The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 30, 1894, Image 3

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n,-J Fiir tl Fell Ej,
Cesl S:-3 hi t:;wf
in , m miiniiiOTi Willi in mm mi in i n in it,, iim n
" l!, An 'A ntfU emv M.mi
nay ltft i 1..MXK. hall. All itmru
iuit brother ar tuttted to attend, (loo.
A. 8nillt,M. W.J W, O. Cook, lUuord
t f AL1.KY LODOK. NO. 12. 1. 0. 0
V F.W iu YmuUiijb null evt-fj
luunHiny TvniuK. ah imu lllott our.
dmlly invited to meet with u. it. 11
I rKU-ua, xs, u.j Aea iwMti'iuri,
I YON LODOK, NO. 8, A. P. A A.
L M. atld oouitnuutoatiuii Httlur
day oiug uo or Mora full moon eat-b
utuuto ana two ween thereafter, w. 1'.
Counowtjr, W. M, U. U. lattf rt
HOMER LOIHJK, NO. 45 K. ut 1'.
MU iwy Wtrdndny veitiu.
Ail kuutuu r corainlly invited. U,
ti. LUKluuy,C C'j D.H. Cmu, K.
, and retttdeuee, corner lUiluwl
uu .UouiuotitU os Indeiwudeuee, Or.
Dentntt. All wurtt warranted In
kit the bt of nthtfntuiou. lodepan
doHott, Or. '
Law. Will praottc in nil ti
aud federal court. AbMuet of till
faroiahd. Offn over Independent1
National lii.
uey at Law, OtlW in liuu'
bfco, belwtva 8tnl and Court, ou Corn
tnerrtal trot, Silent, Or.
lYl. ufnetuntr nf vh Niid dmir.
Almt, iwroll tnwiutf.
neudeue, Or.
Mailt trt, ludw
DR. E. J. TOUNO, lt of N berg,
Veterinary Surgeon tod Dentiri
bM moved to Iudi"udruc'e, tnd opened
a ofnr Aer the Independence Nalkm
I bank.
mi .
25 cent
In Independence.
Yon don't pay fur rtyle but you
gt-t the worth of your money in
WELL COOKED turn). We em
ploy white help only.
We would cnll the attention of
the public to our
The City Bestaurant Is in no bus
but that of giving 1U patrons
the best the market affords.
lb Cilj Mini?.
Main ilnwt oppwlte lh "pt'r.i Imum.
Mn. UOmplwll, Imp.
C. W. Hoy e,
Most IkkeU. i frr !.
One car load of lie
Pearl oil just received at
It will lie sold at Bedrock
Prices, lor Cash.
Allper)iik..owln,r thcrriHelveH In
debted to u will pleaae call and nettle
by ciwh or not at once. '
Report f t Oak rfo
'.,, furolled
Aav attendance
Mil. J ulio own""-'
'j'ni id
thirty-one. Those
. otunf. or tardy
were Buby,
City Restaurant
H tie andlva Roberta, Put-
Sh Bell McConnell, Bessie and
SIS Ward, Amos, Mable, and Allc
Lifmaden. Clay and Lena Helse, and
Eun and Cheater Allen.
' Teacher
Otitis HmLHs.-r.iM.t HutitUy uurn
lug t nl.ut o'clin k wilie pohmnn, u
Ik Uioujiht thnt wirw two .r tlu-ni,
IU two mw riMiu M u.j, in !,tott
lotim of J, u. t-ihiHmiHkt, thv h ull mid
uury tuttn. ()ni H nmii vuund Uip
tMH liy n window on tU vit kldu il
uw lionet, fa kit liHil only oii hh,
white Unr iirjlwt fi'ii niioilur
nninii uiroiiKli. (r, Hlmvmuktr hnd
lwt l work Hut night hu.I
MMurntly kleptqultvnouiitliy, nml did
ut hi-r tlu-m till tlm uvvm hx-mm to
iull on th ouUUU', which wh too
luUHo rllow Ihi-ni. Mr. .sii.H.inkiT
h eiuld by thv truck lu thu
mud iwnt Um wiudow tlmt ue of thtj
tbtevc. M boy. Tln mltrNUi
Imd WttU-hwl tho iilglH-wnicU utnl
wnltcd till bu wt tu MitoituT mrt of
lh town uioro mutiiiiiliig tin.
bui'KUry. Thv young fullow hud Miur
t ucu work or tlir I IUU- to b u
'uiiitlouttl urrvt for jHiviliry uhUIu.
liUNKMOviNa Ikinauon. TUe
pui'lio olufcd Imd k vry niiiroiirint
Tlmuknglving tmnrmnmn lut VI-
iKlny aftvrnuou. TheruottMOf MlwU
nll nod Cochran Joined tigoUir In
having aH-llutlou, wiuwrl ulnglng and
uinlomu, nil of whu-h wr wwll rwia
dcrvd. Au hwlruiucntnl duett by the
Miw Fcuucll wt) i-iw!lnlly well xn-
cuicd. kourtccuof Uic Iwy In Ml
UmII' rMu had ctutltive rwjltatloun,
lb nutHwful ono twlug awaruvd
rtHjItatlon WnHcr Mall had Hib
honor of receiving tu Uk; MIm
CkHHlrtch'a xnlva wru vry iibv,
howluii kk! traluiiig, Th vocalwilo
or mm Kctcliiim ulno thv recitation of
EflW Whlu-ttkerwcru Vcivnkfly reu
dMvd. Another cuiumundnbln feature
of Hie public ehool proghunnitt wa
the Jlmukaglvlug donation for the lu
di'iideiiue iioor, liter tteluit over i
truck load of thnoll'erlug, wnicU'.lngof
applea, jHam, cauned fruit, wtutmhe,
puuiikiiia, vlothlng, etc Thl dona
tion will be very thankfully received
by ttto reclpictii.
8oAf Facmhv. Tliecuiaiery atarUHl
up I iu l week and preittratioim ar lie-
lug uiaile to run until about the teat of
IiHeniber, A large autouut of nice
applea are there lu readlne for ean
nlug, which re of the bent cpmlliy.
The eauuery I operated by J. V. (Joop.
er aa tuaiiager,' and Mr. Uattuau an
MtiH'riiiteiHieiit, who lm had wide ex
perieiice in the caiiuiug buitlueMU
Tin re are now about twenty IihihIh
emntoyed, but the fore will mi- U be
liiortmnil tttUiut thirty. The output
wllll aUuit two tona r day and
will, no doubt, be a first cliu article.
Wheu the eaiinery Miuton end there
la lit Ik ot running a wmp Inctory lu
thin bulldiug. which will quite likely
meet with Huecew. lu the uprtng It
will be the Intention to reopeu the
mnitery bualuwu.
Almost A FiK.-:Lwit Huuday
morning aa nlgbtwatehtuau FeUer
wa golii Itla rouutbt, he noticed a
very bright llht up ataira lu the Van
duyu brick. He llrxl auppoaed It waa
a light iu the room of V. H. II aw Icy
and M. E. MimttTwiu, but on ihiiihIiIit
Ing the iHleuima of the hour ooucluded
to luvratlifitte, aud found the hall full
of awoke aud a hole burned through
the floor. It appear that a box of
as he, with live coal In It, had been left
lu the hall on the floor aud the blaxe
orginatcd fr.mi thU. Mr. rctn-r
promptly extlugulithed the fire.
A Hi'K I At. Om:n.-1 he of
till pujier nave maun nrrniiKt-'ineoi m
dub with un I'jtaleru monthly alory
iwiier, and uiMin receipt of (2 for one
year In advance, will aeud the WfxT
riit.K and tlte Jonw (Jwt, a baud-
omely prluted mouihly forUsu Ykak.
In addition we will present twelve
complete novelette, making INK) page
more of reading matter, all for f.
You want the Wkht Biik for 15, and
you will enjoy the mouihly paper aud
novelette, which are given free. Call
ami nettle your Nutmcriptlon.
Nkw Lionm -Since the Electric
Light company haa reduced tho price
ou lights, about forty have becu put
up about town, Including four In the
Wkht Hwk olllee. Theo light are or
the beat tpiullty and fur mipcrlor to the
llghta In many other town. '1 he com
pany ahould be congratulated on their
(.nti-rnrlMe il) rcduclnir the price ot
light ami the excellent mttlKlaetloii
they are giving.
The Y. W. C. A. state convention which
convened at Albauy laat Huturduy aud
Hunday wua attended by the following
representative from the btate isonnal
at Monmouth. I'reMldent P, L. Ump-
bell, Mrs. A. Watson, Misses Mudge
Jitll. J-jttellu Eckeraly, Murle Watta,
Ednclle Collins, Minnie Wild, Mis
Lincoln, Maud Uayles.
Uikthday Pa btv. Ethel Hniitb,
the little daughter of Attorney (Jeo. A.
Smith, gave eighteen of her young
friends a : party lust Haturday after
noon, being in honor of her sixth birth
day. After partaking ot light refresh
ments the little folk played gumes, etc,
for a short lime, when all returned to
their homos, wishing little Ethel ruuoy
happy returnx.
A Couukction, An error waa made
in last weeks Ismuo of the West Hwk lu
eaying thut P, C. Patternou resigned
the nomination tor treasurer on uib
democratic ticket when it should have
been 1). P. Pattemon. Mr. V. V. I'ut
terson Is not a member of t' e demo
cratic party,
NKwJKWKi.nn.-Mr. (?. L. Pattlabn,
Intel v from Iowa, with thirU-en years
experience in thejewlery buslnes has
repairing business of Patterson liros.
.....t h now ready to attend to all wants
of the public In his line.
the U'-
. .... Iluii,1 t'1'l.'l
...... r.i.M no II ot M. A
Hul,i'r, ()"loiittled
ur, .,, it,,, , i,w I tnt
JiieMilav, l"
unit)g n wmie wood while playing ui
th ttUtlllO SCnooi. ur. nranwi"
the arm In place and the boy U getting
along ulcely. : ? ,!
a ViumilH Af'IIDHN'I'. Last
an Mrs. Viola Sloper, who lives soum
of town was catching one of those big
bronze turkeys, of which the ra se
aara hundred every year, it kicked
OCT V.. - . .
and broiie
on. u a. tk'helbrede, of !toeburg,
" HiouiutT or ma ttniwnt ln lntnru
iroiu iioukIiw Co.. waa In town on FrU
OH I Hill. Bill nUH n N.ltt HtuHH Al..a.1u
... ., . . " '
tuanoii mm i-oik (juunile nml took
mitocoaslou to tlteet them. He la ctni
dlt'.ttttt for vitenker of the Orcu.m hotue
of rvoiwiiiiuiu..
' "l'""tllUWi
Ill UiT8llK, the W'vtklll Orrmuh
im and the Uumn Uuth alao I went
l"o u.,...l..n.u tt r
.... . vl,
OtuJl. Jut Ihluk oftlilKclublilne tW.
riiy-twu ItiMUc of inur hoiuu iwiiei: Oijrtini; Iwclveol'
M'llMig ainry palter, ami twelve com
piete abort nlorle In hotik form, all for
it m,
Mr. Emery II, mm i.nd .MM Fb-h
eneei Iialicr were tinned hi ninhlitKc i
Junction City, on Weilm-wlny. Ntiv
ember ill, lmn MIm Iklier will he rt
uiemlatrd aa a tudeiit at the Noliunl
at Motiuuuith lu 'as, and la aclon'ming
jounglady. The WtT Hitiu exlumu,
i. ti... a a d i.
nuverui iiumk natii r Miiuiailic
front Aloumuutli went ihroouh tovu
litat Huturday tu attend llio football
gaum between the Halem Y. M. 0 A.
leant and tb0 H. N. 8. eleveu. The
jouiv aiwim it in u iu vor oi me AOf
n... til a., ti I.. S.. .. u -a al. V ....
ami boya. , ,
I). II. Taylor haa purchuactl three
ttior acre of growing hot atlJolulug
bla oUier yard of forty aerea, which
uiaaea nun mriymree acre oi growiug
...... . ..... .... n, ,. . . i. . .
.....i. ... i.i. m At .. .. . t I
i.o. r.viuentiy ttr. inyior uaa iioh
of a bettor price for hot In the near
future. 1
Ther la till a alien piece nf the road
between here aud Monmouth, which
need to be heavily graveled or II will be
badly cut up during the winter mouthn.
Travel la tuureatilug ail the time, aud II
ahoukl be accomodated by good roada.
sir. v ui, Kinney ami wire, turmeny
mm Aiaiue iirown, ot inr
a. m a ..i at .
county, arrived her frtnu Wtileoti,
Indlttna, htat Friday, aud will probably
make their home lu the vicinity l lui
place or near Monmouth.
The civil cane lut Friday between!
Irvine' court, waa ntumletl by quite a
....... ...... It.. 1 . ...U I .. ..... .. I
tiumutr, ... iitniuii! iiiiiii u,-n,iu,7
i ... i i i
vk'iitit v. The eaati waa decbled iu
tuvoror rar. urotw.
Tho. llohnuuon, who haa been
upending aeveral day with relative at
thi place, it'turmtl tut Fiiday to hi
home in latmlnaCtly. Mm. Iiohnuuou
renialuetl In the city tillTueedny Itefore
returning home.
Mr. 8ld M.Nre, rfI)alla ha. opened
an eating Iiouk there on Milt alreet
oppoalUi the court houae ami Invite
her Iudcpemlencti frlcudato take their
meala there wheu vialtlng the tHiunty
There will be a meeting of J'omoua
Orauge In Itrowu'a hll In Dallaa the
Unit Friday In December that being the
nevenlh day, at one o'clotk, for the
the purpose of electing officer for uext
Well Bru. aold and dellveretl 100
bale ofho4i at the warehoua here
thl week. The price received waa
cent. W uuduritand quite a
uumher are acliiug at Ihl figure.
A Demorcet II ver Metlal content will
be held In the opera houae uext Hatur-
Uuy evening iHxvmkr Int coiumeuc-
Ing at 7:JJ0. lteerved aeat 25 eeula.
(leueral adtuiwilou It) oouta.
Farm for aale 0n of the bet 800
acre farm lo Folk county on mil
Iroiu Htat Normal auhool; alto-40 acre
(hoi, bon laud. to Euabite
Cuitro. . Monmouth. tf
if vu ,'..iii... ..r k!.,t.u ....I...
Ut w,lU ft b lg fuf umknl
which weighed drvwed 447 x.umls, and
wa only twenty eight niouih old,
Premature balduiM may be prevented
aud the hair made lu grow ou head at
ready bald, by the ue of Hall' Veget
able Blclllai) Hair iteuewer.
Mr. Jerome Riser aud mother, Mr.
Hoxlo Klitcr, of Wallaburg, Washing
lou, are vUltlng with relallvea hi thl
city and at Moumoulh.
Now I a good time for omeone to
build dwelling- house to rent. Mtwt
every day people are lu town wauling
to rent a houae,
Mr. W. P. (Jonnoway and little
duughter loft on Saturday for McCoy to
vlalt Mis Cora Huell, who It teaching
nchool there.
Mr. J. A. Mills took the Modoc
Monday afternoon for Balem to apend
Thanksgiving with her pi.reiit at that
The dance at lUukreall lust Huturduy
ulght, given by the dancing club of
that place, wag a very enjoyable altair,
Mo Alice Mucaulay returned lust
Friday to Portland, after sending sev
eral days with relative In :hlcity.
A. N. Jiuah, of the Ladd & Bush
bank at Balem, was visiting in the city
lust week, a guest of banker Cooper.
Wm. Woodwork, of Huver, one of
her prominent farmers, was In town
last Friday on bualnea.
Mrs. EllivBtockMtlll went to PorUuiid
Friday to accept a position with the
family of Mr. (Jerald.
C. W. Haves, manuirer of the Cl:y
Itestauratit, returned from a trip to
Portland last Friday.
II, Best, a wide awake farmer from
mouth of Monmouth, wus trading in
town last Huturduy.
Last Haturday afternoon , the rain
came down In regular old fashioned
Webfoot style.
Attorney J. H. Townsend and T. B.
Itowell, of Bulliis, did bunluess In the
city last week.
Messrs. J. F. ' O'Dounell and Geo
Htrong, went to Portland on hint Mon.
day's train.
A. Odell. a resident of Duyton, Wash-
Ingtoti, was visiting friends In the city
thl week.
Curt. Hubbard and Thus. MoitImoii,
of Dallas, were in the city last Katur.
day. ,.
nv H. L. Pratt, of Latnyettn, wop a
pi's - eoij'"! on Frlduy' tin In I" Cnrvullls
I), ('hiv, formerly of Hover, but now
at McAllnnvllle, was In town Friday,
The teachers institute for Polk oounty
meets in Monmouth next Saturday.
W. P. Connoway took a business
trip to Dallas last Friday afternoon.
J, C. Fletcher, a rustling farmer, of
MoCoy, was In town last Friday.
I T M Klmnann. nf Lewlsvllla. did
Jkt . " 1
In Oregon wa tan hava urvea corn
...... .... .iuniHi, ium VUJT. 4V1I(?Y VMIIH,'r
fur Tl,,.l,-..l.,l i.,.. tin. ..
brotiiflit in.k..i tit Hlthillillit lurirat
'r i hiw twr wa rtiiicnimuwi
...II t l.l . . . I . . t I
with the luxury of green coin tui
- Thnnkiitflviiitr dae. Win, u..ui.l llv !
anv oilier .Im.i thuo flr..m
I A lili.HMUnl .l.m. .Ii... .....I..
at the botne of Mr. J. It. V. Itutl.-r. ir
v Moutm.uil.. l,.-t ..u,..,i. M,
..... . .. .
I nuTii me ri'iiiuvr ami ni'Kr iiivoun
Another tilcamint tluncn muh elven nt
a thenira-houMe In Mnniouth by the
yuuiig people nf (IihI city
J lie fnuilmll game hint Hutu rdav
Iwiween Yule and Jlurvatd wk won
lV llie foitnt r, atnoo la to 4. Hliue the
ienr IH70 to the invaent lime, Yale
duo Huh every niie from liitrvurd but
A. 1j, llwlcr arrlvml In loan ycNlcr
tluy moinlug from Moumnuth, uil the
wy on hi i'Kchitck.-ovcr the Cot buy
tii;ou road, lie left Muiuouib bmi
Thuixdav. Cotiuclle City Jmtltl,
I'eople are not throwing uwuy nmuey
incite uaya, rney wuni mil value for
every nickel npiit, mid Ihut'a what
th..v ut when min im.!!. l'lak I'uu.
I " " " "
mm. n., .il.r. Ui..t tiiUMto.
a, j. utMHiiiiMii aiKMumily come up
from luilcpoutlencti rrlduy aftcrmaui
to attend the ftiuerul of Mr. Moore,
Kugen lirtiltttr, Mr Moure waa a
uu.r of Mr ttMK,UM i
il, L. Lucu and wife, of Monmouth,
arrived home on MonUay'a thiln fioiitriibK to January lWMi forll Thin oll'tr
Portland, where they have 'ecu upeml-
lug a few tluy with Mr. uml Mr
Win, Feiibui,
J. A. Van Omdcl. of Larlmlo rtuntly,
Arlxoiiu, who wit elerled to the IcglN-
latureof llutt a nte on the icpubllcntt
ticket, U a brother of J. U. Van Oratlel,
ur Una city
1 "
J.l'h r lv. It. HIi kiifiMwe will prem-h
In tlii-( In mtlttii church next Hunday
veiling eu the auhjeet, "ThaEvlla thut
Threaten Fa aa a Nntlon, ami Their
Hmiuvtn' b 0 (, 'i,,-
TIim i.hiu.p r..riii..l.. t.iil.llui....l ...
atatii reuivlo KarrUbtirg. No doubt
I ........ ..... . .. 1,1 i.
I Una paper will meet with nucceta I a Ita
i -
The Wkkt Hina wa never before
better prcpiired to turn out llmt-elawt
ob werk, than at the piOMiiit time.
Cull and examine our anumle ami
Itev, J. 0. Apjtel, who haa been eon.
iltli'llnir nuvil 1 niFH ul I hit iIiiim-I
dur, UtJ t wwk ,ltu( BrwUmH,
much lulereit and i doing a good
i, .. t .... .. . . .
ev, Mr. nuerman, paamr ti me
Itaptkt church at Monmouth, returned
bouie Tuewlay fiom Htuyton, where lie
tout licen holding a protrucltM meeting.
lie ure aud go to the new hamex
"hop of f , E. Hhufcreml pincliioe aome
of tiuwe nice lap robe at (2 aud $3.
They are a firt elan article.
About fifty Iteraou from tlilx city
and Moitmoulh went to CorvallU
Tlturwiuy to ace the foolttitll game le
twecii Portland and Corvallk
The eliy ehwllou take place next
I l. . ...I II . 1 1.1 1... .1 1 I f . 1.
M"""ai 11 """u'u lm vum
oi our ciiizenii to eicci me ih-ki men lo
conduct our elty guvcrnmciit.
Horace, the lU ycar-old mm of Uov
eruor 1'euuoyer, ult-l Mtturday at
William oullege, Man., where ho wa
attending aubool.
Itev, J. It ltaldwin, who haa been
lemlf verai weea ai v nerryvaie,
KaUHaa, returned tu b I home In thU
city lat week
II. iiruiiK. or i'jolu, who la n,.w
lwul ellthty-lhreo yearn of ge, i very
III at his home, and hardly eX-ctud to
M las Hernlce Cameron UMik Tuiwlay'a
train for Fo.el drove, where alio will
spend Thanksgiving day with friends.
The Hi Oi'cioniua aud the Wkst
Hidk one year for only fl 'S (this oiler
Is for oue month only.)
Mr. 0. D. 1 ten tile, of Hulciu, ammt
Thanksgiving day wltu her parent
Peter Cook and wife.
Wm. Davidson, who was hurl several
weeks go, Is able to be about, and wa
In town this week.
All the goods ami all the price are
guaranteed if you buy at the Htar
James Hampton, west of Monmout h,
was made father of a sou Noveiula-r
i'l, 1W4.
Murgary Mlddlebum, daughter of It.
H. Mldilleham, is 111 with the scarlet
fever. ' , ....
Dr. Overall, futhcr-lii-luw of H. Host,
near Mounioulh, Is quite poorly these
Johanna, the wife of Prince Bismarck,
died at 5 o'clock Tuesday inorulng.
Mrs Fannie VaudergrliV will leave
for her old home lu I ndlana today.
Bcott Laiighary spent Sunday with
his parents on the Lucklniutilc.
Don't forget to read the Wkst Hi uk'b
special oiler In another column.
M, A. Houdrlcks, of Amity, arrived
In town ou Tuesday's train,
A. J. Goodman and family returned
from Eugene Tuesday,
Covenant meeting at
tlio Baptist
church next Haturday,
Attorney Goo. A. Hmlth returned
from a visit to Portland. '
Newest celluloid novelties for Christ
mas, at Clodfultcr Bros.
Read Clodfuller Bros, ad. on second
page this week.
County Judge Burch was lu the city
Mrs. J. M. Vanduyn Is quite 111 this
By a suck of gold dust at the 8tur.
Bee Clodfultur Bros, liollday display.
M un Kit aIj IjA-nds. A petition to the
receiver and register ut Rosoburg la be
ing extensively olrcululed iu Douglas 2.
county that the mineral lands In aever
al township of Hotitheru Oregon be
w ith held from the On-gnn A, Ci.lilor
ii iu railroad I'.uiiimn.V, ol which hinds
they are endeavoring to obtain a pa lent.
These lands are said to be exceptionally
rich In mineral deposits, and are absol
utely unfit for agricultural purposes.
It Is said that over $7,000,000 has been
taken from these lands since 1852, aud
that this Is but a small percent of what
will be taken from them in the future,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair HlghMt Midalind Diploma.
I A huiii4 hutiM la thmw t.mct1iml and tin
a I -
mtwitit, Dtatwiinr
toewrtiw only a mild (or in nf mitnimianni
a.tlwugh in m.m. i..pi(l iiurii to
loulaln MIm mini loanjr illlltrnut miurt
I -,.M l..l ....., .1., ,1... ....I.l
totlnr'nHli.iimoU luttor Im. d.iniii.trla lu
''i'y veMim. dy,..,wt,, t.ii.titM,ii..n,
ot Mini k nimy wiiinm, iimlrltil mm,
JilttlliK mill imrvmimimu.. Mini ll l-worilril
I'liloU'imMii, iii tu,, t'lirntivi Hue niiulit nt
li'ttal In win I'm, t lu lrl.,1 lij Miiy una troulili rt
llli mi) of ilii.iilvaiiiin iil, ,'vniiiillli(iuli
liia (irtivluuit vllurM to olilitlit raiiii'iliHl itnl
linv l"'i'ii fruitltwK. Unci! wild iirUIiiuy.
tint llllliin wilt etiittjuer ttiit niiwt nh.ilimio
Money to limit on inroved furm
tronrty, Wii.i.aui) U. Wiiiuiir,
Dnlliw, Oii'ii'iu.
Mm. YcarwetlI-. I with to lmik at
Mint tmhliV ahotn. Clerk- White kid?
Mm. Vwirwul-Htrl- New York W&k
hh i
Iliii kleii'a Arnica Hahe.
The - rulve in the world for cut,
nniU'i, aorea, ulcei. will rheum, fever
ontt, teller, chpt UuihIh, chilblalun,
uiriiit, ninl all akin ei .milium, and posi
tively cure pile oi no pay required
it U (jimruiiU t u glv J perfect atlNfac
lion or money refumled. 1'rle
rtiiitu kt Utx. For aale by all drugglal.
We would cult the ntlcuilnu of caah
nubwirllK-rn to our offer of the Wutt
la muie now uml may tat UImmiiiIIiuioI
at anytime.
Htiuility-SclHhil TeuchcrW'hat In
faith? Itriaht lky Taklu' an umbrella
to church w'en th preacher lauoln' to
pray Ut rwlu. (JimhI JS'tw.
For a pain lu the client there la no-
thing mi) gMd aa a pltHtrnf lluiuit'l dam
pened Willi ChuniU'i'lulii'a Pain llulin
and buuiid over tbu wat of pain. It
atronlM prompl mid permanent relief
aud U Hard lu time will often prevent
a cold from reeultliig In pneumonia
Tlilncuiiietrffitciiunt luanuit) euro fur
limit) back. For aule by Alexander.
v-ooptr wrug v
f.VH)Otulttatiou re it I entitle lu amatl
amounU, oue y ear or lew, Hce Wl I.I.A HI
O. Whiuiit, lallua, Oregon.
He I witTh I uttuld luke a nap every
afternoon, Ut'ttutte it makwtmeaoiiiuuli
brlgliter In the evening. Hhe What a
pity you cau't. iMrolt raj lYits.
W. A. MuUulrc, a well known cltlu
of McKcy, Ohio, ia of the uplulou that
there ut nothlug a good tor childreu
troutik'd wild cdtla tir croup tut Cham-
berlalu'ii Cough lU-medy. He haa utted
11 lu but family lor aeveral yeitra with
the Ut result audal.ay kii't a
bottle of It lu the houe. After having
la gilppe he w a himself tMubled will.
a severe cough. 1 le used other reiuedK-
without bctiellt anU tbeu coticiudod to
try the children' medicine aud tu his
lellglit it w m etl'ccted a iwruiaueut
cure, su cent iMiitiea for sale by Alex-
ander-UsnK-r Drug t!o,
There U no place lu Oregon where a
belter iiietti Is wrved than at the re-
tauraiHof WesUMXttt&lrvlue, 271 Com
mercial street, Balem. Meals i eta.
Ethel I woodur If be love me a he
says? Ue ha known toe only a week.
Clarissa He may If that' all the time
he ha kuowu you. Now York i'ress.
Henry Wilson, the postmaster at
Vt.'llitoii, r loridu says he cured a case
of diuirlm a of , long suudiug iu six
hours, with one Hiiittlt bottle of Cham
burlalu' Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhutu
Iteiut'tly, What a phwrntit surprise
that uiUht have been lo the sttflerttr.
Hucti cure are not unusual with this
remedy,. In tunny Instances only one
or two duee are required to give per
manent ivlicf. It can always be depen
ded upon. VY lieu reduced with water
II iaulcasaiitto Uku, For stile by Alex-
antler - Cooper Orug Co
Ho you have really decided not to sell
your house; l'air Host ves, ou
see we placed Hie matter hi the lmutb
of a real enUtle aent. AfUir readiu u
ills lovely advertisement of our prj-
ptrty neither John nor niywlf oou Id
think of parting with such a wonder ful
aud perfect home. -New Yurk Jl dd
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phocbo Thomas, of Jur.ctiou
City, III., was told by her doctor ahe
hud oonsumpt ion unci that tlioi e was
no hope tor Iter, but two botUen of Dr,
King's New ' Discovery coiupletely
cur 3d her and she says it saveid her
life. Mr. Tho. Eggcrs, l;i9 Floridu
street, Han Fruucisco, Huflbred from a
dreadful cold, approaching, conminipt-
ou, tried without result everything
else men oouirnt oue ixiaie ot lv.
King's New Dlscwery and In two
weeks was cured. He Is naturally
thankful. It ia such rus.ullg, of which
those are samples, that proves the won
derful elllcucy of this medicine in
coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at
any drug store. Itetrular size 60 cents
and U
Independence Public School.
Report of the whole school for the
month ending November 23, 1804:
Number of days taught 20; number
of . holiday 0; number of days
attendance 5251; number of days
ftlisont 190; excuses for ubsenee 83;
number enrolled, boys 145, girls 151,
total 21)0; average number .belonging
283; averuge dally attendance 272; per
rent of attendance au a vol age number
belonging 03; u umber of new pupils
admitted, boys 7, girls 17. total 21;
number of corporal punishment 0;
number of visitors; directors 7, patrons
M, teachers 0, others 6; number of
rhetorical exercises dining the month
I'Rit'K. On 'Tbursday morning,
November '2u, 18M, VaiiKh Price
the 6-year-old son of L. T, Price, dietit
of Hcarlet fever and bnmorhage.
Until Tliurstbiy nioruhig the little
fellow wus getting along very ltteely,
when he began coughing and
heiuorhago resulted, which caused his
death in a short time.
Dr, Price's Cream Baking- Powder
World' Fair Highest Award.
Propona! for Wood.
Mii t birfhy xlvn tlmt itenlfd blilii wilt
Iw riTMivwl J, D. Irvine, vliivtl Klerk of
illnirli t No, 'J9, a IndinieiK, tor tit
rurnlKliIng nf mt hundmil enrtli of g'H'il
md flr wihhI, diur fiwt loo, dllvred and
rnlid on tli H'hocil Ihiuw riniiiil nut lUr
iliatt aivuuiifr I, Ihuo. Jtid will b otwned
at 7:i i. in. imi Friday, Ltoceintier 21, 11.
. Tlio lititit In rrnvrvod to rvjwt any and all
bliU, 1 Addrtwt J. V. laviMK,
WH Itldfiwiidunco, or.
Tho U. S. Gov't Reports
$how Royal Baking Powder
tuptrior to all othera.
NeUreof Election.
Nolle Ui hfrcliy given Ui ill Icgul volor ('
lbs city of linti'piidnn-, Oregon, Uml tit
Hitntisl oily slwMlon will t lifld on ths flrst
Mondy in iHoen.ber for tl.a fiilliiwln pur-
Toslimla moyor. recordnr, tniirr, and
tiiurI.Hl for tl Mimilns year, sImi Ui slMtt one
tHtniliniiii from li ward for tit usxt
nulii iwoyosru. .
The Sillowli.s wurn atiiMilnlvd by tlisminnl
lo iirvK lit il,i!lon boards In tlte ll.rro ward.
flrt Wrd-W. M. Wnlktir, Jmlifflj M. (
ritir and J. V, O'tsmnoll, lrks vollni
ilan at city hall.
fctomltd Wsrd -N.O. llodfeltur, Jnll J.T,
Knrd and l.. C1ngslt, elerKai viitlng ulsce
at J. It, Jrvlns nltli.
Third Wsrd-Thomas fcuddsr, jtidse. It,
A, Kullur and J. A, Uvama,' clork; voting
plitne at TIkiiiim Hvuddin-'s rldniw.
Novdii.lM'rW, istil.
Oao, W, Iikbis
The oMu stssioii given by the socie
ties at Monmouth Friday was very well
attended by the lownsiieople and
students. The programme consisting
of vocal and insiruiueittitl music, reel
tat Ions, etc., were tjulto well rendered,
how!ug the student are doing very
gissl work iu the societies. A sHclal
ftaturtiof the evening' exercise was
the debate tm the qucatlou, Ilesulved,
" l'bnt free coinage of silver Is the best
policy for the United HUU," AHier
niutlve, E. AJ. Hsley, Mr. Hewanl and
Miss Mary Collins; negative, Lester
lligglns, John MoCue and Myrtle
Breithnupt. The argutuent was quite
good on both sldea, bnt thejudice deci
ded the jUttloii iu favor of the nega
tive. After the programme a very en
loyabletliue was sjHiitt by the students
In social game and Hinging.
Given Up to Die
T wu troubled with Ihrsr f omplilst Md o
largati.t of Ik splMn. Jit last I oottltf sot
walk acrow mr room, anil took to rsy bd, m
many thought, to dl. I b-r.a to tak BoooT
fiarunartlU and am enUraly enrtst It as all
tees brouiht tlxmt by d'i (tnaparflla."
. B. i. Hamilton, Frasia, Oallforat.
f Hood'l Pill Ui Btak fisaiMh. M
If p want
any kind of legal blank, you
will now find a full supply
at the Wkt Biuk office. Among
the most called for blanks
we note:
Jloiitl for Deed
Warranty deed
"Quit claim dctxl
Kjieolal warranty deed
Trust deed
Lease, long form
legal blanks
" sneelal form
" short form
Assignment of mortgage
Country mortgage
Covenant of warranty mortgage
Satisfaction of mortgage
Atlldavit for attachment-
Bill of Cost aud disbursements
Undertaking on appeal
" ou attachment
i O f... riiivivuru nf v. rn.
Bill of stale
For sale
Chattel mortgage
Crop mortgage-T
.Notice of prottwt
Verilloatloii of claim against in
solvent debtor
.Afildavlt of attachment
" of appeal Judge, debtor
At the
Copy of writ of attuchiuefit
Bill ot disbursements
Constable's stile ,
Copy of execution
Gnrnlshoe notice
Hubpina, civil, original
" . criminal, orljrinnl
" " copy nf
Kummons, Justice's
UiMlortaking for iitUicbmont
" for costs
Bit Office
Wwrant tor arri-sl, lelntiy
Writ of arrest, lnlsdeiiieauor"
Notice to quit
Verification of claim against
Mechanic's leln ftate
Laborers lclu.
"We have a very convenlentlV R
raj iced receipt book, which those of
our patrons who have seen pronounce
rery bintly. They sell a,t, MiilaayL
- !M
Jfr. n. A. MomtlU
i.l Ertlhrs
Meat Market
.v . w 111. I
Choice Meat
Highest market price paid
for fat stock, Iteef, mutton, veal,
pork, etc. All bills must be settled
We will wild you by mtil pntt-pnld oosstnall
eversTwn trw adapted to your idlinaU!, wltlt bit plMiitli.g ad I'Mrlng for il, to.
k'iit with our (iioil. I lint of Nunwry
Um'S, If you will eut out this advurUw.iiiuut.
murk on It tho nmnof till uTnd Udl
how many and wuat kind ul lr und pliinu
you would llkn Ui purliaa and whea yo
wikii wi iinini lorio.
W will iiiioUi you lower prlwi on ths nUx'k
yoti want tl.uu liavf cvurlmn ollored you,
Wrlla at ,
8-17 Kmrgreo, Hour Co., Wl.
1031 Markot St., San rrauelse
(Dctwtn Ul Slid 7th Bta.)
0 and fears haw wonderfully yon
kr inula ud haw lo .Hd k kiwo.
iiid dtuMn. Mukuri nlrgcKl ttlth
UtouMunl el new elilvvia Aduit-
Biofl th CM.
1'rlTR.Ie Office-. Hnll4it; Market Ntreei-iamut of diii:
tilrtJim, low of iiunliood, dlMwia of th fkin
and kidney. iuUkly cured without Ui um of Birr
curyTronUucul ponoiuUly or by kilter, scud
I'roprintor of
Tbe Indspendmtns Marlils Works, estimate
on an ouini'ii.ry work, r muolttM. workman.
liii, UtUl denlgrm, and loweiit prlcs.
Etfa i Wm,
Old-" .'
(-;Strt, lnbpndnel
who has lately returned
from San Fraucisco, Is pre
pared to give her patrons
the beuelit of a new system
Cull at her homo on the
Corner of liailroad aud C
Far Si'3
iW. 1,1. Molson.
Rickreall, Or.
Seed. .
Some thing for
Photograph Albums.
Autograph Albums.
Christmas Cards.
Silk Ilankerchiefe.
Toilet Cascrf,
Plush Odor Sets.
IJeautiful Cuff and Collar Hoxes.
Toys, .,:
Elephants, Howes, Dogs, Goats,
Cats, Jumping Kangaroo's.
Self Propelling Street cars.
Fire Engines.
Hook and Ladder Wagons.
While we have these
at lowest prices we also
keep a fine line of
Ladies'and Gents'shoes.
For Sale I
All persons wantlnir inaid FIR MA
PLE and ASH wood, all out and split,
can purchase it, on the river bank here
!ori.uua tier, or uonverea in Juae
pendeuce fot $1.25; Talmuge for $1.35
aud Monmouth for $1.50 a tier. These
are Cash prices. Leave orders with
Kstes & Elklus. or
Sam. Fishkr,
Hnr Mh.lkh.
vftHy, A.I
I tn ilitv. ViliiL:i or linn''
I home, Miop, mon ana ouive. iinHttwtt oouvdu
itnoft rtml IwHt iwllor ottPiirth.
A r la miike lWm ftft to uni prr Hv,
On in a rttaidAnca meant a Rultttotilj ii .
nltthboM. Finn tntHruntmitft, no toya, wnil. ,
anywhero, any ttmanra, OomplfttA, wndy lor
ua when shipped, tiaa be pnt up by any t up,
nitTer o'itof nrdr, no iwnfilHna, Iwtta a lit!
W W. P. Hairiton C Clerk 10, Coliimbut. 0.
DARK PENNYROYAL PILLS, tnei rm Rs-ular are
perlootly safe and olway reliable. For
all lrregttlurltles, painful Menstruation, iup-prtmhiCA-,
elo.,they never foil to afford a speedy
and oertln relief. NO EXPERIMENT, but a
solentlllo and positive relief, adopted only
alter yean of experience. ' AU orders supplied
direct from our office, Price per package $1
or Btx packages for $5 by mail, postpaid,
Purtlculum jellied 4 cenut, AU correspond-
uwtatriotly Csnfldtntiil,
Boston, Matt,
mm a
ncan a o
U the pl to grt H flrnt-cliwa wort.
BATH 25 ,
C Street Opposite the Peetefflo)-
J. C SHOEMAKER, Proprietor.
A Hiwdstty insd of Triple! nd Domtl
Kruiuand ul.
All ordr from th sountry, by mail or tUf
drlvi r, will rooolv prompt attentsm.
Get Tc:r M:i
and lv your order with J. R. TflOMPHON
if tlio Haluin rttass, wls will mil at your
nuM for lit WHuning aad deilrr It mourn
fin Fbttis
Crayon Work
Pastelles . .
India Inks
Mr Gtitrs
Photograph Gallery
1 Independence, Or
ELI JOin, Pre?.
Horses Fed by the Day,
Week or Month.
Best of Attention Given Stock
Left in Charge.
Passenger and llslit freight carried on'
reaaouaeta lurius.
furcltUMi made and di-livered for a small
Leave order al tiolel or povtoffloe and Btag
will caU lr pawenei at UtvU rualdencv In
Hlaa leave Independence every inornlng
(riuuday extapuidj ai UM a. in., aud Kalein al
teu p jr..
Will consult their beat in
terest by purchasing their
of the reliable manufacturer,
Independence, Or., auoceo- .
or to Ferguson a Van Meer. .
Sugar pine and cedar doora, '
all tiisea, ou uaad.
P. H. I'cCiBE S GB
Proprietors of
independence Tiie Factor)
Manufacturers of
Drain Tile.
of all six.
.-, ,' v . .-r!i.
Prices to Suit th
Independence,; Oregon
Of Independence, having a steam
engine, a brick machine and several
acres of finest clay, is now prepared
to keep on hand a fine quality of
Brick, which will be sold at reason
able prices.
md , .
AT 6:30 A. M. '
Thursday 1 .
' and . ,
AT 6:00 A. M.
FarFrlht and Paitag apply n