The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, April 06, 1894, Image 1

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    10L. XII.
$2.00 Per Year'
Five Cents Per Copy.
uelnooo Dlroctory.
,t dilwIiMV il Mml( ami e
iMiiiwy iHMWkrtH Port"
f naMtiriM-it t ihkV fuM thai
Sal k.u a ' " A I'"
1. National. IVr. Main end Muttiitoulbm.
t National, Cor.. Mam and 0 8U.
jROKKRS, , ORAIN ".19?:
JBwyioiltei Flrt National Hwwfc.
ink C Furn, Mslnrtrwl.
. A. FttHst, C altwrt.
HllMlr hnM , Main stnwt. .
11. Coopvr, corner 0 lrrL
amptwll Son- tmt r at lxmiy Paddock's
city officials.
k. M. Hurley, Mr,
W W. Rwt. Recorder,
kmly Tupper. Mrtwhal.
(ttelh.1, J. Frvd Jenkins.
PrmhyierutM, J. A,Ti''itili
Stiiittreuntloual, I. V. Poling.
fvangHli-ai.l A.l'onley.
MiUhIUI, T. W. Potlrr.
tlirlttlan, N resident ptr.
i. A. MulWey, O Dm iwll Brli'k, up slalr.
rt. Jnhunou.Cor. Kalltoad Jdnnmouth. l
Ees" ItabMlt, la. Nul l Hunk, up sliilnt.
k, U Kelcbum, Monmouth HU, nr U. it.
B. I), Duller, opera bmtw, lip Klatr.
Hubbard 8Ut, Railroad Mr.
B . FJkln. leave orders hi HnW.
lm Sophia Oott. at reldm-. Railroad rt.
Uillr. Meian k-r A Co.. Mttlu Btr.
mttrrwrn Bros., opera how.
lid. Mill Co., Oea. aklimer A l'o.
Star Mill. I. W.Scar A Co.
t (i. Here cor. C nd slwrt.
V. O. Cook, Whlleaker brtett. '
Lwcndorf A Itlneabvrg, Main street,
I. M. Vanduy n, Cor Matu and C tn-l.
. A. MIIU -Whlakr Urlok.
AVllooi, Baldwin A Co.. Hutu ldeCtwt.
McEnlieMn A Suiidcreocti, Corner Mulo A
a P. 1,1.x It. We! mJn Mul a tnx-t.
5. P. Iririne-Whilouker tirU-k.
1, f, U'llimnull, Cor. Mala A Moomouln
K. M. Wiulo A Co.. Main and Mooiu'iuth 8U1.
fW bit Hi lie Ollli, Maltt trot . '
(A.M. Hurley, Main strert.
kieo. A. Smith, tud. Nat'l Bnnk. np ntnlra.
ll'eier Cook. Mum irvel.
Kll Johnvm. Muln tr(t.
l'riwott A Ventfwi, kuw mill.
O. L. Hawklti, cor. Kullnwd and K mreeU.
Kred Mlllr.Ctnl.
HpurliiiK llr., Muln ulnwt.
W. (. .sliiirman, (! Btrt.
)). 11, Craven, C Htivet, mrlh utile.
I n i. Lo'Iko No , A. 0. V, W.
Vulley Ul-lge No., LO. 0, F.
l.yrn Vndgtijo, 2it, A. F.A A.'M.
Homer iMilge No. 4'2, K. of f .
Hcbokali !tero IDOK, Clover lnf No. W.
The OB'n J. K, CJOwr, prop.
The Catle-H. E. Owenu, prop.
Mitchell A Uohannon, Muln utreet,
M. T. Crow, near depot.
bit, If!, 11, Folatifs, k
Oregon. 43
"" I'roprlotor of
The In'lfiponrlflnne Mnrl)le WorltH. BKtlrnalii
on all cmnetury work. KlrHtj!li workman.
Ihlp, lutent duMignM, and lowest price,
"When I was a Boy,"
Writes rtMttmiwtcr J. C. Wooiwow,
Ftorwl Hill, W. Vs., ul hl ft broa
ohial trouble of Mich HrtilHUitt
tuitl ntublMirn cliaiui'trr, that the
doctor irt)iioiinnil It Incurable with
. ordinary rm'dlclnc hiuI stlvlwtl
me to try Aytr's Cherry Pwtoral.
I tiki so, itntl one ImttlA cured nm.
Kor the lost llfteen yeunt, I have
uned thl jtpnrutlon with gtmU
eJTvct whenever 1 tuke
A Ded Cold,
snd I know of numliers of people
who keep it in the nil the time,
not conshlorliiR It eafe to be with,
out it."
"I hv Wn QHtrtft Ayert Chfrry
IVrloriU In my fumlly for 30 yim, with
the Wiowt Mllnturtoi-y rmiulU, nl run.
vhoorfully rwouimend it M Iwlnft enpo.
dully ailnptMl to ill rulmoimry com
plulni. 1 hsv, for timny yam, nwd
pulntonitry tml oilier ntiHlidnot mwcUl
tiidy , ml I havii come tn the ronrlimloa
thitt Ayer! Clixrry Pet tornl CHumpU'ts
ponltlon priMnilnnt ovr other himIU
ln of tli cIhhr." Clm. Pnvroport, 1
Iovo, N. J.
Ayer8 Cherry Pectoral
Prrpirtd by tr. J. 0. yt k Co.. U II, Mm,
Prompt to act, sure to cur
(Kuorvwir to HUHII.VKL A BTAATS.)
City Truck and Transfer Co.
Hauling of all Kinds Done at
Keasonablo ltatw.
Agents for the 0. P. Boats,
AU bills QiiiMt I by the 10th 01
ewch moiith.
Independence, Oregon.
Steamer Altona
Salen and Independence
" To Portland
I-vt Imlcpeiiilt'iico nml Hnlciii
MihkIii.v, WtxIiivMluy ami Krlil.v( Umv
Inn Iiiilciit'tidi'iice at (1:45. Hulclii at
in.,' ami arriving at I'nriluiid at
2:1-1 p. m.
LenvtM rortliind TupsilHy, Tluiriiihi.v
ami Hwturduy ut (1:13 a iu,., Halem lor
I iiut'iH-mieiiW! at 4 p,
Kxoetlent nieal served on bciat at
2H centa jr meal.
- PamenKers uve time and money by
tukiug thin line to Portland.
Ktt'imicr wilt wirrv fimt throuirh
freight and oII'um Hpvvlat ratea ou large
low. ,
Unexcelled 'piiwongcr accomtnoilo-
al agents, ltolnuin block, Huluni, Or.
by the
Portland to fan Francisco
Including FIVE Gate Tickets
; From San Frnnnlnoo toothor polnUIn Cal.
forclft will be allowed purcliiiMcre of apeclal
Midwinter Fair ticket al t lie following round
trip ratodi
To 8ttlbnt nndorlBO milMi from Hnn Fran,
eliico, One and One-Tnird one-way fare,
To Btstton 160 mllenor mora from San
FranclHco, one audoiif .lttk one-way faro,
Vot exact rates and full Information, Inquire
of J, B. KIRKLAND, DlKlrlct lanwmger
Agent, 134 FlrntHtl'ortlau(l, Or., or addronn
the underalgnod. T. 11. GOODMAN,
RICHARD OKAY, Oon.PnaNfngorAlt,
Uen. Ttafflo Manager, Han FronclHoo, Cal,
. Aug, M
A Thrllllnir Tale Wlilth Illudrale the
Kate of Vllllaiiy.
IPttblUticd only U Ilia Wkt SinitJ
Philip Mortttmr, the rctitrar of a
tvi, wna a IMittmnnt if lrrancla Kny
tnond. Pi th men wura lawyer. ' Thuy
had ttudii d in the miuio tifllco and liml
ittcceedrd to the prnulitw of their pa
tron. There wnt nitii-h friomlnlilp lie
twtwu thetu. It wan a alnwrt friod
(hip on Mortlmor'i part.
Raymond bud the itmnttcr will of
the two, Mortimer wn rtiuip1cUly
nndr hi control, lit had lifted him
np a he advanced hlinoolf, not that lie
dtwlred to honor him, but that he was
nwful. Mortimer had inch an cuawr
ated Idea of Rnytuond a dttllculty to
plat hint, whttre to many were cltuii
orltiit for prcfcrnicnt, that hi aplclt of
gratitude dweloixHl Into inlxwrviiincy,
completely ohllteratiiiK every qnnlily
that would interfere with the prrform'
ance of any duty Knymond nuttht im
poae. Uo had been umiihuI a r-iHtrar
of arrvara tcauMi it iuitid Itaymoud
that wan all.
To lie attre Mortttm-r'a aiitcr hud
bcK'ti receiving the attcutiona of the po
litical chieftain and IniaKined, as Mi
timer did. that he wui nltiwro. Moino.
timoa Raymond himnclf thotiKht the
wme, but the truth we a. thouuh he
uilKht nut at all tiiiica twn It. that he
sought li' Mortimcr't comtmnionnhlp
at a relaxation from a life otherwise
excltinK. Poor Mortltm r balinved Hint
Raymoiid'a favors wnro partly due to
the regard in which bis aiator was held
by his political siHitiMir, an 1 in this ba
llot his dt votion to lUyuwml stcmlily
incrt'iui. Mortiiiicr was a tonaump.
tive, but his work took littlnof his time
and exacted noxrtion beyond vlaltinj
Raymond at utiitwl turn and making
his reportf so be wtm as bnpeial and
buoyaut as conunitivM, free from the
other vexations of life, usually are.
Raymond occupied a hoinw iu a re
spectable section of the city, fie cotild
easily keep an establishment in the
most aristocratic quarter, but it wasn't
policy to do so. Ills home was luxuri
ously furnished and cured for by a
woman whom be called his niece, and
whom the world believed to bear thst
relation to him, 8he was a charming
hostess, Ilr queenly (rrace and win
nlng mannt-rs assured her the entree to
some of the best clrclus, and as society
never questioned her standing why
should wef Kim is nothing to us, be
yond a figure exemplifying bow Ray
moud lived.
In the well appointed library Mortl
ner is rccnivwd by his chief. The ri'id
trar of atrrars is ncrvons. lie baa mode
nnusual haste to reach Raymond's home
and plainly shows that something out
"Loofc out for Manynn!" he gaptd,
of the ordinary has occurred. This is
not lost to Raymond, but be pnffs cool
ly and leisurely at his cigar, taking it
from between his lips just long enough
to say t
"Oct your breath, man, and tell ns
what has happened. "
"Look out for Mnngnnt" he gitsped
as he loaned forward on the library ta
ble and breathed more heavily from the
The coolness of Raymond, who sat
smiling, helped him to regain bis com
posure, and he resumed:
" JUangnn met ns this afternoon. We
were in the Unitml Mtittcs court" a
name given to a resort for, city ofllcinls
and politicians generally' "and the
commission bill came up. Ho said It
was a 'deal,' that the commissioners
were your men, that yon were at the topN
middle and bottom In fact he used
words I bate to repent. "
"Never mindl Repeat them. He
says queer things at times. He's a pe
culiar character What were his
"He said you posed 'as a philanthro
pist, a patron at church entertainments
of every denomination, but that you
were a political serpent, a constrictor
wound nround every interest and insti
tution, and crushing such ns were not
bonotlclal to you. He sounded the com
pany, and a few, the sume you have
mistrusted, laughed and told him he
generally hit the nail on the head."
"Is that all?"
"All? No. He declared that load
er, lawyer and all as you were, he
meant to give you a thukeup before be
left town."
"Leave town?"
, " Yes. He said no more, but he said
that vindictively."
"Why, 1 ottered him the managing
editorship of The Trumpet. 1 endeav
ored in every way to show friendship
for hirn. He can have no feeling aguinst
me. If 1 knew any one who was close
to him, 1 would help him even now In
his fresh ambition, give him financial
aid to start out well, for it must be
some great ambition that moves him to
leave this place, Did be say when be
was going?" '
"Yea." ;
, "When?"
" He said not until he exposed the
Inside of the commission, and he hint
ed that ha would ha (rraatlv fllaaimoint,.
i"1 ,f y were mil aiaeiosaa insww
light to tha liiKipli),"
I "Weill Weill" Imuhed Raymond.
"Who would ever think be la such a
I "It's not my business, of coarse,"
mildly suggested Mortimer. "But nous
of the land to be apprsised Is yours,
is it?" . ,
"My dear fellow," said Raymond,
'don't worry) None of tha land Is
wine yet."
"It la Mime of the land yon bold
tbnnu'h tax sale certlflcateaP
"What Wit Is?" '
"This," said Mortimer. "Some yearn
igo you had the taw passed. Property
owners did nut pay ta promptly.
The law as It now stands is thai the
property is sold at auction to privets
individuals Just for the tsxes. To re
deem it, the owner must pays bonus of
10 pur cent and interest at Is per cent,
and if he fulls to redeem It in 10 years
the city gives a clear title to the man
who purchased the laud and the build,
lugs theroon, If any, for the taxes."
"Now under thut law yon bsvs
botight, nr others have bought for you,
and legally secured to you, many blocks
of real estate, some of which will
never be claimed, If these blocks srs
to Iw sclitctcd by the commission, Man
gnu will any so : he will Bud It out He
is a socond Holler t be can se In all di
rections. "
"It seems to me," remarked Ray
mond, "that yon hav ln badly
cured. You forget that nnder the law
there is no record of those transactions
in the oftlce of the register of deeds In
the county, where Mungan will turn
for his facts, You am simply the regis
trsr of arrears, Wbnt you know la not
all a mutter of official record. "
"Rut ho knows the law."
' "Buppuist), for the sake of argument,
that he does," responded Raymond, s
lit tin nettled at Mortimer's persistence,
"Suppose, again, that the commis
sion decide ou these lands that i may
hsve within my teach. The day after
the co 1 mn! ut! Ion reports, the legal limi
tations will expire and tha property
will be legnlly miue. The dd will
come to 1110 dirwtly, or Indirectly, to a
troftoe, moat likely the latter, and no
1 mi per can say a word about It without
caving itself open to a libel suit Ev
erything la honest and regnlar. That
is the law. It may not be the fact that
the lauds will be those that friends ol
mine held, yon understand? 1 have as
sumed that much, Just to satisfy you,
Your deputy would not talk Ilka this."
"1 assure yon, Frank," for Mortimer
so called him when the warmth of
conversation demanded soma nomina
tive of address, "I was looking after
yonr interests; that was sIL'V
"I know it" was the reply, Inkmd
td to convince Mortimer that the per
sonal allusions had not undermined the
confidence re ikskhI In him. .
"I'll go home, now," said Mortimer,
"Wait a minute," said . Raymond
"bars la acquainted with Isabel Le -Le
Clair, Is she not?"
"I think I bare beard bor mention
the name."
"Look here, Philip" and Raymond
threw the stump of his Havana Into
the cuspidor, locked the Angers of
both hands, inclined forward, support
ing his body by renting his left elbow
on his knee and looking seriously al
Mortimer. "There Issome private bus!
neos on foot in which I want tho good
offices of Mother St, Uertrude." Miss
Le-Le Cialr is Influential In that
quarter. I cannot see her in the con
vent or st school, tnui has mot her
socially at many places. I have fre
quently w-en both together, and they
seem to be great friends. I am very
well acquainted myself with Miss Le
Clair, have enjoyed her company at
muny parties, and she herself has told
me she is enthusiastically fond of lues.
Let Inez invite her to your bouse, and
1 will there gut s chance to enlist her
aid. Tell lues to manage this for me."
" Certainly 1 she will do it Is that
all?" ' .
"That'aall." .
Mortimer bade gnodby to Raymond
at the door. The hitter, when be bad
returned to the library, mused 1
" Mifngau cannot harm me. For hit
bitterness, however, I will punish him.
Cut of Isabel's great love for him, 1 can
force her to marry me, ami he will not
know it until he reads the wedding no
tice. And Inox? Oh, she'll well, 1
can got over that, too. Cut, on every
consideration, I think It will be better
to wed Isabel Le Le Clair. Strange,
bow 1 find it bard to pronounce that
, tBABKtj tJNDKit Raymond's infujbhcb.
Numerous Incandescent electric bulbs,
added to tho Horn I embcllishmcnta that
break out in every direction, make
brilliant the rooms in the Mortimer
home on the classic Brooklyn Heights.
Ines is the hostess. Isabel is there,
bnppy and no less radiant than . when
InsTwa saw her. Old school compan
ions ure present, too, with 'friends par
ticularly selected with a view of mak
ing her foul ut home, Inex had deter
mined to pleaso Kay moud and demon
strate hor woman's tact by having none
there before whom Isabel might act con
strainedly, Ines had also asked Isabel
to remain over night, as otherwise she
would have to leave early for the con
vent. -'lines
was a petite branette, Viva
cious, witty, Intellectual and artistic
she had muny admirers. She was so
sensitively constitnfed that she partic
ularly a vol dud, in a most natural way,
the .assertion of any accomplishment
that might incite jealousy in those of
bur sex who moved in circles with her
self. So strong a feature of her char
acter was this, that even they who
thought Raymond an eligible subject
for tbnir feminine wiles never could
see in her relutious with him, at ball
or fete, anything beyond the usual
amenities of friendship,
Could Inez road her heart, she
might Rave discovered feeling
for RuynQgd wag not tools
Ittobs. "unconsciously sni ' come
to accept her brother's opinions and
sentiments with respect to the msn as
her own. Bhe looked upon him ss ber
brother's benefactor. And bad not
Rsymotu himself, by his attentions, bis
compliments and references to s future1
where bo and she stood together, mads
evident bis own latentlons with regsrd
to her? Little did she dream that her
brother was rewylng Raymond s hun
dredfold, and that she herself, tonight
Was rendering him a service whose
worth time alone could disclose, If In
desd the curtain of mystery waa ever to
be drawn aside.
There she stood with Isabel by ber
tide, ss tho guests one after another
Srers received. Why duscrlle tlint so
cial panorama, lo which th'tw two
ibons as queen) two Impressive types
if beauty singled out for admiral Ion In
1 kaleidoscopic n;: of euchaiitlng
forms and faces? Would It be puxzling
to sny one. who knew Raymond's do
sign, and oould read bis thoughts, to
saslgn a reason for bis own appro vs I of
the count be bad resolved to pursue?
"She's a woman among a million,'
waa bis mental comment as Isabel offer
ed him her baud, ber checks aglow
with the wild excitement of the scene.
Rut all things come to an end.
The entertainment was on the wane.
The guests began to depart. Somehow
Raymond, with b! unobtrusive diplum
scy, bad managed to engage Isabel's at
tention, fie escorted ber to an alcove
Invitingly embowered with sll the taste
of the florist's art and suggesting It
self, in exotio eihalattona, as s repose
ful retreat, now tbat the whirl of the
evening had begun to pall In Its de
cline. "Yes, It baa been s very enjoyable
iveulng, " she said In answer to a re
mark of Raymond. "I never met so
many frionds at once before,"
"And I haven't had the pleasnre of
seeing yon for months, I'm at fewer
events of this nature than yon. "
"Yes. What is there in politics at
tracts yon men so?'
"1 can't aayt some people have sug
gested it is the passion (or power."
"Commendable, wben the power Is
exercised for good."
"Rut people will not give ns credit
for so exercising It it is in the politi
cal world, like the social world, tbe
jealons and tbe disappointed are quick
to spread . scandal that originates in
tbeir own minds and bas nothing but
spite to food and live upon,"
"You Judge the world harshly,"
" Harshly t You do not know It
Even yon, la whose Ufa there Is nothing
of the dross, cannot escape criticism. "
"Why, yea. Is It possible that you
bavs never been annoyed ty the envy
that 1 have seen and beard although
bnt little In society the envy of de
signing mothers?"
"Tbat isn't so, is it?" she queried,
regret and alarm starting her into an
attitude tbat was winsome.
"Never mind," said Raymond sym
pathetically. "It In to be expected,
and their fears are proof that their
judgment Is better thiiu tin ir manners.'.
"Yon are jesting." said Isabel, sur
prised at hla speech. " Every one knuw
my statna here thut of one who by
virtue of the courtesies of old school
companions has been permitted to share
In the festivities that broaden her ex
perience and add to that sum of knowl
edge which tor tbe sake of ber profes
sion she would enlarge, Tbe friction
of contending minds brightens the intel
lect 1 am a poor teacher. Therefore
to yon It Is unnecessary to state why I
sin likely never w be asked In places
such as this, where wealth casts its
glamour over all, to chango my name
to tbat of a family which would con
sider the nnlon of one of its scions to a
person out, of their social kingdom as a
terrible mesalliance'' '
"Believe me, I am not jesting, " said
"As I think so, let ns dtop the sub
ject.!' .
"I do not mean tot 1 would like to
place yon beyond these people's criti
cism," be said slowly, with s look that
was portent in Its firmness, and yet so
full of tenderness tlmt Isabel hesitated
uutil the explanation which was evi-'
dently coming could be offered In jus
tice to him and her,
"I am prompted to talk In this vein, '
he said, "out of regard for one who is
dear to you, 1 understand Laurence
Mangan. It is in my power to make
him and you bnppy. " "
"Not by putting"--- she liegan, while
afhmhof resentment mantled bcrcueoka
."No, not by putting yon apart," he
Interrupted, "if that is what you were
going to say. Let me tell yon 1 will
bring yon closer. His name is not
Laurence Manga o, no more than yours
la Isabel Le Clair."
Isabel was startled. She awaited In
fear the words that were to follow.
"If Maugun knew it, bis rent name
is Laurence Leland, and ; be : is your
brother, " was Raymond's next decla
ration. . ..- ..'.-'.'.- '-
"My brother!" she exclaimed.
, "Your brother,"
"Thnnk Uodl"
"That ho Is?" - ' '
"No-o, Never mind, " was her reply,
her right baud mechanically rising to
her brow aa if. to keep bor dancing brain
from beating its way outwurd. What
conflicting emotional Gratitude that
she bad escaped marriage with her
brother; grief that sba had lost Lau
rence In a relation, tbe very thought of
which bud,- in days gone by, .awakened
within hor the tenderast sensations of
pence and bliss, bhe stared blankly
at Raymond. Her eyes were upon
him; her spirit was in other realms,
where golden memories, crystallized
with ideals that muut never evolve into
realities, were flying before her vision,
dissipating before this revelation like
mist on the mountains when the morn
Ing rays break in upon them. She was
thinking, too, of the truth in the poet's
Ah, tuali Is the fate of our life't early promise,
Bo panning the r","!!tWo of Joy we have
Kaon wave that ws danced on st morning ebbs
Aaiayssns st svs m tas bleak shcrs aloas,
Highest of all In Leavening Power. Late it U. $. Gov't Report
Summoning sll ber will power to ber
sld, she concentrated her mind on tbe
situation and Its suggestions. Reason
came back to its throne, and sbe asked
"How have you learned this? How
do yon know it Is true, that bis nam
and mine is L'dnnd?"
Raymond was cool and collected. He
bad not mmta up his mind bow be
would broach the subject, Ho realised
that be hud not diaie it delicately, but
be bad anticipated the rcHtilt and was
prepared. If she expected -to read in
his face Anything of thut which she bad
long dreamed to make cleat the secret
of her ancestry she was disappointed.
Note tremor of a mnsclol His look was
really 0110 cukmlutod to give her confi
dence In the sincerity ho proteased.
" If you do not believe me to be a
friend," ho continued, "I will aay no
mote about the matter. Let me assure
you I thought yon would be pleased to
hear news yon must have long yearned
for. It . was my great solicitude for
your wclfaie that c anned me to speak ss
1 have, and thut, too, ta my apology
for being so abrupt Let me take yon
"Stay a moment," she Interposed,
How rightly had be studied woman's
natural ' How often has her curiosity
cost her the moKt priceless jewels in the
circle ot her womanly tressureat But
In Isabel s cm much might be pleaded
In (txteuuatien.
"Will von tell me all?" she asked.
bet arms InvoluutarUy outstretched in
(it-iitly he took ber hands and held
them in his cwn. He looked at her
lovingly, for his heart went out to ber
more than it ever bad to any other of
her sex,'-....
"Don't think me hard," he beseech'
ed. " I'll tell you, but if my story makes
you happy, as I know It wilt, can 1 not
bope for happiness In return?
"Are you sure that that Lan
Laurence Is my brother?"
"As sure as I am tbat yon are Isabel
Lcland," '
"You could not ask me to answer
now. I have never imagined this. Do
not press me. I will certainly be grate
ful. Let me not think yon anything
but manly, whun the recollection of
your Kindness will rise before me."
"This means much to Laurence
Laurence, you call him, and my friend
ship warrants me In using the name,"
continued Raymond. " He Is nnder a
cloud. If you were my wife, I cotild
sppeal in his behalf to those who mean
to ruin him, rnin him through wrong, 1
fuel. As a disinterested person, 1 con Id
not stay tho storm that lowers above
him, but to protect me and mine from
dishonor theso people could bo induced
to conseut to an investigation thai
wonld vindicate Laurence. Then, agalu.
I have long desired to lift him to tin
highest place in his profession, (t it
within my power to do so," '
"But 1 know nothing of this, or ol
what it means. Am 1 asked to pU dp
myself before there is justification
Will yon still torture me witb stw
penSO?"'. ; V;''' ' ?':"
"No, 1 will begin my story. . Youi.
father was Ueorgo Lclnud, an honored
and an honorable man. He came from
England with your mother, ambition
goading him on. Laurence was the
eldest child, nearly 8 years yonr sunior.
Two other children your parents had
They are dead. Your father was er
ratic In his way. For several years be
lived at Wort-enter, Mass. Wlitu yout
brother was 8 years old, yonr father be
gan to travel, searching for specula
tions, Yonr brother Laurence was not
very strong, and as your mother bud
hopes of bringing hor husband back to
Worcester she loft the boy thero in bci
sister's care. As he grew np, tho boys
all addressed him as Laurence Mangan.
Mangan was the name of yonr aunt's
husband. He bad no children of bis
own, and Laurence became his idol."
"But how is it that Laurence does
not know his own surname?" she que
ried. ;'-.
"I am coming to that; Yonr nmthet
was taken ill bore, shortly before your,
birth. Slio didn't fuel equul to a jour
ney back to Worcester, having been
worn out with travel through several
states, and at auy rate your father took
a liking to this city, and bIio was very
cautious In avoiding suggestions that
might again awakeu tho roving dispo
sition within him. Your brother was
in his aunt's care from his third ' year,
as the boy was not strong enough to
stand the , travel. Your father was
moving from place to place, your
mother always with him, They settled
in this city in 18?8 end it was your
mother's intention to have Laurence
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. .
vUsed in Millions of ; ' 010940 Years the Standard
brought on, woan she was smcxen
down. Your uncle bad queer notions of
yonr fstber. He knew be bsd not tbs
disposition of tbe migratory wallow,
returning to the old banuts wltb tbs
change of seasons, snd that be wonld
never revisit Woroestnb.,.Jsr. Mangan
bad therefore made np bis mind that
Laurence would remain witb him.
Mangan wss not wealthy, but be was
comfortably situated, and be bsd no
thought that objections wonld be nods
to bis adoption of the boy, especially
ss the probability wss tbat your fstber
wonld not be long in wasting bis sob
stance In his speculations. Mr. Man gan
never told Laurence of bis people, for
the reason, be said to bis wife, that 'It
Is time enough when his folks retara,
or nntll be is older snd capable of ap
preciating tbe case,' Yonr mother's
desth wss followed qnickly by that of
yonr sunt snd Laurence never learned
this story, Yonr father placed you la
tbe con vent."
- "Why bas my father been silent and.
apparently so careless of Laurence and
"He went to Denver end waa killed '
killed for his money. He bad not
time to make any arrangements."
"And how have you learned this ;
bow came you to be acquainted witb a
history that Is a mystery to me and to
to Laurence?"
"Simply enough. Tbe old lawyer
with whom I studied was your fatber'a
counsel. In rummaging over old papers
a abort time ago, 1 found a letter from
tbe district attorney of Denver, Inclos
ing a memorandum written st your
father's dying request be lived a few
boors after tbe shooting. That memo
randum directed your father's counsel
to look sfter your Interests. , I presume .
the lawyer found you hud a good home,
that Laurence had another and that as
your father bad left no property, mat
ters could not be improved. Out of my
love for yon .1 made inquiries that en
larged my knowledge. Your family,
on the maternal aa well as the paternal
side, Is an honored one,"
"Why not tell Laurence?"
"Has he never spoken to yon about,
toe?".. ,
"No, beyond saying that yon wers
sot friendly toward eucb other on ao
tonnt of politics. I never asked more.
just because it waa politics,"
"He's s queer lad," remarked Ray- -mond.
"If 1 told bim, be wonld almost
kil his uncle, now an old man, for tbe
deception practiced npon bim."
"In what docs all this mean danger
for Laurence?" asked Isabel.
"You have not yet told me that my
Interest In you is reciprocated?"
"The Interest is."
"But there is something more I seek."
"A womau'a heart is not like tbe.
wax matrix of a phonograph, suscep-.
tible to the slightest sound and holding
it nntil itself is molten," was the evas
ive response.
"There is no one whom yon wonld
have nearer or dearer to you in this
one sense, 1 moan tbe sense of honest
"If Laurence ia my brother then -perhaps"1
and realizing that she bad
almost made an admission she broke oil
into the strain most pressing npon ber .
"How ia Laurence threatened?"
Raymond waa satisfied. He knew
that gratitude in woman, like pity, ia
skin to . love, The first process In ita
evolution was visible to bis quick eye
snd was confirmed by the ear thst bad
marked the intonation when she re-,
ferred to the quality, of a. woman'a
heart. He .could now finish his story
and trust safely to time, he thought, to
make her his own.
"Laurence was a clerk in yonr
uncle's store, a large one for a town;
like Worcester. He had other ambi
tions and ran away one morning and
entered newspaper life. The day after
hia departure there waa a defalcation
of a few thousands of dollars reported.
The bookkeeper placed the blame npon
Laurence,. who waa trusted. The evi-.
dence was against bim. The deposit
sent with him to the bank, tbe day pre
vious to bis departure, waa larger than -tbe
sum credited in the passbook, So
the bookkeeper charged. They have
been a few years hunting Laurence
down. A lawyer friend of mine who
bas the case in hand baa withheld pro
ceedings at my earnest request. Ha
has not notified your uncle, who, some
time ago, sent him authority to act,
having heard Laurence was here. Re
quisition papers will be soon issned and
would have been issued ere this, but
for myjnfluence in advising delay,"
(To be continued.) 1,