The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, July 13, 1894, Image 1

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    '- ffl
Ihe Best Newspaper
I u the ons tht gives (he mutt nnd
rvahMtt news, Compare ths WEST
11)8 Uh Wer rvtlk county.
iNf-PiK. ...
sj .."a- i
As an Advertising Medium
"mmsw- ,
Nn in
Prescott & Venoss,
Proprietor of
Manufacturers of and Dwderim
Rou-h and Drossed
J. A. WHEELER, - Manager.
fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
-Ge, to-
Photograph Gallery
Independence, Or.
(Kuereasor to lll'HIIARD 4 KTAATH.)
Citf Truck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of all Kinds Done at
Iteasonable Hates.
Agents for the 0. P. Boats.
All bllt must to settled by the 10th 01
each mouth.
Independence, Oregon.
Main street
I inlepetidenee
The Popular Hotel rres Bn end
f Portland audi he Irom all Train
Mo.t Centrally and Steamers
M. D. ROC H E, My.
(3. It. MARK LEV,
Proprietors! K. It. HA Yrl.
IM.P. ItOcIlE.
Meat Market
Choice Meats
Highest market price paid
for fat stock, beef, muttoo.veal,
pork, etc. All bills must be settled
OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 8 to 0 a. m.
Mfcj Mparts tfttiCilj.
Oo to tbo C 8WWl
And wo how
You can get your
Work Done.
Wagon Repairing of All
H. 1. FULLER, Proprietor.
If you want a Good Square Mcul for
25 Cents
-Go to the-
Ice Cream every day during the season.
Chicken Dlnnor every Sunday Miials iiorved
at all hour. Main St., Independence.
to (.-iir.Vllli.r Country. "'i
!., and .ma H.ll.r on er rth.
JSP: .KisrS,
$2.00 lVr Year.
The Past and Future
of tho Strike.
Visible Results from
Numerous Points.
t L' 1. 1..... i . ... ....
n'siueiii imrriHUU pusiuiim Presi
dent Clevclaml lu II In tf
r'tnleral Troopa,
CHICAGO. July lO.-tlpnfrnl Maate
Workman Sovereign says ho 1 now
engaged hi writing the order fur gen
ersl strike of tho Kulghu of Lbo
everywhere tomorrow. II expects tit
order will affect tunny men nnd former members of tha
organisation, Unless something unfor
wn 'ur, thw vnUr will ft Into f
fct lomoi-row.
Th ma I. Klll Ami m-v.-ral othe
mwubfin tf tho ltttr unions' arbltrr.
tli"t t;.mmlitf had a cnnfrnp todan
wiiR it rrfaitiMiit Howard and Dl
rtNior llrnisn, of lh American Itsllws
union. Tht'y auld s nlrlka of tho Isbo
uniona waa a t-i-rluluty.
Indlannpolla, July 10, (Irnrrnl Har
rlwm ttHlay mildly rrltlelsrd the proo
laniatton of Cleveland. Ilt nuld It w
tho nrst tlm In th history of th
tnltid Ktntt'S Rovornmrnt thst th
irltnt hitd ord.M't-d fi'tleral troop
Into a tutt wlthottt the tvt)uat of th
ov.inor of sued ti,. and ver hi
lrttat. ilf did not jo"Hon hla rlh
tu do so, however.
No York. July 10, The Herald has
wli4l fixxn I'ukUj. )tiat, tlrorsf M
I'ullmi n'a aummer Inmin, quotlnf Mr
I'utinmii's aon-lii-lnw, tieorxe West, a
auyliiK that the former holds precisely
tho ni.nirt views iVKiinllns arbitration
that he heli' u mouth , vis.: Notti
lug to rblirsti.
Chlcauo, July 10 The tilm-kade
lh rtiH-kysitla was rnlaeil tmliiy.
train of W cars of meat went throUKl
the ycida without obaiructUiii, beln
the Hint to have ultiiH- July 4th. Th
recelfits ti day were 10 cattle and thro
Plltsburs-, July 10 Th Chicago 11m
Ited. or the Kort Vayn road, srrlvet
three l.tmrs late today, havInK be
held up by a mofc near Vort Wayne
Windows were broken and there wer
bullet holes In the cars,
Mllwutikitf. July 10. President Frsnl
Archibald, of the Incut branch of fh
American Kullway union No. 134. ws
arretted hint evening.
Aahlty. lild., July 10 Th bltK-kad
on the Wbbbiih nmd hits been rained
All union men are at work, lilran
Aglu waa iinmleit lant nlKht and take
to lii'liri npolls. AkI Ii local prealden
of the American Hallway union.
Toledo, July 10. Hecolver Calloway
r the Clover I-i-uf. reiiorta that the en-
rIiiith on the wentern division of tha
roul lire applying for reliiHtatemeiit
and htliiK taken m na new men at any
rut" the toad choom-s to pay.
l)i:.MANI)lNO AltlllTHATION.
iH-tMlt, Mich., July IO.-.Mayor Pin
irree's propoHltlon to have the mayor
of all the leading cltli-a petition th
I'ullman company to submit to ami
tratlon seems to meet with geners
Denver.' July 10. The Rio Orand
road Is now open through to tho West
the strikers at Hnlklu having returned
to work today. I
Trinidad, Colo., July 10. Striking
miners or railroad men burned a brldg i
last night on the Agullar branch of
the Oulf rtad.
hn Halle, III., July 10. A freight train
was wrecked between this city and
trtlca, on the Rock Island railroad, to
day. Nineteen cars left tho track. Ths
splk-Ji! hold'ng tho rails In place had
been drawn. The track ran along th i
bank of a canal and by a little shor I
of n mlrm-lo the entire trnln did no
go Into the water. The engineer anl saved themselves by Jumping
Kllensburgh, Wash., 3if 10,-On
span of the Northern Puclflo brldg
acroHii the Ynklmii river, soven mile
north of here, waa burned early tul j
morning. No particulars are outaina !
ble. A repairing force Is now at work
meantime transfers will be made ami
the running of trains will not be sort
ounlv Intirfcred with. Everything I
quiet here,
Columbus, July 10. John McRrldo
,.r..uM(hl nf lli.. TTnlturl Mine-worker
yt r..vv.. . . . ..... - - -
r.r An.rir n nnlved todav a telegran
from Samuel dumpers. He saya: "A'
crisis In tho Industrial situation of th
country is at hand. It behooves us t
endeavor r bring order out of wha
threatens to become chaos. The ex
ecutive committee of the American
Tr,.rtPitlon of Labor will meet at tha
Hrlggs house, Chicago, at 10 o'clock
Thursday. You are cordially requested
to meet us there."
1 HH S, P. IS IipPBpUL.
Portlend, July 10. General Passenge
Agent E. P. Rogers says: "Freight
trains on the Southern raemc compa
ny's lines In Oregon are running reg
ularly, and unless something unfor
aeon happens, It Is believed that traf
flc wilt not bo again Interrupted. Th
last train of eastern and Callfornl
freight accumulated at Ashland, which
could not be taken out, before, wll
arrive here tomorrow morning."
Indianapolis, July 10. Ex-President
Renjf mln Harrison having been quoted
as Sfiylng that President Cleveland
has etabllshcd. a new precedent n
sending federal troops Into a Stat
I0S1 Market St., Ran FrancLeo
flietsccn Oih and 7th St..)
fit ..I I.-. .h hnw niMmlM-fiillv 1 nil
are mule and haw to .void tlrkiio.-
um) uiMiute. Mnum emargud wiid
mouHaiiui oi huw uujcuia auiui..
V1UII 6" V
1051 Market Mtrset PIwohm of nun:
stricture, to, ol manhcod, dlBu,.. of the akin
and kidney, quli kly cured without the uh ol on r
etiry. I reaUu.ul penoaally or by IvtUr, bund
of MO" ,
without ft teuuest fnm ths governo
of ths state ami over his protest, said
todajr; "I have ftsver said what I an
quottsl as saying as to the use o
UnlU't mates troops by the president
nor to I think the president has trans
rented his powers. On the other han't
t btllev there is no spot In the United
Blats where ths If. a troops may no i
go under sueb orders without asking
anybody's consent and thst the en 1
foicnient of the laws of the United
mates Is ths sworn duty of the prest
dent and that the army Is an appro
prists Instrument to use In the enforce
ment of these laws whers they sr
violently resisted, and civil officers sr
unable to desl with ths situation. If
a posse, nomltstus law limits the pre
Ident's eoiiRtltutlonal power at all
whloti Is very doubtful, It only re
quire proclamation to precede Us
oss of troops"
Chicago, July 10, "It Is labor lost
five hundred mayors would not hav
ths al'ghtest effect on the Pulltnai
company." said Mayor Hopkins whei
atked If Mayor ringre or Detroit had
asked Urn to become one of fifty may
ors to Join In an appeal to Oeo, M
Pullman to allow the differences be
tween him and his men to be submit
hou-hiC M -Hlahsd. the fed
iTt .oin Z, -IS ... '.."k I'!""1 ov-nwiei.t Is movln to the s.
n?Hh.iav ' m!T i,iB . TV; of tht for which Its
J'e'.'r '! r i l were debated H by the
" rtMi. mil one f IHIUM "v
this comprny. However, It will take
Pullman years to recover from this
ll .., h. I-
without any unity of action In effect
h h. a MJLinMM . i- i,...i -in
go to Pullman's competitors, then he
will realise the mistake of his position
Omaha, July Is The feler,ted
board of UtiUm iNu'lrto employes held
a eonfertnee with General Manage
Dickinson today In reuu-d to rein
sUtliut striking A. It. V. men. Dlck
Ineon expr-jwed a wlllingnees to tak
all back Who had been peaceable and It Is the Intention of the national au
hnd led atiemplel to .jhetnict the tlmrltles not to be tumml alde f.xnn
ralle of the road. Notlfleailons were an exlutuetive In.iulrv Into :h oue.
sent to ag'twle to accept fnWht for
all (Milnts.
Los Angel,. July 10,-For the ftmt ,M" ',v ,,loh J wt't M w I''
time since the tie-up a Sunset overland '.f Wlviu-y ami pHvllege which the
train left the Southern Pacific depot esi.rn Union Telegraph company
for New Orleans this morning, Just wUn du" fi4ltl V,r I'Hvncy of the
half an hour lute. The train was reg '"'"" f lis, ws forced
ularly made up with express, mall 1,1 'ul wtu'1' h Je callml for the
baggage ami Pullman coaches The ,'fse fr.m President Debs to the
train crew ere not American Railway members f his order, whh-h had been
union men. A freight train of seven- lranuIUed over Its Hues,
teen cfcrs Ivft for Yuma at 7 o'clock Th '"urt Mt ln l'oJ '' y
this morning, partly old and partly lrm unit iUt private right, ol
new men. The ottlclnls are only wait- "rilerel that the dlsimtohes be pro
log for orders from General Manage due, The grand Jury wsis ,wt only
Towns to illspatch a Han Francisco ""in ll.n wh-n It filed Into court
train, lloth the Sunset and freight eammm-e.! that It had found a
train had on board United States W of Indictment. Pending the
troops and deputy marshals. Every-, rest of the perstm thus put under
thing In the shape of a local Is run : bwimment, his iwme remsJned a se.
nlng on schrdule time. The overland ct- Tht President lk-ls wa the
went cut on the Santa Fe this morn- man no onj doubted tvl subsequent
Ing compmed, as It usually Is, of Justltlwl the sunnlee.
mall. eprca, day coaches and I'ulb. Touohln the outbsik for the future
man Alt the IimsI trains up to outside of Chlcag", It umy be Mid
noon were running on time. Troops that tt.Uv's dlspatchc wom altnoet
and deputy marshals accompany each uniform In te.Mr to tho eff.ft thai
rbicj-am.'oto, July 10. Hurry Knox,
chairman of the meditation commit tec,
tonight sent thlsdltpatch to Genera
Mamurer Trfwns of the Houtheni Pa
elilo cumpsny: "Striking members of
the A. R. U will man, move inn I se
snMy to their JuiUnatlon nil trilns.
Inoludlng local, overbunte, mall, pus
senger snl freight trains, on con 11
tlon that no Pullman be attached to
aiy train, and tht all employee who
are now out and Uvimj who have been
discharged for refusing to handle Pull
mans be reinstated without . preju
Chicago, July 10. The Knights of
I uh,., Oiprtiinhillll Iim .nilnl.v mim I
..riu innniuwi k. , i, .n.,
, n.-m .J ,mw,vv, iimtv IUIICU
upon to strike for the cause of organ
I zed labor. General Master Workman
Sovereign Issued an order late thi
evening to all the members of the or
ganlzatlon to cease work until the con-
flirt ..riu-inmino. in a .irii.., f ih
Pullman employes shall have been set
Two Young A merlon na Celebrating ths
Fourth of July.
Oxford, Et gki ml. July 10. Stewart
fchorlll and Oeo. F. Banfi.rd of the Yale
team wen present today In court
charged wl'h setting oft ((reworks In
High street on the Fourth of July.
They both pleaded guilty, but in x-tt-nuatlon
salu they wer not ?ognls
unt of the law and they desisted when
warned by the police. They were re
leased, up'in payment of cou,
Woghlngton, July 10, Peffer refused
to permit the side-tracking of his om
nibus revolution in the senate today.
He sjsike Kl considerable length, re
oltlng the wrongs which lie alleged had
been committed on tabor by the Pull
man company, Dnvls of Minnesota re
pllod In a vigorous speeoh agalnrt all
forms of lawlessness and the attempt
of the Vrlkera to prevent the move
ment of trains.
Demlng, N, M., July 10. An attempt
wn,i made last night to wreck a specla rlago actu-illy transxrllng or en
train containing BOO troops from Fort gaged In transporting, or passenger or
Hayrd, en route to Trinidad nnd 1U-' ngenetes, and, the subject matter of
ton. A section foreman discovered Interstate commerce, and any consplr
four r witches open In tho Demlng yards uCy in restraint of such trade or corn
Just before the train arrived. Members merce Is an offense ngnlnst the United
of the American Railway union are States. If It sluill i..pp uf to you that
highly Indignant, and have offered to the employes of tin wv '.mI railroads
guurd the railroad property.
Dayton, Wesb., July 10. At tho city
election yeterdny M. M. Oodman was
elected mayor, 8. D. McAuley marshal.
The mayor n.vd marshal are democrat's
while the cnuncll Is republican.
Madrid, July 10. An anarchist has
been arrested at La Junuquora, near
Geroua, upon suspicion of being con
earned In a plot to assassinate Presl
dent WoHlmlr-Perler, of France.
Bremen, July 10. Tho North German
Lloyd Btoamer Havel, from Bremen for
New York, Is aground In the river
Weser, near Bremerhaven. She will
float the next high tide.
Chlcana July 10. Edward T. Noo
nan today received tha democratic
nomlmtlon for oongress In the first
dletrlot, succeeding Congressman Dur
Chicago, July 10. Oonejx jtsmun Gold
sler was renominated by the sixth dis
trict democratic convention today,
It Is llrinrimr Order
Out of Chaos.
The Government Moving
Slowly but Surely.
Kiii'oiM'iin Prophesies of Revolution
and llnnoliitloii Will Again
Trove I'litrup.
CHICAGO, July I0,-Hl.,wly, but
tea.lily. niiinly rml rertsluly, s be
nts the Mupivin power of a gre.l na
tion, thrtugliout all the wide stretch
of Its donittln where I'vU d!;!isei
porsoiis ar taking tulvAittsge of an
pm-eiiloii4l Indusiiisl oomllulon lo In-
people, the preservation of order anl
the ssfiSy of Hfe and properly, At
....., , .,-,. .on Willi JIIP mim,1
!''w,11 '"' ' rir
brought peue out of a phwIIUoii of
wwr which prevailed laat wek.
I In this Nty the mllltnry arm ha
aeetm.pHhhe I lis purinwe, the Judicial
arm l-tkiii up the orderly c:.urp
of Its dutle. whbh t.s'lutle fixing
uptt guilty iMtrtles the meiumre of
their crime and a fitting of punishment
thereto, Th first step In this priced
fee was the nseembllng of the felr
fcrsnd Jury ami 1be del I v my of
ttiarge to It by Judse Orosacuu. That
Mons wmch It has undertaken to pan
Un, by mere technlealltlea, was
evidenced at Ihe eutnel by the brusque. ron.lltluns hud already been
restored, or thst they were rapidly
apprihictUtig th,ut state, ntal there
seems to be to retuton to suppose that
Ihe progress lowatxls complete reeuttip
lion of trmle and trsltle wPI mt with
"-"V serious check as coming daysshal
cuoceed each other,
Apparently the only hope the A. R. U
have of triumph lies In the aid
which they hope to git from union
labor outslle of their own orgniilgii
In his charge to the fcde.-al grand
Jury today, Judge Oroeacup snld
"You hnvo been summoned here to
Inquire whether the laws of t.he Unit
ed Suites within this Judicial district
huve been violated. You h'sve come
Into an atmosphere and amid
... ,,
rences that may well cause rensonahl
m n to quiMtuin whether the govern
meiH and hvws of Ihe United S'ates
are yet supreme. The law must be
'"' wore we turn asioe ,o
Imiulre hew III w or practice how It
ought to be, or can be effectually
brought about. Government by law Is
Imperiled, and that Issue Is paramount.
The government of it ho United States
ban first lo protect Itself and Its au
thority as a government and, secondly
to protect its au'horlty over those
agenoles lu which under the constitu
tion and laws It ex-tetuls governmiintnl
law.' The mulls are In the special keep
Ing of the government and laws of th
1' Stales, To secure unhindered
transmission it Is made an, offcne
to "kivowlng:y and wilfully obetrucH
the pat-sage of mall or any carriage
horse or carrier carrying tho same.
It Is also provided that If or
more pers-mg conspire toR'tlhor to
commit any offensj aguliuvt th Unltel
States and one or more of such parties
do any act to effost the objeat of Die
conspiracy, all parties thereto rfcall
be subject to penalty. The constitu
tion plains the regulation of com
merce between (ho eeveral states and
between tho slates and foreign n
tlr.ns within the keeping of the Unlteil
States government. Anything which
Ik designed to be trnnwportod for com
mercial purposes from one stmte to
euuther and Is actually In traneit, or
nny passenger who Im aictuilly en
gHged In any euo!i .Interstote cien-
nierclitl trutwuctlon nnd by oar or car-
carrying malls nnd lrtorUte com
merce should quit, en ? Unit th"tr suc
cessors fjtnuld, by t hive is, Intimida
tion or influence be pivvf mUM from
taking their places, such would con
iitltute consplmcy. I recognise, how
ever, the right of labor to organize.
Kitc.h man in America Is a free man
anal so long as he does not Interfere
with the rlK'hla of others he has a
right to do with that Which is his
what he pleases."
Chicago, July 10. President Dsbs
and Vice-President Howard of the A.
R. U. hav been arrested under In
dictment of the federal grand Jury.
Sacramento, July 10, At the reques
of the mediation committee, ex -Attorney
Geniral Hart has written a lengthy
opinion dednlng their rights and re
sponsibllltlcs, and informing them tha ,
to resist trcops Is treason. He se
verely crltlcUes Cleveland for calling
out tioops,
Sacramento, July 10. Harry Knox,
chairman of the meditation, committee,
said late tonight that tho strikers
would abide by the opinion of their
attorney and make no resistance to the
Han Francisco, July 10,-Asslstsnt
Seeretnry of the Treasury Charles S
Hamlin has returned frem an ofncls
visit to various ports In Southern Call
fornlw, at several of which he has
doehlt d to Increase the number of In
spectorr with a view to putting a stop
to smuggling from Mexico, which Is
comparatively easy at present. He Is
now making an Investigation Into the
affairs of the custom house hers, which
he expects to complete by Thursday
when ha will proceed to Portland ana
points In Washington, eventually vis
itlng Sitka and Prlbyloff Islands to
look sealing affairs.
Han Francisco, July 10. Wheat, W t
nV: milling it to II.t)7'4
New York. Hops, slow; state com
mon to choice 7 to 14; Pacific coast W
to 14.
Llvei pool. Wheat, quint and steady;
demand moderate; holders offer mod
erately; No, 1 California 4s lid lo tsg
spring 4s lid to 6s; do winter 4s 7d
to K'-id.
C'oAuttantlnople, July JO. Two vio
lent tarthquakes were felt hers at
I3;20 p. m. Each shock lasted about 0
seconds. Si me damage was done. Ths
Inhabitants are fleeing In anticipation
of trore serious disturbances. Severs!
people are reported killed. All the pub
lic ofTlcis, banks and bourse have been
closed. Two disastrous fires have oc
Itoston, July 10. While workmen
were unloading the schooner Jennt
Hall, at Commercial wharf today, the
wharf collapsed and a number were
burled In the ruins. Three men wer
tnketi out badly Injured, two wer
taken out drsd and four more are said
to be burled under Ihe wreckage. A
large (.uantlty of coal docked caused
the accident. I
South Haven, Mich., July 10, The
steam barge Myrtle Ross was partly
burned In port today. Prank Smith
a son of the captain and owner, was
burn d to death. Charles Council
chief engineer, was fatally burned
Will Smith and William Leroy wer
seriously Injured.
11ms Reen Arrftitetl In Missouri and
Will lie llroiijrht Rack to Port
land for Trla
PORTLAND, July 10,-ltev. W. A
Wllllsi n, the Presbyterian and, Metho
diet minister who left here last Sep
tember with about $ obtained un
der false pretenses, has been arrested
In Joplln, Mo., and Is now being
brought t baik by a detective. His
method was to give a bond for a deed
to bind which Was not his own and
take a note which he would hypothe
cute at some bank or broker's and ge
all he could raise on It.
Pot Hand, Juty 10. Emanuel Rnptls
church tonight excluded from member i
ship Htv. C. A. Woody, editor of th i
Paclilc Ilaptlst, The charges on which
they excluded him are disturbing th
peace end harmony of the church
lying, and slander of the pastor, Rev
SAN FRANCISCO. July 10,-There
are ninny conservative men of affair
here who say and 'believe that 1 to
morrow will develop a desptrate con
flict bMWfljit the federal soldiers ani
the striking A. It. U, 'n?n and their
rlln-M. Sacrainemo Is the threatening
poiiit. The serloumess uf the situa
tion Is shown In the warlike precau
tions that the army authorities have
taken. Up to 11 o'clock this morning
the authorities hid. made ev
rry move In secret. At about thai
hour the big ferry steamer Alameja
stemmed to Presidio Wharf. Two
trooiMi of cavalry nnd five batteries of
light artillery were rushed cn board.
GatMng guna and two Hot.ihkles can
non were 1n evidence and Col, Gra
ham, einim.u,dant at Presidio, , -was
personally In ctsnmtnd of the expe
dltlcn. Tho Alameda wt'lh her for-mldn-ble
looking cargo s'nrtcd to M,re
Islnrvl. Tlwe 3D0 niacin s were taken
on h.rnrd and all transftrred to two
river steamers end started lo Sacra
mento. One troop of cavalry wis
la mini on eich bank of the river and
will march to Sacrament j an ad
vance guard.
This afternoon the crewa from th.;
Chnrltton, Monterey, Thetis, Mnrhn
and Independence were lanlod at Mara
Island for riot drill. Thev oomprlse
about COO m m and will leive for Oak
land tonight, , . i :
At all points lu the jtte save Sac
ramento ond poislbly Oakland, the
evetus of today have turmd In favir
of the ralltvjiwl cotnMiny, At Oakland
trains wer, moved. In this city and
at San Jose passenger twfllo was ri
Hunied today over the coast division,
TROOPS FOR IDAHO., July 10. Troops have been
sent into the Coeur d'Alenes, Compa
ny C, end a part of company E, four
teenth Infantry from Vancouver, under
command of Major Burke, left her
for "Wallace today. The troops ar
equipped for field service.
PomlahKl, July 7. The Chamber of
Cc-nvmetvc, at a largely attended meet
ing; today, adopted the following reso
lution: "Reeolved, That as Amenl ian cltlaena
we call upon our state an 1 federal au
thorities to quell at once the present
methods of strikers, whether it be the
blocking of the tranwporUtloni trains,
the putting out of Pullm in tars, or
si.y other Interference or 'noddling
with the property or pur3ulti of any
citizen, and we pledge our Individual
property, lives and saerd honor to
this caufit wlum required."
Wafrtilngbon, July 10. The bill ad
mitting Utah to Btiatehod passed the
senate today.
The navy department has lnforma
tlon that a fresh Insurrection hasbrok
out at Bluefields, Nicaragua.
St. Petersburg. July 9. The town
of Plut kan, Russia, has been destroyed
by tire. Three hundred and seventy
five houses were burned and over 2,00
nersnns are without shelter. Bom
' children have perished In the flames.
Beats "Our" Viarilant
Once More.
Marvelous Seamanship
The Day Was Clear ana the
Racrri Were Followed by
Nuiiieroiir Other Craft.
HUNTER'S QUAY, July 7.-Thc
starters In today's yacht race were the
Vigilant, fliitsmila and Majorle. The
course was from the Isle of Rule across
the Clyde and around a mark boat,
oft Kllcreggan, themes hom, twice
around. The distance was fifty miles.
The Vigilant, at 17$ tons, to ths Hrtt
smrlit'x ISO tons, allow the Prince of
Wales' cutter three minu'.M and the
Msjorlo eighteen mlrutes. The day
whs clear, and 175 ys-tt crowded with
spectators folkiwed th racrs. The
Vigilant made a bad start, three
fourths of a tnlute behind the Ilrtt
snnla. Amid rousing chesrs the three
schts bore away short on Ihe star
board tack. Th Vigilant was closing
In on the leaders and lying high up
In the wind. The ItrltannK had a
short hitch about 2o0 yards out ami
had to stand up on the weather of
the Vigilant, the American yacht be
Ing twenty lcng-th behlnl.
Marvelous seamanship was displayed
by the captUns of the Vigil? nt and
Rrttannia. The Vigilant clos-fl up on
the Drttanniu nesting Obache light
house, but passing the light house
the Rrltsniila Increased the gap. The
eorrert Ume of the flrat round was:
Britannia, 1:25:38; Vigilant. 1:39
At Cloche light house, on the
second rourd, the Vigilant was
only a minute astern, but this
wss only three miles from
store. The time of the tws yschts
st the finish line wus: Vigilant, 4:16:37,
HrUtttuHla 4:17:12. The Britannia, with
n lime allowance of threo minutes,
won by -one minute and flfty-flve sec
Hon. 8. R. Dole Is the First Presl
dent Named.
San Francisco, July 7. The United
Press corresHndent at Honolulu, writ
ing under date of June 29th, per steam
ship MonowvU, wlrich arrived this
morning, ssys th constltulktnal con
vtntlon on the 24th adopted ihe fol
lowing resolution:
Resolved. That the constitutional
convention arrange) to doS' Its la
bors on or bef tre Tuesday, July 3d,
and that a publlo pcm lajn Hlon of
the cais-liluUon of the republic of
Hawaii be made on the Uh day of
July at such plu.-o and nonr as may
be approved.
"He K further resolved, That the
Hon. Harford Ballard Dole then and
there take oath of president of the re
public of Hawaii and announce the
name of his cabinet.
"He M further resolved. That a com
mittee of five members of this con
vention be appointed to make all the
tiecesNi ry arrangements!"
Cob r.el V. V. Ashford sai l this week
to the ohlef Justice that the natives
were totally unavailable for making
i ny resistance to the government and
any Insurreiion or revolution which
depended on them was hopeless. Ash
ford, with Bob Wilcox, headjd such
an Insurrection In 1892, hoping to make
a republic and secure annexation, but
were arreStad by Wilson before they
could get their forsea tmto action. The
JniHinese commissioner has asked and
rwelved permission for ttie men of
the Congo to land for a shore drill.
This accentuates the distinction made
against the British forces.
has Angeles, Cl July 9. The over
land train on the Santa Pe left this
morning with a Pullnmn attached.
Few paasxvgers were board. The
tmln was manned by a nonunion crew,
, A sensation was caused this morn
ing by a report that trie Southern Pa
cific officials have refusod to attempt
to move tiulns with Pullmans attached
on the ux.iund that tho protection
given by the government is not suffic
ient to prevent serious trouble. Su
perintendent Mulr received a telegram
from Towne this morning rot to run
trains with Pullmnne unless assured
every protection by government offic
ials. The district attorney considers
It only a part of -the waiting game
played by the Southern P&alflo offla
lals, and s-nt word to Mulr that un
less an attempt was mala vo move
both the freight nnd passeniYer trains
and regular overland . wltik Pullmans
the olTloUls of the road ftm Hunt
ington dwo would bo considered In
contempt of Judge Ross' court, and
would have to appear before the court
and answer to the charge forwlth.
Up to the noon hour no Attempt has
been made to man a ivy but the regular
local tmliw, which never carry Pull
mans, and no preparations have been
made to I'tirt fralght trains, Dlstrht
Attorney Call suggested to the officials
that freight trains be sent tut on the
Yuma division and followed at onoe
by the regular overland with Pull
Is the Oregon National Guard Organ
izing This Enterprise.
Portland, July 7. Final arrangements
have been made for a celebration on
the summit of Mount Hood, Thursday,
July 19th, From 200 to 300 are ex
pected to make the ascent. A ban
quet will be spread on the summit. At
10:30 at night a party that will remain
all night on the summit will burn red
fire. Parties are being organized in
Portland, Oregon City, Vancouver,
Forest Grove, Corvallls, Salem, Mon
mouth, Hcod River, The Dalles and
several other places,
Phiiadivlnhla. July 7. John P. Hays,
secretary-treasurer of the Knights of
Iiabor, left Philadelphia this morning
for Elbem, N. J., Where, In compapy
with a delegation of Chicago business
men. he will endeavor to induce Pull-
m.m to take soma action locking to a
settlement of the strike. Hays said
the counsel of the Knights of Labor
om nremriniff D&Ders looking to the
impeachment of Attorney General 01
ney for calling out the United States
troops without tha authority ox. law,
and it will be presented to congress
in a few days.
Five pt Per Copy.
Highest of aU in Leavening Power. Lateat U. S. Gov't Report
WAf H1NGTON, July .-In the sen
ate today Peffer offered an omnibus
resolution providing:
First That all public functions ought
to be exercised through public agents.
Second Thst all interstate roads
ought to be brought under one control
and order the supervision of public
officers, and that the charges for train
transportation of persons and property
throughout ths United States ought to
be uniform and that the wages of em
ployes ought to be regulated by law
and paid promptly In money.
Third That all coat beds ought to
be owned and worked by the govern
ment and that wages of employes
should be paid In money when due.
Fourth That all money used by the
people ought to be supplied only by
the government of the United States.
and that the rate of Interest ought to
be uniform In all the states.
Fifth That all revenues from the
goverament ought' to be raised by
taxes on real estate.
Tha resolution went over until to
morrow without action.
Hunter's Quay, July 10. With a
very light air blowing across the bay
the Vigilant and Britannia started this
mornlr.g lr a race for the Clyde Corin
thian cup, over a 60-mlle course. With
a time allowance of three minutes, th
Britannia defeated the Vigilant by
minuter and 62 seconds.
London, July lO.-Jhe Vigilant, Brit
annla and Satanita have been entered
for the gold cup.
Plttfbursr. July 7. The tinDlnt scale
was slgt.ed today at a conference of
manufacturers and workmen. This
with the settlement of the sheet scale
affects 16.000. General resumption will
take place rext week.
Springfield, July 7. Governor Altgeld
has received offers of assists nee from
various vetiran guardsmea throughout
the state. All the state mllttla are
bow In the field, except fourteen com
panies held In reserve.
Prices of Grain and General Produce
at the Metropolis. .
Portland The local market Is dull
and quotations remain nomlnil ot 75c
per cental for Walla Walla and 77'jC
per cental for valley.
Chicago. Wheat opened at 3-8 to Mc
decline, gradually advanced; fell
off l-8c; became very, quiet; changed
but little and the clore Showed but
l-8o loss. Privati cables were rather
conflicting. There was evidently ex
pectation of a bullish government re
port. Closing: Cash, 51c; Septem
ber, 58 5-8c.
Flour Standard brands are quota
ble as follows: Portland, Salem, Cas
csdla and Dayton, $2.55 per barrel;
Walla Walla. J2.90; Snowflake. S2.55;
CorvaUls, $2.W; Pendleton, $2 50.
Oats Sttdy at 38c per bushel for
white and 35c for gray.
Millstuffs-Bran, $15 to $17; shorts.
$16 to $18; chop feed, $15 Ito $16; mid
dllngs, WS to $23 per torn
Hay Good, $10 to $12 per ton.
Butter regohi fancy -reuniery,
18 to 20c per pound; fancy dairy, 15 to
Cheeee Oregon, 11 to 12c per
pound; Swiss, domestic, 10 to ISc.
Eggs Firm at 15c.
Poultry Old chickens Are quoted
at $3.50 to $4 per dosen. Young are
worth from $2 to $3, according to size.
Potatoes Weaker, 85 to POc per
Vegetables Oregon cabbage, 40 to
60e per doxen; cauliflower, $2.75 per
crate, $1 per dozen; peas, 3VaO per
Berries Raspberries, 4 to 5c per
pound; blackoerrles, 10c per pound;
currants, 4 to 6c.
Fresh fruit OVegon cherries, 15 to
COc per box.
Dried fruits 1893 pack, Petite
prunes, 6 to 8c; silver, 10 to 12c; Ital
ian, 8 to 10c; German, 6 to 8c; plums,
8 to 10c; evaporated apples, 8 to lOo.
Hops Pieces nomlnnll, as fotlowts:
Choice, 10 to 11c; medium, 7 to Sc.
The le.tlter of Thomas & Short, of Lon
don, dated June 16th, Is as follows:
"Inquiry is e toady for English hops,
but business Is restricted by the hold
ers of tho few, now unsold, asking
more than buyers are disposed to pay.
There is a little more doing In states,
but chiefly in the low grades, say at
14c to 15 l-4c. A demand for the
choice sorts may possibly come on
soon. In Pacifies, no alteration can
be reported here. Trade drags along
at last quotations, 151-4 to 18 l-4o.
Plantation reports ell Fpeak of an in
crease of vermin, and tjiablllty to use
the wrashor effectually owing to the
excessively wet condHtlon of the
ground. A. continuance of cold wet
weather should, we think, soon Influ
ence prloes for the better."
Wool DuM, Valley, 10 to 104c per
pound; Umpqua, 10 to lOVjc;- Eastern
Oregon, 4 to 7c, according to quality
and shrinkage.
Provisions Eastern hams, medium,
14o per pound; large, 13Vjc; hams, pic
nic, 11 to 12c: breakfast bacon, 13 to
15c; short clear sides, 96 to 11c.
HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-
dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent
constipation. !
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of TT-raes 40 Years the Standard
No. 34.
His Connection With Various Labor -A Great Organ
Izer-'Past Sncsegsm
Thousands of people are dally, m
qulrin who 1s Eugene V. Debs, who
has lately sprung Into such great
prominence as president of the Amer
ican Railway Union, Debs is sv loco
motive fireman and one of the solest
and moat popular of men. He at not
quite 40 years of age, having been
born November 6, 1855, in Terr Haute,
Ind which oily Is still his home.
IDs father is a well-to-dj grocery man
Young Debs attended the puMIc
schools for a Ume, and took a course
at a business college, prosecuting his
studies mostly at night and working
during the day, aestating ills father,
Who was then, as now, In the grocery
In May, 1870, he commenced work In
the VandaUa paint shops In Terra
Haute, where he continued eubout
twenty months, until, when only ,6
years of age, he was given a position
as fireman on a Vendalla engine, run
ning between Indianapolis aud Terra
Haute, He held .this position a HtUe
over three years, when he left tt to
accept a position In a wholesale
house, in which he remained until
1879, when he was elected city cterk
of Terre Haute on the democratic
ticket, running 1100 votes ahatd of
his ticket. He was re -el ic ted at the
end of his first term by a majority of
110!, being one of only two democrats
elected In the city.
Prior to his election as city clerk of
Terre Haute, he had Joined Toga
lodge- No. 16; Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen at Terre Haute, and
represented his lodge at the national
convention of the brotherhood at In
dianapolis In 1877. Again In 1878. he
was a delegate to and' assistant
retary of the convention of locomotive
firemen hall at Buffalo. This con
vention elected him associate editor
of the Locomotive Firemen's Maga
zine, the official organ of the order.
In 1880, when only 25 years of age,
he was appointed grand secretary and
treasurer of the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Firemen, which poeltlon he
held continuously for twelve years,
when he retired, it was 'aid becausu
he was dissatisfied with the manage
ment of the broth3irhooi'3 affairs by
some of the other officers. At the
time Of Deb's appointment as grand
secretary and treasurer of tho order, '
it was without a dollar and $6000 in
debt There were sixty lodges with a
total membership of less titan 2000,
many of them badly disorganized and '
their members disheartened. The or
cer from that time on grew rapidly,
the debt waa soon paid off, the poorly
organised lodges were put on their
feet again, and when he retired from
the position there were nearly 500
splendidly organized ledges with 30,000
It Is a significant fact that while the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
at once commenced and afterward
continued to prosper, when Deba took
hold of It, it immediately got on the
down grade when he left It and has
remained there ever since. ,
He has a wide reputatkn as an or
ganizer. Manager Towne, of the
Southern Pacific, la quoted as saying:
"Debs is the greatest organiser that
I have ever heard of." The fact that
he is something of an organiser Is
shown by the magnitude of the pres
et t strike, which he cheerfully prom
ises to make bigger if It continues a
little longer, and no one doubts his
ability to fulfill his promises to that
When the American Railway Union
began Us fight against the Great
Northern Railway company all the
railway undons were arrayed against
It The Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, the Order of Railway Con
ductors, (the Brotherhood rut Locomo
tive Firemen, the Brotherhood of Rail
way Switchmen, all the railroad or
ganizations wre opposed to the strike
on the Great Northern railroad a few
months ago.
The chiefs of the various organiza
tions of railroad men m t and con
ferred with the heads of the various
railroad companies. They tendered
the railroad men their support, and
told them that their employes would
not strike. Orders were. issued to the
members of the orders named not to
go out with the American Railway
Union. With all the old lexders of
the -old organizations arrayed against
him, Eugene Debs won the strike
against the Great Northern Railroad
company, and from that day the lead
ers of the old organizations have seen
'their power wane. '
Eugene Debs stands today the most
conspicuous figure in the labor world.
In person ' Mr. Debs is over Blx feet
In height, well formed and of grace
ful bearing and exceedingly pleasant
address. He is unassuming, yet seems
possessed of all the requisites for a
great leader of men, as which he has
figured for tho past fourteen! ' years.
He waa elected a member of the In
diana legislature In I8S5. ' The strike
ha has inaugurated overshadows in
magnitude any previous strike ever
known, with great liability of becom
ing still larger.
n. r. nsrrwon vu., v,, -