The Best Newspaper la ih o that ttvca th mwt and trhtl ! Compar th WKST aiPS ny rlvr fa jvtfc county. , As an Advertising Medium THE WEST 8IDE Takm the Lead in Polk Coowtv. V I N D HPKN PENCE, POLK COUNTY, OHEQ0N, FRIDAY, OCTOBKIt 20, 1894. VOL. XII. Five ConlM Per Copy. $2.00 lVr Year. , No. 49. W YORK HEIIISil The Republicans- Feel Confident. TUK Wli UliKAT I.K.lDKIiS. Democrats Are Divided into Factions. Ex rmldeut IUrrtnou Kinetud Make Spwh t a Mounter aeeUug for Morton. to NKVTYOttK.. IM. ' run manager ef iJe state eiuinnlKU, while actively at wtik pushing their cnuvtin lu nil part of tti' niate, art1 uiutii to mul nuyiiiing like uiHtrcn liiif iiultefitliHia In their niukn ul in m-rcne eo.iildeneo are wnh-hhiit tlu at tempt of their democratic advi-mark i mljunt ami imrtuiuiie me rneiiontii ttlattirlMmtw with which tlnjr are lie set on Hit kUW hihI enim-mlly In thl v. KxPrenideut Harrison will nr rive hen Inter hi the week to attend i. nemo nrlvato httaliien ami while In. in In tue en. It In Chnlrumu Hack I'll' lllteiltlotl 10 ttlTaitge If HunsihllS it utiiiiiiiiuili meeting nt which tlm ex .resident will nitnk. and lit former rntiiiliiir mate, l-evl r. Morton, now n publican (iai.ll.lnto for governor, will Ik nn-nt-lit. S.Mmlir Hill mmkw nt Yonker Imttijr II.. will MtM-ak at ItrtMiklyu toinumiw iiftrti.Mn and l Now York and vl .iniiv until Trliliir. when be will tv tutu to the Interior of the nto. A itvwU deal will U-i'nl on tlu rtnult or bin visit anil coufereiiee with tin' IhI I.hi.I.yh. Th HittMtmn no iar ." York tuul ltruoklyii ctuitlit r eougr. mill aemdy rw ii.iufrn.Hl la vi-rr critical, with mo tiiny in-m ocmile ramlldaica opposing Tammany ciigrclouil and annetuldy enii'lidai.'w lu ihl city. mil the Wiepard ltit.- rittmluit uiMlimi th r'Klur ...... .(.- In llnx.klvn llliClil'lil. v"' ,!.. r, l.V t'.M.IIllm. Tli.'r' n nine cMiiumwUnial illKtrl' l clty kikI tlv In Itnmkiyii. The o.KwiiUti wf tins nxiHiy 'l.'ti" rary .n.Kll.lttlf" J't't'iHllwn tt-e vUv ti.m of from hm lo fur Ttimiminy ran.ll.lal.- In lh y. .t i'",l' Imnlltiit eu.l.iuk'. r tonr 4n ' Hn.klyu. An tin. . uutrslii lj l"tt the Ufunrnillo ummiKtw h.' t r' ry tin wxi I'"- 'f niin-w'titiillv. U iwrn.w. lh. w"tiuithm In r Kiirl.-l fciuvmely ttivt nt ili-nMimiit' ,,, quart All lh tff.irW hy-toforv ma.l. townnl tiirut.'MUlMji illlT Tt-nc ami U .n vi nt lltlly " piil.lUni. nllppliiK In ihn.mtb l-"" ratlc illvlHluu havi. Itiim far i.rovmi I....H'.u.t..ul w..HU,..r inuiki.i-r. rluilrnian r u ........umiii' f..iivrelotiiil iiitni'iilt" I... I,..r.. l.itlliim.W I" wltu.1- the of the j,r.iit Di..i.ur.i f'nik.f mill ivrry Il. t -1-V.-I:llr X IUll t,.r to SMiin. were at ileiwa-njtte Hi ' .lin y i tilit illicit lull, r'11 tur Jiili. Mr. Cruker nn.l .llti u..i.i ... Iu. Hilvlxllii! the l'iuy wwtwlon. " I-l-M.-Himt-J'Vrnr v. i. -..i.i nliiir m liiM' M mtreeiiH'til Imil y "''!. 'r "' tHiatit i;.verinr Mi.vimu u ,.xhlhi ClIU'AtlO. IHl, Si-Thimm It. Itei'it waa tonl.'lit an ln.tmn.1 eutl nt Uiv nianul lMit.iht of the lluiiill (.Hi cluli, one of the lemllim reiutill rau ori!aiiliuitl.iia of tliloitum Jtc'.l tleliveivil a ithiwluif iMtlocy on the ntau whom lie ntyM the father nf the AmerleHU aynteiu of jirolivtlou ami l xiiMHtl that the irtwM'rlty of the rviiilllt' w'iin iluo t.i the ilil.tlty w lli whlt li the mn... ,.f thin country tiii.t follow.-.l the iH'tm hil.w hi I.I ilow u l.v Alexander. Ihtullteu. The M-aker clomsl with tin earliest Hi.iHml to Ilia hoariiw to work iltrly fr two lliluirn, - h.mewt elivtlona ntul! overii' nient lu th. arTalr of thin country. MeKlM.KY l. V. VA. llntulnslon. W. Vh.. tM. SJ.-8or-eral thousan.l iH-ople were In Hut an- .llemv that llKtemsl to tJovernor Me Klnley an he simke llila rtfteruooti. No MMiiul n-ferenee w'aa niatle to Om- Bn'-wuiitn Wllwm. pontntry (o the iren-i-i-al -ietati.Hi, thotiuh the tariff liw of wMtli he I the author, ' w-a vlfcoroiwly aiallel. The'Hior frai'kly ntate.1 that there wire uu iiiMtiikim lu the tariff law of istm. but ho lunlted they were all on the utile of America. The Wll noil law In found to eontaln uwro than kI hundred error. Iml none of I hem are In th luteni of A uii-rli-a. They did not li'Kinlnte for Aui 'rl.M evpn hy n.vl.ifiii." eiiiinieu .veiviiiiey CIHOAtlO. A HEIGN OF TEipi In Existence in Iiidiar Territory. Lawless Bands Infest All Sections. Three 0riiult'd 0K of DcKr doen Who Mke ft BmIwm f I'illafluf Towin. fi'i'i'." FKOM TtU'KKA The lleadiimrtem or the 8:inl Hynteiu to Jle Traunfensl. Fe .u.ninvimiV. Oct U2,-Thw 1 .11... ..111,... I.MlllV P'"! HHi" hy t. HP) l J ,-i coiulltlou of anaini " , ' . "T Inif that nomo m'"' , ' I'nlted 8tau auilH"-lM v hUi, wH .rotmt ell mVV mi. Uf out In ntmed tiiat htuhhI h an-ly of oul- .u.uHtt on of the territory. r:". "That !. - . H"- .... ... ., ..iiii am ttuaiiie to ii." -im.v,ml rolibery. r.ulenn U, uu U ' . ... mi. til nro iiinil ti If I . an mvnoim. .,..,, I Mnrliitf. i ..,V..P -., .. are i TUN YKAItH IN I'HISOK. ii(iKAXU. Oct. W.-lli'lcn drier. (lie nli! woiiiiui tniiiiiirj of Hnuniiitf hi.f lx tli IuihIiiiikI, wi'4 hiL:) la-fore Imlifo MtHiiw tiHlii ior ni'iiieiicc When MKkiHl If lw 1 nil hiikIii to nay why Heiiteneo nIiihiIiI. not bj umiiiwl, nlm wild: re (in l here In a (Iml In heaven, I tlld lint JkiIwiii my IiiinIiiiiiiI. I did not have; a fair ""Tint Jury wan preJuilktMl iiunliiNt . i. . ..... iiu.,t, i-i., ...... ...W lllrll 1 1. H atTiiii- iuim-ii. 1, in 1,1 tin. firm tlimi tliey lmv tried to tiiko my llf' 11 o""""'' ,. iiiihIhIi iiii old woman fr u crime yti ! ant irnlliy of." . An .he niKiko lour irtiKii'd uowu . . i i ln.f i. .i(ikn. 'i Flo iHiiirt, neuieiiceu ner in inn vinirn lu the iiciilii'iiilary, On i.h way hack to Jail nli nu t her ilnnultler, Mm. rimvnco Hliltcly. "You iniHnev, you Vile, dirty wretrii, nne "ion anil your meter lioih M.rliiiw your notiin. no, cnim-na 10 - . - . . i.i ............ tin. hi ut. aim net jour om nniiiier ii i nmi in nnAiiifinn vio tur mm motb. luitnvni lo mmw uKm Democrats of New York Uniting. TUB MAKKICTA i. i.i,.i,u'iivmeii lu broad f . ".......I ir.. mid nrontw ,,u n,,"r,-..1 day or uit.t, .n.aulen have reM-ied inn v- , Inuilu.l't UOII.' Hun Friiuelnco, Oct M.-Wucat-Tlie market nhown a nrui mini mm uum u of tt little larirer vohiine, The . ......u.i .... k9.. I oirerlnci are "wwni ir . ..i.- linf. ntul rW'i for ctiniw jmiiiiii . .... . heat, iWNiMi. "ima iiiuia, w.:uu. for fair avenwi 1I7'4 to 72Vi for .Vo. 2, and i(iii i"r off tfraue. J..viiii'H' -U 'eiit-llrmi 'inaiid mnilonite; No. 2 lliil winter, 4n Ud; do mt I. . u.. Illlllll'T - ' Hi irui. ; ,UM1 .i.. i.. i... ...ii in ihtib-iiimi"" " oabuniof An & ntiillt a n'm of terror Mlataj Ton kn. Kan., th't. 2i-Jone'li Wa tew, formerly K'Heral attorney of the Atchlti. Totieka tun H. iK tinliiy mild: , Jililvv t'uldwell linn nam inn wmn Vv iroMTly niimt be for liwM'd before loiitf. He ban etirM..l iiiiiiM'ir on wearied of bavlmt the road on bin htihda nn.l It munt either tfo lino tne Imuiln of th fli-nt inortuait.'ca or irove Itnt-lf iiiimbh! of ruunlnir witiioui a ri-elver. The latter In lninwnlble. The road will In. fomhwu-d within a ... t t... ....... u'lll ilkiMIIIIIH year ami u.i "'r ' " ' ... ... L .. . u . C.iinlal.le. MIiikiIk 'im it 1 1 in ii v n ill niiiir i kiiim I . niiiriiLi'tt " audthe.nH:,..eof ..f t nne Ullllk'n. It 11 up -1..I he train robln-rh In the noiilh- ,i,h for Nuii'lnm; Homer for Vu wt are tlm ork of the uhw nt Lwidoti- nu'llu! connt, niemly: di innml fiilllnif off) new crop, NVw York.-lbiim. iiiilel; Htale, com . ,.... mull to cr.mnt. ifu. ( MOVKMKXTH OK KHU'H. Kan Finni'lnca, Oct. M.-Arrlveil-Wliiillmf vlnimer Nurwlml, llearld HIhhiU I ie hi rted I nut I ll la for Vlr inila ami I'ort Tiiwilw'tnt; bark I n Tlie Grandest Campaign New York Has Known, HarrlHoti, Clovcl biiJ.Dcjicw, Hill, Mc - Klnley, All to Take Hand it Khrrrk-Mukliiir. Pitiitfi-r of Thin, Movement lleltiK Overdone, Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. 3. Gov't Report HiikIiihw, Mich., Oct 2.1,-Thd no I'lely ladim lir.j liavo lii drlveu to tlielr wll'n-i'iul by tln-lr ilnmentii! ner- viiiiln litivlittf tiKi nmiiy follower and ntuyliitf out ton Into. Thin they bo lii'Vii In be detiimenliu to I lie nervant lili'l'n inoraln, timl ihey know It In nit iinyliitf to thcmni'lvi'ii. Mm. Ilnbh.iit. uf All Nnltitn' church, niiKKentiKl a plan nun inn women m cruirch yenterduy iinntmiien to citrry out tint ncht-me, llm remit wim that titer formed a union, of which Mm. Knhrht. wir nt cniiKi'CKiitlonal inlnlNtiT. In nnwi, dent, miit Mt'N. Itohjnnt, (,h Kplncopal niiiiiniiT n wnn, ami Mm, wiinhburu, wire of llm Uu mint mlulNler. nrn prcHlilniiln. A net of by-hiwn niul ren- oltillnitH wera drawu tip that bind inemiH'm or llm tin Inn not to employ any nervant who will not re lira nt 10 n'clwk, and tliey dm-lded Unit no luh li-keyn Im iflven. The fen- iiiiiihui im imnxiuciHi wnn: "lUierww, Falleu women are irrad SS nripKI Board of Bail- "KenolviHl, Tlii.1 Willi I'imi ovem are Ki'i'itlly Pi blnjiie f.r the cxlntlna con- illllnlin," Tin. IuiIIcn who mined the roll of Hie iinlnii imi nnmiiK tlio tuont iirom Incut In town. XBtt' YOIIK, Oct. 2.'I,-Thln linn Ikhii a ttity uf I'liiiferencen ainoiiif dwn- ocrnlli! leiiiletv with a view toniraliilit- enliitf nut llm tniiulliiKN reniiltlnir finni the iiniiiliiMiloii f I'lictlnnnl ilniiiK'niilc .... . m . . . conkTiiMtiiMi ciiniiniiiii nrtiiw ciiv ninl IlriHiklyii, Hi-mitor Hill uj' iIii-wmmI hlniHcir to t ttiNk wiily lltln inoriiliiii nml hud Urn eiii"ctli' aid of Hi nntc.r l''iiiilkner, clnilrmiin if llm ili'iiiiK'mllc cniiiiivMHliinul ciiiii- mitlne, wlm ca inn from Wafliluuioti hut twin. 'Tim hitler wnn iiii ncUvit CALlTOItMA katkivat. nrmm ii ......t...... i inmiuunr .1.-1.. iv-u i.h- ih.:iiuiiii. I'rlvitle cunfereiui wero held wlUi 1'iiulkin-r hy Muyor (illmy ami l'ollcol liiiiim u. iiimr .Mart In Inul 'iiiiiiiiiiny Mini wt-Mnyor Oraco nml ..' '"""""m. Oct. Kl.-r.leut. (1. W. Kranctn n. won, wno run ror iniiyni ""r 'i uie t niicu nuitcn army, tiKitlimt Mnyor tlrtiut In lio on the ''" detailed to report' on the refnrni tliM rcprentmiliiu tlio county "imiinm of llm nut mini I jtuard, to- iletniHTiicy, All. II wnn italiH . went '"''' in reiHirt Willi the ad in. turewl tt policy of coiiiHunlim. Tlie irenenil. He rifommeudn the iv teruni uf eniiiii'(inlM', It. In uniinuiiii'd, 1 rnaiia tnfu or tlio. untlonaJ 'yuard iiri prtii'tlciill)' iIccIiIhI upon hy wlilch "no inmi oirlctn, cmli under thel 1)1 WIAND LEni The Salmon Industry Inquires Protection, road Commissioners. -ortiaiid Invading Sun Frsnclaco Terrltory-l be Duath of Frank Di-kura-Othcr Sfewi. Idoen, 8I IC10K AT OltKUON CITY. Mil. ...lilt. ably ln ritorifunlxed under the lawn of the mate or tuiuom innieau nan, wlilcli iuea;ii uiai uie tern w ill ta traietri'rreU rrum ioia na to t'lilctiBo. IKON Wt HI KICKS MKKT. Indlatiatn.lK Oct. Vi-One bim.lml and tiny Ibonnauil Irou woih.n i the t' Slnl. n have netit dt h'tiaten to a coiifeivtice which In-ifilll hen t- lay. The note purMn or me uu. uif of dcli-irat.", nam om i ". m .. .. . i . .L.l.M III. U briiuf toe u-.ui women. '" tether. No ntl-lke In coliiemMin.-.i. ANT AITJJKCIATE IT . .. ..... srmriEST isto tub i-oiajsm. IS ITS M'DII i. Jlliunelf. iiNlna Imiv . . ... .... ..i............ i ..i ... 1-rclKhtn HUH cnnriem Aiuerieaii mlimmer II. f. wriifiit, now at lie- pnrttim buy. """I. "'"in to Kahuliil; Anierlcnn l'rk Melnnw, now at lie- pnrtiire Imy, row. incnm in miii (.ninclnco. American hark Toiiunl- lunt, IninlM-r front 1'iwet nonml to .Mi l iMiiirne or Adelnlde. Amerlcau nhlii bay to Hun rnmclmu Hit ToiM-kii. Oi-L 22. -A lelcKnim fr-un mW " HrooKiya roiiniiit- do- ..rHiHMiker Tlnmiiin II, II.hmI reivlved ''"I1"'1 H'"m.'lv. nn eliileil There In Yd llnh. Tl I) it hitl-iy liirormn tlm repnlillcau com- over I lie pr.Nvt of unity. ITwIdciit Mny lie ml niltico ho will mt lie able lo npenk I'levelnmli ilcpiirlun. from Hiiuanri (irand Vioik of Art In Iti fiim'd a riace in llm (.'allrrr hy a I-ackej. M... n.t. 22.-lton L Himmi n r. "f , 1? , Yonilie, coal, from Jicpiiriiiin and kl led h l inen ' " ,i . .-.nt b the nherllT'i olll.i . :, ,i ami borrowed 0 re- Tu had poll KANSAS volver of the nh.-rlfr. lie inell wim .i.i!.!. in JiiHtlctt IHxoti'n court ami I n T. ka, ........ - mu ..,. .1,1 InlHNl UP H..IOO worn . ... he wan found will! . .1. -ar Ibruuisu Id ! .v"r.v r::... ; i,v hm m. ne w,.n llll.l III.. .. .-- , , . , ,,. mill alive but umoiiw ....... i -y- "1 B." ... .....i..,i lin. iiimiii exnmliiit " ." ' a. wonniLMlal. He "" .'"T " 7, wh.n he dlcil ": n Imil cam- .,.,....... M ,f aw. mid iHiven a widow and alx m WgnmXU THR DK.MZKSS . He , n " I" . . ,.. OK SOL'TIIKUN t ALIf 0KMA. tin. H.pullnt th'lift ii." . .. - " : .'. i ...... ..rtt. l..iit oilhrr. Jle Im" "." .7,,.... .l.-n.H.u.lcut I'li'ly. w'J"' ('lurks HWpprJ, i.u ,.n lid not pay eimtiKh to flip ., . k umm Crtukfit and Cull Itnc'inimeiiiliiihiim Mado Kliowlnjf (uw I I ilium. If., I ... I.M. ,u .... ... if, if, WTI-U. I ..... . . . . f .ir',', . . v I .1... .-.. . . vu. ,.., ms. .i.. uie or tne nont liiiportnnt nutiJiHtn tho next leiclnlnturi! will liavo to deal with will be iie rejfulutloii of the nulmoti iniiiiniry wnn ninn-lal refen-iKi) to Itn linnet-vaiion. lu u,0 U.W ,,ra ,)(on wmcu inn mate una pulered, owIiir w me ciiiiikh in ituiuntrhU cuudi tluiw. It will bo tmvMttary to .-oii..n the km In will Im cut am! tho ileum- "'i nml of .1 brluiidler uem.ral with I '"id iiicntuw. un much an iMMHlble th cram inilim mi a miitfle coiiKii'Hnlntiiil iiiwuii:trtem at Hun Kmi clwo, Haern- "'"-me w-nrntg reuturen of our unt- ciiiiilliliiln III well ilimrlct. All Hie Uc-Jini ttiitMn Atii lcn reninn'tlvely. ,,rm renourcen. tine of tho tnont Im lull tin not yet beeu arrmiiii'il. It Alnti a mluctlon In tlm numlnr of portiuit of th.'no In tbo naliimn. with In known, however, Hint Tmninntiy vlnlnn, hrlifiule mid reirlmenlal ulnir I P'l'r romilatlotin the milinon Inchm- han nuniil In wlllnlinw lln cnmllilutcn hIIIccn to nomeihlmr like the iwiulre- "lllv 1H uale to lrln luto the lu two illntrlcln hihI the comity do- tnent if actual ncrvlee, A iiinterlal u,,re "ma 3,(KM).nj annually' iniHiiiiy In the oihcm. The linllcn reduction In the number of compiiulen tl,fl rcater ortbm of which retire. Uonn nt lii'Ailiniuriera point to a with- nml a Imwnno In ih i.niui.ui sentu wealth drawn dtrm-tiv rmi i... dniwiil hy Tiiuiiniiny of fleiiernl lmti- utrcmttli of cnrli company no that each nml In an much new wealth an M Kliklcn hi llm tenth nml Major hnll cotmUt of not lenn than nlxty thwwli taken llk gold from tbo U'iiIhIi In Hie cluhtli. Dewlit Wurner. liiIUIw! huhi IimIciiiI of forty-anven an Tho intmt .iiirebeiinlve re- iioinTi .neiinm "in ei mmriwiiiiiii im priced t, he Cilnkn would Improve iK,,t m'r n"u,H on nubji-ct of nul Hiiiipny in.- iii ioiicii an ine puwrnitc tin) nj-rvicu. i umn prolw tlou ami tbo lira. liimi' citiimimien, Tlin ilnniwrntlc iiiiimiuHn liavo In'ii nt Utility In Hiiniklyi) cniwiilt THK IVANHOK"UlMT. hut Her Kavwl. I'iim-m-u. la KiuiHiin mm ciiiiipiuuii. no miu l,n.ii for niHKslijT at halt a Inxcll HilUtn III Hie mine, UiWf HAFAL'I? QHfi1LrC ,,r ,,,u ar""" r '""'",,'ii hAlll jlYUAlVM DJlllli5 ciimlliluicn to innkoa khwU Hi He ' I tor lllirn liver liefnre retttrulliK hay on hK wny to i anliliiKinn win. I an event uf linNriniicc ami Klvm wii) to inn iiy niiii.iiN, iiiuinitf them nun to tlie I'lT.rl tiiat he had m;ri lu the nt of lliln action or comrrcwlmnil im tttrulUK In 'iilil;i(.'hin. The lil i'iiiiiinlu HH'hcn "twlow U'liidiiwn Shaken, ii.. H.n in- !,... lu. r.-nl.l.d. iiiiim, " In .. ....- . ..I nn InliTVIl-W III ... ,i... ..I....-,...- f iiiluii bullion of von i ,V III" . ... i. .... ,., ... .... i. ii. ..i.- iii which ' iiinou i'j i m.., --- Mmiitcnbiiriit au.ilnnt iheiu- . . . . ... .'iit"ri.'fv I .i... i... j twlitiiil HAKKIM'- M m:.--m;j i." "" ., ,,f tiu HaXn'wS. Sb IhU r. wan In., g row. when uu ctT..rt win i n ; " "" very nearly . . I.l..k .4 f it ft If U III! T im -- iiini xv.w VfilMC. ct. 22. -A nnvlal the ll.n-.mler from ' -rtiere In -i lively Inniut of art and lonllH l.iwe, n ihe ninie d..partitie..t and ih- H'Hiaft w-m'..u of comtrmn an ad wan wtvinliiK ta'hnlf f th ;' " ,. i-imiifti painiiiii." "' " lilt at '" in"- - nt, o I,.,,,,,. , . fl,,r will tonie i. oer .. - ... . . .. It... 11,1.1 1.1111 III , ' HIS .... ii"- ...... .... it wan a nyniiniiw !" v - K. Wnltn. the Knjrimn nr..-. " - ninl .rr. ... w. .- lie owned a uiid lot at Cam ALWAYS IN TWTr.i.K, ,..n ,. ii,im.a. Uu' "'Hi' Agitator. Wrlten I're-tlileiil v.. vrk. I N't. 22.-o n.iiiv..n i,--.;- l,m wrllfii a letter to I'rcnl . r I dwln I'. I hl. nnnlnliinl n,H ni ii'ii. . ... ,,, , u.iu, n r.-t.l or ntau roll 'Jowiinciul. Oct 2.1.-.T .0 tntf rintni-r tmlay returned from a crnl. iilniitf the went iimnt of Vancouver IhIiiiiiI In nenrcli or llio aliln lvnnluw. Tlie nlmro lino wnn ncotiriHl, but no frcnli wrcckaii wnn ohnerved. All liowt rnr the nnrety of the lvanhiw ntitiiw ahfliuloiied. It In belh-vml the lllNW.tera ami cnw nmv Imv.. !.,.. Iliirli'iu" Inkiiii IoiiIkIil Hill Kimiklliil nlckiHl tin hi- a for.-li.Mi iminnnl l..i...i in uiiHiKijit mm jaiumaiiy ikhiiiiik ii v.wm-i. in which event they may be imi'lliiK at llm wlwnui, The "emu irnm.ferri'd loan Inward IkjiiiiiI vi-nwl inn ni- ui w-vi-iny iieni a miin. i nr at llmmiulu. imi-iWi! nt ( milter I nloii at which ilcrnatloii Crealcd Urncrally. t'ltrl Hi'liiim, Helli liwe, M-Hmwlary Viilrclilhl, Dr, t'lirkliiiint nml ollier . 'iilm-nt ri'forinew i.k In furor of tli cdi'iiiitt or Hiroiiu for mayor nml nil 'mt Tiiiniiiiii.y nml lln ini'iliniU. Vice rrmlilciit Hicvimon will ho here Tlmmiligr ' timl wll! ninkn llirw i when, nt Kmoklyn, I'liiiubkcejinl THK MAItKKT HKI'OUT. Sun Fraiiclnco, Oct 2n.-Tho wheat innveiiietit proiulnea to be more active ivltliln the next week. C.kmI to choice iiiipini wheat In fnicftf N-.'ic, thuujrh inline holdei-n decllno to nell choice lot nt a blither llm:r. Mllllmt wheat u HAN I'HWJO. Cul., tct. il.-Thln city ami l'l!ltl"irimi mwnn w.-re yin- H,h tli IM iirierniwiii of a wthh iii (iiriliiiiiik''n of more limit ordlmtry .in. Tli,. Ural nlinck iMVlirn-il nt . . i ... . . ... ... .. I 1 . ... .. . : .' U-,.iw..,, ...,.. ,,,... i i ,.... i -,. .: ' ;i:.'m p. m. ii'"' loimwui ai iiiicr-1 'inn i rny, nei'retiiry t nriiNle linn nlorn " "' ir " " nniiii, i.n-nt niy i . ,n uur nun-nt nourcifS iirii.-tli-iil worklnitn of the nr.-n.-nt Ihuh u w,u im-iiik pn-pareil l.y II. 1. McJulrt, the xuiiio mid llnli iirotector. He cov- nil phamMi of It and nhowa how ihii ilivlnloiM of the mipreme court liave the law in lmMrtaiit liarllciilam. Hu mak.-n Iminirtaut ruimiineudaUoiim for leiflnlnilv'o ac tion. He DroiiiiiiniulM extending the nprlmt clonu nca..n on tho Columbia to May lnt, au.1 IihvIuk a ehmt nennoti aino in Atntunt ami S..ptciuwr. He alno recommeiidH that the weekly clone neiiHon bo ulxdhdicd, and In thin ne in nuptort.m iiy Hon. ijtH,. x, iiyem, ouo or th former tiirti com niinnionem, wno will Introduce a bill for the protm-tloii of milniiui at n. next nennlou, In-liig blumelf a meuiber or mo noune. L ni.n nomcthliiK prnc- ucm in iioiKi vy me next leKinlaluro, inn willed Klatea flnb conimlBulon B.tll . I. . .. .1 ... iii a.,. iioiKi. iiiruier crrort to pru- iiiiKiiui miiiiiioii; out u tin. rccoiniuon uiu.uim inline oy air, .iicutiirt! are puacted lulo law, tlie jt.ivernin.Jit uu. inim luiiiijii-r mrco mitrii.-rv. irOKI5 GETH A HET BACK. W A H 1 1 1 N O TON, iJvU 2n.-KwTHary Hoku Smith liaa n-qucntcd tlio nec-re-tary of war to cnl, to the In dian territory to uiircn tbo lawkim bnudn. , Ar-DfiimiiyliiK tbo r(iet wnnj n. i-ommutilcittlon Hi-cretary Hurilth . yntcnluy rwcli.. from the ludlin territory l-ialljic tin deidorable con dition of nrfalrM. Jem-rnl 8iton-ll l.n,kHl Into tbo nuitti-r ami then n-turued the paper to tli actlnir wH'rotiiry with tlu aiicr. Kontlou that the ren u.-nt for troopa be iniituri-il and eouMldcreil with a vl ' of ami rtalulntr th li.aalltr of tba nrr. inmod ,u-ti.iu. Thin cuilornemt'nt rrom no hljth an auihorlr- on the complex ri-latlonii Iw-t wh- tho military and -lr- 11 branchoa of eorerunient will uu. doubttfdly eatie tlio war department to move wltn frrt at caution In act! no on tli la miucwt for troona and In th t'lid mar n-Mult In a rofmuil. Tho IHMHO '-ornilHtlia lita-a iirr.l.ll.lta tho eiiiploynnit of tHioiM as prorldHl by tho oritantlc law am! that law n- vldi-a flrnt for Oi exercln of judicial jMiwer In iiii.-lllnir LiwiiHutriKu n,i tht for tho employment of troopa on tlra application or jndk-lul olflcera, baml on their inability to enforce the iro of law. Ho far an the war de partment la advised tho Judklary in Indian territory naa not appealed for tlio nHKlntnnoe of troopa. The govern ment will not move until aucb apnea la nr. lliiulo and until Hip Imtielnl nfH. era liare nliowa tba nrorx-r dlnnl. Army ottu-er iM ! raira f-el that tlie cxprena companlea nnve not cone m rnr nn ihev ulw.nl1 tha diret-tlou of iruardlnir nrooertr coufld,d to thein and held that by plac- iiik in-eive cr nrtein determined and feurleMM R-uardtt lu tho exnrena ear tber nhoulil immiu ehtH k the attackn of train roldiera. tion to rentore in tha territory. tiarite of tlie af- ........ m. 1.1... tit Illl.Ktt UU I.I.JII.V -- - ... m-ln III ndv.Milcy Of CX-VICi' I i.t,...r M.,n..irn candidacy for Hie Uv ernomhlp. iiito"M COACHMAN. New Y.k. (H. 22. I' x a n i i a t " In the cane of Joint Jnmi 1 "war I. In-vl l. Morton-n i-.mcl.inau. wbo . . ...... b ,. 1. IIL'llltlll. W oniemi win ...-' tuMfl .,iUniMil tmlny In-fore a ninn lal b"r" ... ... 'II.,. ilii-lxlnil U"W ...i...i ...1,1. U...-n.lnrV of tlie InH" eiuin-ijr i." i"..-- nu.r. it i-oii.i " . . .,i.i..ii.. bamlnome. wllh . . ; .. u.iiii.iil. a Wl.lltn: III ' '" '-.I .. . irin.. lower now ii. n-n.."- - - inn" i""' .-. ... ,,.., ,i,1p,,m ,ire Utrf ln-n.ii-.nt.Biy. - y ninie. After Uie ... " " .,K Wiitln onereu ui vr - vniun ...... u,,,Mi irnvi-rnimiit, ...i... nn.l With Wlioni m 'l-'-r nln It It titl'l lllm tl'"' , SI!!. welcomed am. rtMt w"g ... iitritup miiiiiiJiii1'" in pa.M,i1 alihoiiKh he I ...... ininiiH-r of yt . . .... in-il,-.. ljirramoie WTI I.ld'n rulUW "an to ihe cll'i' . .m were wortlilcnn on in.' 1. the umillllcatlo.. . .ii. nu dclliD I f'T " , In bin cmplnln. ' .y ' , Cleveland. Itwi lu oraiiKcmiin or .t iiicn.ln-r or uie a ail iiriinn. . . W... I'. A. llonna w " " - . UM,.t vain of a quarter of a by two j nrriH-.i In nt leant one nix-mli them, the hint on.1 iiciiiit one or tne i itirliiff lln1 clonlnit w.i-k or (lie cunt- HtrtiiUi'Kt ever eVM.ri.-iiiiii ni-re. riii- palim. pie In brick limine ntwiiruiefl Into the Cx I'rmldeiit Ilnrrlnnn will Im here . . ....... y iHHirinir nil. Hiiirinnu en-im ni i hiinni-rnu' linn i uu t-niiin h,i,-l,,.. am. .... pup-r- 1.1 .: ". Ill IliejllrlCn .h"ii.i, ---w .' in in i- muni,,.- u niliw llli-llllK limtllllCfM Willin cnicn. - mwy wmiiiu mi piiMliili', un IM'.ill.y, liiiverilnr JIC pnrtn or tne city ia refunlnii I" innne a hint Iii-. ii voiini: or had live mil ,.'l'H-tloll lUl'l '-n he cilllliol lU-'iilli SilV fo r " lN"Mr', iHVttm i ' ...i. niiKi in-rnotm w" - hiimiiiI paper, me wiiiml Innu.'. Im a ury Carimic. ,-.r K-riiONO FOK MAYOR. New York. Oct. 22.-Cl. 'r"' atl..nal (t"'Ty ' " ... .....u,ni tirum i 'J was tma arurim. --" tiouncau'Mi coiinmt" " , ;,B...-i ll.'III'M . ',f i.r v if ivu AM 1 .... i.. lwr. at. Jin wiiirii application for MI'ltOMNfl. Imdoii, view. A- ma ili- Yofk ntate tenderud the Uomf.u.ln for n.ayr . Uiat ontai.l7.atlon..O.-o. S al w . ,,nitlmr the noiiiliintlou, nald In ' " 'You are a n-imbllen... we are . ... ...... m. r tli In limit, not"" " .'. ; . ,t an a cbaini'l'"' in it'll it tNiniiiik'ijr n. i" i th L'lft will ..jprenshm o .nl'iu i ijn-nhuni wr,l' ,r the action i lmre lH In receipt of a llim Z. dvldln. liiited W" of all fol. that thmn a fUr. tin" ' the mi-ret onth-lmui.d prim pal 'ft ...ii..., a nri. contrary i - ., ...i I .In not IM-iit 't- our iiinuiu.K'i." ' --- . . .. ... ..iiftit in exlm nnil to tne rreiimm ,,.. L.r.l.ln uf CimI uccordlliB to ' tat( of one' own eoimd.-nce. nay . i. im iii iiiriiui mi ........ il.. mire mt lolllll Kliicrj " " , , .11 ii.l-l HUIII.I'K- t0 renin." . - - . I1)1IK. mi.tidli.K 'oiii'i i" m :,",., I., i-1;",:.::: in,. whit- rri V. i w II ever l.a.. iiimw. . ... Imxed UP ineie ' Mixe.1 U I I'"' ntay iii. .Hi lull. It in cellar, and will until the prcnl- JAFANKHK KBVKB8BS. . .. niinniled. ID'"' catlutf Kerlotm Flgbtlntt. detncliuieiit hnn im op tin ..Will IO knotty the u'linbinmoii nun of a Afl'-r dent Kct " .. ..". l.lnariln- IM.I'liii.ny ''''',. , ,,... . .,, ... ii, rnlr, 'lv nnu "' ."", , Ill ill.- ""'- . mutant. m-n I tf , n"'" '-- . ....... of tlm Him" few ItocklilH. .i... nation .."-- . tlie clone .n linliil limine. A Secretin1)' depiirtmeiit. limine ami t-iinl.nii KiiNnlnii eni llMpiltCll lint. llm .....l Inmnii'iMl time wnn inm-u " i.aTKST Ht .IJ.KTIX. . ,., 22. A linllcMii ,HHm.d t'tilbtlit W pl..VHlcl..m. I" 5sk:. r,,,: llllllll. Jl" "I'l". , '. .......i.. iriJKtfi hwmjZZ TilK LOST IVAXIKUS- M .... -nnl. Nlllllll Ihli'kH '!'" ,MI .Z " ',,. nn. the IninlintS Ilie-wnn-n lmHI,x . nn. Iiilll'il III w'liit' iiiiiiiiilhilcly prtHi'illmt tho qtiak. ('nliNlilernlile ciMoitcl'.litllnii wan In the niilillc nclKHiln, llm "hlldreii In ...i.... .......ii.. ..I.............. tt.ii.iii nm i n neiim inmuij uninnmi, CliK'kn were Mopped nml wlmlown and doom were nlmkeii neimlbly. Hlli ii K I I' A UTTI.H. Ixm Amteli-n, Oil 2,'1,-A nllitht earth ipmke nh.Mk .wnn felt hem at ;i.o."i o cliH'K linn iiiii iii"".!. r,to of cnal. It wnn N'm,,l,m,'n . of thin vmnel win. ,,,'!;t: i t m w.,vk..e off I'aiat i-'h terr a . Se .t.'mlHr2!..l.. two d.iy l-laltery o'l i , iv.uiImh' hiiIIiiI uftT Hi" l'm . . .... u.,.1,1, ihinkH wivkimn ... .... 1 , I " ' . ...IMl 1,111 y.i I ' 'rin ,.-,. . ,. I. ..nt nr III.- tl." . .. I lli-Iiiiiun., w.w ,. Ill'" UI1" 1 tOOK ii -JIohhc, Willi tlie of wotlliih-d JupUlH W. o . It (, the '"' ''.,.,. (,.t.d rived hrc. There are hum- a . i.a-inatl'in that it m ... lM.rof wounded at ft . " hy ,t. of $Jt (irlmni'n tlon, 2,inf) wounded J P' ,H' Y,i.. crdau'1" will ft lfl Ini-n sent to Japnn- A 1 , ,(.n(.r , the " - Th(, mllll there are l.X '"lllf h . Ti l ' t Z t i MM l the hoHplbil. Tim rein "' k , t,,llir of 1 1 J t , ,re of Hakn of Southern n."!! not VVHK" "'.""T .1 .7 . M. Wllnon, and only tlm fact tl ; ?..Sni.eni Hi" pw,Nt 1 V I hill provided with ........ l..A,llt.ll? Il.riii ,.i'.----n , i I, ,r mmn ne.i. many of them have w ted. lAmr iiuiuircu .!(' arm. P out. un" "I' " .i,i.. t, jor, revolt fnildief lb" Hi'lM'i1" ' . YHmn nnl "rtT'L. ' i'l, ..bout ..rt. I.-'' iflvcil III'" t 1 nt flirt have imm nmiwwy Uvaur K1IIK n ... . .. I.f.. il iiiiii " which Kciine oi p. i . v. . Into lMiiiiiini,"'T " I'" . . .1.,, IIIIIV ....t.,1 ri. Hii.'.T nr.-.. .- - t.,.A H'K a""-1 "" " ..( ...nmlety, . .... . i.. ace at S.uu , ' -"'':, ,, ()lc ToiiK tn- leved to w "i.nijtinar Hak. Tbo 'rlyWV force at I'ow Tln to. r ,lirj?l. force at Klern and itntl'ijnnK force nt l'ow Ting Fu- . . . Com The m-c-ond (fin or " -'";,1..,,i en- Mil ' . . . t ..rder. H . noneil. to return left here October JStli M voy to tne rn.mi..", - f t, AMl. in" '" ..i..,,'. mil- very - i. ir iin:. ." ... . . ,,, ,,,,. W "I"""" . ,..,1 i..Ci.ini.( Hill OJ. .'." " liocaii". ':.- UUM, cilery tlie '"".''V". '-. '!!'"; Vnnv In. will u i" " "-'- . Yl . Miu!nii.m ... Mill, II). I ..''F-' Hwii jnileccNf i.- - pyin .or Z waiH fi' trnima and inn"-.' . i(.,-IIM (III . ' ' tncK llil nr- envoy Tlm (inaullty of .miIm Kloti o. a .mi""'"' tit. ..'. Him took Iiii" preneuta. ' ,r.,.na 1,1 ?!orea Many letter to Kur pi'an M have lan-u opened thtJ hi , tboritlc. The Brltlnh conu ia detained three week THE U-irAMrSuN'ON. , Omaha. Oct ,w wbom'wnn the U. dltrb;t co'rt to wt ...i.nt on i" !i 'ilem-l-lbed elnreil that nirerred the tratlic tbo t'DioinftU be Will ajrataua, "V aa? or raury tno an -"-" (in ,mvlIlK mi. two. Thl lufornm ", -,,.,, cmveyed to JltlmttlB thl. mornlnlif, "Zwicd from ISIlllnK Hue would bo optra atfit (Sunday. . - . 1,1 ami . ...... ..,..n mi (lie c.niK.r'"1- 11,. ii White Hoime ' ,,I)K Indecent K,,,,d Ki "h(! ,,,l,"t' lint '"' . Z ' .,.. but they lucked w,,,. nude, to Im ' ' , w,ch entirely (be 'J2)rtUm.toi ..,ll'' 111 ' ' , St ;J.,(M.t,iy, not were i"-it. '-., ,, ,.. of the tll.'V ...mi naniioii ... i..,f U.,,IIH H.III, " .. ,11 much mow iu' . tt. Un (1 ruillMI l VIllU. . .... ntt .in HHI1IB ,....,,, tu MO IOI.K Wilnon wm"! ,)mt t be coin..'. , ... nn 111 Hill .(.Ilian. ?-h,A lint wa 111 nature nluml'l ''", wa.itc "ii.-. If Pivnldcnt t A I ' ,..... -';HVmnet.1ere,m.;.w--1 tin. objectloiiablo 1 ' . ,,ld not be w,,U:,!:"i loTirw out warning of I t.m-mlttiKl to do 11 w". , h u,,. WD,ir h ureln the Wbltr Hotwe would Bubjett '" Ciiut cnine irom im' "' . ""..T"Zh The 11-in 11 iKiut th- po-ltlon llio until i"i'1... .., .inick her. n . uillilKMllMl l" ... I P"'t" ' A PHOFITAIIMO TIHP. Ha i'rnnH" 22.-Tha alewu T . .. rwlm rami. Into l"t 1 H W , ZX v I """"' "IB """,l,,Ht '," 'r"m ... i..-1-lvril hero till" ir n ."War, in ,,f tliirt.V "V' ,"'.' u-hulen, ',,t""lW ,h vitiated will wt tli' n n .ri rlv half a million Th" , J l .lutr...1.ian.le,llui'lno-. '. . . rnta of Hm pr,,,,IM of 11,1 MlHHOUItr WCMOfjKATS. i Tel 2" -Over l'"' C"Jeih 1 "''I (J"Vl H""m' hi. .lonepli. Mo )ir. --.". , I lie rlml Dnrliirf tlm' met llio lilW'Hl St. Jonepu. i .,iM.fin Idem ,. imu vet en- crowd ii'"' ,,m" cnuntcr.l"" ""' "''"' , f. ANOTHKJl KKOOItl). t,y Harry J J' h()rt md MADE IHS KSCAI'IU. Tlilrf7llllll, i.,,tinr or me I. T. Oct 22. Jim Cook, lender or mo inn 1 at litHperfldoe who Wll unoer CAl'Si:!) (iltl'.AT KATISr An IOiV. The Kliuiil Taken hy the Dole flov- eriiliiellt lu Iiii- 1 '"" Mailer. WiiNhlmtlmi. -I.-Lnle new from Honolulu or me aorupi. cur ijlvell I'V the imie itoverumeiii w we netful In t'lnnn hy coiniulHHlnner from ,;iml,!ll( ror HMi'lill concennlona for n iuiln lu the H.iwnlliin iHliimln for the prnjii-ted til hie betwee.l KiHIhIi Coliiuihla nml AiiHlriilln, hnn 1 1 re ecl wd liein with Ki'cnt natlnraclloii,- liiK-iil,e in tlie poHiuve niiunoe ni un lliiwnlliiii itmeriitneiit. In on account i.r prior cxcIiihIvii treitty cu uhucii in with the fulled SlaU. I,e imike any nncli itriuu an wnn re ipnwied by (Irciit liiitaiii. "en in ronniil perHonn hern charncterle HiIn iiiovo hy the Ilrlllali jtovenuiieiit Hk part nt tlie inncl.liu.tlunn fur new ml viintmrit In Pai'lllc ocean.' It In well known, however, that all ov- ..riniienln 111-e niixloiin for the enlnh- llNhuieiit of teleitninJilc cointuiuilci.l.loii with tlm Manila of llm l'aclllc, IM11 tiiir the nltllni! of ntpnMeutatlvea of Ihn I'lilled Sinli'H, (ii'i-at llrlti.lii mid ii iiiiiiv. nt. Hcilln, at which tlio Olive pmvci'H I'liti ivil Into nil cxIhIIiik trlpiii'lle amintfeineui in reitnro 10 ihn "neiilrallty mm iiiiiomminun itov- ertiiiii-ul or the Siiincaii Inlamln," the Htiliject or CHtilhllnhlilit teli'ltntphlc coin iniiiilcnllou wllh Nullum wan bi-oacheil to the ciiiifci'encn hy the Itrlllnh dele- (Mil, win. Hiaicil tnni. tne enuinunn nielit or teleifl'llplllc cnliln cuiiiimiulcil tlon would iti-enlly nmlnt In prevent-: loir r.tiiii'tt iiiNiiii'iiiini'i n, i no Aiuer 1111 culUIIIIHMOliers, iiiioiii:.. .ioiiii Iv'iiMHon. iiHMlll'eil tlie cnili'l'eiice tnni llm 1 II led SlIUCN Him eililllliy uemr i.r havlnit teleitntphlc cnniiiuiulcii Hon I'Hlilil hIiciI Willi Smiiio.'I, lil.t .Hint urn. 11 mailer upon which the Ainer can rniumlMxImici'K had 1 1 - utillmt'lly .0 ti-eiit at that 1 1 1110 ami place, J!u 1 ,.it nccnrreiicn In likely to lend to illnlmnnl c correNiiuiuleiice Willi jtovct'iinicnt, nml aim. to IiiihIcii ncllnii In colitfl'i-HH II inn tun niaiTci- or encuiir nitliiL' Hie laying of .1 telegraphic cubic intwcon our raciiii! count; ami 1111 iliiwallan IhIiiiuIk, ii to which ft pre llniltiai'y nlcp Inw ulrenily been taken In coi'grcNH, The iieinirtineiit or hiiiio Iiiih reiii-tiiedly nimilfi'Hti'il lln oiiiwhi concern lu came tciegnipiiKt comuinii eiitlnn will) Hie Jliiwalliiti Inlands, bill It hnn nlw Hhown II dlHlnclliiiillim In enter llnlo 'any further "eiilanglliig alllnnccn" wllh foreign governinciilK hy ciKperatlon for the accoiiipllMlinniiit of tiiat or any other purponon. Klnley, whom It In prnMimil to take tlirmnih Hie "lute on a niHi hit train. will oM'ii nt Huffnlo and innki nliotii twelve ninii-lien In two dnyn. There In nil entliiwlallc tleiunml ror McKlnley. Next week Chnilll.vy M, Ilejiew Will itlvn two tiny on a np.i'htl I nil 11 in Hpeuk fraiii, CI.HVIOI.ANO ON TUK WAY, (Jreemvlch, Conn., Oct Sl.-rn'al- ilent Cleveliiinl nml pnrly were met nt the ilnllnn here lodny hy M, (I. Ileiieilli't nml were driven to li Im Imiiie, "Tint Mtiplen" The pnrty will linve early tomorrow i.ioriilng for New York. HBXSATfOXAFi DIHCOVKRY. New York. Oct. 2.1. Thin afternoon the ileiniK-rnllc l.eadip.iirlern were ngl Uiled over an nennnlloii. "We luivo nniile 11 big dlwuvery," will (lluili'innii Thaeher. "Thero In a defirt III tint new cnimUliilloii iijhj.ii (III. oilnptloil of which Toleii will he i-eipilred lo pnm Judgment November (Itli, which will create a IcglHliillve lilntiin If niii'le." Tin' linrileii of the dlneovery In tlm' ir tlm OiiiiHiliniloii in mlupUil there will lie im Ictflxlnfurc In 1S1). mid tlm ciin- illilnli'N eli cli'il thin year will not Hurt nt Albany next winter, The new con- Hiliiitluii, ni'ier milking a new aiiimr- tlniinieiit, provlilen for the election of m-nalorn mid iixKciuliryninii umler It In November, J.N!i."i, and then pin villi that, the coiinMIiiHuii, If ni (iniveil, mIhi II go Into citwt Jiiiiuary I, 3.SIV,. , Mil, WALSH KtlLKS, New York, Oct 2.'I.-Jnn, J. WiiIhIi, eaiiillilaln for congrenn In tlm eighth iIInIi'K niiiiI lonluht the retiorla oen- eeruliig hln retirement from the con- tent were fnlne, "1 inn hi tlm ruco to Hlny," mid he. for fair a wage: il7Me (a 72Un; for No. 2, mid 5nc 61 H! fur mt (trade. MvcriKMil.-WheiU-Flrui: demaiul giniil; No. 2 red winter, -in Ud: do. spring, -In lUid. Hopn lu I-oiidon-I'iteMc count, dit iniunl moderate; uuw cud i'l'liinftf 12 ion. Of nlnto liiciini' 11 nd as audi denervea cuivnii atieutiou llio board of rnllriaid coiiiinlnnlon. ,'t-H Itni Junt completed lln fall In ipH'tlon of the nmdn mid the niH-re-tiry,. I.ydell linker, In prcpmlns the uleuillal ri'imrt to the leelMliitnw. Snulatlou in rife nn to whether the iitgimattire will nlxdinb the Iward or lot, ami vnry coimldernbly. Many base their opinion tbut tlie will not !o almllnluHl on the fact Unit the tlitbt for pnnltioua on tlio board In no wnrni aud Involvea no many and so much trailing of voU-a bun been made, that It will lie ImiHNiMlble to iiImjIIkIi the board. It ia very evident that thin fight for election nn railroad commls iloner will have uu iiiiMirtunt Inllu fiice iiHu the leKlnlatlou of the aec 1I011, for voti-a ami influence are be- 8AV FKAN01HCO SHII'PlNa. 81111 Franclnco, Oct. 2;i.-Arrlved I'lirnlloti from 'lalhim buy; achomier W. I,. Heche, from Port Itlakely; My or I'ltchhi rrom Victoria and Tort Townneiid; Mlmnhi from T.icouia. Cleared .Monuerrnt for Naulanio; ulilp Kentniore for I'ortland. Ocpnrt-I'll-narkeiitlne J, M. (irirlilhn for I'ort Hmll.H'k; Areata for Coon bay. Frelghla and mrtem llrltlnb Klilo Fiery, wheat from I'ortland to Hut i'nlted Kingdom, Havre, Antwerp or Dunkirk; American Or- In trn.hil In the Interest of the varl 11 uu.., 1 ii.iiii in'Miuiui-e imy io I oils CI1IU .Kites. Tli.iu. l.n ot,.....,...i tlm hint niwdoii know bow thin name nmtier iiominnted it, and It will Sua I'i'aiii'Isi'o; (.eiiiiaii bark Sent a on Kmser, nalmon, thence to l.lvei-MK)l or London, TACII- IO COAST COAL. ' WASHINGTON, Oct 23.Commo doro Chllwlck. chief of tho equip ment bureau of the navy, hnn received con plete rtiort4 of the commander of uhlpa eiiKatreti In the Itebrlujc sea patrol on the reuit attoidlnit expert menu with Pacific count coaL All rivo vesn-.-ls had tome 6f thin coal and they drummed about 10,(XW tona. Tba trials were confined to Falrhaven and Blue Cunou iwt ..n.l while thev ww not aa thorough as might be deemed necennary to fully establinh the qual ity of tho coal the result was very sat isfactory t.s far aa dlncloned. Secre tary Herbert haa determined to pur auo the exprluent farther and will, caune one of our naval veaaela to mnko exhauative toU of the fueL THE 8TK1KE INVESTIGATORS. YVa-nhinirtoif. Oct 2aThe national strike commisKlou appointed by the prcKblent to Indent lira te tho Krcat atrike at ChicuKo renxinvened todar. Ita report haa beeu largely completed find tlie comnilHHion ia engnired In get ting it into final nbnne to renort tn Inquiry auch a a moat 11 tern- un prennient. It in said the will deal wltn the ntriko Jn way a a to make the report valuable contribution to the tun of the miclal problems. rOUTI'OAL AOItEES. Wnnhinirtoii. Oct 23.-rortmral haa mx-epteil the Invitation of the UnlUnl btab'a and haa alitnlfled her adher ence to tho nitreeiiienta arrnr.ireit u tho Tarla arblfatlon for the nroi.i.. tion of aenla In the North I'aclnc ocean and lie hr uur sen. Tho nih,.r mnrntimo iniwere have not fet re. piled. .......-'. TOWAUDS A FATAL END. Such Ia Said to Ko the Tendency of uie tjxara Malady. CHIXA-JAFAN WAIt NEWS. Takes on a More Itcllablu Tone Wbcii Until Side bine. Tniliilon, Oct, 2.'I.-A dlnpntch to the Time from Tleti-Tnln nnyn the Chi uio olllelnln report that a battle oc ciimil near Yoe Chow yi-Mtivrday ami Hie .1hiiiiicmo were ri'imlHtil with a ionn or ;Kki men on each aide. TIiiii-TnIii, Oct 2.1. Tlio Chinese licet left Wel llal Wei yesterday with onlem to attack tlie Jitni.uene nnuad- iDii. 'flic emperor of China, renllr.liig the Impm'liim-n of the niivtu buttle fought off Y11I11 river, ns pivveutlug a iniirltlme IiiviihIoii or China, has Indued a tlecrci! awarding hoiiorn to foreign oftlcern who served 011 board - CblncHe nhlpn and bcstowltnr three St Petersburir. Oct. 2.1. A hnlleitn datml Llvadla. 7 p. m., waamada pub lic .i .t.i.. A. ... . . (M, I "- rrruiUK. 11 says: Jjur- woinu next time. If the leirlnlntnrw u":y. ",e r. wa lanjruid. Ilia nppctlto was better that yester dny." Little further respecting tho caar haa trnuapired up to tlie time of end nii tho ,Ulnpatch. Tlio polloo now distribute official bulletins publicly According to advices received by phy sicians from their confereoa at Llvadla the nines of the cxar la taking ita usual course towards a fatal end. lee not ulmllsh the board It at least mourn make it appointive by the gov tfiior or elective bv the innnl... I I Id no longer bo left a iJImIui-IiIiil' ieu.e.u m tue legislature. tne ilea tli or Frank Dekum is the icverent loss i'ort la ml ban suffered by un. iiiiiiii m a citizen ror a long time. mt was foremost among the few wealthy men of the city who cm ployed hln wealth In building up the ruy. j no ricn ineu'or i'ortlitud are noted ror keeping their wealth In non-prodiictlvo channels where it will receive nceretloiiH by the lulmr and pnterprino of others. Mr. Dekum was not thin sort of a man. He was al ways in tlio front rnuk of workers ror the welfare of the cltv and state He wits tbo moving spirit lu founding me lorunuii exposition, He waa yearn pay on Ihe widows of those president of the society that Import mIii In In tbo battles, IILOWN TO PIECES. A CAUXIVAf, OF CltlMR FATAL COLLISION. Olathe, Kan., Oct 2.1-At 5:25 tills morning ft freight on the K'iiiisiih City, l.'ort Scoll; & Mi'iupblH ralliimd col- llilnd wllh ft string of cars which bail run off the switch. Fireman Iv. Stow- aft wnn Instantly killed. Engineer B. It, Smith Jumped,' dislocating bis left St LoiiIm, Oct. 2I1.-H. W. Diinunw' grocery store, on lllddlu mid Ninth Sticli In Hie Proper TTlloof the Clinp- Mrcels, wan blown to rulim by a niys- ter lu Jiulluii 'TeiTlloi'y. terioim expiosioti just iieroro noon,, ami live persons badly hurt the In- Llllle Itink, Al'k,, Oct 2,'l.-LlWt Inrles nf one belinr thoniflit. fntiil. Tin. nlgli lint proKi-anitiu; hi the great car- Injured tire: August Ibn'r, bend, face mime other bunkers, the bank 11 1 I'll I of tt Hi lt tt'hliili lu iiikitr in, in, ,.,,,1 ......I.. 1. 1 i t. .. . ' ,v M""u ....... ,.., .,, ..mMdim nanus m-M-iv-i.y iiunieii miu oouy would not llllVO gotteu ill to Its tcm- "'"m!;.'",'!1!!' .iK1!!!7'"!!' I''"1?1;- ?,,r':'k 1)wr- hrt: porary ul1ilty. Ho lived to see the n.n. n . nun ui m'- I p rilllii JXMIJV. II'ITB Mllll UIM1V HrillHim. I t.iilil nn Ita I... 4- end miiiill towns lu geumnu ilcnperiiilo skull; Albert Knrtx. buck ,.f n.u att.,nii,... . J.'l "' l,l , ,, 1 1 ..... n , . " ".' " ...u " "i iv nnc ru uu. ..(-.-iiii. u song oiias. j ue sus pension of the Portland Savings niHiK, or which lie was president, brought severe criticism epon Mr. Dekiuii by a great many who did not know the real facts and tho inno- Gcneo or any wrong-doing on his part Too much liberality on his part Is all he could be charged with. i r.. .i i... ... - . . imu ne iieen as bciiisii tutu nam ns Ntyie ny mil cock. Hiippni'U'tl by it Hli'ong anil (lespetnte coiiiiuy f elKhl or ten followers, 'Ihe rnlil was niado on Wiitnva In the evening, tint (lespcr- atliies making tlielr iipronch known hy A pmnilMciioiis discbiirge of llivarms. Tint himtllln terrnrlited the Inlialil- mm.H aiiil most of them snittflit wifi ly In llii.'lr hoiisen behind bariinuleil ilomn, Tlm outlaw vlHltcd every Htni'it In tlio village nml nut the mer- :luuits with Wlnclieslei's nml rcMilv- ei-H, Tliey took from tlio Nlore till tlm money Ibey could llnil nml what- ovni' else Ibey wanted, hurt, hurt, face cut H,. body bruised. V. Ditiniiies, leg wits also ! Waliivn Hm giuig we'it to Tain, ten miles away, wlii'iu tliey ri'iir-ftied tlielr depreda tion, Kvery nloro In tlio plnca was IhIIciI and tho nroprli'lorH compolled to turn over their cash, ItUlLDIxa COLLAPSED. Chicago, Oct 2:i,-A ve-story brick building lit 21(1 Wells stnvt in pro cess of construction, collapsed today, burying several workmen In the rulus. Two men could bo heard calling for help from umler the debris, and It wan thought live or nix more .were caught. All Hie workmen esetipod ex cept Mlchml Itose, a. enrpenter, nitl Tlm postotlltu Uu Italian named Gnronl. Tliey were mo inucn ror him. He would not take the advice of his friends and co away for a rest from cure until it wns too late. At Inst ho prepared to go abroad ror bis health, but be had postponed It too long. Those who kuew Mr. Dekum and bis work here as they really were, will plnce him near the hend of Portland's citizens who should be upon Its roll of honor. We have few left who can be clnssed with him. BUND 'EM HACK, soon rescued, mid, though badly crushed, will probably recover. . THE BLYTHE ESTATE. Sim Francisco, Oct, 23. The long pending lltlgiitlou . over Millionaire Wythe's estato deems to bo as good n emled. Probnto Judge Coffey to day ruled that Florence Blytbe Hinck ley is entitled to have tho property distributed to hcr,n goon as possible J from ora London, Oct, 23,-NiiiiiIhw of the lending Kugllsli foreign mmiu'cIiIhih ai' vacating tlielr haunts In London mid ft majority nro proceeding singly to America. Tba reason for tins mi gration I tbo liiw'HNiint linrrnsMlug to shoulder nml receiving serloun Interna I which they have boon subjected and; Buffalo, Oct. 23,-Robort J and John Injuries. Hend MrnkeiniuiL. 10. Mas-Ion account of tlie vigilance of tlie po-ill. Uentry, tho noted pneers, have bin tors wot wrloaily Injured. --Mice. ' '- ' matched for Novewbur let THIS COMINO ItACE. The representative of a wholesale Portland htmlwero bouse has 1nst rottirnwl from a trip to California, where ho sold hardware In competi tion with San Frnuclseo houses in the territory , immediately around that city, beginning nt San Jose. When Portland can invade Snn Francisco's homo field in that manner, It must make that city feel that Its dnva of dictatorship liavo passed. P. I. n. a fatXlIItuoke. Caldwell, Ohio, Oct 2:.-The resi dence of Sylvester Yeaglo, this county, wns struck by lightning tills evening and consumed. Yougle and his two chlldivu wero killed and their bodies consumed. , POSTKIt Weather FOHECASTS. the Next Prtnl let ions for Ten Days. Prof. Foster's hint hull foret'asts of the atorm wave to el-vie the continent from the 18th to 2;id, and Uie next will reach the Pacilic const about tlie 23d, cross tlie western mountains by close of 24th, the gnat central vnjlcys from Kith to 2TUi, and the Eaatern states about the 2Sth. This distm-liance he says will lie of more than usual force and will ha followed In northern latitudes by ugly winter weather.' Ilalufall will bo above the average lu niiinv il .-.. during tlie Inst week In October. Hie warm wave will cross the west ern mountains about - the 23d, tho gi-ent central valleys about the 25th, anil tho eastern states about the 27th. iiie cool wave will cross the western mountain about Uie 2l!th. the irreniM central valleys about the 2Stl. ami the eastern states about the 30th. Severe frosts will accompany tho cool j wave probably as far south aa th i. parallel. . 1 j v-'':" . Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair, MOST PERFECT MADS. A pure Gum Creim of Tartar Pnu bom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. w TttAKS THB STANDARD, ' 4 1 i I 1 i e H J ?