The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 28, 1894, Image 2

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raYASia im ahvakcb.
On Tr ,.. B.0B
Bix Month , W
Tuns UoalM .
Aa mrrl nt dth soUeea D.Hood
tngflYSlUtM wlUb luaortrd Ires. AU ow
av UttM will b charged nvs wsnU p line
ttaeiely obliurary ralHhmulb ohiwl
a at uw rate ol tlx p H.
Ketfiater! at U FeWffls l ldtp
dance, ORm, m aweoud-cl matter.
OMCONTlNUaNCRI ttemember thai the
pubtaher. of thla paper b
teller when aubeerHur wlhw P'
ttupped. AUrreuwinltP,Jd
. . .....v. kiw it toot. Your
QUIP U wuivm r-!" -
ame oeo. mi be found oa our book ualeae
thla la .
AtA I.KTTKHS ihoaM be iddreeeed, to ih
It twins strange tbat men of apparent
lutelllgenet will get to badly mUel on
financial l.Was as U tht e wllb nw
of the riders of th Wkt Bids, u.I
they grow very angry with one, win
luaydiaVrfmm theiu andaitempta t
point out their error. noW '
arealllutcutly studying the question
oftheUulngofbomhby the govern
meut, and all without a exception
most dply deptow Wb"
however It etwe to ugKtmn
amnlyupinlousdUlVr. One rvu.u
why Ideal are to at variance U that v
look at bond snd government uotet as
bo dlsshulllar. Oue pfnwu thlnka
greenback which Is a pruroW tu P
u iknmiid, aud a bond which
U a promise to pay
slated time, aud with the
wptlonofthe tlue ekmeuto the two
are ideuticnl, In Uth being a proroto
toiwyaud dtpeulut m their value
upau the ability vi our government to
pay as agreed.
There are others, who believe and
argue, lu woi nd out, that the
demand note of the government u
money l a-lf, aud therefore If Uila
goverunieutofouraahould lmtue IJW,
000,000, In bonds, and redeem f 0O.0tt
000 of our greenbacks, that the money
of the country would be reduced faW,
000.000 aud tho government would
increase Ita debt to the amount of
$200,000,000. In other word they aay
a demand note of the government k
absolute money, and a time note w au
absolute debt, aud substituting one for
the other would be a great crime,
I lan ludlvidual were to hu lndl
vidua! promisee to pay cerlalu amounts
of money on demand, which Is done
every day lu actual buxiuess by means
of checks, and finding It difficult to
redeem those checks, should call them
aU In aud substitute notes bearing In
terest and due at some future specified
time, that the community lu which he
lived would be damaged by the change
No oue will deny that It would be
worse for that individual to have to
,rfy Interest ou ula promises to pay, but
in what way does it lucrease or leeeeu
his obligatlous to make the change.
If he eauuol pay his deniaud note,
it Is worthlens, and so iu the case of the
time note, but If by paying lulerest
and beit'g granted time ou his debi
he can oiler absolute security, it would
seem to us that the community woulu
be tlie guiuer by the chauge.
Just now our governuifut la finding
it impossible to redeem Its obligation
without Isnuiug bouds and placing
gold in the treasury. If the revenue
of the government were greater than
its expenses, there would be uo need oi
liwuiug bomls, but such is not the cuse.
Then why uot stop the drain of gold
from the treasury by pnylug tbesi
demand notes iu bonds, ami tiieu latet
ou adjust the revenue so that tin
bonds could be paid, aud ail remaining
obligations be met ou demand?
The problem that coufroute out
present national representatives Is bow
to increase our revenues, so that we
shall uot have a delict of f 100,000.000 a
year, or how to pay our notes o,
demaud without having the old coiu
in the treasury with which to pay.
The demand notes (greeubacks, etc.)
of our government are promises to pay
aud are not the pay Itself, auy
more than the cheeks of the
individualonabauk is the pay itaell
instead of an order for the pay. This
government must pay its paocr on
demand or else it goes to b-Iow par,
Just as our county warrants do, when
the pay day Is far off, although the
latter draw interest. It stems strange
that opinions should difler so greatly
on the subject, but there is undoubtedly
such a divergence of ideas ou the
Just two weeks from next Monday,
on January Hth, the legislature ol
Oregon convenes In a forty-days session,
and oue of Its duties is to elect a United
States senator. As the republican
majority Is so greatj the election of a
republican is conceeded. But an issue
has sprung up which , threatens to
cause much debate, and bitter opposl.
tlon in the choice of a man to represent
Oregon. That Issue Is the silver ques
tion. On oue side are candidate adv
Wtlns!,., jufflolent gold reserve (to
rvdiviu every promise of the govern
tut'ut whether prluted on pKr, or
tamped on our diver oolua, la gold
and malutalu all at parity; while there
are other eandldatea, who, favor the
uicnam In our obligation! In Inereae
Ing the issue of silver money routaln
lug half as much silver at Is demanded
by the laws of trade to make It on a
par with gold. The present coined
ratio of gold to silver Is 1 to 16, while
the commercial ratio Is 1 to S3. If the
men, whom we have tentbitheOregou
legislature shall maintain all our money
on a partly, then tt li probable that
Bon. J.N. Dolph with wowed hltu'
elf. If however they shall send a
uiru there who fevor wining all the
liver offered at our mints ou a ratio of
1 to 16, aud redeeming It at par, It
niiHtns paying tl .20 for an ounce of
liver worth only 60 eeuU and the 69
diflbreuce Is simply the flat of the
government. It will be the silver
tnlue owners, who want $1.20 per ounce
for their silver, against the tai payers,
who will have to pay the difference to
maintain this parity. No doubt there
will be bribery and corruption, for
tucciea means much to the mine
owners. What does It mean to the
people? Is our government now lu a
ooodltlon to further increase our obliga
tion?. If the republican legislature
makes a mistake In this matter, It will
cost It thousands of votes. It It In
p.wer, aud must assume the rtepouab
blllty of that power. Will tt use it
wisely; aud fur the best Interests of the
' li ..ji
The observance of Christmas day
bring out the beet Ituputmt of mail
kind. Commemorating, as It doe, the
Mrth of the ouly perfect man who ever
lived on thli earth, It fllli us with jy
to make those, near and dear to us
the happier, aud , reaching out
to those who are In need It
bring them happiness, at wetl, What
a multitude of delightful thou, lite
cluster around Christmas. Is there
one Ignoble thought connected with Its
proper observance? Young, old, rich
aud poor, believers In the Christian
religion, or disbelievers, all are made
happier in joining la the Christmas
festivities. We are never so happy
ourselves as when we are the direct
cause of making others happy. On
that day thoughts of self are dropped,
aud all join lu paying direct or Indrect
homage to Him, who said "Peace on
Earth, good will toward men."
Congress is lu session at Washington
and the leading question is "What will
it do with our flnaucea?" It Is trying
to divine some method, whereby the
obligations of the government, which
cannot be met with a revenue kss than
the expenses, by forcing upon the
people the redemption of that paper
through a new bauklug system. The
rapidity with which gold Is going out
of the treasury would seem to Indicate
that this method docs not Inspire con
We wish our readers a happy and
prosperous New Year.
There is not an empty house in In
The S. 8., of the Christian church
Kave a Christmas program, and tree on
the eve of Christmas. Everything
went off very pleasantly and Hauta
Clause seemed to be In a better humor
this year than any other year previous.
Heveral members f the Christian
Endeavor society gave Mixs Edith and
. D. l'erclval a pleasant surprise par
ty at their home Wednesday evening.
Sumo violin and guitar musio by Mr.
A'lieat and Miss Marple was apprecia
tively received by the young (teople.
Last Monday evening Itev. Fisher, of
tlti! Evangelical church, of Monmouth,
was tenderd a surprise donation of a
wagon load of provisions aud a purse of
money amounting to by his
irleuds aud members of the church.
Among the many home Christ mas
(rets iu the city are the following:
Mrs. A. U. Adkms, Mrs. A, Doughty,
.Mr. Crowley, Hamilton Mulkey, and
J. 11. V. Butler.
An Informal reception was held In
the Normal chapel Tuesday evening
for the benefit of brightening holiday
wtek. The evening was a suueess.
Itev Biiermau, the Baptist minister
of this city, spent Christmas with his
family here. He departed again yes
terday for evangelistic work.
Jas. Brislow of Palouse City, Wash.,
was In the town this week visiting rel
atives aud ou Friday went to Junction
City for a short stay.
Our people must now lie convinced
that more extensive fire apparatus and
better water works are needed la our
Beginning with Friday evening the
Baptist axsoclatiou will convene in this
city and continue till (Sunday evenlug.
The delegates from this place to the
county Y. 1. H. C E. convention at
Dullas, departed to that place Friday.
Mrs. Frank Fonton, of McMlnnvllle,
is spending the holidays with her
mother Mrs. J. B. V. Butler.
Pres. P. L. Campbell "started Tuesday
for Portland, where he will attend the
.State Teacher's Association.
Misses Carol Johnson and Maud
Bayles returned Thursday from spend
ing vacation at Eugene.
Ed. Huber, a former resident of this
.'', but now of Eastern Oregon, is
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Augullne Watson spent Christ
mas day with Mb Tillie Best at ber
home, south of town.
Rev. J. N, Smith will conduct regu
lar services in the Christian church i
best Hunday.
Mrs. Bumpier, of this city, mother of
J. II. Ford, of Independence, la to very
poor health.
John (Jrent and family, of Dallas,
spent the wek with relatives at tide
place. - :
The river Is lively this year, being
remluder of the good old days wheu
steamboaUng was the principal mode
of transportation. Congress should
give ut an open river the year-round.
Our quiet IttMe city, on Christmas
evening, was excited much by a run
away of John Ouaaly's team. The team
was not lu ured, but the wsgott was
badly damaged.
Ml Nora Prather and Laura
Whlteuiatt sjH'ht a few days of laal
week lit Halciu.
Monroe Kreuta and Judge Kays
made a business trip to Htayton, last
Prayer, meeting every Wednesday
evening at the Evangelical church.
J, It Williams made a bust neat trip
to Albany aud return Haturday.
Prof. Hlorius and Miss Lottie Herbert
pent Christmas In Corvallls.
Mrs. Win. Wells, went to Portland
to visit her sou and daughter,
E C Hall, wife and grandson, took
the train for Idaho Monday.
Ed. Tyler aud Mlt Wells, took the
boat for Albany Haturday.
II. F. Hall and family, of Croston,
vUlled here thla week.
P A It k Fit
Nothing quaint or vurlotit has hap
pened. The town Is having very
quiet winter; the noise of Towser'ahlud
legs, occasionally breaking the ttillues
uuhomlng fleas mingled with the
distant toot of a cornet practice accom
panied by guests of scarlet fever Is Ik' is
all that meets the ear.
J. I. Davidson haa relumed from lilt
visit at Waterloo, Linn county aud will
spend the holidays at ludepvudcnce.
Frank Brown Is still plowing on
Wm. Fuqua's big farm and hat nearly
all ills low land plowed,
Viola Calbreath came home to enjoy
'lie holidays from Dalta, where she
hat been attending school.
Jas, Ik'ltinckV children have got
well of the scarlet fever and we hear of
no imre new cases.
Christmas morning at 4 o'clock a, m.
two tchnmicra Md over the bar
bound Houth.
Cyrus Bradley performed with the
Monmouth athletes at IVirvsllls last
Mia Hotmail's school has been
dlxmlaaed until February on account
of scarlet fever
Mm. Harrison Llnnvllle, was a vtsl
tor at J. O. Davidson's the past week.
Cleve Parker aud Dan Atkinson will
spend New Years In Portland.
Lea Bteeprow spent Christmas near
Mr A Id rich and wife gave a fine
Christmas dinner to A Kerr and wife,
Win. Fuuita and wife, C. Bonne and
D. M. Calbreath aud family. The
turkey was fut and done to a turn and
from the way It dlaapMard ess
appreciated by all.
llow Christmas Ere Was Olierd
In Independence.
The tHirlstmiut trwi given at the
Christian chuntti last Monday evening
by the Congregational and Christian
churches was utteiided by a large audi
ence of good natiired little folks and
older people who had gathered to cele
brate the greatest eveut which ever
happened for the uplifting of maukliid.
The mimical and literary exercise com
menced with a song by the two Hun
day schools and a t-r a prayer by It. I
Hhel ey a pleasing Christmas carol was
sung by the choir, when there came
rvcliatiniit, etc , by the children, alt of
which were very creditably uelivered.
Following the programme was the
most essential feature of the evening
the presentation of presents. There
were tssty decorations for the occasion
and the evergreen tree was profusely
hung with presents for the Hunday
school scholurs, their parents and
frlendh, aud everyone was made su
premely happy by bcltig present and
participating in the giving and re
ceiving of gifts. The programme wio
uot as extensive aa is uttual for this in
cident, owing to the two Hunday
aciiools being busily engaged lu pre
paring their cantata for next Saturday
The Christmas eve entertain ment
and ChriMimas tree at the M. E. church
w us a very pleasant aftair. An inter
esting programme ws rendered, con-
Hisilng of Christmas songs by the choir,
recitations by the Illtlo folks, also a re
el i hi Ion by MIhh Latty and another by
Mr. Burma. Mrs, T. A. Hayes taug a
solo accompanied by Professor Hayes
on the violin which waa very fine.
Old Ban la Clans, a veritable old Dutch
man iu NK!ech, theu made his appear-
auce and the children were gladdened
by the gifts which had been placed on
a beautiful fir tree; then after this a
small lunch for each scholar was
banded out and a general good time
was enjoyed. The church had been
very neatly decorated by the ladles and
waa very pleading lu appearance.
Monday the Presbyterian church was
the scene of many hually engaged and
willing hands gully adorning the
church room with handsome wreaths
of ivy and Hr boughs aud lading the
Christmas tree with appropriate and
beautiful presents for those In attend
ance. The programme was composed
of songs by the choir, a prayer by Pro
fessor Buckham of Monmouth, recita
tions, dialogues and songs by the chil
dren, it being the first appearance of
some of them tiefore an audience, their
hearers were high in their praise of the
exercises, An address to the little
folks by Professor lluckbam was par
ticularly suited for the event. The
presents were called off by A. B. At
kins, after which all returned to their
homes, feeling happy over the gifts
given and received, and it Is hoped all
treasured lu their minds the Ihoimht of
the one great gift presented to all of ut
and which we should gladly receive.
The families of OharUy Irvine of
this city, aud I. C. Dickey of Albany,
father lu-lsw of Mr. Irvine had a tree
Christmas eve at Mr Irvine's home at
which a pleaaaut time was spent by
theiu. A short programme was
prepared by the tittle onee, then the
presents were distributed after which
they partis k of a delicious lunch.
Heveral other fumlllv lu towu cele-
brated the Christmas giving at their
residences and enjoyed a quiet evening
wlthlu their owu home circle.
The decorations were of a novel
character consisting ot sprays of Ivy
fasteued gracefully on the walla aud
around the doors aud wludows and
the ellect was light, airy and very
pleasant, lu the two entrances were
festoons of fir, from which hung
Chlueee lanterns. Over each entrance
was the word "Welcome." At the
eud of the church were the evergreen
covered unit tuea, "Uuto Us Is born
He v lor, which It Christ the Lord," and
"that it love."
The Christmas tree stood la oue
corner, the choir occupied the other,
and ou the platform iu the eeuter the
literary exercises took place, At au
early hour the church was crowded
and by the time the exercises com'
meuced many were i liable to gain ad
lulllauce aud attended the exercises at
the other chuichea. Hupt Wilktu
announced the program, which w
opened by an autheui by the choir of
fifteen voices. J. W. Masterson follow
ed with au earliest prayer, Hupt.
Wllkiui theu told of the origin of
Christmas lu most beautiful language,
and waa followed by a recitation by
Artie HubbaM "The Children's Tele
gram." A quartette, "Near my Ood to
Thee" by Mim Mauda tirltta, E. U
IVutlaiid. Julia Iiocke and W. L
Wilkin, waa very sweet. Dolhe
Wilktu theu relied "The Ilublu's
Christmas," followed by Kiolly Hardy
with ('Kmlly Jane " A male quartette
"Ulory to Ood In the Highest," waa
rendered by John Alexander, h, C.
Pentlaud, M. E, Mastcrton and Pearl
Alexander. Hwlla Hubtmrd gave
pleasant rendition of "Little Mloa
M laidiicf' fo.lowed by a song aud chorus
by about thirty little tott entitled
"Hauta Claua," who were truthed by
Mrs, F. L. Tuck. Then came Hanla
Ctaus, represented by Mr. Wheeler, of
Hslem, aud Mr. Hauta Ctaua, by Mrs.
Clarke. The chlldrvu were wild with
delight aa Hauta Claut went down
among theiu shaking hands slid say
ing pleasant things to them. The
distribution of prtwiil then begau
aud the tree ladeii with presents was
soon bare, The exercises of the eveii
lug were a grand auccea, and all
passed off liliout a bitch or a momenta
dclsy. The crowd though large, wss
orderly and gtsid-uatured. A hundred
or more sacks of popcorn and candy
were distributed to alt who might
otherwise not have been remembered
and all went home happy with the
memory of thla Christmas.
nou au who van
Hair Vigor
"Aycr't preparations are too 61
writ Known to need any cominen- o
dation from trie ; hut I feel com- j
pelted to state, for t lie benefit of
others, that tlx years ago, I lout 0
nearly half of my hair, and what o
was loft turned pray. After 5j
tiHlng Aycr'a Hair Igor several 0
months, my lmlr la gan to grow o
again, and with the natural color JJ
restored. 1 recommend It to all S
my friends." Mrn. K. Frank- o
ii At'sKit, box 806, Station C, Los o;
Atigcica, tut.
Ayer'S HairVigorI
raBFABKo av o
pr.' : i 'r t, nr?r, t.oo
tol?ty. Vihii;'or .Mti-o, J" m
ll(lHia,lia.i.,ti1.iraBn(lnflMn. u ....irf..
tnm pinil hwl wl tf.r on M V:
Aavmt mnht frnm 0 TO H
unn in rfMm' n.ii) h i
nir!'h"ri. l'lnt (n.trnti'fnw, now'
unirHhnra, Rtiy dUUnm. 0.impli. ri...
um )tin of i i t-d, Cau h f ut u. tt, 1
tiflvnr ott. of onlrr, mi r'rn', r
tin.". W t'Tptiti-d, t inoiioj ir' ( t '
W. r. Htrrlwn Co., Uuik 10, (.- ,
, Bids For County Printing.
Illdn ore oallnd for to furnish to Polk oounty
OrcKon, for the yvnr 1HW, the following
blanks, and doing the following printing
to.wi :
Letter head, per thouinnd.
Leftl blnnk full 'Ue, per hundred.
Lrgiil blnnkbalf ilin, pnr hundred.
All blnnki and letter besdii to be printed on
fourteen pound paper, good quality, sample
of inch pn pert') be submitted to the oountj
nlerk for lnpectlon beftre the work I per
Printing leHl notlcsn, of nounty court, and
monthly tntemenlofbllln allowed, per iquure'
per lasue, nonpnrlel measure,
Printing twenty copies circuit court docket.
Uiunl ilse.
Amendment blank, per thousand.
Hid will bs opened nt the county court
houw, t Dalian, Tburadsy, January 10, 18W.
Done by order of the county court, thti lb
day of December 18M. ,
B, F. Mtiirtr,
Cuunty Clerk.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powde.
Awards! CoU MU Midwliwr Pair. Sa Fraadatt
Marshal's Notice of Male.
To whom It in.iy concert): Notice Is
httetiy given that 1 have tnkeu tip nod
Inipoiiiidtil while ruunliig at myy
wlthlu the limits of the city of Inde
pendence: One yellowish gmy
about 0 years old, and 1 yellow Uh gray
mare atsait 6 yeata old.
The owner Is hereby icllfled that
tiulesa the tame are tukt n away snd all
coals and expenses paid within ten
days from date, they will iw sold at
pimllo auction ou Haturday, Dec 2Mh
at 3o'chM:k p, ji, to the highest bid
der for cash in hand.
IudeNudeiice, Or , Dec, JO, 1804.
A J. Turf kh,
City Marshnl.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bowers, and Mm.
A. HparkaPaik dinner at O. II. Dear
mond's ou Christmas,
A crowd of young folks tant au
enjoyalde time Haturday evening wllb
J. H. Hubbard.
Miss Minnie Lynn, of Parker, tpent
Christmas with Misses Julia and Mary
3. Walker, of Marlon, Is visiting at
James Harper's this week.
F, F.lglo gave a gaal turkey dinner
The L'ulted Hi ate Is after the trap
flhermeu tecsue the tra cause a
shoaling of the wsU rsand the forma
tion of bars Hhould the Imps he con
demned It will tpeedtly follow that an
attempt will be made by the Atoiln
people to stop wheel nhkg. This is
a certain to follow as day Is lo follow
nlghU-The Dalles ChruuMt.
5bortnM of Breath, Swell
ing ot Leg) and I:eet.
"For about four years ! waa trou
bled with palpitation of tho heart,
hortucai of brcuih and swelling of
the legs and feci At limca 1 would
faint. 1 waa treated by the best phy
sicians. In havanimu, Oa., with no re
lief. I then tried various Spring,
without bencau Finally I tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
alto his Kcrve tnd Liver Pill Af
ter 6jriniHt to taki thrm 1tlt belter! I
continued taking them and lam now
In belter health than for many years.
Bine my recovery I have gained Bfty
pounds In weight. 1 hopo this bUio
ment may be of value to sotuo poor
C D 8CTTON, way RiaUon. Q
Dr. Miles' Heart Vnm la sold on a poltlr
ftiarantMi that Ihn brat Uttln IwmiUL
AH Urumil.uKi-lliiaiH. t Unl- fi.rH. or
I, wilt Iwarnv, prvpalil, on m-Kit or prlm
by Um Ur, Mllna Mudicat Ux, kUkbsrt, lud.
X v.,a- ;- ' 1
Don't Feel Downhearted
When you hear your in
timate friends tell of the
bargains they get in some
other town,
You Can Recover
From the shock and turn
the tables on them by tell
ing them of the greater
bargains right in Indepen
dence. You can insure
'Good Spirits
and good savings if you
deal exclusively '
Bring Your
The WasTHinala dally In ronotptofporaonul uml wrlltoii ro(iuHtji to hnvnaimple
cnptna of thepnper tent lo Irlmida In tho Kant, an they may Inform UiiMiiselvi's nlnuit
thMUnr(len8potofOieon"PlkCminty, H(H!uilii we re vive pny ami anmt'tiimta
not, but. we are InlorcKtoil in invln itmlrsbls pcnani Inuiito tnOri'iioii iuul tlivrcrnro
milks thla llbeml olt'or tn our Cash anliaorlbersi .
Cut out ttilH (loupon, tuka H to any miirohsnt RitvBi'tlslnit In llih puper Hint Imvo
bla niinie written In the blnnk and wo will aond the WkhtSids four (f) Insura to any
addreaa you may give PHEK.
Look out for Um coupon, which will appear but onoc. mch month.
At the requeat of .
t Indorse thla blank under your . ctnr
)................................... .Addre. ......... ...... ...... .....
' ( Blgn here... ..... Advertiser.
Thla ooupon will appear but onueiMwh iiuinth. ' . , ',
m, nii. tiitfAnM tt liiM tun. MH
writ's; iiitv" "!"'
taMliuri MT'fulii. (r WWi t I Irlml
t mta httRl fril irfiin
yrliiu iWMwIwm, Slid mr rHalil'
pliyl'iJMi. Hut sow ni'"- '
,tin InilOnaof II miw
! an. wnil. t 7 7i7 (r
ili, Vw, I f"-l B ) ) J
: that It vl nw ' " " " " ,
otat it v. mi-.
- it... ... ..,.,..l.f M..nw ,nri aliBll
iaUk iipur III S!Kllii only words
nl Dfl lut tim wosilnrful nieulMls.
i and IB rt ttiniiiii'1iiK It ki all
f rraliui o fl'"'"!
aiia-in i-.-w
aiurt hm.
l'nirict"r of
flm ludpims'lriiiw Marl'l Wofha, wini.4iMi
tin all iwinemry . Uri-''l witi'o.ii.
tp, laiml (liKli, anil tnwuxl prii'.
If you
any kind of legal blank, von
will now find a foil supply
at the V list' SiHK ollUe. A moiic
I lie iiit called for lilanka
wje not:
lioul for Heed
Warrmity Oml
tjull claim di ed -Hieclid
warmniy diil
. Tl lll deed
Iah', long fiiim -
Legal blanks
" , ' srs'clnt form
" short furiii
, Asslfnuieni of mortgage'-.
t'ountry HMrliiwif1
Covenant of was runty nnrtgMe
HiiiUliii'iUn it iiiiiriKutfe
Altldavlt for nltm hiiHOil
Hill of costs and dM'urwuicnts
CtiiteriHklttg oh apMal
on uituclitneiit-
" for recover v of prop
Hill of sale- erty-
for sals
I'hattul liorln!U!
Crop tionijjia'1
N'utlif of pioitui .
Vetlli'Mlloii of claim scmIiisI lie
olvent ilelilor -
jtm n . ni.ANKK.
Aftldvlt of attachment
" of aptetll Judc, llclitor
it tie
Copy of writ of ailitchiiietit
Hilt ol llllUf MMIK'llH -
Cuiistiitilc's sale
Copy of ex ecu t Ion
tlhlllUlllSI IHJlilX
Hubpietia, civil, original
" ciiinloiil, orliflonl -
" " iipy of
Huiiiiuons, JuaticcV-
t'ndertaklng for altiicluiieot -"
lor coots .
U'arrsitt f"r urrvt. felony
Wilt nf BiTcst, mlsdciiicaiMtr
Not lee to (pill-.
Verlfleailon of chilni itgaltit
Mi-rlitinli' li-ln lttte
lyanorcrs lein.
e have a vurv contenleiitly ar-
rulU'i'd receipt Issik, whleh I how of
nr pstroii wln Imvs afn-n prniiiinii'
very handy. They anil at ii cent a
"... . ...
to 'sand the Wkht hidr t-'ree, one month
b02K ICRC !
n r'K1 Mft-i i. lt"Hl n.i
Hint ajui.e wiii!w wo (. VW Jfe
t. built sixty I.nll.) mid ( liiidi -h's.
J itktU, wliitli hi f'bz tOKI-ll.
Sec tin ri- prill iiid Vn' II miiig
,) IlieV W lit :it I.IM' l og.
MIAN'S Long Kubl)
MKN'h Short.
Clothing and
(Auv wa.V to iiHsin!
1 Short rims Only,
..: 23B-sa. ; .
Alexander-Cooper Drug Go,
Th ii jtmhics Mf if our IJAKdAINS 'n
G li O O K H I E Si
Krnits, Nuts and Voirotables.
We r ni'dls for
FLOUIt of Salem.
mith & Co.,
lie You to Touching
Things Di
mk m mm m
Have a fine stock of
and follow
This is the way for Bargains.
Ji;ii j;:iin,.ni what wo mo all luokingfor tlue Hmd Times..
ami j mi will Imve jili-nty nt every nsi-al, if you tnvde with
They give more for tlio iuouey, carry the largest stock ami ddi
Fresh SrthMii r.rt'urt very tiny. Proilmie iLtight, and wild.
tut) looking jar llargiiiis now and
- ...,,., j,,
out) of the lii.ost lines o. CELLULOID
nviynn-v. II W ' At.
A lo.
"c lH" "' .vu to lusjxfi, onr Uolidav Bisolnv
CLODFELTER Brosj. Indeodndenco.
St hool Shoes
Dress (ioocls,
mil ftr (7 ASH
be Druggists
V? Ji--;!''V
the crowd.
i HiHuuioiomy navft
GOOD) ever hronglit to Indewnd'ce-
A. '
r ' 1 "
last" mJsV .
r .
" -
. . ' - A ...........
"wMM.t,, ' L
- ! T