The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 07, 1894, Image 4

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How dear to my beat la th ahow of
Th old country olrou my boyhood
dviy knew;
In th day ot thre rlrg, hippo
drxnc. mil roads,
How fond recollection present thee
to view.
For WJeka while th poster on fence
and churvh sheds
Portrayed to my eyea the scene that
's abouM be,
Nit oft thrtU of lov. no throb ot am
btttcn, lift sine equalled th bits I gained
dr.mln of thee,
The old ouotry circus, the shabby old
Th wndorlng old circus my boy
hood day kt:w.
How faithful I worked In the way
that presented
To gain tht few pennies my ticket
should buy;
No toll waa ao eweetened--no reward
ao atwpndous
No rnltw 'ec cherished hla hoard
a did 1
How fair atune the sun on the triad
day appointed;
J low rlf with strange bustle th
aleopy old townl
And when o'er th hills cam tha rum
, Me ot wagon,
Tha bound of my heart aald: "The
olivu has coma,"
Tha old country clivu. tha faded old
Tha ooe-hor old circus my boy
hood daya kn.w.
What pageant of now can that "grand
entry" ottnpass?
What wit of today ilka those Jokr
of tha ring?
And those dlvana ot pin board such
eaaa oriental.
No reserved cushioned oh air "of the
prent can bring.
On elephant My, satkafylnf, ma
- JesUc,
Not Jumbo, nor sacred, neither paint
ed nor white
Take them all, and tha whole ditty,
(triple-bin programme,
For a stogie return of the old-time
The old country circuit, the tawdry old,
Tha perfect old circus, my boyhood
daya knew.
Philadelphia Call.
A Ghost's Love Story.
HE might have been thirty
Ave, but a to this I will not
haaard an opinion, for it la
always dangerous to apeak
a woman'a age. Certain
It is. however, ahe la small
W and well formed, with wavy
brown hilr and large brown eyee and a
rloh brown akin, and, aa a fitting sup
plement to all these charm ahe wore
a brown allk dreaa. She waa not a
plain woman; Indsed aome would have
counted her pretty, aa sit atond there
at the gate half under Med whether to
go forward or back, watr-hlngr the
atranger who waa coming alowly down
the lane. The atranger waa tall and
broil shouldered, with gray eyes, and
gray hair and whisk era, and he wore
gray cloth with a broad . brimmed
gray hat to match. He waa gray
enough for sixty, and euch you would
have voted him had you not chanced
to catch tight of hla clear complexion
and almcat youthful face. Then you
would have said he waa not a day over
Thla waa Just what the little woman
In brown remarked to herself aa ahe
stood there by the gate. : Besides K
seemed to her that there waa some
thing strangely familiar about the big
man In gray. Away back in the past
before her life became so lonely and
sad, she had known aome one of whom
the stringer reminded her. But that
waa a long while ago, and perhaps she
waa mistaken; at second thought she
was almost certain ahe waa At any
rate It waa foolish of her to stand
there staring curiously at a man she
had never seen before.
Then why did ohe do K?
Tli ltiw In which the big man in
gray waa walking waa not a public
road; it waa private property, and be
sides, at the further end waa posted a
jmiu4 Huti'u wunivu inn irouiiu um
to .trespass thereon. The father of
the tittle woman In brownw had nailed
" it there the morning after the village
boyi bad mad a raid on his peach
orchard. That was thirty years ago;
the author of the placard lay attest
In the old churchyard, the boys who
stole his fruit now had children of
their own, but still H stood as a warn
ing to all passers-by. Perhaps,, thought
the little woman In brown, 'the big
man In gny did not notice the placard
he might be a stranger who by accl
dent had wandered from the public
road. She would show him the way to
the hotel and then go back to the
But Just then the big man in gray
cam up to the gate, and raising his
bat to the little woman in brown, said
"I beg pardon, can you tell me who
lives In Deacon Oilkenson's house over
"Deacon Ollkenron! Why, he has
been dead for yean."
"Yes, I know, but what became of
bis daughter, Alice? She waa only a
young girl when I went away."
"I am Alice Gllkenson," said the lit
tie woman in brown, In a half Inqulr
Ing, half startled way.
"Tou are Alios Gllkenson, and you
do not remember me?" And the big
man in gray stooped down and looked
eagerly into tha face of the Utile wo
man in brown.
Five minutes later they were seated
on a bench by the side of the gate,
The little woman In brown had out her
handkerchief and was crying in
softly, while the big man in gray was
wiping his eyes suspiciously, and say.
Ing: "And so you have not forgotten
the old mill under the hill and the
black-haired boy who used to work
there? That was a krg time ago."
"Ages ag," said the little woman In
"But the boy did not find the work
bard or tiroaome," the big man in gray
went on. "Twice in each week there
waa an old gentleman who came to the
mill bringing with him his HBtle girl,
and While the grist was grinding, the
boy and the girl used to play together
and he thought her the prettiest, dear
est creative he had ever seen, and the
days when she and her father came
to the mill were the brightest, sun
meet spots in all his life. After a time
the girl stopped coming to the mill
She was fifteen then and the boy was
eighteen. But the old gentleman used
to ask the boy to his house for dinner
on Sunday afternoon, and after din
ner was over the old gentleman would
lie down on hla sofa in the little par
or and take a long nap, while the boy
and girl would talk together for hour
at a time. What they italked about
would have interested mo one but
themselves, yet they were Interested,
and to the boy at least, those after
, noons were very precious, for he loved
the girl dearly."
"I know he old," said the little wo
man In btown.
"But there came an end to all this,"
continued the big man In gray, not
noticing ; the Interruption. "The boy
was poar, very poor, while the girl's
father wis the rlcheet man In the
town. One day the latter gjfve the boy
to understand that he could never
hope to claim the girl for a wife. The
boy was crushed, completely broken.
He went away, a poor miserable ghost
of bis former self.
"JI went into the army, he was ever i
;o ot
in the thickest ot the tight and always
welcomed danger with a glad In-art.
Men said he was a brava soldier and
mad hint an oftlotr. Ill superior
said he wns a capable officer and asked
him to come up higher. At the lirftt
Dull Run lie waa only a private; when
the war etoscd he commanded a reg
iment. But to him all lltese things
were melancholy pleasure, for he was
only a ghcet. When the war wr. over
he went 4t travel In foreign ; sod
then act tied down In a gtvat city,
where in business he waa mioeesaful,
perhaps, beyond hla deserts. He waa
famous and men wera glad to claim
htm as a friend. At times he waa hap
py In a strange, d way; but thun
how could a ghost hope to share Ihit
pleauiv of the world In which he was
dell? Often, wry often, h thought
of the old life, and the thing whk'h
Itad been ao dear to him, and he won
der d It she had ever ktved him."
"I think she did," aald the little wo
man In brown. Hut a lump came up
In her throat and ohoked her, and the
big man In gray went on talking.
"One In a very great whll I think
he really wished that he had never
"Did he?" aald the HUla woman In
brown; but the big man In gray did
not answer her..
"A few daya ago," he continued, "the
poor ghoMt heard for the An time
that the father was dead and lliej
dttugher alone, He resolved to come
back and ate It he could not 11 ml his
lost self In trying to win back the
wiunan bo loved. Itut then he Is only
a gtut and perhni a doomed to be dls
ftrpulnrted." 1
"I don't think so." sold the Utile
woman In brown; and wlum the llg
man In grey pu!Ud her hoed down up
on hla breast ahe did m4 rwlat.
A month later there wna a wedding
In the village church. The wedding
waa a quI-M but a Joyous one, and after
It waa over the big man In gray went
to live with the little woman In brown
at the old cottag), People ay that he
1 the moat contented and hnppleet
ghost tn the world.
Cardinal Inroblrd I Spoken of a the
lp' Successor.
Cardlnel .Heoblnl, secretary of the
propaganda at Rome, i Hkeii of a
a pruoaole ueor to Pope Loo. Ho
Is the main executive oftlcer In charge
of the vast army of miwlmarles of the
Roman Catholic church, working In
every part of thi world. Cardinal Jac
obin! Is not yet 60 year of age. The
honors ot bis oflUioar noxt to that of
pope and papal secretary of stata He
Is said to be om of the most amiable
of men. In appearance he la of middle
height. Inclined to be stout, and Is of
dark complexltui. He I an especial
friend of the rope, and haa a wider
icoimlntanc with Americana than any
of his flkw cardinal. He la one of
the prominent men of the day and will
likely be heard from In the future.
A Man of Much Interest In the Calh
oik! Church.
Bishop John A. Watiterson, of Col
umbus, Ohio, 1 a person of no little
Interest to people In
and out of the Cath
olio church, by vir
tue of his recent de
cree that peroii
engaged In the li
quor trafTlc shall not
hold leading ortlcea
In C.tthollo soplatl-'t.
M. 3itolli has sus
tained the bishop.
The Influence of the
decree and decision
will be widespread.
bishop watte asoN. B!hop Walters on
was born In Blalrsvllle, Pa., In 1813.
He waa one ot a family of eleven and
his father died when h was quite
young. Ho completed hla education at
Mt. St. Mary's college at Bmmets
burg, M'l., and later was called to the
presidency of that Institution. At the
age of 37 he was chosen to (111 the va
cancy caused by the death of Bishop
Rosecrans. He wo consecrated at St.
Joseph's cathedial In 1880, and has
since been at the head of the Colum
bus dlocene, with constantly Increasing
popularity and ho.Kr.
Every merchant Is guided more or
less In the purchase of his supplies by
the character of his culimrs, but, ae
cording to the New York Sun, the men
who run the gwwrnl stores in the coke
region of Pennsylvania have more pe
culiar ideas to meet than I the lot of
the average storekeeper. Thcs stures
are all controlled by the owners ot the
mines, and H is alleged that some of
them force thc-lr men to buy from them
exclusivity. The profits of these stores
are undoubtedly large, although the
prlcts at some of them at least are
lower than they are at the UBual
country store. The unique features
of the ware carried in these stores are
the enormous feather beds, Polish and
Hungarian head-dreeeos, hravy boots
for the women as well s the men
and all uorts of gaudy shawls and
drees stuffs. Among the special pro
visions thtse stores supply are highly
seasoned sausages and hams, such as
are found In the Polish and Hungar
Ian quarters of this town. The Poles
are much more extravagant than the
Huns and buy better and higher
priced goods. The Huns buy the
oheapest kinds of meal., of which they
make thalr golaslies, They do not buy
very much of anything In the way of
provision, howwer, relying largely
upon thcrtr gardens for vegetables, and
occasionally killing one of tholr duck
or gease. The Pole, on the contrary,
rely very little upon their own efforts
although they alto have good gardens,
but purchase the best foods the stores
have. Very few ot the purchasers pay
cash. Instead they secure tickets from
tluslr foreman for various amounts,
These are preetnted at the stores in
payment toe purchase of supplies,
and th3 clerks mark on them the
amounts of their purchases. When
the whole value of the ticket has been
contracted for it Is taken up by the
clerk of the store.
days ago an item gave an account of
a minister at Toledo finding a vial In
a thirty-one pound salmon, In which
was a communication from n sailor
on the sinking Alaskan. The minister
Immediately sent a full account to the
Oregonlan. It now transpires that It
was all a Joke. After buying the sal
mon he left It In a store. Some boys
wrote the note, put It In a vlul and
the vial in the salmon, whore It was
found, It was a great sell.
Hop pickers are now coming to town
by every train and next week will sea
the harvest begun In nearly all tha
yards, though some growers say they
shall not begin until the week begin
ning; Sept. 3d. James Baldwin has
sold 45 bales of hie '93 crop for 6'a-i
and contracted part of his new crop
for be. Another lot of 40 bales '93s
was eold at 4c this week, Watervllle
Times. h . u ..
The Sturgcs and Sterl
ing Properties.
The Wiiner, Itybee Cam
eron, and Other Mines.
Anluterrstliif nd Valuable PeMcrtpt'
Km ofPouMierttOrfgtiu'ii Rlrh
Vlnerat r'lrW.
The ftlttrges mining property U lo
cated four at.d a halt mile southwest
of Jacksonville, a town ot about l.ouo
Inhabitants, ami the county seat of
Jackaon o nmty, Oregon. The mine is
norrh of the Hleklyou mountain, twen
ty mites from the California line, and
In the vwy heart of tit Houthern Or
egon mining district, which embraces
a section, ot country about eighty mile
tuaro, the whole ia ot whVh I
rich In the previous metals, and haa
been a constant roducer of sold slitee
He dUavtvery In 18SI, to the present
time. The tt' urges property comprlsn
W0 acre. Much ot thl land la very
rloh. Is mi'M'Uoli of a high state of
culllvathui, and may be made to at-rve,
a a ixtrt of It almwly swrvoa, a val
uable niiHim In the production ot
fruit and owiniIh until It can be
reached and rendered more profitable
tor mining purport. The placer ot
this camp wer originally believed to
be cotiAittHt In the new or present
channel, and, acting upon tht belief,
all work waa confined to thla channel,
which was worked over many year
ago, tn H e rrude way, with torn and
rockers, for a distance of S50 feet In
width by about ten miles lit length;
but the miners ot an early day were
mistaken later years and mr ex
tended prospecting have developed the
fact that there was not one, but three
channels ruimlttg parallel with each
other, anl that In some remote period
uf the past the two back channels,
Inc discovered, have been covered up
by lidos from the adjacent moun
tain. The situation of the camp, and
the different in the conformation of
the mountain skirting the stream on
oppoelte stilt's, show at a glance that
the back channel are the rwsult ot
two distinct slide from th north side,
each In Its turn rilling and covering
up the old, and forming the UttiT
channels fjirthi south. These old
channels Bte boulders of which are
rapidly decomposing and falling to
piece with age, ami which are mostly
broken to piece and dissolved by the
force of th pipe and passed through
the flume extend the full length of
the property, with an aggregate width
ot 2'Ji fwt: and though they have as
yet b-tt but partially prospected by
artu vl working testa, enough ha been
shown to prove that they are equal In
richness to anything yet discovered In
the district.
This llttlo camp, unpretentious as It
appears, ha been a veritable Ophlr,
and ha ylld-x! no less than f4.000.OM
tine Ha discovery; and It Is earnmtly
maintained by many miners still living
and mining In the district, and who
worked In the camp In an early day
until It was co.srilwed worked out,
that by the crude mrlhod In us t
that time little more than half of the
gold waa saved, while th bed rock
wa scarcely cleaned at all. The old
miner believe, and th proprietor of
th mlno confidently assert, that from
careful erl extended prospecting.
second working of this entire channel,
with a pipe, will pay much better than
whn It was hurriedly gone over In an
early day with torn ami rockers.
Piping wis commenced on this prop
erty about five years ago. Up to till
time the existence of the back chan
nels, discovered by mean of the pipe,
wa wholly unknown. During these
five year thi annual out-put ba been
$30,000, whll the average yearly ex
pense has been few than $4,000; ami a
considerable part of this time ha been
given to prellmlrjiry work In opening,
dratnirg, tc, for which no return
wera had or expected, Thl has been
the result while the plant, lmperfrt In
every -vay, has not hm operated at
more than a third of its reasonable
capacity the day work being prose
cuted leisurely, and no ivlght work
having been done at all; and In the
opinion of practiced and expert modern
miners, the proprietor ha entirely Ig
nored the presence of flno gold, of
whioh It Is believed there I a large
percentage, and which no attempt
whatever npir to have been made
to sav. This very Important consid
eration appears never to have engaged
the attention of the management In a
serious or practical way ami all efforts
have stopped short of any carefully de
vised system or method for saving
othor than ihe course or heavy gold
This opinion Is greatly strengthened
and will receive much added weight
when the fact Is stated that a flume of
only sixty feet In length is used, and
no r titles or other appliance for aavlng
gold, exoept half round ipole laid
length-wise In and covering the bottom
of the flume. It Is confidently believed
that if the iiume were materially
lengthened and under-current and oth
er moderni, gold-saving devtlcw env
ployed In connection with it, a sultl
clent quantity of fine gold would be
saved to pay the entire expense of op.
eratlng tha mine, and thus leave the
full out-put of coarso gold as clear
profit to the owner.
By the construction ot a suitable
reservoir to lave the excess of water,
which now goes to waste when It I
flush, for ue when It Is needed which
can be done at a small cost and then
running the plant to Its full capacity,
It would easily net an annual Income
sufficient to pay 10 per cent on an In
vestment of $300,000. This Is the larg
est, and all things considered, the
cheapest and mast valuable mining
property In Southern Oregon, There
Is good dump and-plonty of fall, no
debris tow In Oregon, and ao property
below the mine to be damaged no
counter-claims, no Intervening or con
tiguous property to annoy or disturb
oporatilona. The mine in all respects
Is absolutely free and unencumbered,
and Is ao situated that its peaceful op
eration cannot be Interfered with from
any source or upon any pretext
The water supply I obtained by
means ot three ditches, with an aggrr
gate capacity of 1,200 inches. The
pressure 4s now 100 feet, which is en
tirely sufficient, ae the banks yield
readily to the pipe, which taxe to the
utmost the carrying capacity of the
water. This property 1 not a mere
proposition, or possibility, or problem-
yet to 'be solved, but a known and
admitted historic and present buoccms
umiurpaflfip In richness by any like
area In the district; and Its wonder
fully profitable operation for the past
five years, under Its Imperfect man
agement, and the discovery, In the
meantime, of the two back channels,
not htirctafare known to exist, place
It upon a par with the best and
most valuable mining properties on the
coast A personal inspection of the
property will how that there is suf
ficient ground, of first quality, to run
the present plant, under the most foe
voroiblo circumstances, for at least 200
Thla mine Is situated In the most
perfect, Ideal mining country to be
found anywhrwe postal, telegraph and
railroad facilities are the best. Ex
treme ot Umperatur or lolmit
storm are unknown. Her th drouth
of California meet and aankisbly com
promise with tht extreme rain of the
Wtllamett vlky, ami th reult l
plenty ot rain, and not too much, and
no drouth, Th eh mat Is braoing,
balmy and dellghtfdl, tabor t cheap
and abundant lumber and material
of all kind are plentiful, and there
Is an excellent public wagon road from
Jacksonville to, ami extending tha full
length of, the mine.
Th Sterling mine has been most ad
mirably bandied, under ts present
managnment, ami H Is believed the
out-put this year will exceed $100,000
and possibly retch $Utl,000. The titer
ling camp, In th heart ot which this
mlii la situated, ha yielded, sine It
discovery in lf4, something over $.!,
000,000. It will take many year to
exhaust the ground of this tvmiany.
Thor I plenty of water runs two
lx-lnoh glrnt and ha 1M feet pres
sure. Th proimrty Is Col sldored to be
worth about $00,ouo. The working ex
pen ar probably $l5,ooo a year
th not yield will, therefore, be very
handsom Indeed,
The Wlmer Ilro.' property Is located
on HiiU'lwr guloh, two mile southwwtt
of Wall, Josephine county, and em
brace son acre, Thy have plenty of
water the bank ar front thirty to
Sixty feet, Ui feet resure; uwtthreo
giants with four and six inch itoxale;
wnpky about ten men; (ipemtlng ex
pense $&,0t'0; annual out-put unknown,
but much money ha been taken out
of thl milt and H considered to b a
wry va'uabls property, It ha been
worked for many year ami haa a large
amount of ground yvt; water for nine
month In the year no boulder to
bother, nearly all passing through the
Th Ilybe mine 4 situated on the
Rogu river about twelve mile below
Grant Par, In Josephine county, it
contain about 100 acre, depth from
twenty to sixty feet Th water sup
ply I obtautaxl by mean of three ditch
es, with an agfegnt capacity uf $.000
Inches water for six month In the
year. Thus ditches cover io acres of
flrst-clas miolng ground, ground
enough on the Ilybe claim to last tlrty
year. The pressure Is ITS feet; ues
two giants with three atul tour Inch
noMlea; banks yield readlty to the
pipes and no boulders of consequence
to contend with; work from four to
eight men; there I plenty of full and
dump. The average out-put for the
year. Including all necessary prelim
inary work hna been $.4,000. With bet
ter managMment U ought to safely
yVId $20,ou0 a year; th working ex
penses ar wmi.ll, Thl property i
worth from tlO.OoO to $U.0OU. Ilybee
has a number ot other large and val
uable hydraulic ropertle.
Th HlmnsHi and Ciunertm Itrna'
mine I liK-nteil a short distance stiuth
of Waldo, In JiMH-phlu county. It em
brace M0 cr end is from twenty to
sixty fet deep. They have abundant
water, a small cuml, Indeed; they run
two six Inch giant for nine month In
th ytsr. They have been piping for
three year and there I enough gruund
to last fr too years. Th out-put has
been about $40,000 a year; gold u worth
$11.50 Hir ounce. The exiienst have
been from $3,000 to $0,000 a year, The
property 1 worth $hi,qo0, but la nit
for sale and probably could not be
bought f" that price. Much prelim
inary wwk wa done in oixMilng this
property for whkh, of couie, no re
turn could be expected. The out-put
from now on will be much greater
than for the three year noted, from
th fact that the claim Is not fully
opened an every day's work will tell.
This Is on of the most valuable min
ing properties In Oregon. Kx-8enal.r
Cameron own a targe Intercut In it.
Two renturle have Increased Enj
land s wealth forty fold.
Ther are .about l.wxi then'ter Ir
EtiroH, Italy posjtesse most.
A certain forest plunt In Japen
grow to be about six feet high In
thr weeks.
Jerusalem has 135 plnees where liquor
I sold, the license fees going to Com
Of men who marry, 312 tnwrry
younger women, &70 marry womin of
the same age, and eighty-nine marr)
older women.
Wilmington ha the Old Swedes'
church, founded In Plus. It hns a hlhle
given by (jueen Anne and communlnn
service contributed by Swedish miners.
It I raid that only Mecca, In Arabia,
and Thessa, In Thibet, nre now closed
to christian preachers, but 100 years
ago nearly the whole world outside of
EurnH and America was shut.
It In stated by authorltif.- entitled
to credence that two-fifth of the en
tire area of the United Stales consist
of arid land, and that upon 6IO.Ono.ODO
acre of this land crops could be raised
If water were supplied.
Over fifty kinds of bark are now uwd
In the manufacture of paper. Evn
banana skins, pea vines, cocoanut
fibres, hay, straw, water weeds, leaves,
ihavtngs, corn husks and hop plants
nre used for the same purpose.
Shanghai boasts of th largest mis
sion press In the world. In connec
tion with It Ih a type foundry, where
elect rot y ping and stereotyping are
also done. The press ha fonts for
printing In many languages, and every
year send out more than 3S,ooO,ooo
The Maharajah of Kuch-Bchaf, the
most popular prince of India, Is visit
ing In London and Is rocelvlng a great
deal of attention. His full title Is
Lieutenant-Colonel H. II. Sir Nlrpen
dra Neraln, Balifdur of Kuch-Behiir,
O. C. J. E., Hon. A. S. C. to II. 11. II.,
the Prince of Walts.
The pineal gland 1 t. small body In
the center of the brain. It contains n
cavity holding a sandy substance
composed of phosphate and carbonate
of lime. Its use In the animal econ
omy Is absolutely unknown. Fanciful
physiologist have conjectured It to be
the seat of the Houl.
An African Monarch Summoned Home
from America.
Prince Momolu Maieaquol and Frlnce
Besolow are two African monarohs
who wore recently
mimmoiiiod home
homo from their
Htufiile In AmeHoa.
Precedence In rank
la ' taken by 1 the
younger, ' Prince
Momolu, who has
ruled two . years,
whereius Prince Bee
olow, hH cousin, ho
never mounted the
ithrone, , which I
rightfully his. Mo-
PBINCBMOMOLff. molu 1 2g yenrg ol(
and ho had a very adventurous ca
reer. He was first trained In he ure
gnlhuah, a sort of black art school of
the Vol people, Jn prof of which he
can how a hundred wears of the 'tor
ture knlvm He afterward became
Chn-ilfltlanilzed and came to thla country
and while attending a Tennessee col
lege wa called home by tine death of
Ms nnother, tthei -quioem ' regent. Hila
provlnjce of Joibasca, ho found had
been atUucked by the Pan-as, a warlike
neighboring tribe. A floroe struggle
followed from which the province Is
now weakened, and it 1 to try and
strengthen It that he has again left
hi studio.
Tenny Clailin Wants
to Know Who Knles.
Says the Weaker Vessel
Is Superior.'
The Day of Mail' Supremacy
ami Slavery for Woman In
Already at Kml.
(tly Lady Cook, nee TenneMie Claflln,)
Nothing Is more remarkable for It
persistency than a popular delusion.
Horn f error and bred by Ignorahce,
It sneak Into life unnoticed and take
centuries in the killing. On rarely
knows its parentage or date of birth,
yet the foundling lefum to din, It
resembles those animal of which no
uloglsts tell u llmt, If chopped Into
mincemeat, rath pint It le niart afresh
and become a new creature. When
we think w lny w make very much
alive; we Iry to destroy we re-create.
Truth Is fntslle, shut! lived, un
obtrusive, easily obscured, cold, poked,
unpalatable; but a lie Is tough, peren
nial, bold, Inexlliigulshslde, fervent,
well vestured, and sweet to the taste,
Suppress it here, It will rise there. It
elasticity - preset ve it under all cir
cumstances. Us vitality scoff at time
and death,
But of alt form of falsehood com
mend us to poptilur delusion. Harry
furnle and hi friend may dine
thirteen neiher twice a day, may
rehearse and praellee any number of
farcical effort to exercise these, and
will only be lauahed at for their pains.
Or tiny, iiiiiy perchance scotch weak
delusion now and then but they will
never annihilate It,
Nevertheless, though we fall In the
endeavor, there Is one we would at
tack, Ij'.hn come down to u through
the ages' from the mist of antiquity,
venerated snd universally believed.
With savage" and rlvlllxeri, orthodox
and lKterslox, wise and simple, It I
a world-wide creed In regard to th
exes that It I lite man who rule.
Woman I the Inferior, the subordinate,
the on to obey. Man 1 her lord and
master to whose behests she must sub
mit. We sin ul.l be sorry to produce
rebellion in any well regulated home,
or to stir the meekest of wives to
revolt, but from a of looking
nopulir frauds In the fuce and chal
lenging them to a searching Inspection,
we ask, who rule? Who sway the
rod of empire. In the court, the camp,
the home, an I society? M or womttnT
Now we cheerfully admit that man
I a very notilo animal. He Ih saga
duns, muwculur, generous, ambitious,
counngiHtus, arid, when spurred, is ca
pable of great effort. But he Is defi
cient In sensibility, in tact, penetra
tion, and patience, and is Idle by na
ture. II dissemble badly. He doe
tut know how to wait. He regard the
mrfnee of thing cillery. He Ik guided
by apatite, pi union, self-Inter. t, nl
though on cxicllent re miter. But
long sjfe of mere or dliguls -d
da very" have sharpened woman' wit,
-tile Ik subtle, nunk, observant, a
hh! ftlMsemhler, pntleiit, profoundly
penetrative. She scents a motive a
rendtly at a dog scent hare. She
senwltlve to every mood and tense
f thought and feeling In others. She
a born dlplomtitM. Her ri-eltmts
re thotie of a subordinate class Jeid
ttifty and vlndlt tlveness. Hut b has
itbtmdnntly learnt the two great le.
mri which uuslify for heroism and
ninmiil: to endure snd to obey.
There Is no Helf-sneriliee of wbh'h b
s nt capable when urcd ty love,
mo torture too i.w-ifol, no patience
'mi grent fur passive mid indnm.
table lenpiiiii' e, And whn b-.iotylH
olded to alii l'y and deteriulnatton,
ihe Is perfect. y IrresUI'tde,
Thu men ty their owa selfishness
'n the list, to've uiiulttlrn$ly fash
tmed ii ir,Muiv. to rulti ever
them. In subjecting woman they
taught her how to subject
themselves, hut by subtler and
more delicate methods, Hy long
proctww ot selection for their own
gratification they have rendered her
soft, graceful, and of winning clou-ins
of form and manner. The greater
Ihelr perception and power of appre
ciation, the greater Ih her dominion
over them. The nohhwt and imrnt he
roic antongst thi m are thosii who have
been most notubly suIkIikmI. Who is
there In the records of history and
mythology who ever achieved distinc
tion and wns not conquered by her?
Hani ot, David ami Solomon, Hercu
lea and Arohlllen, Caesar and Antony.
Alexander and PerlcUa, Nutiolcon and
Nelson, and numberless other eroos
and sutcemcn, with afl the host of
painters and poets and men of mind.
Even tho gisla humbled themselves
before her. If these things were done
In the green days of womanhood, what
shall be done when she shall have
attained her fullness of power, In the
fttifch and summer glory of her Intellec
tual development? We are but at the
beginning of a new era In her history,
the em of mental and social emanci
pation. It I not long since she wa
denied n liberal education, when learn
ing was opprobrious ' and "science"
withhold. The Ignorance ot thousands
of women of good position almost
equalled that of tholr sisters of tha
Eastern htvnms, where they are still
studiously debarred from all source of
mental Improvement Women made
puddings while their men made poli
tics, and were not expected to lift their
tyes beyond household . cares and du
ties. When they read and wrote by
stealth, whey feared to dlrplay their
greater knowledge, for few men could
tolerate this sort of superiority In a
wife. But nw our girls "walk Jubi
lantly through the whole curriculum
of studies. Tho strongest fortresses of
knowledge, doomed almost Impreg
nable to men, fall before thorn, They
liava become graduate of universi
ties, doctors of musio and medicine,
profeoMHor of niturul science, and even
first wranglers. In art and literature
they liava achieved noteworthy dis
tinction, and every day witnesses an
Increasing number In the ranks of the
Inilelloctiual. Peeressee rush Into print
and society leaden sigh for the luurol
wreath. Within another decade the
educational supromncy of men will be
lost, If It 1 not already so, for It Is
admitted by competent Judge that our
girls are more conscientious students
and bettor workers -than our boys. The
prospect Is most encouraging for our
sex and race, Improved mothers will
produce Improved daughters, and every
generation will see an accelerated ad
vancement. Many of the men still have the hard
ihood or stupidity to deny that woman
really ru'e. But this Is because all
sagacious wonwit handle the reins so
lightly that the husbands never know
they hold thorn at all. They resemble
Queen Caroline who ruled England and
George II, for ten years without
the king being ware of It. In obsti
nate canoe, however, the wife must let
hen hand be felt And never yet was
there a marital moutih so bard but
some kind of a bit could be found
to subduo it It will foe wise, there
fore, of the men to capitulate at once,
and no longer Insist upon male su
periority and male privileges. Tholr
rule Is nearly over. But! In the see
saw of hum am events, If they should
In tho future be placed In a subordi
nate posltktn, we must aword them
more gnnwiiu treatment hrt 4bey
have given u. W mut not retaliate.
On th contrary, should resist all
attempt .to degrad them, and let
quality be our motto then a now.
Any other policy might act on them a
theirs has affected u. and ao reduce
us again to subjection.
A NEW INsiocTICltiE,
The Wasaohusett Experiment !
Hon publishes an account of a new
poison used In the pluc of Part
green, It I arsenate of lead, formed
by mixing arsenate of soda In water,
with acetate nf lead. Th mlxlur
cause a chsmlfal reaction, and th
result is the formation of a very line
white powder (arsenal of lead),
which i lighter than Paris green, It
docs not dissolve, but remain ap
pended In the water. Th proper way
to prepur It I to put 11 ounce of
scout of bod and 4 mince of arse
nate f oda In a hogshead containing
So gallon ot water, Ti ls Is all that
is necessary, although It I desirable
to add two quart of treacle, which
will cause the mlxtui to stick bet
ter, A mixture of this strength make
an clfectlv poison, and will not b
easily washed off the trees. Prof. Per
nald thus sum up th advantage of
thl mfxture: "II ha the advantage
of being readily seen on Ih leave, so
that one can tell at a glanc which
have and which have not en sprayed,
which Is often of great convenbmc.
Another advanliige l. that It Is lighter
than Pari green, and does not, settl
so quickly, and a a result It can b
distributed more evenly over the foli
age, Hi ill another advantage 1 that
It can be used In large proportions, if
necessary, even up to 25 pound to IM
gallons of ster, Iwthout Injury to the
foliage. Many fruit-growers dislike
Pari green, In (Hiusequenc of Its In
Jury to the foliage. This Is undoubt
edly because they ue too large a pro
portion, or else becsus they do not
keep It properly stirred alt th lime
they us It. If they should us arse
nate of lesd, no such trouble will arise;
but, to secure an even distribution,
this also should be kept constantly
Tney Had to (.'hmiije Sleeper In tho
Night, and Yet They Remained
(itNkl iluniorwl.
"Although Am srlonn have the repu
tution of being born kickers," said the
traveler, "tnc to a while they give
surprising ex tl lions of phlkstophy
and good twttper.
"On a hot night I started on a trip
up 4hn stata I had been careful to
engage my berth In the morning and
bad cUetd it in the center of the oar,
st. I felt insured that I would be rea
sonably comfortable. It so happened
that travel was heavy that night, and
my oar wus crowded. To my great
disgust, Uto, It was a vary old car. I
iyn bM oll a traveler to fret, how
ever, and I went Into the smoker with
a calm mli.d. The train rolled out ami
soon 4he porter begun to make up the
tods, We all turned In surly, and 1
wa In my berth before the truln got
far beyond Molt Haven.
"t adjusted everything carefully, re
moved all my clothe, donned some
nice cxii .ittj.tiniis and l.iy buck on
my pillow sleepily. 1 hud Just begun
1 1 doxe when I wus aiousod by a quctr,
rumbling noise. It sounded like there
ass something the matter with the
running gear. 1 listened for awhile
and then closed my eye ngain, think
ing perheps the noise would stop. It
didn't though, and presently other ap
peared to be disturbed also. Head
were (Miked out between the curtain
and passengers Sfked each other what
the trouble wus. The porter waa sum
moned and Interrogated, but he knew
noil log that could enlighten us and
said he w.ts nti It was nothing ser
ious. By and by some -f the calmer
spirits llk myself fell reassured and
dumped off to sleep In spite of the
in. I mo ami Jolting.
"I was In the midst of oj dream about
fulling eb vntora and similar pleasant
fiMM-les when I was awakened by some
body yanking at my arm. It was the
" 'I am sorry to tumble you, boss,
he said, 'but ve of the wheels on this
car has gone wrong, and the conductor
Is afraid we will have smash-up If
we don't take the car off. You'll have
to got up und get out, fitr we are potng
to run this car Into the shop and put
t.n another.'
"Naturally I felt a little annoyed.
When a man 1 sleopy. be doesn't like
to be told lie ho to get up and dress
end fuss and bother, It Isn't the eaa
bet thing In the world to sleep in a
stuffy car on a hot night anyhow, and
Intoramplkma are not apt to compos
the mind. However, there was no use
of kicking, and eo I got up and dressed
as quickly as I could, gathered my
trap bigcther and pre-itaced to move.
The car was full of people In various
stages of undress, and It took some
little 41me to clear them out so 4hat
tha car could be taken off the train.
We found ourselves at Albany, We
hud to wait on the platform tor nearly
half n hour while tho car waa rolled
out of the way ami another one
brought out of the yard.
"If the first sleeper had been old,
this one was antique. It must have
been one of the first of the Wagner to
ba put in orvlce. It was smaller and
had fewer berths than the other car,
and as It hadn't been cleaned for some
tlmo It vas very dirty. Every time
we tochod anything our hands were
covered with dust We stood around
whllo the conduct or trledto arrange for
our accommodation, and as the berths
were differently arranged thl took
some time. In the meantime the train
had st.vrted agniln. .
"The conductor was an amiable per
son, an! tried hard to hurry things as
much as possible, which relieved the
situation a great deal. In allotting
spooo to us he came finally to an old
gentleman who lived up the country.
'I am very sorry,' lie sold to Mm, 'but
I'll have to put you in the Btate room,
sir. ThoM ore no more berth left'
It occurred to all simultaneously, I
gueRS, that that meant an extra charge
for the old man. 'Ocoat Scott!' ex
claimed the old gentleman, 'have I
been yanked out of my eloep and put
to all this discomfort to be compelled
to pay double fare?" 'Oh, of course
rot!' eald the conductor. 'Inasmuch
as It Is our fault, we won't charge you
extra faro.' Tho cjld man smiled
broadly at that, for the idea of having
a -stateroom all to himself was natur
ally very agreeable, but when ho owne
to fluid out later that the stateroom In
cluded the wiw broom and was any
thing but plealsant to loep in, his
smile became rather -sickly. After
awhile thlnppa were Btriagbtencd out,
but it wan fully an hour, from the time
we left Albany before we turned Into
our berths agniln,
"Naturally one would imagine that
evciryone would have beeen Ill-tempered
aftor all this fuss, 'but the truth
Is I never saw a Jollier lot of people
In all my travels. Of course sleep
was impossible for most of u after all
thto disturbance, so we kept up a run
ning fire of conversation. Jokes were
muled off In a most delightfully Im
promptu iftehlon, and anybody who
haid ever had any experience on sleep
ing oars, ifeoounitcd It for tho edifica
tion of tho Others. Although we did
not have any sleep, about everyone
who loft the car the next morning
ware a broad, good-humored smile."
New York Sun,
Fish Laws and the
Next Legislature.
The Oregon Short Line
Oregon b Moinr nke t KmH
Portland, tt fn,
m'uL"Tb given seperat.
receiver and th. policy hitherto jmr
ued by th Union Pacific, of wcrl
firing Oregon Inivresta. Jo thosi ,jt the
main line, would b abandoned; but
th appointment f VnUmf
receiver a receiver of ih Short
Line has settled th matter, and tht
old policy will doubtle be contto
ul. However, the O. R. N. may b
able, by using th Ort Northern
snd Northern Pacific, to fore the In
Ion Pacific to accept and deliver freight
at Ogden. Halt are going up. The
traffic association I no In session at
Chicago and ha decided to put rate
up to th blithest notch possible.
The rates hav boen agreed tipon.
and only await th consent of the
It, A N. to hav th matter fettled.
The truth Is, there ar too many over
land road tor the business. The
question of wag reduction ha mt
yet been settled. The engineer. and
firemen rejected the seal prepared by
Receiver McNeill, but he put it In
fort Kept. 1st without their approval.
What they ar going to do about It
bas not yet been mad known. There
Is little likelihood of a strike. An ap
peal may be mad to Judg trllltiger.
An earnest effort will be made at
the next elon of the legislature to
have fish law passed In accordance
with the recommendation of Commis
sioner McDonald, of th United State
fish commission, whose exhaustive re
port on the sulmon flsherte of the
Columbia and the best methods of
preserving them ha Just- been issued.
Th leader of thl movement is Hon.
Geo. T. Myers, re-elected as represent
ative from Multnomah county, who
wa formeily on the stst fish com
mission. He favors making the fish
ing season shorter, abolishing the
Sunday close season, prohibiting fish
ing In a stream upon which a hatch
ery la located and giving the fish and
gam protector th power to remove
hII obstruction to the ascent of sal
men to hatcheries r spawning
grounds. If thl is done, he ssys, he
has the assurance of Mr. McDonald
that the government will make lib
eral appropriation f.s artificial prop
agation of the Columbia river salmon.
Every producer of Oregon h mid re
joice that at last a beginning has
been mad on the boat railway pro
ject at th dalles, notwithstanding It
was arau-rtcd congress would never
appropriate money for such a scheme.
When the river and harbor bill went
to th senate from the house it ws
amended to Include liV,"0 for thi
project. In conference the item was
retained in the bill, though cut down
to 1100,000. The other senate increases
were retained, amounting to over
tbw.flflfl. more.. This great work wilt
r.ow be commenced and we may rea
sonably hope for continuous naviga
tion of the Columbia, and Snake, from
Astoria to Lewlston In a very few
years, with all the benefit of cheap
transportation that would Inevitably
The Portland chamber of commerce
haa decided to make an exhibit at Ta
coma and tl.000 has been rnUed by
subscription for that purpose. There
Is her what la left of the World'
fair dlHplay and it I existed to se
cure exhibits from the state fan when
It closes. However, the condition are
not favorable for doing Oregon Justice
and the matter would better have
been dropped.
Puyallup Commerce: Thorough spray
ing bad thorouichly cleansed the yards
In the Puyallup district, but growers
now report a fresh attack of lice, and
spraying ha been renewed with re
doubled energy. The Lewis county,
Wssh., grower say that they expect
to get picking money from tho usual
sources, and that they will try an tn
rurance scheme of their own Invention.
Auburn Argus: In aome yards where
cultivation has been neglected and
spraying dslayed uptll late, the effect
I plainly seen. The vines do not pre
sent that bright and healthy color,
and the hop show a tendency to turn
Crop advices hove continued gener
ally favorable from this state and the
Pacific coast; tome complaints of lice
come from Oregon and Washington,
but these appeur to have exercised no
Influence upon the market. Reports
from Europe continue very favorable
for the crop, especially from Germany.
In England a few complaints of lice
are reported. There are some reports
of difficulty in growers on the Pacific
coast obtaining advances of money to
pay the expense of picking because
of the uncertain value of the crop. It
Is claimed by eome that the earlier
estimates of the raelilo coast yield
have been placed too high. Picking
Is said to ho proceeding in the Sacra
mcnto district nf California, and will
be gblng on m the early hops n this
Mate next wek.-N. Y. Price Current
nervals Star: The annual harvest of
the hop crop will begin in great part
In this section Monday and It will ba
none tot soon as lice are becoming
apparent not alone on the leave
but on the hop itself. in some yards
Which were not sprayed they are
plenty. There is black mould reported
alBo In the Bcveral yards hereabouta
So far an we have been able to inter
view the growers the report has been
the same. Jhe only way to save the
crop when attacked by mould Is to
cure as quickly as possible. Picking
will be universal Monday nil through
this section and so far as we can learn
all yards are supplied with pickers
The question of prices to be paid
pickers seems to have adjusted itself
without trouble. 11
Portland Dltpatch: Hop lice are re
ported to be at work In the hop yard
n the vicinity ot Molnlla, and it i
feared, that some of the yards will be,
abandoned, as It will not pay to pick
loue-lnfectcd hops this year.
Rrewers are expecting better "qual
ity in the new hops and do not caro to
have much old stock on hand, and the
English markets do not afford any
encouragement tn .... .
ohi, noei- important
shipments, as considerable lota are
atl l In London unsold. As regards
values there Is much uncertainty; 10c
vxireme outside price
for choicest quality, and brewers are
offered prime to average choice lots
- .w v. i.uwiT qualities are seek
ing an outlet at considerable less
price Business ln the Interior of hla
b 8ht and while 6 to To
has been realised for some of the best
growths others have sold at 4 to- Bc
In most sections growers are quite Un:
willing to sell fine goods at Be but
buyer r now rarely bidding
Picking I In progress on th Wet
palmer' seedlings and a fw J ,
hav been torwardud. Next ,T !
Humphreys will b plrked, and J
will begin on th main erop 1
Kept. 3d. Tho who hav vli(
yard recently glv very favorably?
port both ss to qusntlty and qWn,r
and if cr I used In picking
to hav on of th best crops to ktjjr
that w hav had in years, s, T
th estlmste of th yield n lnli r
run up to 174,000 bales. NamJ!
contracts hav already bwn taut
with brewers on the basis of ikTZ
now begins to bmk as if th m
crop on th Pacific coast will Z
picked, In which event ther wlii,r
ably b to lS,ooo Me teT
kt. Th tffio-t to lessen th
(.f handling th crop ar meeting
success, W ar Informed that um
price of picking this season mn fc
lT lox, a against fl hist ysr, ,M
the freight rate from all trinlat
point on th Pacific const tn thl ft,
will b reduced after Aug. mth to ft 1
per 100 pound 70c twdow the prmm
rat. Latest advice from flermatt
ar very good, and English report ir.
falr.-W r. I'rto Currwt. '
Kola Nets, buying for Phil Kelt t
Co, of Hostile, will this season. m
Hslem his headquarters. He w Z
Aurora 11 year. Kait-m will b
central point for buyers thi
There will 1 a largely Increi4
output of hops from th l'jro vj,
ley, Cal., this season. All th
of picking will be don by whites.
In California; lAk county-,
picking luta begun In one or two ru-a,
and will be In full blast in mtm
week. Butt fOrovillel Hop pk-km.
In Cmwow valley began tost week a4
tb crop for the acre planted I n.
ususlly heavy. Wheatland Hop pt.
Ing I going on at a rsptd rat sod tk
beat I quit severe, but it due un
appear to be of the prostrating kind
that Is so universally fett in the em
when a hot wsv rolls over that eau.
Picking I In progress In this uu,
and the weather has been Ideal tar tht
pnrt. The market Is very quiet
Kslr to gisid Poclflfl coast crop
im t I fM
flood to cholc 1K2 .......10 ft
-8. F. Country Merchant
It now look a though some Feral
lup yards .hat were not thottrojiuj
sprayed will not be picked. It take
good spraying to produce good tot,
and at present prices It wilt not pty
to spend I! to 4 cents picking and cu
ing a poor hop. Van Harris ha tii
amined most of the yards in hi rlrts
Ity, and say th hop outlook Is sot
bright except In a few flHda He H1
Iwgln picking Monday and picking
will be general In the upper Puyallot
valley by Monday. CI rower uy that
thero I plenty of picking money te
b bad. Puyallup Commerce.
A few lots of early hop hav bmn
purchased t 10 Cents. Hp poking
became g.-eeral Monday and Tuesday.
Theft Is no change In the favorablt
outlook for a fair crop of excellent
quality. Otsego Ri publican.
Foreign. The weather ha bem
favorable for th growing hops on 'th
continent and consequently prospect
generally hav Improved, enhancing
quantity and refining quality. Partie
utarty such bas been the case la Ba
varia all round: Wurttemberg and Ba
den also will grow large crop of good
hops. In Alsace-Lrrralne the quan
tity reported will be somewhat It,
but qifnllty very satisfactory. Con
cern I ru Austria, the Urge countriej
of Itohemia, Kan. Auscha and Daub
probably will grow very good hop,
though not quite so many aa they M
last year. l'pier-Austrta and Moravia
are In a similar condition, Styrta not
so good and Oalicy rather bad. Bur
gundy seems to grow an excellent
tod large crop, Helgium hardly will
produce one-tlfth of its last yeaf
yield. Russia one-fourth In excess ot
seme. Price for 1S93 bop are con
tinually declining and market dulL
The American consul at Hamburg,
Oermany, reorts to the state depart
ment that the hop harvest will equal
the yield of the moat favorable yexri
In th tukttt ttnl In e,meuenee Arii
lean hop, which have been extensively
used In Oermany during the last year
will find few If any buyers In the
Oerman market. Reports from Eng
land are of similar tenor, and It Is
thought that Europe will raise mw
hops this year than will be require!
fitr home consumption.
Th legal else of a box 1 K Inches
long by 18 Inche wide, by SO Inch
deep; all measurement Inside. The
box shall contain 19.440 cubic Incite
Exra Meeker, of Puyallup, consider
tVts lhera t'Ulil WttA.
7 f"r""7"vv " t sjxr jt D
His yards will produce about 6,08a
halo. -
From the present outlook, Washing
ton is likely to sustain heavy losses
thl season by reason of the poor mar
ket for hopa The crop Is always
looked to to put Into circulation con
siderable money each year, but the
present season does not give much
promise of realising the hopes of the
growers. On account of very unusual
ly low prices, many owners of yard
seriously contemplate allowing their
hops to go unpicked, and there ar
few growers who expect to reallxe
anything like a reasonable profit from
their crops. It Is thought that the
strictly choice article will brirg a
good price later In the season, but
those growers who have not rprayed
their yards thoroughly will, It Is said,
do well If they reallxe the expense of
raising and gathering the crop. T
cosBn Union.
ENS, Tho Experiment station at Calhoun,
Ala., hns been making some tests of
egg-producer and general purpose
fowl. Here nre the results:
The Plymouth Rock have led, fol
lowed closely by Brown leghorns,
Hamburg, Houdan-Mlnorca and Lang
shan. Previous to this year the Leg
horns have mado the best record for
egg production for three successive
years. The Plymouth Rocks, howeW,
had the advantage of the run of th
place. ,
It 1 Impossible to maintain purity
of the breeds without close confine
ment, and yet such confinement la very
prejudicial to health and egg produc
tion. The European breeds are all
great spring and summer layers, are
small and non-setters. It la pretty
well established that the Leghorn are
the best egg-producera of all the breed.
The Asiatics are generally good win
ter and early spring layers and roak
excellent mothers and are good table
The Langshan8 stand at the head of
the list and are regarded as one of th
best general-purpose fowls.
The Plymouth Rocks are also good
winter and spring layer and make ex
cellent mothers; they are hardy, of
quick growth and good table fowla
Of the breeds men Honed, the Lang"
shan and Plymouth Rock are consider
ed the beat general-purpose fowls; the
Leghorns or Hamburg the best egg
producer. Such are the conclusion
reached after several years' experience,'
th hen bleng confined during the time
In small tv-ns omit fci veget
able pr-jduets raised on the farm. Waa
a wiue range possible for them,
results mtirht h Aiert Tha In-
a - v uu ..111X1 V . .'V. ..w
dlan Game, so popular as a table fowl,
toe wnite Plymouth Rocks and pwr
Pckin duck hav been added to
the Vltrrt .thla o,.
J V.V. , n,HI .VJ ,
dot tea will be added soon. The Hou-
uans nave been discarded.