The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 27, 1894, Image 1

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    ... XII.
$2.00 Per Year
Five Cents Per Copy.
Inoss Diroctory.
t rwrt AviJil tHirYiat lit forf-
mnvAiiMfa fit) l wlt'itNtiin V
fit m Mtfr iii(mi(irtuft k..
mii to owiH" wwia Ikui a
I hut .w out tfiwn it A
jumaUCor. and MmiromttbiM.
,Ha.irtl. Cor. Msln ftntt 0 Bit.
ftry, otnee Ktrt National Bank.
F. l ntU'wm, Main street
klter Hrtp.. Main utrwt. -' '
kor, irmr 0 trvel.
, CNlSl, oltW B trt.
LiH'U morvb m at Uouty Pd
Hurley, Hyr.
S.V. M, Howrder.
riier. Marshal.
.1. J. Krvd Jwiili
Lytertan, J. A.Twmml.
bwatloual, P. V. ruling.
kwllcftl.8 A.C)ley.
LmH.i.T.W. Potior.
Mian, So Nwldmt pantor.
Mulkoy.O'lKirnwII Brick, upstair.
jnbnn.Cor. lUllroml A Moummttb,
.tTiabMlt, Ind. Ntl Itaok, up stair.
L Krtelium, MuiuinmlU HI., new R. R.
L Duller, ipw houmip Ulr.
DBAVl;61PANTis. Htaat. la 11 mm! Hlr.
p. Klktnik hv orders IMI.
phl Uolt, at wwHim. Railroad at.
Bey, Alexander 4 Co., Main 8tr.
Ltwio Unit., bonus.
Mill Co., (. Skinner Co.
Mllli,D.W. Co.
B, iierij, eor. C and Mitln utreet.
I), cook, Whtwaker Mck.
!M itlrneliberg, Main ilMl, ,
I. Vanduyn.Cor Malnsud C street.
Mill -Whlleaker brick.
hleox. Baldwin A Co.. "th tdC itrewl.
:Kw:bdritt 4 Haitdereock, Corner Main
ily 4 PadJock, Went atdo Main stroet.
I Irvine Whlteakerbrtek.
V. O D miicll, Cur. Main Monmouth HI.
, Wu l A IX, Main and Monmouth Ht.
imt MosOiHc. Main street.
M. Hurley, Muln utreet.
In. A. Hmlth. Ind. Nitl'l Hank, up stair.
fcter Cook, Mulu street.
l,tohnnon. Mslnstfoet
rtwcou A V c!ic, ituw mill.
B. Ij. Iluwkln, cur. Ilullroad and E tret.
red Mlllnr.Cntrwl.
IperlliiK IirM., Muln atruet.
fW. (J. Hltiirman, C street.
I). II. (!rnvi.'n, C trw;t, nnrth tdo.
;n1. lxljje No 22, A. 0. U. W,
ffulley Iilo No. 42, 1. 0. 0, V, (
pvna L'tiljo No. 29, A. V, A A.'M.
lHoiner l)Ago No. 12, K, of 1'. ;
U dmcn
lleb'!Kh DKreo I00K, Clover !eaf No. 68.
The (ern-J, K. Cmiior, prop.
The Castle H. E. Oworix, prftp.
Mitchell A llohannon, Main Mtreeb
M, T. Crow, near dapot.
&run, Eeps, Wool, Pot&ios, EU.
Oregon. 43
Proprietor of
The Independence Mar'bln Worki, mitlmate
on nil cemetery work, Hi-nt-cla workman,
llilp, latent detilKnit, and lowent prloeni
iffy I
kektal) w (strong
8. P. aMiTH, of Towamln, ,,
wboe coimtltulion vm completely
broken down, U curtnl by iyw'a
8nmpurUltt, Ikwrlteit:
Tor Ittht yiri, I wm, wont of tli
time, frrat enirvrer from eonlliv
tlon, kidney trouble unit Indlgc.
Uon, to that my -otntltmlon evwA
to be ootnpU Wr brokun dmn. I n
induced to try Ayer'e 8.Mprnit, mid
took nearly aevrn bottle, with aneh
xeellent reeultt tlmt my utomaili,
boweta, ml klditeyt are In jwrfwl oon
ditlon, and, In ell th-lr fmn ilin, a
reiular m cioi k-work. At tli tlma
I began taking Ayera Rnmutrlll. my
weight we only NiinU I now run
brag of 188 pound, and wa never In
irood health. If you could ice tne be.
lore and after lining, yon would went
me fur a, traveling xlrertlaenient,
I believe thit prtpiirtl..n of fhtrxwnarllli,
to be the bent In the market tinJuy."
rwprd ky U. i. 0. Ay 4 Ce UnI, Umm.
Cures othor,wll! cure you
(Httrrewnr to IICIltAKf 4 MTAAT8.)
City Truck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of all Kimln Done at
Kcjwomtble Itatw.
Agents for the O. P. Boats.
All bills muttt boaottled by Die loth ot
each ittoiilh.
Independence, Oregon.
Steamer Altona !
Salem and Indepenifencs
To Portland
ItMivt-H Imlependetice ami Balcm
.Mmiiluy, Weiliit-Miltty uml Frlilny, leav
ing Independence at 0:15. fSnleiil at
7ril a. m., uml nrrlvlng ut I'ortlund ut
2;15 p. in.
Lmvin Portlimil Tuemlity, Thiirmlity
and Huturday at 6:4-5 a. in.., Hnlt'iu lor
Iuu iH-ndeiRt! at 4 . in.
E.yeellent nieitU nerved on bout at
21 cent ier meal.
PtWHenjirr nave time n nd money by
takliiK thle llmt to 1'iirtlnnd.
. Sb-ttitier will enrry fnat tbroimh
freight and ntt'uu eiiil rate on litrje
IoIn. . -.- ..
Unexcelled pajwciiKor aecommoiln
tlon. Mitcliell, WriKht Co., (lener
hI ageotH, iloliriau block, Hulein, Or. '
by the
Portland to San Francisco
Including FIVE Gate Tickets
From Ban Franol!0 to other point In Cel.
ftirrla will h allowed purchaser of upeelul
Midwinter Fair ticket at the following round
trip ratuH:
To Htatlon underlfJO '"Hon from Ran Fran,
oleco, One and One-Tfilrd one-way (lire.
To Btstlon 150 mile or more from Ban
Francisco, one aniTone-flftli one-way faro.
Kor exact ratM and full Information, Inquire
of J. B. KIRKLAND, ltrlct Panncngor
Agent, iM FlrtHt., Portland, Or., or address
tbe underused. T. II. GOODMAN,
EICHARD OKAY, Gen. Paiwenger A,t.
Gen.TiaiHo Manager, Ban Franclaao, Cel.
..j - Aug, M
4TlirUHiigTaleWh'eh llluxlrate the
Fate of Vllllauy.
(Put'lluNd only tn tbe Wwr Mii'ti
Tim more fornml latroiltiutlun cnine,
end in a few minute Mortimer 'mid
Dr. Leliiml were euitiwd In euuvi'i tui
tion. Tuero wua uimiUilng kbuut the
lie vxnt h'(iIMmu oiohioI (he rontrt.
ibyaicluu Unit attrHi tetl . Itiiu. Not
ki'tu aa Id eixtcr, Moitinu r timid in d
aNMK'lnte the fat e with tliiitnf IkhIx-1 Le
Clair, but be did cutimt the imme
with that of the client of hm old pre
ceptor In law.
"I knew a man of your name, a
i George Lelaml, who won killed In Den
III m :
mm'" m m.'uk
T , ,,,,
"v;: .
ver, but be waa old enough to bo your
"Ami bo wan my father."
Yea. What did yoa know of blmf '
"Kothlng." ,
"You muid have heard aomethltig."
"1 waa a etudeitt In the office of the
lawyer that trimMtfted hi buiimow."
"You were? Then maybe yoa can
explain what my father meant when he
eaid, 'Telegraph my death eaat.' He
left no paper. Ilia attorney in Denver
bad only the deeda of remit piirctmaea
here. An enxtern lawyer bud other
paper and a will. I bnvo fmpiently
advertlaetlforclaimaagniuet my father,
thinking that creditors would be muttt
likely to turn np and give a clew. But
no rtetponaea were rectdved. , Now fate
baa aunt you here to unravel the mys
tery. The public admtniatrator ap
pointed an executor, And I, at the only
living relative, own the property that
waa once beyond civilUiitimi, it seem
ed, but on which thin hotel and the
blocks around have Wu erected. "
Mortimer listened ami mild nothing,
lie picked up a paper, tbe one he bad
been reading and had dropped when
the doctor entered, lie rend over the
paragraph again and aiild:
"I may be wrong. Hut there ia one
man who can straighten thing out. I
hall write to him tonight, or belter,
why not yon coma borne with mer"
You are not able yet to stand the
journey, however much I might like to"
lie said thiaemplmticnlly. It attract
ed the attention uf lues, who hnd just
taken leave of the housekeeper. Inez's
anxious, inquinitlve look, noticed by
tbe doctor, awakened bis Interest.
"Your brolher wniits to go back,"
be said. "I'm sure, Mine Mortimer,
yoa will join with me in urging biin to
remain here a little longer," .
IIo ought to lie guided by medical
counsel," was her reply. , "lie prom
ised me he would, "
"Dr. Leland understands me," said
Mortimer. "I'll obey hU wishes. He
should be more impatient than I."
"Why?" queried Inex.
"Never mind, " said her brother,
Dr. Leland had been so completely
nnnurved by the unexpected revolution
that he felt it would be wiser to turn
to other subjects until bo could regain
his equanimity, Inez was not blind to
his agitation. She ascribed it to some
reflection of her brother upon his pro
fetwion. Fhillp was liable, in sumo tit
of peeviHhnesH, to forget the ronrtesits
required by social law. Inez regretted
that sho hud been the means of bring
ing any one into a disagreeable situa
tion, llur sympathy went out to Dr.
Cultivation may reserve the more
forceful of the ieelings that seek ex
pression in look and gesture, but where
the outburst is restrained more gentle
indications unconsciously assort them
selves. Dr. Ltilutul felt a strange thrill
nnder the intense solicitude, her eyes
betrayed. A phyeiciau, skilled in the
ways of human nature, the loveliness
ot this girl's character hud at once im
pressed him, Ho was not a man to be
touched with porsouul beauty alone,
but somehow be felt himself envying
Mortimer tbe care and uilcctlon of
which he was the recipient.
"With your permission," said the
doctor, "your brother and I will rotire
to bis chamber. Perhaps I may soon
strengthen him. You mustn't be dis
couraged, Miss Mortimer. Our air here
is good, but, like medicine Itself to
strange lungs, it must be taken nnder
instructions. We will leave you for
"As you will, doctor."
The two men went back to Morti
mer's room. There the unselfishness of
the physician first turned to the physi
cal discomfort of the patient. In words
that bad a subtle influence upon Morti
mer, Impelling him to cheerful acquies
cence, he made him move as he pleased
until the basis for diagnosis had been
"I will bring you some medicine
later," said Dr. Leland, when the ex
amination had been finished,
"But about that other thing, doctor
your father's case?"
Wc " snfaw M
"Uli, yes. You iwke about t man
whom yon could write to. Who is he?
Tho lawyer?"
"Not he is dead. That's the trouble."
"Who is the man!" '
"Laurence Mangnn, a newspaper
man. lie Is on the track of a discov
ery, I will write bliu a letter now.
You mail it, and it will bring! buu on
Mm timer walked over to a secretary,
unlocked it, arranged tho desk , board
and wrote i
Ht. Jam IIotsu Has van, AnrW , iavl. ,
Dkah Mu. MsuASTb sveret of tht earn
mlnalon bill and wort startling revtlatloas will
be ulveit you, If yoa pay n a vbtli br. I aia toe
WMk tn go Immn. I will defray your smmmhi.
You are ttdd to hunt down fraud, ua net
rail. Your truly, - 1' MvariMaa. ,
"What does this meanr" aiksd Dr.
"It means that you and your sister
"My sister?"
"I never had one."
"There must tie some mistake, I un
der tood your father left a boy and a
girl. I beard tbe old lawyer once refer
to a will of Ueoigo Leland, your father.
My partner took the paper and later
aid to me that yon were both dead."
"Why not go to lilm?"
"No use. He baa reasons for decep
tion. You cannot prove tbnt tbe two
U oorgo Lelamls are the tame,"
"Hut my sister, what of her? Let
hi in reetore her to mo, and I care not
about the will."
"1 know nothing about ber. 1 tell
you, we must wait for Mangan."
"What can be do?" .
"What can't be do? We must con
suit him,"
The doctor took leave of Mortimer
and said a few encouraging words to
Im x as bo passed out, promising to re
turn later. . ;
"Ineat Inex!" her brother called, j
She wlicyed the summons. There was
evidently something annoying ber at
the entered:
"What is it, Phil?"
"firing me iu The Hnglea,"
"I've been reading them."
"Then you know what Raymond has
done?" he skd, peering Into bor face
from the lounge whereon be sat "I
see you do," t
He laid back resignedly, tnrnlng bis
eyes upward, as if imploring strength
from Uod, and Inea cotuddered it beef
not to disturb him. i
And what bud Fraimia Itaymoud been
doing? i
Me returned home the day after be
bad received word that the Mortimers;
had gone to Denver. His plot was proi
gresMing favorably, his mind was eased
of worriment, and his step bad an elasi
tidly that distinguished buu among
the pedestrian who rmdied by the pulw
Ho buildings in the forenoon. I
It was liaymond'i rule, as it is with
other political leaders loss cautious even,
than he, to exact irom every appointee
a resignation with a blank date. When
that otllciul gets refractory, tbe date is
rilled out on his resignation and sent
in by tho leader to tne proper officer.:
With it goes a recommendation of aui
other man for the office. This is an
appointment practically. It only re
quires the fonu of an announcement
through the legitimate authority, who
acknowledges, without protest or ntor-S
mur, tne power nemna tne turoue. j
Raymond held Mortimer's resigna
tion. The time hsd arrived to nse itj
lie walked into the office of the rcals-i
trar of arrears. The deputy, now acting
registrar, was effusive in his greetings.!
Baymond smiled, significantly at the
dnpnty, who followed hint into the pri-i
vato ofliee, where Hnymond acted as if
It was his own. Ue sat down at the
desk, pulled out his wallet and extract-
ed Mortimer's resignation. Ileunfold-i
cd it on the desk, took a pen out of the
rack backing the Inkstand and filled in
tbe date. On the hack of one of his
own cards he made a memorandum,!
'E. It. Black to succeed Philip Morti
mer. " Ho inclosed the resignation and
the card in an envelope and addressed
it to the mayor.
"Here, Clack," handing the deputy
me letter," sum that ovor by special
jiessenger You are the new. registrar
of arrea rs. Tomorrow, when , yon xe
celve tho appointment from the mayor,
1 will suggest the man whom I would
like you to name as your deputy. "
A suggestion, but it meant a com
mand I The deputy simply bowed as
sent. There was no sentiment in the
mutter. Each knew what was required
of the other. Words were superfluous.
They shook hands. It waa the only ex
pression of congratulation from the one,
of thanks from the othor. Black know
that tomorrow Raymond .would same
the deputy, and ero the-official's ap
pointment whs handed over ask his
own resignation for use in an emer
gency that is, Raymond would ask it,
if Black was so obtuse as not to save
Ray mond t he trouble and h 1 nisei f abase
ment by having It ready when Ray
mond called.
The evening papers announced the
promotion of Black. Politicians read
the, news and were surprised. What
new deal was on? The people the
donr people saw nothing in it calling
for particular comment. One official
stepped down und out, another assumed
tho duties of the position, advanced ac
cording to the exalted rules of civilserv
Ice. The mayor whs an aristocrat. He
had wealth and social distinction.
There could be no deals traced to any
action of his, no degrading suppliance
to any class of politicians.
Ho reasoned the people, if they pon
dered on tbe paragraph long enough to
bring their minds into the byways of
politics. Possibly not one out of a
thousand of thorn h ew that tbe glamour
of public life had dazzled the mayor
and that he carefully avoided running
counter to the party machine over
which his respectability was thrown.
He was not committing political sui
cide. During his term ha bad signed
but one resolution of the common coun
cil, vbftt for the, rwvtfifft M wtv
ftous disease hospital during a smallpox
oare. The popular outcry waa for
promptitude, and be was for popularity.
Every other resolution passed be had
permitted to become a law in the oper
ation of time without his signature.
That was a practice that enabled him
to Justify himself and to declare, if
wrong or fraud were ever charged, that
ha had not sanctioned it. It was the
practice of bli predecessors,. It Is the
policy of bis successors, and will con
tinue to prevail as long as tbert is a
premium on hypocrisy and tbe people
are quiescent,
"Black. " aaid Raymond, after read
ing of the appointment In the first edi
tion of the papers, for which ho bad
waited at theoffloeof the registrar, "I
want you to bunt up the files in rela
tion to the property assessed to (Jeorge
Leland. My memory fs that the time
In which H can be redeemed is about
toaipirw, A friend of mine Is interest
ed yoa nnderstssd? Hunt np the date
and have it for ms tomorrow. " ,
"It expire on July 14 next. It ia
now April 19. Something over three
mouths yet" '
''How do yon know?"
"I went over the books today,"
" Why did you take particular notice
of those blocks assessed to Leland?
They extend into several wards, and
yon must have overhauled aa many
books." -. ;
'I did," In an apologetic tone. "1
oooUn't help it,"
'Couldn't help ' it, man; explain
yourself I" demanded Raymond, begin
ning to be nettled.
'Yon don't think 1 wu Inquisitive,
Mr. Raymood, do you?" was the cring
ing query as his promotion appeared
gliding beyond his reach. "Indeed 1
wasn't It was Msngsn of Tbe Bugle
who made me do It"
"Yea, you knowblm, That fellow
who la always making a fuss In tbe city
and county office. 1 knew be waa aft
er something. I used every endeavor
to put him out, threatened him with
arrest but be only laughed at uie. "
'And then?"
' Why, be aaid he would go over to
tbe supreme court and get a manda
mus; that It would make a fine story I
The book were public property, be
said, and he was going to examine
them. It would avert a scandal to let
aim see them, ami I handed them to
him." j
"That's It eh? Well, yoa were wise.
Black bad been bent fswningly. He
straightened, quick u a Jack-in-the-box
when released, jump np to tbe
limit of the spiral spring that propels
him. It was but for a moment Tbe
ohoerinew left bis face, be doubled up
as If his muscle hsd been contracted
and be wu In agony. But tbe pain
wu more mental than physical.
"1 forgot to tell you," ho wbiningly
said, "that' Mangan knows who holds
the certificates."
"Tbe devil he does!"
"He Insisted on looking over the pri
vate miootee of tbe office," continued
Black. " I didn't know yon were in
terested In that section of the city, it
has been so recently annexed. He soon
discovered In the minute of the date
of sale, as shown In the books, that
yon were the certificate holder. It
couldn't be helped, sin Indeed, It
"Well, never mind, Black. There's
nothing wrong in that. I have equal
right with other citixons to bid for tbe
"I told him so, sir." :
"Whit did Msngsn say?"
"He said yon bad tb same rights.
out tne isvors were more partially ais-
"He did, eb?"
"Yes. He said that there waa a big
political ring in town that bought theae
land for the taxes at auction sales sur
reptitiously held. "
'"Mangan didn't stop at that surely.
Uo on. I'm amused."
"Well, he, declared he would break
Up tbe ring by publishing tbe enor
mity of it crime, and be had tbe impu
dence, air, the great Impudence, to ask
je to convey his compllmenta to yon,
md assure yon that tho rightful owner
Would redeem the Leland estates ere
the time came that would make you
the owner of millions you had bought
lor hundreds.1'
"That's a way be has to scare people
Into admissions," and Raymond smiled
sardonically. "He doesn't know me
"He know the law, though," Inter
jected Black, "and .will be cautious
"I forgot to tell you," h toMningly Mid.
about libel, as he said it was a pity
yon could not be indicted and sent to
Bing Sing for these transaction.'
"The Bcoundrell"
"Why, . scoundrel's no name, Mr.
Raymond, " aaid tbe deputy, with an
indignation meant to impress his loyal
ty. "He's an- Infernal villain to offer
such insults and interfere with matters
that do not concern hlmP :
,"Say, Black," queried Raymond, ig
noring Black' criticism, "is Mangan
going to print all this tomorrow? Did
he say anything about that?"
"No. He intimated,. however, that
he had much more investigation to
maVa " ....
( l ' n .
..... f
Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report
"Why didn't yoa try to get rid of
him by sending him over to the county
register's office? I think this might
have been tatter managed."
Raymond, for tbe first time In hi
life, was losing bis self possession and
growing nervous.
"1 told him," Black replied, "that
be would find tbe records of property
owner in the county register' office,
and he told me be had been there. He
said be had stum the deed of conveyance
to Ueorge Leland and that tbe books
there would show no more until tbe
city nnder the tax law gave another
deed of conveyance to to"
"To me?"
"He didn't pnt it that way."
'tWbat way did be put it?"
"Yon will not be angry with me, air,
will yoa?"
"Of course not," wu tbe impatient
rejoinder. " You 're not responsible for
him. lie' not responsible for him
self." -".V':'.,.'
"He aaid the next deed of conveyance
would have a narrow escape Irom being;
filed by a thief."
"Tbief!" echoed Raymond.
"Thief," repeated Black. "But Mr.
Raymond, tbe law is with you. ' Why,
the property will be your In three
months' time, I wouldn't mind him."
"That's true," be replied. '
He left bis chair and walked op and
down tbe office, apparently in liewilder
toent, Cluck did not know bow to hu
mor him and durod not interfere with
the contemplations that vexed blm.
Suddenly Raymond stopped.
"Black," he ordered, "telephone for
a cab. 1 want one here u souu m possi
ble. Let there be no delay. "
Black hurried off to do bis master's
bidding, for bis master Raymond was.
, "Now," said Raymond, in the self
communing that gnve relief from the
strain of half suppressed emotion, "I
will see Isabel this afternoon. Hbe must
consent to an early wedding. I will
break Mangan 'a heart. Mother St. tier
trade herself must aid me, or before
this sessiou of the legislature closes 1
will repeal, the laws exempting the
buildings of ber order from taxation.
Religious people may be scrupulous,
but they feel a blow at their financial
stsnding no less keenly than others.
This means thousands a year to her
work. If tbe circumstances d mnnd it.
snd if I put the screws on, she and Is
abel must weaken. But there will be
no necessity. Isabel has half consented
and Mother St. Gertrude knows my in
fluence too well to cast it aside for seu :
tinient She Is too practical. Mangan
cannot prove that Isabel is George Le
land's daughter, if he has thought of it
at all. I'll marry Isabel just to spite
him and protect myself. By tho gods, 1
Tbe cab came rattling up in front of
tbe municipal building, under tbe viu
dows of thftofficeof tho registrar. Black
announced ita arrival. Raymond baa
tened ont, and when tbe driver closed
the door said i
"Make your best speed to the Con
vent of Mercy,"
By A law of Iowa liquor cannot be
legally manufactured in tlmt state.
The new Chinese treaty will be con
sidered by tho senate in open session.
Wheat went up to 60 cents at New
York the other day, the highest point
reached since February,
The Republican made a clean sweep
in Rhode ImiuuI, The vote polled ia the
largest In the history of the state.
John Rico of Valparaiso, Ind., lost his
houso by fire. Three of his children
perished and he was severely burned.
The Massachusetts legislature refuse
to give numicipid suffrage to women,
while the Idaho legislature grants it
, A gang of opium smugglers have been
operating with St. Louis as their base.
Shipments have come from Vancouver,
B.C. , ....
The members of the Colonial party of
Great Britain want Samoa annexed, and
declare the triple alliance a complete
May 81 has been set for an investiga
tion into the sauity of Prendergaat, the
assosHui of Mayor Carter Harrison of
Chicago, .
,,The Bidwell's Bar school, in Butte
county, Cal., and one of the oldest in
the state, having been established in
IBM, will be discontinued.
The Choctaw council has adjourned.
It passed, a resolution refusing to treat
with the Dawes commission and favor
lmr holdiua their lands in common.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.-No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of rT mieg 4.0. Years the 'tandawl
Tbe fire and police board of Denver
dispute promises to adjust itself In the
court within a week. The militia,
however, is ordered to recruit, to it
fullest extent
Judge Wilde of Chicago, in a recent
decision, held that a lie told by an em
ploye to his employer annulled a con
tract, and tbe employe cannot recover
damage for hi discharge.
Internal Revenue Collector Mize, np
to date, has been able to register but 853
Chinese nnder tb Geary law in Chicago.
There remain 2,000 yet to be registered
In hi district before May 8.
President Tracy of the National Re
publican league has called a special
meeting of the league' executive com
mittee to meet at tbe Arlington hotel.
Washington, Monday, April 2a
Plan for the spring "round-up", of
range cattle in Wyoming have been
completed. The state official expect
no trouble, u the rustlers have been
compelled to cease their operations.
There le trouble on hand among the
Colorado miners, especially at Cripple
Creek. Tbe operator assert they will
nse non-union men or not work their
mines, all attempt to compromise hav
ing failed.
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, has ad
dressed a letter to Vice President Stev
enson protesting against the ratification
by the senate .of the proposed Chinee
treaty. ;;.',.'
Miss Alice Lingst of Sanbeach, Pent,
6 years old, and weighing 888 pounds,
hu goue to Coeur d'Alene, Ida., to
marry Harry Crather, whom she never
uw. Crather advertised for a wife and
the engagement resulted.
Mrs. Tarter, a wealthy widow, has
been committed to jail at Evanston,
Wyo., for refusing to pay a bill u ad
ministrator of ber husband's estate.
There is general indignation and publio
sympathy is with Mr. Tarter.
Governor Tillman of South Carolina
has the best of the ; dispensary dispute.
Tbe Populists are coming to his support
Everything is quiet, 'and the governor
propose to try tbe rioter at Darlington
In the court, and they are being ar
rested. .'
Governor Wait of Colorado hu
issued a proclamation forbidding en
trance to his state from Utah of all
sheep without a clean bill of health.
This shut out 150,000 Utah sheep, and
Colorado cattlemen are credited with
threatening to maintain quarantine for
10 days, which will ruin the sheep. .
Professor Sargent ot Harvard hu in
vented a new outdoor game which ia
said to meet all ' the requirement of
gymnastic work and hu no objection
able features. It can be played .by any
number of both sexes. The new sport
is called "battle ball," and combines
baseball, football, tennis, bowling, and
Arthur A. Zimmerman, the champion
cyclist of the world, hu finally deciied
to turn professional The sum of $10,000
wu the bait which drew him from the
amateur ranks. For a number of weeks
he has been negotiating with manager
of the professional cycling circuit in
France with a view of racing there this
coming season. Satisfactory arrange
ments were made and Zimmy will leave
the League of American Wheelmen, ;
, A prominent lawyer of New Orleans
hu an elephant on hi hands, not the
figurative article, but a real, live ele
phant It came about in this way:
Davis' circus baa been exhibiting in tbe
lower portion of the city, Business hu
been bad and the employes' salaries be
came in arrears. The people had to live
and the animals had to be fed, conse
quently money must be had. Davis, in
his troubles, consulted the lawyer, who
agreed to advance the necessary funds,
taking tbe elephant u security. What
is bothering the attorney just at pres
ent is what to do with the beast, u it
Is eating him out of house and home.
Jack Crowber, an associate of gam
blers and thieves, and known u Aspen
Jack, wu found dead Sept 18, 1898, in
a lodging house at Denver. His face
was black and blue and covered with
clotted blood, u if he had been stran
gled. It is supposed he wu murdered
by his criminal associates when they
learned he wu a Pinkerton detective,
aa be had evidence on which they would
be sent to the penitentiary. Irish Jimmy
Sharon, a gambler, who was found dead
lost week, occupied the room next to
the one in which Crowber wu mur
dered, and detectives have concluded he
also wu murdered, because 'when in
toxicated he dropped remarks uidicat
log that he knew who killed Crowber. 1