the Best Newspaper H th ont th five th mot and rhwt nw. Compare th VK8T Htia with 11 IVt county. VPS As an Advertising Medium THE WEST AIDE TAKM THi LlAO IN POUt COUHTY. VOL XII. $i.00 lVr Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV KM 13 KR 2, 1891. Five Cents Per Copy. No. 60. R.ULUOALW. TIMK TABLE. ,! Manmmitli Mtr ta4xNtnM klouu.outh. . , kit 11:1 ISO fcOJ East and South via The 'SHASTA Route Of thi Southern Pacific Co. OiitTKt xtrwM trotix run dtly,tiirpitit tttU uitu Mwwm tHrttNUlu4 Albany. with Yti r7r Ift r. m. K-U A. . North aT. i A. M f l f, a I.. iSirtUMTS Ar. U. Albany Ar. Af. I'lHMtttMKt i.v. Rot Hurt Mall ility, rortlnl (t A.M. ) Rowbu ,..,IM is. ) I luria ,,..4 1 A. : Ja din OgiaM. pullmax Burrtrrr 8Ll:Kri;iu aud, rVeoiHl-Chue BkfUg Cur attached to lt through train. v West Side Division. twtn Portland ana1 Corvallia. MMl Urola 01 ly fait-wiil Hun day.) TS m 1 t - isrMua Ar j Si P im ll:t m I Af luUuiloo.Ar I' ttlApml A . ..tKitlt ,.,.,. j Ittifw At Albany rnid (irvlll. nwiwl wltlt Imibl lr'0 Jm-mo riiit. KipriMt trutn ouil) (iwt SuntUjri ' CsTasM !ZK5od' rlllir . ' "S jr p m I Ar aramrmll..? J p Ortaonlaa Railway Division ana Portland end Yamhill Hy.Z Airll rjll Trtwerkly, t. Portland . Arts p m l,....Ht.'ui, .., i- I n A r. AUH-.t. I T w 4pro Thnwiih tk-kl In tl MM In tli r'"T IM.i-s ( n.1. mid KumMe,rH I ol.Uilmil ftwnt.M.TiVkK, Aeu lnUtwiti'. Mr. At. H. , 4 in. . IVlULANtl. tdlKUKX. Uo to tba U tttrmi shop And wr bow CHEAP Work Done. Wagon Repairing ol All Kinds, H. i. FUIUB, Proprietor. U yoU wnt A CI. fq'tArt W.t ft 25 Cents . Oo to Uid CITY RESTAURANT MRS. L. CAMPBELL. Prop. Independence Tailor Shop T. LAYTON JENKS, Proprietor. en's SATISFACTION B. X. Eaton. ESTES & Olotk Gentlem INDEPENDENCE OHtuw- Draying - and - Hauling DONE TO ORDER. Charges Low and YoUwlaoUrU,,.oh..-t, re..C F. L. Kolloy. f.if.v L very btaoies. : . . i : Aitavs in - Readiness. Having lately purcbiwed the ' tlre in uam Aa 0 Cook, we are now betur VfflJIwrlt t0 mi,k0 the public an we are no--makl wdJJJ b u day or month. .Kofr.ftai nnrovemenW, X vti-' Traveling men a upwjialty. tIvestside s ill Who Made the Haul at The Dalles. They Are : Residents of that City. ' All tho Money Found Rjffpt 2imi by the Confusion of On of TIiom ArirnU'd. TUB MU.KH, tVt. 2.-FrHnk KMu ami ttitu 8rtvK wt're amnit luti Kntiinlny uk-ht for tho rohhorv uf fll.ntm from tho raoltlo Kjiirwt txiiiiiHity'N iirt(i lit till city on tho t'vt'iiluc r miutii'f lath. nul nil hut lam of Uu ttmmmt tulcn ttttn Imu tttivtr. KMn and havttiw havo Hml hi Tlu Itiill.i Mliirw lK)hMH. MitVHBv'K flttlHT wn JtltltTK 0. 8, StlT- ati'. wlto (IUh tuittio tlum nun. A!itl Khln to tho mi of px-VUy MnrHlml Kli'ltt. f Tho l)il!. Siivturo luhoilt. .! nlK.ut j:ti.UH front hto fttthcr. l.ut hn AnwmU'riHl It all. Knelt of Hto men U ulx.ut ".It y.-itnt ohl. Klela to n meiiilMT of th. MuHonle .rder. ANOTHER A It U EST. Tho Itittlin. tK t a.-Another chap ter In tho expremi nlilcry wha tm fohleil wheu VMy Mirht Watihumn tJllHm. who rHh ou tho wiikoii with A vent Hltl from tho ttoNt to tho ox IiNHot utrieo tho tilitht of tho roliltery, was arremiHl thlo niorulnji. KMn. tho biy who umdo tho eimf.-Moii, wt.v (iIIhum whm an ateomilUf, aud hnvtiiit learned from Astut. X I 111 that tho roimlnnmetit of nomey waa to eomo tlutt tilchf, iHI.mI Suvgo and lilmMf uf the fm t tiltoum, kiiowlnn that tho ln) wero In the alley near tho oflU-o, KHtro rIuhhIh to them ac cording to a iireemicortod titan by ro- iiinikliiis lotnlly a he helped Hill un ion d tho Ihx. that It wan very heavy, and nto.i l.j- imteiidlnji tn wIh tho tertlratitiu from hta forehead Ihreo i.r fuiir time, as ho rorio away with 11111 lo tho M.ioillit', tiilMiim to a li IniplhttttHt lu tho HwtoitU'o rtd)b'ry of September UIU. what tnnoNS cmsw. Aeeoritliiit to Kleln'n alateiuent, tillNiim teartietl frmn Kxiirx Mot- Keller Tibto'tiM, s ho delivers tliu mall to the iMwtoJtleo. that the reBtotered I'lineh cMiitalmtl heavy mrkne. tillx.iH not Hied tho twya lu thto t'oxo nl s how to in t. fur he had dim-over- -l the Initi ahtttter on the n-ar win dow tif tho oitleo Inaoettrely findetioil. Klein miiv t.lbotm h tho ttrxt to on- tir tho ottlee at'd tho lt to leavo. Klein and Kuvaco are atlll In etio idv. tlltwittt, whow arenlN aro hluhly reiHHiml r-tldentK of thto t-tty, to out on f.'i.ono Imll and hto friend tirnko it at'!ir that Klein to trjinu to draw t:ilma luto trotdilo on at count of hlti liettrumeiitullty In brine Ina the other member of the Haw thure ifiuia to Jtiotleo. .uotxt; IN VKKV. , CtlJlliilltta DeKlnot of Trj-lng Uie Newoonpor IhndWHo. t New York, fh-t. 2li. A H'btl to a Mirubiij .u-r from Youiitrtuwu. t).. ofeyn It to uid there that a oyndleato of midtultota, IneltKlitiK rvnabir Hrlee and a ihiiuNt of well known tninlinirto men lu Now York and HohIoii are buy ln up "' of newxiai ia to n aeh from tho Atiiititlc to the raellli'. If a paiM-r wimtot Im IhoikIU In what thoy wtmider a deniable town, they will mart one. I'.y ooM-rtitiott In the telegraph mrvleo and by arramrinit for aupplh lu low (pmtilJ:leH. th.-y hoiat to k p 'SH'umo at a minimum. It . aald thorn to no idlltlea in the aclo'tno. , .. . ArrBiwnienU have Iw'n mndo, it in nikld for tho piiM'haHo of tho Boaton Tiaveler. tho YoniiKidown TeleKinm. the KaimiiH f'lty World an.l the t'olutn biw rn-wt-I'oNt. (iptloim havo toi'ti obtatnetl for iiewnpnitera In HL I aul. Minn., and St. Jowidi. Mo., and prop- Made to Older m ftnT style. A iwjrfect line of wimples always on hand tostilect from. GUARANTEED. ELKINS. Prompt Service. r.alth. Furniture i "I I KELLEY & ROY Proprietors. Comploto If ' oaltWua liavo lioou tnado for newa- paimn In other leatllu el I lea, Jamea J. M-Nally, of tho ToleKraui hero, to ! AKKaTus" INlIl'SWIA. Tho llallh of tho t'aar and tho Mar rlaKo of Hla Hm. WaaUnatott. o,-t 2.-Mr. Canlaptt aon. Itiaiatt mlutotor, hna nni'lvitl the followlnr bulletin: M8t lVerlmig, th't 2lUTho omMror olept well Mat tmlay khtj yeatortlay (Sunday) tlloro WM OA eliniii?e lu llm mmtllloti of hla tnJloaiy,H St. rethttrg, IH-t Sft.-tho fol lowing buletln waa iNHiieil at II oVloek thtomortilnir: "Tho ewir olepl Kmm liiMt nkiit ilia npHtlto la tm flmuBe.1. iito oeleina does not do waoo,H , s ' . , Imdon, Ott."2t.-A Yalta dtopateh aaya that dmhiK tho next four day rrlnwaa All will attend rolluloua mrvleoa lu th national church, It to not oupoetml 10 marrliiuo will occur lioforo Frldayl rrepuratlona aro Im ltiB uiado thenj for tho arrival of tho UueheM of Hue-Cobniif (lotlm, tho liueheNo of Kdburirh, tho a'ater of tho nut, tho al family of Ibm liiuik, and otherdtotlhttutoliHl ifiientn. Vteunii, Oct. 2V-A St. ivieinburii dtonteh atatea hat tho loiK-rlal irruiid matter of ftiinuiilea ami oev f ral other ullloora tf tho o mrt Atarted for I.lvldla Kntunliy. and it la ox iwted that tho innitlaire of tho tmirt Uleh aud rrliuiWuiu will tako plaeo N'oveiuttor Uth. TUK LATlwi-WOHSIC. 8t Potoraburr. Octi 2l.-An offlolal bulletin IhoihhI bmlk'lit from Mvadla aaya tho csar timk lit unurtoliineiit today. Ho appeared weaker. Ho rotiKhod more, brlUKhti up phleitm. Tho cough, which nllta from a chronic dlaeaw of caiurU, liaa be- fomo wiho, and lmH-4A hto nmj oaty a breathing. I'NCKHTAIX MIirOWNERfc Tho Fate of Their Craft I a Mattor . of (Jn-at (!muii. Kiin FrnnelmHi, Oct. IflK-iho n-turn of tho tuutoait PonrloMN. Which left hero for Atorl laot wei lc wlth tho nlilp Kent more In tow, to Iqoutloutly awaited by her owner. It'wn ox- Itoftetl that tho Fcarhwa woilll anlvo lu Hirt thto niortilntfj bin It to now thouiiht by Mnuui;ir IbVley of tho Nprecklc Tow lHtat i-oiiipiih . that tho tuir haa picked up the bili(T. W. Iahiih, which, noeordlna' to olvhia rorolvd yewtenlay, was abotilouoU Ihto Hldo of laijulua. SITUKMK rot lt T HKCIHK WHHhlnuton. Oct. 111. -The ttitl State aupretuo court today nvmH tiw iHH Wion or me circuit wont tu tho cuao of John Kno, foitofly prealdi'tit of tho Kocnml Nathaial b k of Now York, cmvlcb'd of fercerji n tho New York alate court ! ytHH aitiK hiIwhI tho tiolnt he iH.iyt only be tried In tho federal eonr Tli m vIkw or the low won liolieltl Hi tho circuit, but It tttmet today' d'V ctolon romnudluK tho caao to tho Nliit wurta. AWFUL SCOUNDREL CRIME FOLLOrYS CRIMri FINALLY t'l'LMl.NATLN'O IX MCKDK&. Tbrottffti tba Foollah Infatuation of Weak Minded Wouiau She U Itulued and Muriieml. SPARTA, Wto.. Oct 20.-Samuel 8. ttuxton, who waa arrt-Ated ou Hatur dav on a chnrao of having murderod Mary A. JoticM, a miilden lady, at her home a few mile rrom tma city on tht) 2lt liiMt. where alio waa found banning by tho nock, hna confeooed. Threo yeuia ago, Huxton, by a wrlea of obnceno letter purporting to come from a witch and directed to Mix Joiio, hy pnoi !ed and led her to her ruin. Tho Intimacy continued to the day of her death, lly the Mime aya tem of deceit tho Infatuated woman cotiAouted to Ih rtrung up by the nock lu the belief that It would cauw tho death of Huxton' wife. Tho oeo cud Unto tho experiment wa tried, Huxton pmdied away tho chulr ou whllch tho foollHh woii.ail atmMl and alto awung Into ot-rnlty. Tho motive for committing tho murder wu that ho waa Iihi fond of tho woman. Hux ton ha a wlfo aud threo children. Ho wo brought Into court today and pleaded guilty aud wn Immediately wntenced to prlHon for llfo. TWO TRI7.K FIGHTS. Tho C'lntode Ibrnton Vie With Coney inland In It runtime, rinnev iHlnnd. Oct 20.-Willi a threatening of nolleo Interference, a prevlou MMtiionemnt and a very light card, It waa not to bo won dcred that tonlglit'a UHMembhigo at the Mnul,bl AtJi otic c u n wiim meiigm Thoro wa not more than a thousand IHiiplo In tho building. The event or tho evening waa laitweon "Kid" i .,!, mw. of Knirliiiiw. Mich., and Johttnlo Orimn of Hralnlree, Mima., at i pound. In the Dili round iMilh men wero nieeoini? trei'iy nun mo pollco Intorfered. Kavlgno waa do- cliirea mo winner. TWinn. Oct I'll. Over WK) anorta crowded Into tho room of tho I.a fayetto Hm-lul and Athletic club to night to wltnea the meeting noiwoon tvuu- on" It lv hinitn nun imck O'Brien. Tho fight waa declared a draw at the end or tlio ton in rottntt. O'Rrlon waa tho atronger by far, but ho had not tho puiitohlng power of Ids adversary. ' MARKET I'HICK.S. Hun FrnnelHiW ' Ort7 21t.-No. t idilp- . . ... ii.ium ...111, B-Il. C.i. nng wnenc oi'i"-vii. ".' ciuuce; minma a"l",,' ; irii.i T.-.61T1IU for fair average ui'u fti"2Vi for No. 2, aud MtXo for off K'l"iverpl-wiieat, atoadyj demand noor: No- 2 Rod Winter, a 3ad; do aprlng, 4h 7d. . i it,..m. nt London-rnclilc const steady; demand moderate; now crop, 2 lOHffit.2 . .; New Yorli.-Iiops aim. KEEP OUT Olf TIIH WAY. n,.r oo.Tlm Korthorn I'a- clflo 8UnmHhlp company ottlee baa . i...i ..,..1 Ihiit tlu atMMHitllll) Zambesi, formerly fl. Northern Tactile Htoamor, ruu Into tho Japonoae war ahlp Taubu Kan In Kobe borbor lust month and sank her, the man-of-war only having timo to run Into shallow water uororo sue wool u. OH, THE BALMY EAST. Amnho nnf 2(1. A aevere snow itorm has prevallod all day through ut Nabraska. i I VICTORIES Capturing Chinese Am munition. Minister Denby Reviews the Situation. A Noted Gorman Ofllceri Summoned to Ulve t'ounael to the Emperor ou the Situation, HIROSHIMA, Oct. no.-The Japan .mo fom which havo been pitraulug -Im ChlitcMt uorlh of tho Yulu river ountured at Atting tweiny gnus, many ride and oii iuililea of ammunition and provtoinii. lAMtdon, Oct. i.-The Time tumor row will publtoh tho following dl natch from Tien Tsln: Tho greater pan of tho Chinese force wero doHtroyed h-foro Chit lA-ang t'hanit wa ovacunlod. (leu Hung' olllclal report pratoeo U10 valor of tho tnp. but coitfeie they went out mulched by tho enemy' wtapoii aud truliilug. Col. Von Hatineklu, a Uertuan offi cer wh.i wa formerly aldo do camp of 1,1 Hung Chang, and who rendered gnut acrvlco to tho Chlm-ae admiral at tho great naval Imltle fought ! tweeu tho fleet of China and Japan, ha Ix-o'i mimmoiied to IVkln by nu IiiimtIiiI isllct to cot.milt lu regard to tho military Munition. JAPANESE DETKRMlNKn. Washington, fh-t. 30.-.MIntoh-r ivn bv. lu a cabin to tho stato department from l'eklug tmlay. say tho Cblueoo foreeo havo Imimi defeated at ( hten Lien Cheng and havo retreated to the mountain. Also, ho retiort tho Jap nneoo havo token 0110 of tho Chlm-w fort at Pott ArtJiur. Th" o-ooo of tho flint engagement to jnt aero tho Yulu river, In Manchuria, and It mark tho Hrt real aggrewUve move- incut the Jaiuineso ou Chlneoo Kill. Tho Jaimiuo aro aupimmkh! to have foiuinlly onteri-d Ummi tho canipulgn with Moukdeti. the Manchurlati capl tnl. a tho objectlvo point I'lile tluy aro fully prepared to niiiko a winter camimlgu, Moiliotblug lien-to- forti unknown lu F.ab"ru warfur, IheV will Im obliged to foreo tho fight inn. a only 1.1 day remain before the cohl woother cornea. In tho neigh totrhood of l'orl Arthur, whom tho iimd Japniuto! smii I roirUHl, llm winter cllmato to not o m-voro, aud oiNratlon may bo maintained until much luter. KxpiH-t In Waah tntum hellevo Tort Arthur cannot bo reduced by tho Jopanemt without the UM of hi-avy olego artillery, aud so far a remirtwl tho Juiiaueoo aro not suimlicd with thto IniiMinuch a the capturo of l'orl Arthur would give the JnnnuoMO conlrol of the gulf of 1'e.Chl I.I. and cut off tho Chinese ittilial from comuiuulcatlon with tin sti. It I thoughl tho Jtipancoo wilt uvko a moot determined effort to cup- tit tlio fortrew. Tho todlef that they ait prepared to do thto, oven If It luiivea a long slego aud a winter cnmialgn. I toirno out by tho fact thai agent of tho Jbimiiic govern tueiB in thto country havo iniletly hornet uu a vast storo of goat akin and iracilcully (Hiruenxl tho market The VIuh aro commonly usmI lu Chlimi ind Japan a a mressary part of tho soldier' winter raiment Imdtw, Oct. Wi.-A Tloi-Tln dl patch that Major von llantiekln ha It-nfor rcklug to navo an au dlenco wih the emis-mr. Tho gerunient ha allows all toamorV rarry a cargo of rice, but this jniilHHlon I too Into lo pre vont a wtter rlco famine. tieiieral flcli has to-en appointed to command tin tiinnot at Iinnkow Thirteen I hutuillon of Chlneae tnxip hav4 left Hankow for Chin- Kliuig, whoiVthey will proceed over land to MOTIVE. ("!ertmtn Kxi Itary Hoof for Only. Kan W iishlngtoii, V't 30. The niinounco- nnnt by the Ask,.,ted Press that the embargo pliuvdiion Amerlcnn cattle by tho Honnte oJHunibtirg had been extended lo the (tiili of tin exclusion of American cat A and dresed meat from every paidof Oerman was relieved with surfciHO by the deparl incut otllclals tWuy. That Texas fever was merely W ground which Germany could mtkit for enforcing tetallatory measure.iugalust the I'ult od Stutes Ihmiiuho V iippo(l dls (Ttmluatlou agiilust V'tihun lntereis In the ugar Achislifc of tlio tariff bill wa tho prevalent liiprtslou. The Gei inun embasKiidor, however, as huhhI tho seciTtary 1 atato today that the measure of ow-luslon was Inspired solely by sanltn-y ruiHonn aud had no political motlv. behind it. STRANGE," IF Tl'cB. Tho Catliolle lllshop of Dttjotn Dub bllng lu Politic. Sioux Falls, sTT)., Oct ,A sen sation was sprung in South Dakota political circles when It was learned Unit Jttoliop Marty, the Ciithoic bish op of South Dakota, had stit out letter to tho priest of tho stn( urg ing them to use their Inllueti,, for tho ro-ehctlon of Sena lor Pcttgivw. SAN FRANCISCO ItAI'INQ San Francisco, Oct. lift. -Following aro tho racing event lodiy: ; About, six furlongs, selling Uucii,ih won, Ohyesa swond, Timtsman thd; tlimv 1:1:. About; six furlongs, for 2-yr. oldsI'inyful won, Gallant secoiv, Uartlno third; time. 1:124,. About kx fuclongs, Kelllng-Melnnli won, tinarterslult sei-nnd, ltorder Las hIo third: time. l:12Vi. Seven furlongs, selllng-Brondhemt won, Mnttlo Meoiid, CapWin Itoea third; time, 1:2714. One tulle, 3-year-olds and upwards liovednlo won, Illl'..nrd second, Duke Stevens third; time, 1:41. A HEAVY SUIT. Duluth, Oct .mTlfred Merritt to day brought suit ngalnst J. B, Rock feller and F. D. Gate, his prlvato Hocrotary, .for $1,22(1,000, In which amount ho claims ho la damaged by what ho allege to bo fraudulent rep resentations in tho forming of the Lnko Superior Consolidated Iron mines, AL RECORDS BROKEN. Buffalo, Oct. 30. Johnson rode an unpacod mile today In 1:57 4-5, break ing all record. , 1 route. NO i'OtTICAI.. Ules Out Ueiison TENEMENT HOU8K FIRE. Seven Peron . Smothered to Ieath lu tho Cntntrtipho, Now York, ct. an. -Seven pido wero siiinlhered to death by stnolie in a , tenement houw tlio at 210 West Thirty -second Mtreet this morning, They were Ooorgo Friedman, 4 year; l-ovl Fii'liliimii, 3; A1111I0 Apphhlat, 22; lsma Mitchell, 24; Mr. Margaret Kllllait, 7n; Jacob Kllllan, her kiii, 40; George liovl, Mr. Kllllau'a gran Imoii, 2i, lsna Freldmnn, mother of tho dead children, uiiiH'd from a third otory window. Mho wa fatally In jured. Tlio bonne I a llvo-olory brick tenement. Thoro wero aert-n stair way and tho only means of ew-upe wa by a narrow stairway, Tho tire wa discovered at 3 o'i'hs k by a pa- or by. 1'ln're wa no sign of llfo. To outer tho hous.t meant death. Tho only hoe for tin wo within ,was In arousing them by ahnulliig. In a few minute there wu not a window In front of tho I.oiiho that did not cotitulu tho wild and frightened face of a man, woman, or child, framed In amoke, which urod forth lu vol time. lly tho fire ewaM twenty tenant reached tho ground, dewemllng In tho mhtot of lluiue aud smoke, before tho ladder truck arrived. On the third tory tliu flame Hpread over tho en tiro rear jMiitlon. There lived Na thau Fn-lilman, hi wlfo IOtia, tlnce young children, ai.d two boarder, Annie Appleblut and I-eua Mllchell, Nathan Fteldman wa aruiiwd by the Miuoko and iiolwo, Clutchlug tho baby In hi arm, bo xprang lo tho win dow aud deeonled by tho tiro oscom, Mr. Freldiimu. mi, had rushed lo the window, but not whero tho Hro-emni wa. HI10 eo'd from tho window aud fell Into tho teur basemeut area. The Freldmnn children and tho two boarder sh-pt lu an lurer opartiueut. Tho Urn bad not reached them, but smoke lilted tho nxnn. Gimrge and lvy Freldmnn, and Itia Mitchell worn still In ImhI wheu found, and tho peaceful expression on their faces nhowed that they had no knowledge of the death that tamo to them ki sud denly. Annie Applehlat was lying dead on tho floor. Evidently she had to on amused and had topd to don her clothing aud died to-fore ho had finished. On tho fourth floor Mr. Kllllan aud kiii wero dead In bed; tho gramtoon wa on tho floor 'alt way lo tho ro-tr window. Tho dam age to tiio uouso win not exi-ceu PORTLAND MONEY TROfp.LES. Portland, (h-t ito.-Tho stm?khold- or of th, miMiciidcd Northwet Imit & Trust company had a healed miH't- lug tonight. Resolution woro pnsnod linking for tho a'silntment of a new receiver. An InvoHtlgatlon of the batik's ai-connt ahow that tho do- Miltr will rceolvo fifty or sixty ir rent If tho projwrty la proiierly man aged. THE FARCE RESUMED. Viincouvc-, Vii'i , Oct 30. Tho court martial of Major Wham, pay master U. H. A. wa roKiimod bxlny after an Int-rvnl of nearly a month. The prow-cut Ion cloed It cane and the defeuso was begun, A CHICAGO ROBBERY. JEWELRY STORK PLUNDERED I.N THE HEAItr OK THE CITY. Watclie and Jewelry Amountlnjr to $0000 KUileu-Threw tho Clerk into the Vault. CHICAGO, Oct. :so.A daring rob- Ihtv wu coauultttHl in tho heart of tlio buslues center ,tnt artomiiu. The nnioiiut of plunder mvurcd I not exuetly known, but Is given na $d,tNK), In wati lie and other Jewelry, soon after 3 o'ch k G. W. Hrothuiicr. aen lor nionilier of tho lirm of Hrethauer Si Co.. whohHale Jeweler at 71 Wash Ingtou Klreet, left hi office, leaving Id on lu charge. Young Hrelhauoi huvs ho was bending over a ohowcasc full of watches lu tho rear of tho room when tivo men entered tho dsr. One of them carried a revolver In his hand and tho other was nrtned with nleoo of lead pls alsint two fit long. The Jeweler wn commanded to throw tip hi hnmto, which ho was not olow In doing, The two men then ordered him Into the vault tho door of which wa ooell. Hivtbuiier do- inurrml. mid one of tho men, ho say caught blm by tho throat, threw him luto the vault and pimhod tho door Mluit The thieves then proceeded to ninsncU tho ahowciiHe and scoop the watche Into a sack. Tlio disir of the af( stood open and tho bandits mplicd lli( cash box In It, containing l mMltl(iable sum 01 money, an thto romilrcd only a few mlnuteo and tho men sotui mado their cHi-apc. CHIEF ROGERS EXONERATED. Scattlo' Polltlctl Scatulals A Noted Soldier I He. Seattle, Oct, 30,-Tho investigation to'foiv tho ihiIIco eoniuilsslonors of Chief of Pollco Roger on charges piv ferreil by John Collin, proprietor of ho Seattle Telegraph, ended today and Chii f Rogers was exonerated of taking bribes or receiving money from gamblers, but, ex-Mayor Harry White wa exposed by Governor John 11. MeGrnw us having resigned to avoid llm mibltcntlou of charge tliat ho owned an Interest In gambling games whllo ho was mayor and of accepting bribe from gambler In lieu of police protection. White himself confessed on tho stand that ho allowed ,ordl-nanci-H to lie violated and declared that ho should bo impeached then and there. Chits. T. Cowden, one of tho party of cavalry which captured Jefferson Davis, disguised In female attire. In 18(15, died of heart disease here today aged 52 years. THE CZAR'S .CONDITION. St. Petersburg, Oct. 30. A bulletin from Llvndla having time at 10 'clock tonight, says: During tho day he spitting of blood by tho cznr con tinted. Ho was sometimes seized wtU tits of shivering. Ills tempera tio Is 110 degrees aud his pulse 00. Ptisattons aro weak. Respiration is uillcult Ho can take little nour ishment and Is becoming very weak. MARKET REPORT. San Francisco, Oct. 30. Wheat 81Viflti)82'io, with 83c for choice article, milling grades, 8fic00o; Wnlla Wnllft wheat, 75o7tle for fair 4',.,-ngo, 07V4o fftl 72Vj0 for No, 2, and fW,)(i5c for off grades. 1-dvd.pool. Wheat steady; fair; fy. 2 red witter, 4s aprlng.Ua 8d. demand 4d; do. New V)rk.-Hons dull. To Corrupt tho Police of New York. The Tribute Gathered in Indiscriminately. "The People Will Htamp Out the Iniquity." 8ayi (Senator O'Connor, nl All Say Amen. NEW YORK. Oct 3.C,om mission or Mheehau bad anoUior answir to make bslay n-aardiug hto ti-Htlmonv to foiB tho w-xow ooiniiiltU'o. "1 110 policeman McMiuiti." mild 'Ins "to whom you rofernsl yeotirday, wa Indicted by the gru d Jury and tried lu tlio court of general khmIoiis, That dm not oxubiltt why tho po llco toiard did not dispone of blm when asked why ho did not prose cute tho officer for taking money from isMilseilers." lio nld: "I could not f U ton any particular crime on nay imriiculur olllcer." "14-t u , corrumion wa pretty geiierul. Did yon know Aiillumki-r nun 10 pay 1 "Na" "Did you know Img Island dam digger had to pay 7" "Whero did tlu-y I'otno In7" akel the eommlMiloiier. "Never iiiIihL DUl you hear the bourn of 111 fame had to payT" "I Iward rumiHu. "Ruuiom: rumor." sneored Mr. Goff, "What did you do to earn your sal- utj-r "Perform ntitlea devolving on mo a commlnsloner." f Ho mild ho saw that money appro- nt-latcd was protwrly oxis'tided. "Yes, 1 upo yott 00 K0 10 $.vom" said Mr. tioff. Mr. Goff then rend a statement of Foreman Henry M. Tabor of tho grand Jury lu March, iwrj, that K-ven mil lion wi re paid In tribute to tlio po llco annually. Tim coiimiMoner excitedly shout ed: "Ho lied." "Wluit!" oxclolui(l Mr. Goff. "One of tho best known cltitwm lu thto city, who has frequently been foremau of our grand jurysr "Ho lied when bo said lite depart metit collected by blackmail," anserted tho eommtoslotior. "Did ho lie when ho said the de partment collected blackmail T "Ho lied a to amount" "How do you knowf asked tho chairman. "Because It Is !ninolhlo to collect million without tho city rising up and Htamolng out the priu'ti-o." "Thaf what thoy an going to do," said Senator O Connor. Mr. Goff said that an evening paper claimed tho isilleo deimrtmeiit col lifted fifteen millions In blackmail. "Dik- it lit or do yon not care about tho hoHtllity of the newspniiorr "It Is mistaken. I do not caro for tho nowspnor." "How alsiut the llipior dealers pay lug trlbulo to tho polloor "They did rot have to lie. Thoy know there wore two Tammany com. mlKMloncr on the bo.trd who would not allow It." said the commissioner. "Ah. Tammany and the booxo deal er." said Mr. Goff. "Did yan know that President Martin and Richard Croker met a delegation of liquor denier hi tho parlor of tho Hoffmaa hoiino aud agned to have the money heretofore given to the police paid into the treasury of Tammany hall? Tho wltneo professed to havo not heard of tt CALIFORNIA'S SECRETARY DEAD San FranctocoT Oct 30.-E. O. Walto, secretary of slate, died early thi morning nt hi home In Alameda, after a short lllm. His friends at trlhutn his death to a general physical collapse, brought on by worry over political matter. Being an imiipcnd ent candidate for re-olootlou as accre tary of state, It became nooe&snry for him to secure a large number of gig. nature to his petition to have his tie mo placed on t he official ballots, and his failure in this undertaking is said lo have been tho Immediate cause of his breakdown, (Edwin G. Wnlte was born In Sprlngwnter. N. Y., June 12, 1827. and waa educated In tho surrounding sctusil. Ho waa In his last college yiar wheu the gold fever broke out and he came to California, arriving hero lu 1S49, at the age of 22. Ho went to tho mining reglona and later to Nevada City, whore ho edltied the Journal, a weekly nnmr. several years. and then the Transcript, a dally, for nine yearn 7n isr(3 ho met and mar ried Miss Julia E. Stone, of Nevada City. Tho reult of this union 1 five daughters, nil but one being single and living. He served two years as treasurer of Nevada county, conducted a metvanUlo business several years and then accepted a position In the Internal revenue department, where ho remained uutll the close of the civil war. He aerved as naval officer during Grant's two terms, and in the San Francisco mint under I In ye. O t ills election ns secretary of state he moved hto family from Alameda to Sacramento, and ills term of office would havo expired January 1, 1895.) TRIESTE CONFERENCE. ' WnMiIngtotv -Odt. 30.-Monslimor Satolll wns usked today concerning tlio report from New York that Bishop Corrlgnn hud receutly called on him. Ho said the arch-bishop called on him about two weeks ago, soou after the meeting of archbishops, nnd n confer ence lasting several hours wns held. The ablegate would not discuss tho na ture of tho or the reported unity In the church recognizing the dolegato'a authority. CONTRABAND OF WAR. Tacoma, Oct. :,0.-Ten enr loads of pig lead sent here for shipment to Japan on the steamer Tacoma will he left ashoi-e when the steamer sails at midnight No reply haa been received from Collector Saunders' dispatch to Washington, asking for orders. If tho lend can go It will he shipped by a succeeding steamer. The metal was accepted as freight two months ego before China nnd Japan declared lead a contraband of war. GEHRINO DOWNED. Baltimore, Oct 30.-Stanton Abbot of England and Charles Gehrlng, ex amateur champion of the United States, fought at the Academy of Music tonight. Gehrlng was knocked out in the third round, Highest of til in Leavening iw vj )m BRILLIANT CAMPAIGN- NEW YORK. Oct 30,-Tho declare. Hon of Wa It Grace May that the state democratic organlxatlon I sup porting David B. Hill and I not re sisitiMible for any Wheeler jHtem, 1 roeoivod wttu Incredulity by many who still '""tot that tho faction I in favor of '"'I' defeat, and nlllng up a - largo a vote & pos. bio for Wheeler. HI adheront today expressed much gratification at the number ana character of tho Cooper Union ni't ting Inst night and are con fident that tho democratic reform tick et will make a good showing on elec tion day. Many anil Hill democrat, tt I believed, will vote tralght for Morton, taking tln'giouud, as one of hem remarked today, that a rote for Wheeler will bo only half a vote against Hill and, that Wheeler rote are Intended to aid Morton anyway. The inn meu aro M eoundeiit a ever. inferring with clul ntifoctloa to tho pomoUHl tight their candidate I making and the enthusiasm with which he I being received by hto uu- porter. Mot of them, however, do not s'k to conceal their disappoint ment or anger that hla candidacy baa not rewlved open and active encour agement from the national admin istration. Kopublicana abate none of their claims Insist that what with the general repuhlloan tendency thi ypnr, and me democratic defection from HI1L the latter will bo snowed nnder. There ha been little betting o far in the campaign, but reports of wager at the "took exchange and etoewbere show mid on Morton, not unfrwpient- y at two to one. Smaller odd are given on Strong against Qrant, the perfection of Tammany organization throtignout th county making the suiKrtera of the committee of ev enly cautlou about staking their money, however ii.ucb tbey anticipate U10 great anti-Tammany uprising. H'li democrats were pleased today by the announcement that Speaker Crisp had cancelled engagement in order to speak in this city or Brook lyn. Thoy are also much pleased by a letter for Hill from CbCauncey F. Black, chairman of the national league of democratic clubs. Tho fact that Strong made speeches at a number of meeting this evening In the down-town east side district la regarded with favor by practical pol iticians who are allied with the com mittee of seventy, a they think It will have a good effect on the class of voter who wish to see their candi date and know something of bis per sonality. Senator Mttrnliy passed much of the day at democratic headquarter la day nt democratic headquarter In conference with Chairman Hiuckly and others. Richard Croker waa an other visitor. STAG E "DRIVER SI1 OT. NRVArn r-tTV ri . Oct. sa Ar thur Mver iti-lver and one of the owner of tho stage runnlug between itiltt titii.Hi an.l h lilt won Hi vM una hot and Instantly killed by a high way roiitier this anernoou. At uock cr4t. thne mile north of here, the Incoming stago wa supnh1 by a lone highwayman who commanded Meyer to got down out of the box. lMVi.r tv.fiiw.iil aiirt thn Itnnrtlt flnwl twice at him with a revolver. The second ahot passed tlirough the driv er' body and he fell forward into tho boot In the front of the couch. C. I. Hovoe of Sierra county, who was lin fttiltf .muannmi. ift'n plilltlcr nn the box with Meyer. When the robber X Dr. Price's j Cream Baking Powder n i Highest Award and Oold Medal California Midwinter Fair 1894. Medal and World's Fair, v , al Nv T A Triumphant March v . '.:;:"..'' from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Dr. Price's Baking Powder The manufacturers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder are gratified to announce a confirmation of the unprecedented honors gained by them at the World's Columbian Exposition. At the recent California Midwinter International Exhibition they received the Highest Award and Gold Medal for baking powder bestowed at that splendid and highly successful fair, The award in each case was due to Proved Superiority in Quality . demonstrated on thorough analysis by expert chemists. The official examination showed Dr. Pjnce's to be strongest in leavening power, pure in all ingredients and perfectly wholesome. In every particular it surpassed its competitors. The awards wert made unanimously by reliable juries. These awards establish, permanently, on highest auth: ority, . ' ' ':- ' ' 'v.-.-: Dr, Price's as the , Foremost Baking Powder In all the World Power Latest U. & Gov't Report cjuiuu; ) rr w 3 lnWvLLv3J. . began firing Itovee jumped from tba uh and ran Into the forest Tho robber K-nt three bullet whizzing past him, but he escaped nnhurt Ho far a known the robber secured no booty. OF NO IM PORTANCE. Germany Eat No American Cattle, Anybow. Washington, Odt W.-Secretary Morton wa at the cabinet meeting today for the first time since bla re turn from Euro?. The principal sub ject dlMcuMMed wn the recent action of the German government In discrim inating against American cattle and . American beef. Secretary Morton tailed the attention of the president and the other cabinet member to tho fact that Germany wa an unimport ant factor lu our foreign market for cattle and beef. Groat Britain last year Imported 3H3.W1 bead of American cattle, while Germany only took 4,000. Una American farmer could supply the en tire German market, of which It la said we have Just been deprived. THE rOPE'8 SPEECH. .- 4BvaMBP-a Rome, Oct 30. The text of the pope' ieech to the conference held to consider the union of Eastern and Western churches has Just been made public, although the speech was de livered on tho 24th. After praising who had helped' to bring about tne conference, he said: "We wish that all government alike had embraced ti ls grand Ideal, Inasmuch as the work, if achieved, will be for the In tereot and benefit of the entire world; but political views and still more, we regret to say, the unreasonable Q Jealouslm of some of the governments, which sliow In what condition the -papacy I placed, have prevented these reunion from having the large and olid result rightly expected from them. Above all, we must lament the abK-uce of the patrlacb Armen ia!'. We shall not on this account, however, nede from our purpose aud, even If we count only within certain limits on political union, noth ing will prevent us from solving the grand problem from the religious side, while awaiting more propitious time for the rost of the work." ALL OWING TO a"wILL. San Francisco, Oct 30. Another big will contest, the amount Involved being 1500,000, Is now being tried here. It Is that of Joshua Hendy, tlte celebrated machinist and found or of tho works bearing bis name. The contestant are Samuel H. Hendy, brother of deceased, Geo. W. Hendy and A. J. Raugh, nephews, and Mrs. Rodger. Mrs. J arret and Mm. Gawn, nlotm They claim undue Influence and f mud. A Jury will be aecjred today. BADLY BEACHED. Eureka. Cal., Oct 30. The steamer Excelsior went aground on Monday morning Just inside Humboldt bay and all efforts to get her off have been so far without avail, though she moved half a length today. MOSCOW'S P. M. Washington, Oct 30. Henry C. Shaver was today appointed post master at Moscow, Idaho, vice R. H. Barlow. SPANISH POLITICS. Madrid, Out 30.-The cabinet haa resigned. AY M -m. 8 Diploma U Chicago, AA M J -4, In Koik "THciir, PBICtS THE LOWEST. 1 ' ' ' -ill''1' mm a . : , r-r- 1 - -v r