The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, September 07, 1894, Image 3

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    Cfficial Pt;:r cl Fill fcij.
Best 5ii3 Pdisi
No w tomhy gtven that J. R. Cooper bus
bnappoint'd administrator of th satsi uf
titaue Houck dvwaacdun the fta day (
Ait I KM. All lieraoue ftuowlng them.. Ivoa
in.tcbt.'d to mill tut f rvo.uw.Mxl to Mill
! same Immediately, and all pemms
having claims against atd estate r adll.ed
tu prwenl lb tame, duly varMed, wltblu U
mouth from twe eat.
ldM aaud dmrrfAtut,
J, K, (XKUH,
For Sato.
DRtUh At-
Am.i no, will beaold r Ulw
. LalOel
iNtti-nk, fuurlwn bona, In good urdwr,
it lliliOIIU'. '
George Skinner & Co. of the
Flouring Mills, of Independence,
are now ready to stare wheat or
pay rash for same, and are here
to do business with the farmers,
and invite their patronage.
TU laad f fres-les
Is ths mighty Wset, the land tiint "tlcklsd
with i ! I"'1 uarvesU" U El Dorado
ot the tnlnvrt tha ll of ht agricultural
emigrant. While It teems with ell to 1.
menu of wealth and prosperity, som of lb
birest aud most frulirut portions of tt bear
harvest of malaria rrnped lu 111 fullness by
those unprotected by a medlelual eaiVg uard.
Ho una seeking or dwelling In a malarial
locality la safe fro in the seourge wllboot Hos
teller's Btomnco Bitter. Kmlgranu, bear
this In mlad. Commercial traveler )ouro
titg In malarious regions should carry a bottle
of the littler tu lb traditional gripsack
Against Iba eiTwU or txpoaur, mtnlal or
bodily overwork, damp and
wd or water, l w an lufailtbl defense. Con.
sUpallon. rjwumat Um, bll llousuesa, dyspepsia
crrvouQM and lost streng lu ar ail remeuiea
by lblalal ruraUv. ,
After this dale I will not b reaponstbla lor
nuiv Ot'Uia or couinwia
f Mtiv Mimtu
sovpi myself. W. if. ltoaius.
Uwtsville, Augual, SOth WH.
To Our Subscribers.
it yon will eomt to tlila orrle SO IV and pay
your subscription both In arrears and to
advance w aro piepared to treat you vary
liberally. Call and e on,
WsmtKids Publishing Oompauy,
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
The bwu salve it the world for cuts,
bruises, mrv, ulceu, suit rheum, fever
ores, tetter, h)jec Uwuk, cLilbUalos,
eurua. ami all nklu ei.uaioua, aud post
tivelv curw ill oi no pay required.
It l guarauttttl logli wrfKjt aatlafao-
tlou or money refumled. rrlee A
eeuta r box. Foraule by all drugglata
Hog Uat-
i- i'cn4.:uina ana Heikmina "nHMl
' .i-....,.. -..I.. I. lUll ni.llllll. Clnt'k
wjiti two while guoiniooeear eroiwa. t iijiisr
. r luav. n ml iim
Ulrf rviuru " ' m.w
kL A. CUlll.I.TH.
. Ido, No. 22, metU every Muii
dav uialit in I. .O.K. ball. All aojouro-
lni( nroibera are luviiod to attend. Ueo
A. 8ml ih, M. V.; W. O. Cc.k, Itecord
er. "' "
X T A T.I.RY LODOE. NO. 42. I. 0. 0
V F. Meete iu ViiDdnyn'a ball every
IhnmJiiy eveuing. All Odl fellows oor
.liuilv invited to meet with lis. It. h
Frirunn. N. O.: Zed Roeendorf, Sec
T YON LODGE, NO. 29, A. F. ft A.
I . m HtHipd ciinimnoientioa Uatnr
day evening ou or before f nil moon eaeb
moiilb nnd two week lli(reMfler. W. I'.
Cou noway,
W. M. H. It. I'atteraoD,
H011 Ell LODGE. NO. 45 K.of P.
.!fei eve y WeiiiirMtay eveniotf.
All kiiialna 'e cordially mviied. II.
H. Laimiimy, C. U ; D.U, Craven, K.
rraclicca the profeeslou in " H
l.iai.elieH. 8iilihraetioii gmcoiiteed.
Olllce hours, 8 to 1 and 1 to o. Olili e
iu itieO'Douuell brick, liidendence.
, aod rem.ieiice, coruer ltailroad
aud iVloiimoutb aU., ludepeudeuce, Or.
DentiBt. All work warranted to
wive tlie l ent of satiafanliou. Iudepen
dence, Or
VJ Law. Will practice 10 all (date
and federal conrta. Abtrot of title
furnished. Office over Independence
National Bank.
ney at Law. Offloe in Buab'a
ilnck, between State and Court, on Com
mercial street, Salem, Or,
nfactiireni of ensb and door.
AUn, Mroll sawing. Main street, Inde
pendence, Or. ?
DR. E. J. YOUNG, late of NMberp.
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist
has moved to Independence and opened
an offloe over the Independence Nation
al bank,
A BiirtkT CRop -Mi-niriunoa tiover
eomo singly any, UioWryrw. Tltey
wnjsuoutik- up, or eouioiit gnii.
Thwfiire, It I ni areat aatoiiUlntieiil
that th hop cm lu Oregtin ahmild m
m uiipHlutntt.ui. Flwt, tliera wiua
dMp In l lie prhv, and now an xH'rt
buyvr, who luw uiadea tour ot ihv hep
gwlllK HHStlon, aaya Hie yield will U
at nmai a Nr tt iit Uat than hint yer,
If . a .
uerc waimve adutiU'iilMiit.,hinu'nt
ft'i wUllo luipgrtmiugu iiioiv uflii
wuwiit than an Itidtwtry I Otvgtm.ailll
we imil relied ou It to lu lpu out lu
pitMi. Itwaa twtlmatul Unit the In
miv frinit the hop iron wmild uo
giaKl wi u making nit tl,v t.i..iuige
ou wbeat aud wool, mid ih..t uhh
wieir mm :aal It would help the
farmer to wu up, Hut we have to take
what oomva, and what can't k Iu'IhiI
muMt he eudurtsl. Our ihhu.Io arv
IP'lting so m-oUHtomed to hitrd atnikea
of fortune they will not worry
little troul.!ea of tbla ehnruoU'r. We
win ntuother our dlaaiatolutiueut
aud go ahead Irylug loturu aontoihlug
ewe, rue whole country baa hud tuch
Kiuugaeriea nrreveraea mat wo are
netting dlaappoluttuent proof. We
oau make up for tuo loan on th bop
crop oy orinking ua beer and by
putting e yeaat lu our bread.
Almost A FlKK -It aeenia aluioat
Incredible that the Wkxt Hidm office
waa not burued laat Tuesday evening
Being ruahed with work, wo have
beeu working early aud late. While
cutting paiwr on the cutter, the hand
wheel knocked the coal oil lamp off
outo the floor breaking It and the oil
Ignited. la a moment the flamca were
mounting to the oellng and the active
work of E. C. IVotland and Harry
Wagoner were unavalllug In putting
out the flames. The cry of "fire" waa
given aud then back again to fight the
fiaiuea. The wood work of the door
waa ou Ore, when a well directed
bucket of water put out tbo Are. It
waa not a long fight, but au exciting
one. '
CITY Council. Laat Tuesday the
City Council waa lu aea-lou and of the
hualiNwa traumtcted the in oat Important
waa the paaaage of a liquor and also a
dog ordinance. Frank Meyers tendered
hla realguatlou aa night watch and the
council elected J- W. Fetter lu hla
place. Bill against (be city were
ordered paid aa follows: L C Olluiore,
(two mouths account);, $150) Marshal
Tupper, (salary), tJ 75; F. P. Myers,
(salary X 134 OU); Electric Light Com.
pany, (August account), 78 75; 0. W.
1M, Recorder's fees), $7 00; A. J.
Tupper, (building crosswalks), 17 75;
Eates & Elk Ins, (hauling account), 8;
Enterprise (acoouut) 60; Went Side,
(account), 75.
H axd-Car Acci dent. Last Bun-
day some miscreant placed
some rocks ou the Motor track near
Tatmaire, which caused a painful acci
dent to hefall Harry Clodfetter, Jess
Whlteaker, aud E. A. Thorn mn aa
they were ret u ruing from Monmouth
last Sunday nlghL The car waa thrown
from the track aud (be boys tumbled
all In a heap, but they picked them
selves up badly bruised and now awear
vengeance against the sneaking coward
who plated the olulructlon upou the
Hack. If they ever catch lilm tbey
will make It exceedingly tropical for
hiiu an they ahould do. Agomltlirs-h
ing would slop any more work of Unit
Last Saturday eveulug as Mr. Perry
Curd whs returning to Hjlem from the
bicycle races here he wss ruu Into by a
man ou horseback on the road near
Kolu, knocked off Ills wheel, aud badly
Injured. He waa unconscious for an
hour. Hla lull shoulder whs putnfully
brubted, a deep cut uiude iu hla sculp,
his forhead cut lu two places, and be is
very sore all over. The horseman was
not recognized In tbe dark but, is sup
posed to have beeu drunk. He waa
riding rapidly and seemed to ride down
tbe bicyclist Inteiitionly. When called
to atop by Card's partner, after the oc
currence, be yelled back an Insulting
reply and kept on.
Tub Salvation Akmy. The eight
men who compose the tent brigade of
the salvation army now camped at
Indipeodence, are Capt. Robert Milne,
Lieut. A. L. Flock, Bergeuut a. W.
Wallace, Win, Anderson, Fred Rey
nolds, R. Thompson, J. E. Slngerberger
aud A Holtgren They organized at
Seattle tbe 19th of last Mny.artd have
been on the move ever since cam ping a,
week or bo at each town. Recently
theyapeut sixteen days at Newberg
getting fifty-three converts, aud slxtaen
days at McMlunville. They will re
main here a week or two. I tie brass
band of eight pieces was ou the atteets
Thursday afternoon and tbe meeting
opened that eveulug.
Leased Tub Canneby. our fruit
raisers will be glad to learn that the
fruit cannery here Is to again resume
operation having this week been leased
by H. J. Ueteman, an experienced
. ... L I.. ...I I..,
can nor, wno win oegm uusnirm im
mediately. Mr. Getzman Is a man of
extensive experience In canumg and
will devote bis personal attention to
the canning of fruits and we trust will
meet with abundant success. This Is
... .. .1.- ...Ill
an lnHtiiuiion inai. wm put wimun
able money In circulation both among
the farmers for fruit and among those
working in the cannery, Tor quite a
large number of hands are employed.
A White Barn. The painting
white of the big barn at the end of the
bridge Is an Idea of Mr. J. A. Veness.
Presacott & Veness who are building
the barn and leased It toMr.Chas.
Staats, expect to have it ready for oc
cupancy next week. It will be a
modernly arranged Dunomg uu mr.
Staate can keep pace in hla araying
business with the growth of tne town.
To Portland on WiiEi-m-Lust
Friday Oris Robertson and Ibiyniond ,
... - ...!.. ... U..,l..n.l .in (hull
Henkle mxik a nip w "
bicyclea, leaving Independence at
half pant five in the morning and ar-
-.vine at Poitliina at. inree
the afternoon. They reiuroeu now
1 n . I.UI IIA.
in the Bame way on mouuajr,
ing Portland at eight in morning uuu
arrlvlmr at four in tne evening n
distance la fleventy-flve-mlleo.
Trip ix) NanTiKVA.-We aro much
obliged fur tbo very Interesting account
of a trip to Nestuoca, sent us by one of
our readers, but the article la too long
for our use, lVrhapa, however, we may
lie alile to use aome of It later.
Doc, Si'khhYi Reader of tbla paxr
wl, remember the fust I rotter, Doe
Slurry, who appeared on the track
here. Ou Hie truck ut Fort Wajne,
Indiana, laaj HH-rry trotted a tulle
In 2;0tt this week, mid U among the
ecdy borsca of ihe onuulry,
A Nkw IIochk. Win. WtlU, n
Iliieim Vlatii, Inm Mtho intm't to
Finch A Cluggett lorn new dw. Ulitjf,
on his fiii'iu. Tnet'iie he inw -t i it.
huslan'U hU home for Uiiilvut
yw and ho rightly tlduka he in tn
titleil to a new IiiiUhi. Mr. WelU Will
tniikegiHid uiif a ltirn ilv,llluL: for
he Is lite soul of liosiMMulliy ami lovi s
to have his friends In to see him.
A, Corvnllls lin young
ludy M yeura of uge who lor u wnlki r Is
hard to bent. One hot iIum lust week
she walked Into town from her country
home, a ilUluiiec of twelve mile lu
three hours, aud after a two hours' rent,
made the return trip lu tbo same time.
or twenty-four miles lu tlx bourn. Rent
It If you oau.wVmr.
A Cl.KAK CONWU'NOK. lVter the
Poet, editor of tbe Klamath la of
a philosophical turu of tiilinl, aaya the
Itoaeburg AVetou'. Recently hla uulu
sured bouse burned down entailing
loasof $000, but, Instead of mourning
over tbe misfortune, bo la fervently
thankful that there can bo no suiplnlou
of bis burulug the building for the take
of the Insurance.
Rhokb A Lku. I-ast Friday aa Geo
Macauiay, wno lives below town, waa
attending to bis milking he allpied ou
the wet ground, caused by the lain
that day, aud broke hla leg near the
ankle, and la now confined to bis
house In couaequeuce.
No County Fair Last week
meeting waa held of the Directors of
the Polk county District Fair AsmH-la-
tlou and on vote being taken It was dt
olded uot to have any fair tbla full.
OkkkN TlCKKT ONLY. Mesaors
Cooper 4 Williams wish to announce
that their hoptlckcts this year arc
green, not red, and only green tickets
will be redeemed.
Ou account of Job work, tlila office
has been putting In iiliilcen hours a
day, aud not until Wednesday noon
waa any type set ou the paper. We
then enlisted J. C. Illggltm, of Mou
mouth, Miss CauuaRoblusou, and all
our regular force of printers, aud the
result la the paper, aa vou seo It. Not
aa newsy perhaps aa usual, but atlli we
managed to get there Just the same,
and reach our subscribers ou time.
On laat Saturday afternoon Utile
Emma Heukle, the daughter ofE. T.
Henkle, was four yeura old aud Mrs.
Heukle gave her a party at which
about twenty of her little friends were
iu atteuuauoe. The usual games were
played and refreshments were served
aud the little folks enjoyed a pleasant
Independence now baa a Salvation
army of the true blue type. Tlieir
camp Is pitched back of the Indcpeti
deuce cannery. Mrs. M. L. Dorrls,
who hail been veiling In McMlunville,
says they drew croweded lion sea while
he wus there aud over thirty were
Rev. II. R. Sherman, pastor of the
Emanuel Baptist church, of Portland,
preached In the Baptist church here
lust Sunday morning. On account
of no announcement having been made
number were disappointed lu not
being preseiit to lii'iir him.
A. S. Locke hud Intended to build
new lioiie on his comer lot on Si'd,
street, but has concluded to reptdr (lie
present one. The house will be over
hauled, repuinted, repnpered, and
changed iu the plans somewhat and a
comfortable and attractive residence
will be the result.
Misses Birdie and Ella Ingrahum,
two of Amity's most attractive young
ladies, are visiting Misses Florence aud
Minerva Alexander, whom they met
at school at McMinuvlllo and formed a
lusting friendship.
When w are oflerlug this paper with
twenty-three columns of reading matter
for elgliti'cii moidlis for wise and
prudent render will take advantage of
the ofli r and plunk down the coin
while the offer Inils.
During Inst week Jede Ford acted
nlght-wacth lu place of Frank
Myers. Mr. Myers will devote his
me now to the management, as
iialtor, of the big school building.
We would call the atteution of cash
subscribers to our offer of the What
Side to January 181)0 for 12. This offer
s made uow and may be dineontluuwl
at anytime.
D. II. Craven, our photographer was
out In the hop-yurda Wednesday and
obtained somo views of the pickers in
Dove's, Atkins', and Riley Cooper's
Squire Irvine has hud the legal mill
grinding all week and aa aconseqeunce
instable Moruu luw been scouring
the country bringing In the witnesses
ud Jurors.
Furm for buIo One of the best 800-
scre farms In Polk county oue mile
from State Normal school; also 40 acres
choice hop land. Apply to Eugene
Cuttron, Monmouth. tf
Miss Myrtle Miller, who bus been
employed in Fisher and Vuudcgrlft's
millinery store, departed for Portland
lust Tuesday, where she will reside in
Grandma Butler, of Monmouth, has
gone to McMlnnvIllo for a months
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Feutou, of Hint place.
If you want to witness activity and see
early rising people, Just skip across the
river at daylight any morning to the
1 -
There Is no place lu Oregon where a
a belter meal is served than at the res
tuuruut of Westacott & Irvine, 271 Com
mercial street, Salom. Meals 25 cts, ,
Regular services again Sunday morn
ing and evening at tbe Evangelical
church, of Monmouth, Sept. 9th. Rev.
Ezra, Maurer, of Jcfflwu, wl b4
present and preach. Mr. Maurer la a
young man, tbo boy preacher of tbo
Oregon Conference of tbo Evangelical
Association, Go and bear him.
Perhais tome of our readera will re.
member that In 1802 hope were worth
$1.15 cents a pound and lu lh84 were
worth only seven centa aud some who
held their bo until spring for better
prices sold for l'J.00 a bale,
Person who purchased copies of the
Wur Cry, sold on the streets, will find
li h piir bilmful of good tilings. It
him the largest cImiIiiIIoii of any relig
ious mi k r In tbo United Slulea.
Ml- Aggio Wliinul closed her n'liool
iiisoM i lie river i t Friday, and ou, i,v Irrt for I'orvulll-, where she
III visit ,Ua Avg'e Diiumur.
lien, C. Irwlu mid wife, of PonUud.
were In towu Thursday, returning from
Heal Rock. Mrs, Irwlu Isudauglilerof
Joliu.Mlntoof Hulem.
When you want the best cigar, the
licel tobacco, the Ut summer drink,
cull on I'luk I'utiei Kon and he will serve
you to the King's titxte.
Born-Monday lo the wife of Mr.
Liiciis, at Merrill's hop yard, a girl. All
doing well.
Born Ou Wednesday, Septembers,
to the wife of Aaa Burbank, au eleven
pound boy.
Rev. L. a Fisher, of Monmouth, will
preach In ' the Calvary Evangelical
church next Sunday at 8:30. All aro
Francis, the young daughter of J. 8.
CtHiier, Is at Newport, for her health,
bull quite sick.
Little Ethel Smith, daughter of
lawyer Ueo. Smith, la very sick with
the fever.
The oouutv board of equalisation
meet at Dallas Sept. 24. Rtnue ruber you
must appear before lt,lf you want your
taxes reduced.
Mlsa Maggie Macauiay,. of Portland
who baa been visiting her mother bore
for some time, let for homo Tuesday,
If you waut to earn a few dollars for
plu money you can do so by going out
and picking hope for a few day.
Mrs. J. M. Vauduyn and Miss Essie
Roberlsou went to Salem laat Saturday
afleruooii ou their bloyolea.
Old topers In bundle of twenty-five,
for sale at the Wkht Sidh office for
Some of the pretty glrta did not go
out and pick boiio but Iota of them
(X U, Urlffa will bo tbo manager of
the new Tile factory purchased laat
week by Messrs, O'Dounell A "Beach.
Mrs. Wilt Patterson and her mother
came In from the country where they
have been vlsltiug.
Miss Maggie Macauiay relumed to
Portland, after a abort vlalt to her
home in this city.
Mi Nellie McMltleu, of Falrlield,
Oregon, commence this week as alypo
In the Wkt Slog office.
Every body la plcklug hops.
Mlsa Mackay, of Corvallla, la visiting
her sister, Mrs. Oweua, In this city.
Mrs. II uric v left on Mondav for Port-
land to be gone a week or two.
w w -
Colonel J. B. Eddy went by oo Thurs
day's train euroute to Newport.
J. P. Irvine, of McMlunville, was In
town the Aral ol tbe week.
Bartlett pear wanted at this offloe
on subscription.
Km Meeker, the hop man, waa ex
peeled In town Friday (to-day).
Miss Alice Savage came up on the
Eugene from Sulem ou Thursday
The steamer Eugene only runs a far
a Independence now.
J. M, Vandoyn'a prlcoa bring
The sawmill Is running again.
Iudcciideiica la growing. '
Bicycle races Saturday.
Weuthcr Is cooler.
The Bicycle Rare.
On last Saturday eveulug the third
ruce for the gold medal took place on
the Talmnge track. Owing to the death
of Luke Mulkoy, two of the contestant
did not start Luke M. aud Curt Haw
ley, grandsons of the deceased.' The
only starters were Charles Staats and
Fred Venee. Perry Card, of Salem,
also several other Salem wheelmen
were present, aud the former kludly
council ted to make tbe pace In the race.
Ou tbat account aud tbe fact that tbe
track after the ralu was in good ooudl
tlou, made the race a fast aud Interest-
ng one, The ten miles waa run in
thirty minutes aud nineteen seconds,
and after deducting the extra length of
the track, the actual time was twenty-
nine minute and fifty-eight seconds.
The time of the several boats are glveu
in the following summary :
TlmsS:lU.MIVi 8B3:0a8Krj SsOOSAOH SH 7:
HUlllU 111111 11 11
Vunoa 23 3 a. 9212 ..
Mr.Card kept the lead closely followed
by the others until the home stretch
when he dropped out and Staata came
out llmt aud VI newt a close second.
This makes three races Charles Staats
has won, and ou next Saturday, If
Htuuts shall again be Winner, the medal
will bo his property.
Account of the Drowning of Daniel
Yorty Who U Well Knowu Here.
The Florence West give this acoouut
of tho drowning of Daniel Yorty.
who Is quite well known here at
Lust Saturday, August 25, 1894. Mr.
Daniel Yorty, Robert Lowe, and Eddie
Miles were moving some household
goods, including a stove aud several
hundred pounds of Hour, etc., In a
boat across the Tslltcoos lake. When
about half way across the boat began
to take m water although they hastily
threw everything out except tbe stove,
the bout filled and sunk, overturned
Mid rose to the surface again. Mr,
Lowe kuowiug Mr. Yorty to be a good
swimmer, turned hla attention to help
ing Eddie, But Mr. Yorty seemed to
lose his presence of mind, and be grasp
ed a table and attempted to climb upon
It, but it overturned and Mr. Yorty
sank and was seen no more until hla
body waa taken from the lake,
Mr. Lowe succeeded In getting Eddie
ou top of the overturned boat after be
t . .1 I. it .. il a ... I
uau buok wree umes una in tola way
they drifted aahore,
Tli body of Mr. Yorty waa recovered
Sunday afloroocm,
Mr. Yorty came hero about two
mouth ago from Independence,
Oregon.1 Ho was an engineer by trade
aud employed In tho flouring mills uear
that place. Tbo mill closing, Mr
Yorty waa out of employment and be
then decided to come mid secure a home
stead. He was an honest, kind-hearted
man and ho had already made many
friends In this community. He leaves
a wife, a daughter eight-years-old, und
a little son I than oue yoar or ago, to
mourn hit dentil. They huve the sym
pathy nf the euilre community.
The funeral took place at one o'chak
Monday and Ihe body of Mr, Yorty
was laid to rest hi the Odd Fellow
oeiueii ry at Gleuada.
Two LI res Hared.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Juuctlou
City, I I., w aa told by her doctor alio
had consumption ud that there waa
no hi'isj lor her, but two bottle of Dr.
King' New Discovery completely
cured her and ahe say It saved ber
life. Mr. Tbo. Kggere, 139 Florida
street, San Francisco, ufiVred from a
dreadful cold, approaching consumpt
ion, tried without result everything
elao then bought ono bottle of Dr.
King' New Discovery and In two
week waa cured. He la naturally
thankful. It la such result, of which
the aro sample, that prove tho Won
derful efficacy of this medicine lu
coughs aud colds. Free trial bottle at
any drus atore. Regular slue 60 cent
aud 1. '
Notloo la hereby giveo that tho County
Board for the equalisation of taxes for
Polk County will meet at tho Court
Houaoin Dallas, Oregon, September,
24, to Sept., 80, Inclusive for tho pur
pose of equallxlug the aasesameoU of
All persons who desire to make cor
rection or Iteration, lu their reapeot I ve
aeiiuenu, whether a to proierty
assessed, or valuation thereon, are
earnestly requested to meet tho board
According to Supremo Court deci
sion no change con be made in any
(Msewmenf after (he board ailjourm.
Safety Hop Ticket,
Tho Wkbt Sine office baa ono of tbe
boat aod moot convenient bop ticket
over sold In Polk county and Invite a
comparison with any h Ing elao offered
both iu price aud quality. Call at tbla
offloe aud examine the ticket for your
self. Our price are all right. Call ou
or addrea The W'kht Sidk, Independ
ence, Irving W. Larhscre, physical director
of Y. M. C. A., Do Moines, Iowa,
ay he can conacieutly recommend
Chamberlain' Pain Balm to .athlete,
gymnast, bloyollsta, loot ball player
and tbe profeaslou tu general for bruises,
praln and dlslocatloua; also for or
neaa and atlffueo of the muscle.
When applied before tho parts become
swollen It will effect a euro in one half
tbo Mm usually required. For aal by
Alexander Cooper Drug Co.
His Oplnlnlon.
Editor Wkbt Bidk Since Congress
ha adjourned tbe sigh of relief Is notlc-
able on every hand. We kuow the
country will have a rest at least. And
uow you Democrat who bavo caused
ruin, desolation, aud starvation,
throughout our country; you who have
thrown the berculoau taak upon tbe
Republican Party, who arv coiiiIiir
Into power Just aa faat aa ho people
can aeuu tbem tnere, to repair tne
wante place throughout tho land,
brought upon tbem by the moat Incom
petent and corrupt body of men that
ever assembled at Washington. Oo
you Democrat and pas through) the
portals to everlasting ottaturlty, and
may God have mercy on you and for
give you for the people never cau.
While In Chicago.' Mr. ('hark I
Kabler, a prominent shoe merctiaut of
De Molnea, Iowa, bad quite a serious
time of It. Hs took such a severe cold
that be could hardly talk or navigate,
but tbe prompt use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured him of hla oold
o quickly that others at the hotel who
had bad cold followed his example
aud half a dozen persons ordered it
from the nearest drug store. They
were profuse In their thanks to Mr.
Kabler for telling them how to cure a
bad oold so quickly. For sale by
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.
In Justice Court.
The case of David Johnson vs. R. O.
Stlngly came up for hearing before
Justice Irvine Saturday at 1 P. M. The
action grew out of an attachmeut upou
several hundred bushels of wheat
The plaintiff waa represented by A.
M. Hurley, W. H. Holmes, and W. .
O'Donuell; the defendant by Q. A.
Smith, and Butler fc Towusond.
The cane was bitterly cou U ted and the
courtroom wus crowded throughout
the trial. Judgment waa rendered in
favor of the plaintiff for the full amount
demanded. The case will bo appealed
a several other parties will be affected
by the final Judgment.
American Goods Only.
If every patriotic American will
purobaae American goods only for Ids
consumption, be will lessen the disas
trous effects of the free trade Gorman
tariff bill. The American Protective
Tariff Leiigue Invite all to Join In
such a movement, and to algu the fol
lowing pledge:
"I hereby pledge myself to buy
American KOods only, whether of the
farm, mine or factory, aud to use my
influence to have others do the Bame,"
Please sign the above giving your
post office address iu full and sund the
m aw i S1 t
same to w. J) . waKeman, uenerui
Secretary, 135 West 23d Street, New
DENS NOEL At the Baptist par
sonage, Satuaday evening Sept. 1,
Miss MaudT. Noel was united in
marriage to Fred Dens, Roy. F, Fred
Jeaklun officiating.
i nr'-
Mr. Edward PrtUhte
Complication of Diseases
"I wm "ibid with tUik tMsdMbs 4
atlMlsiii, tad U4. t bota purttally
Stat, itud my uor-ow systoan was all rua sows,
lastly, I was itlisd win but dttass a4
Siou.tB;-(Ur wars ua'rd. I umw .
Hood's Oartap&rllla
Bad I sal btltar la vtry way. Ibavsgalasdla
task aod my lornsr good appatlt as r
turtd.M Kowaao ra.TBsa, Clranoa, Oil
Beod't sariaptrtit I tola by all druciM.
1 1 IU for . rraparsd enlv by a t UOOO
A 00., Apathwarlai, Lawan, Mai.
Meed's flllo ar sturdy vsgstabl. tea
P. H. ETcCiEE & CO.,
Proprietor of
InaCspsndence Tib Factcry
Manufaoturora of
Drain Tile.
of all slioa.
Prloe to Suit tho
ndependence, Oregon,
Prescott 8c Veness,
-Proprietors of
&B m m.
llanutaetarars of and Dealer In
Roirh and Drossed
J. A. WHEELER, Manager.
Sperling Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meats
Highest market price paid
for fat stock, beef, mutton, veal,
pork, eta All bills must be settled
Formerly JumIIco of the Peace, wkhes
Inform the publlo Unit ha Is
still engaged In tha
Notary Public, Collection and
and Is ready to promptly attend to any legal
lmnlnflHn Hint way be lnlrutid to Ills oare.
Thanking the public for punt lavon, he sollo.
lUt a fulr allure of lis future r &trouage.
If you wantaQood Pquare Heal tor
25 Cents
Qo to the
Ice Cream every day during the season.
Chicken Dinner every Sunday Meals served
at all hours Main Bi., inaepeuueuoe.
Knia eiitrlnlit, no rnl, no romltf . Artuplwt
IMlMIr, Vlllnwor Oountrr. Nilod in fr
hone, .hop, .tan und offlMi. OrwtUMt oonran-
Agra I m.k. from W lo SM pr IT.
A... in . mmMmim mtutn. . m) to ftll tne
nlhbor. ln lntrumnt, no tort, work.
nnrira, uxr dl.Unno. (tompl.U, rlT for
mrontof order, no rvpalrlni, 1m a Ilia
We will send you bp m til poai-paii one small
everirrw-n tree aditpied to your climate, with
Instructions for planting aud oaring for It, to.
Uk nnimtLln Rul. lt KlltSlitrV
lxok, tf you will out out thin advertisement.
limrK on ll Hie iimuwui um iiwjjoi im voii
how many and whiit kind of trees and plftnts
lit like tu DuruliHNO and when you
Wish :to plant them.
We will (iiiote you lower prices on the stock
you want than have ever boon offered you, ,
Write at once.
8-17 Kvergreen, Door Co., Wis.
Situated at EUGENE
Naxt Sosslon begins the 17th of September,
TutfcHon, free. Board, S2.S0 a week.
Kivnooiirnea : OlanHlcul, Botentlllc, Literary,
Eiiglili and Business,
The Boarding HkII for young Indies and the
Boarding Hall for young men will be under
the personal svpei vision of Mrs. Munra,a
lady of refinement and large experience. For
oiaalogaes, address J. J. WALTON.
Secretary of BegouU.
A X 1 VJ'L.
National Bank 1
Capital Stock, $50,000.00.
Vie rmsldent
A general banking aud xrhaiig bnnlneu
uvnaaotod: loam mad, bills illwounUd, coin
ntrctai eredlts grantodi depiwlw reetilved on
current aooount subject to cheek, Interest paid
B. F. Hmllh, A, Kelson, I. A. Allen, H. II
.laniMimoii. A. J. (JiMMliuaii. it. W. Meant. 11.
Cornmenced Business March 4, 1889
KstalilUhed by attooal Authority.
' . TUB ' - .
of Indepsndaae, Oregon.
Capital Steoki
President. Vic President
W.H HAWI.EY, Cashier.
J.n. Cooper, t. , Robertaon, Lewis Hslmlck
O. W. Whlteaker, W.W. Collins.
t wiioi aw wwuaasa smiov ,vw
Uuys aod sells tiohauge on all Important
iMposlte received subtest to check or on oer
A amahI kaKbinsi thtiilMkal I l n M1tfi
uncai w aeposiu inunctions aiaue.
Uffloe hours; a. ta. to 4 p. m.
C0RP0MTC0I IJ;I f I: L1X1 OF 0 RE60
Polk County Bank,
I. L. CAM I'll tlX.
1UA. U. rWHbhU
Paid Capital, S30, 000.
J. H. Bawley, P. L. Campbell, iM.HlmpaonH
i, B. V, BuUer. 1. H. Miuiup, . ct. i'owell
Joseph Craven.
A general banking and exchange business
transacted; loans made; dMlui reuelved
subject to check or on oemucaUt of deposit'
la U res I paid on time deposit.
Kire proof vault aud burglar proof safe,
secured by Yale time lock.
unit hours: a. in. to 4 p. m,
: l
iBdepeadeae and Monmouth Motor Line
East and South
The SHASTA Route
si a ()f tbO'
Southern Pacific Co.
at all stations between PorUand and' Albany.
'a 1 1 r..rn 1 iTnMH ( pu I r. fii n .lull.' .tnnnln.
South North
6:1ft I. M. Lv. Portland Ar. 8:20 A.M.
lutap. M. Lv. Albany Ar. 4:25 A.M.
1145 A. M. Ar. BanFranclsoo Lv. 7:0u P. .
RosoburgMall (Daily.)
Leave, Arrive.
Portland .... 8:30 A.x. I Roseburg ....tjSO v. u,
Uoseburg..,.7HW A. M, f Portland ....4:30 A. M.
Mag Cr. aj-p bk
Sooond-Class Sleeping Cars attached
to all through trains.
, West Side Division.
Between Portland and Corvallla.
Mall train daily (exoept Hundoy.)
100 a in Lv Portland Ar
11:18 a in I Ar ludeiwuiieuce Ar
12:16 p in Ar-. Corvallls Lv
5: p m
1:M p in
1:W jm
At Albany and Corvallls, connect with trains
Oregon Pacldo rallioad.
Express train aally (except Sunday)
4:40 p m J Lt. PorUund Ar I 8:'25 a in
7:a& p iu A r.. Momnnvllle Lv 1 60 p m
Orogonlan . Railway Division and
Portland and Yamhill Ry.Z
. Airlle mall Trl-weekly,
9:40 am I Lv Portland Ar 1 8K p m
5:20 p m I Lv.. Monmouth lv 1 7r5 a m
tito p in A r Airlle.... Lv 7.-00 a in
Through tickets to all points In the Entitern
Stales, Canada, and Europe, can be obtained
from T. M. bTIVKH, Agent, Independence.
Mannger. Asst. O. F. A Pass. Agt
Deal with 0. 0. Burgess, the live real estate
agent, Hherldnn, Oregon. Read this list ol
desirable purchases:
No. 1. 20 seres, all river-bottom land, 10 acres
In cultivation, well fenced, i acres in grain;
buyer getit of crop and possession of the
rest of the land Immediately; il miles from
Hhertdan on county road; prloe KJ6 per acre;
flue bop, garden or fruit land.
No. 2, 27 aores, all In cultivation, all level
well rcnoed, 800 yards to sahool and church,
six miles from Bherldan, level road to town.
Tnla Is very rich ureek bottom land; line
hop land, and the best ohlcken ranch In tbe
state; price $27 per acre. $MX) cosh, balimoe
In one year, Turee sawmills in two and a
half miles of the place, lumber St) per
thousand feet. This place will sell for 140
per acre before fall.
No. 8. 80 acres. 45 In cultivation; 20C yards to
school and church. Mill oreek bottom land.
Price 116 per acre; one-half cash, balance In
one year.
No. 4. 27 aores, all In cultivation with sum.
mer fallow wheat, buyer gel one-third orop.
Two and a half miles to Bherldan, one mile
to school and church. Land all level, No, 1
soil for fruit or hops; prloe (30 per acre.
No. 5. 19 sores, all level oreek bottom land, 15
aores In cultivation, 4 acres of ash timber
watered by Mill creek; 2 miles to Sheri
dan; 1 miles to sohool and church. Buyer
gete possession Immediately; prlca $30 per
I have other farms of all descriptions for
sale, lrfind bought and sold for lion. resi
dent. Parties having land for sale will do
well to list the same with me if they want it
sold as I use lots of printer's ink and let the
people dee what I have for sale.
O. O, Bukgehs,
i Real Estate Ageut Buodaa, Oregon.
Of Independence, baring ft steam
engine, a brick machine and several
acres of finest clay, la now prepared
to keep on hand a fine quality of
Brick, which will be sold at reason,
able price.
American and European Pltn,
HeveDth nd Washington Bt
Gf oeeries
Cash Grocery ads Biktr
Harvest is coming and
now is the time to get in
and Save Money by get
ting your supplies of us.
Call and get prices.
Free Delivery.
Fresh Bread Every Bij.
VV.L Douclac
i we -! vewwi
Voa can save money by aarekaila W. In
Uaaclas Sheea,
Dwauw, a. v an . v . . u-au m....h....
adverUsed shoes Vi" warld, and naraate
the value by stamiS tha nam ana price oa
tbe bottom, which protects jroa against high
prices aud the middleman's profits. Onrsbae
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them told (vary,
where at lower prices for the value given Uaa
any other make. Take no substitute. If)MI
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Bol4 by
Fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
-Go to-
Photograph Gallery
Independence, Or
(Buccessor to HUBBARD 4 STAATS.)
CityTruck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of all Einda Done at
Reasonable Eates. .
Agents for the O. P. Boats.
AU bills must be settled by the 10th ol
each month.
Independence, Oregon.
Oo to the 0 Street
And see how
You can got your '
Work Dono.
Wagon Repairing of All
H. I fOWil, Prgi:'.:?,