SIDE. PERSONAL. tel I for sale ir 4t up from Portland )n the elty on biiHl ent to Portland hud .ler returned fmiu Alrlle, wa at the jla week. lelon, of Taeoina, In I Wheeler. mlved h flu buggy .Thursday eve. McMlmmlle, was In ay ami Saturday, H.Ciaven aud 0. A ilng friends tu Halem json, our efficient sup- schools, vm In the city hltesker took the train for Yaqttlna bay, ou j of Halem, grandson of , was In town Ninday es. leFarland of the M K. took the train fur Cor ny. a of Halem, was tu town tig about probably wltb less. knity who has been vlalt Albany, arrived home on Jus's train. , with bin Cleveland bloy Mini; much attention at jday morning. jra man working for Mr. brtunatcly broke his leg tin from a dump cart. JNW. Dorrer, of Nebraska, I city liwt Weduesduy. lie lookont for a home. H. Moran for constable, II vote tor an able and 1 man for that position 3ay evening the Elwocd ;he bar near the landing, pulled off by the Altona. vine returned home from float Thursday, where he Hiding a couple of weeks. It. of Salem, extend an the soldiers of Polk to be le 3uth ot May, at Salum. r, telephone operater In f Miss Jexsie Stump of Ha- een sending some days In parts of the county comes srs of the prospects of a re. jtory In June. Whoop up . ; er, son of George Skinner, d from Chicago, wl ere he tending school for the past vhs. euile city band assembled lu il chamber Friday evening ed in practice. They are be jite proficient. bert Rhodes, wee Williams, of J. J. Williams of Dallas, 1 Craven of Dallas, were the f W. W. V llllums and wife ? 'V;--. ' furniture establishment makes inlay of parlor and kitchen j, and he sells lower than any ise this side of Portland. Ulve - , iou-e of John Hustings near u burned to the ground on f lust. The house was built jMurphy, now deceased, about lin ago. tewls and wife of Lewisville, jbwn last Friday. lie reports ier, "Uncle" David Lewis who Oregon hi 1845, us still able to ng about. Lottie Hellen brand, of Halem, jown lastButidny., Miss Hell il Is a bicyclist of considerable id also, a stenographer and tj pe of ability. i Plummer, our next . sheriff, tou n last, week, receiving con lions from his friends on his jtive victory on the 4th of June, 1 make an abie and efficient I . : Minnie Tethero took the north strain forBallston last Saturday, 'engaged in teaching school at Dint. Hhe is a granddaughter of in Tel hero, who came to Oregon ) for Edgar L. Collins, republl urveyor, and you will be sure to iu official who will satlcfactorily in the duties Incumbent upon Don't forget Edgar L. Collins ,'ctioti day. I the people of Independence te to the fact that we mui have a 3 celebia.Ion here the 4th oT July, (then take steps to make It the glorious Fourth ever celebrated in county. , " M. Vauduyn has put prices to suit nnrd limes. His stoek of clothing I dress goods are of the best make j material, and always gives satls- lou to bis patrons. Look in at the iduyn corner. . H. II. Dot ram of Newherg, was In the city Saturday. J. H, Oijier took the train for Nrt land last Tuesday. Tho very let of fresh bread every day at J. P, Irvine. Skinner A Co. are now turning out 40 barrels of flour day, Mrs. Emma Perkins mine tip from Portland uuWedniduy' train. K Gttaud hear Wallace, NoOnnmtit at Monmmith, thla (Friday) evening.' W. E. Wllllama aud wife of Alrlle, passetl through town Tuely towards Salem. Win ftwldson of lkieim Vlatii, wus In town hist t&itunlay, Un reporia bio ho all right. The A. O. U. W. will give a grvud ptonle on lalunlay May UtHh, ut Am ity. A glorious time Is expected. W. M. .jle of Prlnevlile, was In tho city Monday. He ht a sou of J. It. Lyle, alsmt the first county clerk of Pwlk county. . , Henderson Muqihy was lit the city Monday. He mUl stays with potatoes and will plant a rather large acreage this season. . Call on MeKaeliero A HanderH!k for anything In the crockery Hue also fancy goods and flue groceries. If you want good articles at low prim. IX W. Sears & Cw. have yet In store about $511,000 bushels of wheat On Monday we were informed that wheat was worth 40 oeuta per bushel here. Itcv. J. L. Hershuer came up from MeMlnnvillu Tuday. The reverened gciuleman Is ever active and alert In the discharge of bis ministerial duties. People bsve eom to the conclusion tlmt the ' bung hole" is all tuat Is left of the democratic rty since Clew land took the helm. ' After the election even the bung-hole will have vanUhed, The commencemeiit of the lndepen deiicu public school comes off on the 81st of May. A good programme has ln prepared for the oeconlon. let ail interested In the cause or eduestlon attend. we say ior the iieneiu or all coiir ceromi or Interested in any way, that the Talmage track Is In fttH-ctnas eon. ditlon, and Is consldere'i by turfmeu as the lsst track on tli Pacific cwat for making fast time. O'Donnell's display of farming Im plements and agricultural machinery attracts the atUnUon of vUltors to the city. Everything in their line not on hand, orders for such Will be filled promptly and to the satisfaction of pa trons, i W. A. Wailcott, who lived with bin sou, opposite Independence, died and denly, Saturday morning, the l'Jth Inst. He had been ailing for some time, and on some of tbe family coming Into the the house be was found lifeless sitting In a chair. - ; The case of the (State v James G. Darrance, was tritnl before Justice Lines Haturday, and a verdict of f 10 and costs was rendered against tbe de fendant. Quite a large number were In attendance during, the trial which lasted until a late hour in the nlitht. In all cases, where a mild but effect ive aperient Is needed, Aycr's Pills arc the best. They Improve the apiietitc, restore healthy action, promote diges tion, and regulate every function. No pill Is In grtii'.et demaud, or more highly recommended by the profession. The vast facilities of the J. C. Ayer Co., of Lowell, Mas.,' enable them to place I be Superior Blisxl Purifier Ayer's Karsaparllla within easy reach of tbe pool cut Invalid. Don't be in- dueed to take a cheap substitute. Al ways remember that the best is tbe cheapest. s Henry Pat lei son, Joe Hlinchlierg and others went down to Itlckreall last Tuexduy to attend the speaking of Wal lace McCammani of Portland. They report having heard olie of the most eloquent speeches of the present cam paign. Republican principles are fast gaining popular favor. The sud death of tho two little child-' ren occurring at ttie late nie at ic- Mlnnvllle Is spoken of here In terms of deepest sorrow and sympathy for the diatresHed ones who are left behind. They can only look to an all wise Prov idence for consolation iu this their hour of affliction. A poetically inclined editor thus re marks on the present situation: King a song of uickles, a pocket full of trash, over bead and ears in debt, out of ready cash. Heat of flying collectors busy as can be, ain't we had a busy time, in 181)3. Orover In the White House playing with the kids, Carlisle iu the treasury cancelling silver bids. Congress trying all they can to make us still more poor, ain't we got a bright outlook for 1894. , A. M. Hurley took the south bound fraln Monday for Corvallis to visit IiIh mother who ls,a resident of that city, Mr. Hurley's mother was bom In Nova Scotia, and from there went to Wiscon sin In 1846, and came to. Oregon with a horse team In 1804 Hhe is "now In her 88th year and enjoying comparatively good health. Her great grand-father was the first man who settled in Har rlsburg, Pennsylvania, and the city takes its name from hioi. A rainbow social was given st the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Jeff B'ryer last Thursday evening. About 70 friends of the Y. P, 8, C. E. were- pros ent and enjoyed themselves with social games, etc , until quite a late hour. Ice creum and cake were partaken of with a relish, and every tiling conspired to render the occasion a most enjoy able one. Prof, Creasy's orchestra was present and discounted mimic In melodious strains to the listnlng ear. Mrs. Williams," of Tacoma, ' was also present, and gave some excellent selec- Itlan on the piano and guitar, W. L. Nelson of Portland, was visit tug the city Tuesday, Vote for J, P, Magruder, for county surveyor. He is thoroughly qualified to fill the ofllee, , The Wkst Hunt is printing the elect Ion tickets at a less cost xr llmtisund, for iM.tW, ttmu In Lluu county for (10,. 000, Hon. Julia While mid wife were in the city Hundny, He reports crops in his vicinity looking well, ami the school progressing smout hly. An Amerlcaii f'JO gold' le passes In aaypartof the world for Its face value. It contains exactly fiti worth of bullion besides (he alloy, Mrs. Wm, Ioimrl has, with the In culmtor,liad 2tw chickens brought lo light. Khei xpects wlthlu two weeks more to have tho number tncroawd To 400. Miss Sophia (toff has accepted a ohI tloit lu a drcNMUiaklng (Mtablltilimcnl In Han Francisco, and her return to Inde pendence will he delayed for an bidet! ulte perlml. Mrs. A. J. (luodman recelvlnu a li t- egram iiotlfylngVer that her molber was sick at Albany, went up to that elty to be In attendance tim her dur ing her llluess. Much talk of caterpillars being num erous in the tree they aretooyount; to do much dnmae at present, but cannot tell what their ravages may be w hen they a rri ve at mat orlty. The Gooper-Alvxunder Drug Co. bv on band and are continually receiving fn'itli additions to their stuck. Cull on them when you want fresh and pun drugs, or any thing lu their line. Up to last Saturday the business men of ibis city hvd subscribed $ ! towards the erection of the Present! & A'cnesn sawmill, The bun I new. men are entl tied to much nimmendatloii for their liberality. . Fred Doughty and Peter Cooke haye returned from Pendleton, where they had been in attendance on toe grand lodge, I.O. O. F., as delegates. Thej expreas thenimlvi-s us liavlng bad an enjoyable time. Pink Patterson's fresh stoek of con fectionery Is now In store. Ho always receive bis patroiis with a benignant timllo, hands out the candy ami take in the dimes with courteous dignity. Don't forget Pink. Al Orabam, formerly one of Polk county's noted clilwna, but now a res ident of Halem, made us a call lat Sun day. At Is one of the old live republi cans, and always bus been an active worker In the party. - M Ims Edith Casavaiit culled at the Wkst Sihk nflfee Monday, on buiucj connected wltb the Normal. Miss Caxa vant is the elllelent teacher of the Model H-ho(d at Monmouth, and her servlw are highly appreciated ty the people of that model city. Mr. Watontt'a remain were con signed lo their last resting nlace ou Sunday, lu odd fellow cemetery, south of town. Rev. D. V. Poling conducted the buriat services In nu impressive manner. The Wit Finn extends Its condolence to the faintly of the de ceased. E. E. Paddock has traced relation ship with the Hon, Roswtll (, Horr, the world's renowned orator, After hearing liorr's true exposition of re publican principles we have concluded to claim relationship also. We will ex tend tbe scaich back to tb time ot Adam and Eve. D. L. Keyt, candldute for represent ative on the republican ticket, Is a man of excel .ent abllltii-s. He is a life long resident of Polk, Is well acquainted with tbe needs of tbe county and state, and will give his time aud energy to advance tbe Interests of bis coimtitu- ents. Give him a routing majority. Prof. P. A. Gctr., of Monmouth, bus received tbe appointment to the presi dent chulr of the school at Ellcnstmig. We regret the Ions to the community of Prof, (Jet., as be lias been one of the uiont etlktent and suc cessful teachers ilcuiih and prosperity attend him Is the wish of the Wisr The game of baseball ut tbe Talmage grounds between the Independence aud Sulein teams lust Sunday reunited lu a victory for the Halem nine. Ibe score itaiidiugl4 to 12. It was a well contested game, but oer Isiys having had but little practice this spring were not entirely at themselves, Look out for the next game. Last Friday evening Hone Company No. 2 wus out on a drill. At the coi ner of Dr. Babbitt's house they faH tencd to the plug, ran out the hotto fifty yards and then, threw water around . promiscuously. lroni there they ran to the R. M. Wadtf corner, attached tbe hose and run out to J. R. Cooper's corner, where water was again thrown. These drills are very benefi cial aud should be more frequent, Five small bouts filled with men went down the liver Hunday In seiucb of tbe body of ilouck, but were uimuo censl'ul in their search. The river where he fell from tbe boat was full of snug", and t e probabilities are that bis body may have become fastened to one of of them. . Jir. Ilouck hud long been In the employ of J. R. Cooper, was an honest and Industrious mini, and we now hear many speak In terms of praise of him. . " A. 11. Adklns has rented the Shelly dwelling house, ono of the best rowl deuces in the elty, to tuke posHenslon about September Int. Mr. Adklns Is one of our wideuwake progressive citi zens lie came to Oregon In 1870, al most friendless aud peinii ess, and now, by patient industry and determination to snccee be is one of our most pros perous and substantial men, and -by a coiitiuuanco of the same Hue of indus try he bids fair to become, in the ucar dlstant future, a wealthy man. The Piano mower Is a "daliy," J. F. U'DoiincIl, sole agent. Independence turned out In full font last Haturday night. J, Veness and wife have been spend lug some day in Kings valley thla week. Vote for J. D. Irvine for Justice of the peace. He will be the right Bn In ihe light place. ! Plenty of uood Oregon butter all the time at J. P. Irvine's cash grocery, for 15 cents per sund. ItuboHall brought the first wool to market Wednesday, and sold 000 lbs, for. 10 ceiilii r pound. When you want Dcerlng or Ostwrne binder or mower extras, call ou tb agent, J, F. O'Dounell. Fred MeCurty, of Dulls, was in town Wednesday. He will visit relative south of town before his return to Dab las. Wanted A position in private fam lly, by a young lady, 11 year of age, at fl.SO a week. Leave word at tula olllee. M.NldioU, formerly of MoonuHittaj but now a resilient of Linn county, la visiting fiieud here and in the vicinity. Another car-bd of sugar at J, P, Irvine's this week, (let your summer's aupply, us sugar la going tu be higher In the ftult seoaon, Itev. Futtrell of tbe M. E. churob South at Dallas, ha been sojoufulng with us for some day. He take dally exercise on hi bleycle. , Three plenlcs on s Baturdayj The grange plenlo, at Soap Creek; theteavb era, at itlckreall; aud the A.O. U. W. at Amity, Take your choice, Rev. I). V, Poling will conduct aer vices next Sunday at Itlckreall, In the morning at 11 o'clock, an I In this elty ut ::)0 o'clock lu tho evening. I). O. Quick, of Suvcr, wa lu town Wednesday, on bis way home from Washington county. He reports fruit prospects much better in Polk than in Washington county, ( Bids for wishI for the public school were opened Monday morning and the contract for furnishing (he wood wus awarded lo Albert Lemon. Cou trad price per cord, $2.35. C. K. Merrill Is building three uew hop hoiiites scnw the river ; this adilt tlou of t lirxH. will makeseven hop house he ha under hi control. Surely Mr. Merrill U a hop man of the Ami water. Itcv. JUd win's flue residence I neap ing completion, The roof I on and puluted, and the first coat of paint has U-en applied to the tKidy of the houm It fegin to have an attractive ap pearance, Mesitr. Geo. Skinner A Co. report sfltixfaetory progress on the passenger sicnmlHwt building at Portland, for the IiMb'pcn.ieinv and Kateiu trade, and that it will make It trial trip about the Int of July. Fruit Jars! Fruit Jar! Just received at J. P. Irvine, a car-load of Mason fruit Jars, In all size, and will be sold for cuhli at hard-time prices, lie sure and call and get price before buying, a we will save you money. Lt by Geo. H. Thorpe, between Suvcr sud Independence, on Monday, May 21st, a pasteboard box, containing a white shirt and vest. Any person finding the same will tie suitably re warded by leaving It at this ofUce, Mrs. Henry Rest, daughter and a niece from Tacoma, were visiting friends in the city last Saturday. Mr, liewt has sown about tweuty acre of clover tbl spring a an experiment to teat Its growt,h a a forage plant on hi farm. Geo, Utter and wife of New berg, spent a few days In town this week, visiting with Mrs. Utter' mother, Mrs. Wm. Jones. George Is farming at his new home, and is now a Jolly granger with hayseed In his hair and money in Ills pocket. ' Call on Fruitier & Bon, Monmouth, for the Osborne machines and any thing in the hardware line, and you will be sallsllcd with prices and mate rials purchased. Don't forget Fra.ler & Hon. Anything iu their line fur nished to order. - : Messrs. P. II, McCabe A Co., the tile makers, of Independence, have finished burning, this week, one of tbe finest lot of tile ever turned out of the facto ry. Persons dcslrl ng a superior quality of tiling should call and Inspect It. Hereafter all "tile will be carefully graded. " "Live and let live" Is our motto. Rut, Judging from reports that come to this paper (here are persons, prominent In biiHiuess, In Independence, who clr eulctcj absolutely false stories, In order to injure this paper, mid build up an other. Wo are glad to state that the effect Is exactly opposite from that in tended, which Is true in all such cases. Prof. Adams, of Newberg, called at the Wkbt Sinn office last Saturdayi The queHflou of bidding the next state teachers association at Newport was brought up. Newport would be a good place tor (hat purpose, a its salubrious sea air would be . cotidimlve to . good houltli, and altogether It would . be a fitting place for the teacher's association Rev, J. Fred Jenkins, pastor of the Baptist church made" us o call Monday morning. He represents tbe church in a flourishing wnditlony Two new converts were baptized last. Bundayi The oftlccrs of the Hunduy school are P. W. Haley, Bupt.j W. L Wilklnsj ast 8upt.j Mrs. H. O. Finch, 8co. Ki C. Pontlund, asst. Bca; 1 Mr. D. h. Taylor, Treasj D. H. Taylor, librarian. There are 175 scholars enrolled 141 of them in uttendaiiRo last Sunday, The officials of the Young Peoples' Union ure E, C. Pentland, Pres.j W. . Ferguson, vice Pres.; Ed Manterson Beo.j Florence Alexander, Trea, Call and see the Piano steel binder, J. F. O'Donuell baa just received a carload direct from the factory. Last Tuewlay, Claude Hubbasd, sou of J. E, Hubbard, of thl city, received ft letter from Mis Laur. Preston, of Portland, superintendent of the stute Junior Christian Endeavor society, oon gratulatlng tilm ou : the graceful and hcnutlful manner in which he ronde re sponse to the greeting of the Corvullls Juniors, it tbe state convention held at Corvallis, ' Tli promptne and certainly of It cure have made Chamberlain Cough Remedy famous. It t tuteiHinl espec ially for ootigh cold, croup and wltopnlug cough, aud la the iiuwt efPH'tual remedy known for tlieae dl. ease. Mr. C. H. Main, of Union City, Pa., say; "I bave. a great sale ou Cbaodwrlalu'a Oougb ttemedy. I mm rant every botil and have never heard of one falling to glveeutlrssatlstscUou.'' 60 cent bottle for sale by all dealer. . H, B. Tklelsw's Perm. . H. B. Tblelson and wife were in town Wednesday. Mr. Tblelson haa 404 acre of rich farming laud lying on tbe IiaCreolJut below Derry. He haa an orotmrd of 1A aerea of the best auloitlon of fruit. . But barn I a capaclou one and will bold 140 ton of bay.: . Tbl season be baa 9 acre In hop, and con template increasing the acreage to 80 next fall. He hi i man wbo takes care of hit farming machinery, and keeps It well-houaed when, not in use, thus saving aniuadly much expenditure of money, which at way accrue to the farmer - by the posure of maobl nery to Uiu atorma of wiuter. ? He baa a nice nillkhouse, where la stored tho product of bla dairy, The house of Mr. Thlel aon is situated on an eminence com mending a beautiful view of the ur- rounding country, aud there a fine oak-grove bouudlng It ou the west, while lawn-flower lu abundanoe dec orate the premise aurroutidlug the bouM, and everything denote the res idence of tbe model farmer, Mr. Thlel on and wife are well-known for their geueroatty and hospltslity, aud. the stranger I never turned empty away, If In need. Man' Inbnniaalijr to Hunself. Tbe mot inhuman outrage, outrage which would disgrace the savage, man perpetrate upon lils own system by swallowing drastM purgatives which oonvulae hi toiueh, goniw) hi In teatines and weaken bis system. Many people constantly do tbl under (bo Im pression that medicament only which are violent In their action, and particularly cathUrtlc, areof any avail, Irreparable injury to health I wrought under thl mlstakeu Idea, The laxative whleb most nearly approaches the beneficent action of nature I Hostet ter Htoruaob Illttera, wbieh I palule but tlMirough, and Invigorate the In tetlnal canal luatead of weakenlug aud Irrltallug It. The liver aud tbe stohiach share In the benign discipline Instltntcd by this oomprelK?nlve medicine, whose healthful Influence I felt throughout tbesystenu Malarious, rheumatic, kid ney aud nervous complaluUsuccumbto It. , . ' Dill Allowed. The following I tbe list of bill al lowed at the May term of tbe county court! f W Xirktsnd, replrlri road iwraper..t CO Wlleos, tuldwln Co., rforl...... Crarcu Bro., good pauper nwount. Uenton, I.V(rrt A Vo dond rxrl , Jordaa A-II ale, goods pauper aooount.. 714 Vi ( ROD t (10 aw e it to SCO MK20 goo 10 36 1 uo V B Urant, tleetric llht r Aprils, II M Lioim, ftw HUM v illller V W William " A. M Hurlvy . ' . v B F Mulkejr, fee Aprll..M... 0 W Hmtlh, HU.I vi l)vl 0 W Hmlth, 8U( lfi'loy..!?. A M Hurley, - . E L Holler, jr W Heller - . ... DBler, " " ..,...,. IICKrly,. W L Wslli, fw Ar April. W I, Wlls, .reeBIt vs rarloy... . (! II Cbipnmn, dk for trMnurer. F (1 Devol, 1 wolfiolp. i. T U Uuiler, fw Hnyder rod..... W A Raymond, vlnwer Hnyilr road.... rmnk Hutlff, " " J A Crawtt SMntt, . " . " 1 0 WllkM, " K ilryanl, . " " A HlnHliHw, paper ooi)nt John Tettl, bum biir........ Jolin Teal, lumtwr.. .......... Quo Wnltenkor, Btate vi MoQawlen... 1 M Simpson, awi nd ooiiiinllon... UBysrly, M ..... O VV Hlddoai, lunilxsr. . M Morrlitou, Imrdwura., ... . .. 10 1 DO 1 1 10 uwao B10 80 ( sou , 800 3 no a oo a to 300 2 00 3 00 IS W) 6 00 ft 74 I TO It 80 11 40 15 78 . 1 86 WOO 12)0 ID ! V H Grant, itallonefy L II Krnser, stock Innpeutor. E C Pentland, printing and blank.. J D Holt, drag psupar account 6 U0 M Morrlnon, nulla 1 no E O I'sittland, blank, eto ....... W 60 J M Cbnpmun, coin a for Mm (j KUalny. 20 M K B BUniley, medlanl twirvteet, Mills.... 2A oo Motion, Uygeri Co., utlon(ry. ...... 24 so Bn 0 Irwin Co., itattonory, clerk i 00 Olflord Lady, wildcat (lp. ..... l oo W A WRNh, pub loaobor'i notice ... 1 oo J W Boyer, wood, pauper account-....- 4 SO T I Lee, examining linmno patient.-., ft 00 Lee Babbitt, 2 receipt, 8 A Smith.... 2 60 II I) Conper, (alary, April . . 82 50 T O Hnichtnion, (alary nd stationery, 73 26 W(t Hide, pub teaoher' notice . 20 Mevlon, Dygort A Co,, deed record...... .2A AO Valley Tranncrlpt, pub teocben notice. 1 10 John U Hale, good to pauper, Jurvl. 8 oo " " ,' " Kramor.. 5 00 Mm 8 Jone, 7 Kud gravel ... 3 22 Doiiglity Hny ter, printing aud (tut'ry I CO Slate of Oreiron, M County of Polk. M ' I, B. F. Mulkey, county clerk of Polk county, aud ex-ofllclo clerk of the, cir cuit court lu and for said county and Btate, do heieby certify that the forego ing transcript of schedule of expendi ture for the May term, 1804, has been by me compared f with the orig inal, aud that It I a true aud correct copy of said original schedule aud of tbe whole thereof, as the sauie apnea is on reoord In my olllee and my custody. Witness my bund and the seal of the county court tills 8th day" of May, A. D. 1804. R. F. Mulkey, Clerk. ,. seal . J Of all the remedli that have ever oome under our notion, claiming to cure headche from whatever cause, we take pleasure in saying that we know of .none that lu our estimation la aa bene- flnlul for tlm Hiiteli Biol wriiiuneiit eur or in aisive complaint as jtrause-s Headache Capsule wbicb r manu factuied by tbe well-known family chemist, Norman Llcbty, , of Do Aloliicn, Iowa. Krausu'e Headaidie Caiisulcs are gunrantecHl to cure bead' ache from whatever cause, and we cheerfully ndvls Hum of the rbtall trade who liave never kept tbe above valuable good in stock, to order a supply at once from tbelr wholesale druggist, or address the proprietor as altovc. The Druggist lieoordf (Halth wore). For sale by Alcxauder-Cooner Drug Co. Council Proceeding1. Tbeclty-ouncil met In tpeclal ses sion Thursday evening the IWh. Pres. ent Mayor Hurley, Councilman J. D. Irvine, Win. Perclval, J. K. Klrkland and II. C. Finch; absent Peter Cook and Geo. Strong. Under tho head of unfinished bus! ness J. D. Irvlue pnwented the follow lug report which was' prescuttd and read: I, J. I). Irvine, hereby report that In pursuance of ordinance No. , I purchased of Lewi Matney aud wife the ground known aa the picnic ground near the property of H. II JkKpenon aud agreed to pay therefor the win of ffido, and have received a deed to Uio siiuw In the name of the 0ty of Independence. That there ia a mortgage agnluat ald property in favor of Mrs. Whiting for the sum of 1500, and that there I due to tbe aald Lewi Matney and wife the sum of (160, for which I ask that the council authorize the recorder to issue a warrant for said amount. ' Moved that report be accepted and warrant be drawu on tbe treasurer for It AO. An ordinance relating to streets, alley, sidewalk, etc., wa passed, Au ordinance for defining vagrancy, and the puulshmeiit therefor wa pncd. . ' . - . There being no further business ts fore the council, ou motion It wa ad journed until the next regular meeting. (naranteed Caret We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, up on this couduioti, If you are aflllcted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung. Throat or CbfHt trouble, and will ue this remedy a directed, giving It a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return tbe bottle and bave your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know bat Dr King' New Discovery could be relied nu. It nver disappoint. Trial bottles free at any Drug Btoro. ( Large slxeSUo and $1.00. ' DAM,A, Or., May 23, 1804. To tbe Voter of Polk County: I am gain before you a a candidate for the office of school superintendent. Owlng tn my profewloiml duties as principal of the Dallas public school, I cannot mnke a cauvna ; I do not know that it would do any good, a my record In tills office for four years is before you aud with that record In your mtuds, It In your wisdom and by your suf frages you again elect me to this re spotiftlhie office, 1 will discharge It to I ue beat of my ability, without fear or favor, looking only to tbe improve ment of our public schools, knowing that the hoiie of our free Institutions lies In the Intelligence of our people and that uluety-tive per cent of the people-get all the education they ever get In tho public schoola. itesjiectfully, 2t W. I. Rkynomw. No Longer a Democrat. In the Oregtmian of March 6th, a sheep-raiser, originally from Texas, speaking of tbe financial condition of Crook county, said: . . "1 fought in tbe Houtbern army to retain, I supposed, my rights. The result wa I lost my negrxs, my ranch and my money. Ho much for lighting for tbe Booth. I then came to East ern Oregon and engaged lu the sheep business, I wus proMrons, and voted the democratic ticket, both national and local. Things moved along nicely until too many voted the democratic ticket and Cleveland was elected. The result Is, I get nothing for my wool, can't pay my herders or store bills, aud am hi the same fix I was in, if not worse, after the war. Now, I have three boys, all growu, who bave, as well as myself, alway voted the demo cratic ticket, but who will never again vote the the democratic national ticket. I am tired of puucblng my own eyes out." When the count Is made in Grant county on the eve of June 4tb, It will be found that there are quite a number In that county who are tired of punch ing their eyes out. They Want Names. The Russell Art Publishing Co., of 928 Arch street, Philadelphia, desire the names and address of a few people lu every town who are Interested iu works of art, and to secure them they offer to send free, "Cupid Guides the Boot," a superbly exeouted water color picture, size 10zl3 Inches, suitable for framing, and sixteen other pictures about the same size, lu colors, to any one sending them at once tbe names of ten persons, with addresses, together with six two cent stamps to cover the expense of mailing, etou The regular price of these pictures Is (1, but they can be secured free by any person for warding the names and stamps ut once, For Sole ,-::..:': Five acres of land, in Whitman's ad. ditlon to Monmouth, with or without orohard. For terms enqulreat the Polk County bank, or of J, II. Moran,- real estate agent, Monmouth, Oregon, 2t SATURDAY'S EXCURSI01I. THE AI.TOSA LEAVE TU WHARF WITH TWO 1T.CPLE. ConstaotlaA Hoack Fall Orerboard and, U UrawaeaVC. W. Fulma Make a Stirring ftpeweh. Two hundred people went from here to Halem ou tbe Altona last Haturday evening to attend tbe great republican rally at that place. All bad a highly enjoyable time, but one lamentable ac cident brought a chill to tbelr enjoy nient. On the way down CouataD tlna Houok fell overboard and.wa drowned. Tbe Altona rounded to, and an effort waa made to rescue tbe drown Ing man, but withoutavall. Thl .de layed the boat for tome time, aud tbu arrived at Halem a little later thai) ex pected. : All apeak in term of highest praise p? a W. Fulton' effort In presenting the principle of lb republican party to the immenat crowd there assembled, aud all left feeling that tbose principle and the party expiating tbem, would gain a victory at tbe June election, and also, that that party and those princi ple must eventually gain ascendency In tbe adminbtration of our goveru- AN ALARM OF FIRE. Hew the New Hum (lot in It Work A Dwelling Haved. The alarm of fire was souuded about 6:30 p.m. last Monday, and aoon people were running in every direction uncer tain a to tbe locality of tba fire; bnt toon tbe place waa located and. ail ran wltb speed to tbe north and of town, aud found tbe firey elemeut bursting forth from thereof of Jerome Dorn dfe's house on the slough. Tbe hose boy were promptly on band and aoon extinguished the names, but not until the roof wa made a wreck and aome damaue doue to the inside of tbe build lug. Tbe building bad been occupied by John Bhlnn and tbe fire originated from a defective flue. All the house hold furniture wan saved. We were informed there was no Insurance on tbe bouse. The citizen were much gratified at the great volume of water which could i be thrown on a fir by reason of the new hose recently pur chased by order ot the city council. The bwe companies are now prepared with material to quickly atop any oon flagatiou that may arise. Our fire boys are tbe laddie to do their work promptly aud efficiently, and when the occasion arise tocalUhem forth, they wilt be on band wltb an alacrity that must always be the preouraon to success. Good luck to our -fire laddies. A Thoughtful Person Consult hi best InteesU by having a box of Krause'a Headache Capsule at baud; taken as directed will prevent or stop auy kind of a headache, no matter what the cause, in fact If your skull was cracked It would prevent pain. 25 eta. per box. For sale by Alexander; Cooper Co. Democratic Speaking. , On last Friday Wm. Galloway .can didate for governor on the democratic ticket, and J. K. Weatberford, candi date for congress oo the same ticket, came down from Corvallis ou the north bound train. The Independence City band waa at the depot at the time of their arrival and gave fourth enllveu- lug strain of muslo a they reached the station. They were escorted to the opera house by a committee appointed for that pur pose, where, being scant ot time, they Immediately took tbe stand and en gaged In tbe discussion of the Issue of the day. They touched upon price and railroads, hops, wheat, the cascade reserve, the mortgage-tax law, of which they were In favor of lta re-euactmeut The silver question was ignored, and the populists were handled very ten derly. Altogether tbelr speeches were of the character of those usually made by democrat, and seemed in harmony with the few democral present. r r a r ,.l ,1 ..n.1MntA B.t. AS, V. O. iWIU, WUUIUHW IU1 DMIW superintendent of schools, waa also present, and mode the most humorous speech of the day. He claimed that he , was fully capable of performing the duties of tbs office for which he was as piring. No doubt Mr. Reid would make a good official were he eleoted. All three of the honorable gentlemen left In the evening for Dallas, where they were announced as speakers for the eveuing. Krause's headache capsular are more pleasant one' convenient to take than powders, wafers, elixirs, ett BORN. HUNT. On Monday morning, May 21, '04, to the wife of 8. P, Hunt, an 8 pound girl. The' father is gloriously happy and probably will have to be set up with to to restrain him from being too much overjoyed. ;.- There ia nothing I have ever used for muscular i heumatlsra that give me as much relief as Chamberlain's Pain Balm does. I have been using it for about two years four bottles in allas occasion required and always keep a bottle of It lu my home. I believe I know a good tblug when I geth old of It, and Pain Bairn Is the best llulment I have ever met with. WV B. Denny, dairyman, New Lexington,! Ohio 6Q cent bottles for tale by all dealear,