The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 23, 1894, Image 1

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i: 1
East and 'South
The1 SHASTA Route
Southern Pacific' Co.
Catthtfwla irn (mint ran rttly,:nrpin
at an iuum bowwn tvi-tiaou a..a aii .
Hri hoi ' " AT TV
lsi , m. I Lv.
: " -7 - i - i,hj, nr. ivsi.a,
Portland .... .s.IHhr ,..&Ae.M
Una!--, . Ti , , ISirt Uuif , . fci , a
... Arrtv.
- a. : rul -
Bnooml-Claa Bleeping Cam attathed
f to all through trains, ' s ; .
West Side Division.
Hwmii Portland and Corvallia.
MaU train dally iil aunOay,)
It: m Arluil'iMia.v., Ar i i;.vi . m
Uutm I Ar,. .terrain,..... Mr m n m
Al Albany and ConrallU, ennnm wlih tmlu
or hnirto miitHii,
Kxpnm (rain attity i-tt unJy)
rpm i u.-fc4Trinrr ;
!il A r.awwaavttla.. l U jj m
Orsfsitlsn Rsllway DlvUlon and
Portland and Yamhill Ry.
airll mall Xri-wrvkif, .
Mi am
L..Prllnl....Af So', p m
Lv Monmouih .i. 7 u m
A r Alrll... l,v I ; iKj in
Through ttrltti to all plnta In Hi Fr'mp
tNaiaa. Canada, and Kuni,u I uttfatiiui
fTootT.M.allVaK, Agn.t, tuOvpantlvaoa.
R, KOEHLKR, , ... F, 1" UlMiMt.
Mn.r. Awl. U. K. A Aft
OO W 111 C Hlwt
And m buw .
too rain ml yi.ur
Work Done.
Wagon Repairing of All
II. V FULLER, Proprietor.
If you imnliooi'rt.yuore 4li lr
25 Cents
-Oo to the-
MRS. L. CAMPBCtt. f r. ,
Tea Oeant ry 49 dnrlnf ih i"n
Clilrkan Oloner twy rtunrtay Ml tarved
M all Hour Uaiu hU Jndviudn.
All. Brraa.
Draying - and - Hauling,
Charges Low and Prompt Service.'
Too will flad our taam on the alreul, .or Im Iwav orilim al Uia i'liliu; Jlolat, Fiirnliur
aad Piano carefully moved. .,'."'.
F. L. Kalloy.
City Livery Stables.
Stylish Turnouts Alwavs in Readiness.
Havine lately purchased tW entire jntcrest in tbo stable of Petfr
Cook we are now better prepared than ever to meet the demand ot
the public as we are now making and are i preparing to make many
autwtantial, improvencut, ' Teams boarded by the day or month.
rnA IUa Minn a atkAni'lll V. -j. .. -i
Independence Tailor Shop
T. LAYTON JENKS, Proprietor.
IL,f 4. Has the Moat Complata ,, ; -f -f
job rriGC
In Polk County.
or i rtiAF5T WORK THE BEST. '
PHICES THE LOWESIi n , . , t i ! , i .
iV.creo 'Against ho
American Product
Supposed to Be at Ger
inany's Beqiiost.
Jk. ' - ,
Si'imior Cmron' Uadeinlilp of a
Xcw I'mty 'Uothir the IV)im
rlniia Ntluuat NoU'i.
COrKNH.Vr.KN. Nov. 1f.-TI lulu
ltr of th lutorlur liua nm. a !
're furlilililluK tlm inuHirUiUna of
n vn (nuia ana tnm ina mmi tuu
I'nitfd SuiMa. ' ,.." .
WitahtuiMou, Nov. Uli, Cmut Devout
lwt DhdInIi ntlnlNtur, flmt honrd of
thn lutlon uf lK uiimrk lu cxdnilluii
AitU'ruiiu l"'f aul nu nta tlinnmli the
Aaawutiud t'r'ia cnhU'ifrtim fruin
t,n'ulmsi,u.Thi wmut 'Xmaed
tims ax m Hotlttll In tlmt iiuo una
Imtl livn-rnforo Imh-u wuttiinnlnHsl, Ha
milil the acliuu Ik tiibHlly iluu to a
rotttunt fttuii (U'riuniiy, dm Uft'f
vlved at DiuiUU jwrta fwjtKiitly
woiiui fiiul lia wny liitu urnmiiy, ami
ttum ovimm tti Ui'rtuttn nutrlc-
tlona. ; .-. .
1 Wahtni:tin. Nov. 111. Itintwd ro-
iMtrta thai S-niitor ('aiumm haa'Rtvwn
ciiHit U be trvlilunUnl cuttlat
of ttu "i'WHHjUon" iMs;t fnw allver"
tmrty nuvM wltli an m'thatt
ninl fmm clutw mul Intlinaiit frloiula
of th mtMinUir !u'riW.Mr. Cnuwrou wiht
rivtly ti im AxaxK'lauHl Vtmt rv
Hrktr (hat wlillt bt la a "llvr man,
tin W nmifj tlio l "t a rt'initillcnn, aiul
It wu n a rti uM Un n that h UohhI
to arijlio wlilti nit'ttil aulialily t
niaoil. i ' ' ; ; : .
' WaaJtlinrtim, Nov. ltKDtntrha At-
trny Hurm j' iulll1t'i nil jH'rna In
(tlt'ttnl for .ri'fuitntf to niwwer . iiiii
Uoim lKfow the iMiiat ausur Invtutl
k-'UIiik ooiiiiulttwv liulu"lutf Mttwra,
Ilavi'iiinyfr ami Ki-niU'it, tlmt tin'
mtmt aniar u.l idt-ad.or Jinmir to
ttu Imllrtiiifiitn. It l mild 1
tHinrcni will b flli'd.
M:i3ril. Nmv l!i,-'oiniinuiilir Win.
. Krowiisiin of ttitj t. 8, cml'r Itvi
tiuit. wlili iitiii niilitTa ami twdvu
saUnr!! of that vtml, lmv arilvi"!
lii'ro with t'olumbita r'llc.
WastiltiKton, . Nov, ID. Tlio stattv
tniMit was mad In foiiniloniil cir
cle ttl:iy rrxHiiU'iit Ovi'lanit'a
iiiicH uv to c,)iiiv!i woitM throw IIkIiI
i tli- t'liln.t-Jaimn qwatlon ami
uttlil forull any n'.,luUaii of In
I'ry. I y to tti rMit tlnre I no
c'tuMnl iMfunimtion on tlu ii!Jih t and
t'u W't iJftmrUii-'iit .Jkh )xt algtwl
(i:Hi!ail.v tint ui'sotliitloim with f'tihia
ami Japan uro In iirwwui. It U the
bollcf of thewo fuiiilllur with rriMMi'iit
rit'Tclaiira iHltlon main foh-lttn
ontAMRloiiti'tita tlmt iuoIi rcfontire
ho tuny make to Uil Mli,iH,t In hi
mt'wik'u will b? nn tin ;ro iml at bu
ntiittliy. ' ' ;
MONTCOMKItr, Mo., Nov. 10.-A
torrirjf trashily wu coiiiuiltti-d rarly
tlila .moriiinlif about two nill' front
V!Ih lllo. At that plaw llt ed Thorn.
M rortiTcbck,: liU inirther, two ala-ti-i
i ami a lmht r.' all lluln-mliuiH.
I'urtfrolii'ck complained ypaionlny
niornlnx that hla hoad wan luirtlnii
blm ami nal.l tlmt bo bollovtHt lil inuk
wan broken and rer, ' go to latl.
At 3 o'cloek thlsi morn. .'" attuned
an ax ami killed hla wMoweW mother,
lita glttcr a lid III brother. AVhen ha
was mttnlorliu bis mother, xIkut and
bmthnr, hla other. alater nuulo her e
catw by jumping throiiah a window;
Kho atood miHhle and - looked In
throtMta the window and anw'hfr
ianln brother imtitrnte the room
with coal oll act It- on Are and then
gcnti lilm if , wltp. a kulfi In
tiiroat,. Hn sank down and all
Miidf! to order in any
8tyle. A perfect line of
Biinipleu uiw.iya ou han
o seleet from.
KELLEY & ROT Prcprietors.
bmlliw wor cumuiiiMl In th bnrnliiit
i oouae. Hy th time uio nlulilH)i itot
to to uiifortiiimto mnn tbo uom wn
all ablamv Thoy tried to rvaviu tli
budlra, but with wit numtw. Tiil
murnlAf tlia four IkhIUh ihhiKI (
mini atlll burning In tho ruin. Tin
uiotM waa an Invalid and had (xtm
onflntd to hor bol for twelve yvar
Taeonia, Nov. 10,-Wltliout wiylnu a
word aa to bwr lutoiiUoti. Mm. John
TliomiMuntialwd a boitV r rnibull'!
avid to her 1'im, droit, tlii (MitfiiU
and couiiulttiHl milcldo oof u i li, m.ii
and dnunhtor tixlny nIio wiin a wWl
nnwnriHl liituifiuw woninu, 40 ymru
of aid, livluff with hor atdiiit1 line
band Tlia ouly luotlva kuuwu is Unit
alia waa doNHiulmt tMH'aiiMi lir iiu
danihtor Ua waa i ltavo tiiulaiit
to Join lusp nnnbtiml, Frniu Mi'l'ur
land, at MUUiuik, Mouth Dakvu. Y
fort a pl!iclan could arrlr Urn wom
an waa Jfnd.
Tb letter Ara Maaaed In Foreo In
i,.;', ladlan TnKitory. r--y.
v Mtirtkmeee, I. T Not. 10,-War with
tba C'ooka la fointf ou In the vicinity
of Vcnllirrl river, about twenty
mltoa from hero, Tim bandit ara
umwod In forvo Uiuro aud havo mot
ime tlmn thir i" ' ' ii i , ,i m
C'herokeea who havo been rounding
them up for aovcrnt (lay. No open
rtiTlit ha yet taken place, but thcr
hi ben a irroit deal of aklrnilahtiiff
aud botb aldea an preparlntf for tha
death atruiulo. Fully flfteeti of tba
Ctak iraiiK an toothor and Dill Cook
la loading Uiem In pereou.
The Work Ilaa Heon Tranaferred from
tbo Old World to tbo New.
Waahlnirtnn, Nov, 19.-A report
front tUu commliwloner of liiuulifrtt'
tlon atau-a that twenty all diamond
lnrtlMhcr havo arrived from Aiimii-c-
dtitn. After ci'iinliMtlou they were
(MTinltte I to land. Ttw atatement I
ulao utado that of Mm 10,1100 llumiul
cutter In Holland, fully 0,000 arc out
of employment and tlmt many of them
are couilnx to tha I'nltel Ktatea, Uw
InfoToueo btiug that tha dlaimmd cut
tine indiwtry la Untly twlnit tra in
ferred from Amatcrdaiu to Now York
aud bliHiiro.
Rt John, N, F Nov. lfl.-No newa
ban jrot been received of tha Allnu
Line learner Corean. Captu Main,
and friend of tboao on board ara be-
ouuliiff very nnxloua, Ibo Curean
sailed from (llaacow on NovemlM-r 3rd
and from Liverpool on the nth, and
la now aix daya overdue. 1 her were
on board about loo penton. tho of-
ncora and crow numborlng acventy.
Flt'MT A I ttAW. .
During the "W McAulilTe Broke Two
Bonn in II U Wriiit-.Not
.. Hi Neck.
CONEY ISLAND. Nov. m-Th fact
that .lark McAtitlffu waa to apHar
tonight, thl time after careful prepa
ration, agalnat tha ropreatutatlva of
Uio Quaker city, attracU'd a tit wd of
3,000 people to tho Atlantic Athletic
club' arena here. Inapector McKei
vey and Cnpt. Claytin with forty of
tbo Brooklyn police were on hand to
prevent a rtt'iirrcuco of "kowiioiua."
A jirllnilunry bout between l'n-1'ly
Mclirldo and Johnny Oortiian waa
atopped In tho flftl. round by the po
lice. Aftir a long delay tho couteat
of tha evenlnif waa called. Itoib men
looked fit to fight for their llv.. They
weighed In at liiM pounda.
Hound l-ZolKler proreded to mix
matter and tho rblludclphlan'i aiock
wont up a ttruut many mlnt. lien
or were eaay at the cloao of the
Hound 2-Miic lead with 111 left ttlid
tb Quaker clinched, Mac mviintr
wild and got a left bond awing from
ZotKler In wturu. Mao lend with hla
right and landed, countcrwl by Xetg
ler. Zolk'ter lead with the rbtht but
foil r,"asrt Itapld excbaun loUowd,
Ktdgler landed with the left and fol
lowed It with a body blow. Mac land
ed a atlngcr on tbe face and the ronnd
elided in t clinch. Hometlilng wimtl
to go wrong with Mac band In thla
Hound -The men opened np fierce
ly, and while Mac punched Zclglcr fre
(liiently, Zelgler mixed matier and
honor wero even. If anything, the
Plillndelphlan hnd a ahnde the better
of it The fighting became no tierce
that the police Interfered and atopped
further promKllrga. Tho referee do
cliird the fight a draw.
After tho conteatnnt left the ring
It waa discovered that McAullffe had
broken two amnll Imnea In hi left
wrlHt It I clalmod tlmt thl wn
done In the accond round and prob
ably when ho landed the heavy blow
on Zolglor'a shoulder.
Liverpool, Nov. 19. Wheat ftrmj
demand moderate; Mo. 2 Hcd Winter,
4 lid; do apring, 0 2d.
Hop at London rnclih! coaat nnn;
demand moderate; new crop, 2 15
New York. Hops dull.
Portlnnd.-Wheat, valley, 77Mi78;
Walla Walla, 734
San Frauclaco. Whont; pot bual-
neas quiet, alow; 92'(ii)3 84 for No.
1 Hhipptng, with DO for choice quiulty.
Milling .wheat, 07t$l, ,
Los Angeles, Nov, 10.-Tti toatl
mony was concluded In the trial of
W. II. Oune, H. T. Johnaon, Isaac Koks
and riillip Stanwood, charged with
coiiHplracy to delay and obstruct the
United Slate mails. Tho ense will
bo submitted to tbe Jury tomorrow.
Ran Fmnclaoo, Nov. 19.-Todny
racing event were: Six furlortgs,
jpmlden Oouln v colt won in 1 :15Mi
Atwut six furlonga Pasha won In
1:124. One nillo Major McLaughlin
won In 1:40,4. Five furlongs, 2-year-olds
Llsha won in 1:01. One tuilo
Braw Scott won in 1:41.
Iioulsville, Nov. 19. Jolmson today
clipped a full eeoond from the mile
world's record for standing start,
paced, doing It In 1:50 3-5. Time by
quarters, 28 2-5, half 55 2-5, three
quarters 1:18, mile 1:50 8-5.
Washington, Nov. 19. Major-Gen-eral
Miles arrived tills afternoon on
i his way to New York to assume coin
' mand of tbo department of the East
Alabama Politicians
Thus Blaspheming
In Their Wild Detenniiv
at ion to Control.
Kolb Swran He Wilt Re Oovrrnor,
taud a Sertoli ,lot I Feared
An Inccudtary Manlfcito.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 19.-A p-iiiiil to
tho Iiepuhllc from Dlnulugiium A in.,
nva lteiiler F. Kolb, th lefented
cundlduta of tho popullafr'tmrty -for
governor of Alabama, puulumo d
leiiL'tby uddro to tbe peopto of Ala
bum in thl afternoon' editlm jf
the People' Dallye Tribune of this
city, tho state organ of tha Kolblo
and popullatM, In which be decla'v hla
Intention to bo luaugurateil go.n'itor
of tbo a tain December lt and ciliott;
Umiu hla follower everywhere to h
er at Montgomery on that day an t M'l
blm In taking bl seat Tba adileta
nya: ....
"Tbe official count a declared by
tlie eaker of the bouan gtvea Oate
a majority of 27.27Z The eiwtion
fraud committed In a number of
counties of which w have piaiilive
and aworo evidence would be, more
than sufficient to wipe out all the ma
jorities claimed for Oatca. Tha fore
going coiiNldered and In view of tlia
exciting condition In Alabama, 1
have determined to dlacbnrge my full
duty to tlie people of Alabama. You
fellow cltlaeiia, have twice eioctca me
governor of thl state, and thl time,
by Uio grace of (1ml and the help of
the good people of Alabama, 1 will
bo governor. I appeal to my friend
and supimrter from all part of tin
tat tit be In Montgomery on the ltrt
day of liocembcr, 1M. there and then
to give me their support In a lawful
and peaceable manner to vindicate
their liberties. I counsel agalut any
unlawful demotiMtraUon, but ask tlw
cooperatiiin of free men In a nwea
eary effort to euforce tlie law and
carry out the will of the neonle."
The arrest of Kolb for treason l
not Improbable and If Ida follower
undertake to seat blm. which, Judging
from the sentiment at tbelr meeting
in Montgomery last week, they will
undoubtedly do, It Is believed tbwre
will be soilou. troulilo.
Montgomery, Nov, 19. Governor
joneM when miowu wis diapatch about
the Kolb manifesto, wherein Kolb
ay tlmt by the grace of God be will
tike bl neat on December 1st, quietly
remarked: "William C. Oate has
been elected governr by the fairly
expressed will of a majority of the
Itoopie or Alntmma ami so na nein
declared by the general asMmhly. It
la my duty to see that he is duly in.
stalled ami by tbe grace of God ha will
Swears Falsely to Have the Tennessee
Memphla, Nov. It). Tha promt'utlon
of Ned Smith and W. S. Klchnrdson,
charged with the lynching of six ne
groes near Mlllington, Tena, last Au
gust received a severe setback today
when Dutch McCarver went oil the
stand and stated that he Is an Infidel.
Ho la therefore Incompetent under the
lawa of Tennessee to give testimony
iR'fore a Jury in a capital case. Dutch
McCarver I tbe man upon whom the
state mostly relied for a conviction.
The prosecution oienly charged that
McCarver jerjured himself when he
said that he did not believe In a God.
Tho attorney general had no doubt
that Dutche's testimony would be suf
ficient to bang the men on trial aa
well aa three or four others. Imme
diately after McCarver's sensational
statement to the court today, be was
arrested on a bwh warrant charging
blm with perjury, it Is also given
out by Attorney-General Patterson
that be will Immediately proceed
against A. J. McCarver, sheriff of this
county, and father of Dutch, to re
move him from office.
The First In a College, and Caused by
Eutlng Diseased Oysters.
New Haven, Conn. Nov. 19.-Dr.
0, A. Llndley, secretary of the state
board of health, bus completed bis In
vestigation Into tlie typhoid fever
cases at Wesleyan college which have
thus far resulted In the death of two
students. Ho is satisfied tlmt disused
oysters were tbo cause of the epidemic.
Tho oysters were taken from beds
in the Qulnnlpac river near the outlet
of a sewer.
New York, Nov. 19. Five cases of
smallpox were reported to the board
of health this afternoon.
A Coal Twin of Sixteen Cars, Killing
Seven Miners.
riTTSBURG, Nov. 19,-Slxteen
cars of cool broke through a bridge
over Brush creek at Larimer station
this evenlug and slsr or seven miners
are supposed to be burled under the
wreck. The train; was .on lis way
down the Larimer b tineh of the
Pennsylvania road to the mala line.
When with In six car length of tbe
bridge a car broke down na-1 when
It reached the siding it tore its way
through, letting the cars down Into
the creek In a confused mass. All of
the trainmen eocnped, but the miners,
who wore on the onus going to tbw
homes, were carried down and are
buried under tho debrla. .
San Francisco, Nov., 10. There Is
still a faint hope that tlie pnsscngcri
and crew of tlie lost bhlp Ivanhoe are
still nllve and that if they wero not,
picked up by some "outgoing vessel
bound for a distent port, they may be
castaways on some of the many bnr
rou Islands of tbe far north. The
United States revenue cuter Rush has
been ordered north . to Join in the
search. '
New York, Nov. 19. The findings of
Grover Cleveland as referee lu a suit
brought by James Sexton in 1888
against the Manhattan Elevated R.
R. Co., were overturned by a declsioa
of tbe supreme court In special term
,'CI Ml
Mr. Iludd Telia What It Coat Him
Ite Elected Governor.
Stockton, Cnl., Nov. 20. Governor
elect Iludd filed bis scheuiilo of elec
t!on expenses with the county recorder
today. The total cxiatiao or nis can
vssa la certified U be 1083.79. Of
thl aunt the m-ontcr tmrtlon w ex
Minded for railroad fare and hold
(Ills, According to hi affidavit accom
panying Uie schedule Iludd received
no moucy to aid blm in hi campaign
from any source,
-Washington, Nov. 20.-Col Lee
Cranikill, wha ran for congress on the
Kolb democratic ticket against Gen
Wheeler in Hie eight b Alabama dla
trPrt, Is at populist headquarters bere,
freah from a conference of Kolb men
at which it waa determined to Issue
a manifesto mibllslied today, Cran
doll aviy Col. Kolb will be duty a worn
la as governor by some imncl tmte
Qualified to administer oaths, aud will
ihen proceed to perform the , func
tions of governor. When asked
whether fighting would ensue, Cran
dall said: 'The Outes men have the
militia to Isuk tbem and Uio support
of the administration, while we bare
not many arms, but you know what
Naimleoii aJd about Wo rigut"
Hoiiih, Nov. 20,-lCarUi(iuake shock
continue at Mllexso on Uio north
onant of the kabtnd of Sicily and tbe
fact Unit Uio voliiino of Htroinboll I
msirly in a atato of eruption Is sc
ceititl as proof tbat tho disturbances
are of voieaiHO origin. Tlie innaui
taut of Mllexso otmUnuo In a atnu of
turror. ReisM-ts fiom tba province
of lt4gglo de (Mebra atato Uiat 200
rtqu twve ixva extrieatea f mm
the nilna of hmist-a in Procoplo. For-
ty-etgltt tssllea were found beneath
tbe ruin of a church. Ilia number
of persons Injured is aaJd to bo enor
mous. ,
Washington, Nov. 20.-Tbo Indica
tions are that tbe present government
loan of f.o.otio,HJO will not only prove
a coniDli to succt-ss. put that tne aggre
gate of bids will bti far lu exce of
the amount of bonds to bo Issued. As
fast as received tbe bids are Immedi
ately placed unopened lu the treasury
vaults, so that It hi Impossible to know
In advance of opening next Saturday
at noon the names of the bidder,
the amount bid for or tbe price of
fered. :';',,V.L'Kir":;V';'
New Orleans, Nov. 20. G rand Maa
ter Sovereign waa re-elec4od today
without opposition In tlie Knlgbta of
I.nlor assembly, lit shop of Massn
cbuwdM, and Merrltt, of Colorado,
were nocilnated for foreumu, the place
now held by Bishop, and -the laUet;
wn ele.'pxi. ticretary irenaurer
llnit waa re-elected, althouirh there
was sumo opposition. Tbe expense
of dojegntce to the convenuou,
niitountlng to about 12,500, were or
dored paid. .
San Francisco, Nov. 20,-The results
todav were as follows:
About six furlongs, maiden, 2ycnr-olds-Rodcirsp
won In l:Kt'4.
Kea-en furlongs, selllng-Trlx won
lu 1-27.
Alwut six furlongs, 2 year-olds
Tiger won In 1:12&
una mile, 3-yearolda-Senator Irby
won In 1:414
Five furlongs, selling-Tartarian
won lu liuo'i-
San Francisco, Nov. 20.-Conslder
able anxiety Is being felt for the safe
lv nt tlm Itritluli atiln Itnrlnnil which
loft Imdon for San DUgo 1S2 days
ago. ene was aiinuHi juno wi mm
not far off Uie const of Spain aud
Inett nnthhia' hflha luwn hcurd from
her. She waa chartered prior to ar-
a . a a . ... .a
nvai to ioau wneai at i oruaiiu, ami
unloaa abe arrives In tbe next day or
in-a aha will not t alila to make Port
land la time to save tier charter, '
Oakland, Cnl., Nov, 20. Friends ef
William Imlr 1II1I, luw partner of ex
Mayor Davis, are nnxlons that he re
ceive the appolutmont of superior
Judge, to Bueceod F. W. tlenahaw,
elected to the supreme bench. It is
said tlint a pcUtlon in his behalf has
been filed with Governor Mark ha in.
Hill was formerly a resident of Ore
gon and Inter on was engaged In re
vising codes of Oregon and Wash
San Francisco, Nov. 20. While Thos
Russell was sawing wood In bis back
yard this afternoon hla wife Maggie
took a shot at blm from the porch.
Tho bullet struck Russell In the back,
Inflicting a fatal wound. The woman
thon threatened to shoot the iwllce
man who came to her busb-mil's as
sistance. Tho'couplo had been mnr
rlcd eight years nnd Unvo had fre
quent quarrels.
Now York, Nov. 20. IIojw steady.
Knn Frinelsco. Wheat No. I, sWn-
fplng qualities, 91c f 02V&C, with
l:io for olvolco. Milling grades,
Ltvoipool,Wluttt firm; demand
poor; No, 2, ml winter 4s in; ao.
spring, 5s 2d.
Hops at Ijondon.-T-Pniine const nrra;
dumnml modertUe; new crop t'2 15s.
San Francisco, Nov. 20. The offlclul
canvass of Los Angeli county,. Just
completed, gives Estoe a plurality of
3,000. The official canvass has now
boon reported from every county In
the state except San Francisco and
Humboldt Including the unofficial
figures from those two counties the
result shows: Budd. 111,400; Estee,
110,220; Bndd's pludrallty, 1,243.
GOESTO fus'wiFE. -
Now York, Nov. 20. The will of
James D. Wright of the firm of Drex
el, Morg.ul & Co., who died hist week,
was today filed for probata Ills
entire estate Is left to relatives and
friends with tlie exception of some
coivtlngont begueste. Tbe bulk of his
estate, which is estimated at $20,000,
COO, goes to bla wife,
Cleveland, 0., Nov. 20.-At the W.
0. T. U. convention today Miss Fran
cis fl. WIHard was elected president,
with Mrs. Stephens vice president at
largo. Mrs. Clara Hoffman was unanl-
! mously elected recording secretary,
and Mrs. Helen M. Barker was ra
J elected treasurer by a rising vote.
Yokohama Advices to
' the 9th Clt.
A Steamer Detained by
the Japanese.
A Search Waa Made fur Coulretjaud
Ooodi but None Were Fooud
Two PenwM Arretted.
VICTORIA, B. C, Nov. 20,-The
Emnrca of China arrived today,
bringing tba following Yokohama ad
vice to Nov. bib:
Homo excitement has been mated
la Yokohama by tbe detention of th
Occidental and Oriental s lea. woe Gael
ic on her outward voyage to Kong
Kong In order that a search for con
traband goods might be made by the
Japanese authorities. On tho evening
of Nov. 4th two torpedo boat took
position ou either side of tbe Gaelic
and were presently followed by a
guard ship containing a detachment
of marines, A group of custom house
officer went aboard and asked per
mission to examine the cargo, explain
ing Uiat they bad receHved Informa
tion Uiat contraband ware bad been
shipped at San Francisco, Capt
Heexne protested against tbe search,
but otherwise offered no opposition.
Tba proceedings were conducted with
perfect courtesy on both aldea. After
a partial Inspection Uio business waa
postponed for tha night but was re
sumed next day when th ahlp was
allowed to go oo her way. According
to tha general report two of the pas-
e tigers were known to be naval ex-
next and itosscssor of somo secret
engine of destmctlou which was be
lieved to be hlddeu In their baggage.
Nothing liable to a selxure was found,
however. While the search was going
on tha parUes took passage on the
French steamer Sydney for Kobe.
There they were arrested. The ship
itself waa not aelxed hecauae uie cap
tain waa believed to be ignorant of
tho character of the Demons aireHted.
There Is no question that the parties
arrested were in the service of China.
Thy bore letters to LI Hung Chang
from Uie euhvoy at Washington and
also a formal contract promising to
pay $1,000,000 for uie destruction of
the Japanese navy and a specified sum
for every merchant ship destroyed. It
appcara that $100,000 have already
been paid on tbe account Tbey claim
to he Americana
Washington. Nov. 20. Tho Jansneae
government has anticipated uio recent
offers of China to foreign powers to
furnish comtdcto official correspond
ence lending up to the present war and
has Itself made public this correspond
ence. It Is published In full as a
part of the recent proceedings of the
Japanese diet which baa taen received
by the Japanese legation here. Most
of the controversy has already been
made known to the public but of
ficial letters between China and Japan
give Uie first account of sharp diplo
matic fencing between the countries
up to a few days before tho war.
Toklo, Nov. 20,-It Is learned that
the Japanese government baa sent a
reply to tbe note of U. S. Minister
Dunn asking whether a tender by the
president of the United States of bis
good offices In tbe interest of restoring
pence lu uio east would be agreeable
to Japan. Before reaching a conclus
ion tbe ministry gave the matter con
sideration for several days and finally
stated to Mr. Dunn that although the
friendly sentiments which prompted
the government and the people of the
united states were deeply appreciated,
the state of the Japanese army bad
leon such that tlie Chinese should ap
proach Japan directly on the subject.
Jthaughal, Nov. 20. The Mercury
pntdbshea a telegram atating that on
Mouu&y uie attack waa renewed
on the Chinese forces) twenty
miles from Port Arthur, at the
aamo place where they were re
pulsed Sunday with a reported less of
500 men. Tho Chinese made an ob
stinate resistance, but tbe Japanese
ultimately succeeded In driving them
from their ntronc!imcnta. The losses
on both sides woe severe. The Chi
nese forces fled to Port Arthur.
Capt MeOlure, an English officer
who w&j appointed by Teung LI Ya
men vice admiral of the Chinese fleet
lias arrived at Wei Hal Wei and as
sumed command of the naval forces.
Washington, Nov. 20. Commissioner
Lochren, of the pension office, has Is
sued an order Uiwtlued to expedite
business in hie office. It Is decided
not to furnish a claimant or attorney
Information a second time as to Uie
status of a case. The order provides
for a systematic manner of giving in
formation wMtibout occupying much
time or making It necessary to trace
the pai'tlo liar case Inquired Into every
department where it is required to be
New York, Nov. 20. The Evening
Post says It was Informed on trust
worthy authority Hint tnree trust
companies, namely: uie United States,
tha Union and the Farmers' Loan &
Trust company, the banking house of
Drexel, Morgan & Co., Sneyer & Co.,
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and Brown Bros.
& Co. would practically subscribe for
the whole Issue of bonds at nhout 3
per cent that is at $110.13 from No
vember 18th, with accrued interest
Cloveland, Nov. 20. This evening
thirty-two of the ladles of tho W. 0.
T. U. In charge of Capt Truelovo of
the Salvation Army, and Mtp. Ed
bolm of California went on a tour of
the slums of tho city.
Cleveland, Nov. 20. In the V. 0. T.
U. convention today after the elecUon
of Miss Wtllard as .president Mrs.
Narclssa White Kinney of Oregon led
the devotional services.
Washington, Nov. 20. Eugene
Cluimberlaln, chief of tha bureau of
mavlgoltlora, has mode public hla re
port, which allows Uiat on Juno 20,
1804, the merchant marine of tho
United States comprised 23,580 vefr
eels of 4,044,024 gmsa tons. On tlie
Pooifta coast are 1,520 veaselB, 450,359
tons. The total tonnage on the Pa
cific, const has increased 80 per cent
during the decade.
nitfieal of ill in Lmentrj PowerLctc U.& Cat
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 20.-Arch-"
ConHrutr IL II. Holmes, accom
panied by Mrs. Pltxol and. a pretty
woman who call herself Mr. Holmes,
arrived bere today from Boston In
cnatody of Defective Crawford and
Special Agent Ferry of the rioeuty
Mutual Life asaoclaUon. Holm is
under arrest for attempting to swindle
Uie Insurance company by mean of
a corpse. On tha train be told tbe
story of bis life to the detective. "
lis said be went to college In De
troit. Mtch. Here h formed the ao
qtialuta'ice of a medical atudent who
be said furnished tbe body In New
York In the present case. He refused
to divulge hla name. During vacations
tliey worked on farms to raise their
college expenses, but one summer
they found themselves without means
and then tho medical man suggested
the Idea of getting a body and beat
ing an Insurance comny. Thl was
twelve years ago. The doctor got his
life Insured for $12,000. Tbey obtain
ed a body In Chicago, took It East,
arranged the details of Identification
and successfully got the money with
which they continued their studies.
He refused to name uie company
thus awtndled. Tbey worked the
scheme afterwards with success, ob
taining sums ranging from $10,000 to
Once Holmes got hla life Insured for
$20,01). He went to a hotel In Rhode
Island. At that time bo wore a beard.
He secured a corpse In Chicago, cut off
the bead and took the body to a lonely
spot not far from Uie hotel. Then be
shaved off his beard, returned to Uie
hotel, asked for Holmes aud engaged
a room to watt for him. He bad
brought the head with him and
burned It beyond recognition in Uie
fireplace of the hotel This scheme,
however, fell through, the mother of
his wlfo when she discovered th
scheme threatened to tell Uie police,
and Holmes fled to the West.
He said eighteen years ago In Chi
cago ha fell In with a typewriter girl
and furnished a house on the out
skirts where they lived together. A
younger stater came to visit tbem, and
the woman grew ao jealous of her uiat
In a quarrel one day she struck ber
over tbe head with a stool and killed
her. To save the woman wlUi whom
ha lived, Holmes said he put the
body In a trunk, loaded It with stones
ami auuk it In the-lake. ;
Holmes is not lacking fof money, as
ho himself admitted that at uie pres
ent time be is supporting nearly two
dosen persona ,
mining" MATTERS.
The records lu Uie county clerk's
office show considerable activity re
cently hi mattera appertaining to uie
Santlain district both in holding and
working claims and hi locating new
claims, says tha Albany Democrat
Tlie Albany Mining & Milling Co.
declare by their secretary their inten
tion to hold and work their claims,
the Bonansec, The Albany, Lincoln,
Monarch, King and Queen of the
Gulch, Eclipse, Morning Star, Evening
Star, Queen of the Gulch and White
Prince.-.-'' : "'
Geo. B, Whltcomb publishes tbe fact
that he haa done $200 worth of work
on his 20-acre placer claim; Santlam
district - '
A. L. Horeker declares his right to
land for waterway, Santlam district;
also H. W. White.
11. V. Mathewa baa located a claim
In Santlam district discovered lu 1854,
located October 30, 1804.
R. Ilentlrle, president Canal Fork
Gold and Silver Mining Co., declares
an Intention to hold and work the
Excelsior, Hampton and Monmouth
R. B. Cannon, president of the Gold
Mountain and Dry Gulch consolidated
Gold and Silver Mining Co., declare
intention" to Soil and work the 383
acres of placer mint 0WtedJy Uie
company. !- ,,"'."
V. H. ColweJl J. V. Pipes and 8. C.
Whltmore located on October 3d, in
Santlam district a claim south of Uie
Bonanza on summit of mountain.
V. H. Ooiwell, J. V. Pipes, W, F.
Read and S. 0. Whitmore, have lo
cated claims near the Bonanza mine,
Santtam district. v
John Tway located on November 5th
tho Tway mine iu Santlam district
on Canal creak at Junction of Portland
Jos. II. Collins located on November
5th Uie Collins mine on the canal
fork, near Uia Portland gulch.
'Vancouver,'!!. C, Nov. 20. Four
more British Columbia salmon can
neries have passed Into the hands of
an English syndicate. These are the
Lighthouse cannery on the Fraaer,
two on the Nans river and one oa
the Skeena. "
Midsummer Honors
California, in her golden prime, never before achieved so
grand a triumph its at the Midwinter Fair just closed.
Among the honors conferred at the fair was bestowal of
the highest award including gold medal, on
Dr. Price's Baking Powder
As at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, the award
to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder at San Francisco, was
for highest quality, demonstrated by expert analysis, under
direction of U. S. Government Chemists. The requisites,
in each instance, were superiority i4 leavening power, per
fect purity of constituents, uniformity and wholesomeness.
Dr. Price's is thus confirmed and permanently established as
positively the
Bsst B&kinz Powdsr Ever .Icds, P
r . fT -r.
I ) c )w
- ...
V W-4 i
at the MErnoMia
EeatrAei --aVrjTes
The Gaafclisr Qae: a r.!ri
rfttedTke &esi en
tie fecv
fiortlaod. Nor. 20v-CirUaf kas
been tha subject of ec9v?rtloa aa4
humorous remarks Cm t i-t week, and
tba grand Jury Is to loeiia lata It
Two weeka af Ear. Geo. WaSacs
preached on uie subject, aftsr having
mads tha rounds of gaming
houses and bavin tZiUmt4 the
chief of polios and tho pxr-cutlng at
torney, and a few dsys later th
Oatnmltttes of Ona Hundred took the
matter np and appointed a speck!
committee to Investigate ctartee that
ths gamblers contrttmtfi fJSOO a
mooth for protection from piwecnttoa
and for a monopoly of bnauaaa. ,
It is this phase of ths matter th
grand Jury tnree! . few
days ago Chief Kioto oJy dosed
all tha gaming houses la pwraaaes of
a plan he had prevkmriy datarmined
upon and bad partly executed whea l
Rev. Wallace began bla enoade. Of
course tbe minister tank aa com- -
Kled Uie chief to do aomeOlag. Per
is he did, but aa tba evlaeaca
shows that ths chief atmply did what
be bad already commenced to do when
ths matter waa ao suddenly Draught .
to public attention. However, ague- ,
tion la a good thing; aad ths resslts r
will be mors lasting beaasas of if
totorest taken by h puK'c aoA.t
Increased knowledge on tie a-, ,
The next effort wUl no donbtU o
rooted against WfaMeouapei Tr e
periences elsewhere In efforts i s
press Uis social evil have gC t .
been unfortunate. Yet there (or',
doubt that there should be t
closer regulation of It than la near
case. It U a Unto too much la i
deuce. It holds high oarnlvaL It
flaunts Itself in tha faces of dsJi
eople to such an extent tbat a wo
man on one of our business strscta ' .
after dark becomes naturally aa ah
Jeot of auapidoo, AO this ahosU fc
changed, and Uie social evil should ra
made to retire from eight and rea , '
In seduston. If tfce present acli" a
la confined to aa effort to aoowr l li ?
this tho results will be good, hot If ta "
effort he made to effect too radical a
reform and to break np WbitectI
entirely, the result would he tbe aoa
tering of It inmates throughont tta
city aad Uie spread of Uie evil qaieCy
Into aectlona now free from It
The agitation of tba bridge question
has broken out again. The general
sentiment on Uie west " aide off tta
river la la favor of putting a aasCl
toll oo Uie tree bridges, while on ttw
east slda the majority oppose it The
special effort on foot Is to have tba .
toll on all bridges fixed at one cefct
for footmen. This would have to ha
done through legislation for Uie free
bridges and by special arrangement
with Uie owners of the toll bridges
and Uie ferry. By special count for
vuv w vi-a asj um vwu swiihuuvu mmi
more than 6,000 footmen and LSCi
vehicle cross Uie bridge daily. Were
the bridge to be placed on an equatity
witn au otners una excess ox traa
would be relieved.
What Is Uie use of saying "Hello,"
when one goes to the "phone? It la a
waste of time and breath. For exam
ple, Smith, No. 19, calls up Jones, No.
47. Jones goes to Uie 'phone and fool
ishly says "Hello." Then 8mlth aeka:
"Is this Jonear Jones replies, "Yea."
All this conversation hi need1ev
Smith knows that anises 4 n;!c
haa been made, that tbe answer v l
C&ms -from Jones. Instead of say:. ;
,Hello,,, ana waiSa? f 61? a q1kL
aad answering "yea,", all that Is n'
essary for Joaes to do la to a. y
"Jones." Then ; Smith can ' prooar 1
with his business without further t
lay. The "hello" and query and repr
are ao much waste of life and its op
portunities. Ex. The hello part It la
well to omit, but Uie other query la.
not useless.
As the malls now run, It takes a
letter one day longer to get from Port
land to Eugene or vice vena than
an express package. A letter mailed
at Eugene one day la not delivered In
Portland until Uie following day,
while aa express package la Eugene
-Ditto here, except as to overland
express, which' is not delivered until
Uie next day.
From the
Midwinter Fair.