The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 06, 1894, Image 3

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    ':ifl hftf tf Fill 0::.
He west side.
;st Sis Kttfc C::hI
Can You Esat This ?
100 Ltte Heads,
100 Envelop,-
280 Letter Meads,
250 EnloM
1000 Letter Hsa,
1000 Cnl,
100 Bulne Card,
250 " " -
1000 " " -
$ .60
. 1.00
. 1.36
will not t UNDERSOLD.
If th PHeta arc not LOW
enough, tall HI whora yaw
ean da bottor.
Th abova Prlaaa ara
i Hon T. T. Gkkk. On Monday even
lug, T. T. Oevr, who is a candidate fnl
'. nomination for irovernor or tola Kittle
addressed Hi pe"!1'' of McCoy ant)
llallston, ou Tueday, at latlla, and
Wednesday at Independence, an
vhmvvr he t'ke ho wa !. reeled
with Isrire and amireciatlve audiences
At Dallas ha simply scintillated with
sharo retorts and fulrly enthucd hi
audience, for the populist were there
to be "downed HI argun.eitis
itomlnst the third i-xrty are ununswer-
: able, and there Is no doubt hut Unit the
aeiitleiuutt I "loaded"' There u
large crowd Hi I he; opera hmwe here anrt
the programme wan Interspersed with
instrumental music ny Mtwrn. imwj
and lllll hii I MU Wheeler. Prof. Pell,
of Dallas, F T. Hateh, of McCoy Hitd
J.H. Hley,of Monmouth, also ad
dnwsed the meeting, briefly.
, The IUwrucans Atrtvis. Last
Saturday evening Hon. J. II. Hawley
addressed the newly formed llepuhli
pan club t llie.krcall. and the Itlekre-
all Bund and Dallas Glee flub furnish
ed excellent music. The who. eotin
try turned nut and It was a rottsliig
demonstration. The club waa organ
ized with 31 members nud 40 new
name were ud.led hy the soliciting
committee. The Interest In politics Is
intense this year and people win vote
their sentiments at the ixilla thin
YKXTiox.The republican primaries
ThurMluv afternoon, elected delegates
as follows: North ImleiieHilonoe L.
O. Griffa, H. A. CUxireltc, It lU'iwp-
.... 1 r. ft t
er M. a. linker aim u. u. ihuci.
Central lndeiendciiec-J. I). Irvine,
P. H. Patterson, J. A. Wheeler, W. 0.
Cook, C. K Ciodfelter and W. P. Coo
uawny. .South Independence II, K.
Patterson, J. It. Cooper, J. A Vems,
C. A. BtttutH, L. Damon, J. Doruslfe
and F. P. Myers.
Are you reading oureoi'tlnued atory?
Hheriir Wella was in town Weduea-
! dy. .
Jupaneiw bxthplck at the Racket
County ounveutlnna Utla wrjk. Im
port next week.
Mm, Howe of Portland, wan vialllng
Mrs. Peter Cook Ihla week.
tu't thin weather aimply wiperb?
We can appreciate a gmd thing.
Ladien' and chlli)ren' blu;k lioae 10
and 15 centtt a puir at Vanduyn'a.
The fine line of negligee ahlrUj ever
brought to the city ut Vanduyn'a.
J.N. Hart is uot a cttudidute for rep
rcMeulutive on the republican ticket.
JiiHtthiukof It! 14 yard of apron
check gingham fr $1 at Vuuduyu'a.
A girl wanting to do houaework can
find a place by inquiring at thia ofilce.
HLaviug Hi ceuta; liulr-eutting and
hatha 25 cents each at Heukle'a bnrber
A. N. 3Ioore of talent, waa In town
on Wednesday on business connected
with the aawmill there.
liMra. R E. Owens left lat Monday
for CorvulliH where Miie will vIhII her
father exHlicriff Muckey.
Don't forget the Concert at the ChrlM
tiau Church Friday evening April 0 at
7 ;.'!) p. in. Admirtflou 5 centa.
Mr. Page, b nejdiew of Henry Hill,
left on Wednesday, for Central Cali
foruia, and liia fuuiily will follow slioit
ly. Ed Clarke tellH the Tramcript man
that the republicans down ut Kickreall
are going to "whoop 'er up'' this elec
tion.'':: M m Maud Cooper, who In attending
school at Eugene, is tit home for a few
days, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. 8. Cooper.
Nothing In cotton goods makes as
pretty a dress for summer as black
satteen; 12J to 15 cents per yard at
There will be a club-dance at . the.
opera house next Saturday night. The
Monmouth orchestra will furnish mu
sic for the occasion.
"1 always ktiow. when I receive a
box of candles from Frank, that he
purchased it at Pink Pattersons" Bald
a society young lady; "'because he
hands It to me with a look which says:
"I offer you the choicest of aweeU,"
Which they are.
(let your furniture repairing done at
Remember the republican club, Fri
day night.
We notice R. Hhelly at till residence
transplanting (lower, and we presume
his improvement are jwrninneiit and
lie Intend remain li.g with us.
Tim republican oelegatea elected at
lUieim Vista on Thuwltiy, are Ceo,
Well, Hr,, C. P. Wells, Win. itavldson,
Geo. McLaughlin ami E. M. Hall,
Clarence lleukle, son of (leo. Iteukle
the merchant, has been attending the
nuHlleal college at Port Is ud for severwl
motithi', but Is now horue on a visit.
Rev. K. H, th'kfinsttf will preach at
the Chrtstlnu ebuMi, next Buudsy
morning and evening, at the usual
time. Hubjeet In the evening, "Mira
Ladles, If you want the latest styles
In fciimmer drvas-gtsids go In ituseiidoif
A lllrsehls'rg'a. They have a tine as
iortment, ami It la worth whl'e to are
Oihk K, Rrey kindly U'lidered the
use of the ottiue in the Salem ware
house for the republican and demo-
emtio prlmarlea of North tndepeu
deuce. .
The beat thing for this county would
be for Win. P. Wright of Dallas, In be
elected assessor a ud then he can keep
those maps (stated up. Think about It
' I). J. Whltaaker, who bus Uen sick
so long Is able to be arniuid, and Is feel
lug much Ilka his tormer self. He says
he luteiid spending the wluter lu
Crepe! Crepe!! Crepe!!! Everybody
talks about crvie drvM gsida. What
Is It? Well, It la stylish new goods,
very cheap, to be had only at Rosen
dorf A Hlrschberg'.
Noitilnute giHsi men to oftlee so (hut
principles and party may both tw vltw
torlotis. The repreweiitutlve ticket
should have men who can talk, The
people are llllug to listen.
I). It, Tsylor haa carpHitcr at work
bulldirg au additlou to his residence,
on the corner of C ami R ill road streets.
When he gets throngli impMvlug the
resilience It will bsk like a ue w Imuse
Mrs. Ada Uurue, stale iicrfn
tendent of L. T. L. work of the W. C,
T. U , will lecture tit Independence, on
Saturday afternoon ai o'cl-x k and lu
the evening at "it", at the Evunuelltnl
Iletikle't barlsir shop has Ishjoiiiu one
of the most popular In the vntley on
account of the fact that everybody Is
served in 11 rsUlsM stjlu, whether he
be a "Iwnk prmldeiil" or a "wood
We understand that Lafe Williams
of Moscow, Idaho, is a candidate for
county treasurer, and ids opponent Is
Walter Cat t mo formerly of this county
and they are making a hard light for
the office.
The Oregonhin i full of advertise
ments about the lute style of dress-good
called chrystnl cloth. Roscudorf A
Hirsehberg have received quite an as
sortment In that line, w bkh, for the
price Is unexcelliHl.
Persons wanting to pay their taxi's
without going to Dallas eau have their
banker Lere write for the amount, and
they will receive the money and the
receipt wilt be sent them. Ibis will
prove a convenience to the public
Lint of unc'aimed letters remaining
In the Independence postolllce March
81, Alex Davis, (tcorge Hensley,
Eruesl 0. Joues, Wm. 1), Murphy, H.
U. Matitiliig, C. K. Taylor, ,wrs. Vin
cent Cook.E.O. Robertson, V. hi.
Miss I-istle Roltcrtsott, our swtmls.
tress, who has been so faithful lu the
diwibargo of her duties, being always
present at her post, whs sick twodas
this week with the Ingrippe, but man
aged to get down to her work each
Misses Alice and Maggie Macauly of
l'ortlaiid, came up on the Altoua Tues
day. Miss Muggle is walking on
crutehes caused by straining her side
in liftlug a patient, the being a profes
sional nurse. Hhe will remulu here
until she recovers.
"Jleauty" may be "only skin deep;"
but the secret of a beautiful skiu Is pure
blood. Those course, rough, pimply
connexions may, In most cases, be
rendered soft, smooth, and fair by the
persevering and 1 systematic use ol
Ayer's Hamaparillu.
Rev. D. V. Poltug will ptuach and
conduct eouimunlou services at the
Congregational church Huuday tuorti-
lug. Members will be received at the
close of morning discourse. A contri
bution for the Church Building Society
will be taken at this service. All are
Airs Languish. "Tired! Oh so tired
all the time!" Mrs. Mmait. "Well, so 1
used to be until I began to tuke Ayer's
Harsupurilla us a spring medicine, and
now I don't know whut it is to have
that tired fecllug. Try It, my dear;
only to sure your get Ayer's,"
The following delegates were sent to
the republican convention from Mon
mouth: J. H, Mortiu, J. E Doud, 8, U,
Owlnu, A. Shipley, C. L. Hawley,
Sam Tetuerow, Uco. Atkins, E.
Cattron,H. Portwood, N. Frazier, L,
Ground, J. Howell, and Hun Doughty.
Krause's headache capsules are more
pleasant and convenient to take than
powders, wafers, elixirs, etc,
C. P. Huntington, II. E. Huntington
and C, F, Crocker have resigned from
the board, of directors of the Central
Pacific. The resignation of the officials,
who are also officials of the Southern
Pacific, has cheated considerable specu
lation In railroad circles. The motive
of the changes is not known..
Kruuso's Headache Capsules War,
ranted. For sale by Shelley, Alex
ander & Co,
Tlmdemoemts of Linn county have
titiniliiuted Jett'Myera am) Wld Hllyeu
for the slate senate, and Messrs Whit
ney, Phllpot and Counts for rcprcsen
taltves; Poller for commissioner, K,
Stiiiimird for clerk, Mieltnu for rc
coixlel', Jackson for sherlll', lliysu for
lr-(istirer, and NN allncv for assessor.
Fresno will have a big rabbit drive
litis month.
Five persons are known to have per
Muxl in tlu snowsliile in Canyon creek
in the Cunir d'Aleuo mountains.
Charges are made nttalust the regenta
of the t-grieultural collcx tit Pullinaii,
ash., of nmllVnsrtrieo in ofllee,
Dick Huiiiisn, a bartier at Petidutna,
rnt his throat with a raaor In the pre-
nee of nls employer and a cuntotuur.
Polioetmm Clark Wood of IVesuo ac
cidentally ahot dig Htng, who with
others was making a raid in Chinatown.
W alter KiiHsell, vice-president of the
Victor Union, hit been found nut guilty
of rioting in the County court of Colo
rado hprings,
T. U. Cowling, who attempted to as
sassinate Chief of Police Rawleof Santa
Crua, was coiivlet.l of assault with in
tent to oouiinit murder. ' The defense
plmded insanity.
Tlie Friends eollega at Whlttier, Ol.,
baa opened. This is the only Ouskr
college wsst of the Rwky uumtiUins,
About 100 pupils are attending the new
Dr. K. A. Clark, candidate for mayor
of Man Jisie on the Cltinett tleket, died
suddenly of iaitralKia of the heart. He
came to California in 1M,'0, and has
always taken an active part iu politl.
It is reported tliat the Union Flour
mill at Stockton, Cal.. will go into the
combine. This is one of the largest
mills in tlis state, ami innlutmiia a
special steamer line to Han Francisco,
Lemoore fruit growers say their apH-
cots, nectarine and iieaehcs were isully
damttged by the lute frosts, M. J, Rous
of V'sttlU says the aprli oti in Ids vicin
ity have been Isoo'ly ktllwl, but the
pertcbes are all right yet.
Oregon possesses a gn-stitr tinniWr of
doctor in proportion to its population
than any ttlur state in the I'niou, hav
ing one phykiduti to every 413 itihabl
tunt. WBfliiii((toti )ins ona tKvUif lu
every 473 iiilmbUatits,
The feeling itKninst the Drysti and
Mrs. Fowlir, who are charged st Peta-
luma with the murder of Mrs, Nsney
Meagher, lias )ien liitensifled by a brutal
assault of relative of tlm aecwM'd on the
ctitinsi'l for the prosecution, John F,
Phillip M. Iwwee, the defanltlng ex-
city treasurer of New Whatcom, Wash.,
coiivletd of siiibt'xliun $n(),0ou of pub
lic money, lm Ut-n wiitoinwl to four
years' Imprisonment at hard lalkirinthe
penitentiary. An appeal will be taken.
Five people were killed and two
woundtnl by a landslide in the canyon
below Burke, Ms., on the Cttmr d'Alene
branch of the Northern Pacific railway.
The slide is l.ooO fret long and is W feet
on the track of the Northern Pacific at
the Block IVsr mine. The snow la 44
fct dep. All the miners are at work
dtgjrtug for the bnriod people.
A peculiar scene was wftnee at
Spokane a few day k'. Joint Horton,
a carpenter, fell into the rivrr and was
being swept to death over the fall. He
made a gallant struggle for life, cheered
by 400 prnple, who were anxiously
watching him on the shore. The cur
rent was too strong, and the poor fellow
was swept into the cataract and pounded
to death.
Annie M. Pratt and Orville C. Pratt,
minor grmtdelilldren of the late Annie
A. Pratt, through their guardian, E.
Camplsill, linve b'gan a contest of the
will of the late Mrs. Pratt at Los Ange
les, which Diinpllfittoa the present liti
gatlou In the case and prouilses to bring
out all of the siippo-vd buried dinVr
enwti which gave rise to the Ihsslspetsl.
Mansfield suit,
Word Is mvived from La Grande,
Or,, that nil of the Grande Ronde valley
is a lake, Lu Grande and Island City be
ing flooded. The Oredell dam and both
dams near Perry are broken, and the
track is being cut away and orib un
dermined. No trains were run on the
Elgin branch owing to the bridge being
out between La Grande and Island City.
A number of wsnhoiits and slides be
tween La Grande and Perry are re
ported. Titers is also trouble at the
bridge near Wilbur. The cribs at Ore
dell and west of Perry bave caved In.
The will of the late Amos G. Thrrop,
the Posadetiu philanthropist, has been
filed for probate. Tho estale Is valued
at alsiut $KH),0UO. The net income of
the entire estate is left to the widow
during her lifetime. In tho final dis
tribution of tli estate, however, tJO.OOO
is bcmioatlied for the endowment of a
divinity school for the Universalist'
cause on the Pociflo Coast, provide! the
Universalist general coti vent ion raises a
similar endowment within two years.
The balance of the estate is left to the
Throop Polytechnic institute of Phsu-
flotift. ofkwhIi'h the deceased was the
founder. ,
Tho United Htates court of private
land claims, In session at Tticnon, A. T.,
has decided that tho big land grants
made by the Mexican .government are
void. This is victory for settlers.
The xrinclpal decision in the Kan Ra
fael del Vulle and JUabacotnari grants is
that tho state of Snnora had no power to
make grants, This opinion was based
on a decree of Hunta Ana, dictator of
Mexico from 1853 to 185.1, who, in 154,
declared all grants whatsoever made by
the states and provinces of Mexico void,
All grants in Arizona, it is claimed, with
the exception of the Bonitu grant, were
taken from the state of Bonora. The
grants in. question were as follows:
Sonita, made in 1831, area 0,000 acres;
Babucomari, made in 18!)3, area 86,000
acres; Han Kafaol del Valla, made in
18J18, area 18,000; Nogales de Ellas,
made in 1844, area 10,000, The Nogalea
gant was rejected unanimously,
(Dedicated ta Geo. Rognrs, Km,)
There was a man in our town, and
was wondroua wise;
He jumped Into the populist party and
scratched out both bis eyes.
And when he found bin eyes wore out;
with all his might and main
He Jumped luto the republican party,
and loratohod them in again.
The Prodi of the VuZt KtfilbM
Editor WmHiois: 1 am not ur
prlsed that your render show great ln
ten st In getting Information about
Central America. The (lay will short
ly come when Guatemala and all Lea
I rut America and Hie United Stale
will tat much niort closely united.
The proposed Pan American railway
bus umdti three survey for a railroad
from North to South America and It
will 1st only a few year until It will be
built, Guatemala Is very liberal in
granting Hid- to such enterprise. I
want to give your reader conservative
sUttiiieut on all matter connected
wlih the country, but the country k
attracting considerable, attention. A
person can live there about as cheap a
ut I liw United SI a tea, and you ean pur-
chuse nil the provisions you do uot
raise in Guatemala. A ft colony you
will be permitted to take along your
farming uteimclg and tiouvehold good
free of tluty. I m aatlslled H.OOO
would kisp each. s rson in colony
comfortably for 4 year, until tb first
crop came lu beating, and should be
able to make money besides, Wltb
economy and energy lit cultivating
collee, I estimate that each colonist, In
ten years, with au Investment of 1,000
and 10 year labor would lie worth uot
Imm than p),iHM) and from that to 10t),-
uot), 1 la would be ecrtaiu of that If he
put lu fi.tMMI In colli. I would Dot ad-
vine any one without menu to go to
Guatemala, although I know of a Ger-
utati who went to Guatemala less than
IU years ago without ceul and for one
year found iioihlug to do but mid Job,
at about 60 cents ail - r er day, and
lie scarcely exUted until he learned the
Spanish luiigiisge. At the end of that
tune he wutil to work uit a ovlfee plan
tation, at the prim paid the natives,
about 5 reals per day, but (bey soon
promoted him as lie was worth four
(Inn s as nmeb as a native. Finally lie
gol to be administrator or superluleu-
tlent of a collee tlncn ut f .'tHO per mouth
mid btmnl, I'u purcliHsed lands near
by at a iioiulnul prliw (from $2.51) to 5
pr acre and with his saving pur
cImih some coltce plant and set them
out, and In llirve years bad to give up
his position to attend to his crop. lie
U now tiiusb-d worth one million
dollar. Of course every one doild not
find the same opHirtUttttle and Amer
icans as a rule do not apply themselves
so Well.
In tliu district where the hind I sit
uated (here are WJ.UH) eople lu the
stuie, which has 4,V0 stjuare miles, and
the capital has ItUHH) people, Guate
mala liassny,l,:io0,(MK) people, of whom trv Indiana and only alsitiliioo,
usi white people. The government ia
a republic, with a ptildeut, 24 sena
tors and S:' representative elected by
the people The legislature I now in
(Mloll, ,
With a colony of 30 (stsoiis to settle
on a tntct of uoml eoti'ee land It would
s,t say, fcto.OoO .tuli and UO,000 labor
(done by the colonists) and thus at the
end of the fourth year there would be
an liivtsttuietil of fl-Hl.OOO The crop
the fourth year would return at least a
ton to the acre, which at 10 cents a
pound would bet-Wan acre, and 000
acres of eotlee would bring lu $180,000,
on see the eoltce business rum luto
big figures. A colony mausged on
proper principles will Ihi a suctvsa.
The plait I suggest is the laud lu com
mon for four year and then a division
on etjtml terms. In the United States
the government donutoa 100 acre of
land to any person who will live on it
live years, as a homestead. In Guate
mala you eau buy any quantity of
land, provided you come to make it
your home, or residence. A colony
gets very many favor ahnwu It At
the banana Colony established three
years ago, greut progress has been made.
l liat American enterprise promises to
fully realise the hopes of Its founders.
The govern men t Is affording special
protection uud encouragement to the
company. All supplies, imported for
lis use are passed free of duty, A port
of entry bus been opened especially for
be colouy, The company bus a large
and commodious hotel for the accom
modation of stranger. It has also
o dices, shops and a spacious storehouse
supplied with a full assortment of
Aniericuu merchandise for the local
rade, which Is already large and in
creasing. The colony hits planted 0U8
acres In cocimuuts and buuunus, there
being H2 colonists or an average of
about 110 acres each.
I believe an American colony would
makes the quality of codec, 20 per cent,
bolter, by using cleaner method of
harvesting. The Inventive American
also uses inuclilnery where, the native
iocs It by hand. Take the coffee busi
ness its an example. After the coffee
berry Is picked it undergoes a compli
cated process lu gel tins It ready for
umrkcl,at one tune being spread out on
the ground to dry. Why oould not
much of that be dried by machinery,
and thus save tlmo and money, Na
tive labor Is cheap both In price and
service. A unod Intelligent workluir
American is worth five of them; For
certain work they uro. however, India-
punsuble. I can Imagine a colony of
say 40 Americans going Into Guate
mala. They would first want tele
graph or telephone line to the nearest
town; then postal fuel lilies and they
would start to work, The laud would
be plutted in 40 parts. In the center
would be hiid out in blocks and streets
for a town, oiid then an Imposing ho
tel and general headquarters building
would be built. The forty men would
slush 60 acres of land a day, as It is fast
work, mid the planting of 000,000 coffee
trees, would bo done nystotnatloully
and lu good order. Buy each tract had
80 acres lu coffee. 6 lu cacao bud one in
loouoantits, the first crop would astonish
you. The rale of Interest on money iu
Guatemala I about 7 percent., so tbut
if you should run short of moliey a few
thousand dollar oould easily be lor
rowed, The only cbanoe I see for a
colony to fall is that they would allow
tb Indolence of the country to over
come them or else - would boom the
project loo much and then get dls
oouraged. American get the most en
thus!llc and also lh most dlspoud-
ut of any people. At the end of fnur
year each oolonlst would get. lit tract
and 30 ers In oofee, 0 acres lu cacao
and 1 aci In oocoauut tree, ' nud the
next year but crop would be clear gain.
If lh Income were 11,000 clear, that
would be Interest ou $410,000, A good
manager of a fine will Increase the
rnlng and ft poor manager will make
them below the above figure. While
coffee and cacao ar tb staple money
making product of the country, the
land will grow almost anything. Mu
gar cane, tobacco, ooru, rice and wheat
do well without much labor expended
upon them. All vogetable flourish.
Tht tropical fruit bananas, plnas,
maugoe, etc,, are seen to luxurlaut
abundance. Cattle raising I another
Industry lu which fortunes, until late
ly, were niadi W. C.
A general reduction of wage ha been
wad by the Union Iron work of Baa
Warehouse for rapnlle for the In
dian service ar to be maintained at
New York and Chicago.
The resilience of W. IL D. Baglsy at
Ronton, Wash,, was with its content
totally destroyed by fire a few night
ago, horn, 140,000,
Alva Johnson and George Smith, who
war arrested on ft oharg of holding np
train at Roaooe. near Lot Angele,
have bean discharged.
The finder of the body of Dr, Cronin,
who wa murdered at Chicago, ha b
Sn suit for the fT,000 reward offered by
Didn't friends.
Bay, grain and pasturage in Sonoma
valley hav taken ft good (tart, and 'a
heavy yield i aasnrad. Fruit tree of
Tory description are budding.
All obstacle to the ooinplet restora
tion of rate between Chicago, tb Mia
mri river and California have been re
moved, and ail line hare agreed thereto.
Frit KlooUer, a iboeinaksr atDodge
ville, N. Y killed his wife and four
children and then committed suicide.
He had been ont of work for month
and hi family was starving.
Postmaster General Dissul ha can
celled th contract for carrying mail
made with th Pacific Mall Steamship
company. The company failed to com
ply with the provision of the contract
Th murderer of Orocer HUdebrand
of San Francisco, who wa killed in
October, im, have benn located. Kid
McCoy, who Is aotnerner in th East,
nnd Harry Black, who U in Jail in Sac
ramento, are th guilty men.
About 100 veteran hav left the Sol
dier' Bom at Yountvllle, Cal., because
Of diaaathifactlon with the present man
agament Sine the recent scandal at
the home radical change have been
nude in the rule and regulations,
George C Mulligan, city treasurer of
Heal (is burg, Cal-, died recently. Mulli
gan wa the central figure of ft sensa
tional robbery torn time ago. Tb city
treasury wa robbed, and Mulligan wa
found on the outskirts of the city tied to
a tre, bound and gagged.
Thomas H. Daley, cashier of the City
National bank ol Goshen, Ind., and well
known throughout Northern Indiana,
died in ft dental office from the effect of
oocain administered to dull the pain in
extracting teeth. Deceased was 50 yean
of age and had served two year a
ennntv olark. "
County Court,
Hill presented April term, 1804.
FewJiistlosCuUrt state vs tle $36 2S
Aumln Conkoy merchandise. 10 92
Dr I, N Woods medical wrvlcs........... M 00
A W tunn ttMlliif . t AO
Dallas KlMulcOo ................... 11 to
W L WslU fros.. ............ 112 oo
Jnoarant "
T C Uajmond nirrhsndlse(hsll)
(1 O Urant pigeon Uop., ......
Mestoa Dyf rt eyelets....
Qrsnt a Ouy IS losloruravol..
tnl Hyron Isbor ...
a a
J b Collin Nblndlhl bonk 1 B0
Waller Babbitt M D Insane patient ex... A 00
V Grant atatlonsry t g go
Craven ltrom merchandise................ 11 'JO
J J Fowler 11 sad L (Hsll A Bon) .... 1 fie
Fee trial tuts vs Hsll (Co Court)... 88 AO
Ja BcrsAord wltndst tntm 1 70
J J Fowler 8 and l (Hall A Bon) 8 00
WasT Hibi Pub. Co.... ... . IS 40
A Trip to the Midwinter Fair.
Our traveling correspondent, Wm.
Kerr, sends us the following interview
with W. W. Collin of Suvor, re
garding hi trip to California. Mr,
Collins spent several weeks in Califor
nia and visited many points of interest.
Here Is what he says:
On the morning of the 81st of Janu
ary, we left a fine day and the town of
Buver with it poultry coops, ash bar
rels, etc.; departing from Albany ou
the 10:45 train going up tho Willam
ette valley; through the mountains and
passing through a many kinds of cli
mate as a trip to the north pole, and
arrived in Ban Francisco, being thirty
six hours out from Albany, The
weather hanging arouud the Golden
Gate to be admitted on a dead-head
ticket wus cold, foggy and rainy, and
wo consequently left out of all' real
estate ads for California. In Ban Fran
cisco we stayed at the New Western
hotel on the corner of Kearny and Cal
ifornia streets, We did not. sight-see
any the first day, but went to the Mid
winter fair ground the next day. The
fair was grand, but the Mechanic's Art
building was the cuckoo for excellence.
The city homes hi Bun Francisco of the
Crocker, Hopkins, Floods and Stan
ford were the finest architecture we
fever saw.
Staying throe dy In San Francisco,
we started for Los Angeles; spent three
week visiting Los Angeles, Al Ham
bra end Santa Anna. At Los Angeles
we saw Mrs. Inland Stanford's private
car standing on a siding. Coming
back we passed through a couutry
( where crops were in all states of luxu-
rlanee until we reached th Golden
Gat, where wo left foggy day Which
had blwmed In our absence Into
weather unequalcd In this world. In
coming back through the mountains
we saw (hat snow plow had been at
work; -but ultimately we got back to
the land of tho gum boot where we
found the mercury lying behind th
ktove to keep warm, and snow storm
stealing down on us from the summit
of Cofflu AutUi.
Th trip I "worth the candle," and
the expense 1. moderate, more so In
Oillforiila than 4n Oregon, (Deflnl
lion of the word Oregon I Wild
Thyme), nnd who blames cltlisen for
llvltiir un to the stale' motto, and
that' what we did,
$500 Reward
for any trace of antipyretic, morphine,
chloral or any other Injurious com
pound lu Krause's headache capsule.
25 cts,, at Alexander-Cooper . Drug Co.
George A. Well Nr.
In country where nature smile our
mind naturally revert to the men who
first had th courage to face untold
danger in order to give themselves
and families bettor advantage In the
grace of nature.
Geo. A. Well Hr. wa among th
courageous people who sought pleas
ant homes and fortune In the wild of
Oregon in '68. He was born In Pike
county, Misoourl, January 14, 1080.
HI father wa a farmer of moderate
mean near Clarksyille.
When grown to manhood George left
Missouri in '48 and went to Illinois
where he married Miss Henrietta Tur
ner. He then prepared to seek hi for
tune and "bo happy ever afterward,"
leaving PllUlield, Illinois, for the land
of the setting suu in '63, lie waa In
company with the Hubbard, Kenne
dies, Veneble and Applcgate. The
trip wa uneventful compared with
most Indian tales, but still the hard-
sbljis are not to be judged by people
who never tried the journey with ox
teams under unfavorable circum
stances. On one occasion the train
was Invaded by war like Indian who
tluiilly proved only on a begging tour,
lu course of proceeding westward the
cattle usariy all died and be was forced
to splice teams with his brother-lu law
Wm. Kennedy, and lauded at Phil
Foster's September 13, '63. He win
tered in the soutl em edge of Clacka
mas county, and In the spring moved
his small outfit to near Pblloi,atb,
lictitou county; in '58 he moved to
Marlon county, and lu the spring of '67
moved to his present home on the bank
of the Willamette near Ituena Vista.
Tim has dealt gently with the old cou
ple and they have yet many more
pleasant year to spend In the land of
their adoption. Wax.
McKees Roeks.Pa., Feb. 3, 1802.
Norman Llchty Mfg. Co.,De Moines,
Ia. Gentlemen. -Your Krause's Head
ache Capsule have been and still are
the greatest sellers and have given the
most entire satisfaction of any article
we ever kept iu our stores. We have
sold gross after' gross of them in the
past two years and in not a single case
have they fulled to cure any and all
kinds of headaches In the most satisfac
tory manner. Yours respectfully,
K. D. Kramer A Co.
City Council.
Last Tuesday our city father were
again In scssiou, with councllmen Ir
vine, Flnc'i, Strong, Cook and Mayor
Hurley present.
After several ballot being cast F. N.
Myers was elected ulghtwatch.
Ordinance No. 5 waa read third time
but being in bad shape with amend
ments was sent back to ordinance com
mittee for engrossment; that la the li
cense ordinance. Theater in the
opera house are to pay no license.
The following bills were ordered paid;
11 D Bannister, nlghtwatch 27 00
A J Topper, marshal S8 65
Geo W Heed, foea 10 40
h CGI I more, water 50 00
Klcctrta Lhrht Co. lights 75 75
A'nrjirise, notice 50
Council then adjourned.
.(202 45
My wife was confined to her bed for
over two month wltb a very severe At
tack of rheumatism. We oould get
nothing that would afford her any
relief, and as a last resort gave Cham
berlain's Pulu Balm a trial. To our
great surprise she begun to Improve
after the first application, and by using
it rcitulurly she was soon able to get up
and attend to her house work. E. II.
Johnson, of C. J. Knutson A Co.,
Ketislugton, Minn. 50 cent bottles for
side by ull dealers.
Notice to tho Public.
The Juvenile Band of Independence
1b the City Bund, and it has been rum
ored around that we had "busted up"
which is a mistake. We are practicing
regularly and are ready forengagements
at any time and will be able to furnish
good music. Those who have with
drawn from the band have put us back
a little, but wernow have other in their
places nnd are getting along nicely,
We calculate to put In a bid to fur
nish music for the coming spring races,
We need a few more new instruments
and It will cost only 8123 to get them,
and then our baud will be complete.
W, Hill, Manager.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all sklu eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded, Price 25
1 cents per box . For sale by all druggist,
Herb aft KrteUlrft
The following are the new directori
and clerk of the eeveral district In
this county; the clerk being named
first and the director second:
No 1-J N Hkalfe, J Phillip, Zen.
No2J SAahbftUgn, D PHtoufier,
No 8-G W Myer, ST Smith, Bndtlf
No 4B Brunk,V N Putnam, Eola.
No 5 N Tartar, Tbooia Ramedell,
King Valley.
NoC VJTurnklge, W E Conner,
No 7J Yoakum, J B Smith, Dal
la. No 8-0 W Lewi, H D StaaU, Lew-
No 9-W W Stockton, F A Weater,
No 10-J A Batter, D B Klaasen, W
O Campbell, Dallas.
No 11-D H Calbreatb, Ellis David-
ton, Parker.
No 12-0 A WoJvertoD, A H Outline,
No ia John Hlgglns, John Hub.
bard, Monmouth.
Nol4-H T Grave, PMScrocgln,
Nolo J H Ingram, Peter Kurre,
No 18-J O StaaU, C E StaaU, Alrlle.
No 17-P C Sean, T J Grave, Ue-
No 18 Thorn a Tatom, J P Penner,
No 20 J D Bevent, J E Ward,
King Valla.
No21-J M Wise, C H Waymlre,
Perry dale, .
No22-Mart Scrafford, Jams HilU-
brand, Lewlsvllle.
No 23 P L Fraze, Cyrue Purvloe,
No 26- Ja Shepherd, Leander Bow-
ell, Grand Itonde.
No 20 -Frank Gibson, H. C Fox,
No 27 George Itodgers, O Webater,
No 28 Frank Holman, John Burns,
No 29-J D Irvine, J L Stockton, In
No 80-8 A Davis, B F Owen, lion-
No 81 A Vercler, Henry Smith, Sa
lem. ,
No 82-0 W Chapman, T W Wann,
No 83 M N Prather, George Soott,
Buena Vista.
No 84-William Rldgeway, H Goad,
No 85 F O McLench, M Martin, F
P Caldwell, Lincoln,
NoSO-R E Pearee, J W Dowell,
No87-C Blair, L G Potter, Sheri
No 88-J B Constable, J R Coulee, F
P Petit, J O Sean, Dalla.
No S9-J A Hannum, C Bar be row,
r . .j.
No 40 O York, W B Duncan, Zona.
No 41-L C Parker, J W Paul, Dal
No 42-J W Caldwell, E F Sargeant,
No43-W W McLane, C N Tharp,
Suver. ,
No 44 Paul Fundman, Ja Savage,
No45-Caas Rlggs, Beth Rlggs,
No 46 -Tracy MoTimmonda, John
Water, Lewiavllle.
No 47-1 A Allen,-1 M Robertson,
No 48-J W Yost, A M Kau, Kings
No 48 N Garwood. Georse Slefvrlh.
No 62 Wm Dent, H Crozler, Wheat
No 63 Geo H Howe, E T Hatch,
No64-H M Lawyer, T A Guthrie,
No55-H C Martin, G W Gardner,
Falls City.
No 58 W A Ay res, B H Reasoner,
No 58-Plato McFee, J R Bobbin,
A Million Friends.
A friend In need is a friend indeed,
and not lee than one million people
have found just such a friend in Dr.
King' New Discovery for consump
tion, cough and colds. If you have
uever used this Great Cough Medicine
one trial will convince you that it has
wonderful curative powers in all dis
eases of throat, chest and lungs. Each
bottle is guaranteed to do all that Is
claimed or money la refunded, Trial
bottles free at any drug store. Large
bottles 50 cenU and $1 .
Wants a Wife.
I am 22 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches,
weigh 160 lbs., light completion, hazel
eyes, dark hair, considered good-look
ing. Woman must be honest and
mean business. Address,
Daniel Atkinson.
8t Parkers, Oregon,
M, . O. Potter has been appointed
freight aud passenger agent at this
point. See him for cheap rates over
the U. P. R. R. Office with Aiexander
Oooper Drug Co. ,. 8 8 4t
Wanted. Cedar or good red fir
hop poles. Address, H. A. Clodfelter,
Independence. tf
There is no place in Oregon where a
better meal is served than at the res
taurant of Westaoott a Irwin, 271 Com
mercial street, Salem. Meals 25 eta
100 Acres of Land for Sale
If you want a piece of tbe best land in Polk
oounty, near Independence, and that will b
sure to suit you In location and prloe, call at
tbli office for particular, u at