The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 06, 1894, Image 2

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B. a PmrrtARR, MMiir.
On. Yr r . . . . . W.W
His MouUm
'AM MMTMflound death nmicM miiMt
lt At Hum will b uiwrlod ft. AH wr
ttv. llna will ba ehargad Kvt (vnta Jr Haft
MuoWty obituary raanluUona will b toarad
atlharawut OvaoanUiwllua,
1W1ti4 at Ua IUfflo In ladcpro
damn, untoa, m aoond-laaa matter.
PWOONtlNCANCBS .Remember that Mi
imblstMMOfthia paprmut ba notified by
totter whan aubawlbwf wtuhM hlapaivr
topped. Allamarag muti be paid.
U.WAYS v TMK NAME ot tha iw
ornea to which your h la wnk Yi
nainn ikH b Atuatnuur UhM uul
, Uli U done. '
AM. LETTERS ihoul'A t ildrewd to Ui
The labored effort of our contem
porary to prove that the present
bard times are not the mult of
democratic ascendency, falls flat
-when the facts in the case are con
sidered. Comparing our trouble
to that of Australia and Argentina
. are not to the point. . Our. financial
affairs were all right until Novem
ber 1893, and since that time have
come the disastrous condition of
affairs which now exist. Argcn
tine Republic and Australia were
going through bankruptcy while
we were prosperous; onr finances in
order, our factories being operated,
our wages increasing and prosper
ity general.
Our United States consul in Aus
tralia says, ,4So far there seems to
be here but little actual suffering
and but few failures. The country
itself has been bnt little affected by
the failures." Contrast that with
the flye hundred and fifty-seven
million dollars of business failures
in the United States last year.
The consul of the United States
in Argentina writing in Jarch
1892, says, "I look upon the-crisis
as the outcome of blunders of fi
nance, blunders of political econ
omy, and blunders of government
which were not superficial, but
permeated and effected the whole
body politic that there could be
no permanent improvement in the
situation until the causes which
had produced it were reversed."
The cause of the distress in Argen
tina was lack of confidence in the
government, just as is today the
case in the United States. The
people are speaking through the
ballot box their sentiment on fi
nance, and the republican party is
recognized as the party which ad
vocates sound money, and encour
agement of a money system based
on the industry of the people at
home, for a home and foreign mar
ket, and the wisdom of its coarse
has been proven by thirty years of.
unexampled prosperity and under
democratic rule of only one year
the most sweeping of business de
pression. The people now know the 'full
significance of a "change," and yet
we have not seen the worst, if the
conditions now existing are allowed
to continue. The election in Ore
gon will have some effect on the
prosperity of our country, for every
day we come nearer to former con
ditions the more confidence becomes
The democratic party Is in
fluenced by a wrong policy in car
rying on the affairs of this country,
and the people not only see it but
are showing their condemnation of
the policy. The erudite editor
of the Enterprise may be able
to see where the republican party
is to blame for this disastrous con
dition, but can he tell his readers
why his party after One year and
n.or3 of ascendency has not only
failed to relieve the situation, but
is really making it worse! The
people may excuse ignorance but
not incompetency. The democratic
party is showing to the people daily
its utter inability to handle this
question from any other motive
than to retain power, and are unde
cided what to do. This incompe
tency is what continues the lack ol
confidence. Our friend has our
sympathy in his attempt to bolster
up the present administration.
The tendency of the writer on
finances was to favor more paper
money, and in that leaning he
showed his populistic tendencies.
Free money and free trade are syn
onomous terms with some.' We
will then say put the fiat stamp of
the government to work and we
will all be rich. The government
will make money to pay its own
expenditures, and hence, no taxes
to pay and no revenue needed.
What a glorious state of affairs;
but somehow, the people are not
enthusing over it worth a cent, and
the republican party, with . its la
borers (employed) and manufucj
tures (in opcratiou) hits caught the
popular fancy this year. Tho dem
ocratic policy ia bad enough but
the populist is worse.
Borne of the disturbed brcthrou
of tho Democratic press have had a
great deal to say in comparison of
the failure of 1873 under Republi
can government, with the failures
of 1893 uuder free trade and trust
government. Dun ft Co,'s Review
of last week, a nou-partisau author
ity, has this interesting table show
ing the annual failures aud liabil
ities in tho United States during the
past 30 years:
Year. Failure. MuMlltUn.
1S5T 4.IKW $3)1,760,000
1S&8 4,fl 91,740,000
1851 ............. 3.M13 0f3M,0U0
1800 5,070 7tt,HO7,O0O
1801 .. 0,003 31)7,210,000
1803 . . ..... ....... 1,062 23,040,000
1803 ........ 405 7,M),000
1804 Jl 8,679,01)0
1803 ............. 5:W .17,025,000
1800 1.JW5 6,1,783.000
1807 2,70 00,000,000
1808 2,008 03,004,000
1800 t
VW 76,061,054
1870 8,510 68,242.000
1871 6,015 86,352,000
1872 4,0(iD 121,050,000
1S73 fi,lS3 24,408,000
1874 6,m 156,230,000
1876 7,740 210,000,000
1S78 ............... 0.IW2 101,117,000
1877 8,872 IW.OOO.OaO
1878 10,478 234,883,132
1870 6,118 08,140.062
1SS0 ........ . . . . ,. . 4,735 05,753,000
1SSI ...5,2i2 81,165.032
1SH3 6.7AS 101,647,504
1883 ................. tt.184 172,814,172
:S84 10,1108 20,243,427
1885 . . . ............. 10,037 124,220,821
18.S6 9,834 104,021,110
1887 9,034 107,500,914
18.S8 .............10.S70 12U,K29,078
m ...10,882 118,784,337
1890 10,007 1S!1,850,04
1891 ......12.273 189,808,038
1892 lO.a'H 114,044,107
1893 .....10,757 657,778,607
.That table.. wilt be useful aud
helpful during the Congresidoual
campaign of this year, aud you
ought to cut it out aud paste it
where it will be convenient for you
and your free-trade friends to see
it wheu the argument becomes so
warm as to demand the production
of the actual facts. Det Moinm
Toot Ureekinri(!ge is assailed on
all sides. While he is in court try
ing to escape the conseqenccs of be
guilcment of his innocence by a
school-girl siren, the sergeant-at-arms
of the house is after him wilh
a warrant of arrest for absence from
the house without leave. Tho only
thing needed to complete his mis
ery is service with a complaint In a
suit for divorce by his latest wife.
The record of congress under
democratic rule cover thousands of
pages; a very few pages would tell
all it has accomplished in any kind
of legislation good, bad and indif
ferent Our democratic frieuds are re
spectfully referred to the election
in Ohio and other states for an an
swer to the question ''Do the peo
ple like the changet"
Fred Lucas who has been ill so
long in the hospital at Portland, is
very near death's door, and the an
nounccment of his departure from
this life Is expected at most any
moment. There are no hopes for
liis recovery. - ,
Later word has been received
that Fred died .Thursday morning.
WTHONO. Tuesday, April 3rd. 1804.
to the wife of Councilman Strong, an
8j pound girl.
DOTY EDWARDS. On Wednesday
afternoon at tho Little Pulace hotel,
Independence, Alms Baruh Edwards
of Peedee, to Wm. Doty.JJving on
the J. MInch furm opposite Inde
pendence, Rev. D. V. Poling --offici
HART At the residence of his son In
law, J. Roberts, In Independence,
Wednesday morning, April 4, 1894,
W. O. Hart breathed his last, after
an illness of several months.
The remains were taken to the 1,0.
O. F. cemetery on Thursday afternoon,
Rev, J. Fred Jenkins preaching , the
funeral sermon, the services twlng held
at the Uaptist church. Further partic
ulars of the life of Mr. Hart will Le
published next week. 1
KMer H. R lUmvis of MeAlllxtorvllli',
JunlatU Co., IV, twya hid wlfo It
utjwt to emmp lu the tonuu'h. I,umI
aummvraha trim! ('luiriiUrrlalii'a Colin,
Cholrm and IUnrrlumn lttuHly for It,
mill wan much ileaml with thittvly
relief It atlUrdod, him lumnluou uwhI It
whenever uiHMnxnry and found that It
never fall. For nlv by all dealer,
Atmwer to the Pojf and ltubblt Problem.
Kdltor Wim Bwki As no ouonvemt
to have been ul to lolvo tho dug and
rabbit problem, I will try toVxolaln tl
o tlut iiKwt uy oue will be able to
work It out with a little pmetlee,
To begin with you III uivd two pair
of eompawiei, at tbl trlek hiw to be
workH by denionNtrtiMon. llavs oat
fortf wlfi 'be other sninller. mo that
one ran be worked unor the other if
ueeenwHry, Spread 0110 pair so a to
utrlke a true clrote, 8 or' 10 lnehet in
diameter, repreaenthm the mile track;
make a mark at any point on the elr
ela to reprtwnt the dog; at a point 1
the clroumferettoe of tbo circle from the
dog, ruak another mark to rvprwnt
the rabbit; ttila glvwj blm th mile
atari. Now aet th amalt eompoMva no
that they will "atop otr1 the elrl from
tlie rabbit arouud to the dog, Into is
or 20 ite or Jumpa, any number will
do that will uome out Juat right at the
dog. Aftor you gH the ,eomwaaa
working so that the laat step come
out exactly at the doft, making a plain
mark at eaeh atep. thuw ruarka will In
dicate each Jump, we will call It, of the
rabbit a ha ruua the circle. Next
apread the other oompaiie far enough
toalwutroaoh aeroMi the diameter of
the track; act one point on the dog and
at the other point ao that when the
uolut at the dog la moved towarda the
rabbit. It will make a true curve direct
to the drat jump made- by the rabbit.
Now awing the point back to the dog
apln, atari It from tho dog again, and
It gut as far toward the robhlt aa the
rabbit made bla flrat Jump, you will
maae a atop or jump witu tint aame
eompasaea that you atepH-d therablili'i
Jump with. Now ehwo the large com
(waaea a Utile, aa the dog cutting acroi-a
will be gradually making a ahorte
curve. Tbla la the part t bnt need
aome practlev ou, to know how much
to vary the large coiupiuatea 1 11 order to
have It come out exact. However, If
you follow dlreeUonacveti nenrly cur-
rect, you will nme an near making tt
at the flrat trial Unit you will at once
aee that It can be worked auetHwafully
Next ai't the coiupaaatw ao aa to travel
from the dog'a lat Jump to the rahbll'a
2nd Jump and meaaurv otr the aamo aa
before the dog'a 2nd Jump and ao on to
a many jumpa aa the rabbit made. If
you have worked It right they will
come together Juat where the dog atart-
ed from. Now to llluatrale the exact
movement of both dog and rabbit at
the aame time, you will act each pair ol
oompaaac alike, the diameter of the
track; place the fool of one pair In the
ociik-r, the other point on the rabbit,
one polut of the other pair la placed 011
the dog and the foot placed ao thai h
will travel to the dg flrat Jump.
Now having each pair lu poaltlou at
the aame time atari the traveling leg of
each at 01100 aud move alowly to tho
flrat jump made by each. Next, move
the f"ot of the dog ooiudmmuw ao that
when he start again he will come to
tils second Jump. Now atari both
again at once, move each to bla 2ml
Jump; the ftmt of the dog oompaiae
are changed again ao aa to make htm
tohla, and the rabblt'a 3rd Jump, ami
ao on to the end. The two pair 'mov
ing at once shows the dog going to-
waru uie rauwi, eacti jump itie same
distance as the rabbits, shows the same
speed of each, and thut they both will
run tbe same distance which la J of a
mile, and that by changing the foot of
the dog coin pannes it heads him direct
ly for tbe rabbit, bringing him Hearer
to It every Jump, and eventually over
takes him at his (the doga) starting
point. T. B. Hcjm.EY,
Alleghany, Pa., March 19, 1891,
Mr Norman Llchty, Des Moines, la.
Dear Blr: I ftiid Krause'a Headache
Capsules a ready seller, aud can say
from personal experience that they are
a good thing, as tho other night they
cured me of a bad attack of neuralgia
In about one hour, when usually It lasts
adayorso. t'.W. Kmart,
Oak Wood for Sale.
Four foot oak wood for sule. Ku
quire of J. F. O'Dohnell, or leave or
ders with Cbas. BUats.
is Essential
. You cannot
B J hope to bs wall!
If you are troubled withy
fyour blood Is bid. A few bottle) of S. S. S. will
thoroughly cieanne the lyntem, remove all tm-S
Murine biiu uuiiu yuu U All liuuinvs u. uivhi-
Ishei are ' ' .
?byituw. It Is the best blood ramody on earth.
i a 111 iu nun un wnn iiriin iivi i ik w.hv
S "My IiIotkI wutudlv Doiinnwl last vear. which ffntmvO
Jwhole lyatcia out ot ordf dltgtMd and aconittnt lourceU
of suffpflny no appetite, no enjoyment of life, Two bottlew
prouffw me riffnt 0111. 1 na ia no uenorx
nlnMV for hlHmt ril.n.Kf...
10HN CAV1N. D.vtnn. Ohio
( 1 reatise on blood and ikin dlMtases mailed free.)!
SWIFT SraCiFlO CO., Atlanta, Ua.
peneotlymneuuaHlwayiiiHilahlM: Vur
all lrrcguliirltlet, painful Menstratlon, mip.
proHHlon, elo.,they novtir fall toafllird a tineodv
and cortnln rellol.. NO EXruiUMKNT, but a
iimiitia nod ponltlve roller, adopted only
after yearn of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price per paekace 1
or Nix pnckKes for $5 by mall, pOHtpnld.
Partlnulari Mtuled 4 nonts. All corroHnond-
encflstrlotly Confidential. '
PARK REMEDY CO., Boston, Mass.
How Fo
It Comptllwtl to Cantlnu iualneai. You will get
Mm n All f Hla OH ttoeh.
We are Raoalvlnf FRESH GOODS Dally, and
ar Rsafy to Show You tha .
Our Stoea will ba eemalettly raalanlahaa'. It will nay
you to Call at Onoa and axamlna thle Salandla Stock,
If yea eannot aame youraelf, aondyonr orders
Indoaandanoa, Orogan.
ma slt mi
Game In Season.
, C Street, Nwr T.0.
fine Photographs
Crayon Work
India Inks
Water Colors
Go la-
Photograph Gallery
Independence, Or.
Dry Goods,
S, fit.
Our Elegant
" ' J la ArrWIng Dally'.
Opera House Block,
Thime ahnea you will find at Mio
hind h nue line ui
The nine I'rlcon oannot bo found in any othor
lore In tlioclty, v
Coma and Saa Thtm.-
"iii ll'ltt' ' ill if 'in i """ ' !"
IVhI with (l. O. Itnranui. ilia llv rl
nat'itl, NlinrlOHii, Diwyuii,
H-aJ till M (
Nit.!, 9airra, all rtVKr.Uxlom iMnd, 10 ftn
in nulllvnilini, wU fpm-rU, OS ''"' In ffmlii!
ImyiT urn. 'a of pniimnti (HiMMMionur tlf
rtmlrif tliv luml liiirilitiilnlt'lyi H hillM fTiilll
Htiprlilnn on muniy nwiii rk $M per nen;
flim aariliin ur fruiUiul.
No, 1. tt mrv, all lu cnililvutttm, all lvl
wi'll fi'iiivil, iiuu ynrtln tu wlxiol mill nliumh,
HU niltra Irinn Hliornlim, l-vl nmi Ui lown
Tul la vt-ry rU'ti i-n-rlt Ixntniii IhikIi flnv
hup Imiil, ami tli bml ehii-kim runiii in Hie
lt; irlii fit lit aont, I'twli, Iwlmior
In n xrnr, Tlirufl wiwmllln In twit nd a
Imir inilt ur Ut liu, lumhor fa wr
tliitiwaixt tm, 'I liln ( will eli for K'
pw ar before fail.
No. S. fti wr.. W In pulllvalbm: tt. yard In
w-ImiiiI Htid eliun-h. Ulllcruvk lxtlUin Und.
I'rtivllfiuvrat-rviOUA-liair cb. bttlaiiMlo
No. 4. sff (K-fM, all In with aum.
itii-r ihiiuw wiu-tti , tniyitr .! u.tlilril emit,
l wn mill a timl mlM lo xiixrlilaii. tin mil
lit and rluircli. I jiiiiI hII IbvI, No, I
tuit ior mill ur impi prii-r fitu prr aura,
No, S, 19 nirm, all lvil ormk Ixillnm Uad, I IS
rw in riinivHlion, wrr of nli tlmrwr
U'mi l.y.Miu orM-K; J'iinlliw U Hlttiri-
Until I'., uiilm m h.H.I ami l)iirrh, Hiijrcr
unlit mMalni) timuiHlltticIyi rti-e a-Wpor
I iavoilirr fhrma tt all (Wrllton Bir
iwlii! J .mul ImhiiiIii and aild (or nunml.
di-nia. l'lirllm linvln. land for will do
wi-ii u iui tin' miiiifl with inn if tliy want It
i m I u lull of pr!nr'a Ink and lol Ui
pntM a imi I nave air nale.
(Ml, fU'KdKW,
Heal Klat A(tnl, rilifrtdan,Ufv)n.
IttHlurllon la th Prta ofSrhoul Ikraka,
The Auiortea lkxik Company have
arrangtM with I he uii(lt'rnl!nil for tUe
aalu of their ach'Hilalfxtbooka uwd In
the at'lmatla of Ort'irmi, at the Mall
oawh prltM-a herewliti attaohed.
, rktail raira
si"w 4-Miiioimi rirni iintniT t jb
" " Mvnd ltettilir.., In
IIIIM Iti-Milrr. ... th
- ' Kiiiirlh lu-njcr mm
" Kinii UwMlcr .... I to
.Mohloltli !'iiiiur rt-'li-iio Iteiidi'r . aA
Whukhi1 ciititra Hpfiiw .,.,.. a
i ooiiii.iiB riiwiiiT . 11.
Hwlntcn't Nnw Word AimlrnU... ... u
AiuKoii ,-ii.iiiig iiiuiih,Mw1i and Kin.
nmnli' Mii-li 05
MaMitt't ri'-lllutj llliiiiki. No. I, 2, H, " 1(1
. . WKtimiuary " os
Monmitira .imni.niary uwigmpliy.., s
" I oinpn-liniulvn . 1 29
(luyot'm I'liymi-ul ti..k-niili I 7,1
narna' itnituiuin inimtna, frl I ....
" , " " OuinnlDta aft
( wra ivoriiuii ii ram initr ..-.. ,. . aa
liurilii'ii hciiliMii-a AI tiitlUK- . 8ft
l-'lli' No. I Arltlimirtli-......... tt,
" "2 - ..... . a
IUII itwm'a S. K. Altra....:.... 1 at
ieoim'iry and TrlK'-nuiiit'lry I 7.'i
M Oenmolry, HnwrMlo...., I ID
IMwr" (Jrortitd Keul Work, Noh. I lu . lo
llnrniw' ITnnary lllatory (!, M. i. fa
- trl..f llmtory, U.H,.. .... 1 lu
" (l.'iii-rui Wl.lory.- .. ...... 1 76
niniiii i riiniTDi i-iiymi)iiKy ana ilyji a, Hi
stwlc'a 1 1 y ui-ii lo rhynluliigy.. )o
J I y ui-ii lo I'll
r. I'ini'tiiMrv - -
HHHurluu Copy Il k. Nix.,
, l uM I:
ninHC 10
H.(Noa.ltu 7.." OH
1 to I. TritnliiK
Hlwl'a Poimlur nhnniUtry l iu
" " rii,viiii... i in
" Kourlion Vwka in lloUtoy.. 1 10
" Nnw lii'wrliillvo Anlnmomy j o
H Kourioon Wwka In Heology.,., J lo
TnniVt N Bin nil ll;;.iry of Anliimlii 1 HO
Will IK, ITHJlPMIVfl mUklO IjCWHHUK, h i, i
" - u
(Ilt'DBtidriiortt?. 1imk..
Whlto't lli-vl.i'U Hrawir.i,-, No. I ui ..,
' " " NlM.tIS
Hrynnt Hirntton' 0. 8. Hook-kwilni
Ward'a HuNlntma Kormn, Niw. I and .,
... 'L . . .." " N"-8 -
WtitMlor I'rlmnry DMIonnry ,
" romtnon .Hi'liool Dloiionary.
; IHkIi Hi'Ihmm Diolioimry ..,. J Ki
" Anudomy DtollonHry... 1 a)
8 12t " .
A alafiai . . a . . ' .
Carpet Lining,
Wall Paper,
Etc. at
The Hew Furniture Store,
Corner C and Main Stroeta,
PI A F (ill
j M uil I
Tho Largest Stock of i
(lafdaiape, - Stoves, - TinuiaK
Alexander-Cooper-Df eg Co.r
Tho Finoct and Moot Comploto Line of
2i3 Street,
The Druggists.
The Jewelers.
The Headquarters
Independence Stables.
Stylish Turnouts Alwavs in Readiness.
Having lately purchased the entire inUrst in the stables of J. N.
iones, we ore now better prepared than ever to meet the demands ot
the public as we are now making and are preparing to make Diuny
Wlwtantial, improvements. Teams boarded by the day or month.
imruiiup turn n Bm;itiiij
AkS.9'ii?Trf.f "opr",."J "a Ix-tWMin Baloin and rail. City. Kian
m J aH City lor ITidtipciKiiinca al 4 a ro.: leavwi Indewndciiix) fi.r 8nliin at ( a.ra. Kroio
iu nr iBdviwndeDoe. ua at I p ra.i lav Kuu fi.r Kalla oily al 4 pTn
m. 1
crone aa. aftcn s!!1',i!i,":7r
in. ri.awn .nlTi-rcrii nt not om.-imI br l-inr In Iwhiiho nlntv tr mi
rrMMHIl. (UIJMIr;,..,3 ImnhM wim
J..' r .".iiiun.n rimiiirmiimaM aoult nivmiiv
al. A wrllpnrntit,-aivraiirt mnnrr mlnriiwl If x t.V.- l ,h! m lj., . 7.L.T.
jl.uC a box, .li f7,r a.ou. by mull, ti.nd t,.r a a el iril" r and liiTmSntoSJ "U,UK,U ' ut
Addnai 1 A VWI. II EDICIM n I a
Independence- ROLLER MILLS,
SKINNER & CO., Proprietors,
Wish to notify the public that thev are now
Ready to Receive Grain
We have also put in a New Improved Cleaner and will do a
General Warehouse Business on the most favorable terms.
i .......
The highest market . price paid " for wheat at 11 time
E are not, but
Fancy Mne of Stationepy
School Supplies; Notions, Choice
Candies, Tropical Fruits and
71 B
In tho City.
I;f5piee. Oregon.
va v tiaa
7"hla at Vtli1
1 .10,-. all hv rtR, pi, V- p.iM.S.'K
wl.h-h If nolch-lr. f,.,'uf f ,
urinary nnt.ii.ol all luijiunUra, """"
liox SU78, San FraiHita-o, c. hrtoib
w - - -
in Exchange for Flour.
we have a or ill. asm ot Uw iewTaUvi utiZTi i?L.?rl k !
1', Vnflinvwii.. MMrv. k.i....... ... i.i'S f "r."1.1 "Ma.'.