The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 20, 1894, Image 4

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rwfor hi nvcr a bcan
W thought th art tonnorlat
IMorred by right to man
from an Immemorial.
But h ha com, with flaed Int. nt,
To irov to all the nation
That man I not preeminent
In barbarous operation.
Oh, ahavlnf l a tweet delight
Sine h the rator wielded I
Mr heart unto her charm so bright
llaa altogether yielded. i
And, though ha think HI only gush
My teauele amas her;
I hatl her queen of comb and bruh
And fodde of the raaor.
Born day. with lather on my check
(Such Is the plan I harbor),
t ahalt ccunigeouaty ak
The hand of my fair barber.
Put U he h alrcly found '
8ume man to love and prala her.
Her "No" would "cut" m, I II be bound
More deeply than her rasor.
National Darber.
Honor at a Rope End.
T ws a frightful m.wnt
V4Mjr irtood alone, her hand boiicj
8 behind her back, amid a
(Ml irroup of and worn
than aava banditti. Vwo
of them had surpria! hr
don beknr on the fan tit.l
had dragfed her up t tht mare, a
mall plateau anion c the CaJabrUn
hlH-bov umrinj heltrht. above
ditiy depth; no hope, no chanre of
eeoape, no truth In the dark fac
round her. Wa ah to be aMdgned
to tJ chief, or gambled for, or fought
for amon the tnfamou crew?
Sh wa a beautiful girt, drained in
me prciurahiue XKeaputttan pnnt
arm; hut h wa re a contadlna.
levtrlc wa a ctrcu rider and trap
sl. an upright and hoitorahl girl
leaatlnc. despite her perilous calllny,
a bUmele Uf. She knew what fat
awaited hr now, and even In the
ray of uch dread and terror, a
only a woman can kr.uw, her quick,
keen bruin wa devUm some mean
of ep to death. If not life. She
couM fac death with unltlnchlng
: h had only one fr nowthe
fear of dishonor.
There were six of the men. Includ
ing h chief. They bad drawn apart
and wer talking among thoniHvM,
wtfh rrnny a glanc toward the mo
tlonleaa ngur of the unfortunate cap
tive. She would have prung over the
preolpic. but her fee, too. were
ahackJed, to prevent any such :-
euoaenry. from behind a place of
fikteiMd round Uil pice rf r?k."
Hh tepMd to a erne rl to the
ireclpice, nd o diftr-c. m a wge
or rue n forty rtt below.
Cavaaai sauntered up and lkn.l
down, tos and then irlatvnl 1st the
frtrl with an bial,o tmtlo on lit lln.
4'Ut a in, covmt uucntt.m In hi
ywa. t
She nnnwered the rjn.-iMlon mutely
The mlk gv her no ofrna; he
undorMood It It w for the other.
c for her.
"The other end up here, hr An-
are eJti. pointing to a piece o n
mmm thirty fe. away, on a line with
the other above the preolir, i that
ft a trie would be looking dawn the
tliaay holght.
"L-t me e to it. amid." he added
to hi wmiradi "I wa In the rope
nutn.i year ag ami
know thU 1 ni About."
'Tln-n vou make the rop feat t
both nd,' mild llrmrii-e.
"And da a dane ycuraelf, eh, twv
air observed
"Nay, ohlof; I h bern t-m long
out of prunloe. but I know hm to
mako the rope e.'ur. 1 don't want
to lo my chnc of wlmdng her,"
h al l riie u he chief, who
t Hnned and ttudded.
Antlrwa, carried the rne to the lint
boulder and lUMtrt-e followed.
Ther w now no need, the ban
d!t thought, to ken nj o:om to her.
Andre w nar her; m mover, h
w not likely to bmp over the pree
Itdce, when ah ha l, a ah Ml.ved.
a (hanc of vlii hervelf and mak
ing a choice of n owner.
Vet. not a word did Cvl uur
to th woman he Wed. who
about, with hi hlp. to nirg her llf.
In the meal to v hotMr. He care
lely. a U aeemed, but with d.-nign.
a Itehtrivv knew, let the isoi. ti.
cKo to tha etlge of the cIliT. while he
proreded to h-ui- It rouml a jlit
of rvek about the hwlgttt of hU own
(tumlder. he hoi ling her bn-nth a
r.e watched him.
i-nw.-- ne mm. after a few mln
utea, "that I evur."
e turned td pick up hi knife.
wiiton ne had In nt tonally dropped,
mi w tnat wwnd lieatrio vImI
the ropA wuig herwelf over clirr
nd began to defend It, bnl over
nana, wuh etn jrJlnanr ranlJliv
The bandit yelled tr.d ruaned for
ward; but Andre wt, A.tK at the
Jge. with a cry of 'Trait renr
Tft nirn girt Ud Ui let
inem nre u them do what they
wtuio nw--ner rte wa In her ow
"Stayr Cvtl cried; "I can follow
mt bring her up llr
j There wa a yell of laughter at
lleatrk-o iene. In a necmd An
Twenty Years of Lit i-
gation Over $5.'
And the End Is Not Yet
in Sight.
CoU ana Jiutgnieut of the Junrt
(auty Calf Ca Sow Aiuoutit
to :0,(hmi.
Tit "Jone county calf ree" will
Ve the oul uf coming lllm kwtnne
for a century. It I the "Jarndvc v.
Jarmlyco" of AtnerU, and by coin
Priv with It the Myr Clark
Uaine -ae pale It it.pfrronml drv.
The h-lm of Annek Jn would be
happy could they dlvUU th mer
court cot in the Jone county calf
e. The map of Iowa ha been de , ' Jone county, and live
nan become o uel to geltlng verdict
that h wa almoet reconciled to no!
getting anything elee, Th uprem
court had becnin null Intermted in
th Jone county calf raw by tht
tlm. however, and It promptly et the
vewut (Hide aliio.
"Ther w a aound of revelry by
main- in Waterloo ton afterward
ft It wa formally announced that
th Jone county calf cae wa to I
tried HI over again. Mr. Johnnon g
another verdict for ll.orxl, and the at
antl-hr Ihteve again iMled t
th lupreme Hurt. They didn't want
to pay 17, worth of court cot if
they could help It, but th auprem
court wouldn't reverae th Judgmpnt
Having been mulcted In this grlev
ou manner th ala anti-bore thieve
now cm Into tniurt one more nd
akd If they couldn't hav H.omo
kntH'ked oh th bill of coat they had
to pay. Inaamuch a Harmon Kellar,
who had been let oh: by the (Unto
county Judge, ought to pay at leaat
me-vnth of the coata for all the
fun he had had. Judge Unehan over
ruled the motion of th lx antl-hor
thieve, but they war not dlaeoneerb
ed by a little thing Ilk that, and they
one tnor apealed to th auprem
court or low, where th caae I no
pending on tin point. Th t anil
nor thieve are pretty well ruined
by thl lime, and Johnaon, who ha
Jutting rock, a evnth baimlit mad. r4" vr th cliff, aikl a
hi appearance- talL handsome . B-trlc reachri th ledge of th
low of S5 or !, a plctjr to dtf)lirlt n"1- tl leiow. he wa
the artlaV ey. but probably a ruth- 4 "y m l'"11""; m
lea villain a the reel. H tepped bove ,rMn" ohfrti.g him
tai ciose to uentrire, and wa el- ' rr" terror,
dently Ignorant until tben r her cap- a,Mw' b-od a huge bowlder: but
lure, for he tared and half exrl. 'iv,!,, hld hi knife betw?m
maaon escaped him. but he tajd no rutu,ry hi rlM
heed to Beatrice' fDesiUrur ka.k ' U4n,, tnni ,h whn h wa
whether b.ue the others were l.K.u. l"-hjn "ftetii fet of the gn.u -l
Ing that wav or bcai hi. ... "n ho rop atout an nh be
full of reveng ni bluemeo ahe!10 hl h",'" dr,Wng klghlly, with
could not tell, but h feared the lat- pr M" Inm iftftt
ter. and the momentary flah of h.l Twau.wer r.uig out , abova him,
In her heart sank and DortahMi ' nl" " en carbin ww lev
For this man wa Andrea voir I.! i,h1' na,f lopn bl,ll whlxaed cl'te
once fellow perform. with Beatrice' by n,ra but h fl!ied on look of
and paaatonat lover of her- hui w'rn doflance upward, an I aprttt ji'i
he had flirted too mrch with Tki
Veron. and he. wUd with jealon
arger. had declared that ahe would
never apeak to him again. He left
her. vowing that If ever they two met
. again U would be hi turn; hd, Im
piusiva calabrese a he wa.
joined the brigand ao rumor had It
and rumor ipoke truth, for here he
was and Btfrice felt that h
quondam lover" prophecy had come
to pas. It wa hi turn: would
take his revenge?
am naa lurneu awiy from her mule
appeal; she dare! make no other. The
brigands were aim wt ignorant of An
drea original calling; at any rate,
certainly of the cauj of U aoc!a
uon wttn them. Cavaxzl wa tlie
lat man to make himself the but
V. ... ... .
vi vi umi jftn, ana ne would keep
hi own coukI. Hi jr:n-d the other
and talked with ibem. Bj:rl.-e
heard him laugh care!tly; her h.-art
sickened. He wa utterly hardened
n meant to leave ber to her fate.
Could he, who had one been ao gen
tie, nave become o brutalized T
The men approached her; the gi
neia ner breath; Cavazzl. he noticed
for nothing escaped her keft in th
"Now, then." aid Avleto, the chief
and dice were brought out. Th(y
were going to play for her. Suddenly
a tnoujfnt came to her.
Eccelenza," she said to the chief.
"Ubbene, Cariaelma?" th a look
that was an Insult.
"You are going to throw dice for
me," she Mid, "Will you give me a
chance to make a choice If I earn it?"
They all laughed.
"How can you earn It?" said Avleto
with a sneer.
I am not a peasant; 1 am a trap
ezlst. I could walk the tight-rope
across this chasm."
It was 600 feet to the bottom. Here
ahe wa lrtterruptd. All exclaimed.
Those of t.he men who had eted
themselves sprang to their feet
"Ay, 'tU true," said Andrea, epeslc.
ing for the nrat time. "I have n
her at Naples dance the tight-rope,
uj ie unpeze, nae to make one
The wretches look3d at each other.
"Let her tarn a choice," said three
or four together.
The glance Interchanged negatived'
the word. Beatrice knew very well
there wa no hope of good faith." She
had Another scheme- desperate and
daring one, but at the worst It wa
death. Indeed, tlwre seem id little
chance of life.
"She might choose handsome Cav
azzl, eh?" said one.
"That's it!" chuckled the chief.
Well, it was a good idea of the
girl's. They would have a gratuitous
exniDiiion of her skill and ehe would
no more have her choice at the end
than at the beginning. Maybe An
area handsome features and anion
did personality had cauirht her fancv
she thought, anyway, that he would
bo a less hateful mutter than any of
wie orners. But none of them had
the least idea of relinquishing hi
ciaim least of all In favor of Cav.
azzi, wno wa regarded as a half
hearted robber, too merciful and
scrupulous by far.
"We can't tretch bt- rope over the
cnam. aald Avk-to; "no one can got
io me otner Bide."
"I can find a plaje." said Beatrice
eagerly, and Andrea was dispatched
for the rope. He had to pass, or he
managed to paa, dose by Beatrice
on this errand, and as he did o he
gave ner a look that set her heart
OS dO(l UODnnS mi ftiunnnnii
Plainly did that look say, "Trust me,
win give no sign. '
For an Italian that was enough,
aiai uie gin, who, In her heart, had
always loved her harviaome auHor,
knew that she could count on at leaat
ene friend among her captors. If An
drea could do nothing else for her he
couia amy ner, t0 aave wnat
dearer to her than life.
A .1 .
jiiiuira, ,rx. returned with a hi,-i
coll of rop-t was fifty foot long, he
DtMiKl the helter of the bwld-v,
cu-tt Ik at rice In hi arm anJ
klMtfd hr paattii'na'eiy.
Saved! Saved:" he !mit dd-!
a th clung to him franklully
nice, you iruat mer 1 Will ak no
rew4rd. Comn. wllh me; there '.
way dinn the preclpke pHi only
to ucn a we are. Be brav -tt III
canxim-i; tne danger I ntH tiitt
And who wh brave braver thar.
ever, now abe tMtd Andrea to cling
to, knowing that he still loved her
ami wmuM be true and faithful,
The dtft,t aa prllou, even for
the tmined arnot; lni(xi4lbV, a
uavaxxl had said, for anyone .?le
out it wa aoc ntlliied In fty.
an1 while Avieto and W gang
rowing vtngeawe, If, Imleid. the
traitors" whould ewape death in try
ing to oe rnd frnn tha litty plattU.
tavazzi ana Be.Urtce were on -hrlr
wy b N'ftple. In wnlcb city they
were manned, and f(r a tlm hft
Italy and pursued thoir buslnee li.
France and Spain. But the exter
mination of the carablnlerl of Avlt j'a
gang by and by allowed them to re
turn to their native land, and thj
ronmnitlc story of Boat rice's terrible
adventure and escape liavlng got
about, thionga were drawn to the
clrtus, and Cavaitzl and hi wife grew
"But suppose, Bice." he hal said
to her, during their night, when Mwy
una toppd to rest, "aupp'jse I had
not ben there, or some other man
had fastened the rope."
'If I had failed to get h'dd of .he
rope." sha ald. "I would have llunir
myaoir over the cliff or Jumped from
tne rope into the abyaa."
He hudterel, and drew her clow
to him. Put U wa long after thl
before eitrer of them could bear to
p.K or that frightful exocrine
VHAtated by thl loel
iiie ana otner boy
nav grown to be men ami lawyer.
, lnv 't began it infrwtlve career,
ror mire of yen the reader of
Amertcwn newpawr have been In
th hbtt f seeing, here nd there,
at Kir liu Interval nd In uul..ked
Mr omrectlor , niyateriou lluhui
to the grtt "Jone county calf caae,"
and aritHmeUcal iniue hav ever
and anon blanched before It Involved
aw.uni 4n I gone snivelling to hum
lk ylum after lnly attempting
to c-Miipu i H CvwU and cert4ln
it reeuit.
Kgg-rtiT By no mean. I hav
taken palua to guher at Brat ha ml
from the pUlnUrr, who la now the
viriorioua party, fnn Joua county
omclal and from other quarter, th
ract of thl lngular story now net
forth to th public for th nrat tlm.
Ther la n tranger chapter In the
annal of Amerkan law. Th plaintiff
nimnejr write me; "om of the bet
farina In Jone county lot all their
property long ago In lawlng thla case,
Then their children and friend took
It tip and fought It a long a thry
could. It I XIII pending!" And It
ha long sine iMed from the condi
tion of a neighborhood scandal to th
magnificent proportion of a national
curd salty.
Thl I how It came about: ttoberl
Johnaon, an Ohio by. of Virginia
tork. went to farming In 14 In Jone
count), low. In W7 Parmer IVtter.
of Green county, an acquaintance of
Johnaon. cam to Johnson and said
h wanted to buy som clve, A
man named Smith, a stranger there
about, who haa sine succeeded In
concealing hlrnaelf from observation,
mtui nav nerd or thl; he went to
Johnmn and ld hi in five small, dark
calve, width on June , mi, John mm
delivered to letter. Juet then Farm
er Juhn Foreman, of Jone county.
dlacovered that nv calve had illwap
i-ieareu irom ni rarm. lie had seen
Juhnn drive five calve away, to de
liver to Totter, but made no Inuulry
aoout in matter until afterward.
rumor I'eter Onalolt saw Farmer
Johnaon deliver th five email dark
calvt to Drover potter. When Farm
er Foreman mlaiwd hi calve he fol
lowed lr.ver Potter to tlreen county,
Iowa, and found hi mlmtlng property
In Potter's herd. Potter said he had
bought from Johnson the calve which
Foreman now Identified a hi own.
8o Foreman went back to Jone coun
ty and demanded from Johnson the
value of hi miming calve, which
Johnaon, though an innocent man,
gav tit Foreman In Ihe hap of
not for 43,
Johnon then tried to find the my
irrmue viinon pmim, intending, no
doubt, to make Smith glv him (John
on) a not for t5, but Umllh had
anlahed. Determined to hav satis
faction somehow, Johnson, who wa
then enly thirty odd year of age,
took a Jaunt out to Ureen county.
and on being hwn by potter the
calve which Farmer Foreman had
claim. d a hla mlaxlng proiwrty.jiwore
that he (Johnaon) had never old those
calve to Potter and that he would
not pay the 111 note he had given to
Mr. Foreman then concluded that It
as time for him to take another hand
In the game, lie was fairly pining for
the excitement of a law suit. II sent
word to Potter that If he (Potter) did
t Institute criminal proceeding
gainst Johnaon, he (viz.. Foreman),
would Invok the majeaty of the crim
inal law against him (Potter). Ha Pot
ter went all the way to Jonea county
gain, Joined the Antl-Honie Thief a
soclatlon and succeeded In having the
unfortunate Johnson Indicted for the
larceny of $45 worth of calve. Th
mysterious villain named Hmlth atlll
remained In abeyance. Thl wua
December, 1J74. Now come fun.
The Indictment wa quashed In May
mis. m December, 1875, new Indict
mtmt wa found and a change of
venue to Cedar county wa secured
by Johnaon. In 1S76 ther wa a trial,
dlou ll!tg:i, j near by In Cedar county, may even
id other boy ' '"all e bark a part of th comfort
had vet brought ha,,in.;. , oy.J,,nnwm' m tner wa a
acquitting Johnaon. Then there was
another trial and Johnaon wa acault
ted, Farmer Peter Ontott teatlfylng
that the calvea Foreman claimed from
Potter were not the calves Johnson
had sold to Potter, and that Potter
knew It, and had even admitted It
Med or lt m.m'ku r. . oul nHa aaviacci f armer Onstott to
wLthJ f TSh ,'! ,i',0y kl' mouih .hut. which Farmer
earlier mim;! "r.V".' ln, r"t would under no circumstance.
:: " io wait agree to do.
tflMUIV fllimilPP Na
Denver women have oravinla-ri them.
r, 1 1 b l.t. M ji . , . . .
,,.., a uitm, wtllcn was
to put its uniform In ocular -vldoncJ
as aoon as JW women have signed the
ram enjoyeu tnlr dMneea snd thlr
ciean HKirt.1. and wilt allow the sen
urea! io re-jmmend itartf. Tht
iojiowing was the pledgr.
eiievinr that tne health, error..
" oomrcrt or women will bj Jn
j i aioimon or more
rational dres tot bUMinea (including
housekeeping) purposes, j, -he undir-
"Helghho." said Farmer Johnson to
hlrnaelf after hearing Farmer Onstott
tcatiry; "let us have more law." Bo
he began on action for $10,000 damages
In Anamofa, Linn county, agalnat
seven prominent members of the Antl
nors-9 Tbier association. A verdict
for 13,000 was rendered in Johnson's
favor, but the Judge, probably hating
io ace a leading calf case sno ed. as
lnnd in ij,., . " " " ivnuing i:it case spot ea, a
y.ZT. 01 "9 othw 11 set the verdict aside. The do-
..4 tbMt lt row." Boatrtce
,"he wa ""bound, a couple
of fellows. keeping her to prevent
any "treachepry." v 1
for the purpose. "One .rid can be
women of the city of Den ver sf'Vf,rillv
Pledging and binding themselves hv
ftnlinls were antl-horae thieve, as
follows: - K. V. Miller. Dnvtd Wall
it! S!m:n'!t!,".ar 10 thU' d" J"hn rtreman. Abe Miller. Harmon
... , , uKrm. ivKimr snu b. u. cotter. They were
" mysau wun a cos- real glad the Judge felt that he had
iume as follows: A rational ilmu charired th lnr mrm. wi. ..
1,1m- - ...,, .7 - niicu nine
vuii.tuitaoie niung iouee or was another trial the Jury disagreed
waiHl, UHlnJT no Whalc-bona r.r (lir. All hnmla nnm un,l f .. i
Jnjf , of an '!d whatevo. (whether W venue, and more Juries and more
In the form of a ooraet. uniwa.i nrltrlula. Ho thev miwd ih ir,n
urei-s waist), ana shoes with common- ty f case to the town of Clinton.
senne heeds,
"Z. To wear th, samo publicly
m uinton county, Iowa, and Io. the
jury assessed J7.500 damoges In John
the city of Denver, com nen.lttg at """' favor. The Clinton county Judge
pomieri awnue and finally concluded
that the verdict of the Jurv should
have been against only six of the
seven antl-horae thieves, as there was
no evidence against the seventh, Har
mon Kellar. 8o away goes the verdict
and everybody said, "Bet 'em up
The Jones county calf case was now
moved to Blackhawk Count V. Tftnn
Judga Dagg got hold of the case, and
wnen tne jury found a verdict of $5,000
In Johnson's favor, he (ft-ieg) nromoUv
overruled a motion for a new trial and
entered Judgments against the six re
maining antl-horae thieves,
'u,:" "m arter 100 women shall
have algnod this document, as may
uo lonomimea by the Colorado Ia
hwiiw UICSH ( IUD,
3. To coiUlnuo to wear the same
as a working, bualness or street cos-
mme ror tne period of at least the-,
moiium arter said date.
4. To 11. my Influence in t,iA,.
omen to Join the Colorado Rational
uress club."
Several women promliunt In Den
er aocieiy are amonir the m(mh.r
oi me duo,
bl little fortune h ha blown In on
th 4i calve. Doseii of lawyer hav
fattened on calf caa fee and lt
juror hav heard It merit, tl.iverti
or II .rare Ibde wa one of th law
yer cud Couunellor C K. Wheeler,
who began "a olTlc boy to an sttor
ney' nrm" when Ih rae began, I
now a ma grown limb of th law.
Th plaintiff ha paid out . that
h know of. "The cot." he av.
"which stand against th defendant
run up to .me thirty thousand dot
lar. Of th eight trial Judge who
hav heard the ca at on time or
ttothr, two are dead," Two of the
defendant, the antl-hor thieve-
H . Miller and Abe Mlller-r dead
Ana tne celt case I still very much
Thr at number of "calf case.'
curlouly enough, which have emptied
up and been carried on since the
Jone county calf began to kick
Thorn McOlbben and Flward lied
rori, ot Kentucky, began lawlng in
I7 over a bull calf In which MeUlb
ben had bought Itmlford'a Interest for Tit calf worthless.
McOihben got a $10,000 Judgment.
which wa appealed to th utrcm
court of Kentucky, where It alutiibered
tranquilly for twelve yer. Then the
judgment wa reversed and the 'rase
retried In 1K1 t Veraallle. Ky and
a $.Oiio verdict rendered for plaintiff,
who bad pawed away In th mean-
time. The prevent secretary of the
treasury, John O. CarliRle. wa "of
Th state of Montana nmnweuted
Rolert F-ngllnh last liwember for
ateaimg a cow worth $40. lie wa ac
quitted, but another charge wa
brought agatiiat him. Two. of Ihe
Juror g..t sick on the second trial, and
by the time Ihe third trial wa nihd
the coat footed Up $12,090, ,
The fmou "Wtnated bull raw"
ended up In Connecticut not long ago,
after a week trial to a Jury, before
whom !iy witnesses testified, with
court tot of $'m and heavy lawyers'
fee over a gaudy little bull that wa
old a few month ago for lost tin.
Fanner Andrew Camp and William
Zimmerman, of Lyman. Pa., went to
law '.n lsw over a cherry tree on their
boundary line. The court derided n
ll that Zimmerman owned the tree.
that the tree wa worth $4.JS and that
Camp must pay $SV7 cost and his
lawyer's fee of $:w, Zimmerman' law
yer' bill wa tiZi.
Mr. Luk M. Kmeron broiiaht over
lackaase on the Taurlo and while
they were In the custody of the fulled
Htate government Sheriff Clancy
seised them on tat court attach
ment and th Jackaane at otic pasned
Into legal history on a question of
A Justice of th pear of llueneme.
Cal., In 1K92, decldel the ownership ol
a deputed hen. over which hundred
of dollars of lawyers' fees and court
coats had been squandered, by taking
in fowl to a point half-way between
th home of the claimant and turn
Ing It loo. The hen ran to the one
In whose favor lh Justice decided.
David Uplro. a lawyer, wa tried In
Newark. N. J In February, pen. for
"teallng ten rem from th pocket of
a court contatile." After .deliberating
eighteen hour a Jury returned In hi
favor a verdict of "not guilty."
Th Uiat trial of Daniel Coughlln on
th charge of helping to murder Dr.
Patrick Cronln lasted four month
and Involved th espendltur of $100,.
000. Thl U said to be Ihe longest
trial. In continuous session, known In
the United Blates. N. Y. Herald.
though north of Orlltl Ih land 'ha
been submerged and to a consld-rabl
extent ttlll la, which ha bad n bad
effect upon many yard, and only fair
averag crop, rrom present aiqiear
ance. can ronbly be expected, Th
vine do not arm out well, and the
h-ave geiu rally r of a l!owlh
tlng-. Lie ar generally prrval 'nt to
a iiiuiied extent, and that on th out
Id of th yards, ttpraylng is belli
carried on. but th prospect of a res
soiiablo prlc r not good, and grow'
r generally ar much discouraged at
in outlook.
"Th am axe tht yr. a compared
with last, will h..w lmrt of
snout 10 per cent,, but It Is doubtful
if last year's yield will h much, If
any, exceeded, Th tlreen river val
ley i much in th same condition.
"In th matter of sale or contract
ing, nothing really ha been done
Thirteen cent ba been bid and re
ruJ, Far nor do not wm die Hoard
to accept anything lea than 15 cent.
iiuyer ar totally Indifferent and sen
era I stagnation I th result,
in consequent of th railroad
strike Inconvenience ha been felt by
in nrn-arrivai of ul chloa and
oil for spraying purposes, and much
ointismction 1 expressed at thl.
nnouid im strike' continue tilt hot.
picking time a great lox to thl county
wouoi ne tn result, a Picker would
hot b abl to get td th many yard
sno in an probability considerable
quantity of tne crop would be Umt.
iisying ha Just commenced and
generally apcaktng, th croo is llht
but with the present fine weather It is
iiaeiy to b Harvested IHM1 .ii,
tlon. The meadow of th north end
ami on in liuwam h ar In a
ba-l condition, and a Isrg number of
tn rarmer will b unable to rals
anything Ilk a ufflclewy of hay for
neir own use. itnd under,.,.
for IMtator. etc.. Is vhowln slsna ..f
a mnnum crop, t,ut wherever the land
I a few Inches l ow th normal level
n a naa rotted, and not more than
wo-thlrd of n ordinary crou on t.
exiwcted, In many place wrier the.
land las betn overflowed no croo of
any moment will b raised."
there I pructlcally none, Home con.
timer buy very aparliittW for their lm-
neointe requirement, but a f'e de
ttMftd In the true sense of ih
dm not cUH. tllotiKh 1 h,-r UhI
been fair demand for old l,i ...!
f. w parcels of yrnrlinirs hau
b.uiiht for immediate uiu. Th result
naturally follow, althotmh ih,,
chant still report th n arket as firm-
run bttrdly be slated with
truth, that ttie totie of afralra Im .
tea.'v a It tv.,. i:Ve,. ti.fe rettort or
imott unlvoant and somewhat in.
ere dug blight, which com In from
II di.lilcu, herdly rrmt th alltrhteai
lcu!attv tnuvemerl. Wo thtnk u
may lie fairly assumed, t'tat Influenza
outalde of th hop nierV. tg r m
wora. wnt. n account for the present
condition if thing therein, tleneral
trade ihe not rally l u was IIMi.
ed. (Capital Is ahundu t, but there 1
no employment for It, Then th actual
consumer of beer re- trlct their pot,
tlona, anil brewer ar conmjuc.iiv partially employed, and do not
require o many hojHt.-RrialUh II.o,
Chill W. Hastard. Regent of Ih Royal
Colonel Chill W. Ilaxzard, who was
eletrted supreme regent of lb Royal
Arcanum, at Detroit.
In June, ha won
distinction In many
Important position
both In and out of
th brotherhood. II
I now editor of th
Monongahela, (Pa.)
Daily Republican.
It I a thirty-second
drgre Mason
and a Knight Tem
plar. In Ih Grand
Army of th Reoub-
DIIIU.W, ihmahh ,) , t paflt (J,,
parlmtnt commander for Pennsylva
nia am hs had a long and honorable
ra.ver. II entered th Royal Area-
liu 111 In lfcio m charter member of
Monongahida council. No. WT. and wa
elected pant regent, and w soon made
grand regent, th highest ofne In th
gift of th slat grand council, lie
was re elected In 1Wi3 and luX In lltt
Mr. Ilaxxaid wa elected supreme vie
resent, and at th expiration of hi
oftlc In that laraclty. June II. 1M4.
wa unanimously chosen suprern re-
p. iKm i oj.,
rrprlUr f
r".ini Tib febj
Mntitaitirr 1
Drain Tile.
f all ili.
Prlof t Suit th
orncc and rACTony
National Bank
Capital Stock, $50.04
H. HIRMf'MBlCft'l,
general hanking n4 irhgi
trawkacted; lo laade, bill diwusavg,,
merrlat credits granted: d'prii tm.
(tarrrnt senatnt nbji Io rheek, lat.
oa Urn pilu.
R. f, Umllh, A. Nelwm, , A.' Alla a
JmHirrmm, K, J, UratdMnaii, Jj, !J-
II irmrauern,
Hketch of fh Itepubltean N'omiie li
M, M. K.tee, of Nairn, cal., I the
republican t; :-ntln for gov -rrair ,.f
th Ule. Mr. K
te 1 an abl t, vig
orous, liber k. aol
broad-mlnd-d mtn,
and ha held many
public Office In I
California. II wa
district attorney
and aaemblym til
of Hacramento!
county. I, iter b.f
run far the asuetn
bly of B.m Fran
c4sco and v wis
eieviwi, n,t y.ts
u fs y
imI with I'. O, HurgeM. the live real wiie
seit, KlierKlHO, uregou. Head Ibl llrt 'A
daalroble iurebaeai
M MU K4Ttl&a
honored by U-Ing mad iker t,t the
hou. Hw wa a no-1 11 her of th em
siiiuuuimi ct.nveorl in and bv virtue
or hi UlehU assuiiied a udlng parJ
n crraung tne orgaiJc law of th
lalu, In is he wa nominated frj
K 'V.-nior and dfKUo.i by well known
tnllueitf,. Hi,- marked ability and
ditlnguiheJ prxmliit'ttc In afUtr of
'' have brought about hi being
urged a a .-oielld ite f.r !h UnJl.v) !
Htato ett,i,tor-hln and fo: cabint
II 1 The Republican "Xomlne f.t
The OutUxik Not Encouraging to the
Th rendition of the hop fields In the
Whlto nd Oreen river valleys and Ihe
prospect of the coming crop is given
yetrday in an Interview with a Posi
Intelllgnrer reporter by James Hart,
the hop grower of the Bumnierllcld
ranch at Christopher; Mr. Hart aald,
"Generally In the Whlto river valley
hop are looking In fair condition, nl-
W have had an rureedlnslv dull
Hfele trade again thla week, and hold
er are trowlna- wearv of
a-k so long with 110 uresent iri.
Pct of an exirnhxloit of the demand
The fact I that the crop proicia, th
rid over, are so favnrabl that no
clM of buyrr are willing to oneralM
beyond the pretng n.d of the mo.
ment. tt,d It Is simply lm-.ll,e to
move any ouantlty of hnpa regardless
of prices, Many dealer already have
more fock than they wish they had
brew-r ri.nt W Induced to buy
other than small lots, and the foreign
outt is certainly very disappointing.
The very limited busln at present
mak all value somewhat nominal.
Waterville Time. 7th.
The Pacific Insurance union announc
e a reduction of J3 per cent, on hop
hou It.surance for thla season,
Cnltfornfa advice say that some tor
tracing Is going on at Haeramenlo at
11 and I Jr. Around Hnntn Kos.t an In
crease of r-o acre is rein.rted. and
vine rll doing tll.
Ho-n spirjlng Im been done In h
Ptiyslltip dl trlct, but grower gener
ftHy i'o not t on it.lrr it mcesiary a yet,
Coming crop In the Puyallup district
continue to progrea favorably.
Th matter of reducing the nlcktns
prlc to blta a box la causing consul
era bl diitcuion. but If th price of
hp will take a raise the old price of
$1 a bog will be maintained.
Nt'ltKMPEUa-itcport from the hop
districts are still satisfactory on the
wh e, although there is now a stli!
greater need of warmer wefllher and
sunshine, in the beginning of tho
week the rain fell very heavily. The
Uto of the hop market seem to get
worse and worse. On Monday, being
in. nrm maraei aay or the week, 0
hale were sold but the price ar get
ting gradually lower.
Cai'ialn I'rban Vudrlan Wmalbury,
the republican lumtin.-e for gvortwr
nt Vermont, la a
viti-ran with
g'KKl W.I.-
He wa horn at
Aowrth. S. II.,
fifty -six year ago,
but has been a re
Ideot of YVntumt
ever sln-e he was
i yer old. He re n common
ikdiool education.
ami Itttor as grad
ucted fnn th
medical depart-
nuni of the uni
versity itf Vermont. At the outbreak
of th wvil war he the service
"f the Citi.:i. ar.d two mrha lat-r
Umi an ar 11 at Hull Ituns bloody
rout, wa taken prison-, paroled in
O'tober of the same year and dU-
our, mm) ,1(uy on aocouiit of dl.
alallty two w-k at,.r, jjq nKMn
etTllst,..! nihI s-rv-d ith crwllt to the
cl-.e of th war. He ha served a
proHldi-14 of the board Of alderman
and mayor of Hurllngton, and became
S'n I inn. ail r1ver.llnin land. 10
u roitlvalloa. well feneed.S'aerea to grain
buyer of renpand m i tt llw
rot of Ue land linniedtalelyi 1 miie frum
Mtierldan on nouuty rd; prloe fit pr srr;
Bu hop. garden r frOU Isiid.
Jo,l IT aerea. all In eoltlvatkm. 1I 1erl
well b-neml, i ar to Mhl and hurelt,
HII mile from Hberldaa, level rawl to town.
Tills la very reti erwrk bolloflt lrd; One
bou land, and lit tHt ebl-kn raoe'i In 10
Male; !- $J7 tier acre. $ i rmb, ilane
lu rina fear, llirra aswiuiiia m iwmuo m
half miles of ttie plae, luintier I ft
tltooaand tKPi. Thla pint will well frW
peraitr befiir felt. -.
No. . ftuafea. tSIn enlilvslU.n: ysrd 10
rle ml snd ebureO. Mill ereek lrtlo. Und.
I'rtea iit per aero, one-balf caeh, Palani In
on year.
No. 4. V aeeea. all In enllivaikia with sum.
titer fallow stml, buyer gu ou.lblcd crop.
1 wo sad blf ttillem to hberldan, a m inile
to M-ltoot and ehnreh. Ijoirt all Iwel, No, I 1
oil (or frun or lioi: prh (at pet mtro,
No. S. It acre, all level errok botbwn b.nd, I'.
acre In eolllalon, 4 acres of ali tMnber
Watered by Mill eraek; 'IK mllea to Kbert-
dan: I'i mile to aetua.1 and ebureh. Iiuyer
gU piMaKin lmnedlsiely;'prk 4.1O M-r
I hive other farm of all dearrltfli
sale nd bouaht sod told for moi re!,
dent, partle bavins land for uie will do
well to In lh same will, tne If they wwil It
idMlaaFlotsfprliiier' Ink and lei the
people am wiiai 1 nave atr mie,
C.O. BrariBM,
Ileal lUlsla Agent Kliefidail, Or.-oo.
Commenced Business March
jtnlMbd by atWaal AaUwrtu
of ladejwndeix, Orea.
Capital 6tMk .
Pnoidrftt. VierniH
W. II 1IAWLKY, ( blM,
(i. W. Wblleker, W. W, Catlha. I
A general baa king biulneni traaaM
Kay nd ll ehaog on all lain,.
liepiMlt rerte4 aobjeet to elirk
Ilfl'-aiaoldepiai' i. t li"rlW,iia auvl. .
itftit htmm a. tn. to 4 p. m. I
Polk County Ban!.'
J, H. fuwi.rv. .
Paid Capital. $30,c::
I. It. H.wler. P. L. Campbell, I. ll.tM.'
J. H. V. Wilder. J.. Huin.p, K8.IVa,
Joaapb (raven.
A general ban 10 ana eirhsnc tiatw
trwUMH-Wd; loans made; dejamiu rnaiM
wiojMi io riH'k or mt ertiftiuf svwa
la u ml nalit on tii depinlta. 1
-Kinpnia vault and burglar pawfiat
wvu red by tale Ulu Pa-K.
" Hours- a. to. to I p. u. I
Mmm. aawaaaaaaaa- 1 lv
a aad Mwaaaeata MorUa
East and South
IPivvrmtr of the state In
Numerous Inquiries among farmer
from all parta of th county, seem to
alretiglhcn the statements heretofore
mad In this column: that the yard
all over are vrry im ven and the
crop In this comity will not be a large
ontOtego Parmer.
Three-year-old teera are being sold
for $30 to $35 a head In Klamath coun
ty to wholesale butchers from the dry
districts of California.
i."o joirnard Who Is Winning a Name
for Hlmse'f,
Oeoig O. Harnanl Is a young Amer
ican sculptor who has become famous
throughout all west
ern Europe. He re
cently returned from
Psrl to New Tork
and Is now prepar
ing a atudlo In the
American metropo
lis. Mr. Karnard Is
not yet 33 year old,
and nine year ago
wa an engraver's
apprentice In Mum-a-
lln,. T '.-. lfi. ......
Xj ure moments were
oao. r. ARXAat. spent modeling in
clay, and some of his creation led his
friends to urge him to cultivate his
tnlen. Accordingly he entered the
Chicago Art Institute and then went to
Paris. I'ntll a month or so ago he was
only known as an earnest, hard-working
artist. I.a8t April he sent to the
salon, In th Champs de Mara, six
works, among them a collosal group
in marble upon which he had worked
for fcur year. They created a aenaa.
tlon never equaled and tho true genius
of the artist wa recognised. Mr.
Juirniird la soon to marry Mis Kdna
Monroe, a wealthy Hoston young lady.
I now running In full on, ration aad tnrnlnS
out aa tin Umber as can be found In the
Ul of Oregon. A good akldjvmd to moun
taln timber and a
ha been added to the Plant, All orders filled
on hort notice.
of the
Southern Pacific
California einrM train run H.llr omnia
; at all ialion between portlaud aud' AlLu
iota r. .
m.ii a. a.
.v. Portland Ar.,8JiA.
l.V. Alhanv Ar ll-fiiH
Ar. Ran Kraneinco Lv, I !.w r, ,
. 14V.
tnruuit . m .
Kowburg....IsluA.)l 1 foruaoJ
Mall (Hail-.) j
Arrlv. 1
. I Roaeburg ..,. r.
..:. A.
I f 1
11,1 I
Cars attachr
io an ibroucli traina.
West Side Division.
8twn Portland and Contain.
Wall train dally (exeept Sutidayj
J.1" '" I i-V P.rtlaloT...Ar
t-uipml Ar. torv willi.. l.v
Ulcers Broke Out
Thrna Hi,,,.. rr.,. - ..
- ineir ueatn vvniie
ivansurno, u. c July 17. Nmvs hJB
buen received fr.-n Albernl of the
urownmg of three girl In Sprout lake,
nve miiea rrom that place. Emma
Faber, aged 20; Ma,ry Faber. aired ts
and Dorothy, aged 4. The girls were
naming. Dorothy got over her depth,
when the other two went to her res
cue and all three were drowned with
in a few feet from shore, The bodlos
"avc been recovered.
The supreme court of Iowa now tnnu
a hnnlr of 4I,A T.. . . .. I
and VeVed Ih lLTLTJ 0'a'"'8 SHraparl!la and Grape Root
Johnson, who had been worth mo-i
than $10,000 when the calf caae began,
waa now (1888) almost a nauner. and
the conta taxed In Court, lndnnondan
of enormous attorneys' fees and ex
penses, were $3,336.42. 'Seventy wit
nesses were held for eleven days in
the town of Blackhawk. and th w.i
had such a boom that it declared a
quarterly dividend before the case wa
half over. There wa another teit
and another verdict for Johnson, who
Cured by Using Dr.
Grant's Sarsaparilla.
Dear Sirs.' I wish to thank Dr. Giant
by letter for the wonderful cure effected
npon me by uning his Parpapiirillu and
Grape Root. Last gumiiier I was taken
sick witli what the doctors called la
grippe. I did not oem to got any bettor.
My liver was in a horrible condition, as
I was constantly throwing tip bile. My
legs commenced to swell und in a short
time ulcers broke out all over them an 1
suffered terribly. A traveling man
whom I knew adviaed me to try Dr.
did bo, and after taking seven bottivs I
was completely cured, scars all healed
up and I felt like a new man. I
recommend Dr. Grant's Sarsaparilla
Grape Root to alj afflicted.
Yours truly, '
Reuben warner,
Colfax, Wash,
PrlrtA Rfhi.
Do Yoa Enow Where It It ?
Llroi There and tells in the Follow
log Letter of the Wondurful Banefll
Eeoeired from using Dr. Grant 's
t Medioinei.
Ei.mira, Oiikoon, April Oth, 1SD4.
Dh. Paui, Grint, I'msiilent (). W. R.
Mfg. (,'o , rortland, Oregon.
Sir:-l wish to express mv heartfelt
thanks Io you fur tho great lienelii I re
ceived from tlKing your tnedicinca. I
have beeh a coimtant sull'crer for
Twelve Years
with spinal trouble, mid the complaint
so peculiar to women, I have doctored'
with several different U'tor. and bom
some of them I received temporary re-
Congo Oil, from
" particularly beneficial, a it inntant-
SiESEr sr:r:;i Iffllfill Of 116 Illy
very ftnilefiil for Hui n-li.if nl.i lin,.,!
will do nil can to encoiira-e tho sale ni '"r I Cftn scarcely realize I
your medicine. I have ned one mid a was so near death's door, the result of a
women's dimiaWH. and that is ai? the J0' My U,'i,,e W88 Uoo1y tt,,a terri"
medicine I have fulfil in PH'ns iww the spine. I tried several
Six Months', . remedies, but got no relief. When I
snd I am in Iretter h-ulth than I have Wa8 8u,Iorl,18 tt)rri V ly of your
la-en fur the pant twelve years ivcIkIi Mwlieal Adviser was received by some
more and can work wiihout feeling u one in our household. After reading
though 1 should part of it I sent for a bottle of Dr. Grant's
Drop Deid Kidney and Liver Cure, and after five
every minute and it is duo to your med- d88 I felt relieved. I continued takina
lln a i uTl'ilV;"1! Vi thi ; "."' 1 am ontil 1 hai taken threo attics, and was
lla and willing that all who are alHiHod should comt.lehdv enrnd.
American and KumpsuUH n.
tte imimkil fete
Seventh and WashlnrjUin Rt.,
Will couault their best in
lereaU by purchaamg their
At Atiauiy and n,rvalll. .nlim wltatraU
nVu r Ulo ralhuad.
l prm "" (except sundar)
t to n m 1 1. . . rw.Trr.::i 11 j.
I lr tiiiiduvinVTi.v sab
wr9onism Railway Division ai
Portland and Yamhill Ryi
Airlle mall Trt-wwkly. a m
& i p in
ttUin in
v iru.Mi,t Ar '.
'.'V Monmouth iv i 7
Ar. Alrlla. I,v 7
Through thiti. i.. .. . ... .. : . 1
Ntalu li.. . i 2 Ia 111 III rK"
f&uBSrW.B.1 K'l.cU be obtain
"""""S Ani, inaxpvndtiM.
R. Ktu:ill,KR. K. ! RtM-n-MS.
- .iu,i.,1, vinr.uoji.
of the reliable ninnufootnrer,
Independence, Or., sncoe
or to J erKnson Van M eer.
ngar pine and cedar doora.
all iizes, on baud.
Of Independence, havini? a steam
engine, a brink machin nl s.veral
acres of finest cly, is now prepared
to keep on hand a fiue quality ol
lnck, which will l cr.i.i or ,.
oie prunes.
Salem and Independence
To Portland .
know of the wonderful results from
your medicines.
Sold EvKHvwiiKnK,
, Congo Oil, price 50(. and $1.00.
Discovery, price $1.00.
completely cured.
Gratefully yours,
773 Hoyt Btreet, Portland, Oregon.
rice $1 per Bottle
Formerly Jumi,.of tllp ,,
iilleiiKJifccaintin. 0 ,s
notary Pubfic. Ccllectijn and
PM CRFJ7 WW ,1 : I ':uu,.r,1UJ' ttt ,i:4r
fejgl wUf WMlt OF JIKaKO Mwiulenw at 4 p. m.
ttlal li"l7?',S"r'( o.Kxeellent meals served
1 aomltrt.."!.
t, ,, . th In,,,
Leaves Independence and Salem
I 1,,.- . J ...... - .
Jile. ueientiene. nt it-i. Malum at
7 10 a. ni.. ami an-;, -I.... ,i i.... i...i at
-: l. ni.
l-eavea I'ortliin.i T,..i.... rci...K.tnJ
a., l , . "lli ucsnioj , aiuii"-,i
a . Saturday at (1:45 a. m.. lleui H
' U liarn h,
. ,1
Hioiwna. kr .. ' '"i with
on boat si
iwr meal.
, ." '"ww save time and moueyb;
Him uue to Portland.
i ifimicr h-iii ........ n...m
rVi..i . i ... l'"ij IUIW.
lot? - lHxM nUCS 0U lm
.. Uuexwltod passenirer accomniodj'
' . Mitchell, WrlKlit & Co , Uenel
! hiri'itu. Hfiln,,.. i.i.". o.r" ii.
.Or. j