The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 28, 1894, Image 1

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    VOL. XIII.
52.00 Per Your.
Five Cents Per Copy.
No. 6.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
II. UlUm'HHKlUl,
YW roMui'iit,
A gueiml baiiklu suit exvhuini (hisidm
trttMvtt; loan mitile, U 1 iHuimHl,ootn
sum'tal rredlM sreuivtli dniKiot ivwivf.t on
eurrvuiaecuunliuluoil locbmlt, interval imU
on lbu deposit. .
B.F. Smith, A. Not nn, l. A. ilcn, H. H
JVX'f. A. J, Uooitmtiti, 1. VV, twttn, ili
Cd-nmsnmd Builaejj Ma133
JCslantMheil Ity lioitJ Authority.
of IniU jvmtiu.'v, urv$u!.
Capital Steeki
J, 8. CUOI'FK. U VV. lUHlfcll rsil.V,
rnvkk-al. t'wii"A
W. U UAWi.t:V, CMiur.
J. 8. CVwper, L. . Vbrrt.ti, t,i llelmk-k
U. W. Whlu-kr,vV, W. fulilit'.
A gfoerwl haaklnr lnwln tmuwiiir
huy noil kil rarliiuip- un uil ltuvt wil
lMMltx rwelvwl ul!o ! olt". k or o'l ir
tllWt ol Ut''.. lim llntio oiaU.
little ttuurn; 9 . m. W 4 i. m.
IC3!l?JHIE3UtR Tit Uil :i" OSKOI
Polk County Bank,
J. It. tUWl.KV : ,..!"'.' '
P. Ul'AMfltKt.U.... . ... !' I '.
niA ufuwkuu -; "
Paid Capital, i;20,CD3.
j.H.BuIn, lM..ti('lil. I..M.M!iiu
J. Li. V. Butter. J.n. Mvo. t. JVmiII
J,M.II I !. il.
A enr! batiMUi uH tn i-..tnj tjii;i rji
tnuiai'tMl; iwii ii.u'1.': ui'('i
llliJwV to rhn-k.itr wi'i vn.t). .,11'ut ii.'U
Utiervat iMtlcl ou litiit iH i.
-Hr pinol vil! ("t im,jl.f j-rtKif
Secured by at Inn !
t....t tlour- it. m. I (i. iij
A. I'KliSCOTT. J J. A. Vf.MiJ
Prescott & Venc-ss, !
Mnufuetunm"iiitl l. ! r a
Rou-h ant! Drecsed
J. A. WHEELED - Manager.
AmHrlinoitiid liii'ojxfioi 11 in.
THOS. GUINEAN, Proprlator,
Seventh and Wuihltiifti St
On to tli"
2 laHdZi
And m:ii
You nii itV your
Work bone.
Wagon Pvepa
tincr oi All
1 1
If you wantnOood'
(iiare Meal tor
25 Cd
-Oo to
t -
Tee Cream evory dnv
ELL. Prop.
iiii liiiir tint HPnmiii
Chicken Dinner every Hui
lny Mi'iilf w-rveil
I "
; m
. li
Vo- .V i ?"
mH- ... JC-'.i.V
m am) 1'iiiiEir
An Awful Trjuicdv at
,-,OA Jlftit J.
,N.A,UUU l'UIU'llO 10 11
Vonnjj Girl.
v Motor C mjHiny ti't'n into a
luTtivm lbmln Wlu'ti ttio
Vi-itllt-t Frtll.
TACDMA, DtHS. 24.-K. 1L Cbpran.
itu tiiilkiUuviT, waa klllfU ly T. T.
'I'ayltir, a tv.'.'ro. also an u;ili(lUtw,
Hit welling.
Tlio uuut wt'n )iiiirnlliiir w lun Ttty
tin' u4Uiirly ntnu'k Caprnu a IimtU
lilo blow lu tint f;Hi and kuorkiol liliu
down. Whmi t'itpratt Ml, Ta.vlor ivi
liUu tin awful kk'k tunii-r tlio chin.
t'atiriUk'a invk wad lnnkoii nud titi
.tttnl In ti'ii tiilniKo Tito tmmiotvr
claim i'uiran rfuMil to pay litm a
bill of atiU tliU lwl tu tin- tiiwml,
Kilua MlU'hcll, Yi yoar of it);, wa
Uhl.-iy awutxtiHl tl.uiuiiii'S lu tlu attiu
of ;i.tkio tttfrtlmrt tlio Tiu-ottnt tmilwity
Mohtr Vih fir Itijurii-a rtvlvNl lu
April )sic v.u,o iUio wiin run dowu by
a oablo car. Till la tli ismil yuf
ilu-t, Tito tint wiik for IU'.ihh). Tlio
(UiViiliint ttiUixl aul tlio nuiitvtiif
court otxhuMil a now trliil. Num aftr
Hi ntitiotiiHvinoitt of tlio verdict, on
utiiuicotliiu of l'aitl SituiUo, rl
dut. tbo rottrt ftpiilntvl lit-ori,'" W
lllrvl rm.tivnr trf iln con juuiy.
TiUHjiua coal iiH'rcliants ninl lumhit
incu icinrnily ar quite liult!niiit over
tlio .fact tliitt tltiitc riniitcd pro-H'l!.-,
tlm navy dip.irtitu iit cuntlnms
to fn tlit wmm'U of tlw I'ncltlo
Mit'.ii(lrou witli ltrlilsli Ciiluaihlil nml.
Toilay it ieiiir arrlvi'd from UrltJaii
iVhnnhlii with 2-VJ tuM if I'utnox
coal wnlih In l.ii'lii; tl ou tint
mt ilcfctoio vckwi'I Monunvy, now
ItHrUi;'. ' 'itt!i :lii(r ttnir dokpu
fs'll-H III I'l.'ico niiil KltU ttHUltlct.
t:-ltit!(itry to 'i'j. .unit (.cjiply n miiMTlor
iu'try or nt.'uu :. i wuwu the
s-,utti--rn ri-l!ic nilinmil, fur In.
itaiic. v-r '..-li.-.lvi !y tm Iih cuiwt
l',: t. thn in.'U li.mli fij tbal tlio irnv
"!-.Uiift h Im-iit'.il t.i tlii' cinl
inttTtHta of ItrltMi i'nliitnlLi ruittcr
tliatt tlio".- of tii ;! M.mnd.
Tin: imm toxku tiuek.
Sv-oley Oct Kl-.'ht Ye .tin It
f..' Ilia UU-intlo Steal.
. X-w York, !).. 'Jl.-S.-t jinel K.
S",'l-y, wis t. on pleailed
uulHy to nl'.-tnii-tinij lh. fund and al
t'i'ln, the nmUn or the Natlnoal Shoe
Mid l.caiii-r hack, noil tinlay a
: t to i .'!u V1-..I- la Klidi county
P"llltenti.1ry, by Jml;; Jttnedict In
ili t'iihe.1 Siaici circuit citrt. The
tv'ia' ai'iuunt of his dct'.i!c:uUu waa
U li.-o a ked by an AtniM-lattd rnii
it1t'!c.l if ho had any tliiiijf to wy,
Im rcpiUvl:
"I rtol init' li bi-ticr than I luv for
teu j-imw. t am ,' It U nil over and
th it t lli Im coniiti.'d In Kltuii county
p-uit'-Mi,;r', fi) nsv pmr wile will be
;t!i!'- to Vi-iU me and tliU Wilt tend to
in. Ik) lu.v tei'iu of liiipr:4otiuu'itt cilH
Utiiouw hat aliorhv."
r i .mi vl'A uicYm u sr.
Ni;V ViK.'C Dir. i'l.-O-. 1'nik
burst U not t-'cawd wlt'i t'! prTt
that tli't InVbiOluMtiotl of t!:o p ilU e
ri'irtlplliitt N to be vloppcd lh
' n hi. uf di part incuts have o :i mt'.led
j i n to tit fy. M, Iikt'.' mud
li nay ilmt lit would not Ho i t vi'ti
v.'in it the senate Ooiliiul . iid. lie
a-llil I." believed the Committee in ,i ;i
tliioiiirti with tlw nerliiiiH work
"It Im evident, nml I mil Informed,"
ho milled, "that Hnpcrliitcmlcnt
l;yrmm U to be MiilijiM-ti'il to o.ily a
I'll uitctory examination rind that he
it waa who planned tin; lorilVo.nit
it (.'aptnlii rVhmltlbi rjier, luiti?
these thlllk'H tnacther It liik Very
Mitch like n deal. 1 mil not Ixitind
by anything the cmnmlittH' mny h.f
wood to at nil ii nd I will emtluuM
my work until It Ik rlxlitly emliil.
"I would tint lime It tlioiiu'it tin!
I nrii nctuated by. ttn-re pi'ej.iiliw
acaliist KiipiM'liilemleiit ityrr: Itut
I do think hu In tlm head of the
I'Xtwhi'd jinllci! nynteln ns ho l.t ft tilt
police forco. A itcnllemaii mud t') nie
recently tlmt 'he vvoald a a K it HiUiJt
of nvidnu' simiii'h ndcicc on tint renr
KJinlat'iui of hell i )y i-a n the
oritur Ixntlon nf tlw police.' It
prcfucii my opinion t-xacUy."
At'nuta, C.a., Iec. 2b Advlcoa from
Crooks county today way that only
two ltotfroin were killed In the rioting
then ycKtordav, liiHtend of hhvoii. mh
nt fli'Nt reported. A tjiiltnmii Hixtiul
to tlio journal that tin whitea
am hIIII highly Inc wnd, nml nre pn
tro'lliijf the 'wttlci. tit. fui:.v nrmed,
lu Kcanli of Wavci v !ll.e, the uejtro
wIiomc brutiil Blnim'Iiii.'r of Joaepli
rMoin last wi:ek marled tlio trouble.
Thorn In il.wr of oth-r liven beln
sacrlllced before ho Is ciiptilifd, Tlio
two blacks lynched yemenlny were
not Impllcfiteld In I'lke'a crime, and
worn iipparenlly wliilii bccniiMO they
would not reveal lili wln-renboula.
nui;:ividotml Hulls Aliaiidnncd for
tln Mourn llerirth,
WashliiKloii. Dee. L'l. The Ifold re
hcrv In the trciMiiry tmlay la
Tli' ciiiliol wim pri'Cilctilly dcMcrteil
Unliiy. i 'iily n f"W riiiiibliiiu Mlnlit
Md'i.'llie c.'ipltol police uml now and
then n array H.'miio" or r-pt'o'entalivo
v-iiko the t'chocM of I la npacloiiM cor-i-hliH.
Tln charm of the IVMlvltlew
if t'lirlNtmim at hmiia wan tlm ina'iict
that bid drir.vii every nuo who
con III leave tlm con;!i i swlouiil nitnilll.
only lm inberH ami wauitora from fur
we't find IIiiimh wIiokc faiiilllew lire 111
WiiMbliiKtoii renialnod here. Kevenil
of tlieia nt their were desko for u altort
tlinn today,
Knni York. Dee. 2t. Superlntendnt
Hyrnoa ban Imwd an order, prohibit
ing Mm police from ridlnir fiee tm tlio
elovnAod tra.lns or itiwt cars, They
are forbidden to neropt tiny freo triuii
porbutlou or fninkiiifj prlvllegea.
Bolso, Doc. 2.1.-A IlRht earthquake
li(x:k wm folt hure ai 7 ft. m. tolay.
It broka wkiw aad ratUwd dbtkw. i
A New Military Poat to llo Kntub
llshed There. Boon.
Washington, 24,-Reproaotita-tatlve
Wilson lis secured, In the army
appropriation bill, au amendment pro
viding Unit wheuover uie government
secures a good tltlo to the In ml. tin
wvivtary almll cstabludt a military
hm( at Kpokaue, Washington. Menu
tor Sou I re tiaa ttitKHluetd an aminJ
, iiiMtit Ilk tint iiiitt fur an MiipMiu la-
tUMI Of for Ut pUPltoa Of WH!t-
In. btilUllttic omt iitiiUintt Imftwc
UU1M litT IUO MMl H( ppitKllllfl,
tlonoral Kclmrtvld. coiuiiiamllnir I lie
army and tloocml t)tl, roitiinniiilliiK
th dttkitirtJiunt, blu favor Un cutno
lltlimont of a now pout at tMkuoo.
Tito vltlaoni of Wulla Wttlla fear tliitt
till iiiwiim a tllMcotttiniiunco of tlm
xmt at tho latter plmo, but Hcnittor
Hiiulro aay Ucncrnl m-U"tlitd aftum
tilm tlioro will uo tucli dlncontln
naiicis and no IntorrtYxiico with Kurt
Walla Walla or I'Vrt Vancouver will
teault from the tMtiibllalimvnt of a pout
at Mpokauti.
Han FroncUco, Ih. St-Tlmnm II,
Wllllaiiia, Jr., cx-prHldciit of the Cali
fornia Jockey Club, tut Mecu?d l'or
tor AmW thn well known liomciiiun,
nf dollU'rutely robbing Mra. Ki rnh
Althea Terry, tlm claimant lu the
celebrated Plinrou will nine, ntid who
la now In an lntini an.vhim, while
iictlnir tm her itunrdlaii. Wllllanw
aaya Anho hit atputmlered the worn
nu'N fortune, ami h Inteinlii to cpimi.
litnlly proNcvuto him, Th alienation
imvo caiimHl a ttroat aetwutloit In
protuluetit t'lrclea
Ciiprt May. N. J., Doc. 21, At Tuck
alni, twinity-tlvo m Hen nrth of hcr ou
thn Koutli Jorney rallnmd. liwt nUrht.
Mr. ami Mm. Uwla, Mltu
Jonoa am) anotlnr trlrl murnlnif from
chtiMi druv upon tlm truck Juat nu
a irain ennio atiMtjr. Tlu euiilno atruck
tl onirtiwro. limlnuUy kllllnif Mm.
lA'Wt and werty InJtirliw MJaa
Jonca aud tlm other girl. Mr. Iiowl
ewtwd. Tlio jfirl an ml thtoumdvca
oy jumping,
StiwnvllK Cal., IVo. Sl.-Wlillo
Uuuttntf yttitenlny, John V. Itiftunn
rohM hi Km auHlna a box with the
imtax.4 under hta arm. Tlio (tun
HpjmhI off and , tlm 11111111111 atruck
ttw bojt, d'rchintlnif lb lloth load
tntortHl tlio left arm. The mtitlbitwl
itnHiilKr waa amputate! at tho Joint.
Arcount in Detail of TliHr KffmU
lu Mail Kruiiebco ami Denver
city waa on Ita good behavior tiHlny
In honor of this aocloiy latllea who
are Kulnit out tlio Chrlatmua Kxam-
Incr. Thor wero no bin Urea, mur-
ih'ra, ablpwrecka or other crtmuilile
cttllimr fur unuaual exertion to m.
cttro tlw newt.
Mr. W, It. Ilea rat. to order to aid
tha women of San Frttiiclxco to etat-
HkIi ami imiliitiiln a ward for tuctir
ablea at tho Children" Uoapttal, hnn
turtma bla entire plant over to the
Hocloty women of San FrancN-o and
hna KiviHi them ettrto bluiicho to run
the iwwr for ono day an they pleaae.
ine fcnatuiuera regular mart of
mm wir Blven a vacation today "in.l
111 moir ptawa, younir, pretty and
wcU-drtaed womou ofllclutittl. So
ciety buila "did" tho water front, m-
info, city tiiui,.nitirt, racca, and every
othor detail that fnlht to tho lot of
tho ordinary reporter. There were o
many application for tho v.irlotw po-
ultlotia that two young women wer
wnt out on each aaalttumcnt. For
tlm rouuher aort of work, audi rm
tho water front anil imlleo, mul na-
xlifnmeiita reqttiHnff technical know!.
piIko, male -nciirt wcro provldi-d for
tlm yoiinit Indie.
Tho ninttnk'ttiB fdltor for tho oeci-
Ion waa Mra. F. M. Plxlcy; tnlcgraph
editor, Mra. W, II. Mllla. with two
ftiwlntanta; the city editor wn Mrs,
.!, Downey Ilnrvey. Mra. C. A. 8preck-
lea had the pout of aeeond in com
mand or new editor, her only official
mtporlor being Mra. Plxley, tho man-
aging editor. At tho btmlnedi otllco
of ttw jmper thn ladles were uIko In
Tho eiitlr nrocpcd from 'ttono
row'a laauo of tho Kxninlner, Including
ndvertlHCinenta, pttpera aold. and every
thing elan, will tm turned over to the
Childron'a IIonpltal. It la cwtlnmted
that tb! one edition of the Examiner
;vlll net tho howiltol between live urn!
nix thousand dollar.
rionvoiv Dee. 24. The ChrlKtmna
edition of tho Rocky Mountain News
will !m Issued by the Woman's Club
of Denver. Tonight tho women took
hnrgfl of thn editorial department nnu
iro irolmr through the nguliir routine
of getting out tho dally. ,
City of MexhwT'Di'C. 2I.-Advleei
from Pticbla iitiite a large voitiuieer
fotce has been organised In the state
of Guerrero for wi'vlee In Guntenmla
In wwe war In declared with tint
country by Mexico. At Port Acnpulco
Hie govwnintmt has ninde prepnra
tlouK for the quick handling of troopa
and their trnnKportntlon by water to
(liintemnla will bo enclly aeeoinpllalied
Hhi.tild there be a neccKally for Much
ii rnovemetit.
Wichita, Kan., Dec. 24. Oliver Jaw
ell, one of tlie worst diwperadoc In
the Indian ' country, who wa sen
tenced to bo hanged next Friday for
tlm murder of Tom Arnold and hi
son, In tho Cherokee strip, hit c
enipod from the Woodward, Oklahoma
Jail. Two or three hundred citizens
of Woodward and vleluttjr are out
mearohlng for liim, but ho will probab
ly get away, an It la certain that bis
l'rloiid from tho Indian country aided
hi cacnipo.
Port Townsend, Deo. 24. The ahlp
Glory of tJio Seas, from San Francis
co to Oomiox, arrived today after a
tjwonty.days paswige. The tug Trav
eller passed up toilny from Grays Har
bor with a disabled four manned
schooner In tow.
papal" HONORS.
Rome, Dec, 'ii. Tlio pope Bfi de
oldod to receive the ollloer of the U.
8. 8. Detroit at noon, Wedneaday.
The Amerlcam office will be enter
talnod at an official dinner which will
to f irwa at tbo Ajnrlcan colleg.
n 111 im hi mi nirn
l i iv 1 1 .11 1
In the Lnro of a Petti
, coated Reporter
Ami Talks ot rrcsiden
tial Timber.
lit IUvch a Lint ut Inlbllltln
auiimif thn (Jivat it jmb
M VV t.M! Wl'ISlri) tW "I -UliMiornl
Jehu S. Cl.itkwm, who r.irtly mibmltii
to im inti'i'vieivcii ror tne newKpnpera,
una fallen a victim to the wllca of
om? of the K&amlucr ChrUtmaa edit.
Ion lady reiKiitcra and talked of the
pi evidential poiiNlblllttea.
tiiiieiil Cl.1rk.1011 think that If a
coiieiitl(iti were held thl year Me
Klnley would be the rcpitbllciui choice,
but two j urn uh to intervene mid lu
tho nu nullum General Clai kKoti
fhliki Thttmtirt D. Reed, nf Maine,
will come forward an a olltlcal cu.
dltlute, lie thliika Retd the mrongat
Auicrliviu, Intellectmilly, today and
nay ho would make a great pivnlilciit.
llo uImi UMikd of (ii-mriil Jlarrboui,
Si-mttor Ciitlom, llobt. Lincoln, Sena-M,-
SHMmcr, Senator Dnvt and Sen.
liter AU1.KHI ua poNlbllltle,
Waxlilngton, h'c, 2 1. The problem
of making the payment of filno.tNMi
to tho ,i- Pcrct Iiiitlan for their
laud In Idaho, which hn confronted
tlm Itilerluf di'partiiieut for noiite time,
ha been H"it)i'd. The payment waa
(iiithoriacd by an niit of cungri-o,
but the department bit rxperk'ucml
srent tlliltcutty In finding a way of
making payment of tho large num.
a lh IrKpector and aiicelitl ag.mta
wirr. nxpilrwd to give burnt for only
$,.,3.ikio. aud coitainpieutly the amount
eotthl not be phu-cd to tbelr crtHlit.
Tha plan authurliiea a poclnl agent
to proceed to tho Inndi and make up
it roll of Indian entitled to the money.
Tho roll will be forwarded direct to
tlit office and draft will bo made
out payable to each Indian In his
own 11111110, for the amount due him.
Thi'te are l.KDO of the Indian, each of
lmm will rwvlve f:i;m, '
Clavomnre, I. T., Dec. 21.-The
French baud of outlaw, headed by
Jim French and Cheinkce Illll. innd. n
raid Hatunlay on thJ towrt of, NowatJ
about twenty-live mile north of hero
on the K'atina & Arkansas Volley mil Station Agnt llrlst4 wu eov.
ored with four gitna and m:i relied
thniiigh the walilug room and com-p-llivl
to open tho aufe, from which
lliey tHik I'.".). They did not inolcat
th. we In the walling loom, After tak
ing the content of the safe they
marched tho agent ouuldo mounted,
and rode away, going rant. It wa
fistiinl they would rob the paiwengcr
train, w hlch waa due, but It pulled out
TaiMina, Dec. 21 Cotwldorable sur
prise warn created today by the tiling of
a Mitlt lu e-iuiiy, In which John C.
Mrallcup, superior urt Jtidgis I plain
t ff, Ond the city of Tacoma Is tint div
fendant The plaintiff allege tlmt C.
It. Wright, luu Phlladtilphlft million
aire, ami tbo Tacoma Ught and Wuler
Co,, controlled by him, old the city
light and wiiur plant for $1.7.n,m.i
hint year, lu onu.-otjiimiee of tuwrepre
ik'ntittloiift, bribery and other corrupt
Inducement,' reatiltlug from a con-
Hplnicy between tho conipany and cer
tain city ottietiu. it i further al
leged that the entire plant 1 only
worth one-half lulllion of tfollara. The
plaintiff pray tho city 1 enjoined
from paying any further Interest on
tne uoiuix, ,;
Paua, 111., Dee, 2l.-Noah Foatcr
made a full Nnfeilon tmlay In the
Taylorvlllo Jail that ho nitirilered Ar
thur L. Itlnuoti i.tar here a week ng t.
Hlnitou' father went to TaylorvlPe
tMlay with a g in, threatcnliig to kill
Feeler. FovUnt coufenaed In the pre'
enco of tho victim' father, who ruveil
like a iiittnlae, Tlie latter wn unarmed
at the time. Fooler wild ho klllet the
boy In a quarrel a to who should
build n.ctunpnre. He inado the boy'a
nciualulanco 011 the nlg'ii ot tlm mur
Tacoma, Dec. 24. JohcpIi P. Hen-
iilngtou, who wits nrrcNtcd on Hutur-
day at Kugetie, Oregon, charged with
forgery, 1 a Tncomu boy. Ill par
ent ruHldo near Puyallup. Ou De
cember 15, 1HD.1, Itcnnlngton was aoti-
teucod to three year In tlio ponitcn
tlnry for forgery committed in Ta
coma, and on April nth of thin year
ha was pardoned by Governor Mc
(Irnw for good conduct.
rMilonirn Tin. .OlTI Xlf'tiMiinm-im
Edward Sullivan, mid John Ooatello,
ellv nniiiliii'no u'ni'n Inliiioil hv 11 n nv-
ploalon e ga In a st-wer at Adams
and La Snlle street (odny. Tlmy had
witered a manhole, when 11 light from
a malch caitHed nn expm.-imn which
hurled them ten feet above the mir
fni'u. SiilUvjin 1m fatally lnjui'od, the
others will recover,
. ..-i -
Portland, Due, 21.- In the Culled
Status district court today O, F. Pax
ton was appointed receiver for the
Portland Consolidated Railway Co.
on the application of the bondholder.
Tho company operates about twenty
mile of Hlroot railway In thla illy
and suburbs, nud control property
valued at nearly two millions of
Cayocos, Cnl., Dec. 21. Tho body of
Lopo'ldl Cerlni, who disappeared De
cember 10th, afte. ft drunken quarrel
with another Swiss, wbo bit his left
wrist severely, wit cast up on the
hhore today. His eyes were bandaged
when tho body was discovered.
Portland, Dec."24. The shoe store of
Morris Marks, on First street, n en r
gUrk, burned tonight. Loss $15,000
on tha stock; fully lnsursd.
Han Antonio, Tex., Dee. 21.-A ro
nmiiiU: wedding took place In the
Maverick hotel In thla city Kuturdtty
night, tlm contracting purtle living
Mix Minnie A. Throcktuortnii, nl -co
of ex-Goveriitir ThriM'kmortim, of New
York, nud A. M. snick, a nephew of
Comuil (leitenil Crittenden of the City
of Mtixleo. Mr. Slack I the iiuimiKor
of a inedlelne compnny lu the City
of M'Mro. The couple arrived In the
illy from Niky York Satnnlay and
took roonm tn the hotel, where they
riiimliiKil until Into nt tilght, when
a iinirrlage llunne wit ipilelly pro
cured and th mnrrlngo coretuony per
formed by a mlnlater. They left Im
mediately for the city of Mexico, nnd
A attttemettt could not be obtained
from tlmm to tho romantic affair,
It U reported that they eloped from
Now York.
London Deo. 21. Telegrnph line tn
the northern portion of Great Urlt
nltt ai-e mill down, and the full amount
of damage by the vtorm t not known.
It l emlnnitod, however, fifty or lot)
poraon have lot tlurlr Uvea during
tho day. Jim weather Chart today
ahoiv a new dlttturluinc coming from
the A tin 11 Uc, At (Jlrvn, Heothiud, a
Nhoiv caravan wa cnught lu the gilu
end c.ipuliMHl. One of thecoveriHl vim
caught tire and fwir "beraona were
burnml to diiitJi. At Fllntwood, I.nn-
cahlr, two hulling boat wr auuk
and all Iiniul bt.
, . - ...
San FniitetHco, Dt. 2I.-Flva fur-long-
Dimi won lit 1:11
Five furloiig-Iawyer won lu
Six furliig-Pia.Ior won In
Five fiir!ong-lrandio won In
About tlx furlong-MaJor Ran won
lu 1:21 '4.
Sari FraucUeo, Dei'. 21. Z. M, Mun
doll, conductor op the Park & Ocean
railway of tin city, fell from a train
hint night. Ito waa dragged a coimul
prattle tlimanee ami MTtuitaly Injured,
llo wa taken to tbe receiving ho,
pi tel.
Pari, Iec. 2l.ltobcrt Rottue hot
autl mortally wounded hi sweetheart,
M! Hetlle Hnydeti. of Florida, thl
county, yinb rdny. They wrro to have
be married next week. lie c.
CHlHll. . -
i!lar Retluctl.tii tint the Men Arrrpl
oil tlie Advice of Huff U
0 Ihuiiiel.
MTTSItCRG. IHt. 2I.-TU new
Hc.ila of wages In the grear'
plant wa posted tmlay. ('onimon la
lonr will recile tbe annm wagr
they are now getting. lu tho convert
ing mill tlnie I ft reduction of from
lit to 2tf jer cent among skilled labor
There are reductions ranging
from 20 to 33 pec cent aniong the roll
er. The man consulted Hugh O'Don
it'll, who waa their leader In the big
strike, but who ha not worked In the
mill alnce, and he advised them to
accept the term a they coC.d do uo
better and they will follow til advice.
WALLACE. Doe. 2.t--The Civtir
d'Alene went the awno of a aerie of
fa tall ile thl morning. Three ukui
are reported dead, and on man 1 o
eriously Injuanl that hi recovery Is
doubtful. !
Th tlmt fatality occurred In the
Frisco mine on Canyon creek, near the
Gem, In which Patrick Sullivan and
Jame Carney were Instantly klllrd,
and Fred Snoll seriously Injured.
The mini wore at work In one of the
slope when the timber broke through
and fell live floor. Roth men were
terribly crushed and mangled, and the
wonder I that Knell did not also mist
hwtrtut death. Several other men In
the mine had a narrow escape. At tlio
Wall ace, Jack Calvin, formerly of
Pittsburg, was found dead In bed this
morning, It being mjrpiMed he died
from an overdoo of morphine. There
Is a alight Indication of foul pluy.
Omaha, Dec. 2117 the First Meth
odist episcopal church here yesterday
was witnessed the regular commuiilnu
service of the English church, accom
panied by a grand organ nnd choir.
Though tills service Is In the Methodl st
ritual. It Is said It ha never been
previously attempted In this country,
Imk'uuro of the prejudice tignlrnrt the
American forms of th Protectant
Episcopal church. Four hundred per
son took communion. Ulshop New
matt was present and approved heart
ily of the Innovation. Thla departure
from precedent Is tho talk of the city.
Rev. Frank Crane, tlie pastor, lies
bad to overcome much bitter nnlngo
nlsiu to secure this service. Ho said
Jokingly after the service: "We shall
have, candles before long." Some of
the older members and ether mlnli
tern firo enlil to bo much shocked.
Augusta, Ga.; Dec. 24. .Tames Wig'
gins, a ucgre, who killed an old man
and wounded two officers In attempt
ing to evade arrest Inst night, has not
been lynched, and will not be. The
sheriff with tin nrmed posso Is Inside
tlm Jivll, and will lire If necessary to
protect It. A special term of court will
bo convened Saturday, nt which Wig
gins' -case will be pushed with nil
vigor, Detective Murray nnd Police
innn Stringer, the officers wounded
by Wtofius, are both nllve, Stringer
will recover, but Murray's case Is con
Bldored Impels. The., coroner' Inquest-over
John ruvls, the old man
killed in tho melee, rendered a verdict
at noon flint he en me to hi death by
fi stray bullet .
Quitman, On,, Dec. 2,"i.-The trouble
n tli'iviltu cnniitv ttt over. The Vfll-
dosta Vldettes were ordered here lust
night by tho governor. Captain Cni
frey, Lteuts. Stnten, Peoples and
Abnss and Sheriff Thrasher at once
1 lin amnii tiwuMo. TheV found
peace restored and tlio citizens as
sured them there would be no more
trouble, aud they came bnck to Quit
man about 2 o'ciocii ana tue vwenes
inf nn tim nfternooii train for Val-
dostn. The good citizens of the county
will do their utmost to bring to justice
tho men who are responsible for the
Spain and tho United
States at Outs.
First Tariff How to Go
ou Kecord.
Tbli Country' Porta Likely to
ISO Cloud to tbe i'roduit
' of Spaiu.
WASIIIXGTON, Dec. 23.-Intrrest-lug
development are expected as a
result of the strained relation between
'liiu limed biatc aud Spiilit over th
tiiritf. Secretary Gresharu ha direit
ed Milliliter Taylor at Madrid to noti
fy tlie HpmilHU government Unit If
the Lulled suite l not removed from
tint list of countries not having satis
factory trculle till country will re
taliate, it 1 imt believed Spain will
yield to tbe protest of Sivrtary tirculi-
am. lu which event President Cleve
land will probably Issue a proclama
tion dosing nil American port to the
product of Spain.
Thn (list effect of this will ! to
shut out lh i-uormoti shlpmcni of
raw sugar which come to tula coua
try and cause a sharp advance In
prlct-a, besides closing up reft tier leu md
throwing out of worg many thousand.
A high official said the lilt I mate ef
feet of the war would be to advane
the price of sugar from thro to six
per cent per Hiutid, thu making the
nubile bear the burden.
In levying dutle Spain arrange the
countries lu two column. The line
column Include those who have not
outercd Into satisfactory treaty ar
rangotitcut with Spain, and until r
eeiiily ltriif.ll was th only country
on Ute globe which Spain bad put 111
thl column, all other countries being
n tut "second column," which Includes
thoMi having satlsfaclory trottlm.
The Putted State now joins Itrnxll
In Spain's "first column" aud thus
stand apart from all other countries
in the column benefit unit Snittn
grant. Tho Immediate effect of
Spain" action hn already proved ill
n strati to American trade In flour,
aud this trad ha passed almost ex
cluslvely Into tho hand of Canada.
ruder the old reciprocity arrange
ment with Rpaln, American flour was
shipped to Cuba in gnat quantities.
but when the United State tariff
raised th duty on Cuban sugar Spain
revoudpd by raising the duty on
American flour.
Tha president and members of the
cabinet celebrated Christmas lu the
old fashioned way, making It essen
tiully a family affair. At the White
House tho Christmas tree wa set In
TTIo library, the first tho Cleveland
children have called their own. Mrs.
Cleveland hermit added the flnihhlng
tottehes to the tree, which, while not
of great proportions, wa beautifully
trimmed and decoratod with tiny
particolored electric lamps In place of
old-time wax candle. Cutll noon ex
imm wagon and messengers came
inden to the White House. As usual
the president remembered all the em
ploye of tha house. Every one got
a fat turkey, nnd to hi personal ser
vant the president gave substantial
gift of money. Mr. Cleveland also
had a pretty little present for each
of the employe. She bers.-lf received
many Christmas present. The presi
dent' tokens were very beautiful.
The only guest at the White House
was Cleveland' mother. Mr. Penitie,
and the dinner was strictly limited to
the family. Preceding 'It, ibowevof,
there wn a pretty little luncheon set
out for the children of the cabinet,
who enmo to tlie White House to see
the Christmas tree.
Ran Frnnclsco. Dec. 25. Five and
a half furlong. Helling, S year-olds
and upwards Dun i uiano won nn
Six furlong. 3-ycar-olds Draw
Scott won In 1:23.
Nuirlo C stakes, handicap, seven fur
longs, value, ft,000-JIm Flood won
In 1:37'4.
llniiaui ' stakes, stcenloeh-isc. full
course, value, f'-.OOO Floodmore won
lu n ::!'
Six furlong Realization won in
1:21 3-4.
Los Angeles, Dm. 25. Ten thousand
people sa w the crack pacers and trot
ters of the country go against their
records tinlay. The track was nt least
three second slow and no records were
broken. Directly, the champion 2-jear-old,
went against his record of
27& but could only go In 2K)!1. Rob
ert J. beat Joe Patehen In a pacing
race, winning first, third and fourth
heat In 2:08'j, 2:07, and 2:05
Paitohom won the second hoat In 2:13.
Emll Ulbrocht, Mie local bicyclist
raced against Flying Jib and bent tho
pacer in 2:04. Jib' time was 2:07.
San Francisco, Dec. 25. The U. S.
weather bureau observer at Point
Reyes, about twenty-tlvo miles north
of San Francisco, reports that the
Btdtunor Columbia, which left Sun
Francisco this morning for Portland,
Is lu distress. ; Tho steamer I drifting
or sailing past Point Reyes, the ob
server could not tell which, ou ac
count ot tiho darkness, nud Is blowing
her whistle "constantly. Tlie uleiuuer
Willamette, which arrived tonight,
passed tlie Colarobla this afternoon
and says tlio Columbia gave no Indi
cation of being In distress. It was
some time after this, however, that
the olwurver at Point Reyes reported
her. Tugs havo left this city to go
to tho asalstanco of the Columbia,
When scon off Point Reyes she was
howling back to San Francisco.; It Is
surmised that some of her machinery
broke down and that sho blew her
whistle to warn tho observer at Point
Reyes so that ho could telegraph the
news to tills city,
San Francisco, Doc. 25. The Chtea-
eo university football team showed
California how they play the game In
the East today. The men from the
World's Fair city dallied with the
experts from Stanford university and
won as they pleased Dy a score 01 z-i
to 4. Stanford was outplayed at every
point of tho game and only managed
to score at all by a fluke. The snap
and vim with which tho Chicago boys
played was a revelation to people out
Highest of all in Leavening PowerLitest U. 8. Gov't Report
r v. "V
SEATTLE. DecnS.-The Tost-In-tolllgnncer
exploration party ha fully
conttrmed die previous state iMrnt that
moke baa ascended from the suuimlt
of Mount Ilainter In tbe laat two
months, for tbe explorers aro sow
camped ou the side of the mountain
over half way to th summit, and
hare actually wn great volume ot
moke and veyaer of steam pouring
from tlie crater. Hilar news wa
brougbt by a homing plgeoo today.
Tho following It tn measage:
"St Elmo pas, altitude 8,000 feet,
12 noun, Christmas day The expedi
tion ha demonstrated beyond all
doubt that Mount Rainier has been
ainoklog. Yesterday afhrnimn about
two hour after the pigeon waa liberat
ed, whilo croattlng a vaat snow field
dividing the Elyslan field and Win
thnp glacier, Major Ingrahara sud
denly houted: '8e the smoke; see th
steam.' The top of tlie mountain was
fully five mile awav and and a he
)Kke JeU of steam like geysers shot
upward iHK) foot or more, aud fartiier
to tho right a column of dense black
Hinoko rose from the crater lu fitful
curl to a height of several hundred
Iondon, Dec. 25. At noon today Dr.
Buzzard and Br. Keith signed tbe fol
lowing: -Lord Randolph Churchill I
suffering fntm general paralysis. Ho
lli In a seiiil-coimclous and critical
coudltlon." The physician add that
tba patient ha entirety Inst the use of
bla, lower limbs but bl w eakue 1
extreme and hi appetite slight
Chicago, Dec. 25.-A special to the
Record from Tampa, Fin., says: If
Houny V. Flagler, director of the
Standard Oil Co.. mis foot In Florida
again thl winter he will be arrested
and taken to Tua by officers acting
under the direction of Governor Hogg.
Governor Mitchell of Florida ha
signed tbe reqiisltion papers.
His Exception Marked by Immense
Thrones .Twice in Oue
NEW YORK. Dec. 25.-The Rev.
Edward McGlynn celebrated solemn
high uiriss at the church of the Holy
Cross on 42d street at 4:30 this morn
ing. It wn the first occasion In which
Kot her McGlyuu had been celebrant
of high mass lu a church In this city
during the past eight year aud the
liniM'iiHo concourse which gathered to
greet him this morning returned with
augmented numliers seven hours later
to hear hi sermon.
Tho gatherings which thronged and
packed the church both at 4:30 and
11 o'clock this morning were probably
the most fashionable and numerous
ntteniblngcs which have ever filled
that ?dlllee. Father McGlynn took no
special text, his sermon being more
of a conventional Christinas discourse.
He touched on no matter concerning
bis difficulty with Arch-bishop Cor
Snn Francisco, Dec. 25. The famous
Cliff house, situated on the ocean
beach near tills city, was totally des
troyed by lire tonight. There waa no
means of fighting the fire and tbe
building, which Is a frame structure,
bi rnod to tho ground. Tho loss will
be about $20,000. The Cliff house was
a world famous resort, as it overlooks
the seal rocks and Is part of ,the pos
sessions of Adolph Sutro, San Fran
cisco's mayor-elect For a time tho
great baths, recently erected by Su
tro at a cost of half a million dollars,
wore threatened, but tlie fire was
kept froiiu spreading . ; .
Omaha, Dec. 25. Various points In
the Rtate along the northern border
report a heavy snow fall tonight
Fanners are very much tn need of
moisture. For the first time In years
plowing la going on In Nebraska at
Three Leading Scientists
Proclaim the Superior Value of
Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
Scientists are devoting closer attention to food products.
Recent examinations of baking powders by Prof. Ldng, Dr.
Haines, and Prof. Prescott, were made to determine which
powder was the purest, highest in leavening strength, most
efficient in service, and most economical in cost. They
decide that Dr. Price's Cream faking Powder excels In all
the essentials of an ideal preparation for household use.
They write:
"Chicago, March a8th, 1894.
We have purchased in the open market cans of Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder and also of the other leading brands
of baking powders, and have submitted them to chemical '
analysis. We find that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is
a pure cream of tartar powder, that is has a considerably
greater leavening strength than any of the other baking
powders we have ever tested.
Prof. John H. Long, Northwtsttm University, Chicago.
Dr. Walter S. Haines, Rush Medical College, Chicago. .
Prof. Albert B. Prescott, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. V
Another Christnas
To the Irresponsive
1 Direct Appeal for i Chan
tbe President' Finaoieiai
PORTLAND, Dec. 25.-Goverror
Penuoyt-r remembered President Cleve
land today by sending biui the fol
lowing letter:
"Christmas has again visited oar
stricken land with Its prostrated In
dustries aud Its Idle throngs, willing
but unable to work aud unwillingly
forced to beg or suffer. Your panacea,"
a change In the Sherman law and the
tariff have been administered but
there is no change in tbe sad condition
of our unfortunate country.
"After two year of ruinous delay
and mismanagement you have, thank
heaven, at last discovered the real
trouble, although you have not pro
posed proH-r remedy. As you now
concede, the country need more mon
ey, but it does not want the worthless
muff you proffer. It needs gold and
sliver money with which to pay debts,
and It does not want bank rags with
which it cannot pay debts.
"Sixty years vago th deuKtcraJJc
party bad a president who defied the
banks In tbe Interest of the people.
Has it now a president who defies .
tbe people In the Interest of the
"All traditions of th party which
elected you are for gold and Oliver
money and against bank currency. Do
you aspire to furnish an example of
treason to the cause entrusted to your
care which will be without any par
allel, except one In all the annals of
American history?
"Your party In both houses favors
tho restoration of sliver as a standard
money, tbe people who are actually
suffering from the existing prostration
of business favor It, and will you not
stand with them In overturning the
monometallic policy ot the British
moulcd oligarchy which Is fast degrad
ing our fair country to the condition
of a subjugated province and our
hitherto free people to a condition of
financial serfdom?
"Afwnyw remembering- the unem
ployed multitudes nil over our broad
land. I pray that God may give yon
light and strength to do the right"
'Ponghkeciisie, N. Y., Dec. 25. Harry
Mcnier, the English bridge Jumper,
leaped from the top rail of Pough
keepsle bridge with his parachute this
afternoon. The parachute worked suc
cessfully and Menicr struck the water
In Just eight seconds after he started.
Ho was picked up by his friends who
were lu a row boat under the bridge.
Menler showed no apparent injury
from his perilous leap. Poughkeepsle
bridge is 121 feet from rail to water
which latter Is about sixty feet deep.
Nashville, Dec. 25. Train No. 1 of
the Louisville and Nashville through
passenger train to' New Orleans is
reported wrecked nenr Brentwood nine,
miles south of here. There Is no tele
graph station at Brentwood and the
telephone otBce Is closed. A wrecking ,
-ln with officials of the road have
gone to tho ccene. There are rumors
of serious loss of life.
Nashville Dec. 25. The engineer and
fireman were badly scalded and will
die. No other fatalities.
Lead, S. D., Dec. 25. One of the
finest and best appointed libraries and .
leading rooms lu the whole northwest
was presented, with appropriate cere
monies, to the citizens of this place
this evening, by Mrs. Phoebe A.
Hearst, widow of tbe late senator from
t U aour Hum