The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 14, 1894, Image 1

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    The Best Newspaper
I th on that fives th most ant
freshest new Compare the WEST
BIPM with any paper i, i,tk WUttly
As an Advertising Mun
Takes tnk Liao m Polk County.
0& IIo
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00,
Vice PrwUteiil
:.. A general banking and exehanse bunlnnw
trampled: loan matte, bills dttetiied,em
mereial ereJtts granted! iHhmu received on
turrtDl aawunt subjeel to etwek, luUrml paid
OS Ui dvpualla. .. ,-.
&. Smith. A.Nehven.I. A.. Allen. H. It.
J iw twin, A. l. Qowlmau, U, W, Knins M.
Commenced Business M&81849
Kt4wtiil hjr atlooal Authority,
.' ' THE
of lutlPtwtKtviteiOrvtfuu.
Capital Steeki
t'rvaklwul. VUi lrIJMit
W. II It AWLKY, Caahler.
k J. .. ,
J. I. Onojwr, u , RArUon, Ul Ueiuitvk
U. W. Wtalieaker, W. W. Collin.
A m-ni-ml banktn huittneea tnmnwtMt
Buy. aud aUetiati( on alt ioxtnaiil
. pomi
tH.ji.mlu wvrlrrd nutuoet 10 eheek nr on cr-
lim-aia ui aepcMit. (oiinsiiona ataue.
OOioe hour; m. Ui 4 p. uu ,
Polk County Bank,
K L. CAM I'll KLI.
1KA U lW k.LU
Paid Capital, S30.000
V DtREurorw,
J. H. Hmrr, P. L. Campbell, I, M.MInipmd
J, o. v. tiuuer, j.b. mump, r. n. ruwvu
J.MMitih I :rmvti.
"A" general ban km and einhanee bu.diiwi
IraiiwW!; ha mad: dHlu received
uujaet to eherk or on eentileeie 01 uvhjmv
IntwrMl BAkl on tint drtMMtlU.
-Klr iinml vault and burglar proof mte.
Hior- a. in. hi 4 P. m.
J. A. VKSt8
Prescott & Veness,
Prutrlh)ni of i
mm m M
. . ; Manafaetorcn of and Uler In
Rouh and Dressed
. lumber! .
J. A. WHEELER, Manager.
American and Kumponn 11 m.
' THOS. GUINEAN, ProprUtor,
Rovcntb and Wanblnitton Sw
0o io IbeCBlriel
And e how
Yon can K'rt your
Work Done.
Wagon Repairing All
; ; ; ' Kinds,
H. i. FULLER, Proprietor.
. .. jfyoawantaGoodquareMcuitor
25 Cents
' Go to the
-Cblckon Wnnerve2naaleptndenWi
$2.00 Per Year.
Tho Secretary's Idea of
An Interesting Monetary
Tha Nicaragua Caual U t Tbouie of
Dtscussluu lu Congress-Other
Legal Matter.
WASHINGTON. Dw. lC-Swrotitry
tnrlislo uiiikuivU bvfor tlm Iioum
lumttUti un banking ami curmu'y
H UlO Ut'W lUITeUOV IllltU III'oikuuxI
iu lila aununl rvHrt aud lm(ir4 In
tti in-.i(lont'a uii'mh UiKh Ui
run. uii-mlKirialii .of the eumiultu
Suor l!utiKi-u. the Moilouu nilul.tfr.
!n4 mitny uiPtuUi'ra uf wmurcaa wvre
piintut. CarlMo luolt up each m,.(:tlou
uf lib mMiiuiiinulnttuua.
Flwt-To ni.l all lw miutrlnit
ir authurtitlUK th d-Ki f Uuliwl
Sutti bond ai WH'urlty for clrvtila
tlutt, ami Hiiitl, to iHrmU unttoiiat
luir.ks iu tMMua iiuUk to an amount
nut ekcmilu T5 pr ceut.or tholr
imlil-up and nnliniMilnxl capital, but
to njulr OTii'h bank bfor mi'lvlug
uoU to di'poHlt a Kuaranteo fund n
nlHtlng of I'uitml Ktatwi Ugal titubf
ntin. liuHmltuit trvaaurjr noti of lsvui
to tli anioiuit of !W prr vur, uKn
th fltvulatlnu imii-a appllinl for.
Tltla iHTWiitasw di'Nuda uhii the
ctnniluliiur uotna mitataudln to t
nmlntnluitl at all tlimn, and wluti
wer tlw bank rvtln lia ctrrulatlon
In wliolo or In part, lit Bunranti
fund la to bo returned to It In propor
tion to th amount of itotra rrttntl.
.Cnrllslo anltl h waa wiiunwl Hie
pr.K.'i)t law rvulrli)ir tho pninH.t do
PiU of a (Mind to aivuro cltvulntlon
luvveniod an iastli'lty of currwy,
"Tho pMvlslon onillnoil glvt amplfl
prit(H-tlon without the deposit of Iwuda
it julivd by tho piwaont law."
titrtiw an!l tho praetlcnl valua or
the rtiMTvii rund curn'ticy waa ahown
In IstKl Thi-w was a demand for
tiumov acwwHir $io,(Kmo. The
triHHurr did It lt to rmet the
tHiurtnfy. but hr ho tlmo tho note
wvro rwuly to dlm ibuto the uomnnd
had kouo by, and 'unay of tlio pat'k
air of nota wr rotiu"nHl unimld
Tho ainTotary invito.! crltlelaiu ou
th (a particular wetlou.
flmlriimn Hprtiitfi-r aikcd bow the
4 Hlrtr'a plnu tllffirfl from tli
Itnltlmor pliin.
Carllalo evplalnnd the teclmlcal dlf
ferenw. Tho llaltlmore plan proiMwod
a (lTtoalt of M nr cent under certain
coiMlltlona, while the tmwnry plan
oroiHiWHl a deimiilt of M txr cent
When a bunk falla tho troamiry plan
p'intciniilntea nil aiweamiient on n4l na
tlonal hunk, they m turn linvliiff a
lion on thf fiilhil bank.
IUprM"iitatlve Hall of AfliMioiirt auir
irfil there waa pn'Tnlllns opinion
It wim nnnnfo to pliico the riower of
Hie riirroeer In the nnnda of coriKrn
thHia and bank.
"It will work automatically." auld
Oarlialo. 'The bank will not expand
the currency uiilea the public mill
It. TliBlr Intercut will bo to expand
and contract a common lutreat d.
mniid It. Thoae lntn8ta will, there, control at all tluica."
The aiK-retary rurtoer aiilir. "Tina
flexibility waa much more dcalrable
than a rlifld ayatMii, by which a cer
tain amount of currency waa out
atandliijt. At one time the atrlnffoiicy
waa ao great tlio banka drew out f 13,.
(H),oni), under preemire, and If It had
not boon for the ( anniiliin nanka,
who wnt currency Into this country.
rloim tilta might have enaued.
Controller of Currency Eckel ap
peared iK'fore the committee and
mak an elaborate etntement. He
o!'tni1ed tho national nanklna law
were not to lie llirhtly dealt with and
ahnnld not nlti'red tiiilitia It waa
ntwlittelv knowu the chance would
b lienefli lnl.
Carllelo enhl that tho ultimate lia
bility waa In the jrovernment by the
Haltlmoro plan. and on the banka by
hi plan. Johnon nekml If the ultl
mato llablllly of the eovornmetit would
not liwitlre more conlldcnce lu the cur
rencr. The secretary1 aaJd It unilouM-
wily would but that hla plan would In
mire ample protection and ttiorufore
ampin eonfldcmee. He explained that
la ca-so of falluro of tho bank Its thirty
per cent gw Into the general aafety
fund and If the amta of the failed
Iwi'k are not Biifllcloiit to meet all II
abllitle w ithout carrying the Kcneral
mifety fund below five per cent, then
all the bnnka are aaseeeed to meet
Hi llabl Itlc Tho banka men nave
a lion on the a-ieta of tho fulled bunk.
C'onoernlnff tho atate panit roature,
tho Bocrotary aahl: "It met nwre
lr a plan by which, atate banka could
a-t If they aaw lit Hut tho jtovonn
merit haa no dlrt?et conwrn with atate
Institutions." '
Tho secretary tlien took up tne prop-
nelflon that na national bank note be
laauod of leee denoiulnation than $10.
It would encourage tlie clrculaiUon of
silver colna of email denomuiatloiia.
Hporry mktnl If silver ottrtlflenU-a were
rWiwl In gold. "No," mid the
aocrotary, "tliere are two claaeee of
note reloomablo In gold, viz: Green
back ami treaaury not wider tlio
Hhermiui act of JW."
Concornlui? tho nliitn proviaion, -uie
repeal of all provisions of law re
anli'ltiK bunk to keep an account of
ilcpoa.iV" the ew-retary aald; "The
pnawmt law keel a bank from unlnn
its rtmorve at a time when It needs
It mot."
Cobb of Alabama aKea: "uo you
hold that the government owea no
oblluallon to dep'wttorar'
"No more," aald the aecrecary, "man
t la obliged to proht a private citi
zen WHO invcmn iuuua in luMiuiiw-
turlng contern, corporations, pec.
Mr.' Carlisle then took up section 11,
the "slate bank" feature of hla plan.
rrn mhl as to this that ho would
consider such state bank note safe
perhaps porfi-ctly aafo would be too
strong but reasonably safe. lie eug
goeua a change in tho third provision
o that the Hen would not cover the
fund of fc-iiardhui and other wall
mil trusts. . Cox of Tennessee, author
of tl atate bank bill defeated las
aoaslon, asked liow state banks would
be compelled to ose;-vo uiwk
tloll. , ;'' m
The secretary said the trfaiaury offi
cials would exert proper efforts to eee
that the conditions were uw..,
nnnka nnd a!coiinta of state Danss
would be Inspected and if ftw"
refused, federal offlclala would deter-
niliie on the tax.
Carltelothald he did not beller. la J
iihuU to aaaert anch atttliorlly ovei
iAto InsUtuUtma.' II W ldrti waa Mint
federal antbority did Hot o beyond
UniMwlnit a tax aa a imwiia of cmh
pelllnx Uio statu luaiituUoua to observe
certain eoudlUona.
My DOaltUtU Woilhl lend to Dm
leal coneliuhiii that all tax on atate
banks should lie repealed," sntl
tha aeeretary. "That may not Ih
praetlcal at preaent, but tliere aliould
be tlw least exuretse of authority ihm
tbla. IN THE 8KNATE.
Washlnifton. Ic. 10..1lnrrl. nnwl.!
dent pro tiHii, eallwl the Mist to or
der today In the atweiiee of Vice I'i-ik-Idettt
Htevenm-n. who lias not returiu'd
rrom Asiievllle, N, 0.
Call preaented a resolution setting
rortn mat the indeis'iidence of the
Islaud of Cuba la an object of grout
Importance to tho I'uIuhI BtnU-s. nnd
reouinUug the iirwldeiit to commence
uegotiatimia with 8wln for reeogul
tlon of tha IndeiM'iulence of the IslniHl
and for a xuarnutoe by the I'nlte!
Htatea of the payment of audi sum ot
money a shall lie agreed on betwinni
the Cnited Htaten and Hnaln. Tie
resolution went over until tomorrow
Call also iircaeutod a resolution de
claring that further prosecution of the
war between China and Japan will
not be advaulagnou to the tsople u
elvlllaattou, and that the Interest of
Uia world reiuln that nil govern
meat hould unite In nrgotlatlng nlth
Japan aud China for the termination
of the war. Wltlmur discussion the
ilutloti wis nerred to tho com
nilttee ou foreign relation.
Allen called up til resolution In
tendtil to expunge a isirtlon of the
eougresNlonal record and to aHirt
resolution Introduced by him last July
to the attorney general, fltie latter
resolution calbil for Information eon
corning tho rullmaii strike, This n-s-
olutlon wa paswd, but was re-eonsld
ered on motion of Pugh. Allen bitter
ty assailed this action and also at
tacked the attorney general, to whom
he attributed the action of the Ala
bama- senator. Pugh vigorously de
fended the attitude taken by OInoy
At 2 a clock the whole matter wen
over and tha senate, en motion of
Morgan, took nn the NUTiragua cunal
Tha bill wa read at length. Morgan
began his remark by making a state
ment of tho national and hitenrntlonal
aspect of tho subject, upon which th
senate and house bills agreed. Careful
calculations, be Insisted, showed that
the canal could be constructed at
cost that would yield remunerative.
profit so that that It wa a neeeHty
that It would le of the ctvatit tin
portAiice to the fulled States; that It
could 1st opera ti-d and Hint there was
nothing to render tmMislhle the con
cession made iy tlie Central A inert
can government to elthseti of the Unit
ed StfltfSL
Washington, De. 10.-fienator Mor
g'tn quotcsl from tlio reisirt of Chief
Knglneer Menocrti. who stimaui tne
canal cmdd t built for fSo.wsMsio,
The two houses of tHngres pnutknlly
agreed that the ciwt of U eatml
would 1st alMMit $7o.isd).(mi0. Miu-bell
brlelly expressdwl tils hearty approval
of the achomo to build the canal nnd
said ho thought there was no great
dirfonmed among the ieole regarding
tho propriety of the work of construe-
A Lumber Laden Schooner from Wash
lngtou Ha a Terrible Experi
ence (ioliijr to 'Frisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Icc. lO.-Cbnrle
Johnson and G us tar Wennerberg,
owners of a cigar stand on Fourth
street were mothered to dtath this
morning at their lodgings ou Mteven
on utreet by Ulumliuitlug gn. When
they retired liUo hut night one of
(hem acxrlileiitaiiy turned on tne gas,
after extinguishing tho light, the gas
fixture Mug dtrfectlvft Hotli tut
wm nrotnliaait In adliMlc ciix-h-s,
having partleliMited In many tug-of-
war emitest.
San Frauebs-o, Hot!. 10. Tlio aolwmn
er W I Hsls, lumber laden, from
Port Blakifly, Wash., to thlrfport, while
attempting to pass lu One tiionilug
foumi'irod In the hwivy sea that Is
b-xuiklng on the bar. It In believed
she lost her rudder, The veswd wHiined
suddenly to bocomo imicauagciuilo,
aud waa tsarrhul over Hie bar with
tho tide and wa, srnm thrown up on
tlio ocean beach at a iK'lut three
mile below the cliff bouse. At 0
o'clock tho vessel f rapidly Kolng to
piece In Ui brHtkem. Tho crew are
In tho rigging and aa the moiiiing w
cohl, thd (Ireiu'hed mm u'lmt mifrer
iovertily, Two II fo a!ng crews from
the Ooeiuwida bouse nnd Gol.wni Onte
park are now on the win and will
soon have lines to tho (toonied vessel,
It Ui prolsnblo all Wio crew will be
saved, nia vessel, however, will be
a total 1. At 10 o'clock the nen
are still In 4Jie rigging where they
have Is-en clinging for two hours, wet
to tho skin with tho heavy rtsis break
ing over tlio schooner. As jet tho lift
saving crmva hale been raimblo to
reach them through th surf.
At 11 oVloek tho eight men form'ng
the crew of the schooner liuve bew
rcjteued by the life saving crews and
huva b.ii taken to the stallop ria.r
by to bo cared for. Tho nitu wore all
but exliinwtixl.
Tho men who luid been clinging to
the rigging of tlie clsswer for nearly
two hour wero rescued one at a time
by men'-iM of a luasket ouoratlnit on a
strong lino of the life , saving ciw,
Captain Itaynor was the lut one
ashore. A they were lifted front the
biwket wery mtin arnik tiixm tilr beach
from exhaustion. Captain Ilanor was
entMy holpleea. Ha waa brought
to the city lu a buggy. The otlrors of
tho crew are all at tho life wiving
station and tho Ocoanslde hotu, Cap-
biln Itaynor t,i;tes ho attempted to
cross the bar on the atlvlco of a pilot
wlioin ha oko outaMo Just after .tay-
llght, and who told Win tho bar was
saifw. Tho W. n "iie wan a nnree
mnator schooner built la Seattle In
1HH5. The loss on the schooner aud
cargo la estimated at f 40,000.
Minneapolis. Doe 10. -Olaua A
RHrt tlie confessed immlerT of Cath
erine Gtng, to a pltliubla object today.
Ho woopa contlmuuiy ma aay ne
wants to din. He say Hany Jlay
waird coatrolled him aa h did MUs
Ging, by hypnotlo power A large
crowd sjwombled In front of the munic
ipal court today expecting BMxt would
be armlgmod, and omtaou mutterlngs
were heard. It was decided Wlxt
should be taken directly before tlie
l,ira A fie-' I'rmlnitf HIIXl I COU
un niA tho Btorj wm
fW ooacoctod b) Blxt to avo hU
rpin.i m
The American Fedora
' tion at Denver.
Oompers' Animal Report
It Contain About Eight Thousand
Word Iu Which He Predict
Gram! Industrial Revival.
IF.XVK, Ioe. ,10.-Tbe fourtetli
annual convei tloft of tho Auicricaii
I'tsleratU'tt of Ijilsir wa called to or
der by President Goniier at 10
o cluck today. Thu,re were U'5 deie-
gat privsait. PaMident Klioily Kiai
ehitn. of the Iteuver Trades assembly.
delivered of welcome, to which Uoui
sr lirh'tljr restmiMhtl. Uianiavs
ssika feelingly of tho almost despr
alu eoudltlou of labor at the pnweiit
time. Referring to Uio innovation of
holding thl couvoiitlou so far In the
nest aa Uenver, ho suggested that
within a decade the westward move
ment of industry would tako the con
voittloUM of the fitdoruUon to the Gold
en Gate.
John Hums, tli Kngtisb lalsa leader Uio hall and wa greeted with
a storm ot applause.
Tlaaua M. PattonMttt. of leuver,
dellvensl an addnw ou "labor's
Rough aud Noble Ktniggle." Ilia de
lineation of tho Industrial condition of
the past and present wa received with
fromioitt applause. t)uo if the change
In tlio situation rrom Uie iast ho at
trlbuted to the Increase of corisra
tlon, Ho said that while an Individ
mil employer might feel y mini thy for
hi employe, a corporation could ti
tot-tutu no such etnotlon. The action
of the ftnleral goveruuieut In tho Pull
man strike wa doitouncod as tyranny
The General Managers' association, he
said, should have, be) held icitpoiisl
hie for tlie delays of the malls, Ci-
Ital coutrolliHl legislation, either by In
fliHinclng electlous or by pim-haslng
tho memls-r of the iiatloiial and state
l'rildiit CbMiiiM'r' annual retxirt,
which wa stibmlttiHl to tlm convention
thl afterniMin, contain iicarly n.iksi
words, lie defended tho actliiii of the
fedentthm lu regard to tlw A. It. I?
strike by the assertion that Delia' prop
osition submitted to tin-in was a vir
tual acknowledgement that the strHce
was a failure. President CleveJiuid'
sttlon at Mutt tlmo a everely con
(biiiiisrs atnaigly oiiimisihI any inove-
liietit liH.klng to ltideiudciit ixdltlcal
action by organised lalsir at presout.
Tho resulbi of I'sitl nttempbt In this
llun were cltixl to show tho disastrous
effort A serious .slralu upon labor
orgaiilutlhuw was ' predicted for tlie
coming winter, but tho sneaker acblsi
Ciilis wery Indhiatloii Is Incorrect
and causo and effit loeo their logk-al
.Mieiice. wo are within a year of nn
Industrial revival which lu activity
and uiloitalty will far sunuws tlutt of
any pnwloue pw-lisl."
The present time was suugtid a
opiKirtuno for the liuiuguratlon of a
vigorous demand for an 8 hour day
and for a law prohibiting contract
work on gwerninent ImproveiiiiHiLs,
The proHwltlou to establish compul
iry nrliltmttmi was deiiomu'ed.
HAS FRANCISCO, Dec, 10. A polit
ical storm that has Ix-eii gathering for
many days broke here today when P,
It. Cor n null, chairman of the republi
can state central committee, went be
fore the state supreme court and took
the Initial lu what Is to he a mutest
etweell Itudd, deiiiN-ratlc Cauilldate
for governor, ami Kstee, republican,
In Hau Francisco. Owing to tho In-
ctnnHteucy of election olllclal and
lu many distance their corrupt tiietii-
sis, returns from many precluda have
not been proiMTly wrtlucd to the
hoard of election commissioners, which
Is Just completing Its cauvass of re
turn. In several precinct the of-
Ihvr have not signed their return
ml refuse to do so. Twelve otllcers
if one precinct In which great frauds
have liccii discovered, are under arrest
for refusing to certify to tlu-lr returns.
It Is claimed that If the vote of nil
these precincts In which there have
been such Irregularities shun be
thrown out over 120,000 vote will t-i
stricken from the rot urn:. It bt lu
Huh Francisco that Budd po'I''" "
big vole, nnd a hi total plurality In
tho state Is less than l.lloo, It la plain
the throwing out of returns from nil
these precinct will defeat Budd and
at Fstee, the republican candidate.
lis retmblleon statu central commit.
tee has decided to attempt thl The
supreme court now has the petition
under consideration. On the state su
premo lieiich tho republicans have a
majority, but It is not presumeo mm
this fact can Imve any hearing upon
the queetlons In Issue. If the court
hull decide In favor of the reptibib
aim, further consideration will be
Immediate and conclusive and Kstee
Iw seated. If a decision adverse to the
'onubHeans shall tie rendered, It Is
their declared Intention to carry the
contest Into the legislature, where
they have nn overwhelming majority.
The Deeisrato Seattle M-o'-leror Will
Not Hang JiMt vet.
Tneomn, Dec. 10. All O'empta sis'C-
lal tft tho ledger aaya: The aupreiue
court today rendered a pndlmlnary
decision favoring Thomas Blaiick, the
Sooittlo murderer, now flglitlng to lie
lived from tho gallows. Hlnnck ap
pealed from the sentence of deuii, but
the state movei to dismbu the Appeal
on tho ground that the tlmo for per
fecting an ApiMVtl had expired. The
supremo court denies the motion to
dismiss HhuK'k'a appeal. This prac
tically give the condemned man a
now lease of life until the ease can be
hoard and decided on II merit,
Portland, Die. 10.-S, 0. Ilolllg and
. W. Lewter, of Taomna, are hew ne-
gollatllng) With J. Tbornbum Ross,
manager ot tho Title uuarnnteo &
Trust Co., which controls tho Mar
quain blisk, for tlio lease of tho Mar
quaiin Grand theatre, They clnilm to
have secured control of tho Taoma
aud Seattle theuitre and their plan Is
to mtabludi a circuit confuting of
Portland, .Tacoma, Olympln, Seattlo,
Victoria, and Vancouver, B. 0. If
their plana are matured they will com
ploto tlie circuit by Iidruary 15th and
hav on ,m-
The Hanking Institutions of New
Feuudliind Tottering.
Ht. John's. N. F.. lb. 10,-Thrt Com
norcliil bunk of Newfoundland, bat
lug licadijuartKr In thl city, susisnid
ihI payment thl uioruiuu, owing '
tho falliir of w-venil of the laigoe
lleh exiHUilng houses to respond to
Ilulillltles to the bank. Till ha In
volved other batiks, and has crippled
some concerns here. Four have cloned
their promise, and other will Clone
tomorrow. Hmnll desisltor are de
manding cold from the union aud bv
lugs Imnks, and the gold rcrvi I
being steadily drained, If they are
utile to meet a run, everything I safe,
but the chief dungi I the dlnlculty
In getting more gold Into the country
At present tho people are very peace
ful, and some are unable to appreciate
the gravity of the situation. Hustuca
men are trying to effect an arrange
ment with Ixmdon banker or with
Canaillun concern which will le
urged to extend busbies to thl center.
Preliminary Hteps Taken to Hold One
at Portlaud,
Portland, lK-e. lu. TIm feasibility
of holding an Oriental fair In Port-
laud next year wa the prlncliial topic
of discussion before the chamber of
roiuiiicrc thl afternoon. It wa sug
gested that China, Jaime, Coiea, Stitiu
Hawaii and Australia be Invited to
partlchMte. A uut Ion wa carried for
tho aniKilntment of a committee to
tako up thu mat tor and report to the
chamtier ot commerce.
man wiio ieiit eleven million of other
issiple'a money and tunny wrecked a
bank and conWudod a wheat opnulon
that startled tho world, Is now Indict
ed for making a falso report of the
condition of an Insurance company
George I Brandor conducted the great
wheat deal of 1SH7, using tho mouey,
stsnritle and credit of tlio Nevuta
tsink of which bo wa cashier. He
confessed to Hie loot of million hud
now fur Uio flrat tlmo I umile public a
matouioiit of that confession and the
Mhulon of oUer fact about the wbtsai
deal and tho manner In which a tluau
clal patilo wa averted, The act for
which he U Indicted Uiat of sww
lug that D'J3 sltan-s of sunk of the
State lineHtnient and Insurauco coin
isuiy, wa lll.SIO caeli ou baud, and
I a trifle oimimril with hi grand op-
eratlou In 1hh7.
The lnsldo history of Uie big wheat
deal, published here for the first time,
show that Itraiuler put ttio M'vaoa
bank la smit a way Uiat U atood
clmiM-e to lose IIT.OOO.IKMI oi) the deal.
Tlie day Utt atate of arriurs waa til
covered tiiero wa only alwut t'M) left
In Uie bank with which to commence
huslmw the next day. The late Jainea
Fhsxl, then head of tho.Nciada bank,
could see no way out and decided to
have A reei'lver apisilnted, TIms nec
essary pamr wore drawn up, when
thu bank of California came to tho
I'cmciio wTUi a mllltou dollars. F.x-8-n-
ator Fair also bad a million and half
to spare and with that the bank wa
enaliliHl to Udo over the crisis. The
wheat twilight by Brander wa grad
uully dls)siMed of and wlnn thu bank
finally closed up tho deal, It wa found
fhat Hnuiiler's enhriirlMe had cot jut
fll.utxi.otio. None of thl enormous
amount of money stuck to Blunder's
haiiits, and ho was penniless when dis
charged from Uio hank, lie engineer
ed Uie dtvil merely for the glory he
thought be would attain as a financier,
Flood wanted to get rid of him and
gave hlin f 13,000 to leave tho country.
Blunder did go, but eamo back and
Isicitiue heiul of Uio State Ilivestnielit
Co. Ho I believed to be In Scotland
at present
PENDLETON." Or.' Dee. lO.-Not a
gambling pluco I open In Pendleion.
One week ago there wero Blwut a
lonen ninnlng full blast N-orly
every gambler whose permanent home
Is not In this city has fled to escape
tho experleuco of tliose who nave
been arrested. Jtunib Sheurerman,
rtiidldate for city treasurer at the
election Inst Monday, was taken for
examination today before a Justice,
charged with gambling. The caso waa
dismissed, but the other are held.
The agitation continues and will prob
ably tako the form of an Investiga
tion of the jKillee force. It has been
alleged that the oltlcer eolh-eted black
mail money from tho gamblort and
nnwtltute Those who tied to Walla
Walla found a more rigid observance
than here, and write to friend that
there Is no shew for sport
The DalleH, Dec. 10,-Toduy Ravage
mid Klein, tho express robber, were
brought before Judge Bradsbaw to
receive seiiteiuw. HavagvJ was sen
tencod to four years In the peniten
tiary and KMn, who turned state's
evidence and led to the recovery of
the ' f 14,000 stolen, gel eighteen
months. It Is undorHtnod Savage at
torney will appeal to tho supreme
flan Fran"UK, Dec, 10,No, 1 ahlp
plng wheat HOc, with 01 Vic for cbolco.
Milling gmide 05c $1. Wnlla
Walla, of fair averago quality 78c
Now York. nop dull,
Jivm-pool. Wheatl pof, dull; de
mand poor; No. 2, red winter 5s; No.
2, rod spring, etocka exliaustxl; No. 1,
hard Manitoba Bs 8d; No. 1, CaJlfornla
5s (Id.
lloiw. At London, Pacific coast,
2 lt)s. .
Han Francisco, Doe. 10. Five fur
longs I Mighmore won In 1:10 3-4.
Flvo furlongs Sir Reginald won In
Seven furlongsJack Richelieu won
In 1:35. :
Five furlongs Banyo won In 1:07&
Six furlongs Talbot Clifton wou In
1:21 ;
Ran Francisco, Doc, 11. Tlio steamer
Furralou arrived from Port Angeles
todav and reports a very rough ex
perience during the recent stormi,
which ho encountered on th 8th.
Several of her sailors were Injured
and ono passenger killed. Frank
Ileyman, steerage passenger, ennio out
from tlie compnmouwuy onto tne aoctc.
A mountain of water caught him with
full force and washed him .against
tho combing ot a hatch and then dash
ed him against tlio pilot house. Ills
skull wns crushed and he was Injured
severely Internally. That evening be
,1 nil ThA next- iiini-nlnir III lwiilv wna
dropped Into the sea. Ileyman Was '
a Gorman and boarded tho vessel at
He Knifes His Whole
Family to Death
And Then Shoots His
Brains Out.
The Kntlre Countryside in i Fever of
Excitement Over the
RIDOEWAY, Mo., Di!a ll.-Tb
most horrible human butchery ever
recorded In uil ms-llou was commit
ted five miles southwest of thl
city tislay. David G. Hpragg, lu a fit
of Insanity, murdered hi wife and two
children and mortally wounded hi
step-c'illdrcii and then took hi own
lire. The weapon which the maniac
used was a large butcherknlfe. In
few hour number of people arrived
from town about and an luvemiga
tlon of ti e scene wa made.
Tho most slckculiig sight met their
gaste. Lying lu the yard uear the gate
was the body of Mr Hpragg, niuu
luted ulmost beyond recognition. In
th little dwelling, In one corner of
tho sluing room Iny the lifeless body of
little Caley, x year old, aud In an
other, AHs-rt, a 4-year-od boy. Ou the
kltcheu floor, with blood besmeared
all over his hand and face and still
clutching tho terrible Instrument of
death, lay the author of the awful
crhiK Two Btep-chlldren ot Hpragg,
tmtii under six year or age, were
token to the home of a neighbor where
they are dying from wound
Particular of the butchery are learn
is! from Dora, the 11 year old step
daughter of Hpragg, who escaped to
the neighbor and gave the alarm.
Hpragg had hceu complaining all
morning of hi head, and their nearest
ni'lghlsir, Mr. Meyer, waa sent to
Rldgeway for a doctor. Hion after
Meyer left Hpragg began hi work.
When the peopl began to arrive they
were kept from entering by Hpragg,
who stood In the door with a loaded
shotgun. Finally he locked the door,
and It wa then that he butchered
h ti pchlldivii. Just a the crowd
wa preparing to break Into the bouse
two shots were beard, and when the
door wa finally forced open Sprngg
wa dead.
Borlln, Dec. 11. The Hrtistag wa
crowded biday In expectation of see
ing exciting (wmki over Uie motion of
Chnncollor llohenlohe to prosecuto Uie
socialist who refused to respond to
tha president end for cheer for Uie
euusiror Ihunday. Filiwldonlt
von uwetxow opened the sitting and
read tho petition of Uie public prom-cn-
tor of th offending deputies. Tlie pe
tition wa referred. Chancellor iloheu
lobe Ulen arose nnd road the budget
seatyiiueut After uttlmnraig tlult he
would not follow In all things the way
of hi predecessors, be dwelt upon Uie
necessity for tho nuance reform and a
re-arrangement of the relations be
twoon the empire and the individual
state and expanded the Idea set
forth by Uio emperor In hi speech.
Ho concluded by culling attention to
Ihu ucceMsity or strengthening tlie
conumm law agntust movement de
signed to undermine the authority of
Uie state. "
Portland. Or., Dec. ll.-The Port-
land Exposition company 1 very near
the end of It financial tether aud
their splendid property, worth per
haps three times tho aggregate of
talma against, about Jik'i.oon, must
succumb to the terms of tho foreclos
ure Judgment hcrtofore gained by the
Scotch-Auieiicnn Investment company.
he day of rodomptlcu, as provided by
statute, Is very necr and the exiiesl-
tlon people are helpless miles the
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. make
gisid their recent proposition to pay
the redemption figure and give the
Exposition company another year In
which to redeem their big property,
but as they, too, are dilatory, things
look vry black- for the judgment
debtor. It Is hoiied, however, -the
turn may be made In time and the
property saved.
London, Dec. ll.-The Globe this af
ternoon print a letter from a British
resident of Olilua, who occupies a posi
tion which brings him In touch with
the mandarin and masses. Ho says:
A tragedy may occur any day, and
whoa tho Japanese come In sight of
the capital I feel certain every for
eigner will bo ninssacred. Tho foreign
ministers wUl incur a perfectly insane
risk If they remain there after the Ice
ha closed tlio port of Tien Tsln. The
groatwt danger Is In the fact that
nearly all tho aoldler are membera of
secret aocdoty, which Is ready to
break out at Uio first chance."
Jalapa, Mexico, Doe. 11. Delfln San
chez, a railroad niagnate of Mexico,
has ro turned from Pari and London,
where bo say he ha siK-ceeded In se
curing the required amount of capital
for the building of the extension or
the Inter-Oceanic railroad from Chltla
to Acajpulro, on ho Pacific coast Con
cession for this extension waa ob
tained from Uie government by San
chez flame time ago. The road will
cross the Sierra mountains, and some
great engineering feats must bo ac
Han Francisco, Dec. 11, About six
furlongs, selling San Luis Key won
In 1:21& I
Six furlongs, 2-yiir-old8 Ethel
Dixon won In 1:2.1.
Six furlongs, selling-Monrovia won
In 1:22. -
Seven furlongs, selling Sllgo won
In 1:38.
About six furlongs Obe won lu
Bollalre, O., Dec. 11. Robber en
tered the railroad station at Woods
field, O., and after knocking tho agent
insensible securely bound him. They
roiwuickod tlie atxtlon of express goods,
railroad tickets and money.
Louisville, Dee, 11,-Artlhur Gardner
broke itha one-third mile uupaced, hi
cycle, flying start, record In 38 3-0.
Five Cents Per
Highest of all in Leavening Powe-Ltet U. & Govt Report
LlrertMsil, Dec. 11.-Wheat-dull: de-
mand poor; No. 2 red winter, 4 ftd;
No. 2 Kil spring, stock exhausted;
No. 1 hanl Manitoba. 6 4d: No. 1
California, 5 4L Hop at London,
ravine coai, ki lit. ,
Han Frnnd':o.-Iu wheat thero waa
A bettor feeling ou the market thl
morning and nmttoi generally had a
stoadkr look; 00c for No. 1 shipping,
wiib io ror soniethlng bttter; mill
ing gradiHi are In moderate rciiuewt at
0Wiil; Walla Walla, 78 8 8 to 82 for
rair aveiage, .i ror cimiee heavy,
T.W77 for No. 2 and (iM70 for off
Washington. Dec. 11. The nenslon
bureau ha received a report from
Hjieclal Examiner Stockslagi-r, at Fort
Smith, Ark., announcing the sentenca
of Tom Bear to ix year In th pen-
loainay, ana or i. J. Thornton to sl
tnouUi In jail and a lino of $200. They
were connected with fully GOO oenslon
claim aald to be false, and tho com
mission of Ova special examiner under
the mipervlslon of Examiner Htock.
lager I U11 at work on the con
Seattle, Wash.. Dec. ll.-The Groat
Northern overland train due here at
1055 hurt night wa ditched five miles
Uil aide of Everett at 10 o'dack. The
engine tender nd express car arc bad
ly smashed. It was due to a land
slida over the Mile,-. John Johnson, a
tramp, bad hi leg badly crushed
between Uie tender and Uie bank. The
track were not cleared, up to 1 o'clock
Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. ll.-John
Phillip Uie fifth man arrewted for
complicity to Uie Beubrook train rob-
tsiry, was lodged In Joil here today,
lie Is a broUior-ln-lu w of John Ward.
also arrested for Uil robbery. The
officer are confident Ward, Hullivan,
and Phillips did the robbing and Gar
diner aud others were only accea-
Corvalll Or.. Dec. ll.-The river
here Is being searched for the remains
of Pryor HeotL a pioneer of 1845.
mlsshig since last Sunday morning.
He Is rnpiMiKcd to have committed sui
cide, rlnauciel 'nx ublca made him
desisindent and ho ofun talked of
irownlng himself. A hat Identified as
his waa found on the rlvtr bank.
SeatUe, Wash.. Dec. 11,-Morltz
Koch, of the printing firm of Koch
& Oakley, died thl morning of rheu
matism. He was one of the oldest
and most respected citizen of Seattle.
nervy scoundrel
And Robs a Couple ot Portlandert
"Down at the
Bay." .
and Mr Wm. E. Brown who arrived !
hero hist night from Portland and were
en route to Eureka, were robbed of
$405 Uils afternoon by a cost daring
burglar. The robber wore a badge
and claimed to be a detective. He en
tered tiielr apartment on O'Farrell
street while Mr Brown wa alone,
and after aocturing the woman and
her husband of complicity In a recent
robbery, coolly proceeded to search
tholr trunk. The burglar found some
money In a stocking. He charged that
It had been stolen and after frighten
ing Mrs. Brown Into a condition of
helpless terror, he boldly walked out
of tha house.
London, Dec, ll.-The death of Pu
gilist Smith from Injuries received In
contest with Dummy winter De
cember 7th hn resulted In tho arrest
of three sporting reporters, the time
keeper and the promoter or the ngnt.
They will be charged a accessories
to manslaughter
Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder.,
John Boyd Thacher, Chairman of the
Executive Committee on Awards at the Col
umbian Exposition, writing from Washington,
D. C, to the Price Baking Powder Company,
says :
" herewith enclose you an official copy of your
award, which in due time, will be inscribed in the
Diploma, and forwarded to your address, unless other
wise indicated by you."
Thus are the honors awarded
Dr. Price's Baking Powder
at the World's Fair fully verified.
On the other hand the claims to awards
at the Fair by a New York Baking Powder
are proven wholly false. Official records
show it was not even an exhibitor. Was
it because it contained Ammonia ?
No. 4.
fTT ft
3 lTVv-3d ,
Victoria, B, 0., Deo. It -TO report
of the royal coirmrisalan appointed to
Investigate matters at the provincial
Inaane asylum At New WevrpUfMder.
waa laid before the legfeUtur today,
auq aiiuw a horrible state ot Affair
hi climjt InHituUon. , Patient war
treated with tho utmost crneltj- nd
bortwlty, flogging, dark ceil And lea
oold water bath being ainon the a
vorlto metfiod of subjugatlnc refrac
tory ubject. The enUre re-organ uv
Mop the staff WU1 lia proceeded
with Instautly. ,
jAsfairte, Dec. ll.-The tog Fearle,
San Francisco, la m port, having
bronght Uie Norwegian ship Bredab
Ilk through one of the worst atom
that ever raged on the Pacific coast.
Fear ra entxrtalned for the safety
of several vessels now due at this port
Boise, Dee. 11. in the United States
circuit court today Martin C. Smith,
James She! too, and BlohaM JT. Wat
klns pleaded g.iilty to robbtnf the
mall and wore sentenced to ten yean
each in Uie penitentiary. They head np
the Delmar stage In July.
Denver, Dec 11 Dr. Rudolph F.
Price waa convicted today of criminal
ItwUpra-jUoe fnpon M Ida Hun
Jeffrie 4 Grand Junction 'school
toa3heT. Dr. Price left Portland, Or.,
under a cloud some time ago.
Tacoma, Dec. ll.-R. H. nocker.
aged 28, assistant freight clerk of
the steamship UmaUlla, wa drowned
1 " the wbarf ,Mt n'eht He waa not
missed until the vessel waa ready to
sun ai ii p. m.
Washington, Dec. 11. Blair's Amend
ment to tlio Cooper substitute, which
gave congress power to change, re
scind or dissolve pooling arrangements
at any Utne, was agreed to without
- Portland, Dee ll.-The Jury In the
trial of "Bunco" Kelley, for the mur
der of G. W. Sayrea, wa unable to
agree at midnight and'Judge Steven
ordered them locked op for the night
Portland, Dec. 1L-S. C. Helllg and
W. Leeater of Tacoma, today leased,
the Marquam theatre for a term of
five yeaia from February 15th, when
the lcnse of Al Hay roan expiree.
Prices Current In Uie Portland Pro
duce Markets.
Flour Portlaud
per barrel.
and Salem, $2.40
Oats Good white, 25 to 26c pec
bushel; milling, 27 to 29cj gray, 25 to
Barley Feed barley, 65 to 67o
per cental; brewing, 80 to 82o per
cental. ,
MIllstufTs-Bran, $13.50; middlings,
$13.50; chop feed. $15 to $17.
Hay-Good, $0 to $10 per ton.
Butter-Firm; fancy creanienv. 25
to 27c; fancy dairy, 20 to 22c.
Cheese Oregon, fair, 8 to 10c Per
pound; fancy, 10 to 12c.
Potatoes 35 to 40c per sack.
Onions Good Oregon, 75 to 00c per
cental. ,
Poultry Chickens, young, $1.50 to
$2 per dozen; old, $2.50 per dozen.
Fresh fruit Good Oregon apples
bring 50 to 65c per box.
Eggs Oregon, scarce and lira at
25c per dozen; Eastern, 21 to 22c
Wool Valley, 7 to 9c, according to
quality; Umpqua, 7 to 9c; Eastern
Oregon, 6 to 7c. ;
Hops Quotable at 4 to 7o per pound,
according to quality.
Beef press, top steers, $2.25 to
$2.35; fair to good steers, $2; cows,
$1.75 to $2.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers,
$1.75; ewes, $1.50 to $1.55; lambs, 2e
per pound.
.Veal Dressed, small, 5c; large, 3 to
4c per pound. i
HogsGross, choice heavy, $3.75 to
$4; light and feeders, $3.75; dressed,
5c per pound.
tha authority rf tha IWra4 veru- - , . , , -m . .... . . . - - ,