The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, March 30, 1894, Image 3

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    W Peper o! Polk County.
tSttl'Kn NY
;st Side Publishing Company
! PltUUY, MAIUMI 30, WM.
Canton Bsat This 7
100 Utttf Had, $ .60
100 Envelop. .60
250 Utttf Hada, 100
250 Er.vlop, ' 00
1000 LtUf Hada,--- 2.76
1000 Envelop, " 2-8
100 Bulno Card, 1.00
250 " " - 1 35
1000 " " 2-60
will not a UNDERSOLD.
If thai Prleoa aro not LOW
nouah, tell whir you
ean do batttr.
The abova Prloaa ara
liKI'mUCA I'M'H AT dl( KKKAI.l.
s-'Ust Saturday evening a republican
' wa organised at
ilekreall ami It. d. Thellsrm elected
'resident; II. C. Cox, vice prwUh-nt;
jeorge r. line, secretary aim rntos.
llwim, treasurer. The next meeting
ill be Saturday evening, at ?::,
ben J. H. Hawley, tf Monmouth,
kl others will address tho club
W Pallas Glee Club will lw there mid
Ulokreatl band will discourse
Wo, The member are quite en
toliwtlei. The publlo I Invited tn
1 meeting. Several will attend
in t hi city.
kvkntyhvk Ykaiw Ou. April
h. 1S5H. I the 75Ih anniversary of
d Fellowship In the Uuited Watt.
t hstge here la thinking of having
'excursion on ttie Willamette river
that tiav, aud It I tatialhlo they
y go to Oregon City, although It ha
yet been fully determined. A
auilttee ha been appointed to niake
iiigemeiita. A picnic at home limy
;iie actual result. The day will 1
jbrated In aotne way. Corvallis,
wny and Salem lodges are not
Ing any preparation to celebrate,
I Oregon City will do m.
iiiso Opknino. Last Thuraday,
W and Saturday the milliner,
it lather Mr. amiergrin, a-
kl by Min .Myrtle Miller, had their
iy tenliig of uew and ntjlwh
lnery. The gootia wre very taatl-
Sanged and the hundred of hat
Ijonnet were allow n olf to audi
I advawtnue that the crowd of
m lu attendance were liberal in
t expreMxioii of appreciation. It
kl to have been a linpoliig an
ting a wan ever given lu the city.
ludie are profiting through their
Art kk Coxckht. On lant Sunday
ling the Chriatian Suuday action
a concert, coul!ing of aonga, n-
jona and kindergarteii exerclHea
eburch wa tilled to overflowing,
(the little one performed their re
41 ve part with credit to thcinaulveti
I the cchool. It. L. Shelley gave
rt Ux;ture ou the origin of celcbra
Eaaler and the beticflta derived
1 tb cuhtoni. A collection wa
m at the clone for the purixwe of
ting a Sunday achnol library.
MMARIK8. The primaries of both
republican and democratic partlea
meet next Thursday a follows
ih Imlepemienee.olllceSalem wure-
je: Central Independence, Whit
ir Hall; South Independence,
a formerly occupied by II. M
, in National dank building
it of meeting I 1 l. M. At Moti
Jtli one rueeliiiK plain) I the ora
ae and the other the Waterhouse
ARD ok Than km. I desire to ex
J my heurtlclt tiiank U the friend
jiielghbor who were so thoughtful
I kind In a linlnlHtcrlug to the wants
lit lant hour of inv mother. I II
Xki'CHUCax Cllu. Luat Fnday
)iiing the republican club again fin
1 had a profitable acaalon; Judge
'rift' 1. A. Vciicwt. J. A. Whwle
olher, addre.-d the meeting.
astkk Vahm. Tho children were
de haiipy lunt Saturday by the Al
Widtjr-c'Kiper Drug Co., who diatrib-
Xl 100 colored egg free.
yANTKH. Cedar
) piUm. Address,
good red fir
A. Clodfcller,
IIciiih From Alrllc.
jO. Staats had the misfortune to
la valuable cow one day last week.
I'll. Hline has been employed to
'h thOvKing's Valley hcIkmiI.
Tllma Dulton, who hasTicen spend-
sometime with her grandmother
returned to Monmouth.
few persons from hero attended
birthday-party of Mr, I I. I). Htaats
ewisville, and spent a very pleasant
jlng playing various kind of games.
ivldson & dond of Monmouth,
ht and shipped quite a lot of
,kens aud turkeys from here Tucs-
, W. Rallston of Bhcrldan, has been
ough this part of the country for
past few days buying mutton
ep for the Portland market.
John drown, living a mile or so
north of town, dropped lulu the Wkht
HliKofllce last week to pay hi sub
scription, and casually remarked that
he remembered hi father telling of
the frte-trHtU time In the MO', when
they hauled wheat (WJ mile lo Jnnit.
Vllle, Ohio, and old It for !W eetil a
huVI and took half of tlutt lit trade.
He v free trade would not suit Idm
udglng from the experience lilt
father used to relnte. Mr. drown
think right and will vote right.
Almtit ItH member and Invited
guest attends! the cltwlng parly of
the Independence dancing club hint
Haturdny evening, and all present more
than enjoyed themselves till midnight,
when all dcpopartcd, hoping that the
club would decide to give a lew more
dunce thl season. Thl club haa U'en
t' e tut an of furnishing many pleasant
evening' entertainment during the
winter. We uuderatatid that there
will be a dunce given every two week,
The republican congressional eon veil-
tlou for the first district has is-eu called
to meet at Halein oil Moudny, April
mh, at 2 p. U). The wuventloti will
consist of 138 delegate, of which Polk
I entitled to 7. The flute convention
to ttomluate all district and state offi
cers, txeept congressmen, ha been
called to meet at Portland on Wednes
day, April llth. Thl convention will
consist of 2u8 delegate, of which Polk
will send seven.
F. It. Ctk, atcretary of tho State
Sunday school amoclatlmi, which, 1 to
hold It ninth annual convent! ni at
Salem, May 24, announce a one and
one-third fare rate over the Southern
l'acllte. Mr. William lleynold, the
International Held superintendent, will
be nrcacnt and a larirc atlciulaiuHi 1
urgctl. IntUlrlta should be addressed
to W. W. Urooks. Hateni.
SlutHi the lecture hint Thursday even
lug the A. 0. U. W. halge 1 receiving
niany applications for memU'rahlp.
Mr. Frank iHivtv iirenenled the ben-
elltaof the order lu nit Inteiesllug and
Instructive manner and was ably sup
plemented by lirand Master Workman
Mackey. The A. O. U. W. halge of In.
dependence, is one of the strongest
secret organisations here.
It. C. Altman. well kuown lu this
county, has been teaching near Tort
land, ami wa recently necumil of kiss
ing one of the prelty girl. The seluad
board objected and aaked him to Kalgu
which he refused to d i, claiming
perfect right to kiss pretty girl. He
was then paid unearned salary,
the Umrd entirely exonoratlug him
from any blame.
The special dispensation of the grand
niaater workman, A. . U. W., redue
lug the ctmt of lultlallou from 110.50 to
ff.5t ha Ufii exteiuletl to April 30th,
by reason of the continued hard times.
Applicant will have to be examined
during tbe next two week to take ttd
vantage of this reduction.
your blacksmlthlug to II. A.
lterg does repairing on furniture, rain
or shine.
1'rlmarlea aud county conventions
next week.
You will And our continued story
very lutenstlng.
It did not rain last Sunday; which
mean rally spring.
W, O. Cook went to Portland last
Wednesday, ou but loess.
Politics are warming up, and we are
glad to feel the radiating heat. Ia1
the pot boil.
Every arson should use Commute
mineral water for a spring drink at
Clodfelter lire.
Mr. Harry Swift Is In Southern Ore
gon and may locate there, taking hi
family there thl fall.
Mr. Morln. one of tlie proprietor of
the KnUrprUr., made the Wot SiMt
olTlce a social call last Tuesday.
A meeting of the jiersons Interested
lu the coffee business Is called at this
olllce next Monday afternoon at 8
The trial, before Justice Lines last
Wednesday, of Frank Cole, of duena
Vista, resulted In that gentleman's ac
quittal. Our traveling correspondent Is doing
good work, and oilers nochromosclth
er, sending In several cash subscribers
each week
The Junior Endeavor Society of the
Christian church will have a concert,
April flth. Admission 6 centa. de-
gins at 7 -SO.
t III ley Coocr, who lias been on his
frult-fnrm up on the Snake river, for
the past few months returned home
last Monday.
dev. J. It. daldwin wu Invited to
address the Masons lit Albany last
week, and also preached in the Jh'pt
1st church there Sunday,
J. L. derry of derry, Oregon, will de
liver at Independence cedar hop poles
for $iir to $110 H thousand; 10 feet long
and -i to 3 Inches square.
Mrs. II. Foster left last Friday morn
ing on the Alton for Vuncouvor,
Wash., where she Is visiting tier
daughter, Mr, drumagen.
Geo. C. drowned was unable to ad
dress tho republicans here last Tuesday,
as announced last week, and the date
has been set for April 17th.
J. W. Dawson, a brother of Mrs.
Prof. Powell, of Monmouth, Is a dele
gate from Heppner to tho republican
state convention at Portland, April 11.
Arrangements are being made to
have Qeo. 0. drowned speuk In the
opera house next month, and have or
ohestra muslo and a rousing good time,
Head "From the llall-ltoom In Hell,"
at CUslMter dro.
Cnroimdo mineral wnter-tt spring
drink, at tllodfelter llros,
Next week w'll 1 a busy one among
the aspirants for political favors.
(hi to H. A. Fuller on C street for
hop spud, or augers, cheap for cash.
Ltsik for fence signs tel'lng about the
shot and other things at the New
York dackct Store,
J. W. Vaughn, formerly a resident
here, will U' a delegate to the rt publl-
. . it IT. i 111..
can state convention irom i inaiina
A prominent attorney of Dallas says
the democrat will nntnlimte den ilay-
den and T. J. llayter ou I he represen
tative ticket.
A marriage license w as granted this
week to V. V. Hubbard and Mis Em
ily Martin of Siulthlleld, by County
Clerk Mulkey.
Captain C, W, (iridium of the Album,
I very sick and ha not been lu charm
of the Imnt this week. The symptom
are typhoid fever.
At the meeting of the city council
last Wednesday evening the Una! volt
was takeu ou ordinance No ft, aud It I
now a law and w ill la? enforced,
Hon TT. Ucer, of Marlon Co., will
address Iheelltotn of Independence,
on next Wednesday evening. Hu will
alsosjHk at McCoy ami Dallas, Tues
day, W. W. McMillan, tho editor of the
Perrydale I'ulrlut wa lu town last
Tuesday, representing hi paper,
which ha quite a mimU r of subset I-
Urs here.
A Uy wa struck on the hack of tl e
bead w ith one of those ball from tin
New York deck et Store, and the bawl
came out of his mouth.
In the list of present given at the
CullH-rtson-Stoeklon wedding last week
we omitted the name of J S Cnor
and O. A. Kramer, donors, w !th others,
of an elegant ft ult dish.
County Treasurer (Wper repoit that
the receipt for tavea this year are very
small, not exceeding f:HSHi, while by
thl time last year they amounted to
t.'M,m) (Julte a difference.
"For a long time I suffered with
stomach and liver troubles, aud could
find no relief until I Is'gan to uw
Ayer's Pills. I tsk them regularly for
a few mouths, and my health waseom-
Dletelv restored." D. W. Ilalue, New
Iterate, N. C.
The republican primarle at duena
Vista, so Ueo W. Mclaughlin Inform
us, will Ut held at 0 a in. on Thursday,
at the odd fellows hall; so that the tit 1
finite elected call bo to Dsdla 111 the
aftermsiti of that day.
The su-aiulioat excursion last Sunday
to Salem on the Alton wa. not well
advertised, but, still, onie sixty ht
son took advantage of It lu going to
Salem, leaving at 0 o'chark in the
niornluu and returning at 4 In the
Thero I no reason why children
should be allowed to suiter from loath
some scrofulous sore and glandular
swellings when such a pleasant
effective, and (Ninomleat medicine as
Ayer's Sursaparllla many U prtM-urtal
of the nearwt druggist, do sure you
get Ayer's.
The Independence printers aro do-
lug Job work at about the cost of ma
terlal. It may U enterprising npposl
lion, but It is not good huslmw sense
Doing btisliies wlihojit pttdlt Is lion
sense. iirmucr, iiigm, jiroine
Wash, but, we only tlo It It-cause the
otlier fellow ilis-s. M can slaiul it a
lout as the other fellow can, and he
started the cut.
It Is comforting to know that con II
dence Is returning and one of the first
(o feel It effect 1 the cigar dealer.
C. Pattirsou reports on unusual de
mand lately for his better grade of
cigars, for Hiple are learning that he
keeps the U-st.
Keep Up tlie Cow.
The people of IudcKni!cnce are here
by notified that I will Impound all
cows, horses, and other like aulinals
found running at large on the streets
of Independence after March 81st.
Aniiy Ti lTKit,,
Independence, March 2", 1K01.
s a i ,m l("nvro ItT.
New, Koniaiillo and Direct Route from
Salem hi Newport.
A now and direct route has been
located and will be opened for travel
this mmlng summer, whereby the fit l
zciiH of Salem, Independence and Dal
las will find a ill red and easy grade
road to the ocean at Newport. The
starting point Is Falls City whence the
roud gis'S by way of Suitor's saw mill
to tho divide of the Const dangc, In
Sec. 5 township 0 south range 7 weNt,
thence through a newly sell led coun
try on Itock Creek, a feeder of the
Sllctz river, which Is recently settled
and cultivated by numerous settlers
who will connect with tho U. S. sys
tem of roads on the reservation.
The piece of road from Fall City to
dock Creek about ten miles has Ut'ii
undertaken by llio people of tho former
place, with outside assistance (he dock
Creek set t lers will const met about
seven miles to the Bllctz system of
roads, and then the whole route will be
open; no grade steeper than 8 per cent
will be needed or allowed.
Mr. Fanno and other dock Creek res
idents met the citizens of Falls City at
an enthusiastic moellng on the 27th of
March, when a plan was fixed upon
and $400 in labor subscribed lu the
room. A committee was appointed to
solicit further subscriptions, also a
committee to locate a route to tho di
vide where not already traveled.
Pending tho establishment of a cotiuly
road over the whole route the subscrlb-
rs will at once commence to clear the
right of way liefore the busy time com
mencist, so that the road can lie trav-
led In July.
The Mad from Fall City I through
the most romautlo scenery conceivable;
well watered and shaded,
This route will bring the three towtu
above named at least twenty-five miles
nearer to Newport by road than at
present. The bee-line distance from
Falls City to Newport I thirty miles
ami the actual distance will not exceed
Dtrty til tut
I Interested.
IIkhhv, Oregon, March 20, 18114.
Editor VrT Sii'Ki I notice article
u your last Issue ou Central America.
1 nm Interested In the same and bot
your correntidfiit will continue writ
ing on the subject, i ou ask those to
send lu their names w ho are lulcrcstrd
n a colutiy scheme. Thero are three
it us here, with families, and will go.
I am well iiequaluted with Mr. Man
ning ami hi wife. For a starter please
accept our names, J. U 11.
Three days I a very short time In
which to cure bad case of rheumatism;
but It can 1st done, If the proper treat
ment I adopted a will be seen by the
following from Janie Isvubert, of New
drunawlck, III.: "I wa badly anllcled
with rheumatism lu the hips and leg,
when I Isiught a bottle of Chamber
lain's Paliidalm. It cured me In three
days, I am nil right to-day; and would
insist on every one who I anllcled
with that terrible disease to use Cham
berlain' l'wln daln arid p well at
out." 60 cent bottle for sale by all
Registered Doctors.
l'he doctor In Polk county are rrgla-
tered as follows:
Walter dabbltt, Inde'ndence, reg
Isn-red May 1H3, graduato Trinity Col
lege.Onlarlu 'H7; O. D. duller, lndcK.u
deuce, n glslertHl Nov. 'll!, graduato of
WIllHmetlo University lwt7; Victor
Flnck, Dallas, Sept. '01, act of kglsla-
tare; W. P. Johnson, ivrryuale, iov,
't:i, graduate t'nlverslty of Iailsvllle;
E, It. Ketehum, Iinlcpendencc, July
w, graduate State University Mich.;
J. 11 Klrkpalrlck, Dallas, Nov. '91,
University of New York City; Thoma
J. Ie, ludependeiice, Nov. 'D'J, Mla
sourl Medical College; C t Jkiyuton,
lluena Vista, Oct. 'trj, Syracuse Unb
versity; d. II. McCallon, Dallas, June
'WA Vanderbllt University; W. H. Par
rlsh, Monmouth, March 'U3, Willam
ette University; W. E. Ptsile, Mon
month, June '1)3, Willamette Univer
sity; II. It. Stanley, Dallas, June 'WI,
University of Oregon; L. N.Woods,
Dallas, July '01, University of HurTalo;
J. M. Crowley, Monmouth, Oct 'VI,
Missouri Medical College,
The alsivn are obtaimsl from the rt
tsrt of 'the Stale Medical lloard up
tti February IX IHU4. Total number of
physicians lu Polk county I fifteen.
Total number registered from Portland
Tbe strongest recommendation that
any article can have I tho endorsement
of lhu mothers of the town. When
the mother recommend it you limy
know that that article ha more than
ordinary merit. Here 1 what the
(Vnlervllle, South Dakota, Cltlwn ay
editorially of an article sold lu their
town: "From rotial exir!eiu we
can say that Chamls'rlalu'i Cough
Itemed v has broken up bad wlds for
our cblldjeu. We are acquainted with
many mothers In Cenlcrvllle who
would not 1st w ithout It lu the house
for a gtsal many time It cost, and are
recommending It every day." 60 cent
bottle for sale by all dealer.
F.-bVpiil)llean Also (Jrldlniaed.
Editor Wkht Huk. Ex-Itepubliean
made an effort to set fourth some new
thoughts lu the last Issue of the Enter
Wsc "Dolph Urldlroned" wa hi
text. He did not make one single
Miint. His article wo a fizzle In
every particular. Ex-Ilcpubllcau, you
had belter go and chew wad for the
Amity l'opytin until you get better
posted. If you were as well posted a
Mr. Dolph on government affair you
would not pursue the course that you
are at present. Your criticism of Mr.
Dolph' letter la general rather than
specific. Very lutanglble, a sort of a
moon beam on the wave of affairs.
Will you some time, when you are
not engaged In arduous labor as a lynx
eyed censor, casually cast your eye on
the history of protection? Ia 1801 the
republicans for the first time came In
to power In the nation both lu the
presidency and lu congress, aud with
Its advent came back the doctrine and
proctlce of protection to borne luius
tt It H. mid under Us benign Influence
wo have experienced a degreo of pros
perity, absolutely unparalleled lu the
history of any nation.
Up to 1800 our population had in
creased In thirty years, over one hun
dred per cent, our capital from fll),-
000,oi)0,(HK) to $70;000,0(X),000, an actual
gain of f 4'I,(HK),000,(HK), or at the aver
aire rate of about f 1,500,000,000 for
thirty years in session; our foreign
commerce up to 1884 was something
over ,400,000,000 with the balance of
trade In our favor, at tho average rate
of $154,000,000 a year since 1873.
The population of our cities bos
doubled; our annual output of coal has
Increased from M,000,000 tons to 100,
000,000; our Iron ore from 600,000 to
14,600,000 (18IH)); our railway mileage
from 80,000 miles to 103,400 mllea (In
1888); our farms from 2,000,000 to over
5,000,000 and their value from $0,000,
000.000 to $12,000,000,000; our cereals
from 1,2:10,000,000 to 8,000,000,000
bushels (1800); our flocks from 22,000,
000 to 60,000,000 (1884); our wool from
70,000,000 pounds to 808,000,000 (1884);
those engaged In gainful occupations
from 12,000,000 to 20,000,000 (1800( and
deposit In invlng bank from 2M,W, I
1 . 1
000 to ll.liai.OOO.OtK) (IHls.1); the census
ofareatllrltaln(lHIH))show her na-
tloual capital to be $ I0,0IH,0()0,WK), a
sum less by M,0(K),tHHl,(KX) Ihau our
gain lu national capital since IHiK) un
der protoctlon. Ex-repuhlloan where
liavo you U-en keeping yourself?
What more do you want? llavo you
read the lilsUiry of our country? Could
you exiKt-t ur country to U any I el
tor than It ha been for the last thirty
years? Tho laboring men In the
United Stales live higher and Udter
ami mora comfortable tnan they do In
any free-trade nation you can scare
up. Ex-republlcan asked, "Doe It
look rcasoiiablii that n eopte who had
enjoyed an unparalleled degree of pros
Iserlty for thirty yearn could In the
brief space of a single year las reduced
to tho deplorable condition that new
prevails In every detriment of Indus
try?" Ye It lk reasonable. The
people that Dow suffering, made
motley fast slid I hey lived rust, not
thinking that they would ever see such
"a change" a ha vomo upon them;
while there are thousand that have
paid for nice comfortable homes aud
some that have accumulated mug lit
tle fortune, by dally labor, Ex-republican
theory resemble a mirage
of the desert, when tho weary traveler
lift his eye and see waving palms,
auowy awnings, emerald grasses,
sparkling fountain, gold and silver
and diamonds, be I enchanted by the
lovely vision, butaoou find to hi sor
row tbat It I nothing but a barren
waste. Ho loon realise bl mistake.
Ho wlshe himself back at hi old
homo wherein enoyed himself for
many yean uuder that good old pro
tection thst he turned bl back on,
for the sake of seeing what a vision
An Unseen Enemy
I more to be dreaded than an on and
visible one. That subtile and lurking
foe, which under tbe generic niiiiio of
malaria manifest Itwdf, wheu It
elulche u In It tenacious grasp, lu the
various form of et 111 and fever, bilious
remittent, dumb ague or ague cake, can
only be effectually guarded against by
fortifying It lusldlon attack with
HoRtctteM Stomach Hitters, a thorough
antidote to the polsoit of miasm lu
the system, and a safeguard against It
thoroughly to be relied upou. lu the
vent of a maUrloii attack, avoid
poisoning your system with quinine,
aud use Instead this wholesome remedy
unobjectionable In taste and far more
efficacious than any drug. Use the
Bitter for dyspepsia, blllouuess, con
stipation, kidney complaints and rheu
Call for Republican County Convention.
Ou Saturday, Feb. 24, 1804, the
Polk wuuty republican central wm.
mlttee met at the court bouse In Dallas,
and decided to hold the county precinct
primaries on April 6th, aud tho county
convention on April 6th for electing
to the district and state conventions,
ml the county nominating convention
on May 4lh. The apportionment of
delegate for the several preclcts was
based ou the vote cast for Congiesss
man Hermann at bl lost elcclluu.
The following la the representation:
Jacksou,... 4
Salt Lake 8
Spring Valley 4
Eola , 10
Dixie 6
South Independence
Central Independence
South Monmouth 7
North Monmouth , 7
duena Vista 6
Suvef 2
Bridgeport 11
East Dallas
McCoy 6
North Dallu : 6
South Dalla 6
North Independence , 6
thl 241b
of February
J. II. Moran, Chairmen
C. Doughty, Secretary.
Bucklcu's Arnica Salve.
The best talve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hand, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cure pile or no pay required.
It I guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 26
cento per box. For sale by all druggist.
Ho Says His Little May In Ills Own
Peculiar Way.
With a bottle of embalming fluid and
a Ix-an sandwich, we started to die In a
foreign laud; but In, standing on the
hill buck of Buena Vista, what do we
see? "The promised lanrl," and we
brought J)ftck subscriptions. The first
man wo found wa Geo. VV, McLaugl:
Hu busy sending cutworms to that
land "Whence no worm retumcth,"
from bis lj-acre strawberry patch; he
wa also breaking Borne more excellent
html a an addition to bl berries. We
"meandered down the river," fouud
Alllo McLaughlin In a sequestered
nook repulrlng a washout In bla fence,
Alllo ia lord of 210 acre t f land which
Is covered lu places with fine pine
timber. The next to attrrct our atten
tion was W. P. devens superintending
a hop pole Industry on Allie McLaugh
lin's land; bo Is having made 25,000 for
his new yard. He has a 20-acre tract
of fine hop laud, three acres being
planted and he Is aiming to plant six
acres more this spring, making nine
acres In hops on tbe 20-aore
piece, and the whole Is for sate at $60
per acre, (We give this as a valuation
"f bop land), deveiis lias s line farm
1 tl ... I. .... .11 onus
buildings for neatness, bandlne, etc.,
as can lie found. Itev. Potter of lluena
Vlsln, wa a visitor at Mr. fleveni' the
day we " were there. Next wo ran
across a Mlssourlaii, the first wo had
noticed since we left (leo. Wells' Hr.
Wm. P. Moody Uvea with hi family
In a mat little collage on O. W. Mc
Laughlin's farm, and work! for Mr.
McLaughlin. Ho told u ho liked Or
. . , . ...
fgon well eriougn, imi sticieiyi e
longed for the good old "squash pie
sociables" lu the laud of h I father.
Chas. Miller of Helmlck'a addition has
five acre In hops using pole and wire
or trellooe for tho vlue to climb. W.
M. McLaughlin I going to put 100
acres lu spring wheat and twelve acre
In potabs-s; ho lost thirty head of
sheep in the mad W lllamelte'i over
flow. Wo found a skiff In tho road on
Mm north side of W. M. McLaughlin's
plane, bopd aboard ami when lauded
were told "This l South Tuckeypaw,
settled alsut the time Tobacco Flat or
East lluena Vista, Wo Tuck-a-paw
ami asked "How they were wmlu?'"
and thl is the way the game Is run
nln': A. P. Bonry Is In Han Francisco, but
will 1 back oou; there will bo forty
acre planted In potatoc on hi place.
Henderson Murphy baa 26,000 hop
stake split for hi 86 acre.
Geo. Wells Jr. hu out twenty acrei
Id hoi, and Frank Ground I going to
put out eight acre
Mile Porterfleld 1 experimenting
with pole and wire.
Jacob drown ha twenty acre of
vlnea In good condition.
Well liro. have fifteen acre In
hops, aud KurreA Scott have nine
teen acre.
J, It. Ik'dford I one of the boy and
la In tbe Imp business.
Htedeii & McCarty have out eight
acre In hop and Intend planting
eight more.
Wo turned our back to tho east, our
face to tho west and hopped It home
without the nscof pole aud wire.
Krause' headache capsula, unlike
many remedies, are perfectly harmless
They contain no injurious sulsiUiice,
and will shp any Kind of a headache,
wld prevent headache caused by over
indulgence In food or drink late at
night Price 25 cent. For sale by tbe
Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.
Council Meeting.
Pursuant to adjournment the city
council convened March 27th, Mayor
Hurley in thechalr. Meuiliera present
Percival, Cisik, Klrklaud, Strong and
Finch. J. D. Irvine, absent.
Minute of previous meeting read
and approved.
Ordinance committee reported back
ordinance No. 8, amending Sec. 8 lu
regard to taking up and appraising
stock. On motion accepted.
Moved that the election of nights
watch be now reconsidered. Ap
plications for the posit lou of nlght
wutch read. A vote resulted In no
election On motion said election post
poned until next regular meeting of
the council.
Ordinance No. 6 passed first and sec
ond reading aud wa then referred to
Ordinance Committee. Moved that
clause In said ordinance relating to
opera house 1st stricken out; carried
In matter of application for saloon
license, ordered that license 13 issued to
Lavton Smith. J. R. Coots. S. K
Owen and H. D. Waller.
J. A. L, Myers' bill of $9.10 allowed,
On motion council adjourned.
$500 Reward
for any truce of antlpyrne, morphine,
chloral or any other Injurious com
pound lu Krause' headache capsules
26 eta., at Alexander-Cooper Drug Co.
Tho following Is the programme of
tho fifth annual session of the Polk
countv Sunday school convention at
the Baptist church, Iudepeudonoe,
April 27, 28, and 20, 1804:
7 ! Hong- smlrti; Ucv. u. V. Poling, leader
M Aditrwut: "Tins ImporUnoe of the 8iiatly
School to the Cliureh and NatUin"-Bev
I Kulsi-lt.
M Adi!r.m "Organtwtlon for Evamellia-
tlon" Wm. tloynulds. International Kleld
9;M0 Hlble reading-win. Reynolds.
10:00 Progress of the work, and oilier busloes.
Kn roll meat of dilogiites. lloportu from Bun.
day schools.
U;0U t'onn-ronoe oa how to improve our work,
In quantity and nuullty.
2:00 Conference on Uaehlng,nd Sunttny school
niHiiatteiiieiit. rive add
Iresses, limited
ttu iiiliiulvs each,
(I i "Tho Superintendent"-
-By Rev J. A.
(12) "(trading Our School" By Rev. D. V.
(8) "Retaining Older Scholars" By Rev. 8.
A, Copley.
(4) "Preparing Our Lessons" By Rev.
J. Fred Jenkins,
(5) "Teaching tho Lesson" By Miss Kmma
8.ou Kovlew of the above By Wm. Reynolds.
8:!U) Klet'tlon of olllnersj electing deleitatos to
the Hi ale convention; locating our next
County convention, and oilier buHlness.
7:80 Praise service Rev. 8. A. Starr.
8:110 Address: "llowloHcctire thoConveiulon
of Our Scholars" Ucv Ueo. Ulllesple.
8JW Address: "Bettor Things" Wm. Rey.
Grand Sunday school mass meeting at 2
o'clock, conducted by Wm, Reynolds
Let the Suuday school superintendents see
that delegates are elected who will attend,
Superintendents are requested to send the
names of delegates to W. U. Sharman, ohalr.
man of committee on entertainment, on or
before April 23, 181)4.
Do not tall toattead and hear Mr. Reynolds,
as ho Is one of the most successful Sunday
school workors In the United States.
M. O. Potter has been appointed
freight aud pnssengor agent at this
point. Bee him for cheap rates over
the U. P. R. It. Office with Alexander-
Cooper Drug Co, 8 9 4t
Very Miiccessful tlatherlng-The IUf
MnnHasHtrictly In It.
The ladle of the Ilobekali Lodge of
this city surprltssl them elves and their
friend last Tuesday evening In tbe
very pleasant, entertainment given.
Tho admission foe wa 10 cents, If you
were dressed In rags, but 25 cent,
otherwise. Very few paid 25 cento,
and there were 175 present, so It may
be seen tho "latter" were numerous.
Home of the "make up" were redlcu
lou. After the evening entertain
ment, prize were given for tbe wort
dressed characters and awarded by tbe
committee consisting of J. M. Kirk ,
land, Mm. J.J. Hlggin and Mr. A.
M. Hurley a follows:
First prize (two doughnut ou a rib
bon) Mr. J. M. Vanduyn; second Mr. J. U. Culbertson,
The first prize to tbe gentlemen waa
glveiMi- H. Wilcox, a cabbage, and
the second to Ira Hmltb, abeet.
Tbe programme rendered waa not
elaborate but wa much enjoyed. Tbe
Itebekab sang an opening ode, then
rof. Creasy, Willi Hill and Ml Bes
sie Butler rendered aomeflne orchestra
music. Mr. Alt Craven recited in
costume "Blind Nod" ana was round
ly applauded, also little Lorena Clag-
gett rendered a recitation, which waa
cunning. Mrs. M. U Dorr l sang
very aweetly, a difficult selection, ac
companied by Ml Bessie Butler on
the organ. An amusing dialect dia
logue wa then given; Mrs. Vanduyn
tbe lady of tbe bouse, Mr J. Alexan
der, the Irish servant and Mr. Alta
Craven, tbe negres. Mr. and Mr. Geo.
Claggett then sang it dialogue duet,
being accompanied on tbe organ by
Mr. IVntland. Mis May Campbell
recited very nicely "A New Church
Organ." Mr. E. O. Hall and Iewta
Mattney then gave selection on the
mandolin and guitar tbat was enthusi
astically received, and they were called
bock again, very kindly responding.
Mr. Wm. Patterson, accompanied on
the organ by Mrs. Claire Irvine, then
aaug a solo; Miss Mabel Wella recited,
the orcbettra gave more muslo and
Fred Douty gave a laughable lecture
In negro costume, on apples.
Tbe Monmouth lodge sent quite a
delegation which took an active part In
tbe exercise.
The receipt of tbe evening were
Last Friday the Altoua took 'down
Mr. W. L. Graves, L. W. Oula, Mr.
Jean luce and L. Beutley. Returning
Saturday ahe brought Dr. GUlis, Miss
Catterlin and several others. Coming
up Tuesday were W. J. Elliott, Chas.
Huntley, 8. Cox, F. A. Wanless, Dr.
Clarke, I). H. Frankhausen, J. KJ
Leltz, Mr. Harris, Mrs. J. A.Mlllsand
Mrs, D. Whitney. Going down Wed
nesday were L. W. McAdams, Peter
Cook and others.
A Summer Land.
Kdltor West Hidk. Guatemala Is an
ever-green country. Crops never fail.
The principal crop for export is coffee.
If one person came to establish a coffee
finca, nothing less than $5,000 would
do. I advise any one without means
not to attempt going into the coffee
business. If a number go together
and work together for the first few
years, f 1,000 will do, provided they are
workers. Coffee must be carefully
cultivated and attended while coming
Into bearing. Let even ten families
get established there, other would
surely follow. It I a grand country
and no mistake. It Is the only way
and only country for a person of
moderate mean to go to make a
In regard to Nicaragua, tbe govern
ment has repealed the concessions. I
have Investigated those matter and
Costa Rica and Salvador are small and
pretty well filled up aud the govern
ments have nothing to offer. They
are good countries but not holding
out tbe Inducement they formerly
did. Guatemala offers the beat op
portunities of all the five Central Aruer
cau state today, -
If Honduras had a good government
it would be a good country to go to.
Vasquer was a friend to American but
he is out'and Bonella 1 not friendly
disposed; tlien too, it is not so good ft
coffee country. It run mostly to min
ing and banana business. I know all
about that line and they do make con
siderable money, but a white man
could not raise bananas, it Is too hot
and low, besides the fruit is not aa
staple a coffee, The coffee lands we
would select are located just south of
British Honduras, known as Belize
and betweeu the river Barstoon, Lake
Izabel and the river Falechlo, near
Livingston, In altitudes from 1,000 to
4,000 feet above the level of the sea.
You go there In a vessel from New
Orleans. No Guatamala 1b not like
J Oregon, (I have lived In Portland) but
a land of sunshine. When It rains, It
rains like clock-work commences
usually about 3 P. M. and ceases about
5 P. m.i at Intervals of 15 minutes and
in five minutes It all clears off, and
you can go about ttie country any
where. While there is plenty of rain
yet for certalu product Irrigation can
be employed to advautage and profit,
and there are plenty of streams ot fine
mountain water.
The estimate of $1,000 would carry a
colonist through the four years until
crops came, if he applied himself in the
right manner and was economical.
If alone It would cost any one $5000 to
own a coffee plantation of the same
size. - W.C.
Ban Francisco, Mar. 26th, 1894.
Krause's Headache Capsules War.
ranted. For sale by Shelley, Alex
ander & Co.
Ex-railroad commissioner A. N,
Hamilton has been Dominated for sher
iff in Baker county this year,