The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 20, 1894, Image 3

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    JtW Frjtf tl Pelt Caql.
.i-i-'-t- '"' Tti Tf f -rf
sWNll 11Y
lesle PtUsiiq ;fe:fay
FiUlUY, JULY 2rt,
. 11;, K .23, meet? every Mon-
.Tu- ulwbt Irt I. J .tl. p. nail. All anjiwo
imtthem sre Hmte.1 t attend Uet.
rsml'h, M. W.; W. O. Cnok, llccord
t rAt.LKt LODGE. NO, 4u'i li 0. 0
Y F.-- M'' t'wy ball every
Thursday evening. All Odd fellows eor-
.m.hv invited to meet witbr -- R. K
VcnrWn. N Hoeii.orf, Beo
retary. " '"'"-V,
t yOS liODOK, NO. 2H, A. F. A
I . . M. Htaled ooiniuunu'alious Hntar
day evening befr,r tnll tyoon eavh
jhonlh MJ two-week thereafter. W. P.
Ooutiowey,. W.'M. H. tt. Patterson,
Secretary. .... ;
HOMER-LOWE,. NO.,454K. of P.
Meet every. Wednesday evening.
at kniiflitt are cordially invited. U.
h TikinrlmiYk U.' C. D. 1L Craven, K.
".' .. .. ilfftSW TltfVTfSIT
practices the pMfwwwn In nil lU
branches. " HBttwrnctum guaranteed,
luairs. 8 to 13 and I to 6. Office
In tbeO'Dounell brick, Independence.
-4riii..iieyt U.. Sv UoM of
Ollloe in Opera
Medical r.iainiiici
''' House bloek.
n t kWciiuVm. IX ' OFFICE
tl, . noJ ;rwiilcM vwwt Kailroad
tud Moumnulhat,, ludepeudeuee, Or.
C U. UWH GAD wnrrjuua lo
give the rt ( iiUrniiii.m.
deuce, Of . 1 . J1M
I T Will practice in nil stale
tud federal conrU. Abstract of title
furnished. Olnee over" Independence
Nations! Bank. "
Sn,nJIAM M ' HOLMES. ArfOll-
blK'k, bevo State and Court, on tJoni-
mercml tr!t, Hnlero, ur.
1V1 nfactnrem or mu uu oor
A!. wroU awiu8. Mftin tfe, Iud
peodeoce, Or. 1.) ; i; J v; Z ;j
t-n u R J. YOnNCK lata of Ne bra',
I J Vtrinarv 8urcon Bud l))twt
has moved talutL'pandeoce, nd opened
ao oflloa over Ibo Iotkpoodence Ntion-
al bauk. ' ' '
W. E. Poole,
Offlcanol tlior to Anatlnt's .furnl-
tur stor ;
m A moAiviout, OR.;j
.,'!,.,:! r.ropi1cuir Of!
n all nmttottf work. KlrnU'lmut wiirkmun
tblp,UtitilitKM.n4hwtprlc.. :
First Door Woat of Poatoffleo.
J. C. SHOEMAKER, Proprietor.
A HxclAlty made of Troplrt and Domaatte
Fruluand Nutx. , ,
All onlwit from tlie uritry, bjr mml or "tago
drlvnr, will receive prompt alLontlim. ,
:. IB
Cash Grocery and Bakery
Harvest is coming and
now is the time; to get m
and Save Money by get
ting your supplies of, us.'
Call and get priced ,
Free;: Delivery. ; .!, ;
Fresh Bread Every Day.
It ,r-f m;
.... I
ty your rruu jura at tlm Hlar Okh
Unthipi friml 5 to !!5 ita lr dt
v uHiioiior limn,
j.i. irv'ina, tit uror, Hnt row
uaj' in towu tbla wwk.
tThliM)t oIho t gtt your
Jan to l bad at h Htr Okk ery.
Are W golngtw' )thytblii(r atxmt
umi wigwam oui at th City Park?
Mb Little jnwndai of jMoumotitL
imDoareliottlaya for rhla amotion.
KfflTJTrnpipo "l8t
Theolrtma In coiutntr Una and vou
" uiavKociTHtt ror oo et'UU a
gallou, Htn?
Mla Alloe WvaK Iota trouo to siwnd
a few wwli.ul 4'dU.y jaiKld apilnjoi,
iwving luxt Wwluwmlay.
u , iuiuu oi njiiowMUin to iuw
1 1 . .. . .
day lu th ltapttat diuruh. '
J. A Nm , pitep Cook . and Ira
Smith wens ptownr on tha Altooa.
(or i-ortiatui on Wwlutmlay.
A; P. llonwy cama In from hht hoi
lanu-oo to Loi'klamuta on WetiutMt
day aud nport oroi looktim well,
t.ii; Uwiuai aaya tbat the hop Ilea
..i '.i ..... .
mm uiiwoiK-annK ww itui rew not (lays
aud tha proajHH-t fur a good orop la fluo.
MlwEva RoN-rUon, who baa ban
vlaltlng ber slater Mr. Craven, return-
ed to her Portland home laal Monday .
Jerome Dornalfe arrived home from
hla v W t lu Iowa last Monday, looking
wnu auu ttav(ig bad a pfeaaant trip,
The member of the llaptwt Younir
Pvople'a Uolou will have a social at
Mlm Patle CAwjier'a uext Friday even-
i ng
Dr. ,,Doty and wife of Monmouth,
left fueaday ftr Nashville, Linn county
to enjoy the mountain air on the 0. P.
Isnno Vanduyu, of Portland, paused
here on Tueadny'a train bound for
Yaiulna hay, whore he will take a few
wetka reak
MUa lone Wllmin, who has been at
teudlug mstiool at Monmouth the pant
year, lea for her home In Kaatern Ore
gon lat Monday.
There will be a congregutlonal meet-
Iok la Calvary Presbyterian ehurub.
uly t'tttt, at 8 p. m. All members are
iueated to be premmt
0.C llaiiilln, of A I rile, reports har
vesting alKtut to commence, he coining
to towo Tuwday .to get twine to com
menoe binding next week.
ClKTl. H.U jahr, Wttalem. will
preach tfi(tb Calitfr viugejlcal
cnurcu,. luree, muua aouiu oi . ou
mouth, ucxt Huuday at 3:30 p. in.
Mrs. J. & Cooper and daOghter Maud,
aud W.' II. Haw ley and Dr. Oravw
left here laat Hnlurday to Join the big
erowd to aweud Mount Hood, July
10th. '.jfjif.
H. F. Mulkcy and wife aud wife's
sImUT, MLmi park, pumax! through own
Tueaday on their Way to itie herry
ptttuhes on the Lucklamutte, to rtiuuio
until today. ,t
J. F. 0 Douuell sold $1UU0 worth of
lnachluery hint Baturday, aud could
have sold more but some of his good
were caught lu li e blockade, owing to
the strikes.
Oil last Monday the Uhuihteif hotnw
beloiigtug to F. 15. Lewis, locatetl near
the wugou road to Monmouth, wus de
stroyed by lire. The loss Is about fcttO,
with no insurance.
Farm for sale Ou9 Of th?6est 30V
acre rarms In , Polk couutyooe mile
from Bla'te Normal school; albo 40 acre
t s .i.- i 1
choice hop laud. Apply to Eugene
Cattrun, Moiiinoulli. Jt
Pink Puttentou has a supply of tioll-
clousty cooliugdrluka always kept on
Ice junt suitable for thcao warm days.
You should sample bla goods aud find
bow palatable they are, ;
'Don't forget to go to i, P. Irvine's
caati grocery for your harvost supplies.
We have a large jatock or every thing
you want and, will give you prices tltut
are all right. Cui tux?; .- j
d; V, Poling,' wlfo'iilid child, and
John fiohanqon and family, aud Miss
Alta Eatet and Sddifr Williams left
Xburmlay morning fW JMudley springs,
to be gone several weeka- " j
F. M." Cook i recently from Bhclton,
Washimrtou. has opened a meat market
on C, "trect heuf the pout ofllce) a;ic(' iw-
vit?s the public patronage. He bus on
hand a collection i choice weals, i
Governora'ciiuoyer Is turulug crimi
nals loot from the. peniteuUary. every
few days. Wonder if he is getting his
army together to riiut Cleveland when
lieartcinpttoertabnsh"ftn empire n
America. n j? fj HI
VValited-.I' Kintii. .Moon
butterregp, cliickens;'' boccW; hume,
ytwiiidpni. iMitat'oea and onions, taken
in exchange for jrrerlea. ' Frulls of all
klmj haudled ou a commission the
utur Oroctiry. 5 1 -4 n ; t t
' 'Aieleifrara frorn-WaHhfii'Wrt, D. C,
this week announces that Kditbr
Dmighty.'of the Dnlluii "Obttrvtr, was
congratulHUngihe, Oregon deWgatloa
upiMi )t work lo during lllkiral
appropriations for us. j
The blovcle tournament at ;the Tal-
mage race track on Battirday. tlie Slnt,
..... . j .1... ,.r.T.,1..ut ouunlu nf I
the season. Three gold medals will be
.rivpr, one for Jadv and two for geutle-,
trieii -ridtw Good music by Hill's band,
-Samuel Shank and Tom Bcudder-returned
last Friday fronj a Uinee weeks
tramp i In theCaecade mountains. They
claim to have struck It very rich in i a
nuarta ledge 'and have had the rock
!uwla..d,ltgo $700 I1O0O gold
per tort. They aay they vllr gelCO,.
fjoo for their claim " h 1 , ; '
A man by the name of A. T Kntis
has a fine ten acre tract of prnnt tree
tt-short dhUncB thin llo of Dnllu; aed
between Jhe rows 6f trees are, goose
berries bushes. This year be had ; a
good crop of gooseberrle and had ubm.
rorty piekere In there to whom he puld
one-hnlf a cent a. pound. One man
and Ills wife picked 884 pounds jof
berries in one day Mr. Enne did not
,d v sale for them and so ,ho . is
,,ui..ff Bherlff Plummer's hop-hodse
and drying them,
thousand pounds,
He will have soyeral
Chdce Honolulu Imimntm nt t'lidll
!,H'P vj'rjf pl'ip..wir
Uoto lleukle for your hair cutting:
he la the lt lu the city.
WIIIMattr-ronandwtrV,of Itoaeburg,
came in on the train Thurwlay,
Thoae alifua on the street aprlnkler
did not stay lotiB, Thero were too
many ktckcm In tow u. y I
, Wanted A lady xwk to go te the
mountains next week, ''all oti or
address Ed. Master)!), Iiuloiidciico
wisa Aiidie Payne, nrtmiem, wn here
htat week a a gneit of MIm Cora Snell
Her tiMtlut is the druggist at Mon
aUlllth, !!..;, V''. -''f
Hank Mt'rwln lias becii .delivering
iord woch! to rimloniei'a In 1,own thl
week, sod hla IIImtmi moat uro la com
mented upon, ' 1
Jauiea Alexander hetfiui hint week
eutUmr aud blndlnir hla full wheat
which he thinks will g.i thlrty-llv
tiiifhels lo the acre.
Dout fiiiitet the bicycle , f nurunmenl
on the 21h. of July. There will lie M
cycle rldem from Portland uitd all ov1
the valley, Musk by II 111' hand.
Ho. for the bicycle races at Talmnge
Mrk, aud a grand concert lu the even
Ing, aud a social dance at the Howery
after the concert, .led hy Crey' o
cheat ra. .
John Conner Is building a hop hoiixe
ou Ida hop yaw in Marion coumy
opposite Independence and ' he
flu lnhed will lie one or the finest
In tbat county.
Friendahil Lodge' No. 6 nt Dallas
now has the following' officers; B. F,
Mulkey. N. F.J Chapman, V. 0
W. J. Wanner, seewtaryt U. H. urant.
l 8.1 T. H. Billets treasurer.
There will be a bicycle toumameu
bore the 21t of July, gUveu he the In,
dciteudeut hand and thelrnck .-esMoci
tton. A grand concert and ball will le
given at the Ikiwery itt tho evening
The 'Willamette river 'should I' open
to navigation the year round hut It Is
not. Congress should bo eked to
attend to this mailer, and If t our
Ort'uon "Meelslaturo ahould do some-
thing. . , ,,' ., ; ".,'.:, ,; ,:
nu loir to the low stauo of water In
the Willamette 1h Alton lamieu
alaive the gravel bar last HaUirday aud
Tuesday. Hhe will not make many
more trips on the river until there Is
more water. . n
The HanniCr.r"., have thirty
acr-a or nop mini reuieu miu u,
Irvine, which they have set In hops.
They planted It to jxitntoea t hie 'year
ni.ili.iMM't toLftMweeu 1W and flW
bushels ir acre.
flvtlellill went ui to Parker laid
Friday ou the morning traiu and return
Ml m the afUtruoan tram with a down
or two wild pitteons, wldeh he had
killed In the meautlme. A wild plgeii
makes good eating.
Home of our competitors may tell you
that they can save you money by buy
lug of them, but we are the bias on low
nrlcee for eaHh. We won't bull you on
with one thing, and make it up ou me
next. J, P. Irvlue easn grocery.
Thursday. Auaiint 2d. should be a
red-letter (lay for all lovers of music In
tlds cltv. for thev will then have the
opportunity of hearing August Aamold,
the illatlnuuialied violin virtuoso. This
is a treat no one cati alUml to mi.
Mr. Al Whlteaker was the lucky
man to draw the capital prie last Wed
nesday. It was from the Albany lot
tery. The number haa not been
learned. - We undemUnd iulte a hum-
lier of young men from this place drew
a "blank." -
On last Katurday evening the City
brasa hand of ludepcndeiiCK gave a
free concert on the Willamette occupy
ing the ferry taint while the spectators
. . . k in.. .1... . fll
tbrongea me snore oi iuo river, j i
rendered some very pleasing 'wlecti
and the audiem of aeverdl hundred
was very pleasantly entertained. 1).
V,. Puling has made l marked aiicwita
In. Ids maiingemeut of the bund. He is
. . I . ........ A .. .1
a natural norn mimical uirecior aim
either it vwHilorliistruiucntttl director
aiilp meets with sucee .
Home 1mjb were In swimming In the
river the other day' and a' gentleman
asked them to make a teat, of how long
they could remain . under water. One
boy put his head underneath the water
and remained there only fifteen seconds.
He then , 'dived and went quite a dis
tance into the river, bub wiia under the
water onlytlilrteen seHoudK. A person
can, by actual test hold his breath, from
sixty to one hundred eendi and the
probahle. reason why t thoao , jiersons
could remain under watet1 so slim t a
Umc, was IiecauW utfear
James Alexander, a prosperous farm
er living Himth of ludcpvmlence settled
on his present farm of$aore21 years
ago when what la now a "Vavlng field
of grain, wnsrn stumjit 'and brush.
The frulls of liitclllgent ndustry Is
apparcnt'now on iTita firrrs,' hio of the
bestlu okl P6lfc.iIlo hu rajacd a large
family and irlven tiicni ua
'ill advantages of
JWd ty Home of
i.eatrgy. If tlila
educatl)n not beatpw
more wealth and lens
earth were nopuliijferl with such a Mr
arid Mrs. James Alexander aud their
..Ill l.u a ntiinlt llti.r
fitmlly. It would beamiich pleosatiter
place to live. -: '
The boya and young men .during these
hot days have ken swimming n front
of towi, lii the. vyllluiuetle river and
ttielr behavior has tiecn exceptionally
good, but tlicre a tendency ns their
numbers hi(ea li'antonefs. Our
.. .. ..l.':..l.t .1. ......
city nitirsiiai aiioiiio see iiibi iiiuy went
I...1 1,1 1, (. unllu nu If. la 1 1 1 m fllltv In rln
ah( (he 4 Uiere y b$ M ehawliiBt
sotiie - imeAvlll l.1irreiied foPOudueiex-
poaure of porn, The need of a place
where the ladies can battle as well a
the bnys and apparent and some
move I ihouid j ie i;mwjfc"i to - atijiidy
the heed.
1 Lw-t Friday evening aomeslxty of the
riiembcrH ( the llaptlat Young People's
Union with a few friend, went out ' to
James Alexander's, about' three miles
south of town and anetit the evening
In a Hi'Clul wuy.;! Mr. Alexander gave
the crowd five ucde lo ecveral heavily
Indcri cherry trees, and 'then set be
fore : theu'i bnckehv full ; of 'clierries.
After spending art hour or1 ao' socially
supper waw ' announced '"'anil "ample
Justice done,'; even after being stuffed
with big ripe clierrWs. ' : Mr.' and Mis.
Alexander must believd the way to (he
heart Is through the stomach' for they
kept their guests eating nearly all the
the time, It was a most enjoyable
occndlon and pnwd offpleHHiintly,
. Did you w tliu Hti ftltl tttl Mtl tiwb
jnt ThuhidHy.
0. L. Hawkins and wife, hnd I, fi.
Whitcomh and wife, leave today, (Fri
day) for Nestucca lo be gone a couple of
Weeks.' . ' ,. -
Do nut forget to hear the famous
vlollu virtuoso, at the Presbyterian
church on August !2d. It will be a
rare treat. J'.;'-; :'- '. ('
lleukle has the best equipped bathing
(Hilubllshment lu Polk oouuty, local
'til an the west lde of main tlreet,
IndeM)iideUCe. " ..: , ,. .'.yi.'j
Mrs. M. L. Durrti left on Thursday
for Albany; where ibe will Join a party
tf cuiiiK'rs and spend a few weeks on
the Haul Ian, at the railroad front.
N, J. Hryans and wife are advertised
H hold li Ullloil CttlllpllKH'tlllK In this
illy, eon i mend i ig next Friday, July
iiTlh. 'I lie tent will hold about 700
persona. -!! ' '-'
II. It Patterson haa received a letter
from Tom liohatinon at NewMrt, stat
mgihiit there u re more taHinle there
now tliiin came all last summer and
lliey r ImvliiK bushels of fun.
' Meaara, Hendrlck A Ilrey will opeN
ate the Btdeiii Mills wamliouae lu North
Independence again this coming sea
on. They now have 80,000 aaeks on
hand, which they will loan to farmers
us. usual. ... ", .,. ,. ,,',' .
We understand the basket meeting of
the M. K. church at the City Park next
.Sunday will attract a large number of
IMKiple from lhiena Vista and surround
lug country and eome good preaching
will be ou the programme,
Last Monday a oly party left Inde
pendence hi sHnd three weeks at Nes
tucca, ooiislstlug of Mr. ami Mrs, Mo-
Adatiw, Mr. and - Mrs. ' Claire Irvlue,
Misses Katy Wheeler, Kasle Roliertson
aud ' Messrs Frank Burch aud Boott
The qtiurterly meeting of the Melho-
list KpUHil church will be held on
Hundny, July !d at Indepttudenoe,
and will be held In the city park If the
weather will permit. It will be held
a a banket meeting all are Invited to
come and brlnglhelr baskets.
Mr. W. K. IValrs, representing the
Chainbertalii Medicine Co., of Des
Moines, Iowa, was lu town this Week.
He 1)hh Just received orders to make a
tour around the world lu the Interest
if hla employers, visiting England,
Ireland, Bcotiaud, Houih Africa, Aus
tral hi. New Zealand and the Haiidwleb
Islands, ' ; -
T. JM. BHver, the railroad agent and
his wife are gctllnu to be quite expert
on the bicycle. Last Huuday he and
its wife, nlsoChas. Hubbard and Miss
lllrdlo Duvls tisik a sixty mile spin.
leaving Independence at 10:00 o'clock,
thence lo Monmouth, Dallas, Bslem
aud Turner, from Turner tck to Halctu
and to IndeHndeiici, arriving here at
(1:00 o'clock. '
Chaa. Hlaids owns the street sprlukler
here lu Indeisuideiice and the ruer-
hunts suIuktIImj by tha month for
sprltikllug. Ist week he allowed
soma business firms to paint signs ou
the tank and as a consequence he was
not only threatened w ith a boycott on
da sprinkler patronage but also his
Iraylng business aud so the signs were
puln ted out. The affair caused con
siderable comment and talk.
J. 11. Knowlcs, a successful farmer,
who lives five mile North of I ndepend
ence, brought ui in a sample box or
cherries this week of a variety called
the Toronto, which are a very One
large cherry, similar to the Royal Ann,
nit luruer aud more acid, lie has ten
outig trees loaded this year.
Mr. Knowlcs reports his orop of
peuctieti au entire failure, aa It has been
for three years past. Two years prior
to that he had a full crop and sold flioO
worth the year of 1H1H).
Win. Yater, of near lewlsylllo, was
In town on Monday and reMirls crops
n that neighborhood aa looking well.
The meat stealers up there have been
getting In their work aa along about
uly 4th he lost two shies of meat, and
W. E. Rums was relieved of some and
also Bam Davis. The ausected parties
arc U-Ing closely watched and one of
these days a first class shooting Item
will be given the Wkt Banc If the
reflations continue. The grain
plils Is doing uo harm. Hops are
Miking first-rate.
The liong Creek, Umatilla county,
Joylti which suffered recently from
the high water ou the Columbia, sajs:
he Jjigla makes Its appearance this
week on a fair quality of wrapping pa
per. This Is due to the fact tbat high
water has cut oil all commercial rela
tions with our paper house in Portland.
Unless It Is possible to re-establish the
trade between Portland and Eastern
Oregon at an early date, we may be
impelled to print an Issue or two of
the Emjlt on shingles. Bnch, how
ever, Is the adversity of many a first-
hhs print shop at the present date,
IU)v. M. L. Rugg, of Balem, dellv-
rcd two Interesting sermons In the
Rapt 1st church last Sunday, mormug
and evening, Hla audience was large
aud attentive. Oue Illustration In his
discourse struck us very favorably; he
said: If a man wee asked to analyze
water you would have little confidence
hi the result If he were to go out to
some pond, and after stirring the water
and soli up together, make the Investi
gation; and, so, when the world an
alyzes ChrlHtiaiiliy It should not stir up
the good and , bad members of the
church together.,"'' It' la not fair, but
there lw too much of It done.
Mrs. Fannie Vandergrlft had an ex
citing experience Inst Monday, She,
with her 2-year-old boy and her moth
er, Mrs. Fisher, had driven aone-horse
buggy out to James Alexander's to
purchase, a few, yahoos of cherries, Aa
she was about to return she placed her
boy In the buggy and was Just getting
In when the pony became frightened.
Bho attempted to stop him but Was
thrown down and the horse trampled
on her and the buggy ran over her.
The horse ran up the hill, past, the odd
fellow's cemetery uud down 1 the lane
In front of John Osborne's house,
where Mr. Oaborne shopped him by
running; 'into the middle of tbe road,
pitchfork in hand, ,Tlio baby held on
aud wuh wife and sound when) the
hoi ho was stopped. , She then got In
the buggy aud drove Into town, One
cun Imagine t,ho state of : mind of the
mother looking for the death of her
j boy nt any rrcment, , . ,
Why the lateral Died Out Our People
do Not Wait to go to a New Count
tf and Lire laolaied, ' ,
Along about tlio first of the year
series of lute resting letters were publish
edln the Wwr Hinie describing the
advantages of life In Ceutrat America,
and particularly In fluatemala. Ho
rapidly did the Interest grow that half
a hundred pemoni left their name at
this office signifying their Intention of
joining a colony. .The plan of. (he
colony was oo-opcrat!veaod while some
objected, nearly all favored that plan.
However along In April loallers bad
so shaped themselves that it wsa deem
ed advisable to go to Han Francisco and
get a written contract with the Quale
malean government through Its repre
aentatlve there. ; liuforlunalely the
plan of tha colony waa then changed
from a eo-operallve basis, lo an Indi
vidual eulerprlse, and at ouee the In
terest began waning, Ou the 10th day
of next October the reservation of MO,
000 acree of )snd ; for1 th' ; American
ooloiiy become void unless twenty pr-
sons take advaotage of the otter by
organising, t- i--
In the ootitract with ". Guatemala
each person must be worth 11,000, must
be of good character aud must cultivate
thirty acre of laud within Ave years
Kaon person may buy 760 acre of land
paying f 100 down and o70 at the eiid
of five years without interest.
It la proposed tbat tbe main object of
(hie cokwy shall he to engage lit rsls-
Ing ooffee. ' Tbe ' advantages of that
business are that Hie climate Is healthy
orop - sure, and the profits large. The
advantage of a colony ptsu It that
tweuty persons, with f 1000, can wake
as much aioney eaoh aa one ienou
with 16000 lu (lie aauie business, and
life will he much more pleasant. Coffee
rwmlres four to five years to bring
paying crop, and It la to bold the ooloiiy
together while the coftee la growing
that tbe co-operative plan la deemed
the best. Ae soon aa tbe first orop
sold tbe several tracta of fund will be
devlded and the'colony will oeaae. "i
It la proposed that twenty persons
take charge of the )50,QU0 acres of land
a colony, paying the government
flOO for each tract sele!tcd, aud reserv
lug the balance for new oolc?lU. i If
tweuty person should go together
1,000 would be paid the government
and 2,000 acres of land be; deeded to
the colony aud 130,000 more he bouded
for five years. Every person Joining
tbeookiuyup to April 20 1N05, could
get the same terms unless the colony
voted otherwise. ,, ',,.. ". ..,
Each Colon 1st would be required to
subscribe for ten shares of stock In the
colony at a par value of $100 each, pay
log 25 per cent hi cash aud the balance
aa required, but good security would
be demanded ao that it oould be collect
ed. ' .. :"":"" v: ' "
With this money, and the labor . of
the colonists, a collet plantation would
be started. The colony would plant ou
each eoloulaU tract of land 15,000 coflee
trees and the oolouy would care fur all
the trees In the tweuty or more tracts
until they came Into bearing. ' '
If roads are to be built the colony
will build them; tf telephone Hues, or
telegraph lines, If a store with stock el
goods, or If hotel to tswrd the
colonists, tbe colony does It all. If
water-works, the colony builds them;
If a sawmill the colony builds It Kacb
colonist receives a credit for every day's
work doun, aud can go to the store aud
trade part out, and balance will be paid
hhu In cash at time of aalo of first crop.
The balance due the government will
then be paid aud deeds issued direct to
each colonist for 750 acres of land ou
which thirty acres of ooflee trees would
lie In bearing and brlug an annual net
luoome of at least $3,500. Tweuty
ooloulata putting $1,000 each luto tbe
colony proper, would make the capital
$0,000, and each working four years
would make an Investment of $00,000
more. At the cud or tbe "Fifth"
year, the aggregate Income from pro
ducts of tbe laud would theu return all
the InvestmeuU. The laud could then
be all paid for, also the wages of
ooloulata, aud leave enough to pay for
(be Improvements, such as colony
buildings, stock of goods, electric lights,
roads, etc, which would be colony pro
perty still, and could be sold to ludl-
Iduals and the money divided, or con
tinued m mlony property.
It Is proposed that In case there are
persons who desire to Invest with the
colony and not locate at first with them,
that for a certain stipulated price they
may have coffee trees planted, etc, and
pay the colony for taking care of them
Itcsldeuce after the first tweuty
colonists are secured la not necessary
and citizenship Is not required. Kaoii
person must Invest $1,000 and If they
do not work themselves, will receive
no credit and also have to pay the
colony for their shure of the work done.
For those who have more money to In
vest than a share In the colony, there
will be many good openings offered.
A site for a town will be selected and
laid out In lots aud blocks, aud trees
plunted aud street Improved. All pro
fits resulting from sales of lands, etc,
will go luto the colony treasury. Two
church buildings will bo erected, one
Protestant, the other Catholic, as the
natives will not work when deprived of
church prlvllages, A fine school will
be maintained In which Eugllsh aud
Spanish will be taught.
The cost of the buildings and
machinery will depend upon how many
acres are planted, and whether sugar
raising Is added to ooffee culture. A
neat Income will be secured by hand
ling the coffee berries of outside plant
ers at no much per hundred pounds.
The above Is a brief outline of the
colony on a co-operative basis and that
Is the plan which will give the best re
Persons desirelng to Join this colony
can obtain more detailed Information
by, addressing the president E. B.
Cattron, at Monmouth or E, C. Pent
land, secretary, at Independence,
W) en twenty persona have subscribed,
each for teu shares of stock, the bonks
will be closed until actual location ou
the lands lu Guatemala,
il; As soon as twenty persons have made
application for stonh the colony will be
fe ;"'"'...'. 7 "
Incorporated, and an assessment often
or fifteen per cent made for location ex
lhsoe td, Theieere"ee vera! "persons
now ready; to go to; OuntcmaJ,, who
Will ehaiyij polfig foi Ifcelr ttliie tiro-
viueu uit'ir lares aie paiu oy mu coiony,
and make arrangements for the colony
to follow.
fijfhi . etlf Wlr7hllk ilVlhi.
m-mmm . .
Our readers have made .repented In
qulrles regarding the alMrvw , ease, aud
lu order to give the public a true
account, we submit the following:
Jo the yearly A lientlv was coo
rtuetliig a whJat.aUil bat "twarehodsi. at
Monmouth, and ,Mr, Hlrschburg a
bank at InileiieiidemV.1 Mr. Hlrscb-
burg bought largo quantities of wheat,
sometimes forming poo of 10,000 and
IHVuiA ''.,'" "''- ' .V.'. 'l.lli'.A
i'i.vij uunix'is, jiir. jM'imy sioppri
wheat on ohleni Ironi 'Mr Hlrschhurg,
and thus It wawa ytar'or two before be
found he was shout 10,000 bushels short.
and claimed that Mr. iilracbburg bad
received the wheat, which he denied
In May., 1801, Ihu claim was made for
10,21 1 bushels of wheat, which was
then worth 80 cents a bushel. The
matter was taken before a referee," who
allowed Mr.Uently's claim of 10,211
bushel at 77 cents a bushel, ami interest
from IfWM, the : total clafur being
ovea $10,000 aud busts.' Tlie ' case was
taken before Judge Burnel t, of tlie clr
enlt, court, who . allowed the claim for
tha wheat, but no Interest from 1888,
thus making a difference of about
$1,700. It was appealed to the supreme
court of Oregon and It reoeutly affirmed
tbe decision of the lower court. , Both
have ou file i motion for a re-bearing
which will le decided ' about August
1st. if Mr. Hirdcliberg's motion Is
grauted the case will again, be pud
poned, but if Mr, lteutly'e m allowed
It will be for the purpose of recovering
the $2700 Interest from imn. '
The following telegram- from the
Orfffwttau ', , wlli:, probably , tie ' news
to the -people, pf inib pendwiiee, n
last Wednesday while two boys were
playing robber With a shotgun, ori the
farm'of Waymjin JleruW'ce'oAe' Mi a
half mile from .town,' of them,
Dewltt MclJuflle, i years of age, shot
and instantly killed the ot her, lopold
1'auius, a lad of 7 years. Peulus was
shot lu the neck, side of tin face aud
bad. The mother of young McDullle
Is the housekeeper for liembree. The
community here Is, shucked at the
frequence . with, which such accidents
have ooeurrod. ; t t, i ,.,',:,.
' '. ,. All !rea , s, ;
Those that have used Dr.Klng's New
Discovery' know Its Value, '.and " those
that have not, have now the opportun
ity to try It free. Call on Uie adver
tised druggist and get a trial bottle free,
Bend your liame aud address to U. K.
llucklou Co,, Chicago, and get a sam
ple boa of Dr. King's New - Life pills,
ireej aa wbll aa a copy ' of Oulde ' to
llwillli and Houachoild Instructor free. '
AU of which is guaruiiU-ed to do you
good and cost you iiotlilng.' Any drua
store. f" ":'
! New 1 Ordinances." 1
: During the past, six mouths our city
council, aiwlsted by Mayor Hurley and
ttecorder lteed, who are1 paid extra,
haVe been paaslug' orlliiaiicea so an to
make all of the laws of our city legal,
and the lullowlug title give the nature
f the ten laws now In -force: Ordi
nance No. 1, Pleading and Practicing
lu HeoordcrV Court,. No. 2, Oll'eiices
Against the C'lty. No. 3, Prevcutltig
Anliiials Ituuuinu at - Ijuve. No. 4.
Fees of Ollloers. Noi 5, Licensee. No.
0, Salary of Recorder t C)dify , Ordl-
nances. No. 7, Purchase of Hose for
City. No. 8, Preventing Vagrancy.
No. 0, Improvements of Streets. No.
10, Purchase of City Park.
People are fools to suffer wheu a rem
edy cau be fouud to cure them. Oregon
Kidney Tea Is no experiment, aud uot a
fake to get your money. Why will you
hesitate, wheu we assure you that it Is
absolute cure for all klduey aud urinary
Another Improvement.
Commencing next week a large barn
will he erected ou the comer of 1) aud
Main streets, near the long bridge,
which will be 50 feet wide aud 60 feel
long, aud be occupied by Chaa Btaata
for bla dray business. When com
pleted he will have oue of the neatest
and most complete stables In the coun
ty, besides being an ornament to the
"My little boy was very bad off for
two months with diarrhoea. We used
arlous medicines, also called lu two
doctors, but nothing doue hint any good
until we used Chamberlain's Collo,
Cholear aud Diarrhoea Itemedy, which
gave Immediate relief and soon cured
blm. I cousldcr It the beef mediclue
made and can cotiHClcntlously re
commend It to all who need a diarrhoea
or collo medicine. J. E. Hare. Tren
ton, Texas. 25 and 50 cents bottles for
Bale by Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.
ELGIN On Tuesday, July 17th, to
the wife of Frank Elgin, of Stiver, a
boy, weight 0 pounds.
Albany, Wednesday, July 19, 1804,
Miss Cellna Burkhart, of Albany, to
Mr, Al Whlteaker, of near Indep
endence. A humane being, suppose to be a
man, who went by the name of Louis
Hawklus, went to Sweet Home lu Linn
county, many years ago and took up a
piece of land. Subsequently getting in
to trouble with oue of the neighbors,
he was struck over the head with a
club which fractured his skull. He
ciuiie to the Portland hospital for treat
ment, hut never fully recovered, aud It
In said to be tbe effect of the blow which
caused his death. During recent years
he had lived with Otto Lubker, at
Sweet Home. When he died It was re
ported that tlie deceased was a woman,
who hurj lived in the community all
these years masquerading In mole
attiie, but the remains proved to be
those of a being known to medical
science as a hermaphrodite. Before bis
death the deceased aald his name was
not Hawkins, but refused to give bis
right name or tell where he came from.
The body resembled a woman more
than a man.
1 Last fail I was taken with a kind of
summer complaint, accompanied with
a Wonderful dlarrTu.a." "Soon after my
wife's sister, who Uvea with us, was
taken the same way. ' We used almost
everything without benefit. Then 1
said, let Us try Chamberlain's (Joho,
Colors and Dlarrinca Itemedy, which
we did, and that cured ua right away.
I think much of It, as it did for me
what It was recommended to do, John
Hertaler, Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. 26
and 60 cent bottles for sale by Alex-auder-Coopet
Drug Co..- ' i - t
Bllli Allowed.
.The following are list of bills allowed
by tbe county court, July term, 18W:
Miller MnCalob, wllnsss J 110
Or ('arey "
W HOraat ' .
Kiwr, Mr,, UM at tl 7..
. t Til
- a 76
H 1 Thompson, bsuilnf and laying li
M sbmaios .. n tK
MlU'liuil riynn, lumbr bisk It W
(i W IUH!kU,S days MMln(.MMu. U6 00
W L Wells, turn JaB:-.... a 00
Mrs JuoVsrnoa,baardui( toad baada. 'MOti
1 Oo
U W MmlUi, fllliif miDinijr rKrl
Au.tlu A Uutissy, pslr sboss paupers
T li riullef, sarirsylni amnty....
W A Waub, prlatint oiUi...
Wllwx, Baldwin bo, f nwsMas June..
3 00
i-ot :' i.-.llaiii
) W Klohardiiun, Jr, marsbal puling u.r
li HulUr, iavs A laiuber .
Julio Iloysr, sriwd air Mrs MeUaolal..
H ilsuipUiU, 0U) pules Md.w..
iWK uiisuisn, aisrksr iloek Ursek fd..
,10 40
M 00
f J Hay ter, viewer . . ,. . ,
W BUoodelL f,,., ', ..,;
W A llarinofld, , . . , . ,
T L Bailer, surveyor , ,; 'a F
it Wonderly, cbalomap . . . . u.
,10 40
10 40
dtepltea Molt, i , . , ,. .,.
JCWUke,Mrker...;;,;,.,- .
B Fanno, flagiuaa . ;-.,;,'w'..
L Adams, paeker. J.',! ,,'.",', Ji
4 W BuUer, ,. . ..;,., , ,,
B t Malkey, feet sad ejuJune.
xe ao
L Damon, UM Mad sursper U days.,
14 00
d T UurcU, salary quarter end's July ).. Xtt Ou
Ueo aoult, wUuet. 1 lu
r M liugley, iQj kwdi of rvel.,
10 to
18 40
w m prieaer. o ua giaveu...
Ueo Wbllebnro, 100 loads of gravel,
II nyerly, attending court et.
lien C J rfiu A Co, books and stationery
on u
aa ftettatek, .attending ouurt and. mlU
3 o
l B Cpr, Mlsry sad ...,
Ihiuutity A iiayutr, luO tl wrnuiU.'
0 W HiMUb, fet Hleie y Hrowu
;.' ' 'Palmer,
,"-'- ! Harris
- " ; ' John iw: '
" fl ar
T L liutiur, Humylng UUluip rmid.
W 11 Kills, viewer ,
: t4o
Lee Howell, -..
JaaMltepard,?'' ' " '" ",'il;
Jas Mllliwp.ciiklnmatt ;
2 00
Oavld Vsnbortl," ; ' ' 4
11 0U
-19 00
ei 42
a) ai
' l w
J M Crowley, slteudlng riakerum...
A N Hlnbw, keeping puper.
Koueo lirue, Mdg f eedee bridge.i.
Kuwell Uron, lumbr...
If M Unee, fewMisteve Wright ..
W W William, ' s i ,
f U lewl, wllnee......
ITred Miller ; 1.--' r... ',;'..,
A M Hurley, atbtruey'e feea..
II U Lln.fc ..
W W Wlliauus, (eisi..
I 46
' 70
-A- . , ,.,,
W W WUllanis, leea...
Mrs Jurdwa, wiUieM..
JdrsHprsy, ,v ..tlv.iw
1 100
2 10
1 to
Mia Urlu, M .
Ustie Miller,
A M liurley, stuirney'a reea..
U M l.ltie, trot aieie v BurneUL
W W Wllllema, . ,j
Paul Hedges, wIUmm . '-. .
Ciuelt, ,,;,, M1.
Ell JoUnnoo, Juror ,
(Jeu W oluuu ,t(.;,.
tW Ketea .,' .H .si-.. ...
Wm Kikiai , .r ... " v i . ...
TBIilnn,, M ..,..; .,,) .
KHperllng '
11 M UnM,eeHUI v Doraud.
11 10
1 70
; tu
1 00
11 00
' 1 Ml
' 17o
, &00
15 80
67 SO
14 00
4 10
2 60
7 40
10 l
10 00
16 00
12 44
60 00
4 74
12 60
W W WILIwiit
N Klder, wIIumm
A fresevm, V"
W W WlUlsme, !, .: "
Cbs HiMtuidlng, , ,"
jiew ,.,,,,;, ,
Holt Miller, ; ,
A M Hurley, ,; " '..'.
II M LliW,HuUevi Due
W W Wllllaim
.1 ,v
II M LliiH .Htete v Knapley.
w w wnn-ui. .;h
K K Nful,
W W WllllW)
Kred Miller
Frank t'luher
K U Tutiiui
Dau Uuwell
BL Lewis " ,', .;
Juhn Km melt v . "
A M Hurley, allorney feet.
Arvble Chaiiibvrs, wltne.
U W HmltU, rM.
A M Hurley, any fe..
U 11 llarberow, wltneae....
M llarberuw,
J B Ureeter,
J M Campbell, labor...
E X HuU'li, ball rent.
T O liulcblueon, Hillary and ex
L O Kliimey, bringing In bootht....
W L Weill, telephoning
IT B Uriuit, electric llgbt for Juue....
W L Wells, ftwi..
Craven llro., inerclmudlBe
M re SuNan Jones, 304 loads gravel.....
J Naab, keeping 8 L Fickle .
Uray liroe., keg of nalU . .
L Damon, 10 dnyi uae luad eeraper ..
J w Paul, wood tad poBU..
west Side, printing
wm Davldmm, work on bridge
L Ground, ball rent
Frank Elgin, hall rent
W L well, mileage and telephoning...
U w Myers, 7 days work with engine..
A Becker, 188 load gravel.. ...
L B Fruzer, salary aneep luiipootor
State of Orenon,
County of Polk,
I, B. F. Mulkey, oouuty clerk of polk
county, and ex-oltlolo clerk of tbe cir
cuit court lu aud for said county aud
state, do heieby certify that the forego
ing transcript or schedule or expendi
tures for the July term. 1894, has
been by me compared with the oriii-
Inal, aud that It la a true aud correct
copy of said original schedule aud of
the whole thereof, as the same appears
on record in my oftlce and my custody.
witness my nana ana ino seal oi me
couuty court this 8th day of July,
A. D. 1804.
F. Mulkey,
seal J
Buckieu's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, ealt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures plies or no pay required.
It la guarauteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 26
cents per box. For sale by all drugglste.
Teaclierg Examination,
the purpone of making examination of
all persons wlio may oiler themselves as can.
dlilatca for touchers of the schools of the
county, the Bohool Superintendent thereof
will hold a publlo examination at the Court
House In Dallas, beglnlng at 1 p. ni,
Wednesday, Augusts, 18114.
' Graduates of chartered Institutions desiring
to secure State Diplomas, and nil persons eu
titled to, and wish to secure Htate Certificates,
Btute Diplomas or Life Diplomas, will please
present tliomsolves at the same time and
place for examination,
Dalles, July 18,1804.
Reboot Riprlntndent, Polk Cp Oregon,
Issued out of the county court of
the Htate of Oregon for the County of
I' me directed; commanding rue to
levy on the goods aud batlele . of, the
delinquent taxpayers named on tfhe
delinquent tax roll for said Cofloly U
tbe years 1800, 1861, 1802 and 1 the' -to
attached, and If robe be found,' (b.
upon the re.:' prejierty pfi, forth and
leacribed in said delinquent Ux foil,
or so much thereof aa shall eatlsf ; tbt
amount of taxes charged therein, to
gether with cost and expenses,' I hare
July levied, having been ,. unable to
find any goods or chattel belonging to
tbe resjctlvg dellnqueut bereJnafUf
oamcd, uou be following dtanrihed
piece or parcels of land ae set forth la
said lax list, lying and being ta' etld
Polk county In the ; 8tat4 ; of . Oregon,
usicrlhed'and assessed aa follows!
Klemaeii ik Ciodfelter Brc,
UU in- TalmagemnT prop-
rty: ..4ti.-44r,iiiiW 60
A. Hums, Indeiiendeuce, Thorp's
town, lout 7 and H, block. 16.. . 6 10
Unknown owner,' lota l and 8, ' s
block ltf,Thorp' twni,Ind; . 10
Johnson White, 80 lota in fnd.j 88 11
E. E. Krengel.i lots In Indepeif , 44 00
Mm. Naucy Claggett, Jola J aud .
d't block l. Ind ...-W-- vll
Chaa. Barr,2acreeln Moniuouth i 00
a T.Sunley,2J lots In Moo- ' "
mouth j..::-.:.i.'.i..-T ,' '80
W, W. lUcbardson, Jot ft bloc,,
, io, aionmouin. ro levi -.
6 00
W. W. Richardson, lot 6, block '
18, Monmouth; for WJ.-'---.'1
5 00
Whitney 4 Bilyeu.totof and !,' V,,,
mock Z4. Thorp'a town. IM. ,
John Edwards, lota 1, 2 and 4V'1
block l, Ind for im-i-" 7 00
John Edwards, lots 1, and 4,: .J",
block 18, Ind.; for 1891
John Edwards, lots 1,2 and 4,.i
Wock .10, Ind., for IDW-.x. 20
John Fklwards: Iota 1; t - and "4, B"t!
block lo,Tnd.: for tifjiw.:;::.1: $
TJukhowu owner, .t Cri aenv
for 1800.. ,SO
Unknown owia-rjt 8, r4,",4 acr,',"'T
:br"WI Ultlzl:.. ' $
fy'nkRowh iyiimit.itiisn, a
Unknown owner, 1 8; r 4, 4 acre, -''
for im.-;?A$.JL2?rVIQ
Bttoota A Mfller, tt, r4; 8H acre,:.;;
for 1892 ... t 10
Mm. 0-. C. Beck., Hills town, .;:i.t
Independence, ! J of lota: 7
aud 8, block K::...:.'.:..i.:':
. , ,1
10 90
: .1
J. It: N. BeU, Hill's tqiwh,' Ind.;
lota 5, 6, 7 aud 8, block 22 ......
Chariot N.Brown, sees 3 and
84, 1 8 and 9, i r 5 w, 850 acres
Mm. W. J. Campbell. HiU'e Itt-
dependence, w 1 of lota 7 and
.v 8, block lfl -.w.--.'-i
Mrs. Emily Christian, lota 8, 8,
7 aud 6, block 8, PattersOn'a
Independence, ..;ir;.. 'JLLL, ', ,84 68
li. C. Finch, lots 8 and 4, block , i
27, Thorp's addition to Inde - '
pendence. ;..L 1 8 01
Oebrge Fisher,', loti li ' ahd '6, . ;".
biocK zy, inorp's addiuon to
8 79
A, B. FlUsgerald, lot 6;l block 8,
xiiu'8 iuuepeu(ienoe..(,.,,
James Gibson, fraction of lota 7 4
and 8, block 2, BUFf Indepen
dence..-..,........r., ,18.09
J. W. Oilbaugli, lota 1, 2, 8 and i
4, block 8, Patteraon'a lode-
pendence j.iii.iL,"..Li. 17 33
Max Haley, lot 2 and ' 8, block
1, Mon mouth , ... . 21 54
Eli Johnson, 110 feet lota 2 and' :"'
8, block1 4, ;HillB Iudepen- lf
denc).--.I;.i-W ,8986
E. Krenirel, lot 1. Block 6. m
Hill's town, Independence.;, 83 12
Mary Rogers, (L M. saer.jj ,,,,
Guardian) lots 5 and 6; block it
14, Thorp's addition M Inde-
pendcuoe,..l:.r:,.rLr:i;! g'oo
T. II. Bcudder, lot , block .13, i,!,..t
Thorp's addition to Iudepen-"' 1 -deuce
..........r..r.;!''l''.:i4,;i2' 88
Emily Sbauk, heirs, lobs 1 and ,r -
2, block 4, Thorp'a Iudepen-h''
dence ...S.-.l-..2- .l;r.'.;',( ' ? 66
Ol'Wsiiinni joVlWldoijfiJi
23, Thorp's addition ta, Iude- : i t
peudence... .i.l.-illi.i'f 11 25
Mrs. E: Wiun.21 jieeji;
1, block 3, Bills nittdBpeUflii r
dence.... .i.i.i.uj.i'j.H89 80
LaroqueCommeuclng ,n v
the line ruuuinge betweemC. i -is
P. Cook aud E'. Tharp'g lahd,'1' 1
at a point on the ni e V)Uefj of
the tract of landdeeiled to.p
Wm. Perclval' by u said Cook,iwrti
thence n along said line to a'''
point on thesBldebftbeetreet s,1t
laying s of the fte by.
Wm. Jones, thence e along tha mm
s side of said street'- to--the'i'i'
center of Blough,'thetoce sbhtlr 1 '
along the center, ot sa
to the n line, pfj aald wn srf 1
Percival land, thenoe w alongi mj
said line to place of beginning. i"i
Containing One ,: acre' of land1'"5!'
more or less Mi ,ir n4).50
J. Fryer Comrneriolrig' at;""
the e e corner, of the a; half bf.',VSJl
lot No. 8 iuibiok', ,; j'iq': ifiej1
town of Inderudenoe," ju'nT t-ii
ing thenoe n 25 feet thenelix;v
west 841 feetj thence south '26i u
feet, tlence't'-e, 1 84fc feet'i.itJ
to place if, of 'i beginning:. -1 1)
being a part of the HeuryBiU tuh
donation landolaim..;viyiVit 147.63
Wm. V. Metrler One Imudred. -,.1
and fifty acre of land in tp s r
4W a'.:,..'.i....xv.vl eMLW
Bacon & Mlllen-Three hundred, laim
and seven acres of land intp8i.vM!
8 r 4 W.,..,v.')...,.'..vw.ia..,l.l-u', .2 60'
Andon .ml euoiuqirtoa .
At the hour of 10' 0dock' ft. m'."'0f aald
day, at the court house 1ft Said ' uhty
and state, I will sell the above describ
ed real estate at publlo auction1 to the
hiorhest bidder, for cash, eub ect to 're
demption, to satisfy said Warrant,1 coat
and accruing costs; v ".,-.. h.,u no
" '"."" W. 1 WELLBis
.Tuna S. IRtU:1 1 ' ioWila- .
in 1
misuesi: xmsuesi.un Ims
All persons 8i 6 hereby glveiv notice
to cut all the "Thlstlea'j; around "their
property oil the streebs, .'or,: ou ..their
piemlsos. -,ti Andy, TuppEm, ; r,
! 7 -! -i. '.in City Marshal.
Independence, July 10, 1894.' ''
During : ttjelaet eU months' wairanta
aggregating (2644 $ have beeniMdered
drawn by the oltv ootiuoil of Ifidepeatji
anna. - ts 1'ia l .-"!e-.r!i1. ;..
!), 'UiA'Mit t-
,! .!! !l;,n!i-H . 'II
I '