The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 21, 1894, Image 1

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    TheBost Newspaper
1 th on that tlvt lb moot and
fmhent new. Compare tht WK8t
SIDB with any pspw ltt i,, un(y
l ...... .11 ,' ' I .j II I..I .. ' .-..,
Ti I I
ft V 1
. As an Advertising Mum
A .... 1
i i,. .... . i. ,tt,,. t r, . ,.i .in - j -
JVJ ' ... .... ,.,!, .Takm tmi Lkao in Pou County,
, I u.ll -'' I t i ll i.. J ....I r. -till -.1
vol. xni.
$2.00 Tor Year.
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
Vice rmMwi.
A lnrl bMiktag ana exchange tiualnnu
lrQftt; loan made, bill dteuu:tted,eoin
(ujvllertltinMt4: depoutt rwelved on
eutwtt wwmnl tutyeet U clunk, tuwrwil ld
on lliu dpoIM.
B, r. Kmllh. A. N, I, A.' Mies, H. It.
jMperwtn, A. J.UooduiMt, IK W, (, M.
Commenced Business Ma81849
JCslaulubed Uy attoeftt Authority ,
F13SI nmni mi
ol IuJrtHuJ-oi', Uregou,
Capital Steel
Sural, '
J.M.VUUIK9, .U, fcOHKU'rxaJI,
lltMhlvttt. ' Vie ltreli"t
W.H HAWLEY.Ciwulor.
J. 8, Ouoper. ' U . Koberuon, UW BelroleJi
, O. W. WbllOtr. W. W. 0IHn
A timer! bantilne bunlnmui inumwtril
Buys and wstt excnau uu nil tuiirinl
lMp.Mtu nK-wtrd ntijml to chtok r on r
caawmauma m urn cr orccok
Polk County Bank,
Paid Capltat,-$30,C00.
J. H. BaW. P.UCampMl, I.M.lwpn
J, U. V. Butler. J. . mump. tk, J oweil
JtMMUb t mv.'n.
A noriM hoHiu J cx.-ltangti butn
inuiMK-MKi; mat uiikiw; o.n ri-.i
ubjcol U rhnU or on wrtitl.nloof it0nll
lulerMl paid un time dirlM '
WKtra protif vault iU bur;Utr pnxr '.
ocurmi bjr Yal tint bwk. .
,..c Huurm: Ka.iu.UMp.m-
Prescott & Veness,
-rnprlnbr of
MmiurHurerof anil lh l rtln
Rouh and Dres3ed
J. A. WHEELER, Manager.
Amerlcain nd European I'l in.
THOS. GUINEAN, Proprietor,
Hevanth nd Wmblngtnn HW
Oo to the 0 Street
' SSOP,.';-'
And how
You can (tot your
Work Pone.
Wagon Repairing of
H. 1 FULLER, Proprietor.
jf yon want a GK'dqoare Mci lor
25 Cents
Go to the " " ' "
Scores tho Dilatory
Rules in Force
And Opens the Fight in
His Usual Style.
Dsy's Record ol Men
Events at tlie Nstlou's
HI Capital.
lltll of Ntw i'ork toUnjr mJ)
in uu fuvnrlnit thw
hunk liutha ni)a ttf thu ihniitttt
us ta cxjwUt luisluttw. Ho unlit;
Tin wntiiiii'itt r tho country, lunul
rtil thMMiKh tha itrviw, MHtriim nml
other avenu.. by wuu'h iiublte oi'lii
lm U iwunlly fwuunntlcau! ewiiw to
ltwlrw tbtt nlHl..ii gf miu new mih
imU of r(tv.tluf lnro winiy iuihih'
try li KUIntUm may be fnt'llltntotl,
wmloiis of ivncrt nmtttrlally hIhm-1
vimi Him tu, iMtt tnteniHt f tii
country, o liitffvovtu with or largely
AlfiH'tiHt by cmnil,utti action, mow
ciouly nrv(, lit llmlr normal
coflilltlon. '
"I !crt that tiid prlvll.ta of unltm
Uiil tkbnto lit a IcKlniailre Nnly l
intvnxwttnit wuu, ami tlMtmctiv or,
Un ritiht an.t mnvcr of Icirlhltitiou
Such a tvntllilnn of nlTalre naturally
forced roinitrotulMiN ami cnncttwIiHin of
tioebtft'l jirirlety aa a condition of
any iivuNHtlou lH'firt iwni HihL
"It U a c,rtHln m anj tblng In atci-
cni nnsira tun lc. If our republican
nieiis obtain control of thla ImmLv
nml ihwirtt to pnnct limwrtnnt IckUU
lion In carry but tlmlr irlnclpbvi, they
will boblly nni. inl the mica to ciinblo
Ho'in to ilo it ttrouititly.
TIn acnator also nrgtiMl In favor of
coi'ctlnjr ti Minirum smt cIimmh! by oV
ctarliu that tio allly cry of "me law"
iioiini iircvent Uu elriHl ailietitl
IHCIH to tllfl rtllCN.
NotwtthHtaiMliitic tho fact that tlo-
nam on Uio curr-ncy bill waa sehetl
nleit to Ik-kIii Iu tho bourn toilny
man too meuiiNr wre iirT'Hl when
Siteitbw Crlan tlMi.iHKl .tJi e.ivcJ. Th
comniltliHi on mlc hnd pnimrtHl a
tlMi oroer. under wnlch the lumm
slintil") oixTute, but hail (livl.liil. In
view of tho demiM'ratlc onimnltlon to
i no uiiaure. not to offer It at unwnt
but to allow S)rlii(tr to call up the
Mil ny Tlrtim of It prlvllem. Im-
mmlintv'y after , tho call of commit
for reprta, therefori the chair-
lean or tun uanhliiK ami currency
("iiii''tt iiMm! tlm him' ro Into
ininilttco of tho who!" fur contthlcra-
Hon of tho ntenmirc. Tlw motion pr-
vnlltxl witiienit illnciiRnlon ami itlehanl
mm of TcuiiffMoA took tbo chair.
Wnlker, wpnbllcnu. of MawdtchiM-
etn, who waa In charge of tho nppo
tiitlon to tho niifiHtiro, Uirnn with a
htaicif ct of tho cawence of the Haiti-
mnw p'nu. The ln-fclnnlnsr ami cml of
that plan, ho nltl. wna to glvo to tho
iiutloiial lmuk over to witlulrnw
their l.'iilted statca lioiiila from the
treamnj' anil mmn clrciilntlnif notea
n , their nwwta up to fifty per ewit
It affordeil not "hlmclow ' of relief
uiil illil not leervi n iiminftit'i con-
Hiileratlon. Attn In, t1" hill prcaontod
by th awrtary of the trewury waa
an niimzlnir Nchetna. Tli bill hail not
a feature that couhl bo enactwl excint
after rcmmlolllng without endanttrinif
th financial Inter.-! of tho country.
CarllKlo hnl drawn tho bill over
nlKhf. Ho dewrllM-il the peril of tho
nreaotit coiolltlon of tllliiKH lit tho
tmi'.Uin? world, ami Dm .1iuiK"r) tlmt
tiir'aiiwu. jet mt wmmnti tut
htnklnc and currency had dawilbtl
away Iti tlnw until thin undiluted
a-hnmn of the Hrctnry of tho trcna
iiry had been thrown Into tho hop.r.
when, after a few hcnrliiiM, It lind
bi" brouuht Into tho hnn without
a alPTl.t chance. Walker upokn of hi
vn h'll and Ha auiierlorlty over the
rnr'.l"'" hill. JIo cxireniM'd tli hope
that hla b"l would bo punted In place
of th? Carlbdo Mil.
D(ilph, In repoitlnu adversely the
Koimial land Kraut forfeiture bill, ex
picKdod tho belief that coiitfrena ban
not tho power to forfeit tlufo lnnrta.
but that the them waa vcated
In tlw railroads.. Kvett If cotiKrena
had tho power to forfeit them, It
would bo unjust nnd Inequitable to the
railroad tompnnlt
y.t ny of Arkanaua unld tho major
ity In tho committee for reporting the
bill ndvnrncly was but one. Five iiiem
bwa. liicludlmj himself, had voted for
lid paaaiiKc. J,n order to pet the bill
on tho calendar ono nwnber hud
changed hi vote and had coiwonfc-d
to an ndverae report for that iur
poBO. Ilo diK'lured the aoiiatu ouuht to
pitHH tho bill, and aaid tho rallroada
worn not entitled to one foot of the
Tho voto on reporting tho Mil atood
as follows: ' i
yewHerry, Paacoe, Blartln, Mc
LauVen, Allen.
Xnya-Vllaa, Dolph, rettlgrew.Carey,
Not votlnc rower.
Senator Allen afterward changed
lilu vota ao aa .to permit tho bill to
bo : reported adversely, ah that ap
peared to bo the only way of Retting
It reported at all.
. The Rold reserve wna further re
ilmod , today by the withdrawal at
New York of f 1.800,000, which lottvea
tho amount of nwrvo at the cloao of
tnmliK'Ra iodny fOU.HMJ), and Uic
cash bainuco at fi.).),oo,i.m. . w
Speal-er rrl and the hoimo lead
era have reached a tnelt agreemont
bv which adjournment for tho holiday
roceaa w ill bw taken at the clone of
tho aeHHlon next' Haturday, and the
reaasombllng will be at noon on Jan
uary 3d.
Henronontntlve Bland of Missouri
will inovo to Mlrlke out nil after the on
acting clause In the Ciirllalo currency
bill now before tho houae, and b
.tltnto a nieuKiiro ho 1ms prepared for
I currency ayatem. The Wand bill
provides for tho free coinage of a ver
and for tho depoalt of gold and tdlver
bullion and tho Insuance of legal tom
Sor notei upon It. The bullion is to
bo srbwquontly coined and the coin
notes are to bo redeemed In gold and
silver without discrimination aa mny
be moat advantageous to the govern
ment Provinlon la nlHO mndo for the
iHsmlng of coin notea on .standard sil
ver win. All outstanding gold and
allvor certificates are to he retired and
?ho cola notos ore to ba substltutod
therefor. .. , . , .
lUwtou, iW; l,s.-.Tho long contented
patent niit of tho rolled 8tate va.
th Anierlcan, Hell telephone company
waa willed thla morning when Jmliso
UaiVutor of the yititod state clr.
cult court rvudmd hie iteclalon
agutnat tho Tvlephottft omuany. Tula
ault waa a bill lit equity praying for
the repeal of letter patent Iwnietl to
Kmlle ltorllnr,' aaalguor of tho Ameri
can Ih'll Tvlephoun company for com-,
blnml telephono ami telegraph ayateiii,
The Herllner, potent wore burned to
tlie telephone, cinupany but wore never
put Into UH by them on account, they
claim, of tho ' oxpcniM of making
changoa In tho Mcphouo ayatoin while
other compauka wero preveutvHl from
using tiie (.yaicm.
Denver, Ikv. l.--riie great labor
convention waa In a melting mood
when It adjoornod sine dh at U
o'vlwk tints aifotrnoon. Tlw chwlng
hour waa Mllng iaraonal
ejtnorione, I'n-trftlent UomiKra tak
lug part In the nvltatlon of grlovanc-
oe. nio moat untNnaiH featum of
the nay a work waa tho adoption of
rortotntunna on ttio 1M matter and
tlHMti were at a oharnoter that was
ntflyl lUitMtaiihtl. All: atHinptM to
roHiimiit iiolitkal quintioiu were
pwnqiuy nprtwel.
:olfax. Wash.. Dec. lS.-Webater &
ltowmuu, known aa tho Colfax Mer
cantile cmnpnivy here. cioMcd tlielr
tliHira tiHlav. It. f- Knhlu. of the Mcr
cantlln Protcctlvo axlailou of Port
land, has taken charge for tho benefit
of imi firm's wholeMalo creditors. Inn
blllty to collect outstanding account
was the cause or tho failure.
llerlln. Doc. lH,-Tho Prussian diet
has biwii anmmonotl to meet January
Nth. Tho govenniH-nt Intends, oXler
tho cloe.i of rtio sMon, to prosocuto
IIrr I.kbknkiM; aoclaJlat meinU-r of
Mm relelmtag. who took a tmunlncmt
part In tito dom WMtrsrhm against the
omiHiror iiisH) cno opening or uie
rarls,' Doc. IS. M. Hrinn, chostn
prime minister on tlis fall of M. Jules
Ferry In Vva, was ehvted pn'sUMit
of tho chamlsn' of deputies lu sucifs-
slon to tho Into M. Hudenu t!; y. by
vote of 2iU to '.'i:t for M. Mellne,
French prottH!Unlst leader.
(mstantluoplis IVc. IS. It Is mv
stated Unit l'rvllot t'levohiinl will,
aftor all, atwU to th Porto's repuiot
to aoml a delogu Willi uio ctsnmis
sion apiMiliited to Kit l is! re liU. th
stories of atna-uitsi tiiHtn tlie part of
Turkish solttlers In Armenia.
Ran Kram-lsco, Dec. 1H.-H. (1. Clark.
a Moutltern I'iu-iltc brakoman, -S year
of age, was cniKhotl to doaiii wnue
switching curs nt tiio Annie oil works
tills morning.
Honorably Discharged by the Court
I for Lack of Crimluatltif
TACOMA, Dec. lS.-Thla evening.
Without cue Hue of evidence Is'lng
IlitrcKliiced for bis defense, cx-City
rreasuror (otrgo W. Hoggs waa at
inttted of tho charge of cmbecxluiuciit
brought Against him early In Novem
ber. When tho state rested Its caw
the defonio tnov! that the case be
tlKiulwcd ami defendant discharged.
Judge Parker granted the mot Ion of
Inwiillcleucy of evidence. Tho Jury,
tinder instructions, brought lu a ver
dict of not guilty. Hoggs was charged
Itn einbeMlcinent of nearly fAooo
by placing worthless chocks nnd pn
Mrs In tho Htato Havings bank and
having them credited to tlie city as
New York. Dei-. 1&--When the Ux-
ow committee began Ms worg-fosny
tliero wore pnwent In tho Court nxitn,
ollco t'liptalim Cross, Adair ami
roodon, all Jn lull unltorm. Father
McDonald of, liruoklyn wtu an Inter-
odtod sp?ta.tor. John Kappuuhngan,
Mm man who hnndlwl Captain crea
tion's i:,(SH) was a witness. Tho wit
ness reiterated hi testl tinny of Frl-
ay to tint ffHtt that 8i ell gave him
chock for flrt.M'O ami tnnt Martin
new ho bad this chock. Then ho do-
ptsllKHl the check nnd aftorwhrd drew
out on July id, 18.'.
"When did Martin Anil yon that you
could have S.VMtO of the $13,000."
"Whon I wtnit to pay sio.oou over to
"Woll. now, as a matter of fact waa
not tills f 5,0(K) paid to you as a bribe
for your Instrumental My dn tlie mat
ter?" "Woll, I dare say It was."
Hammnhngen then went on to stato
the 5,000, when It had been paid, he
used In paying pressing debts.
"It Is not a custom for anioon
koepors In your vicinity to glvo small
loans to tho police?"
"Oh, yes, $3 or 1 10 at a time."
"And ns a result tho police are not
very strict about tho enforcement of
oxclso law, are they?"
"n ihtw nra nor."
"Is It not a fnct that saloonkeepers
are assessed to make a Christmas pres-
ont for the captains?"
"Yos, It W, every year,"
Run l'l-flrx-lsf-o. Doc, 18. Tlie general
opinion among sea faring nien Is that
the steam co.'iiers Monucrrai ami jvb
wennaw will ut?ver be seen again. The
only hope Is (hat the colliers wore
driven nortl b.f mm storm ano tnox
tlniy are r.ow In somo aheltcrod cove
along tfho Krlllsh Columbia coast.
nxloty now transforrca to tno nnra
Columbia whlob left Port Hlakcley
fourteen days aso for this port wltn a
cargo of lumber; tho bark Oermamla
sixteen days onili from (Seattle, coal
laden for Han Ftanclsco; tho ship J.
B. Brawn, fifteen days out fro'n Nan
lamo, wltfh cool for this port, and tho
bark Soft King, which sailed a day
later than tho J. H. Ilrawn from tho
same port and for the aarae dostilna
tflon. All four would bo in tho worst
of tho etorra bouwean Cape Flattery
aud Cape Blanco. ' 4
London', Doc. 18.-Captaln Cranfleld
said today that from tlie present out
look thoro would bo no race for the
America cup. ,
The Great Spirit Syn
dicato Needs Coin.
A Circular Sent Out
to Stockholders.
Ucorganlrittlon lH'timndod tnrl
Worklttf Capital to Be
rtmntA tit rww. in ..a Wn-iiine
n,,,,ta by tlw dlrtvtora of Hm ' Ulav
UHim nnd tlattto KoiHlIng conqiauy at
a nieotleg held In that city last week
was sent ont U tlie stockholders of the.
company tonight It contain a sliMo-
umut of tlu condition of itiie company
ami tUvhirea re-orgiuilatlou is net--twsnry,
three plans lslng aubmltiUsl
for tho approval of tho stockholders.
The circular states that tlu board
hits made every isisslblo propariMlou
to Uiiti uxlvautago of tho luci-eosed
tax lately oniicbst Into law. A large
amount of spirits and ah-ohol lu lMiud
htul beou atvumtilattHit, Tim circular
then review tbo effort of Prosldwit
tlnsthut ami other olllolala to elTect a
loan and tho ttllttctiUJca they eticuun
teml. Tno fiUluro to tun pay good
at this critical jh-rlod waa the so
vrtst blow ever experlontHsl by tho
(Nimpany, uruat a was the niiamiai
lo, tho loss of prcHtag waa much
larger. Owing to the failure to tax
but a portion of the gsxls, trade be
came rostlvo and tho company was
forced to abttmhm tlw nwaio system
which had proved eo satlsfact4iry In
tltt lt,rf . kdttt f,l....Ml IllA ...111.
pony to faco now and InuwMotu con
anions whii'h will nsiilro more than
ordinary aagactty aud wtsthnu to
meet , .
Tim cash assets are largely tM up
lu spirits but titers Is ouougb cnah to
pay all rebate, ilebato money baa In
the pnt been iiimhI a a working cnpl'
tnl. and after tho rebate are paid an
additional working capital will Imi re
quired. In tho seven years the Distill
ing and Cuttle Feeding trust, ami
Distilling aud Cattlo Feeding com
pany, Its nuoeefcsor, havo been in tx
Istonco -,i'ki,.v.,,j,i;l,i pro..f gnilous have
been miiiketnd and the amount of
dividends paid, fiUlH,8tW,2i.
Portland. 1W. 1H.-Wheat. wmk-,
valley 11VMK Walla Walla 7'n'T0.
I.IVeriHSil.ClirtMt; wheat, SJHlt, quiet;
.!. .....I uu,.. V.t O ih'lnt.-r 1 ia
ftd; No. 2 red spring, stoCs ex haunted;
No. I hind Manitoba, 5s 4d; No, 1
California. 5s 2V4d.
No. l bard Manttima os ftii; o. i
8an Francisco Much wheat Is arriv
ing from the northern country, nnd a
eonsldcr.ibUj amount of such stis-k is
umlng down to order for exisirt pur
hiho, thus leNNening tno deiunmi tor
the California nrilele7l4 for N. 1
shlpi leg and M .1-4 for choice mill I
lug wheat MMnfflk Keeelpta of
Walla Wnll.i wheat continue liberal at
enav Ribs, any 7V for fair average
intaMt.v. Jl", for blue stem, aud (loyiO
it,:' ilanm rUwH,
New York - Hops quiet.
San Francisco, Dec. 8.-In tho United
State circuit court this afternoon the
Jury In tho long coii tested emm of
Frank Puiison ugnlnst the Northern
Pacific Hallway company returned a
verdict for plaintiff lu tho sum of
$;iln. PatiMin was ejected from a train
in Keptember, IMC. Ho had tsnight
ticket from Seattle to Portland and
tho company's defense was that It
was not properly endowed. Tho plain
tiff claimed f dftinngi am) a
former Jury disagreed. Patison is
a wealthy Portland merchant.
Seattle, Dep. is7-'fhe whole New
nstlo coal initio appt-nra to bo on
tiro and It Is feared Unit the mine
will become a wreck, Involving a loss
of $500,0 to tho Oregon Improvement
company. Coal crock is pouring Into
ira but It will tnko several wtvks to
thoroughly flood It ami when tho flro
I extinguished It will tnko four or Ave
months to pump It out About Zoo
man nre Idle.
Han Francisco, Dec. 18. Five and
a halt lunongs cinch ijiu won
lu 1:13.
Six furlongs Wnwon won in 1:21
About alx furlongs Tartarian won
lu 1:21.
Ono ml'e. Enthusiast won In 1:34.
Six funlongs-yuirt won In 1:21.
Rome. Dec, 18. United States Am
bassador McVeigh gavo a dinner today
to tho otllcera of tho cruiser Detroit,
which brought home tho Vatican relics
exhibited at tho Columbian exposition.
A solemn reception of tho otllcera by
tlie pope Is now regarded na uncer
tain, i
Washington. IX. 18,-A telegram
from tha Mibtrenaiiry nt New York to
tlho itireaianry department' announnea
nat tin to 2:15 I), m tnl-iv $1,000,000
In gold had Issen withdrawn.
Portland, Dec. IS. A largo delega
tion from tho chamber of commerce
of Astoria left tonight for this city
to bn present on Astoria (lay at the
exposition tomorrow. The chamber of
commerce of this city will also be
Boston, Doc. 18. The United Slates
circuit court In me onso of tho United
titates ngulnst the-Boll Telephone Co, I
handed down a decision doxihirlng the
Berliner telephone patent void.
Los Angeles, Dec. 18,-Allx waa sent
a half mile toilay In 1:0014 and tho last
quarter In 20V&. The mare Is In ex
cellent form for ncixt Saturday'a trial.
Robert J. also wont a quarter today In
Close to 20 seconds.
Now Orleans, Dec. I8.TI10 coro
ner's Jury decided that Andy Bowen's
death waa due to the club's failure
to pad the ring In which the contest
took plats.
San Francisco, Dec. 17. Wheat, No.
1 shipping. H7',i, though choice offer
ings would commtiud NS S4', inlltlng
qualities, tUWTMi; Walla Walla
wheat still comes to hand with free
dom; 7ft to 77Vj for fair average
quality, H'JMiSo for blue stem, and
U"Miffi'7l!'.4 for damp sts-k.
LlverissWhent, steatlyj cbmiaud
itiiMWiatei No. 2 red winter, 4 Ud;
No. 2 red spring, stocks exhausted;
No. 1 hard Manitoba, bs Ud: No, 1
California, lis Sd.
Hops at InidonPaclflc const 2 13.
Portland Wheat, valley, 734i77V4;
Walla Walla, 70,
New York-llop dull.
Iomlon, D. 17. A Tlcn Tsln 'Ms
patch says the foreign suitors aud ma
rlmsi Who were ninii)oned to Prkln
to prtitei't the legatlone of their re
poottva (xMintrtes worn refused (lie
right of travel through Chinese terrt
lory jy tU irnvenummt ou'J'orlUe.
Foreign uilrtlsiers ctnnblmHl to pro
tent their legiiitkin. whoreuutm tho
onqstror Issutsl a now onlor, nnd ap
pointed oilliM-rs ami aoldwr to afford
tho nts-esHary proteotlon to the Jegaj
Tscouia, Dc. 7.-Tho loi-al ctntom
ollhvrs Is-llevo .they havo uiailo a
good atart toward breaking up the
Chlme method of sweating customa
stamps ' and placing them on smug
gled opium. Within thirty day eighty
imnmis or opium consignna to Tort
laud and Kan Franoliieo, bearing
sweated siaui havo bnen aelxod
here, ami twenty pounds at Oly inula,
Iho ofiiivrs are placing private marks
on ths stamim when first used so
they can detect them afterwards.
piicidTsIVn'tihs SOUND.
Tacoina, Ioo. 17.-T, E. Ogllvle.
ageil 23, a mechanic In the employ of
the IviIno.-i car shops, was found dead
iu his room this morning with a bul
let through' his breast. It waa evi
dently a case of suicide. He was In
live with a woman who Is u, bo mar
rled Thursday to another mail. Ogll-
vlo was diwimiident through that, and
also from tho fact he had lust disco v
crcd bo had consumption.
Vienna, Dec. XLA dispatch says
that Hlgnor Glolattl, n -premier of
linly, pasmnl through thla dty last
evening on bis way to Berlin. It 1
ivoiihI lie luiji flml from ltotno to
avoid Is'lng airesited. '
Heltgman, Mo., Div. 17. Mrs. Jones,
residing near h-re. cut the throat of
hr two lltlln chililren and tier own
throat yesterday. All thrw dhnl al-
uiimt liDuamly. DeHfioudcncy was the
Warsaw, Dv, 17,Mre at tho rail
way million hero ha dono euorinou
damagiv Keverali ntot-Jion tilled
ivitti 'Uiei4ianUHi and a large number
uf frelglit con were destroyed.
Wid Very Grove Fears Enter
taln'cd for Two Other Ships
Stilt OuL
'HAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 17.-Thnt
tho ateaiu coltjtej-s MontsornU and
Keweenaw have beu lost at sea with
all ou board Is now considered ulnmst
a certainty. Tho Montserrat, from
Naiialiuo, and tho Keweenaw, from
Comox, B. C, nre both seven days
overdue at this port. For several
days tug and coasting steamers all
along the northern co-ipt have kept a
sharp lookout but no tl. tings of either
steniner havo been re- red. Both ves
sels were heavily hsuh'd and the jre
valllng opinion Is th-' they wert lost
almost together In t'n terrific, gale
that raged off Cape 1 'nttery on the
night that they put to nea. Tho Mont
serrat, Captain Blacl.h.irn. carried a
crew of twenty men nnd tho Ke
weenaw, Captain Jenkins, had a crew
of thirty men. Anxiety Is also felt for
the barks Germnna and Columbia.
Oliwlnniutd, Df. 17. From Mount
Hop', Ky., a sniiill village twelve
miles from Wnltum, come tlie new of
a shooting fcntiinlay night of a grave
robber caught In the eot There have
boon robls'ries nt tho cemetery and
when Miss Morris was burled Satur
day her lsitrothod determined to watch
her grave. Near tiiiiinlgint two men
began digging In the grave. A dozen
shots wero 11 rod at tho robbers, and
"Smiley" Jordan, a colored farm
hand, was shot dead, ,111s white com
panion oecnpod.
Philadelphia, DecT17.-Job Battl's
Sons, ono of the oldest establishment
In yam nnd carpets In .Kensington
district nro llnnncliilly embarrassed,
with liabilities aggregating $200,000.
A member of tho firm said: "The
present trouble was caused by Miller
& Hntterstleld, who put tho sheriff on
us for a $10,000 claim. They also
charged us with obtaining goods un
der false pretenses."
London, Doc. 17. Tho hotly of Sir
John Thompson, upon Its arrival nt
Portsmouth, will bo received by a
guard of honor consisting of 200 sail
ors and mnrliisc, and a saluto will be
fired whim tho coffin la taken on
board the crnlsor Blenheim. The
Blenheim will sail for Halifax with
tho body Thursday.
Washington,' Dec. 17, Information
in b -eit received here tlmt Dnvltl Mo-
K-,,i Russell of this city, who went
to huouos Ayrea four years ago under
contract with the principal banknote
company of South America, died In
that city recently from Injuries re
ceived by falling under a train of cars.
Now York, Doc. 17. Samuel C. Seel
oy, formerly booitkecipor of the Shoo &
Leather National bank, charged with
aiding tha laita Frederick Baker In
robbing ho bank of 8345,000, wa ar
raigned In the United State circuit
court today. He pleaded guilty, and
numa wvmn tiirliarl iin fill TiVlulflW fVvt An-
Uiim - 1
Fifteen Bills in Exact
ly Four Minutes.
Lightning Legislation in
the House.
Dally Grist of lutereatlujr News
Votes from the Law Mak
lu Capital
WASHINGTON, Deft 17, -A tho
opening of tbo mIou of the houso,
Hormann of Oregon pre -tiled a pro-
annuo aim rowuuuou uwiaruig mat
the Clayton-Bui wer tnstty was an ob
slacln to the const rwJ on of tho Inter
ocoauk' canal and that It should be
abrogatist. It wa referred to uiu
tionuuiHteo on foreign affair. l'lfu-n,
of Nlxteea bills, favorably rixsieJ
from Friday night's session were then
pawed wlUuut oliJifUon, in t-xacUy
four inlnute.
Mcltea, chairman of tho committee
on publlo lauds, moved to pam, under
supoiilon of tho rule, tho bill to
p count public forest nworvatlous.
Well charged that rascality waa
behind tho bill and predicted that
those who wero piiNulhg It through
with whip and spur would live to re
gret tlielr action. The vote reunited
Jail to a.1, and tho bill passed.
Tha plan of urging Secretary Car
llslo's bill for a reAlsion of tini cur-
roncy iMTforo tho holiday has been
aliamloned. It wa dcvchSHl today
that many democratic timmbcr of the
hotiM wore opiod to liiirncd action.
Mr. CrUp was against haste, and tlie
coininlttito ou rule auppf-tid .this
Proddent Cleveland has sent to the
senate tho followlug nominations:
Jiwtk-o Charh D. Clarke, o be
United Htato district Judgo of tiie
eastern and mlddlo districts of Tenn
fmm; vlco David M. Key, rctlrod;
Huinphrcy It. Ilamlltoa, to lie two-
Haw Justice of the supreme court of
New Mexico.
HtiwoThoinaa O'llara of Michigan,
to be consul at Ban Juan del Norte,
In the senate tlie university bill went
over and the Nicaragua canal bill waa
colled up.
Tho senate adopted Bill' resolution
calling for a copy of tho Income tax
regulation. Tho bill to cstablleb
national university was then taken up.
The majority reisirt of tho house
coinmUteo on banking am! currency,
ravortuilo to Hovnsary Carlisle plan
of currency, wa today presented to
tna uouse by laitilnnnn Hiringr, with
Uio rocomuiicudntlon tliat tho bill pas.
Uio nrojddenfc Snturdnjr apnrowd
tho bill for tho dedication of the
Cblckamaugua and Cluittanotisa Na
tional parks, Sooteuiber J'Jth.
Tho Issue of sbindard allvcr dollars
for last week waa $570,703.
The limiHO today passed tlie army
appropriation bill. The bill carric
$2.',2U1i.814. Thn-o proiKsiltlona In tlie
bill wero now, all being recommended
by itlio e4jrotarf of war. Ono re
duced the number of majors in the
pay department to twenty, a reduc
tion of ttve. Tha wcond reduced the
ntitulMT of cnptnlns In tlie stibslstnce
dnpanpeflt tiy four, an the tnlrd
tlraaiHmsl laio tnilltnry prison at
Fort Iah von worth to tho JuclstlLottuu
of Uio diparttnent of juslico.
SEATTLE. Dec. 17.-Fire broke out
in tho Oregon improvement company's
Newcastle coal inlno at Coal creek
ten miles from this city at 8:30 o'clock
this morning, and tho crock was
turned Into tho mine to extinguish tho
llames. In tho midst of wild con
fusion Superintendent Anderson tele
phoned below to the third level, tell
ing the 123 men In tho mine bow to
oacaiw and stayed nt tho telephone un
til the tiro drove him away. By tuts
time tho 123 men hud coino out and
the men went down tho ulr slinft to
warn them that the slope wns burn
ing wlthiil si hundred foot TI.'
fans wore kept going, though they
fanned the flume aud enormously In-
roased tlie Ions nnd tho men worked
like demons to keep tho flames from
them. One moment's stoppnge would
have meant death. The last man was
brought out nt 2:3t p. m. nnd the
roll was palled, - Tho openings were
then stopped. Conl creek dammed and
turned Into the mine, and tomorrow
the fans will bo reversed to draw out
smoke, while men go down to fight
the fire. The machinery nnd top
works were saved except the roof of
tho slope, but twenty-two mules, har
ness, cars and other loss aggregate
St Louis, Doc. 17,-S. D. Perry,
publisher of tho East St Louis Her
ald, and Lloyd R. R. Fayllng, ex
editor of tho Herald, exchanged cour
toslas twicordlng to tho duel code laet
Friday and wero to meet on the held
of honor etrly yesterday morning wititt
pistols. Tho story got Into tho news
papers, and fear of the police Inter
fered and the encounter was post
poned. A publishers' notice in a .re
cent copy of the Herald caused Fay
llng to send the challenge, which was
promptly accepted by Perry. Tlie
sending or acceptance of a nhnllnnfro
to flghit a duel being a pendteutlniry of
fense In 1 injuria, the principals are
keeping In fHo background todayj.
Both men nr of spirit and the en
counter la only postpomxl.
Portland, Dec. 17. Members of the
state military board of Oregon have
formed an organization for tho pur
poso of rnlNing funds to present a
testimonial to tlie battle ship "Oregon"
when she Is accepted by the govern
ment Tlie organisation extends to
every company In tho state. Co-operation
of civil organizations nnd com
mercial bodies will be requested.
Sam Francisco, Dec. 17. It was de
creed In tho United States circuit
oonrt today In tho cnao of Adolph B
Bowers against Alexander McNee and
others that tho dredging and hydraulic
apparatus pattent issued to A. B,
Bowers In 1885 are good and valid
atwl ftfrta.f .ha Ki liwlnwwl SHli a (nvonrjis
or tuti maoaiiwy ivoivea in tn suit.
Hijhett of all In Leavening Power, Litest U. S. Gov't Report
HOGGS IS' "A 'BOO','" " '
Tacoma, Doc . -The trial of ex-8ec.
rotary and 'Treasurer George VV.
Bogga was begun today In th crimi
nal department of tlie superior court
The charge 1 embedding nearly $23
000 of the city, funda by, , placing
worthies securities In the bank and
receiving credit a cash. Tho hank
af forwards suspended. Then defense
will allogo tlmt all the act of the
treasurer wero ordered fcy the council
Tho question largely turn on whether
or not tha aeciirlth placed In the
naiig am worthies.- This morning a
Jury was secured after live challutige
oy tlie ucrense, two by the state, ard
two excused for cause. Prosecuting
Attorney Hnell. In opening for the
statu, talked an hour. , , ,
Phlladtdphla, Dec. 17.-In , th six
days' bicycle race, begun at 2 o'clock
this morning, Starbuck lowered the
30 mlln Indoor race record about three
minute and 4H second. The score
at 8 a. m. was: Ashlnger, 108 miles
3 laps; Gannon, 00 miles 2 laps; MU
volll, 07 miles 5 laps; Pointer, 08
milt Starbttck left tbo track after
accoinllshlng hi record breaking
feat. Swank's ankle pained him so
badly be retired at 23 mli.
Now York, Dec. 7. "Snapper". Gar
rison will never ride In this country
again If he can carry out bis present
plana succeanfully. Garrison has made
up bis mind to sail for England In
February and remain there until the
next racing season 1 over. Garrison
I not sure that hla stylo of riding
will do over there, but ho means to I
hare a wrestle with the English
Jockeys to ascertain, If nothing else,
how Americans compare with th
Britishers In the saddle. , , (
Sioux City, Dec. 17.-P. W. iMionck,
who ha large Interest In Montana,
hi In till dty aud tell of an aequaln?
tonce of hi buying 1,000 range horses
In Fergus, Mon for $3 a head, killing
them, boiling tho meat In a huge
caldron and uslrg It to feed a large
number of hogs on bis ranch. The
ranchman claim ho will get more
for hi hogs -than he would If he had
Invested the amount he paid for the
horses In corn.
Chicago, Dec 17. Friends of Mayor
John Hopkins are alarmed by a serious
ailment affecting hi throat He will
go eaat tomorrow to consult specialr
A Carefully riauncd and Well Vanned
Outfit Depart for the
SEATTLE, Doc. 17.-The rcst-Intel-
llgencor party for the exploration of
Mount H (truer left today and after
topping at Puyollup to stwuw homing
iitintonfl to enrr nirHDHirpfl from thA
pigeons to carry messages from the
mountain, will go on to wllkeeon.
From thou point they will start over
tho trail tomorrow morning to make
tho ascent, which will begin at Crater
take. The party is composed of Ma.
E. S, Ingrahanu, a veteran mounttan-
eor, George Russell, H. Cooke Hill,
Dr Luther M. Lo.wsey, Hamilton Boyd,
and W. M. Sht411old of the Pot-ln-
telllgoncer staff
Jasper, Tenn., Dec. 17. John and
General Kennedy, brothers, were
hanged here today for the murder of
telegraph oiierater named Iiowery,
employed by the Nashville, Chatta
nooga & St. Louis road at Shellmound,
In October last Lowrcy was shot to
dentil while asleep In his office, hla
clothes rifled and tho otllce looted.
Now York, Dec. 17. Defaulting ray
ing Toller Talt of the Chemical Na
tional b.iuk, wns arraigned to plead
to tlie charge of having stolen $15,-
vm) or the bank' funds. He was not
ready, and counsel obtained an ex
tension until Thursday, when he will
"The Foremost Baking Powder bA
iJUggj ' in all the World." ' " '1 '''i '"' "
..(i .t. hi "!..., it,,,
Dr. Price's
t tiiHi l'i-u) .ii "i oiiii.t,.
Carried off"
: ),!.1J
. at
World's Columbian
l if -nil y t
The Cattle Rustlers in
i Close Quarters. , V
A, Determined Posse in
1 Hot Pursuit
i " " : .'"!i-f-..
bej ItaVe' Captured Three of ths
fiiiig-leaders and Mors tnder '
"' Surveillsnee,""""
PBNDtrOlC Dec, ' lT.Shertff '
fiouser has rounded up tho rloclesdera ,
of, the gong of cattle thieves wxd ba
three In custody. - ' ! '
i Hoter went to Cams prUrls last
Saturday and met the officers thre.
For many months ' a" roort careful '
watch has been kept sul clew noted 1
In ew case of cattle steallnx. The
have lsjctl numerous bat the leader
Waa noti iltrtiectexL i .One week. ss;o.,
Sieves, head belonging ito McCulloch
4c Sloan wero uiiswl. They had beett '
driven off la a bunch, at night aad,
taken ,to the nwuntnin. to be driven
to Grant county or secreted and Sold '
later." After a prolonged search hasty 1
word came to the sheriff and be went
to Camas to alt Far back' In the
mountain be cabin and - ranoh of
1)111, Walker ,wa discovered and erl
donce found which ratUUed tho offl
cert that Walker was running a regu. ,
lar robber's .roost, , He ho lived there
twonty-tlve year and has always been
of a shady obAraoter. A Wg . gang 1
kept -up opersAldns awl hundred of (
tatde have been tolen during all the
time Walker ha been captain of them
Sad f umlahed means for, the conceal-, ,
nieiit of criminals.
The deputy district' attorney claims "
be has Htrong evidence and , thinks f
Cattle thieving la this locality will
now be' broken tip. 'Lee Trench, 'Gay'
French, 1 sous. of a prominent, rancher,,
Snd stockman, J. IL French, of But
tor'efoek, were arroeted and' are tar
Jail here, -charged with participating ,
In the stealing of eleven head of cat
tle! ' Other arrests will follow." Bill
Walker's place la a natural fortress. , , ,.
I WASIl'l NGTON, "doc' 17. Tho' sen'- "
ate today ' resumed consideration "of 1
Uie Nicaragua -canal , bill and Peff er ,
delivered an address. He did not
heilove the country was In & condition
to buy. a canal, and Issue bonds for
It payment The constitution did hot
authorize the lending of money f or th 1
purpose of,, forwarding a private en- (
terprlse, aa waa proiosed to be done
by the1 bill. "It would be ' better for-t
tlia government to build the canal. ,
I Squire, of Washington, rotiowea
with" a' heafty'" endorsement of --the i
canal, .projocti , which he said would
be of greater Importance to the west-'
era world than the Sues canal has
been to the.jeast ., . , , , , ...
Price Ourrewt in the Portland Pro.i
j , .,, ,duce Markets, 1-iis (,(,i.iiii
1 l-1mir--Pitrtlajudk . Salon , $2,40 , por
l Oats-Qood twhlts, 25 to 20a per
bushel; -mUUng,. 27, to 20c; jgrajr,. 25
to 27c, , " ,
Rirh'-BnwlngI,'80 h 82o w
Cental.' i 1- ..o.-tMitc 1 -.,, j it,
MUlstuffsBran. $13.50; middlings,
$1150; chop feed, $15 to $17.' ' : """
i 1 U.. ClA ta n CIA nor ,
Butter Firm; fancy creamery, 23
to '11m fancy dairy, 20 to ICJc. " n
IPotatoes-35 to 40o per sack. m vt .i.-t .
1 OnUma Good Oregon, 75 to 90c per
ecnuil. " '
l'oultry-Ohickens, $L50 to $1.73 pes
qiweni, ducks, $2.50 to $5.
j Fresh fruit-Good Oregon! "apples 1
50 to t?5c por box.) ( ..(... Im.
I Eggs Orogon, scarce and firm at
23c per doz.; Eastern, 21' to 22c "'
j Wool Valley, 7 to Oo, according to.,
qimUty Unipqua .7 to 9c; Eastern
Oregon, 0 In 7c. 1 " "' "" "
Hoiie Quotable at 4 - to To per -Found,
according to quality.
j Wheat Shippers quoted 674 toOc' 1
per cental-ae the extreme for Walla,
Walla, and gave as the outside figure
for valley 77 to 80c per cental. ' ' '
of I, it i.,
at i,
'"in A i. I In ,' iii ,
tut I I
!,ll K il
M -it I i-i Oil i,
ths .4 1
t ni.-.l -.Sftf .,
11 j.i'iv .i-.n3 i 'litrn
"I "I' 'na
t'll.lit:.' p -( ,,i Ji nit
I "'f. JWI,tinln
' : '. 1893."'" ""' 'fflW'
1 III i) y., !,;- si ,t,i