THE WEST SIDE. X. 0. rt)m.Ait,MMier. U. U. rtKTUlKD, Cls lor. ESCE0 BY Ctst Fuisi; Itapany SUBSCRIPTION RATES. rAfAWJ IK AOVANCS. Om Yf Btxiloullu Thro Mouuu 13.00 l.t JO that the rvublUan should gain fii! reprveeutalivt, or total of 170 lu the Itoui, to have a minority, and in tlu senate have 45, or a riUu of T. The ro tums are nut yet fvill enough to give ofMolal figures but the following l the pruhnblo rvsitit b iihIIihiUhI by the tl UllltOHS All msrrlsss t aoUcss not sitwd In Bys Ums vtllb limrtod fr. AU over firs lines wlU bt charged Hys wills I Itiw Society obltumry nsoIuUoimwIUUi cUsrgvtl lor t lb rt of flv cuu jwr no Registered at Uis IVnUoffle In lniUSHtfi dttwOt8ouMcoitd'elMiiMttr. - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0, ISO I. DBCONTIXCANCE8 .Rmmbf thst Uu publshenofthlt pikMrmurt bsnoUtlmtby teller whn a subicrltKMr wish his jmper topped; AU imN(n roiul w pwd. ALWAYS OIYK TUB HAMK ot th ! office to whtoh your rp wut. Your Bftiua cn Dot be fouud oa our book ttulew thU la dona. AtXLXrrKtUI shouM b nWrviwcd to Uip WEST 8IDK, Indpeodenc The Wkst Sidk Is In rewlpt of the first bueof the TlVrJWy irNi, of Baker ty, published by Foster & IWll, the latter being Lee Bell formerly of Independence and one of the forme proprietors of the Wkst Side. It i aeveu celuia paper aud show signs of substantial patronage. We place tht new paper on our X list and wish it success. '' L --" m THE CZAX OF USSIA. n (loath of Alexander III the m of all the Itusatas, which occurred lust week, is an important event in the commercial and political world. The late Czar ascended the throne lu 18M and during his relgu endeared himself to his subjects in the humble walks of life and engendered the bittert! hatred the Jews whom he expelled from the country. His successor la his eon Grand duke Nicholas, who htm aheady taken bold of the reigns of government. t?iikI a rrvat nation. Ita area b nearly three times that of the United fctatcs and Its population about oue and a batf Unieaaa great. It has been proph esied that the next great world-nation will Tt.iHKliv. rh It la to conuuer the world. It ail dependa upon the limit of the ambition or greed of the czar how far the aggressions of the Ruin may extend. The great Siberian rail way which la now building and which win uh from 8t Petersburg, the capital, through Siberia to the Pacific ocean will have a great eflect on the policy of Russia, allowing it to move its armies on ita own soil to waters where ita navy can reach any part of the world without menace. The czar has unlimited sovereignty over bin people, and with a man at the head of that nation whose ambition for conquest is great, there is no telling what will be the results. The new czar, who ascends the throne, already showes strong desire to extend the commerce of his people and is seeking a commer cial alliance with the leading commer cial nations. He and his father have always been very friendly towards the United States, and should complica tions arise in Europe through the new ruler, it will probably be of great benefit to us commercially. It Is probable that for at least four years all will be quiet, but with the completion of the Siberian railway Kusnia will become a power on sea as well as on land, and her encroach ments will be gin, and protest will be made by other nations. The policy of the United States is to keep peace at home, and avoid complications abroad, and thus we will be benefited should complications arise. On account of the nrant war with Turkey. Russia is burdened with a heavy debt, but her resources are such, under an energetic ruler, that she will soon recover her former credit. She can put an army of 1,500,000 soldiers in the Held. The whole country is a net work of telegraph lines, covering a distance of 60,000 miles and the subjects of Russia tire devoted to their country and would fight with desperation.' No man can tell what will be the effect in the world's history of the death of the czar 'at this time' When Russia shall establish her naval Rations on the Pacific, there will then be a new market for American manufacturers close at hand the Pacific coast will feel the effect of the new market. Alaska will feel the impulse arising from the demand made for her products. From a commercial standpoint the United Slates may well afford to court the favor of the Russian ruler, and seek to have friendly' relations with his people. STATU KLUTKt. Sure. Probable, Alabama , 0 1 Arkansas (I 0 California, 6 6 Colorado 1 2 IVnna. S 28 U. Island 2 8 Connecticut 4 4 Delaware 1 1 Florida 0 0 Georgia 0 0 Idaho 1 1 Illinois Ul 21 Indiana 13 13 Iowa 11 11 Kaunas 8 8 , Keutueky o Loulsana 0 0 Mai no (lute election) 4 4 Maryland 4 4 Maws. 12 ' 12 Mich. Vi 17 Minn. 7 7 MKs. 0 0 Missouri 8 0 Montana I 1 Nebraska 8 8 Nevada 0 1 NewHamp. 2 2 N, Jersey 8 8 New York U0 80 N. Carolina 8 2 N.Istkota 1 1 Ohio li 1 Oregon (June election) S 2 a Carolina 0 0 8.1nkoU 2 2 Teuueeee . 4 4 Texas 1 1 Vermont 2 2 Virg'iula 2 2 Washington 2 2 W. Vlrgliia 4 4 , Wisconsin 10 1 Wyuioning 1 1 . Total W iill LET THE EAGLE SCREAM LEI THE CANNON BOAR KtVCIU Ida and Mel tay that one little boy lu brown it a good as two girls lu blue. lWt forget the coiuvrt; 25 eeiita admlimon, You may have nno of my sliors AlUrt, . Mrs. Allen and child rvu Eva and Arlo, were visiting her parvuts in Kings Valley tills week. MUses Julia James and Florence Max field vIbIIihI friends lu Parker Tuewlay. A protracted meeting will lm held here by Rev. McElroy and Rev, Iturltngame, commencing HaturdHy evening November 10th. The concert glveu by the Sunday school will be on November 17th, In tend of the lsth, as reHrtod in lust weeks iseuo. MONMOUTH. Air. J. Ai , rttinmx'II, or Dallas, wri doing iiunIhom lu town Tuesday. I'ror. Mortus, or Jiuena Msta, wan seen on our stni'ta last wtn k. Miss Mary didders, who Is attending school here was called to her Lome In Sak'tu, her mother being very lib Miss Jennie Turner, of Helo, a former student of the Normal was vImIUhk friends here last week. , Unite a nuuioer, of Haiem'a young uieu were here Saturday taking In tli foot-ball game, Cora IX'UiMMy, of Rlekreall, nt few days lu town last week vbltlug friends. ' Mr. K A. Illggs, of Huleiu, Mrs. A. Mulkey.of imleiHMideiiw, and Mlim Nallor, of MmlAint, were calling on friends in the city hut Saturday. The seniors, who took part last Frl day morning lu cbamd are MImh liarnes and Camell and Mr. Fender, Mr. Frost sang a solo. Mrs. R. C. Perclval returned from Salem the latter part of last week where she has been waiting on her sister Mrs. Ike Dompmy. lr. F. J. Rmlcy a graduate of '01 and Will Dobbins, a former student, lIlllstHiro, spent Saturday In town 1ml week. The C. W. II M. elected the follow lug ofllcers for the ensuing year: Pres. Mrs. J. L, Dunn, Vice Pres. It setnus TTear now that the pvoplu have seen tho mistake they iiiuJo lu 1892. CORRESPONDENCE. PAUkl.U. II Cass Kays has moved to W. Murphy's farm near Hueua Vista. Mrs. I). M. Calbrcath is laid up with rheumatism tn her neck. O. W. Dellord and W. P. Rradley sold their buck wheat to I,acli A Howeii of Portland, for $1.25 per cental. Cass Kays and Fuquasold their hop to Phil. Nels & Co. for6 0-10 cents pe pound. They had 109 bales. m. Fuqua and F. L, Brown I ave bouglit forty-nine head of hogs to fatten for the market. Lee Steeprow, of Alsen, Ib one of us again. There seems to bo quite an at traction for him In the Northwest corner or school district No. 11. I was called to time on that potak Item that appencd lu last week's lwrne of the paper. There were 42 instead of 40 in that hill, BUESA VISTA. THE ELECTIONS. On last Tuesday elections were held !n forty-two slates and four territories. All the fprty-two elect congressmen and twenty-one will elect legislatures, which will each elect one, and in four states two senators. The present senate of the United States contaltis 88 raem of whom 44 are democrats, 38 repub licans and 3 populists with 3 vacancies. The house of sepreseutatlvcs has 305 members of whom' 219 are democrats, 127 republicans and 10 populists. In the elections this week it was necessary i Miss Campbell, of Dallas, Is visiting her friends Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Walker, The Song Circle met and practiced siDL'tug at tho home of Miss Kinma Hughes, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs Frank Hall and daughter Carrie, of Crouton, Kundnyed with Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hall. , james ninvcs ana sister Mary were pussengers on tho Eugene, to Salem Monday. Wm. Durrcll and J. B. Williams raadu a trip to Albany tho lust of the week. ' Mr. and Mrs. (loo. Bklnner and son, Claude, of your city attended services and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wells. ' . . The Rev, Dr. Parsons preached Sat urday afternoon, evening and Suuday morning, glving.ns three able sermons Sunday morning text was, "We believe that Jesus died and arose uguln." Thess. 1:414. Mrs. A. L. Hhlves returned from her visit on French prairie ind In Salom on Friday, She was accompanied home by Jrmcs, Mary and Dorello. We are sorry to learn that delicate health will not permit of Miss Dorello continuing her studies for sometime. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdel Awnrded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, Sin FrucUcOt KICK REAM; Mr. Will Cobb is up from Portland. Geo. Brey, of Independence, is buy ing apples here at 80 cents per bushel. The Y. P. 8, C. E. bad a large attendance last Sunday evening, .... Kuykendall & Co. shipped a ton and a half of dried apples Tuesday. Mr. W. M. Molson was attending business in Portland lust week, Jliss Wulkor, of Salem, is visiting Mrs. Hefford. , Mr. W. J. Klrkiand, was In Portland last week. . ' ' Rev. Fu troll, of Dallas, preached last Sabbath. Secretary Mrs. Mary Campbell, Treat- Mr, It. F. Murphy. Whether this bents the blackberry story or not it surely comes up with It, Miss Fay Fulkerson brought tn school one day Inst week a large bunch of ripe tame strawberries, which she mild grow In their garden. The last of the present term Is drew Ing near and lbs societies are uniting to give a Joint smlou at the rliwe. One of the principal features In the iirogram is I debate on the "Sitre Question." It seem that soiut oue lu or liear town is feasting on the fat of the hind In the form of stolen rbk kens. From t tie tulk of some of our town people If the Intruders coino again they wilt not get away wl'h the booty they cxpeeted but possibly more solid fooa.'' P. The foot-hall gome that took place here last Saturday between the eleven of the Pacific Uulverslty, and the eleven here was won by the former the score being 8 t 0. Throughout the game the best of feelings prevailed aud both sides played an excellent game. In the evening an Informal reception was tended the vhtlilug team aud at 10 o'clock p. m. the Pacific University vlnltors took the motor for Iudepcn douce, where a H(cclal train was await ing them to carry them home that evening. I'licliiliiied Letter. List of unclaimed letters remaining In the Indcpeoduuce postofllce October 81, WH. Andrews, John Chin, WHks Collins, Pat Humphrya Daniel Harlman, D. V. Keys, Wm. -Keen, Jtsse Lemater, N. I McEvoy, J. J. Merrill, Frank Qulmby, C. F. Williams, Cbas. Ill Wetmorc, II. J. (2)Vllllams, F. I V(xkI1, J. N Woodle, Mrs. L. A, NOV. 2, 1H04. E. O. ItODKKTMO.N, p. m. Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervous Icadachcs. Gcntlomou: I have been taking our Restorative Nervine for the past hreo months and I cannot say enough la itspralso. It has Saved fly Life, , for I had almost given up hope of ever bclnir well aealn. I was a chronic sufferer from nervousness and could not Bleep. I was also troubled with nervous headache, and had tried doctors la vain, until I used your Nervine. Yours truly, ' WOOD, Ringwood, lit. Dr. . Miles' Nervine Cures. Dr. Miles' Nervine li told on a positive Xusranteo that the Ant bottle will Oonoflt, 11 druirirUtu mill It ntSI. S bottliM for 18. or ft Will boaimt, prepaid, oa rocotnt of price by tbo Dr. Uliu.' Mudlctl Co., Itlkhart, luO. Til AT ATIILI I IC t XI il. tt M ill Koou lUvMllesitllfnl llulhilug Erected. Puwrnl wetkd ago D. P. Patterson, 0. K llodMter, II. F. Durch, Dr. ibtttbitt and mum others decided thai Ihent was an urgent iuhxI in Indepen dence for a plm of nwirt for the young men and possibly the wonieu of Inde peudenos, and set nlmut organising tin IudtiHudetie Amateur Athletic Club The membership reached fiaeen aud an AMHcssnient whs made to obtain apparatus and $75 spent In that way, The room over the Indesmleiic National bunk was rented, but war found to be too small. Prescott A Voiie made a proposltloii to erect t iultabl building for the club provided they were leeurwl In a three year lease. In the meaiil line the club liar lneifaHi w thirty-four tneinUrs. Iast Wedutwday a canvass of the town wa made to raise fund to pay the lease, sud the committee met with reason ble degree of wioixum. We believe that the club will have a building aud so we will give a brief dberlptiori of It. It will stand oo the earner of 1) and Main streets aud be forty feet wide aud seventy-tight and half long with a tweuty foot celling, bs neatly painted Inside and out, having a rvoeptlon and reading room eaeli 1(1x20, ami a gallery iWitOand an amlltorum room 40x62 There will bt four bath itHinis, and a shower bath, a double bowling alley, and a swimming tank 80x32 holding 95,000 gallons of water. The gymnastic spparatus now In uso will tie increased. The membership fist Is $5, which gives one share of stock, and monthly dues keep up the club Idy relatives of members can have full privileges of the club for SS cii!a mouth, sud members can bring a stronger to visit tho club fro. Persons , living In town, but member are uot admitted. Front 4 to 8 p. tu. boys under 18 will be admitted to the gynuiaHlum, and two days In the we k it wilt probably lw thrown open to the publlo at an admission fie, By nivalis of the swimming tank the boys, wives ami sisters can loarn to swim without endangering themselves In any way. The business men of our town have taken hold of thlsenterprlse and it will go ahead. Or. Price's Crtsm Baking Powder Woritl'.Fdr hlglxtl MxUlimj Dlptooi .ffw niii'li tigs HVery Friday evening. There 1 1 s no twttcr place for drill In readings literary societies, and there should be more of them in connect len with our reboots. Laxy men never gut Kiino one puts one on OulMin. ahead unless htiu. Boston JATALARIALO iVli POISON Kitautts from ttmoaphnrl. onadlttoss, unoluao ruuiici. Imttvrfvul vanUl.Uas ml mors frcuuanllr truni th. 4adlr MIWUK UAt. A ixMral rundnws sod luiovrliihwl DamlUlan or tha blutSl to una, nd if sat eirrulwl, Cstsrrb. Hras iiltu, mint ra HiununipOuS m b. IS mauit. H. 1 wouiiiily eurrwis sll UtraMi vll Rtcu, Mr. Ji A. UIm. Ottw, Ksa., wrlWi l"'r ihre ywrt I u Uuublmt wllh Ms Urla, wblch siiimmI m MpUta V lll. unit 1 wm m Mm4 Is OMh, lbl 111 l.wl It (hum. I trl4 marourlsl nd tulith romwtlM.tuloultl sst no rIUil, I tnon nniaiHi 10 irr A low txiktlpa ( this wundnrful iinxllolni BiiwU . mmplaMMd tnrmsnvnt our, lui is us sow enjoy btir biilik tasa ever. ' Osr TrasIlM ar Blnwl Stla TMmmM naiiM mm w ur our awiri inane ca, aussu, . CITY nw It. 1C I'AdlC, Proprietor. DON'T WAIT For a Cold to Ran into Bron chltia or Pneumonic. Check It at Onco -WITH- AYER'S Cherry pectoral. TEarly In tlin Winter. I took a J? severe com wnu ii ueveioptni inio 0 an ouMtinate, miming very painful to endu COIIgll, o ire anu o troubling me day and night, for J nlno weeks, In spite of numerous 0 remoilics. Ayur's Cherry Pco- o thrill tirilnir rui'ilnimfilili'il tnn. I O t A A I I...LIA..ffll O IH'KUIl to litKB it, nun liinuiv ui . 0i notirs, 1 was reueveu m tno tlekllnu' in mv throat, llcfore I finished the bottle, my coiign was nearly gone, 1 cannot speak tm highly Mrs. j lfo o o of Its excellence." o o O Oi OJ Received Huzhest Award o AT THE WORLD'S PAIR I ooooooeooeceoooeoooooooa ot II, Kittoii, Ohio. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I1AUAS. t'ood For Sale ! All nersons wantinir trood FIR MA. PLIfl and AHII wood' all cut and split, can purchase it, on the rlvef bank here for $1.00 a tier, or delivered In Inde, pendence fot $1.25: Talmaire for 8,!t6 and Monmouth for $1.50 a tier. These are Cash prices. Leave Orders with Estes & Klkins, or Bam. Fisher. , Hilt Miller. Our doctors are unusually busy, for Dallas and vicinity, there being much sluktieftH, mostly of a typhoid nature. Interesting meetings In prognssat the Baptist church, by Miss Idu Will iams. ' Grand Master L. 0. Parker left Thursday for his trip among the I. 0. 0. F. lodges of eiiNteru and southern Oregon. May his trip be a pleasant one. Our Iwiys are slinipcnlng up their muscles aud becoming "high kickers" on the grid-Iron Held, Wo warn the 0. 8. N. H. mid other teams to look well to their laurels. Mr. Ed. F. Coad and family arrived from Halt Luke City Monday. Mr,' Coad is a relative of those of that name, well known in this county, aud will nettle lu Dallas, and practice hie profes sionthe law. No marriages, no nmrrlnge licenses, no dog fights, nothing to mar our peaceful spirits- except tho question "Shall cows be allowed to run at ltirge jjti the streets of Dallas? ' A petition bearing 145 names was presented to tho council Monday evening, asking that the ordinance be repealed. Several members of Ahnlra Itobekah Degree went to filieildau Inst Saturday to attend the Institution of a llobekah lodge wlilch was organized with 18 members. They returned speaking highly of the work done by the sisters team from Friendshlpllodge of McMInn vllle. i Home talent well present the drama "Nhamrock and the Itosu" on the lOth. Being a little off to one Bide we are not often visited by outside own panics, and heribe provide our own animuse ment. And in this we have the satis faction .of keeping our money (what little there is these days) at homo. A good literary society has been organ. Jzed in connection with the LaCreole academy. Archie Mcpoyvn is president; Altle Elkins, Secretary; Jennie tinydcr, treasurer and Homer Shops, sorgent- at-arms, Tbe society will hold Its Choice Steaks, Mutton and Pork Chops. Fine Sausages. Corned Beef. Lard and Suet Always on Hand. Blioji Ia located nearly opposite J. M. Vniiilujn'R, on Main atrwt. FAT PE0PLE1 PARK Obcsltj mis. Will rmlun yourwflhl pvrtn.ovnily (rum 13 10 IS pound S DKilltb, m MTAKVIMU ltknM or Injuryi Nil n IU.ICITY. Thor build up His tivnllh suit baullfy lbs cum. lilKiitin, li'ftvlnx uo Wrtoklrs or n.bblntiw. Hioul Al.dunteiu mid dlltlitilt timtinitig lurs. ly KU KXI'RIIIMKMT butSMtvn linn ai4 MMlllv rfllff. mliiilwl only after yartf awrlinr. All ordrrs up)lld dl n I fmm our offlu. frlw itO pur mck4 00 bjmtt pt psld. TmII. uumliiU sua rtlrulpi (Moled) t els. All cirrt-mdnnr nirloily nmndantlsl. PARK '-REMEDY CO.. Boston l?l'I- i n ii- EUCTRICTELCFHOKC It.. 14iM m4 t .tt In IMtl. Vllt.. Itf tm.1 tm auk rtmm tm tmm pur . l4Mf IMM M.I Itt t) IM im In-tr.n.nW. gt wof k. Onm in n.1 tttiftiliorm. I'll kmn .hlii4. Ill M P Ii ordr, m ntlriiMi. 1m. lite .nuM, lmi4uV. "rllt NsrrHws A C Cltrk 10, CsIssiSiii, 0. pel any kind of legal blank, you will now find a full auppl at the Wnrr Bid offloa. Among ths most called for blanks we note: lkwd for Deed Warranty deed Quit clsim deed Hpeelal warranty dead Trust deed Lease, long form- Legal tlii!t$ special form " ahort form Assignment of mortgage Country mortgage Covenant of warranty mortgage Satisfaction of mortgage Affidavit for attachment Bill of costs and disbursements Mummons Undertaking on appeal on sttsebment ft recovery of prop Hill of sale- erty. jriF. O'DONNELL ' -COi 10 JELL 100 He has'the Wagons, and they are the very BEST and CHEAPEST. Bring along your ftr sals $$$ TO Chattel mortgage Crop mortgage Notice of protest Verification of clsim against lnj solvent debtor- Jl'HTICB BLANKS. Affidavit of attachmsotr- ofsppssl Judge, debtor IHte Copy of writ of attachment Illll of disbursements Constable's sale Copy of eieoutlon Oariilshee notice Hubpoma, civil, original " criminal, original " u oopyof Hummons, Justice's Undertaking for attachment " foreosU (VEST SIDE Office Warrant for arrest, felony Writ of arrest, mbtdemeauor Notlee to quit Verification of elslm against es Mechaulo's leln (Ut Laborers kiln. KKWIT AND NOT It IMOKS. We have a very conveniently ar- ranged receipt book, which those of I our patrons who have seen pronounce very handy. They tell at Sftoentaa book. J. F. O'DONNELL ; South Main St. - . IXUtl'EXDIiSCE. GOTOTHE fllexaoder-Cooper Drug Go., FOR YOUR AND Sgrogl Supplies Tho Most Coinj)loto Stock In the City. f-iin Street, - .Wepeoiencj, ki imam . ""Vr HAIR - - - ORjlflpEJlTS. "Hello there! Let me give you a pointer where you can get most goods for your money. II Is pfoJfMfT DON'T STOf ESSSHOP F. E. SHAFER.Proprlotop. Msoafsciuntr of sad Dealer in Saddles, HarnessBlanket Whips. Robes, Etc. -IU'ilrlii iii,ily mil promptly dour. ffortn milii of Q street, Uinr But go and take your Cash and Produce to Smith & Co.. the Independence grocers." Un post office, IndspfDdtee. A STUDY IN OECONOMYO AT J. M. VANDUVN'S A Few Facts For Farmers: Vanduyn can save you dollars, Vantluyn's prices make your produce return oldtime values. Vanduyn can sell you what you need in return for what you wish to sell, and these facts,' ARE WORTH A MULTITUDE OF "THEORlEp Remember Vanduyn, will sell you, UOK,' BOOTS and Sill P' k: Mt, Ms, Mi : Mttt, k, M while Yoa Are Toaehing . filings Renecber that The Have a fine stock of Druggists PAINTS. i ft in GROCERS! IP It will pay you to call and examine our tplendid Slock of goods, ' ' i mm pirn J. I WW, mm GIVE US YOUR CASH And we will GIVE YOU OUR GOODS. Fair exchange Is uo roblmry". think , Ifyou trailo with us you will FREE COINAGE has struck you broadside, for we uro giving SUCH BARGAINS .and weoan'thelplt. LOWPRIC15S as long as We are bouud to coutinuo A.. W. Dooksteader, THESE TIMES LAST (Suocotisor to CbarlM HUats) -PROHiIETOB OF- City M aai If m k We don't expect to mako any monoy this winter, but we you to eat and come out . FAT , In the Spring. , ; wna Independence, Oregon? uaniing uono at itcasonabw lUtm. filab wood for uiW 1 :DO UTY & PAJDOfiR.