute Fails To
Act iu Mid Air.
A Double AucciihIoii lu Arliona and
1U llirllllnir Inrldcnt Duly
Thousatul of thu Stntesmau' road
or will ninltly call to mind tho luler
(Milug Interview, furnlHlwnl by thl
liapcr In It luo of Sumluy, October
.uui,, wiin uio raiium iinae
Key, Iho durlug woman aeronaut
who irnvu a Hot-li of llirllllnir enhlbl.
tiuii at tho fair grouiut aUait Uui!
time, and iierhatui they will mcall,
tlML Im ulllliMt l,tlt',l,.,lltktlri lltUIOIIlllV
from ihiiiger nud not'ldeut, which aim
cm l mod to have imjoyetl duruig he
nva year career among the cioui
how', iluiliii? ull thiLt llout mIui bin
nothliig of dUur tu rword vxtvpt
a hiii-uIiumI auklov lht mil, 1,11111 nf
bad "huulliu:" front one of her (light
near sail rrauciMv,
Thu aliitt gutHl furttiuo itn;i
hnVO attlt'k to tha 11'lllllv lit (la ' 1.
... .
chutlaf." if on may Judge froi.. m
auiijoiiK! ueacripikHi or her r .
liiMi from a lu't-lloua tu-mlliiinn- 1
lu which all hor own hiilomitabla C.1..1
ago nud tho manly fortitude and good
r;ntn or iter reiiow naiiiaiuuii, were
niMiiwiurv lo rililitite tbi'iu from
ikimHIhii luvolvlng certain ami ItiRiuut
To tliiHri wbii hava nlliiiwuvl lnr
flm-xtiHloti and luxe sought to reallxo
Uio maxlmutu of th danger Involved
lu tho bUNlueMi, It will I mi no hard
matter to iiinlnvtaud tbo cxireme
ikO'II '11 whli'h kIik wa liliutil. In ilia
account below, aluco It wa the very
accident which evcryotie antli'lpiitod
hon, tho failuri of th parachtiio to
do It duty at the moment of "ilo
Thu aivnimt I luken from Hid
l'luwlilx lArUolial ltelitiblliiui. of ihltl
January lilth hint, aud show that
bur l'imhI lurk him nttt dtwrted iu-r
mid that wins heiiulf,'U th oute ciad
aud determined aibleto hn ever
wa. Thu, the Itepubiicau dewrtlw
tho Incident rcferrwl i,; "She' a
goner." "What a fearful mUhiip!"
"Can he uttvn Imf?" "Will b lt no''1
Such and uuiuy mors were tha luuri-
lleil cxchimailoii of iqNvtalor of the
inlliaiii am'iiNiiat nt the nun tnuk
iwterdav iiflertHitHi a the ureal In-
(tated iiionsi.-r mxirtvi upward.
At thu ulvlnif of Hie Word everv
ird of tlio paniehulo by which Jhuiel
Ivev" exitocted In descend maininHl
and aloft lu antliil baruiwietl to the by a slnglo cord, tbo tmrttchuto
fiilllnir aisnuid and alxriit. nliiniiiiitlv
oittiingllng her In inextricable fold.
llr coinpuiilou In tbo accent had
l.-nri-il the 1 51 rih Mtfi'lv and aat III hi
ham a he iiIiuihI hi parachute) In It
piHor nitiloii ovt rheiul. To and fro
Ml KeyeM fwung In luf frnutJc ef-
irt to riHich h 111, apparently iimi
hey might drop together and lie saved
y ono imnuihuie. tMico hi l-g wa
iriMt nn far 11 he could ir,d It 111 the
direct ti 11 of the woman to gather her
1 I1I111 If iNKtmble, but lu vain. Hie
ball-ativ all the lime wa uacoudtlig
nipldly and npeared no larger tlinn a
man. whllo tho human being had
Mtiiik to the slue of doll.
I'n It went, ilniu'irlliif It Ili-lpleHS
hiiimin freight hundred of feet high-
ir Until tho elevation front which they
litid calculated to drop. Suddenly It
11 tit lo be alowiy ueHceiniing 10
oartli again, TIhi dlaianco trnveiK-d
iward tho ttnulhwet. In which illrec
lim the light wind wa blowing, wn
ut over a qua iter of a inlb. Down
linnet ix-riKOutlculiirly It cninc, the
minmaut still holding on. tho man
tho harm of roinj and the woman
faintly atuggllng.
They will light In the river, mire,'
wa tho cry of nuiiiy.
Into tho river they did rail a rew
mliiiito later. As Ihe lillin nnni'd
;erra llrmit It diccudcd rnpldly. nmi
If to break tho forco of the fall
hou over the tuigld wtrenm lioth let
and drop'il oi"e twenty root into
1 water, lauding chrne to tho bank,
to woman, minus were unu, w-i
n kii, emieihl'llby bruwii ami
tin waa iilalnly uiMMi tbo point of ios-
ig eoiuiclpilWKw.
Two nun ondcavored to aupport her
, m Hut stream, but the WittMN
mailed t(H swiftly nmi alio wn placed
Hiii a Ktout pony who ixiro nr an-
to tlm north bank. Tho iniuoon wiih
v,,i',l noon tho oiuiokIIo nhol'O by
of. Lee, who wa barely scratched.
had dlmilaycd adinirnbio courage 111
tho perlloti voyage.
ti,.ii't leave 1110 or I 0111 hwt, site
hml said as she found herself unable
to reach him. Ho bad stayed by man
fully nt Iho awful rink or hi own lire.
Ml Himel Koves and I'rof. I'o
mirvlvo their experience of ycaterdny
aftorniMm and may yet iiuiko 11 nanooi
ivmsiiislon bigothcr, but ic i uoiioiim
If any of the spivlafoca or tiieir ier
v.wlerdav iifterntNm will
over Imi pemtiailed to mako nn nlr voy-
ago clllior ii piwsenger or prmciiniis.
Tho remark of a nuinlier of tho ftib
nlixiu nmoiHit which tihcy would
aconifuily refirno ritlher than do ho
Indicated n much nmi tno nutiounce
meut that the lady nud gentleman
porformors hml resolved to quit tlnit
pmftvwlon forever would bo a Btir-
ukIim to none of thctll."
'J'ho foregoing account la somewhat
ambiguous, ns though the reporter
who wroto It, labored under nn hccchs
of nervous cxoltciwint Incident to the
thrilling event ho hud witnessed nud
had forgolifon moat of the real details
whioii would hnvo served to IllOI't!
oloarly explain tho ncliml danger of
the aeronauts, but there w enougn
"meat" In the report to show, conclu
l,.lw tlnit Mis Keves llll not been
ov(r-ctlmaihvl n a woninn of sniicrh
(soiirago nmi ninny resoureos, ana nun
her boasted mmunlty rrom (letiitn aim
lu no fablo. Silo lives yet Oml
Nirlinp will bo seen many a time innrt
,flt In tho Northwoat, where lwr effort
ltiavo nlwnys been npprwrlntod.
Feb. 18,--Conitilnued cold
woather ln London 1 causing much dls-
tre Bjnvnar the Door. A numiier or
oomimMteo have been formed Bind
fund are being collected for their re
lief. ,
MADRID, Feb. JO.-The king of
Spain 1 suffering from an attack of
Now York, Feb, lS,fb annusl oon
veiMlon of H11 l,en g w of American
Wheelman toliy olwled tlm following
omYers! Presld nit, A. C. Wilom of
Mfvrylnud; flrit vli-prldeit, George
K. Perlibi of M iwm'-liiiseltd; second
vlcprc!deiit, A. (!. Morrison of Mil
wauke; ttenmirnr A. E. Mcrventhaler
of Ohio; auditing onmtttt J. Adam
of Masaimtt, John Vsnnort of
Pemuiylvaula and Ueorg D. Prout of
Under th order of nw bulnoa, th
met-llng iiuestlon wa taken up. Th
vote rtwulted:' JUwton Ci, Asltbury
Park SI.
This matter oelng af, Dels
gat JaaiiulU-h. who had moved to
strlk out th word "whit" from art!
elo 3, section 1, of th constitution
withdrew th motion and th color
iictlm which wa expected to cim
om bltur dtsouMlon, wa lwt to th
Nw Y'irk, Feb, It). Much anxiety I
manlfoMtod among owner of small
ooast sa4llug Vessel a to th safety Of
about iwtuiiy.riv ship which ar sup-
IMsted to have been lost In tlai bit
sard of on week axu. Every day the
otlU-er of th ajeot aro beHg.-4 by
relative aiiKlou to know what ha
hrMMin of their loved one, who ship.
Pd a mouth ao.
Slnco thu vero storm there ba not
been ono ooaslwlso sailing vmI re'
iMirtml from auy southern port, and
vessel bound from New York for the
south aud New 1,'ngland aro alo so
long overilu .'. ,t they are supiKied
to hava fouioli'icd. Tho ship' cievv
average alsuit ten nieii each, and the
total value of enrgotw I about a quar
tor of a million dollar.
lunwut Ilrti to Drat th Wall
of tbo City of Fea.
Tangier. Feb, IS Th report that
th head of a number of rebel have
bti-n itt t4 th sultan a tHiphlet
prve to be true, rimftmutt'.Ltn having
btn mielved from M ! olty. From
th i'imi of Iho first prulouitnd struiiKle
betwiwn tha tribe supctlng Uie sul
tan' briber In hi clatm to th throne
and the) government uimijm, th head
of thtiny-evm of th leading rebel
wer ent to AImIuI Axis, at Fei. Tbene
h..l wore lraii,rt,l cn th bat'k
it four mule and on donkey. After
being exhlldied to th aulliui. It I aid
the UaU will be pUced on tit city
wl a prouf of triumph and a a
warning to Insurgent. 1
Seattle, Feb. ll-A. II. Hunt, chief
of tli lire department, ba uiytterlou.
ly dtapHard ami 110 traco of lilm
can bo komul Ho got oral leave of ab
Momii last Friday from Mayor
ami t iro CouunlMlouer Masai to go to
TaiK'iiKt and stand hi trial In tho
ultmt Suite court ou tho charg of
obtaining naturulliutliou pai-r by
fraud, and ha wit limt seen about S
o'iiiM-k that evening Tho lire commis
sion today declared bis olttc vacant
tt account of hi nhscnen without
avo and Aiiisilnled Alex Allwi jr.,
hlef. 11 lint ctu way that ho ba
(led to avoid trial.
All Germany Alive to th Sliver Issue
at Horn and Abroad.
Berlin, Feb. Hi. Th sliver question
In ties United S(ul aud Europe ha
b'on a suiijiv-t on which th iiolltlc!
mid inatlia wmid lu Berlin has been
ohlnfly, occupied during the ptutt weik.
Ilia nnaiuiaJ trouble In tho United
Slate are followed her with the clos
est attention,
On Wednesday nlrht, during a ball
at tho Royal opera bouse, th emperor
showed the Interest ha felt In the mat
ter by enaaglng In a lengthy conversa
tion with Mr. KunyMti, the American
ambaasador, on American li'iauclul af
fair. An Important phiise of the sil
ver question was reached today when
tho relnhatag declared in favor of the
resolution Hubmltted yiterdny by
Ckiunt Von Mlrhach, an agrarian lend
er, summoning souther International
Plttil.urg, K:in., Fib. Hi. The regu-
ar Santa F laiss.jngiT train fnan Cl'.y wi wrwked Just outside
he city limit this evening and aev
rd p.uoner Injured. Nono of
hem It Is thouirht will die. 'llie en
gineer of a coal tr.iln h king biuk for
dirnaJ, failed to see tho approaching
Santa. I e ikuuiengcr, Ihe cixtl train
struck the tender of the Santa Fe train,
hriwlng the entire passenger train,
cxiHipt the engine, to tho Uittoin of a
ufteen-fout emlainkment. Every per
on on tbo S.irta Fe train wa more of
i" Injured and the wonder U that no
body wa killed.
Omaha, Feb. 10,-Tbe Bco tonight
says: It wtm given out nt tho Omiiha
ftalcral building today that In tho fu
ttirn the Ncbmska Indians ore to be
paid their annuities In dish Instead of
tho customary supplies of blanket,
grocorliw, etc, This la aald to bo one
nwult of tho thieving perpetrated on
Indian by trader who ieure their
siippllce for naught. It la believed this
system will apply through tho entire
Paris, Feb. 18.-Th United States
has refused to Interfere In the case of
a man nanual La (Nnnpte, who was
forced to do military duty In France
and who claimed American cltlxeiMhlp.
It )s lea,rnel ho bad only dwl.tred his
Inilentlon to booomo a cltlxon.
North Yaklmn, I'eb. Hl.-The Ed-
mtston ciiKO went to the jury this af
ternoon mid tho jury la still out. The
chargo of Judge Graves waa father
complex nnd may result In a fnlluiv
to agree on stiiclly legal ground.
Tho general opinion Is that the ver
dict will bo ngaliiHt tho defendant,
Boise, Feb. 18. Export examination
llaolow! the fact, 'hat ex-Auditor W.
0. WIckorHihOitn of Elmore county is
hoavlly shout In hits accounts; also ex-
Shoclff ,T. D. Gny. The latter' short
age is atut $15,0(K the formor'a Is
paid to reicih $10,000. There was no
change In the vote for senator today.
The Indications now aro that Shoup
will be elected this week,
London, Feb. 18. A Tekln dispatch
saiy the mantes are arriving at var
ious foreign legation for the purpoae
of pratoatlng thorn, The Chineae are
auspicious of their presence and trou
ble la feared,
A Marvelous Showing.
The U. S. Government, through the Agn
cultural Department, has been investigating
the baking powders for the purpose of inform
ing the public which was the purest, most
economical and wholesome.
The published report shows the Royal Baking
Ppwder to be a pure, healthful preparation,
absolutely free from alum or any adulterant,
and that it is greatly stronger in leavening
power than any other baking powder.
Consumers should not let this valuable infor
mation, official and unprejudiced, go unheeded.
Ho U Also SI ulr ted up the Sum of
One 'lhuuiiaiid Dollar a
a Flue,
PORTiaND, Or., Feb. HJ.-lmpri-
ouuauit In the stat penitentiary at
Saloiu for th , ,iod of tirtoeu yivtr
and a Hue 01 , .,vJ wa Ui euu-tivn
tuqaised by Judge Htcphviia today ou
ciiophoiio N. Sleeve, lawyer, cou-
vlcU-d of uiunalaugUtcr and com pi i-
clty iu luo murder of Gcorg W.
Say r.
Tho wutcMclng of Stwv(, the co-dc-
foiiiituit In one of th most rvuutrka
bl murder cac that cvor ocxupteU
public attentlou In Multnomah county.
wa a prtwy ami formal auair. it wa
cuiitiucul lu a quit-4 biltaHlik
uwuiucr. Sleeve heard tho di-crec
a master of louiw, ana aiotlxted hut
CouiiHtd lu tho nuciiuauy legal stiiw
o ni iHvU nt case immediately to the
supremo court 'lh cnunixi alinmrt
roacluw tho linill of puuishiuciit for the
crlnio of iiiunslaugltter Dftecu year
imprisoniucut .and .",ouo lino.
1 ho 1110U011 for a new trUU Died acv-
oral day ago by Uufu Mallory, hi
attorney, w to be uoard tha nmrn
Ing, but when the time for argument
oauiu Uio inoilou wn withdrawn, and
t!u smtteinw wj.i iNuwed by the
court. 'J'ho dufenso next prtteulod a
inoilou or probable cause for a now
trial iK-iiilIng u appeal to tho stituvmc
(Hiurt, w hich wa g nut ted. A nolle
of apisiil wa furubhed tha diaUict
attot ney, and tho f Io.imjo bond on up
land appearing satisfactory, Uio defend
ant wn allowed Ui retain bis liberty.
v lieu tlm attorney took tip the dis
cussion of Uio cost ot writing up the
tts-k of stenographic note of Uio
trial, tho iUtto's counsel and tho du-
foil reached an agreement whereby
tho cost of tho irnnMcrlpt, which will
b quit large, 1 to bo divided between
tho opjxadng side. The stenographers
will go to work at onco on the matter.
It Is tuHHJted of them tlmt they will
tlnlsh thu work by March Mtli.
1 ho motion to act aside, the verdict
intulo on Uie ground of mlaconduct
ot Juror E. Charleston, who, It 1
uumcd, wa prejudiced. It la a fol
"Come now tha defendant, X. N.
Stcuvc, by his attorneys, and move
tho court to set iialilo Uie verdict of
tho Jury rendered In this cnuso ngulnat
hlin, and to grant a now trial upon tho
following grounds and for these mi-
"First Misconduct of the Jury In re
turning a verdict of guilty ot man
slaughter against tho defendant with
out any evidence to Justify such ver
dict, ami thu misconduct of E. Cluiiin-
tou, who sworo In hi examination as
to hi II tin to servo n a Juror iu Uila
ctiao; that ha had not formed or ex
pressed an opinion n to Uio guilt or
Innocence of tho defendant, Stecvca,
whorens In truth and In fact ho lind
formed an opinion ndverao to Uie (b
foniliiiit, X. N. Sleeve.
"Second Tho dcfondiiht wn taken
by surprise which ordinary prudonc
could not guard ngalnat by being com
pel led to be tried upon nu Indictment
which did not ndviao him of tho nature
or causo of such advise.
"Third Iiisulllcloncy' of the evidence
to Jimllfy the verdict rendered by the
Jury, nnd tho samo ! agnlnst law,
"Fourth Errors In law occurtiug ut
tho trial nnd duly excepted to by
cottiinel for the defense."
Sfcvea' nttonicya nro quite sangulno
of securing a new trial from the su
premo court Thoy fully lHllcve they
havo iindenlnblo ground for demand
ing that the lower court's (leoreo be
overruled. When tho transcript on ap
peal shall have boon flled It will nhow
a moMt carefully prepared recitation
of tho defendant's grievance against
tho conduct of tha jury. Thejllschnrgo
of Juror Daiiuncler will llguro con
spicuously In tho ens, as well as the
alleged prejudice of, Juror Charleston
agalnat Sleeves. After months of care
ful review, It will bo for tho supreme
court to any whether unfairness was
shown on the trln.1.
Mr. 'ISoevos anys there Is no doubt
about tho result, and the lawyer's
trtonds assert that ho cannot be con
vlcte.l a second time on the samo tes
timony 11s adduced on Uie first trial.
Ran Frnnoleco, Feb. 10. Tho Burns
handicap, mile and a quarter was run
off toda.v and Barney Sohrelber's old
horse Hawthorn landed the $5,000
prize, .
About six furlongs Bell Ringer won
In 1:21.
Five furlongs Conde wn In 1:00.
About six furlonirs, handicap Itobln
Hood II won In 1:18.
Tho Burns handicap,' mile and a
quarter Hawthorn won In 2:17.
Steeplechase, mile and a half Tyro
won In 8:23.
aovAi aaKiNfl sowota co., to wail t., niw-vomk.
1 K'-fj y.'j'i vm '"ji vjf) lyjti
Portland. Feb. lS.-Rlcbard S. Bank
or, th man who succtHSfully swiudiod
the A. O. U. W. out of about $2,000
by feigning death, today pleaded guilty
to tho charge In tho criminal court and
wa neiitonml to fivo year Imprison
ment Hi th jiiilietitlary. The, com
mttment of Banker wa deferred by
order of Uio court unUI later, when
tha co against Mr. Banker and
lUnry Huuur, anxunpilccti to LU
wlndlo, aro sctUed.
Aborbasn, 8. D., Feb. IS. Report
were received today of a severe blli
sard hi the hill cast of her. Mr.
Nehrlng and four children living near
Wlu attmpted to go to neigh
bor' huuM during h storm. They
beoam bewildered and when found
the mother and two children wtr deil
and th other children were Udly
Taooma, Feb. lS.-Cha. Carlson, a
Sweillsb prisoner, 4S years old. cmn
mitted sulcldo at the McNeil' Island
penitentiary thl afterniHin by' hang
lug himself lu a water close. 11
wa entenced nt Walla Walla In No
vember to eight mouths for selling
whiskey to Indians at Yakima. Ho
had bom working as a trusty In Uie
laundry on tho Island, but for several
day bad been somewhat out of his
North Y'aktma, Feb. IS. Tho Jury In
tlw Banker Kdmlittim mm u.-n . h,,h,
Into oourt this morning and discharged,
Having oeen unable lo agree upon a ver
dict. Elirhi were for arnnlftnl an
four for oonvictton until the last bal
lot, when Uie vote stood six to lx. The
OUe Will Com un mrnln itiirlm Ou, nn)
term of oourt. Edmlston stated today
that he should remain In Yakima until
the next term, whk'h convene In April.
Bothlehom. Pa.. Feb. 1(11 i'mm net-
vato dlsiitches rtceivod hero tonight
t is learned uiat there is trouble brew
lug for Uie Island ot San Domtmm.
The president of Uid Island, it I
stated, hna bien acUng with a high
band In slexlng funds of the French
morcnanw. xno nrwich will also
claim Indemnity for the death of one
of their countrymen. The French now
have live men of war lying at IlaytJ
to pounco down ujam Uie HtUo Island.
Louisville, Ky., Feb. 18. As a real
suit of tho pollc lr.veatlgaUon Uie
name of 2,800 violators of the Sunday
observance law were rejwted to th
chief of police today. The authorities
held a conference and decided to make
test case of the various lines of busi
ness on next Thursday. Among those
for whom warrant will be issued are
Manaxer Smith, of the Western Un
ion and D. E." Sullivan, crlUc on Uie
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Quotation ltenorted Iu tha Metropolis
this Week.
Portland, Fob. 20.-Flotir-Portlond,
. 'M, ('' -mllti and Dayton are
u . -..' .. , -.JIO per barrel; Bcniou
comity. !f2.:); graham, $2.15S2.;W;
suiKiiilnc, $1.00.
Gate Good white quoted Arm at
2"(J!2So iir bushel; milling, 20t'30c;
gray, 2(ifn27c.
MtllntulTs-Briin, $12; middlings,
$13.o0j chop fivd, $1215; fuiddllngs,
none In nuui-ket; chicken wheat, OTMiQ
75o per ton.
Htiy-GotKl, $!10 per ton.
Buititor Fancy ciiviniery Is quoted
at 22yf)2ro pr pound; fancy dairy,
17W420e; fair to good, 12j((15c; com
mon. SftOt!.
Potatoes Quotations wholly nomi
nal. Onions Good Oregon, t)0c$l ict
l'oultiry Chickens, old, quoted at
$2.n0 per dozen; ducks, $1.50(05; geese,
$ilfti(l.o0; utrkeys, live, Dc per pound;
drcNMCH), about 11c per pound.
Eggs Origin wcro quoted yestwday
at 14c.
Fresh frulit Applets, good, $l1.50
per box; coinnion, 75if(i'$l.
Oregon vegetables Cabbage, ll-4o
per pound; squnMh, 05c per dozen.
Wool Valley, 810e, according to
quality; Umpqua 7(r0e; fall clip,
rigtc; Eautorn Oregon, 5('7c.
Hons Choice, 7c; nicilluin, 4Gc;
poor, 3c.
Provisions Enstorn . hams, niwllum,
(liiotod at llVi!12Vj0 per pound; hnnis,
picnics, lOCllc; breakfast bacon,
12fr()13c; sliort clear sides, lOgfllc; dry
snilt trldefl, IWflOc; drted becif hams,
IWUc; lord, compound, lu this,
yfi '"ji
Spirited Debate la the Senata Orer
the Financial Muddle Cleveland
Iiouudly Scored lo Hot Term.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1&-A storm
of financial debate swept over the aeo
utit ffulMtf TelInir In Infienttlrv anv
dlacuaalon In the tipper branch at
oongross for many days. It waa
brought about by ilili's advocacy C
his resolution defining the policy of th
government for bl-inetallUnn and tot
paying lu oblignUon in Uie beat mon
ey In me. The New York sunator
xike with bis usual vigor and waa
closely followed In bis pica for sustain
ing Uie naUonal credit by a declara
tion of Uie policy to the world. But
Hill's speech was merely a warning
note of Uie storm. He was followed
by Wolcott of Colorado, Lodge of
Massachusetts, and later by Teller of
Colorado, In Uio most scathing denun
ciation and arraignment of Uie adtniii
Istrntlon for Its recent bond con tract
wlUi Rothscldids and other forelgm
Wolcott made a direct and personal
criticism of Uie president; Lodge waa
more temperate, but quite as severe In
hi personal arraignment of the presi
dent, divloring Uie recent bond con
tract was Uie blackest act hi history
of American finance.
Toiler added to the flood of crtidssa
on Uio recent acts of Uie admlnistra
Uon. Hill replied briefly and with
spirit lie declared that a mtue er
fort was being made to arraign tha
proaldont's admlnlstraUon for ita ap
peal to the Rothschilds, while as a mat
ter of fact former republican admlnlav
tratlons bad sold bonds to these same
foreign bankers. II UI declared th
president and secretary of Uie treasury
had secured Uie best terms possible,
Tha senator closed by reading an
Associated Press cable from Berlin,
announcing Uie purpose of Germany'
to convene another International mone
tary conference.
Senator Gray Is engaged In circulat
ing In the senate, among democrats, a
recommendation to the president that
Senator Ransom of North Carolina tm
appointed minister to Mexico to succeed
to the late Minister Gray. All thoss t
whom it has been shown have Blgned
except Sunator HiU and he ha asked
to be excused on the ground not of op
position to Hansom, but because b
aiys he Is not making recommendations
to the president Many republicans
' have expressed a desire to sign Uie doc
Olympla, Feb. 10. Isaao Harris, a,
California and Oregon pioneer, and a
resident of this cSty died today, in
New York city. He waa a naUvs of
Russia, and settled In California forty
years ago, came to Olympla la 1870,
engaged in mercantile busines and ac
quired considerable wealth.
Both houses adjourned without trans
acting any business this morning.
Now CasUe. England, Feb. 10. The
sculling match on the Tyna between
Charles W. Harding and Thomas Sulli
van for $2,000 and the single acull
rhimplonshtp cf this after
noon, was won by It .iUlng, by four
lengtha; time 21 minutes and 15 sec
Now York, Feb. 18. The Evendalg
Post's London cablegram says; Firm
ness in silver stocks was again a fea
ture today. American stocks were de
pressed by the absurd bluster of tho
sllveiites In tha eenatte today. This
course la strongly condemned here by
all but the tnmetauisits.
Highest Honors World's Fair:
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.