The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, February 15, 1895, Image 1

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The Best Newspaper
la th one that give the wort tuul
freshest new. Comuar the Wlit-T
8IDB with any paper tn Polk county.
$2.00 Tor Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
No. 13.
National Bank
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
H. HlKW'HHKtttf.
. I'twlitelll.
Vice rVvsMeut.
A general bauktng ami ev-tiit business
irutd: loans made, lull ilinttiinuil,em
merelal eredit snuited: deposits received on
current aoeount ubjev etaeek, niiereM twtti
on Um deposits.
B. t. Smith, A Se!.n, . Allen, U
Jpeen, X, J.U..iMti, l, w. er,
Commenced Buiiii..stti 9
febuilished nl'oiia; Aiu l"rll
first mm UL
Capital Stock
U V, itht,ui!v.i.N,
1 rcile
W. H IIAt l.U,i wwt
4. 8. Cooper, l . RoUtuuii,!! Helm-
li. W. Wblteaker. W. . CHi.
A general bunk In IuIii m. ioiieiel
8uy and sells eaetuoise iu u!l inij.iliuit
ItofKMlU iwlv-U nuhjert lo check or on -r
Uflcate of depiw'k. I ullwlloio mule,
ottlce hours; a. iu. u i p. in.
coRPaMUoun: m in.
Polk County
if jhih
j. h. tuwi.ry
e. L.CAMl'UKl.lto.
, ...l'r
A iltt-l
Paid Capital, S30.00G.
1. H. Hswley. P. L. Campbell
V.i. I"uwi'ti
J. B.V. Butler. Mtiiiu
Jiauiiti 1 rnxen.
A general baukiu anil i. liim bueines
Irainutcled; bus m.ile; ilepmiu rertHeO
uhJiHl to eberk or on certiiiisie of UeiK.ll
l.t.M.1 nalri nn lint.. Ulw.U-.
-Klr proof viiult mnl burglar iniol
cvurvd by Vl lime i'H-k.
1 n liouw a. ui. u p. "
J A. VINr-
Prescott & Veness,
-l'priftnw i
Manufaeturvniol uml I' ali r. iu
Rou-h and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, Manager.
Ailixrlcaii aiU turnp.-ali l'l II,
TH0S. GUINEAN, Proprietor,
Hevntli and Wttlil ik'""
.rijIili.AXli, oltK'l -N
Oo to the C Sin . t
And bow
You ean get your
Work Done.
Wagon Repair;' n
of All
H. L FULLER, .Proprietor.
If you want a GooO-tuiirn Meal lor
25 Cents
)o to I he
kboi.n" We&i bi.indPi-..dono. i
ported Back.
Mitchell, of Oregon
Meets Defeat.
Tbe Hill for popular Klccllnu of Sen
ator tit Ucpoiteil adversely
lioiu Committee.
WASUtMJroX. 1K 12. - T
rtiiHiKlmmit to tti liiUlftUv miprovrla
tkiiv bill kroiaitif for eiwka for ei
K'rvMttHMt lMi'inf Ui nkttrn yr waa
Kt UxUy by a voto of ninety-four to
Mint the ub!I.MUt votiJ for th
.1 k anu the ilvmiHTBta tiyaituit them,
.h,m.Ki , vvw Voik In iii.tkliif
p itch o.t th- fimuk'UI mirtuui tmluy
v.f,lhUvi tao guM of l'lVUlitlt t'lV
"If you aiio.v tiip txHiiitiy'a rrcllt to
fall hi f in. woi'lil." lid lhtivia,
"11 win ct im utttolil mi.ii iiii; it will
wriii u ruin Jcataa.iuii rxoeotl
.nr lllrtl i f Ki t -i U. lUiKl." i Iritu a iHtint of .r Wr t'oonUu a t liialUulnif (he Uium t
uf tiith uf v'u.Ui'm.-i wli.'ii ti fre tl
vr t'i.1 h.oi t ul, y ri'portoj to
mat loty.
ThiTo w.a s i f it (infbAiMt and Uuirh
1 'f a. l'ot:nli i-Miuiliy iti.tnanditl in Am .a -r uiMiK i" arua whu
' n iMrlc to t'oonitM. JK
virajii tsl ti... aum!nlnsi.i4jn fir itn
...uivoon U.i' 111141K UJ quif tlon. There
..u iiihj t..u. Uuifht.r an4 a lively
.'Ai-ltt 110 i.,tn t'iKtiiii4 wiiil Van
itvri.cwi v. li.v.'i cuuUi not be hctirvl
.iiovtf ... .
!.. t;v i; man htt ihsil tn hla
.uvul,' k.u .. V..n VmM-iu-oa, r.umltiu
'( tut I vL'4 d muv i but now he
s a r..
i ..Miw j . i,-.l In 1K9 it, ..,.r! lauhtr
. .1 i,..Hi . j furihr rv';nil-r to It
llii h.' ivJimuliifw on nrlvlliv
11 ul ivi firti i iinlay iii'i-i ,i'il to n-iiort
Uius liu. i..ii lU!lKllli'ia kj'
. MiU-licU ot H1V4011 fur 11 voiijiiUulUmnl
1 ,1.111'ii-iiii. hi I'lovlilltit: tor Urn WivtiAii
j -f U4U..S. hy a ilmvt vote uf llu'
I tr.ttutt. Amjority ami minority niMiiu
mnu iiiu-rwui'vl. mibiulltiil to tlio urn
.no, Miwtni. Turjui.. l'tiliiu-r and
Muchi-U any In Uulr nKn:
"Tim ohjm't U to plaiv otm diiiarl
tiiont of th KDveriuiK'tit wholly Iu
imnol of iho kt)pU. Tha Iri;laliUve
r lukvimikiiijt iii'iitrinuuit of thu k'otr
'iuiiu'uf, iu our opinion, oulit to Ike
ui lmfl. thu lawa of tho lulled
tntm urn luado by cotivrrsai. and 111
u.'Iu.f of tin, kBOili-. It k, thcr"fir,
.i luuntcr of ilio hlKlnwt Iuiru-iuiic'
imt 1 1111 linviimkoi-H In both lrauilua
o.' the national hi;ll;uura ulumld bo
cliOMUi by tlio pioi."
Tim honjin coinmJt.U on ruflflo roll
roailH diclilod today to n-jart the Krtlly
I'lio.lli! riillroiid bill buck to the hotia
for further loimlilerutlon. Tho coin.
inUtiti dividid that tho hmi ahouid
liiivu (iiKitlii'r opirtiiulty to voto for
i ho bill Iu vUw (ir tlio f:u-t that tho
riNolmlofl re-coiiuiilitliit; thr bill to the
comiulitoii atnted lluit Hiitltt'lent tlnie
hail not l n nllownl for ltd rouxIdiT-
atloii. In r.ii Utiif the bill the coin-
uiittou will alao autiiiilt without recotu-
mouiliitliM tho proixinltloii nmdii by the
r.illroiidn to pay tho principal of the
drbt without Intercut. Thin notion la
b) enublo tho hointo to vote tiiMin the
prorioNitlon If it ao di-nlnw. Tlio rmxloii
to report the forvclunuro hill reci-lred
only oiu) vote In tho roniiultim
t)lymp!iiii Ik'lcl:ilor nnd Tlwlr 8tyl
of LeglMliitlonKi'lvf 1'oluta.
Olyinplii. Feb. l2.-l'nnl T. Tnylr,
lliti A. 1. A. member of tlis hoiwo who
attr.uia the nttenf Ion of HpeetntJrs
with a allk lnx of Um I'tilt. .1 Stnti
ooi'erlui: hlH lieck. pnxluiiHl a iiiemor
Ul In tho hot hi i loilny iirKlnif rotik;r-M
to removo Mr. Matolll In bTtim aa
"Wheivnrt. iluro being gr-M Kltn
tluii throiinhmit tho t'nlteil Stntea u
a -eoiint ui ill-: if-i-ibllMhuii'iit ofntinb-
letfilto or llele-nb- I.I eccie,-!is.ical pow- ,
er WKIllll tile poun.iiirie in iu I uura .
HUitca: ami li'- li-viiig iiutt .Mjcr. pihou,
tlm unld nlkli-iJ lle, or (h lcpile, of tlio
jkimi of Ifouj" is n ineiiue to our free
inniltiitloii;,; ilnie'oro h It
"IbfHolved by the lion', tho aennl
cjiiuitri'inc, Unit our Ki initoin bo In-stnu-teil
nud our rcpr'ttontntlven In
eollri' i'i'itHiHtod to li:ivo the anld
repriwiiMLtlvi) removed beyond the
hIioivh or this, tlio United Sliltm of
Tho memorial waa referred,
Tlio goviii-mr hint alyned tho Mil
iiiiililn Lliieoln' blftluLiy n Icmd liol
May. Tlm Impeachment cliiruen n;iilnt
KnjH'rlor Judo Jejwe Arthur of Hpo
kaiifl were lll'tl toilny, elinrglnif hab
itiml drmil;eiine?fl, neglect of duly, and
, i i . at
OM'ri'.if'ioii in tlm (lineii;ii'!.'0 or ma m
('.',! S diili Till) Collllli III leave for 1
Si) .kaiiii tomorrow to iiivertiluutu. i
r,i;e, F,fh. 12, The vote for Urlted
Ktntr H-n'i.lor today was without me purpo, tn un.n hw -ehftne:
Hhfrtip 11), Sweet IS, Cluggett i tho bill for tho portage road at
1-, Th Dalle.
f the gluten
Absolutely 0f the nour to pro-
Pure, duce the leavening gas. Royal
Baking Powder, through the action
of its ingredients upon each other in the loaf while
baking, itself produces the necessary gas and leaves
the wholesome properties of the flour unimpaired.
It is not possible with any other leavening agent
to make such wholesome and delicious bread, biscuit,
rolls, cake, pastry, griddle-cakes, doughnuts, etc.
8iu,Fran'hHX Feb. 12,-Off.'rtn(t of
axehanoa oil New York hv Iwon no
usually buira r th fat two ilaya.
Kxohanre hM dropped 10 or 11 centa,
du to tM iMMrotlatloni In Nrw York
tr tha plajrlmr of tha new laaue of
I'nlted Htatea biMvda.
WtthOnvwU of iroM coin from lh
banka and the United Htatea ub-trea-ury
In thta etty. within the paat ftw
daa anMiuttt to $2.0N,tRtO, tiold from
the tVllforola mtrtea la comlnf Into tha
branch mint In rhla city for coinage
at tha rat of on million dollara er
month, and all tha leadlna' banka have
In their vaulta from one-Uiird lo one
halt more than th law require a
reaerve, and they are donneiiing larire
antount of fold with their New York
Waahtncton, Feb, 12, Member
crowded tre tho apcaker'a deck In
the houaa, today, to aevur coniildera-
thm of nuuty hHial meaaurv whkh are
twin ntlanarm1 by the near approai-h
of th etna of the ecmlon, While th
hmia waa pnwnHllna: lth routine
buaineia Uir waa a round of applnuae
li.u t ..iK)l. mtA miI IKm
... ..,. ,,,
the whole hmiae, aa Mr. Wllaou of
WaahliurUus r.H.ntly elected to th
estate, came on the floor, II waa aur
rounded by hla ld anaocliUea and bua-
nroa waa temprrlly auafkided by
th hotunlneea of th reception ac
corded him.
San Franolaoo, Feb. 12,-Shl.iln
wheat Kl'd for rhilc urottuet; millluii
HTV: Walla Walla 7.V t fair aver-
aiw quality, Titijo if WW) fur blu atein,
and Ui w r damp,
Uvenwl. Feb, 12.-Vheat, ateady!
demand poor; X 2. red winter U -I1- 1;
.. 1 rmt apHnar 5 lid; o. 1 hanl
Manitikba f.a ad; No. 1 California
ntucka exhauated. Iloim unchaiiaed.
New York. Feb. 12.Ilop ateady.
Portland. Fob, 12,-Wheat -Valley.
"So it 770 iw crntal; Walla Walla
lie per buatMd.
North Yakliun. Wnah.. IVK 12 -Tho
tniU of Hiuiker J. K. F.ilmUton of
Walln Walla, chart;! with ntvlvlnij
money after a full knowletlk-o of bla
bmk'a liweilveiM-y, waa U-u'iin tixkiy In
tlio uarior I'ourt Noihlna wax iiuw
ivhIiI from oiniHUtnlllni; the 'Jury and
arizuliu; a (leiiiiirnT to ahow the cmi
atltutUmnllty of tho art unuW which
tlie blmi autia were briKiiflcl. Tho pro-
iviilloii I ma tweikly.foiir wltueem Iu
San rVawetaeo. Feb. 12. -live
long) Kiaat won to l:t0'4.
Hi i furlona Hear tiuard won
HI furlonff Hoodlum won In 1:214.
Mil and a half, hurdleHed Pat woo
In a7.
Six furlong M km Ruth won
Rrooklyn, Fob. 12,-Aa a reault of
he conference held thta afternoon by
Veaidenl Iwla ar.d the board of dl-
reotia-a of the ltrooklyn City railroad.
and ex-Ataemblyman John (iraham
nd Police uatleo Tlghe, th trmiy
ttrtk In Hmoklyn, which waa begun
im January Hth. laat, will be called
off tomorrow. The n.n withdrew all
demamla, except that the elriker be
returned to their old place.
Ran Franclaco. Feb. 12.-John C. Hall
om a prominent lawyer of t bis cliy,
and who fled four year ago, deaortlng
hla wlf and children after mleappro
Ikrliting $10),I)HI of an eatate left In
hi charge, ami for whom the police
have been vainly emchlng, ha been
found at Johannesburg, In South Af
rica, whet ha haa been engnged In
Denver, Feb. 12. In Pueblo the ther-
mnmotor recorded 21 below xcro, the
colikwt alm-e th weather bureau haa
been eatabllahed. At (irerly It waa 11
below and at Dillon 40 below. Many
point along tho Denver & Hlo (Irand
ri.tM.etMl tMTkteiLtiiee frr.m 21) to 2."i be-
,ow WRV, , cJll(,y 6)nnned
,(J m,mniUUn dlatrleti.
Itlo dn JiuuMro. Feb. 12.-A public
mooting MU'iKled by 20,1X1) ieiple wna
hold hero today lu celebration of I'h hI
deiit Clrvelnud'H derialon In favor t(
lirn,11 n ngiilturt tho Argeiitlno Rcpub
1U) In tho inn titer of Jurlndlrt lou over
the torrltory of the MMotim.
Waahlngtw, Feb. 12. In the aenate
today (iray rcivrtcd adversely from
the commlttro on prlvclcgi ond flec
tion tho resolution providing for the
election of (K-nator by the direct vote
of ttio people.
Portland, Feb. 12.-A delegation of
Portland buirine men will lv for
Salwn on a )ertal train tomorrow for
SHOULD be used wher
ever yeast has
served heretofore.
Yeast acts by
arid the
ol part of
Bill Introduced
,Flvt) Milium Dollar 1'mJ.tI
Eiiifiiii'iTrJ by Kx-Ailmlrnl
Jolm Krwlu,
WAHIUNOTOX. Fell. 11. A bill to
Ineorporuhi the ItKeruiitioiiul I'iicIIU
t'al'ln roiiipiin' for u k aii.e from Cali
fornia to the llrtwulmu l.liimU, theiiee
to JlllHlll and Oilier iHilllla Iu tho l'u.
el lli mnl on tlio liuillllniiila of Aatu
AU,i Auntmlln. waa lutroiliieed III lite
' . . .... . . .. ...
noiM,, hki iy iv it.-iir.aoii ui ivo ciutnea
V. stwiu of iviiuyivuiiia.
Thu project for a tnhlu from Kan
Fr.un'ko to Japuu luu IhVh Hid work
of AitiitlriU John I!. I.rwlii, nv.-iilly
retlrl from uellvo aurvliv, who tin
held liirvo lut.Teia In 1 in wall and
Japan. The cnpttnl aiiak la to be
a.iMKMi, with the rliiht to luerefUo
to Um Amount of ioi.uki.mui, to ihmimU
the autliorlxuiUtti for 5 (Mr cent bond
to thu iiiiMHUil of Oumo.nui, to iimml.
tutu a Hint Hen ou tho property ind
piMVlilea for nu umiuiil report o "he
iMuipuiiy' nffutm to tho .vn'tuij
thu trvitmiry.
TniHitntt, Waali.. Feb, 11. Thu North
ern I'urllU! aUiuimlilp Co, luia rvveiviil
4 ealili'kjnint from Nagaenkl, Japan,
lutuoiiiii'lug lluit tho aiiiiuur VltHotln,
duo lust) on I'et.ruary 2tt, waa dam
aged by colllidou on Jiuiimry '.'Mh at
HhliiioiinMlkl, Jituin. Mini procmlod to
KiHt for ri'iKitra. Further detail nr
IKK given exii-pt that the ateuioer
will Im delay l thre' wwk. Thla
will brink her hero on March 1 (th.
Foraanlltii; of Fulled Kuiiin iimll
will Im foinewliiit Interffiiil with, aa
tlio ikntiilie detuui incut, on Saturday
orib'Pil nil Oriental maHa nrrlvtiia at
Hail I'miiclmn ttfler the Millllitf of the
tleelUllo to Ike a-llt here for ttUKltcll
oil tho leiorln, acbedulcil lo Mill ou
February Hth.
Th (irt French Liner l4t 0a-
cegne Coine In Safe.
Now York, Fob. ll.-Th French
toani -r Im ()avotio, nine day over
due, anohoreil outkl the twr at Han
dy Hook, at 11:21 o'clock tonight.
ver)lly on board I rerted all
right. In niawer to querle from tug
Ui aiinniiT aald that al no time wen
they In danger, although they ciunun-
ir red terriflo galea.
Not ilnce th 1'mhrla waa n-porteil
two yeara ago after a erlloua voyage
a, -mm the Atliuktlc with a broken
httft hiw thiv been aui h excitement
In till, city a this evening.
Rant tin, Wiifdi.." Feb, ll.-John
('r.iiiKiuiiii, the i. who threaten to
eiiii-r cliiliu for iUiiinue iigaliiHt the
llawiilliin goveriiuii'tit for bautkhiuent
from tlmt country. In well known Iu
Hilarity, having worked for ii limit live
yiHira for the H.mIo Traimfi-r company
IM forviiinn of ilmy Ichiim nnd ho wna
nlao linen Iu tlio ilrnyliii; IhikIii. for
hlmaclf, In which be failed. Ho lxn
au uiMivory reputation both In Inml
uoMi mul dmneMilc nffiilm. He In
formed several friend alinrtJy Ix'forc'
lenvliitf Hint be wna going to the
talutitU to "entch oiilo aoinelliliitf."
Carlale-, Pn Feb. U.-At noon the
Otiiiilwi'liind Vnlley railroad called lu
all ImmU nml announced that nil
trim wuiid bo nhamloiicif. Nothing
will l) dnnn until the aturii) nbntea.
The riillailelphln . nud loading Im
also nbuiiiloiioil nil trnlim In thla aec
Hon. Four trniit nnd five engine arc
In drlfl In thla nelglilwrliood.
Sim Kriinclaco, Feb, 11. Five and a
hilf furloiiga Flneone won In l:1.Vj.
About nix furlong -Don Fulnno wn
In 1:2I!4.
)na nillo-Mollle King won In 1 :."(S',4
Flvi) and a half furlonga-Rorenun
won In 1 :17V4
AbikMt tlx furlonga-Jennl Dean won
In l:2S"4.
WiiKliliurioii, Feb. ll.-Tlie cnslMi
tlula of Mr, Hour for nnnilicr term In
the itiimto beKliinliig Miurli 4th next,
the fourth term for Hour, were pro
nni'.til to tlio net i lit lod.'iy,
Vancouver. It. ('., Feb. 1 1.-11 w trio
of Hawaiian exile Imvc retained n
local legal firm to bring action for
(IntiMiTi ngaltiHt! tlio Cuiiailliin-AuH-tiullan
KioiiniHlilp lino for tiu-ryliitf
tbuin off npiltiMt their will,
Siwramonto. Cnl Feb. ll.-The
woman HiilTrnirUtu won ft vlnlory In
thu fwwuuHly tonlKbt Tlio ninctul
IIM'Ilt to kill tlio Spi'iicer bill pmvldltiK
fur woman HiitTrngo wiw defuitU'd by
a volo of 48 to 2.1.
RoIro, Mn., Feb. 11,-No change to
lay for United State aenator.
San Franclaeo, Feb. U.-W. W. Stow,
irk oommlHBloner and a well known
nolltlclan of thin city dropped dead In
hi olllce this arternoon,
Portland, Feb. 0. Runro Kelly, con
vloted of the murder of (leorge VV,
-tiiyrc at Portland on the 2llth of laat
Siptmt)or, was today aentcneed to life
'mprlnomnent In tho atinte penitentiary.
Ha will be taken there Monday. When
thj court panned aentenc on him he
remarked' "Judffe, I'd ratheir you'd
hnng me than that."
Portland, Feb. 0. About sixty per
mn wit down to ex-Hwator Oorbett'a
dlnn-r Bt the Hotel Portland tonight.
A mnjorlty of thorn were member of
the li(flnlature. In whoee honor the din
ner wan Ivon. The ohleet of the din
ner WW to dlucun local legislation.
WASllV(JTON, Fub. O.-lly a de
olalv vol of Ihlity-ttig lo twetity-Hv
thu aciiittu voIimI Unlay to limuuurntc
thu projoct of laying a cablu from the
racillu ttiUNt lo Hawaii.
Tint umeuilnieiit to Hi dlploiiinllc
nml iMiiNiilar appropriation bill waa
mild giving .ii,oi for bfglnnliig
thu work ou the cnble It lid uul holla
lug tlm proaldciit to coiiinict for the
vutir work, cailnuiied to coat a,iMi,
oi m.
Thla n tho flrat prncUcnl reauli
mining from the Intermittent llawul
lan debate, liuiing inoiu limn a yeir,
nnd reiiewml wlih lutuiiy lnt wwk
III couueetloii with tlm piopoaetl calilo.
Tho ilebato of Um lam few tUiya Im
ahown tho llui of tllvlaloii were pruc
tlcully thu nam it hereuifora eximlug
on all Umi' over Hawaii, thu repuhll.
can ac-tuibir urging a rlur lelailoii
alilp by cit I do nud ultimately by an
uoxiitloii; tho deiuiM'rutlo aetiiitora, aa
A rule, couleiiilluif AtfitliiMt tlitt cable
of 01111; Piiiaiiiiliig allluucea) with
Hut thla party dlvlalon Imd notnb:
exeilitloiia tliirlng Hi recent dWmlc
and waa eiuplinnixiii in tun linni vote,
HI democrnilu enntor-Morgnii, Uor
man, Hill, Ittitler. Call nnd Wblu
voted with tho tweiiiy-elglit reimbllenn
.union, and thrn popiillata, conail-
tutitig a iiutJorlty for tin cubic, tun
republican aenator, Pettlgivw, Voted
Willi the twoitiy-fir ihuum-rma
agulnat tin cnble. All nhaeiit repuhll
can Ahd two kopullaU were paired
for thu propiMltluti,
Itttotmely cM v enthcr cotitlniHil tO'
tiny, but lu -..iriiy ouiowbnt
modllleil by auiiMhlue. Nuvlgiitlon of
tlio Potomnc river for about llfty
mlh down I practically clowil. tor
nbout forty mile between Alexandria
Vlrglnln. nnd Maryland Kint mere
U a gorgo In th cliaiiul to a height
of from leu to twenty feot
In the bnuao bular tlie annual at
temi't lo atrlke out (ha npproprlatlon
for the civil acnrlc eoinuilaiiioti wn
made, but did imt awuiinc a a-rlmw
iihnao ittut wa defeated iy a Vol of
thirty-two to twenty.
Tlm withdrawal of the ateamer Hlo
Janeiro, wheduled to lenv hnn
Frauclaco ou tho Slat with innll for
tliliui and Japan, hn Itecu anuounwd
nt tlm (HMtnlttco depart nieiit. Mali or
llnarlly furwaniiM from Han t-rami
co will b taken to Tucoiha to connm-t
with tlm Victoria, acheduled to Uwvc
ui the L'tith,
San Francloo, I'M). O.-Wheat, th
u t look for Inereuaed bulni- I prom
lalng: Kfi tt K'o for No. 1; milling
whet H7'rt)i; C'f Wk'i Walla Walla 7Sc fair average quality, 77M)
(,t for blu tem, and O7',o for
Liverpool, Fob, 0. WlMt and hop
New Ymk, Feb, 0. Hop quiet.
Omaha. Feb. u.--himvIhI Master tn
Chancery t of tho 1'iilou 1'aelllc
tiled hla rciMit t on tho reclvcra' n txirl
of bmdueii for the inoutlis of Novem
ber nud Dcii-mlier, 1HKI, and for Jan
uary, February, March, April, May
nml Jiiiio of l)l. In the oillco of tbe
clerk of tho circuit court today.
Tho earning of tlm I nlon Pacific
Co , iiroih-r, coiiatltueiit line, nml mis-
eidlaiieoiiM (Hiiupanle. which give nu
Idea of what bUHlncua luu Im-ch done
for the eight luoutha from NuvciiiImt,
Iski, a follow:
Noveinlker, $."mI7.S21 aurplua; I"eiu.
lMr, $l2t,ti.v detlelt; January, f 172. KiH
deilclt; February. I2I).N deltclti
March, f UttI,.Ki2 deilclt; April, f ia..;t.U
mindiw; May. fls2,HI7 aurplua; Juue,
ftU,7Md Htirplu.
aiKH-lal to Uie Time from Newklrk, O
I'., aaya: Tho ltlnckwell overland
oonoh waa hold up and robbed thla af
ternoon by two outlaw named Johnson
and Stratton.
Tonight JohtiNon'a corps Ilea In the
city and Strulton I behind the bu-ra.
It wa th result of aoUv work on th
p;wt of lh city niamhal. Word wa
first received of tho robbery late thla
afternoon. City Marshal Auntln, Dep
uty Sheriff Master and a few other
deputlea were started In purault. Al
though tho outlaw were alghted within
an hour and In another hour were In
tow, they were exhauated from their
long c.ha. Their pursuer finally
pallia upon them and although they
dimved realatanca they were easily
overcome. A short f ualladu Of shot
ruled Johnson's life. Stratton then
gave up and both were taken back to
Newklrk. None of the posse wa In
jured, It I not known how much booty
was secured.
Ardmorc, I. T. Feb. U.-Ncw wn
brought tonight from llnymi twelve
mlleH southwest of hero of whnt np-
imaiM to bo tho murder of tho family
of M, M. Tucker, coiislslliig of himself,
wlfo and ihreo chlldreti. Skehnona of
tlio vlollni. wero foiiml In tho ruins
of their homo, which had evidently
boon set ou tiro to cover up tho crime
of robbery nnd murder, it Im laid to
Drod WIIhou, aou-ln-luw of Tucker,
who bad often threatened tho ilend
man. Wllnoii ha iiiHappenrcu.
Han FrnnulHco, Feb. 0,-About
ftirlonga Hyinpnthcllcs Iwt
In 1:14.
Five furlongs Oeo. F. Smith won
in l:0i'4
Match race, live furlong, $i,tw a
able Monlta won In 1:02'.
Proiluco Excluinge lutrdlo Btnkift,
!fl,5(Kl, two mllcii-Wooilforil 20 to 1
shot, lu 3u'2.
Mllu nml a furloiiif, handicap V oil
won In liStl'j,
Six fiirlotiKs Motor won In 1 :1 1'.
St. Joseph. Mo., Feb, 0. Fire broke
out In tlio United State express do-
partmetit nt tho Union depot this
ovenlne. I' liimes nte tncir way inrounu
tlm fliMir Into the Union Depot hotel
ami In ono hour tho structure wna In
ruin. Tho hotel was crowded with
guests, who bad narrow escapes. Total
loss of depot nud bold will aggregate
Halifax, Feb. 0. The ateamer Tnrl
coa Is now seven days out from New
York to Halifax. The general Impres
sion Is tht some accident to her ma
chinery has happened, A dispatch froir
Shellburn says the schooner rrlacllle
was abandoned In a waterlogged con
dltlon on the 7th, Her crew was plckei
up and the vessel towed to the harbor
1,1 V
Methods Used by One
Urjjit Writer.
Cliarle? K. Harris and
His 1 Hits.
I'uvcrly to Afllu nr. oo tbe
Wing of Fin d-8ecl
Air, vnnrie k. narn : a man
who ha carnal ikoptiuirlty by wrtUiiK
famous song. A Lb author of
"After tbe Hull" b Im ntado himself
botli fumou aud rich. And yet Im I
not intislcbin, docan't know on note
from another, and tiuu out entirely
by the ear tbe air Unit biter ar ung
tip and down this broad land, and ar
printed by hundred of thousand.
Mr. Ilnrrl waa an obcur banjo
twu'lier In Milwuukert. Ho imd writ
ten sevoral ballads, but iiono of them
"caught on" until ou morning In the
spring of imci bo awok to find blm
If famou. Order for "After th
Halt" ram from ladlng dealer lu
5,oi lot, ami b begau to i'njoy an
Income or over a day
HI first aiuig were mM to pub
lishers, but be decided to becom hi
own publUlier, amLoiio of hi ng,
written ikefikr "After tlio Hair and "Kt and l' Mako Up
notbMl blm f S.htm. Mr. Harris I alxnit
; year of ago, H live In Milwau
ke lu a sUteen-room lioiiao built by
him a years age. II l married.
Hn coiiii'smh In bis studio, a room
connects! with hi publishing houo.
Tha drapcrlea, carista and fiinillure
hnrmonu delightfully, and thero are
bit of brlc-a-brac, tatunry, oU'blngs.
nnd photograph of aotor aud ac
tresMe, A rich-toned upright Hauo
tnnds near a larg double window.
When asked by a World eoreMismd
lilt nlkollt lit I ; Ull.d of COIIIkosllloll,
he repllisl: "lis" are weeks at a
time when I do not tom u a piano or
think of cotu!oHtig. I play by car
mly and do nut know a single not.
My arranger, Mr, Joseph Clander,
who U, In my estimation, on of the
boat arranger lu tbe country today,
U tlm lender of th orchestra at Da
vidson' theatre. Whenever I bave
a song to take down I send for blm.
I piny It off by ear to blm and bo jut
It down. Then be play It over In
tlm right key. aud If there are auy
mistake I correct them.
"llu thou lettve with tha manuscript
ami return lu about a week with It
all ready for tho pre. My pnsf
rnilcr carefully rends tit manuscript
after It ha lsn-n played, and If the
arrangement Is found to bo all right
It la sent aero tb street to my print
er, who makes the plate of tho song.
I then uncinate the title page, lou
will find that tho tlilo page of each of
tny song la different from tho oth
er. I am also very particular about
the paper, Ink and tyjic used.
"I do not wrlto vulgar song. My
nng are found In every home In the
United State which Im a piano or
parlor organ. I writ for tho peo
ple: and tny aubjiet are taken from
Ufa. I receive hnndred of letter
lally from all clnsse of peflpln, from
Ikisitlilack to society belle, who de-
slro mo to put music to their poem.
I linvo tried it several times, but have
always found It an utter Impomlhlllty.
"I wrlto both words and mimic at
tlio aamo time, and If you pick up
any of my song you will find that
tho word and mualo harmonlxo close
ly. In composing a song a man must
Imvn musical ability, and must also
be something of a poet"
"Whero do you obtain yonr Idea
for descriptive ballads?"
"Well, ordinarily a man gives no
thought to bis surrounding, liut
with mo It I different I notice ninny
llUIn thing on the street, lu tho cars.
or In a theatre, which most pwple
wouldn't bother thomrtelve about. 1
linpMied to bo lu Chicago about two
years ngo. I waa waiting for my
train, and by my aide stood a litind-
sonni man with a beautirui goiden
lialred child." The tnUn from Milwau-
oo drew In nud a beautiful, stylish-
ly-dressed kuly atepm-d from a car
and wn punning through the gates
iv lien alio spied the child. Tho child
it 1 1 Ki amiia inoini iit gave a scream of
Icllght and was rushing to her out
stretched arms, when the gentleman
pilckly drew tho child away and
prang Into the car.
It aoeinwl that they wero parted,
and I found out from th conductor
afterward that she had left her hus
band, who was a prominent Insurance
man, for nn actor. From tlmt scone
was originated 'Fallen by tho W'ny
Hlde,' which I ono of the bit on my
Will you tell tbe readers of The
World how you enmo to write 'After
tlm Hall?' "
"I attended a ball In Chicago given
by ono of tho prominent clubs the'"
and stood talking to a handsome b....
Inos num. I noticed that his eye con
stantly followed a certain young lady
In the ballroom, I found out subse
(juon.tly that they bad leeii engaged,
but hud parted through some lover'
quarrel. Whllo bo was dancing with
othr girls she would auxlomdy wntch
htm. I knew by the expression of
their face tlmt tlmlr hourts were
"On my return homo 1 was In my
office completely tired out, when a
member of tho Wheelmen's club came
and asked mo to comiHxte a song for
an entertainment to be given by the
club, I told hint I was too tired after
tho ball, but If ho would leave me
nlimo I could perhaps compose some
thing for him tn time for tho enter
tainment. Tho words "'after the ball'
kept ringing In my cars, nnd I could
not rest I sat down at the plnno,
and at that moment 1 had tho entire
Idea, music, subject and nil. lu nu
hour tin song was tlnlnlied.
"It was sung at tho Wlieeluion'g
olub. The singer forgot tho third
verso and tho song fell Hat. I put the
manuscript awny In disgust and for
got all about It One day I received
an order from Chicago for ten copies
of the song. I wrote back that Ihe
Song WD 'O 1WMI. nnteVIv n"?iwvOivl
tho manuscript, scat It over to my
printer and had a thousand copies
struck Off,
Orders came In very slow-
ly for the first six montha.
I did not give much attention to It,
as my mind was on other songs which
I bad just published, mainly 'KlM
Ul id Let' Make Up which wa prov
ing groat int.
"I plan! a small advertisement In
tha drnmatUi paper ami reeved
auvural ordiT from professional for
the song. All at once, In-fore I could
rcnllie It, It was snug In nearly ev
ery theatre and borne In tlm English
siHsiklng world. Ilier have liwn
more eople of 'After the Hull' sold
thun of any other song known in his
tory, exeoptlnir 'Home. Sweet Home.'
Thre million copies imvo hh h sold
tip w tho present day. I am con tin-
ually receiving large order for It
l or month my Income fnun thla
nng nlon wa from 1,ik to ft ,200
"Whore did you get tin Idea of tho
on, 'Fifty Year Ago? "
"II came about lu this way. I at
tended a golden wedding In thl city,
wln.r the coupl staiidlog aid by
Ida, gray-balrod and tsit, were mar
ried over again. Fifty year had
passod slno Uiey stood 1n tho same
poaiuon. After the ceremony had
bmm performed I Usikod at th eouide
landing there so happy, and thought
of bow they bad paused through tbe
am scene fifty years ago. What a
bountiful subject for a song! 1 ar
ranged the character to th l)et of
my ability, but, Instead of having
thmn married, J parted them for that
length of time, a you will tun by the
song, which I think is on of tbe pret-
Uei i have ever wrltb-n."
"How do you publish a ongf"
"Titer are all kind of way of pub-
llalilng a song. A man who desire to
tay In the publishing liusLncM must
have a lot of nerve.
It I not the
p ab and the cost of tb, flrat edition ,n the majority In tUe sInaTe, Their
hat amoynt to much, but It I aftr ,lti!mh on;ly ZthU ot
hs I. done and oa lb ahe f that ( th, aJmlned repuoiliin. and popu
th re publishing begin 1 bat 1. f Ut, 8ud ltl?y h tJ,erefore, LuLd-
W hiM lllfkllMtltl.U hlkLu l!il Iti .InVa . ...... .
They push th song whlln It 1 being
prlntiMl, talk It up nud advertise It
After It 1 utilalied they send out a
fow cotilua, and think that 1 auf
"Now to uuUt a song popular you
must gtvo away at least o.uuo cotli.
with onrhestra purls, scattered light
and left There ar pubilaber who,
If a profitwloiinl singer ak them for
song, will give blm one, but no or-
chiMUutlon, uubss ho Is a great ar
tint. Now, It I immnteriiil to roe who
or what the artists are, whether they
play at the best theatre or In dime
museums, I treat them all alike. It
I not always the best kuown pix.ple
who make a song go.
"SomoUmc an obscure singer In an
obecura company slugs a song In a
lluhi town and the en tiro town will
bo calling aud clamoring for It The
am thing will b repeated lu anoth
er town. Tho people do not know
whor to get the song aud send to the
nearest city to luqulr for It Then
the composer la found out and a hun
dred cople are ordered, and. If the
demand continue, a thousand, and
so on. There Is not a song on my
catalogue that has cost me lee thun
$1,000 for advertising.
"I cannot tell wbr.t fong I going to I
strike the public taste, but a composer ducks, Arm at $4-1.50; geeae, ftJAjo.SO;
must never give up. If one song does turkey, live, WilOc per pound;
not go, try again. I have been com- idreHsod, about llf(tl2c per pound,
posing for tho past fifteen ymra and j Egg Oregon, were quoted y eater
did not mako a hit until two year j day at. Lie,
ago. There are many singer who l
claim that they have made thla or that
ong. I concede that they are lustra-1
mental In bringing a song before the '
public, but If there I no merit In the
song the public and singer soon tlud
It out and It Is dropixsl. Take all ho
lilts of tho pittent day and you w ill
rind tluit they hnvo Ix-nutiftil flowing
music and that there Is a story con -
nected with euoh song, even though
the pajsT pronounce them trash.
"I would udvlso all my young friend
ho Intend to go Into the publishing
business not to do so tiultws they have
$.1.()ti0 buck of them, but to give their
The Woman's Era.
Within Her Sphere She Reigns Supreme.
Woman claims her own. Her field widens constantly.
Every day brightens her prospects. Her progress fore
shadows the greater triumph at hand. Emancipation and
equality will be hers in the years to come.
Prophetic of final victory were her achievements at the
World's Fair, At her shrine there erected the nations bowed.
The lesson taught at the "Woman's Building" will last "till
time shall be tici more." Their enlightening influence will
be felt around the globe throughout the dawning century.
Only less memorable were the honors gained at the Fair by
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
i ....
The highest award conferred on this peerless prepara
tion, is a fitting accompaniment of the laurels won by the
women of America.
oi.,; to aotim first-dan pubilaber,
and keep on giving ihcm to blm nalil
they muk a hit"
Many fanner do not reoJIx tb
neoeaslty of the fowl baring gma
fssl In the winter; the fowU (if ron
nlng at larg), help themselves In sum
mer, aud nothing la thought of It
Wlu-tt tho frou nave killed tho graa
aud all annual plant and tb snow
cover the ground, biddy can get noth
ing herself, to take tb place of gra
and other green food she ate so frely
of in summer. Hang a bead of cab
Ua In each pen, and see bow raptd
. It will be picked to piece and eat
en. If hung about eighteen Inch
above tbe floor, compelling tb bird
w jump for il all the better: the ex-
erclse is an additional advantage
gained, and exercise quickens th cir
culation, stimulate dlgeatlon, and pro-
UOW.-B ueauiL
Oreun food I to fowls much what
fruit Is to tbe human being, tonlna-
and correcting tb internal organ.
Cabbag 1 particularly valuable, be
cause It baa a larg proportion of ni
trogen; hence balance tbe carbon of
the grain ration. ft
If you want fowl to lay In winter.
when eggs pay a big profit, feed tbetn
a nltrogenou rather than a carban
accou ration; and one of tbe vegeta
ble richest in nitrogen la cabbage.
Tbe republican aenator at Washing
ton call attention to th fact that
luce Menatiie Vfanlt i.t itnntana t.J.
hia , i, ,t.,i,,,..,. ...
coutlnu to dictate th order of th
proceedings in the senate.
Price Current In That City During
the Week.
Portland, Feb. Ul.-Flour-Portland,
Sulom. am quoted at $2J0 per barrel;
Henom county, $2.30; graham, $2.13a
Outs-Ouod whita quoted firm at
gray, 227c.
Itarley-Feed barley, aG5c per
cental; brewing, M&jc, according to
MllUmffs Bran. $12; middling,
$13.5; cliop fesHl, $12ftl5; middling,
noiui in market; chicken wheat, 0TVJI
7.'5 int cental.
Hay-tJood, $S10 per ton.
Butter-Fancy creamery I ' quoted
a 22Ln2.-'C t" lund; fancy dairy,
WW. fair to good, Wioc;
common, Sfglfic
l'otatis-goxftatlon wholly nom
uinl. Oukaia-Good Oregon," 00c$l per
Poultry-Chickens, old Quoted 12.50
per dosen; young, $2.50 per dosen:
rrosh Fruit Apple, rood.
per box; common, 75c5$l.
Oregon vegetables Cabbage, lUc
per pound: squash, ttoc oer dosen.
I Wool Valley, m10c, according to
'quality; Umpqua, 7fw1c; fall clip,
fsj'fic; EiiKteru Oregon, 67C.
Hop-ciioice, 7c; medium, 40c;
poor, 3c.
1 Provisions Eastern bams, medium,
; quoted at UValZVjC per pound; bams,
'picnics, Italic; breakfast bacon,
12fjfl3c; short, clear side, 10tJllc;
dry salt aide, 0310c; dried beef bams.
l.Vul lc; lard, compound, tn Una,
SyPVie; pure, in tins. 7yjlltya