The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, October 26, 1894, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, OCTOBER , 1884.
THE WEST GIDEJ,!r-'o.r.M)a u
ir-ii . im hK'I or Odd
Fellowiof thl. . .
ft m tft ft A I tI I ft -ft s.....t . .
H. Morrison, lWl. Mae
Oowan W.W.AIIIngham, li.Hirm.1,.
A. J. Owdniftn, Geo, Hhlnu,
. . Moriu, k. a mUmtl w,y
other. At Ut hour all reared ,
Utile o hotel, hcrv .WIIuU,,,,
luneu M Served,
T 0r SeWrlbera,
tf y ! 10 ofTies .VOW au4 pay
war wbscrlpUoe. both In mrt and lit
v.m are pin4 to trt joe ry
literally. Callfta VMM.
Wwt Sint FueUsbuit Coat pony.
m.wu ia tn repast im, J.
atwuyn, w.
W Willi ! i.
Ma m ..... u. .-It.- ' "., it. r
EjSEl A Jtuc A., J, K
.. . i ..t II- 1 fteftWv, r. I" IVrkar A w ....
liiif imiuwtm m iutiwv w aifuu, lien, I . . ." - -"l " tvmn.
A. Smith, M. V. W. 0. 04, IWcord ' V. It Buyder, W. II. tnvn, F. l
r. i tai. Dove, Zed lloasndorf. F. J.
I I -fcVk-ft.1 V ft LI. .... '
Morrim.0, Un
- r 1 luiwuiiiftuui Vf
VALLET LODC1E, NO. J, 1, 0.0. n,u " Turner.
F.-MMtlttViittlnyn'ibftiUmy lVutUnd, 0. A. MwUn J. A.
Oim HciKNit, Huu.D-na.-A Rtoxi '
t'liod bultdlhK to wbat will ( uoil.rf
by Hint out of ten fwmont going lulo
1w. WUIIo lit luili'iwmlenc iu.t
Thurmtfty evening r Jraiwcf r nNirUr
wtw nhnwti tlmtiigh tlinlr public mIuniI
bulUIIng, ftud ntuKt Ny ttmt It would
be credit to ninny Urgvr towm. The I'he'e.
Don't rttrgvt ti e Haloween Myetery
M m. Dr. O. D. Duller i reported quite
Hour iiiid eweot nioklee. la bulk ftt
Doutjr i. iKKhe'e.
1'ure rock candy eyrun, In bulk at
biillillng Iihh two full nUirlt'K, In which
rt eight hHiuw, ftll krite, lllit end
welt veiitllHtwl, iimklng It hii Intillng
lHceftir children loelteud. The bulla-
lug kiwi Iim m giMHl ttt'iiu nt, In which
llicro pUylnu mom ilurlnn the Plormy
wiwoti, The bullilliiit U xiifinnl
lluitighout by eUwiii. Dulhm will Imw
ft tll'W WilliMil holl-W In flllM lit til V Sflll-M,
mid the one ut oijr nNUr lwn mM
not in a ihI onu to ilttn :nr.--ltilln-
V lu K U. AT MuNMoVTII. 1U'V
Mr. Hiiiilh, of I Ui M, K. church
orgiinlwd In MoiiiniMilh, mi the ntlJ
enef Mm. Zcll.t r, mi Tuwlny eveu
pit, ft t'liulnmiiit Llturury and Sclcu
tlllo Cln-lp, with the follow In iiicut-
ben: l'mf. KnlM itih tiud wfe, Prof.
Long mid wltc, l'n.l, P. I.. I'uiupMI,
1'Mf L. Hwbii, Mr. Zcllicr, Mr. J. J.
HlirirliM. Ml ('Urn Hull. MIm A. t "och-
I'liiiNdiur eteDlBC. All Odd NHowe enr-l Mill. V. W. aiii..i..... k L tiuiwti.r.,!
fST?0-Sf WaoVf1 SiaW,huo' A- .n, 1U .re ft IM, Mh.
vtt uuuuaru, a, AieXftOUerlun murMitruo, n.iiuinij, .-um w.
. . vooper, r . r. uuut, ll. lIlo,.liiiggin, inuror.
Wat I'Midii Hm Laihihs. ltov.
Indkpkmiiinck AUHOADWhlleourlD. V. Poling will vUm bin
fellow oitlien. D. V.Sin in iwtJ Ubort n rHHtor of the ConitrtiiMo- J
LYOS LODGE, NO. 39, A. P. A.
M. Stftted OommaDiOfttioot 8lu
dy evening on or bofore (nil moon eeb
icoulb ftad lo wevkt themfUir, W. P.
Cumkiway, W. M. U. It Pfttteraoo,
lod the other day, be u Interviewed btmht here nd nt lttckreull on title
ty o VnoonkM reptirter which hud coming Huudny. The morning mirvlw-e
the Mlowlng to ur: Mr. Hi-aw will be held nt Hlckrcnll iul ihe evuii-
iwcot elder mid irlng chlokene.
Dnuty A Iicke.
L. W. Itoberta. n, of t ortlend, wu In
town the fore part uf Ihe week.
W. K Wllllum. of Alrle. we In
town Hulurdny.
Wlllliiiu Fuiun, of Purker, wee ecru
on uureinvU Monday.
. I lliiiniiwiui, or rulw illy, wee
ihe ttitvt of O. A. Kramer Huiiility.
Twiu litiie. iiiukIi, jiut thtf think for
jour liver, Try It at Douty A Lucke'e. ,
am I Uoxi-iMloif wuuU)our pork and
will iwy y u thehlgliunltiiiali irkv.
Millard F. White, of lUukreall, ww
duliit; huxincw In our iiililni Moiiday.
J, W. liiillliir.orMuMluiivtlle, wa
vUldug hie tUugl.icr, Mre, L. Dorrte,
liut wwk.
Mcnn. ClugKctt A Fluch have com-
ph tcd the new rtVulcuivof Wut. Wulb
ncttr Itucim Vlnta.
Why do nil of our otmlonture nlle
when they ak for UaJeui bread?
At Douty & Louke'e.
Uncle Tol Havery, of Dalian, hat
been viHihug old aciiiulutauoea lu Uiii
tlly the jimkI wtek.
lie a jiU-ii.nre to eat gMM bread.
Kitlctu beat them ftll at Douty A
HuktvI tor Cook luu bttcu giving the
umled liijjn
f TOMER LODOE.NO. 43 K. of P. Itftyv he la unlnterminl lu iviIIiIm .i..i Inn eervloea will he coimIuuUhI at thv
n Meetft every WeJneedy etiiB. I haa becu ilooe the rwnt,,, church In title city. Mr. Pollug bite ndi eouthoftowu eome
".k"T'' J? fSZ V. I bu tUvei that Stmator Hill lacertaln btn with u. for over four ycara and tmouta.
fiRL Itowlotbt goveruorehlnof New York I tlurlng Uie ll two yearehaa orgaulHl Mr. Khlvoe, the ltuciia 1
led my attentou to my flouring mill
ludiwtry and the production of ho(
nAT I mltvinitiin. It ..l.l II. u...
n a a iit't.irr iivntiht i .
U prU theKauTn all Tu "" Himblt, and
tiraiicbee. ISaltofactloa guaranteed, certainly more profitable than polltUw,
Uulce iiourft, o to is anu i to o. urace eeieeiaiiy uiu year. Tbere are more
In UteO'Douuell brick, Independence, llatetly than Tixmcree of rich laud Im-
medlatetly djaceuttoludependuuce de-
L. KETC1ICM. M. D. OFFICE YtH4W oureiy to noiie, and with any
E,, and reatdeooe, comer lUulroad I thing like ft fair prlt, tble meatia big i-,,VHI iu u,tu.r
,uj Mooraotttht,lodepettdeooe, Or. j thing, for ourtowu." y7aw j!aat7mul
The mammoth etock of Chilxtmi
uovellee me now en route to the ltnckcl
H'ore' and wnen they ar'lve I mre
to come and umko an early wltx-tloii
Due anniiunoiiiciit wilt be mnde
thmugh these columns.
Jf. Price's Cream baking powder
WerM'eFalr HIfeMt fttoftelaatl (Xpioau.
W. H. Kelly aunouuoe blinaulf aa
coudluate for iiomluatloii for the ofuve
of tlty luanbal, of Independence and
If ao nominated will faithfully perform
the dutlea of thatoflloe.
There U uo place lu Oregou where
belter meal laeorved than at the ree-
tauraut of Weetaoutt A Irvine, 27 J Com
mercial atreet, Hakim. Mcale 25 eta.
Money to loan on Improved furm prop
erty, by W.O. 'Wmiout, Dallaa. tf
Boine of Portlanda leading citizen
bave organ ntid atock e mimny of
llUOOOOoaptUilfor the puriMtee ofay.
editice. ii't ttatnrday, . tematlcally Inducing peraoita to come
The pnwent iiieinhlp of the two Mr. I. Vaiiduyu, of Portland, oauie w Oregon and locale. Tlilalaa move-
churcbea exwdi HW. The eul.Ject fr up Mouday to atteud the funeral of her went which our cltlwma here should
t'letft ware
land that the people of the UultvdHtalea two burchee of the CougregailauaJ houxe-mttu, waadolug bunUeealu this
will yet leftrn that the new UrlrriAWu lH)llty and built cue cliur.-n
live beat oOertd In yearn. "I have turn
On Wednesday nlgut, October SI), lttrt,
at 1 o'clock, Michael Mhellny died of old
age at the home of bis daughter Mra.
N. K. Hilton, of Carlton, aged 70 yearn.
Mr. Shelley wu born lu Kentucky
December 6,1814, and came to Oregon
In im. Ills funeral will be laid in
the Cbrlatlan church, at Monmouth
today, at 12.30 o'clock, lie leaves the
following children to mourn their Ion
Mrs, N. K. Hilton, of Carlton, J, M
Nhelley, of Portland, Troy Hhclley and
lloawell Bhelley, of Portland, It L.
Hhelley, of ludcpeudeutc, Mra. John
Hummervllle, of Portland and Mr.
Waller Jluotoit. of llarrlaliurir. Hi'
obituary will npnr In our tient laue,
We wouder what Oov. Pennnyer
will have to say this year lu his Thank
giving proclamation.
next Butiduy eveulug l"Tciu'raui"e",
A cordial invitation 1 extended to all.
DA!triN-(l PahtVI'Ii. rM.nllv
IV.t .UMJIVUU i - - - - - v
Deotwt All work warranted to organised Social Dancing Club held
itttbe beat of satlafactKin. Iudepeo-
deeoe, Or.
Law. Will practKW to all stale
sod federal conrta. Abstracts of title
furoiabed. Office over Independence
Nattooal liaak..
eeya at Law. Office In Moth's
block, between Htale sod Coort, on Com
nereial atreet, salem. Or.
1Y1 nfactnrers of sasli sod doors.
Al, scroll sawloB. Main street, lode
pendeoee. Or.
Tvlt E. J. IODNO. late of Neeberg,
U Veterinary Surgeon and Deotisl
bas moved to Independence, and opened
so o(He" eor the Iodepeodeoce Nstion-
tl back.
Mm Si Mm,
-Of Alt IN-
1 arrait
Clarets). '
xcjd enxjxt
W. E. Poole,
Office, neat door U Anetlrie'ft rurnl
tee fttorft-
their flrat party at tbe ora liauae Hat-
urday night Mualo was furulalied by
or me aionmouin urcttcairft ami
moat enJoyabU time was bad by all.
Tbeee present were: A. J. Goodman
and wife, W. V. Perclval and wife,
Hank Maltlton aud wife, At Whliea
ker and wife, C, E. Clodfeltor and wire,
J. M. Vauduyn mid wife, Chaa. Htaats
Itev.J. It Uald win, lelt Monday for
Cherryvale, Kaii.w, Mr, lUulwIu s
former home, whcio he bus ltirg real
entitle IntereitU He cxwele to re
turn lu about live weeka. Ilia wife he
health tht.n for many
no doubt Mr. Hh Id win
will seltlo up bla biialueM there and
tuterall bla luterwla here In lude-
petiik-nco. He bus recently completed
and now ocoupli-a a delightful home,
and he la well pleuaed with Oregou.
It will be uewa, HThap, to some of
the aiatera lu the Itubekah lNlge, that
from a recent ruling of the llrand
Iodga, any uumarrlcd womaii or wid
ow over 18 yeara of age inuy Join. We
lideratand the lad lea of Clover I-enf
and wife, Dr. Walter lUbbltt aud wife kW n luaigiiwut anu win 10 govern
ftndW.P.Connowayaodwtfe, J. 8. ed by the old rules.
Cooper and wife, Mrs, J. A. Veneaa, tbe JWv. J. Fred Jenkena aud w fe, Mrs.
Mlaseaa Corrlne Butler, of Monmouth, j,u,i Alexander, Mra J.1L AlexamUr,
Mhat Hatch, of MoCoy, Cora Suell, Mm. D. It. Tavlor. Mats Alice Vernon
Mlas Bowder, Nor Dllyeu, Sophia LU(i liC.Peutland are delegate to the
QofT. Edna llftoon, Myrtle Lee mid lUtuthd state convention, which la now
Katie Wheeler. Miner. II. It. Patter
aou, Jr. V JUUUVII, AUwrJH
L. C. Ollmore, D. P. Patterson, Scott
Lougbery, II. Hirechberg, Zed Koeen
dorf, Dean Tatom, Ceorge Payne and
Mr. Uoyt
In seiwlon at Portlaud. Mr. Jenkeus
will return Huturday, ao aa to occupy
his pulpit Hundiiy.
are going to give a gratid Imll Thanks-
giving. M. W. Bald wlu, J, W. t etaer,
W. H. Kelleyaiid It. F. liurch were
uncle larval Uetlgiw,
The i-oor man mut walk to get meat
for his aiomuch. Tim rich mail to get
a aioiiiach for bla meat
Mra. Dr, Kutoii, of Portland, tnie up
WeduiNtday and la vUUIng at the home
of her Julius J, It Cooper
tlriiiidfuthcr aud Orandmolhcr Van
.Mi. r a.n both ulte iek, at the home
of their no A. E, Vau Mere.
You will lie sorry, when you read
Douty A Locke's new ad, that you
bave not dealt with them before.
Ib'prceiiUtilve elect, Ira Hinlth and
V. P. Jordan were pas wilder on tbe
Tuewluy afternoon train for Portland.
There Uaome foot-ball talk among tbe
boys. This Is the popular sport aud we
have the material. Organize aud hoop
em ii.
Mark. A. Fullerton, a very entertain
ing Kcutlcuiau from Colfax, Washing
ton, a promlueiit attorney there, waa
was visiting our city tula week.
Tue ladlea of ihe M. E. church, will
give a social, called the Halowecu
Mysteiy, Fri.lay evening at the parson
age OctoU-r 2titli, All are Invited.
Inoonrage, aud no doubt will when the
proper time comes.
Our Klklus coriotpondcnU Itemi
arrived too late for publication litis
Money to loan, on Improved farm
property, by W. U. Wiuoht Dallas, tf
we are the Mies to reap the bcnitlta of
tlieir toil acd i-ri vul loitn. In the ruxli
of this biwy world we think Ux) little
of what we owe to thine grand old tijuu
and ihcao faithful wives, that aacriilctd
the bewt iortlon of their Uvea that thulr
cilMivu and grand ehildreu might be
proH-roiis and liuppy. All honor, all
lirnUo and all glory are due them, Let
us hold tliein In Mured remeuibrauce.
Dr. Price's Cream Making Powdct
AwwJl OM MmUI Midwlntw flr. tun frtAclMS
"Doctor, I am troubled with shooting
pains in my face." "Yes, iiuuluni; you
uw bMt much powder." Chicago Triti
um; ,
Home men try to curry the world on
their la ke, mIiIIm oiii.-Ualy else is
csrrylug id-lr fuuilllts.
Wllliuiii Wul.lorf Ator Is credited
with I elng liothenxl to count a yM.tKX),
tXW yearly income.
Phologmpher Here's a picture of
your wire I bHik toiloy. c.iii it a
sjicaklug likeiiciw. IIubanJ It must
be, if It Is anything like her.
The full financial statement of Pulk
county w ill appear lu this paper next
week, It was delayed lu arriving, aud
was too lute litis week for publication.
The bright kid who got ofl the follow
ing should be worth a oJlllon by the
time he la twenty-one. Tommy "can
we play store lu here mamma?" Mam
ma (who has the head ache)"ccrUlnly
but you must be very very quiet. Tom
my, Well we'll play we dou't adver
National Bank
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
A Bit AH NIOttO.N.
A gural banking and r.tuuign buiilnmi
traliMHl4i l.iam mm!, bllln iiw-uutiti-d, noni
inorull credit (muled; d'xMM riwlveil on
current aoeoum nul'jeel to cliMk, lalarwt )J
on tluas d( wlu,
s : '
, . t. Hmltlt, A,Nlon, I. A. Allen. If.
.Hr-i, A, i, Uoutlunut, 1), W. Mt-itf,
Commenced Business ftlaroh 4, 1GL9
STiUailUlied by atloniil Autbornj,
;; THE
of lodpu(luc, Oroyoa, j
X. r. JUme
I Was
Itesldent of Independence for Forty
Three Years and om of Its First
Iltiidneag Men.
a Wreck
With oatarrh, !ua Uotibl and gnaennj brek
dewit. ltoforo 1 bad Utksa half a beitl af
Dxd'i Saruiuu-ius t (lt better. Now 1 an I
sod hssltti, fur ail ol wiiub my Uiauks art dus
Hood's Sarsaporilla." Mas. M, r.
Bnutt, Clout, Iron Co., Mo. (iot Hood's
HoOd'S P II CUM CoiiitluUoB bv reabip.
j but Um f UUUOu aoUue of Ui aunumiarjr caaat.
CaplUI Stookt
I'nmldent. V'ic i'reIUent
W. ft ItAWl.fcy, Cttnier.
brick 'mm-
j: r. cooper'
Of Jjfvivu(emv, liatlng s nffam
englue, a brick tiUti-Litie and av;r A
unai orCm'ht Iiy, in now piearfi
keep on - hand a finn ,jiii.!.ty of
l( k, wltitt will lo W)!d at rjiinou-
Dre prices. C5 .
U ... 9 i'vv .." Ik
v ' - I ? .; i
-1 :.v' -Mi f ;
k r ' 'i'lf"- ''
- iIa.,,,;..., .v
AiiciiJu aJi uae li'i t i'l ill,
. B. Cooper, U . KoberlNun, lwlt f ieiuitck
U, W. WWteoker, W. W. Culllu.
. A gvnrral tintikliig buluH tnniu-Ud
Uuyn uiU avllt exi-iiwigu uu Ull Hijrt4Uil
1n.jkb.iu received nuhject to check "T on eer-
Ulli Le ut UrM!t, l.jlwll,.li tuu4u.
OJJlus Uour.; S a. la. Ui . in.
TH03. SUINEAN, Proprietor,'
iuvtnth and Walilii((S6ii As.. .
IV., '...ui 'ii m
v, I'liwjtij'i'. .. . j. .v. vaj-ass '
Prescott cSr: Ven'ess,'
FrjirK-tof of
IB Hff-'ilfiL'
iittiiufi.riuri.rH of und ltiiler In
Polk County Bank,,
i. a. iuwi.ev......
'. Ut;AMI Iifcl.J.
l'rukMriii i
Rouh and Dressod
Paid Capital 530,000. J
II. UW. l'.L,C'iiliililHitl. l.U.MkiiUMUi
j, u. v, auuui, 4. ntuiu, ,, i umviJ
A ceniiral iMMiHiiib una hIiuiiko nulueu ,
irHiiMU.-ii.-u; Hum.; U.-jaimU lra-i,u
uujmi to chvf.ti. ur ou uoruiuuw ol u.hmil-
MTrin.. ffuiu uu until uujMmii,
rt in eroui vuali una bu.iilur eroof ui.
wuitu ujf i am uiuu i'. K.
tu.t Mourn: e a. mi. to i p. ia.
J. A. WHEELER, . Manager.
luUnpsuiioucc unit Uuuiitutli Motr
On Monday, October 22, 1801, at,li;15
ft. in., Israel lledgee died of old age,
at the home of his eon 1). L. lledgea,
aged 82 years. Mr. Hedges was
I.. ! I. 1. a. niin aid.. i.
ui Virginia in iiii, ma rattier being a
soldier In the revolutionary war, and
raaeftft.ft-W ll T ftfllA
been visiting In Illinois for the past W'l m a commits on general
r.,..r.n,.lh.rMMirnl hnm Bat week
PARK Obesity
j.... ....i.hi. Prrmanmitly from
nil. miuw .ui
12 to 15 pounds a month. V O UTAHVinw
Ickoeaa or lajurys wu riwv-
build op tbe health aud beautify "s eom.
..... i i... n ur.inktoa or flabblnests.
;iijjii.jii, iu.vit, "
BUiUt Abdomen, snd difficult breathlnf ure
lyrBlleved. 70 EXPERIMENT butascleo.
tide and pwHlv relief, adopted onlr after
yer of siperleooe. ah oruor- u rr..
rcet from our offlee. rncej. w K'' i"---.or
three for 15.00 by mall pot paid. Tiu
nnonlals and partlenlars (neaieo; .
All eorrespondeuee strictly eonfldentlai.
Keep the best 8 lock of-
Sportine and. ,
' Athletic
Toe found troth of Portland.
to order with either Schultze,
vcta mV.o nowders. All kindfl
ol ammunitioa conutantiy
on hand.
A.11 kinds of
Mail Orders re
ceive prompt at
tention $4 State atreet, 8ALEM, Or.
looking much improved. He visited
Chicago, Elgin, Itlugwood, Dunder,
Mcllenry and Waucondla, but sent
most of bis time In. the latter city,
which waa bla home for twenty-soveii
years before coming to this state. He
says there la no piece equal to ebroot
and he was glad to get home. He any
if rmmle here had see it what he has
while away they would never grumble.
Crone of every kind turoiiguoui
Illinois and adjoining state are ourui
on with drouth. Hot to suffocation all
tbe time, varied now and theu with
plenty of thunder and lightning
While he was a Wancondia mere were
five bams burned from being struck by
lltfhiulne. within a radlusof five miles
apparatus Arrived. -The appar
atus for tbe new athletic club conalsting
of Indian clubs, dumb bens, ooxing
Bloves. striking bag, ciicst weights,
horizontal bar, nogs ana maiiress tor
umblinir. arrived the flrat of the week
Tha room Is too small to admit of an
extensive apparatus, but by spring
suitable bulldiug Is expected, then
first class irvrunaalum will be fitted up
Their present quarters up stalra In the
Independence Notional Maun uuuaing
are neatly furnished. Plenty or goo .
literature will te constantly at hand
and members will find It a pleasant
place to spend their evenln(H. Any
man over 18 years of age and of good
character ineligible to membership.
wtille yet a lad tbe family removed to
All members of Indeieudenoe Lodge Ohio, where be grew to manhood aud
o. K'J, A. O. U. w. are requested I married In 18.15, Aiuui Mary Ann
. , , . , luy-iiaaier worameo ueo. rsmitn tone jetiklns, ft neighbor ftud ft native of
iue inuetuteuee ore l h tttWl,dantH, s, ettt.h M.llllK ,,w,r 0(10i ,ua lU dttUgUU), of ludmrd
promptly at half-past aeveu. Jenkins, an early pioneer. They n
Mrs. John Vautrhn.oflUckreall.swmt malned lu Ohio, be working at the
.Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J, W.
Kirk laud.
Mrs, T. J. Ls returned Huturday,
Fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
-Go to-
Polk Coukty Doctors. Oh Friday,
October 19, the Doctors of Polk County
met at tbe office of Lee & Babbitt, and
formed themselves into an association,
nailed The Poik County Medical society
and elected tbe following officers; Pres-
Ident Dr, J. N. Woods, of Uollas, vice
President Dr. J. Crowley, of Monmouth,
e-top nr. M. V. Poole, of Mori
mnoih. Treasure Dr. J. B. V. Lmbree,
ofDalals. Tbe object of the society Is
m nromote ireneral good feeling, regu
late fees and to hold monthly meetings
where all Interesting cases will be dls-
...uwri and Donem . read on timeiy
Another Business CKAoa-Last
Saturday Messrs. V. L. Keiiey ana w.
w Rov. tbe former of Eugene, and
.u. ihu of Dallas. Durchrmod the
livery business whldh 'A. W. Dock
ateader bas been conducting, and the
flretoftbe week took charge. These
gentlemen are said to be energetic and
pushing businessmen and wfli add. to
the advantages of a first clan livery
feed and sale stable In Independence.
Who Can Beat THis.-U)n laet
wnoadav. October 24tb, H. G. Heelcy,
of West Independence, brought to this
. . ...... ,n.n.
office a buncli or ripe .-jr
berries. Some were njie ana some
were Just blooming. He says that lie
will bave ft lot of them in about two
His blackberries are also in
bloom and If nothing prevents be thinks
be will have another crop of berries
this year.
Pr. Prlc' Crm Baking Powder j
I. Claggeltaud wife returned Friday,
from Tacoma, where they spent two
weelta visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Klcbard Wells, Mr, Clng'ttalo visited
Henttle and auym the two wiuud citlei
.u ....... ....... i
j in Ti-ijr iiuic.
J. H. Fnuter, who has for the pest
year tn-eii studying dentistry under Dr.
Doty, of Monmouth, ranked first In a
claas of seven, whopOHaeit the examin
ation, before the Htate Board of IX-utls-try,
lust week.
P, C. Patterson carries a choice line
ofcandk's, nuts, cigars, tobaccos and
smokers supllce of all kinds His bill
iard narlor Is comfortable and cosy liltuikumlth nml uliut fupml it..
until lliM. when they started across the
Photograph Gallery
plains with their five children. The Independ ence, Or
" it a. t.l II ,1 a- ft. m. I
from Portland whereshe has been visit- eu, ,,VBU lw " -t
years or age and was arowued while
Geo. A. Hmitl. and Hon F. A. Patter
son did busiuess at the county aeut Moil-lby-
Ib'itieiutM'r (hut Z. Itoseudorf wants
20,000 Mtunds of k and will pay
hlghrat cosh price.
We welcome to our exchange list tbe
new Portland dally, the Sun. It Is a
sprightly aud newsy sheet and we hope
It may flud room to build to prosperity,
1.01 Friday, October 19, Fiauk
Ivkuut one of Portland's mistt
prominent citizens breathed his last.
fording the Willamette river, the second
child, David L. Is still a resldeut of
this place and bos Ukeu care of his
father alnoe the death of bis mother
III 1HN1. Hara Married TIiihkI re Thorp
aud Is a resldeut of I iidepeudeu.
William' was unfortunately shot by
accident at the age of twenty-five.
Two children were added to the family
In Oregou, the eldest of these, Pearl,
died at the age of eighteen aud IUwe
married Albert Carey and Is a resident
of Bait Lake City. Mr. Hedge aud
family were six months on the
and at one time, when on the
m, mofiU & cos
lOfll siar.ct St., Sun rraaclieo
(C-lnSth tnd'lbStt.)
Co Mrd l,m how womhrfuttv Inn
art tml hnw tn v,.i,l ... l .
4iw uim. Mu-oum nlu(ul nub
ion in n.
I'rlvata orrtn. rr.. . . , .. .
in.1l Murltrl Mrrft-;ii. ni ......
trlctura. km ul uiuihonl ,11....... ... .. .
rjlt-'-t u. ,t kt u
a gootl place to while away time these caw to Oregon a pour man imd by f, H Mf m
i..,,.,...,!.... Industry and economy anioaseil ft f. ....' , .,
long evening.
Dandruff Is due to an enfeebled state
of the skin. Hall's Hair llciiewcr
(jiikku is the nutritive fiiiu lions of the
skin, healing and prevenllng the form-
atlou of duuilruir. .
J. H. Burton gnthcrpd out of his
4try and economy
tune estimated at from $1,000,000 to
ai.oW.OOO. He was foremoet lu Invent
ing Ins accumulations I u business build
liiiw, which were an ornament to the
city of Portland mid a lasting monu
ment to the eneruetlc life of the
deceased. The attendance at his fuuoral
they recovered them, aud aside from
that, they experienced the usual hard
ships of the travelers across the plains
at that time. After landing lu Oregou
they came direct to Polk county and
here took a donation claim, one and one
half mile above Independence, where
he resided a number of years and then
potatwpatchlaHt week, a patutiH) which Uwt Mou lay speaks In a oouvlnolug L M Bn(J puwUM8d the Tllorp boltmi
weighed six vitnids end wits so loug
that It could not be put lu a coal oil
can crosswise,
Mrs I). B. Taylor went to Port'and
Monday aud will renudn until the after
close of the Baptist Htate Convention,
which Is now convened at thai place.
K Rose, ft Bun Francisco wholesale
commission merchant, was In town the
fore part of the week looking up the
(Kttato business..
T. M. Stiver and Comlm-lor C. Berry
attended tho Masonic; meeting at
Albany Just Frlduy evening und report
a very enjoyable time.
Ink Is cheap." I don't know ubout
tliut, I lelt a pen full of Ink on the buck
of a note once Mint cost mo f 2,000.
Hurry Conuoway, H. P. agent at
Wblieson, made his uncle, Hon. W. P.
Counoway, a visit lust week, reinululng
over Hunday.
Judge A. M. Hurley is again suffer
ing from plurlsy, Though not bedfast
be Is unable to do much business.
H.M. Lines went to McMlnnvlllo
Saturday to attend the funeral of his
cousin, Robert Htowe, who died Friday.
MisiCoraSnell, who is leaching at
McCoy, i pent Sunday at home. She
was accompanied by Miss Hutch.
On last Wednesday one of the boys
of the Monmouth public school, while
playing got his spine Injured and Is not
expected to live.
George Fox and George White, two
' Rlckreull's business men, were In
town Wednesday.
F. 0. Fletcher, the McCoy merchant,
was doing business In town Wcdnesduy
and Thursday.
The city council fulled to do any busl-
nes Tuesi'ay night for lack of a quo-
muuuer of the esteem In which he was
held by Portland's best cltlsuius.
Ave miles above Independence? where
they prosered. However, when the
high water of 1801-2 came thulr home
was flouted away. Here we chronicle
the most thriillng lucideut of his life,
8eelngthat his house wasbound to be
floated, he aud his family took refuge
ou the roof. The house was soon raised
from Its foundation and they floated
for over hulf a mile lodging on the
very brink of tho main channel nguinst
a turge cotton wooi tree and swing
that the bouse would not long with
stand the strong current they took re
fuge In the tree, the house lu a few
moments going to pieces. Here they
COOPKR.-O11 Saturday. October 21. remain ror . eany tweuiy-iour nours
1804, to the wife of J. R. Cooper, withstanding the cold and storm, and
nine nound ttlrl. John answers con- K'g torrent of water sixty feet lu
gmtulatlons with the statement, dePth uudoneiHh thorn, Mrs. Hedges
that It Is the br st look I ii bnby that sitting on a limb, not over three Inches
ever was born. 0 ammeter, neiu oer oaoy gtri in ncr
lap and supported nor little boy Hitting
Horses Fed by the Day,
Week or Month.
Best of Attention Given Stock
left in Charge,
Nolle. '
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to us will please call and settle
by cosh or note at once.
Wilcox, Baldwin A Co.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
auperlor to all other.
. . BORN. "
Hnulo'f rl't .m rn(, nan,,.,'!. A,l
to rity. VlhniF., ur Unmtn h-,.1 it, .v,'i
Imm, Mums n.,'l .'Hit-. (-ii;'iNlufcVf ii
,i,m ,a.! Ik.i w)tr im i,;,.!!,.
A gt-n I ai-OfiBiaftioWlSlH-riln..
Onn tn 11 n..ntii- mtm.ift i .(in, it. an ,ri
nitluliltom. 1 (it. inlruniMitM. ni, Iota, vo.k t
lowimm, nnydltm,r,, nwly for
km lin .l,tiii,j. Chb tm i,Hl u hi i,r rni.
narHito( or,lr, ho rcwitiHiiii, IhM r hi
Mmo. Wnrriuitwl, A roonity mi,Vr. V rl-
W. P. HirrlMS It Ccs, Clerk 10, Columbua. 0.
ShciilTs Sale.
My virtue of im execution ln8itd out of the
Circuit Court of 1'olk (joiinty Hlute of Oregon
on Muy IS mi on aJudKcinent aud docree ol
foriwloiiuro Hi iroln rendered on the IBMi day
of May In thai oorlnln milt, whorclu The In
vesbirs Morlirsno and Security Company was
plalntltlli and John lliicon, L. N. llncon, John
Miller and II, Uhi-lHlhin tlefeudanu for the
huiii ol ticiill with lutercHt thereon froiu the
IR.K .,P l...r lUlti ., Ma... .r II, ma. a.. .a .
.t . .' I... t. IJ,l.. U .11 .1 I lU"" '"'r'V.. . J.W ,H
HAKltlM. on Jlondny, October us, y "or umuKu -.. ioom uuuib oi pur ttnmim end tll0 tuUUer ,ura ( iW0
1804. to the wife ol Ben Harris, a desperation, l ney were bo cninea ana attornoy ft aud oonts end disburse
irl exhausted tnat bad tbe relief nartv menv oi wus ami, i uave ey vinue oi tarn
been a few minutes later they would
MARRIED. nave perisnea. this exenmeuc ou
bottom land was one be did not wish
SHOEMAKER- FARN AM. On repeated, so be sold his place to Harry
Wednesday. October 24. 1804. at the Christian aud then moved to Inde-
resldence of the brides parents, at pendence and started the first black
Marlon Htation, Marlon county, smith shop atthat place, and continued
Oreiron. J. C. Shoemaker, of this In that business for twelve years. He
place, and Miss Llllle Furuum. Rov,
G. W. Gramles, of Bulom, officiating.
Also at tho stittie time and place,
Mr. Alfred Hunt and Miss Wolthal
Faru man were married.
The steamer Altona was up last night tmt "'y fiends wlrh them
..,,1 u,.il roftUa regular trlna from this naPPy 00 108 01
BI'M " " - ' O "-ft-
on. ' '
performed valiant service as lieutenant
in the Indian war of 2855-0, under
Captlnn Goff, of company A. In 1881
he hfld to part with his faithful wife
and from that time since he has been
gradually falling. He was an honest
ROGEHS-BRIDWELL. At the res and honorable man, loved and respected
Ideuce of the bride in Monmouth' by all who knew him. His funeral
October 18,1804, by Rev. L. 6. Fisher, was held Wednesday from the M. E.
Mrs. Mary Brldwell wits united lu Church South, which church he has
marriage to Mr. George Rogers. ' been a member for thirty-three years,
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers are both well Rev. D. V. Poling officiating. He was
known In Monmouth and lu Polk burled at Buona Vista by tho side of
Hervlces Sunday morning at the
Presbyterian church, by Prof. Buokum.
Mrs. J. M. Vanduyn was a passenger
Wednesday afternoon far Portland.
his wife and next bis sons Ell and
Thus It Is that these sturdy pioneers,
who braved the dangers and endured
the hardships of a wild and unknown
HANFORD. At Talmage, Oregon, country to lay the foundation for our
Monday morning, October 22, 1894, 1 happiness and prosperity, are passing
the three months old Infant child otjawfty, Boon they wllUH hfl gon? and
DougHanford, of brain fever, ..
execution levied upon and will ncjl, nt public
auction at the rront door of the Court House
in BiiIIhh, Folic County, Oregon, on
ut 1 o'cloclt p. in. of tiitld clay, all the right
title and InUtredt, which tlius.Ud dt'fendxbti
John lliicon, b. N, Iincon, John Miller and H.
(!hrUllanor either of them hnd In or to the
lollowlng dc8rlbod pronilnes towlt: ulluated
In the County of Folk and Mtata of Oregon
und being lot four (4) ol section fimi'teeu (H)
nnd the aouth half (X) of the simtli.ciwt
quarter fit) of section llftoon (16) and the
north hitll (X) or the north east quarter (Ji)
und lots one (1) and two (2) of section twenty,
two (1?1) and lota oce (1) add two (2) of section
tw- nty-three (3d) In township eight (8) south
of range lour (4) wesl, of tho Willamette
trior dlnn and oonntlutng Ihreo hundred and
seventeen and slxty.flve hundredth acres
(817 1)5-100 acres), The land herohy oonveyod
(U17 6S.100 acres) bo sold as upon execution at
law, aud the proceeds of said sale be applied
as follows towlt: First tue payment of the
sum of 8''.'ll with Intorost ut the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from May the 15, 1804 and tbe
further sum ol ($1100) attorney fees and the
costs and disburHeinnnts of this suit taxed at
($J8 45.100) aud cost and expenses of tills sale,
Terms uf sale eash In band.
Dated Dalla,lllt County, Oregou, Boptomber.
the 21, 1804. -
IT. B. Plummkb,
' . Sperling Brolbars
(Vteat Market
Choice Meats
Highest market price paid
for fatstock, beef, inuttou.vcul,
pork, etc All bills must be settled
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM' 8 to 0 a. m.
East and South"
-of the
W will send you by m lit iHuf-m'tdoneamnll
evvrgnH.ntrve-.drtpi.-U u your eiiuiHtu, with
iiiMir.i.'iiona r piuiio.iK hju nirciiK tur u, .
gthtr with our ooutputu list, ,u .Nuiwry
UkiS, If you will cut out WM ttJvoi-tl-iu.ntiit,
mark on It Ihe n ..niv of mis tiitiMH-mid loll
how in in. y ttnu what kind ol trw and
you wouiu iiko to puivudso sua wuiti you
Wlll W p.UI.I. lULMII,
We will uimii, you lower nrli on Ihe ttoek
you wHiii muu i.hvc ever uwu oit.rua you.
8-17 tv rgrteu, Ituur Co., W Is.
Culifornlii cx-iross Irnlus run dallv.stoonln
at all ,iuhm wclwctu fut .lu.iu.iua d.oau.
B.ii if. H.
io. a e. u.
lj,l. A. M.
Portland Ar.
AIUhu- Ar.
San r rhucuico i,v.
.:ua. m'.
A. M,
Roseb-jra Mail (Vauy.)
IWtlauu .... e:30 a. m. Rusvbuu ...TiA) e. m.
HuMiuui'if,... ;.vj a. x, j t'urtuuia a. m.
inipncior oi
The Independence Marble Works, estimate
n an ceinetrry work, r iimiik workumu.
4Ulp, latusl Uealuiis, und lowml prices.
' aud ...
Second-Class Cars attached
to tin turouga innua.
West Side Division.
Between FortUnJ and Carvallia.
WbiI triilu Uaiiy (esc. K smiduy.) '
P. H. WE & 00.,
Proprietors of
Independence Tils Factory
Manufacturers of
Drain Tile.
of all stssa.
Prices t Suit the
' m I Lv I'orUuiiii A r I r. m
U.-us a ui i .Vr.. iiLii-iu-mU'iioi ,ri
laiSp ' I Ai-.-.-t niviiiiis i,v l-rtt p nt
! At Albany aud UorvuliU, ef.uiirui with trauis
lixpross u-ulu uaily (exei'pt Sunday)
1:10 p in 1 L,.. ForUiilid Ar I 8:25 a m
! p m 1 A r itwuimivilU' Lv 5,-oOp ni
Oregonian Railway Division and
Portland and Yamhill Ry.
Airlie malt TrUwcekly, .
..,.'.11 p ni
b:0o p in
.. I'lirlliiod Ar
..Jloiiiii.,uth " i,v
. Alilio... JLv
3.-U5 p m
7:45 a m
7.-00 a in
Tlmnitrh tlckrts to nil rxilntn In thn ri. ipn
Males, iiiut Kuropo, eatt bo obmined
rrom'r.Al.b'nVtll, Agent, ludcpendfuee.
It. KOEHT.Klt, RlM'.0(inw,
Aiitimto-r. As-st. O. K Ji I'tua. Aat.
Go to the C Street
SHfD and IfflKE
Passengers and light freight carried on
reasonable terms.
Purchases made and delivered for a small
Leave orders at hotel or postofflce and Stun?
will oall for passengers at their residences In
8taie leaves Independence every morning
(Sunday excepted) at 8:!I0 a. ni., aud Salem at
2:00 p.m. '
And sto how
You can cit Jour ,
Work Done.
Wagon Repairing of
Kinds, .
1. 1. FULLER, Proprietor.
If yon want a Good Sqnavo Meal tor
25 Cent:
Go to the-
Will consult their best iu
tereats by purchasing their
of the reliable mnnufneturer,
Iudependenoe, dr., succes
sor toFerKtwon a V'hu Moer,
Sngar pine und oodur duors, . .
all sizes, on huud.
Tee Cream ovoi-v Aw il,,i,. n,
Chicken IHuner eveiy sundav "m.-iiIs nv,i
Main St., Iudepeudence,
at ull hours
Is the place to get nil fli-jtIass worli.
19 M I Mi
.UN I a!3w
25 Centa.tiif