The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, November 09, 1894, Image 1

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    The Best Newspaper
H the on ihat give Ihe moat and
rt nw. Compare the WEST
5,t lth n)r pap n IMk county.
As an Advertising Medium
Taku ths Liao m Polk County.
$2.00 Per 'Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
No. 51.
II- -: wm
East and South
The SHASTA Route
f the
Southern Pacific Co.
rltaal Mf" train run dl!jr,(impini
Jail . a. I Ar. r ri?l 1.. v, m.
RoisburJ Mail !".) '""'
"."L. rnv.
iwitnu't ... a I n.ptu( ,,,wi r. ,
OuwvurS .,..?;. M, I IN.rtUi.iu ... I.,.. M.
jfjj ba n kfo ht
ri'LLMAN numrrr BLKm.iis
&wud-Chuw Sleeping Car attached
to all tbruugu trains. - ,
West Side Division.
atws Portland mni Corvalll.
Uil trolii Uswtjr KuuJuy.)
? in I Lv . hrtl4 Ar fa-'-ip w
H i m I Ar lii.U'U4wiivAr I t p w
tepw r .twHH 1 I.Saptfi
At AUy CtarvalU. ntn-l with lrm
wifi'U r-w-mc riniJ.
Kipma uain ail onopt MuuUajrJ
Wsia 'i l.t.-.R,rtllMi,..r j iSS
? pmfa l...'Wi'j";-.r; ltof
Oregonlan Railway Division an
Portland and Yamhill By.;
Airli wall Trt,wlity.
Miam TT.. Nfti ..Ar atte m
J) unt t JI.iiiuH.uUt I v .? . m
tub p in 1 A r.. AMU.. T,l
Thrown tlrk'M Mall rUif In the ' ";
MlalM, Canada, and Kunnw.wn WI.
tnrtuT.M.tlMt, tint. it.-u.-.
MHlt.M. UllKUpX.
Uo to the C
And ar bo
Voo can your
Work Done.
Wagon Repairing of All
1. 1. rUlUR, Proprietor.
If fi,o want a Ht jiar . I'
25 Cents
CIn In UU" ' -
Ic Crm .very day d'rinJlr'fJIi
Chicle Dinner ftry MuiiiIb Mwilarvert
at all hour. Main rU lmlitjl. ii.
i"" 1 11
T. LAYTON JENKS,' Prcprletor.
M S mm
B. M. Ektim.
Draying - and - Hauling:
Charges Low and
Youwin flndonrtomi!ontlietri'OT,
and Plunoa carefully moved,
P. L. K.lley.
fiitv Livery; Stables.
.. . ..Li...i"Aiunavs in Readiness.
oiynsn i urnuu """7 ln ti!e au of rcter
Having lately piipohaswl the em ,n' 1(!(;t tbf .len.ands 01
Cook, we are now better prepared I JhB to "iake nmn
the public as we are w mMng waani p mnthi
sulwUutial, improve'iniuwf.
. 1 H..
In Polk
Join Hands and Votes
for Prosperity
No More Legislation for
Great Britain.
.fsterdjiy'g Tfrdlct Id Air Fttkttlun
ta Uie Auii'rlk'aii home and
Worktuau-Bid It,
NEW YORK, Nov. a-The rointbll.
an hv onrrtotl N,w Yurfe P(n(e for
raiiihig from VUm to 1MMW. TUe
Mai ti rr the two ttsttllutr -anH
ilAtkut Ih iti(M,lcrabljr iti ex-tti of that
iwlksl Flowr nnd KaiwttU for
ifr,. nur lu imi, itt blitloii U the
roH thl y.r fur WIhvI.t, hulo-
n.U-it..i-innr.uK wliK-U will fxivU
A,ihi. Tlu truu'udotm n'ulJlctttt
ati In tho cltjf and ainto it In eatl
rublliim wmjtri'swiiuHt, a gnn of ovpr
rtiiit. It wa ex.niiwl lu all ib-im
cratl dUiiuitk ou Uw ev of eKctlon,
It m coiiuudiU tUt the doiuocratlc
I'ltii-ulliy bt.Uiw JJrli-m ould at
lnt mni. 'Hie urirl- aw not
ituuiutHt to tbo l Uaiijiw of von. but au
aiialyaU aJiowa tlmt senator Hill will
ntu U lilu.l evo i tin voto of Mttyuiml,
whiU lu Ih utv he foil below . tbo
Tot vaat for Uovcriitir i'kmer lu 1SIH.
An amilyjiU of tnoli Ituurva B aro
aiaiiiiUiitt touiKUt alinwa Hint tliw re-
uhlLtiiia all atwiiir utihu'd by the In
cn-swil rtlsUtiiiou. fur Mityiianla
ti In all tbe mjiht wmiity tllatrUu
ahuwa Uirso ksiIiw o-r tlio rnnwU
nte at XH,, in the vltiiv the aauio
lui-nuiw lu nUiiiai!on ni'iH-ura te
linve UiiHi dftrttiwutal to-the dent
ik-ralA Tho vuie In Allmuy cutiniy
!! one of the many aunirtat-t of the
oMtHMj, iiif jian Altiaiiy couiity
ia ht.iiti or national lat:e ha bti-n
lat!isl tiHin a a rt'lluble doiniM'rjtle
rtmshiM, ipxil for from I.ikhi to
2,i"t lU'tiHKTHtle nmjtirtty. lvnn.
crtl umnnsnni In vlw of tbla fact,
mul tlmt it la altiuwt the Iioiim of Hill,
h okwl fur a mnj irlty of nut hua than
2 Tlu.y Mt contldfiit Hill wonJ
Ih Klvi'ii a tmni'-UMui. a Judce
Miiyuunl i-arrletl the county by
iiuniml uuijurity, nolwlitmluuillng
tln n-iul)llnu Irt'inl In other portion
of the atnte. lu .Miirw with Ita re
PiililUnn cuuuty utlloi-rn, a untural re-
ptibltin tluralliy nraa not tlfmliUtl,
but lute BuiirtMi ulve ilortun .oiki,
where lu lil the an inn county cave
to Fiuwtt 3,wai. Hiiniu'llir tsninty
hi'ld a tliwcly to ili'inwratlc normal
rule m niy ttiuuiy In tin- ntnte.
Th riilt of thn awtitniif vh'tory
an miv far -ivnrliluK than a'tnjily the
t'Uriioti of a rciiulilK'iUi iitate th-krt.
Whlhr tli ntnrna arw very InwmiiiU to
on 1 1 if mtiMtltuttoliiU Mioi'liihni'lita, It
U iti.lwbl'. aivinlliis to Hrt rctiirna.
tlutt nil of ilii'in an- alttini. lint ht
i(inir f hwa a with the
vote of tin' bond wf tin lli'kct, la mil
nciiily m hiri: n it auinx.(Ml to
t nod tliS rwiilt, tiir)ie, in uiai
tb tifmlnture will ii'itawt or uity wu
nit.ra nil 130 nam mblviiii-ii; that pool
wllln on rut hl Ih jiiohlblii'd
and that tho new Judiciary ayaU'iu will
Ik. liiniitMirnti'd. '
The awwp alao nirtiim thnt for the
ftm thin in many yiam tio niuiuii.
cana will hiiv cmitrul of the atnte
U sUlutiire nt auine tlinn with govoruor
la the flmtr In i.miiai imriuoiiy wiui
Allmnv. Noir. B.-A notable ffuther
n of Hlltlchiim not In the fXw:iUv
Uainbcr tonight nnd read the rottirna
furtilabHl by tlw Aiwaiaiua i'roaa.
Ht-nalor Hill nrrlveU lit 7 p. in. lie
wm tlw tlrat to arrive. Col. "WilHamn,
the (lovt-ruor'a irlvnti a.wtury, cenif
nrxL Alniuly a batrll of bullet Ilia
wire on Hi-nntor JHH' l,lt
Jladu to oruVr In. nn
8fIc. A pelfH;t line 61
sniiiplf'8 nlwaja on Iiaml
to BfliHt from.
, W. B. Kl Kiaa
Prompt Service.
iave order, nt the iniaai Hou
flotol. ram Hum
ILUI 61 ifui riopnsiiii.
I i 1 , I I I i ' 1
York ConiltV had biHn aunitlna I
lurna that wom imt of a favorablo
nature. At TiJW all bow of anvtntt
the amte waa given up by thoae who
nu uiua. rnr arrivea. it waa foaml
that New. York City nu,fht o repulv
lloati ami It ta conceded that Hill
oum only carry It by a fow thou-
hu, iitwruor rwwiT arrived at
:43. He wUa ahown dlaiwtchoa and
i oaiH itnvrt tin uu imnn r n iik
atata with thn alii of v,.iw en.
He nld It mi'liicil aa If a invar tllnl
wave waa cmnlnir when be waa in
ow lorn una luorttliiir. He had
I'opitl that Uie iit.nlaie dMrhit
would iro ta lllil. All tha iinwi inn
mid not word but rend the bulle.
una and conaultcd the umuuol of for
mer year. Aa county mturua came
in from the atatt the acuator ahook
hla hed and aald:
"Well they did pretty well by iue.M
To the couaollnif remarka of friend
uo ninae do repiy except to aiulie.
Now York. Nov. AJlrant a R 1 l
nhrtsl the nmin at police beadllua
wr wiifro r. Mrons w retvivinii
returiia aud consratulated him on bla
et'knott'liHliriMl vli'lopv Mi- Rlnuitf
thmtkmi hint. 1'ivaldent Martiu of
me police board anya that Tammany
tin abandoned all boiw of carrying
a auiKie omce.
New York, No?. 0, Ex-Mayor
Smut at 8 p. tn. eoiieedtHrtho lowt of
the city and state aa rcgarda the bend
or the ticket
NVw York, Not. ft The Treai
datum the eloetlmt of Morton br 123.
H to 130.0(10. the eloctlon of Stronn
by from 33,000 to 40,000 and the
election of Uoff by at least 00,000,
Albany, Not. 6,-ltoth Hill nnd tJov
ernor Flower concede tlmt Uie dii
crmlo imrty Is ixatcn.
Now York, Nov. (1,-At 8 o'clock to-
uitr'it Mayor Ullroy sold:
Tlw returns arc more elouuent than
nnythliiK 1 can any." When told of
Ihe probable defeat of Wilson In Went
Mrslnla, be said:
"That Is good."
New York, Nov. ft The AYitern
t'liluu aud Poatal Til. Co.' linos have
Ih'cii badly crippled by the havoc
rattae.1 to their llitoa by tbo aiorm of
mat nlk'ht In the Kaatern Maun, par
ticularly on tln count lines. At & p.
in. the l'oatal had ono wire worklim
as far as SprlnKllolil, but they did not
expect to go auy farther east before
The Western Union lines are ln troti
hie east of New Haven and It Is not
likely that cminmnlt-utlou over- their
Ilium will be established ns far vast
as iioaiou tuiiltfht.
New YorK, Nov. ft -The scene, pd
iicaiap'r row toulght when It was
coucedtd by the democrats that Mor
ton bad won the Kovernorshlp and
Ktrontf the umyorallty, was one of the
Khteat : euthiialaaiii. Ten thnuwoid
Hraons throtiKiHl the thoroiiKhfnru,
bliN'kltiS the curs ainl lniHtlluK thciu
One of the Tammany lender wild
"This will lend to a thorough re-orinin
huitlon of the dciiuM-railc piirty lu tin
city and It will bring out good results
In two years irum now."
'Lr. rnrkhurst aald: "We hnve won
a gnat victory which shows the peo
ple hnve their eve oimiiii at mat. it
is evident that the public coiiaelcuce
lias nt hi"t ben dwnkeued. We have
got th? people, that tlie reform move
numt has been llghtlug, Juat where
Uiey bad wr
New York, Nov; ft The Advertlm1
will tomorrow say:
"Tha battle la over. The enemy Is
routed 'and republicanism has tri
umphed. Protection will still protin:
ami Tftmumny Is overthrown. Hie
victory means that the great Atner
Icon people has been aroused and
have shown thcmaolvca worthy of
(heir glorlus burluigo. It means d"ath
biuoiul nil .possibility of resurrect lou
of thnt party which for forty years
uever had power witlioiit stiowlug
Increased cnpiuHty for blundering aud
It competency. The democratic party
Is Indeed uViid.
' Allinny.-HIII has "i'arrlpd Albnhy
clty-by about ins) plurality; Flower
vaTrled It by 3,500. . . , .
I RL Paul, Nov. ft The figures ' are
slow coming In, only a few scattering
relKirta having been received. There
has, been a great falling off lu the
democratic vote and gains liy hoih
republicans and iMipiilists, but the
latter gained most The republicans
will win If they hold their own, us
the other parties did not entirely Join
together. Therefore, it swum tiini
Governor Nelso I, rep., will be elected
by a'u Increase over his plurality of
14,000 of two years ago.
Waihlngtiiii, Nov. . The fifth con
gressionnl district of Virginia elects
Hwansou, democrat
Baltimore. Late returns show thnt
the republicans probably gained throe
congressmen In this state.
' Omnha. The vote of Omaha was
very heavy. Uie A. P. A. did not fig
uro to tbo extent anticipated, however.
ft bus been a factor, but to what ex
tent Is not to be kuowu for twenty
four hours. Majors, at the bend of tlio
ffuiibllcan statu Uckct, Is an A. 1', A.
aud received the full support of the
order ln Omaha. ;
Returns from the state are com
lug lit exceedingly slow, and com-
lilete returns on tbo bead of the ticket
from some locaiiries tunicate too his
Ion caiididiite for governor, Ilolcomb,
elwted by 3,000 plurality. There Ih
Utile' doubt .that the repunnean state
ticket Is elected with the exception of
governor. This Is the result of the
light made ngnlimt Majors, the republi
can candidate Tor governor,. oy tne
nntl-nionopoiy men. It Is anticipntctd
that Uio lcKlHlature will oe exceed
ingly cloi-e with the. chance In favor
f the republicans, xne oniy proimuie
.luinirn In till. NllLtn COIIU'reSMloUal dele-
gatlou' Is ln the first, Urynn's district,
which wtll clect. Htroue. repumicui.
i- the Mormon state. .
Salt' Lake! Hie 'election "passed off
quietly today and a largo vote. whs
polled. "The counting of tbo veto is
progressing very slowly nnd it will
be midnight before anything definite
is known. In the city vote the repub
licans esUmato that Cannon, rep., for
delegnto to congres, will have 1,100
majority In the city, but Uiis Is not
conceded by democrats, ;
Atlanta.- Ga. Of Georgia's eleven
dlatrlcts. ton elected democrats. Tbo
seventh is also probably democratic.
Auirusta. There were several ngnra
during the day la this city, John M.
ftosa. one of Uie populist workers,
tallonged a negro. In the difflculty
Oosi drew his gun and a general me
lee and a fusllade of shots followed,
Oosi wiw killed Instantly and.
number werv wounded,
The first congtvsaluniil district
elii'U Loalln. d.MiKH rst
The mH'oiid congressional district
elects ltusselt, democrat
The third district elects Crisp, dem
ocrat, .
The seventh district elect Turner,
New OrliHins. Returns so far nhow
almost to a rertnluty the re-election
of the prcNcnt congressional dclegu
Kiitlou by about 5,000 each lu tint first,
third, fourth, fifth nnd sixth districts
and the election of Ctius, . Illicit lu
tlm sccmid district by a large majority,
all democrat,
Washington, Nov. 0.-A dispatch
from tien. fporry, aecretary of the re
mibllcnn state central committee of
Loulsinna, anya:
"We will carry tha second and third
districts sure, aud lu first if Uie
count 1 fair."
4 New Itttvcn. Owing to the last
night 'I storm tbo returns from nil tbo
towns are slow nnd In many Instances
It Is doubtful If tlm vote will Im In
till tomorrow. Return thus far show
a Unlit vote nnd a large falling ff of
the country vote. It is doubtful. If
there will bo no election by returns.
New Hnven.The Indications an the
republican guvVruor Is elected.' Thn
reiulilleau iingrisaiuin are also
cliittniHt and Imth brniichis of the bg
Naturtt by the repuhllcaii.
Niislivllle.l'nrtlal returns from fif
teen counties abow a decidedly illmlu
lalieil vwto with republican gains,
though not Mittleletit to defeat Turner,
deimsTat, fur govtriior.
Ht. I.uts.-At 0 o'clock It Is geller
ally iiuieetliHl that the entlro deitni-
cratlc state, ticket Is elected by Home
pluralities. Hum It. Cook, secretary of
the state di'tiiin-ratlc cxwiitlve wm
niitliiJ, says tlmt every doiuufrntto
eniigreMHUinn Is '.elected, The entire
city ticket la elected by majorities
ranting frtim 2,ouo to s.isxi.
Hlmix City. Returns from Mouth I)a
kotii are very slow, Hhelby, r'p., is
elwUd Kovernor, t
Mllwniikwt. Returns from lb Inter
lor of the Htnte show republican g ilim
everj'Wher and ludlcate that the re-
tuilillcun ticket Is elected by ;Ui,usi
,o .mmmi iimjoi lty.
Cleveland. Nov. 0. All n'turns Indl
cute that this county hits gono repub
lican by nearly C.isio, or altuoMt as lug
s Plurality ns McMuley reeeivint a
yimr ago. This Insures the defeat of
Tom I Jubuson, democrat, fur cuii
griHia In the 21t district by at lenat
a,noo, iteturus from tbo Wsctvrn lie-
set a show republlcau gain every
where over their vote of a year ago.
Cheyenne. Wcnlhcr throiigboitt W'y
oiulug tmlay Is fair mid n full vote
was iHtlleil. Iiiillcatloim at V i. in.
are that tbo full Mxibllcnn state and
majority of I be republican leglaintlvc
tick 't la IiiUhI. Iiisiirlng the eiii tioii
of two republican U. M, wnntora.
Denver, IndlcnUons at HSk) o'clock
an? that Mcliityre, rep., for governor,
will have 13.ix to niajorliy
ver Wiilu. Wnlte has ruu tx'tilml bin
ticket tunny Uiotisatid but has un
doubtedly carried the ticket down
to defeat with lilui. If the republl
cans b'v a 15,oni majority on ilu
head of tin state tlrket Uiey umlotibt
odly control the bghlsture and re elect
naior Wolcott,
I'eiicc, populist Is beaten by Sluif
ruth, r.pubilcaii, for con grins In the
firm district.
Hill, populist, may defeat Itowen
In the set-olid district, bis tnttjorlty
of is,tss two years ago will b re-
liicel. Diapatches from fill parts of
the stnt any a very full votw was
(Hilled, nmi in cities fully im ninny
women voted aa men. The ihiIIs ilbl
imt clH iinill 7 o'clock nod It will
tin Into before any ilcllnlto tlgurvs aie
rectdved. Ieiiver ami Its Hiiburbuns
about S." tsr cint of the registered
vote was cast The women worked
'iii'iicstly at the polls all dny for the
nicii'is or tlm ticket and
i he reeult is largely duo to their of
Pueblo, Col., Nov. ft Under a clear
nky and mild weather. The vote In
Pueblo county Is 83 per cent of the
registration, too vote being very large,
Thomnn O. Howen, rep., for congress
will have a plurality of l,MO0 to 2,000.
The election of the cutlre republican
ticket la claimed.
Boise. The , elittlon passed off
iiulotly in this state so fur ns heard.
A very large- vote was polled. There
will bo no figures uitamt. until
after midnight, .tiring Uie day both
democrat! and republicans olnlmed
tiiu governorship. The democrats
concede the rest of the state ticket,
hut the populists hnve laid claim to
the congressmen. It Is tbo opinion of
the most coniervatlvo that tbo state
ns gone republican on the state tick
et, congressmen and legislature.
.TackHonvllk'. At the congressional
oli vt Ion In this state today only a
light vote was polled. The election of
;ooper nnd Hparkmiin, democrats,
Deems assured.
Springfield. From returns tip to 11
o'clock the Indications are that Muss-
iicluiHottn has given Oreetibnlge, re
publican, a majority of 45,000, a gain
of 10,000 over hint year. 1 Massnchu
Hot) Is likely to hnve a solid republi
can deleg iUon in congress.
Fargo. Returns are eonili g In un
usually slow, Allan, republican, for
governor, Is running abend of the
ticket. Allan's olectlon by 5,000 plur
ality Is claimed by the republicans.
'ho democrats conccdo it by 1,000,
Detroit Michigan has gono republi
can by about 00,000 plurality. The
democrat conqedo 50,000 plurality,
Tho republicans also elected every
one of the twelve congressmen from
Washington, Nov. 6. A dlmiateh to
((publican hendnum'ters from James
Poo, at Charleston, W. Va., says:
Wilson loses heavily: Dny ton's election
almost certain. .
Washington, Nov. 0. Senator Faulk
ner, democratic congressional commit
too chairman, received advices that ln
Martlnsburg, w. Va., Wilson gnlns
seven votes and Uiat be is holding
his own.
Pittsburg, 1. a. m. Speelnls to tho
Dispatch from Grafton, West Virginia,
indicate the election of Dayton over
Wilson by one thousand.
Martlnsburg, W. va.,WlIson' coun
ty, Jefferson, give htm 1.410 ma
turity, which Is loss than anticipated.
The election lu tb second district
wlil tie close ami It Willi require the
ofttclut count to determine the result
The republics ua are Jubilant nnd
claim Wilson's detent, but the returns
from buck counties cannot bo given
for day or two. The deinocial
ore nuensy.
Washington." A dispatch at tnld
MglU frmn Mr. Dny too, repuMlcnn
caudli'.Mle In Wllaou'a district, claims
his election by l.tssj plurality.
Plttshurg-The Post will say that we
concede Wilson's defeat aud claim
that he bulletins furnished huve been
for deceptive puiiMiw-s. Ills defeat
cannot become certain until Uio re
turn ar all lu.
Jersey City, Nov. ft The vote In
this state 1 light. Returns of the
total veto polled abow the heaviest
voting In republican district. The
republicans claim eight congressmen.
The democrat concede flv congress
men, .
New York.-Unofflclal but seeming
ly nectinite estluiatoa at tnldulgbt
make the New Jersey delegation four
republicans aud four democrat, ft rt
piiblicttu gain of two.
Isstvenworth, Kau.-The Indica
tions are thnt Morrill, rep., for govern
or, will hsve over 20,ouo plurality iu
lstveiiwurth county. Iwelling car
ried the county by 'MH lu lWKi. Tlw
republicans elect all six mscdiers of
the legislature, galulng oue member.
Kansas City, 1230 a. m.-Tb re
turns thus fur lecolved Indicate tb
ebs'tloit of Morrill, rep., and the en
tire nuibllcan atate ticket The rv
piibllcnii probably carry all but two
congreasloiiul districts and the legis
lature Is probably republican on Joint
ballot ,
Snn Francis. At 7 p. m. Hums,
mri'tary of 1b state central commit
tee, iimde the following atabuneut to
(he AaHiM'latml Prt:
We claim the stale by at least 20,000
majority. Ksioe I eleeti-d ns well as
Ihe rest of the state ticket. Estoo will
carry Kan Francisco by 8.C00 and tbo
republican will iHect mort of the
muulclpHl ticket. The legislature will
be republican by a comfortably ma
jority. Chub man tiould of the democratic
stile cmitrii! committee told an Asso
ciated Press toporter that he thought
Rudd. dem would lie elected by a
plurality of not less than 10.000.
8n Francisco. At 11 p. tn. from In
complete rtrturua from . various sec
:lous of the statu the Indications are
that the coutmt for governor Is very
close, with the chances slightly In fa
vor of Hiuld, democrat Tho republi
cans have undoubtedly elected five con
gressmen and iHiaaibly six. Magulrc,
democrat I prolinbly electwl from
the fourth district Willi the excep
tion of governor, tbo repiihlicttiis hcciu
to be lending ou the a (ate ticket and
will probably hnve a majority In the
legislature. Kstiv is not getting ns
birge a voto In tho country districts
aa was expected, while Hudd la run
ning well Hi Hnn Francisco, and the
estimates of bis plurality in this city
run ns high as lo.ont).
Hail Francisco, Nothing deflulte I
known n to the result of the munic
ipal light. Adolph SutrO; populist
candidate for mayor claim ba Is
Chicago. The Times (democratic)
"It Is our opinion that the state bus
gone republican. Cook county yet in
Chicago, Nov. ft-CoiigrcHHinnn
Springer wlrva the Associated Press
in fidlows:
"Uetiirns nt 11 p. in. Indicate my
Jackson. All tlw democratic con
gresHinen from this state are elected
hv s;ife majorities except the fourth,
fifth aud-sixth district.
nirtnlngbnm. The volt? Is light. The
democrat carry the first, aecouu
alxth aud eighth district for con
grew. '
Albuqiierque.-Pnitlnl return from
the territory Indicate thnt Antonio
Joseph, demoiTnt, Is elected delegate
to congress.
Wilmington. Returns aro alow from
Lower Delaware. The repnbllcin
stale ticket Is probnbly ehcted, but
the democrat hnve th legislature,
Helena. Roturns slow. Hnrtmnn,
reiuibllcnn, Is ebcted to congress nnd
Punt, republican, Is chosen for the
supreme bench.
Tneomn. The republican state com
mittee at inldnlght claims the state
by a plurality of 15,000 nnd tbo legis
lature on Joint ballot by 25. The
democratic ntnte committee admit de
feat all along tbo line. ,
Indlnnnpolls. Indications point to
overwhelming rcimbllcnn triumphs In
this stato. The republican committee
claim for Owens from 30,000 to oO.OOO
majority over bis opponent, Meyers,
for secretary of state; thirteen con
grcNNiucn nnd both branes of the
legislature. The democrats concede
20,000 republican majority, but think
they have four congressmen,
Washington.-! midnight Secre
tary McKee, of the republlcau com
mittee gave on. me following estimate
of the republican congressmen elected
ns far as heard from: Alabama 2,
California 0, Colorado 1, Connecti
cut i, .Velaware 1, Idaho 1, Indiana 8,
Illinois ifl, Iowa 11, Knnsa 8, Ken
tucky 3, Louisiana 8, Molne 4, Mary
laud 4, Massachusetts 13, Michigan
12, Minnesota 7, Missouri 4, Montana
1, Nebraska 6, Nevada 1, New Hamp
shire 2, Now. Jersey 8, New York 25,
North Carolina 3. North Dakota l,
Ohio 17, Oregon 2, Pennsylvania 24,
Rhode Island 2, South Carolina i,
South Dakota 1, Tennessee 8, Ver
mont 2, Virginia 3, Washington 2,
West Vircltita 3.-rK'rhnDa 4, Wiscon
sin 8, and Wyoming!.
The Now York estimate doe not
Includo Brooklyn.
The total number claimed uy tne
republicans Is 218.
Washington, Nov. B.-Senor Josequln
Bernardo Calvo, charge d'nlfalrs of
Costa Rlcn, bus received a special
dlspaptch from Sonor Hecheco, min
ister of foreign affairs, saying there
is no foundation for the report from
British Columbia that an attack bad
been . mado on the British consulate
at Punto. '
Over His Defeat in
Colorado. v;
McKinley, Harrison and
Stevenson Talk,
West Virginia All Right, Wasblnrtttl
Dltto-Iiosult lu California The
Field lu General.
Cincinnati, No?. T. Tha return In
dhi. to that the republioun plurality
for sncretary of slate will excaed
130,000. The preooat Ohio delegation
la congnaw couslsu of elevon demo
orats and leu ropublican. The del
egation newly elected consult of nine
tmm republicans and two democrat.
P. F. Morg and V, C. LayUm, demo
orata, are elected by pluralities less
than 100.
Columbus, Nov. 7.-Governor Mc
Kinley was In hi ottlce early, consld
erlng that be waa out all of hist night.
Being asked what he thought about
tbo situation, ho preferred not to talk.
He would only any:
"The sweeping republican victories
Indicated at this hour are impressive.
They need no Interpretation. Tbcy
express better than words the revised
end deliberate Judgment of Uie peo
ple uam public questions involved in
tho pollUcal content now closed."
Indianapolis, Nov. response
to a request by the Assis'lated Press
for an expression or his views regani
lug tho result of yesterday's elec
tions, ex Presiileut Harrison said:
"it was Uie most extraordinary po
litical revoluUon the country baa ever
wltiKsssMl. Wherever there wo a
free ballot tie vote of confidence
given In 1HJ2 to tbo democratic party,
If ono was given, has been recalled
and a vote of utter and final repudia
tion. subtiltluL ha Inqoborence of
Uie democratic party was revealed the
moment power waa given It to deed
with national attaint. The Insincer
ity of It platform was exposed when
'be It enacted' took Uie place of 'be It
"The vast majority of our people be
lieve In tho protective tariff never
so many and so strongly a now.
They differ a to rate and schedules,
but not aa to principle. They believe
In reciprocity as tn-t first method of
getting foreign markets. They be
lieve ln a progressive and an Atnerl
ran foreign policy. The workbigmen
voted their prejudice In W2; tbla
year Uiey voted their patriotism aud
their love or home."
Bloomlngtou, III., Nov. 7.-Hon. A.
H. Stevenson, vice-president when
asked to state hla opinion as to the
cause lending up to Uie democratic
defeat of yesterday, said: "My oplu
Ion can be briefly stilted. The result
is duo In part to Uie flunnclnl de
pression which came upon the country
soon after Cue Inauguration of Mr.
O'evelnnd. While the deinocrata were
to no way responsible for this, they
were made scape goat. It was also
In part due to tbo delay of congress In
poking tho tariff bill. Had the bill
become a law ninety dsy earlier tbau
It did, It Is possible Uiat the business
conditions of tbo country would have
i-o adjusted themselves that the polll
leal result would hare been different"
Denver, Nov. 7. Gov. Walte con
ceded tho defent of his party early
today. "To my nilr.d," said he, "It
prove conclusively that the money
power has dominated this election
from beginning to end, and the dem
ocratic party Is mostly responsible
from the fact thnt they voted the re-
nubllcnn ticket instead of their own.
t made up my mind several years ago
that there was only one way to res
cue Uie country from Uie conditions
aow existing and for which the mon
ey power Is responsible, and Uiat was
to hgui u"- tooth and nail. I be
lieve thut Uie Influence of W all street
must be removed from congress.
"The result In Colorado can bo ac
counted for from Che fact that Uie
democrats hnve, almost to a man,
voted for the republican. It proves to
mo that Uiere absolute' y no dlffcrouce
In tho financial pollrj of tne demo
cratic and republican parties. Colo
rado deinocrata undoubtedly voted the
republican ticket on a .count of orders
received from Washington."
When asked if be thought the pop
ulist party would 'ver aguin regain
power, Uie governor said:
"I believe It will but not for a
Tho governor said 'hat the women's
Intluonce In cities whre It Is great
est was exerted agahia hlm. "The
women," said he, "must e educated
to think for themselves atd not be
controlled by the money pwer as
men aro."
San Francisco, Nov. 7. About one
half tho entire vote of California bus
been counted nnd the result Indicates
that J. 11. Budd, democrat, for gov
ernor, has a plurality of between
(1,000 and 7,000. Tho republicans
have elected one supreme court JusUce
Henshaw, nnd the democrnta the
other two, Tomple nnd Bridgford.
Colgan, the republican nominees for
comptroller, is also elected by per-
.linns 0,000 plurality. The returns
now Indicate that tho republicans
have elected six of tho seven congress
men, Magulre, democrat, ln the fourth
district, Is elected. ,
San Francisco, Nov. 7. Complete re
turns from 308 precincts out of 327 ln
Uie second rnllrond district give Enrl,
epubllcnn, 18,147; Stanton, democrat
20,723; Johnson, populist, 5,103. Com
plete returns from 603 precincts out
of 1,075 ln the Uilrd railroad district,
give Clark, republican, 30,237; Phil
lips, democrat, 23,115; Bretz, populist,
17,450. Complete returns from 183
out of 200 precincts In tbo fifth con
gressional district give Loud, republi
can, 11,207; Kelly, democrat, 7,401);
Rogers, populist, 0,025; Denmaa, in
dependent, 0.000.
San Francisco, Nov. 7. Complete
returns from 243 out of 479 precincts
In Uie seventh congressional district
give Bowers, republican, 11,370; Al-
ford, democrat; Gilbert, populist,
Complete returns from 190 out of
433 precincts In the first congressional
district give , Barnaul, rep., t.osi,
Geary, dera., 0,002, Grlgsby 3,481.
Complete returns from 217 out of 202
precincts In the sixth congressional
district give McLachlun, rep., 15,008,
Kigbet t of til id Leavening
ii -'i..rv
lA V. j i iv vv w w
mm m M aaaai is a mm . . a a
I'niton, dein., 0,502, Bowman, pop.,
7,372. Complete return from 207 out
of 457 product In tha second con
gressional district give Johnson, rep.,
11,128, Cnmlnettl, dein., 7,777, Cornell,
pop, 6.201.
Man Francisco. The complete vow
of the city for Justice of the supreme
court full term, Temple 30.044; Hen-
haw, 2H.17H; Murphy. 20.200; Tor-
mice, l.'MKH; Ultison, 0,308; buck,
.1,773; Thomson, 1,454; .Gould, 1.400.
For short term-Hrldgerora, 1,4ZJ;
Daggett 12.872; Hurst, 8,941; Van
Fleet 8.30a.
A table of lb vote for governor
from complete return tn 1,325 pre
cincts out of a total of 2,271 shows a
total vote cast of n,5O0. Estce 71,-
048, Budd 81,:S0, U'elMter 33.008.
Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 7. Sheriff
Cook of Washington Court House,
who prevented she mob from hanging
tho uegro who con f cased to rape and
wa eut to prison for twenty years,
was defeated at the election by 1,050.
Uo was a republican, and bad 1,000
lu his favor to start with.
Taeom, Nov. 7. Secretary Cowan
of th republican state central com
mittee uow claim seventy -nine mem
bers of the next legislature out of ft
totol of 112, giving a majority on
Joint ballot of twenty-three. The
state republican ticket wa ducted by
so large ft majority that counts have
Meattle, Nov. 7.-Tho rosUntolllgen
cer makes the eouioIUou of the next
legislature as follows: Menu to, reptd
Ilcaus, 20; democrats, 8. House, re
publicans, 67; democrat, 13; populists,
8. Republican majority -on joint bal
lot; 64.
Charlestov W. Va., Nov. T.-Wlth
tho legislature nivlng sixteen repub
lican majority on Joint ballot Uie
election of M. B. Elklns to succeed J.
N. Cauidvu as Uulted tatc senator
Is generally conceded, hiking man
aged the campaign against WUson aa
well a the legislative canvass. Re
publics is are sle:twl lit all four con
gressional districts.
Boston, Nov. T. All New England
returns show great republican gains.
New Hampshire elects both republi
can congressneu by Increased plural
ities. Buslel, for governor, will have
nearly 2,000 plurality. The legislature
I largely republican. Greeubalge's
plurality ih Masauchuactts Is nearly
70,000. All Uie republican candidates
for congress were chosen except Fltx
gerald in the ninth, who has 2,300
plurality, Cogswell's plurnlijjf is over
8,000. Figures on tho other congress
men not yet received. The legislature
will bo overwhHiulngly republican.
Biwton complete gives Grcenlmlge 21),
008, Rnasell 33.02:t, ngnlnst 2!i.327 and
30,012 last year, a net republican gain
of 6,000..
Rhode Island elect lioth republican
congressmen by over 8,000 majority.
A telegram from Hartford reports Uie
republican state Ucket and four re
publican congressmen chosen In Con
Washington, Nov. 7. Reports re
ceived up to 9 tonight Indicate that
tha next senate will have 40 demo
crnts, 41 republicans and 6 populists,
while the attitude of the succcessor of
Senator Harris of Tennessee Is sUU
In doubt In this classification Senator
Stewart and Jones of Nevada, wbo
were elected by republicans, but who
hnvo announced their separation from
that party, and Gov. Tillman, wbo will
doubtless be elected by the so-called
independent democrats of Uie South
Carolina legislature, are put ln tho
populist column. Tillman will probab
ly vote with the democrats on organi
sation and Stewart and Jones of Ne
vada and Peffer with the republicans.
This would throw tbo balance of pow
er Into the hands of the populists.
Washington, Nov. 7. When Chair
man Babcock of the republican con
gressional committee left republican
headquarters tonight he said all re
ports received during the day give
U10 republicans 230 out of the 350
members of the house beyond a perad
ventttre, while there was a possibility
of securing twenty-seven addlUonal
members. If these claims are real
ized It will give tho republicans 257
members, or a majority of 158.
Topekni Nov. 7. The republicans
Dr. Price's Baking Powder
California, empire of tho Pacific, salutes the world.
Her Midwinter Fair closed in a midsummer blaze of glory.
Second only to the Columbian Exposition in extent, variety
and splendor, the coast display was a veritable triumph.
Out of h:r abundance the state poured her treasures and
tho nations of the earth came to aid her in her noble
Msmonblo were the exhibits of "gold and silver, of
Wheat and oil, of fruit and wine, of silk and wool of all
that man and nature could combine to produce. . And no
exhibit attracted more attention or excited warmer approval
than that of , "
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Official tasts showed it to be highest in leavening power,
purest fu quality, and most efficient in results tf all baking
powders made. Accordingly, the Highest Award and Gold
Medal were conferred on Dr. Trice's at the Midwinter Fair.
The triumph at San Francisco confirms the victory nt
Chiasm. The Midwinter Fair verdict sustains and vt
cates - bestowal of highest honors on Dr. Price's by tho
Jury .;.vi.rds at the World's Columbian Exposition.
Power. Lateit U. S. Gov't Report
C2u02ff C2JDC
have carried Kansas by ft plurality of
possibly 30,000 and will have ft slight
majority over all. The legislature I
republican by forty-flve on Joint
Lexington, Ky., Nov. T-Tne re
turn In the Ashland district give
Owen, democrat, 118 majority. ,
Omaha, Nov, 7. Ti repnMlcaa
state central committee concede that
Hoicomb, fuftoniat, la ejeete4 govern
or by 2,000 plurality, r
New York, Nov.-?. The revised to
tal vote for governor la New York
City give Hill plurality of 2,907.
New York, Nov. 7. The total vote
for governor in New York state oat
side of Sullivan county was 1,2089,
Hill 614.104, Wheeler 24,811. Mor
ton's plurality 163,340; Morton's ma
jority 120,238.
New York, Nov. 7. Returns from
all except a few missing election dis
tricts show an apparent plurality In
New York City for the consolidation
of th greater New York of over 36,-
000 In the city.
i Forty nine preiincts In ft total of
101 In the state of Nevada give for
governor: Cleveland, republican, 1,830,
Jones, silver, 2,105. For cod grass,
Bartine, republican, 1,033; Newlands,
sliver, 1,875. Jones and Newlands ore
probably elected.
Nashville. The democratic state
committee docs not concede the elec
tion of Evans, republican, for gover
nor, and insist Uiat Turney wUl bare
nearly 3,0u0 over Evans.
8t Loula. The republican state
ticket Is elected by a plurality of 10
000. The lower boose of the leglshv
I ture la republican, but the democrat
; have a majority in the senate that wlU
be able to carry on a Joint ballot
Washington. North Carolina has un
doubtedly elected a republican legls-
Wall Street, the Pulse or National
Financial Health, Beats More
- Regularly Ihe Markets.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7A-Speeolation
on tho stock exchange this morning
was marked by a strong tone and
there was good buying throughout the
entire day. It is very evident that
Wall street was satisfied by the ejec
tions and believes that republican sue-,
cess will be followed by a revival of
trade and general business Improve
', tnent throughout the country. The
significance of the result from a spec
ulative point of view Is what makes
It certain, as the street reads the situ
aUon, as for the present no tariff tink
ering will be introduced with Its dis
turbing Influences on the community,
. and Uie downfall of populism in the
j West checks the growth of agitation
! which has already been powerful
enough to be hurtful to business tn
; WaU street by reason of attacking ths
: stability of our monetary system by
1 Its tendency toward Inflation,
j San Francisco, Nov. T. Wheat
Some Improvement has developed hi
1 distant centers within s. few day and
this circumstance has caused a better
feeling ln local circles. The quota
tions are 80c for No. 1, shlpplug
wheat, and $7c for choice. Milling
grades are steady at 909c92c.
Portland. Wheat Valley, 72c Q
75c; WaUa Walla, 65c6Gc.
McMInnvllle, Nov. 1-At the city
election here yesterday 370 vote were
cast W. M. Ramsey was elecDed
mayor; W. K Warren, J. W. Gault
and F. M. York, councllmen; W. T.
Vinton, recorder; and C. it Neal,
Golden Honors
from the
Golden Coast
it. i1-. II'. 11