The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 21, 1894, Image 3

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    T "" '.' "tQ,Cl:i::nhb XS3 cnl-n c.rA nntt rt POUTV A UOOKK'n tlh ycr. r hf n nlr.n lino of nrfvctthl In ChlnrAvrn.
wunriH u ru t:.:iJLUUAL A O PFRMNAI
i w.rvMal
FRIDAY, I) 21. lSH
KITt II f hill
Ilil. ..I... . ... -" oi
"j" , ' . having N-
r.m vUi, , o
... iiV . : ram Rm
IVrvulU. a m Uirl rt lh, d . b
the receptt,,,, wmmittee who Umi
iu to the ,,,. Alter dlnnr they
were shown uvtr tlie Airlouliuml ml
I... I... it at '
A 0. U, W.-lSDEl'tNUKNCK! ... UMTnna other
n, lHt,Ntvaa,wwi.wy ,vt..M-1 "w,u , wltb wuloh
n:tt H r. Iiail. AH .iith. "eiioni were Well n iud t .....
UK l.n.tbr re tuvtted tu attend. U. sveiilng they were Uk... i i .
vlmtnr were wHI plMM,
VALLEY. LODGE, NO. 2, 1. 0. 0.
rMe in V..odyo bail eeery
Ibendsy vaiug. Atl Ovid fellows cor
dially invited to meet with us. It. E.
Ferguson, N. U. JSed UiuiKH. et
ION LODGE, NO. 29, A. F. A- A.
m.-owm ourutnuuieMUout Salur-
bounce them royal emeus! tiers, and
have vnrv fri.,.i, a........ ....
Bey evening on or before (.ill tuouu eaeb lod Z . Z TT T
month uU two ek iberenUer. W. F. ..' "" P1""1' fr"ni to
MATiuiioMut. Tii'.-Juw,tHV I Monday nlglit m tb nbwiar of
tnori.liiK tkWt WiwrUl JmiIiwiu vouuty aud bit dvuutv .
rrnut ibUi'liy krlbt irM wr)Kwi) .uryUin two .riMMn to ttio tUtt WtfU' Fair CSrUU KtaoMftFrrtea
i-nnnmB, Hvmi ruaturM of
htoh wert vocd and luatrutuauU)
mul which wr wall rtwlvad and
HlUy wvll waouWd. Id au adjoin
lK nmw a auinptuuiM auppar waa
pwvklH which waa of tha ry boot
Our pwple am wall blewd with ti..i
vlilttothaclty of Oorvallli aod pro.!w,ky
ofttltigUHl up .. lbbniulaJfcuui.
Ha will m. tu Hikti. Waab.. and
ilwrt nimt Mb Miuda HbU(ii of ibat
ctijr who will im raowtubvrcd aa
ftriutr rvaldani of thia piatw. Ttwy
will ba u.arrW nit Tuvaduy and will
raturntu tbla city abuutiotta waak
fr4nuit8tutday. Mr. Laughary la
th xenial okrk at Vauduyua'a and
an all-arouud good Mkw, Ubw 8Uupp
la a plaaalug ud alvouipllahad young
lady aud will iuk a iikmM wife.
Tha Wbbt BiUKaimt to IIimu hearty
oongratulatloua. '
Do Not Ovkhuo a Trnt-d.ll la
U that "opMtaiuou la ihw life f
trada," but lu our opinion thwrw la auoa
a Ihiug aa too luuub oppotlltou, aotbal
all daalara outua to cutliug prloMt, ami
tby aall at ataxvatlou prloaa or uiak
uoiulugat ail, and vvantually gi to
tha wall Wa Uiliih noma of tha lat
advauta In town will for about thla
4r ta aa Award.
CUICAOO, IlZlSaoMubar 10. On of
tbaodd raautta of tba World' Fair la
tha ulalu now niada to award by mmm
who war not avan aiblbltora. Oltt
olala of tba Kiplllon hava not aa yvt
lakan final aolloo lu llMtuatUr, balkiv
lug tba quick wit of tha (Miopia will d
tact tba apurloua daluta. But to tha
of a Making powdar, that lift lwu
Coa noway,
W. M. H. K. latttraob,
place wraJ. II. Alxaiidar and lW
J. . Talbott aud wife, Mradamaa J. D.
Irvloe, T. J. Fryer, 0. W. Rani, M. &
vnm, m. i. iorrla and Mtw Hopla
QofTi from Monmouth wera Maadanwa
0. 0. Grave, F Lg, W. II, Wbaalar
anuNinat'eoll McCullwh.
Must IniNTirr 1 hkhhklvnh. Tha
w kmt HiPR haa had aoma trouble on
ou or two oomalona with reraoiM who
fi k ireTr-unu n trvirvwmm ,ld orrt' l'" lowrted In
H. aad modeo;, wrner liadroad th m'r " entertalomant, and
HOMER LODGE, NO. 45 K. of P.
Meala amy W'edndHy evening.
Ail kalghta are oordiatly tnvtted. if.
B. Laughaiy, C D. 11. Crareo. K.
aud Aloumoulb atii, liuleiteudcuoe. Or.
imJ DeotMt All work warraoteU
wnru vnv uiii waa ureMmUMi it w
learned the perann no authority
to niua auyoiio for tha advertlalng.
ir tba batt of aailafaotiou.
daaa, Or.
V M9: w,u. t" m. b no mora
mum nvwu conna. Aiwimcia or m
rami tied. Offoa over lodepodnoa
Matwoal Uaak.
aeya at Law. Otfloa in linab'e
bluek, between Htala and Court, on Com
aroial atnwt, Halero. Or,
lereaner la aueu raiea cab muat
ludepeu-i'ltlu'r tie paid lu advance, or alaa tba
pnimi iuut O. K. our bill aa la
done with theatrical companlea and
"iu all uilaundeiataiidlnp are advold
ed. 1 he real trouble Ilea In tha fact
Uwl many perao n expect a newapapar
to dn that claaa of work cratla. There
reaann why a newanaper,
mm uvea from lta lumnta and not
from any bnua paid It, thould not ba
paid for It work, Juitt aa tba preacher
la pltl toprwach and a Janitor to clean
the chircb.
1V1 nfaoturera of ab and doura.
Alao, aeroil aawtng.
pandeoce, Ur.
Main atreeMude
TR E. J. I0CNG. lata of Netberg,
JL Veterinary Surgeon and JDentkt
baa moved to Independence, and opened
aa offlover tha Independence Nation
al bank.
Lamp to be given
away at J. P.Irvine's
Cash Grocery on
i'ew Years day. Call
and see how ynii
can get it
New Ft km Thla week a large and
utwtantlat partucrahlp waa formed be
twetttJ.K. Baldwin, 8. B. Baldwin,
M. P. Baldwin aud R. H. Wilcox for
the porpofte of on gaging la the hard'
ware and agricultural Implement bual-
neee In Iodeiwtideoue. Tha location
of the huelm-aa haa not yet been de
cided, but about January 1, 1896 tba
Arm expecta to begin telling gooda
enmeplace In Independence. Tba
member of the firm are well known
here, are atrong financially, J. R.
Baldwin alona being worth about 120,
000. Thin la an eoterprkwwa believe
will luoceed and we certainly with It
Every Farm kk. In Marlon and
Polk eouollti there are hundred of
pronperoua farmer who muat feel In
ynipathetlo touch with their atrlcken
brt thern of the plow in Nebraaka, and
every farmer hereabout may contribute
bit mite to the atore of vegetable and
provllone now being tecured through
the effort of Mr. T. A. King and othera.
All donation left at tba Mo u them
Pacific freight office In thl city will ba
received and ahlpped and It hoped that
"bard lliueV' here will not Intervene to
lighten the "hard time" In the drouth
Btrlikcn auffering communitlea of an
unfortunate alater state Statrman.
Niw WABMouM.-lba O. M N.
Company are building another ware
bouaa dowu ou tha rlvtr here. TraRtu
on tha river la avrdautly luoraaaing, aa
tba Alton, Huag, Modoo aud Kugaua
aud Altooa are aaaiulugly dolug gl
bualuaaa lu paaaaiiger and freigui
aerviot abova aud below thla place.
Ixjt,-J. J. ftuaaall ou returning
to hi farm north of thla vily on Friday,
December 7th. kwt fourteen paira of
aocka and aouit ah atrluga. Th
finder will ulaaaa rvluru tha aauta to
....-All aartiA Ammirm 1
I g fg g fg fg f rw. ww ' -
) kBOw!d(e of Htcnuaraphy andTjt- WrtUng
would do well to or onminunk-ftUi win.
Miu Cor Oeodwlo, Indpdiine, Or.
Now U your opportunity loc(Ulre thl very
orul itudy In short time and t reason,
blarata. Private Iomom given U dealred.
PARK Obesity
Will reduce your weight Pertnnently from
12 to IS pound month. MO STARVING
ilckneM or Injury! MO MHUCITT. They
build op the health ud beautify th com
plexion, leaving no Wrlnklei or flabblueiwt.
a...... a a n mnA ittfflMii hrAAf.hln? sure.
DHJUI AUWIIU.UH '"" "" " ' k
ly relieved. NO EXPERIMENT butclen.
Mile nd ptmlllve relK adopted only after
yeamofeperleuce. Alt orrten lupplled dl
nrt minoiirniniH pli 2 00 Der package
or three Air 15.00 by mall pout. paid. TeatU
monlal) and particular (neale.1) 2 "l,
All eorrenpondenc lrlotly oonfldentlal.
Nkab thk Coabt. The etorma of
Hiiturdy night December 8th, were
aevere find a ninjorlty of the people
were Utdly frightened, aaya tha
MnrxhnVId Mail. A number of
famiHe riw and lighted up their
hotiHceniid llHtened to the wild guata
of the gale with anmethlng of
terror and apnrehenlon, and It I
softly Intimated that quite a few began
to make good resolutions for the corn
Ing year. There was no damage
tultered, however, about town. Tree
along the road were pitched about like
hsy from a pitchfork.
A8t'ECiALOrnsK.-Tbe publlaheraof
this pxper have made arrangementa to
club with an Eastern monthly atory
paper, and upon receipt of $2 for one
vear In advance, will send the Wicst
Hiok and the Home 0uet, a hand
somely printed monthly for On Year.
In addition we will present twelve
complete novelettes, making 200 pages
more of reading matter, all for $2.
You want the West Hid for 1806, and
you will enjoy the monthly paper and
novelettes, whicb are Riven free, call
and settle your subscription. '
From $2 up. at'
The U. S. Gov't Reports
thow RoyMl Baking Powder
superior to others.
Too Much Comment. The big
dalles theoe days are "boiling over"
with accounta of murders, suoldea, and
the like; all of them giving the most
minute particulars. The newspapers
of today are giving too muoh space to
such matters The comment always
give sure means of killing. If auch
news were only noticed very briefly
and no particulars given, It ia possible
that snob acts would become lees pre
valent. Huch news always leavea a
bad Imprewalon.
AN Excellbnt Soap. Several
mouths ago an agent come through
this valley with soap called the Mexico
Yucca soap, and several In thla vicin
ity who purchased it, were very en thus
lastlc In their praises of It. H. J1
Ooctzman, manager of the canuery,
g,,ys that he was half owner of tbe
company In San Francises which
manufactured this soap, gad that tha
soap to be manufaotured here will be
of the same excellent quality.
A, O. U. W. Election. The follow
Ing gentlemen were elected officers of
the A. O. U. W. last t naay eveuiug;
E.L. Ketchum, mauler workman; S.
B. Walker, foreman; J. Q. Van Oradel,
... -w VTTII I- I ..... -Anm, TP
overncer; w. u. wiikiu, rcwmci,
T. Henkle, financier; W. P. Connoway,
receiver; Jesse B. Ford, guide; H.
Christian, Inside watchman; A. J.
Wolcott, outside watchman; w. r.
Connoway, trustee lor uuee ynar.
Home-made Cigars.-A room la be
ing fitted up on C. street for the cigar
manufactory of F. E. Griffith, of Mo
Mlunvllle, who, we understand, will
remove here about the first of January.
May he prosper in our city,
A hunter csiue Into Pendleton from
tha mouutslua beoud Camas prairie
Friday with hla wgou loaded with
earoaai of ou 8-year-old elk aud several
dear. Of course, he killed the S"linls
for hla own use and could not sell the
nest, but nevertheless several person
helped themaalvs to Juicy euia, Long
Creek aoUs, This ia tba way tba
gams law are observed In Oregon.)
Th Wbbt Hide, the HWg Ortgm'
km aud the 7ome Qutt, alao twenty
(20) novelettes, all for one year for 1M
eaah. Juat think of thla olubblug offer.
Fifty-two keMtes of. your home paper;!
fifty-two of the Ort$mim twelve of
10-page stury paper, and twenty com
plete short atwrlea In book form, all fur
G. 8. Brown, of Douglas county, waa
found gully of murder In the first os-
gree for tbe kllllugpf W. A. Kloeald
at Oakland In that county on Auguat
IS, I8M. He la aald to ba the first per
son In that county to be (bund g silly
of murder In the filet degree.
Th new residence of J. F. OTJoo-
nelllstobe heated by tbe latest Im
proved steam beater and the hollar,
etc, will be furniahsd by 1 U. Uu
mors. The apparatus is very substan
tial and will no doubt glvs perfect
alUfscUoa. i u
Hon. U. a Miller, of Grants Paas,
mad the Wnrr Bids s pleaaant call
Wednesday. Us lectured at Moo-
mouth Normal school Tuesday svsnlug
aud eipects to sddrsaa the Bute Uni
versity students Saturday evening.
That la a nice assortment of Chrlst-
ma toys and ornaments at P. C. Pat
terson's and they will be sold cheaper
than anvother place In town. He haa
also the beat quality of oranges to be
Supervisor Cook tell us that sou
good work has recsully been dons on
the md north of town. Independence
can boast of as good road leading to
totbsoiiy aaeny town In tbe valley
Ml Eva Robertson returned to her
home at Portland Monday, accom
paoled by her sister, Mrs. W. H.
Craven, who will, vUl.t with nsr par
ent, JU W. Mobertaon ana wire.
Geulel John Mcuery, of thia city,
whe baa recently purchased .the Bage
ley property on R. R, street and Is
bavlug It renovated and . Improved,
will soon make It his residence.
The latest additions to our town are
two new lunch counters; one owned by
Z. J. Zens aouth of. the Revere House;
tbe other by th Chinaman Lew south
of Craven'a harueasbo. '
Rev. J. C. Appel, an evaugeliat from
Portland, arrived thla morning and
will conduct revival meeting In the
Baotlit church i tbe coining week.
Edit Oregmian. ,
Bowdoln A Connolly, of the Klamath
Star, have dleeolyed partnership; P.J.
Connolly purchasing the ntereat of
W. E. Bowdoln and continuing the
Journal himself. ;
The men who carry the money for
the S. P. Co. employe' cams up to
Monmouth on a speulsl Tuesday, and
went up the road from thl place on
the ll;18tram. ,
Tbe use of Hall's Hair Renewer pro
motes the growth of the hair and re
stores Its natural, color and beauty,
frees tbe scalp of daudruff, tetter, and
all Impurities. ,
Mrs. Edna Newby, of Amity, with
her two little girls, who baa been, visit
ing several days at the home of R J.
WIIhoii, north of town, returned, home
Saturday. ,
Several blocks of new side-walk Jiave
been laid on the western part of Mon
mouth street, There ia aom walk on
C street which could be ooualderally
Wood is advertised for sale from 5 to
10.50 per cord In Pendleton. Such
Drioea would "break tbe hearts" of
people down here in tbe valley.
A Christmas tree will be at the
PresbyterlttU church Monday evening
December 24th. AllpreseuU must be
lu by 8 p. in.
Rttpresentative-elect Ira B. Smith,
Sol, Stump and Dr. Epley, of Mon
mouth, took the Alice A for Salem
Mrs. Wing, formerly of this place,
hut now of Portland, Is spending
several days with friend in this city.
Mrs. O. D. Butler took Monday's
train for Portland and Is tbe guest of
friends In tbst olty this week.. t
The Sslem football team won from
Albany last Saturday by a score of
flftyslx to nothing.
Otis Wolvertou snd wife, of Suver,
were Investing in Christmas presents
here last Saturday. '
Young man buy a chord of that 10
oent muslo for your sweetheart, at
Clodfelter Bros.
lultMtry, one of tbem want Into the
elieet, aud between Junction City snd
Harrlaburg dropped from the window
and saospsd. At Harrtoburg the
deputy weut back In pursuit of lbs
Our olfer of the Wmst Side, the
UrtyunUmt and the lllutratel atory
paper, the Horn Uvt, Is Attracting
alien t lou and as a ouuwqiwnos, Wm.
Ssvage, of Dal la,
mouth, O.N. Newton,
paid us $'4,60 ssch and bad Ihslr names Agriculture, has bn directed. II
eutvred for the three paper this week, brsnda the claim of this pretender a
A. K. Moore, who was with a drams Ms, declaring Nsltbsr tbe record of
tic club lu Drain passed through town thla department, nor the offldsl eala-
Tuesday to Delias to vleit hla broths lou of the World' Columbian Kipo.
Cliulou who la not sipaotsd to lived. sHlon, shew tbst this Jfev York Com
Olh.tou wiU b remembered aa praO Pny was so siblbltor; consequently it
luiug harberiug lu thto city about a mi4 not recelvo an award at the
year ago. It la to b bopsd be wlU re World's Fair." ,
uuvwr. Those who fairly won their honor at
Piuk Patterson la maklugs spscially J? irjf tf
in i.a...n..a ih. a .., iMr n fraud m any other fraud should be
town, He also keeps on baud mors lmUd- Tbs Price Bsllng Powder
piusve elgars at higher pries.
Whsieveryou buy t Plus's you ! all Z
run a ..ui. m... I their claims, aod those of Ml otner
Kssfka. Milt We mUlwl.k Is. sail wsT
routus to which all lbs patrons of the
school are Invited. The Chrlctibas
holidays will eomiusnos Friday and clip tbial thirty years or rmt nvia is
ooulluua oua waak. lt eaatury, aad la amat will rprMl
.... .... . ... la lerrn of th uabouodad Mwslarity of
Loreoso Wsltou.of idstio, nanus HoiMtr'giowii mum Tbop.niof0f
Bertie Walton, of Albany, nave bean is year ism will s tigouid by u p-
visiting their uncle, K. J. Tsvior, near erera ! or u bimm. is
left Thursday for Grant Pass U vWt xrjMf r-A it Th
blaparauta. Mleaear aaS tieaewlal aslaelalioa l St
y. VV Mklnnar of the Alias A "9 " asi-eaaw
uen. vv.eaioner, wi sue aucj "i I ,...i. tttM .1.11.1
tell us he Is soon goiug to put a Uu UoMbnMOrMoUMHp mmtu, ,uh
horns-power euglne lu bis boat lustsad la latweat aad lull or proau Tb Hwjitir
of the present on, and will then be owiHiy,orntWMinr,pa ,paiiB niu
able to make the trip from BsJem In
two hours.
Coascll Pmeedlsgs
C011110II met Wednesday night with
Mayor Hurley, loiinolluv-n Irvine,
Perclval, Cook, Klnch and Kirkland
Iteeorder Reed sud Marshal Tuppsr
present, Cbunollmsn Strong, nbatni.
Si reel oumiulltes report In
tallng flint that W. V, Burru was to
dig a tile ditch lu the lown of Inde
pendence, whli h ia to be completed
one uioutli fioiu December 12, 1804.
lie to receive for the same 18.00 per lot
A EsrsM f the lafeat Tear.
A. Obma. of Mon'Jwldely sxivertUIng ... award, the at- " JimuZt to
n,oflnoepsnd.iw,uutlon of tbe ChW of Award. t " i" '? 'K?
viirvvi ui ei m 'is i" - misivbsfsv teir
less hsvlng paid 18 00 per lot. And In
section seooud, that First street from!
11. to D. street be cleaned sud tbe mud j
carted swsj'i slso on C, street from!
First to Second tret b cleaned. Th
property owners lo pay 24 cents perl
load forssnie, J. A. Veness doing the
baullug for tbst sum, tbe city 10 payj
for all cross streets.
Heetlon three and four, that street In
Whites addition be opened, that a side
walk he built from First National
Bank hi tha bridge sud F. A. I)outy to
build aaldewalk In front of lot on First
atreet, also that a section eight feet
long be put In cross walk on D. street.
Ordinance oomu.ittes reported that
the ordinance of olty had been revlasd
and codified and charter and ordinance
printed to their satisfaction. Report
was adopted.
' Under bead of unfinished business
street committee report of December 6,
IBM, waa called up. Moved that aso
tlue one and two relating to obstruc
tion being removed from ditches on
D snd K streets, thats electric light b
put up st the Intersection of Third and
and K atreets, lie adopted and section
time aud four asking that eleotrlo
poles Iw twelve feet higher, and that
espriuw or lights ue reduced 20 par
Of ut, be laid on the table till next
meeting: carried.
Following bill were ordered paid
Douty A Paddock, coal oil, etc. 11.60;
Independence Hatorprise, priuting
oliarter aud ordinance 167X0.
' Council adjourned.
Bwsilea'i attuo Self 0.
Ml rea. TbymMoy MaMtaaaitsty hand
la lb nteaaaaiaal work, od asor I ban
alva m oats la tb yar an aontamtd
Grand Master Parker, of the I. O. O. prwMa. It a b ostaiaed, wttbout
1 .( 1. .I.t I. r..1l.k hai
speuung tooge m jusiisru wrejun. a I w-it. Metwtss, Bwedl, Mollaad.
wss sou about six week and report goeemiea aad spaatoa.
a -' and urofltable trlus.
. - 1 . . . ..
In the esse of X. . Steeves for WW to loan oqr-si e uuem smsu
.....mllnll I,, ih. munUr ut O. W. I imouuu, qui , w un, nr, n ..-u
Mavraa nlnle Mkraon were e.emlaad . WmOHT, DsIlM, Oregon.
"W""! ST"
a...! SaaM Amx mm ..a.taa MmtmA ta4WkSk S llIM
w m , nAinniHwhii mmM tKai fltu nkfAn
WtW PVHfNl I mb. a. S...i.S Am.m l,k kit U.alAi
, . whu vnwiuiuvwy Hit uvwi uaiuivv
Elder J, N. Smith returned from nie riivm ., p, Lloa-Haniaon .
visit to tbe nouua wauaay ana i jjokn ftu.
wui noia nrguw aarT.ww tu vua vuibv
tlan church at Moumoulh nest Han-
Mr. C. Smlih. of DaHoeU Idaho, re-1 The hast islvt jn the world for cuts,
turned horns Thursday after' vUlUog I bruise, aoma, ulceis, salt rbeum, fever
with her sou Attorney G. A. Smith, sores, tetter, ohsppeo bands, ohtlblslns,
foriwoweeka. ioorna,anaaiisaioMDon, ana posi
m,... Mknnia T th- fWea. ' PN 01 no pay required.
gaUomUandChrUUan shnrch- u L
Z - .... .t h- .iwui.JUon or money refunded. Price 8S
rU.h-. q.k cents per hot. FJabvalldrogglta.
Wa Haiioercoolt, or roniana, rorra-i Mnnv (0 loan on Improved farm
erly of the grocery firm of McEachern prt-, WiUAr O. Wwomt,
SanderoooK, Rtrmsriy or mi piaoa, jDmju) Oregon.
in we city.
Mia Llaale Sperling, of Harrtsburg, He "Pshaw, (could kiss you right
Is vlsltuc tbe Sperling brothers lu this under your mother's nose." She-"
olty aud wlU remain uutU after tb should vry much prefer, Harry, tbst
holidays. you kiss m undsf my own."
Invlsatlons sre out for a Nsw years
ball at tbe opera-house here, by the
Independence City Band December
That waa a vary pleasant flirtation
tbe "breakie" of lb 1:45 train oarrlae
on from the platform of tbe rear oar,
For rbeumatlem I have found no
thing equal to Chamberlain's Psln
Balm. It relieves the paiass soon a
appllsd. J. W. Young, West Liberty
W. Vs. Ths prompt relief it aflords Is
slons worth man times the cost, 60
cents. Its eon tl cued use wlU effect a
permanent cure, For sale by Aln
Tbe city council baa ordered our
streets craped off, so will havs I dr-Ooopr Drug Co,
. . . I - r i
mua nom now on. a gooa movsi
Servhes In lbs ConiremUoosl There Is no plso lu Oregon where
church next Suudsy evening conduct- better meal Is served than at tbs res-
ad bv Ksv. O. B. Whltmore. tauraul of wsstaosu irvine, xii Lom-
. .. . merclal atreet. Balem. Meala26cta.
una id ikuox a oon; uuiug wwur,
40 ota; every can warrauiea to gi v eee fM qq.tqU) must be an awfully
lalactlon or money reiunoeo. , gtjnny play. Second man-What makes
The cannery here wanU 160 busbela you think so? First man Just
of apples, for which the highest msr- how thoss womso In front of us arc
ket price will be paid.
Mrs. Limn Eaton, of Portland,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Cooper,
I visiting ner parent nerc
V!. . II 1.1. . .1 .. t It,.. .I.M
Em a. Duiiiu, wriueny ui uia viw,
but now a Jeweler at MoMlnu villa, was
In town Wednesday.
Mrs. John Colllus, of tbls.elty, aud
Mr. Wing, of Portland, weut to Cor
vallla Tuesday.
shaking wltb laughter. Judge.
Mr. Ira P. Wftmore a prominent
teal eetate agent of San Angelo, Teias,
haa uaad Chambsrlaln'a Colic, Cholera
and Dtarrbcsa Remedy In bis family
for several year as occasion required
and always with perfect auooess. He
sys: "I find It a perfect cure for our
baby when trebled with oollo or dys
entery, I Bof feel that my outfit I
Tbe town of Hood River at a recant not complete VUbout a bottle of tbla
election voted to Incorporate by a vote I Remedy at koa or on a trip away
of 40 to 86, ' from home. ' for sle by Alexsnder-
biurlff II. B. i'lummer wss doing Cooper Drug Cq.
huaineas in the oltv last Friday and
: ' sobooimatai "it muat be loveiy to
u ...j v...
Bauker J. 8. Cooper and Attorney A.I . '.T' ..,.
M. Hurley went to Dallas on bualue. HnbUr,
Ym. hut w never bo." "Whv not?"
Dusineta wipw w. h.Hani, .n..hin. r '
Peter (Kk took
McCoy Saturday and returned Mon
day. '
J. P. Irvine will sell yon sugar and . Any one who haa children will re-
salt juat a little cheaper than any on jolce with L. B. Mulford, of Plalnneld,
New York Wtekty.
N. J. His little boy, five year of age,
was slok wltb croup. For two days
and night be tried various remedies
recommended by friends and neigh
bora. He says;, "I thought sure 1
would lose him. I bad seen Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy advertised and
thought I would try It aa a last hope and
am happy to say that after two doser
he slept until morning. I gave it to
6 pounds Baleens 26 cents at Knox's.
A lanre raft went down the river
Thursday towed by two or three men,
The Indeuendenoe City Baud will
give a New Years ball December 81st.
0. H. Mattoon of tbls city, is very
low at lb home of W. L. Wilkin,
ja -am 1...- Q n OX Aanrs Sat VtVlftW
o jsar O.V.... np him uextday and a cure waa efleted.
A twenty-acre hop farm for sa!e ' j kMp tbl remedy In the house now
trade. Inquire of Clodfelter Broa, ftnd soon as any of my children
T. P. Soles, of Marquam, was in th ,how slgdsof croup I give It to them
altv on business Wednesday. . Ind that Is th last of It." 60 ceut
wu- n-w rtrernrnrfan snd ths Wbbt " ' by AlexsndeMAwper
iitir " " -w j1 I r,... ft.
' The depth put down this week In tbe
bore for artesian water was 106 feet,
making tbe total depth of 676 feet.
Tbev are how lu a soap stone forma
tion. Malheur Oaiette,
Side one year for only 12.80,
20 lbs granulated sugar 81. at Knox's.
PrnaMtjtlnff attorney Jaa. McCain
waa In town last Monday.
J. F. Groves, of Dallas, passed
through torwB Saturday.
Oh, how those celluloid gooda are go
ing at Clodfelter Bros.
Do not fortct to get a chance on that Total Awwwaent In All the Counties
lamp at J. P. Irvine's, . In Oregon.
Thna. Fennel) arrived home from To-utev. Followlni Is the toteJ ea Us.
' , . ble property In all th eountlea of th sut
F. 8. Wilson went to Sslem and back BMr j,o!Tli,inooin 4 tovm
A full line of svrups from 80c to 40c I OW -...
mr mllon at KnoOt's. Ooo
r.. . - , rurrr.
ik ,
Call on J.
P. Irvine for the best crool
ailllam .
. .. . . r m. n . lurani,. ...... .
1 10 unoowreu pa Harney.
. 1,T!H,BJB
.. OJSH.M7
R. H. Knox went to Salem Wednes
8 gal oil, 75 eraic, t Knox's.
Coal oil a J. F. Jhrylns
Jaokaon .....
I Joaephln ...
1 Klamatb
Lake ........
Lane .........
Lino ,m,W
Malheur..... 1.1 11,604
Marlon ...... t.m.iM
Morrow 1.U7.1M
Multuomab . SI.31ft.8ao
Polk .. I,67,704
Hherman..... 1,116,871
Tillamook...' l.m.W
Umaillla..... 7,vih,wh
Milao Union . i,m,m
1,7U,4M Wallow ..... 1.06,004
428,101 Waaoo ....... 1,14,471
l,8H0,08O WMhlngton . 4,413,77ft
Th Was b at aftiu k
mt caaractar. Tat Saaea I ff tm-
m a wvk .ui,
araaa. Ulenlr mmuk la
Swaatoiad Type, tb thaaS mt
W advaac Mtaf aad Sa mt
MUiy. Set tt lata lypa a
ta Um kwy aw ar wwaia; ej
SaaMMWt' run '7 um
paea ataatUllT tut aaS
araala eolaaM of aw
Vaatd la laull pate, aa teat BM
racaiw at we wawe iwai wan
for a M-aia mi a ra to aJf at
bear. Ta Coalati Traa SMNalai
taSaanal, attar. a4 a tor tl
toealc, Barter, aaiaetlae. Apaeaas
wa tal tys f thataS wUfoMtv
rnmgfaj tayay laa nmary ainiIMM
a DaawrMt'l Maaato. Taa As
Oatic Tyo Mxmlm a to m
frMaif aad art, eklck wUI tad raw
plana ia la la aaaHeael atl-piM.
i mt , MM t M lacaaa, eaaro
tnm Uw ri(teal palatlaa
LoaeW, Uw mat ihrall al
HTtag aaww-paiawj, watr
ba (im la nry aeaetar k
PinaraH't SUgaHaa roe to. Tat
a mt tab. nark work of art ww
Ai tad la Mpeadactlai
eaaaat V altlagla7 rraaa Oa
rtgiaal. SMM Uki. a salaMl
ar waur4Mr pwwaa M paa
tt la tack lawhw ml ike Ma
i, tad ta artkla ar a ar.
it aa Mpwaiy lliawwaia ta)
MataalM b), I reality, a part
i af art work mt Um blgkeel
a. Tb kl!oabaia.Tvrja It tkt
toaaik af taa thlaaar aad lamia
af Id, wa will k Aaaply tola
ia van aiiuaaB
i Magafiaa.
la Dataarart'l
ta rr
aa af II aatMraa awpartaeati.
whlek eavtr Ik aUr arttoUe mH
mm. m
fact, faaey, tad fad f tka day,
pMMNMa If mp7 a mutml
yaily Mtruln, aad wa taa ar
emwaad OaM af ta MaatkUa
Swad I yoar Nkcrltoa: k wSJ
aaat ly II 40, aad yaw rOI ba
doaaa ) to owe, Addrea
I lat I4U , Maw Trk!
Tboagk sattfMbtoa faagaala, St
parfact faifcloa sign. lu artklaj
aa fanlly and itrnmUt taatiar. w1
ba af iraperUtt tola to umh
iidng ta faalata Tya mi
TkMak. wklck kMttaato la Itoawai
ala, tftadwaait, afl sail, tad
Where li Ororer these Days.
Editor Wbst Sidb. -Nearly
every paper In tbe laud
every political shade, Is giving Grover
fits for his new bond laaue. At th
time the secretary of th treasury was
saying there would be no bond Inue,
Grover wa ounferlug with Wall Street
bankers shout tbe advisability of Issu
ing 150,000,000 lo bonds. Tbs bids for
160,000,000 Issue of Cleveland bonds
aggregated 1160,870,000, and yet our
credit la ao weak that w caunot mala
tain silver as national currency on
parity wltb gold, What muat b done?
Tbe administration at Waablogton
ay we will bav to economise. They
have began In tbe U. a postoffiot
department In taking only about on
half tbe gum they formerly used In the
manufacturing of postage stamps.
The asvlug In the next 2,000 years will
be enormous, but tbe bad word used
on account of having to carry
mucilage battle In our pocket will
cause hla Sataolo majesty to grin
with delight Issuing bonds aod cut
ting down eiuenses la tbe remedy pre
scribed for our country by our present
administration, Bab!
tBBsSBrsarasAtfdMi mm m lilii bmIbT
r Iff, at X
Ml 7cs a Wrec
bad takes aaU a astB J
atot jitAfrUls I fall btttar. Be I sail
psi ksslBj, ftrsD twkd ray tbssk swes
Moee-'e tarsapamia." Ma, u, v.
ctovw.irta c., m. et Heed's
Weed's Pills ear 0nttpaa by rlWf-
BJSrMIlUaal aaa sMsitstory umA,
Branch oflo of Or, Dougtat' nunout
i potltlv cur lor til w w
Mr. Sarah K. Wln,
Tan day treatment fre.
For aampl and fall particular addrea
Mr. Sarah E. WI. Independtnos, Polk
County, Oregon.
The sunset-Gulf Rente.
Dr. Prks't Cmm Baking Powder
Wotii'l rJr KiMMt Awr
Tbe Morgan Steamship Line, which
la owned and operated by the Southern
Pacific Company, ia the connecting
link between New Orleans and New
York, and the fast time made by these
steatners enable the Southern Pacific
Company to handle freight over their
Sunset-Gulf route expeditiously
between tbe Paciflo Coast and Atlantic
Seaboard. The El. Sol. held the pen
nant for the fastest trip between New
York and New Orleans. There has
been considerable rivalry between Cap
tain George W. Mason, of the El Sol.,
which was built at Newport News last
year, but the El, Kio neld the record
ever since she was added to tbe fleet. On
recent trip South, however, El, Sol,
made the run from bar to bar In four
days, seven hours aud one minute, and
from her dock In New York to her
dock In Algiers tbe time was four days
fifteen hours and elxteen minutes.
This record beats that of El. Rio.
by one hour and thirty-two minutes.
El. Sol. is 890 feet long, forty-six feet
Ight lnche,beam, thirty-four feet deep
and 4224 tons register, El. Rio. is
about 200 tons greater register. The
other steamers of this line are the El
Dorado, Fl Pose, El Monte, El Norte,
Excelsler, El Mar aud El Sud. Tbe El
Hid, formerly belonging to thia line,
was sold to Brazil and converted into
an armored cruiser, being used In their
late war. ; -
Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WefM's Plr Hlgbwt Mtdalaad Msltaw.
taiantk. roaaaat Ua. ifcee
wklck totMg minttolly to tht
s.ry aa af wkaa Aaakt aakacHk kl
artMagaaiae. if y m asatotodl
U tba plaea to gat all dnt-eta work.
ATH as Cents.e4
O fuO. o
C ttreet Opeeelte ike PMtefne.
J. C. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor.
A Specialty mad of Trowleal and Domeatie
rrviiaana aou,
All order Iran tbe aoantry, by mail or stag
un,r, wiu raaaiva wromni hkduob.
E:t fcr &
. dona by rba
and leave yortr order wltb J. B. THOMPSON
of U Satan iwan.wbo will eall at your
bou fur th waging and dallrr 11 wawa
Crayon Work
Poctollco .
India Inks
sHSS C Photograph Gallery
ugaaiaa wnrrniutf may la Mn
Tvaeb) taastty.
Independence Or
YotT 1
Cn Oet X
Twrrf Daedi at yoor daalr
a fraah and (aril I a though I
imSffi Mm "reel tKm rr,' 1
where, and are alware Usa 'i
kwac rnr Sud Aaaaal I
for lees tall all about I
tbarn, - free. .
mm mm
who has lately returned
from San Francisco, is pre
pared to (rive her patrons
the benefit of a new system
Call at her home on the
Corner of Railroad and C
Meat Market
dealim is '
Choice Msats
Highest market price paid
for fat stock, beef, mutton, veal,
pork, etc. All bills must be settled
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 9 a. m.
Horses Fed by the Day,
Week or Month.
I Beit of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
an d QLTO5
Vtatm and light frtlght earrtod on
rtatoasbl Urma.
Furcbaae made and dtllvcrad lor a amal
Uav order at hotal or poUfflea and Btae
I wlU oaU for paaaengan at tbalr raaldenea la
I town.
8iag laara Indpndne (Terr moralos
I l"Uy azoeptad) at J0 a. m.. and BaJam at
Wui eonsult their best in
terests by purchasing their
of the reliable manafaolurer,
iDdependenoe, Or., gueoeo
aor toFergoaon a Van Meer.
Sugar pine and oedar doora,
all sue, on oand.
ha .filler tad of tti Bh".
IOSI Mark! St., Sea Francl
(BetvM tth and 7th 8te.)
ua and Ham sow wonderfully yoa
an mad aod how to avoid atckneaa
and alam. Manm Dlargd with
uwuauMia aw ODjeot. aa
alon (5 m.
Prlvaia Offlra-Saaaa Ballllia-
I OA I Market Blraat-Dlaaaaea ol bmi!
trictora. loaa of manhood, dlwaaca of th ikl
and kldiwy oukkly sand without tb na of Bur.
eury. TraawMnt Bantatuy or ay lUr, Bend
P. I. l!:5LfE 1 C3.,
Preerleters sf
htpiint Tib Ftstcrj
Manufaeturera of
Drain Tile.
of all alsaa.
Proprietor of
rbe Independence Marble Work, eatlmate I
in all cemetery work. FlraUolaaa workman-1
imp, lateat aeaigni, and loweat prloea.
Some thingD for
Photograph Albums.
Autograph Albums.
Christ mas Cards.
Silk Hankerobicfiv
Toilet Cases.
lush Odor Snts.
Beautiful Cuff arid Collar Soxes.
ElephHuts, Horses, Dogs, Goats,
Cats, Jumping Kangaroo's.
Self Propelling Street cars.
Fire Engines.
Hook and Ladder Wagons. "
While we have these
at lowest prices we also
keep a fine' line of
Ladies'and Gents' shoes,
Prloea te Suit the
Independence, Oregon
Of Independence, havine a steam
engine, a brick machine and several
acres of finest clay, is now prepared
to keep on hand a fine quality of
Brick, which, will be sold at reason
able prices.
AT 6:30 A. M.
RnV Antpinl.t' itnrmt.. no m sl'v. A
to Dliy.VlliHKe or Country, h k1 i,
li homt), Bhoji, store) and ofllotJ. Cru,.wlv
IlisinnA and hfwt afillar nn ftfirrh
If! Atrrnu mU sVtMa tV to rjfi pr t i
Oii in mlttont-fi mn ml to l
fiAlirhbnri. l int inBtniinnti, no toy, wo
nrhr, nity dlitnct. Oomplete, ready .
bm whu ihlprd Ou b put up by inr ti
nmrqiitot ordnr, bo rpirlna, list k Y.
tlmA, Warrtrjlfd, A noBvy maVer. VNr..t
W . P. Hwm 4 CCs. H t09 Ceiumtu. 0
" ; and
AT 6:00 A M. .
Fee Fr Ight and Paaaage Kyiy