The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 07, 1894, Image 4

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Oh, dtvar to our hiwrta ars the sad
day a of tirtntrtluie,
Whoa th annual housocleanlntf rt
cum to our view,
When wo rivs. on the aofa and eat
off ttio nanU4.
In an atmoaithere strvHitfly aUtgK
tr of Rlue,
Wo think of Uio wtOTpOt the mM
that cotn vrtth It,
likowkM tho profanity, fluent and
fin. v
But fcttUlt and bitterest of all rve
okvths ,
la tha dusty old carpi that huntf on
tho Itwv
Oh, that dnsty old cans..
That runty old carpet.
That tuusty old earp4.
That hung ou the Uutr
W nnnomhor how, armed with
lltho Ortk-wlauvr,
lu ttitt morning- wo blithely advuu
eud to the fray,
In tho muwnilar prido of our heart
llttlo divaming
That cleaning that carpet would
take tho wuuto day.
Wa awvwt, and we swore, and our
hands bully blistered,
Wallo tho aun lout hi countenance
warmly beuttru,
But tho hard or we pounded tho inoro
It was. nmtcd
By that dusty old carpet thai hung
on tho Muel
Oh, that dusty old carpet,
That musty old carpet.
That cuasety old carpnt.
That aunjr on the lino!
St Louis Ilepublle.
The Canon of - .
.the White Horse.
HIS canon outfit to have
a history, rabbi, I aald
to the guide, as, supper
finished, I loaned back on
tuy blanket and dreamily
gaxod at tho scene before
us. It waa a summer
ulrbta ulsht In the South
west where nlirhts are perfect. The
nhwn wea at the full, and cot a cloud
was In tho aky to olmr her radi
ance or the liirht of the myriad mar
which bona Ur aotupfUr. Tbo Jr
waa cool and bracing, yet balmy, and
there waa Just enough brecae to lull
ono'a spirit and cauao hint to forgo)
the world and Indulge In fanciful
reveries, auch as only Southern
breese lntilro.
We had pitched our caiup on one
of the aloplug hllla on the aouth aide
of the canon, where a llttlo stream of
clear, tweet water rippled from a
ayrlng In a ravine down Into the
canon bolow. Above us waa tho algh
ing, odoroua furcst of Juniper and
pi Don; below waa a little ettvtcb of
velvety gram, extending clear to tho
floor of the canon, on both aide of
the llttlo stream, ltljrht and loft
trofrhed the canon Itself, Its walla,
precipitous for the moat part. rising
grandly, bundmla of foot high on
each aide. .
"It la beautiful, rabk,M I continue).
"It must bave a history of some kind;
or a atory no?
"St, Senor, that tt hns-ar, that It
has." answered the Mexican, lighting
fresh cigarette and puffing at it re
flectively moment "Would the
aenor hear It?"
"By all moans. Table; go ahead."
And here la Pablo's story, as nearly
aa I can translate it, (for be spoke in
"Does the aenor see the cliff on the
other side, bow high It Is? That is
the Cliff of the White Horse-It la
many hundred feet high, and etraight
np and down. Ami at the top, when
the moon la a little higher, the aenor
will soe the White Home. It la a
(rest white rock on tike edge of the
dlff. and by clear moonlight it looks
like a white horse. It has not always
been there, and now, they say, on the
amnivermrtoM rf certain days, the
(host of old Don Fernando cornea and
rides it along the edge of the canon.
"Don Fernando? Oh, ay. May the
blessed saints hrve mercy upon him!"
ejaculated I'ablo, crowing himself.
"Many year ago, Don Fernando
Cortes he was a grandson, or some
thing, of the groat Cortes lived over
above, beyond the canon several miles.
Don Fernando was rich, and lived In
a grand houw. and had many servants
and slaves. He waa a great enter
' talner, waa Don Fernando, and peo
ple used to come many miles hun
dreds, thousands, yes to his grand
dinners and balls.
"He was not a good man. No. He
was a cruel mooter, and hard with all
his people, and made thorn all hate
him. He was kind to only two living
creatures; one of theae was bis beau
tiful daughter, the Lady Ysabel the
other was bis groat white stallion,
the largest and fleetest horse In all
the country. These two the old Don
loved as bis two eyes, and well he
might yes. The Lady Taabel was
not only beautiful, but she was kind
and good, and all the people loved
her ai much u they hated the Don,
which was a grimt deal. She had
golden hair, and yes like the sky,
and It is aald tho birds listened when
she sang. And the horse ay, he was
wonderful. He was as big as throe
ordinary horses, and his tread shook
the ground. He hod a long, white
mane, and eyes that flashed tire, and
was almost as much feared as the
old Don, who alone dared go near
"The Lady Ysabol had many suit
ors. The wealtidoat and most aristo
cratic men in all the country came to
sue for her hand many of them from
far oft California, and some. It is
said, came even from Spain. But the
Lady Ysabol would have none of
them. She loved ber pony, and her
dogs and birds, and her people; but
a man, no. One after another came,
but she turned them all away. So,
after a few years the old Don became
tired of what no called her 'foolish
ness,' and swore be should marry,
and at once, a man whom be had se
looted for her.
"This grieved the Lady Yaabel very
much; for not only did she not love
any of those who had offered them
. aelvas to her, but ber heart waa ai
ready given given it one of her
father's peons, a young man named
Jose, whom she had bcJped nurse
through a terrible Illness. Him she
need to moot by atoaltfli, nearly every
night, unlKiknown to any but them
solves. But, one night, when th
Lady Ysabol's woddlng day was amr
at band, she and her lover were seen
together, and the story came to the
oars of tho old Don.
"He started to find them, swearing
to kill them both; but they had boon
warned, and bad taken two of the
fleetest horse in tho stables and fled,
With mod hoHte tho Don saddled his
white stallion and pursued them,
They had taken their way over the
hills, blindly, but some Instinct, led
the Don to follow tho direction they
had taken, and in a short time ho
had them ii slht, riding over tho
plateau beyond the canon there.
"When the lovers saw they were
- pursued, they put their jaded horses
to their highest speed, hoping to es
capo; but soon th!y found it was too
late, an1 test the old Don, with terrible
curses, prrased them closely, they
leaped to the ground, ran to the edge
of the cliff, and, clopd In each oth
er's arms, sprang into eternity to
gether! "And tho Don? For days he raved
like a madman, and seemed to know
no one. The l ho became quieter, and
ithey thought be would be himself
again. But, one moonlight night,
jthoy missed him, and several sot out
to seek hi in. He waa riding tip and
down the edge of thu cliff, yoiidor,
raxing ami blwphondng terribly, and
notot of tho who had come to llnd
him datvd aftroiieh. For hour hf
rami; thoo, just as the tnoou came
from behind a cloud, ttwy mw htm
ride back from tfie cliff a little dU
tilth. e. Then be wheeled aharply,
and. aliouttu, 'Now, my friend, both
togothctT he rvdo full MI at tho
precipice, yut at the edge the white
stallion halted suddenly, and tho Don
wont over aKmo. In mid air ho shook
hU list and hurled a curw at the
friend wlw hivd deserted ldin at the
tiM uiluute; and thon and there the
snM whltw s'alllon t'.irnod to atone!
Th(r ho atrtml, msmr-jou cnu a
hint plainly, now at III kklng over
the prcclplco. It la from hlin that ih
cliff and tho canon got their unmo.
"Aud It la sold by the superstitious,
ai'mir." nHitttuuHl lVIUo, drawing
closer U the ft re, and shuddering
slightly, "that tut the annHenmry of
old iHm Vernamlo'a death, aiul on
Ijtdy Ysabtd'a saint's day. the ghMts
of ltdy YmuIh4 and Jont rldo forth
on the plateau, and that of the old
iKm pursues them, riding tlio white
, stallion, which leaves Its station at
I such time. Andoh, aenor, for the
love of God. look!"
I Sturiied, 1 looked quickly across the
canon. Tim rock whlelt appeared so
vary like a white horse simbmmI te
vanish, aa though In mint Then tlo-ro
were a acrtts of blood-cumltug shrieks
and curses, and, flying along tho edge
of the cliff, pule thnv person on
horsolMcfc and (Mio, Mitnd the oth
ers, rMlo a grewt whit horse!
It was only a moment and then tha
drunken eow-Joys passed out of sight,
ft ml tlio tiny fkvk of viuior wbleli bud,
for tltoso fo atcotuU ket the moon
light from t!te wlihorwe rock,
moved on, leaving the rock standing
out In the cUvtr light; JuV aa tKfore.
Still shivering with tho smVlou fright
I had had, I turnd to I'ablo. Ho
had fallen in a At, and wits lying
rigid, with Il.vks of fount on his Him.
I bnutght hlin round Nin, and bo sat
up. Ids eyes staring wllilly,
"Well, rablo," I said, In a auady
a voice aa I could command, "you
must have htul quite a dream. You've
boon plunging around and yelling fiM'
a full ilvo minutes." ,
"What, aenor, I? A dream? Then
It waa not"
"I Chink It was the bread, rablo,
You ate a big supper, and that hot
sour broad wtwttd kill au Indian."
Pablo eouchtdod not to run away,
as lie might bgvo dona If I hitdu't
tHHtt able to convince blm It was only
a droiuu.
But It Is Changed Around
TrlHc. '
Just a
The tin box game Is practically the
same tho world over. There ore a
few trilling variations, but the sharjt r
usually Kits in his work aloug the
same old Une, The hitest story Is
from Chlllleoihe, Ohio:
By a hold game William Jones was
buukood out ut sT.mio, Mr. Jowa Is
one of tho wealtKiost fanuors of that
county. A stratigor drove up to Mi.
I ones' resldonce, Slid whon ho met
Mr. Joni Introduced hltnwif s a
Mr. Smith, of t'olumhtis, and rtr'
suited that he was related to Oisirge
II. Smith, a well-known enpltnlM f
that city, and that, belug deNlntus of
purchasing a farm, his relative had
nomtnoiidotl hlin to soe William A.
lottos, who tuhihr bo able lo nciinnnio
hite him. Mr. Jones slated that he
vita not particularly anstoits to m
his farm, but was assured by Mr.
Smith that there Would be no trouble
hot ween them In routing together on
t prloe, provided tho farm stilted blm.
Mr. Smith nuked to be shown over
the plans ami Mr. Jones got In the
buggy with blm, and they ssnt ntt
hour or more driving about the farm,
Vs they were driving along the rotid
returning to tbe houe Mr. Smith ex-Ir-isod
blmm-lf a being delighted
with the farm, and said It was Jttst
tin' sort of place he hnd been lMklug
for for sometime. Th.'y were dls
(listing the price when they met n
stranger coming toward them, walk
ing along the rotid. The stranger
stopped them to inquire the distance
to Bournerllle, and the trio were soon
engaged In conversation. The stranger
was very loquacious and entertaining.
He said his name was Jones mid he
lived In Tennessee, and was delighted
to find that one of his new acquaint-
anoes bore tho name of Jones. The
Tennessee Jones stntal thnt he was
up In this country for the purpose of
buying a farm, and when Smith snld
that was his mission then the coin
cidence caused considerable merri
ment and Joking between the two.
"What have you got to buy a fiirm
with?" Interrogated Smith of the Ten
ncM Jones.
"I have ths money and plenty of It
right here," replied Jones, at the same
time Indicating by tapping bis lingers
on a tin box under his arm.
"How much have you got?" was the
next question put by Smith, and the
riiiswer came bock:
"Fill teen thousand dollars."
At the budgeting continued It was
plulu to be seen that the victim of
tho gnme was becoming very much
"I don't believe yon have $15,000 In
that Ih)x," was the bantering remutk
of Smith.
"Well, I will Just bet you $l.",omi
that I have that amount," promptly
answered Jons.
"Irf't's take It hn up," proposed Smith
to Farmer Jones. "I have $H,SK), and
If you have 7,it0 we'll Ju-tt bet that
sucker and tale all Do's got, for 1
know that box hasn't got any $1.",
IMIO." Farmer Jonea was a goner, and took
the bnlt, hook and njl. The only
drawback was that he had not thnt
amount of money at home, but be
eagerly took up with smith to come
to town and get It from the bnnk.
littnkolst Jones agreed to remain
whore ho was while Smith and Furm
er Jones drove to the city to got the
money, The Journey wits made hs
hastily as possible, and Mr. Jones
went to the Central National bank
wrote out his check for 7.i00, and
the money was msen over the com
ter without a word, as he Is a heavy
stock holder la the bank, ami In his
capacity of stock-dealer, as well ns
fanner, often has use for large stmts
of money. Itejolnlng his companion,
tho two hurried back toward Bourne
villa and met the other bunkolst, who
was awfllMng them. In the excite
ment and lively conversation between
tho two bunkolsts nothing wus snld
about Smith's putting up his agreed
portion of the bet.
Farmer Jones produced tho $7,000
and agreed thnt It should be placed
In the tin box with the supposed $15,
000; that tin Imx should bo locked up
and turned oyer to Farmer Jones;
that tho Tennessee Jones should kwp
tho key; that next (lay they should
come to the city and go to tho (Jen
tral National bank and open the box,
Whichever one won should have tin
contents of the box. Fanner Jones
money was shifted and the box, after
being locked, was turned over to him
itnd ho took It home and the two bun
kolsts got Into the buggy and drove
toward tho city. Later In the dny Mr.
Tones became uneasy and took the
box to town. It was pried open at
tho savings bank and contained only
a package of paper.
Run Francisco, Pec. 4. A wnrrant
hits been issued for the an'eet of
Unshle Stein, who was only recently
released from the penitentiary, after
serving six years for passing 'counter
felt coin. Htelu Is charged with buy
ing and selling tainted canned and
bottled food. , . I , . I ,
nmm a grazk
Character Reading a
The Women Are Its Es
pedal Patrons.
tltulnoa Men Are Not AU Above Con
suiting tha Art of Uia
Out from tho couitmuipldco level of
We matter-of-fact lu rheso eud of -th(-eentury
(lay protrud conspicuously
tho art and inj story of palmistry,
Not that tlio ancient guild of clnlr
voyauU aud those who tell fortunes
with cutis and other device are ex
tinct, but society no longer baa re
course to them lu Its hours of uncer
tainly and longing, say 4 no Kansas
City "Star,"
Nothing that does not
smack of
science can bold today, and tho palm
KT lays claims to as correctly acicu
title a foundation for bis calling" as
ilmta tint irmiliu-Ut or lint SMtrtiiiitmor.
ills thHlm-tlmts, stnrUlug and occult
as they may aiHoir, ho claims to draw
from a profound study of cauao and
elTe't, and places- himself undo a
plane stwerul degrees above th for
ums toller and ser, Tito latter still
kits his iiatntus, but it Is to tho palm
ist's portals that silken robed society
flock aud pays liberally to know
The question why a woman or man
should desire to know what the palm
ist can reveal miccrulng thu character
Is one of tl'o queries that come to the
mind of the onlookers here. A certain
set expression of expectancy aud
strained curloelty is to bo seen on each
face, iiiinghMi Hrhasi in many vases
with an arililcliU air inoro or lea
skillfully nssuiued, of unconcern. It
was for the purpose of studying tbe
devotee at the shrlna that tin writer
vlslttHl tlio nvepilou pMuus of a pro
fiMslohal paliitUt tho other day.
Many of those In waiting soinuHl a
tiille apprclHnslvs and somewhat In
cilmft to draw back, aud aa nearly
every applicant was atoompaulMil by
friend who bad been thnsigb tbe
onleal before, there were many low
lotted discussions
A sacb caller emerged from the In
ner room tt wa curious to notn the
of her experience. Soino who
had gone lu with enrol. mien eajue
out with traces of tears upon the-r
clestks, otlsr with aliiKist tretubltug
Umh moved slowly toward tho outer
(Uwr, while a few who bod entered the
tytla portal lu apptvhouslon and
timidity eaoiu out like" couquerlug
ITielr emotions were duly reflected
In the fiu-i of those waiting wlUtout,
as tha secretary sbiusid up and. In a
quiet bmo of voles, Invited another
victim to outer. The solemn and of tu
uervous demeanor of those about to
io within was almost ludicrous. In
many lusUutces, aud there waa a
qumr suggestion of the fiit'eral abtut
the whole proceeding, even In tho vase
of tboso giddy creatures who go
thrmtgh tlio Uilng simply as a lark.
Ouce within Uio Uinxr room the In
quiring visitor found himself facing
a tall, broad shouldered man, with a
race like Byron's, aud great, pene
trating eyes. Ho bad the solemn
tnauuor and trlng of a dealer In
tystcrlcs, and, wltluil, on air of one
who takes himself aud his trado rl
buidy. Sim was rtMpnwted to seat her
self and placo ber hand uxin a silken
cushion that rested tiMn a llttlo table
In front of tho high priest, but tier
biHlnos there was not to test his
sccult art
"I wrnt you to UJl mo something
atxmt the ihiIo who visit you," she
said. "You must have curious, or, at
least, humoro'i happenings, some
times." "Yea" bo ropllod. "and some pathet
ic Incidents as well. Sometime they
are all mingled In one. For Instance,
a woman como 'n here the other day,
who, when I detected In the lines of
her hand evidence which betrayed
events In her past, couftwsod that she
had procured a divorce from ber hus
band because tie hud became emuti
orod of ber daughter, and that she
herself luul fallen In love with tlio
man whom her daughter married.
Thai Is a blending of Uio tragic and
the comic Indeed."
"But how do Uio people act when
they como In?"
"In vorlous ways, according to tm
pcrameutfe. Some are badly fright
ened -Indeed, the majority are nerv
ous, at any rate some of thorn fall to
weeping almost at once, and some
grow hysterical. This la generally
whim I mention an unsuccessful love
affair. Many of them treat me aa
father confessor as soon as they per
colvo tluit I can read tliulr past, and
proceed to acknowledge all aorta of
things, seeming glad to unburden
themselves to someone.
"Some time after I have proeeedml
for a whllo deciphering the band, the
client will suddenly withdraw It and
refuse to allow mo to go any further,
This has often happened, especially In
the case of meu, who are generally
easier to get along with, however,
asking few question and appearing
better satisfied with tho results. Men
rarely are frightened, cltlicr, but when
I discovered in two Instances that I
held tlio bond of a murderer, both of
them trembled violently. One of them
returned on the following day, looking
as though he had not slept all night,
aud wllh beads of perspiration ou bis
forohead asked me to promise to keep
his secret.
"A woman will ask questions about
everything that touches upon her life,
and tlio married woman's favorite
qusstlon is, 'How many children
have I?"
"One client, a young woman who
had had a most uneventful llttlo life,
after I had finished, produced a long
sheet of paper, with a list of qucs
tlims almost a yard In length. Many
of thorn covered the ground I had
gone over, but I had to answer them
all, while sho checked off tho replies
with a lead pencil, At tlio conclusion
she bowed stilly, and said; 'Most sat
isfactory,' and walked off, Another,
who came to mo lately, listened in
sllonce to my reading, and at the
close wild to me:
"You've been most lucrwwful In
reading my life, yet I am not quite
satisfied. There is one liujiorfcuit
tiling i particularly want to know.
and that Is, is my slster'a daughter
In Australia going to get married?'
And not unlike that woman was tbe
man who asked mo to predict from his
hand tlio future of his twin brother."
"Not many men ootrio to sou, do
".More than you would imagine,"
answered tlio Mystery Man; "but, uiv-
into ttio women, they don't want thoir
friends to know It as a rule. They
try to make nippolatmenls for after
buOTioHS Hours and Sundays, and I
have had very tempting offers to come
to their apartments, but I never ac
cept tha latter, as my surroundings
here are much mora condiuciva to cor
rect reading." . . .Jm-l
An Augusta siusj dealer upon whom
A Journal nuut called yesterday relates
many llttlo sayings that bo heard
when selling people footwear. Home
pooplo placu considerable confidence
III these mm-! Milieus, white others
look iijhmi tlietiu as myths, Tlio dealer
quoted from bis llttlo uotn book a few
of these aui.islna sayings, such as,
"Worn on tho heel, siwnde a good
deali" "Worn on the bull, snds It
alii" "Worn on the vamp, lis out for
a scamp;" "Wutn ou Uio toe, sisuids
as h goes;" "Worn tin tint, side, will
be a rich majt's bride," all of which
limy bo tnkcti for Just what they are
worth. .
"An old slgQ say that If a young
man 1 cureless of his shoe laciug, be
will nculert his wlfo; but on the con
trary, if be laces Uhmu tight he will
be very mtlngy In his dealings with
1st. By t lis way, If a young hum Is
going to soil lil sweetheart and stubs
his right toe, ho may know that he It
to b welcome; but If ho stub his h-ft
one Infinity ns welt turn around and
go homo, tttvaoso site does not want
hint Again, If his lacings keep com
ing untied. bU indy love 1 talking or
thinking about hint.
"Wltou you buy a pair of new shoes,
now put Unto on a shelf higher than
your head, unless you want to bring
bad luck; and If you blacken them bo
fore you have had both shoes ou, you
nmy mett witu an accident or even
lmv" 11 t(b1n ileatli, This Is tin old
jriHu iiM.rsiiitoil. urn BCtmisu gtrts
bellovo that If they drop their sImm
Isifora they am worn, trouble will
rustle, whllo a Fniu'h lady losing her
boui u sura of sumo disappointment
i"Jn "Vn.
a Urraan mother In tb
satiia prodU'aatout feel that she will
isti loe ono uf hor children.
"You moat ut put ymir right shoe
on your left foot or your left on your
right, nor must you put your lrt shoe
ou More tha rig fit utiles you want
bad luck, Title sutlorMtltkm date buck
to omi of tho emperors of Home, wbo,
it I rccordiMl, put ou hi left shoe flrst
oue morning, and caiiio near being
assttsslnahHl duilng the day,
"A a algn ol te(MH't the Japtuieso
take off their talpper when thy meit
In tit sir-rot, aid the Jew umh! to
pluck off t'M of their to (ouilnu a
imrgitln. Tbrughout tlio Kust, wbeu
au Inferior eiiUy the prewucu of bis
rnqsrlor, l.c leave hU shot's or slip
per at tbe dHir. A gnU mauy poo
I'le mill lolluw ths old custom uf
ttiwttlug a i. old shoo after bridal
couple, but vry few know the old
ilirninYiuuv of this. It I supposed
lo bring gisnl luck, tad tlio that
throw It after a newly inuiTiel couple
do to with Urn bistt Intention In thu
world. This custom, however, realty
rams from Uio old Anglo-Saxou times,
when the father luvarlably handed
ths hrldivrtHMU oue of the bride's old
shoo, which slgnllio the giving up
of all authority over the girl to her
linilinml, so that those who throw au
old shoe ef'-er the diimrtlng couple
itowinl.iy sro really signifying that
hn hi his property, a In uiidlaevul
"It I supMMiHl to bring gMMl luck
o keep sn dl pair of slim1 that are
pint wearing around the house, but
if they are burned up, according to
an old sign, snake will squirm away
from the place and will leave bad
lurk behind them. Old negro 'aunties'
lu Uio South bum up old shoes aud
hog hoofs, and ue a mixture of the
two for coughs, it would seem a
though a gd smart cold would be
preferable to Uil remedy,
" To 1k lu another' whoes Is a
qtioltttton In vogue tmbty. Among the
ancient Norsiiuii, when a man adupt
od a son, ho must always, for a cer
tain llitio at least, war ttio sloss of
hi adopttHl father lu order to btwfutly
Inherit his pnqsTty, and so It en mo
about that to stand In another's bos
uitMii to claim bis honors."
Tim enilitli the sIhnd dealer's col
lection of shoo know ledge lu this Hue,
and doubtless many who read this
will be ablo to add some other suitor
stltlon lu regard to tlio shoe, but be
sura to put on your tight slus, flrst in
the morning. Kouucbec Journal.
sriuussKS thu 1'orri.ifdTs.
Syrncti' Post: Mis Frances I.
Wlllitrd, for many year president ol
tho Woman's yhrlstlun Temis-rnti'v
uilon, devorH a speech iH'fort the
anion last week lu t'leveland, itlilo. In
which she departed considerably from
die subject of temis ramv. and pre
s'lllsil an entire system of mmiMires
'or the administration of government
Sim iiitvocnted the single tax theory
if Henry (icorge, i, e., placing the
t'titiro burden of govmnment umii
'and, thu nlsdUhliig ettstom-hoUMi s
literttal revenue, taxes cm personal
pronely, Ibvnso tmnilon, etc. She
want the government to own all the
railroad and telegraph Hues, tlitx Pi
reusing tbe pntrotniKo of tho presl
lout mid whatever poll lien I pnrly
iiapiKMi to Im In iHiwer. She thinks
he goventment should also own the
ncwsasfs, not npiiitivtuly stopping
to think that the president nnd the
ourty In power could thus Institute n
"nusarslitp of tbe press which wottl l
mnv;lo the mouth of every public
ipenker like herself who shouldn't
tiaptmn to advocate Just what thnt
loiiilimnt party with an executive tt i
Its hind should think ngrcenble tn
This brief outline of Miss Wlllanl's
itoitors of tKilltlcal economy rut her
foi-s hevond the poptillstlc visions of
lorry Simpson. John a Hell, T. J
Hudson. Lnfo Fence, and n whole gnl
ixy of like statesmen In tho present
congress, but who after the 4th of
March next will sink Into oblivion In
im Western horizon. It Is true, they
wore ready to pus law ittithorl.tng
Ito socretury of the treasury to loan
wvertiinont money on such security
is wheat, rye. oats, barley, and we
lo not remember if they Include llv
dock upon tb ranches; but In their
most lurid descriptions of the pros-
nnrlty which would follow such legis
lation they never advocated the gov
trnmnnt ownership or control of
Miss Wlllnrd has undoubtedly
wrought gool results In the field of
temperance mlvocacy, but she will
"Itlmntely probably conic to the con
"iitsion flint one great reform nt n
tlino Is worthy of the ambition of
man or woinnn, without attempting
to revolutionize the entire system of
national government
A correspondent writes: I been me
acquainted with a young widow, who
Uvod with her stepdaughter In tlio
4ttme house, I married tlio widow; my
father fell, shortly n f tor It, lu love
with the stepdaughter of my wife,
vnd married her. My wlfo biH'nnie
the mothor-ln-ltiw nnd also the dnugh
ter-ln-lnw of my own father; my
winrs stop-datigitter w a ston-motlier.
and I nnt stop-father of my mother-
m-law, My stcp-mnthrr, who Is tin:
step-ilanghter of my, wife, has a boy;
tie is naturally my stop-brother, be
niiso he Is the son of my father nnd
my step-mother; but becatwe lie is
tho son of my wife's step-daughter,
to Is my wlfo the grandmother of
the little boy, and I am tho grand
father of my step-brother. Mv wife
has also a boy; my step-mother is
coiigemienUy the stepsister of my
boy, and Is nlso his grandmother. b-
causo ho Is the child of hor step-son;
and my faUicr is tho brotber-In-lnw
of my win. because ho has got his
sCep-ilster for a wife. I am tho broth
er of my own son, who Is the son of
my itcn-mothor: I am the brother-in-
law of my step-mother, my wife is
the aunt of her own son, my son Is
the grandson of mv father, and I am
my own grandfather, , , , ... 1
Ably Discussed and
Our Own Country Pos
sesses the Worst.
Kcononilc Ktateiucnli as to C'ust of
Cutis! ruction Hie JV'orld
Tho public , highway question H
now one ot tlio nustt Important mat
ter that Is being considered by tho
people of the United Ststss, and
wlwn we take It to coiisldiTOtlon what
forcllilo and tsmvlnclug argunumta con
be advanced tn favor of gisxl itiacsd
amhhsl nstds it Is stnuigo ludts!
that tho public mind is so slow lu
grasping Uio slttiiulon. Clotsl road
inaU-i'lally ttsslst ao fartmr In his
money making ard put htm Uksi a
higher plane, rsdally, munerciully
and llniuiclnily. At the same time
they , wliloii l'.s IiiIIihmum and add
nttM'h to the cttntfort ami cmveuteiu'e
of hi family. They place blm lu b0
tor accord with tlu busy world aud
llMnforfl bring blm m cksur contact
wlUi Its clvlllxtug lulimsMKS, It is Im
(sssilblo to eiittinorato tho iiiiihImt of
ways bnl nsols entail a Ins upou Uie
pstpk, Hi ucislty for more help,
Uis wear and tear of vehicles and bar
iums, iushI of extra diuft nulimUs, Uie
dopristlatlott of farm lands, the great
personal Imxmvetilenco aud so on
which, taken tit connection wlUi Uie
fact that gmtd roiuU are cheaper than
bud ones, should cause tho poplu to
act promptly and effectively.
We exiwiid IU0,utH),iK0 annually
upon our public seiusiU statistic
show that Sit average of 30 per coiil
of Uie pupils are absiHit In every day lu the year and Utat fully
throe-fourth of tho alsuqiusst are oc
casioned by bad road. At every
political clmUoit the qtiiwtlou of good
mad has an lmtitant bearing iiishi
tho result, for It has ben proveu Ume
and agulit that bud mid alone have
often prevented g full exprowdoll of
public nolltlmellt lu different portion
of tho United Htafcm, It Is certain??
not a Viry pleasant comineutary upou
a gnsit nation like ours to say that
(Im success of an Important political
uiovotuout may bo placed lu Jiipanly
nud jH-rhap Iw defean-d by bad road
wltou Uio argtuuculs for establWhliig
good road aro so strong and con
vtuclng. Titer ar horse
and mule In tho l ulled States, S.iy
thise iinliiKils are kefit in Uie winblec
usm au average of only twenty day
in the ycir on account of bail roods,
and value them at only '5 ci-nis a day,
and wo hnvo a .Mit of so,isiu,(isi,
which wmild imtcadamlxe IU.imiu lull.
of nmd, which would more than nm
cailainlxo every road lu the state of
Oregon. To illustrate to what ridicu
lous cuds tho pt'iseverlty of tho human
mind wilt sometime had, the follow,
lug Incident Is given: A half loaded
wngon stnllotl m the an id lu almisd
the shadow of tle tweutw million
dollar tau bmtstt at Albany, .N. Y
at the snnio time when the farmer
of Albany ctHii ty were sending tele
gram to memttor of tlio state l.-gl-loture
asking fi.r tho adjournment ol
a coimtilttm ts-cnuso the roaiU were
tis bud to permit Uhmu Ui get io tow a
In tlnio to opiKste a bill that sought
Ui makn Uie rals better.
Outsiun of tho sts'lnl aud political
features of tho matter and the dlnct
Influence they may hnvo upon the
Hroual fortunes of the farmer, bad
road Invariably force tin! coimumer
to pa) a IiIbIh price for piuduce ln
cause it caniuit be haiilitl to town
mrier such ii.ioll'lous and the middle
man. or sp-itlator, takes advantage
of tho situation nr.d secures a big
pmiit riiereby. Iuds tt Is a costly
and paralynhig coudllloti of affairs for
a comity to buvo bad psols at all,
and itniistuHHl by every rule of eism
oiuy, public and private, tho Fnlted
Suite hit by far tho worst highway
lu the world.
The oplo of F,uroH have learned
by exMt'imeot ard still better by long
el'rleiioo that true economy In tho
coiutt ruction of public loads consist
In making them durable and broad
enough to meet oil of the demand of
travel and traffic. F.iigland has a
most admirable system of roads nnd
so have the other countries of Kiinus,
but France Is acknowledged to possess
tho most perfect of them nil, the grcnt
Impel ns to highway Improvement
having boon given the country by the
llrs Na)Mlii. Although oidy four
times larger than the state of New
York, France Im sHut ftiuo,iKK),(NK)
ou her roads, and it now only cost
her a llttlo over S it cent of the cost
to keep tin-in In iitlr, This tallies
closely with our figures, for we said
In our last Issue It would not cost
over f Io.ikk) a year to kitep our ma
cudamised mads In repair, which Is
alMiitt 2 per cent of Uie cost of con
struction, amounting to l50,oui.
Francis W. Lmmtls, fulled Stall'
commercial ngctit at St. Kltcnnc,
France, In his reiwrt u tho state de
partinent at Washington, apcaklug
of tlio road system of France, says:
'"flirt roifd system of France has
bteu of far greaU'r valtio to the coim
Iry as a it'icans 'of raising the valun
of land oud putting Uie nmiote peas
ant proprietors lu easier commuulca
llou with their markets than have Uie
railway, It is the (minion of well
It formed Frenchmen who huvo made
a practical study of economic prob
lem tnnt the superb roads of France
have becu one of the most steady and
iHteut contributions to tho material
development and marvelous financial
(ihwtlcliy of tho country. The fur
reaching mm splendidly maintained
road system has distinctly favored
tlio success -of the small landed iro
prletors and In their iirosiicrlty and
.tlio ensuing distribution of wealth lies
tho key to tho secret of Uie wonderful
financial vitality and solid prosperity
or uio renon muion,' .
Thu mads in Norway are very fine.
though differing In construction to
those of France. Tho road from
OhrtHtilaiila to Lbnlnlsoron Is a noted
highway. It Is 150 miles In length
and Is thoroughly drained. The high
ways of Austria and tho tlertnun
states, Italy and Switzerland, are al
most equal to those of Franco, nil of
Which hears forcllilo tMtlnotiy to the
stttToinoilt tflat Uio jtuoplo' of Nurope
unvu niny icsuHi ua expenupqit or
good muds and llnd tlioni wouomloiU
and wvtWuetory lu every , respwt,
What a citiilrast we run twiuure
agmtuMt when we enmpnre the apluudld
roans or nie oti world to those lu our
own United suites. Over there they
are uio rule, whllo uv turn couittry
thoy are tho exocptlon. lu fact the
few good nwtds lu th UnlhMl Stut(
remind oue of au oasis In Uio desert
The ltlstoi7 of tho construction of
giKid rollds In England up to tho time
tlio moplu twk Uie matter lu liiuul and
went about Uio work was similar to
that of our own, Maeaulay wrote
often In scathing tortus or ridicule
about the stage coaches sticking In
the mud aud it required hundreds, of
years for the people there to regard
tlio matter in Its prajKir light and put
It iutiq nraotlcal operation. Whec
thoy Inaugurated tho work Its practi
cal utility became at once oppnrent'
and tly wondered why they bad de
layed tt so long
fi Kentucky and Tcnnwe where
tho system of turnpike pivalU It
ha prov(u mi adnilrahl auiw.
These tuniplki we simply moiwl
uiulmsl tml omsitrucVl by private
parties with a ytem of lull goiee.
hut their ono defect I the fact that
tliey aro not free to all and paid for
out of Uie general taxi Those beau
tiful roads are realty what have made
tint blue grass regions famous all over
ths world. TIM splcifflld road and
tho blue gras pasture on i nch side
thereof form a picture which charms
tint eye of everyone who travel
thiougli that country, (live Buchanan
county such a system of roads end
the transformation will bo wouderful
Wo sincerely Mlovo that if the peo
ple of the United States, would make
up their mind to use tbo money they
aro expending annually lu almost a
u lo mnnuor on their road lu a Ju
dicious and practical wny tho present
bard time would dlapiar like the
mist of the morning. It would give
work to hundreds of thousand of peo
ple. We would bear no more of
Coxey armies and we would not have
thousand of honest workmen almost
' starving btsaiiso they are uuablo to
. IIimI work. It would open up new
era of prosperity In Uio United StaU-s.
It would bring alsmt gouuluv prstis-r-
Uy In a hundred ways and what
would tlio M,io tw paying for It all?
Nothing. On the other baud it would
be an economical movement that
would result in tho saving of million
of dollar every ynr to tho ople.
ltut, If Urn people all over Uio United
KLt will not now sv tb givat b'n
otlt lo bi siHHired by such a general
movo.iient Marlon county can do so
aud ntfke It U garden sjsjt of the
Vi.t. Hue ran set tho exaiiiplo which
oilier counties will surely follow wbeu
tlHiy obrve wlvat great blcssliig
gmsl roads confer dimui the people,
Wo iloslre to eontiunally impress upon
Uio mlnita of our readers that then
1 nothing Utopian lu alt of Uit. but
that It Is a plain, practical question
which anyone can tliorougbly appre
ciate and uiul. isrnud by giving tbo
subject proper attention and study,
Montana Itallroad Men Isklng Over
the Uoad-Tbere Will Ito lllddcrs.
Mr. Ston and A. II. Hanimond, of
Urn wradihy firm of Homier, Hani
mond & t'o., of Missoula, Montana,
who recently went over the westeru
portion of the Oregon Faclfic from
Albany to Yaipitna, rtHorned yester
day from a tour of Inspection to the
front They have Ixvu li vtstlgatlng
tho coinlUloii of tbo road, and It 1
believed will bo bidders at the ap
proacbli.g sale.
As the time draws uar for tho sale
of tho Oregon I'ludhc railroad at (r
vaili ttk-re U season to Mleve that
sovoral bidders will be present, rndy
to buy tho prMrty, Uoceuiber 5KM
I the day set by the court for tho
sale, It seems now that tbo uniertaln
ty attending the final dlHtlUon of
the nsul will sm bo eudisl.
Mr, Hammond' reason for getting
c tnirol r Uie roml I hot known. Isv
yoitd tho upptMltbin that be believe
It would bo a good Investment, Wal
II Nash, of ('mvollls, who wa Iden
tHUul with the building of the road,
Is said to have backing for Its pur
chase. Uuceiitly a party of Knglhu
gou tinmen made a trip, over Ihe road
as bl guests, and this U piosumcd to
have uwlihirablo slgnlll wince. Wil
liam M. Hong, the former manager of
Urn Oregon Paclllc, has come up from
Hun Francisco to Albany, and It 1
bolUtved be will also represent capital
at the solo a a bh!!er, -Albany Her
ald. SiKaking of ilarcus Ialy, wllh
whom It 1 stiiiMised these- men are
assiM'lattHl, a gentleman Just returned
fnuu MotiuufA said yesterday: "If'ti Only niitkes up hi mind to
take hold of the O. 1. something will
W done, Only siicnt fTWi.t.) lu the
effort to make the town of Anaconda
tho capital of Montana. Anaconda,
geographically ai d otherwise, Is about
ui appropriate tor the capital of that
slate as Monroe is for county seat of
Heutoii; but Milieus Duly owned thlr-
te.'ii miles stiuare of liuid around An
ncoiida nud ha plenty of money, aud
when the vote were counted out of
5(1.000 bo lacked only l,7oo of curry
ing the state house over to bis burg.
Afitoiig oilier electioneering devices to
which tie resorted, he surveyed rail
fond lluca from Anaconda to every
section uf the Mate, hiding the pi'oiile
to believe that the roads were to lie
built, and 111 turn they voted for Ana
comla to be the capital. It will be a
great day for litis country If be be
comes Interested In the Oregon l'a
The presence lu Corvallls of William
M. Hoag nnd Wntlls Nash Tuesday,
led many to wonder If their comlug
was au omen that iho Hogg faction
wore to bob ilp wlUi d bid for the
road on the "d of leivinlsr. They
loft for Albany lu tho aftcrniHin with-
out having shown any nlgn of a de-
si ro to again sit In tho ililulstcrlul s:id-
dlo of tho old road.
A" gentlcimiu who desires hi name
withheld, referring to the railroad sit
uation, this morning said: "1 have
positive assurance that there will bo
a bid made for the O. I. at the com
ing sale. The people iuhh! not expwt,
however, that It will be a fancy price.
wen who tniiik of buying the pnwrty
are deterred from paying a fancy
llguro by the reullaiuloit that Uiore
must be nn enormous outlay of money
in an extension ot me lino before the
property will pay good Interest on the
Investnieut. People from whom 1
have assurance that there will be a
bid, have plenty of uiiniis, and It thoy
secure the proerty their first move
will bJ to extend lu" The same part
expressed a belief lhat there was an
Influence lu the sale ubroad, that, for
elfish puriHwes. oimoscd a successful
' sale of the property ,-Corvnllls Tltnee,
Congressman A. J. Hopkins of the
Aurora district Is Just now promluont
as a candidate for the republican uom
Inntton, for governor. The congress
man boasts a splendid bend of fiery
red hulr, nnd to Umt physical peculiar
ity ho owes his llrst piximliunice ou
the fltxr of congress.
It was back lu the days when Car
lisle waa speaker -ot Uie house, He
had left Washington for a few day
aud "Sunset" Oox of Immortal mem
ory had boon, oallud to, tho chulr. Hop
kins, along vlUi a hundred or more
congressmen, was ongaged In n dally
struggle to catch tho spen,ker's eye
and secure unanimous consent for tho
passage of a private hill nfTooung only
tho people of Ills own homo towti. For
a week the young Winds congress
man, luul clamored vainly for recogni
tion, Finally, one morning Acting
Speaker Cox left Uto clmlr for a mo
ment and came down on the floor of
the house.. Mr. Hopkins approached
him, ,
"Mr. Speaker," said tho Illinois man,
"taka a good look at me, I huvo been
trying to catch your eyo every morn
ing for two weeks. I wish you'd got
my features so clenrlv I
eyo that you couldn't help seeing me
vt ueu x get; up tomorrow,
Tlio Wit Of tho haunt
s r ... 1 -.- vMy s..a
on Hopklm' Bhouldor,
"I'd kuow your rod bend," ho aald,
''an.v where In tho wni-i.t nn
know, Hopkins, the first girl I ever
fell lu love with hml Imlr oTiir.tW 1,..
- - ., ...... ......t.j V.IU
shade of yours? For hor sake I'll rec
ognize you tomorrow morning."
uox was os goou as his word. When, i
next morning came fifty or sixty con
grossiuon were on their feet trying to
"audi th speaker's eya, Hut "
set" simply wavsl tbwu Into silence,
and said: ' . ... '
"Tho goitlomsn front Hllno!-Mr.
Hi'qkluii.MT-Chlcage Mall,
Sir KHrt mClu tUJii-'r
nuiulsT of tlui Fortnightly "
shows how, since Urn day of W hcr
well and Hrewster, Uie piruunti ;i thai
the other planets are Inhabited bus
ls.n strngtiiessl by fresh uisv-
orles. - .
For lustsuice, (s)tr'Hlc irch
has den oiistratml liliat liydfr.
Ism, issUum, Inm, cahdiim a.wl other (tu m.try lor building up
tho framework of living lsliigs are
Widely diffused Uirougtwut the nirt
vaw llicro Is not Urn sihiio empbat.
le iUuimiiisi ration of Uie existence of
exygetl, Issxitise It W b'it held that
tho woll marked 1Iim 1 U s-dar
issitrum attrlbtl to oxyff-n
diwt te Um oxygen In tho eurUi at,
niosphero. Hut 'n alt probability this
life-giving gas Is Just a abundant ou
many other glolsis a on tlil one.
Thro hnvo also, however, been dla
(VorUw ti-mllng to limit the conten
tion with n-gir 1 to life on other plan
cut, Tbo varying sine, gravity and
tiimjsirature fo t'w planet4 have to be
considered. The weight of pbtnet
must stand lu Imisruint relation to
tho framwork of tho organisms
adapUHl to dwell upon It Kir Hubert ...... .JI...A....
lill WIIB1UUW,
"The chancier of sach organism Im
to bo flttwl so exactly to M environ
ment that It a em In Uie n.ii't do
groo unlikely that any organism we
know here coull live on any other
globe elwlMre. We cannot conjec
ture what Ui organbtrn must be
which would be adapted for residence
on Venus or Mars, nor does any line
of nstearcb at present known to u
hold out tbo bopt- of more definite
A-ordliig to Uie Hcicotifle American
Of Xov. 14th even Java coffee ai
to Uie planter tot over four cents a
pmmd. Tho government tak"S it all
at a price worUi JU per every 131 lb
In Holland, lioll.uid sells It at a high
price and compel us ail to pay her
taxes and saves ber people from tax
In Hint way. If tho pecpie bad cnotigo
union and conceal among Uiemselve
to ri'fuso to buy It bow soon all those
inoii.qxdlitliig demon would cuiuu to
thwlr kne.
Tho market continues In pretty
good liniM. Kxiorter have drawn
some new orders from London, and
wl'h tlui sliiMU(iit from previous
pun-bases and Pacific coast slock go
ing forward on consignments the for
eign business make a fair showing
Uits week. I'williig wllb brewers
have beu ou a targe scale and tbe
month ot Novcubw proml to le
the lst for stweraJ years, Confidence
I shown by the fr oiwratlons, and
there Is still a willingness to buy when
dceilcthle samples are shown. Tbe
fact Utat tha bulk of tbo stock both In
this country sud Europe Is of a lower
quality than waa Indicated at tbe
opening of the ! iiinki".
dealer as well ns brewers think
protty well of choice bops. For a
very high grade-rich, cbmn, bright
nml Hllky-l'c Is naked and occasion
ally obtain!, but most of tho stock
classed as cluilee tells at 11c, and me
dium to prime grades range from H to
10c. More busiiiiM has Ihi u dime In
yearling and best grades are tlrm.
City Livery Stables.;
Stylish Turnouts Alwavs in Readiness.
Hiving lately puiTluwwl the entire interest in the stable of Peter
(look, w aro now bettor prcpaml than ever to meet th demands ol
he public its we aro now making ami are preparing to make many
ulitAittiit), impnivcMieiita. Teams boarded by the day or month,
rraveling men a 8Kciitlty. - . -
PI & ROT Prb;rietcrs.
Independence lailor Shop
T. LAYTON J EN KS, ' Proprietor.
B. M. Khtks.
ing and - Hauling,
Charges Low and Prompt Service. v :
Yon will nud otlr Um on ttie utiwt, or cm lesvo order nt Hie I'slsu Hotel. Fumltor
and Itnno csrcMly moved. , .
Has ths Most Compltta -f
In Polk
F. L Ksllsy.
F, E. SHAFER. Proprietor.
Manufuiaurer of and Dealer in ' " ' i
Saddles, Harness, Blankets.
Whips, Robes, Etc.
- s-'ncpHlrlnRnoatlyandpronipuytione, r 'V
Nor"1 M,e 0f 0 . ths pout' omoo, IndepcnUonc.
A.. W. I3ocksteadep
(Sucwssor to Charle Htuu)
-moPlilETOB OF-
hL.. J. . ..j
Independence, Oregon.
Hauling DoneatKeusonableRvtes.
nnvlna In Ui cwiniry was euitn r.
during Uio early part of in Wwk
ltut It has mmitud to tie 1 link,
toward Uie civ; prl. bowerw,
mala anchiinsssi Iondon cabk ri.
srt no change la the condition of the
KnglUli ttiarkew N. Y. Producw'
I'rt' Currettt, Kor. 21ih.
Kan Frais bwe, Dec. 4.Jupiin UK.
ler, Ui "P'sA of tbe . Sktrras" snd
Oorg Parthigum, an artist of Untl
note, have - engagd passage ou ui4
iext steamer to sail tin Ibsiolula,
J'hey have bom ngagl by tnt
piibllsls- to prepare a history ot
Hawaii, to bo written by Josqtus.
Milter and illustiahsl by Partington.
adMHitoaMs) tuits MtUu Us
Imm 5 ' '
laecfsmUvae, M-miwiuiti, -
10 ' , .
-. Uit
UK 14
M .
MO 'V ;U
East arid South
vi : .
The SHASTA Route
' f . , - :..- '
of tbe
Southern Pacific Co.
('Ilfis-nta spr Irsln run dally ,knplrw
l all ltH IsSwwa I'ortluoil sua ailwojr.
4-uib - . funa
ikar, m, L. Albany Ar. i-AA.n.
,iUa.m. Ar, Kan rmnrUeo Lv. 7Air. s.
Rssaburi Mall (!": )
iltrtlsiid .... I Itowburg ,..IAir. a.
Uxmhurt ...lto A. . ponlSJilf ...AM k. a.
and 1 .
cond-Cluss Btecplug' (ira attacbd
to all through tram.
West Side Division.
Sstwesn Psrtlasg and Corvallls.
sfsll trulo dlly (smpl HundyJ '
7iSa ') tvJITKriSwraIZAr pSipm
IIUS s lu ( .r-. lllli'ernlrnr)..Ar j p m
IviA.. im I r ., iiiwiiiii , lt impm
At Allsuiy d OirvHi, ntmiKi IU) imla
nrrm-o l IH rsllKMul,
Y.m imla jIIj (oxwpt Huodsjr)
"i"p wmTtZltrti"iiid'"TIJ AFr'iTin
Orsgenian Railway Division asi
Portland and Yamhill Ry..
to a m
S-lft p in
l.vj-.I"rtliud AM14S pm
jV.JiHIUHMIIh .!. ,? s m
r ...Atrti...u.i, I ro s m
Thmosrh Urkots tn nil point Is tl ErB
tiair,"nal. aud Kumpo, can h obtalnsd-
from T. M tel l Vt II, AsmiI. Inilrptodcoes,
r. KoEut.ra. , r. v. iomikhm.
MKt, - Awl. fl. r. a lai. Aft
lliHTLAJiP. fillKUOX. 7
JI;ulo to oi dor in any
stjle,, ,A perfect line of
samples always ou hand
select from.
, ,-.- -.-
W. B. Elkiss
W. H. Roy.
y o
Slab wood for mm