The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 30, 1894, Image 1

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    iThe Best Newspaper
j u th ens that tW th most nd
1TMhHt nwa. Compare th vi:8T
3l)B ith J paper In fulk county,
As an Advertising tfediurn
Takm thi Liad m Pout County.
$i.00 Per. Your.
Five Cents Per Copy.
No. 2.
m-i i
National Bank !
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
I. Hiiwiinr.KO.
4 fttoti hauling d ielin bnMm.
. ....i.l kuuti, HaadaL kltla IL. ...,... I ......
I Mrvtal rt4lt (TMtKMlt dimwit rwt4 on
gUttol wo mujvi w row,, in wvi
MUlti tpoIU.
a t. Hrolta, A, N1hVi l, A,' AUi, H. H
MIWUI,A. J.Uoodinait, U, W, (wr, 11,
Polk County Bank,
J.H.HWtRY. .
Paid Capital, 330,000.
J.H. JUI. P.UfumpMl, I.M.Htu,,
J.H. Y.BuUr. J.. tUiu.i, r.S.fu.u
Jw(h t mvrit.
Amu-rat baustua una s& biulne.
Inula." t: hiu iUs u'tU nwtvl
tuiKt Hi or on vrtinvtuf ilt-iuatt
IiwmI Mid uu Ua diiIU.
-Hr pnnif vault ami burglar proof utf,
th,.c Muurw a. ut. ! p. m.
Commenced Business March 4, 1833
tlaulihd bf atkutai Aulherltr.
Capital StMkJ
Sure I it t, ,
lnwIdonU VtcelTwlUiwt
W. U HAWLEY, Cabtor.
i. 8. Cooper, U . RitMl, l UimU
O. W. WMWwr, W. W. QMia.
A rorm) banking bulnM Imnwrtrd
Buy icUaui on all ttuxritti
'"twJiJiilU rwvlved tuhjort Wliwk r OB W
U0ciKMin; . m. W p. 01.
Prescott & Veness,
ProprWlon of-
JUnufactunTiurf mt l-U rlo
Rou-h and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, - Manager
Amerlcua nd KunMUi PI tn.
Beventh and WlilnitflD fit,,
m-- - OBKfK
waaaM afm",ffT,W',',
Go to tlie C Htrwl
And how
yon can et your
Work Pone.
Wagon Repairing of All
H. t- FULLER, Proprietor.
""if you want a Ooodyquai Meat lor (
25 Cents
Oo to the -
if I
0 DHflfWlO
Offered to Cure Finan
cial Ills.
Traiw-Mississippi Con
gress in Session. '
Every State. U piisoiitcd Hi Soiuo
Hubby, but Free silver Pr
dominate. sr. 1.0ns, Nwaa'-wiih iwi4
week before them, the dotcgattw t
. till l.kklkti I It I..,. ..J . . .
" " i wiwiuu 01 me irana-Mit
HMH vwusrea gat acred Slow
I.arly came Governor Stone, nf M
limit 'I Utt.t 1 - 1 1
" m. ruttftmtu, or 1;
t. .i.tti.ttt.h.1 i. 1,1........ 1.. i.i .
I'.'u.-v, Hjr lllllltlll III j( mill
Utf. Aimui.. ,1... ....i..i.iu .
"milxtsl wtre titHiruK U Ciiuium 'mi'
r. j. milium, or . 1 tun; tii.virnor
warn un.l A. U. I'IhIs. uf Culiumto
W. K Mwy, .f I'nllfornln; t il
tw.l. vt thi l.'iiluil SiaUn Kit
1 rvwi.'iii 11. i(, lilti'limtv, of 1
irntl 1'iiiiL-naio ..nll.1 tli.. ii,..u
' and ItitrXHluml Uw. lit. . .1
NwluitlM of 8t. Loul, who prayed
Uldh liitiMttN mliilit Ih ktink In Ih-
iMvrilv Ttuk HHbtMtln lit.. ut...
oltniUKf Hxrlmiij! of 8t. IamiIb, uih.h
wliiw Invitation iIip rmierKM nuvta
itn, ww pvin by rrfniiH-nt W. tl.
!t.vd. tu t'XtnttMtl the tlmt
fill Htlkitll1il ik U'.kllltl iwt(tti.iil iiiilhi
-Um-y th n-latlima of tho srt trail
I'llV Hll.l tllrtl ttn.lili lliA M.itli..Mlii.fl
would Ik of a Vti.iru linrm'Ur, It
d4llHT:itltim would lw brtmd t'lmtmn
tn vor f ho wlmli wuniry. Mayor
i'. r. VnldrltlKt, lu wvlwmliitf tin'
ffiHttta, tMk chiukIoh to niim bl
lu-iiriT tlntt whi'U Ut AuMrltm.a Vi
i wi'ubt 111 itimieii, infir coni'iiiM
ion wcr ttiWRyu riiint. Tint itoHint
alilc tit of t! !nu wtr extunli'd
by (!ovonor V. J. K(otu, who nld
MlNNotiri. tHttmlilcrliiu nil tlw Itityn-Htu
wlililn lw bonlorM, wa typhttl of all
tho Inti'rmt of tin tiii.MUclnHlpil
mi'tlttii of tin country. It imhiji, m,
wtn tvjikal not only tf WittU'ni intm
li'Hul. lint of tin itmiihiHHl of nil thin
trn-ut untloii. la concluidou, bo do
plorinl ituwt utrotiKly tln tntrotlucilon
if u.u.IiiiiIUiii lulu hiiv L'litlii.rtni
ttl. 'pnHiiu tlie Ix'tlcf that no mirh
fiHlitiB wottiii tluil (iittiv tu tho iioiiy
I.i i'iii-i. Iilm. til tin. nliH.'llri of (lovi'f.
uiir McCoitihdl, of Idiiho. who Me-
trraphiHi hin nwt., 11011. i.tiKftic
X.miiit.1 uf WitHhliu.liiti. imwiuiiiiIimI tu
tho nddr of wt'U-oiiw. llf ih'clnntl
tlw concroMi MM not lifrv for U10 ur
imis.i of ili'iiiiUKlinc mi.vthlni; nnlh'iil.
httt t!iiily that lit lh Kovcrnntciit of
t! nation tho pmmI of thr Hitd' JmlI
U tht! mtiirciiio litw. I'nuldcnt Whltc
niorw rt-vifwitl tho niirpnNo for which
tint ciiiifc-riMi csilfttn. ihH'larcd ntsulnm
nlllowlnt; th! cmiififM to Im In any
tt'iir coittrf'tl'il hy tolltlTtl Intonttt,
ami annoimml the B'"h'Hn ntttly
for luwut".
l'Kt th rf-cimincttflittkm of the
ixcuilvi cii!in!tu' the convention
took m rive t-i allow (ho Htate dclu-
vatlott to m Ui-t tin tit' tnlicm of Ut
.i.iniiilfiHH on i'I'i'iIi IiIIm!.. rilll-4 IIIHl
ordor of IiukIm-m nttd iwrututicut or-
Kx-tlovcitior Prlnct or Nt-w Mi-xlco
u Invltfttloii of rri'Hidciit Whlti'iuorv,
,U.L. tin. iiiitii-. Tic lntroiliii'tliin of
ttWiitloim to bt rt fi-rrt'd without !
htto t tht coni'iiltiiv on rcMoluiloix,
nhcti tlmt commltti hull 1h niiHtlnt-
iit. wtit Im-shii.
!!y iH'l.wiiito Cnxtlt'. or rnllfornirt.
i lllfllMH'llll to coiikivw favoring tlw
.,,aiin,iii,ii nt tl Mm ni LMWt en nn I
iitMlor control and tiafvllon of Ui
rilled Sistcn fovi'fiiincnt.
itv tiMtcifiito Hiinlliitt. of Mlwourl, a
rcwiliitlon dcmttndliU a roiM'al of the
rr.i land hill now uerore tno i iiiu-o
Statin wniitt',
Hy Ih'h-friitc Iitihln. of Cnllforiila, a
.1, .(,.,. f.ii'i.i-i'nr tho iiiiviiicnt of n
hounty ttpon fiXiKtrtcd WKrlciilttiritl iro-
ilucw. a a Jtwt Mum nr wv "i m
fardml iiiiuiufactuivm by proti-ctlve
uirlffn. ...
Hy IX'h'Kato Hniltli, or lown, a nto
.11. .il ftti'r.itntr noiirottrlatloiia h.v thf
Moral govcrnnwrnt for tho cotuple-
lon of the ilcntti'iiin citnni.
V.v Iiclcsrnto Zcn.t'l, of ArkmiMnK. a
w'liitloti fitvnrltiK a tJtrirf coinmliwlon
,1th ph'imry powcra, thon iiy rctnov-
tinLt matter front th Influcnw of
tin. niittfitloim of party.
itv Dt'lcifnto Frytf. of Mlwtotirl, fl
nn'tiioiial covcrln all mthjifin to come
hi-fottt collKI-CKM and HimKiwiiiK imiih'
tlvo prfM'i'wcn for all ill of our llnnn
,.l f,vHtom, n relating to silver.
My Ih'h'jratft rantotiH. of California,
a n-aoliitlon favorlnu government wm
rucUon of a tliH'P witter hiifhor for
Hoiithorn Citllfoinla nt Sun Pedro.
I!y HeleRiito Howen. of Utnh, a rco
lutloit favwlnjt Hie roHtoratlon hy tho
I'nlted Stnteti of Hilver to It utatim
prior to the enactment of tho law
"Vy 'rioli'Ktitft Btoddard. of Colorado,
a rettolutloti favoihiK free gold and
silver coItntRu nt a ratio of 10 to l;
providing for tho two. of coin ccrtin
;.,tt.. and ilifectltig tho retirement of
uatloniU bank nohft im faHt an the
hoadn Hiipportlng them can bo pa d
and taken up by tlie colnngo of gold
ttTlvHli)eleKitle Htitnard, of MImsoui'I,
f.,vorlng the n of nllver colnago to
tho fuIh-Nt extent poHslble at ttuch
ratio aa may to; iUwcntlblo of IM ng
delinltely tniilntalned; also endowing,
tlie effort of the government to weitre
a more extended two of silver by other
" IMcgnte RtiNli. of Idaho, Introduced
abort rcHolutloi. favoring tho free
coinage tf allvcr at Hie ratio of 10 to 1.
Football Is DoomTd If It Cannot Bo
Now Haven, Nov. 20.-The report
circulated Hint the Yolo faculty n
t M to forbid Iho train playing with
r noeton on account of Saturday's
SitotM. President Dwlght
,ha knows nothing of any such
n toitUMi. A numb of the faculty
mpww di tw t tho game, saying
uSTwt all intent when tho slug
slug begnn. Theoollego verdict is
52 ti 1 rovhwd mliM oro a failure.
- it mi.rt tor rni i ni
taxable proptiny u "
aguluHt twflMfMQ a year at'o.
Kill i
Th Vuumml Bight of Man Kinn kcd
Out by llluiwoir,
Coney lalantl, Nov. ffll.-Th Heaslde
Athletle club offered a very attrnctlv
cam toniiiiit ror tlie lovcw or mixing.
Maxey llnugh nud Uetm tlarcla wero
the Hint pair to dou the glovtw. The
moil werti welghml In at loo imiuiuIh
or n wx-rouini Oottt, tho right iH'Ing
dochtriHl a draw at tho end of the
mini round.
Hobby lKibba, of MlnneniMdla, and
Billy Vernon, the "Havewtraw brick
nmkeiM were aeheduled to tight at
Utt (Mmnda. Vernon eeenied to have
a sure Uilwg of It when Ute fourth
miiikI began, but In tho rimh hla blow
fell abort ntid tho Impotim a ao
great that ho fell, hla head milking
1110 noor of Um ring. Tlw refirie
taunted teu seconds before the
"htlckuiaker" cotild reaa In his aetisitt.
and Uie sports had the privlleuo of
stHMiig a uiau kntH'kiHi out by hliiixoir.
1 ne nig coutent of tlw eveJilug was
limy rummer, of Kngland. and Cbaa.
Kelly, of New York, at 114 itouiid.
The battle became so fierce In the
third round that the nolleo interfered.
1 uti tvroree gavo Uie tight to Plimtner.
A Freight Train Attacked in Oten
Fort Smith. Ark.. Nov. 2(t.-Iutllun
Agent Wbttloiu and ex-Indian Agent
itennett, both of Muskogiw, came
down ou last ulght's train from Uie
bnndft trt f the territory. At Wag.
goner they wore uotlded that the
fnliiht train Just ahead of them had
been ilred Into near llragg station,
seven men mounted on horseback and
armed to the teeth undertaking to
halt tho train lu daylight, but the
euglnccr pulled the throttle wide 0ou
ami ran ahead at run spaed. A volley
of bullet waa tired at the rab, and
when uie calioose went by It was alj
fired on and riddled with bullets. The
paNMotigcr train exMcted to be held
up and preparations were mad.) for a
ngnt, nut tno train canto tnrougn
without molestation.
Ran Francisco, Not. 2d. Dr. Potter,
who ha charge of the Ileum for I neb
rlate. where patient are reorted to
have received brutal treatment nviit
ly, wa assaulted by a sea captain
mimed Harrington at his homo last
nlk'ht The noise attracted a crowd,
which, UMn bearing the scream of a
woman, fired a volley of siomn Into
the building, Several window were
shattered by Uie missel, and further
damage was thmetem d when tlie po
lice spHnrwil ami d!sicrsod the mob,
London. Nov. 80, A boxing nmtrh
of ton round for a pumo of H00 took
pl.tee tonlglijt between pick liurgo
m Ted PrJtchard in thl city. Bttrge
wa knocked out In tlie second round.
He Believes the Laws Against 0am-
bllnuaiid Sabbath Viols lion Ought
to Bn Enforced.
T'OltTLAXn. No. 2(1 -An lninor-
tunt lnturvlow was bad with Arch
bishop (iron today relative to Uie S1111-
.l.iv oliuilntr piinilii A fnw vi'iirn HL'll
An hblshoi Gross was before Uie city
I'otmcll and urged that Isnly to take
such action as was required to secure
the cloMlng of saloons on Sunday, lie
at that time accompanied the other
ministers of the city and was clnsten
their spokesman, addressing the conn-
ill in uie name 01 toe imiiuhii-.v
urtbiiul In favor of Sunday cl-stlug
t the iuiIimiiis. lie Ml 111 holds to the
mine opinion on this subject, and to
Telegram reporter sain:
"t Mhnulil ULe vi.rv liiui'h to sec the
siilisum closed on Sunday, fsiioelfllly
as It Is the law. My Idea Is that If n
law is on the statute noons 11 annum
lie enforced. .General Grant snld the
heat wav ti find If a law Is sood of
not Is to enforce It. If then; Is a law
on the statute Iwoks which the people
10 not want, strike u on, om wune
t remain It should be enforced.
"I bollere that a nation of Infidels
nnttot exist, ami Uiat the real
.ii.,.iii'th nf n untloii consist In Its
morality and not In nuiulter or riches.
China Is furnishing an example or
11,, it nnw white .In nun bus necotltcd
our Christian Idea. I believe thl Is a
nation that believe In Uie existence
a God, however jMHiple may oirrcr
"I think It Is the duty of officials
in .iinnrBta. aui'h V cea as KnmbllllK
and prfsitltntlon. Tho law dH not
recngnlsso such Utlngs, and' It Is the
duty of U10 law's officer to suppress
i-tn. in some countries in r.urop
la tlwimrlit tu'tliir tn reirulute thi-se
thing by law. I do not believe In
that. Our laws no not ncKnowiouge
iii.iv om antltleil tn exlt ntld If the
people want to acknowledge It they
should change the laws, I do not b
levo In changing them, nut tncy net
iir Imi renenled thon not enforced
while they remain on tho statute
PORTLAND, Nov. 20,-The meoUng
of horticulturist of tho entire North-
west bold at Spokane hurt February
wn tntntuted to harmonize UlO ft'lllt
growers ot the entire region, and so-
cure the heat moa ror advancing wioir
lntorwtel. An organization wa -feotod
Intonded to ve preliminary and
nn executive eouinnlttee elected cam-
posod ot Dr. N. 0. BhUoclt or waiia
ivntin niwiilenr. and a vice-nresldciit
each from Idaho. Washington, Oregim
and Brttlah Columbia. The convic
tion wa numorously attended ana
adjourned to meat at i-orciana in
Fabruary next to effoct a porroanent
organlsnaitlon. The Oregon state hor
ticultural eociety noma 11 annua,
meeting on the second Tuosday In Jan
i.nrv Mm Nth. and It has been con
sidered advlalble to make this also Uie
date for the meeting or the jNomiwest
association and hold here at that Ume
a grand convention of hortlculturlstJt
to reprewtmt the entire region north of
California. Dr. Cardwell, a presi
dent of Uie elaita society ho extoudetl
to Proaldont Blalock, of tho NorUiwt
iytolatilon, an Invitation to make
tbl the date for a united meeting of
the horticulturist of the Northwest,
which invitation has been accepted.
New York, Nov. 27.-The report of
the Brio Railway Co. for the year
ending September 30th, shows gross
earning, f'A204,42D; decrease K
798.731; not earning, $5,000,251; do
cranM f 184,407; deficit. 1,107,407,
against a surplus uf $917,438 In 1803.
Excluded from Turkish
Tells too Much of Arme
nian Troubles.
The Turkish Minister at Washing lou
Is Surprised at the Scope ot
the Edict.
cent edict calling for the sclsure at
the f run lb of foreign uowspihnts
containing account of the Armenian
massacres, prohibit the entry of every
American newspaper Into Turkey.
tw action on the part of the Turk
Ish government I supiNHted to be due
to the attitude assumed by the
American pre on tho Armenian
Washington, Nov. 2H.-Ttto edict nor
msiiciitly excliidlug all Atmrlcan
newsinter from Turkey, a an
nouneed by the Associated Press cable
from Conatantinopie, hit not yet Immhi
ottlclully commutilcntetd to the Turk
ish legation hem Secretary Norlgblnn
r.rfenttl exitnssed surttrlw that the
edict should have such scoi a to be
a tmrmaneitt exclusion or the Amerl
can pms, and he thinks the report
may pwe overdrawn In this resiiect
Thre Is pre it'tisorshlp In Turkey.
at asm, similar to tlmt conducted In
most Eitmiienn comitrhst. The reason
for Uie order of exclualon Is dmibtlns
to lie found In the fact that American
paiiors at prcsout abound with long
artli les descriptive of oulragi alleginl
to hare ws-n periH'trated on Armen
ians and represent tatlve of mmui
meetings held by active Armenian
agents in the I'ullcd Statini to probut
against those atriK'llles. Tho Turkish
government Is pros-rly apirehenslve
thit the front circulation ot such liter-
artiira lu the dlioiffected provinces
may stir up an nticn relM'lllmi. the
Ontoome of which In the present tcm
Mr of EuroiH It would be dltlleult to
forecast. So far a the Armenlaus are
concerned, our government can do
nothing for them, no mutter bow
ti'iii'li dlsHu-d It msy bo to allevlste
Um fortune of those native Christ
Ian. The ureal Eiiroixitn powers ere
hound by treaty to protect them and
they will umiuettttoiinbly stronuty re
sent any interference by the United
StitU'S lu the line of sugg'Uon us to
their duty In the matter. So the reso
lutions which are being directed to Ute
president by sympathetic mn meet
ing held lu v nitons cities are likely
to be of no avail, save, is'ilmps. to di
rect the attention of the civilised world
to the miserable state of Uie Armen
Washington, Nov. 20. Nothing Is
known ofticliUly here of tho reported
trouble between Italy and Hraxll
which I said to have renched a phase
so acute thai luily threatened to send
a fleet f war vtwai to Uruxll to en
force her demands. But It I known
from unotllchU otim lliat tho two
govnruimait have been at odd for
many owing to a demand made
by the Italian govermmnt for Indem
nity for tho maltreatment of a number
of Italian subJix-U and Uie destruc
tion of Uietr property In the course, of
riot In Rio. The queatlon at Issue
la 0110 of Uie amount of Indemnity
raUior Uian of principle.
Port Arthur Taken with a Chines
Isws of 3.000 Men.
Shanghai, Nov, 2(I.-The report Is
eonflrmod of Uie capture at Port Ar
thur by tho Jnpumfa, of a special
corroNpotukmt of Rentier's Telegram
(vsniwiny. Tlie JniMitKite sussvtcd
hi 111 of Ix'lng an otllcvr In the Chinese
causo. lie wa subwtpienUy meusl.
It Is believed hero that the Japane
army will land west of Wei Hat Wei,
attack that place in Uie rear and after
Its capttiR, march to l'ckln.
Yokohama, Nov. 20. It la now
staled the Chinese loss at Uie battle
of Port Arthur was 8,001) men. It Is
reported that during the hottiwt lights
Ing a portion of the Chinese force fled
to the warship that were Is'lng held
In leadltmss for the embarking of
troops In the event of U10 position
becoming untenable. The JnpuncHO
atpitulroti fired upon and sank two
warships. The ncivanco guard or
MiushiU Oynmn's army and tho sec
ond Japanese army ho started on a
march to New Chwang.
Indlnuuindut, Nov. 2d. The suit
brought by tiio republican state com
mittee to conteet the constitutionality
of the itylalativr apportionment passed
by U10 domocnibie legislaturo two
years ego was dbuulssed lu tho su
premo court today by the plaintiff.
The republicans announce tluit the
legislature, whktb is riMmDIlcau In
both haises, will reiKnil the npiMirtlon-
mont law lu qmwtlon nud will enact
a fair one. It Is also announced that
tho republicans will re-nppoiilou Uie
state for eongreulouul purposes.
Tacama, Nov. 20. R. L. Lowe, an
Ortlng carpenter, says he and some
hunting ooiiipinloiis wero wlUiln six
miles of Mount Hnlnler's top last
Wodnesday afternoon and tliat sev
eral shocks of earUiquako were dis
tinctly felt at the mountain's base.
Several great avalanche were heard
crashing down tho mountain stdo. litis
ot!Citrrod. on tho north sldo of U10
mountain. Rocks waro pllod over a
hundred font high In U10 Puyallup
her and returning they crossed de
bris of avalanche which was of great
Inpth. half a mile wido and four or
live miles long.
Alameda, Cat., Nov, 20,-Supt Sulli
van of the Aiumeda schools, who was
ordered by the board of school direc
tors to exercise a censorship over the
literature given to public schools by
the W, 0, T. U declared that the
pamphlets and tracts muBt hereafter
1k limited to teachings about the
harmf ulncss of cigarettes and that
nothing as to prohibition , temperance
or the less Injurious forms of tobacco
using can be permitted to enter the
class rooms.
Sir Cluirloa Tumter Speak Upon Tbl
New York, Nov. 27.-A sneclaJ to the
World, front Ottawa, Ontario, says
Sir Charles TuplM. minister of marlue
and fisheries, who wa Canada's
ammt at Uie Pari arbitration, tll-
credllN Ithe nrt Uiut Uie UnlUl
Sbites goverumeut has askisl Great
Brluilu to tints. nt to tho prohibition
of Ute killing f atU next setmoo
"Had tlw United State entertnlnel a
rivwtomtbln itroisstal wo maile," ays
Tuppei", "the seal HhIiotIi would have
sutfertsl far Kn than they are lUuiy
to do under Uie present regulaUuu.
We aw ti e daugur of wlutt the do
sssksou wtsild be. We sold If tJ)
stale would give u a good summer's
work wo would agree to prohibit seal
Ing durlnc Uie winter and spring
nKinths, when Ute eul are gravid and
when Uie great damage I don by
ulaughtoruig. Tho United Slu
Jeoted tlila) proosiU and the danger of
dii'ltlin I mulUplhsl. Tito lMirlng
sea catch of Canadian vinwHs nil sea
sun only amount to a lltUo over 2tl,
Otx) skins, or 27 per cssit of tiio total
catch. The whole numbtr of fetiialt
taku In Retiring ea was 03 per cent
of tho catch, a fact that contradict
Uw United KlAtoa asserUtHi that for
every male sen! killed three female
are laughUred.
A Rich Deptstlt Situated Southeast
of Lnlou.
Unltm, Or., Nov. 27.-A discovery
of what Is claimed to be a rich deposit
of copiM-r oro bus just been made by
1,011 Simmons, sotitbeast or Unlou, on
the headwaters of Tucker creek,
There I an Immense ledge of quarts
rich In copper, also containing gold
and silver,
Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 27. The
Security National bank cll lu
doors today, Jt I held on good author
ity not to Imi so much a failure a a
disagreement between the oltlcer. It
he a wipluU Mock of S' The
detssdt are f.V,uoo, of whlcti
ro county fuml. Setmtor Ve of
Missouri, who I largely Interested,
ha arrived, and a directors' meeting
I being hold. A, S. Vest 1 caeutor,
and 11. W. Palmer, wuuiy treaaurer,
I priwIileuL
San Francisco. Nov. 27.-The races
tixliiy were as follows:
Alsittt six furlongs, maidens, 2-year
old-Nellle Peyton won In 1:1H 3-4.
Sevtn furlougs, selling -lira w Kcott
won lu M.
About six furlongs, 2-year-old
Malustay won In i:lM.
Five furlougs, selllug.-Norleo woo
In lK.
One mile, a-ytnr-oliis-Artist won
In 150.
The Disposition to Be Made of Money
Received for Indian Land,
Allotted and Otherwise.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 27.-Rocretary
tlresfiam, who has charge of the mat
ter, has divided non the eroct!n of
a monument of American granite a
Uie moot suitable for marking Uia
birthplace of Washington at Wako-
ituld, Vo. The amount netxled for the
eotottriK'tlon of the monument Is about
11.0"U. .
Tlie Puyallup comnilslon now at
Tacoma, Wssh., mimtly submitted
to SisTotary Smith an Inquiry to
the dlspoHitlo'i of tiio money from Uie
sale of Indian latuls. The secretary
Usluy decided Unit U10 money re
ceived for the allotted lamia can be
paid to tiio Indians at any time In Uie
discretion of the secretary. The money
of the land held In common Is to bo
lie placed In the treasury at four per
cent aa 1 tho Interest and one-tenth of
tho principal la to bo expended yearly
for their benefit
Six Masked Men at Baker City Rob
a Hotel.
Baker City. Nov. 27.-One of the
most daring robU'rles ecr committed
In tills acotlon occurred In this city
this morning nt 2 o'clock. A party of
six men, heavily masked, and armed
with rltlee, tJiotguns and revolvers,
entered the hotel War8ha.twr. Tiio
employe atul bystander wero
placed under cover of anna, while two
of the. robbers roileved tho saloon bar
till and faro game of alxnit 11,100,
which they placed In a sack And de
parted. A tire alarm wa turned In
by an officer a few minutes after the
robbery, which drew out a large num
ber of peojilo, but the robber hod
made good Uieir escape, ami nave not
been seen. There la no clow what
Now York, Nov. 27.-Tno crwado for
reforming tho music halls and other
stages of this city Is, It Ut snld, to be
Inaugurated Immediately by Miss
Franc? WUInrd and tho ladles of the
W. 0. T. U. Ltidy Somerset eald to a
reporter ttslity. ".Miss WHUird and
her asixitoa fe! that the living pic
ture as exhlbltosl at present In the
theatres of thla dry are a terrible
menace to Uie yotm'Jt men and tend to
encourage Immorality and evil think
ing, and are also an outrage on
Birmingham. Ala.. Nov. 27. Several
hot-headed Kolblte loaders have Issued
secret calls for armed men In com
pnnle of from 100 to 500 to volunteer
to no to Montgomery inauguration
next Saturday to sent Roll) ns gov
ernor. The call Is made to the Kolh
followers "to maintain their rights
and carry out the will of the people,"
and It Is snld that companies are being
organized. All tho troops In the state
have arranged to go to Montgomery,
and It is understood will carry their
guns loaded.
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 27.-A team be
longing to the Oakland cream depot
wns Instantly killed this morning by
coming In contact with old telephone
wires blown clown during the- night
on tho trolley line of Uie Alameda
Oakland road. Lester M. Haden, the
driver, narrowly escaped Instant
death, aa the wire wna only a foot
from him when flret seen. A similar
accident occurred here two years ago,
when tho driver was seriously Injured
by trying to release his team,
The Congress at the
Mouud City.
Bryan Is the Chairman'.
on Resolutions.
The Prluclpal Business of the Cob
vcatiou Seoioj to Rs to Make
Hilvtr Wore Valuable.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 27.-U wa nearly
three-uuarlers of an hour after the
appointed time when Praldeut White-
more callou the trans-Mississippi cou
gross to order toduy. The adoption of
the rettort of Uie committee ou cre
dential last night, which enroliuu all
the appointed delegates prosny ac
credited, without regard to their pres
ence, gava an tapeclal point to tlw re
port of the couiuilttoe ou rule and
order of buslues, which provided for
a voting power for each atato deieua
tloti of not to exceed 30 vote, If o
iiuiny delegates are present; all Uie
state to have a voting power of not
loss than 10, no matter what the
siiialinM of the attending delegation.
The rcHrt wa adopted.
Memlx't of Uie committee on resoiu
tluiis wore annouueed a follow:
Arlxoua.-T, B. "Comstook, W. 3
Cluuiey; Callfornla-D. Lubln, G. W,
Parsons; (Colorado J. 8. Shaforth;
Idaho-Wllllam Budge, B. K. Rich;
Indian Tvrrlur -D. G. Denlson, Field
tog Ixwt Iowa S. F. Smith, Bart
H. Lineman; Kansas W. H. Tothage,
Ktisihen Crane; Mlnnesoat Thoma
Sharp; Mlsaourl E. O. Stannurd, C
B. Yeater; Nebraska-W. J. Br an, H.
W. Richardson; New Mcxlco-U. It.
(label, I a H. Prince; Oklahoma-Syd
ney Clark, 3. A. McGulrc; Oregon 10.
II. Lodge; South Dakota-S. E. Wil
son, i. It Drennan; Texas IawIs
Hancock, K. A. Marshall; Utah-P. J.
Cannon, C. C. Ooeodwln; Washington-A.
L. Itluck, D. F. Dcvltie; Mon-
tana-Tbontaa G. Merrill. W. 11.
Whood; Alaska J. C Greene; Wyom
ing, Ivoubtlaua, Nevada and North Da
kota are not represented In Uie con
Among Uie resolution submitted
were: Indorsing Secretary .Herbert
tost and use of American coal, and
urging legiMlatlon to enjoin upon naval
official the use always of American
product where It can be done with
out financial loss; favoring govern
mental Investigation of forest Are ou
public land; urging the admission as
state Oklahoma, New Mexico and
Arlxotia: favoring federal encourage
ment of a cable from the Farralune
Island to Hawaii; favoring the Im
provement of Oakland (Cal.) harbor;
oppottlug legislation to engraft Uie
Itiiltlmoro plan or any other form of
national bank Issue uimn the nation
al currency system; favoring legisla
tion to Increase the price of cotton;
favoring further and greater govern
mental aid to Texas harbor and rivet
Delegate W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska,
Introduced a resolution favoring the
restoration of the free coinage of gold
and silver at the ratio of 10 to 1,
without Uie aid of any other nation.
Delegate Cahlll, of Missouri, Intro
duced a resolution favoring efforts by
the government toward Inducing other
govern men ts to recognise silver mere
hilly n a money metal. The commit
tee 011 tHtrmnneut organisation pre
sented It reMirt, naming George (J,
Cannon, of Utah, for permanent pre
siding ofQcer, with one vice president
from each state, to be named by Its
delegation. Tim present wretary, M.
IiutterfieliU, of Oregon, was re-
inestetl to continue through this con
get, the executive committee being
Instructed to name his successor when
the next place shall lw chosen, he to
reside tberclu. The report wn adopt
ed, and President Cannon was tseort-
nd to the chair. After brief speeches
of congratulation and thanks to the
retiring officer, Mr. Vhltemore, the
congress adjourned for dinner.
Tho flovelopmeiHB of the second
day's hcsnIou of the trans-MlsslsslppI
congrw have not been without Inter-
st to the advocate of free coinage of
sliver, who have lieen anxious to se
cure definite expressions from the con
gress tn favor of Uie white metal. The
irgiintsAtlon of the committee on reso
lutions, with Congressman W. J. Bry
an of Nebraska as chairman, and E.
A Marshal! of Texas as secretary, has
been highly delighting. Nevertheless,
there la as yet no certainty that the
matter will go beyond this. In the con
vention there Is a strong element In
favor of International free coinage
only, and opposed to any expression
whatever upon the subject by congress.
Whether the bl-metalllsta will be strong
onough to overcome both these ele
meiit cannot be told. Yet there Is a
certainty that the main struggle will
be on this portion of tho resolutions
committee report and the battle will
not bo a brief one.
St Louis, Nov. 27. Gen. A. O. War
ner of Ohio, presided over a meeting
ot tho oxeouUve committee of the bi
metallic league, hold behind closed
door today, According to one of the
member, this committee Is expected
to outline Ute policy of Uie silver fac
tion of Uie republican and democratic
parties, and the silver policy of Uie
pooplo s party of the rext two years.
Thl Is thought to be a preliminary
meeting called To outline Uie work of
Die convention that will be held some
time later In the winter to form a sil
ver party by absorbing entirely the
populltrt party and drawing from Uie
two old parties and their free silver
San Francisco, Nov. 27. Tho revenue
cutter Utish has again left port to
search for Uie survivors of the wrecked
ship Ivnnhoe. In view 1 of the fact
Hint recent telegraphic dispatches
from Victoria, B. 0 announce that
from the finding of life preservers anil
other wreckage there Is every likeli
hood that some one remains alive to
tell the story of how tiieh Ivnnhoe
went down. It Is expected that the
search of tho Rush will continue for
a full month.
Albany, N.' Y., Nov. 27.-The court
of appeals hits unanimously ; ofllrmed
tha conviction or John x. MvKnne,
The npiienl was from tiio Judgment
of conviction for felony.
The ctimo of wntcn Mcivane was
convicted was Uie procurement and
concealment of the registry lists for
the general election ot 1SU3 In
Highest of all la Learning Powers-Latest U.S. Cort Report
1 1
Excitement at Honolulu Over the Re
cant Revolutionary Plot
Ban rranclstm, Nor. 27. The steam
er Oceanic arrived thla morning from
Yokohama via Honolulu. The Oceanic
brings no biter Asiatic news tiian wa
rewired on tho Empress of China,
which arrived tn Victoria, November
20lh. AJt Honolulu tiiem wa still
cotMlderable excitement over the re
cent revolutionary plot Leader of
the royalist faction were still declaring
trouble wa sure to oocur soon after
Uie sailing of Uie Ooeonlc Govern
ment officials, however, declared no
trouble need be feared. The conspir
acy, Uiey said, though It did not at
any Ume threaten serious trouble for
Ute government had been completely
frustrated. A exposed to the Hono
lulu newspaper, Uie proposed upris
ing wa planned by a mau named
Katser, formerly an officer In the Aus
trian army, and later a ergeant In
the Fifth United States infantry. It
wa a plan to secretly ana several
hundred royalist sympathizers, end by
concerted action to capture Ute gov
ernment execttlv building and Uie
three or four small steamers, plying
among the Island, then to establish
a temporary gov em men t at HUo. One
of the etaatnnr was to be quickly dls
patoued to Victoria. B. C, for arms,
ammunition and men who were to
have been previously enlisted by an
agent now In Ute United State. Sev
eral thousand dollars had been pledged
by wealthy royalists who were Impli
cated. Tha plot was exposed to Uie
government however, long before any
actual revolutionary preparation had
been made. Katxer fled to San Fran
Cisco, and Wetmore, a newspaper
man who had been admitted to Uie
revolutionary circle, and who exposed
Uie plot to the government wa a
passenger on the aare steamer. Os
tensibly he was bsnljhed, but it ts
believed In Honolulu ibe government
officials sent him away as a ruse to
protect aim from tbs wrath of the
royal lata
November 15th British Commissioner
Hayes fomally preoitcd to President
Dole an autograph Mtor from Queen
Victoria flooognbtlag hii Hawaiian
The United States gunboat York
town arrived at Honolulu shortly be
fore Uw Oceanic sailed.
To Testify in the Strike Congpirary
Caws-Re Resides Outside the
Judicial District.
8AX FRANCISCO, Nov. 27.-Neither
President Cleveland nor any of Uie
eastern railroad men comprising Uie
gexeral manager' association will be
called to California to testify In the
strike consplrjicy case now on trial
hero before United State District
Judge Morrow. The dei.uee sought
to prove thai Uie mails were not
stopped by the A. It U. but through
a conaplrtcy in which President Cleve
land and the general managers' asso
ciation figured and that the colling
out of troops was an outcome of tho
alleged ssKflplracjy. Judges Morrow
rated tnat he naa no authority to bud-
poena any witnesses from any point
outside of tlw Judicial district In
whlcn he preside.
Portland, Not. 27. It Is understood
that all Uie rallroids entering this city
have signed an agreement to main
tain rates, thus averting what a few
daj ago threatened to become a ser
ious rate war.
America Leads the World
K i&P I
tm fc II I l X u i-kf I J
im 1 - 1 fk x - -1 1
rV Strength
4 .2 fm
1 zIP
The Crowning Qlory of the Age.
Man's enterprise culminated at the World's Columbian
Exposition." The memory of it will be a marvel for all time.
The fame there acquired will live for years. The manufact
urers of
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
appreciate the award to them of highest honors at the
Exposition. The sigr "cance of the compliment, the splendid
character of they .Jorsement, cannot be underrated. It
6tamps Dr. Price's as without a peer among the baking pow
ders. The jury of awards, an exceptionally intelligent body,
was headed by the Chief Chemist of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture. They found Dr. Price's Cream Baking
Powder strongest in leavening power, perfect in purity, and
of uniform excellence.
"Foremost Baking Powder in all the Vcrld
-Li U t-j
Quantity and Quality
of Money.
"An Essential Condition
of Prosperity"
AsOuUlnsd by JH. Eckels, Comp
troller of the Carrencr
Home 80a nd View.
Preston, director of tba mint bat sub
mitted to the treasury his report of
the mint and assay offloea for the
Oncol year vm. Tha total aoJaaga
tor the year l. gold fW,474,012; silver
0,741,817, the gold coinage for the
year beta- the largest ever axacatsd
at the mints of Uie United States, In
any om year. The highest price of
sllvor during the year was 90.7649 a&d
tlw lowest $0.5018. The estimated me
tallic stock of coin and bullion In tho
United States on July L 1894. was:
Gold, $027,203,201; silva; $C24t7,
757; total, $1,251,840,958.
The production of gold and stiver
In the United States during the cal
endar year was. gold $35,955,000; sti
ver 00.000,000 fine ounce, the soav
merclal value of Uie satbo being $46,
800,000 and Uie coining value $77,
G7o,000t Rerled estimate of the
world' production of the precious
metals for Uij calendar year 1883
show the same to have been $157,
228,100 in gold and $209,105,000 in
The director estimates the stock of
gold in the world for txoney parpoaw
$3,905,900,000, and silver $4,059,-
New York, Nor. 27. In an article
entltied "An Essential Condition of
Prosperity," contributed to the De
cember cumber of the North American
Review, which will be published to
morrow, Hon. J. H. Bcfcels, comptrol
ler of the United States currency, says
thou can be no hope of an undis
turbed and substantia) prosperity to
all classes until Uie whole currency
end banking system of Uie country is
formulated into one harmonious plan
In tho principle and emolument of Uie
money science. There is scarcely a
tnngTo act upon the statute book- af
fecting our currency system which has
not placed there to moat some emer
gency that confronted the country at
th time, in the belief that the diffloulty -might
be bridged over. The currency
system of the country resulting from
a co ds tunt paajlng of experimental
law ha become so confused and un
sound that Eckels wonders not that
wo have suffered mud) financial dis
aster during Uie years of its construc
tion, but that we havo suffered so
UtUe. 1
San Francisco, Nor. 27. Shipping
wheat 88o for No. 1 quality, wttn
90c for choice product Milling 92e
dt 9ic: Walla Walla wheat la still on
(ho market at 80c 82c.
New York. Hops steady.
Liverpool. Close: Wheat Spot Ann;
demand fair; No. 2, rod winter, is
lOVjd; No. 2, red spring, 5a 2d; No. 1, ,
hard, Manitoba, 5s 3W, No. 1, Cali
fornia, Ss 2d; futures closed strong;
November 3s 104d; December 4s lld;
January 4a llV4d; February 4s Uftd;
March 4s 1114(1; April 4s Ud.