The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 20, 1894, Image 1

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    The Best Newspaper
1 the one that gtve th most and
freshest new. Compare th WK8T
llDM Uh any paper In Polk county.
As an Advertising Medium
$2.00 Tor Year.
Five Cents Per Copy.
No. 35.
J. A, YKNK8&
Prescott & Veness,
IMroprletor of- .
Msttiifkelwrer of and tValeri In
Roirh and Dressed
J. A. WHEELER, . Manager
fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
-Go to-
Photograph Gallery
Independence, Or,
(Siwveaaor lo Ill HlUtlli A MTAAT&)
GityTruck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of all Kiiul.s Done ' at
JtelSOIlilMO KlltCS,
Agents for the O. P. Boats.
All IiIIIh must l nettled by the 10th 01
earn mouth.
Independence, Oregon.
Sperling Brothers
Meat Market
Choice Meats
Highest market price paid
for fat abx-k, bee f, mutton, veal,
M.rk, fto. AH bills must be wilted
Free Ddi?es7 ia all parts of the Ciij.
Go to the C Street
And see how
You can net your .
Wprk Done.
Wagon Repairing of All
. A. FULLER, Proprietor.
33 SHOE n o"
W mmkin rrtO CATAI AGUE
Voo can save mney by urcliaslug W. L.
Bkium, we are the largeat 1 rnanufac tare" of
adverti.eJ .hoe in the world, and grantee
the value by .tamping the name PC.J?
the bottom; protect r0" V,' r.h L
price, and the middleman', profitn. r,hJ!
equal custom work in style, ea.y v
wearing qualities. We have them d every,
where at Wer price, for the value K'ven than
amy other make. Take no '"tul,,,1I! our
dealer cannot aupply you, we can. bold by
If you want a flood Hquare Meal for
25 Cents
-Go to the-
lee Cream every day during the """i
Chicken Dinner every Holiday Meal Nerved
at all hour. - Main Bt, Independence.
0-1,1 ...i.,l t nnranr.norOI'Ully. Ai r""-''
l.nn. and bunt mlron 1M.wu,
J when ahl.i . d. t'nn h. jm . . t '"' ;.
tlm. Knprn-wlj niinm, . ....... -
itary Force Needed
to Move Trains.
Strikers Cripple a Train
at the Mole.
A Xaitibrr f tbo Rioter Arifslwl-
Kstrltlunr St'tMio i Sui-rmiicnto
Court. '
woinirn fnotttn rallivut pfimiMtny,
USH'HOU tlj SMS thinllilHHl foivo (if tit.
ftHHiti ttnt itu m vpriMitPim. eon
initio it itait.titln n filrly nilfAL.
IvM y tvnw r orrvtot In Nnrthrn t'nl
Ifurnt, Hut MXtiwIttwutvlliMr thin fur-
miHUi,r mtltuuy nniy. tu iviilrnua
i:iii'lnl hiivt Uhi untlt tu lftrlv
tn." iiiMitajf mtrnt of' filulu bust
mi mcatist lvatonM. for tralnaaro nt til
Iu'Idk; nut tr k.nt M iiIkIH ttni m a
I'ltHnutlonnty nuur UKitlnMt th
hn.rtly art.-r hi a fivlir'it tntln
Wtt attrtftt frni tt yarj on tht
iiioIa At Movent tt Ktrm'l crnaatnu: tha
ri ii-unl.ii nt:ii to rlmiit.' f tho trslti
f und th.fl.4,lvea at tht nmiw of a
of trtkr. A trlkrr ht iron
mkih to climb itwinl and cut an air
Ijwke. The tml waa aUIKt and
om the rtotira who wann,-t about
luni drawn all the WHiptlitu jiina. Then
trikip of cavalry tnl a ronii':iny f
ttnaniry ''ame tluwn utKiit ih mt.
The eva.lrynien ushI tholr aahrva and
r tubbed wt'h th di' platol. amt th
fiHt ..,UrM iipHl lml ftwly with thlr
bayunta. In the atrumtle two ahota
were n rel liy aotdlera. thoUKli no one
ra hit. The atrikera were Hnnlly put
lo ttlKht. A nunitwr of the rlotera
auuitht refuge In a iitttnxe of n atilk
ItiK yard forenmn. The atddlera after
ward rnldfd the houne and arrealetl
twenly-ne niem Heveial of th riot-
-r were aevertdy cut and brulaed.
ftpr thla ovcurreni1, aolillcra aolna; on
trains wtro ittvn iliive ordra to
ahoot anyone who attempted to Inter-
ffre with any train. Finally a frelKht
train wax aeut out Kuonli-d by fioO mili
Out of Sacramento trains are run
ning with Iran Interference. FretuM
trains have been Ulxpatched from that
OwtriK ta the recent burnlngr of the
treatle in the 8inklyou reKlon, no
trains have teen Bent out on the Ore-
Ron branch. A train will probably be
llftpatched for rortland tomorrow.
a Monger trains from the east are now
arriving In Kan Francisco, Klnht days'
eastern mall was retvlved here today.
The 8oulhi'tn I'aclik oltlclals rlalm
that many tif the milker are applylitR
to be taken buck and say that employ
ment will be given to all but those
who were most active In organising
the strike. Several hundred men re-
urned to work In the shops this morn-
nit. They were compelled to sign an
agreement to withdraw from the A.
r. r.
Sncrnntentn. July 16. During the
heartnir of the writ t;f habeas corpus
for the release of the three Dunsmulr
strikers before Ju'Ik? Catlln this after-
noi'n, a detachment of regulars
marched Into th courthouse with th)
evident purpose of taking the prls-
oners. Judge C'nitln Imiueilutely rose
and called upon the persons present to
reslHt any attempt of the soldiers to
take awwy the strikers. Assistant dis
trict Attorney Knight excitedly Jumped
o his feet and met th soldiers as
hey were entering the courtroom. He
ordered them to return to the depot,
which they did after considerable hes
itancy. It Is stated they ware sent up
as witnesses tn the cuse.
Portland, July 18. For the first time
Ince the strike, the Northern Pacific
took out a freight train today. The
company has not yet commenced to
receive freight, however, and that
moved today Is freight received be
fore the strike was on, and which has
been held since that time. The through
passenger train has been resumed, and
eaves regularly every day.
The Oregon Hallway & Navigation
this morning resumed Its freight ser
vice, and Is now receiving all light
freights offered, no heavy freight being
taken on account of having to transfer
by water between Cascade Locks and
The Dalles and again between Cclllo
and Arlington. The road damaged by
the floods has been repaired from
Bonneville to the Cascade locks, and
trains run, commenting today, as far
east as the locks without transferring.
All river and steamer freight offered
Is being handled by the Oregon Kail
way & Navigation, and, notwlthstand-
ng Its damaged track by the floods,
It is In good shape to do business.
The Southern Pacific continues hand
ling all local freight and passenger
business offered, but no through freight
or passengers for points south of Ash
land. Its local trains are all running
on time, with the strike extra running
between Portland and Ashland on the
time of the regular express train.
A great deal of freight for Portland
has been held in the Kust awaiting
htpment, and merchants are anxious
to have it started. Orders have gone
orward today through locul freight
men to have much of It shipped at the
earliest possible date, and many orders
have been sent for light freight goous
which ere needed badly to bs sent by
The Chicago, Kock jstanu i-acwc,
which "laid off" all employes at tne
time the strike was commenced, has
ordered all men in the local offices
hero to ten to work again, the order
being effective today. The local cfTl-
lals have Instructions mat tne emire
line of the company Is open for freight
and passenger traffic and to accept all
business offered whero connecting
lines can deliver it to the Iiock jsiana
nt any point.
General Agent Sheldon, or tne wur-
llngton, has orders from Chicago to
take all business which ho can get
Fine Jersey Stock I
Those porHons dcKlrlim to breed for dairy
purposes arc notified that
H. R. No. 35,002.
full-blooded reglHtered Jomey.anrt limit
ed service may be bad tor the season of 'IM for
Address or call on J. H. FAIUCEU, the own
er, at bis farm 2 miles cost of Independence.
120 121
local lines to handle to a connect Ion
with th Burlington. The business
can be handled via th Northern and
ttivat Northern, connecting at Ht
Paul, th Union Pacific at Omaha, or
tn Mouthern, Central and ltlo Grande,
at uonver.
Everything la quiet on th surface In
lk circle, Tha loaders maintain
that their position la stronger than It
has jeen at any time, and assert that
they are contldent of ucoaaa, They
refuse to mak any statements of the
reasons fur believing tha strike Is
strengthened, and when questioned
closely on this point say laconically
"Walt." v
Portland. July t. The strike as fir
a this olty Is concerned Is ovmv Alt
tha old employe of tha terminal com
any returned aUy and offere l to g.
to work. Manager Lyona will take
buck tha steaUleat men and ttuwe with
ftutrllle, but will not discharge any
of those whom he employed during
the atrtka. Tha Northern Paolilc and
Mouthern Patiflc are accepting frolg n
and within a day or two, things will
ag-vln be In their normal condition.
Los Angdca, July ltt.A most Im
portant suit was nie.l In the t'nltil
Stales circuit court tod,ty by tlit
United 8taia lUsidct aitorn-v unto
the specie I direction of the ,nb)rny being Nil In enultv Htfulnsi
the Southern Pactilc company of Ken
tucky. The bill asks ilmt All eortx.
rations which have combined alth the
Houthern pacific company be separat
ed from that and the
agreement under which they are now
working b annulled and rnncld.
If tha government wins. If muns tht
all lines which make up th Southern
acltlc system, will be separated and
oiterated by their own set of officio.
The combine forming the SiutWn
Pacllto company of Kentucky It is
alleged Is In conspiracy to rutard and
restrict ommeree. The bill brought
under the wm United States statute
under which proceeding sgil-ist the
Southern Pacltlo striking employe
were commenced, as contriving to re
tard omim ove. The different lln)
of road which are embraced in the al-
legs! coniblimtlon number about twen
Tacoma, July IA A Northern Pacific
train from the east was tired upon
this afternoon near Cle Klum. Twenty
deputlea left l ho train as soon as it
stopped and chased the tnlprlts. A
log train was also fired on near Puy-
allup this evening by a man on horse
back who fled aa soon as two deputies
gave chase on foot.
Many of the railroad employ, who
yesterday made application to b re
Instated today nporud for duty and
took th recelver'a oath. The cmelnl
any nine-tenths of the old engineers
are ready for work and that there are
more application than places In all
the departments. Alt the passenger
trains ere running and the ale of
tickets to eastern points was resumed
today. Two through freight trains
were started east and several local
freights, Tha railroad oltlclals here
say th strike Is over, here.
Severe Thunder Storm Willi
Heavy Hull 1hh IUinmire In
ClitokaniitH County.
ORKCOV CITV, Or., July R-tVord
ha just been, received here from Need
that a severe tornado and Plunder
storm passed over that vicinity 8at
urday night, accoinpauled by a heavy
rain. Trees were blown down and tha
heavy hall which aotvimpmb d the
4torm did much damage. t'everal
bulldlngo were unroofed. Thi storm
was one mile wide and alioit ion-
ItoKfon, Jtily 18. At music hull to
night after two rounds of as hot
flghUrig as has been wltncssd recently,
Peter Maher stood waving his arms
over the prostrate form of Frank Crnlg,
the colored wonder from New York,
whom he had knocked out by a chance
Ight-hander. It took but Ave minutes
to settle the darkey's championship
TOPF.KA, July 16.-A suit was filed
In the United Stales court today
against the Union Pacific R, It. Co., to
foreclose bonds amounting to $111,725,-
000. The suit was filed by Oeo. J.
Oould and Itussell Sage, trustees of
the bondholders of the Kansas Pacific
R. It. Co., by their attorneys. It Is
alleged the bonds are In default. It
Is also alleged that since the property
of the Kansis Pacific passed under the
control of the Union Pacific Its reve
nues, which were sufficient to protect
th bondholders, have been ured to
defray the expenses on other parts of
the system. The plaintiffs asked for
the appointment of receivers to look
after their Interests, Judge Foster ap
pointed Messrs. H. If. II. Clark, Oliver
W. Mink, and Kllery Anderson, three
of the five receivers of the Union Pa
nic, as receivers of the Kansas Pa
New York, July IB. A permanent In
unction has been granted by Judge
Gaynor, of the supreme court, at the
Instance of Canary & Lederer, man
gers of the Casino, restraining Lil
lian Itussell from singing or dancing
either for money or gratuitously, In
private, under any other management
than that of Canary & Lederer. The
papers will be served upon Miss Rus
sell by her lawyers, Unless this In
junction Is dissolved, Miss Rusxell will
be guilty of contempt of court and lia
ble for damages whom she sings In
.ondon September 3d under Grau'B
management. She has engaged pns-
sage for London on the Paris, which
sails next Monday.
San Francisco, July 1(1. Whoot
to $1,00 1-1.
Now York. Nop dull; state com
mon to choice 7 to He; Pacltlo coast
10 to 13o.
Liverpool. Wheat quiet and steady,
demand poor; holders offer moditraitely;
No. 1 California 4s lid to 5s; western
spring 4s ltd to 5s; do winter 4s 7Vid
to 4s j'ja.
New York, July 16. The Umbrella
company, which has been known as
the $8,000,000 umbrella trust, has gone
Into the hands of a receiver. Counsel
for the company places the liabilities
at $1,200,000, bebides contingent liabil
ities of leases, contracts, etc., but they
do not exceed $200,000 outside of $1,000,
000 debenture stock. Assets, $000,000.
a (lira mmw
A Caisson Full of Cart
ridges Explodes.
Three Men Killed and
Twelve Wounded.
List ol iVmt and Injured-Notes of
the Strike from the East
CHICAGO, July 10,-Thl afternoon
tt llotchklss gun belonging to light bat
tery J was accidentally discharged tn
the amiihern part of the city while the
troops were being moved, It set-Pre
to a caisson and exploded a supply of
cartridges, killing three soldiers and
Injuring twelve, killing twelve cavalry
hoi Kits and breaking window at a dis
tance of two or three blocks. Tha ex
plosion drove bullet through brown
stone houses and created a panic In
the nelghborhrod. The (lead and ln
Jured were taken In charge by the aur
vivlng soldteis, ami access to the scene
was cut off while surgeons were at
tending to the Injured. One of the
killed soldiers was named duller, of
troop R, He ven th cavalry, of Fort Hher
Idan, The other killed and Injured are
members of battery F, Hecond artillery,
of Fort Riley, and troop II, of th Sev
enth cavalry, of Fort Sheridan.
Th cause of th explosion I un
known. It I supposed th fuse In one
of th cartridge got loose and wa
fired by friction with th anil of the
caisson, The explosion occurred at
Grand and Oak wood boulevards, the
most fushlonable part of the city. The
troop were on the way from th lake
front lo the new station In Hyde Park,
The shock of the explosion was ler
lille, throwing people to th ground at
considerable distances away,
Following Is a list of the kilted ami
injured: KllledFarrier (Jailer, troop
G Seventh cavalry; Artilleryman Don
ovan, battery F. Second cavalry; Ar
tilleryman J, laiyle, same buttery. In
JurvdHci'gennt I. Inner, Second artll
lory; private Stop, troop G, Seventh
cavalry; Private Allen, private O'lon
nell, of the same troop, and a number
of other win name are not yet
learned. The body of one artilleryman
riding on the caisson was literally torn
to pieces, portions of the body were
picked up at a distance of 300 yard
from th scene of tha explosion. The
police have Information that a fourth
unknown artilleryman wa killed.
Chicago. July U. Following ar the
names of the killed and wounded com
plete: Killed J. Itnmivan, private bat-
trry P. Second artillery; ISdward Doyto,
private battery F, Second artillery;
Joseph (lay lor, farrier, troop It, Sev
enth cavalry. Wounded Sergeant
Tiiner. battery V, Second artillery,
badly sled through the body and se
verely burned with powder; Fred
Stolts, private Second artillery, badly
burned and wounded about th legs,
will recover; John Allwn. privet Sec
ond artillery, shot In the head and
neck, fatally Injured; Maurice O'lhio-
nell, private Second artillery, shot In
tha head and powder burned; C. F.ncke,
Irlver In the rear, private Second ar-
tilery, blown from his horse and badly
Injured, will recover; John I'rquehnrt,
rival Hecond artillery, shot In left
arm, not serious; Herbert Antes, bugler,
roop It, Seventh cavalry, shot In
shoulder and leg and arm, will re
cover; Seigennt Anthony Kane, troop
Seventh cavalry, ear shot off; Ser
geant Geo. Hoffman, Seventh cavalry,
shot In the chin; Corporal Abraham
ftlley, battery F, Second artillery,
brown to i ho ground and badly
bruised; Seigennt King, battery V,
Second artillery, thmwn from his
horse and bruised; unknown artillery
man, thrown from his horse, ptc'u-d up
unconscious, Injured slightly; unknown
oy, thrown from his bicycle, Injured
about the legs; Allen York, tendon of
the heel severed by a bullet; Mrs.
Hchullnf, severely cut and Injured In
her home by glass.
The troops had left Brighton paik
r a long march around th city to
exercise their horses. They were In
command of Cnpt, Dchb, of troop K,
Third cavalry, Four of the horses
drawing the caisson fell In their
racks, shot through and through and
errlbly mangled, while three others
were blown fifty feet ahead against
he trees on the boulevard, dying in
stantly. The boulevard looked like a
MasHllon, O., July 10. Fifty United
Stales d-puiy marshal wer brought
from Cleveland today to assist In rals-
ng the blockade on the Wheo'ilntr &
Lak lirle rend. Lctnll wuro placixl
upon euii train und the resumption
of tratlle was accomplished without
Chicago, July 17. Vice-President
VVlckes, of th IMItman company, says
he comthiny Is willing to taki buck
ts striking imploycs, He says the
manager at the wwks has been undr
nstructlons for several weeks to start
up tho works as soon as enough men
tire ready to go to work to make the
tinning of nil departments possible, ,r
about 1,000.
Chicago, July l. Th"r was no gen
eral strike at the stockyards today as
threatened. All tne poking houses
were running with redu rl fotves. Thj
police revived livfoi'im.llon th it a raid
).v a mob wes planned for th.. purpose
)f stopping work la the p,i ".iim louses
Five hundred officers were secreted
about tho y.nds.
St. Louis, July 10. Strikers are
ttugWng at lite assertions of the rail
way oillceM to th.s effect thoy
have all tho men llicy wanit, and
laro the roads are only about ona-
tfhlrd manned. The strikers nay the
railroad about sending freight Is
all bowh,
PORTLAND, July 10. Cloverwr Fen
noyer, sp.iiklt.g of I ho late Hl rlkes, to
day said: "If the president luid list
ened to-the appeal In my Christmas
letter snd by carrying out th pledgoa
of tha plailform on Which he was elect
ed had secured the use of both gold
and silver as standard money, business
would have revived and the existing
widespread Idleness, poverty, and dis
content tha triple progeny of a gold
basis would have been prevented.
Sufficient money and compulsory ar
bitration, and not federal bayonets and
executive usurpation, are the needs jf
tho hour. The federal govjrnimanit
should ba tdilwtrced rom1 oorporate
monopolies. The rea.1 culprit In all this
trouble Is the bold bug."
Train , Wrecked by a
Torpedo on Trac
Bridges Burned and Tres
tles Sawed Away.
The Klifht on tho KallroatlN Drireu'
crated Into Cowardly Bush
whacking;. MI8HOULA, Mont.. July 17. The
east-bound Northern Pacific train, th
first In sixteen days, wa wrecked to
day at a point about two mile east
of her by a dynamite cartridge con
cealed In tho track. The engine had
barely struck th apot when a terrldo
explosion was hiard, the shock shat
tering the pilot and th right cylinder
and piston rod, It also broke th win
dows of the cab and the mall car. A
trestle 1 feet long thre mile west
of her and one 160 feet long on the
Coeur d'Alene branch, were burned last
Fund Creek, O. T., July 17. Two ex-
pinion f yruunlt occurred at th
south outskirts of th city a a special
train, carrying troopa "A" cavalry,
from Kn44 lo Pond Crek slallon.
punned, tine shiH exploded under the
train, but did no damage, th other
blew out a rattl guard, and wool I
hnv dent .dished the train had It ex
ploded a few aeconds earlier,
Woodland. Cal., July 17, Jamea Mul
len, Thomas Cnmpton and Metvln
Hatch, who were arrested In Sacra
mento yesterday on a warrant charg
Ing them with murder, were brought
to Woodland last night and lodged In
tha counly Jail. Company F, of th
Second regiment, commanded by Cap
tain Warren, have been ordered out,
and ar n jw doing duly at the court
house siurt guarding th Jail. Word
has Just been received that a number
of striker have left Sacramento bound
for this city.
Unlonlown, Pa., July 17. A battle
between deputies and strikers occurred
last night at the Morrell works, of the
f'ambrla Iron company, near Dunbar,
In which a striker named Santo waa
fatally wounded and several others se
riously hurt. Strikers, who had been
hunting, attempted to go to their
homes Inside th guard line. Th dep
uties told them to atop. After consul
tation they went away, and soon they
returned with guns and knives. Th
deputies fired. This brought a volley
from th striker. About twenty shot
were fired. None of th deputies waa
hurt. They arrested two Italians. Th
Morrell plant wa started a few day
ego, and wa employing a large num
ber of negroes.
Helena, Mont., July 17. Reports from
all portions of Montana are to the ef
fect that train ar running 'on the
Northern Pacific main lln close to
schedule time and that the company
has enough applications to nil every
vacancy. The only delay now come
from the doat ruction of bridges. Since
he mad tint began to operate under
'Military protection more than twenty
bridge have been destroyed by fire,
In thn last twenty-four hour three
big bridges have been burned on the
Rmky Mountain division. The state
has offered a reward of on thousand
lolhir for the capture of any criminal
aught burning bridges,
Chicago, July 17. E. V. Deos, -leo.
Howard. T. W. Rogers and BvlvMter
Kellher, officials of the A. It. U. were
committed to J.UI today by Judge Sea
man lit the United States court for M-
eged viola-Ion of the Injunction Is
sued by Judge Wood ami Judgi Gross-
up, Th court offered Uiem thetr lib
erty until next Monday, when they
will have a hearing on a charge of
contempt. Their tsUl wa flx)4 al
$3,wi0 each but the men refusej to f.ivc
A telegram was produced In court.
sent by Debs on July 2d to North
Unit, Mont. It rend: "The generil
manager arj weakening; If thj strike
Is not settle! In 48 hours a compbte
paralysis will follow. Poto.ts and
co are out of sight. Save your money
and buy a rfun."
Taroma, July 17. Three hundnl and
fifty-one new employe have b-.n put
to work on the Pacific division of the
Northern P:uriflo slwe the strike be
gan. Th force of. deputy nvirshala In
this state has been reduced from 300
to 200. All bridges are being gwaHcd
but chiefly by tho regulars.
SAN FRANCISCO, July" 17.-The
Southern Pacltlo company continues to
run passenger trains more or Wr.i reg
ularly during the hours of daylight,
but nil the night trains are still being
abandoned. For the present but one
west-bound and one east-bound over
land train a day will be run on the
Ogden route. Non-union train crews
are not flocking to division headquar
ters end this Is probably the reason
why so few freight trains are being
moved, The first fruit train dlspntched
for the east since the strike was or
dered by Debs waa sent out of Bac-
amento this morning.
Sacramento, Cal,, July 17. The rall-
oud company Is meeting with consid
erable trouble tn getting out trains
this morning. Yesterday crews were
easily obtained, but for some reason,
presumably through fear, only a few
trainmen put In an appearance this
morning, A dozen or more switchmen
who worked yesterday, . quit today.
They claim the strikers waited upon
them last night and threatened to kill
them If they continued In the employ
of the railroad company. As far as
can be ascertained, only a few men
aro working In the shops. Several
hundred who returned to work yester
day morning, tearing violence nt the
hands of the strikers, did not go near
the shops today. Trouble Is feared at
Dunsmulr this morning. Division Su
perintendent Wright received a dis
patch from a railroad official at that
place, informing him the strikers were
In an ugly mood and requesting that
additional troops be sent there. Col
onel Graham was notified and a spe
cial train with sixty regular on board
left for the scene.
Information has come to military
headquarter to the effect that threats
have been made, presumably among
friends of Worden, against the life of
oung Sherburn, who drove Worden,
Hatch and othera over to the treatl
where the train was wrecked last Wed
nesday. Sherburn I at present kept
at military headquarter under
heavy guard, He 1 not allowed to go
out and few are permitted to o him.
It I said now that hi testimony will
be sensational In the extreme at the
preliminary examination at Woodland
tomorrow, and that detail of th
crime which hav been purposely aup
pressed, then will b mad public.
Sacramento, July 17, Th Portland
express, tied up at Dunsmulr on th
second day of th strike, left there last
night with an escort of oldlr. It
passed through to San Francisco this
morning. It I reported that the cap
tain of a Htockton military company
I under arrest at Dunsmulr, Th
town constable arrested and locked
him up for ordering his company to
charg tha crowd.
A loaded cannon which has been In
the possession of striker wa cap
tured by soldier thla morning, being
found In a box-car. It wa taken to
the depot.
San Francisco, July 17. The local
branch of the American Railway union
announced today that orders had been
received from Deb to declare the strike
off on the Southern Pacific system tf
the company would agree to take back
all the member of the union without
Chicago, July 17. The western road
are Just beginning to resume business
under normal condition, although It
will be some time before business, par
ticularly In passenger departments,
will be what It waa before the strike.
The Northern Pacific today notified
all It connections that It wa'a ready
lo resume th sale of tickets via all
gateways and to all points on It line
except that no ticket will be sold In
Coeur d'Alene country west of Deamet
or south of llauser Junction. This
part of the road I not yet open for
general business although they ex
pect to have It open In a short time.
The Union Pad (to ha liven notice. It
I prepared to accept freight of all
kind to all points without restriction
except on live stock and perishable
freight In a limited terltory In Mon
tana and Oregon,
No Tear Will He Shed and No Wlh-
for Return,
Chicago, July 17. The Evening Jour-
nal print ih- following: Th orop
an low rate Inaugurated by trading
teamshlp line may result In a whole
sale exolu from Chicago of mnny
of th mwi oonneted with th lat
strike, The exodus from Chicago and
the nHhwet to various point. In
Europe has figured up on-thlrd of tho
local traffic to New York accorilng
to esUmate of the local steimshlp
lines, and th announcement of the last
cut in ra.ts ha started a real igra
of European-born people. Doten of
men who said they wer niw on a
strike have been making Inquiries at
local steamship offices within the last
few days, expressing their Intention
of going to the old country In ctse
the mike waa a failure,
Fifteen Companies of Soldier on
(iunrd With Orders to Shoot
to Kill.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., July 17. In a
battle last night between striking min
er on one side and deputies and non
union miner on the other side, six
men were killed and fifteen wounded.
The miner are guarded by fifteen
companies of soldiers tonight, with or
ders to shoot to kill and tf another at
tack Is made, the troops will make
short work of the rioters.
Oregon Will Have a New Surveyor-
Washington, July 17. The president
made 'the following nomination to
day; David A. Wells, Jr., of Connect
icut, secretary of Ihj legation at
London; James A, Jackson, of New
Hampshire, consul at Shorbrook.
Quebec; John C. Arnold, of Pendleton,
surveyor-g-)nraI of Oregon; Grwge a.
St'ivenson, register at Vancouver,
Wash.; Mark E. Hughes, poatmaater
nt Sonora, Cel.; Frank B. Zimmerman,
of Callforitiltt, United States consul at
Hciim, to succeed Abbott, realgnod.
(Mr. Arnold, the now surveyor-gen
eral, wa at one time school luperln-ten-lent
of Linn county. II wa
raised In that section of Owirm hi
parents residing for several years nt
Solo. He is C'bnut 60 years old. Hen-
ator Jeff Myers was a pupil unler him
during a portion of his career as a
school teacher. He Is known to be
well educated In the details of survey
ing, also.)
The Union Pncillo Branch Lines Not
Paying Expenses.
St. Paul, July 17. On Thursday the
receivers of the Union Pactflo will be
asked ito appaax before the court pur
suant to an order to Show cause why
a large number of branch lines Of the
Union Pacific road should be no longer
conducted its a part of the Union Pa
cific system and not be hereafter re
garded as Independent lines. The rea
son f this octton Is that the branch
lines are not earning sufficient money
to pay the operUIng expenses and
tax?, They are a conatiant drain upon
the .Income of the Union Pacific road.
Among tha branch lines Indicated In
the petition are the Washington &
Idaho railway, and Oregon Railway
Extension company.
San Francisco, July 17,-Wheat, un-
Liverpool. Wheat, Arm; demand
moderate: holders offer moderately;
No. 1 California 4s lid to 5s: red west
ern winter 4s lid to Eb; do winter 4s
7Vj to 4s 8jd.
New York. Hops, irregular.
Portland. Wheat, Walla Walla 70
72'j; valley 77'j to SO.
New York, July 17. Examination of
Chinamen accused of violating the
Chinese exclusion act was begun by
U. 8. Commissioner Shields toaay.
Over a score of Chinese and a few
white men are concerned In the al
leged frauds. Seventeen arrests have
already been made.
Washington. July 17. Senator Hnna-
brough's amendment to the agricul
tural appropriation bill providing $1,-
000,000 for tne destruction o: tne Rus
sian thistle was passed today,
Hlghett of J1 In Leavenirtf Power. Lateit U. S. Gov't Report
Several Victims of an
Two Hundred Sticks of
Giant Powder.
Name of tho Vlrtlmi-Other Cisa-
altle Flashed AeroM the Country
by the Wlre.
HABLETON, P., July 17. -A terrl-
bl explosion J reported to have oc
curred In a mine near her this morn
ing. Two hundred sticks of giant pow
der exploded In 4he midst of a gang of
mlnxs at Stockton No. I and not
enough of the men' bodies I left
for Identification, On account of thi
distance of -the Stockton colliery from
th main breaker, it ha been custom
ary to distribute dynamite and other
explosives to th workmen al the bo.
turn of th second shaft as they appear
In th mornlrsg. It wa Charley O'Don-
hell' duty to distribute the dynamite
and caps. The first men to go Into th
sha.fl Uslay were he driver. They
went Indo the stable to ham their
mules, and while they were engaged
the explosion took place. Charles Shu
gert ay he saw Uut a doten miner
standing about O'Donnell re.'elvln;
powd r the moment before the explo
sion took plac. They wer all killed.
Th drivers wer hurled about pr
mlscuously. Fearing an explosion of
gas had taken pi tee, nd that a cot-
lap of toe entire mine wa i.boui lo
follow, they waited for death as If
paralysed. In this position they wer
found by aome miner from N.. !, who
hurrltd through the titbterranMn pas
sage hesdel by Superintendent Rod
erick. A ivM-pse of miners descended
Into Ihe mine, and ne work of recov
ery of bodies -wa at once begun, but It
was difficult. Fragments of humitn
flesh were found some distance up the
slope clinging to the rail and ttsa
and tticklng to the roof, while every
where wer-i bone and limb.
A the boxes containing the remain
wer hoisted to the surface, womvt
tor their hair, and shrieks of agony
rent the air. The name of the victim
a f ar aa knvrwn ar; Charles O'Don
nell, Andrew Jab)?l, John Prlmbone.
John Koehl, Ant honk Moravltz, John
Krlnoolck, John Lotefeakl and John
Portland. July 17. The Northern Pa
cific took out a train load of race
horse tofaiy bound for the Montana
State of the Market at Portland m
Staple Products.
Portland, Or. The kwal markets are
moderately active, with light receipt
and an adequate supply of produce
on hhd. There were no Important
changes In quotations, beyond an ad
vance In package coffee. Farm and
dairy stuff aell at former prices. The
merchandise trade 1s looking up. Only
nominal quotation are given In the
local wheat market! as no business U
doing. Wall Walla for export '
worth 70 to 72c per cental, and Val
ley 7?Vi to SOo per cental.
Flour Portland, 8alm, Cascadla
and Dayton, $2.65 per barrel; Walla
Walla, $2.90; Corvallis, $2.50; Pendle
ton, $2.60.
OatsSteady at 36c per bushel for
wWte and Ko for gray.
MUlstuffa Bran. $15 to (17; ihorts,
$16 to $18; ground barley, $20; chop
feed, $15 to $16.
Hay-Good, $10 to $12 per ton.
Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 20
to I2iic per pound; fancy dairy, 17'4
to 20c per pound.
Cheese Oregon, llty to U'Ao per
pound; Swiss, domestic, 16 to 18c.
Eggs 15o with 16c quoted for can
dled stock.
Poultry All quotations are very
weak. Old chickens are worth from
$2.50 to $3, and young, $2 to $2.50, ac
cording to else.
Potatoes Firm. Quoted at S3 to Wo
per sack. ,
Berries Raspberries, 5 to Oc per
pound; blackberries, 8 to 15o per
pound; currants, 4 to 5c.
Freeh Fruit Oregon cherries 15 to
50c per box.
Wool Dull; Valley, t to lOo per
pound; Umpqua, 9 to 10c; Eastern Ore
gon, 5 to 7o, according to quality and
Hops Quiet; 1893 poor to choice,
to 10a. Contracts for new hops are
made at 10 to 12c, according to local
ity. London, June SO. "The market has
been dull and lifeless for all kinds of
hops this week. Only a limited hand-
to-mouth trade ha been done at last
week's prices In English. States and
Pacifies have to a great extent bsen
passed aver. There has been a few
Inquiries, but ao far little ar no bus
iness has resulted. Weather continues
bright, hot and forolng, consequently
plantations are looking more healthy,
although vermin is Milll plentiful."
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum,
Used in Millions of Fmes 40 Years the Standard
Montana 1 again cursed with
army worm thla year. It na now
reached Helena and I coming west.
McMlnnvllle ha passed an ordinance
making It -a misdemeanor to rid
wheel on the aldewalk of certain
street, ' .
A aerie of bicycle rce Is being ar
ranged for the state fair at Baletn In
September. There will be bike race
on the mile track every day during tha
week of the 17th.
Lane county will again head the roll
call In both houe of th legislature
with Alley again In the senate, and
In the houn C. H. Baker Instead of
D. C, Baughman.
Portland I calling for a revision of
Its assessment roll and a reduction
of valuation of at least twenty-flve per
cent. Ornamental real estate valua
tion are not so popular a they were
a couple of year ago.
The great flood of the Columbia will
delay the completion of the Caacade
lock fully a year. The high water
ha caused a change In the plans and
the work will now be constructed ten
feet higher than waa originally In
tended. The real cause of Sheriff Levena
resignation In Douglas county wa be
cause, under the law compelling tha
sheriff to pay their own and deputies'
expense while traveling about tha
country. It would take nearly all the
salary provided $2,600. ,
Politic often produces singular com
bination. At the late state election
Mis Alice Carson, of Josephine county,
ran against her lover, Jeff Hayes, In
that county for superintendent of ed
ucation. And she defeated him. She
was a republican and he was a pop
ulist A telegram has lately been received
by the subsidy committee tn Astoria
ss follows: "Judge Brown is in the
hospital at Philadelphia. He is Im
proving. We mean to push the Asto
ria work. If Browne is not able to re
turn to Astoria, will send somebody
else." Signed by Bhehan tt Browne.
Notes given in aid of the Blualaw
Eastern railroad are ready to be de
livered to the makers, aa the company
has failed to fulfill their part of the
contract. That Indicates that the Slu
slaw rrllroad project is at an end for
the present, a condition to be regret
ted, as it building would have devel
oped a fine country.
Elwell I the name of a new town
Just laid out tn the Bohemia mining
district thirty miles east of Cottage
Grove, the nearest staUon on the S.
P. railroad. The alte la at the junction
of Falrvlew and Bohemia creeks, and
Is only about three or four miles from
the principal mines now In operation
A hop-picking machine has been on
exhibit In Utlca, N. Y. It is claimed
that with the aid of two men it will
accomplish the work of 25 hand pick
era. Hop men of this state declare
that the machine may do all that ia
claimed for it In New York or In Eng
land and yet prove a failure in the
rank growing fields of the Pacific.
coast, whsre the yield of hops Is from
tnree to four times as great
The chamber of commerce of Port
land ha recently memnrlallzml rVilriaa
gress, urging that an appropriation be
maae ror tne protection and propaga
tion of salmon In the Columbia
and other rivers of the Pacific coast
It Is urged that the salmon packing
Industry, which baa been a srreat
source of revenue to the people of the
pacmo coast and has given to the
world a delicious article nf tnnA im In
danger of destruction because nf laet-
of restrictions In regard to the catch
ing or fish, and disregard of restric
tions Which have been mart hv th
several states Interested.
Jay Gould's Progeny Threatened with
Poverty by Taxes.
New York. July 17. All the rhtidivn
of the late Jay Gould In thole Inrit.
vldual capacities and also as executors
ana trustees unaer tne will of their
father, have taken up proceedings In
the supreme court of New Vnrir fn
the purpose of being relieved of tax
ation In this county and city upon
their oersonal estates, whloh
allege is based upon exhorbltant aa-
The Fools with Boquets for Libertines
and Criminals,
Lexington, Ky., July 17. Congrcja-
man Brecklmidge and Mr. Owens ad
dressed largo au.llenioea at Donerail
and Mulr today. There were many
ladles present at both meetings, Thjy
threw bouquets at Breckinridge by dox
ons and pious ones were shocked when
ho compared them to the women of
old who sympathized with Stephen
when atonis were being cast at him.
The Cruiser Minneapolis a
i Ocean Greyhound,
Washington. July 17. Th cruiser
Minneapolis has done better than the
first reports indicated on her trial
trip. After the tidal correctlona were
made, her average speed is shown to
be 27.07 knots per hour. The premium
earned by the Cramps ts $414,000. The
total cost of the vessel ts $3,304,600.