The Best Newspaper Is ihs on that give tn nuwt and frt news. Compare the WKfcT B1PB with iiny paper in Polk county. .v -io As an Advertising Medium THE WEST 8IDE Takm thi Liao in Polk County. A. VOL, XIII. $2.00 Per Year. INDEPKNDKNCK, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1894. Five Cents Por Copy, No. 3. BANKS. . THE INDEri-NDUNCI; National Hank ! Capital Stock,. $50,000.00. H. lURVHBKHCl, ... . Pml.loiit, ARIUM KKIMUN, , . Vie lwl nt. W. IVCONSAWAT . (k.hWt ' ' A anl tsutkmn Sad ' excitants humi tn,nMM4Kl: Kit mod, i)tli liUtttuttiitHUnim mrvlkl credits rnleU: ttH.i.. nvstved. on curfuul srvounl t)l to cUva, tutrt iid o Mm deposits, WRKCTOKK JtwMrwA, A. J.Uoodtnsa, ll, W. pr4, U. ICCRMHITID UKCER TKE UW? OF. OREGON Polk .'County Bank, MONMOUTH Or. J. H.HWUST. ' HUH4 VS. l, irCAMI' IRAC.l'OWKUk. Paid Capital, 530,000. : V DtuKuVOiK ' j.h Hit, P. I- Ouujtt,', l,M.sovrn J. M. V. mult r. 4. 8., , , fu Iumii Jiwti intvA, v A general twuHiuit hi)I tiiitn binw - tnMiMVlvit; hxinit HiiuUf. ri-e tvra ubjecl tu rli. ir uu rvniu.Hleof 0-oiiil' tnlcm! Pattl on lime tU-owita. Srrlr pewl trntk ana bmiglnr rtI !, cvurvd Ujf ,VI lliuw toe. f . Itaura- . , lu 4 p. m Cemmenctd Business Wa3l3V . jCiUudikhed by allodia Authority, -THK- FIHST NATIONAL BANK. of luifcku4e,v, Oregon. iltal Stoeki . Surplus, ' $50,000.00 - ' SJ4.000.00 J.lkCUOl'EK. U W. Kulli:r.TMN, Vrwlihol. Vtti'WNtUiwt W. il HAWUCY, ; ;DiHEcronrf. ' J". 8. Coopet," 1 . K"rin, ileiiiitrk O. W. WhlteiikBr, W. W. 0t. A inrl banklni ulu trnniHtl Bur ud MlMtnii m utt lin('ttiil poinu. Imiicwtu revived ulj.-t lo li-k r vu cr U(1rlof drptw't. ('olln'tkiiii. nM(ln. Ufflc buurat . lu. Ui m- ut. A.I'RESC'OTT. J. A. VliNKKH Prescoit 8c Vcness, --Inliilor at- as -an i o- JlnufiBrruf wul IibKt In FIR and HARDWOOD, Rou-h and Dressed lumber: 'Sa; WHEELER,'. Manager. Si? ma V- Amerlotm and ;uriw i'l THOS; COINCAN', Prpprlto'i " . 1.. 1 .! Oo to the c SirM-l SKOP And how t CHEAP You can get your Work Done. Wagon Repairing of All Kinds, H. X FULUB, Proprietcr. Hyoo wantaGoo'dlfquure MM " 25 Cents -f " to the CITY RESTAURANT MRS. L. CAM PBPLL. Prop. BLACKSMITH THAT CHEAT 11ESSMX Ambiguities ami Apol Eko Out . tho Dismal Chronicle. ine rres;deut tulorsra anil Pre scut Carlisle' .New Sclu niti of Klnuupi. WASIUXQTOX. Dt. 3Th ir,M.I. iUut txly nl hlit Aiiuvml iinace loutfih.ur th ri'ltttkniii tif tluj I'uttml Man wuU foruiiru uaiknm uiidNiy "ur imvimuI ilntluutt witti iinin a tills ttmn Unuvtrti th ndvuiitJUM r wwiiiiuiy ttiiinTliirf U a lirra but jut rwlun imlley, t fi-ont wivl iHt tr mtilililmw iiiiUtHiHl w hfiuin, itiul t'tiHraoU'rtaiHi by fiitlro hut'iy tul xlHtvrlty. A KrHtlfytuj nxtiiiiil tlon uf tlm uiiirorm Iniiwrtlality of tni iniuutry tuwnnw alt roivUru tiU' wan maiilfiwtwl by tin cwliu-lilcut r- diuMt of ti Cliliu-! ntiil J)aw Siunnt.uia mat tlio B"i'la f tlw I iiIUhI Statwi aliuuld. wlthlu xmnwr lliutt. affortl untictlti to llw aublu-U M turn uauona, inHullntf Uu mi puiinloii of dlliutttlo ri'lattou durlna tho Mala .f war. Thl dlli'at ollki' wiw auitiiusl ami a ntlaapprphi'ititloit, wuti-n cav rlmj ti Uw lxauf that lu alfwlmtf tliU kliitlly, niuiUi'lal pro- tivtliwi, our aevut would oxnlit tlie mum authority which tlw wiilulruwn aiinu f U Mluiiivnu liatl exw- i-Ud, wan pnmiuily turrtTUHl. Altltmiich Uitt wnr lHtvtHii riiliin and Jaiun endttnifowm ro iHilloy of itu Lniuni Ktaiiw, it diirvt our gi-MVit tniwldnuloTi by ivaikMt of lu tlUturlMHuv of our erowlttit cnmuur ml lnuri!i tu tlm two countrhm aud tho tnw!wHi d;imrni whU U may re- unit to our fltlatita domldltHl or to- Joiirulii),' lu thj Inwrlor of Chlwa. Actinic uudcr wrtalu tilatUma lu our tr"sity with Korea (the Unit m. i-UiiUhI with a woturu poww), I Ml oiwtraini'd at tint mwtiuluii or tu ttintrovowy t' it'iuU'r our otllop to ItnltH'o an aml-'iililo urruiiitciucnt of th Initial (llltli-iihli growlni; out of tho J:ipatuMo doiiiuuda for mliuliiUlra- tlvo reforms lu Konn. but tho unlmiv py prot'lptutlon of nciuul liostllltk ib'fi'aU-d Uiw kindly urto. li-plorlns the tloatrui'tlva war Ins twi'oti the two iiMHit powerful of tlu K.iti-ni rtloua aud aiul)ut that our roiuinorcliil luti'rcfW tu tin- ciiun trlos may h pronorvml, atul that tho Knfi'iy of our rlHx. un iluTrt oiiull uot Ih jitipartl'xid. I would not liculinty to hvd any tttliixuiou that our friendly aid for tho honornhlo tcruil nation of hotllltU would Ih utvcj)t itblo to t4h lu'lllserentji. ; HAWAIIAN MATTKUH, (f tho Hawaiian qiitHtlon thu pnM Idout my: SUue eoiniuiinlcuiluii tho voluiultioiw eonwiMMdiWo lu reenrd to Il.iwftit ami tho itethm lukiui by tho ft'tuito and bouxo of rpruU tUi" on certain (uitlona iiIhi1iuhI to Urn JutU'iiH'iit and wider dhien-tlon of eoiu'ivi, tint ortf.'Uil.atltm of a eovoruiuettt In phuv of tlie'provUloiial arrutigoiijent wltleh followed tho depo Kllloii of tho queen, luta Imxmi ait uouiummI with otrldeneo of IW vlfortlve (iM-railoii. Tho rotiultlon umial lu Kiii lt vau has beou accorded thu new fc"oVeminetit , " UliVKMES HKl'OKTKI). Coiitlnulntr. tho iimmio iay: The mcpetary of tho troaaury reMrt that tho riMselpta of tho Korernment, from all aourtt of revenuo durliiif tho llcal year endlrif Juno :K, 1S!H, aiuonnted to f.17a.,4!t.s.2!l and lt e-wtullturi U $H2.X).'i."."W.87, leav liili a detlclt of $tJ,N3.2iW.S.S. There waa a tlcereiiNti of 15,,'2,t)7ifW ; In tho ordinary expense of tlio govern iiH-nt Am 0uiparod with tlio flwal year 'IKS. ; Tho Value of our total dutiable fin port amounted to $m.m,om. Mn $llt5.CTi7,i!t!3 ! than durltiK tho ri. cedlni! t'itr and the Itnport.floim, fnH of duity, amounti'd to f:t7!.7!l5,5;Mt, lxdn iH,7l.075 letw tluin diiilug the prowxliitjf year. Our export of mcr thamilte, 4otitftlt' and foreign, amounted during tho to Na,. lb,')72, being an Incrutwo over tho preeedlu year of iMl5,378. Tho total amount of gold exported during the llmiil year wan $7tl,StW,0H, a ngalmtt f IOH.(tN.4'U during tlm fiscal year IH1C-. This umount Imported win $7-MII.lli) n flgalnut fU'-UWt ditr Ing the prevlou fiscal year 1HU3. Tho ImporU of silver were SKI.-'HI..-5".'-' nud tie export were $50.4."il,'J(i5. The total bounty paid upon Hie pro dut'tlon of ugar In the United States for tho Peal year waa Wl.WK'MH. It la oatlumtwl lUat upon tho buahf of our priflio'it revenue law., the re ceipts of the government during the eurrent flseal year endliu '"o 30, 1H!5 will bo $424,427.7-W and ItM ex penditures $444.427,72.S, nmiltlug In a dolleltv of 3MJ00.00. ' On tho flrnt day of November, 1S!)4, tho total stock of money, of aU klndn, In tho country wa f2.240.773,MSS an ngalnat 2,2t)l.f551,(K)0 on the llrHt of NovomlJer lfJU3, and tho money of all kind to 'circulation, tin Included In trrawury holdlngH, was $1,072,01)3,422, or $34.73 per capita uiMn an ttl imited pimulntlon of $08,887,000. THIS ARMY SERVICE. ' Spivikliig of tljo army, tho president aayn- Whllo no conxldesablo Increaao In tho army I. my Judgmont, de manded by rewtit ovotits, tho policy of Hon coiwt fortllleatloim In prowjoit tloa of which wo havo biM-n steadily ongagwl tor mmo, Una ho far iJovoloiMKl n to wiggcrt that tha of footlve trijth of tho ermy bo now made, at iwrt, ep legal Btrougth. It l tonlly nocotwary to recall tho ml .(. I. nlwidliMH'0 tO tlMli 00)11- inandH of the coiwtltutlon and thai ".u n,i for the iMirpoxft of protect-. n" tlw proiKWty of the United States. dlt g tVia . pn of ,tha W courw and removing lawk' 0 tatruc tloivt to the inmmim hy i o gov ,.rn.wnt of I to h-gUiuute tmMa, It boeamo nmwwrjr In vatimm loca h tlm dining the jear to employ C""' Hi trablo portion of the regular troops, Tho duty wa dtoclMinnsa proinM y, courag(ouly, and with mmrked dis cretion by the ollloer and mori, nnd the tho - most gratifying proof wa thiw affowlod that tho army deoryo that coinpkte confidence lu iw H ehmcy and dtoclpltae, which the coun try has at all times manifested. Inferring to tho natlotal guard the president My tho w-porW of m Htl t liwvwtlotM by regular array o!Uc Itow a markod lucnwm In taeret aiuj oHlclxney tu orga4ilatloim nu roigiy mn,nmemta it coutlnu- mh w um iHuicy or aaoruing evry pmt'Mon wi(xiunitmnt ptl)hi to mw uuportMit auxiliary of our mill, taxy eu.blliiment lu r gurd to tho owuiiifuutiHM muitAry mrvictt or Mttjor-Uouixral Hehiklhud. (HHiutuuiiltin - tho army, tha prenldont j It 1 ug nnHi w rtmgroM mat th hHiiimrnry built atiroad ud cwuel liy AiiuTlcau-t wwlval of Uttt grmto ot lloutenaut-' appear lu tho light of preaciit roud' gomtriU In hU behalf would bo a jimt! tkiim, not only to I mi a futlura for good ftntt gnuiiMia act aud would neruilt at very nolnt but h tieati a. Ms rvtlrwmmt. now near at baud, with r.nik Meting hit iiHrttw. UNION IACIFI0 AFFAIRS. Awthor nubjoet of prwliig tnomont. nya the pnwhkmt, mferrd to him by tho (tttortwy geneial, In Um re-organ-laailon of tha Union FoA-lrto railway eotiipttny 00 a bant wjultabU a re garda alt prlvato lnUvwt, aud aa fa vorabla to tho rovxnuuont nit exUtlng mmaiumui win permit Tho iteration of a mtlrond by a court through a roonlvw u an atuumdotui utato of thlntfa'whlch wliould bo termltmtiHl on all grouttd. public and Dtivato. at the nartloae nomlblo moimmt llKhH not to enact tho neodod onablluir lrifUla tlou at Uto present wwntou ptpoms mo wuoio nmtuir until tlio aombling ot a new eongK and li evltably In croaMM all tho complication of the altuatlon, and could not but bo re- nar.ioa a a aignal failure to olo a ttia)I.HU which ha nraclleaHv beii boforw Uw eeMCt congretM tvor alnce tu organitatioo. FKDERAL TUISON. Tho iftwldint rtftcw bin recoin mondatlon for tlw location and tntu mructUm of two prlaon for tho con niuntHt of UiUUd 8Late prluura. THAT P. 0. DEFICIKNCY. To obvlato tho dlthclwicy exlMtliig lu tho mton1oa nppnpr1ailou the pnwiiut rato altould tut ralmn) ou ondchw matter. K.xlUnir term from a mo to tlnn havo a.lmltted to tlu iM-lvtl.-a Intcudod for legitimate nwwMpAiHMm and pe odictU. a Miir- H-bdug rnpgo of publleatlona aud cr at! abi'MM, tho cot of which antuimt in tho aggnfc'au to tho total doncUucr of " tho poNtotnco deimrtinent. l'ro- tmidod nowwpapont aio atarUil by bubuw houMea for tho nur numoe of odvwtMtng good, complying with ttMi law in firm only, and dwcontlnu. Ing tlio publU-aih4w an aoou a tlie mHmI of advertising la over. l'aNr covon! literature, cotwlatlug mainly of trohy novel to tho exu-nt of many tiiouMiuKU of tons, la ent tltrouith Uhi mnJI at aim cent ur ound, while tlMi publUher of wuuutArd work aro ieiilrl to pay eiuht tlm. that niiunint lu oudlng their publlc&iiouA. AH nmtMO cimMliu of thofroo citrriase through tho mall of hundred of ton of etl aud grain, UMlcfly dbtrlb. utmi thrtMigh uio departnent of agrl- ct.-lttinv Tho tfMttiuuihw-gemnnl pre dict that If tlm law bo w amended a to eradicate ttowo ahiunw, not only win tha - noatnmoa dtartinetit not allow a deflcknicy, but ho UlUv that in tho i.eor future ail legitimate new Pamirs and periodical luagnxlueM will tie pnirly traiuunltud through the mall to thetr uliTlter free ot coat TENSIONS, . ETC. Tho president Agrttw with tho at- torncy-gmura that an aildltloual udgo of tho circuit court of appeal In itwa circuit would greatly tttreugth en that court Ho alno favor the coimtnictlon of additional bnttlealilp aunt tuno(io uoaM for tho navy. Tlio mibject Of miim1imih I tiettted at cooMldemblo length and among other tiling, m tmya: At tho cioo or the lust ureal year, ou tho 30th day of Juno, lstH, there were 1W,&44 pemou ou our iM'tmUm roll, (Ming a n-t Ut cronoo of 3.S.12 over tlio numlMT re ported at tho ond of ' Um prevlou year. Tho commuwioner of penaioti la of tlio optulon that tho year 1KU5, Iwtng tho thli'tUih aftor tho clone of tlm war of the rebellion, tuuat aecord- Itig to all atrmlble, liumaii calculation, won tho hlglawt limit of the pitndon roll and that after that year It tniiHt bit;tn to dinibie. Tho name drovpcd from tlvo roll for all can during tho year numbered 37,U"1. Aniong our penxlouer are nine widow and lUnw daughtom of wddlor of tlio revolutionary war, and forty-five sur vivors of tlio war of 1812. Tlio accuMatlou that au'effort to do led piHkin fraud U ovbhuce of tin frletulllnoM toward our worthy vctr erans amd a donhil of their claim to tho gcnoroMlty of tlio government, ug- gnat on unfortunate lndllT!reiice to tho commlrtKlon of an onew which has for It tnotlvo tho securing of a pen hIou, and Indicates an Lnwllllngne, blind to tlio cxLsttiieo of iim'hh ami trooiiborotM crime, whk-h play tiKn domogoglc fearn, and n ake njnirt of tho patriotic ImpulMo of 9 grateful pooplo. A0UICULTURAL. A lanre portion of tho iniwuige I devoU! to t lie nixn-t of the secretary of agriculture, which deal extciwlve- ly with export of live Htock from tin country aud tlio Inspection of nicat. Thoro wa a faliuivt oil tu American; oxporta of wlicat of 13,r00,ooo bunlicl, and tho secretary Is Inclined to biv Hove that wheat may not, In the fu ture, bo tho Maple export cereal pro duct of our country, but that corn will continue to advance lu impor tance a on exportation on account of tlio now mm to which It w constant ly appropriated. Tlio export or agricultural prouuci from tho United State for tho lincnl yTSIr ending Juno 80, 1804, amounted to $028,383,033, being 72.28 per cent of .American export of t-very descrip tion and tlio United Kingdom of Groat Britain took more than 54 per cent of all farm products finding for eign markets. THE TARIFF. Tho tariff act panned at tlio lat eHlon of congress needs Important amondmeuts If It is to be executed effoctlvoly and with certainty. In addition to such neceswiry amendment as will not cliango tlio rates of duty, I am still veiry decided ly in favor of putting eoul and Iron uion tho free lint, and so far as the Httgar schedule Is .concerned, I would Iw glad under exlMt.Ing nggravaUon to see every particle of differential ditty In favor of rennrnd sugar strick en out of our taiire law. If, with all thoso favors now aooordod the sugar refining lntwint In our tariff Jw. It still languishes to the exUmt of t'lo Ing yollnorlea and thousand of dis charged workmen, It would seem to prosont a hopeless cosa for reasonable legislation, Whatovof ele Is douo or omitted, I earmsHtly repeat my WW met datlon, that the additional duty of ono-tent)) of a cent por pound laid upon sugar Imported from pountfM Fflylri a bounty ou It exports, 1 alirogatod, It oem to ma that exceedingly Im portant corsiderations point., to the proprloty of this nmoidmont With tho advent of a now tariff policy, uot nnlv calculated to relievo the con- anmnrs of our bind In the cost of tholr dally life, but to Invito a better aarolonment of A merle in thrift and rroato for um clo.r and mom protlUv bio commercial ri htttotm Willi tint rent of tlw world. It follow tut a loglefll ami iinHiiiUv mvwlty thnt ww ahoitld ut onott romovo tho chief. If not llw only oltaek, which w king provontod our partlctpittlon lu tlu for- uigin carrying of triulo or tlm wa. ' Thn anehnkt niMivUlon of nur law. - ' donylug American reifbioty to alilpa ' rellu of Imrtwrhiu than auyUihig Utat eM under tho srmlMlou of a tnt tito of tho l'nltcl HUitm I earnestly rooonout ml Its prompt repeal, 80MB UY-COM.MICNTS. A vat majority of the voter of the land, ay tl-t prelilciit, bm ready to hit that the time and attention of those hy select to perform fur them Imttcrtant public dutle. hIi'iiiIiI not be dlH'nictml by doling out uiltior unices stut thev are growing to be unanimous lu reiMHd to imu ty organisation as soiiiotlilug that should bo iimh lu e. tablixhlng party principle, luntad of dtetailug tho dlMtrlbuilou ot pulillc pttieo as rewards for iarlwu actty, Ity. : NumeiM'i ldltlonal olttcet am pliuM' have lately lsnn brotiislit with in tho civil service rules mi l regula tion and soiiiu others will probably soon Ih inclLdml. Tho priMldeut neoinmo'idx the rktab- I'Mlimout of a national board of health, and speaking of the strike rominlwdou ay: Their work has Hcoii well douo and their standing and Intelligence glvo SNNurauce Hut tho niiort and sug g,itlous they make are worthy of carorui consideration. IILUKFIELD'S INCIDENT. Referring to tha Blueneld Incident the president says: We cannot liial- haigo tho rightful swvr,'lguty of Nle sragua over tho Mosquito Indian strip, Nicaragua authorities having given Dntlco of tlio forMturo of coiicdon to tlio c.iiuil conn any, on grounds purmy tMiuilcal aud not emlirueiN lu tho contract, havo moiled from that position. BONDS AND ItN tsCE. Referring to the recent bond luo. tho president says, tuat it 1 MrfiTtly and pahianly plain that the only way under present condition by which tli! reserve, when dangerously thA plute.l, can Ik rtndinlnhtd I tliroiiish the ltie and sale -r the bom! of tho government for gold, ami yet cougrv im uot only thus far dccllnvd to au thorise tlio Immuo of bond Ixnt buIUhI to Mich a piirisme, but there iii a illposltloti In some iiuartcr to deny both the ueeewdty aud (siwer for Ue btmu) of IkmkI at nil. 1 cannot for a moment believe that any nf our clt- Ixoii.t are diillM-rntiiy willing that flielr government should default In It HC,iiil;try obligation or that It tlnats lal oiM'rat'oii should be reduced to a silver basis. At any rate, I uliotild not fii that my duty wa doiue If I omitted tiny effort I could make to avert uch a calamity. A long therefore, as no provlshm I tunde for the limil redemption, or the putting asldo for currency obllgntloii now nd to niieateilly aud constantly draw fruit the government, It gold and a long a no better authority for bond Issue I allowed thou at prefceut exlt. such authority wit! he utlllwxl whenever and as ofteu a biconies noeeMMiiry to maintain a siilllclent gold reserve and abundant means to save tlio credit of our country and make gtxjd the flnauckU doclarutlufK of our gowrnnumt Coneludliig, tho prodlilnit says. In referees to the ututatlsfMctery fnt i'n of our bank and currency sys tem: 'I he absolute divorcement of the govorumetit from the business of banking Is tho Ideal relationship of the government to the circulation of the currency of tho country, Thl cuikII tlon cau.iot be Immediately reached, but as a step In ti nt direction, as a moans of stvorlng more etastle "ur rency and obviating oilier ehjectliwis to the present arrangement of biuik clrciil'iilon, the secretary of tho tn'tis- ury pnweut lu hi report, a cltonie modirylng tho prtseut hut king laws and providing for the Issun of circu lating notes by state bnnks, free from taxation, under cer'nln limitation. The siH'retii-y explains 111 p!an so plainly and its advantage develops! by him with such remarkable clettr tie thnt tiny effort on my part to prcsont nu argnincnt lu It support would be superfluous. I shall there fore content myself with an utiiuall tled Indorscnxuit of tlw necm-taryVi proitoMMl change In tlm law and lirlef aud Inn effect atateinent of thejr proinliieut features. It I proposed to reiMMil all laws providing for tho deposit of United tftntm bond us security for circula tion; to P'umiiU t atlonal bank to Issue circulating ' notes uot exceeding In amount 73 per tent of their paid up and unimpaired capital, provided they dejMmlt with the government n a guarantee furd In United State le gal tender notes, including treasury notes of 1800, a sum of equal amount to 30 ner cent of notes tliey desire to issue; tlUs dotsnilt to bo malnUlned at all tlim, but whenever any bank retires any part of Its circulation a proMirtilcma,to part of it guarantee fund Bhttll bo returned to It, to im.t mlt tlm.sivretaiy of tlie trowury to preiwire nud ko.p on humd, reiuly for IftHito la case nu Increase In circula tion I desired, blank national bank note for each bamk having circula tion, and to rcpenl tJioso provisions of tho nroHont law IniiKWIiig llmltatlot's and rosttictions thus permitting uch uuirojwo or roductloai wltliln tho limit quickly mado iw , emergencies ' niny arise. 1 ' In addition to the gtmratiloo fund t'egulii'd, It I propoBiu oi ot'ovlile u safety fund for the Immediate 're demption ot the nlrciiliitlag notes of fulled banks by Imposing a Hiiiull nn nual tax, say one half of one per cent upon tlio avcrngo circulation of oncb bank until tho fund amounts to tlve. isr cent of tin total elreiilutlun out standing. When a bank fails Its guarantee fund I to be paid Into tills safety fund nnfl lis notes are to Im ro deemed, in tho tlrst Insliuice, from such safety fund tlum uiigmeiiteil Any Impairment or uen tumi cnuseu thereby 1 to be mado good from the Immediate available, cash OKHtis of said bank, and If these should be ln su,moiimt, mu'U impairment l to Mm nmrto good by ft pvo rata nsipffinT among other Imnli,- their contrllni- tlons cotiNtitntlng a first lien upon tne owseta of tha fallod bank la favor of the contributing banks. A a further security, It Is contemplated that the existing provisions fixing the Individ ual liabilities Of stockholders is to uo retained and tho bank' indebtedness on account of It circulating notes Is to bo made n first Hen on all It as sets. For the mrposo of meeting tho ex pense of printing notes, official super- vis on. cancellation ana other line charges, there shall be paid a tux, sny one half of one per cent per annum on tlie average amount of notes In circulation. It Is farther provided thnt there shall bo uo national bank notes Issued of less denomination limit ten dollar. Another very Important feature of thl plan 1 the exempllou of state banks from taxation by the I lilted Ktatcs lu enses whPre It I shown lo the satisfaction of tlie sec retary of the treasury and comptroller of tho rurtviey by banks claiming such exemption, that they have not bad outstanding of their circulating notes exceeding seventy five per cent of their iHild up and unimpaired cii ttat; that their stockholder are In dividually liable for tlio redemption of their tirciilullng notes to the full extent of their ownership of stock; Hint the liability of said bunk upon their circulating notes constitutes, under their slate law, a first lien upon tltolr assets; that such bank haw kept and maintained a gunrauue fund lu United Hlutes tonal tenders notes, Including United Htnte treasury note of IHiKi, equal to thirty per cent t,f their outctaudliiK cimiiutitig tiutcs; and that such banks have promptly redeemed their circulating note when presented at their principal or branch omoc. It Is qulle likely that this scheme may Is usefully amended In mhiiii of Irs detail, but I am satisfied It fur nishes a basl for very great Improve ment lu our present banking and cur rency system. I conclude thl communication, fully sptreclntliig that tho (responsibility for all legislation nfTecting th people of tho United Utates rests usui their representatives in congress, and as suring them, that whether done mar txmlutice with the recommendations I have iimd(, or not. I shall be glud to eo-oissiiie lu iMnfectlug any leglsla, tlon that tends to tho pr(perlty and weiritre or our country, AltMKNIAN UKFUO I5KS. ((Copyrighted 18i)4 by the Asintetd rn-ss-l Athens, Dec. 3. The Aiwoclatrd I'res exclusively has horn shlo to trlve the world ths fncts of tha terrible atrocities tsTiietrated tiism the Ar iiieidan Christ tuns In Asia Minor, and today a representative of tlm Asso ciated rres smtNiimi in securiug ad ultlouol liiforinatl.ui coullrmliig the provlou statements iniiiie. The n lire stmtatlvo twlny met twuty Armen ian refugee who arrival lnre from Armenia after a journey full of hard ship and suiTcrlug. Thl party of Armenian I tho first that ha escaped from tlm districts where the massacres occurred nud It Is tsilcvcd that even worso remain to Is told a to the horrors diss-rlbrd, which ar under stood to have lasted for a long time after this party loft Further atrocities were couiuutted by tlm Turk at tho village of Krlle housem Jtoforw dawn Utls place was surnsindiHl by soldiers and while the Inhabitant were still asleep It wa sot 011 fire. Brutal soldiers ttntcnsl the rildctii of a man named Arakot, who was asks'p with hi wife, and tortured them both hi a horrible man- ner with red hot Irons. At this Til lage tho soldiers killed on Armenian priest, Margwa, with twonty other In mates of the Ihhiso. They were burned to denth. Tho chief of the village of t'honog was captured by soldiers and bouiid to bis two daughters. AU thni were thou scalded to death with Isitllng water. A detachment of tw Ktity tlve roitulnrs of the Turkish ca v. airy after nmuHttUng Incxpresslblo horrors at tho village of Hohghank, wont to the village sclusil and rav ished the girls found there and then levnstated the building. Ibo Brl, a notorious Kurd brigand, wont with a dotarhinent of tho Turk Nh troop to tho Armenian villages of H.ihloii, llatexgent and Komka. After driving out U'e men they collected the fomal i children together, about 2t In nil. and, after ravishing them, they kltlod them all with gun aud swords. . OCEAN VICS8KL 8THlTCIC. LONDON, Pc. 3.-Tho steamer Al- iHirtlne from shields to tills port ar rived st Yarmouth today with her bow completely stovo In and leaking badly. Her commander reported alio was In a collision yesterday with a largo pawenger anwmnr. The Al- bertlue stmck tho stoainer amidships and tlie latter disappeared lu the fog. flie AUsu-tlne returned to tlio point where the collision occurred but no ttApn nf tlm Mti.finuu1 nrtnlft w fomiit and It I supposed she foundered1. The steamer which was sunk by tho Albertlne proves to havo been the Ktflttinoro of Dundiv, which wa pre viously reported, to have lsen uuk by the steantor Cyniballno off South- wold. None of her crow were lost. STRIKERS' MEKT1NG. Panama, Dee. 3. Tho Star and Her ald say tho strike of tlio canal la borer at Culebra Is ouded. Meet of the men who hold out for an extra 30 cents isr day havo resumed work. A reduction In the price of meat to 10 cuts tins Induced them to believe that a living can be made at the old wage. Tlio 7.'ld anniversary of the Independ ence of tlio lUiniu-"6ccur the 28th Iitst. Elaborate preparation for the event aro being made. GENERAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat Strong, Hops Steady, and Re- fluod Sugar Declining. San Francisco, Dec. 8.-Wheat Strong; advice from Liverpool were of an oiieouraging charaoter. No. 1, shipping wheat, 93c, with 05c for choice, pmsols. Milling grades 0014c fttf $1. Tliere nro liberal offerlugs of Walla Walla wheat, sales being made at 82M,c Q 85c for damp, 8"MiC & 88c for good Btoca, and 00c S11 U2V4C ror choice. Now York. Hops steady. LI verpool. Close Wheat, spot, firm; demand moderate; No. 2, red winter, rs lod; No. 2, red spring, stocks ex hausted; No. 1, hard Manitoba, 6a Od; No. 1, California, 5s 4V,d. Hops At London, racioc coast, 2 15s. Philadelphia. Refined sugars declin ed c today, tlio result of an over stocked marktft amd light demand. The Franklin refinery started today, but Is running on short time. Ger man granulated sugar Is being laid down here at 3 9-10, and tills probably has sowotiblnjr tp do with tlw decline, SAN Fit ANCiaColTACES. San Francisco, Dee. S.-Today's racing events wore as follows; Five furlongs, maidens, 2-year-olds Suwnnoe won In 1:0(1 3-4. Sjven furlongs, sell. Expanse wan In 1:83'4 One mile, selling Entlmslast won In 1:50. Six furlong, 2-year-olds Miss Clay flllv. won In 1:181A. ' Six furlongft solllng-Braw Scott won lu 1:10. ACTRESS "DEAD! London, Dec 4. actress, Is dcud. -Victoria Yokes, tho Dreary Caucuses in Washington. Tha TnrifT in Tto loff , - Untouclied. Dally JtoJget of Go!pr Newi froni the City by lbs Potomac. WASHINGTON, Doe. 4,-Tne demo crat of tho senate sts-ut about throe hours lu caucus Uslay and then ad Journed, without Ukuig anr action, to nuvt Thursday next Iho entire time was diwotd to a discussion of tho situation and as to the wisest cottrso of action for tlie democratic isirty to pursue during the present Tlie entire dlscusxlon was based on a series of resolutions, presented by Honator Daniel, do-iArtng for the clo ture, committing tho party to on aliondoniiioiit of all efforts to amend tho tarlfl htw, and to an effort to re form tho currency In accordance with tho suggestion tu ,tho pitstlquutii nusisage. KOLB'S WILD MESSAGE. Birmingham, Doe. 4.-R. F. Kolb, w ho claim to bo the governor of Ala bama, today completed his message to the legislature, which be slgiu as governor and which will be trans- milted to tliat body tomorrow. The miNage Is sis j ohlressod to tho peo ple of AUdtan.a and Is a long and In many riH!U a rovulutlo'iary docu- numt, is it recommend that bis fol lwrs do not pay their taxes for a while. lio farther says: "I farther ad- vUi those collectors who value the cause I retmMnt, and which will as, sorodly prevail, to d4ay all payments of state laxcM Into tho treasury until an liiiiartlal hearing ha been had of our (HMiiplalnt uudor a fair and houest contest at law." When It Is remembered that the tax collector In thirty-eight out of sixty counties In tho stato aro Koibltes, It will be seen that If they take hi ad vice thn Kolb governnnnit will find strong supisirt and that Alabama Is threatened with auaivhy. lu his mes- snge Kolb says: Tho revolutionary conditions of our statu government must Ira tlie subject ot your continued and most anxious contemplation. The plans of the usurper, so alar.iilug to you, are a bat lug tu nothing to rvduce you to ab ject and final submission to their un bridled will and passion." PITIFUL DRIVEL Columbia, 8. C, Dec. 4. Benjamin Ryan Tillman Is uo longer governor of South Carolina. At 1:30 p. ni. to, day he was succoodod by his chief Houtotiant. John (lary Evans. Several thousand ptwplo assomtiilod In the hall of Die house of representative to wit- newt thq ceremony of Inauguration. A' tho luaiigurjl prixrosston entered the band piny! "Hull to tho Chief." The oath of otllco was adintnlstered to uot- ortior Evans by Chief Justlco McCuer, Uov. ICviui sold: 'GentleiiMin of tho general assembly: After obtaining tho will of tho people In three Miarj.ta elections, I am here today :to assume the governorship of tho proudest stato on the globe. Thir ty year ago the election of a man of my ago to tha highest honor in the gift of the pooplo would havo lieen called unconstitutional. A young man tu South Carolina would not have dared to havo aspired to tills honor for fear of gaining the odium of the clars who by reason of ege or Inheri tance considered oUlee as their par ticular property wtthout regard to popiiln will. It I unfortunate that th foundation of our hoclnl and political Institutions Is unity of tho white people. 'Ihis condition was thrust upon us by the emancltxiUiu and enfranchisement with one stroke of an unfortunate, Ignorant, ttntlt-to-govr-rn race of slaves, placed In power by the bayonet, forced to govern their former masters. are fust coming to the plight which Ireland is In. Our givat plan tations are becouiltig merely hunting reserve of tho wealthy, and the la-Isii-er year by year Is being ground to tMivorty and servitude. The irty that was true to us is the party we look to In tho future, though It has suffered defeat from one extreme of (and to the other and today not a lomoeriitlc Ktate Is left north of the Mason and Dlxeu Hue. South Caro lina has led In every great moral ntid lio'ltlcnl reform and It renialiiH for us to set tlm pace for the nation which will ultimately bring relief to the en tire people." - WHEAT, WOOL, HOPS. Ran Francisco, Dec, 4.-For ship- ping purposes P3o Is obtainable for wheat, while choice stock will bring 05c. Millers liavo to pay full figures for lots sulUble for their trade, 014c M $1. Considerable wheat la still coming down from tlie Walla Walla direction, soiling at 82ttc85e for damp, 87o'a88c for good stock and lK)c(if 02MiC for choice. Liverpool. Dec. 4.-Wheat Spot, strong; demand moderate; No. 2, red winter,' 5a 2MKi; No. 2, rod spring, stock exhausted; No. 1, hard Man itoba, 5 8d; No. 1, California, 5s Od. Hops-At London, racinc coast, 2 15. ' Portland. Dec. 4. There waa a alight advance In wheat today. Valley, 80c; Walla Walla, 73c per cental. Newt York, Dec. 4.-HopstDulta; state, common to choice, old, 7c; now, OoQGttc. , Boston, Dec. 4. On account of tho holidays, sailos m the wool market ror tho past wk are not up to tlio aver- auo, but the market still shows a steady tone. Territorial wools, Men tatm lino and nua medium, 10c 13c; Wyoming. Utah. Dakota, Nevada, Idaho, and Colorado, One and fine medium, 9c 11c; No. 2 medium, lie ( 12c; California wools, spring norUi ern, 13o14c; middle country, spring, 10c lie; Oregon wools, eastarn, fair, Oo 10c, choice, lie 14c. New York, Dec. 4. The Evening Post's London cable says: The pres ident's message Is well received here, but people here have relinquished all nope, by this time, of good messages over becoming legislated promptly or thoroughly. Hence tho message has hal no real effect on Americans, which 1 closed dull. , , , J IlifchMt of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. GoVl Report mm mm 21 N0 DALLYING THIS TIME, WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-When the senate convened at noon today the senator showed a deslrs to enter without delay upon Um .real business or tho session. iiiauciiaro or Louisiana offered a resolution reciting the circumstances under which tho sugar bounty waa cut off after the sugar crop for J MM was put In. It directed tho committee on appropriations to Include in tb urgency deficiency bill a sum suf flclent to poy the bounty for the p res et! 1 year, ine uiu went over. Vest of Missouri offered an amend. mut to tlw rule with a view of cut ting off protrscnd debstes lu ho sen ato. It provides tlist sfter a mssure ha been debated 30 days It will be in onier for any svitutor to move to tlx a day for a final vote. This mo tion I to be put without debute or delay, and If carried tlio original ques- t'oit is to he voted on at the time fixed. Vet said be would address the senate tomorrow on tint need of tills reformatory rule. IMtge or Massachusetts offered a resolution which wa adopted without di'isent, calling on the secretary of the navy for the official letter of Ad nilral Walker while In command of the United Statin navy vessels at HawalL Lodge raised another ques tion by a resolution calling ou tlie president for the comwpondenco con cerning Blucflelds, and for informa tion concerning tho attitude of Nica ragua. The resolution was adopted without comment Quay of Pennsylvania offered reso lution of rcsH-t to tlw memory of Myron B. Wright lt member of congress from Pennsylvania, aud fis a further mark of resjsHt to dwefisod, tha senate at 12:30 adjourned. IN THE HOUSE. Washington, Dec. 4. There were exactly loo members on the floor when the house met at noon today. The democratic leaders decided Just be fore tlie bouse was called to order to plunge Immediately Into routlue busi ness. Outhwalto, from the committee on mlPtnry affairs, called the bill for the dedication of Chlckamauga and Chat tanooga national parka The bill ap propriates $20,000, The date of the dedication was fixed at September 10 and 20. 1SW5. The bill passed. Outhwalto then called up tlie bill Introduced by Henderson of Iowa for tlie establishment of a na tional military park at the battle field of Shiloh. It carries an appro priation of $150,000. Henderson ex plained that option on the land for an average of $12 an aero had lsvn ecured. The bill provide for a com mission of three from tlie armies or the Tennetsee, Ohio and Mississippi. After the adoption of an amendment reducing the appropriation to $75,000 the bill paused. Richardson of Ten- tiesseo then presented th conference report on the pending bill. BUCKING THE SPORTS. rEtidloton, Or., Dec. 4.-Ther la promise that a movement may be In augurated for the enforcement of the law against gambling. The Immediate cause for arousing public Interest Is the case of J. M. Johnson, who made complaint that he was robbed on Sat urday night In a soioon or about ono hundred dollars. Tho money was really lost In a faro game. Citizens are taking steps to close all gauibllug games. BANGTAILS AT THE BAY. San Francisco, Dec. 4. Five and a half furlongs, sclltng Hymn won In 1:1214 Seven furlongs, selling Remus won In 1:34. About elx furlongs, 2-year-olds Peyton won In l:16Vi- Ono mile, scllliig Enthusiast won in 1:40. Six furlongs, selling Jack: Richelieu won In 1:14. MURDER BY WHOLESALE. Santa Rosa, Mexico, Dec. 4. News has reached hero of tlie murder of a family of five Seminole Indians on the reservation near this place, tho re sult of a feud between Indians aud settlors. A few days ago two Mex icans were murdered by the Indiana. INDICTED FOR PERJURY.' New York, Dec. 4. Michael Ryan, the green goods king and a witness before the Ijexow committee, waa to day Indicted by the grand Jury for perjury, , ANOTHER RECORD SMASHED. nnonnnlla TW 4 A. Han. on h tu-ok.m tha moLmiin rood i record for bicyclists by riding 100 mile In five hours and three minutes, Government Reports , ON TESTS OP Baking Powders. Analysis by the Chief Chemist of the U. S. Agricultural Dep't proves Dr. Price's to be superior in leavening" strength and purity to all other powders. - 1 THE PROOF. (From Official RecordsV Dr. Price's Cream Baiting Powder . The award of highest honors to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder at the World's Columbian Fair was the result of investigation by the Government authorities and leading experts in food products. It stamps Dr. Price's as the best and strongest baking powder ever ottered to the public. O lil TwoMen Jump into a River. One Rescued, the Other Drowned. Fatal .Explosion in a Wiihlnfton Coal Mine at Carbonado-Otlier' Sertoui Jflahap. ' SACRAMENTO, Dee 4.-A aad af fair occurred here about seven o'clock this evening, resulting In tha death of a young man named Charles Ed ward Joyce, of Washington, Yolo county. Joyce aud a friend named Any Maydwell, a lawyer, bod been drink ing and while crossing the Sacramento river it is supposed one dared the other to Jump off. Thejr both Jumped and Maydwdl waa rescued but noth ing more was seen of Joyce. ' FATAL MINE EXPLOSION. Tacoma, Dec 4. An explosion oc curred In a coal mine at Carbonado Oils morning and two miners were killed. Tho n aires of the men can not be obtained. FIVE AT ONCE. Ottawa, Out, Dec. 4. A dynamite explosion occurred In Hull, Qhebec, near Ottawa, today. Foar men and a boy were killed and several wounded. N. Martin, aged 86; Henry Lamar leha, 27; T. Sequin, 58; and C. Bar beau, 10, were killed. Martin and Se quin were thawing the dynamite. The woodwork close caught Bra. While extinguishing the flames the men for got the deadly explosive. Soon it waa unrounded by names and blew up. ENGLISH COMMENT. London, Dec 4. The Pall Mall Ga set to, commenting on President Cleve land's message to congress, says: President Cleveland reiterates his faith in free trade but we do not ex pect to got anything more out of the tariff controversy. That chance la lost until tho democrats return to power with a little sense In their beads. America is going to bid for supremacy of the sen. While we do not fear the contest this policy will In time seriously affect our carrying trade. KILLED FOR $4. Berkeley, Cat, Dec 4. Fred Stoop er, an old man who keeps a notion store at this place, w as held up In his store last night by a robber who took $4 from the till and shot Stooper in the head. The robber escaped. The result of Stooper'a wound Is uncer tain. : - PORTLAND WHEAT MARKET. Prices of Staple Products at Oregon's Metropolis. Portland. Following are the latest quotation! on staples: Flour Portland, Salem, Cascadla and Dayton at $2.40 per barrel. Oats-Good white 25 to 20c per bushel; milling, 27 to 29c; gray, 25 to 27c - Barley Feed barley, 65 to 67Uc per cental; brewing, 80 to 82c per cental. Mlllstuffs Bean, $13.50; middlings. $13.50; chop feed, $15 to $17. Hay-Good, $9 to $10 per ton. Butter Firm; fancy creamery, 29 to 27c; fancy dairy, 20 to 22V4c Cheese-Oregon, fair, 8 to 10c per pound; fancy, 10 to 12c; Swiss, im ported, 30 to 32c; domestic, 14 to 15c Fotatoea-40 to 55c per sack. Onions Good Oregon, 90c to $1 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed coops, $1.50 to $2.50 per dooen; ducks, $2.50 to $4.50.' Fresh fruit-Good Oregon apples bring 50c to 60c per box; llwaco cran berries, $12 per barrel; SO to 80c per box. EggsOregon, scarce and firm at 25c per doz.; Eastern, 20 to 22c Vegetables Sweet potatoes- -$1.25 to $1.75 per cental; tomatoes, 40 to 50c per box; Oregon cabbage, 3-4 to lo por pound. . Wool Valley, 7 to 9c, according to quality; Umpqua, 7, to 9c; Eastern Oregon, 6 to 7c Hop-tuotablo at 4 to 7C, according to quality. Letveatsf Oss. Cub. ia. per os . 166